New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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^ ARIWaBI no OOBBMPOWHB tlBltii inii mniiiiiiiiiiTiii-li . SSKirEiS3S«5t» 4>W»nev«r beard .i61ia.H>a,i,,llgl»t,c»«|to Impede bli a* HORlgUl Horrid -flglil Iba,: mil die, . FBDKBiii Stbkr BLOousBr^iiUidetpUa.—Ve rather gaess Heenan KorrlvajtlW'flaMr(nft totw 'Mi'. sabMrlber," ihlnk Ton're getting n» on a.Bttln«. If tho daUa ere vhat yon ^t, ><S4,io^;.¥ort«.7^^^^^ "-—'-^ at that time, nte(, and II ronuda, and'Monusey Won; ifjfoii of iiie'eneiii);. I [(Tei^efitlpn.dQdt. '-fiyS^ni^iOTTCWontoata 't^ou^ti^i^io Boo^^i dl *i^o' 'Albany.w.4JJaa:to hear ttoti thetUtJrt, as'd that' -their ttbe'xliiU^ataisiiIi Olve tax ^li^MiadtemidB to all la-' ^ 'a'udMytethettthatUadaile.WdiUDgtonoanliot: ttettartdmhlnktlon'thaii thecU'<ttand4>7—"i^U>>" diMn'liart are Beteneiaceriths'IioIlda;8,and ea/mayiliid'Toa ign]ojlDlih<i'*anu> hloffilng;.' "^«lljililil-^''T*0''p«rto>«' ■*B' tiUirtaff Vminii ,ota has scored eevanp, „^—.. iaiSttii tw6/!Tlx: ■Jalki liune, and thk Win- leSHwo.'Ush'andMir. "yhleli I4 ue Mimei'bf :|.JCfi«^tioi^ealet'. Ugh k^^ld* MiUkl^ i.V'i~"iti'.'ii-''-' vii'l-iii;.''' '•' ••'v-'i- . . , tiT.onteii,. »ot.oth«n leai "^^•liiikv.A ,u reinmBtJnmp.'.ortaki irplayet' doeanottakol led. onx , ,. 'lirtliT^ifliKK Tom- la worth, two dozon'dead *e$ipo>oilnt7. '3. Kiu- U cegerd to ihfi potat, li^tt(l§|dUjei'nmBtJnmp,'.ortake/plBe«i If hls'opponent In* ' ' playet' doei nottakovid bla oppoilant doea not ae onKinabiimay "hiifl" or take fhe^lacaoll the i' I :vi.-.'. ;' 1 L.; .( I !7Bbtotile,'U6.—A pla4r ha^g alx dkrds after Aair- 7ho Atterirards beta thfOeon; loses both bbt and ■'pot;" dently B loads. If Itvep ollromlael'lt vonld pp^. Ijhe "nir»—That ■ *'8,tB0jta£ F. J., Boston.—1. Wm. ' Blate of New Tork. 3. moat refer yon to H. Ji : 0II7. 7or a trills he will pni ^■iiL'iBM£tueitil.^V Bel orltlo" Is playing hlmsolf ^ai)<l,oId'fogylsh (brthe f on«eTn, oe on ainother. p^per, la antldp^- WtVi f) v ii'- . I '•■ \ iward was once OoTerhor of the [isweiti to'yonrdog questtons we I, No. Bodboty street. In yonr in Vni "the right traoli.': a'conMaalftidar'WB cannot do better than lo refer yoatobfk Nos. foraakatjsh otthe. Ufe'Of JDh Caroline BlohlnAS. a.'10 :ont the rorrespondence'down, " ' Bujuiaua KiTU Shop, 'ife^danee.—the Ounssof Jann- Affl^-jMiAASVen.'^i*''''''''''"''^^'"^ ahiwend-'at iJsi JaTe g^Idg oraiiiie same grfpn^ agalo,.Ya refer yop luumvt'tmtvffvf,;^:'.. i .-. ■„.:». ; -.■ ■ ,-. •■ erfBkasUWItwaaJntendid.thatall.allenBahoald haTObeeiire- tMi^ta IntUsennntry tWi^tJ^eyearSibsfore they couldi hare Shal^^Mlegacf .-yotlng.';.,'^. r,.;. !■:..■ 1;. ; ,, . I'l .;i :■■■ ■> i-,■ ''^<'7dib<'iitb'^DIit:'':-i%e bhiladls'a lltUe^'^neer." Ve 'fear' ttjjgghV.^dek thfe mbd^^ <)t some ';'S.'B!i.(Mi!ago.->-Wei^'re uoeonfldentlai Ihfbnottldii on the 2&\0qctj and know do''e'* abontthe/'DnknOfrn" IhA^ joa do.' y(f^ hsTe^hsde some ^dilon to^tbe siit^ect In another colnDh, - ' ' ~-1iiiL—iU r^!ii' theyJ^Te'ipiased their marili'this tiqie,! fitUe ciaff DOTsa' along better fhan she did before. . ^ 'v^.IiOtnL>-"l - - - 4ti4ltai'late''Nal IToJie irom'a Cabin"' had ia nm of abont one year,' iti(pll.Theatr^ OhaOiuA.street, andar.'ths'late' —If, he Is Efot mentioned in onr sombiary, B.nah ihui ■'a>e »l«M;t44)ajwiatrt^g^^ B. 0, C- -ItUrtJtlll!.^ . Wj^.fanhot li ,—Baring: alieady appfaredin a Olnoln- oows(U9e|rivt,pnt,pf.4B|e,.the: article la .—I. Aa yon were not iwars of onr advance, U!*!W> .WW*., ¥9ete(an-»treet: Idreas thooe who advertise photogrnlhlo' carda. ttweitei thai thou oimed lUTe'beiwviiblUhed.' ■who the lady was. •■.-.i.;'. ' 'tsno —^— . . iplonahtp ol&gBM u „ oord; (Sue d: VM.oontraoUng parties being Jem Uaoe—who,' aliioe ipg Maee atany tlme-^a Uaoe ohallenglng the world; the Utter iribokeSTipoii ilR~£e time being - as'~thV dhm trnknown la -we are niia^ ',tf determUiel > A; |Br«t,rfie vu (myh-; J?°*!>4*91>* J'tiP 0- Heenan. 'iui mpporitibnte"deaUredto be In6tin««7vttfOkiToiUiOM U na«~Bild'U>~b« SU iUaerloan, yet ndl the'UI^Iitesl Uae^ hu;lftenil(^ It >«M^i4l^^iAoij|i,'i^^ woniaibe matohedito iightllMo/ bnt^of late 'we haTs hoardnoth- ;lhe tnpra''4f hhdr ' Tl^ iitiiaiStj'hti«, ak-wen' as', {in'.London, who 'sldi.lj^f>Ve.iiiat \tli«i' t'i||i)i^^.lirUl torn,ont io Jt'e'Simsn. ItU.mufflised tut tho match wMinade, aindan ''anhnownV party pntiorwaid as Maoe'a advenBiy,''nnaerthe snntoalUon' that a Terittt>1e ciiiidldat«^oit thb'henbrd'^TCinld be fbtinil''wlthln three |n)ontba,M'rtbe:end'PtwUob'tlme,iMaDe's,oompetl(or'lS'io.l>e flamtd, Mwrdlaitothe artIolos of a^eement, a copy of which ^^'lli)'blJaf)ed''dM>^^ isBna 'pt'the 'Oi^dpsb,. iii'it^e leTeot iDt.iia'otbeT^siaii.being foiindiwi'ihln the allotlied Is Ithottjlht' that Heenan; may bo; Induced to enter' thb rbg once jmOTf^ ani fsM^thto oum hju ita^ ao^iienlatent in' iila 'offer tQ 'm^t'the 'Bapaldta Boy,.whami be aal'd, he would prefer to flght labors eU o'ttieis..' In fiwt, Uaoe'abantert'a&d boaaUngo hare ore- latod ah'impr^oii'lif sbme^ Uid^ that 'Eeonan la really,afrild 'tomeetblin.' Ve do not look upon It In this Ughti Heenan'e bnableaa at present, 'trneling and apatfrlng for Howes' AiAerloan C^os, yields ^ilp'iI,V,ei7gobd.8alai7;, He m^ef'a,great, deal ; mon mqnqr' In this way,' and mnoh easier, too, than he can hope 'tomakeiby&ghtliig^' As'long as thU ebgagonent'eoi^tljines,' He^a4h^ii>otloT'lij..ib avbld entarlng.ttLb'rliig''i ym can- 9Pt tdaip* him for It ilt-wlU not be long^'weTmdeistand, 4re the olroiB cantpalgn'tflU Cjirins .to-' a'^AViofe, lud yhit thfr' Bby^^m^ then vndotiake tj> dbj tx^ ^0 not bar^.'^.hajcaid a .gnbcja.iipfiit at present. Tfedonotthinkhelstha.ITnknownitmtwedanotiay that hs wOl not oonilent tb'tnV the>art wheta'tbe propeir.^li ar- flyea. If no other candidate pffers,'- Weknowthat great )aiiiiusqee la b«lng:iiatd,'both'lii'NewTctk and In Iiondon, to lildtue hlm to flght' Ua{|e. ^ So^ieof Ms beat fMsnda hbre hare ptht IUm;Ut- i«n,,nigfDg^[ilpifqr hls'pwfirepiiUtlrat'anda^^ tlie coonbr he claims aa bls home; tomeet this man Uao(4:aM:glT8 him'an Opportnlplly! |e'ihit to the'ieat Ua,bbasta thKt'V'he'can ^hjp hljm.';. ''We.!do.'nbt'jmoV:Wu't,.l^a^ thm>tg".of.Eeenau's Mends mayi have i^xm him. They may foixehlm Into another o&ntest'wlttr theflUmpIbn'bf Bii|i|^d, br; theynuy tLkTe'nalfa f .contr^y eAtct, foritte'Boyis/afjnjKirliwt: lndepeBdmt,.and wonld rather .be'boaied than drlTan; ''''Ee IB^ tabfhetfdatfon^ knd'deterihae^ in 'aome t^igs, ils'd. dbi» t'jt' ^i^e to-be^dlqtat^ toJ. Bcime'ot l^s tH^p^.fuwiith^ t']^q«nin' will tight If the ohamplon will make the Btakei .hlg enbngh. "We- ■hailiieeniW ',' :, ''• ''!■!' 'i'-'^ ,' "'' ^ j. ylnottiuoUa. bf persons put n'o 'ti^thiiriiatever .the niatoit ■aid to have been made betweamlfaoa and the CbknoWni -"They litttaDate that the maich^ls'B'bUiid/the lfnkn'oit«{ii'A(iiiU)DVV*^^>ogBA tp ^aln.^^Iive .'fbr.'lfaoeVaiifLrkMK.Qthera iltom aeoeptliigihU chUlmgBj '.We.'donrtbiow hbwthla Itj^^eiy (ierbini'.ihi^^^ 'jiptfwi^liA^iipi^^^ nbt:had to go fkr to' find him, or wait long to see him. ' We sn <kntw 'wllh what iead-i >iaiB8 hVa'rtrkd fe'flghi ei<^b!;Bejiii^<ir'SByen^^ inJtonibi^V some t%e sl^ put tip a stake to ensnre a matoh with Sayen, when the latter of- iMied io light him.' Nor do we i!b^ijt that It'wfs ])ot Uape who iMoked out of the albir, *"f'.*'^^^h«ii«i.j}.'4i^^' in, ff^f^ Trhen, he left Owen SwUfa .••pailar" as when he entered It ilthbogh- beaten by Elng, .a.m.aph ^gger man In every way-i Uaoe did no^ tear ((> try him agaln^ bat.lmn\e^late]y d^ed him to another con- test' ire.always tbppg)it the ohancea were agahiat the Utile man, and we think so still; Imt whatever Ideas Haee stey have opan t^t anbjebt he did not alunr the least nnWUngnesa to " 1 ^?!?^S9*>'5^<li^S?'J?5?$SLa 'g, Uace, or any ofhbrpiig&lnln mg}u3/pniiuing^_ no'bntilde Interfermin^,. In i short-^e.'we ^'^ff-fi'^fi'.' di>|iflft»yiqf«imau<^ ttwtt'^;'<«tj.thp',''0nkjii>i 'and also regardliig'the'eiraottor'tfae effbrtt' sow: being e: •todnfcwHeenijiaiji.tKif;^;*'^^ .,' :'.".■','.";;'':''' .. .. . : , :t^'jgi*J:S«5iMSi:^ada.HE^^ .i'VaiTeB,.TrdmbnllCo.','0.—Bookon' Tonkee Bolll-i 1ed.''/"I o...rlii.'.; 1; 1'!"■ c:: ' ■ " ] r.—Wft are not ,pbated .wgardlng. tte" sdvaintagtf to' 9mae<^bctlph.i*lUi|h^rs8twt^ent ., I li^Bpchester.-rrVe,iaVe iip.iBiMji skettdw or It would' —l.petoro.,' / nore^^l. MUs Vanny VInlng.' .3. The other'paifyl ^to'Uiri. Xlorenoe .that «e are aware bC v.^J'8Uv,Msas,,'VoI.,.Vlr8lnla.—Tho articles are .abldj 0,tl«,'.JU,and|8teffl|ett-; ■;■ : :^''.',^':,\■.'■,'',''.: \ VQ-T^mP, f h^Vj^f^P^'i'i -'Xhat No,' of I. .onij papenr;la oat of gjlijjiJ^l^^irTlTe. B^.to-ip .Pnllk)F,('''Bosioni^'nr«'dO'n'At''remBat)er 'the 'haine In oohneo- VoncwllhitheBaTBl'fkmlly'. .::..',.i:' t...:-; M. 'h'x:::;!-,:-". .,-*Dwon,T^t Btta)!: U n-'iiaBhed iBP!,^odBe,*nd *can«ly' ■1. 8,, Boston.—niinkyouy''.i:' '•' ' i ■ 1.'' ''.li 1. ■;,>>.■ ■. i'. . XI, T.. HotcbUssvllle, Conn.—In onrnexL - 'i:'. ; Omljlfffj.'Or) .v. •■■■I i' ■ Iv.--.^";'": ■■■■ . ;. ■ '.;. ...| , ;,'(,; 1 .■|ijfJ^WTMi;o's,i^ tog nlan^s friend, a foe to tynnn'y, and Ubettr, one whQ the tendendes of monarbhlcal ^i)Vfitnment8, ^d fpIjy.aU're to the . Ipportani^ of. preserving the 'demiWBoVgCTernpieiitjof.thli .r^^Xh^fi^^^iPie XTpfbtt'' iUlsbt^ to'° the: end thdt lib Brty' may be^ Ijfiff^^ff^^^aX^ th«,^bl{bwlng bbautifbi _pl6iaM'<tf4h;^i<imerl(W continelit; In a apoeoh dbUvemd at Blr- HUUgUi|ij|'ibR!i''l^ we would that every true Ame- 'MSvMM'i^i'ttitSlt Own''h'e^'ao thatih'^ vl^on 'may'ul- tttiatdj)t»«eaUaed. i Won uid.Ub^rty herp, meaoa innlyersal vlluWi Wiifhiimld the flame now m bxUngnlahiedithe future of thi> world for the people 'will be on«,^pi)^,,dark night. '.'I cannottid. eUev!B!ibitMvlU«aUpn,'lnl(aionrii'o7,wiihilie.aun, will aink lntb nfatStjfe^tiiBlli^to gratuy theamblUon of.'the leaden «f this rb- ^ja^'^'tf> 7^de through ^laughter tb ajthrone; „aha sh'Dt IB ,w merily 'on 'in'onlUnd/' {Oheen!].'lihave aiipther filer^on Iwfttfe'my itih, < It mayibe:buta wlslon; tf^lle'krii it'-l ieb'bhb vutcppf'bdbVa^'b^ ' .ftbttttie frozen Nor&, In one nnt>ro1ken''ibie|''to,'tbiivglPwbi^i 'Ui, ,and from <U':wlia'ibmpW<!of the AtlUltloifi the <^ [jgjo^^t^e^adflpjtnaln: cmd I^ee, one pBPj)If>, and bUe'.'W,' i^ItS JaOBVaige, afid pneiU^i ^d p<;er aU'iba^^wld'e'ebptliienC' lireedom,' and a Mfnge'fbr thBioppreased of oveir. fjmtchij etsVI'/^ '""''^ ''[;' '' i','' ' SbwiR iS'-AMEwo^—tirt'Hkidi '■- 'BjbnUip^ti BbbhtthttnUUiPtrii'iitagjlUtwho'lirto ■hi UW,tbr thb OhaihWohshlpW Engjanp. ald. ' ntartby.''oldBt«4rt/Va&a'asipH«%K^ "i.A^ericapi'atidrilie Drllbh'pfabUb seetb I6Q>' I' V(Ui we'rb ilo'bttlbbUiynVahd cUl'fetTAnt- l4t«' UIIm'." 'The 'Spormt^ll^ ttil'tlBiiaUy jnomor' It^poatt; Ba>li'u' lts' lasup' 4f .IbJlflWbf Tom fflSg's -bWeflt,'which toplf: ;.'^bJectuif^'Bs.-to;w4bitt8 •■TTnkn'Art'' Uose whp hav^'fliltll thutthft affair Is e'ana. 1 othiM'thit beli ibtjt«datUc ft It'dbwii ^(abjUb^.tt it 111 r ho';i •rap 'Al^QBT'AJ^aEX'Ulri,'!^ " On the very beat anth'orlty'ne are enisled iR.slatb w^JptiaL Heenan la net the -^llnihiow^" bow aald to be matPhedl to' flglB Jem nice. .' Wsban Mi^ed^o^/'cbml^'i;^ parity which 'daes.noti.BdipU;o^,(|oi)bt.: Heenui it la n%e^Mi nothing' to gain by flghtlnjg Uace, and as for'the'Balt/lt'isfp ceded &atit-wiD tutier beji^ ie Uaii Snfl^tii. prbliable that Heenan ah'd'&inq';nityopme together bei^. i Boy retn^ home; If not'lbr money, for fOn; or to test^trtiitll' the bptter man. Boms time;'agb, while tho matoh beiirdeif and Uiiee was (n prpgiesp, a 'quarrel took place between and King, «hen Heenan propoaed to settle It. on the. spot ^flght. 'ElDgreftped. to.fight then; but said' that ,lf heVob j| match with Mace, he wotil4. flght Heenan.' Heenan replied :|ie would be rtady to flght him should he win.' .^en the <umf off'be^een King m the fbrmietwas di ^'iprti|)i^,'Heenan!enppoBed th^ IClng would flgh(: him; what'WIS his surprise to hear that Kltag had reslgn'ed the oUjmt jijjUbndll^ a^ 'Vurim^wi^riui/i igli 'jtvig::iu4.(iu .ViltiT^ 'Tie.'qnarrei/ii' not; i '' itlsdj^nd 'the two big 'onsimay come together.yet. ''Th^ jCwta wrhlci ipan lij.tdiejj bn';bui'ife i^^i^^^^^ libity'to'g^i :»ii>bffity.atprea pnt;'';.:v,'.,;:,'•,';;;;,. 'l.,^:'^' llOl."t' -l..''>rj.!,i: 'ji'." ',,|.,r. i, ,, ,..;..') •• IJ; > . ;JE>H BtACB AHORG'TIIB '^PHUilSTIirBB. IP rr [Gal .ljmoi«,:-4n^ApBliill«nuii^Uk xeatMttMi .allan, bat the PieMientMM <«abm, calipie^ bypoUtloal hucutenland nBBsJ?grabnii.ii Washington, that he does not seem to hear the oryi or; If heax^ Ing, he Is not yet aroused to. the Importonee <if giving heedto ■ raj^^Sffi Moan. mfk^Balbod, nottria Mr, for^Oat T)mVa' Bolt is^'all too oenflfent to give admlltanoe to a (koivW ef few;" but fbr ttis 'waiiibf'rlndm'ln whom'&ey can plabs ppnfldonoe.' Sidbf |l|tiUA Is (Jul (!\«(Stg» p; jlfeOIellan, and since the developemenia m^^^e oonrse of the recent mllltai; tarlals at Washington, he'lf "held laeven gniater oiUmatibn Ib^ If the'Freit- dent'ooulden^^sake'aqtilei tbdrmbng'tlitf;^l^,UerMwt^ land among tl^e^tiidi ^ .^*-f^ OTu 'umtii,,mi\^pi^^^ 'Aqt ' have to say reigardlng- UbcieUan, ire do not ,'tblnki ha woold : bs. ;lPDg In placing that offloer once the head 'djt tdlllta^ jaOblrs', If not in the ijeld. In tbeiOabin^i ','Stnpa,.ti(e..ifa^ 'ao^>' ' menoed, we ha^e. been an earnest suppotiet pt the IPresldent, ^butwe are geltlDg tired qf tbe ni^^inef ' In w'hloh ht'li m^afitaigl 'onr ^flUis; We wadt to iee;mj>K bf .ihe hopiut ^ thetricky politician.,! There •re,theTiaandB. and.thooaands; like na ln'thla oplnlpn,';'Tlioe U bdi^^'wUtodj and^^^',lmpbrfaii\t';'thu pirablp.iif Uvaaiare tieing aaorifloedrrfor «htt> To.lbtten a'few greedy poUtlcIana; Honest Old Abe—tf ^olilw the. honest>flan we took'you fbr^jfo^'^.e aake of onr blee^lnglboutiT^fibnit .out tlbm^smong tlu foul par^ iaur: rounding ybu, and give 'UB: war In earneat, or give us peace. Plac^ Oen. UbOidlah'ln the .Oabblit, .inhere -his action's may.not be hamiMi^d'aafttie/ we^m the^ ^ ^pt in the'iOsblnbti're- instate him In his. old oommand, flnt tying the hands of the radical devUa at WiailiigtMi lAib thwarted lihn' in' hla plana fbr theMptufof ths^l)d4upltal^^l^iBatV^ atroDghold. . Ths hnefcsleiB at.WaaUngton defeated him In that ohMrd mkrbll, hot tl)a Mbtiajj]; Hh'.ljad i/.Aie.lii b^stj''ah(i;a foe In th^.reMrikA.latt^the'i'qim! iijn^'q^'^fjtiiq.-' He.iw'as battle agaiiat^^etiiiro oomblne^ and the.rebkl. capital waa eaVedi'the 'war' liaiItl;gKlM,'''uid' thti 'ihbi}bV-^bben':' ana olh«r ^raiDdds-wiM'Ufe Tblr''^ioOi^;^^ Lincoln has It In hla power to end the'war h'onorably. . Win-he 'do IV'o^ isl^i wiauia^') fprtt^^^^^^ ,Wh«t'tie hijs ii^'i td^ i\e^e Uc6leIIan,andaIlmtyyBtbeweU.'^ '. ' . ' ~ .i.r.i.J ' 'TiD TiAiVm C^iilfioJ(tHtF:-^WB»'obtlU luUili'iiAs bW miiii ftr'i'''''i1gii£;away bonilen* raMi,''i^\iithbat; fooling, for. the abbta \hDAar: jd^'£3M i a' kdb; between i Bob't OhambeiB an|} Otvf, Evei^ja,,the.fprmer,reaelving'<'Je'ib, fbjc,te- oputae being ttcni'Bntneji Aqoedaat^to'thACld. .Qhip,' Hprtlakbk We .bope ^ Idea .of u Internatlpnal BonUuB* Ba^_ is not iqfaUy that would ellolt the attention of the ppbUo at 'lar^'e so much as ti'bonteMMtirben Bfltlsiiihd'AifaiiAcB^'bai^ -''' -'- '''' • f • " ' .' ^ - ■ -.J...''.. .■.![;; |^;..HnfTou.Bs4jcpfb',Gbti& waafomadlinttiUol^abttnttwoweekaBgo, It.isodmposedo^ stnbe bf thb'beat lUby sUfers '.iln^thls viblilty.'. Ibb^deblgi^.at |iuBi4<^,ia'to;anbourKe'^tl)e/art tbralLprlzds offeredin and around New York. '■ For. the present,' the'CIub ijia nM'^ of ;th'e ponds In'.'tiie'cfty'or ehvlhinsV aiib by I!oirt,■'^tftr'liwj|i(;^i^pi^ab^ir.lUy^^^^^ M.*Miii«. I. v,»M.M^ A>^t|^ nrT^HaHrfh.'amUheirhtaaaniiTtoiii, fbt'flie'prea«ht,,'»r*'lil7M'Bro<dWay.' '^i "''',; " .•'^■i''' ':: '" '': . !i '. r .1 t . ...i .... 'J .... II ' — '.iI. ;., .•.•>.;, SEvims iuiiiuiiuc.'—i^'sbine reglm'mitii at 'FalmicQihi .Ta',', ^gjiji' nastlo'eisiolaels Indulged In.:. A^ooneBpbndenf In the BecPnJ B.-I,'Y; says:—"KmoBb titbit'who gMs gymnasttc^ abeyptv.bW ate Oapt H H. Toni^ an|L;Corp«tal F- P. .(ioldnnl'tl^; of OoevB] They^understand IKtbotsaghly.'Tliroagh their Influeaoe^lt'ha^ Ueei'lhtrddaced among the btajta. It Id a v^h'eal&y eieKWtj apdoneof the.boiBhaatorn.hlnisalf all to'plapeswlihit". .Let him gather hlmsolf. together, and go In again.'. There's n ilkbpeifeveranifB. ', '.. ''' '.' '■. ' :;'•. ' "' ',. ■' OuB TBUTBioai.' BzboBD.r^Jnr wee&ly Becpid <4J^'a lanps assqmUuLmiW'Ira Uun jif^^^'anfi i^wa»CTM< aeehigthe Importance of tlte'^itbti'dbd putill«ll7 tl)na given, ti ltiieJf.''mpyemeflto^^ evi^ytl^ng' of ^bfejgof '.'that's what's Ihs r.i.'.i; ( n t. axapuspps 4119 {;o];^r-P?e pf-those uiolal.g^the^ngi.'iii ti i4n beU at^Bndy'j Oymnastnn), in St Utrk's plaoe^'oa thb' 33( ^ ifc; ,^InVi^'ei^ii(Aj]Hlh'^^^^^ eib^RUu,'{'Zmiilllae^'^^ r ' I -iiif' '-i"f i'i> ■' ■. ■ . | ~ I,-.1.11 ., :ii;he-I«p(|on JBu»«ri><<d,fipi>^ lonlng psrtlpolatB of'an~eipected 'Wmpus" between Jem ' ^tndap^iiyW.'Irtoteij^."',:''''.' -W.,::!-.!...'..:■•.. 'Jipm-liaoeW. a'MncjSi ait' Oardlff'pnllToWdkrW^L entire (aUpre, and he hadaveiy'narrow^wpapef )t^«taimo^lM!d. by-Bptqelrl^h rpwhs. (Jt appeared, tbM the moslcy to the obamplon arose In hlS'taUia bensflt at Bristol about the .same,^me,as Beardbn- tUa-wel therefore, as Uaoe announfM,ia beneflt at OardlfftorTneM night, .Mijd,December. >&. Ward.'bptwpen wEjm ind 1 fHend, young Ben Cauni, thore tiadrecantly bera a gtoatmi eod Fa^y Beordos caiqoldpim tp Oudlff end got their b .tpgalher, wd^e^ed thei9SclTP4-j;/al,'p|^[dde t]in dooraod^6^doore, whore, Hr., -Wa^rO ^^JWMrlpJTaddreaaod ihen, to the.oir6cttlMit.Mo».wes.not.thp>e.,,Wto^ ton o'clock owroes.billjj, (hWBTfMMifflrt ■■ klii^ea»idf,Hjt'H^^ —.-•? nod|pitf.^/j.UiBb^<u^1 I'fl^iBoii^.'i^br.'*! , - —^iejftf^'gallery'haa'lvfijtJd^wb^^ JSlinrS^diS ;bmcn,ana^Uhtds£tktk'&'iiqplsIfi^ lower,'day ana tai|fiti'"> ■: inoiiir"/■n-ii.uv/jjj.. ■'. . J fill. i-l-u I r.i: u-rii - , • j,_cji. t^-v'-^^^^'^"^'B^'>^ 9n'Hwii., ^ iianetreet,.en)on.iM>iKipuIar:.pBtianafle.tP:Mi'UnpaiBlieIod;'dd- gree. The trut)i ls,'.Barryta •.oapltelf^pin a«a anio»t,"r«»o5t, 'but thrbugh tlie ] ii'At'i fupei^tendent ">'Way,<>»'»beraV(fajr ugh ( o( the pouoo, ho was passu.,,— _,. „„ v...u, luinur Btatton. end eeqortod tp.iho^mMorlifUto'^he poJIpoVwhllS'tfii mob.TqmAlnod .oatalae,of **** —*— .t.-'^i.-n.^. - when, he cnime bi|t or '' " 'CaUQt, ho drove off Watls.—[Our cpiTfspoqdu.. .Pf,the.whplo'ivftiUr,an4lf Eehaa almply.BtBtcd tfia lffilB, ,8crvo8.tho.alrong;oBtcyn?omjiatIbn-){iI.sTl^,] '-V] •;,:l.'.:'J '. !l ' I I 'V 'i ' " ' 7 I , ';;,! ; .'^:^!!^^?i^^^«.^';-^bfde•(«••■ffl(; te^ had a 'diaoniieiloiiyhe pU>eS.<l»ji, »t )^»?.hlngtpn, abp5f'\y5Mit Point offlcbwr.i^d BtoV tor Trambnll,of Illinois, bad so much to'say abont H^ 'aa to dnw ittWa t^l.all^tob i)'ffl«iM« if .p*rii>tt|i: had.Bot b».en](*k«nt'A>i . jSebaie or Bbiis^/.as.^^i^y '^ouM;]i'av^ ^ . nwisfm' ijitli.' tatrkhorrledge by aie^.af'jirtuitlte porobpUon.'V: Oraa^ering ^'jAanKl,'. tliatt^^^ P^«j(a.';j^in;>H' !ilijjliji^\xi'' having evaded the bledude ini Maohed^BtUjtii^ltte&i 7^f |t»t>t4 t^Vft ;nB)t«.«vn«^^ 'li|A«lfiiM'/tf4;Mf' 'lat7.'AattM.'4imbb.t».«ta4''d«t*i^^ i >hi ml.". "•'''■^^^ •^'i;>tbm/i:;ip» i>j«_ir<>y".:s^^^^ .,„,,,/ ■ .L'm oltJHumn|)6,:ii!aK.l.i ••vUoU wf dl gDllj' bu'it»i^4(U'BUui-.; ,>J1 ,uJ JjoiJu^ .ibi.lrf :''''mm-'imtsnm:-vtiM.p.-*tA.ciK.i «a< caterer, and hence jUs almost luipiqoedentcdinpiiliurliiroI.We ti .vise ^ who deMro to apond spnolal,wurdellgh«ia«venlng t )i vlBlthla admirably condnctq4:9<>qtAnc«qtm4 Saloon.i,:i3e/3m*^ THB BT. NIOHOIjAB BOWUNO HCOSt!' ISo; ISb,' .BBPaa<n;,i('na4«ctbe:7rBSto)t Honae,)) ls:the only, perftet (TSl [i sm fl&UUfnr ilniMi)K,XOi»<viThe, Manaeer..fbr7tli£teeh -Jtai i ;ilad''pliargn)of,ith«iS»1iFlU{ ~ - Dbsokri ojrOUian ab; „ , . ^ ., _ jHeBBpi«BbtB«»ai»i6Bt4., FaLtatkiii 'Fial.Er.Ofta.wa luBM«dultt«aiBiaBlM)nlBltatdb' ovBnIn'g,'at:baIt'Pa6ta]eveil'Pi Ul/t 'atma'.CUte&naiidtailont Wa i' .«ad<ldni:th;»Oem:aiiai)eBr;4Be«a 'drlnUag SBlooi^:aU w.< i 'Mrostal ;ana looksd iis:aUiiaghti.'llkei .SO (many fehma.:' Ainonb. the number or onr reporters, who cauod at one oti:thS honees on business, and hadn't boon In flfleea'mtd'utDS before this-ialn^niBi.iontragp'.wasi committed; .'!They:Woro token'to thb' Fourteenth Ward etatlon, sroaaly Ineultcd, and put away In flltb' ' cells with drunkards and thloves."COBptalil John .miUamsoi would nclthWfglKe; nor tUikLanlotpUnatlon—atthesametlmt managing U> letme man off, whether m ' are flotin a tfoalUon to say; afto 8 o'olook AiM., latteriWekrlnitiBome rom fear PtprosecuUon, ,'Whlle bonflned'ln, tholr:calU,'sao| Farley got Into an argomont swpre he could prorb it—saldheillpwed.ot'hormonto'cohab ng . , onti Thla,to a dafenCsless'man;jconflnod iii,^ oelll, la tt .tAomlng/at slz o'oldck, they were taken to Edaoziiiarkot,placbai In tbe dookwlth a gangof tboflltblcat-loblilnghuman'belngepok-] sIbliltoiinaftloej.wnPirere aUdleppaed pf/ but tholnnocantparb: were again sent to be looked up In thelr^oolls'by otdoriot Justlob Bornard'OSbomo;; i', ! .-, ,. •,..I ;,!,,. . . ., ,.. ..,,"(,'■;';'• | , After aahoTt :tlne,the,'.'xunner,'! It shbrtiithlolMi'ot'mAn with a fflousUobOjiOame 3pun4 and aald they obuid.get but'tyjMvfia JivtioUap, andoa showing .thafeamounii'.thPMwhehadAwe e dlaobarflodwtthODt.-any examlnatlpni.- I(,wa( slinply, ipay yp ir flve4tdUia\)Kiti,the>prtvllege;pt:belo|t Jo«kad.'.np.aainlaht,'f >r, tddng 'sOglsBs ptrsle in.aiptttdlp.-henss.ii U ild*,ls .jnaDce,.) 'e don't watur.teihwe •9}Ul;iB.,tattbsTi!:,ln,,onr opinion ;lt waa a gross ontrsge. " ■'•■■ix; niu-ynt i'-ii] ' Oar:reportoha4iaulntMi4sW)Wlt^Ur<.Jastioepa^ MylngihU!fln«HkediWhatj he Jud.ib«on Ponflnsd.faV,' and.'wbr tta|il«tlhln,i>ii«lthbut trtdxor.«itve doUar blllj bnt.he didn't appear to know either. The man !the jobney'i.waa, olvenTlo wmiUnlllsfronttepotl«TiaiittIll)ie.paIi),anlloid Um If anSr. IUfw;waa .'WMii«|.ihaJiida«would s«e.hlmi,eb^ (hmday mpL. Wehopethl oonneotadif arr«»nraow.-On Friday aftomnon, Jan.^J?^^|£r*<i«<S «Bh»»"_P»»«lT «otoff.between these youngnwl^«^'"We - , Muflh Dreti^. .«M !«• adffllsdon mpney. Huoh preSmi, !LS>»» 5fsjh%rrrUfKSj??^'r rp»,yWc-s about thavur and Bix'^nnBaceaaaxy^a wy'hlliVto^itoSfPSff Br^^ At about four o'plpok. aU ^Ivto^^^^ f^tSS^ and B. A., anaWUkar taUer add- hea'fl^all oular about the-bbdy.'' _ Oeorge MPrmi aadVb^]t,i than thia-f for tweatj^sli-. tnlnntes "and'tomeen »mnii» \ C:^ of poUce ijuj.4talg|hehau^;pubup ^i^ji^i,^ believe sportliitf detibbtlve who oot In oik,A/t.,^llS? de(i8|bUvewho jot In oi^.the beat ihaSS* skedaddling was down stoln; Jumped, om or wiuaowB,-and; got PIT tbA >u»r^ they could. 'WalkerVaa arrested,loied.mftotlie iihtl!! let off the nettporning. . AlUthe wat «l a^ Zffl S3 a outllp/andlila left lamp oloaod; wSUfprffib h^irCiSS under one.- eye. Walker waa ao tloHedr that h^iranla to make i That''<Jlov«' Fiqbt.- „ 10th, another of thoa«lulf.s«rlo, hdf-ponlo aflalra camoaff in. under ime.- eye. ■Walker waa" Vo" tlokleSwIth^hiriMrfoSSIilS!' 'Jiath^WanlatonMkeamalkfbrliraO. • ^^."^ »*™™»"o^ That''<Jlov«' Fi«BT.->tHiiX Tovn>ijn'Jai('OLiBK..,ir>. ii. .0th, another of thoa«half.s«rio, hdfMMnlo affalracamoofl^n. up-town saloon, between Uncle William, the Father of Ara.l*J^ boilng, and Jem OIartrbf Nottingham," The Idea seeiSrSS? lout that thejr. little emeuU .was premedlUtod, wtthm^cevS!?: thought, 'flaoh iB'lpt the osse stalT-at least tiSXoMB?!^ part-for he entertains thb'Bame panohaL> regard f6r hla mikC nent now-as he did before. ,Like'a godd manr.othen—'VKZ motb:r.<*a»oette usoal •way.'fand aatheawinl.slorm.ooSS iteortproposedmv ither than apoU the made things doll In dpoM, i, party of the rlaht eortproposed^ klngupsBmallamoaqtfor'a(|l6ve4Bbt- Bather tbmsDoau» sport, BlIlBaldlif didn't mind, .and. another cove, the btajMt In tbrepi shalieaar a mvi notuo, and fonght " stepping bwk In man tji t)ie ^onee, sw^ltUiB siuirek ^ tall they wen at It.rlpplty-l^, ^,over.thja I five rounds in au,, p»lty.mnoi(eyen, when In _ his usual lively way, th^. pld Mfaur of ,Oexemonles'trip Wl baokinrda,;a9d Btntck.hia headketaqiMli on the stoneflob;' knocUng hfai Aeueluu,. pdloavlng an .vtfy cpt, ftoia which tte life's blood flowed quito freely.. - EveiTi cure waa bestowed on Uw wounded veteran, and Jel^oDldab, like a' OhtlstUn ttit he bL saw him safe on board.if)e.oaiia,'Aftiu1itavorindBliidbe«ndread and plastered. ...Jem Clark, hla quondam aniagonlit; Is stldta stand over Bli feat, wala^is laflbs,", ahd'ls oiirSa'ieais okL whereas Bnirto oyer J5,r don't wblgh 130, not Ishalnhelrtl much over 8 it. S In,. With each a s&l)dng coiktratt the iroDda la that he'made out so well. For the eld qib^'s' sake, hovevtr we'd rather'not see him flgnre',agaln, unl^s 'evenly matdied aa toageand^elght,,BeM;tb&'.tonilad^i^^^^ . -. Ned E^tm'iKG'a ..Ot^. TowK. FaQ .iin>' East.— Aceordln^lg promlee, we Journeyed up Chelsea way one night last wesTnii voyage of discovery, fetching up, or iown, rpther, (for. Ned'a house Is lU' -thelMsement—that'&a Slbenlolamr) at the Eagls 'Vaulta, near Vnlokarbooker Hall. . Bordtog'a name Is as famUIu among the male.vooallsls as Era Brent'a'la among the ladles, In coQinnPtlpn'Wlthanr.nnslP'hBllB,'ithat used tobe,"'pn]yon« of which Is now Islt In Now-Tork to mark that Interesting epoch. We refer to Bob.Ballot'a 4Ui u: you- might eaally know. 'The Eagle" la a qOMr. name for a:<'slna-song^''hcadqiiartets, but then It's patrlotlo, like all the bpys who go.there,' At one time' •Qrxithar.It se ema t h a t It might have been.a ton-pio alley, when they "sot 'em up.eglQ"—we wouldn't swear to thlSfinind. l string of; tables eztendh pretty i nearly the entire length of tu room, for vlalton to Bip their r'tobeya'.' of aletr«n;u ,Naa hasn't manyjplcturea yet Bome half a dozen, probably—one a veiy vil. nable one or old Bmltb, of the' London theatres—but heuea. gaged coUfotlM'fcsertos of all, th e joncert aidppn Blngois,a]il ezpecto to ma|£ia tegular ftallory of UIoatratMb up town in aft* months. At preaeni hlB phair£aan la Ur. Burrldga; vloeKSlialT, Hr. Galtney—repreaenting the uhlpn of Ireland and Englaml la ■ftofir - ' «f(Vlew..- lariy thVT'^giiUei^ ' goes the sentimental _ combined. -Of Ned Harding's deep, lioh, ^asd malgdloua powtn of vooaUtattdn, any remarks of ours would be a iiparllu oua; nl: floe It tosay. llksolSwlne,.helmpAvfiawltl^'a8e.3 Vp towatn wl^Mn jt^ to Bj^d ytoaB«i>^ and^ Boq|a^lf> tiyenlng, cannpt do BERznr voB Cninixr Wiuata.—Thin young fallow who made soaallaiit'aflghl'"wlth Abrahams,-who' Is taller t^QXlnchoL and IT pounds .the heayler-riB g.olng to aihlblUoa Tuesday, Jan. 17, at Montgomery Hall, Prince street, when Hiny Abrahams and Charley will'flght their battle over again. Onlf 2S cento to seelt '^''^^ ^ '' -BA'oDT Uiooian am Jebbt Comm BSuobebtpb "StroiB."— Ten dollara a side baa been postod- by the friends of th^se men, tus the Photo* •^irt^fr 'J'nftfhltri'T i n i n l l i . . „ -'if^ig^WMnS' . ^ , - ^ rftT»*)«dVnTt5gg|iai- t'Ibnadway. ;A Bf ^.l^c^eaay la to )>e opened harei itorday htghf fbr the winter SMsbn. Boia'Boiia am Qnoir OHouni).—QodlMy"Phllllbs'baaaven :0OBT.llfa4:tioi3en.limiiBUfr'<nilia A'radae, Voi U5;b«tween Mth and IBth atreela, where everything la prime. Old BlU Tons ,'takMthe:obaU,an'd'-2aeharyiButehen ueiTloef;- loti can'tveO 'imprtfreoniliatarraBgetttant.',''l i:.i rlew..- Zheyoan'bothalng,lBrg^^iiarl|pB. from <Ireland"l-he'a. a ''rloper,*'^^ Sin4 I alone; Qaf^ the comic ana senUmenw ' nivitklii "Bbodt 'UdQikas aai 'Jnt'DuiV,—Wa llikVlMll|jdd,'tni6n'ain'oUif^ 'hold, ro>'ii-<llJpto,''<nd«»»I :^)iBg]Ktbl^etdT'of the ^ if the flstlo science), VSiW^ theiil 'the' w bf hodr.was^seooiuled bj JIm8Mwlali, «nt.'Ilm K^bhaptibttW'bia.^^ nifh^lt 'other HiiiSIilgbttfroi being an admirer of the flstlo science), his baok rooQi Bbodr.was.secomlea 4d)^ellrlutef&',«bdM^ <H<nliyi< 'MPdy'is''j(iiatom'^ Saler Ira .'■::A qijiliJ. Woin'- 'i.i^^,roo4i)i.. ,Jad['oiiiof .'tllDS.i' ,'a>iil'£l:(f.falidalM i-> wjuiuKXtLaOQ.'U^'Viiaa Bjo^i Dtiumtm, Joz Cobcbk fts 4Sl>Unii^rtKile««f^asiteemefit.hava >bo«n ienten]dlsto,aid|10* ■MtDW«»>M>'i<>)Miarthenina^«asdd-iWedItesday.eTenlnt, fl>r WMe;me^to.'Bpar: thirty minutes, and theoneihatgats •'hoi'a" lOftUa^ippiHient's liead.ths,ofleneat,.takoB thepUd,. Itwilltako iPlacepnor about tha.28thofthh.moath: Uoropadloalan^nait iSfWfc ; • o:'.'i.;i 'J'.'.•.( :'.'.r.;f,'.i.'. i' lcuii'i:', . 1 r: .'. A Nia(WBJU)p:ajKetiFuBT,'r-Whn^'aomefoaB thatonghtu 'U»wib«ttoi.«aU a prlM flgh(>reoentl](j|«ph<p]aca in :ToronU,,a. W'i'betffeenJPalmer, a'glpBeyicalllng'lilnu»u.*fllendlgo,1'.uida ;ypnng«olpred genua anTinth,i'no]iam<i:')..iThe]t got along piwf .g()Pd>untUithenlg,,iwti«n ho aught :P«4mcic()y,tbobn»Mtiwlth:hls.teo(hj aa« worried him like a dog. A-brpttor nfjy»liaeE'*.>h6tt('jumpedln.toilnterfere,and aome- ;bW:lot,i4r|fej»»jiijn,,,.oth«w:',took.uiittheiqaarr(ili andMiePJ ;.gi9PreWeW( trlftogulatiflghts/ooflijrped'onrecord, reauUliig W lEendyjMdiliisMr&iflotBnsiliw i.tb»4aW'«rM)4^;aliglgua:Bttt«£«p(ipenica4 prln/lght" :Bah Cotf. StSdrolurMiliWltttll.llA'atoi^'U'goln li<i*e*er;.filt tBoi«.t«aabl«'eu»&/tirdUiy ttpbiUi*, m - • ■ • '■pMie-«g|il,''to up most anything, f»m a ghost story td'H'bOi aboutthp vrp miUdiia lo' tto dtfaqi.of poor bid .Wi Biy4N&s,(^Mr.'a»nnIga4 flilsTfou'^ (Nbrt^alBIactr,'). l81)^.rW8;'4'lftiiS.-« boat I!ii3ilk.;JUw'_ie; rPundt,ia.iJ^ JPy/i'^x^^««' »rok>7s,'h5wio'lSjS^^ J* WWt .'MliSj tad'aUaboul liU.lib ban hPt db))eUer,thfn. (W»"SM3-!5? the Uttol m-i. Uh toihandjfwe find the f»"«J^ S*'5S**??l"P"TortUewent:t-'.'Ohijley.lynoh,wIaheBtotof<5» Us EngJIrt ^fHends-ihati.hi^broXrfjialj.^ aobnm. .-I., ir -.r.. —-^iri—"'in ,aifefr,.we«*»>j,!Jr 'iTy.'fciitt* :mw,:»^ purnp, noble art cip^ , and | ;a( vthe.'bar,'.':. .Oba: >ja(l,il4s,|tlinb, if .h« OTe».flld,'ai np,B.s4,Migp«« anthO'n ,,l»s«on»'ln ig; pawns vta»en..,'..'Tlie;ti»o l>,«; an4 ., „, 'r«i»'.v Wa(OWMltooy,,aejWjW .ta.»»,!ilhoTiveAa^^^^ ..^l &.O^jlcS^ us,y^lh tUa^fiWjjff; iy«K«id,-,raffPW*^^ ..- ^Ai%mmSm^^««f^^ ipro^dS-nishlni .'ithe .r^nbtn^ed Image of Ua fal