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•■t-.--x qompuijc of ti>r 6tni| ^ taoct ifi^TdUng .ooneorn, v« heir that BbieliM not itttde out so^rolL ;^»t:ttitf.y(*» »l Etrdi* » «ni .n . „w ,™,tn>TrU«t week; tut bnalnees was only la one Sffi^dortfWrSm?°3^£S .Xh*»(fSrSZ?-UUL m ettont about.-in.*oli tooo boJ %Tai7 now an! then, but U always vecoy ',0.' ' . . . ■ . ■ i-.>.:v'j tveen Hank tbeVand Alexandet Boss, but tt lias probably tdlan tbiougb, Hank. U Is alleged, baTlns -left tot Obloago, ' Attention Is called to a card In oni ^aaVartlslna depaibnent, ftomUr. Iiovl Haghoa, late tmssuier ot-Bayleat'^Mebopolltan TarleUta, Detroit, llioli. Ur. Bayless ^ probikbly soon enter Uio Aeld again. Boyee and Campbell are etUl at tbe Bowery, Bi. bnis, attraot- ,. mDOROimilVBBSlIiBT. ''l$!i''iCdltoA lIlDstttIa stm retalneil jMMsessIon oit .-.Ittqae. ^^S^J^Wn!^ T ?^ .'6, Fot orPliUadefphla,wa8 on tftoto the Oonrl oj 6essioM, in; ^'^''•J^rSZV^^^n^^'oMJ^ aSStJl oltyjon tboUlh iBSt, on the ohargo of laroeny.growingout 5™J^»'Hi.S°j?.n.,^iSiSMiii?. cSiVSSViSSsi' of th6 recent diiacolty between rival manigen opneemlng Con- . 8ar»glna,HiBaJonnyMandevllle; Q"'*^''****** Unental Musio HoU. The proaooutor alleged that ho reoolyea ^.JtahdeviUe, : v iiLn'iii from defendant a Judgment note, which defendaht ambeequently •Baitford'a Opera Howo. Harrlabnrfton the Mth, oTeiy lady St mto Ua ^aeSion IWbnlonky. The defeoie .waTaiat the :,waa preacnted with 8 Valentino, .. ... _. „ notewaaglTen to the prosecutor in part payiienffor the lease, isrfomances of 8am Bhurpley's^roufe in Anbum, N. I., ] as it SerwaSa appeared that Selbad So ttUo to pasa, he ob- diima, -Boaton. It has been alvartlaod for sale (Or aeTDrsrwoekt,. bntjiio "plaguey fools" don't sip, for it is the imp»M»o? *^U. the oreatehowman can't makA the plaoo pay. with aU the faoUl> tliM ne has on hand, it would be a Btapendons undertaking for any other man to taoUo the plaoe.' The AUeghanians.ahd Swiss Bell Ringers "fung Ud rang'.'at tonlaville, Ey.> on the 9th and l(tth,andatlK)xlilgtonanthe Ulh and 13th. Li jl ' Poor BrignoU got so fatigued with rehearsing 'JJlnoTah" U* Boston Uqtweok, that on the 11th "Norma" waa rabatltnted for auoretia Borgia," ao we are Informed. ' ■ We were weighed in the balances and found wiotlog last week, so "Boston" aaya, in stating that Ur. Wade had charge of the boi offloo at the Academy of Buslo, Boston, J. Ward is the man that holds the "poalsh," The former sells tlokels.at Tohman'a Unsiff Store. "All's well that ends welL" ^' Dr. Kane's Arotio Voyages has been on .exhlbiUoB at the SoUtorlum." PhUadelphto, It givee place to Beale's Weatem j^Ueuth and 19th, are hlgh]y;ftuloglsed by a correspondent, "^^tbelr fanny buslnoae, and Jyk^, Jn particular, whioh, ho .•'arefroalLend novel. . 0 "^''-'^^Dnprez and Qreen's Opera Tcoap<i has, as we supposed, done vas ucMllent business since theV slatted out At Hewark, M. J., •V^ ''"'-'Wl the filh aOd lOtb, many people were unable to gain, entrance, 'Y''^''tod^therecilpta for" both nights'; were ovifWOO. On the nth- ' V/-'' ' T'' and Uth they appeared In Baason,M.'T.,'to good business, ai^d tV:'*''"' ' their oommescement in Troy, on the 18th, .was very flattering. .. • niey dose there on the ISth, and sppekr. at Albany on the ITth - ;-H'V-',ndl8tll. ~ • ' ■ -V ■ ' ■^■^^l'''" .:rhs"lIa8loIIom"lf to be reproduced'.at fflorrls Brothers, v"' Manei Trowbridge's Opera Howe, the present week, a fore-. ' '''-'.^. (' "tailte of which so pleased thoBostonians, that they ara naturally v' ^i '- zejolb^d that the Ulnetiels' ar^-to "do so some more." Here's '.'^.-'^r'iiie'great secret of success wlt)i thla band of brothers—they ■Kotatorlum," PhlladelpbU, It gives place World, opening on the leth. , The Oarter Zouave Troupe played four nights at Eunlra, com- mpncing on the eth, and closing on tho Uth; and notwithstand- ing the small pox was very prevalent In the tows, and a great fear entertained by the oltlMna in regard to mizing together in large assemblages, wo are pleased .to learn that bnialnoss was very gciod indeed, and the impression left behind saoh as to warrant an overflow whenever they appear again. On the nth and-13th;ttiey appeared at B<lrnellavllle,and'frointhehoe they Bhe W0 assisted byUlssErminla A, Marsh, a'Boaton, Carter along to Oiean for two days, and then to Dunkirk. We forgot to mention In our last, the foot, tbat in this company the DATXBBBD, a.W'ii'n'i L. H0BB8, O.B.MWLb£ J?" D.D. Euusrr, j.ii6bbibos7 iit BOLUN HOWABD, FHAME LEffih. fvUn-^^'m In • Bew variety of Bongs, Dances, Burli*™.! 40.,to. FoiPartloulaisBMbinaofSSfl'' TlokeU 35 cents. talned'the note, considering' that it had been eeouredby proae- bntor ttaudulcnUy, The J ury returdod a veidiot of goiUy. MISOBULAJriiOIlB. Little Dollie Dntton held levoea at Bntcbcr'a Hall, La Balle, HI., on the evening ol the Uth, and a(temoon and .^enlhg of the ISthinst. " —. »r^_v Vocalist ... ' The Hisses Julia and Lola Hudson, the attract^e:Bongstres8es and dansenses. Have returned from Havana, after athreo months' ■nocesafnl engagement there. Managers wishing to. engage tal- ^t in their "branch of the stevlce," win discover their address in our advertising colnmna, ' Among the cunosltles on show at BnniellhOd's Museum, in Columbus, Ohio, ate the Albino girl and twin brother, one wlilte ts the "drifting snow," tiio other "as black as the ace of spades" si'ver run Vplue'lnto the . ground just when to take I S^tnthoiels faster Ti.Bonm "Italian cymbal performer," and itoS or.put iton. In. addition to' tho ■■ Horn,'* they;glveBt U,)idwarbler;he la twelve yean of afO,.a^^ "•'S'^^;^tian£te's Bndget^-anothoT aign of their doske to Iceop np .' '^•vn;'^MIIi the times—and half a dozen other burlesaues. Box office ' .J' "ivMSffcA™ ' ... : "bMiitcomiptUl 1P..M. Ahoml. birds, .beasts, ond r^ptllM. In addlt^i^.to.thcae,,ls the "babo- leo," a cross between vie silver lion and baboon; bis face is like that of a dog or wolf; mane, tall, breast,'and fOrelegs like those .riCrom Louisville, Ey.: we have the gratifying iqtelllgenoe that gfaUon, and bind quartera like those of a monh»; th'eiae bind 'llQriidS^ta^lt'OampbeUUInstrds dU are enppoaed to be distantly i«V>ted lb Bsrnnm's jCtmnii!lg. .Ttfin., for six weeks, and that ttielr fodr weeks at . ' '■ ' ]UsonlsTemplejLonlsvllle; which they commenced on the 11th '.^■■\^'^:^fUk:, 'giozttii/^ ^ be ditto repeated. Let the bright and 'T'l^.y'^ ■Hfornlng ifUn 'tbine'on. - lio Hereobell's teleapope la ' necessary : ' ^ciltt^t jUKoni'.ihelr '.many brilliant twinklings, ror list of com- '!^'''^'-t^^fi^Bthetr'advertlsement " - I 1'v';>>?kWa;greatbandanderlhe direction of SamSharpIsy.moveon • ' \ tJ^z-m^whsatBochester, M. 'Y.. this week, giving three of their ^'^^.^jlMoen^ the 16th, ITtb, '^!L'f^v^:Miai8tk:.Bam'a oplsQesto the Corinthians promise to t>e well .I'^' f "attfiudflflf'' • : as ait e'ildenoe of the progreas of minstrelsy, we have only to ■ tiolnt .tO'^Uie aucoosa which attends the p«rlormances of every ' ~^; '>V '. BBttdaas band In the country.' Among the best oiBsnizatlona Is ':-'>HooIey'a tnrabe.in BrooUyn.nowattended nightly by thelargest .' .;;^';;,'^ \.'ui9'moetfUhlonable audiences. Mr. Hooley tuis been maUng ' * ? witie groat improvements in his hall, eta He has a now prosce- , ^° iv '.^.tllim, hew.drop-curtaln, new scenery, orohestra, private boxea, . >>-.'■> •. 'thlSdUlen, etc; and evorythlitg necoasary to give comfort to hie '•L> M^'^ '''^ ^''''^^^ These im- .yrdvements will enable hlm'to produce' Ur; e. Bowers' original . .' '}.'-.2acoeB and sketches with due effect Brooklyn has so well -* ~''.'':^pitronlsed Hooley's Ulnstrels, that the.proprietor wlUDsave ',^^^dtlilng undone to merit a contlnuanoa of tl^elr favor and aup- 'vP'-: 'port.:'It ahonld not bo forgotten that the benefit of Ur. Bowers ■ .f-V^v'.Wresplsceontheiethinst , ...• , ;";.'''Bniasey'aU]iistrelshave received vory encouraging patronage. -.*':''" '':trhtj'liad a fine house in Bocheater on the 10th, and their enter- tmnJqent was well received; the quartette—Stratton, Butler, :'.WMghthian, and Oarter being greatly applauded. Ur: Bumaey'B . tjfljfjras.encored; hels agreat performer oh the boiUo; Hazry 'HiVgopd,'the.agentof the party, had arrived in Tioy. where he rtolUddni arrangements for the opening of the company on the VI" What Is It?" Major BnmcU has a lot of other marvdllaus pro- ductions, all to be seen for It cents. A good Joke Is told of the Indiana glrla and Arteinus Ward. It seems that In one of his lectures, the showman makes some alln. sloh to Winshlp, tbe strong man, who advertlsedjo lift twelve able-bodied men at one and. the same time. In Ward's lecture, the man bf "wax flggen" ,facetlonaly invites twelve agreeable young ladles on the platform, promising to lift them one at a tUne, or die in the attempt But out In "Ihjlahny," th|ifHB ra- ther got the rig on Airtemns, for in the town of Nolan, Ht/n he lectured, twelve likely yoilng damsels responded to Ward's in- vitation to come forward, aolemly advanced to the platform, and demurely arranged themedves, in order to undergo the process of belngllfled. The audience gave a regular Hooaler scream, the girls anlcketed, and Artemus being unable to ward off the impending laugh, took it all in godd part, but didn't lift thegals; he lifted the dutrters, though, and that's where he had 'em. We think we wodd have had one go at the girls, anyhow. Just to sec if they uvuld stand fire. ' Prof, Love, maglclan,>waa at Eey West when last heard item, He gave a drawing room entertainment in the parlor of the Bns- sell Houae, on the 16th of Jan. Cards of admission, one dollar. Corinthian Hall, Boohoster, has been pretty well occupied this season. Since thobolldays, it has bo«n engaged mostly for local amuaements,' such as balls, fairs, tea parties, etc Now the trav- eling people are securing it again. Bumiey's Minstrels were there on the 10th and Uth, Oottschalk and Pattl on theiath, tnd Bam Sharpley steps in on the ieth,'17lh, andieih; and after that La Bne's Panopticon of the War begins. A concert la to be given in Musical Fund Hall, PhUadelphla, on the QdofMaroh, for the benefit of four sodetles devoted to tha relief of the soldleis. Ernest Haftman, pianist has volunteered _ ... . . .his services, an4 the entertainment will be under the auspices inr nights, oad then to Albany, where they commence of a committee of the most influential citizens of PhUadelphJja. on the t3d ihst '. Oboy.hss .beea black with minstrels, this ssason, and they an appaaf to do weU there. Buckley^e Serenaders were there a .. oonple .6f Bights last week, and had one good houae, but on the . atfond Ught the people got snowed In, and didn't turn cut so ■ lifeely;!,'.. ■ . I ' -Balnir's'Ulnstrels gave a four.Blghtsshdwatthe Aca4emy, r.' UlIwaukee, laet week, closing on the Uth. Hart (( Blmmona' Ulnstrels are already making themselves ohe .Ot the moat popular bands on thewar>path. Bo far they ' havebeeh'aucceaatui beyond their expectations. %hey played .:.^two nights at Ithlco, tho flth and Tth^ln op^ltlon to Hough's ;.' 'Dramatic Company, to oveiflowlng audiences. On' the Bth, they 'appeared at Owego to one of the largeat onwda ever seen in . jishley'snew hall. On the lOth, at Waverly; and Elmlra on the .' Jltlrand laih. Rem Ehdra they stopped at Addison, the Uth; ' tHomellsville, UCh; and touch at Andover, 16th; Friendship, . .:iTth;'Cubs,181h;01ean lOlh. From there the company.leave the ; Erie toad and strike over into Pennsylvania for a week, etopping '" at.Warren and Qirard.- They then ateer for the far West The boys ore In the beat of spirits from tbe splendid buslnes which they|uk« so far done.. In many instances they have visited towns wheVe there bos not been any Und of a show for four aths, or a bandof minetrels for eight or nine months, and *"~ " " ' 'hftlyjljhais bsB|ftBI!4^*9<>*"aIl,(<P. Ver^ ^ tako'ttea'alinig.'i ■ . BnrsiO 'BAUjS. KlJ^eAdTentoies ofa Uaaher" ia the title of a farce by Mr. B. ijwisnghiProdnofdatLea'sUelodeon, Baltimore, last week. ' ."aitte yiu » -nty Jaige attendance at Fox's Casino, Phils- Blphla, on the 14th, and we learn that andlences were lojvs du- — the weak. W. Wray Is engaged here, also Miss Louise ,'wny has given np managing. The card of the day, _ revsr, appears to be SIgnor Bliss, who walks upelde down. ...We spent a few moments at the Oontinentsl Music Hall, Phlli. v.v'^phiai'Cne evening last week. .'It is an immense hall, and yet ., ..<. ^AM^iroirded,. and there appeared to be a good deal oFbuslnesa v.^!?)Ung, done In the rafreahment line. WeheaM Miss EvaBrent v«l|u,vandaaw.3IlssElttyB]anohard dance; they make a nice Ilt- I ■:> nam, and are evidently great Uivcriles In Phibdelphla. This , .^.'^vrMkihe grestdansense, U'lle Helens, Returns, and J. C. Wal- lacenu^esjits list sppearanoe. Tho compmy 'is an excellent •Jt;.,oil«'. throughout ..,,.f '\1.^3!bj>Tarletles, Washington, D.O., hasbeccome av^rypopular ■■».V.'^ir'j:^'^'???^'i''^'-''l'_ ""^ business done there nigntly la Die James liberality _. ._ „ , -™ — „./e a lively :iiropt|^e nightly. ' Dick Bands, and Tim Hayes, the ohampton .-V;'i!:fe53 *;'>-%?5.^* r.}-j.i.^'j:in|fntaaon' indeed, and the bnslneaa done there hJgnU .',ri..' ', ,;.eii^gli(p Dhear'any poOr pilgrim in his progress. Uncle Ji I Jllffrimmanages off^ll&eabcok; and through the llbei .-v*t'b«t'VPnetoi»Jn s60i^ islent is enabled to give si V ■ •.>y-~^ ttpBhame nightly. Dick Bands, and Tim Hayes, the ohami...,u ' . \i;'.>*ifnfi*'">^i appear there together,'this (Mohday) evening, and they June A NO. I's, great Urn . ' "' ^■:;^>.^-'v'.vQ'f.Mncert saloons at Washington, D. 0., ate all doing a good ~'ieSa,,and are adding new and popular attractions. The ibaus, at Odd Fellows' HoU, are CAjoylng a capital run, and 'g. with a paying success. Their company is large, and them are many New ^oek favorites. ' May. comic singer, opens .Feb. Uth, at the Tailetles, - —igton, D. q. ' , , . . . . ' It is.bnt a few short months since ire announced the opening of .• 'i< concert saloon in Alex^drla,'7a., under the management of .Dlok PAiker.rThen It was on experiment; but the present pro- ■' •tef.'?*!'' by. their liberality and enterprise, have now got Liberty .^Holl in a position second to none in the whole State. Seethe tdant'maiiy.of whom ixa old famUlor faces to New Yorkers-— ..'Olors Borrlogton, Nellie Taylor, Orace Do King, Aimle Harrison, ...mirj^rbes, Kate Harrison, Little Ella, and a strong ballet force; .XMqCHayas, dog dancer, Dick Parker, Matt Gebler, BBly.Bmer. ^ J. ciimedlra. A inatch dance recently come off between Tim Hayes N'ud U) J. St Qeorgo, for partloulors of which see another column, .i.lIlBa.EateBlohlnoe, the charming vocalist, commences anen- ■ .■...j^^Wof four weeks, .at the Tartetles, Washington, D. 0,, ■.";''■■'■; • ' 'Atthe:da»ftetbniy, corner ofFlflh and Chestnut Philaddohla. !■ •.- UmHtfOvSasib Enochs are dolnga quiet and ahng Utile ' ) .cuBilos(t,wilh a company of singers, d«iccrs, and "nloger" - . ,,perfoiiaert. .. Johnny Wild Is among thelatter;- The entrance '. > fee ls cheap, lO oents, or 16 cents for> the prominent places in' ■■-:4,'^*A^P*7"'^'the Pnlon Thastre,'8an Frandsco, ^4*4, to .to our Ia8»,'to the .following list of talent :-\Slto; VWhe WaUace, J.W. Thiman, A. P. Dnrand, E. H. Foeter. ■v ^ HamUton, Sank Medina, Max 1;«Wifij'.J.uMMpby, 'Ned HomUton, W. Freeman. TTLevrta .v•'.^..^.^•ii^,fiJ'*t■^p'a«e^ - ' hava been "retired" from the -•oiuuo.iii, suioe Qur ^1, and bettor ones now take «S!fJ t?*'."J:'J^» to find out whether • bepSSl totoflwor••^S-^'™^no'good, sheosn- '.■■V:;-:<:i''iJ:r-^5*y»''»"«". St Louis, is dolti* a'fal* business. Miss Nelllo '•'v. 'in-^'i'wS^'i.'^ conelderablo repute. 8.'8. Purdy, who was ui- <' MVJ-,22l«lcod to reappear at the Torlotles, foUed to "put to" at the .V . . ; .;»to>S »PPohi(od. Wo bollye Pnrdy mado amende last week, i!. ■ ". .^ '.^ilo^ne'coinjiaiiy at tho.Melodoon, 8t Louis, are Ulas JuUA '; •: :':SfSr%T,"'Sj'?'l'?'iir OorooraU/W. D. Btoroy, J. B. Ber- ,)..^-..°^>«fl3 Straight, ftank'Bteelo, and P. OotrolL ' - v'r .,' ''< 'il5proprietor of one-of the cohcort saloons to' "IWlMdphla, Was arrested Uat week,.for seUing liquor toa: «to:, but oh the ISth be wai discharged, there oetog no ... , j ;;S!!?*£9* »8dnefchlm. Bono of these cases are often trolnpcd . .'nptolim'blaok null from nuna^^ ^b'll4lbde«i»,StLi]nls, opened Ml the 7th inat, under tho ■ AkSHement of Ur. DeohlneK Oscar, WiUls is stage manager. ' ■"'^.iViut'sMtothecoDttbttothts^trou^ A ocrreapondVut ' stoV^''-^''^'^^'"^^^'^'''^'' '^'''^^^ being no fM to the ^ iT^t ^o^ Tork' .Oonoert Saioonl oinctonatlr'lslaid tobe well .«HBded._ Fomaiido Flory is one of the Hxturos of this ball. .". vB U hit OTOCT psr/orm^^ ^!P*i ,'|t|fs: EaililMa.O'lTeU dfd ilTvery.dever EtuUUf*. while' '■ i''y'-"'";;.'^^::'-.:0^-^^^^^ ' ■ ,■ ■ •' r ■ SIgnor BlItz,who bas been before thk pubUo for nearly two cen- turies or less, la giving a series of his amusing entertaiiiments to Phlladdphia. The Signer is a grieat favorite to the Quaker City, and his performances are generally wcU attended. Hla leame( canary birds are not the least among the ourlodtles offered by the great ventrlloqaist and magldan. The Duronbi elsiers are to give a concert in Concert HaB, Phl- laddphia, on the ITth. We have heard good accounts of Artemus Ward and hla leo- tnrea, but on the Uth we detarmtoedto see and hear for our- sdves. He gave hla "Sixty Mtontes to Africa," attheMuslcd Fund Hall, Pbllodolphla. It iSiOne of the largest lulls to that dty, and the place was absolutely packedto its fullest capacity. The seats were ell filled, and every toch of standing room-occu- pied. It was a monster mass meeting that assembled to welcome thequatot "docnUonist'' to. the Quaker City. Artemus fhced the vast aniUence with a modesty and confidence, and "spoke his piece" to the "moat blandest tones." He kept hla auditors to a ccnttoued roar of laughter by tils queer ssjtogs and his eccen- trie method of delivery. His "orations" are even«iore enjoy, able than-^ils very popular nowspoper pieces, 'and wv are not now eutprlsed that he. should be able to attract such Immense congregations., The people see before them a plato, modest sort of a man, who'puts on no airs such as are commoh^th most ' [doable services of Big, Glrard aro constantly brought forward 1 o amuse the audiences. Slg. Qlxard U an excoUent harpist as well as. a .devor warbler. His imitations of birds, dogs, pigs ^d heroes, are very'fine. Ho also peribrms.ebme venr good delght-6f-hand trloks, making him every itsefol mas for any show. . Ulas-EfSe on one end, with Ul«s Ada at ths other, in the Ulnatrd performances, are responsible for a oonddersble num- ber of buttons that burst ftom' the owners' coats, oaifeed by their eccentiidties. In Irish parts,-Ulss Ada is very good to- docd.and will.one.day occupy'a pramtoent poslUon on.the American stage. She is very tdentcd-Milngs very well, and dances a good Irish llg. UlasEffls already does on excellent Jig, and bids fair to become one of the beet if not the best Jig dmcer to tho country—of course, I mean to the fomdeline.. Miss Moggie executed a Spanish dance with much grace, and is well up In the, Torpdchorean Une. ulas Ulhnle does a very deter performance on the slaok wire; and tbe stngtog of "Book me to Sleep, Mother," and " No One to Love," bv Uiss EfSe, is very doverly done. Our old friend. Oldfldd, is Musical.Di- rector. The Zouave drill 'conttoues to be the great feature of this company, of which Manager Oarter may weu fed proud. OIRCVSKB. An equestrian troupe, under the management we understand, of John Wilaon, commenced a abort season at .the UetiopoUtan Theatre, San Francisco, on the ISth ult They were to close bn the 30th, when the theatre would remain shut for a couple of days, to give time to remove the ring, etc iThls equestrian troupe'is probably some of Wilson's South American forcos. Wilson recently sold out his cirous bnstoess to Ur. Lea. The Amphitheatre, Philadelphia, was re-opened loot week, and by a new compoiny, among whom are Tom Etog, the great leap- er; U'lle'7irgliria, equestrienne; William Smiu, L'Eschelle Fe- rlleuse, and man monkey; Charles Madlgan, John Foster, down, and others. This w/iek, Etog will appear to his great leaping act throwtog somersaults over eight horses, and performing other eitrsordlnaty feats. The opentog took place on the 13th> and the attendance since has been fUr. ■ The Onto Family were tUlfilUng an engagement at tbe Eureka Theatre, Ban FMncIsco, CaL It Is a t^ented little party, and they make a pleaatog ante rtatoment FOBBldn DRABUTIO AITD SHOW ITHIWB. LOHDOK Nx:ws ins Cobsit.— Mr. Reward Paul sends us the followlig items from London, under date of Jan. 2i:—The pan: tomtoesaronowtofnllswtogat moat of tho London theatres. Drury Lane is doing an immense bnstoess with "Qoody Two Shoes;" the Strand Is crowded nightly to see "Ivanhoe;" the Olympic with "Bcbto Hood" ond Bobaon, is nightly to a state of fashionable Jam, and theHaymarket with LordDnndreary (now to hls second year) and Brough's admirable oorleaqne, •'Bas- lias," is constantly thronged from pit to dome. Urs. D. p. Bowers, who was a great Phlladdphia favorite to the pdmy days of the Watout Street Theatre, Is now an equal f&vorite with the London playgoers. She is engaged for the sea- son at Drury Lane, and mdces her rtnlra on Monday next ss Maritona to "Don Osaar de Bazan." Mrs. Bowers was Che hero- toe of the "Peep 0'Day," which part she performed untoter- mpted^ for thru Aundnd and twenty nigMi. I am told there was great rejolctog among the comedians when this play was token from the bills. I can weU believe it To inhabit the same ever- loattog coatome, and repeat the aame words wearilv night after night for over a year muat be dreary work. How the actors In the "American Cousin" endure tho Intcrmtoable "mo," I can't Imagine. Buckstone, they say, has addled his brain as Asa Trenohard, and as for Bothem, he must bo stork stortog mod. Apropa ot Urs. Bowers, who, as I said before, deftuU at Drury Lane, die has Just returned from Paris, where ahe has been making extensive purchases to wardrobe, Jewels, and plays, with a view to a tour to Ameflca'one of these days. One of tbe great successes of the season is Bcbto Hood, at the Olympic. It Is by ah'extremely devor aulhor, Mr. F, O.Bsmarfl^ and lE Is unqnesUcnably the.best burlesque .thrtJiM bee . . ... _... . '--^^or^iBe ' Kediaaloa' HaU. Ira iSroadwar » ' 8Bti£TBB0IEEBErTrtieS?J^^°»>>.a _ WINAM r BOIEEBS, ;Prtiprieton.>)otD( I BiodBPOHAlfAB.UahMi^ A??^^ tEAB OF THB .AsiOmAL WoSr?loSfl . - ^ -i^BBTAKTB' mSBlSa^^^mi .• „IHB KI0HL8I0B TBOUPB OFTm i^^- 1 •■.0PBBAHOnsfc,BO8T0H,£Ba' Xhli popular establishment win . ' "r^ .. ooMimoi THza sum mMuun nun.' •. MONDAY EYENINcnTO/itti^ B0THES8, PELL TBOWBBIDQB'B y ' ""'Btleneii-.. HOBBIS BBOIHEB8, . Conalstot thefoll( LONMOBBIS, . BILLTUOBBia, . JOHNNX PELL, i. a. TBO'WBBIDa& B. W. PBBSOOn. .J. L. QILBBRT, j; BNDBB3, AUaUBT SOHNEIDEB, D.. W. BOABDUAN.. „ ^„ She Management* can partioulair nottb* to' ili> Ised array of Tdant . .• • , AC w «»e Tliteta 30 eents; Beserved Be SD-lf . LOl J. 9E?HN, F. wiLMiEia, plooee, andf ln'hanoiony with the. noble and hlgh-bom lords of creation who stleiid them. We shaU not attempt to describe the lecture, but advise our readers to go and hear for tiiemsdves ifheneverthe opportunity offers. James E. UuHoch la here, there, and everywhere engaged to the poble work of glvtog readtog entertainments for the benefit of sick and dlaabled aoldlers ana their families; ha was at Har- risburgh on the lath, where he read to tha Couift House. Bobert Heller, the well known pianist and prestldigltateur Is to Washington; bavtog met with on onexpecMd "break np" to Pbllpddpbla. "Peep" eaye that it was onderstood that he waa dotog a good buatoess thero, and would have ccnttoued for some time, ^ut for the skedaddling of his partaer and agent, Ur. Fred Hunt ofOtoclnnalL Ur. Hdler's statement is, that after per- formtog four weeks without paytog any rent boardl or prtoling, he was called upon for the same, and referred the partlea to Ur. H. Hunt informed him he held paid one half the rent, and would pay the balonco the following momtog, but during the night he skedaddled, not having paid any rent, and pocketing all the proceeds on bond. Mr..B. Is endeavoring to recommence operatfona, and It is hoped he ni|>y soon succeed, and meet wltti bettier fortune. . . ^ A series of Sacred Oonoerts woze to be toaugnrsted at the Wash. Ington, D. 0. Theatre on Sanday.lStb, under the dlre<>tlonof Mr. Soppitz, the excdlsnt leader of the orchestra at Orbver's; He has engaged some first rata ta]ent,-which, to ccAjiinction with 'Ohe of the best aeleoted orohestraa out of the metrc^Us^ ws^ rants on entertatoment deserrtog of patronage.. Barry Wtil acts asagent / ' • ■ . ■ • • ' ■ ,.???^S**'*'°^'^9» »* Bprtogfldd, Mass,, on them and loth'inat'. The BtereoptlcoB, under the management df-lfr. Tilly Haraes. is at Bprtogfleld, Uass., this week. • . . . B. M. Hewlett lectored to Music Hall, Kew. Haven; Oohn.. on ••BumandHebellloii,"-onPeb, 18. r — ' Tb» Alhambri, London, la one'of the most popolariplaces of amusement to England, and Its proprietor Is siways ready to ongago any fl^stclas<^Ilovelty that may offer.. See advertisement to this Issue of the OuFPED. - . .' - Don Santiago 'Qlbbonolse, tbe ourley-ene feller,' hss besn out- Ung up his kadldoes before the people of Qrand. Baplds: Utch,, at the Valley City Varieties, J. B. Bhodea.propristor.muohlo their amusement As late ss tho 13th, there were< to the com- pany T. T. Thompaon, S. Ooostanttoe, F. Oadot; J. & Boberts, and 0. E. ChurchlU.. Bnstoess moderately good,, The Polymorama of the War was at Howwitl HaB, P:K>vldence. B.L,Iastweek, • _^Minager Myers' draniatlo troupe gave ■.performance aft Paw- tacket B. L, on the 13th. Fdlon's BterecpHooh opened at Morwioh,' Ot, on the 4th, and dosed on tho nth Inst ' ' ■ '■ . The "Origtod Fakir x)f Ave" opened'at Bree'd's HaB, Norwich. Ot, with his gift entertainment on the Uth ihst, for thne davs Qe is dotog welL ': . ■, ' . For the past few weeks Olevdand has been rsther^ealitnte of amuaements. The Bolmans wen then, but tbe wpathar was ao exceedtogly bad that they did not meet with the patronage they deserved or othorwlse would have done.'. They aire now in Provldehoe,. B. I. . >Hr. A. L.'Parkes is stOl'tiieli genid and efDolent bnstoess manager. . For the past eight days Wilder & .Ooodwto's "Polymorama of the War," has been ^the sttraoUonat the - Aoademy ot Music Cleveland, Ohio. It has drawn hugdy—the house beinji uaokei to Its utmost capacity every night of lis exhibition. . . L, M. yf. Bteere, the'agent oftho Carter Zouave Troupe, la Just thestcorer to steer a'oompany through diffloultles, iSr on tha 13th tost; he walked nearly two miles to a anew storm to set a CUFTED by which to map out his .future oampdgn. Undo Abe and Uth. ■ TheHemandoz BovolTroujis arolIourUlUngat theAoademv Of Mudo, Providence. B. L, during the absSioeof M^'disK tip troupe. _The company consfits of A. M, Bernondiui, 0. Lehman, Aj Lelitoan, Uons.Tophoff, Mons.BzoUosy, M. OmbS Mr. Franilto, -Mr. k A. OoleSian, and* &nau"ttoSSBB together with ,0.,H. Uoreate, the accompli*?*. ^jSiast who Jerforma tho daring and difficult act entitled "Tbur'Tetriflai"" Jano EngUsh'sNew Tremont Boetoni is now to the fUlttda of suocoasful experiment Tho style of entertatoments give Ill of_.aie,"B^vd Tco\ ivenby lupe'' among w^m ore Alexander Zdnltetta, Edouard Tdarde. iad Marlelta Bavd, has hit the Bosfonlans "hngdy.'i^m. pahled Un, manager.' her Canada: ooihiidga, la. the bnslneas the 3M;' ««ninMU)««(.|i the-HatloM OtodnaaU) < Uoni. Blhin,HitB6] \!rfi3ft«," t^StUdnall . J tte vaitona of i ln»)(l f9r T a j w iii iWwteU'wMTlttr yai flt lll nest woman on the London stage, and as good a burlesque actress as Mrs. John Wood, (whom I romember at the Winter Qarden lost year,) you can scccont for the crowds thst nightly find their wav to Wych street Mr, Emden, the manager, eon& Stebends public taste, .and by a liberal and spirited admtolstn^ on of affairs, keeps up the character of the Olympio pstho' most charmtog little theatre to tho metropolis. "Osmllla's Hus- band," with Bobaon and NevlUetothe prtoolpd ohancters. ia also agreat success here. Messrs. Edmund Tstes and Harold Power are attracttog fashionable audlencea at the Egyptian Hall—to the same lalta that poor Albert Smith entertatoed the public for so many ysatn. Ur. fates Is an accomplished raconteur, and relates' bis anec- dotes with wonderful fluency and a peculiar charm of manner, Mr. Power talks well, stogs bettor, and imitates all of the Lou- den actors of cdebrity with marked flddlty. They manage to keep the audience amused for two hours, witboot the'ald of scenery, costumes, story, plot or dramatic oombtoatlon whatso- ever, to these'days of blatant muslo hall vulgarity, it Is-re- fireshtog to vidt an entertatoment tbeneading characteristics of wnloh are refinement degance, and fbn of the moat whimsical Older. Ur. Tales, apart irq/o hU merits as a public apeaker and lectunr, is the brilllant/wa/etohiite of half a dozen JoDmals and magazines. His pen Is never Idle, and he hos described overy- thmg to be seen to Lohdon, from a coronation to a dog fight The NaUond Conoerts, at the St James Ball, under the manage- ment of Mr, Ambroise Austto, have proved a wonderful success. So, a eo, have the "Monday Pops.,''as they sre called, the con- tooctlon "Pops." meaning .FopiQar Concerts, at the same hall. The entrepreneur, to this case ia Ur. Arthur Ohsppell, of Bond sbeet, and perhaps the moat successful and enterprlalng of all tbe London concert-^vers. He has lost and won thousande by artists the post sixteeh years, and now we find him giving the most successful series of first class concerts that London has ed- Joyed to this century. It was Mr. Arthur Chappellwho took Jiullen's band to America to 1663, by which he lost $18,000. If Ur.OhoppeU is not dwavs lucky, you'll admit he Is plucky I' I bear that Dick (aU the world knows who he is) u not so sue- ceasful as he hoped to be at his new.3heatre Boya], Westminster. There ia abundance of time yet Tho place Is scarcely to work- ing order, and the publlo have scarcely found him ont to his new loeole. It takes shout two years to mako the old fogy Lbn- don public know where a new place of amusement la dtuated, an^ihere are thouaonda of hnmdnifn people withto a radius bf three miles of hjs now "auditorium," who will live and die to the chronic conviction that "AsUey'a" is stIU a ciroua. Ur. 0, V. Brooke, tbe tragedian, will moat probably visit Now Tork to the -month of Uarob. He is at' present to Liverpool, and disengaged. The taste here Just now Is distinctly luitl- traglcand"Olhdlo"aud"BIchard" muat for a time at leaat give way to the creations of tbe Uomlo Unse. Brooke, though he has failed to attract os he did some ntoo years bgo, is stuf a remarkable actor; and If the temper of the Now York pubUc tends ;to tragedy and high-class drama, there is no doubt that a. Vk will be a card for Ur. Uanager Wheatley. .. A tanUUriee has lotelv made her mark to London, UIss Boss Hersee, a soprsno, with a fleer, high voice, of briUIant tono knd charmtog quality. If UIss H. (who Is very yonn« and beautl- fol) studies hard to a good school, yotf may hoar of her one day as a nrlma donna at the Academy, or of all the world'running after her as Normo, or ZcrUna, or Amina, or somo o±ei light and captivating cperatlohorolno. UUa Lydia Thompson, the daiueute. Is about to commit matri- mony. The fortunate swato la a Job-maater, or, aa you would call him to Amerloo, s llvery-atable keeper. It is too bad of the doahtog LydIa to "flop heraffeoUons".on a master of ths horse, when lords sndmenofhigh degree have knelt ather feet But there Is no outwitting these women's hearts; and after alL pe'r^ haps Ur. Naggs, or whatever the gonileman's name aiay be, wlU' make hor a bettor husband than Lord Tom Noddy, or any other pamperdd deml-dcodle, Bcml-noodle patrician, under any olr- cumslanoos, I hope she will not leave the stage, Bhe Is a "gem" to her peculiar line', ' ■ , . .Aaa Onshman, doltoeator of American Negro ohavtotoH, was to Liverpool, wuttog for managers to turn op. A new sensation performance, entitled ''La Montana Saplrbl," is aavorllaod to London by Steve Elhalr.. It oonsists of a spird asoenslon on n revolvtog globo, a feat which moat be extremely hazardous snd dllllcult ofoxocutlon, UIss Ettio Hlnderson, tho little American actress, bod been performing to crowded houses at tho Theatre Boyal, Southamp- ton, Her engagement was to oloae there Jan. 81, and ffbm thence abe would prococd to Devonshire*, opontog on tho 3d Feb. She is shortly to appsar at the Boyal Standard, London, and totroduco her great piece of *'Fanohon, the Cricket" The provtodd papois speak.ln high.tenns of Mlas Hendenon's per- formaucei. . , . ' 'i * Christy's UinatreU, 'the Uoojce apd Orooker party, ware still to the provinces, and dMag wdl, Thev had Joetdoaed a aeries ot optertotoments at Ab«iraeen, to excellent buatoess. wm, Nolter, Biany.yMtsbqxkeopsr^to. the 'Theatre Boyal, Ob- tentaarden, tosdpnt i^ti on the nli, Ui tht Uth year of •BOOUS'TB OPBRA. HOV8B1, VROOKIT* Cor.COTOXfcBBMSI^J StBEnBr' B. M. HOOLEY............BdeProprietor E. B0WEB8. ./:.;......«,DlrebtorotAmQitBUi,i. 1 T. B. PBMDBBqABrr... ■ ■ Vood Director.^''' * Pnt BTBluB........... ,..Inatrnm«ntd Blredo MONDAY EVXNiNO, JAN. 16. and every nlghtdiilEui).J • - 'PABTIODLAE^IOTIOBr The Uanag«r hail ibi 'pletore to announce to Ui n the publlo to .generd, that he is maktog extendTe iIL his Opera House, having had pototers, oarpentetB,aitri_ nlsls at work during the paat four weeks, on ntvgeeJ^ chtoery. Property, A-c, fro, for the express purpooeefF'' out to rapid snocesdon, Mr. E. Bowers' Original Pum es, Interludes, and Burlesques, together with the wiStfj emtoent authors. .■. ■ ■'> Tho whole of these elaborate improvements, e entire new Proscenium, Bcenery,'DMpCdrtaln',(MliM Boxes, Chandeliers, fee, will be preaented to Uue MONDAY EVENING; FEB. 16, u£, 'When wiU be presented an Origlhd Faroe, wiibenhl Bowers, called • •_ ^'. ■'■ PETEB PIPB8: OB, THB MAN ABOUT TOWN.: Together with an entirely neyr Progroitoe. Door s open at exi t o commence at 7X- TlekitsSiAl • WEDN ESDAY EVENINtt, Fob. Ig, OomplimeattiT.kX BOWEBS, whe9 an exceUent bill will be produced/''I 'j r AUSlRIOAIf THBilTRH),'4»« BKOAb^M?] .4M BBOADWAY. «U The moat Popular Place of Amuaemen^ la tat (b. The greatest oomblnitlon of tdented artists idlbtfa) ENTHU8IASU UNBOUNDED. . A contlnoed snecesdcn of triumphs nightly liiik lb of the ■■ . : ^ EXfBAOBDINABY HOST OF ABUBO . now ooBcentiated at this establishment UAUUOTH SILL FOR MONDAY BtOHT, The whole entertainment so toterspersodvnaTiiliil must please any cast of' mtod. . UAUUOTH OOUBINATIONB, edlpstog all former efforts, and aettltog at once oie whlohlsthat THE AUEBICAN. THEATBE ' .. Is the greatest tostttotlon for amusement to thslnidll': , BEAD THE LIST OF NAltEB., ' ' First appearance of . , ' . ' >: SIONOB UOMTEVEBDB, the great Bpanlahcontortlonlat HIsiTonden(ii:aeBBlpoii| pears miraculous. First week of ' , ' . t M'LLE FLOBA, M'LLE FLOBAr' the accompllsb'ed danaense.. ." : MISS AUGUSTA WALBy, ' . ; . . ■ the arUa tlo dance r from the Weatem tta awi; CBABLEY-WHITE, OHABCEf .'VHT' The Leader bf oB Negro Comedians, author of all ttie t Ethiopian Eknes, BorlMqinee ahd Extravaganns off — zm — ^ — ^tarv n i B Bp n , - — -y bia age. inlarOomio Stager.. —AS BALDWIN, The groat Indian'Juggler and Nei • . J. W^SOLD,'. The onequolled BaBjolat, onrivaded to his Imlittlot ot I T. OBrnNOB, ■ T. 0; " aEOBOE WABBEN. F. SHAW. . . . UABTEB TOUMT, to their mirth creating' ^lomioalltlos and Ethlopdii'] gansas. Songs, Danb^TSo.- MADEUOIBELLE LOUISE, the aeoomplished lady Drummer and Voialbi'' THE OBEAT BALLET TBOUIB compoaed of the moat flnlahed danceis,'.'. With other prominent pertonnei*. ' ' The finest OrOhestra to the City, under ths leadeithip«( Professor FfiBD.. VAN .OLKEB., ; . BOBEBT W. BUTLEB.'^PRpKI'.L HONS. LA THOBNE, Stage Manager. M| "THB PBARL .UF THB AnRRlOAfT STAU] UISB LUCILLE WBBTEBN, This distinguished aittata whose thrllUng and paella of ' LADY ISABEL AND MADAME "TIDE,'. ' to.het'edebrated dramatio version of the novdot ' ' . EAST LYNNE,^ l-■ - '. has been pronouBced both by PBEBB iND FDBUO.ue marked suooess of the present day, will spi^ all))Ilon: HOLUDAT BTBEBT THBATBB; BALTIUOBE, _. . UonlaylTl^i7<<i' CHESTNUT aCSBES TESATBE,. PHILADSIfEUt, ^ ' , .'. Tneeday/Slji.,™- HOLUDAT STBEET.TEEATBE, BALTIUOBE, _\ ' WedneadajET«.,r» CHESTNUT eiBEET THEATBE, PHILADELPHU, Thunday,*rAi'*' HOLtJDAT BiBEBT THEATBE, ""'"''"^JSljifa,!**! HOLLD^AX fllBEET 'THEATBE, BALTniom|^ ^ ,^j And will appear In the two cities for ■ « FOUR OOMSEOUTIVE.'ffEEKS, ; Allernattog hor perfonnanoeaos above. On . . UONDAT BTENma, UABCH J^ii Bhe win appear at the: . ^ _ .WINTEB.&ABDEN,, V Inthlsolty. . ~ ''^i^JuJir OABDi-Dstrolt, Fob. 10, leaS.-Faatx SS^^^ 1 see by a Hew Tork Sunday paper that the editor wawjj^ | formed, that manager Bayfeaa, of the Vorietloa^wiaj^Jij wish to contradict Ihst. etatwdent as I bore been ^ thatestabllsbment stooe It opsned.ud ^<>*r*JSdffa>* sdaries and aU debts contracted by Mr.Baylesa olm^^ ^, VorieUes were dways promptly paid. The eatabUdm*' capacity., Tho reports whioh iiave been pa» "iS? fte iW him were started by parties who have oo*?KSt!i^ business to Detroit for yeart previous to «^l"J.°*Si, and his name has been a terror to tbem^e hai ^^tt while,they have lost it. They will >>«"?0S4T^JuMer«f showUtess.'. .. „,l^„^OB^^i»J^^^ -. NEW PLAY OF BBVEH BIBl^ Ijv B Havtog concludeda'BfUlIsnt Kne'eettent^ttroi^^jJ Otadnnfti, at Geo. Woods' Theatre, ft SlZ,^ZtmSi der's, OOlnmbns. Will appear next at net J; for three wodtsi ' thence lo Louisvlllo, st O^'lISd.itBW^ Sreesed to JOHN HUHliiT, Wood;; nieslro,' ness Agent for JOHN E. Ho DONOUOa ^^^ ^^^,^^ U>I.I.ta MA'rtlBTTABAVBL. Jrhla p^^^ fol Bpanlah Danseoeo and ^At Bope ArUst jgj^JijJj g^ement oh Starch 9lh. Managere ^•^"Jiosh'Sb* C^iS omiceBoan>ppWtoheraoloAgonU,JAfl'<«'"'"*" IW fork, : ..'...^.^^