New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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tMMt right tt Mtber hoilT on /5^*rtyVol4i»Bli offpoti tint u tltoT.winUd I Aw'^llMinrlnA bonoTsn, did not lun uuRVfUka of <!0I1b» ■ • ^ "plnkadil* tlnaniDBlMdtooloBi ) bold, snd ock or:tb»,*lde^Df " Hr'"'faiBOjW'lWl»»WM ri^^-i' .-n-w • «*^Sd«fler'<>roli)g WObuige«j Wod forthe fidliljot-Pfwg. <«»^S,i54UuKi»c«8,.g<}t *<>wp clwerly to avoid batog-ttirqint ^-x^mt^^'' B°<=o°''*:^ ■VP^f'i biit tbededal.omraii *rS^' cine up wl'ux icoiM^' a W^,C)i»mn,lii7 ! ■**'«;oh swoHan, und his WBoand mouth blMlngf,fiwt* V^fffSforhta usual plaos, aod.Boton Ihotody wlHi his 1**!I!nM he was within reaob.. OUmP tollowod. Ponorai ViifSberlng.untU they. Mnntot»4r#»,»?. Jlef., ftent •§.?ttiSd'£efleliUf)g to the' t46e«iwli»reffi6y iWod, and, .kitotfholdtwlo*,Donovantfijf^whU ttw. •! '•fS'midoup hit rtlaa tp force the «rtHog,'and**n^t raitonovanTMMl. a^lte aldShjpiided Shftt on tho nos^, >>^il^, aisUIlog bout at fb-flglTtliig oJoBUftd, lA.Thlg)» diunt) «gW'md ontte'neok Wffh? l^^o«iDT0taIIat«db7 Vl8ltl& thtnoai^ ^lonthi th«y Ift a;M/anH)Ung raUy was ooBolpflBSy .^^ bolnjj *fftaM!iSSe*rotand^tequb?enoj4«j*a|j^ ' )"?^l^ v«^ pursue by both. .Ift^n^Vm liad n^nota this ■ - iK^^athaiqft,.: lepolowdi.uoi -^.^ Jeaflwhen in je.MJf^pln,.-."; ■ up, to tho coU ot time,' lUir'mx fg for an'opoDlng,' tfAdfr^y/tmiB i'. .dropped Jila fiaods,.lutU oPlp'^Tall, if . _jt, me*n,to bo' cai/oU., Tb^y vereno:rljifdnne^ i]laea".i<;ereoIoi9e ppontbem, on fieartng'wUob <|lBy !^J?S!ni«htlng,'and bis partlsaDi oSAr^ ,6 tt^XvOn blnl. ^?dUia3ah TeryUileh punished ^|)iit . the Jheekhd body S!.%iti^ • left banded shots at the mark, oaiiM ap aa strong "^iiwcommonMniont, and bad a dangerous bit In hlin, whloE Hi ButOwIy kyoldod by. hU opponent, jrjip T«Ht,lutOHClo^ Eo «as told by Ills seconds to force th^ flgbtlb^, and ISlhis advantage by cutting Ponp^. nildeT .tbe left eye,' yblood.trom tni nose and mdnth. ' Sonovan was Jhen f^tu lha ropes after flghUng all over the ring, when he went ■ Z^ainli being thrown. Tline, 1 hour, n AerVrent'atlt the moibent 'they fao4d' each'othtfi^rlnd'a j!iia liglitliig round, In which they fought all over the ring,.' ^^jjaded by Olamp boring Donovan to this ridpis^ where he. lo iSgbtilnwn.' ' .' ' . ; «. IKmovtn,M soon u he ficed his opponent, dashed the; on me matkind got aWay/'OUinp followed him id. ihttnMr,'wbere Oeorgeplanted hlsTeft ofalhenbse. Sonovaln JhiM In'i and exchanges', which were In bis bvoti 'pUsid, and, Jknrliote awny. After sparring until within distance, Donb- fUROt his loft well on the monin; "which brought on a olose, mj Uioy shifted their hold^for the throw imot, when Sono- nllinTfCl^U'Pll''*''"™: . J.iM : .^ v " I ftuti In these rounds, the manner In which Dontmm plant;'. (doDue "big 'un" raised the hopes ot blS' Mends to the <'ssV^ ^beiren,' while the hopes of the Olametlea were at on In- nn laUo, below per, Oeorge, 'Who 'was stnin^'On'hlstecB, ^.nmimnred, and obeyed 'the advloe of hli secon'd^to the. kilcrlbyfoiijlng the fightlng'as fast t(nd as wall as he knew;'bdt baniwdlpald as he went in, notvjthsiandln^ whlob, he either MgbtjlKiieviin down, or else he went doim in'the 'close, \o •idiUiiVaom. r •• Smdlatt. When time wis called, Donovan oame up SmUlng, tfl'iUdtiHlhoitt ^ uark, whUe Olunp' had his loft eye fast' 'dotligi md his nose and mouth swollen, as well as his right eye 'MclidUcolNed. Donovan, as soon as he had sparred within nteti, dished bis left heavily 'ofa the mddth, without aMtniii; (btnjSltilo'g out very wildly MQi both hands.' On gettlfagwlth- tareMh, Donovan again visited the month with the left, and the MA etIiMh his right. Olamp dashed In and fo^tad exchanges, li vbldb both were very bney;until Donovan got hoUliand'eli. ktititd- to eroasbuttook CUmp,''who put on the outside lo^ lrttf'DoE'ovi><i slipping atthb tame tlme,OIimp threw blmhsaVily Etdi head, and'fetl on him. On Donovan neiiig picked up by .tkoEds, It'iftM evident'(bat be !was stnnned, md, from the ' gosmoUOD Inhls comer, It could be seen that he did notreboviDr MBoeDisth^yoonld vrlstL'''The saoohds of'Olamp, flndlog out at ilite or affairs, were "sharp for time," and toon'had'(namp' mSj. When time was called, the seiiondB of Donovan placed Umon bli logs, but he could not eland, and, hiad- hs'^nov-been kU op, inmld have fallen. Olampi like a game and klnd-heaft- edfdloT, loomed to hit his defeated antagonist, and the allotlid llnthariiig elapsed,'the referee eintnhjd the ndgand declared (hUip(hewlnner< aitopflg^tini t hour 13 mln.. ^ ,^ lilt ibove flgbt wos remarkablefor its sudden'terinlnallon u' ttotofOUmp, when he had withont denbt received t^elloil'tl . din of the pnnlsbmont at' the time tUe etfeots of 'the p'ai UioiiponentMnducoMttU. 'This shows that s game due,'hoW'^ Uiirpinlihed he may be, baa always a ohanoei u p««Vevelranpti. : 'li'Uj motto. However mnoh appearances were in tkvor'of tounoj Olamp wop ;tarftom' ar'dafeated min.<foi alttmiBh be' lUmach norepnnished'thfQi .his opponent, he was as strong tttUn himself aa at t>^ly rjj w^p ^ i^m'ApiAp i^ :HA-cannot have tbo ntkpralse fftrhts manly condnot lin sptitlaB Donovan wh^n ^ Utter wasj hjslpleas, jfstA for •wbtpK condnot hei ncelve^ bai7 connatnlatlons .when he liad made hla tolliet Donovj nideoldooly the more sclentlflo ond eHtotlTKUr.hlsrdollvsrii as, bir accident, appeared asifihe must prove the wlimer, i Ooels so doubt that heconeideiedbe nRdtha^vtctory ln ' is^. hinds when ha endesvpredi to atmggle ilth his opponelnt in Ih'e throw which lo nnexpectedly eatlngnlshed' nlis oM' cbucel. Xbat Jie ,waa absolutely onfltto'prolong tho cont^t bnli no doubt whatever, and so satlsfledj were Us'backen Mb bis cosdnct, that they offered to mjide a treah matohiirilh' Chmp'on board the eteanier on ther jonner borne; Dono^n TumEob chtnpat the unexpected turn of aflitlSi and shed tears tiBoitUlcatlon; but the eympathetlo splrlt.inwhich Us baokM Ofniaed tboniselves, soonbronghlbimtolilmtelf.: .Aoolbotion' -.(NDide forhlmby Qlamp, onboard^^ie oo/MjArhloh no.dOQbt ■u be largely fiugmc^'^d. '( ■ Fi ..M'.HOBT.iFOB '^i'i'l ' -• '.. -BBrWSXH '' ,rANDY'.: QODFBET.. iAMD. .-»UU3. .BAmJNaSj'T'' tokeniplaee foraoL... I . iqtvivu brought to'» satlsCaototy conclusion on; Xnesday. Dbo,' I''' Wf.Vlt^piib of the Humbor, the first esssiy being^at Siniiig- I ulme Ugbthonses. The mstoh having' oauied oonslderable »• ^onses.. The mstoh having , olRiient. ev«r since it was llrtt made, a good deal of moitey tbHg e d h in d s, b.ut Kawllngs. had .been slight]^ the taVoMtojUt enu, i(nce the commencemont of tho matoh. This It iiifllm- w to account for, as Andy is the nndettoted hero of many B bud-fooght batUo. Jemmy Bawllngs trained under ,tl{e'^per- "' ~ ' " ode Amis, M< whilst ambaglnnlng to end,, trained .Jilmself Vofj mnoh to tUo aatts-i omnf of hl^ ftteiidadnd badkofs. .-Hewos borh-Angaet ii,. lR^aw'«olghed;nntho.bre^entooolrtdoay8st, (butcan flght'at ntlOlb): >o stands Oft. (Sin'., and the lirgqst -.;Waieiithat.evhientered tl^^ring.' .Besldes.ibeing the hero^of ■ereMIroutrh tuinS'nt>,'^e has fought eeven'battles in tho ring, with outf (ixcopUon, wa« 'vlatorlous In ill, and th'at a dr&W. ^rgf'JretaUompV'^wasVlMa, wIthToung'ffalob, of Uanches- <^WI|oUhiboatint#olvdr«unjde,.iB min.;'for it:Sa'slde., Be ,*";Q^tbo'Xorhshlre alashdr, (ms), for £)B aeIde(at 'lletr- wrf f^'H Bull,'defilaUnghUn In twenty-three'rotmas, bS Boit Dennis U'Oar9.(nlMSiavor), for £6 a side, at Har- m, near Hull, In. nlno rohnds, W mini, on January 17,1810. appearance in'file P.E. with the weU-knc m <JuUr BW, bf Hull, fox XIO A Mb; on Beptambor 10,18S0, wl o, uw aghUng as. gome ns 'poaslbltf, was doomod to defeat, afi or mong fltty.nino rounds, fn 1 hour flS mln. I.Thls light tobk '4 on tho Uncohishire side of ,thi)'Hdmlib'r; at 'Skitter Eaveni' ^y.iotsatlsabd'wlth hla l(|at defeat, was matohod tofloht |>°^y again, on May 10, IBSI),«hen he was again d^eaUd; •nra agbUng, at d tremondpu^ pace, flfty-olght rbnnds. In 1 hour >jm., It Bklttet HOvin, for £10 a sldo. Drew with Porloy.lofi ClSa.sldo, Soptembvr 10,1801, through the InUtfiii- A Sldo, .'Winning, (through a foul) >ln one round, 117 mft.lUwmigehaa fought tvo batOpa, fiMthbr, h'owoverrbolbg, uaponanL .Jho Orstwaa for apurpo.wlw BpbBeoman, whomho iij,fii^^<* 12, lew/noatHUll.^ .Boat Harry Martln,^n the liiS'*^'?J*?9»W*>^M>^^li*''l»' tThougljoompaiaUto. 'iii^y^i^ thbJrbW'ilrofii, ho^ had good praatloe<wl{h tiiei ^ SmS S"' ?*"'' be Is an adept end, as tho rosnjt will .'shoW,. .prevMhiBuMfaroguU^.^faBlitltdtBln/r. -Howa^-bpimJ' ffi'JS'*'" W.mJ ittais-Mt; t'«in.' -hlgt, fio m Shirley Salil whd had llni&odUmAt^^emrly vd Md^'JouhgToo' 'tones, of Hlin, w|i"' ' rt.Vvl'.o'BWtfly. tad.a 'fflona;dfd the' ilkeT^t 5ii^. Ao JJJgb^B jiitchpti. and Ml-in 'f(WdIiaia,lilie lads Wt tbrir •wwmi^knoeB tMSy at 8:Bf,.A.',ir,,'^4h^ ,1 porieotcondlttohi J" i„ stepped b«ok ^nUIOffr _ joliW'tho ftdnilntloiilof- SS^Tm""!^*"^^ aiSs'liiU of.u>iU(ae'.' 'H4^*^3Sveta i JgaEVt fin,Ki%/aoi 0. tie month a id. ithr*totti»tt-iaini(i(ii {^'ti^ii'-'AW tAr4#«ti»?S(M.WtrPl ftjssi' 5r^e'°h',SS''«2?feM ■ col .,^,;»ftiafiiift«. 0^'' ;side,prth6'^Ver; at Isst'an order was. given to move jsplb'e.'.^k CmsUi^ Att1ilr4WIIa^bolM^lll4'7alUn^tlu wnar.w :ntilis gantlamen In blu.- and sffii>re:vM«t;eBee.«dn«d. .-BeT= I'^P^'.^f*. '"o^f butipqnd tCLbe nn rp, tbe.suthorltlea bo; fetinntded <q fonaw','£Ui7i^e''iV uA '■ ^ ^P»mbg '.tte' im»-irm^: It •fit t^ilM- that.' fh6 )^|Willpinln^(VMdeidlmiie m^^ ;^he8,>ad sodn afU|i alne'«i«lr'm^e''<hbU' apnenaiicS'' lb 'the to'|f,;both shoinAgtUe hanOIlKrk'efaepioriqii^^ ' HiCk'M'a . sthjerioe condition wu'VdfyvblbH'ald^Mld-iraa far from right. '.1be't^efaw^joon'at''imnn'Wp.*Lan'd In; the fltst' round'Hlo .ligiuBgot afiniah'er oh' ihe '^aiU'orirah.of Hfckon: tt«m'whl6h 'ma claitet flowed; ^dktoT«plieiI IdR and'right, md a'>faai4- .fppght rotmd' ensnad"of'nmo'aUnntes, both down:"The saihe livelyttylecontinued'ttnmd Iflet Tontd'tin'they f<yngliteach ptber down, Hlokan in several rounds eettUgwdl home on tfUi's taOBo, oglo, to.; Mtd'retiu^jf hdavjardil BTokeh's left law and ±<n>, and In sevetat ronddB'tbrdwlng h|m' hiiavUy, As the 'flgnt progreBscd, it bocame evident that fUoken was the stronger W tho two, for, although Uto . came up gamely, he began to show signs of woakness.'WtUUfHldkdn'appeared to gain strength, and bia qnick style of fighting' tnrprised. his most sanguine friends, «ndltIson^toliwregretted tbat.^fler. flghtlngTm the.second riSfg Ih SOmIn, 31 tbtlndsi the blues again made their appearaneo, carrying away the'rop4e''and stakes, and thereby preventing a- :ohanco«f bringing Uie^afftlr,nBoth mon. have^done their best, ondthd friends of.each must bo.satisfied, that both are gome to thii back bone, ' The affair' hail been left In 'tnd bands of the leferetf, and he advised a draw shdUd be made.' ' flterrEnFidBT BETi(KMr8li'alliU4;OTlTANTv1(oii',iuaiHaDo'a,' 03 Oaswz, ipn £20.—On Saturday, Deo. 27, thai lovers .ot,tbb' ."" wero early astir IneonneoUon wlthtbe pending ml)l between 3ack Bparkos,:of MantMob, and'-Jaiek HCn^,' of 0?ewe, for £10 a aide, Tho ring was, after some beatln'g'olear Pf the "bitles," most cPUifoHably'pltjhtd oh -the'by-gronnd,'Beam Hekth, Dear to CTe«rd;'Bob'Jonob'backing Hongb, and Geordlo W^ce backing Bpairkea.'' At 'flr^t, heavy bdds were Ofrered on Ihe-'Nontwloh hero,'bnt-in no-instance accepted;- The nsnal greetinne having been gone throqgh. the men ' stood no at half- put el^fht for the'fight. 'Sparkes' ledoff WlWhls right "au&: tloneer" a stinging blow nnacr.tho left eye of Hough, making hlra took rather blnei and slipped'down to aydd s well-meaht lUkirtrom his opponent. During ths eleVei^ subseiiaent rOttnin; tHs sparring was very pretty, and the punishment abont eofuiU; In the fllleenth round, Hongh caught Bparkes a very telling blow bn. the' left eye: drawing .blood- very freely.. Hp to the airir- second round there was a deal of .fibbing, accompanied wlUi aeveril knOck-downs and crdas-'bilttooks on both sides. Aotlng. pn the sdvlce of'hie friends, Bparkes now sttenipted to forci the ' >'game,".bnt bis: unmistakably weak condlUpn wpnld not admit of It .In the thirty-seventh aiid'lost round, Hpcgh, evlilently meaning great'mlsohlef;' \fenl n^r tp Bparkea, caught him a stun- ning blow on the left eye, and"Bllpp)ng to avoid a left-hander, Sptfkea fell heavily oter him.' - TUs seemed-to settle the mattdr, for OeordlO'VUlaoe at'onos a'drised Bparkes to gtVe'lb; which hp dld.'aftei^ fighting 1'hour,It^ fnln: Thi battle Htogether T^ae ve^ severe, and. ooth men were )greatly punished; Bofogh lis twenty-three'yeArs of agb,'8tani^<SK, Oi^ln,, and'ls'thld|-Bet.. Bparkes la iwenty-twtf 'year^ of ige, stands Eft. 4K, ln., 'and |le' tanoh sllmmer than hlsPppohettti bnt'wai npb .ln .sniih' good fettle. After the fight. Hough went round: with'his dap and^ 'nlAde a coUeoUdh for BpATkis/'whlch Sris llberaUy re^onded :to 'by. the large i^oncouise'of speotatpra. There' Was' a lot'of 'bet- 'timg, and a gppd'dod Pf'mpney obanged'hinds.'.' "'; "-' ; " -/7i.BrcH^''t's..'if6n)<a .Bapik—Qnibe a g'lme fight of thlrir-' Bve'ronnds, lastliig eUty-fonr minutes; tofk plspenear Bhejpdd j«tween on D«c^.20. . We are soflopdsd, with fprelgn Vi^niat(dr.{lhU,Treejk, th^t we withhold the,^sfal]B,.')botwlA give' itum in cur )lla:^t shomd space permit, , To glye ah Ideaof the 'men and.the ho>rovera we 0ye t)la renprk^ thereon of the JijpMinp £(if«,7an.8. ./'Jh'.the comiq^'a batUelt. certainly looked long od^s.on Bhort^'.who mode his right han4 on the bddjrw'lth great severity, yetwas qnlteharmless.with tba- 'iiUy shoitln.Ieadlng'with lt..nefrly always, could- left at dnt-flghting, and' reserved hla. dangexoju bOPbpltbUed; when the'lode'repeated't^ iollei bnslseiis. and. |m^u(glnnt«B, (list twelve the; tped Oie ecritoh fdi'« 6; 'As"the' lids'canle 'iip'.'tlielr' appearance was veiy osgel^iy scanned by ,theirrrsspootlve. ftlende.,bnt ,4(!aW;ely;'o.m*rk: >rar .vUIb]e on either «f then), except a bump oVer JirHaij't )eft: eye'ktd'a mark on Godfrey's shoulder. Th^tiperredfor'aloTq: ttne.^y.^lng efch, pthor very .cautlouaIy,.till atlWt'^GfeaSey, flndlng, ^ppeubg, landed a>ot-'nn on Jemmy's right oheek. .The;' fonght to a close, Oodftey slipping to avoid being thrown/ Thdrpfe^ed here t^dngbt it necessary to caution'him. At this, apdfrpir'B patty werellghly nettled, and, after aonje'vidl^t'd- tbrcaUph; the roferee resigned, nor'cdnld 'h,e bo prevailed' Upon to reaulDp his duty. A stranger, was found; who taa)c'npo'n'ni«a- AelCthe nnthankftil offit:e: Ttm'6,.24X>nin. ' ' ' ' . .7. Hiioh the same aa'In the preceding ronhd, BawUngs gMttng 'MU bn to Qodfrey.'s month, and,' after, a great deal dt good' Ui. "-•■"'^..Ahdy.went.down. T)me,2jxm&,' . i ' ' ^S'to fl. Uudh the B'amo, Oodtrey leading,off In' every j^ound, nakljig the p'afe .Very hot This suited'JfmmyexacUy/iie t>elitg by far the s&ongest, and Invariably getung'treu hdm'e'pn Andy's ;npse',..pddfrby,ui return, visited JemmiT pn'thb'm/i^kwIt^'Bbme dlnlilntf hot-'uAS, which ended'In'Opdfrdy gplngdd^ in'^- .dicejit'lhe last, rohnd, when thdy fell'^ "rattfei,''^Bld0 byUiIe. _je;!i8Xmln.' ■':; '' - [ 1^ 'Bdtl^ Iad4 came'up blowing llko'poRiolser: 'neyspamdibc wind, ahd after some severe exchanges, ap|dQ)rey itiiiritita iiise- jnibdoila'right.handb'ron poor Jemmy's ten dheel^ttockln'gniBi (lown.t9lallytnsettflble, ..Time, SJIJ^mtn. ■■ ." ,''■ '' -■':.,•''.; , ' .lS>l6AfadJ!aat'It inw now\pateiittoaUt}tltt pd6r'BaijrUn^ dtd'not Mand a "ghost" of i» chance;^U the'braverfillow came np'pnly to deceive!ft:eBbpunl9bmeh^ being. .all the.-'.irhile'in'k 'semi-conscious state, and Uwas not until i^fter the sponge wpsj ihlfown up that he remembered aiiythlng'of It Bls. dheek .mis: 'fearfully swollen, and at first fears y^ere entertained'With regwd to^ Jaw, it being thought by spm'e thit It.ivis dislpqkted, bdljlt was'^nickly dlscpvered, dn examination,'.tlu^t he- s^^tiIned, no .material injury, and Uiat he would 8oon;recoyor,.aa°lie had. scarcely a nnvk upon hlim'' Time, ln'l>Pthrl)ig8,S8]hln.'; ". • . * ' BsifaBsa.'.' .' ■ 11 ivfay te- ... ^ jottt'tbe. littles of the men; as they are game addplacV fdUdwe.' Vttli ■ ' ' chi(ek,''.nelth5r'I'd.muchpifn- ' Very, few remarks are n'eceesary, dthdngh this wasin evib apect a "mpdel m|ll," ' The^ is not the luist .dbabt sbotti Etitles of the men;aa they are f**"** •'*'*'*'"'''*^''^'^'^^ ' ^ exeejltlonof.'Jdmmy'e Vpoor id, which is sblelyattribntable to. their nlqnilldcoii'dt^dnj for novdr'dld meet'ln thbjrlng'ln fltiertrinL . ' j. ■ ■ . ''.1 , .■/ ■.' DETEBUINED FIOHT;. ■ . ..'!.. .» . .| r -I ;'.i .• .BSTWEn* •.'■ ' 'f-..; ...', i' . rJAOK FABBEIX AND.JBU TBAYNOB, KEAB- DDBLEH;! ' . (.■ ^ FimlMnuaTaMSaaUtvyaiirDa.,it< ■ ■.■ ,:■ I'■' ,,iAt length the ehlUelagh la in danger of beingdlaidaced by.tfae more manly and. nattiral.Weapon--ihe fist .wheniwe. oonsidor' that some of the very best pngUlsts of .the present age are Iilih- men, we are not enrprlsed'at me attempts to estabUsn lwxlng on ■lUr andbonomble principles, according tP the estabUahed'code. In Ireland. Both Englishmen and irishmen wiU :BghWsoni» of them rather like It—and it la far better, that, they ihonld dojsp -with, the weapons nature has provided them with, than with sticks prstpnes.icr even more deadly weapons. ..A man who rims' »thorough knowledge ef boxing will ssk'for ino betterweappn' th^ hlS.fista,' in a'Btreet row, ot.when atttokedby some drunken' .I0>rdy with more bonnoe than true oonrage. < 11ierefare,.wlthdijt «arlng'.for-the frpwna .of, the^pnglllsm; we pnblliq: i^sert'thatitiawith no small degree of pleafuro.'we. ohrdnlcle .tlte fpjlpwlng effprt(thongh fdebls at present) to. intreduca 'the manlyart nf self-defence iota that oonqtry. ' > .:.- i.. I iThe twp hPvlQea: abpve-named opnsentecl'to give adlsplayi of: .fhplr. solence on Tneaday.week last, fPr a pnxM'Wl tm sons.) s «gb«Ah,.op*.«itlwian«IWMt^^^^ — . - • - — •- • " - - "."''. ■ «<>nhajing4h«advantagB.^vhenthe;aiydir''Pallce''wasri ,, fThe.sppl«deotsd.wai:abqQtAveorsixmlleafromtbe metroj,..- lln,': .After the il^.'Wa^ pitched and..a: fetaree appointed;&e' ppmbatantf wtered the>ar«Qa'ln boxing sttlnp: Their condltloh' was certainly not perfection, nor theirlaitltade artIstto«.btat thUr faeatta were In the. rlghtplaiie, and.when. they.Cued 'each' otn^: tOrthefraribotb seeneAiMgexfor.bnainesf.:' .:. ' THE noBi. . i.: .r. I:;' ..'Bnund L They eyed aaoh other'for a:f&w.sedofldB,'«heta F^-' reU led off'with . bis . left but waa. short Some very tantiqas sparring followed, when Forrell, percelvlng'Hi^otheropanlng', Jet fly .with hla left; wbiohrcanght Tnynor a eUngei' :on ItheT^ett;' they.then dosed, andnfteiBomevuy severe half<armedflghtli{g, TraynorthiewBaireUiiBnafellheaviIyon.him..:in:i " .. :TI 3. Both well up to the call oftlme,when'BirreU,.whowonIdbe bnay, tried again with the left, which was sgaln short: they thjen closed, and uter some gdod-fightlng at olose qoarters, Traynor sent bis man to grass."! /. ■>, 'f '[ '? ;:i 1. 3. As the pUr tbsd thb Borattbt tbdy'eyed eich other with eir-' nest determination. Traynor-delivered ^ Tl^hthander under I1arrell'.rleft eySi'trhloh caused tUe 'rubrtofiow^' abuhdonie: theythen dosed. andafter«eIlRht.raIly.'FarreU'gutdp«n.."Flkt' blood'olalmed and allowed toTraynor/oit whom' 8 to 4'Was free^ ly offered. - ' .' ■ .' . i.-.i ■ . J " •■■i. Fanell, gamely answering to the call of .timet let fly .with his left, but was neatly etopped.i Bcime very seve^flghtljijj no^fpl- 4owed, allln.fe,vorpf.tiaynor,.whanFarreUgotdpivn.: | ' B.,FarrclI oain&,up'iroB% as a dalsy.^and, after.some-Teiyfast starring, pla'ofd ^< his. credit by dellyeHnR a stinger p'n 'fii^drVlefC.eye, wheii,ih|4y.aloaed,.4nd.ln the raUy farrflll iot 0. Traynor, ^ho e^emed rabie;,' imp'etodhs,'iuinQ9i^dtb'i^^ 'rdU's' bPrh'er, and i^ealt hlin'atremendbilB lel^hander dn the 'chest, i^hloU'rdsounded'; all'over the k'&l^ii'they thb;n olwed/ahd after some dtpse fighting, Furdlohco more V(oht (ctgrass'.','T 7. BoUi men'slow tolllib'csll.oftunc, ond after Bome.'dlhig..d'ong exohangM, glvd'And toko V^iBg ^« '>^J^^ ^^y/ Ttoyhpr,' BnsbeoUng'nlB man wae going to give Umthe'all^oxolalinedi "Ah, you dodger, are yon gdlng to get dcvii t'" ATith this, lie -ppppe^a-hPt .'du'lntp Farreil's tTPries,>hen, after a ellAhifrall^, bgth'wentdown, FnrreU'undej'.':..ii 1 ■■■■■ ■ '■ ■ '-Jr' . 8. The betting st> thls.-period was.even pn Fanell, who led bir with the left, but was very short, Trayndr,- ih return, gettlngwall. home omthejaw.'fflthanta'rotnm; rwnetxthey closed; ahd uiern wild soramblo,'FarroU was again down;'.wheronpba thefkleifds' of-Iraynor strongly obJe<> tho.. dropping system , pntottaed byFarrol],. '....■■ . , ■ . .....•.; .;. '''.'■ 1 9. 5 to I'Was now'ftoely offered on ^Tiaynor, irho.' took s; do.' cl4edla^)'and%]tion gattlng'withln dlstanoe,'let,.gpwith.O<tth mi^nloys;. Whldi "rdddbctd lholr^e;tln^|on w!lth.sluiging effeoti andfeUonhi^'Bldoi,'.. ,^ v.,- ■■ ' '.ll;'FarreUi whp waa'eascddhoce9nntof not being obU^d to' ^o QoWn in the pjce^oud ronnd/was. tho loai:Ofr, but fdll- od'to'tnake'anylmprdBslon, as tmyno^ wo?wart and kopt ontiof, range,'- 'WUeh'teey camd''CP dose'quartern;sohiefll^blng'took pGee of A Bev(in chariiilter,'aiil PdttfU vrii, od'nduti]. .d( . la; :^i<^pi(,whd'Se'dinei'evid^tlydetermihod'to;dd fpllpwed'nIs'.hl4h''aU''rou)li,d tho, • ^ " ■ ^ ' •• ta^ whdil t^dpUv'ered K .sfralj^lli 12; *ud'- r-- • ^ . ~ owed^ls'.U^h ' aU' 'rou)i,d tho, rinft uriin gottlni , pe, whdhhbdpUv'eredKstralgllt 'un ^nHansen'sfrpntlsptbio, Idh dentblmito thd'Miund, thus 'galnlilg first blpp4',an3, fint knook'down blpW;-'J, -'"' .. • - •, ^ . 18 to 20 were of .fk similar chaiooter (o .those rocorddd, Md, tberefonrnoedsiDd deaoriptloD. I ° ', Bufa» iay,4hi^iln;Qie pls( bUd-UiC rpdhif ."TM^or thr^w hls<mt>h'.heavlly,1knd'rdllM''over'hlin: ^rrrDnrham', whow^aa aeoondlng Farrell, soolng his man hldMtj^b allghteat. 9hahfd; tUreii'nibthb tpPtlftblh ftkeiiot'eteliiat,: Traynpr'was .dodlared ttitfwiMtojafifr .„;•,,',,., ■„;.;,.,;;; „, ''. OdnMaerlng ihAt th'e tt(^n had';made''nd_ptepatAtjpn'fpf't^^lr, ttm,'Wndlrflfn *1 WMi UilP'ateohnt that ^rtJitPr^waOj! bSW ate; ths ybnngdr'tbKfitiIdd stl«Mt'tvinMpe h ^^t adnUM'tHo gkbidSiirMFai^U In oomM^ 5(celV«pU'(lllhto«rit,;'(^^lhat(rig the'MI([htoVoh^ bliribapf th«flght;<a<tii»«Or''Ioll th'o-.WhL . ^ .. whUe FatiSl 'prdSelataa rtriklng tliiodfli'of Us opJpnonti'B heaw work.''Tfaytto'ft,*lth'bate; migw ig^ Mio, TiiB aniouK, Alb 'TotiHo Hipkh; OP WopyKknAiittptii--i heso meK mlt. on .Tuesday. mondhg,'; ooai'.'OIaTerly.lin; opshlre; M mllesftom.Wolverhaifaptpni lit-daU!h;^weiiht, for a Bide." BPth.are.w«U.known as igame^pn*.. JBioken Irf a; l-made'lid;.Jnittumed21iandBtandS''Bbpnt.Sft OUl Haid- Theso Bbropsblre; flS'ft Bide,' Well-made lidr Just tuned qnleklmdioUve rone and effecti UieiMs adnitdend'S ^ |^|{ilhall>^.irlmds bxp«t^ a! tt«ii<qtU(Ur»Moiwli'a%<U^D«n'8polctlpf>ni|ii^^ ntaMHVMdialli mMv^ b<U4'-sdJaat«a^:th><ilien ilM«a«^tol^Hki)irtM}«krl)^inthelf' q^ffKn'fM Bawiii^jtetrilKjiSBi^^ lS!a^^ sMta/^et „ , J ril2ttiwaiiaiitt ndb yiy^tf ji»te-been .Ji'lnilnlgtiig". being 31b biiiffi«*,5l~ " Doerfopt begota io rodnoe,the gtpi.mOB: wppbuUbiw%4ht;'fest At the finish pf tho twentyislxtb ronnd, the In'dlAn.llW his lost grduni), and was r^lnning at 'Teddjr'd.elb'crjrf'ji positions wojre maintained until passing the,.rctervbd'n twenty-ninth lat), whch Deerfoot attempted to'.tateYU^ "imung Enghuid"wonld not stand It;'ahd no« eqaa^'i the finest stmggles ever seen, the assembled thoussnds the ali^ with their shduta bf applause, and ab this dvattpn'M the oars of the.competltors, ft.ihdted them to rene.Wod d{ For twp laps and a half was this terrific struggle' for BUi kept up; wn'th. In rounding the:torn at the bottom of th'ii wiwn,. commencing the thlrt;. second lip,'DeerfCot "craokt^',"'ina made almost a dead stop. This was announced to MUls by'fran- tlo shouts of Jby from his "b'ackers; and, doubling hlmseU <o>. gethei) the'litue herd seemM almost-id fly Pvsr .'the'^tonnd, plainly showing that as he bad the "redskin*' ih dUBonitia, il. would not be Us fault If he got Put of them.' But here the^be- may be sold to have been over, for although Teddy now and then rested, he at no time allowed his opponent'to^come'taear lllm» and despite the nltnbet effOfts Of the Indian to pbtaln the vlotoiy^ he was doomed to defeat,for dn it being annpunoed tP Ulna if- the referee that he'Was entering ion the last lap, the ehamploia bouttdsd :pff as thoiigh he'Was 'jdst storilng .ftT'a.,Nc«,' and., "sprinting" the whpl^ o^ the way home, Won by atleast lOO^di. Theipllowing la the cptrect tline;' ilstt, being aw have nsed.)hl right'XoE,'olro^ooanter. chanced Tho fight miihi have endkd ilsUyinhis ': ivdr, "but stich w'ss n'ot'the case.. Fletcher fpught all through, although the.'gp^g dpjm sys^m ,jjlth great.,oare.all thii . , wtB procllsedby'him to sn extent that ounot be adnilredj'aild; lb ohe or tvo.ifieitacit, when the fight was very.yoqng, badithe seconds of Qbort appealed, tho referoo.woold bave beenJu8tU!(ed 'in,'it least, giving bim a strong wsmLog. It yim -not. neoess^ that he shomd do it, for.h'e -was fit .to fight for^ .natlaniand we hope the practice will wear oft .Ferbaps the great reputadoA' hlsoppanent'cnjoyedmide.him.over^iitlous/fpr neverrwssa ladmpreetrongIy£uicled;.but still:there is no excuse, :At the time'whoh the battle thme'd, he certainly refr^ned from the ' prttpticcai^dfpugbt'scrupulously fair,. He is .very shifty on nis legSj: flghta.pret^ .w^U.,wlthboth.hands,.and-posse8sea .a.^ne- iamter. Belng;also remarkably dvll, hemay yetibe heard of, to atlUj[reaiar|a<(v!intage,'.' .....; ■:. i,.; . ] ■Iggjr. Bjti ' rtiiim HiMtoo i]n)°JBhaK8.-;0n SatuMay.DeiEi 9T;' thesfelmen rbpUred to .the nelghborhdod of. .HKnohester fti settle' their'<'a4Jonxned'.'mm from Liverpool, onTndbdav, Deo. 23, fdi ue.Bumof £10a-Udd; Xhe'^rbg-was pitohed' It 'thrbe minutes', tpi xtne, at a dpdti ibdut-'tliTae'^mlleS'ftPm Hkneheater; In this flrstronndt'HadkUig got"fltstlloPd,'^whlohwasUlowed; Twm this up to the tenth.'iotma,'-HtckUgwaB'.doinl every'tlmbj -[ih' the tlme.eli^ised being two' h'dnts. - A move wad then-made about twp'nlUelf fiarthsroff; whdh thB'rln'g.waj|''a^alili pltchsd,'and bo^ .titllteaiDrencominsilosdi'4t'4^dve''minnt98«>,tMv»0'do^^ iPronxithlviid thd''hhilbsdlll: ildhhd' there Wjbre nany'db^eUs madetO'therefkiQeiiliut Ud deolalbn'waS'"fightoh.'"' Oinndtp 'the pr^raoted'ooniesi, bbtUImenlooked Sldklyi and-BldWto time: and in:.'thei:dne -htitfdNd^ >aitd -thirteenth', and las^'.foun'd; eacn stood In hla comei'almbst lilind; Tfhdn the -referpd 'called for them to'broceedrbdPthB'balikers seelngtfiate'achmah'bad "shot hlsbplti^'igttea :t^bavolta°drawn'balUe,'aiter''the'..pluolryfel- Iowsbad.bean^lghtlh^'8honrs89'.mlnnies,'lnbothrlngs;' I ' The iCiAi!k'FtoBt iu:rwiiiui TqDNO.BBOOiiE >in> Ib^ 'BaeebI — Oh Tnesdajr iUght.'Dec. SQ, tl^e^o was a v^ry largo innster pf- the ''fdh'cy" atoemSled at'AJep ^eeoe^b,.amdngit,.whopi were seyeral staunch irappdiiors pf. tho, Wfig! ttemeellng belng'.held.foc Aie purpose of nandlitig oyer tho.battl^-inoneytd xpuiig Broome« the. victor in the late b^ttld,botwef>n: h]^.dhd,J(ke Bbiidi^'i The^until-: Istlo corps waiqa voryjrtrpngtarflp;^^ ;there. being presint Nat Ldngham, .Bo]> "mtyetSi'dePrge Brown, Jdm.,Dlllon, .Job' Oobldy; Yo'nng BtopU^ Billy D)ihcah..Bn]lIvan, BpV,WebK and d'evera^ dthors.' 'AI^'Kei;ne adldIessad-the.cpmpany,-Btatlng that he wab mdst'happy tP hsn^ o''Brddme the f^ts pf hfi.f^al* lant'behavio^ in his late oncpnntdr, 'af the si^e time staging that belamente^ Broome's'neglect'of tralnliig„^d tt^t;h9 hoped it wdnl'd'Co'jt le^dn t^pr the' fQtu're.' He, BaI4 he'.jWaa sorry that Bihdl: ^ad ndt prdsent. ss'Il mightieachlilm alesson in the eetl- - inin'whl^ a.cfamemlm was hUd, and, then conclqded 'bj- handltaifBrodme over'£100, amidst the cheoi8,of, Tdti'il^ B'ifpo'me, w]^b.3iaaVondelrtaliy recovered from his punmh- nient roturned 'thdn^ tp'. the' company.'and,.^eepe, in. a) few weU-chbien woi^; stating hls delerqflnatlop, In.any future cpn-i toet to'traln Unijprioperly, b\k(, it iiny,iatei,.tq dp his fieet, asTfae had hore'ib'fdMI; '.This conc\'e biieiness ot .'the nighty and' ionvI'»j'aUtijJ.|jedom'e.^ej0^e^^^^^ .,,. . ,,.'i;. | ... - " "' —-.....:.;',.;.' ........ r-.r! PJBDBSTaiAjnSMk-' --'■■■• : ... '.." ..'K ; <niEAT'Siiitaiit8"BACE'^ " ' ; -.,'i' ^;.'">:■.^'.^;B'^i'!f'»:x^''B^a ■ ^'',';" .'^^-.Tte'AMERtoA^I'^B^)IilS»-Alrt)■MttIti'. ' ,' On Friday, De^' SOi thV greiat attrddnPh dt fitehney Wlok was a noe'df sit mllee, 'fd» £9S > Ude, betl^sathor simwlpn runner, Deetfdoi, andEdWai#]UllIs> tha'Blx Ultes' Oh]mpl^^^ ddy; Doa-U.'UlUs'iaet'uia'defeated^' Tofibirtied'X Wte,| of Oateaheid, in a rpce-* . - ' bimb :the po'eseuor' ' Ing held It eighteen :matdh wa8tnad«T)6forethlitlcacb,'bnt It was stlpnlai , _ Mills won; be'ehouId'throw In'thellelC'iD'.b'ecoedd thb' Ihdlak's ^im;- ifsdcooesfiil:' As,thisWthefinal'radd'fidrthe>elt,'lfmayln- terest'onr readetsifwe ftlVd A shditsUminaty of ltd history. The eix Miles' Champion Bolt wis first given by Ur. Bkuib'.' the pro-. ti'rldtpr of Blokhey Wick RiM -'Orowd^s, on JAno. fi; I8C0, when! ItwaswonbyBrightonj of Morwlob. defeaUng toljg. Job Smith, 'Barker, Mills; 'and sBvorbV others; .John 'Jtrfito; of, Oateshoad, then bbeBenged for the boltetad' nA'a dido, wntch took place on Aug. U, and White was thb'wlnhe^vthb. %dxt race .'for Itiwae between James Fndney Add John whll^. wlilch came off on Feb; 25,1881, Pudney Winning.-''James BoW*n;'iJf,;N4wdosUe, won the next candidate for ft'e belt, and a mltdi: (dok uaee between hlm and FndnbyoD^AifrliaO.whe'n Bownh'dk;^e.p/t VtctPl^ons. On' Jnho lO/Utnrd'HUlsth'enobaUettg^dfbrtha.V^^ an could not Und backort,'lii consdquetiect.^if ^filfs n^vlng.^efoh^. ed him'prevlbtUiyattenmiles; hofoitfiDljtdd. the beirto'lUUB wlthb^it a. rade.'.i-The-next raos 'Wis.'by .peorfdot dn^Jilllls,- whloh took place on Sei)t'e,w^on;'UlIIs wp'n':>y.abpnt slxior. B^eli tuils, uIUb then-bbkt Brighton in a i^Me for Uio belt, on iNo*;'ll, ahd In 1881 he ddrdatdd-'-iAng 'two races fdr the halt en Bept IS and Oct 27,.»nd elfo WUto. of Qatesbead^PiTUuristhlof Oed ' The nbo'WU' set^r thifdtt o'olPdk;,' Tlie scene IhsIdoUie' ncunda was oioltlng, overyjhviljWMd. spot'jtmln'g t^on.a^voSt. DgL'.jaUlM too rtT'OTOire," 325^ freely urtogAs .OMfta*» . Mdiwith the-noapttoirof _ . <P th^t epmbn «[Uhed. tbrnpite of the drawers and gn«5W,eny^0ig tip ital*irt iJn'oif th«Seae> CIS, his muBoloawtMylaiiUy tobe ddte'llstAudini the dann fobrio, siding|^ms^fMnMilB thighs ud shinilder Dw?Wt^ng^'?lw^^ce;'. The a}enOe^^''AViSj^, onscrtljtoKout—|CDptftyi6^i,<---*'--'•*-'■'■■' - " i;iylngr-"l4evor mind:- " . i?<!'»i'h"l WWnoYi^ uuuo.iu any oi WM' mitcKeS lefore,) tiklng the lead from tUe crease, aba'as tUet iwtonl round the bend itthe ton pf th9^Pnrsp,,in^reaslna W onW atae hpttomof the sMght rtfn, wlier^.Ad'Wds leadlngfy ihM« y»dB. fai Teddy's partisans lopked glpidW*. 'A* this jDncturd; uStIn cried ont-<>He has got ope.Uiat .\^''kim); him to-day." ' aVrw for the assertion was carried diii, J[he i;b4uU will show. Drnlne the running of the secobd. lap, MUU , nl|l4^ 'iJp hla leeway in a alifftit AnarM' hn^. Attain *lia TnifUn fumft 'An hnuVlficr Mm'TTL 41 sec. (hilf a eccond faster than tho iUratmlld with White,)' with three yards."to tbe good." In.gdln'g'n^ ihd';UIl in'theolghth lip; UlUs ddse4 on nls man and ran idjiils ftack, the Indian ,n» sooner, ploUng dp his foot than Ted^y'd'i^itf.jti the print - Tlila. order of running was keptnp.lap after. la]i,'bnt the nwe getnng^ slower, still each getting over the gronAd dffltn-rdte. speed; 'but Mills had evidently made up his mind tdi ;<bMe'.&U'iljme'," ni^ as they were ronndlhg the pagpda turn, in ther.tWTmnp.^ I'Piifbe "Little "Wpnder".diahed to the fere, amld^(; fiid.jnMt'r'iiPSP^ins cheers, and sppn showed the way by'(i<enQ',,T4<W.^. !M4s''*d* vantsgd ho hold for the next three lapil, .1 ihl^rfbti^th^ Miles. r- .1.1. 2;.; -'m;.B. 948 .'.11 88 MDes. ':' ■4c::.i\,.i 6..'.;('.'. 8.. -;. .,m.<a. .<...';:90 16 :-.....3SI 82^' Frevlons to the shirt' Oep/ltsrtln, pn t^^ ^art Pf Deerfi)ot,.'ana Bill Price, for Mills, tosaed for choice of'ground fox the hour** taoe,iwhibb1Sk«l jfliie' on JA. 12] 1883.^ Prioe was the lucky gam]der.''and'of.-oonne hnmsd-Hadkllby Wlok;' do that we'may expect another exciting race on the above-named day, as dlstanoft ikkn'(fwn-tat>b-lJoerfdot'S./&te;." ■■■■ i*-^-i-:'"-<>:.^ ".,) i:-A-^:i , '.'i.'; .-I -.'.. ./ t.- .---1' --'-'j^i;.-] J (..'.o-r..tUrt f..- 1';* ...1. 1 . . . ...; . ;i .:. '|i ..j,L.j^iiiiii ji ^' ;„l -DIUaAVlO AND OTHKa «KiinroiiBir ,i; 'I . -i '.;■-;-•-" .■:-.!':''-'iit:: J.1 .;'.l'.-j.iHi . -. ' OT^TOLl•T.''iIiMTOK■ BBOW.V -la ,|-.:,;.' -.1. '''fi:;! -' .I ■ ' i''/.."i ' -. .i ; . ^v.i."'. '.;.-.:i ■- 'r. - ' i-> h'! III..- ..." .»■! .'J.' « J f.j;:ii ]...,.,■.';, I ,..KPKBAH.BirOKiJfAN, ri...lJ ,-Koiiiiii«* . BpminiPhiladelpbla/Febmaiy;28Qi,'ie28,' Bto gbatttiUur,. Thpmas McEean, waa pne pf the ■ltlgnen'nf.''aie Deplitattdn of Iifdependdnce; ":Hadd hla'firtt appeaian'ee' ln hlB.'iiafi*e dtf 17th-nt.jnne. '1810, at the 'Walnut Street Theatre/ ssiOtUBIlo,. Played there one week and left without .jnakin'g a very fdvorable- - L"imptesaleEr.'* Madeaidbst snoeetsfnl tonr^of ^two' yeard and » half in Califomla, Australia and Engla'ndi'^retnnUng'ttf the Dnlted'.StBteB' ln'October; ie57,- 'and making his'dibuf at the Broad'way Theatre, New York, November Oth,'in-'"Klng.Xaar." His first appearance in New York at the Broadway was JonellOth. 18II0,')dsHamlet Hsaisp^ppeoredunder'WUlard'd'maiid^emen^ at-the Metropolitan' Theatre, (now 'Vyinter Garden) Broddway,.' onths 2dDf Jannary, 18Stf,.cpntlnulng fpr'elx'nlghts.:'--: '' • . Ur, Buohmania amosteptTdct actor throngbout thai entlro- n)b of his'charabteie, however varied;-he presenta a stylid'bpth otreadlnrand- 'df action, which cohvlnces hid audience that he is gtring them .'the, fruit of intense and-protracted dtndy.> He- haa been called an original actd^.'- This is In'debd imb'; 'bat hi* :priginaIfty iB not that'whie'h' leadBto slntn>lartty;-Itttaifbita. HM^ilHrttbw.ta.Atttndaiicndaht. boid.:tamaithatlj)tctfUHLim always natnril mode of - action. Bis ^)uiiitIo went enauesliua toadpptany style he may seledt as the pprreot.onei'hlskhow- ledgeof'aliwhlohdohneelslldelf 'With ata^e biislness.^Mtailla him toikvtU himself of 'eveiT,addItIdh .'whidh'md<)hanfcal;4ktll .may. 'affoM;- .;0h tb'«'^(th of'UuPh,' 168^,!' h« 'afpk)«*r«diit the; Standard' Theatre, Condon, as' Hamlet; an4'W«fXfaighIyvfllsea by the ^London press. 'Aner'pIaying.ln'.Oreat'Britau threO:^ huhdifedand nlnety-lwonights In elght«eh'mpn{hir,-emDB'ked'* living, ddilng th^ summer of 1863.' At ^fcdpnt (n CdllfornlA ;'.V^ ^'">■* '<■■•> - ' julOIOLm ' iVBom's'^^'efrl at Turin', lil 1844.' 'Btudled atjnia-^ij,a^ 'BUedtro' Oietaned! mddelher first iMeblrdnce In pubUo. m fCg it twenty jelfaof;firt&^ BUe ^g itterwarfs a't Vdro.hf^ and .eevelfal ot^.f]'ItajUL^as. U 'UiU]riabhe'waq',nllirri<d '<o'a aredk,natie4 XliUiivnlonis. Fi^m U«dtii} dhe'wbiit .to,Farts,andiyas etigd^dd'fprtteSaUAn clliring the WBsbiur of 1648-49., : ' -'...'d^i '' 111 U50 shb (!amd td'jthe .'United States, dnd 'mdde hdrufiap. pdiiande'bii the AitterfcaU atagd In June^t Odstle OAHth/Hewr ioA, with an ' opera trodtid; she -visited Bbstdn, dlo.?Veta)lning. to NbW'Ifbrkt'Bhd'left,the;troupe ,|ind'foiided"andt|iei'o'nd', and-: opdheddtNlbld'e-ln bjipP8ltton tothP9ne,ai.Qw)tleGdi4d|ii '*> IrWlih hpwever.'broke up in a ttiobfh.lind she, retprned U Si) .'liii'tha'dedspn';pf'18n,.jUaddme B'psldj'lp'co^ Mario,'saved the,"'"'» i—i... - . • . • 'managedddnt ■'by rTrdvddre."''. . .^.;a^'n^hlng Bucc4dS|'%' )tIje',,o^(lira','of "n - diS} it,'it 'Fdtentinr^l April 12, ,l8E9.:.'i^ hji^liibiteei^ w,' ua''pnj^h^^ln pyer-)iedt«|'d.-,car.,,4nd ■ the the _ 'MUU 'tonnddd , , numbdPdf theita/.Whllei^id "i « Engllsh"tfs«goS As '^'tf' r sne ida>y.l(id|«bl* pr, (he TuW, 'lan.Ism, . .'^UdWbifidd^a%ocS had not BP fopcohfprmjcd to'. Sport a bandana.-. At twenty minuloB 'niHb'f&edi tiio Indldn 'dntAred the course.on' Tclopcd In a "snaggy" ^g, but devoid of. vwompum bolt" or •feather." 'Hd'^hdaceom^anledb/hlB baokdn.Ooo. Martin, atad. f.Whl te, of GatotUMd.bdd-bftAi'taklng'.jktdrn round, tho groundr e]fpt«ssod somi anilety'fbl! tbb'appdnninijd :oruilIs,' who, durltag t^fs time, wUrdttletly OlsKoblng Tn-ths hoil^d. ah'd in some eight or dine mlh^itbs fdliowe'd his oppondnt; prcddded by his slauuob backer ahdpMUdterofpdddsirian'Morte, Bin ^ride, who wasln turn foUowodby Sim Barker, oarrylntt-tho bottle and sponge. UteKwuo iecelred.wlth BroU.ut^vqCwm and attendedto Tdd-: 4ytSfonghow,tno,to?<Wth.(UOB?.M^^ Tho'iroforeff h^y- In^lfilbradd'Uid'otfttpdttton .ttii\^A^e7,^u8tpass blm forty-pno uSSiiii .,.a,ui™ia».fii-« ".t •Hp.poit'Midino tUnowaslMt'ln 'land * » of did,) Bfaibped to the bnin»ltli! H 9i>ly<j^aj^()9)>^oaLPf-HlllB did hot MPSdPW; **w*.»w»w*»..7»'^ **• ,1V4 ,«.w»-pw"l 'Wlhddi# wiU'-ppettcd; 'wbIoh caused a vldloht ol . temperature, icy cold-sii£ a great heat, Ani her lungs, .;'.;.!.;• . k; j; l',) ,. In private -Ilfe.Bhe .was, aa astimable-as ehe was dlsttngnllhed ,1)1 her pnUlo^odfeer^and Madamei.Boalo, -theiwPman,iwtllbe mdnned'sln^core^, long after the j)r<fna..(ti»»ui ihas ibe^cBue Ik jner^ m^ory and trafllUonTWlth .the AuWfue* of the pperoi .'9..kAi£%i.T0]!rl.: .1'., i:it. !Tp this gentleman we are IndebiadLfpr the idea pf transpoitlng- .th'e Boyal Opera of :Iiondon to Mow York; To Olr^ Wlltbn .wb ar» Indelited for.'the enguement of JennyXlnd; wheh. allprdvtoun 'proposals badi fdUedi. he not only engtged her, bnbbronglit her here, and,We a dlplomatlo. sbadoWi yanlihed, to relABiDirith Brooke; ^leisoni and ahostof other >artlsts;.lndiifl'tlimbleia hla bn^lnSBS hablts/ ond.posseising a thorough knoWISdgdlof the^ wants sn4'iAsteB:of' theAmerican public, tbcro ore fewithen a»- oip^bla of oatertog for nsosj'Wllton, able to prpSucej it the- shprtcst pPBslblo notice, the oxact matctioli-iya tcqnlre: • Beihas, howevor,.ons ppouliar.idiosyncrasy—tPwitv.never. hia'viidAmoT»; thimi"iwb minutes and a half to sparel'—and'wo <n'eed Bcifaely wonder dtitbnt, for.he is ihero to-day. and gone to4tonowi''tnm< . ing np neztatfaris, I,ondoni St Petcrslnirg,:pr VlannSiH-Ontll. recently WIS in Ansbalia with SIriWm. Don,. aUco dsdeasedt , . . .-. ■- . ■ . ..'■."'t ^ 'I .•'.;» J'liJ ■ ■ Bern in DnbUn,Iroiimd, October 14,iUS0.- 'she Is'the'dlKllMiter-- of George AlfredHodson,<themusIdalcomt>dBor;- ^Bhe dlMUmd, at an eariy.age,:that gcnlttswhich ha*''alncoMndei«aittPiBE^ the first of lyric andiburiesqne ictreaied. ' 'Bh6'#a»^Mta>:£dw' - the tnltlon of the late lamented'BIrBonry-BlsIiop','.''.!> -vtm.. . At tbJrtooniyeirs of age, she made h* first 'lp'ptfarllfadM'tttthe ■ Theatre'Boyal,' Brighton;' as :Amlna!.|il ."8onaaitttfaUt'i^Bhft.- lets, and .made hot d<bu(on't1iO 'Amorican:>fetll|ei<fMtMhF22> IdBdiiat WaUock'a Theatre, Nbw York, ad AJimod(M»abn>ai|rtkde. . The ohanoler'Of tbe:ilndl4b Prlncdssi'''ilii:|!Wotfgbim'B'' "Pocahontas/' was Written for her.' ' while the! burlesque of. "Pocahontas" .'Mad<hvrj||d'«tiittit'iral>~ lack's'Tbeatro,'onr hordlna suddoinly dlbaMedred.'llBh'ei'Kbw-: ever, BooU .after turned ub ns a member of ihd BdsaUd'Dtfaiia SngUah Opera Troupe, nn(l wis mdrriod td'MK JOh]niR«b«y(iu).'- slnco whlcb timo she bis bcon ono of tHo1eii(llng atttuUpiilllDt th»" bompany.i Was last 'With the DurandOj^irs Ttdiipe In ouifMnln:' ,;. . I . ... . . • '.:: I' i: -jr:! ^ 1'i!ri;.i! n\t-iiyT, ■ ' ■ I . -I'-i;'.! ' A-WTTTt'TO (J5*twMrLnnl.-^Sw41dtt6tfrottl''a'ypniiff-i the Xeiilh Bdglment N; T) S. ^f;yXS^ttA OjV^'d'baVe- Inoredibla ataument .thatond of.lbtllr4inn«4d'Bkd^'ln^ihU t ment, who formed part of the attacking army at FtedorldSdAirtf' ' ^ pv&T'hMaiimdtedlWerd cafHedofrtlie'gTOTtntfi'-adtia'oir witbont the men discharging a'Slngte^.1Iin|^tl:''^A'<t^ribU)WM^ ; Ifloe orilf4 .ahd is:rdfiUbBa«ottti'd«rtiklnKiia tift itmtaih^ri .sverwitsesdedi U.was Utitltttb4hon>oi%ifa^^ .^ no In'itatidatton^and aidthaUriaUtal'UufiadMSttr^^ with nstbliiBSai aensittel .<]>«p«tjd>«Uo(ii it' "^^^ *'«ii«3'Mit>l ifriite'MyTaid luwto '' biroatti<«tMbntriMton,'<We sUiDilimViMrw, banOsifM rB«d'l4>««iiM;'labs IMi|i^li»ltiri|M