New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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In ibe bows.-'. 0a tniag. mida <biilr.,Bu tUt gisUnnu) [ttoh.on, foe ^rfinatlo pUtlonn; liop«d aoon to »)>p«<' bofort Jam. agiln, 9tol,'.«to.' Tbeb. (oUoved a proBanbtlpii <ft a allTor t9f earnoe Ur, .B,, tbo offering baing made on ilia part 6i th; loommfttM b/Ur. J. yf.. Uagud. tbo minager, ataatbe.njnonieB ,b'y tiia bciifBalatls;. Tbo eventfonlabe* an loteieetlns; dupte^ for iUe blalo^.of the drama on the ofatem side of Uie (o^ .' .A. pUoe on Broadway, was opened last week onder, tbe nam« of K^polson'sTheatro. ,U,iB the .old ITtenqh..Tboatre, afterwatda OanterbnryVaU,tben a mlpepel shop, etoj oto^ The, present eiperbqenlaUat Is I. Kapoleon, maatoUn, He. glvea a mlxod pp sort 9f an^rtalnment, in wlilob comlo elogets, nigger performers,. danoers.and so forth, take part, Wolookedlnon6evSningof the paat^eek. Itww an Inclement night, and. tbe aadlenoe was '-««niere—■:__--:Li"' -Lr^ v. vin «. i sUm. ThelialllsnotwhatltODcewas,andtha fiztoresandper- *5£«S^-flw »nd ^llS^oel!t postage onrtenarblUs i^ow as formanoes are somewhat dUipldated "^ ■ , ■ • UbiiAAT, Jshnary 26,1863. ' . ^na currenoy has depreofated; as pnbllo'oplnloii u- H"" Sirtnoevldonoeof it so to as onr pnbMopIaoea of ifc»<JJ^ £Oiicsrned._ Ton get, full as mMh ain^sAment I >.*<*S^J'if '^j(^1(& thaV^iy?^ iSs^'^Weil.-iio to W. O! auaug aooiic HnyiocK -and tbe Jews,- last week, caui wni»drqn, which Wo hod bettor drop In bore, before #e It' Here It is:—•■Why'are <gresn-biuikB' (ourrenoy) 11 JowSJ" '"pon't kn6w," "OlveltnpJ" 'Ifes, sir." cB S'jjjfeily/'.ttrflresnost groiiry'wo .ovor sAw, and jinaont a retnrtpd.OdlfonU.iui' dropped in to key.'charooter. .J. Wambold,..binJo perforwer and £Utioplan comedian, is sbortly. to appear here, , .■ ' Bmln, giant, la doing very well at tbe old Bowery, this being Lhis fourth week. ft^'^pSinnlDt on the ely: • [Wbafwirelue dobigthoro? ^^He^hMwon the counter a gold eagle pay for the i?uiliir end yon ought to have'seen theffreen groceryman "ru^'Naw'we bsTO beard of eagles soi^amlnl;, but tbe ■'^win we/ so'flrtn that we "dlstlnotnany" OiauoU we liedrd holler. The 8bapmiin*<heldbls'hon;''tight OS SJa SJlc»5ni)usly put tho piece—hot in' bis till, but to the "SLTLiilMof bls'tronseTspottket-That 6»glo was salted; , =_ ..v-« »«. ^ j.- tjl^SSa of a lunentod. statesman. It WM "the but of Wmen to Bfratton, the^Tom mumb dwarf, B» »?« M.. «<M/>n'nlAnn«Aa'<ii1nAnAni1ln'ir tnln Ua fVitnrA exhibited. At the Museum, Bamum UcbusUy engaged In working up the ■matrimonial .dodge,'! .Th^^xeddlng.Joke .Is announced for Feb, 10." It wis'to bo'perpetrated In Trinity Obdrch, but the ^ifTfliTe golden'jpleoo was "descending into its future ^ Ihey ai^y of<> ship being lauiiob'ed; we plainly heard fSjiyaalng—"fSrowell, T41n world,'I'm'going hotae." 'n^nP**^? seo ano^r ^old J^leee,^ is forgotten. '" ' ' - " J 3 reoeptaole of t a dlscobnt,' So we gi>—. our theatres and bidls of min- pastor-refused to allow the' bnlldlng to be-need forany'tileb proceedings, f. it-^Aftet thf malriags of tba woman'dwarf- "iratton, the Tom 'Thumb dwarf, iA< "will never be Bo say the bills,' Lotuastlokaplntbere. . |KLiiit have reduded their terms of admittance. ^ IKa gtceptlon of a oouple of evenlnga when t Nettling new. to mention of Wallaok'e. Adrian, maglelan, bos taken Palace flarden, for the purpose of exhibiting his '.'IHnBlons.',' Among other illnaions, he proposes to give a "splendid gold watch" to the best "gna<ser,''.orto he or she who comes noareet to one number drawn from a thonsiand. Ten hundred to one nobody guesses near enoughtoget the watob. Thisls the laatweek.of BudUey's Serenadeisat Btnyresant Institute. • ■• some Weinyas'i, «irBrOad*»y: , 'Von't fongot that Urs. Wo<i4'a t>eneAt o<)m«a'off. on Friday eve* ning, Januarr 30th, at Laura Ksene's Theatre.' The ere^t Itself will uaw an Immense audience, ))ot a yerr attraottve progrkmme •wyX be given on the occasion, and Urs. wood will sing .several of her most popular sooab. Talking about Sbylo^ -and the Jews,- last week, called up a ' " #a forget like file „ ,. , 'Because they are the lasne of Abrabom, andnowlookforihetrrsdilemer." Altbongb tho Old National Theatre Is now remembered'among ua things of the past, we.bave a Now Natlbsal Theatre and Uu- 00 Hall combined, and a vary fair entertainment is given there. XbS establishment Is in Oanal street^ one block west of tbe Bow- r.' W. H. Hitohcook is the proprietor ; and J. H. Taylor, stage manager. It Is said that it takes nine tailors to make a man, but at:tbis bonso one Taylor mekea a man, and a manager to boot; i6'snlto tbe business, and the business suib him. In the com-' )iLtay engaged at tbe New National are—tbe ladles first, yon new-theMlsses Josephine Bernard, IdellaBlshop, EmmaBnuUi, Iii^ly Sohramm; Messrs. Frank Lum, J. H. Taylor, and. Johnny 41Ien. A sacred concert is given. every Sunday evening, and no ooVeetiott taken up, atter the peoplt are in, for the benefit of tbe ■■Hoola-hoola CanniboUan Soole^.", DIULMATIC. VcomSanFranolscowebaVe dates to, the 30th ot December. ■Bay 'View" mokes a bfn remarks in answer to something said abpnt himaahort Ume sUce. VeletUm bayeMi;^^; aafol* lOyp:— ' ' . . Bah Aasoisoo, Deo: SOtb, 16611. Vbiesd QDEE.t—In your last psper received here, I notice some strlotores by Sherry Corbnt on Bay'View's corresponilenoe.. He ^1^'observes that his commpnioatlons have alway'a.ttk'on the .tl^eeadehce with' yon; this is not the fa'bt, as your pouunUf will . eatlfy. 1m have always exercised uniform Undniess.'to ' your .VUiqus correapondents; exercising no partiality, pnWInhIng all '—'".unicaUons of interest to tbe groat pdblld you .oator. for, and tbe weather On Monday, Jan..16th,. a new drama named "Xeab, the For- I saken," was produced for the first time at Nlblo'a Oarden, with Miss Bateman as the heroine, assisted by Mrs. ObahfTau, Sker- rett,and Orottan; and Messrs. WaUook, .Adams,-O.Andrewai. I Lanergan, Burnett, and Idmb in the principal parts. Ou Satnw r^^^en, ■ They were pouring Into tho New Botrery as day, for tho first time, we dropped In to see tbe play, and it -baa (he doorkeepers could- Cake tlokets, while hundreds were I been seldom that wo bave recelvod a groater dramatlo treat than * --e to tbe box ol&ce, whore the'offldlals'in front waro on this occasion. 'V7e found tbe phuo orowded toexcess,and " that by an audience superior to any we are In tbe habit of seelng,' I even at tbe ever- popular NIblo'r. . Beforo'commentlng further on tbe perUiinances, we will proceed to briefly desorlbethe- plot of the plebe, whloh is about as follows:—The firsf'scene of the play opens with a village In Oermany. It is Oood Friday, no, w<uo ""■""b, uiu, i.vuu o, and the villagers are celebrating the festival in the'chnrch. ikKiblo's, <rbere Hiss Batehian shows, into tbe menagerie, to Presently they all issue forth and -proceed on their way homc- H i» elophont," into Iiaijra. Eeeno;s, to see Ursj John Wood, I ward, save Father "Lorenz," the village Magtstrato; '-Father Hor- MilieTrinter Garden, the great flood s'endiiig out Its little man," tbe Priest; "Madalona," bls.nlsce; and one "Casper,"' j^th a will to supply ihi 'dequiiid fbr places. The Old I uflT uo, bad 1(8 hundreds ponrin^ in. It was withdifllonlty- Menld navigate along the'Bowety, on the west sldej from Bay- StiSModBReets. We -crossed over to' Broadway, and there Zmii Kss Just OS great. .Steady streams o( living men, and j)k| Uo, were fiowiog into iiito Dirimts', into Wood's, ^iBMli'i, filling the plaoo to an°6vernow.' It was a gala satlon, Madalens relates on Incident of tticont occurrence in tbe M, iodeed; fud now that the people tti in the humor, we may ilielghborbocd, wherein a young Jewess rdieves a needy Ohrlstlan StlttM thetldorolloii. woman. It shpuld be tiome in mtnd tbat tbe period of the TmUo icttesses.Sre schrco. To be sufcessfDlat tho present drama is la the early .part of- tbe last century, when the »iMtaio actress must possess beautydf face,'a fine (orm, Jews in Germany were a.bltterly peneoutsd and prosorlbed tjlnelopcd cbarms,.and other little atlxactlona of that sort; race.' 'When Msdalena: names the Jewess,-Natban, or Casper BjK,ln Mdltlontomentalqnallfleationaof a'blghforder, ability rather, starts up from bis seat and at onoe inveighs agalnst-the< Ktn to accbnnt and biiTlcsauethe.B'ensatlonsdf the day, and whole race, and by way of mustratUg the punishment 4tbiroll7asltfllcs,"areselaomeomblnedlhoneperson. One they deserve, deaorlbes-a-scene', of which he was an'eye Mpjffltis'beauty, but laok humor; another possess tbe thie wltoeas, where a -young Jew was caught np by Us pur- Itoal^of oomlo greatness ss on' actress, but be deflciehtia sners and thrown Into a boiling vat, and only escaped death Mulcharms; and scon. - We hAveone Jady,.however, who by turningOhrtstlan. :His vivid description and earnestmon- oUms all thd ncoessary attributes of a burles^e actress^ and ner in doing this, leads tbe audience into the setnt that hei him-. illte]l"UriB. John Wood. Bheis almost alone in this robge seir, was the hunted Jaw In question/ Itistohldethlsfsotfnm ' - - — tho vlllageiB—with whom "h0 Has quietly sojonmed for fifteen years—that he takes the zealous pare In'defenco of his nAw fUth that be does; the fearof detectton, too, if any of the Jews should be allowed to reside in the village,'boln2 a powerful incentive to persecute them to the death.' On this tbo whole plot hinges. While they are thoB converBiog, a nolso is hcard^'and suddenly "Iieah," tho young Jewess Madalena had referred to, rushes on the stage, seeking protection from the pursuing vlllagors. ^AtdntDs. She Ib now perforinlng^at Laura Keone's 'Theatre, Willi «6mpanytbero'lS 'small, aif^iso to Mrs; Wood has not glvetis onyof those'bnrl^qnos whloh have made ^ntubons. Last week she ajt^iearocl as tho great aetreas, IM Brwegirdle. The'piece is coiififa'e'd to-four, performers, tieillrowolgbtoMtrcsungOn ]iIti3;Wood. We are promised otUing Itesh for next week, in which Mrs. W. will shine in ypiepn sphere. On Monday, F^b. 9d, a new faliy burlesque liSVe f Mi)acod with ne^scenety,. dresses, etc, and to make Nathan is greatly diaturbedat the sight of tbe Jewess, and urges ■ornce donbly euro that tbo piece may prove a tilg attraction, will be assisted by Mr. Qosbam. a giant, who will a'«(icaklbg character.: This giant is.on^ of tho biggest lali'Un^tblld;-nearly eight foot inbelg^t^andot well-pro- Ipllstd dhnonelons in his general fllUn^ out. Tbenovplty ^bke,lir:Weml8tako the signs of tbe times;'' I Mim eyer.^ to stand on yonr head, or upon yourfore itpl Aie/boiij esa keep upon his Mnd legs. We know well enougbt BiUlsgJohnBaTleycombasn' the. Upper band of huh:;i blBt by your other end Up, sn<)(), ud^eAirtut oon WtttfWH »» tt te featmty-b»4o'yiuiho<»tadeh mieH ilailUgroyB to a huge elephant; and yetUr: Lent'e elephants iitsihtw us how to do these things this week,;al theMttnagerle, litoidfsy. Anthony and Ofeopatra are to. stand, ofi their the mob to destroy her, wbloh they are about to do when the Priest interposes bis authority, and drawing forth bis cross, causes the crowd to fall on.thelr knees, awe-stricken at the fear ot excommunication. Thus oloses the'first act. The aecond act introduces Bndolf—Lorene's son—who has met' with the Jewess and becomes - enomorod.of her. In an interview at their, tryatlng plate, he resolves to -fly with 'her to America; and leavef ber to deolare-bls liitentlone tobis father.' The 3d act opens' with a room in his fatbo'a taoisei' wherein b number .ot— and bis son, the result beingthat -the' old mania soUed wltfi si fit ot appbpleiy,.'and-Bndolf-,'tvlth D&e' oT-'^epentajlee, , „ Atthlsstageot aitairs, Lorenz and'his son'enter tbe room, the Uiitamupon thoir fore fijet,'stand upon'UtUo'pedestals I vUlagers'having previously left:Natban alone. Lorcse' again ilnlUit size of a b'arroV^lay nptn musical Insbmnents.ete. remonstrates with lils son oh the Impropriety of bis alllanoe with Btnaiii-'mnles are to show, too. T)mt*S' Ji^st whSt Mr. Lent the Jewess, and, listening to tho: remarks of Nathan as to thoIr linln^lomakohlsihanligerlestlllnorepopnlarthaiiltwas. I monoy-loving oharaoteristlo?—It is-finally agreed totestLeah's UftMi^eraons that ha?e not seen the tiogns'ghost in ITth love for Budolfby.the tender of gold to leave him.' The indivi- tw^inrequested'tostentptothe New Bowery this evening, dualeelccted to apply this teat, is Nathan, who sees in it an op- MittiyeTenlng during the week, and "see the shadow ere tbe portQnItytoridminself of the dangerous proximity of the Jews', sMiaee tldeB.''^ The ghost luis been "eosaged legardleas of by proving to Bndolf the faiUilessncss of bis betrothed; The . and wlB show all the week, unlike' the HTIh street '11" will be a 'welcome snest, fbr at the New Bowery tbe ■Iiasieelt, Anothern'ovelty of this thkabfe le the appear- Bnd Hr, Eddy as Myles-na-OoppUean, in Boudcaulfs drama ■b "OeSten Bawn." Mr. E. commeneiBS an engagement this "ahgtethlnat. ' - . lino belong to Gideon's Band," don't forget that the first MdisB andelvio hop of the sufferers takes place at the Olty MeddrBooms, on tho 6th of Peb. - It may bo nnper to remark ullitOtdeonltes are stUl "seeking fbr^omo." next scene displays to view a ruined hut on. the vine hiUa, and hero Nathan bas an interview with the old Jewish woman and her blind husband, whom Leah supports. He tenders the pnike of gold to the old woman, to induce Leah' and -all her tribe to leave the country at once. Th«l gold is eagerly received by the old woman; but the old man, however, reco^dsing Nathan by his voice, Jnst as the villagers are approaohljif to leans the issue ot Nathan's 'undertaking, charges him vrltb his apostaoy, Na- than, fearing detection, stebs the old man to the hoart, and as hi ,^ .w...... w. - , doea so, a thunderbolt strikes the hut, and the villagersi as they lloe'i a capital trio of oomeduns oii the programiOe at enter, behold what Nathan describes to them as an aot of .God's ml'iUbiatrolsthiawook. These'threeblackjokersareChar- 'vengeance, on the race, thoroby hiding his orlm; and hlsown .Q»i,E(h. Horn, and Nelse'Sejnmonr, the' latter a ftoah ao- iden^ty at the same time. Natban, toldng odvantege ot tbe ex- ^mon. Altond and withoBiB the painful emotions 6f'theleltement,sbhdsoffamessengeT.toold Lorenz, stating that LeaU !wtd Contraband;" hear tho momnfal strains ot "Gideon's | bas.acoepted the gold and has left This leads-to BgdoU.'e de. JJB/'pltrthesortowsot. the."Fonr.'Tttltal|BS," and gtl 'infor nunolatlonot her,'and his betrothal to Madalena. In tho last [•Mtt'sBlgbts." Talking about .woman's rlghls, the ladles soeine bt this aet, Leah arrives , at Budolf's house, to learn the jBHU they havo an interest in WooM'Minstrels, for they are' cause of his failure to meet ber, and seeing him, she rocelveahls Rite lulerlty in the attendance here, and contribute to make curses, and tails senseless at the door ot his cottage as he oloses '* " itlnherfSce. The 4th act inoludas the celebratloa of the nup- tials of Budolf and Madalena, While these are going on in the church, Leah enters the graveyard adjoining, and, listening to the organ, is led to pray; and os the benediction is given, she , ^ „ echoes an Amen. Going towards the ohuch, she is horror stdok- ^^'melraewoloUio»-somotolookon.t Therewlllbepeople en on looking through tho wlndow,(to see that Budolf Is the ^glttoD (own and country; sharp and witty, grenn and jm- Bridegroom, Shortly ailer this, Budolf ia^uep from the ohunb; «aMu.i..>.x.. .. r. . . .. . IT- ' jnd seeing Loah; nkieivcs hor'npbraiding and ourso. 7he 6th e^t opens with a harvest soei)^, the time being some five years oTiin^ir""' '"'" Beme oi uid winaer and the young | subsequent to the dato ot the marriage. Bndolt has been on a p^^the country. Did you ever a-hlghfalatlnohap Journey, and is expected honla by'bta wife and child. Before be u?>B°'uocted ataremarkmade byaoonntry girlataball? comes, Leah, as a wanderer, again seeks proteotton from her - . ' porseoutors at tho bands of Madalena, her appearance in the village aroustog the old bate of tho villagers. In the meantime Rudolf rotums, and wUUe setting ddwh by Madalena's sido with I--— ...iH u fjuAufty—iia<4 an eye nvaiung uiO'iBTon-e piu-1 his child on his knee, explains to her the object ot his Journey, j^Mno-llke neck, alabaster iMsom.and other"novol" flx- whloh .was to get a revocation ot the odlot against the Jews Itom j^X^:V>gdln bomesp-jn, whom 'Venus milgbt envy, and the Emperol^, which he suoceeds In. doing. ^' ' Lue aaseabU&tt (sant-'th^ «Sa*^ttAold man'AlllMaa.'CWltl r'thereu-NathttioiMln'afidliAtestte'bt^ (ometlmea otosaing the line of general miereat 'to be free from th^ imputation of unfalnitas. In my humble .capacity, as difOit-, idsr.oz events, musical and dramatical have to thimk yon for Jlpikr uniform coBrteey and kindness. Tour pape^ as a dramatlo recordof poaslng events, has long been acknowledged in Califor- nia as superior to all others, and from enquiry at the depote ot tire various wholesale periodical dealers, I find your otrodlatlan exoeeds the combined dnnlation^t all the New York Sunday and sporting papers.' In regard :to W. H. Lelghton and the American Theatre, as mentioned in a fonner communication,' itel^ton did not hold a leaae of the theatre dnring the short and tUQSofitable engagement of J, H..Taylor, but hired the-house from night to night, the business, manager ot. the' theatre being ln:.Cio box office to collect tbo rent of the theatre from the re- calptB, Mr. Adolph Meanbert is leasee of the American, and lots U.'W such a&wisb for nights other than Sunday, when It is occiv pied by his company. As for the members of the country com- lany.having no demands against Lelghton^I can. say.if they laye none, it is bccanse of their agreeing previous to startisg, to share pro rata, after dead expenses, as I previously informed you, and in many cases, dead expenses were not paid. As to Tom Msgnlre and bis management, Tom has had his streaks of good and ill luck; but his booke will show a birger balance in his avor than all tbe theatrical managers in California combined. Theat- rical people are more indebted to Tom Maguire for emplinment and pay than all the afbiementloned managers. Sherry has an iotonae hatred ot Maiqlro, as everybody mows hero, and this teallog perhaps colors nls communications, as it does in regard toexhlbltionsofwhichbehlmselfisbuelnessmanager. Ishould not be surprised to see tbe "small concert hall,'' as he dcsorlbed Piatt's new theatre (the Eureka) In a former communication, emerging into a maonifiocnt colossal dramatic temple....;.At the. Metropolitan Theatre,. "Beauty and the Boiast". and the "l^ch Spy" were brought out laat week to fiiix biz^ Miss Caro- line Chapman In tbe prlneipolfemale characters.- Thl8lady,toD years'sRO, was a prime-favorite, but I think Bhe has beenii^n- diplonaly brought from her' retirement, as few ot ber former attractions ot person remain, although cdio retains some of the oU fire, which occaalonally.lireaks out snd electrifies the au- dience...,. ..With Maguire's Opera House Minstrels, excepting Christmas night, the honaes! have, been bad. "Running the Blockade',' and the "Black Brigade" are the latest novelties At the Eureka, biz. bad. wlth the exception of . Obristmas night, ifbenitwaf packed. "JDdmbey &.Son" has been-brought out qnlte creditably. Mayo was accepteble as Oaptein Cuttle, and would have been much better but tor bis persistent effort to gag the-part to death. Ur. Barry, as Toote,-was splendid; abetter §leoe ot acting has not been seenfor years in San Francisco, he "Soldier's Daughter" was brought out Sunday night to a falr bouse, Mrs. W. H. Lelghton as Widow Obeerly." Han del'a famohs oi'btorlo of tbe '■Measlah".was Imnoelsgly perform, ed a^ BeV: Dr. Locy's church,' on Christmas night, by the Handel 1: Haydii S<yloty, assUted by.Mlss barker,-Mr. John Gregg, Mr, Wunderllcb, a'hd others. A perfect success in every partloular. .i,-...ANew Xear'sPantomlmels being prepared tor Magnii;e'a Opera House, I)y Mr. John Dowllng. Wm.- Aymar, the gymnast. Is to be the pantaloon, and tbe toll strength otthe dramaUo com- i-unyJs'tobeinoladed''.. ..Buchanan.andhlBdramatlooompany ■ ' ■"" — . * ■'j-HitlM^aie' in4 higbtj^spokenof by the.^j9>al, anddeaeryedlyBo,.lorBnokbhs' •ygotdld'audienco. , about balls—did we say anything about 'em t—makes Bnoueet that tho firemen's great .annual ball comeaoff to- gM, Juurr-setb, at tho Academy otMusia All sorts of )?eo- l*niiuumhle there.. Somo to.danoe—some to talk—some to' ootoIthelMM ItkiSjjiiT™ "»remar*: bLTZ-S?. >blng-we knowltso. long that we forgot it nt qne I those ^.^J^taff llkd tbet._ She was the^'oynMuto of all ojree," toward' the wo with- bashAU at,smile was rapture to oynosnre; mien,. yet she met smiled to a 'his 'soo' '«KSA..'?."fdivine; th> Wb7nSVSlt'*''°J}*J« bursting.l <*«iloJt,^ "SadlT she thoni . _ Leah, who wos'not recognised by Madalena, orei-hoars Us discourse, and bis reteronoe to her, which shows his old regard tor her, awakens a spirit ot tbroivoneas: whloh re-phioes tho. hatred of him that bad ledhoito' dotermine on some! act ot revenge. Aa they retire Into the house, she ootaies forth from ber hiding plaoa, and seainit the child lingering St tbo :door,,' andIeams tbatlts name la Leahl. Then ensues one' of tho most powerful and effeetlngscenesof the. play, which finally closes with-tho expoeuro of the Spostete Natlian, oUdLeah'a leaving the country. Thodiam*, in plot and language is .decidedly suporior to any- thing ot the Una that vra have bad presented on vho motropou- 4i^l^"":'"p: paid thelx.homage at her feet"—sho wore nines. ■ nuoivuim w ui»', nwuu «ua wau tvnwu ivi ut», «Hu«ja b Vi^SJfWblnty," o;i whom rested the hopes bt ailob buti spirit ottt>rgivoneas:whlohre-p]aoes tho. hatred of him that bad JurJ^WMf. ^pprtfaehed her on bended kneo. He.wasfoll "" " " " ' * " ' " Wii<.' ■ was worth a fortune in any cheap dry goods "bMn ? mlldnoss beaming in ever; feature; ho turned Hml'^ toward' the "ovnoanre:" she mat t throbbing heart; th« tell-tale blush j.bofom, now being „ , , lirlal, VSadiy ^^e thought-ot hlro, whilst I tan stage for njady tears past In^e latter part of the Sd'aot, 'tln^nnn.'. t'''^°^''°''sd by theapparentBuocess ot bis prim-does italone bordor upon the extreme otmelo^drama; the other )^? >nli. v° ntovod-io-her aldo, bowed to tho imperious .portldnS' boing cttealstent xirtth tho usual latitude allowed to. tbe %' uuSjt ,'!8'''.t><>'>'*<iA fM.tbe-oomtngdanoe. "I^lr be-'idHma. The hearty, applauiae bestowed upon it bv a-number of '^dUhi b'n.'' purity, beanty, and innoeenoe, irilt | .(]t«mimlltera(cnra, vrith'whom tho original must l)otonlIar,tf^ ''^'i^M ?n'i'°<>?'^ w n*ndfor..tfaevralta, tbat.ttsoUiiu forded evidenoe of the skUlfOitaannerln whloh ttli) play bas bee& 'ti'O-bearts that beat as one, traiislatod. That the drama affords UUsBatemafa ad opportunity ftklOMwtlv'r'.?' bius„'whe{kVearth's mocking abadows floe I otdisnbyingber extraordtoarydralnsl(cpower to gi^eateradvan-^ ^Btlloatl.for^yer lostl Nol- Thatyonnggitl togo than any othei'pie'ce in'which she has appeared, none viU lesilo bMuty of the Qneeii ot I deny who hAve seen'taerlnhor prlsolp^oharacteni. Itls hot often the-btosEO, and in uAgnigo I orb stirred'np to display emotions during ihopbrtormanoaof , —„„■ . Iwbn'tiXdon'tlikotowalti; laromantlodrama,butonihisocoaatonweopnfessto havingex- '^invthem?!' .YBS'ltyiSSibestorytelleiaaaytindacosUB perlono'edeeriAlnubwontM sensattonsthat proved thotarflsfB - "'Vdtl' "^^''^i> that followed,',-..; I power over her andlonee. ' Wo havo not space to oomment on "'^trnti^'T' ^"S^"^^" Vou'.vo heard Brother Ohapln, the doting throughout, but ataibng the points of excellence.In oa'tt;-iS?'» "'?'"'nor .B^ rendition of the cbaretor of Leah, we would name, her M. bni » ""v °' oertein evento now transpiring shrlAUng frbm the Priest's anointed hand in the first act: ho« ^li^ l^^j^pf frhioh the publioha've no control, WoUjln cry of despafr' as she looks in on tho nuptials of-JtudoU and fovi JnS^^'bohiipii 'DBi yet ppnderoiis monf' littpl — , ho nnptl jiis .snip of roaaontog, Daniel I Madalena, and especially her ttuly magnificent deolamaUon In int(>^^o^d^th8 otperditlbii, I the siene whero she i^roncnnoes her onrao upon him. This otihls lol^y.sentinients. and logfoAI brought forth Irfeprostlble and nnbotUidod applausoi There hlghesliplhuiuuo.of.bewi^plilngelp-Ihasbaonnotbingbeardto oqnalit on tho. AmunbUn stage for with nudolTs oblJd siir- any thing ot the theoyesot.the one'ontbuntof followed her imly. l^XS^'^liSM.affinV.Z'Jll' '";i?;r*Ivr.' ZZli.T^tXZ:::!'^^' { """Sooiea.aounginuuBsceuo, wo lorpaar from furtheroom-i ^S?4 »»'aiVl'SS!* ^ilt" -^i1!J^.^^rt7J^*^«f^5**^^l: M J^smS, as thelmprceuon .Wis too vivid fbr. us to fi»«^hmic,IS'ft''^*n*i'?'>'i«*t^ |n'»y«'ffi jlsyhto been pWbodutM the sU^^ '.'boolitbepiok'^i ng lupbo) Isit&eWera-^ ^'^U&u^^tSL^'* snMlmmBntbetWaak Ueattt. BonUkcA at tbii'KaWSowsnron Saturday e-pnltifi: ~ lb;a. 0.-B6iiltaqk>tf b&rilt, tad' UUnBatmWL 'OO^TOIiwInti ;ai'Uiits «njgilged 'ln ,gbu£ai!n]^ the sban^. A'«ppltatm«S8l,ot tlie drvba.'. ,3>at t^wlll Uve a !;of|>?%Sl bSe^^!^^ ?H^'« OM cbiapolisrfe \ }NMiMHaiyavlU»la8t. wcN^49e(^ . Ug^QKiken of by the Amail, and deaervedlyBo, now the nes^ company that ever traveled through the State. There, be a "First .-Amateor Dramatto EnteMaimnent" at the Tcung Men's Hal), Detroit, on Tuesday, 26th, for t^e benefit of the olty ohtrilios) bnt as tho ourtain was about to go op, it was- announced that the leading lady was taken suddenly IB, and the' entertainment poatponed. It must have been with great'regret, for tbg hall was oro.wded with a very taahlonAble audience. J. Wilkes Booth baa met with a hearty welcome at the Museum, Beaton.' He opened in -Blehard, and .on Tuesday, SOtb, be ^mayed the part ot Claude In Lady of Lyons; Wednesday, the Apostate. Crowded, houses and hearty, applause have attended his performances.' ^ura 'Eeene's Combination tendered Bbhool for Boandal to the largeat house of the season on Tuesday, iWth, at the Howard, Boston. If Enowles had been present he would not have been ashamed to have acknowledged his piece. John E. Owens is to succeed the combination. . The NewTheatra ot Kate BngUsh's, in Boston, will, when coin- >loted, be a very neat, cosy, and comforUble place. It wss.the ntestlbn to be ready to,open on the 28th Jnst, but it<annot poBSlbly be ready by tliat time. Bo says onr correspondent 'Supercago." Xhe Oerman Opera at the Academy, Philadelphia, has been one otthe best successes, outside of tho legltlmato, this season. It «as a novelty, and took thsfashionablesbyanrpriao. Thelbvers ot lager followed in their vrake, and the consequence was crowded houses. Carl Anohotz condnoted both the opera and himself well, and received so great enoonragement as to induce Urn to'give' a second season of six nighte, Barney Williams and good lady have been crowding -the Wal- nut, Phuadelphia, nighUy, and ought to stay there for vreehs, —'and the: whibb we nndersiani they would gladly do, were it not for pre- VioUsengagemente In Washington, etc On the occasion of Mrs. Williams'benefit, every seat in the house was taken before the hour for opening the box biflce in tbe morning Ounnlng folks look out ahead by securing, some days in advance, and on Fri- day morning, 23d, a crowd assembled around the box oBl'co that was perfectly crushing. The aunbuneement that "all seate Wore ta)[en" was net eufllciont to Batisfy' them, and although the IWil- llsmses were to have left on Friday n]ght,'the demand caused ihem to remain over tor Saturday, 21th.' As the benefit' bU) was tb'be repeated; the box aheet rapidly filled, and prbspeote of an- other crowd was soon evident Hal seats for Mrs. Williams' bAiefit beai» sold at auction, vre doubt'not a round sum would hate lieen realized. The season has been short, but nnpandleled In success, and we hope these popular stars -wlll'soon return .to receive the welcome of those who have been nnablo to gain ad-' mission. Ool, Busoh, tbe treasurer of Johnmslet's oompany, hasSdohe mnoh In brlngtog up Uie Columbus, Ohio, AtbenioTun to standard rates. He has overseen tbe whole work of repairs, dnd expended twenty-fivo hundred dollani on the house. It looks < 'as good as "ew.*' The company at the new theatre, the Enrbkd,-iD San FMndsco, comprlsis Mis. W. H. Lelghton, Mrs. H. A. Perny Mis'. BurreU, Mrs; 0. E. Locke; Misses Viola, J. Land,Ola, Clarke;' Messrs, A. B. Pholns, Franjt Mayo, D. 0. Anderson, W.^Bury. O, E. Locke, H. Clifton, W. Stephenson, 0. L. Graves, E. Thome, and F. Alexander. Proprietor, W. H. Leightoni acting manager, B. Oorbyn; etage manager, A. B. Phdps; mualoal condnotof, * -Flscber. - ^ . - Tho Lebanon Dramatloaiob gavean entertainment on the SOth inst., aiTown Hall, Lebanon, Nqw Hampshire, tor the benefit of the Soldlen' Aid Sftolo^. The blU comprlsed'Tennont Cousin, Dead Shot, and Box aid Qox, with lecltaUons, songs, taUeanx, oto. Hough's Cornel Band assisted. Jas. H; Taylor—of whom one ot the Ban Franolsco papers says no belter actor ever visited California—entered upon an engage- ment at the Uetrcpolilan, San FrandBco, on the leib' ulL, ap- pearing 'at Jack Cade, In Judge Conrad's tragedy ot that name. Afhangeron" about'the green-room, in speaking ot anao- s's husband, soys:-^'^Tisdreadtulbowthenewcouplelovel tress' The Iwf are oontlnnally together, seeing each other toomueb, and apparently settled to have love every day, and money some- times. The nusband of thq actress becomes identified in bis wife's nrotesston. - Bo becomes more of enactor than tho aotniss with wnose exlstenoo bis own is oonneotod.' When she is on the boards, he .speaks for her, nods , approvingly, gazes admiringly, prompu her, turns pale at a hiss, nusbes at applause, and enaote, alone, ateal drama of emotion. Hotalka over; the.prlttos, and worries ttie playwright into giving his wife a good part!'- ..Some hoebandSihe might have added, caie more for the money their wlves i earn, than for the wives themselves, and. oonfloie their attentlons to tho treasuier and his ash aqcountntliWythan to jiw<«^tt^St5,'^ans5f«r pf^the te(^pollUn, flanJfran- olaco; received a oompUmentaiy benefit at hiajiwn theatre on the Utli.I>ea Amongthe volunteers were Mrs. W. B. Lelghton, Tailkee )tobke,MrB.&, K. Look^ and Hr. 0. iHOiavea. The house •was literally packed with tbe toblon, beauty and eUvslry oftiie ctiy; l£e daying.was capital, the audlanoe deUshted,^ andtq^bbetto'was biiro^ Hr.-Beat(y, a Ugbt tn^Sanot Bomenntenatonsi bas been added to the Metcopplltan oMnpany. By .TlbbeU^ Is gathaxlng lofetheK.qse of .*^bffli Oojgrav^ ■eenlb .atUst'^'rf atpresoit attaohsd^^io Oo;d; «th Ulnnasoia Tolostasrs, at last iSMiUUm stattqg«<i at Fort enaIUn«)l]tfft>9t•c!(^,,^^Ur, Oolgrave «itis»- of mult, and wall khewn thrommont the western eonhtry;' . Weare glad U> IdwS that tbeireWUempUs^Theatn wu diiiw a splendid busUeas, the' house MlDf crowded, nightly,-gbm ' are a large number of soldiers in .to^, who -irhlle away jaau night at the theatre. .London Assurance, bad b(en prodnML witha'good'cast' J. FlOroesen la playing the'Jlrvenllea, '=tS ■'Peep0'Day"'wasunderllja'ed.' -■";.■ ..■' • .: i . Mrs. Emma Waller, the. great '.OagoV iWtd.VLadvJIaebeOi,'*. was to toimlnate her Indianapolis engagomenton theMlh,aqa opon a term ot twelve nighte at MoYlcker's OUosgo' Theatre oa the26lh. " ' ' .'• Luoille Western gives plsco at the WashlDgtoB'Tseatte to lOp Alice' Placide, who commences there on Monday, J'an. 26ib» aa flynthta, in-the "Gipsy Girl." ' '• - '•'' t .i ' - Wattle Rusher has retomed to BoheneoUdy, N. Y., where, wa understand, he is engaged on ^ drama foundiid bvrtlip Fnpbia rervolntlon. i ' ■ ■ The Defiance Theatre, Cairo, III., la'doing, pretty waD.' W* ha-vb dates to the 18lh Inst The stock were-^aifdriqlnc ia comedy and farce—no etara on hand. The.forces nuAtiffvltVk im^vage, Mis. Wildman. Miss Mary HoWlllams;' MeMa..HbI- ' laud; Sharpe, 'Ourr/u>,Manl'ey, Smith, Pells, Tyler, aifd WlUman. The'oa^ltol of the nation has not wantedfor amufsm^titKllaa wintw, novelty after novelty iMlng produced, until WwUsglfia'. does net stand to bek>w New-York in the number and vaiiev of ite attracttons. ..Inchercapeotit.bassnrpaasedNewTork. JUt the capitoi; thby- hiveinmt down a -tbeatis, while New Toik houses have, so to, escaped fire. Notwithstanding the dasinto^' tlon of . oneh4Use> Ibexe a a few more left,, and all are piOflttM • bythe- goliig ddwnot Ford's establlahment Grofer'a.inMaC In PennsylvanU avenue, near WUlard's Hotel, baa. been, and . still laffqulfhing; wblle Mi)eder'e Waahlngton IThoatre, comer, ot Elsventh and 0 abetits, is also doing a .flna business. ^ those who like variety, thersls-ths Waahlng^n Varieties, nndsv' the .management of A. Hamblin & Co., who have an exeellanfe • - stage director in the peraon'of Mr. Jamea Pilgrim;' - ThU htfdM is situated In Ninth street, near Pennsylvania Avenue. Another place of attraotlon'lB 'ttie New CaAterbory, in Lonlalana Avenna ' near Sixth, ot whlcb Wm. S. Sinn Is the proprietor, and Oeorg* Peicival the bnslqess .manager. There are other pla()es,,bnt th^ are the prtb'dpal resoito for the people at the capital. Muy a Cbngreanilin drops In at the Canterbury and T^ieaUs^ to see and hear ths pret^r girls at those houses, and'llstAi to . witticlams ot the comedbms engaffi^ there. Even grave fOiA reverend citizens can .be seen at tne two great m'uslo hallaira have named, and^'Ul sbem delighted with the elghtethsy'aea and the words thby.bear; < , Aqd still another dramatization of "Les MiseraUes" has ooi^s to light since onr last. This last is the pibdnotlonbtMr: Albert (^edy, c'f Wasbington; D. 0.,'and.was. presented forthell«t time at Orovar's Theatre; on the 10th Inst^ continuing throutb- the week. Mr. Caasedy calls his work, "Fantine, or theFato.of a drizette." The east embraces the entire company, and aa'cror (Mends may like tosce'the'dlBiribnilbn ot characters, we give It, as follows:—Fantlne,KBte Danin; Jean VaUean, Father ManwlalBS, M. Hadetein'e, Mayor, Charles Barron; Bishop of Myrlel, ^Mn Bbgeis; Javert, M. H. Bokee; Thelomyes, D. Setchell: Black- evlUe' Ywitha song), J. L, Barrett; Bcanfllaire, HarryCUfft^H; Ftoohdevent, H. MoDonald; Little Oervals (with adong),BcoU* ' Qlmber; Prosecuting Attorney, Alonzo Read; Host of the un M.'A. Kennedy; Ohampnuthlen, T. M. Wemyss; Brevet, J.°7. Dally; Llstoller; "E;' B. TaiT; Favorite (with .a song),-^Cik docker; Madame Magloire, His. G. O. Qermon; Bister BlmpUce^ Isabolla Freeman; &ptistine, Addle Anderson; Marguerite. FannyByan; Dahlia, Ada Monk; Zephine, Flora Lee;'Oosetia^ Little Eaty;' Madame "Tictumien, Minnie Monk; Madnoa Thenardler, Jennie Monk. Extra pains were taken to glve dna effectto this great work, and the full resources of the estoUlsb- ment were caUed in, to place tbe play in a propeir maimer lietois the publlA. NlUr- mnsIo 'WBS 'arranged by Kopplti;,' the"Hldkt- ingiue;".and fresh scenery and skiltal effeote intiOdnced. iUs last scene is said to be a gem: it is an allegorical tableat^Kiepve-' sentlhg the'flndingofCosettoby Jean'VaUean.ahd thb Apotheosda of Fantine. - .. - - 'A spicy affSir recently took place in the oolet little dty of Baa Jose,in wUoh three oc four members of the theatrical.piotta> slon were mixed np. As onrreadera like to have al|.'sploy sea- soning-In our Weekly dISh ot news items, we'traiofer'tb'onr columns an wconnt OT' this afCidT, aa we find -it. rehoYded^ In tha San JoK Tribune, forwarded to us by a Ban Francisco oprresp(nB&- ent After .Bpbakino ot the entertainment in ftont^lt ea^>— . "And whtletne audience were entortelned 'by"cosU6aI'p4rrofm- ances ofi the stage, l>ehind the scenes was being, enacted' a:.<ii0Bt disgraceful tragip comedy. Hamilton had.appropriated.Hn- Thoman, formerly MIsS JtaUa Pblby, Thoman oDjocu, Hamilton knocks him down, and tows Mrs. nioman to tba Mansion Bdnsa. Thoman mshes frtnUcally to the members of the Melodeoa (br assislancfrr-fallB into tbe hands ot some teltows np for tUn—tns^ tell' blm it is Pete eomobody that has run off with bis falihlsss spouse, and 'tbmlah blm with a pistol loaded with blank car- tridges—Thoman hunte Pete up—finds Um'inthe Bella'Onloa saloon^lbnMv.minsetf.into A theatrical attttuds—l'dte,'viIlalnk- die''-^te»><EMS1aT|IC^;b^ IaBD/'fellowB itt there, give Fete the Wink—Pete amills «i :3lo£an fires agilli. Fete fldle-^the fUnny'fellows 'oalbh Ttid and teU him h'elias •'kUIedhtsmab,^' and make otttthlt tht] oing to bang him, bbt allow him toescape—ThomaphiUiliir ear life, and is found the next morning in his room ttib^ Morgan House, minus a Wife. It seems he Jumped theblgia' fence of the back yard of the hote1> where he hldfor soipe tl^ in the woodpile, feeling an the horrora of having takafi'hbiluia life; Mts. Thoman has left her lover and changed hotels. /lh» Thoman family are evidently oStd to snob things. The' nklliM of the trio have disappeued from the biUa—'played out" " ' - Philaddphis amusemente otmUnue to fiourisn in an astonlalilnf manner. Odr correspondent "Toung Itapld," lb a lettsr dateA Jan. 29, says:—"Never within my reooUsctlon ba-te-I knbwB theatricals to be in such a flourlabing condition In this Uty M at the present vtriUng. AtUeiWalnul^ IheWiliramsaa'hive.oifaMl the.gieatest excitement during the two-weeks ot-lhelr engage menthere, by-attractliig the largest and most fkahldnhble hookas. of the season. - IMs evening was announced as the bsnefliot Mrs.- Baraey; WUUams, and pOsittvely last an^'tranoe of tha couple. I hajppaned to be In the neighborhood ot the. thsife* this morning at thehonf ot opening the box bfBce, and I Aevai; saw such a motley ofowd collected together as on this oecaadaib When the olDce opened'for the sale of seats, the rush Wat mendous. In leas than half an hour the office vpts close d,'and - the troasnreT, Mr. John Donnelly, announced to atogb'stdwA that every private box, orbbestra, parquefand diess dnle' aesk was sold, and nothing left bnt second tier seats.' Of cobrae.thia was a sorry disappointment to the gaping cMifd, who >'|niin«dt- atelypobketed the Joke and money, and walked away. In.eotue; qnenee of the demand tor seate being so great, the mtnamunk has Induced these otfUa to remain one night longer, ana tka same bUI performed tUs evening "Will'lie repeated.' Ihf tjot "Star" wHI be J. B. Boberte, who opens on Monday, 26th. VU« bas been one ot the most prosperons seasons the WaUnt hsa ' ever known, wblbh is owing tothe'manageiteltactan4']tflf- ment of- the enterprising and hard-working maUB8eresa,'lua. GaiTottsonl Tbla lady'took the reins ot i&anagement wheii lh» theatre was in bad repute, and by hard work,- bloie'>a^' tentlon to business, and by constantly prodnolng u ta^ cession ot fltst class stars, as well as ossoolAtlna aroiiaa her gentlemanly and polite oSoeis, she has atlastlhe' pioaa satisnctlonof knowing that she is at the head ot one of toa- largest and best condnoted theatres in the United Stots^.^^. At the Arob, the exdtement to see those Oliver artists, Ommm and Peter lUohtDgs, bas not abated in the Isait, Nl^t aftv night the house Is crowded with the beanty and fkaUon ot-Onr cl&, to listen to the wayblings ot "our Oarollne,'' who la. IndeeA a olever vocalist and a good aetreas. Tho "Enohanlress' Uj bold tbe boards all this week, and baa pio,ved a siccefs. ItwlB be repeated.aU nsx^eak. Tho next novelty to bo tbeseutlste, will bo the newopotaof "Satanella." I had iLa Jleasure ot seeing this opera in Washington a short Hmtf sUea; t may attract here fbr a tew nighls, bnt It wiU not enjoy > atnm It Is not ot that stylo calculated to please our theatre goers." -^ As we ^m nmniJt In OUT Isst Monday evening, Januaiwaau, '-'<=JH The'ooimtav' ....ocmpiiNe'the following aitlsto:—Messrs, L.>B.-SbAfA MoOolloucb, 3, Martin. W. H. Leak, Wm. 'nhe^tey, t. W. ^ J. 0.>iinielt. 0. RInjeland, W; Tayler, O. Sag;, J. ILaemlon. Watd,Poal,an4 0arlanfl| Mis. 'PonIsi, MW. J. la the night fixed tor ojiening tho Now Chestnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, and "Virginius" Is named for the inlUatpetfcm- anoo, wlEto-Forrest In the^Jeadtog^ bhajaoten Joh Collier, OaBoU. Ocmion, Ward, Post, and' OarUcOi -i-=rii^ v-i i_ irABk,MhisitoyWolto,and MlBSj.H»rv . . staoemanager. OiaroorreBpondantoatat«thatthsblIlwrtlM%i». taSness afont, must bo a Joior, for the prelimlnaJT piogrMdiaia, ; announced that th* neW theatre ■•wiU open for tho flrtt Umj," . :, wbibh they tbinktointendodas the flisljokpot the season. '.-Tb* . choice of boato was offered at auction, by Thbmas ft Boiu, ot;^ : Slat Inst, but tho sale doe* not appear to have real ised te ar "great expoctoUons." We feared aa much, for such aooirtj dfiposlng of aeate shuto ont the people, and gives preoed^M to mmot means and speonhitors, and PhiladflpbUls one cT'llia laat places to oncontage this Borl of ihing. 'We should nWe -»l»- femd to see tbo new house Ihtom open to (As jTuSHejlflrat otoa first served; 'with no reserved seats, and no speoulatots httglDr around to fleece those who patronise the drama. Asa jn^jfc moord.wegiveanacociintef the aucUon sale otSMts;asMt|ak- edos kyoSr ooirospondent'"loungRapid." He M»s>:^^ sale took place on Wednesday morning, Jan. aist, at the rMna .,. ot M. Thomas k Sons.' I attcndod tho sale, and found nUikr a mixed crowd there, the greater portion of whom Wtie'diaWB - . thaiomore throngll curloolty than a desire to bid!''There VMM. some Yankees present, donbllesB, Judging ttom the amooia of; i:.. imoAlng that waa indulged In aa regards the anioimt tUatlltltlia:, ;' be offued for tho chotoe seat; seme people going ss Ugh ViWm' ',' while the mora sensible ones gueocd^hatteWoujaiitfiaiam'.; ' rtdht -Dlagnmuoftho8eatowerodUtrlbuted,sbowloatliJ!;itba«r,' '-' were to be sold, 373 seate In the dtes* olnle, 686 in thej^ttiMet; ',; ' andtoln the family olrble,'nialdfig a total bt im'''A.*h>hkuA-'-v tloneer then announced (sat the seate in tho paiquef.; had bscB . -fixed at 1!i eente each i in the dress circle at 60 cent* «Mi;^lamtt^ ■ ciroie, 25'eenU«Mb; and that bld6o|reredwooIdbe^epT«ihlnm ' on tbe seats. The first bid was pt oents;. ptter: a aKoit-ddsar, Mr < - oents-wwbid: andaltafjMBB^e, itwaq moKed a*w^»;. : BrBailn,ot Boaton.atfeiJMfcr.tlisoholae^dKWWiUcb'wailKo^ .-' 8»iinthe'd<S:dltcl»,frbfa(lnk'Uib stags. li^ltanntM^oe:;' ''' For OontlmiktUm of Theatilsal Beootd^ SM.Siila tU, ^f:- 0&