New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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^^^^^11 ill BI " — —■' r f, "game of OHi^)^- leT.Itnaaa'i btODMi V , . T. ■ ■ ■ ■ /V.In'tonki . ■/bljttt waajnlnohetto mto* We*.' ;■ M tan TCI •boor Ml I'l"^"*-'* riiitfoai»iif»i • ' 'stoanTbrdnnipluo'ine^i' - ' I TO ' COBBBBPOIfDUira.: JOBS BoaianxosB.-"(2i>(d jxKui jeisfed," wU^ «m jmS^^tftoSSrto. J^e-w tone «nU! poMlUe," i Tad*. tantUDl Ofthc ' J. v.. TTT«. .IV -til!- trttaA t6;M(For,81 to37,»t «M,tweatr- 1 . Btf.oxD.-pWin •'C.'SitaSS^?^«V& »!ln.t«d of mil.'. .i(*th ucl CMk be sent ftom ihU ofBoe for tl per i«inm«o» nenttoned, then u« none Hut w« know ot bSrt tttratlon. Bntwhyhotoonflaetpiui jww iTwqnld giwUy opliMoe the Intomt oi\ Alio,'uk I'liOOker^n' jttOTa or 81 tf> 97, wonld n oth^Te.woii, Tonia, &o., I|<XL LI A£ P T ABLKB ' ■■ ' ■ tm OOUSIHATIOK OUBHIOHB. ttoMti irlettenIntentd*l«d Veb. 19,ISM;Oelli^||n .., DM. 8, Ulfi; to U, lU8i Not. It. 1818; llHOIk», iS;^''' B«ptembia»,ieao., . . . :: ,- i T!" inM leeeot tDptoTenenti In theie TetdM auk* ttiam Ii*HM la ttia woifld. Ilier eie now offered to MflenUls^^S pjaraauoomblnlng ipeed with truth nem bobceeUtfatlM .vw^ right, to the beet ol betSSJWnbof apnondvirf^^ NEW ;BOOK-"Tlie Chune of (nub,, of Totontst.(of jhtoh ;;S.8»« AC'f^JdubTSS'lfP^'SS^f?™?^^^^ 3iffi«^enl»rg*d. ««rl..d, fflnetaW wltt edUttaul S'tt^mStXthSy'US;wWth?iSt im,.^Ten b, us «,m. "0.389.) ■ • ' ■ ■ KoiV'niiB taW' TOW ounnC ; SZ POL. f^'MM^ J^WB' ,i rt-.'.r.i:'. .■' tlqiselnoe. , btye juetflnlehed their fourth g»m» ki*«l»8i»PV*»>»"«i'SS- SM--tea.1WOBimoB; drewnTtwo. Below we jlre the fourth aSfltoS^d bSvIt.D. rWmpei.fM H.. Meam.'ioultt'»«. Wright, Jou, end-l^attB. t? ,■> ■I:. S3on"f pSlon1b%bl», her oono^ptton' of «iiiMotsr ouueoL •Orea^ IimftS^iarii 111' iiaiHd; TlMi}, where be ant it>- Mttd' tB pnbUoT He wai engaged it Uie Vuien Oaiutre,Jo St^Sfcee itoileeobetWBTO^eJiteMe. Jo »ooii_»fter be- JauTkS^beSMSe Attn Street TfiwitrftrmleddphU, where toffflediVWT'hoinble-poelUonianawM trtiju^nt^groiiljrtai. ■".»»¥»" '.. J ^-Stiion of the wiaienoe. He w»a die- .'thli theatre for relUaliut to'eotaaa by the disa] ^hargyd te^ygHW ' MIUEtle^' Miata JEd^3M«S t*i3Eri«ket so auddon wm his iSSeMTmat heTi BTerrAort Umo started on a "atjrriDg tSSr?*«nd proved ayeiT formidable rital to I^.Hackett Ho ytft^ whnViii».WitHi.MM. apuearliig In one of hla cdebiated SSotanirta^e<ao«edthe Atlantlo,and made hla ddirf on the Londomatage nl the Adolphl Theatre; whore ho met with SS aSS»-5c5ed in Baiato^ Be^^ llfewaa '-'uaured for fffjOOOL''-'- ^SwitagolifcaebtaatoMr.Hinfor Ihe'pMaaBlon of many «ioenaniilaoe« written expiesd^ to.dlsplay his pMO^ .ilBB. iSSS BUSSELL ffiriTi. Bamlnliosdan. Hade her first appeonnoeon'the! American atage, In Jnly, WfO, at tha lark Thaatre, Hew York,«.flore, In «<OaoeraandOoioneta." < , • - . '.i,^ i^' , "Htr kfrnnjaniia an aBTotaae wa« at Pmry Lane -Thaatre, lindoof aiffe Ohlld, In ••Pliarro." • lL ■ ■ ' ; In lust; ehe was a member-of the; waUnt Street Theatre, lUladelphls. '~ ' !■ Hade her first apearanrn'oh the S(s<e,Saptemberl0th,'18l7; aa Annette, In "The Bla•,IlBT^^" at the Arch Street neatre, nillattilphiaL; b'UwaaWSuton'a Ohapibefa Street Theatre, Hide her first appearanoe In PhIIad^AIila,'Febmary gib, 1S38, " ' I - ti» ftirn^lPit f^''^ Theatre, aa ZeUca; In the i tortlpni of] 'lafiame'^ha. '6K THIWOBLD'S 00N(»BK8S.rE12B PEOBLSlia ■/ i . Cutrtaaum. (MPriwiSMt) . ■ . ■twjBtui jo. 1.-A moat beautlfidand original toalUoni It la rraluka'bla r * ji.~~rfH«n m Ot» fonna. and al»o for the cum']^ara1 healtattoa tr iSmearedrtJlme, at the first glance, that the Idea of Uio mate to ^j5%w^. lolearlTpe^ed thatUiePon K»«ttinnrt rfneoMalSteadtincea, to order to effect the mate with the Kt SStte TO&t^ eSuSe; yet though I had the mate, lo to uy. &%™:iiSSSd toaconiBeraWe timetodlwowtte mpdobywE^ttlBIdeaahould be janied oub SSSiSea InatooOTortoB the •«>d«»5^«?tL~'^* "si SnJtheoriglnaUty of She idea.: The °«'«5;^rS mate, "atiiay." Youra, to. _____ u. a. "■"'Siw Tom, January 6,1893, 1 Mil Enma-Imadeamlstakelnglrtngtheeoofejplayed Itw'SS^SiS^^teSdLu^^ ne had hut one „_ oocaslon stanas Any one desiring to play, arame and a pottraitoh iteal of tho author. Prloe, one '•<,„ ■• f «t, 6fi,'tT, and tt Oroaby ■ i- ■ ' : ■ ' 1 • • ■ —t— " twaen Mesete. Oluto and l.alirs. in my oot • SSS. pSS "eiperlmenta B"»»«.": ^J,? '• mo by a roeptator aa Jono ^ gamee. Ttey ha«rl Swm to^thelr akIlL and t£e. eoore on bat o« JhSlliou'ti'orLihr*. 6; drawn. 6. Any one dosuing w p»». ^flfflna him a roAdy and strong player. Jbrira, ' Eir«» B O. 0 ,K Bll Booxiir He. 4i<-yoci. x; PUlh game in the malidt bitween the two Dons., Communiatedby "A'Iio6ket>bii;" Blaok. Mr.B, to IS 3..IS 91 s..ia 4..» S.AO t.l ».. ■* iSi! I 18 3S li- Ul B IB u; BIHaU 00] Whltoi' Ur.A< . « to l8 , » M-'- .» , ^«'- .a«: 9.r> aa' .39 97 38 95 81 IB 18 3« BbA. li,'.15 • M IB;. B I' 08...8, »..•«' 30..U. 91I..10 3il..U 9i..U' U . «. •8 11 U «(„ M, 33 >nhlla, Ur.A. M to' 30 98 ■ 39 '89 IS 18 SO" ao 9S: 98 It'a&didram. u 18 38 .18 T 33 IS rl 0b«iUW-tAIAIOanB K0W;BlA»X;:' <^.'v^ ~.'v,'' Y' ' ' jpat'OLD xsiABUBBED AS9 .O^T BKLUBU BOn.., iini.ppoBxiHa oooss Afflnnt .Wh^ oriUa Bia pionvtlr sad ftitUBDr aeeslad. ; ; AditaaM;-mOMAB <atialBl'i Varbl^Bi^adl^ 'i, ■' ■" i■ ' - ....: r: .SIHawaa«t*at;.Hawtt 4 ' F IBV H5 YOU N O AU BBIO A' tXD SZNXBAL ¥UB0BA3INa hSBRGt, Note*, by -AXioakejcOn;^* No 3.—A viry ootopUoated and dIflUralt posWdn, and the tiro I w^rw'S waSpTmanlfaet. In the hlgheat degree, th* li^X^ IJSS'ap pooullar in this gllled author of I ' OHoT^Thla I consider a problem of very great "mU; U* c«-1 Btrnotlon, originality, brllllBnOT, and gcnina^are PJ™"}?™* SSSa ^hlchthe author has fcrought to ^ •^fg^*?? and succeaafiil manner. The two movoe with Q and B are eo lb^^^5SSS,lnd in fiot tho position IbJO supjalor md SnSqurSal the oommlttee could not butaward to It tte No 4.-A -^ery eicenonl problem, extremely difficult In'tta soluU,^;;tte iSSifice of the'ol.een, with ^V^^^^^^ of B to B 4th, are conceptions of very high merit I mu".I SeliS^toe, not omit to obaerre that the Idea^ haa-atoeadyvja J tom« md anklagoia positions, been used by.fjBr e^^rSfSi H™ff»er; great efiNllt Is due to Mr. ,C«npboU for Uifc-yMjlfc. SSJonr^^ which he succeeded in rendering It nor^lj amblnW with the old idea the new on^ iw.; «ie proffered "Cj'-A? ?5^tldei the novelty of whloh 'conaljta in B toK kt 7thratdTttS exiiilDg While's K *» »(<>10-1 eeedlig moy4 u'equal fflilnganulty-in fiot. the poeltlon U a* ^mbableasitlspemot. ■ ■ .\. • „,^„»i i ,Ho. 0.-Thla poeltlon, though perhaps not qulto ■oopmtfU- cated as soml of the others in this aertea, is yet one which e«- oltea admiration. It has been aaourco of regret to me ttatal problem which I ahould have readily dedarod Mtho g^ of«n whoWcontrlbotlowaentin,ahouldbe marred b^^^ Uon. I mttle permitted to throw out a auggoaflm thatg. Ca-nphell ahoSdaend in to, the Committee an «n»*»VlS51 c?SS?5ofltlonu Itwouldthep find a place In the'Book .Omgreas. and be handed down to posteri^ aa a maaterpleae of | 'strategy. . i ■ i. ' ■ /a) iBlUatM an eiptoring axpfdlMw. gOLVTIOll OF FOSmOW Ha. 44^Tol. X. oomtTTTTrff^y'^.f*' *^ ' ■ •White. . 1..30 to 18 3..'» '■■ ■■■ 15. ' . ■ ■' ' 8..10 V .1,'anadiawa;.- ' uovfrriom of iriiBbBB* iiMtiK POaKnoH* ■•■ WhltSi. • . ■ . ' Blaik.'- Black. ;ia to i» 7, 18 IS 38 U : ■ 97 bmab; H(Qi^rf*:oo., I at81 Kassatistreet. . ,. . , . , . ■ MewTork, .... l Ara how prattred, with Inlireaaed ftimtleei'to supply Boota^ Carda. SmtarFhotographa of Bttteamen. .Literary men, AdM «nd7o«iM*sa, Vooallita, Army and Mary Offl(5rtV ,afid ru|ffl*. New^pajMrTand Uagaalne* (for^.and dtfjneattp), Boilat rSI±Si?''lfi^'1^'M;-Hoyw.:<^^ 1 Book^ HoTels,eto^^_ , ^^^^^... . , ' . . • ' '. HID ■ . ■■.■ ■.TAKKEE- SOTIOHS.- ' • ■ Bend for Gatalognei. I '. Send forCatalogu«B. " ".. • : '8oBa-forOatalogueei, your money lettora at Pur|gtv^;,^^^^ ^ ^ ll..30 a..u fi.. « . '■ ■ 35 10! ■ ■■ ■ ' ' : and wins. I as .5 . 91 It HATCH OAXm. BBTwmH 'asas nausuaa bot ahd aockptasc*. . Biadi^..M.B, ,. , . yn^<M^- B.t.ia;] IS .. r .88 30' ,^23 NOW sdtJilMG DPV ABte OF todo' COPPS PB ; • ' -.: ..WSEX.•.; ' ■ • '^ T p A >r'itt'0't.» b V OF TUM ■■ ■ • B E F B 0 D V D T.l T' B O B Q A N, 8, . ' in , ^ nXIBSEIiL T., TBAIiL, JID. '- -^ . ' tSE , SSXUAIi OBOABIftH. JAUES 0. JAOSaON, U.D. bhi;ohA poaUton oeennM In plat.. poarnoH ho. «i—v«i. x* Odr Kew Vear'a VreaanL ... .pli*. 1» B- TBH lOStIk MBiniOH. . . ,0F BTUBOES. BLAGS. le ^eatiaes In this TDlnnM are upon an ttnea in a pbjalologlcal point of. view, ed ia'ah able manner. The authors llmpoittnealii bandied BubJeots of the These >nh|ectaBi are medical oca o -Ob Ilia s. shook to decency anasnfflua tha/SiSTf "T;^^«"^f"" " I gJ^-*y.awarflfti^?S?2,aa:»ll?i^X5^^ dJFFOBD.JOBDAH, 1 (eartUI moUone of.a now dBdi mbnr Atatm ..'T:'. i.nnir'l nu'I "atKBi" .lo«l Blaok to plar and Win ihaixufl^ Satfli.' Um'expolenoe: and the adrtce.which they give la aoun^iM lOTUtauTalSo to th<< guidanoe of pMents^and to the b«»« oftihe young. A perusal of the work wm dp much to eeera . he^Wmwlalandbodllyfanotlona; whUe to Offering hnmjoMr It bffere Judicious advice, which may aave many tram conmT ting their snlllirlngg by resorting to quamk dooto^ and empU treatment"—BOBlon JoumaL . j_._\,;.„ i, "Should be read by all old enough to understand if '—wi WiUm. . , .. White to move agd win. . , .WHITE, , White to tnove and wtn; WaaapHnl M,,ie48,att_. -jito." Hide hi dS5iiHrt^OTkTriMS'i^'B;,^„'3»?ft ^ M'^^^iB^^ abs^oe Of • wd^hlm Ugh praise In this pari pariliShiSJ'^^'!^-,'??!!"*''-' V. : -.*BO;BjI,Hlp. .■jf.»,.."'-863.. .: i -i .... .. . rnmOiBmi Iwblam. Oimiaaum, hj J. fl. OiiapbaJL; ■ Buos; "'.i??"^ abunaimimowlOTge.'!—Boaton'TniveUaiv "An honeet effort to dUrosensofnllnfor&atloa; HostnonlaH woAa on thlamibject aro the reverse of t^da^ai/d ^nSnS. voitlaements it qnaokS."—Plymouth Bo«£^ " valuable addition to medical literitiue.'"—Boa(#ii tm •5.' valuable boofcfor the afflloied, and foif all who wouiftnatla Uoite^ 'T* ImportMoe t<);':-.B?.t^Ww5 J'SS^^ practloal Information that should be Imownaad at- —-—• ohapton devoted to chlUrta and 'ihelr inaili^emoatIK toi FOWL «^y.«™,«'3; tnother."-Nunda, (N. T.)NeSr . " •eharaoljr he gives to it, bofi he. life and among h^malVfHeniadWbS&'iSr'g^ ladles. HelanoWtaiiLondon.- "TT^fWf "•^'Wtho . .'■ I;-..' ■ ■ ,:..';.-!f .inlljs no;lhw»stof OlnolnnatL Haflt hjl Ssui sasAotatton atMlaifiiaiaivaiiifeiK ttatths boys. eves^Aflrfgaveffi the sWanS^ he aubaequently ipUyM to Olaelhnati; ifjioi^i, ' ord,'Phlo( (ouees ^<.M>jAXIiesplanv *41«l«iwen TOhnrarftfr; Irpo FANCIERS OP THE GAME Tfc.~„^;,]i^SJ'P^ BBEEDEB8 OEHBBAIiT, I ^'^'ji* sujgesMve volcmymMt'ir^amm,,^, w. uihir,r? J^£'2.*S'^ ' "SELfl^ Stags and I>n]lets ^ • pwfeaelonal or non-proroaaloma reader. Saw^Z ifiS. SS, 9'S1F^¥>. hatched In "".'to advocating a Boneral reform of our aoolaihSXasd SSSt; .^.vSSSLS* anbl»d. and in good heart, and as the opportunities for physical Improvement, wo haU wfth ddSSSy Pnlleta ara.abont oommenolnR to Uy, it wpuM be dealtablafor "^geattv* Influencea that may be broiwht tobearuDm ootdJ S,l«.^^2%?f.5f**'^' ""Si? »wpltal oroaa grMjt pleasure In recommoning theabovS volome to* IwhmeaUoladMred.. WO. R.,AaHrOBD, f»»'V'"^.'?^<""* """^dwHon among SlclS^ 8Mt 807 C*U<)whurelroet, thlladolphla. '''"•'"•»<'" •"■'-" "---»-'-'--—''-^ jngi7.ui»ii« 'ri AME FOWL-rae hnderalguei offers for sale' hla to tto p™S' I OAMKrOWMicomprlaing selections from I Oioboatetookto America, and oarefUIIybred by himself, All S'^'^ffiJ '^SlrmBBSsbH^'"""' '^^"'.'^"^ I "£2.^'» TOt8Er.-iai N.s«.u street . . 375m» ^^^ lSSJ[51wiS;«.t vnin a . V. L-''*"-^''H" ^ BOOK, this will teach the reader b« .; ^ow gortlmd street, Phila delphia. to prevent. an<l permanenUy Otoe, aviro^raSa of ieiS dC T—_ — - • — —I jMo onft amngauioht, vrith'ont feeing or ooheulthig any Sod* . nn yaddrew. Benlntal 'B; xetebett emsrson, u... 1 . ». ^ ^ ^129 WaelUngtonatroet,Boston,Mua For solo In New York bv o. fl. FKLT. 98 Walker alrMt nd by Nf * --■ ..ftJL'SJJ «0o; "Memolrsof an Acirei,"Mo: •A BEAUTmiLillOBOSGOPB Ma«lfylog fi06 tlnio8,1rH^^'^^^''^"'."'^'^'^^^^^^^^^ i?-- "?!'?-''??;■• (bolnjtn*fanred.V-Jive of different SLOO; DUillCd ftea, 37-3mB' niod.) • Jl^ dllferent powM. S ;iS!$„"fMT?V^^" of ParU," BOo';, "JuUeto 1 . • V. K. BOWm , 'T\aS^J^^\^'<.^^ Vaug\" JOo: "Oharley Hut Box3aa, Boston Hui ' ISE?™'!?; 98oj JDartog De^ of .Oood and Bad \i , .--yg'Sa^vBoaton.HM^. BurseaU^ sTfiondabowfprl^to a -^iiiiLi::-;^!.:;.:.-.: .:'^:! vM. ■ [ ■OHAS. H.nAT.NevrHui 374te, . [ . ^ .Borth-BtrtffoW, N. H, Uoore,"lfo; HnuWr/'llea. Id WomW'*e^ prices to - • . ■OHAS. p, nAT, Mevr Huveli^poan/. WEOTK.. .. W^to to play and mato in four i^oyea. T' HB'6l.j[^ fiiTABLII fwaO^iuplal'V HERBV't ;WT0ripi5^Ci?; .Send MEHH, W Nassau at 8B-tf Bo O K'SI BOO K Bil .B O O'K Bill :i .SPOBiraQ ABTIOLES, OAJIDB AMD PBnnp; f. ;U. .FA,BBt^iI<, Bookseller, IS Ann'*tr(el, N.'T^ rtwithJohnHaiM.Iiifr. foo5hihe'ritt^WJeSVuS? Oblnir milBln In nlflHt seveie nwiuj-, fsuiusb'su nay ana studilna aoUno •'i'^r-iTr 'AflOT c._ ■f^ouS. AboutWtimohi"^voTsS'rtfiV''S?«^''? n"'»ed|S- I19..P-XB , ' IXttadk, St Oatharlnea, l..PtoS4 .3..K;Zt:-B 8 8...P-OA .4,.KKtXP 8..qB-K8 «..P-QB3 ) " EB-Ktd: KBXKt. Caatlea a P-KB4 hers ■ocma aams; Seftooe,. Hamilton^ PtoK4 ;QSt-B8 (i*xp- ;KB-B4 Q-KBS. KSt-K9 'of.Uvellhbod; : Attarti - , -■ Sti Oatharlnei. ' .^..Qtohera 98. QB-KtS.-'t 8l:.§^&§sa/'. 8l.:P-KKtr 3B...Q-her7 + a4..KB-K7 55,,K-hIsKta 88..1I-taUB8. jgETO fob; for O^nS^m^' cB9arBroad^,iM.y, , A MAMMOTH PAOKA(}E, oonialnliff Jons ywoyl Arttdas. price 98 eenta, - Also^BubbSrW^ ■Addreaa X H. FABB^XiL, U Ann „ .^jtpalL, , b^ftmJ^'Jto'orter^''^'^'"'*' -?° f!i''.^f!4'— I Tx CataloguessantonappllcttU6£. A4di» sjrwt, NW^S' *° and i;anoyirUfll^o, l»i» Sefsifi, Hamllt n, QtoherBiX BPXI' ~ Qlt-Eii B-Qe, . . .»*K' ■ ; B.XOltp.j K.Itrltt I P-^Kt Q-KBl B-Stsi ni-Rt7<. '>.<l'B-K74- ftj^,Hofiiaudpra3N£^ 2 ~™^?WSr.^ • I M^°jr±'}f^?L*S ^Sf^ ^:^^m'IS!.\<it2SL 8»»m— . ^ . ■ ■ »ai)mLnasfat>et,;»ewlbrtt; m/u iM: »■ ■L-.'B"-t).-N'l fSJiSPift^i inform^you of. aBDBB method Jf nlj ?of/r5!n^ "'l* aainoa, Try lt, aa.d got an .u«w W > ■<.!Y T-- 0AUE8 Of A ■ ■ „•!> 1 4 ir and Deahir' In ' ■ ) h- ii f ! - _ OA And an'artldeaiUoil in , AHUBiEilSNll,,>JID 431 Bwylwy ,.Moy,jr')V,<, ' — i. ■b'I's.^:' ■OH-A kilB. ; ,;8«j: Ik' 'WANT WHlSfcfcBiS OB' MOUBTA- 1883 I^i'askefltiileMUwtlQn. It iraiaa. us, people I,'and 1 ask If any of feom ever toj BO .¥OtJ OHKaj''- _ _ swored bynomerons peoplei 'n my Oognont to l]ill In doing 111 i elitlmml TtT';0'j^D' B N^ ■'i;v,o-:,-U^'8. B: ' W ' ^OBBBB OP BOWEBT AHDjBATABD'BTBBEI& lf ' wlth.or<rttttrfat|ioard. OBO. P..WOHDES, . HrJ£2' «2 'iSH. nw.Ollff, Few Tort''' TT^^' ih?rt2t MS«l^"°"^"" aianultotur^ ^ order a^^he] i»mely: Uu*.l» nrow.npon tho eiao( ^.. ~.uiiuUoiiiicn. LllealU , oessfOl InvmtonJ, I have had toflontond with a host of JmllatoA nuuu niuu,go BO lar AS to copy: provalli. and you, my "^SJ less Moaas, wUl find thnt my Onguent is the only Ullogttat»0 H» .1 '^SJ???^ and.Wlll aolthcr^italn ot Iflljot ?"'AA"iS?'^ «*^'^J'J'»rt of ■tho. oonnU7;£ro* of iosUJ* B. a. a^tL^ufi No, 109 Naasau atreol, ^. ; :r«*lty;fb; theakln, forW ;)fe, In Pritfe. Onr FnmonB BUw, Si^>,„ .■"''''"'i^*'^"" "addipopal itttraoUene.".obnJ«'°"; , •o?5;^^£?i^^<*< toi5*adaxoa< on receipt of U • • . . ■ 81 flfa«slin(atroot,;NQWT«rfc , j!oo: iqiOOkfe; |p6R*il^6 -GdbDS;'itol" Bond %. ii. - ■■ ' i.i lli ■ r ., .., ^'1 -vu ii i-1 • - ■ I' r- ^- ■■ hpHE SfiORrTT FOR SPORTING .MBN-U It^L iOOSt Pto i.'':0T3lB'<J0KTIlIVAHPB,.by.whIeh md«hiHfc*«5^oin be Irivod. Mco; SO (rts.;. B$iliy Mlurp nSi,ITldx^ , 'Tb> BOTH'I X\:BtuItBt mptlemenespeoially g ■uroiiAitiiiV irioaiiaaAZi