New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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OliIPP -■I-i. ■ LT. >i o» i »iili'-n«w TOW eaim. 'oiuit^ii^iif^^.'^ iiiiterf —tHULMMA ttda 'wUe men. ihe gT«*tiiT«nbqu 'Odli,'(nfl tlni'tliam wltti the B««l of ReoAoiB." .' 'Ml yOQloTeColDinbUt" I>^' "Bhe la mr Uoiber," Fanoir uuven. <'Btae It gteit, glorlotu «Dat kcr rota 0^ ioWe; enbUme-wwrther Nlobe. evaa In U* . 1 embnoe «ie dBllng.mfll bwMlie ihe«ry;tah; "Fenor. tan me—tallme Uks'ahothar' Oaaundnl whrn .wa Mnielei TVlieii one imn MbMltt; bla'wi^tooet^ket, e TyUjmtjj ;,^^'a ■ iiywJMiMrtf toHWDinlty to IneypraMlbleti Ma if^sffnwn4.'(wU«li li (iLOtheT mMwr,) tno— ktz »5r7Spi%,'tt<Sinot ilmplT me»n towUsfSrliiUigw; Itto. |iaei<iliiB(W3ip*ipieme fdicJty. [£>pf. no mu» can dtoo m«ia»)»Ii34l«ad-f8*m»rrle4mon Sine W home-eBpeddly «itIBHifl4«;]'"IIMl.'^?piu hrolber, udAti dsten, do notUve ' MleIr'bS6Bni^lk«r°B>eat; neltlier triU'ven'Oooked, 'well-sema ^lanuiIo^teaUA^e to dino; no, sotU thecuii(n«.lB nnex- «eptl«i(>a&.«na tt»lia««Mri BO pnie that, to narrate their we -WDt^'V* t^t^anppoee one wu about to publish « second ellr •ttn'of UanohauseD.' ,^ ■ „ me then; once for all, exprees the sublime tinth m time VOrts, BO HeUom posalble to eay In Upper Oanadar ' ■•' <'I Hive DIubd."' ("And wlned,"{ho reader Ba^s. If It Is'a daughter of Theapla, Iwfllnptoontndlother.). , .. • ■ ' ' \ '. ' —An binir ha( eltpaed. At least I think so, for my nnole Is ze- vatrlvjnrifatoh. So said the other day It went too alow. ■Citofftwonldgottstamlil, l^Jhadlt '■■ s . '■ ' \ l am entltelyalone. . In tiie dearest little pwlor. ever fairy d»- ' .-^lied—ode that would eatlBiy eTan.the.fkiT Adah I-r-r>Ur—,.(lf . <ny thlDg-wnudstUBfyher;) TdoUnlnti upon S'leathern^ooTend iooileh that Esuns.aade for th'e^bodw iudoleiioe .and dreams. Siecaztoetlaofoilmgoiland.))lMkiand the wintry afternoon's 'Mis light attala in throng taritetnlly-hune damask ouitalns. ' "be eentre4abl«i of snbstantlal.'waln^ la cohered by a ohaim- tng oloth of bine and brdwn;' ud the mirror ov^ the piantbh Stoctr'ls oTal,'°and fkuned ,#tth'.quaintly-carved mahogany: -whib the chalia ale bomred with damaak, and of the Indigenous Onadlan auiU.^Xheie ar«-bopU. and papeia anl writing ma- MalB on «tiny tteribitre, beside the lonnge; and I am emoUng . «Iong,Tiuklah,pipe!—(a gitt: from dear, dear, unhappy WllUam Jt^tn) fUled Srith the remnants of my Onban-got tobabcO. ' ' V MiUint;yitday,'rollicking, fire; IsibnraliigIn the Udg; '<iMialdiiir>. Snapping, hladhg like playaiswho «ttfAil«tUilg; -4Wiaklnjf^ taappinB, hlBaing like playaii InsVlirUiur'BSUttefl the night before Chrlrtmas, while, wlth- «iit,'avllne, fleeoy^ spoMTe, froUosome snow Is coTerlog the Srtnet.TflUi 'OU Winter's oheoiy vesture; and, erar and anon, vierfyjitaighter; oir the elastii tread of doW-mayHsare good-ftt ]owB,jtOl£Dda through the wldaoorridoiB. — . Cba ohamber-mald, a blue-eyed, . brown-Iuliedi round- < Snmed.' ied<he«kM/TnlBahlef-«yed Engllah Hebe, hai Just ^-krOTtaM fe»jhi»M4»iW0«a;and placed upon the fire, and_« botfle 4it Oanada'B staple bererase upon Ao table—not such iB 18 sola. ^thsglaMftVrlntt AIM vnie spirit whidh warms the heart of van, aind ohMH tha' wral. and drives away' blue dsTlls; that which ha^ aumiplratlon, biddlngjnen forget.their caies, until 41iey roU away like April olouds amid the sunsUne.' .' r-Vpw^ M'I.7eollno. smoUDg to my cosy parlor entirely slone, lor jteba haa Taulshed with the wood, and the aroma at the cotn- AfldBbetaindher, what , between the smoke from my pipe, and Wa the flie; I suddenly, discover, that ollhoogh the ioa ' 1» lock^Iam not entirely,, slohe, for, as Iwatchthe maaUtog Itie, I see.emeigsftom the flames, a' fleeoy, transparent outline, ' 'whioh, by degrees, acquires conslBtenoy,' until, at last I fllsfaTtt • ■plrlttial presence that seOns so real I can scarcely fancy that —The SpUlt is alVoman—(all bright, spirits., are t) tsll,<atid comely- Her hair Is of a purple , blackness, like a raven's wing Msn'ln the sunlight .There u no'crowh npon. the head, nor • the hand, .nor ermtoe on. the raiment—which i» of •l^lde'whlte, talt/sitems'.bs^paltared ks with dropdM>f blood. The head' wooid 'be a study for a Bapbad, so.,bekntlfa]ly is It «hlsaoI«d, 'Bnd the oval contour of the face reminds one of old clotures of beggar glrU tlMto .KBrilla's cuniitog hand- The nose Is Oredlan; and the nortillS'now dilate, as U to harmon:r 'Srtth the osplratlons.or tl)e throbbing, busy world .Mthout, and janon contract, as if in conscIonSfaess of. the rich, glowtog lUe 'wlthto.,'iThftllps aib full, and'of a.ctlrbeon hue; but when she speikfl, B4me tunes they deepen: toto wine-color, as of ripe old Port that hath grown glorlonato an English cellar. Thecom- f lexfoq- is almost an oUve; the poor Monde beauty of the pale, «ol|l Norlh,.seeniB to fade before ner' presence from Han's ihe- aip^„a8 mere Tact la sUent whenever Talent speaks, The form looms^pQueenly, and the' boson) rises and fule with each new emotion, as,'the waters of .old occao, to the teoplcs, when the •nmmer evohlngwtods hie forth irom the caves of .old .Sohu, bent on frollo.'^Tbe'han'ds and feot aro small, end carved by the Qreit ArtUtoct wlthiiinltless skfll/ -and she seams as one wh^ Iiad found, by stirljghl^ (He tost loonl -the- Master dMpped, when be waspnrsned'nomgato'togate oftbe Sreat Temple! ' - ^ The flro-Ilahtillnmes her whole form as the ^entog ehadea descend,- aau sbo.eses me,- as one who would open he^Jlps, and Dy.themnslo.'ofher voice beguile iny loneliness; so lealute her, «i^wllh.a.wikVBefm'7.hapd1>Mherbeseated. . . ; ' n«»d*e ><l<)* h fMjjja iMMffarnd chair; but slowly, and with ■' Ughtfa'dlitap, (Whioh, apoms as If ffilrleB, with sOrotippal sllji- im''ttnkled.on-th'e-'tuft«d' Soot,'' approaches the ooueiijaiid plao^hei oooljBAft hinds upon my brow.' :• ■ : '•what is your name, cara intof" 1 ask to n whlspfer. '• 'aun^dled-Fansy;" she replies; while the soft tonevof her- 'VelMUhBerlttmlne eaA, even now that ehe hath fitfd.-and,! am utterly alone.' Howsootliing aro those tones t like muslo from -^Gfltifi liii^-'the'watery,'to the Bbuthem moonlight—anoh •aalnsasI'lijTejhaard to daysagone to tte dear, dear'•Ijane «tal'8t*te;i'.are>ar had raised Its hydnthiad.- BlMHe;rinia i^tfda tue 'gently from myself, and as, at last, I es^ •ay rojanswaP'Bir^jpleadtog, cootog tones, my voice sounds ■truigsto-me^'for lseemtostogthe air that she nods tlme to,- •nUUng like tho Uemory of yovth. *^- ■ ..; '"lAiror. .^' :.■^:^ V . . ' raioyi- wtoe thy^^ • . . , Bnwly ljerojpno^otBtay; ' . ' So.notBtrlye, my dear, toeing, . '■/i.^.'![;Vj,,Jj..I dsh'havoilo holiday. '../. ■ ImUBt'W)rk.''Ic«nndtpI»y,V.' ' Ton-win'onlyiorrow bring. ^••-V'llMnhlkvehoholldayr^' ■ ■- strife—whioh make* an American to • foreign lanlU feel ta If, Pxametheu•-llk^ he were bound, with vultorts gnawing rt his rttals-dianhaveanendf Oh,tdl me, 1 conjnreypul whatu to arise £rom th^ loenea of carnage T Bhall Indlmnai Ubor^ and Popular Freedom escape annihilation I Caa yon aee no ray rfttop* In the darkness» .Jje Horth and Boulh ever to arise to the peaceful namlng-tbne to.flnd the oM dream to be re-UveaT Mow Fancy seemnio sing: OOLVUBU! * TO beb'ohii,dbih. Uonmnomorel Oar dead are sleeplns; Strife and'olbuda will pass away: Angela 'watoh and ward aro keeptog ]^ the Mldlen, puladesa clay. South or North .aro br*t^ and glory Oasts a halo o'er eaoh ^ve; In the \7e8tem World the stoiy Of the Fiieaman and tho Blave Bbill desoehdlng, Meve^endtog, ' - ITer be lost to Time's wild wne. <' ' I Houm so more I'though olouds Iiang dreary. Ken !inld;Wan grow Btfong and gnat; AH EarO's bat are 'weO-nigh Weary ' While the despots tempt their fhte. South or KiMli are men and brothan; ' All the world hied to our shore; It a hero fUIs, stni otfaem Blood like rosy wtoe oat-potir, ,'BUBiotir living, Dead forgiving, i ^ Only hero tttnsoan soar I V ' ■.i-vf?.' faniyl-do not iihake yinr head, '=-SwmIy,prythee.l 'go away,- '■ Til a^joy my.heartu dead,— . . " Hasten, hasten off, I prayl- .*^<XmayhaTetio gala day: vOais'oonroaes my heart to lead; jivjaust jrojk: 1 neter playJ' ■"li-ii''':' .y|' '~Fan(^1 Tsi'a married man>- ' Wedded to the.Onrse of Life;. .. She Voidd qnlok forbid the bum,. '.■ ,',' Wanald;i.;take.yoatobe.wife,.' ' An^'ewape tUs orooktog strife, ' .Shew6uldiap,me'With he^fkn,' 8»y*n*>.;'fi™> oBSi .Tb'ra tob 1" ■D'lv^-iHi.iS ' -jj^by I do not toes that Curl • -,' OoqoAttlsUbr before my flee, ..V)*? -i-Znilt FM^f.'*«i5r7^Ji7.8lrl. ';'li,§»>«4*t?ii'W [under lace. ,.. Aotiig^IkAow'tEBtBoymeanB 'viP-I'ltUiy never mote eojoy '''''^'.'jThe twaet'ideamue of a ktss. ' "W e were ha ppy: P™ud.wero growing. P rogreasJL. » - . Wheat and oom and cotton aaiwing,' ig'Bina&; _ poepffigui .JT'd'tobUoninllof ^Bce,- , w-,-',^ OanoVthtok me quite a dhnrl, ' . ■'..A/'i; ' If Ifear.thylovolyfec*. ■. '•-^.'V .'i'..'/'.-v..'''i'TT.'.:)!T" ■ '' ' ■'.■'. ■' ■Si-' '. ' ' ' ' <'.' ■. V •■jJIoy you must be off,' I say; •' ' ' '^'^'V .'v.:-A>dMd'i:Aar'orWeekB l'Urue, ■• ,?;-,;^n'i(^-j..Thliiia«*ent yoahave come my w»y.- . -U-.l' M'W'^'-^M'ii Ton I've no holiday, . r-.A.-.^f-vl'psnnw llsteanow to yoo, ., !iTn',I#!/i..^>r*l5S»t.wdr)L'' tneverpUy; - •<\: iFaieiyl't'mnblongerBby, •; aitjut ■ .',..«.«.'. _ ..•'3;<'-t01>.i^niboim*-^atenyon'^^ .. ' rv-'/<:AV^)nihy6iimoitormaynottl>y, - •7;,^,^j;'i,;i^'iB:n»towjV»m '; ■ ''' ' ' Vbaiimecold. . . ; iand love I sUu, SI am sold, /oldHreewllL Bytbe pldde^rtedmin... , WhUe,we,to'4terewe.'wpre,'old, . . r Tailt26o;Tlova thee.stllL ... 'ftBoy I ere you lly.'ftway,',! :, Hetrmedear::Bndgrantiilethl(: Bend thy.snnny head I pray, liet me know a parting kba.' ' Thank you, love. It wart a blUs, ErelseeyobbieawAyi ' . ■ '■ ' ^o^weUupon a thought like PtieI it her'head down, and looked into mtosisyes rcndesii orbs, and whispered)' ' . ' ' lirt Life, and Health,, and TMlb: and tbi'rUh ^fkyar Itogeis; to theheart bf' tbb Tan VUh, oti, even to the Tlre^piace of the cold, pale 'Allied by yonr aide evedahibng thfe nugnollaa Sbntil tr* both so dearly love," tig|'MMdOtoy"'why these siatoa '*o*Wf''1VB)r borne to™/' vr. 9 etatoa of Ubo'd tApoU'von^ *Iiy*>*Wf' VB)r borne to ««/' 'Wherefore miib me , thai oiU of'Wl-^e wbole ^wlde world, Mthoat yon I am so ^ttoelyalonet Faseyl 'I would give my soul tore-live old *S»m»of,IoyBand.aiin»hlner';.:r ■ • .' .'■ . ' :.'-r JtoweanoyBesmstosnswerir'-.v.-.t .';.'. . -1. ■ ,. .i '^.toldyonl.lovad.Yontb. Al^ome tothose who oanoleave to«,thes«.3>Hrhnmeu ln:4lia gteat,.gtan(l lK3;m.W!oria,,wh»*inen UwMh^ Howforgetfid'of the BIATEI In the dm bteflone the story Of oldEuropemeiifingot; :AU Humanity's giest donr,. Loat amid irildTrafflo, hot. ...i Hope on; ever,' Never, never ' . TO despair is Friedoni's lot Time, the old man,'calm Is able To detect the ftauds of fools; Vores with foot-stops firm snd stablSb Ne'r bewildered by the Schools. , Be may grieve o'er Piesses shanMefl, - He can amlle Bt mobfe.or men;. l He kn^ Boman geeae that ea ek led, Oi^e that sobolara ken. Foola to power,. . . ' ■ Ere.thlB hour .Iiorthls you liasbeens7ka>/ 'Blse,yefreemenl Btse where ooeen I«tes Mew England's shores so edldl Btsel and with s,giant'8 motion,' ' Speak, and gad-nles' measures mould. Bbe, ye fIcSs men I. where the Summer,' - Ltogen in old Wtoter'B place, ; . '.-'Where the trost's a tardy comer,' . ' ' Smiling sunshtoe to his face. ' : StstessoglorlonsI Which 'Victorious, Can Columbia ere replace T Uen, bom ftee men I hurl these idle Chattering dolts from place or power: They wqnld fix their rotten bridle On the tongue, their little hour. ' ^Ihey would shackle voice andpresses. They, as owlets, dread the ughti Ah I thank Qodt our soil caresses Ev'ry man who loves the Bight. Listen, brothers I ' There are others. In old.Europe, cnise.thls light -. B«ttles<'done. Peace is given, ■ •' • . . And the Sections cease tholi fray, '■^ ^ ''>.<' Tears of foyvferatoed frombeaven, . '. .Bathlnff Boldleis pulseless (day. ■ ;.''':i'SonthaTMorthdlvorced-MmItied-^> I .' Mot byLaw, but Truth and Trade, . . . 'Where now.llves the man benighted/' '■' . . - Lovlnginot the States new-made. . ■!•:;'divided, ■ ''' -v... !-.; >:..• ,■: I .^';-.v-i ..-N'erderided, . ■ ' . ■ ' - BeOiarefredfron/trelgnaU.. ' ~ Twato yet one; smiles 'mid monmtaig— Bathed to blood that'welds Icnijg Peabe; '. ' ] \'. 'Who shall'dare Columbia's Boohilng, V ?'"When the War-god's £res cease T TWato geto oni^m blood cemented, ■-'Union burled; Union bom; Beign of pnppen, so demented''\ ':'That thelr.crlmes are bleanaed with scorn. •' Burled ever, Mover, never ' '.„... BtsetheirresnrreottonmoiBl . :... BUiop'»,'.Woodstook,.0. W., 0 . '^ ' ■■ '< . . • Wedneaday evening;. Jan. 11,188S. j - ■ .•'^■ >■ •" • ' • i ' ' ■■ oir A Bio Saixa.-rrA Fwsnn S^Jt/^S^J' >.->Va)«r laaao H. Oook, fbnn«M otHkdettt, Ohio, uid UUedy a paimastar, to the United Sates' service, some 'ttoieatooelell toto the bands of ganddart, and rastatoed oon- "alderaWe hlsiiB. . Tie story is the unal ono-that ho: then w- tared npon tha deq^erato enterprise of msUng tttage even, »d of oonnehla,loasea g^ heavier a he proceeded, unUOV amounted to nearly aqnaiter of a mlllioa.lhe sum beingiargeiy above two hondred thousand. The fkot of lUor Cook's delUoa- tlon becomtog known to the nlUtaiy suthoritlea, the most enear- geUo effort! were made to recover the lost money. UsJor Co^ t npoais, had been a oonadentlous book-keeper, and had kepi ineiactaooountofaUhlBloBBee. ThisenabliathoaoyernmMt to get after the right partiee. Anesto were made slmultaneouaW at KMxo, Bprtoglleld, Ooluigbus, Chicago, Cleveland, and Louis- ville—the prtoeipal gamblers being picked up to eaoh esse. Tbair diamond rings, gold watchesi and ^eady money have been esed, and anumbor of the Inatitatlons where the "tiger' pUyed, oconpied by United States anthoritv. About sev- ih^qafit^i doUurs were reoovered from parties arrested at J,' On the 1st, a large company of the fralemity left on the 5ii-boat tit Louisville, nnder arrest It seems roasonaUeto 'eSolnde that the Oovoymnent 'will not, to the end, be the loeer fbrany^eiT heavy amount, and it la possible ovary dollar may bezeoovered. The gambltog house of 'Whaley, to Oinotonaa, is Msortod'to have taken near one hundred thousand dollars of the liiQiig .naney. The honses of Lewis and Oorrey are also to the soiiMi and represented on the trip to Louisville.. HoEelTOy inabtiedatOauo. The paymaster was not a green one. Be wia. soma years sgo, a steamboat-man to the Ohio trade.- After- to was an agent of the Karletta Ballroad,to Otoolnnati, and i?^ now aa(d that there were miftors of a delUoatlon on his part at that time. . , ^ . . ■ ABBinsH Pua hoi lfDiTfoiizDiM''<FinTAKA."—The London Port tcUa us that a Torkahlreman, Ur. Savld Oreenbury, died at Scarborough recently,. bf diptherla, aged 18. In early life he was a'eou porter at Maltos, (where he was bom) and altera short religious profession, became a notorious pugilist In this line he was famed throughout the eonii^, and used to fight ^rlUi one hand, havtog the other tied befalna him. Ho.was given tolMperpetratlon of the wildest freafcs,;one of which consisted of earning a live donkey to bed to his jwcentp. He was npwaMs of Biz bet two Inches to height, had immense strength, and constltated himself the defender of the weak and defenojlese'. He was at Isst defeated by a Utile man, and was' so exasperated thAt he bit off part of his opponent's, ear.' This was his last fight and to lul he set off to Beamer Fair «b what he said sSpuld be his last "spree." A gentleman on the cbaoi gave him ■ iiiet,'whioh contained the old hymn beglnntog, "Stop, poor ainn'er," Ab. These words acted so much upon Oreenbury's mlnd,-uiat he returned home a penitent He was attorwards for some years a preacher among the Wealeyans, chiefly at Scar- borbngh and Haltoui but, botog uneducated, his discourses were ohlefiy narrations of his own mad biok^ to early life. His name waaof Its^ snffident to fill the ohapels. He went about the cotaBtiry kihorltog for some time, and eventually married a lady with a competence. Probably no Torkahlreman ever attatosa suioh great notorl«^ by means so diametrically oppodto. • ■ * 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ H ' ' * ^} Wheae nitoitM .ntnpql'feeypnd oobomtioiL But than htr lUn wtk'dMk as noonleai lunht^ Or, llht to 'itatefiiriU^t tUdea.Mtboflui; A: Eerftoe'.wucoveredo'ef^torplmuba^te; ' A mbnataehe mamd her ohlasPd lips p^rteottor Her eyes were brUllant, a^d SB bjMkMooal,' ' ' ':v But then hfr hair w«a.rad, miOB ffiysou^l ' For a daak, tanned, freckled o'r {jlApIed ekto, no prepaiaUin in the worid oon vie w^h Oonrand'} ITAIiIAM UEDICATmiiou? which win also cule ringworm, salt Aeum, etftoAila, antlEft ' likb. 'Oourand'a FOUSHEarSUBTILES aro warranted to eiST pate snperfiubua hair flrom any part of the body, ObaiaftS Liquid hair DIB.wUI (>hange red or nray hair to a let or dark brown, (lotirand'a LIQUD ROUafi is a beautifol^iMa siito for pale cheeks and lips.' Oonnud'a HAIR BBaTOBAnVH not only cures boldness, but mskes coarse, itiry halr,sD£' sUkyud glossy, Bewacc of cheap ImitaUona. - Found ^DB. FELIX OOUBAUs'S new and elegant estshllsk.' miint, 4SS Broadway, three doors below Giaiid, removed from n Walker street E«tabllghed near a quarter of a century, iiu ' BtHaya', Brooklyn; Bates's, MB Washington street, Beaton, . ■VALENTINB PAOEAaB NO: .Cento. rtOLDIEE'S Contains I 1 very Fancy VolenUne, new style'. ' . 1 elegant Emboeeed Envelope I . 1 handsomeTalenttoe, newstylp.... ...'. 1 nicely Embossed Envdope ' a Military Comic Talenttoes, new style.. 1P 06try Valenttoe Writer 3 Fancy Talenttoe Cards By mall, free for Hfty cents. Our ONE DOLLAB PA0EAOE8 are very superior to style mytA en1«h . ' Addreis 40-lt* 16 . 9 10 9 9 . 6 e FBED. Pi'BBWT.TJ ft BBOTHEB, . Box 908S'Mew Turk, P. AO U R r 0 IT S BOOK FOB 0UBI0U8 p£onx, And ,a aOOD'BOOE FOB EVEBT OME, written to loni everybody can understand. In bne volume, MO pages, 100 tntlons,ftiUof BIABTLIMa'BIATTEB. ' . SoiouitT or ComsmB^Ueiital, HeirvouB, and. Blood Deiang» ments—Htrrlage Oustoms of all' Countales^Pturallty'of Hus- bands and Wives—Italian Wiver, and their Lovers—IVee Love— ttormcnlBm-~iPolygamy—Phlloaophy. of Elopemente, ete„ eto, Price by mall; 19 per copy. Addrtss FBED PABSELU k BBO., Box. 3085, M. F. P. O. Amd for a Descriptive Circular. [41-3t* TO - 1f ANCIKBS OF THE GAME FOWL AND PPULTBT BBEEDEBS OENEBALLT. , I have on hand and f<>r sale, a very fine lot of Stags and PoBete (bredftom my Imported Oame Fowls) that were hatched In Maroh, The Stags ATOJdl (lobbed .end .to. good heart, and as the PnUeteiaM-abantobiimenctog to'Il^,'Uwould be. desirablfrlbr, purcAsSf tDmake euiy ajppUcatlon. Borne bfthe Stags are six. and a half pounds already, and would make a most capital croaa where Blze Is desired. JMO. B. ASHFOBD, .'39rSt." 607 Osllowblllktroot.Philadelphia. ./pf'SUE'FOWL.—The ondenigoed offere for sple bla Vjr entire stock of QfilSE FOWU, comprlalng selections fMm the t(S^at(l<#to-.^enca, and. .carefully bred by himself AH .Fowtoaold-Dv'me. I warrant Dead'Oame. Baference given if r»' qaffotU A&drMs FETEB BBAMSOM, 3T-<m* 1009 Portland steeet Philadelphia, " DTBLmAAtIO ASb OVHmt RUBTVUBI. .' HEW BXBIBS.—NUMBER FOBTT-ONE, .WBBmT'-VmEBHLT JtlB^HX'BKW TOBS'OmnB, . '-V' »r OOL. T.'AII«rOM BBOWH. " V'FBEDEBldk'H: ZEMT, Bom to Philadelphia, October 10,1829.- Uadf Us first appear- ance on'the stage; to his native dty, at' the Arch-etieet Theatre, under Burton's mshagement, as Squeorsi la '1H(iholas Fickleby." 'When the California excltomeni'was shout to ite zenith, with a never fiaggtog ambition he set sail for the glittering region; where, «iter performtog. successfully throughout Ita rurddla- triota, he became, to lBSl, Ahnager of .the Jenny Ltod Theatre, BanFltanolaco. ' t . iBetomedto the "Stetca," and on the 31th of December,' IStT, died to Mew Fork. Els Isst engagement was at I«nra'Eeene's nieatre. Jn'1698 he married ljuss Jane Parker; Ur, Kent was a Und ana warm friend,' of a thoroughly nerrous temperament, and an notor of much merit at one time: but during the latter part.o^ hla life became cardess, while his social hablte addod not a little to his profesdonal tostablllty. BOSA JAQUZZ, \Uade her Formerly a member of the Begnin Opera Treme, first appearance on any atago, October 1, 1810,' at the Walnnt- Btreet Theatre, Phlladdphia, as Uarie, to 'Iba Daughter of the BMlment," ^ • . XMed' to' Oermany, Movember, 18S7. Her voice wta a superb meizo-soprano—her totonatlon very trne-^and her singtog replete with expraaslen of the most touch- tog .Und. JOSEPH HUTIOH Was professor of a classloal soheoli bntbeecming foioinated with the dranla,h»'forsook all and took to tho stege. He first jotoed, to'lS19, an sssodation called the Uoretonians, and toon 11 after-made his dOmt at tho old Apollo Theatre, PhQaddphla. '^Dled In the green room of the Charleston (B.'OO Theatre, of yallcwfever. > ^ .^^^ ■■ ■ 1' ■ ' ' 1I6MB; AMD MUB. HUTTOM, ' Born to Paris, Inade thdr flnt app^anoe cm the American stage,'Jsnnary 80,IBIT, attheBO#etyTheatre, Mew Fork,as dan> oen; made their dAut in PhUad^hia, July 11, lS9T,lattheOheBt> nut^etieet Theatre, to a Orand Pas De Senx. Thdr attltttdoe .were pmfe and cl a^a l cSl , and the groliplig was radi as to bid de- flonoe to the poet's pen. the patoter's brush, or the sculptor's art We have never wltoossed suoh lIvlngtriotuTes as were cre- ated by their skill, tasto, and itidament Hadame Button died to Booth Amerida. •'. ' • . ■ y ' '■ . . ' : OHABLBS JACOBS, On the ISth of Hay, ISST, he made his first appearance to America at the Academy of Unslc, Mew-Tcrh, under ue assumed name of "BlgncfOarlo Jacopi, the young Anericon Tenon" who was said to have creatod such ajworein Paris, London, Tienns, tad Uilan, as to make Uario and all the rest bf the lauH to the world, tremble to their bbots for their lanrels. The opera dibsen for hia detul was "D TrovatoreJ"'' The followtog iMuiaunt wo dip from a'psper of the day: - "At the proper time the ddxitant made his appearance, and ^as ^eted with loud'plaodlto; and when the onthuslssm had somewhat sobslded, he opened his mouth and essayed to sing—but alas.noscun'd ItnMd fWm his lips that was eodlble beyond the row'offidAIet : to the orchestra, The yooiiA mad wta fri'^hlened and nervona.' 'Agato he mode an effort, and a sound wsa hoard which might have beed the bellow of a hippopotamuB with tha asthma. Peottle'fooked-at 'one ahotUer—uen they llstenod—thou they applauded, and laughed Atain. By the time the second aotwaa half over; the trick was tooamarat' The SIgnoroonU not'stoffi 'aad-he had ifo voice', cotlalMRUIoA andteBUr gave.way to liuQgiiatlboi'and a storfn o' hUM.ineh sis wen otver be^oie heard IB-Amerlea^ saluted the «in«f m tttUtloai wptoailt for lyrle lloaon," t^T^O TOU, WANT WHISKERfi OR UOUSTA I / OHEBr'-^In 1SI91 first ssked tUs question. It was s» swered by numeroua people: and l ask if any of them ever knew ray Onguent to tkU to doing an lolaimed for it; namely : that 11 would Spmpd the Beard or Uoustoche to grow upon the smootb est face withto six weeks from the SntappUeabon. Likesllauft cesafnl toventoie, I have had to contend with a host of imitatora; some,of whom even go so fkr as tb copymyadvertlsemevta However,'tmthlB mighty, and win prevail; and you, my betud- less frisnds,'wOt find'that my Ongnent is the only thtog that wtB really force the Beard to'gxoV, a&d.wlll aelther stato or Injurt theskto.' Isradittoanypart of the countty,froe'of poatsge, for n. liMt*] ■ a a. aBAHAU, Mo, leo Maasau street, M. F. THE OELEDRATBD JAPANESld SMOKING PIPE reslsta cdd and heat suhstitntes a eegar while it ooonomises like any pipe. It lighto readily, bums fredy, is 'easily kept dean, and fim your 'veat pocket Agapts wanted. A sample pipe pept securely packed and free of postage, for DO «ents. qTbiea for tL Olrcnlara. free., 200 now sold per week, Tryit andbesatUlsd, asitwlllsoltyou. Addre ss tbW J. H, MABTIM, Bswley, Pa. TTOLTINTEEBS FOB THE ARMY fhould not -IcRve V the City until sumOled with HOLLOWAY'B BILLS & OIMT- UENT.. For Bores,'Bourry, Wounds, Small Fox, Fevers, and Bowd Oomplatot), these medlotoea are the best 'to the world. Every I^ch soldier uses them.. Only 28 cento per box. 911 XLNT.—Aedaotlon In Price; Onr Famous BUou Ftocy Pabkage^ with ."additional attractions," containing Sketebea, Brags, Jo kee. Toosto, FIVE BOOK CIB0ULAB8 and a OOLOBED ENOBAFINO, sent to any address 6n reodpt of 19 Oenta.'MO HUHBUO.- ZIKIAB, UOBPHF k CO., 9S4t 81 Msssau Street Mew Fork. PLAYING CARDS, . And an articles used to . QAHES OF AUUBZUEMT AMD CHAMOB Uanufketured and Bold by ' ~ .' M. MELSOM. mt ' ai Broadway, IJew: Fork. HOI YOUNG MAN I-ThoM horrid BOILS, PHI- 'PLEB, &e-,'onthe FAGE; OUBEDI Actually cured I Mo Humbug I Fun medlatoe, wilh,lnstmctlons, Sent to any address on lecdpt of Twelve Btampi..:;Addresa J, H. UABTIM, F. 0, boxl9,Hawlqr,Fa.-«t 8«-6t* ABEAUTIFUL MIOROSOOPE MiffbifVlhg 600 tlmn, ..forSSceiits, (ootopreteied.); Flve ofdifferent.pawer,for (l,00i mailed free.. Addresa . F. E. BOWEM. < ^4mp: ., ;....;.' I .Box 9il0, Boston,: TBE/OLD ESTABLtBdED :B(K)E AGENCY. ibraOtosnlsr. HHMBFBtEPBEMB, SSMassanst Send 88-tf' SEND FOB A MAM1|[0TH' package; oontalnlng FtrbrFanev Alttld<a: 'nloe30o«nti.' AUb, Bobber Qoods for Oehtlenlen'a oaa; 4ddiea<' 'J. a.'FABItTTii'i: 15 Aito.street, near BroadWay, M. F., 8Ntf BOOKS ON L07B, A^ VSUAU-I-Pfttalbgues. free. KoflnMdptt««UL' ' JOBl^ AIXimsdM, 86^^na;*.,_ 08 Dnane street, Mew Fork, WORDS N H C U SB,. OOBMEB OF BOWXBF AMD BAFABD BTBEBni, M. Onesto can be aooommodated with Booms by the day or week, with or without board. OIW. P, WOB])XN, Proprietor. , 40«b ■ ■ BILLIARD TABLBB AHS ixiuBssk'nas ■ ousHtoMa ...:>=' FroteetadbyLetteraPatBitdatedFeh. U.ised; Deo. 8, ISSTiJan. 19, Ut8| Mot. M, US8| ^ ' September »,1M0. <. OSte'rciatnt Imptovements Ai theae TWUai nake th« passed to the world. They are now offered to adentlSe' players sa combining speed irtth tmili'iisnlfbefam'''*-'' (oyBlUlard toble. Also^. PHELAN^ new BOOK—"Tbe 41)1 edltoB. enlarged, levitod. Illustrated with addltlcair i gramsandaportrdton ateflMthe author. Pride,' oaa ddk^ elegantly bound, sent by'm^fPostage free, careMlptgtpli^ . Addiees, PHELAM AOOIXEMotC ; i^^- OS, 61, <7, and 6B.0NSby atai 0 a B A T. B O O K SIl 8 0 0KBI MEW XO. IUCHJ) t6S BOOSIIl . 0A1 A£9,,ava« NllW obis aCW OATAIrOGDE sow BEASF. fiKBT FBEK-'-TOSXAaB VAID-OM 'APraJOAXm XBB dW'l^CCUtJHBBD ARD OMLT BTffJAWTB AOj, / ' .. 'iin> BEOBTCRa aoODB J Wb«t eiOa9,a(a Vftgt^ **A iUtUiiDr eatcutaO, Addim. XI)mCA8 OBMm.. ;XuUaI X ■ ■ ' ."' ' 'HBaaaaBfeN«i-linr1 HE Y O U N Q. A U E R I O A F I Rlf^ AM) ' ' , ' ' ^ a AOBMOF, . >n0TXD BT ■ bD<}AB, UOBPEF & CO.; . ■ . at ei'Mossau street, ' ' MewFOrk, ' Am now iprspsied, with toeressed fisdlltlea, to stlpply Bcetab- Cards, rx&ia, Ph(^ographs of Stetesmen, Literary men, Actcn siul /tiiliiMM. Tddslliilii. llniiy snrt TTfi'TTftfllnnnii and I^ifrlHsia . Kewspspeia and Uagutoes (foredgn and domestto), Boxlac '<Hovee,P<Btnmery, Jewdry, eto., etc . ; . StareoBcopto FlswVBcmg Books. Hoyla's Qamea, Boilic Books, Hovels, etc. LOMDOM, PABIS, BBUBSEIfi, . »n FAMXEE MOnOMa ' . Send for Ostalognea. • /■ , Bend for Catalogues. . Bend for Oatakvoes. BaglBtar yonr money lettera at cot xloh. 'ItS^.:. '.. < EDeAB^HOBfBX'k^OO. . . • " \ ^ — ■ ' . ■ ■ ■ • . ' . v: . - . ; , "'-"r . r . 'i^x OV 8ELLINQ. UPW ARDS OF lOOO COPIES FB 'WEEK. ... P A T H U li 0 O'F . B B PRO D U <J t'iTb 0 R (S A N 8 , BUSSEIX T. TBALt) K.D. ' . . THE ■ BZVAIn onaAHlHU,, BT ' ,JilIEti ajA0ES0H,,lI.9. . . •Hia treatlsea to this voloms are opiiol sp^ects'of the' nlMsIt Importanoe to a phyalologlcal point at flew.'' Ihete suUe^ tm; handled to an able'^nanner. The aulhOH'lte'ei large experience; and the i^vloe which they give Is souiid,s applloable aUke to tho gulnnoe pf'parenla and toihe I (j-the young, Aperussl of theimrwill do much to i „ hedthy mmtol andbodllyfnnotlan^; while to snffettog humonnr. It offers iifdldouB advice, whichinoy eava many from ooi^ta* ting theu sufferings by retorting to q.4aok' doctors and eapituti treatment"-Boston Joumsl. "Bhoold be read by all old enough 'to understand it"—waH Cure Jcomal. ' "ItwUlbethoseujeeof mnohgood; belngpreparedwUhoB% and fiwm abundant knowledge."—Boston Traveller, - . . "It is a book for the tines, and should be to eTeryfiusily. World's OriolB, Boston. ' ^ "An honest effort to dlAise useful information. Host pojnw worka on this sul4e(Tt are.the reversb of this, shd are nan odr vertisements of amuiks."—Plymouth Book, _ "A vahuble addition to medlod Uteratnre,"-Bostofk Ti» ^ri' vdnabla book for ttie afflicted, and for all who would not^a. Its connsels ore of'great Importanoe to aHBoston Oeagtsga* ttonsUst . ' "Contelns pracUod Information that should be known ana sss> ed open by parento and children, the married and singly Jin* ohaptera devoted to bhildren and their management pjifpn to road by every mother."—Nunda,CH.Y.) Mews. . I'ThatthlB Is a suggestive vdumetnnst be admitted, wewaii by dthar a profeeelond or non-profestloqal reader. FngsgMriB we are, to advooattog a general reform of : onr scold haDlasuB opportunities for phydcsl Improvement, we hail 'With deUgat MT suggestive influences that may ba brought to boarupM oarjs^ vontoUneof action, come from what quarter it may. 'weutj'^ fore take great pleasure to recommonding the above voloms ma fair and candid consideration among all olassea. Every. eh »py is vdnable; and dl the snbjoots of those ohapton an wallaho*^ Boston is 'greatto all Eood works.'"—MW» Clipper; ..^ Price THREE DOLLAIIS. Bent to any address, BendcrOM to the publisher, B, UEVEBEIT EMERflOH, 129 Wsshtogton street BoBton. For sde to Mew Fork \>j 0. S. FBET/Sa Walker street, and V ■ BIMOIiAIBTOUBEF,'191 Nassau street ■ ■ t^i'iiim ■IW TJaiiiBB iifT OTHZB Boot, this 'wlB teach the iei^*^nS.' to prevent and permanently Cims, bvkbt tObh of ■■"'rJS eue and deiangement without feeing or oonnilltog any <!»<■- whatever. Mo other medlod book his ever reodved ■o'»^^ - yaandaUons from the Press. 0«r TflB BiW, ' ' .. |^ *rnHB ACTRESS." isi Double dolnmn Pm") Bent »Tast IJf^" '9110: . Loves of vParis," (Mo; ''JuMetoKoore, "Boxtog," 18o; "Kate V«ugh."10«; „'!Oharley Hunter, » gtsvtogs, 9101 "Daripg Doeda of Oood an4 Ba4 W<Mn«n, our oealed Onnilar letter, 8o. Send ab'ote prices to . . : Bftf ;, . OEAB, H. P Ay, Myw Haven, Oo^ ' •g 0 O K SI B 0 O K 8lt B 6 ioKSlH 0 O K SI B 0 o k Sit - BPOBTIMa ABTIOLKB/ OAItDS AMD P) U, FABRBLL, iookseller, IMon !£f"&I^Ait ■ Books ofevery variety, dther Foreign or .l)osrfeBUo,JWBF7; on applloatiaB. Fartlefi desiring books o/Miy dtaeriVPOB,^ aendliiB sddreas; postpaid, wlU reodve ImmedOto attetfom Ihioka, Sporttog and nnoyArtldeit you may see '^-''^i^Si tgfartaidied to order. Catalogues sent on appljoaUo'i'u.^iiAS 7. H. B'ABBE|X,deal^to BoDkaahdFaBoyArtlaleB,Mo.ia«^ itreot Mew Fork. ' ■ JAMES. .(GOODWIN,. OommtMloD Paper . Deftlet. Mo.' UO JOHM BTBKBT, near CliO; Mew Fbiw. . .. i, ■ Mew* sad Printtog Paper. wantifantoiea to. cidei; .'kt .the dioiiest ttottoe. _ ^ , , ■ . .. .. , ' '.- . : ■ a s-tt BULLY THD^GSr-ETeryTrBTeterneeiaaibem. Onlf Ublaeabliu. lAddiresa'. .. HUOKMA ALBXAMDBB, >. >. I9-It» .. ,' -,M ■:: . . :. ■ Boxbory, Hssa.... GEMS t^Bi6ttniiKHi>Mf.;^$end for a .Oataionici; Addteaa jOHM HOBAM, lUaxchangoHace, Phlla,, Pa, ^ / . ,. .~.„v........• ..-'. ••■4»Bt»/ . ■ ,f'B^^B'!^O.G^'0-<W''P'A.N I "a. V'T-;H^'1flr^v & to ]»iOXMEB It06.,-F. 0, M:VilH;'^,1i-)aAi^ P,W TO Wm AT 0. two red stamps to nO\f A9D .'ostOfBoe, snd he will totoimiyoo— , hlngat AIli the .vutojia gaqiea.' Tryi retunmall. jgCgK^^ SPOJ^Qj GOODS, etk; eorid'ftfA'^