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Y O fl K O L I P P t^bofiBSiiiPoiismm.. lIdBiTTWh,H. T;--''I. By wist tnJto c«n gMnoToortMsb; toown, k«d whwdo-toe bona commcDce to Uy ttjto eggs J ». tolii8tSo4.1h«Te»lot6f Much 18«a fowls, whsttlnwjrillthe ttli8'S6iaS»"«f «Ul»O0Bt«ra? How aro otaibB genowDy cut, L' 'il'vtU*MAlMt.lome kind of Mlvenaed) la nottbe comb, ^li«tt«d:wlUi'a red-liotlionV'....'. .lr<hme cooks may 7 be known by Ihelr pInmMe, that is to tay, long backla iteddXe ftBthen, asdlosg flowing tail) In these lespccls ttnaa aU other domesUoated fowls. Tbeie are other liBninSna festares (known only to oonnolsntTtfs) dliBcnlt to to«lli this bilof reply. Early spring pnlleto commonly lay ' aefkll or the following aprlng. ^ Poor,,dama8ed, or on- ■iDiiAer 8. data, whole^or gronnd. 'are the best feedfor hens "U^R. or those aboat to lay; occasional acceas.to/at meat Is of ' mTtunportance, 1. Cooks nay be dabbed at any time of year, TnxiOad at tbla season they ate kept in a moderately warm room I *ril."rr".* .rZi.. -in:..u> ..JUi,/iiit> h>.i<ui best In- ; naaalTOnor _ .... lorwheit ; A. Philadelphia.—a plgoon shoot whloh Utelftook place ' •OnrD the Ne w,'a dUBonlfy occoiircd. and yinr 'opinion is le- ^^ ' craUM to decide the dispute.' Jtlsthls:—Oneot the men Is on . 'ttie stand, engaged In shooting ttUs nambAr of birds; whenhe^ .-ii-.jsiiadytosho^ he gives the signal to the tranpertopoU the i ' Blilng; he does so; the blra Is thrown ont, and files OiieeOj to- V. «atds the ahoottt, and alights on the gioiind among the spec- ."' latotBi''The shooter doesflot flie atuie bird, bnt takesafew I - tl<ps,''and'ploles It np', claiming It to bo coonted In hls fa'r6T;'hla ctap^ent Oblectis, and Insists Oiat It shonid be scored a lost Uid iiignments were advanced In support of each, claim, but yoor . ^ ' jaffitfeiitlaMkedfor,Independestof allargwnent.''.,.>,.ItlB ; inorUMi-that is, Itconnta for neither party, and the shooter " mtt shoot at another bird, The mle says—"HhoTlld a Urd not fly wheh Uie trSp Is polled,' and the ahootor doea not call oat:'no :.UidJ' bnl shoott at It either on the trap or oh the gronnd, and ' - 'Vlases It; it shall be scored lost; bnt shonid he kill the same. It : f doeshotscoteelther'way.biithemnstshootatanotherblrd." ' '.' P.' d.-HooBldcFalls.-"T.' B. apd H. E. agioe.to ilght a main '"'-'•fitockn. '.Ih^'show 7cocka a aide,and5tall In. X E. wins ' ' fto'fllaiinatoh ahdT. B. wins the two following matches. In ''/iS'nttthiatob'H.E.olalmshls cook madelast light when T. '' ]!.'■ handler took the const and connted ont nndlapnted before -^-"Sa'sMok 8hd«ed Ught. Admitting H. E.'sc(ick madelast Jldit and.T. B.'s handler took the cennt and covntad oat andla- ' Tsfited; -who-' wlnsJ". If we understand your statement, • li^lt'lsi^mlltedthat H. E.'sceok madelast fight, we are of '" liplnlbntbat it Is his batUe aid so decide. Bole IS, says:—If '''Iwth Onikii refdse'llghtlng onUl fonr. five, or more or leas tens '' ■■•^ onnted, the pltten shall ContlnTie their count until one cock ' -'liasVireMljMteh times, for when a pltter begins to connt,he iyMli te both codta, ', «&woum, Washington, D. 0.—"When John 0. Heanan and *'. '.'Teai Sayeis fought, was it not for the belt and championship of ', ' 4ka wotid, or simply for the belt and championship of England!" .In reality. It waa for the bolt and.ohamplonahlp of Edr- Mn4;'bnt as the champion of England must erer. be ready to '.' Jght liq man in the world, ptoTiding the Contest takes place in '■''^Sjf^ii uid as Heenan oSOied to meet the ISngHsh champion <m~his OTO'Sround, the match became Invested'With a sort of ~'' inisraatloiunmpoitance, and by some was looked upon as a light ... iin,^e ohligplonshlp of the world; In tmth, however, the Hee. . . .'^fian and Bayers ight was for the belt and championship of 7ng> 1 /]«itd.v .!niere Js no bdt for the ohampionsbip of the world. .700 SnxB, 98thN.T.yols^"A and Bare playing AUFonra. .-.9ie Jaok of tmrnpa is dealt to A. On the hand being played, Jaokis the .lowest'trfimp, bat Is taken byB'wlth the ace of Inimps. B'oUimshigh,low,'Jack, game; and A claims lowal^. ' ' milon is right; and how shonid the game be scored?" A is : lUit.. Because B took A's Jaok, he'(B) is not entitled to-the .'. gimnt for Uw any. itiore than be would have been had he taken ai^ other card that would have l>een the lowest The point tor Jack, however, he Is entltlod to. B, therefore, la entitled to three polnta and A to one. O. O.' E., PhlladdphlB, fa,—There an qulto a number of plays .': ' in which'the neceaaltylB not abeolnto that a lady should take ' part.'' Among them "Unwarrantable Intmsion," 'Ho One Bound the Oomer," "Baobelor's Bedroom," "Two Qay Seoelv- a" ••Taming a Tiger,!' "Sent to the Tower," "FMt Train," . "Box and Oox.'' There are female oharactete In moat of the foregoing, bnt the part may be taken by the prompter or ■one one behind the scenes. OBBRrbDrf.-•1i Four men are playing Enoiire, partners n* deaitt la ordered to take up the tmiop and hla opponent ;}auriitalone.' aanihe.dealerplayltaloneuUnst hJmTi^.a T. ^ (ve doDars that he ean lMaiU. shooSnjt at Itve pennies. '/ -:a^kaa]I».ai]i;, wjtio refiiaeatoB]ioot The matoU'wia made play t^^m^^^^xx^^ • 't»(a« the money. ' • ■' \,',;B.I>. J., Batavla.—If chlokenpoic be the'dlaoase (asit voidd " '' nipear by your description) 'with which yonr fowls are.aOlcted, the fallowing is a cure:—lux well togetherahalf ounce of blue . . .^triolwlth ahaU ouiiceof water; scrape Qff the wart, or pock ' "wtth-asm^, stick or other lhatnunent, and touch the sore with .. iha solutlop. If one application dees not snfllce, repeat until a •. ■,._.-'<(tirtJs,afrsoted.'■ '. ^;. OBiBBaoB, Washington, D. 0.—A and B are playing' oribbage, ' '>.\A,plBys his last card, B hold three eights, plays two of them, and ' • .:Jta&eS:two points, he then plays the third and takeaaiz points and .,-!':bno'-for the last, nine polntoinalL ' Is he entitled to seven or ..valne t"..... .He la entitled to nine, viz., two forpalri sixfOrpair. ;'' :(Oyal, and one ^r last pard. . . - . :OiJb.B., -nrederlok, Md,.-Boston and 'i^ashlon ran their llret 'V''noifo^apurseat(^den, Mew Jersey, previous tothelr great ' <:.''']AatAhfor|lO,000, In this race forthe purse. Fashion beat Bos- '. tdbi'jis fshe' also did in their great maloh subsig^aently'on Uie - IWon.Obnree, Ik'I. ■ ' :^ 'Snioix OoiiH, H. T.—1. cine James Is not the other James, .al. '...Jfunkh blessed with the saina indicative. appellative. 3. The ' ' i-gOltlsinan could dilate with ejnalfltieioy on one as well as the l offilei^ probably: and If he don't^ someboidy else) win one of ...j.fhea'e days,-perhaps, ■ .; J. F:, Washington, D. 0,—1. We are not able to give yo^i- the company Jack Boyne belongs to. We may hta^ from <Boyne . again-'in.'reply'to Taohey. and win then pnst. yon^ a. There' ..-may be: professors of boxing Inyou olty, bntweoannotlooato ■.'.(hem.' AsliJBd-FTloe. :;-''Ooox or iksWuii; Detroit—'Yodr notice of the'fowls Js an '- 'advertisement, the same as a elmllsr one lately publlahed in O'nir, ' Mjper; Even if Jtwenvadmlsasble as a nonoe, without some other' guarantee.'Cr bona file endonement, it wodld be .worth':: ■ '-^um. ■ • •■ ■';■' ■' ' ,■ VvB, Detroit-The best hands'lnBInfT are four, aoes, or fdnir ■ y, IdnJI.and an ace. ' With either of these hands, "in the bright ,.^:'j]ttiiooff of youth," aa, somebody siys, "there's n9'sach votdi , , V'AiB.<B., Ohicago, nL'^A'Convof the manuscript of "The ;;.'':A|Bei:>(;an(hiastni''mlghtpoesibly,ireollclted In apropor man* ' aarV and for a conBlderatlon, be obtelned perhaps, by addresa- . tag Uther Ur/Botheiid^'Ur. Ohanfhu, or Miss Laura Seeae. M-j.r,'^^.' 6;'jB,7 FlsiikliD,-K.''T.—We know little or nothing of the ^'!e6nda'etore of-lotteries, therefore aie .unable to vouch for their .•''Ii'onMt^.''' We'.wonld advise you, however, not to try your lack. .'.^^'It.yau do;jMmeday yon'will ndsa •'suttiln.'' • t"'.'>ihi<iii»+. ZanesvlUe,.0.—U your ftlend did not pooketth'e '^'^Mll.In ^legitimatemanner ft jbrcaotlbedby thelawsof bllliarda,. ' A'^7pP.:Wln the bet [ Oatbb bete like the one in question', are unfair.' . f^/:.. W-i'Vaishin The particular nnmbeia yoo .Mmqnlre . cannot be had "for gold,", wbroh Is abont.as strong an V^'.^^'''WyH>lJ.;'Indlanspalls.—lIany thanks to yon, It occupies a ' (i^Bunentplace in onr •■big boolL*' . : •'^l^£o6gman .ItiLiniiB, indlanapoUs.-JUlss' Jane''Ooombs . ,,^Jnw«dtii}hJSLV^I^^ V, V.''P.jF^iladeljpblL^If n6t <le»d,-t^^ retirod i;,' nqm t^:s^«;.,. We hs're no knowledge of them at present. .., 7" : Xu'. Defabit^-Tbanks, but you were forestalled in''.regard to .f,.»ews.'.-.-'; •'^ IV -' * ■"' ■- . : .'],;..X'S. B., Blng'Slng.'HOpban) and Price/ fought Kay ],iese,'St ;w^iU PoQd,' near Botton,. 1.61 jronndi,- In 8h; SOmin. Vl>.';,:j,'lLO.—1. We ars o<)t awaielof: Oobnm's ohallenglng Ed 'jdhoe the time yon'^epeOlfy.' d/Cobntn's the tallest i^pMo Fninxs, do, &,'4lit.Begt'^Tbe' gentleman h'alla firom ude]phU,'andls',we,h«lrere,'l&^^ Banlonr. . ' i^tteburgh.-rtlhai'isy .'Widte hM pnlillshed severajkllpoks. Me,do you refer to> '. ';..-, ' ■■ .V (Bi'B.—Two Iiolntb only eea be aooredi .?^''^iw£|iuii^iDiu piiizK aiiptLBf/.' 7>i ■ V : ^aa^Ut^mi hot YBT'OLiiBEp ^.!y •'. y. (ARqjmra Oifirmin Fon ni OBaMnonuuvi.,. The myst^ln whioh the Identity of the Amerloan Ui^own is envdoi^eii^,' had not been cleared away at .latest ^^advlces Ctom. SiiCland,','and tho^dajje oif -the next deposit iva* being lookfi;foaF>^ wud 'lo' Mth iittereat; as It was hopid iliat^ something wooll' then leak oai sufflolent to Indicate "the oomlng man.'\ VAS^^^ tongue shows a wlaeihead," Is a provorb thatnenaUy tmm ont to be true; we hop? it wiU be so In, this case, as we ihl^k j{ irill, judging trem the past, and we are of the opinion that the Unknown will remain unknown'itin, nntn the speolfled ilmf Ibr keeping the secret shall have elapsed.' „There appearf to he a 'strong desire and convlotlon on t' other side, amountl^ almost to a certainly, .that ho will torn out to bo an Amerlepn, h^evir, and so ftr as wishes are concerned, they are strongly, seoonded. here. By way of throwing all the light we can on the p^^tlo mystery, we append th'e remarka of the Sporting lift of Jj^Vfl^ "There is nQtblng flcesh stlirlng respecting the Unknown, al- though rappoBltlon has k wide range, and polnte to sevens qaa^ ten. A flew of the knowing ohes aver that when the day arrives for naming the Unknown, It will prove to be the atalwart Tom EIng. From authority we believe to ha reliable, we are given to understanl.that he iriJl prove to be an American, and one'llkelv to tnm ont a rough ouatomer. Tom King has returned the belt to the stekeholder in a perfect ateto of preservation, where It irtllremain.untU the resut of the match between Uace aadihe Unknown Is known. .. Should either Mace or Xing wlah to bor: row the belt for the sake of shewing at any benedt, it 'wUl he Jent to him for that day, on his depoelUng the value, and giving a guarantto to return It nekt day. The day for the next deposit has not been fixed, bnt 'will have to be named %y the friends of the Unknown on Friday, Jan. 33. Another candidate for the trophy and honor aeorulng to the ohamplonshlp, has turned up in the penon of Touiig Ben OauntiSonoftheUte Ben Oaunt, who has made his intention known of laking time iy the foreloOk, 'and staUng ilO to light thewlnner, BeneforBen. JJ. 1. : i ., . ' . VHBl AJKBRIOAIV OEUHFIONSBIP. Tie match between joe Cobnm and ,Tom HcCoele' has been the pervading topio of conversation In an kinds of places the past week, many believing it will never come to anything at an. 'What makes the case more singular, is ths fhct that the men have never seen each other, or hadut when the matohwas niade^ neither had McCooIe's prindpal backer become aoqualnted -with him. .We were ourselves somewhat surprised that UcOoole didn't show at our office when the arUoles were drawn up, for If anybody had a right to "put In his oar," Tom did. There are bnt tU a-slde up at present, and the next 'deposit doesn't take place until the Itth of Uatohj during which time all sorts oMhiigs may happen. Had there been glbO a-slde staked. In case ^tl|er man shonid alter his mind, this forfeit would be worth picking up'. Until the date of the second deposit, we must Ude onrtlme, hoping that this match for the American Ohamplonshlp may re- salt in a royal battle. After the Uth of Uardh, the excitement -wlU increase, and we hope stepswiU betaken to get up a magnificent belt by sab. sejrlptton for. the winning man, who wU be hailed (lhampfbn of America. The crowded state of our columns last week, prevented lengthy stetement bnt now we hardly think It called for ontU p<||^tive that the allkir vlU.go on. That known, we shaU give T«i7 interesting biographies, of the candidates for the Ohamplon- shlp. Sx^-nRO SoiiTKBED.-The severe frost of Tuesday and Wed- nesday last, and a portion of Thursday, led people to set da*n as a "dead certainty;' that we were to have a few days of good skating "nghtQfl;"and the belles and beanz-were indulgingin dreams of bliss in reference thereto, and many an engagement to "meetme bymoonllgbtalone,"onthelce,.wasmade. BntaUsI onTh^trat day night, first snow, and then a rain storm that carried one baok to the day's of Moah, set in, and ineoked the hopes of those devotees of the Ice King who had hoped to see themselves re- flected In that mirror of natnie, the Central Park Pond, catting oirIsy'«nes, pigeon-wlngs, etc., ox showing oS their eiqalalte shapes in giacafol sweeps onHhs sliding Irons. It Is prMCr evl- de nt that Old. Jack FroaLhu. goaa ba<)k.orn wh .(>rp«ch«0G> hak ■eoeded and gone down to I>lzle; .and we begin ito fear thai who have Invested In skates,, skating parks, eto., will And their oeonpatton gone, or'pretty much Interfered with, tni the winter of1863-01, and themselves minus to th^extentof their invert- nunls.'- We are sorry for. them, but at the same thne find eon' solatlon In the thought that what would have been ftin and profit for them, would' have been the opposite for the poor 'aro,und ns, and 'take lt'i^ in aU, we have reason to be gratefDl foramlld' winter. 'It Is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. 'Knni( WaE^filiABKB'ir BAJAbN-QHB OlOS^oma ot ioJ- ^"w-f^—^-^ --^^^ • •bUahttsntBaTttalh- Art, as there Is u> he .uui,» ^ ndTn the clty,'lncln. ding plptdresrepreaenUng* the moit important sporting events, and the portraito of moat of the eminent sportemMi sralpuranite, Trtait the Sporting Plolure Gallery, to which lome valuable ^dlttbne have recently been made, by au meuia, .»tf THH DBBR'B HBAD.-JAOE BATH'S house. No. M Honaton, near Orooby akeet, is the stopping phice of all who love "good ohcer and good beer," sparillng Uquora and prime Hav- anas. Els portrait gaDerr has everybody worth eeolng on oxii- blUoni and Jack dollghta In explaining them.^ Fun and flcoUo the order, day and night' . ■ ' • - I'Wm STIIiIi 'IjIVII."-HABBT EltL'B Saloon, on Sbos- tonstreet, enjoys thopopular' patronage to an unpar^eled de- grA. iThe truth is. Hairy la a capital feUow, and a moitt »»e}<™J< oaterer, and henco hla almost unpreoedented popolarlty. - we an- viae ali who desire to spend a aoelal and delightfal evepJog to vlait his admirably condnotedBeaUurant and Saloon. a^Sia* THH iST. RIOHOIjAS BOWIillTO ROOlf, Ho, KB Broadway, (under the Preacott Honae,) is the only perfect TIN FIN SALOON In Hbw Tork. The Manager for thirteen leara had charge of the Bowling Boom at the Aator Eonso. Wlnts, LIqaois, and Olgars of the best qusllty. , , A-tf ■ - FETE a&IJiAQEEB, Proprietor, CliipPXlR BHADEI8, No. M EAST BBOADWAT.-Froe and Easy every Monday and Saturday evenings, with that eiqal* site songster,-Mr. MoBDEOii Ltobs in thoOhaif. The best of Wines, Uqnors, Ales, and Olgars, constantly on hand. ThePro- trletors will fo their utmost to promote the coinfort of thoio lonorlng them Mth a call. - a / ' M-tf DIOE & EUQERE SOLTWOOD, Proprietors.* ' I ■ . ■ ■■ ■ " 9UEBBT LmiiB MILL AT FOBT OBAia, 'VA. Fbisiu) Qdsen:— Thinklig that it might Interest our old chanis to eee that manly sports are not forgotten by tbo "Ibogers," I send yon the details of a lltUeallialr which came off ou the 2d Inst Ths few palvy to the match kept*'battened doW previous <b the day, lest the "straps", ahould get wind, and put on the "brakes;".these precautions, Joined with a fine day, Drought about a succeae.. The contestante were J. U. Doe, ofBlrmingham, En^., a conain, I believe, of the well.known Joe Qoss, and F. P. Jewett„of Salem, Haas,, a sport of some local eminence, and victor In seveAl tume-np in Dublin. Doe Is a lithe young fellow, about 6 feet T inches if height, of light and a^ve build, and underetanding his bis, which he has pnotloed somewhat since his arrival In "Old Tlrglnnr.'' As to Jewett, he Is d stoat yoa£g chap, S feet i Inohes, with legs somewhat after the style of thsTipton Slasher's. They had had bat little train* Ing, bnt then you know we are not apt to snrfelt ourselves often In the army. Bo much for the mea THB' FIOBT. • ' * Ronnd 1. They oame smiling to the soratob, and took up their "pOSIsh," Doe with his left w«U out, his right somewhat high; Jewett's attitude was rather open, but he looked, game all ever. After sparring some time. Doe led off with his left, and got In BUghtly on Jewett's right blinker. Quick exohanges ensaed; a^d the flghtliig was begun in eameat, Doe handy 'with hla left, and Jewett countering smartly. Jewett "worming in" for'oloae fighting, sucoeeded, at the expense of several aunndlng hits. In getting the throw, which ended the round. 3. Bothqnlokto the scrateh,but'it waa evident that Jewett had been working too fbrloualy. Acting on the defenelve for lome time, he attempted the tactics of the last round, butvvas met by a eUnglng left-hander, followed instantly by the right, vbloh knocked hun fUrly off biff pins. Doe's' partisans exolnng and conBdent 3. Jewett, warmed by the last ronnd, attempted to lead off, hut 'was short Ee theu/trled the SaUlvaa dodge, bat wis promptly checkmated by Doe, who got hhn In chancery, and made telling work on'hu nut for a few aeoondi. Tl^e round was fflelr tnfn, alr.proviOusly, annjudoed; on WodiiBi5.v"'«JM ffie 4th insi,, W the slmeWa whmTcobnra mi^L^miC i^t came Qff.-iioijt Eir«03,»roadi^. « "^^•'•BiS cold nlgSM.o<aa en«igh»o freeze the narntlvaof Jv «•»»« before. 'wriiadoVdoubto'whethor'ae Foimhw^ tod Oiolr way so for uptown, and thoughto? biim.".? *»« PtJentelOymnaslamjtp tfem, butit alltaracd perhatis, sfter aU. The sparring was as followi biS -J*' W troduoing them, as usual, in l3s own fellclioiia iIhi " Yonng Kerrigan and Abrahams, vorv -feir. ti.--. Iv'^.r-Rni Tfonng Kerrigan and Abrahams, very -tolr, Dan'a hSfv"'K ding the Jew boy considerably.. Second,■ Con On™ US Robertson, a tertons affair;.Aloo hails from cAfmli?* ^ the same man that Ben Webb had words with ■ hTb^kr''*' <• fine-made vonng foUOw. andthe alroraeflanceanl Hon he put on wbUo following np tho Colorado chnmBinJ the latter look out pretty sharp; once we dou'lte^"?'?«• might have got "a downer if heliadn't cleverly dnoiJi .Vf?" earns ratUing at hlm-hls aalUty alone eavnd him 7if one clinob, a Ue; both roUlna around promlaoaooalT %^ JooCobumand Elliott,cjfretDl to a nloety, Jlnudv tAin'^^ care not to . ge^ too dose. Thore wasn't much hliut»r^ you might know, BlUllt must be coneldered a fltvor fof 5:2!!i.'>' "havo "em on" with Josept. Fonrth^milj DonncUr coy, flist-rate. BUly and Dorsey wore oxpooted to'oerfMT^ ™" would have done so 6n^ for Mike's Jaw being terrfUv .X' with the .tooto-aehe. Fifth, Benlgan and'flrady •iiS?'* poTB)" nasty hitting and right np and down ftomtSiy.'S" Uxtb, EagheyMcLun and Oomell, happy go lDcky<lW4!!l rib.roaaters, each trying to break things. Unghoyhad l?>^ of his arlstooiatio opponent' Bevenui, Captain Lazai^a^ Handsome Ulke, "Bojetfelleis," and two of the tMi^niJ*' tcoiedto fight'for theU.Oountrr, undet the gallant andS' hearted 4f lonel EUaworl^, A eei-to between Harry lazuu Trolnor is the height of peifcotlon In the aclonce—a protu» m play couldn't bo witnessed anywhere In the world, ffowi preitty much all.the famous light wolghte of aiglandtnui eluding Billy 'Sha* and Peter Jlorrls, but ourlion on liS ■'toko the linen off'the ehrubWiry"-we'U bet yet. ItWoS Eogan, tolerably fair, althodgh not ui Dan Kerrigan and Barney Aaron;' highly reepecteble and>'numerofis auaiosco now oatues tt«iMi and won in the "ould dart" and Amerlky; It woa a good ihlu activity vetaaa propolUng power—wherein there wasn't aikv dlfror«nee,ta]dna an tblngs'-'Into consideration. Wo pntZ! they cleared s hundred or se, which ain't badtotuettM, times. . BOLT Saboziit's Niobt.-a alng-song will be given lot ik* especial benefit ot Ur. Sargent on the 12th of Febtuan, i| Smith k Bnrllnson's.'hotdt the House .of.Oommoni, Houtoa street. Quito an aristoeraUe gathering is expected,' JiAO- croft and Bmedley are expected to do a duet togolher, vhklib being written espeolaUy .for the oocaalon by Wstta the uei Now you all know It, so go It—that Is to, say, BID; Buwii'i benefit • » Jomih-T MoBBis WILL noET DlixoK.—Hearing that Ui. IQot has been talking, about fighting Mr. Monls, during his tbtea from Boston,'the latter says it the former is now as anilotito fight as he appeared to oe before, he, Morris, will accemmoliii him on any rcaaqsable terms, sooner than let him go off irlltal a fight Johnny eon be seen at any time at the Cardesificj'L National Theatre Saloon, Portland street, Boetoa NOSBT OUBZE TILKS.BACE TO DlOS HOLtWJ Clarke wante to know at what weight Dick, fight aa he is open tomake a matoh with L for ISOO a aide, at 'I(nibs., 'to come off in bnm and UcCooIe. ended by Jewett dropping upon his knees. 4. Jewett, getting rUed, rushed.l|^vlclous1y, and succeeded, at some cost, in landing a heavy one on Doe'a prominent oonk, which decided the,aecond event, by drawing a etrea'm of claret Doe, nothing daunted, countered heavily on Jewett's. left ear; then followed a scramble for the throw, both down together. .6. Seventeen nilnutes bad elapsed. Two to one were ofifered on Doe, although the odds seemed to waver for a moment, Jew- ett got In a ribber, which Doe's heavy breathing testified, bat collecting hlmselfashe'stopped one, he dropped In a half-arm blow, a "aockdolager;" Jewett, very groggy, pawed wildly, and Au BlOHT.—AU theladloal attempts to klU off Oen. UcOIellan have had no other elfeot than to. help to make him one of the most popolar men in the country. It is Impossible for mm to move along quietly, the poeple are always sure to dlsoover him, and extend to him manlfestetlona of good feeling and confidence, anch as few.,offlceis now enjoy. Even in the Eastern States, where, Itls Bupposed, the radical pressure la the strongest, "Little Mao" has been welcomed with every honor that man can conceive. Betdmed soldiers, veterans wounded in fighting their eoontry's battles, push their way through swarms ofpeopjie to gr^p the hand of McOlellan. The position he occupies this day is more honorable, in the estimation of the . people, than even that held by Vx. Llncohi himself. The Oeherol. has the confi- dence of aU toyol citizens, whUst the President has lost caste with many for Us want of flrmneas, and for his mismanagement of tUetrar, as exempUded. in the most recent operations. 'Let tke radicals oontlnue their hostility to Oen. BcClellan, and the end will n ot be dlffloult to fontell. .'^^|K^';!fa'^£'redertoksburg,''7a.^ our niext l^'^P^tVT#uiBp*ton>-iUrIgh^ . , Pj<nnBX.T-Ono' of the. finest, speplfflens of on- Mt^lhe^Dog Indlgnailon Iteeltlng,^ ^yWorenoe to 'iib'-^'«M tiiep<6Mr«j;'«b^^^^ once seeni ibe dejs^taptMMss' ^'It ^ ib^idW Vd^'sto<^|?^,'^^^ tMliable, and .tlim'i.'M,{^^^^ for. ghanges' eveiy'evttUngi ';. jOLcifnaa TAW .mLiB. nAon , JIMMT OBIFFIN AND,PATBIOK COAKLET FOE $100, .The chaUeogo .and cotin'ter.challenge that appeared in bur p»perafewweeks ago between these fleet-of-foot athletes, re- sulted in a match being made for t200 a aide.. It oame off on the evening of the eth insl. at the Nattobal. Theatre, Boatbn. The house was well flUed '^^ith^'the firlends of both pedestrlano, Orimn has been training, slnoe'the matoh was made, in Bridge, wateir, and hla appearanco^shb'if ed that he had made the muet of his time, while Ooakley, who had been' taking his breathlnita at Somerrtlle, looked too ftill of flesh, and logy. '^"J'"™*" " ^_ The men ran in the circle on thO' stage, tlie dlstence round this bein*a Wfle short of 48 yards, rendering it necoeeaty for I the men to.-^ 4jo <Umes ronnd to complete the distance to be accomplished. The ring had been speeloliy prepared for the purpose, and, oonddering the dleadv^lagosthomen ran under -•-both the oloae atmoejihcre and the peonllorlty.of the track— n,'5Ji^i£*ii'^*,T,,"'5*'' •"•"""Bh. In the opinion of many, sdf ont Ee oomplotod the distance with vigor enough left to flf"S.'?'"'","'? "'"«"' aronnftheringlve toea ovCT flio dlatenoe,. to keep Coakley company to the end. " iSft'„^'n'llf£».?!«?i?'l?^» word being SniSJlLJS? ^,.*!'''"«« ''8 laoreaaed to & yards at the end hhi rtdTr&.^tt™'"'"'*IS,^"dlfllouto'ftomasUtihlS SnUl hli«S^!iJf.Tv'5 ''"l *^ mUeibut not So viS.'^Sfai''^JPJ^? » 8»P..for .him to travll of over MO -virAm ^rim- » " s**'""n «> wavoi or over ih«H 'f^*' tks end of this mile, three rounds ttS^bV^ii, Sfi.**-KH«"» ""^tilned byhfiitotheendof Sls^7o^"Wu«e^^„^°s?^"l^^^^^ Aur rounds in advance, Just SiiTft ^e r«;^ r^.S^^ MlnWSS^nA^S^^^ own time, ran the five rounds, hs to bJLd to fo^^.Tnd^ £^5??.s^s?f''sr,^nrrfu*ri^rM.^^^^ «SHju*m pratafo Olub or Soabboiio, p, W.-rAt » msetlnii £S?i52i'*»5,°''A.'''? ''M' nit., itejfoUowlWgenUBSen Mr^athMntedofflcebfarersfor 1868: JolhCMbi Wm..> 6&K Jh. Jlcb^sidenli A.- 6land( J6hil^'Pater*onJ,',wm. Crawford,' Jamet Bobi >«UjrgenUemen bstat President I Injj^l'.Seeretary} >b,.atil.i^b4rt h not up tothe othew. niiS^ ■on, in the wlnd-ap, Bho»ed£ oils audloaco how battles in |m leBUl; jvruii |g ilngaiCo- ■ ..;«M«a**rtli«iil«>4*lli'»iibUi*«flIti^ ' ' ; • •■«,"•■.*•'*'':.'I ytLflalag mnf t' Tmtn altfgOonanlUW, .■• ' ' .t ■ >ir.(.7;:/-iN-v^;v^'/Sii'i'^r'^A^V^iii^tv^rV'.^- r^': . :';v;'^;•'A^'f••■'.'!•^';'V;•V^■...'' •'• -i'- -'?■■■. a'.'- -.j?,' ..-fji/ri' -" '■'■ '■ ••'-'a,t.K.-..-.: ••',i-'»'.'r.'«->!','-= ;',:.to/;ti»»K4B«K''''i'.'- • MB'.-oT,';* „.-.:-'i., ' was dropped by a slralght one. 6. The nsnli was no longer in doubt and althongh Jewett made a stabbom pun for the ttoow in this round, it was evident that he waa over-matched. Els second, "Shore, the Wliaid," •■Mshed to throw op the hat at this ronnd's conclusion, but the game "Lobster" persisted, and toed the mark for the 7th and last Jewett, his right eye nearly closed, and qoite weak on his legs, puUed himself to'gether for a desperate strag- gle, mshed in, sbciklng right and left but was met coolly and effectually by the eslenUfio "Mash," who popped him saccea- elvely on the eyes, nose, and mouth; and then catoblng at bin, Uuew blm a tremendous oross-bf ttook, and feU on him, literally using him np, so that when time was caUed forthe next round, -Jewett "didn't Uve thar," and the stakes, a ••ten spbt," ware handed to his sknifol opponent AflooDTiHE Botmn.—Tho "Sjpeolal" at .IzzyLazanB'a on the 29th ult, tamed out a bumper Indeed, and as they lay in the theaters, it was "standing room only" for some of the vlsl- 'tors, nearly the whole night It reminded us of the time Harry King and his Butler' (Bob's brother) hod this lame hotel. In the way of large attendance, although the'company at Izzy's -was ferhapa«iore select Old Bill Pontin tooktk^ chair, and Old UI Tovee the vice, asBIU Foster had previOnsIy announced, lEsy, the BrIgnoU of the Fourteenth Waid, sanghalf a dozen times, but almost raised the roof in his farm yatd song, • In the meiry green fields lif the mOmlng." 11 Dan Bryant hod been then, the .gnat tenor iretud In aU probability be now perform- ing at 473. Tovee warbled Meet me by Moonlight AIoh^ and the Swiss Toy Oirl (he might have met her afterwards for onght ^we know) in a slinple and affeoUng manner. Jimmy Fracer, James Conley, and BUIy Basgenf s oomloaUtlea well balanced the beantlfnl sentlment^eongs of BurUnson, of the Souse of Com- mons, and William Boll, of the "Optlmus," 28 East 12th street, who has often appeared la operatio choruses, at Nlblo's Qarden. Mr, Bobert Smith played many choice pieces onliis bugle, ind as luck would have it, Harry Laiarus bounded in the room Just at that moment The Oaptalif saw there was to be something good at the old gentleman's by our paper, and made up his mind to be.thera, or break a leg in the attempt After Hany'a arrival. It gave freab impetus to ths performers—even Fiery Macarty threatened to sing if nobody else would-be knew how to set. ont of it, didn't he ? .And thus they passed the time away 'wlthont 'thonghtof c^orwoe, the night we spent at luy's houae alongUme agol [Oborus], ' . . Book Tdbn Up Bcnrmi Nios Eaixs inn-Pai Dur,— On Tuesdayaflemoon, theSdlnet, a slashing combat wasqntetiy puUed off In an East side hotel between two muscular ^riitiane named'respee'Uvely.Niokand Pat, "for fan." Eayes had the services of thafolever Utile clipper, Dlok Eolywood, of 40 ^t Broadway, and the promising young Hlohael Doney; Daley being tfeconded'by Ben Webb and Ooffrey. Nlok, though mnoh' theUghtest,bad an thebestofthe fighting and-wreelling;he alack got tzft knock-down, to Daley's first blood. In all, they contended.84 rounds in BO minutes, when Nick was hailed tho winner. Avimiip OflAuuioB to Pinv Dalxt.- If Palsy Is not pleased with his (ate deleat, or wante "aatlsfbotlon,".MIak Eayes can be backed to try It over again for 128 a aide. Man andmoney ready at the Eoly wood Brothers'Saloon, the Ourixn Bhasxs, No. 10 East Broadway. . . . . • ' . ' \ . P]iosFZOie or AiiioiaBB flnuT Olovs Fiom.—nss Oabsuss Boz,WiLL BucxKit Jiu CorrxE's Nosz fob |200 a Bms.—In a letter from Boston, dated Feb. 4, theOyeleas Hoy ssya that he dlapntes ,that Coffee is the best sporrer U' Boston, as trumpeted about by his friends, and .to prove it, he wUl spar him for atxty minntee on the some terms as Clarke and Cobum's -natch, and to bo governed by the ume rules, for frpm tlOO to S200 a side, or aa much more as Ooffeeoon raisb, the man'thatoperatee oltenest on his opponent's nose, to take tab money. What'groondii has Ur. Coff()o to remain sllentV. The man with the smallest hose oughtn't to b'sok out, no how, whoever he is. ' 'roDHO ElBanES TimiiKD ov.-^'We have sucbocded in traoliig this jroungrnan-out, and learn that heisnowln the U. S. Sen. oral Hoeprtal, at Philadelphia; Fronka w4s 'wounded in hla left hand at the battle of Bull Bun, but he' Isperfeolly willing to' fight thePlttebnrgh man when his mawley goto strong agalh. Franks belongs to.Oompany E., 4lst Seg. N. Y. 8. T. Els backer win now have an opportunity of on Intorylew,' JoEfm Bkalbt . Bci'uuMJCu 10 WbnossrxB.'—Our yonng friend, "Eob," of the Fhomlx Saloon, 70 Front street, Worcester, Mass., after spending some ten days visiting all the spoiUaa landlords and places of interest in and aroand this olty, has gone book home, and fropi the experience gEed here, he will now make out better .than eveit Johnny knows all our sportett, big and little, and'the Woroester folks wUl fiook aroand the Ihoi- nlx stronger tban ever to hear hlin nlate' bis "experlenoe." Things aro sb dlffonn^ between olty and country, that 'theroll be many a hearty laugh over'JOhnnyls. adventures. If any of the iMys go to Worcoster, they are surS bf a royal welcome from the quiet and.gonteel-looking Johnny Heoloy. Qood liiok to you; "alanna." • " ■ EEBHAMToboupBTiiwrTB'tsOTASD.-^Aboqt sIX'montbs ago one of ear oorrespondonis in Londob wos oonfldenllally'.in- formed by John that he was praotlalng tho trapse performiiioo and getting along very finely. It is rumored that after the olrcns buajUiest is played out, tho Uonlola Boy wlU asrome his now and slAHUngflyln^ leaps ataLootard, -Won't'tAot be a sensation for our English poosins,? . . 'Got Trt BTAK«8,U.ThsBtakeB, M.OOOiIn tho.latejprlsbbaUteIn Anelr»lte,bat*amliaii ■White and Jaok Sulfivafi, had at length beenpaldoverto tbefbrmor, aooordlng to Ute advices, but fiil- .llvan havingpretested so strongly sgalnit Wdfi'a'.'aispoamon of the funds, anewmateh was made, to fight' iS/iHi nibnth froin September «,1M4 for $3,01)0 a si^e.'i' It win iwjbe Ipig Vtton we learn w6 U the victor in this tiwMid 'oWliei* - "' • • A Woan FBOU Jack BoiDs,— The followUg hotbspeabttiit self:—"WiBHOiaioM, Feb. 6.—Enrron OLiTPsn—In rentd lo Tnohey's ohaUenge, I 'wish to say that to make n mitu ituii. pieaent time Is ont of the qui)stlbn; but in about six moatlit' tiat, wnen my term of service eball expire, somethli)g .may toia ip- that is, provided the Bebs. don't interfere in bay' balcnlatloov Tours, eto',, JACiBorm, AxoiBEn Chillesoe 10 HoLTWOODr—"Pnncii,"theninllul foaght'BlUy Donnelly a short time ago, offers to fight Dick EoIt. wood at 110 lbs., for firom $300 to $£00 a side, at any time bt, Holywood, may onoose to name. An answer through the Cu^ FEB wiU be attended to. A BiBB Ohikcz fob Souebodt.- Mr. Jack Bath, of the Dta'i Eead, 211 East Houston street Is deelrous of dlspoalneothlallit ooUecUon ofplotnrea a^d bar flxUres vory reasonibiy to a oab customer. Eere's ai opportnnlty for a man with a Unle capllil to possess a beantlfnl portrait gallery at a very ttlfllogonUij, Application to be made as early aa possible, as rack Is looi to leave for Oalifomia. , Tbe Lazaods Ann Dalt Uatoh.— At onr lateit adTlete bm CalUomla, everything was going, on smoothly towards Ihem- snmmatlon of thU intereeUng match. We feared the lateiioot- Ing affray and tronble between the "bankere" and police widl have "sqnashed".lb-snoh tarns ont to be not the caae. "bp- tain Horry" goes onb in the next steamer to look otter hn brother Johnny. Mnp' DOBSEi'a Bxhepit THnBsoATNiOBTi—Thlsyousgmla. latlUv^Benules snd clever boxer is np for a benefit it Iht Oriental Qynmaslam, Eayard itreet, near Bowery, en Ihandt; evening, leb 13l when tbe boys will muster a full roll^ill^ul exhibit their ablUtv and agility. The proprietor of tho Opau- slum has hod It-olI fixed up espeolally for tbe occasion, with i ring and seats. A long list of "good men and true" appnn on the bills. WebeUeve little Dick Qoly wood Is to have the tar. Young 'Orady and BUke Dorsey wind np. Tickets, olI; a qnortor. Eo t FOB CAUFOBinA t—Captein Horry Lazarus, U. B. A,<ii to soil for the gold diggings on the coming 'Wednesday, so ai to be present when his brother Johnny fighte Daluy. Jack cooUa't have a better frtend ot hla elbow then the ovoiywhore popolu and rotund Ultle Fire Zonove. ' He's sure to lio welcomed hi tbe land he's going to, and if Horrr Oribbln", Tim Macat^, Brnmey, Billy Meehon, and oU the other gay boys, don't lectlve liim with open arms, we'll, enlist .There's no doubt about It tl lU. The Captain will vrrlto us whenever anything la going on of ID- portance out4here. The OLiFpin's Fbze and East.— This lin't at our office, is some mtdit Imagine—we don't' sing, but "JIne in." No, II'h Dlok and Eugene Eolywood's place we hove reference to, No. 10 Eost Broadway, where mirth, harmony, and hilarity "rule Die roost" M. Lyon's name alone Is a tower of strength, and add i dozen moro oholce singing birds, and tiion imagine wfiata g*7 and happy time they mnst have up there overyUoadarinl Saturday evening. Next BatardoyDlck sings "Click, cllci, tbe Songof theStkdr." Typos, iake noUco. ' BaoeedDowfI —Altot-liqmhugglngfbout nearly four meb, and tho trial being pos'^oned nolees than four times, JiekBtIa again appeared at the Tombs FoUco Court last Satnrday motnlBg with hla lawyer. Hi. Bowe, ready and anxious for aa lavtatlp- Uon, but OS we expected au flong, the police didn't oon toix* the muslo and refased to ptoseonto—consequently, Jaok m* honorably discharged. Mr. Bath was lucky in alffaji hivog good wllaesecs on hand If It Lad oomo.to anytblngi aidn Eellove Mr. Howe wonid have given auoh an apost ot ue tw- nlcal conduct'of . certain individuals now In power, that votua astonish thoiie not cognizant of what these •'things" can do. I> will all come out though one of these days—yon aeo. - Laid dp sioe.— OrviUe Gardner, on opponent of WflUam Out- ings apd UoPhoe, Is lying very 111 at Newotk, H. J, ThS^ST that Be was insane Is groundless. Wo hope "Awful" vUl ">'' getronnilsgahi. .. , Fisno Stabs on a Toim.—The renowned Joo Oobnm,niw matched with Tom UcOoolc for tbe Amerleon Obamp ouuPr WlUlam Olarke, hU kte antagpnlit in Uioblg glovefial>ti C°° Orem, tho OhoiBplon of Colorado; whoao biography appe«™ '» another.:colnmn of this -weak'o pAper; and Jimmy EUIot^ iw Young Olant are about going on-a; spatring tour They.wlU visit PhUodelpblo, Ilalttnoro, Wasb>on, aid AW ondrlo^then'back to Nov'York and. through the upper put " thtfltote. . Mlko Norton, "Crow," is to be their advance ajtai- IA)ok out for the m I;' •. ' ■ 'AniBiocaAtib 'Wbxbiuko'Match ni JebSzs.— A^OBe»b•^M' u»ual,yotnevortheloss very Interealing wresUing cbo*«?'I5°' plnce-at the Hudson Eouse, JsrieV Olty, on Saturday si"™???; Feb.O, between F. D. Bttni/cll, Esq., Supervisor, (we ore jj^w to, undoratand,) of • Chenango oounty. If. r„ Hl*,iP!i^?hnr Alneswortb, of faitford, Conn., for $700 o-slde. Both men the reputetton of never having been thrown before. wo.ThS! of the matoh were ooUar and elbow, best two in U^5M°?.|^ .^/.■.„ i.-.n'(.;^', oMlMttV .,... .. .. ; ,;.'.'; . .. hour to intervene betweefiaehliU, Some t^ro kenjM ffj*! tators weft'present, among thorn many prominent nowju' jolJLlolans and' betUng meo, . On>|eUIng their holds, th» B«P" visor ilut an hU aolenUflo manosuverS Inlqplny, work of the Lieutenant by fioorlng him Insldo of elx ^J^r- It la said Bunnell had $800 bet on the first faU, which bo woo « course. .In' the second mooting, alter the two had taken'"j^ holds, Bnnnen let go with one band, and whUo te a man |noa» by, Alneeworth stole a moroh on him, ano w went his caaUe.'' A scene of oonHiston boio ensued, one pw; declaring It "foni," tho other onuallyVlomoMtrnUvo thotit w- "I&lr," but it waa finally aotUedV BunuoU »»ki}OW odgmiJJ,. com,.that it ttolonged to tho IMitennnt The third «n%''^j. ed In favor of AIneswortlii nnd^o was ot onoo uocloreo ^ aer- of tho $1,100. 'ConsldeAblo diacueelou JMUOd « " ^ jjtdges doolortig Ml enteide beU offobout *>>» "J,'°S,^ob .before,Mr..nuDnell gave in, and aftorthot, dodorlug again. Wo are not oognlzailt of any rule which gwoa o ^y,,, the right of two deoulons; and if they were WP'"V"J_'fc|S« n» dUnuto andopenly dooldedas aforesald.'WO kol«™J?;L»v po»- rlgfitto "go baok''' on their oBmaasertlona.^miomenjOJJ^j ■Ibly moot again on account of the unaatlalHotory maon which It tefmibated. :' Adoibeb ] nOl^nolu^ Jerseyii'an, JbiVTiyWwhVldtted;* birds o^}^'MuSi*> OomsU's 74. At. lho*closo orthe ?<y*4^K'PSS^n Ue ^ ' birds akfki but.a>^lor.."oolohe4'ilp,v.«d bfatWni on u d»y. ;.'.; '^^'.^"^ ir,. '■ :;'''v'':; ;*/i,;..i...-,'vji'c