New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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sWlnobas InpMa Ui u . —_—~-t lM<)l4*(=i>*** ~* rS-no Bf»n:*»tJH«Ue8, the Bpiaer, D« mj Horriaan ^MahthlmlDtbe ?.& ' S, EanrLaunii )rat Horrlgkii HMun wi4' KoitUhj dM'flgbfc tnft ftriufKU'. aaWrlber," think Tou'is getting ns on Lilting. If the ditfla are ;(ra . t. a _ , John-MorpUaeyJonght U Long UlutsdTexaoUyllnila- forrlsny'tfon;- He«a4n, at tlutt time, irtt«Uj*Aiv»n.l\9tano«.- T'. ,,,, iot theenein;, want, ipbn-dj paapM .wjJ;, Point lUand, Oanada, Odtobti; ateii ud U lonnda, ana Uen m'l |^aUit>ejS|>an l^f la now: Hon . ' ^aina^iipn^ncl) onr place to e«et£at all uotr^aud allkiL ,,. i;. 3AIbin7.w:aiad:to bear ttoni the tttM, anal tbat'thcdr j|te:(laU«ttiBpl-.OlTa«nr<pli!tDalnaards to jiU In- ' lOtjvadaiytathtm thatMadula^Welllngtonoanliot ~ b«tte«oiotilnktlon than tfaepU:>Mand-br—"I^IV dd#ii'haM an Mt8ne!aeerittM:'hoUda7B, and ,ttAnay'flsd?oa in)lo7Ufthq'*anie bltaalng; <. ftlJliliK—"'a*0''p«rto^'att'-pUytagA'g^ iphhasacoradaeTenp<uit4,..ihe game oelng IP )iW)na]lest«o:7it 'vojhlgh' and low. attion-dealei'i'Idgli lue, ma thfc son- la the "Wlimti' of 1 loiFconnt) • . II ... ipan,.»nd,.hf^.» ad,' 3^im«ulii.w6tth.'^odozen'de>4 f>S<t(ifinm,a(#^titledbpetlOO>oaot7. 3. Hiu. )iawi' iwAsdJireof ^ila.j^^^^ •^alir,i^i npI]rj! t^ polntin Jl,T/y^<i»»piBniiuwi.^lr^ :^thtbFln^W)|i(l,TaindT6m. foTwdrded. TltSijBMriTdAl^Tha Uw ln:cbeofaB:iilDeg«ta iotbtpdttit, l^ye^ nnisl jomp, or take rpleoei'U hla'oprionent In- th«:'playar does nottaketand hla oppodant d6ea sot ' itha oppdnobfcnuy ••bbl" or thke tlie place off the ••I) T ;v.,: M-i ' ; " •• ' ^t.'-I/iStila.'ifo.—A pla^ having alz oaida after diinr^ trho nftorwaids heta tnceon; loaeia both bet and "poi;" [dentl;B losoa. If Itwer othenrlaeiltwobU open the — — . Jni^^ orlUo" la playing hlmsajf r.aqd.old fogylah for.tho.foncaiOi oe on ainoihar paper. In antlflpi)- lif JWIS^«t«.. 6»ia w!l 4»)W!li*rty*Ji8to.g«f.a PflollfW. o)t.ani#ar v. J., Boaton.—1, Wm. Hi Blata of New York. a. tail Buut refer yon to H. Jm. ^ I dty. Tot a Mfia he win pnh iword waa oboe Oovornor of the iBwaiV tO'ybnrdog qaoaUona we Ho. Badbnryette«t,ln yonr 'dntha right tnok.- ^ - s'conatant nAderwo cannot do Buaiiims Birui Beop, Piofuenca.—tn the Oliffeb of Jonn. 33,001 ifP, tod A a9«f{9^ ;fJn»lla». to. yonra^ .an'ewateit' at, ly,*oi(|Te gq% avam^ aame grpnn^ again, wer^ft^ yoiii ft*»flf"«,n"t5apWf>''" ' •- eriBtamDlvoItwarJntend^ ithataU.allena ahomd hare been ra- * kUoiitBlaiUaeDOntrytWintponeyotlnr before they cbBhl'JiBTD t JUie^5cWbg8of.TotIng,' ^ i -.-^-i' -i ''i;'Jdfa'iiro JioLLt;"-fliebUIaa la'a llttla''*lineer." We fev JtnU^t' U^9fkthkn^o4>aty w'aome 'aroiir(OTer4enaltlve rea- 't'-B^BiiChloago.-i-VaiKve'BOMnfldeti iDformatloii on the 'n^4l^'aadDow Il6'n<mabantthe "Oohnowii" than yon do.' JJffe lure jlude aome ^^<>n. t0|tl)e tntt]^ 1^ nijaticbTjBoT.—ill riii>tVllia7j^Te niUMd their mark thia time; Ud ooiSSttle craft n^Tea along batter than aha did befoie. So •fit. iiouit'-'iuoila ITam'a Oabin" had a mnof abontone year,' •MTtUsi lata •VM^ ■ Theatre, Ohafham atree^ under: the' late Oiq^'tardy?»nafap«ill[i in i t ,.i: -rlf.ha la not mentioned In onr enmibaiy, |.l(y.—Having already api ~ now aama^hat, qnt. of laredlnaOlnoin- ' I, ,the article la, 1. Aa yon were not Aware of onr adnnoa, alxwmth*.. ' i|.:,^e oslrpu of tfaMouiia In Idreaa thoie who odTeitlae photogiaphlo' taMa.' nbwn^ar; thntthoae named have bMBVnblUhed.! .ywbottialadjrwaa. • i'-:''" , 1 ittmnlo,- <l«na4«.;-;Xhanla.tor' thatiratty,''rpei»ain-| . y^/fri^W.S^^iXon^naday.OTtwo.;- ..'I ■,, .„r.., ;. j ^jW;^ fc;;'Warttn,Triimba]l Co., P.—Book'on' TAkee Bolll-i jtanr—^^ po>tfd, regarding the adraDtiigeii to' '^lh)macfiidectlpii.yflthtiut erta^Mil^ . , ■ ;i3o^'ter,-r77e 'haya np. imob iketch,- or U wonld' •??'^«'>'®!*'"'0£»^ aaia Fanny Tlnlng.' -3. Ihe other'parfy ^4o;HM, jnaranoeltaat wean aware 'ot - ■ : tTTi> fef'2I?5h*'fe'5!,*J^ 'Y''" •Tlrginla.-The, artlcleA afe' eordj ^«pita,:^AEq>, S]ii;i4delp))li>,-^tbi^i(b,' of', .oar papar'^ Mt of fei^«^jtfljt4F« B?.ioprw';oilrcBd»yi«Jripn^ '8;>I',','iBo(tMu^'Vedon'()t'remember 'the'hainatatcohneo- wUbitheBavel.ftiihDy'. •<:::. .i •■-j i) /. ..■■ I '.•''^%* •"'ft >». A'Saab^d ji:dpdm,^ BTIO BVO irlmihlr nlTtngnikfl In ootd, doia oif (lie'jMntraoilng parttei being Jem Uaee—wha, Unae ~' d^tyiiMotr, udred|nM^^offloe,ol^^ ai^^4l^^libsc^^^''^iffiV^lrf'''''' lB«IlMe at uy ttme-andltaoe ohaUenglng theWMjthe Uttec lilDokejiipas ftriSr^e b«hig''ia "the' ehu^ionr'W&b H£e Unknown la we are nna^^ t^ detarmlnei ft^ p^'^' 'W-FR"' jpoaedto be£olm^ Thli anpj^alUonlB deolired to m inMiTH^! vumairnimftwnliinftw'liiud'toM yet nol lh«'Uig|tt«ai 61nf to bli,lientlt^ is glVe^'i' 21 abort tUi'eilAoe UTrV^l^^i^tK&nC'i^^ WODld be matched to flghtibioei bnt oil'iateweivTa hoard notb- Ibg mortf'6f htm. Thard^Va^yiiiVe; ak:w«n '^ In'Xondon. ^9'lrU]l,l)«Uf|yd,tliat''ihA ^ tiitn «nt ip'te Htienon. It Uiarmlagdttuttbe match waqinijle, nnAiut<'n))known'| party ptltforward.u Mao*'a'adTattary,'imderthd Btijq;ioaltlbn''that a verltaVIe oluidldata fof thb' hoUorixrotad, be found'within thre<^ jmontha, at-tbe.end p^whtob.'tlme.ilIaoe'a.aoinpaUtor la ta be named, Moordlngtothe aittoles of agreement, a copy of which' '^'j^'blJto^e'd'dicWltore;^ ^^ iaafe'of'the CiJrrBB,. j|n,th» leyeq't nf .so'viherinuiii bebig foand.wl'lhin thcallbtted Uaie/lt'ia ithbttht that Beenan may be 'Indnoed .to enter' the ikg once \rkov)f ani laea' the yias Who b^ ao, i)erBlatisnt in hla offer 'to meet the Beniola Boy, .whom, he aaid, be wonld prefer to light aboriaU b'lhara.' In fact, Uace'abanten'aAd boaatlnga have cre- ated «h'lmprcsstbn'iii''Bba'ej°'clrol^ that'Beonan lanall^ifrild to meet him.' Va 4a'not look upon it Inithla light. Beenan'a ilmatiiea8«tpreaent,'tnj7eUng and apalrlng for Bowea'American Olreaa, yield4 bU i>',T^ good ealMy: . He md^ef' a, great deal mora money In UilB way,'and mnob eaaler, too, than be can hope tomake> byflghtlng<''Aa'Iong aa thla" eqgigement'oon^nee; Bcisin^kirailcy'lf ib'iToldenteri tlio'rliig'again, and ife oin- not bbiqi* him for It' i It will noit be long^we imdcrstandi 4ie the elnraa badpatgn wll^' otide .tb^.a-'/bNiGi, tlhd yhKt the iBbir.inay thw vnderlake.tfi do, wi) jlonot,cuip^^ preaant - Te do sot think ha la the .Unknown,' bnt we do not iay that ha win not bonMnI tb-'iiotl the Ipart Wbeb'ihe ptoiwr'tiu^ a^ rlvea, if nq o.U^ candidate pBm,-. ■ knctw that great InlSwoe ia belngiaaed,'bolh'ln New Torkand-tn London, to Udoce- him tb fl^'lbfje.' Sb^eof^Ua)>e8tMendihare'haTepkht hjm^Iet. i^'rsinrgln^ for ^"owpmpntatjiini^fnii,^^^^^ of iiie ootintiy he cltlmaaa'hla home,'toTneetthia man Mace,'andgtre him'an oppoitqAl^l'ib imt to'the'tM^ bia',bpu<a'that'''be %hip 'Um.'/. '!yfp'',d^, nbf'.jmpV'iwhatg^lpflnence thrsatB".of,Beenan'afilenda. may: have n^'hlm.' Ibeytnay fcnb Urn Into another orateat wiuir the'al)smp^ Ebc^'d, or they may tlive'iinite f coiitruy effqot,^e'^B^ la.'aomaw indepaBdent,:and would>aoazed than drlTan.'.'-He la tencybea^Abronglud'dbtannlh 'abme tiilnga, and doea b6t' e^'biliie dlotated tb.| Bcp^'of hla irl<tnda .fasert, tiiat Eeenan win fight If the obamplon win make tbe atakd hig enongb.' Ve BhaUaeesn'on.-■ .::.'.','■ '" ■• '','■' " ; ' AnolhwclMof peraanapnt'no fr^^^^bateTiw the ioatoii aald to have been made batwaen llaoe and the Unknowiii ' They Intimate that-the match Ia'a bUnd,4be 17nkn'o;(^'j^'A(uiuny; alid the :i>boIfl.affi>lr ^gna, to gain .tiipe .'forUa^, and -keep.'.otben ftomaccaptliighlaclAIlengBi '.We'donHhnowbbw,thla' It ii>;veiy (jetblii.' tht)'Jboe' baa iiol| '^ollgei.' d 'SLatcb' aa yet' IDuaf'w^«,^baTiB aping'^'l^ iiiaye not iiad to go tii to find him, OT wait long t6 aee him. ''We ail fhabw wllh what read-' ^eU he'dll^rM to^ in London, aonie time aii>ce;'.and,Wf alap. kngw bow'qoickly he pat np a atake to manre a matdt with Bayera, when the latter of- iNrtd to flgU him. Hoi do we fbiqse't that it'woa ifot Uaoe who' backed ont of the albir, ud.ili^ iili^lcliaUrage'wu aa open when be left Owen Bwlft'a.<<piilar" as when ha entered It Althongh beaten by Sing, a.mnch trigger man In ereiy way, Uace did not tear to by hln; agaiiii bnt ImiRedlately dglled him to another con- teat- 'W'e.slwsya tiiongbt.tha,'Chanpeawere.agalnat the UtUe man, and we think so atill; bnt whatever Ideas Uace ntay hare nii^t^ai (abject, he did'not Show the leaat nnwUlingnaia 'to ig. Mace, or any othe< pngQlat in fiiglaid, proVSUng -at! rKWXWifl<lW#''A iR»To Irtw the v4smoar' -J.B.,Boston.—ThMikjfoni-'-.'■• i •;. . -i. ,-.. 'Xl, T>>'BotahklssTine, Conn.—In onr next' I nun's fHend, afbo to tyroimyi and s Ctiend,Co nherly, one whi) twbM'df heiape'alts^ Wh'bla'thbrOQghJypdatadlnregard ii tbetendendesof monarohloal goyi)p)Liiienta,i^dfblljr.a]ilY^^^ Ifspottanoe of. preierrlng the'demociatlo'.'garan^sniltiOfi'ihls tfrjFihajthernfon''UtM thit Ubertyns^Del vtbtidse ed^iAnetiiDan oontineqt,' in a spcecii'deliTstod at' Bl> ^ddilAlUil^'Ehg!i^itMo>'18tbi'which we wonld thai eYery'tmo Ame- iai£yltaM'mMi'iii'bSk own'hoiut ao thattbd yislon,iniay'Ta- tlB^<a^i)be'«eaIlaed. ' Union and Liberty here, means 'nnlyaraal vdbeit/i ttidionld the llam'anow Vi exllngnlsbea,tho fotore of tho world for. tho people wiU bo one,loqg,:d^k night. .'.'I clni^pt Uo- uUtrTCbtttitMTiUsatloO/InltaJoonioy.wiUiibosun, w^ gink-Into p4iMigMthjgb^l(ogtBtl4r thasinbltlonoC the loaders of thla lo- . 'Itie giies .of'mer($y on Wanitlnd.'''(OheeH!]','I. tiaT« ,sno .^ttlltqiiltlUtiater.vldon before my gab, Itmay twibntairialon; . .'; !.mmttief[ozon Kortb, in one nntiro^on lLIneiVio|iliii;gioiriii|r; '.^^'.^nth, and from a)):wlia':bUloWS.of the AtlktUlolf) tho dohnar' P^tt^p FadOp mB(n; and I^co. one ^peoplp, and ,tflao'.'W,' ()aagilago,andpne'(^kitti^andb'i;oraU'thjli,wl^^^ I4i'l)tne of lireodam, and^h retbge'fbr tho oppieaaed of erenr miiM<ii ^.)\'\:',:-: ';,'',;';.'.: r ,: ,: ):T ..'iK Aiisiua\R-^&iS 'HkroaT' .titb \Taam.-i- ^nlk^own abbCi tUKDnkiloWfi'pagllUtwbe i« to d.Hsce'fortlfe ChBmillbliahtir.qflEbdanU,~e<cL, -ntpwiibJ: "old Btag<rs,"-ahil a8sartbawlti ami' At| African,'otid theSilttBh'piibUo aoenl 1601 Vrai. we're rib'pysbUttl,' ah|I okU ferTrtE 1 It .be." The ■a)OTrtiij'!£4r<, ibti 'nrtally :homol" It speto, Bai W'lta laSneTf |«S bf lorn Bldg^B |bWeflt,'TrUph took. ;Mjy6ctnj(ta'M>io,wioithe "tTnkn'biiirJ' M who baVi'MtU thstttit stfoUr la gbn Joan; olhettlhit he Is Sb!g''dkrkli m It dbwtias Sh c^tabUahi .&WX*'' no 'bnlalde Intforeocty, i In a' ahptt time] wf miif^ 'I'^s!'^ 4aflfl(^yijif9Sim^ idanMty'^/tbe'i'ajnknw 'and also mgitrd]jigIths'effsot> aT'lhe effbiis''|la#'being'ex toi:(»VHeej^nid^tiie'^gy ' C'!' '.'n''"i Osi the Very beak anth'oirlty'ne are jeg»ablad iQ.atate (hist JphsL Beenanls not the ^llnlinowiii," now said to be mal(lh»8'to<l!^ j^ent'Mu^., Tl^ cm'bf tbor)ty which 4oes.not^a^lt p^.donfa^'. Beeoaq; it la niikedjM 'nothing to gain by flghttng Uace, and oa for'the BeK;W^ oeded t^t itirin tutierie^^i^^ i« Ianr«Jai(Ui|uL '. Jlt.'^'i^V prbtiable that Heenan an'd'Sinq fiay come together bef( Boyretorna home; if not1i$rmbney, forftan; br totast WhiUi'l the bettor man, . Borne tbpe' 'agb. While ihe ihatch betii^ ond'uiice was In pipignas, .a 'qnanei.took place between Eei and King, -when Eoanan proposed to aattle it - on the> apot fight. King rerivied^tD,flght a«ii,'bnt Bald that,lf h'ewali 'niaich' with Mope, he wonld; fight Beeoan.:: Beenan repned ihe would be rtody to fi^t him should he win, ' IThen the omb off between Sing and Uace,'and the former, was docl Uif'wiim^i'Eeehsn'supposed thai jicing vrpuld flghV hlm'; what woa his eniprlse to heiir that Elng had reslgnsjd tho otimi '^oiuilil^ and refused 'to'fliglit i^'iqplpb'. ^imfh^iij/uid KuiflLi^ 'Avn;.:Aad.(JU.:lc^ ixpl'./o jili umi,! lle' q^iari«i.°ia/notl^. itledj and'thetwo big'nns'may tome together yet'. ''TheWm jtet* fbSjih^cai'ti^iiilefi'^^ ilbetty't) (riw oji aHtthpijtr.atpTes eiit;:';,v,'.,i/r'^j.^'irr-'.'.'-■■'-; '." ][' \o!'-i 1 .-111;.: 11-."" , ., .;. ■; . ^JBBI BUCBl ABOnO THB 'raiLlSTJDrBI.V" ?';::■':::,,,'..; :.^;,WfKi?B.yf!-iAijKip^ •'' |' 'lowing partlcnlin of on expected "nnnpos" between /em Utt i((n4apsrty'pf:iitahttci."';., '^^^^ "';", ;.',''';',- , | Ml , Jpi' lioce bod' a'lienefii. a't' Oai'dltf'oni'jtfm'dayjslatt wlil entlrp taUure, and he ha<l a Tery'jwroirMpape f tteiflg.mobbed. by aontelti^b roughs.; Jt appeared, that the moalty to the obomplon arose in eonsegnence of his taldi befiefit at Bristol about., Besrdon this- ww«. therefore, asUaoo onnounebd. a benefit oTOardUr^orTbeMat' .together, sffldpoBted thoipelT«p Jfatputalde t]ie door ud M Sod B great mSny from goingtn,'and.aalUac'edldnotairlTr ardW.untU.tcn o'clock ^ly,s^-f^^'SSSi^^ [081 Liiioou.'—^ le]lan,bnt the bypoUtloBl hnckiharsYand dbna^^flrabl 'Waahlngton, that hs doss not seem to hear the oty; orj If taea^ Ing, halsnot yet aronsedtothe importonaauf glylna heedto " '-^ ■■^••'><t?^HJ5l*Hob^ W. not^i hir, foT^fbai T)hW boh la "aU too oanfident to glra admittanoe to a OoivM of fear;" bnt 'fcirih'e'wwit bJ sfleadminwiibmAiiy M ]*fi^iiBf la (ta (^rgo ^.-^teOlellao, and alnoe the dayelopemenis ma^\be course of the reoant mUItar^ Mala at Washington, he Is beid'ln'eTon gtoater eatlmattbn ttian:'bafoi«. If the "PmbI- 'dent'ooQld onl^make's qnlet toor'amongtike'pebble bttrSawj^, ladd among the,nnk and iUa.f>f bni-'umibi^.aihd',-.)^ '^41' haTs to aay regarding! UoGlalian, we dp not .'tklnki he would be. loog In placing that officer once inpre At the basil :b)FiilUlta]^ affairs, if notlh theliold. ln thei'pabiaift^ '.'BIum. liM..^u fcom- ^msnced.'we haie been anearneat 'snppoit^pf thitiPresldant 'but we are getting tired of the manfiex' In wUbti V la mahaglD^ 'Pur ifffSlrs; we Vant to sea^mpre df the.'^ppist,mao,' oind .iiua of .thetrickypolitloian...There•n.thOTiiiaiLda and.thonaiaods:like na' In tbis opinion.': Time It bblng^ '^^i^i ittpaey aqtiAndeied, ' and What 1)1 m,oi:b',lnipbr(Bli)t 'thfii: oil,' prpoloilB llTea'.oro tibin'g •aorUca'di-rfor )rh«iriTo.fStten a'few greedy ppUUclana;- Boneat Old Aba—(f yea be tha boneat piati we took yba for-^/br.ttie sshe of onr bleedinglponntay.poiie.out f^m'smong tiie fpnl party sn^ rounding yon; and gin lis. war In earnest, or glya ns peace. Pbce. den. UoOldlsh'ln Ihe.OabUibt, .Where bis actloilB may.uot Whampejfad'u.tte/ we'nln the fleidi ^ not in thb bahinet, re- instats him In his old command, first tying the hands of the ladlcsl devils al-'msilngto& 'Wbb'thwsfted him in his plans'fpr ihe apturs of. ^a^1^,«aIltl^^-!^>at ciunpSi^'sgainit^^ stronghold, ne hucksters ■ti'Wsshlngton defeated blm in that ofiwArd maibb,ta6ttbaHI>«b!^^ s^i^sfoe In th^.rear,.the .bttaias'|'q|ion' powerSriii qt'|tbp',twp;- jeii) ^was nnabie to battle agajiistoihe'two ooniblnsd,'and the.tebel. capital was satsdi'the'war] PoiitiBttea,' snd the'moapy'-li^bbers 'uid other ^Aciiis' W(M' Ufa iblr Wbiih^|ysac';b^.|pebqlati9ii,' ifi. Lincoln has It In his power to end ttie war b'onorabiy.. 'Wm-he dollj'orlShiwialilnjf fpfae''i^^ his;;jiilabe,.'atid '^Ip ,Whatt^lujil ii^t' UcOlenan, and sn may yet be well.' ' ■.' -[ I'll -I- ■' " - tbb ntiw Qi^utho] 'iutbhbaali^' ma!de fbr'a' '<Hghf away fouling,'.fpt:the abP1s\feoqac:^«aA.'£300:a.'side; betwSsa'Hob't Ohambera an^ .Gei^ ETei)^a.,the.f9imer,reoplTin'g paila^; .\Jifl[,ai^ A, M.,' AprHl*, WW, thel cbnm bebig froU'Bntney AqnsdDst^tp>th<»<)ld Qhlp,'Uortlakek i We bope^ Idu.of u^l^teinaUpnal ScuUusI BaQs. Is not iaiUHjl . jlTea'np.^orJal^'lB.pu^llB wp.'knbw of nothing! that would eUolt the attention of tha pQbUo at : large so much as' S'cditestUtWeenBHtlSbAha'AiheHcanbanmen/'' \ . ■ ,;• • ' •-■' ■; ; ' ;■■ • ■■■ | NziTTou Bi^Tliib.aLPB:—An. pirgaklziiitlbn bMuirljig,ibls'flUej wssfoimedUn this oi^abPut two weeks Bgp. It^lsoomppsed pt .somepf the baat fkilay Skaters .in this -ricliilty.' The deStgii of '^e i^ubis'tio'en'ooaiHefl^art pf sk'^ ,lbr sU prlzds offered-ln ohd sionnd New.Tork. i For. the present.' 'the blob win ns.eiii^ of 'the ponds In.'the d'ty'pr enylrbnsVanii ij nexl.'wlut«V;wfe;p?p^»»V.'.9^ }ti.'X UacUlUenls FreatdsAt^f the sssboisttoil,<Bnd their biadqaiitei^ fbr tlil)'phiSBiit,;iS«iiit,7«|i[«* ,';,^;','.' ,;.;'f Brvzu ^xiiiioisB.'-![nsbiners'giiin'entssi'^almbntb;.Va.'i^gyni'. nastio'exeiclse Is Indolged In.--. .A; oorrespondent' In the' Beceni B.-I.'T.' sajB:.:^'<kmbnfc tltb^who gt^ gynnaattu a'|ieVere.tiisi ore Oapt H. ;B- Yoim aqd'.CorpprsVl?. D. ^oldnnt'uih of. Oo^.b] QCbeynmdeistand fl^tbon^liigUy^'- Through tbdr lnfiaeace''lt lUi beei'ihtMidiiced oiibngthP Vvjfi. It Is a'Veirb'esltby «xer«iii^J to'pleoes'.wlih it" -itii blm ssther himself, together, and golnsgaln. There's nothlfi^ iUrep'erseToriins e.'', ■. '.. ■ ' '' , i.; . •, ' ' . ■ '' ° OuB TBzjnwoAL B^BS.—Our weekly Becp^ "f/f^^ prPBsoule eTeflTniS Monday no We hope thl oonse^edW Jra«BWipnojtB,-^)n -Friday afUmnon, Jan.^i?^f^3C;?<«io« flghtwaswrUy mt offWean these y<mia aortoeaffi 3 ^BQ™* •4n>lssion money. B&ch pJiflom JS^ •SWiiftnoWlthem to see. what each Pther iwsiS^,^''^' hough^tberPnehasfpughtfor money, theyharSTf^J!^ red fcTCther, snd alwayslien rirsls. ihersTraa no tiSl* about ths^atklr and no.- tmaeaessarr ezosnsa. tTv^ ^''''si ter qolet, S high figure was bSi&^SSS: ^ way\aU. InlfstroSt off lltoti'^^sSt^L At about four o'clock, all bWg prMSnfffi?y^S ffh£?"«- twpdatMUves-tbeydlda't oaw to have, Ou^iiSr^^J^ keeper, umpires, and a referee were aaleoted, and arhJff™? M aT«b?2»rr^i a? seeing the importance cf iiraVsitei^dkl pnbUdty thus gtred, tp ^plr;mcrreioafitB--^ en^ythlng'pf 9bts,gali)g^«^^,tlie'i^ Mrpijamants, ani 'that'awbat'alhsmsttar.'.'fif ". .• i- .■ ^ • ' ' T.I IJ.! r.i;:i A lOsi^usi^ips AHS po?s.rr?T* 9f-^ose;np)al..g^tli;^9ggg;lp ii :fee hehl at Bntdy's aymnadmni 20 St Uork'a placei-on Ihb' 33( ''' it: .^In\>ti^'eet{ata|%ltht>ie'it^^ Wpn: I:. I JM'.il'i oular about the'^pdjr.-, AftSrJghHbg heaflyjW the a«S Oeorge UPrkta at[r/oWniy,rflckeyiyeomWn?*«S? u** thanlhia5fp* twWty.air'nilnnteaMjWwSMImd^ of BoUoe tpihpdinto >hoiaU,;pnbup taSltty aMrtSi JSv' belleTe aportlng deipoUTewbo got in oni the beauSd.n!v akododdllngwaa novor..B6lm.., Bip Wa roUadheJloni!wi* down BtaliB,Jpmped. ouibrwlnToW7itfd;gotpff fte bS*^ theyconld. iWslSetVaa arreated, looked np fir the nlolJrS let off the nekt coming.. ABithaiMtgetjkim.' Abl^^f"! a out lift and his left lompoloaedi wSntcrUso bsSsSnlSl nnder one. eye. Wolkarwas so tlakled'wlth'bis neifom JilL that h^ wants to make a match fbr'WOO. • ^ "".I*«I»™»b<», That QLom FioBi^BiiX TOTU add Ju Outu-On u,. lib, onotherofthoaphalf^arlo,htlf-oomlo sfUracamooffin.. up-town saloon, between Vnde William, the Father of AnTat?,^ boilnif. and JanOIarki^NsMtiDhiiTn- Th.."l™«10sa boxing, sod Jem Oltrkiltf Nottingham; The Idea leems nm? lent that the)r. UtU^ auv^ wsb premeditated, wllh mallcs^^ thought. -Bach U-nbt the case stsll-at least not'coOUsuK part—for he entertains the same porsciial.-regard for hla miwC neat nowas he did bofore. Like a gobd many.otheis-^V^ met by Phaaoe the nsusl way,'? end as ihe awful, atom oiUfi^ made thinga dnU in doors, a, party of ihe right sort propcsedliL king up a amoll amonqt for a olore fight Bather than aoouX aport, 9U1 Bstd t|e didn't mlndl, aad: another core, the Ktiti manlp tbpbansc saljlra^san^ei In three,shakes of a luS^ tell they weM.aUt.ripplb-WM.'^tt.pTer the hcwc, and foMM five rounds In sll,,.pretty much eren, when in stopping bade b hla usual UTely wsy, the pldUaater of .0«reipciiies trippdd ns! fell backwards, a^i struck bis head kerigpasb en the aiose floor ImooJripg him jiewelM^.and lesy^^ llfe'a Wood flowed quite Irebly. - Every. Was bestowed on tta wounded veteran, and febomdab, like a'Ohrlstlan that helL saw him aofe on bpord t))e oats^of^r.hiawonitilshiidbtondnu! and plastered. ..Jem Clark', his quohd^ antagohlsl, la saldlo Blond OTsr six feet, weiihs SUlbs.', ond'ls only ss 'Tein ell whereas BUltls over JOi'i.doh't wslgh 130, nor IsbelnhelsS much over Sit.S In. With such a sfil)[|ng coii&aat, tho wooJa Is thathe'msde ont so'well. For the o]d man's' eue, howeTtr we'd rather'not See him flgiue .Sgbln, nnlcss erenly matched as to age and^'dght Bear ;t|ils',ln mini,. no,w. Ned Hiituiiiia's . DT' Toini Fsse -amd''East,— AccwdlDSLvb promise, we Journeyed np Chelsea way one night hut wetikToBs voysge of dlscoveiy, fetching up, or down, roiher,'(for. Ked'a house la ln:'the.baaament—tbat'sa EUbenilodam) at the Eagle Yaulte, near^lckerbooker Ball. Hardlng'aaamelassfamllLr among the male.vooallste as Bra Brent'S' is-smong ttie ladles, In conJnaetlon wUh ont muslo hallsi Vlhat. need to be," only one of which te now left in Mew-Tork to mark that Interesting epoch. We refer to Bob.Butlsr's IM, as: yon- might easily know. "Tha Eagle" Is a queer name for a:<'''! headqnetters, but then it's pstrlatlo, Uke sU the bpys who gOithere, - At one tUna' :oriOther.l^aeemsaiat Itmight haTe.bepnra-ten-plnalleyiwhen they "sot'em np:sg1n"—we wouldn't swear to thUi-mlnd. A string of; tel>les extendk pretty i nearly the entire length of tu room, for vlsltais to sip their V.tobeys'.' pf alefnqu (Ned haas't- many pictuea yeteomehalfadozen, probably—one a very vit nable one ot old Bmlih, of the London tbeatrea—bdt he u es- gaged oalleclliLg aacilasofaU. ths-oon^ert Bslppn singers, aid expeots to ma|fa tsgtilar ^ery of lllaatratllBi op town in a (nr montba. At praaent hla chairman la Ur. Snrrloge; Tlce^^halr, Ur. Oaflhey—representing the nhlon of Ireland and England la a,harmonlqpplntof(ylew.- They can both slag largely, porUn. laiiy <he!''glntleiAan -ftom 'Ireland"i-he's-« •'rlmei.''^ Simt goea the sentimental alone; QaH; the comlo and sentimeow combined. -Of I^ed Eardlng's depp, ilob, .and melodious powtn of TocaUzatldn, any remarks of ours would be sbpd^nonsi nt fli»it tosay.ltkeoldwlne, bolfflpA)Tes'srUbs8e.;..Up ' a young feUow who mads U tSUer by Inches, at.lhi dbbra, whore. Ur. ,War^ i^4T39'i the pffoot ttiat..Uaco.was.nbt.t^ore.r.T ten b'dook expreaa .tralo, (hioreifitssn' hut through Ihe Unfl^essjot Ur. f" of the poUco, he was passed .'pfit pi le,,a)0; superjnlbndedi -— — _ TT—T. ^aok-Way orttha. railwaV aloUon, and e8qo.rted,tp.the mWjl; }^a'byWpoUce^hl.le tK ;4pt) 'addressed ih^tb ']V[aca arrlT/od byTUie, mpfewslttngforlilni, Ao, sur--'-' ■ ebiyil^.lfayp: mob romalned. .bat4I(le, of .Uib fip'aPgates'-pf^'the's'tetloF, abd hall afterjiohaa set^o wltb'youiig.Dan yihofi. he come but of ih'o seirsstbe ■tronf^oBtcpn^onuiatlp^'- , -■ ■.,!! . ■ '.tf?**^9".0fr'!r8*P«-''''-^?''! Monsters hiid B 'dlscussloh liho pthM.Uayt'at .W^a^ipglpi, a'tojf.yrbet Point 'offlcbrs jind Btoa. tor Trumbull, of lUlnoIs, had ao much to'aay obout It, sa te »aw' *'1'*^/!Wff?!'W,''„*oj>jl'odhimpntho»WB«rvor«i|ly.'' Tifuifiu)!/ as dsns], waa'uTlng' UV fltog,&i''U^ 'sohdon<ioMIaIne,'Tei7 quieily.oaid that "he had aomalimS^i^' tttpttsd ,ihBt^ all ihb blllbeA bf odr ilhay hod not beeb tsko4tt)m ihp 0epato or'adiu^,'^.'thb]r '^pnUVli'sTp lia^ aU nep^fatw Ml- tai7hti07ladgot7a:sp;rt.'cf jntoltite pprgpptlon."; ConaMarlag that Fossanden runs with tbe>same crowd ss TmmbuU, tbil'hlt '^'tf jjkljibit pit. A ."dlWsfPn' ^■'-^••''' cetera, " ^CaiBx. IK P]uaS.T-V^,Bn'{l s'atkttttf ebtflh'i^ MA-| irv'.^sopn',-that itiisen^eat bb'e!H.';.pl|iiy^, -jifd -'^rjiy'^ih bsTlng PTSdsd tbs blpbksds' snd i«aphed,'ai»^AJW*aBi X>sf*M «PW>M^^j»rtipi^;jjf)™^ Utr«>!mk^'aitiii M.tb* A•t»ftot■ttoB'.bf-4br&£^.ll^»,^| v ,1. , int..I >.:rii/'.1 ..I Aniil .... ' .ulioi WKil (iMnaltiitj Rtiio'.rt "T bloi ail l"J jHSnateb, nearOrbaby<stkMtt'la<lhe sta])pU^.'pIsc^oranWb I| <#>od 'chear'abd'stMa htti,'" ti^hUng^UbnA '< and' brlnle B •snsa; Hla bortnJt'galtoiy hss eriftyWiJyiwbrth spsing 'm'iiU ian str«it,.«nJpnitb<l>OPpnl«ri pstronagp.-tp. 'm. nnpanlielsd: ii gwe. Thctrut)iIs,',BarrHs*,psplt(UX(aiow.au4»ao»t;f«; cstoror, and hence ibis almoat nhprqcedsnted popuIuUyi-i'i.We ad- vise aUwho desire to spendaimlsl.imif dellghtralAvenloa' Tlalthls sdmirably condnotq4r9«qtenrwt:tad Bslpon.i.-i3e.9m* THB ST. NIOHOIjAB DOWIilRG HODH, ito.' 'Dr4aawBy()(-im4ee«ie,»pesi!o>t :Hona»,)i ls«lie pnlj; perfect 1 ,|ai au2}tojUi:lSwi.York..,iIhe,MsW>T.'for,Mteenvr1 'md'chaies'/Ot.ShPiBoWlUg'Booffl'at.lbeiAstoriHainejiTlWlliAi Llqooa,-»nil01g«mDf-.theie«tqaalHy.l).,):iul) oii) i;y/ou'l .in 40itf-l;:ir i;i-i;!lnr,'../i.!<r f.-,'. fE^faOAjEOMAEmti'.IIUigjMofj I • j; :. ..-:-i'';.',; fiilv/ bV j >!» f ' / i«i < i ! iJ i«».yqj]s'fB)|j|)l->rcl",-'n '. SisoxKX oUCiiBBf sarii-BStelrBtMll^ai V( Un O H»it im;-k louatitkx|>ks,wiiiBMTdulttowSiaB)M}nt8a(uidbV evralng,-at;bair.p«st olevail'Pi u:/t 'UtmiUusMs "dbspont Wti ^madaidni-theOdn aniarDeer'/tiHesd .'drinking aolooiAi^sU hands itTostsdisna locked nip:sll:iilght|.'llkai;SO!aany felons.'-Among the number wos.ono of our reporters, who cauodatonocfithS houses on business, and hadn't been In fldebfi'mln^tos befoi^ Uila::sln^nlai':ontraga'.waaiiCPmn>lMed.',:They were token to the' Fourtoonth Ward station, groasly Insulted, and put awayln fllth^' coua with dmnkarda and thlovea.".'Captain John- WlllUmsofa would nelthW :gl<6; nor thkli sn lotplanatlon—at.tho same tlmb managing U> M one man off, whether ITom fear bf prosecution, wb ore act la a position to say,- WBUe bonflned'in thoIrcoUS/aooti alter 8 o'clock A,U., poUcemnn PhUlpFarley.and Horty-Hlll rtl/o, l;tt«r,weiuingSomeklnd-of;;a,polloaman's.badge).camo-ln.-luilIi Farley got Into on argumoBt with Jack Batb-<sSled blm a tUof-T Bworo ho could prove It-sold heaUowad.othor men to cohabit Zl',** s atrmo if flitby oaths, too obscene for the publlo,eye,woundnBby or*- aontlng a revolver at his heed, and threatened to blow bis braWe cuti This, to a dofenticlesi: nan;£Dnflnod in.a ooUl, Is Wo 'fflonitng/at six o'o]dch,-they wore token toEsaex'markot.Dlacbd, In the dock with a gong of the fllthloat-lobklngbuman bolnaB bps-, Blbl(ltolifl«61ne,.whowore aU disposed of, but tho Innocent potife were again aent to bo looked np in thelr:ceUs:by ordor,of JuBtldo Bornord'Osbonie. -i -■...•.',,, i' ih-^ 1 . After a ahotl .time, the,<.<rDnn«r,'! a sh'prt.ithiclc-sot'ou with 0 mouataoherosme tonn4 sndsald they could-gel,out' ~ JM (foUart.and on: sbowlog - th»tBmoan(i,.ihoge who I dlsobsrged wlthontanj'ex«mlnatlonl. It,was aiiirplyvpay ybnr five dtdUss-^,ths.privllego.a<:belng locked ;Upsll niabt, fbr tSklng'«iig1ass of nda ia.smibllc bouse.u If, this its iiurio«,-we don:twsh.t,tolhettS9yihl!ig,tttrtIi}T>j;,In..onr opinion .ItwaSa gross ontrsge; .',:-,:>i i-i^i-i-^-.i - ■ I < Oar.fepprMDhtd'sn liiterriffWiwllh:Uri. Jostloe Oabome.-sft^r Mylng>bu:tn«, Mked.whati hs hadjbeeh oonOnad foK- and wbV .iketilstlhla.Pff iwllbbnttrlslior.* Ave doUar bUl; but he didn't sppear to know either. The man . the money 1 was slvonlo "Bttlst'OQttenpit«r,<mt:Ullhe.p«ld, snd told him IfanK ws« nnongi.iths; Jndgs.wpnld see -blmMtobtedrTon oon. <<vu«id| a«4itd«ei AsMULibsffloney opnldn'titM returned. a£d |llist^eppBpIitBl'mbslac:te»bKw4rb«ns«i^ •ij'-l I'OWKi flti.diaj'; tti"\\ U-,.-i.\ .-^i;'," m. /-.- /| ...iiij !))<'liitas'^sujUiiiuc-c wlJ ,uj f)u;(i/a o-.-i^miM/j-rl-j Wishing toniend apleassnt and spclabls eveiilng, cannot da better Uumdnvlik'aViheEagle'Vaults'. ""' Bunom *on Oeablet Walhssl- This 2 soaaUant sflgbl-wltb AbrBhamB,'who I , and IT ponnds the heavier—is going to bave.aa exhibition next Tuesday, Jan. 97, at Uontgomory Ball, Prince street, when Hatty Abrahuns and Charley will fight their twttle over again. Oidf IScentetoseeit :.' 'i ^ ' 'BA'0DTUA0maBAin>jEnnTC0MXUHUAT0BEDTOB"SlKllS."— Ten dollars a side hss been posted by the IMsnds of thaie ma, ...— -gSioAs bu Ihe Pholoa nf nrmniil ilWIJhltnnljilBBrtJj.i I iS^i»fli»rp»tt-Haai»»M'«ni>iWfc- Bisi" jt-Bnodway. ;Ai^f,^(^ieasyla, tobe opened hsrei oatiirday night for the winter soaaon. SmP Bona add Quoit Obodbd.— Oodfcey"FbllU'pa:])aaavsiT coky.Ilffld°podei»haiiB:cifi:irblid A'vsiiQe, jlpi ia>,lMt«een Itta and Idth atreela, where eventblng la prime. Old BlU^ Tom Itakts ilie:ohalt,mnd'-2achary.Butimei( us iTlce^- Boti can't wdl JippntreanlhAtBrraage&isnt-'. '.1 i-n,- ^-'.ftmit Ojt Si ' iwiin -BBpbT ■PiharVniQsk KrSttHnri.'tolm't -silUllg <)ta»of'a'dlimte/and ffl^l ypnHglptp^eUr'af the plaw being an admirer of the fistic sclencet vU^nl' theih 'the bsk if his back room, Bl^odT. waa .seconded by JterflpdwlclL 'Ssd'Ilffl WI)ldfHb-ayfc(»£ Mbhapi^bbb^^ Ichef hildU •Harltvi' '^hi>dy <ls''ibito'h'4Cytt<;rsr^ Sslei^Ur s ;b;rautotej^^^'yolj5^ ' '^'^-'^l^' 'find the foUowlng liit^ esUiljl l^tla'ltem'iibbQt John In a totter, fiiom.Baton Bbng'e,:I&: ■<AUolu^'e«nIiatbd,iiiii)a of;the USd' (3d UetibppUtaa) Bag'), 1 '.» . - i-m- It ,; .... . . r 'UoflihBs Ai(il;Jiii''I)AucV,-r-ns 'tpdaiVoS lil'Kn'lsiKMs 'ho'ta), IffiHl yqnHglMp^e^bf Ihs.pliw jj john^Wbpds.-f^b'Iaifen hnofratospbrtlng m^nas ^ chip- plpaidr the ring. Be'Is sBergoaat '^ Wo CpmnitBaary Sepait- nkofati'and is spoken of :S8 one of tho mildest and most obedleil pfsbiarpvs:"' ' ■' - . '.'for- honor" reams'df it IU;jE(..snS[;fsck.W.::Xhut ' 'By of JIheusiusi'oiVI'HjP' igbnps .slxii^i.Tonii'f^. "^oSiJsok cfUof tlBftv i^^^m WUATOS-Btf^TSn Bob OZUtaitB AMD joE OOBDBS; M 'llssipfisMiemtbt. luva !lM«n lentarsd Into, and )lOs . itad.'to be-further IncrtasSd'iWednesdayieronliie, Air ithMKineibtoBpsr: tfilrty minutes, snd theone.thst goU "hous" amhlspppsnsat's hesdtbo.oftenest„tAkesthapila. ItwlUtats iplscppnoraboottbeisthof-thbimontb: UoiepaEUuulsn:Jisit .■.'W»t: . .a:v;jf i-( : ; i ii: • - • - : ' .' A niaflsaAiiD'.OiFSn)FiaBT.'~-Wtaatspme(Plks thatoBghtw -fcnowlbpttei.paU a prlss fighf> isoontly .took'Usce InTorcatb, 0. iyi,.-bel,ween-Palaiett a'glpieyioBiiln8''hlmeeU.*.'Bendlgo,V,ailAa ;yo.ungcplpredgeimaBniwltb,!'nansind:!'i,^Theygotaloiigptwy .gRod,n»Ul:thsn]g,wa8.,gotUngttae wpiet0f lt,iwhen be cssght :Fs)fflpE])y,th« b>putiwlth.hU.tooth; snil wonlod him like sdoj. 4.btPthcr ^t/Pa]nuK:aiiih«&f ]nmpedln<to!interfere,and sons- .«gdy:let|ddy« i(tal)n..<,X>lheD ,took,uixthe .qnarral, sod ooetf ^thppcottlost; tnssguUr.fighte, oocorrsd "on'record, resolUngjU 'g«My.mditilsjsj&,go)Uagih(aj4i(id^,vorys6vor*ly.'!o^ .thS4ls|lf«B/Bn<( Tsfsiousi^nMay.pfpprB ul) a prizoilgbt' S» '":coil. Saiu&Xs>itriA^°tiiiij;-iJA'Bf^«*'iS''iTniri«>a«'Mtiiidttp np moat 0 ^oi>api>; , ■ tt£ATB''p»; A»'iilji 'pjpOB ifsr/.fbt flioSp wa»bl*eftBiS(/Sd dtliy fel>b«or»i OW taWb Dat anything, from a gbpst Btoty to'B'bOgud prlrb'figW'" ji"SolM«iaoi,''5ii'i:° i:/,iii. "M/.:l-: <.]r-i - ■ •{ jparsanVib' a ''short tlmb Wrfiijlgto,^^^^^^ i'^'fivA? fonii;sn bstimatobf mt Wb MHMIok's carper.'Hantalg'ahfliatfddihtUII hTtfaw, « a'slds, JbotarS, Jbu;'l (Ijorlofs JWok,; 189 ';o.«nds,\ Lb5jr best'^iyiBlllBW, 16 roundS,,i3 ■aiA\- Fatay'play (pileof.HssSoy's otponbniaFiii. iohm—i rfj^iii, iW.,'6bpi,]5,4BM),recoIfcd forftllfibd^ oat Oook; M tbtaOsi 'liibar 33nilii.v MoFa,'.ieM; dtajr^w WbaaB,,JM' lila.i.Jsn. 80, J8(5; boot '^aok Bath.'IlM im>tl rounds, Oheshlre, Jan. 4,1800; Uoilto'n by Jom BlU. ai nonw «mlJy l<pv. H, and M'tounds, 130 rtlJ., Soy. 10,1889, V>»* , tfae llBt-aPcPrdlDg to ^iftim, bdt'Vlfypu'd ha6 mprt^fjili, ShotBnd.o'f .'a aghteiiNiok was, howlifo looked »Bdacte4,«J» A'hdlght, Weighty 'Rbd sU about him, >wb ban hot do belief ,th»: ■rtfor^;(o7i*blEspl(. •• / "'„ !'..";. ,., . .'- Tnnlv'iBT.LAWiSt'BkMSAtion rabis'tpiroos.-^HyiB OdBoaw.-ln the bteat B^Vt UCt to.hand,:wo find the 'o";^ oharaotprisUa adTGrtlseipent:<-"OhsH*y.Lynch.wlshes to innn™ hlS.Eng]tah'fHends ib»t,.hls.btot&ri.psI, -tbe tenowarf ,qob)jni, ..will. aniTp In ttla oounlry. /n s; few. .wejv wUl mske hla headquarters at, Obatley's,,iths »»»'!<»» purr^, .ChurohJanoL-WhlteohapaUi, ftwaie-ltsBWis jn «; noble lit given by (Jtsrloy hlblwi. The M»wl!»; Ogt W, and-. Jdl ,otW .epottlng- pspsrs-.•taken. \Tli« "uit to bp spon,;ai,,tK,b«.'.',- Obwley. h*s. hit the ««. head.tbls.tlme, iTjhp eves.did, and mw" ,get np,'^ s* ss.good Mithe-rssl,vWeoan,,flmoy jetto^^^ pronds rusblju|.ln and.ont •ftte Uvs.lpag 4sy>' isqslrbg*^ ,'!lhe r«npj»nef Jge,",WUIs Cbirloaf anl bis bp<>yr(toe_TJg Imsgs of bJj Ather,' i^CmloS^Ui,ua,y with thslrUiUs.whUS optoas, ars.spritpA.qqt.^hs ikts,;PO^,.'a«di)*POPpar .i-h;;rl:) -iIJlv/1 UIM. ili,-'- Ast:** i.i.tdii l/jlji(i;ilcllj -;riwv!-:j/ fIo6'i'i*iVl-i-/;;iltji.---;:i\lii y.r.i'-ii!