New York Clipper (Feb 1863)

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NEW YORK clipper; 351 lihletedtiy ^OOB'S.MIHSTEBIB, t tbelr, patrons with in ontertilnment.portnylaB JO'tmn'ra A»D SBADEB OF MEOKO LITS, copiUolliB WIT, uRLODT. produolng Uproulona Van and Screams of *" aSTis ti'o DDlvereal Tbome of Admiration, ''.SkvdIt FEBBUABT 9> and aver; eTsnlng during the^edb *" jjijp AS A Post, Thb TaPTOwq ■Whiibt.fim, Xas Eoao, BtnnnKO'THE BlookasVi ' PiSAKf BiltBOAO, BBOiDWAT-BatM, - RTjcaEUiTn's Jubilee, Bran HpumSi- CO., ao., PK;> OHARLETrOX, NELflB BETMOITB, HBNBT, LOOKWOOD . BOEnnaABDi, . uaaos buotbzbs, EASLAM, LEI8,, LEWIS, &o. Sol WHITE, gtSSS, "^S^oponat6KJ oomnSciat.T)<p^abpk.TtdUitalScents. tXtf othi^ Tronps .awomlng tUe nams of . Ho connection 'fOiUO^BOAWilltti^ LMsee and Manager .WMi. WHEATtET. •nm^TH WEEK Of tho Trlompliantl; SncoesafU Engagement of WUWi" OBEAT TBAQIO ABTI8T, HISS BATEUAir, . VboaeImpresslre,natnral,andpathettorenditionortne . ; JEWISH UAXDEN nu oroatod tbe most profound dramatlo eensatlbn and attract- ^laarlcBof tlie most crowded addflablosableandlanoes over SimMcd In this city. MONDAY, Feb. 0, and Every Evening this Week, • «tfl bo nrosonted the beaatltol romantlo play entitled " LEAH, THE FOBSAEEN. irb and exquisite Scenery by J. H. BELW^. . ^ Music, oompoaed expressly, by BOBEBT BTOEPEIb Uusloal.Director.'. HABVET B. DODWOBTH. iihincterlstio Dresses and Appolntmenls. ByII^B8.PlIILLIFEandS. WALUB.' jMB the Jewess - MISS B ATEUAN. iad an nnrlTollod coat, embraclng thi names of J. W. Wallaok, Ir Edwin Adams, Bnrnett, Lanergan, Lamb, Wilson, Headomes Mintna. Skerrelt, and tho admirable Oboms. / ^oots open at 7, to commence a qnattor before 8 o'dook. M- Losaee and Uatiagereas .Hiss lanta Eeene. nilh Week of the EngagemeiSt of UB3. JOHN WOOD. MONDAT EVENINa, FEBBUABT tth, 1663, njiltlme of a newveralon of fUnohe's well-known Fairy SitnTaganEa, entitled the , . FAIE ONE WITH THE QOEDEN LOOXB, bwhlth JOB. JOHN WOOD win snetoln three distinct characters. In tub 8be will make her flret appearance, canseqnently maUng THBEE FIBSr APPEABANCES THE SAME ETENINa. . MB. WALCOT, Ben., as EINO LAOHROMOSO. THE ABAB GIANT, ^HE OBEAT OALIFBON, together with on SiteUeDt Cast of Ohaiaoters, Poud^ Ohoms and Oorpa de Ballet, "^pew Beloetlans of Muslo, Qorgeons Scenerr, Mechanical Effects, Splendid Coatames, and • - Ebbonto Stage Appointments. Box Book Mow Open. .43- Bole Proprietor .MB. 7. W. LINOABD. UitBlxnlAhtsof •' MB. £. EDDT UONDAT and TU^DAT EVENINai FEBBUABT 9 and 10, Snnd revlTOl of DEB FBEI80HUTZ, lUh all the grand eifects. Including the ^ , BOPEBB INOANTATIOK SCENE Of the SoTen Charmed Bnllots, in the WOLF'S SLEM. Hie beautiful Drama of MAiNTnnuo. Mr. Eddy aa Easpar and Malntinlmo. Conolades with the Drama of the - F0BE8T 0? BOBENWOLD, ■« r,--:- ... .... . , AND THE ISLAND OF CUBA. . v. OBOWNED WITH UDVABALLELED BUCOBSS;' ■ ' ' ' HUB WAT FOB * • • -■ THE CHQiimO LEASINS MINBTBES TBQVPE OF TQE . ■ ' PROFESBIOH. . UAUUOTH OBOANIZATIOH AMD BBASS BAin>. Betnm'of thb far-fkmed and world wMe'renowned ^ , DUPREZ & QBEEN'S OaiOIKAI, NkW 0BI£AKB a MBTBOrOUTilt.' 19UBLESQUE OPEBA TBODPE AMD BBAfid BAMD, From their late tonrtpNewOtleans and through the .Ialand of Onba, whelm they met with nnUmltod luccoeBs and weia'received nightly with roars of laughter and shonta of acplanBe. _^ Stage Manager . .J. E.' QREBM. ' Leader of Brass Bond 0. LA'VEL tEE . Mnslool Dlxtotor ; . J. HBEP. Vooal Director O.-.BIDEAUX. The oompony la composed of the following eighteen Artlstlo ondBrlllanc ' , QBEAT SI:ABS OF ETHIOPUN DELTMEATOBS. ■IBS CABOLUnO RIOHINQS, a,n n> MB. FK» RIOHIMaS, Hiring plajred very suavaful engagements at FOBD'B TEEATia;.WAfiHIMOTOM, D. 0., and UBS. DREW'S, AROHiBBEUSEr, PHTT.ADKT.PHTA, nneODOience an engngementoKKu, INIDLOV ^SESeN, On MONDAY EVENIMO.. FEBBUABT 39, 1S63, vksnwlll be produced for (bp msfOme In NewTork,'thelr great Speciaole (Operatic and DramaMoy entitled, .' 'vr •: BATANELLA. ' »ll A. S. PEMMOTEB, BBOASWAT MENAOEIRIBI. 600 DBOADWAT. L. B. LENT.....'.......' Managi Qmb dolly from 10 A.M^IV10 P.U„ with tho moat, a] UDaetlooof i 'e LIVIKO •WILAImIMALB IM AMERICA. " THBEE PEim>RUANPE8 DAILY, Atll«A.M., 3 and 8X P.Ji., by lEBFORHIMa ELEPHANTS, PONIES, MONKETS, k MULEB. ' Admission 3S eta.; Children under 10, it ots. M- . BBOOKIiTN ARENA, ' ' RAYMOND SntEEtr DETWEKK rOimiN AKD DK KALB AVZHTIES. nSBI ETENINa DUBIMGl THE WEEE, AND ON . 'WEDNESDAY AND SATUBDAY AIXEBNOONS. Superb Hoisemaneblp by all the great riders, - Athletlo Feats by tho Delavantl Bnthors, &o., &0.' Diesa Olrole, 25 cts. OhUdrenUcls. OoUery IS'ots. ^iO-tf J; E. OBEEN. QVSTATE BID^UXj J. E. CAMPBELL, HABBY SLATE, - t. ' 0HA8. H. DUPBEZ, M. AINBLEY SCOTT,' JOHN EELE, . CALIXA LATELLEE, FEED FLOBENOB, LOUIS WEST, ' J. H. EELLOaO, : FLBU ADAMS, , • EDWIN HOLMES, ' OILBEET POND,, • A. B. PRENTI8S, • WM, DUBOIS, • ' ' ' ' * aEOBGE YOUNO,. SAM P. MABBIOM; , Being the greatest Combination of Talent ever ooncentrated ia one Company, ekeelllog and tti superior to all other TMvdlng Troupes in existence, ' The whole nnder the control and direction of ' DUPBEZ i: OBEEN, Sole Proprietors, ' ' The above popnlar Troupe will, during tho remainder of the season, visit the Western and Eiistem States, also the Canodas, . ■ OBAND BALCONY 8EBEMADE3, Each evening previous to tipenlng the Doors, - i BX THE nVEODiUXD. ' ''l NEW OBLEAMS AMD MBTBOPOLITAM BBABS BAMD, OF TEK PBOBB. . - Manager and Qenorol Director, V OHAS. H.> DUPBEZ. Advertising Agent, A. S. PBENTISa *t-tt 444t. TKB GRBAT AUBIUCAB UUSIO HAUL,, • 44i BROADWAY. OUB BBILLIANT OABEEE COMTINDED. A CONTIMDBD BUCOESSION O^ NOVELTIES THIS 'WEEK. All the leading artists In the profession in the TersatHe Ethio- pian, Comlo and Teipelohorean line. , Mark the Programme of this week - ' ' Mote the Unprecedented Array of Talent. TONY PA8T0B, The greatest, most original Co mle Si nger In America, . OHABLEY WHITE, The Leader of all Negro Comedians, author of all be snccessfol Ethiopian Forces, Burlesques and Eitravagoneao of the day. J. WAMBOLD, F. SHAW, DAM SHELBY, J. BIOOB, MONa BRILLUNT, MASTER TOMMY, MISS A6HT0N and DONNOTAM, MOMS. IA THOBNE, Together with other prominent performers. THE OBEAT BALLET TBOUPE compoaed of the most finished dancers. BOBEBT W. BUTLEB, FroprletOT. OONOEBT HAUi, . HELENA, ABE. ^ SMITH, MDBPBY <: FBEEBEBTHYSEB, Proprietors. Entertabunen'ta every Evening, BXTBB SABLE HARMONISTS, Comprising the following talented Ethiopian Arllata J. W. 8MITU, J. B. MUBPHY, ■ . UABTIN FBEEBEBTHY8EB, B. D. OOODIMQ, J. H. STOUT, JOHN FBEEBEBTHYB EB, ^EMBY FBEEBEBTHTSEb, V JOHN COLE, OHAB. SAWFOBD, 6E0. W. MOBTHBOP, In conjunction with LA BELLE LOUISE, ^e ohormlng Danseuse and Tocollst, ASD UDLLE TQEODOBA, ■ The fiudnatlng Prima Donsense. Artists of recognised merit, wishing engagements, wlU apply to J. B. MUBPHY, Helena, Ark. Higher Salaries paid tlion by any Management In the country, 4C-tt OAlKERBUaT HAIiIi, WASHINdTON, D. 0. WnjJAU E. SIMM Bole Proprietor, Also of / LIBEBTY HALL, ALGXAMDBIA, TA. THE OAMTEEBURY Is the ' MOST lUONIEIOENT MUSIO.EUIJi ^N AMERICA ■ •. . ■ .. None.bntthe TEBY inXST TALENT WILL BE ENOAQED at th is BBA'UTIFUL TEMPLE. Ladles and Oentlamen of known ability always vented, Addreeato. OEa PEBOITAL, Boslnesa Manager,. Or WILLIAM E SINN, Proprietor, il-tf. Box 1S9, Washington, P. O., j^. BAN FBANOIBCO, OAL. '%!OHABTiEH TIBBETI8 Lessee and UanMcr. nils Theatre Is now open for tho Fall and Winter Seoaon, with the finest Company ever In California, . JULIA DEAN HATME, MB& JUDAH, UtSS MOWSBAY, - UBS, 0. B. THOBNE, MRS. OLAUOHLEY, ' MBS. JAB. STARE, MISS FREDEBI0K8, SBOVEfl'B-THJaiATnB, WABUINOTOIf« '■•1" ' MR. AND MRS. • BABNEY WILLIAMS, The Original IRISH BOY and.^UVSEE OIBL, . •It a«* In the third week of the most UNPRECEDENTED SUC0ES6FUL ENOAOEMENT ' mriBlBiicdlnthe ^ ' " CITY OF WASHn^OTON, nmlng hundreds from the doora nightly unable to obtain ad, Biaioa -> . —• .A' POR SALE.—To Showmen and others Interested.. The WtUege to run tho OifNDY STAND inside and ouMde of WMoler'e Intematlonol Oiroua and Modem Arena. ' Bald Stand oathe Right of Sale of aU BeCreshments, also 6f Tlokets and ■"18 Books, Also For Sale, the First Right to SIDE SHOW. Btueircus wUl start ttom Boston on or about the Kth of April »it For terms apply to QOODWIM & WILDEB, 'fb''m Clnoinnoti, Ohio, vr. wM, O. CBOUDtB, No. 1 Wairen square, Boston, Mass. A. B.—None need apply unless they have the cash to pay in od. JJ^Mnd to those we will sell very low. 44-tf JWfSARD, OSWEGO, N. Y.-Thls no?r, large, and «umodlous hall Is now finished and ready for use, It^jiU w»>m Improvemonts for lighting, hoaiUig; and ventilation, . eiagp is largo, and conveniently arranged for Theatrical, Con- nor Lecture purposes. As a conoert room; It cannot be ex- . ««jar Address ' . JOHN A, BABBY, „JJ™^ ■• Proprietor Mueard Hall, Oswego, M. T. HOW OPKS at Smith & Dltson'e Hall, OIMOlNHATIi ♦ „ . GOOPWIN fc WILDEB'S 'i-, , QIOAMTIO POLYMOEAMA OP THE WAB. i^n; only legtUmato exhIblUon of the War now traveUIng, form. Gaoled with °' thrilling inoldents and events ■ ll»K«,4 • OBEAT REBELLION, ' mAiSn'»^I?^!?> the Western Cities bos, thus far, bean a mSSS^^UPHAL MABOH, exhibiting nlgUQy to HOUSES ^WDBD TO OTEBELOWmb. ' ' tt-tf jJ^PLBIB HA^Ii, NEWBUBGH, N. T.-Thll Hall is reopen for the acoommodatlon of • , ' • Hu Rti J^ °^*88 TBAVBLINO 0OMPANIE8, UteSLSSS,' "'e^'oe Booma, to4 all the modern Improvemonts fS*^}"^ ' Pirat Class Hall,. WlU seat oomfortabb one then .•ti-r""' For terms,' &0,, applf to J,'M. HAB^D?, People's Hall, Hewbnrgh, N. Y, lnm.w. OLBVELAND, OHIO,, , • ifk,;!?™ ELLSLEB .Piotprlrtor and Manager. tlieinn^ "><> latgoat, moat oomfoitable, beauUM, andoltoireth'er jsemomn„.,u^„ ,^ ^^^^ „ty_ j,^ for'SBMT, siTmS in»o, 4Mt , TITW Iht Uanigameilt of R. FOX. late of/OAmzutnx BuaL ■ .■•»i..v^" . «e*torfc" ■■••', rvv^ ''«£f?*™TeoomlnodlMaPlfuieof'Amas«taiNkt la now open and 'l^^«n.6f aaknowtodgod Ability 0^ met with good en- •Vgeataby(»ppi,ingaiabove, lii:•/ ■• '. :'■'. '. 'v '.'^ * .. ■ •:::;'::<'?^,»9'W (pw*^' ■■■■■ './■,<• y^i '"^ .. :V " .-. ■'•. '.:-,-.';,' '•' BBNSI BSV RIDERS. '' ' ■'. .V.l ' 8AU SBABPLET'S MIHBTBBLS, y-- BBASS BAND, AND BOBLESQUa OPEBA TBOUPE, THE MOMITOBS OF MIMSTBELSY. . . Are now.retumlns from the MOST SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN Ever mode In the Eastern States, and will visit the scenes of THEIR FOBMES TBIUUPHS, , In the Emphre State, en-ro ute . TO THB OBEAT Wl^T, Where they wlU appear during the present season, li^TnoDnoiHa « TEEIB GREAT CHALLENGE PBOGBAMME, As performed only by thaso AUTOOBATS OF ETHIOPIA, , THE MAMMOTH TBOUPE OF THE WOBLD. In the ranks of this . ABMY OF ABTISTS willbofbund Five Orlgbul Comedians, ^' Mine Muajolans, Four Solo Slngen, ' ' . ' nvoDancers, And a host of Auxiliaries, toVlve due effect to their OBIGIMAL BUBLESQUE8. The &est Qnartot, The Best Inatmmeutallsts, - , The Best Delineators, and ' '__ ■' The Best Orchestra, SVXB nfOWM DT UmniUELBT. THE SUBSTANTIAL ETHIOPIAN OONFEDEBA0T, ALL IBON 0LAD8. Ihe Largest Halla in the Country - ■ < ■■ ■ . ■ Are too small to accommodatS' - THE VAST OBOWDS Whoflocklosee *. - ■ THE GBEAT OBIGIM^. The most Stupendous ' , .Ethiopian Organization BVEBEMOWN. THE BIAMMOTH ADTEBTISIMa . # OP THIS •' POPULAB TBOUPE ' , Has marked an Era In the AMNALS OF BUBMT CORE, And caused our rivals to STAND AGHAST I HUGE BILL-B0ABD8 have t o be COMBTBTTCTZD . To Dleiplay The Twenty-flve PICTORIAL P08TEBS That annonnco TbeAdventof THESE SAfiLE.BTABS, Preceded by ttaei PASTE BBIGADE. Oen. J. D. NEWCOOMB, Avant Courier. Col. R. BBIOHAH BBOWM, Advertiser and Paragraphlst Ma). 0. UNDERWOOD. Programme Wrestler,. SAM SHABPLET, A ^ Manager and mprletor. 0. A. BOTD, Leader. . • FBAMK BOWLfiS, . Leader of-Brass Bond. G. W. BAILEY, Property Man. Tickets, 26 cents. Beserved Seats, SO cents. 42. BAM SHABPkBY, Manager and Proprietor. CONTIRBIITAI< MCSIO HAIili, PHILADELPHIA, . -Walnnt Street, above Hghth, . Sole Lessee and Proprietor FBED. ADIB. . THE MAMMOTH MU8I0 HALL OF THE WOBLD. THE LABGEST AND MOST ARTISTIO COMPANY IN ' AMEBICA M T.T.T. HELENE, The Premiere Danseuse of the age. The Great Ethiopian Trio . JMO. MULUOAM, ANDY LEATITT, and DENNY GALLAOHEB. The Celebrated Pontomlmlsts ' J. B. MAFFITT, and W. H. BABTHOLOME Wk MISS JULIA PBIOE, MB. GEOBQE W. SMITH, MISS SUSIE BUUUEBFIELD, MB.'O. MoMILLAN, MISS MAGGIE NIOHOLS, MB. TOM TANOE, HATE HUQESS, MB. 0. W. PABKE B. EATE HAMILTON, MR, JMO, BITTER, MISS ROSA SMITH, AMELIA EELMIBE, LUCY BTOME, ALICE LEAOH, LUCY HAMILTON, OAROUMB WrtiTiEB. ANNIE ELDBIDGE, C. MOBTON, And the Famous Conrt of Beauty, THE GBEAT CONTINENTAL COBPS DE BAIJiET. AnmssioK, BOOhaVH OFBRA HOUBri, BROOKIiTV, - ■ ,gor;OOUBT4 REM8EN STREETS. ' . UONDAT ZTEMINa, JAN. 26, and durifiR the week, .ijHB OBBME BE LA^HEmS'' OP, ALL MINSTREL OROAMIZATIOMS. Stm floating on the fan tide of PubUc Favor.- - ANOTBEB MAMMOTH PROORAUKB, In which onr patrons may'"loU" in the luiurionslao of . MELODY, UIBTH, AMD 8OT™ Fbutweekoftli'e ■ • BABES IN THE WOODS; OB, TBS LABT OF THE WARH-PAN-HOGS. OLD BOB BIDLEY FESTIVAL, H00I>EY'6 UIN8TBEL8' QUASniLLES. JOHNNY^S GONE AWAY. LAUGHIMO DABEIE8. LA NORMA. PfcnnrrRTniPETOOMBSOLOIST, &c, iai, ' for partlonlors see anull bills,-'.-:"- Doois open 1^ 6V i to commence at IX- Tickets 20 cents. SANFORD'B OPERA HOUSE, EABllISBUBOH, tAi _ THE ONLY: ' ' ' LEGITIMATE ETHIOPIAN 'THEATRE IM'THIS COUMTRY, SAMUE3, 8. 8ANF0BD, Proprietor. SAMFOBD'S TROUPE.: ■ THBONLT ■ ' DBAUAHO, OPEBAHa, ABD PaITIOIIIHE COltf AKf tV THI^W0B1D, BANFOKD being tho only successor of the late I T. D. BIOB, • ' Sustaining bis Bole of Ohoraeters. Possessing mnnnsoripts of his Plays, he has the advantage of all other • MINSTREL TROUPES, In presenting more variety, thus enabling him to maintain ■ strong position In all the dtlee and towns he may vlolt with hla GREAT TBOUPE OF Sl'ARS. Due notice wlU be given of route of Spring and Suouner of 1669. BeeCuPFiB. • M-lt OAHD>r-Tbe nndoralgifed, havlag noticed In the FhlUidsI« phla Uercury, and other papere of last week, an sdverdsemtiht bearing his (syoh advertisement being no doubt Issuedlby some mallottnascamp for dishonest purposes), takes this method of repndlamUlre forgery. ■ For a yeoHMt J hove not been conneotod in any way, dlxtatly or IndlrcetQv.mtli any place of amuaement In Philadeflfaoi the onlyploce of whlon I em proprietor being the AUE^^Kl UUSIO EtALL, 444 Broadway, N. T.a^^lch a generous 'IVK have assisted me in heeplng opon forVi'past nuir years, ifm» every other place'of the kind was compelled to close. Those bogus managers, agents, etc, have taken refuge In PhQ< adelphia, where they now recommence tho same course that drove them trom New York, viz.: the publication of false cords, dishonesty and forgery, coupled with Immoral eihlblUons, whloli recently compelled car State Legislature to uiaot laws for thelx entire suppression. To return good for a puerile attempt at . evil, I wculd,tetch those runaway agents, above alluded to, the secret of my sno. cess. It is this: an upright and honest principle, in manage, ment, and a cash doi^, square-dealing method in business, AS this, may be as opposite to tbelr principles as It Is foreign to their nonues, I leav^ them to the public, from whom chicanery and fbrgfiry, sooner or later, find their reword, as those partlei above sUnded to hove already found out In New York. 4S-tf. BOBEBT W. BUTLEB, 444 Broadway, M.T. MB, L. F. BEATTY, W. C. BOBBES, FBED FBANES, H. ;ttBOWM. , MB. 3. B. BOOTH, ^ W, M. LEMAN, S. W, LEAOH, E. THAYEB,- , VltbaNomerouB Corps of Auxiliaries. raiOES OF ADHISSIOH. Dress Circle $1.00 I Orchestra Seats .'.^.,$1.00 Parquet SO ols | Callery..- ,. 38 ots , Private Boxes.......10 and 6 dolsn, , stars Intending to visit Callfomla will find It to their interests to address 08 above. _ '^26t / ... WHEELING,*VA, ' . Tbe'only Boom in the City suitable for' '-^ OOMOIBTS, TBSbtdOAL ANO UmSTBEI, PUtfOBIUIlaze, situated in the heart of the city, COBMEB OF MABEET'ANO MONROE STBEETS, Immedlotely opposite the McLure House, Easy of Access, . and Unsnipitased for Strength In the United States. The Boom is IM feet long by Bl feet wide, 24 fe^t oefllog. In- cluding a Stage 38 by 80 feet, with four Droselng Rooms, end Scenery; Brilliantly Lighted and famished with Arm Choirs. 4^ Lit on aeconunodotlpg tonns. 40-tf . Woshlngton Hall Building,'Wheeling, Vo. -WASHINGTON VARIETIES. ALBERT HAMDL1N & CO. Proprietors. ' JAMES PILGRIM I ^Btogo Manager OPENED FOB THE SEASON, WITH A : ■ . FIRSr CLASS COMPANY, TheHoU, forelegsnce and oom(ort,'oannotl>e excelled'by any ilmllar Establlshmont in the country. VERY BUPBBIOR EKTBRTAIMIIENT0, i- Embraolng Pantomimes, Bullets,. Ethlopeon Aots, 'Ringing, Dancing, t:o., ftc, will be given. . v .First doss artists desiring engagements may address POBTOTFIOEBOX, ^0^, ^ . Wismvoioil, D. 0,, Jon, 1868. ; .\..89-tr PUUf OB OF -WAIiES THEATIUO, ~ LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. , nus inly elegaat and veiy beontlfbl theatre is kept open dur- ing the whole of the year. . - .AMEBIOAM. STABS, of acknowledged position and talent negotiated vrith, fbrlongor Uiort engagomeno, oa mutual Interests moy require, AUreas, ALEZ: HENDERSON, . 46tf . ' . Bole Lessee ^d Ptottrieior. ~ ~ — ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ OORINTIUAN HAX14 . ■ , 'BOCHESTEB, M.'Y.' ^ This long estoblilhed and . popnlar place of Amnsennnt con- tinues under tho some Unnogement that for IS years of ossldnous otlontion to the comlbrl and oonTsnlenoi of Its polroDs, baa wod for U the reputation of being one of the moit popular and best oonducted.places of Amusement in the State. ' Apply personally, or ^ letter, fo W. A. BEYNOLDS. ai-6m* (9 Arcade, Boohester, N, Y, OANTEROVRT nVBIO llAIiIi, N. W. OOa FIFTHiAND OHESXNUT STS,, PEILAD'A, PA. LASGEST AND MOST TALENTED OOMFANT IN THE CITY; ,. MSt- Udlet And gentleiaen of known ofalllty, will oddnss ' CT ' - BOB'I OABDINBB A UABET XNOOBB, Baqnon »; MAttOBNt Ethiopian Comedian and Kaftl- oUA,Ii>.^qn&M ofUr.v Mad yonr addretirto. the OJLttrn Parquet Mcts Oroheetra Chairs 87 ots, Lower Private Boxes.... t3 00 Upper Private Boxes....t2 Op Seats In Private Boxes.. .SO ots. OoUory.- 10 ots. Colored Boxes 36 cts. Oplpied GoUery ....IS ots. Doom open ot quarter before 7'o'clock. Perfdrmanee -will commence at 8. Artists of fcnbwn ability,'desiring engagementa, will please ad- dreas as sbov£ ' . • ^ *0'tf SDWAId) BEBBY, TOM CONY, WM. It. DEBB, J. BABNET, ' NICE FOSTEB, P. CONELIN, T.TMT.mi MAT, VARIETIES THBATRBi, LATE ST. LOUIS OPERA HOUSED After a most successful season of over Eleven months. Is now open with the following Company: . MISS LOUISA 'WELLS, ' MISS CLABA BUTLEB, MISBC. MOBLEY, - * MISSBOSE DE LUCE, MISSFAMMY THOMPSON, MISS MINNIE LANIEB, MT.T.-P. ADA LAURENT, MLLE JULIETTE, MISS JOHANNA CLIFFORD, MIBS FLORENCE 'WELLS, MISS LIDA HIBBABD, MLLE FLORA, MLLE LOUISE WALBY, WM. M. BEEVE. T. H. JEFFEB80N, GEO. P. JAQOES, JOHN CONSUM, J. JEROME, FRANK STEELE,. A LABGE BALLET TROUPE. Ballet Master SIGNOR COMSTAMTIME, Leader of Oiohestra. B. VOGEL. ScdiloArtlBt. TH03. MOXON. Coatumor.,,.' HEBB OHMAN. GEO. J. DEAOLE, Leasee^ . EDWARD BEBBY, Stage Manager. These, with many minor membere constitute . A MONSTEB COMPAITY, Who ore nightly drawing crowded honsta to witness their > OHaStE AMD BBILLIA MT PE RF0BMAMCE8. " THB VARIETIES ' , " IB IBB LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPOINTED, Ain> MOST OOUFOTABU MUSIO WAT.T. IN THE COUNTRY. Poitlea of aoknowledged excellence desiring engagements, may Address GEO. J. DEAGLE, Varieties Theatre, 81 tt St. Louis, MissonrL BIAOCIRB'B OPERA HOUSE, SAN FBAM0I60O, OAL. THOMAS MAGUIRB.........Proprietor and Manager. H. COUBTAINE Stage Manager. R„ HAROLD ^nduotOT. J, L. 80HUITZ .Xeodor of Orchestra. ' FiflliWeekofthe. ITAlilAM OPEBA TBOUPE.* SidNOBA BUNOHI, SIGNOB BIANCHI, . MAD. AGATHA STATES,- MISS LIZZIE PABEEB, ' MISSJn^NIEMANDEBVILLE, HISSALIOIAMANDEIVVILLE, MB. JOHN OBEOO, SIGNOB J. GROSSI, BIO. RONCOVERI, MOMS. CHARLES, And the Celobrotod Gormon Chorus,'oonslstlng of 20 voices. ^ rafbES or AsiaanoiT. , Dress Circle $11 Ortheetro Seats Parquet....i^ ; ,..t60qb | Second Olrolo. 28 ots ^vatoBoxes....tflknd$10. Box Ofllce open firom 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Seats ^eoored three days In odvonco.' ■ '..''. Stars visiting Calllbmla should remember that Mr. Mognlre Is also proprietor ot Hayes'Park, San gfanolscb< the 'Metropo- Uton Tbeatro, San FTanolsco, Sacramento and MOrysville. THE I.AROEBT . ■ ■HOW BILL PBIMTIMG ESTABLISHMENT IN THE'WOBLD I OLABBY tt BBILLBY,, (Successors to John B. Bacon,) '* PBINTBBS AND BNOBAVB|tS. '. '' 13 and 14 Spruce Street, New .York, Pot d jttlonlar attention to gotUng up all Unds of FANCY SHOW BILLS itar travelling companies, and hove on hand a large and splendid •aaortment of luH^d small' W.OOD^^pS Snltablo for Oironsses, Menagerie^Hlloplan Performen, Gym- nasts, Magicians, Ito., &o., which IMPbe printed'In one or more Miors, to suit ouatomers. ji^ A depOUt required on all work ordered. AU orders addressed to "OLAIIRY k BBILLE7," Bacon Print. Ing and Engraving'est^iUshment, U and 14 Spraoe street, Mow York, will be promptly attended to. ' 41tf OAUPORNIA THfelATRIOAIi AG^NOVi—8HEBI< OAN CORBYM would respectftaUy. Inform members of ihe dro- motto. Musical, or Equestrian professions; that bo has establlahed N. 8.-^111 letters requiring an<^ .contain a stamp to. we-poy the same. ■ ..'.'.':.'■;' '4Mm'. mvwv^^ma^^amHaaaa^^^vwn PronJOtOna' ' u U L _ . u a ■ > f ■ ■ >N^N^NiW>^A^^^^K^wi^^»<»<»^»#»<^J»SXWW BANJi> AND JIQ AANOina TAU^I* by J. BOOAN^ BIADAHE BtARIE UAOART, the Celebrated FBEMIEBB EQUESTBIANA0TBE8S and FANTOMIMIST,who created auch lj sensation, and aobleved nnequallcd fame in ^e States a few yeara since, having follUlod a series of protraoted engagements (with great success,) will shortly re-vlslt the scenes of nerfo mer triumphs in company with Mr. Jomea Cook, the renowned Hibernian Clown, fMm Astley's, London, and Mr. George Clffk, the celebrated Orotesque, from Heogler's Cirque. LIverpooL MADAME MACART respectfully Inllmatea that she has • repertoire of New and BeautUtal Scenea and Acts, adapted for either Bins or Stage, whloh are well worthy the attention of a dlsctlmihatlng public. Due notice of their orrival will be given. All communloanons to-bctoddressed to the Padfio Hotel, New York. . . ; HART d( SUmONS> UIM6TBELS. ■ THE OBEAT ETHIOPIAN BLOOKADINO 8QUADB0N, Win start on their First Annual TmiT, on n MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2d, visiting all tbsf PRINCIPAL CITIES EASTAMDWEST. This troupe will comprise some of THE BEST PEBFOBBIERS IN THE PBOFESSIOM. atheneubi theatre, columbus," ohio. JOHN ELLSLEB Manager and Proprietor. Opens on the Uthrinst, for a season of three months, with the DramaUoCompanylromtheAcademyofMualo,01eve]and. Staia wlshlna nights^ please address JOHN A ELLSLEB, JR.,. 40.U ~ ■ Oelumbns, Ohio. WoMtBitiaacDiAiEU—An'attractive FemoloDancerrlf pos- sible, one thot can act and sing;-for the season, for the Oolum* bus and Olevelond, Ohio, Ibeotrss. The seosoa is ftom date to, middle of July next' . fi: ^'XHA»B'aS£ssBo^^^BA^^^oS^ss^^ the only Qonce^ Boom open In Baltimore, and Is carried on bz GEORGE LEA, formerly _'.^^i.„«»,. PBOPEIETOB OP THE NEW TOEK UELODEON. Performers of talent -wishing engagementa will addresa as above.. Opon every night except Sunday, and "No Matinees." . ^ N. B.^TWaiTr FIVE YOUNG LADIES wanted for the bollet. Those that con donee single dances preferred. ^tf HABOniO TEMPLE, LOUISVILLE, KY.-Thls^U to. now open for the accommodation of FIBST OLASS TBAVwNa COMPANIES; has Stage, Dressing Booms, and all Ihe mwem Improvements necessary for a First Cbss HolL WIQ seat 00ai<. foitably 1200 persons. For terms, to., apply to BOBERT O. MATHEWS^ Agent Hasonlo Tempte,.' Sl-3m LoiUsvllle, Ey-.' ^^PRiOTiJB^rvviLraBTrBsrM SEVENTH MONTH OF TEE BEASOM, . :. OONTINUED 8DC0EB8, '-, WANTED, mUEDUTELY, A DOUBLE COMPANY of Ladies and Gentlemen of eclmowledged ability in the Concert Bnslness. , N,B.—NONE BUT FIBST CLASS ARTISTS need address 44-31* W. 0. SMITHE, Sole Lessee and Manaigei. BANJOS, suMricc to anv mode, on hohd .for sale. M. B.r'On receipt ,of SI, i will teaijinifte WrittUi IMMB* «» % .Bu^ot (r, Jlg.Dt^g<^.4-lt*, 189 Fliit avenue, N^Y., at M Ota. nerleMOil. h^tad. for sale. M.&rrCn receipt,of THEATRIOAI., LITBRART, COMOEBT, AND.EQUES- TBIAN AGEMOY, tllH Broadwv. Wanted—for the UNION THEATRE, Loavenvmrth City, FIRST SIMGINa OHAMBEB- MAID, LOW 0OMEDIA3?, LEADING MAM. Alio, Wanted for Welch's Varieties, Detroit, THBEE DAMBEUSE8, BONG AMD- DANCE MAN, BANJOIBT, COMIC ■ SINOER, and other first: class artists. Apply as abqve, enoloslng three cent stamp. 0. CONMEB,Ai(ent IS" WARREN BOABD'WELL, why don'tyou anawer my letters? Bend yonr address. . J. C. [4S-lt*] PI.AY BOOKS, PHOTOORAPH4 of EATE BATEMAN, olio, OS Leah; Maggie Mllohell, LncUIo Western, Laura E6en& Caroline-Blchlngs, Mrs. John Wood, alao In ohancter; A. I, Menken, as French .ISprand Mazeppo; Susan Donln, Kate-D^lo, Isabella Ouboa, Fanny Drown, also In oharaoter; Webb 'Sifters, Lavlnlo Warren, Tom. Thumb, Mr. and Mrs. B..WIlllams, Mr. and Mrs. Floreilce, E. Ferreat, S. Booth, J. W. WaUa'ck, Jr., Wilkes Booth, Ed. Adams, Lester WallRok, and hundreds of oth- en; 38 cignts each, or five for $L Sent to any address on re- ceipt of price. Oatolognes sent on receipt oftKXtage stoidp, by 44-Its ' W. C: WEMYSS, 676 Broadway, New Ybrk, TOlfflSASTOll's'^'^'"^ ~s~~v~v/%~~->.~^^s~Vv|!^^ 444 COmO SONOSTEE, Containing Bght of his latest Bongs, . . jS PBI0B5 0ENT3. ■ ' ',' Wholesale SMlem can be supplied at a liberal discount. For 4(4 Broadway, M.Y. ' 4^<>(* , < U'liLE BIARIB ZOE, the beoutlfQi Spanish and Opera Danseuse la now fulfilling a Brilllaut engagement at thoWaah- ington Varieties, Washington, D. 0. AlTbuslnoss communica- tions to be addreasod to her agenU , . B, YATES;: 44-lti*. . Ballet Maater, at tiie above Place. ' Pn^filBVHOW^ r^-~wwvwww The Spring Season opens March 2d« Ladles and gentlemen wishing engagementa will address ^ WM. HEHDER80N, Manager. AH the^promlnent stars appear herein rapid succession;.. [4Mi VBW UBBIFHIB THEATRE.—lUs popular place of Amusement Is now open for the Season, with a iull and nieoloa Comnauy, - STABS wishing Nights itllljilstse address ^ : . d T. PAMLOB, NcwYofk, or B. B, MAGINLEY, Acting Manwc^.- i^, J8.14t Box«OManiphl»,TtoB. nlBS AVA BHBRT, . — . • . ' .UTHBAOOOMPLISHEDVOOAlISr, Is now playing a highly suocessmi ongMWoj" a» we ■ - ■ WASHlSaTONYARIEnES, WasEmjJJi/V- ; BusifiesS coBimanloatlons should bo *dd»SSf».rTliMh«. .' ^^^^ J, W, ALUNSUN, Treasurer OonttaM^IlMtorj^^ TFiHSTwCAsTl^^ LoDg Engagement l2jjd.dresalnglhfg*«'g?g^ 0]^Troupopiereii*i. , '^f^siHarriabniftP* HAS- ,'v^)-::