New York Clipper (Feb 1863)

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. BA.TOEDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 186S. tenia, iDg to Kngl A««lirMH« to COR mngPtWDBHITB. ig;rtBm"l§"»' : X Asbelr-loom to, lecord- illTire, DOTible or pfiaonil ... ioniaja ouil of oni fOTOM In TbglnU, •ppetn to b« worUDg with a vUl a «]tgiituig QUI," Millhia morepitiiU bave Utheito aemon- ■tettfidt. JRe j> w.l>M it_<!fi&g^ ti>a Trith th e trmy now under oonunand ever since TSTti It were, and ought a|^A ftf U"« nfflffATM ^ nn fl ffl flcen, 'aV " If,he Islet! „. — .iiewoia"U>rid"l«'">tfonn^'In"W*Bile?, but l4ltMliMllaMlittt deiortl)e.'tbe 'aotand of kililai^i'etitahjat «TlDto"«emBTl«ldlnBinb«teDce,orlhe bl]li)g'Ot<:oioh)aetliita . ... „ . . ., ... the eafaKsllif 4w<iniMr«tlOD.' Ui7^aiweieVtoi>8Wkfl*amarl Itflh mHaUeck:hedoe>aotaecinto«9inpi«h.eDd the^altnatton; t)lowaM)au^tatea:tngflUedv4thm^ «Y;l>6dtiliidfihdKSll;'^e'UttoteqaUtotheteakbf rai^ •lMie,m iuld^^ ■wonlfl Iticfilfa tbefibuid omJIIcd, laAdultheavx 'fthudt^.fit, tfS(ni*M>tni<fliUAronian enilnoDcelnlaa-.«knd«r mudheap; or; If mdt^aM'.lobeliaDg, one of oar. aenaatlon.- .d«lllea.would yms ^Tflj'ntf'V^-i"*" In deaarlb)ng'joar<!btch-np.." ioBt yon try now, and aee It vbet we sty len't tnia. I 'Wa.'vl^ ■WtiUs.'il.t-Foiir pctsona' p1>y'-Baeht«;''|w6 kgalaat two: <Arm we vutlee igretd to'pMthliTh'and of tv6 4aidd ^^'TliVtoiske fburtolnlar ■*liiMnpbni'«nVM r'deykieiftopUyaloqe'sgalnrt'llliil.'' Thk£ri)t(arty irtrltKr,' tnd' cltlnie4' ¥011^ polnt«,<' IMt the t«ibild< j''iSlowblin'bnt6iie'pbIcft: *ne''lMt'party Ualfht Irarpolnlii by Tlriuonf the second party bating agreewtoiilay Umior fODrpolnls. Pleue-^edde bow-many polnls the Aral tiayer la totlUed t«.'.'.>:'Ji: .Btt'iBk>iltl<Udta ti)ie'poUieonlr;!Iiaa' Dsseonred an flva tricks be woafd have befi^ entitled tofoor; kad the accoid pUycr mKd'e 'thne'or fiVe .tilcks, Ve conld only More two points for the enchrit' lomedrqpm;aiCd AJtaiaMs't . alone wffiiUhl^.'inake^jEC^^^ lefiiBi la eni alone two pi Ulllailotajl^waii^ and lh|^«(^*bllUa$^taUg,.sboiit .y^u^a .since, at ^nlVind, Tem«|iW™'4Mi|;p?lF:!'*6qnl:#"o5i^^ 0>»,iiO» ft. TrofeMiOK^tmTWappropiW^^ apidled to him. Sfd-pii): StoSfefefJrafeSi^' " ' ^ ' " " SnsstnUiaJSaiUhidre.'^Donit'bother yottratU abont M^loles tn thaty(wr7.ll(rb«'abMtliai'no>lnfiaetace, and Its mesa atal&E only drMt!lBlMlinilaat'a>tfex;)enB«ofihe writers and the paper. lta«Il><tIMi>Mi^iluite!aIready dlsoorared Ita real-matlTtaand duradtW hteniwUlf" therefore,' eionaa ns for omitting :yonr. ymm^rtMtlllli. " rv..:;. J--■ Lraoin, New TotK— 'ri'and^^iirtbWe.' Al^lsys^ltiiig BaalZiA afonr,B antnr/A AidsDO>e,B an. sce^'and'A-a flva. How miDT holes doesijfc^tus Ur. his last play, and doea the ali conntIn the last rontltie for lA oiinotl".;. /.'.The six eonnts In; the last ^nsnce, and ^ le entitled to Ught points In Bli;-alz fof Ike aeamtt; Mi0,^.o,jbit 'ai.;r J.'SJliVU«kMth>i^ wotld take ilp aHagether.toomnldi'tlDie to fln^Ant iAMher'BI B.;iehallenged:l>..0< - Eren it he dld.'and nollgDl>nifaa^&ltlat nbtlnportent enough to: warrant the aeaniBl>Uiiyf:bddji^oan:.lB8ne 'a> ohallangt 'DOW'*daya, bntU's TeiyalidaiB'a&odej'gotkwltblt i r ■ a ..- - fv tfaylngfidthre.-' 'It'ts VgoesSlbn^' -Bgoea Jidolaiinsfoartimta/A _ ilA'-WilM'atiiat boit'maiii"B llbf]cd|fp't^oiPDldti only; hls'golhg it) to notbliiU,^'^lr''']MHle^ enobires' A,' and scotea' !i?o!s*fl!t'!lM'ii^^ !:^iT7;^.flrd|^intif(y i^e .famous yonng wefoj .dftred an^big!C^14 'aitkY^t tS the ^^^an FoW'tHrfhtMaomMtman In the ■ootabliry)ltoek his departure' In the steamer Ohamplon on Saturday, (he Slat. Jaok pdd ua a .farewell TJalt on that jnoniing,.apd.pie8ent<!$our Oabin Boy. l(y.i|{^t«rlnd''ii." ' With <len.' kisOlbDiil In' the'-'^Vdepartanent,' attdr.aen.iSookar;'to 'take-the •field In the adTsnce:to the rebel ^;ijlbi,'w«'Bllo^d )i;iteMaUi ho fefr of the ifMnlk iBdth generals i>kjiY>^':it}^'li^i&if)ijt^^ rt- .vetads they haTS metwlth,'jMTlibeen traced topolltlo^ Infloenoas at T!'aUiln^,''and'n6t tioiUly fadit tff Ihelr'e. i The appointment ijf ,'0«n,. l^cjClleQan'. as. JBetji^^ .yitx, .would oau^ a shojit of exaltation ttuninghonil ;{he;.kccth, :cement the aoinewhst dlsar- HUigeil condition, of onr forces, and bring about a''Vlgorcnis proseii)tt'Mi.of,,<|ieWfif,*''to .President Lincoln: can re- gatothei'OonAdenM Of-theptopleby phiodng Oen. ifeOleUan In thewir departmenj^ apd permlttUg .Qen. Hooker to move on wUhop(>:<4ti' T$n^Vimf«^0|^'*jB^->s^ programme, ,the ^J^'can be made "the unit" it wa s before poliUeal huoksteia tookthe rolnaofgoyemmenL Let^tEffriands of HoClellan "Bobker, agilato tUa^rpbonslcttyVn^oVc^ may see '^l)t the nbellirohafo^.l^e'ftu I ilaEoii''BBOoiBA'-niar« -haa -beeik quite a number of pigeon s1)6otlns matchea thla winter; more, ltt'''liiet, than'*we are accms- tqmed ^'lfiyffiDr^'i|eub£,;|We.'t^ square, hnd notiaijmg^ito^wtrap'flntaidei bettoii.. ,Bome of .bur. sharp. shootoMf hM'bhUt> ^'otber nfattera 'beMde huidUBg the trigger, knd.o^iahbttJ^Te'iy,^^ pune Iwllhimt .'Jiis.' underatandlng jiow the. thlngVli' done.: I<et the. dni^df'iMria uae.'a'UtUe oauUon In.these days of ahirp shooting >' ■'Tsk-pziv^'Or Szaduirr HiKbT xjntaMi-^Ca another- page' Wthls'il(i|tv!{f^^tinl>U^V< 'f^!t^| ifeqneat 'of ,a)oy<i OinPEB man^ an aireotlng.:poen^:ln memoi7.of::the.aboTe;named.herolofire- man ]atad-'ga]iaht'delbllderbf'thb<'ltidoh;'))y'IIar^ E. Kerrigan.' The <^iie4 ia^^|gf)(ik.e^^ cIob; inigllnMri(if'!ths:daat atanMB,'u^^ «Dhoied by «Tery reader of the saipp, .' . n ,• .Kn I' ■ •' ■■■■ ■ai " '' I e'epale.'—D'n^cbman'a''(hm* mlle^ j!ofihffln!l)»J«»,-,:I3oi!».,IempIe'wjiB tackedio hsat' ... ,„«PiW«MtP.ft%iifMX:»lng .the^ne(^Mt,Sho.<^ tOlt otfJ tt irijii Ji-jl'imj ol> 1 Mii;;-i ll j •<-; .iri::! ^ 9MiM,^aitt '«6nctMO.<^a)6r i«tttt>^ai«diaani -igui/dii not re^hxs until aft^r opr Issue i;f Feb. list hsd been'Jput lb' TMiS<WHSits tff thiifietn were antTo^atecI tfyiitten' •■•j35Kjpni~' i -.-M il.P:-. 1. 'ilil 1.: I - •!"'.'• Vt 8;0((PW'i>4c«A],in sli^^ tAtamibVreomi' ..Js,hAti«9.a:btogrApbygfBt(attoQ,.ln which hUblTtl) . . clwip M *hei lltto of ^annaty, 1883U which wouM ipake him *.«»r»ptfl,.-; , ,.•>.■ ,t- ' • -.v.,. '..: : •.' ■ ^ v : ...i . ■ Wi]£i:draJi'.PlilIa4elphla.<-^IfyoiU'l]iaTe a good voice, yon might gat a chance to begin with some opera company, In the ohCFmS.' ..M^k^Mtdr-iscotd of iablbtF'menta,'aind ymi naysM'some^' thuig that ml^ht Buggut Bopetblng to yonr lUdng, E. ^iMUi'it^-^^'^pnBiim'lii, tbat.'ibe'partar refeired to lalra'iHe Tob arel4 dgraf at",A' Ilne'aiddr(*aed'(5'hlm.wlll! putjMJjp'^^yrlghttrackjWoate.V.! •y,',..',.:. ''..'T^, Si^lfPpOi'.iKlnolnnstl.—tlie,<)at('reput we had, jed U91 'In, /K^;weMre.tooiii^UaU;onroarre8wnde^ **Bb|jp)|u))iig;|idapar^^ .... Xtnat'C^Blngfldld, O ^We cannot Touch tbr1he.haDe8iyot all who Idnrtlse.'ln'eoi columns:' '\rill call .their attehtlontotbe nattovliBwiveri h. -. •. :..rf. . ■ v.. ; • .:• ■■ „ ,„ . |oa:.b«f<w«.'Ws.ieeent £> —.^^''1^^' •v-iT.-J*ot,to ourijflioiirledgei.lf h») "-••TO;tP«»WtS«T«.bepn.ontfiqjB(y.,.: j,,;r. ..... . , „;,..., ToU^fiiiBS;JOOhmbas.O..:^l.-Wlthoht.naDes,.the report irou]aiiallM'Orutaitotito:oiirreaders: We'hata'not'a'^by^ otfh*<ttiI«iiithey not hiTlDgb^en.pnbUabed UipaiilphlttfOmL . agenuaiUr^^ Inoiir coliimnii,;'Qdr'tjmela tot) mucn takw •up lflBH8tt't«atlildairailn'csB of^tlafflS." " ' ™ who showed with Nixon's Clrcue,.ln.y.oar el^i.'< 3. -Com. Footqls . ■"'"'•eflftW «lJ*»rf>(i)!Pap you.mentlpjL ,: .:';;. ^ '• ,. „„„ .P. 0, S., n. T.—1. Mra, Tobn'Wood'was'boiQln'Kngland.''1 Hr. veUh trdoa'^.ls 'ln the'lata of-the^IlVlng^to OaUforhli',' ^^i9Sf!W^ifl^^^f^^^^f!f^,y: I- •-, ■■ -u' B. a,. pyjjdejpl^fc;-,!,!,IjB'-iiliVe!. unable -ia procure a copy^M<m>in)lf 4.1 Xsm sosge^DU :WiU<re«etre atlontlon. 8a4iiiilavr/Oha»IeBt(Mn;'iraba.:^Ur: Ibrreet^waa onda eogaged Vilh a.olniu out weat, and pertimlM.hAthaatdmbMfand rldeh' NsW BvBsoBiBm.—"ne AtairlcajrAngl e r'B Quite," at Angle- ton's, prloe {1.50, win poaslblfKeUrrSnrVA^iiliements. ' The Oui llAB'a Boli;. TditfiiUN::(i: Cidldhft asy where that J>»»llihqii») ABWUe*lP«lnlpK,,,,;,fl,,.,:: : (..-r,•, .,r.,: r,.., J. B,o<laApjira^leV'Annapolla)-Ud:<^e1iaTe noifdlable'dats'' by w^atodeoldeVoilr.qv'iryJ ^ .•dm .ln .i.; -; ■ c.-. -.u im^ll^Sitl^lSSat^^j... , !I*6yiji»i,fj[S^plwtoTp.Jpp>(nB:atll|oc^ OosiitadqlNiiSVi-^Apply'.tathe-BtxionlDramatleAtsoblattdil^' at imitaiy Hall, In the Bowery. •™>~™°»>. «4 wertarfiMltJ|%)i#;g^Mt!Palght,/<Mr lt„i liC). .-.M 8. 0.,Ionli?Hleb:^4Ber«Miof< theMT«rtden-ln>oaj'colnhi] Douiawpplyiyon; aipB* Iji'j .'loijiiiiii;/: j,.'i :>..•.• iii.-.- 0:i•'.' ••,•<: ^«^'s yj^fie^mmi^fii^i^ r;,;;;;:;. W.nflW(»g9»rrTf9mfl»s;enJflnp»(uiaBlahman.v/,;< i..jV7.. ■,„\\ A. ft) 01): Oostanl^VilCtf to>tlib'PttUW^^; BDnsOBiBBB, PennTsnn.--That was "before joiir.tlia&','. E.^l.glJiDhlWo.'^^tfikntftlfotl''.""-''') 'Mi:.,!.: itif\--K:\ las.vhn on l ."iil nrl .|-)i; j ..ii::ii'l u.i ..i .,.•(! • ... _ Jj; ^ ." • , ".11 I'll;ii "A Bia Tbuio on SHiosa'.)cname')offi«tjaoopbi.In8tltiilB.oq: the Uth ^1 In thb g'uApoidf<itf teWi(<)ll>''0li 'tb^' Sta<e^ of the 'au^'Mrllitttd'<t»{ii'ifiligli"f,ir'i^ .Ik JoB,---j||iie;fonQ'wtog''adTm we copy, Terbatlm'| t^mltive'Plijiadalphia PutiieXe^ -iV . .': ' .llr^MiidATirt'WypwhO'^^ gotfd tldy'gtrla; bes<: pUctfcrMeB^rt gfc',.';--. -hV - ■ •■:" . '.: ..;";.='■••; Cornell, pubilahed in this'issue, that boNronid like to ahoot' .^oWTa7lp»;«rjA|t<^ it'olOtluiBT'l'.Uii'bm^Va^owlo^^ '.'..'. '.,."■ !^'jj7^ r;;:;-. w, ■ v - ;■.:„.. lj£e^J^Q^efii!^vi qn Sund^ playcd'bbb int)('iiaiida^s ^allj.lwidcdilQBnl.f'lj^'.ltta.ulag ;^l9QqtletivAlledito'<co9inect altogeilier. This'will'>'aocount'<for the' noii-ap^a^!iie,',ai^Bi^^ f^yoni, as Itondsy is the day on which we go to press. r>'OBp^])En..QD^.r-Ti^ proe^idtoga i4(Jfic^ Sal^^^^ •ayi and Joe Cobilm's eihlbltlon In rhlladelpWa,:- They •will ap^ ;pear|Dtkt'week; '''Ain>TH^ Bii4i4n>'tfji'TOizE.—A^^^ douTentlon of the Teai^lng bUUard .pls;er^,6ccurredpn.the evening of the .118th IneL, thelooilttyhelnf: this tlme.qtStdufra Columbian Booms. Bo^ MB Brofidway. The first gomejifSliO points was between Ueaara, ^tdthwalte and Chelan,'In.whlch the former sgatn made- some '.of his BStonlahlng. coqnts,: and finally won by SMpolnIa,. On Bls'lgth turn,'he ran Jutt lOO In exactly three mlnntea-rqnlpk as Well BSgfiod work Indeed. This was. followed by a ran qf-88 by Thelin, In which some very be'anUfid shots'wgre..mads.,!;Ibe lookera-on maDlfeated their appreclatlon'oT the ekUl of both VK Vr^opiit a^pUuM^. The second bout, of W> points, was betwela 'hmifra. J)<Hiry:ffnd ]piTanagh,.andras^ sTeiydoae con^ leHti .•the hbnore belng'abouf.eqoally dl7jded,.both ii^ afclUkil mir. oatlonaiid'^lgh couala.': Earwagh won by 13 polsle. - - ' - ', ' •'The Ihlrd oteni^ of 900 points, was in Interest event of itift eMbInii.'the; tfo. Da)>|greiui, Mesare. KaTonagh aqii,dotdthwait«',. being tne.oontestanlii,al^ Isalpaoatneedless to.^dd, tbstin,an Ijaatant^fiertbelr namop had .been heralded In ,cbnpaetiloqi,they, were the'ohneTved of aU'obsor'Ters, and not a few beta-iwere inaSe..''Neither man counted at his first attempt, but Eavanagh BOon. got hia hi^iid In, an^^^antered. away at a Urely pace/and at )il8''ipth tiirh'atthe cjiemade'the^wlnBlhiabot,defeating hls<ap- Souantabonttwo.toApe.. /Ol'e clo's^. o'C this ^am^ the.pnba- nitles of the twain belbg matched were pretty freely canvawd, :6\it as yet, we bellevn, noUiloa,4e4i)lie.has'trfntplred.i We hbpe, howeTfir,<tl4(iy.,w^U notlct.thej(rp,n get'cold Jb^for^ they'de- cJwj tbelr Intentlone, Kavanagh baa the'privilege of thehex.t' Ba^i and.wedo,al>t.notbe will beheanl.fcom in djutlme, KUl. 'd'offhnoWB bow'|to kill, bis frleode an^ pi^tions frlUi kindnees, 'and spread blo]ealf on the evftnlng In. sp^adlng a very tempting spread of '/cold wlltles," and keeping up a coptous flow of light and heavy "w'et that was txuly 'sood |o take. '.'Be can keep' a )iott^'';t«;,(^p, .wluaiit.fear.of.'truthfal TJnloJ?' which we are grateftd, w^were tmable.-to-ho.'pnsb&tt'Autaotni)' of th08S*t»"" ' ' tfMtaOuhU^lt !«tnbllktlcAlll»><''i'blgYitiln Bnyder." Mr. tf.'<ft fttfab^W^talK?^ •jjl^^lg'iif tached to the United Ht fttwi niffnit T tfi rt f ftV t iifi'Wnflhtfm Bis-" .thct tfiXntnc!|«<i<n4la«tl4to:posaeaa the:r8lft otgabV,to«wpST wonir ^- ailai ittiWdtatlAh'ia otKer^ciei);" >Aii:«r*- 'Oiilflec^tiniBoe,oiiTi)eopta^tbaf Ui'e ;i;nlpii,<» worth: fluting -iotj lUii^Jjjlj^pAuds^to^'\|^lr^'dohr|thMafadIfab^^ • >ittniWontlns<by,leglala(l!teiaoUoa, homesifortbf ohlldroa ti*'*^'^'!.'**' 'iteholaiisttiW;"'palHtif oliphan JQUklab:ahea« player and'Eastem'Scholar, of tiili (tflD«urtib;rtBiil^o-'"<(Y*iillilr df'the'ieth —'-Mng th.eexokeqiterof'iUie.i^lielatlqa 0*tstl lobl' l,.'U •If.jjjf ■Gi)vr iil')|if4K.llliM^%«nAf a,alergii;rld^ aad'^ «> 0^ t!in((tMii:fa)|«<>ioidlaXi<'(Uonday;) and: m lotta of :W*.'M»fc pliWWp'^wrat..l^ a .peren aqbirj re honn d«l|MtM^Uli4tT4vA !t«4«M0SptM''^^ ^'l^nysdic|lpn.|;. Bpprea crowded out tin pext.week. : OcjoK FioBi'n'ETwzEx Kew Tobk Ann'riiot fob $600 a sinsl-l.' FBA+rCWKra—pear BIr:—The hla -'rooater" dispute, thonUI^B ODlUiv^tae'off left bight at—^wefl, wuerekthey ara always- |iplli;'','I)n)e o''oloik- timitf; your corr'dapondb'nt .dt the' Bcene'bf actlgp, a)sp k cfoWd of New ITor^ iand Troy'spiirU, Walt;' ng fof the afipw to bdmmence;' Betting m the main from twVo SMOyarenumMbbt/nll lifts., flbdlns'a'taker. :The pit Is' abbut '10;iq)tl.feet, 'i4yt>tiA'}ii\0i three or foUr I'ncheS bftatTbak-k: 'Tb'e laom '(hartliy "lai^e ebobgh) seated about two' hun'dredl'and etmy'lneh of eeac'wns'co^retcd..'At'lO P. U(: tloke'ta for (bo 'Uto^tteli (howsreyoli, Minstrels?) began to ^ell at one dollar, 3hbji^|dnwaB Ibngbt accordlnj^' tothe Trb> rqlei. The cOaks' heavy'On ..wtriHill UabMed' and tbIHeon .pailn wore found to fUl VHthln :*elghU.'<^V'*'»'.'<-''*0Z'fbr Ught'find 61bs.>?. fb* beivy.';?^3 gAtjiyirscaUH^bet^ dfttbm o^art0.flft^dbIIari,bn the first ni^'tt^ riSl plfpred and />lw«?a aciiepled, Od^a .^eij)^ on New YoVt I preejainb five tho'uai^nd dollars Qf'oil) Abe's gr^nbacks'cbanbed owiiBre dprlng'the malD. For abbut thirty min^itea'JokM ond ;lire(!tln'gsVere,ji«aaed,-l?uthas"How are yon; bid man? ' ■ I A J*?? * ?^ cochB.w^., brought In, abd'a bard-lbubht halild —law(H,]f^01tlng Iti rtvor of New Ybtk.. Ip Iho'ebcond'niatih. "^•H-^Sft took, picked 'blm,,ntf again, and^Tro* idaiihitf thetnitch, #hloh,'afler some dtabbsBlon, was ''allbwtd.V,' ,Tbemateb naa.nluckJIv fouaht. hnt' " Thelmjtph jfas plqcKJly fought, hot flpally rsaultod in ftvor i)f * f ,^ *lll m (ina.*rt«lte toglve tho result of eacUniitaS i tib.Bfy. .tbM bliet hbout ten. matches of the m'al .llri.qStbts;^^—^'-■*-•—— -"-''- - iW . Iii- ttdubt [bbbral .'b'ni^'raot/W'ere'klUod iibfiie^l't" ,vaijed,'''Th|«e' -the crowd 'soin _ ism 1 iiaierm'tilj''«lligatf6ns Itf lUie.pifbprletorB'of the'lniSSb,°for the i Usbshamdiiilteesleil ili^fiadd tbiour cbrresponilSit.' ','' ' _ i'): ...i-.-,iL/.',« •'.V'cifff-ili;!! T- ■■ ■'■•- i:i',i..'i,. • ■■ .• f t PC 5j,Tax impTrjTM. *n. AiraD»H,;N..I.--A malniof aevsnibat- .ae» we.olT'.therBion ..»he,W»A|nat. belweon Auburn and;Byra- ABb'^n'^ntogfottrojtflf uvebattlpa^flugbt. Afterwanto,. Xb9 lirapnalan«,(.tbkikina: 4l«oreUon tho ihettor, part 'oe.valor, ;»tari ^for.bomp without .flglilitg the two. last ;baUleeiMTlng. thai iftTjmotlijr.couteat,;. tt'wia.notelal^dwbat: stock of fpwls iwas ong))twBn;acuae,butjtb«y;werB ..i))ought to: be .Trojans. Thp M)POtn fowlafwere bome brld, frpm the Albany fltony stock, thai Wliteh^W.Htf^J!M'-tf«*tthtlogqj»MlilM/M)d,bloo^^ The idrat battle was won b/Auuuri^—a grey cook, 4 lbs,, sgalnBt a Sji^pm grey cppk.rtbe BaiDeii|'elflhtt,i;)jpthiblrda,faugbt,tiard. iMib«WB,-r-An,.^uliljrn Iwu.nn i)D«I, A(hs. io;e.', pgatnat.a.grey. ffbo l^rtDa iWMr^wvU .cowpaipd, AuhurBi.winplng.,.«a jbaMl.ev- AuMJi?i„ar»y.»p«ngln. agalnclia,) rp^wdiOTd after»lpn'or«cp andtawql) oountloB. ihe>s|iaiigte Loan* off, ,'riqtorlpii«,j -iajiat. "•^'i;^*'W'"'if^"''^i'' fl"/ and..a,,gjrwuao,light aft,imh wMbi]>B.*.V^,ffit,, Qyr4<7usew(Dp|c^,.af((ir.a l90g,.8ii*.jJtM hat06,r-A». 4n''Vr",'»pad|(I(Nl, g7«y,>el», .weJgWpg.4TM.-j}.W„ agaOikta brown red cock, VelSblng 4 lbs. Ht 02. TUs.WM-tto, beeli ^^We,.Of,(hP malii,.lhp slag I ^mTngoffiVjotoxIoneallot a * ;)leli, AnVuT . . .r .. Igli, AdVuiw baoUngJhelf ,fqwl .bji^era ?«^!fAlH''e«-5.*P - ■> Bj^m- fronb 3 to I, S to 9, anil IE to 3, $1 do being olTered on the Auburn *o»!|?».b.T(t witbont tiikew. Hea -iyaUbpto^ however/were praq, iHJbeatofgbodfcellugprovallf Ithtoughoul. "• „ii , ■ fir i}rti't YJj^Ot}*^^[^t^nst> Oooio , iWaahlBgton?D.1 0,, .awteibe 'btlahed;thlarws*ki' Mr. PheliD.t' rlth othercelehMflbayi^IllDa 6n iliuiid, iatt: )|l^j#l;ptwbabl» that iitlie:--Mtan( lUM&^MitftiMi Xesaia, GoUtbwalU And Victor J itapba wlU then b* pUyad* aoleot party,inot'qulto so nomerous as .went to see the Oem and the'-CaptPm off, were down on the pier, oomprlalng Jimmy Bh> Ilott, Barney Aaron, BUlTovee, Phil HargravC iBam IIav,.DIbfc HoUywoodi 'Mike Doney,'and • otheis.^ iThere: was. oosaldeiaUe: hilarity'alMUt Jack|'.outof .devlltiy,'beDtoak> down tho deer'a. heU that used to hang over the door of St'Baat Eonstoa street, now kept hynuiy Sargent, and waa Jnstln theaotM prespntlng II to A persoui. when'"8p1ash" ..-went' the darned .thing into the river, setting..tue:ihoya'<roaring.r Jack's vehement igesr tares land pantomlldIO' motion only; addtd', :^el:.'to; the- fiame,'and: whah I he aang out. In bls.idnlcetitones,': "What are you aO laifin' atT f Why/don'taomewn yer Bah'tt ontt" even the grnff'dldoaptOln'Couldn't reatraln himaelt,' There wastn indomitable.'I^UB,. however, bound., to have atajiforlt^ who eventnslly'reoOvered the deer'a head at the risk of being drown- ed half adozan.tlmsa-^lt wps nohbdy Slse^ but aa/t. old frlfnd, BlU'tRivee, and now he says It will be Just the 'thlngforhls. bonsb when he Opens.' - AU right, Hsrstor,' Wo dldtUnk Jimmy Elliott and'BameyAarbn weie^going, too,'for thetihad consldeN able diffloulty In getting off the steamer, and only got ashore by Jumping into a boat after that Obpmplon had let ga her .hawser. The yoang'giant-la'atllh anxious to try hlBl)iok in the golden country, and so lb Pato .aallagbar, ths.icliamplo'a.tenkpln player, bntwbethArthey'Ugo«rnotwa'artfnat;preparedtolyy.' With Bath and Clarke^s arrival odbtboe, New. TorV'WUlbe.pnttV'well represented-^thre aieflzzy Laearua'a three aofii, Hany, Johnny,' and I^). Tlm,McOaxty,^ BIU01a^,.iPete DalIey,.iJolin Bums,: Harr^Oribbln, BUly Heehan, and a dozen or ao more, all from ourolty. 'BoAie Snay stayforaycaror.twOiOthera.wofxpect to see horns again when the exCitament <a the Daley end ,I,azarua match has enbslded, nnlees,«nother big .fight la got up right af- terwards. >l(tdeJiotlo^ if It wbn.'t be jnatas we ssy.' , AMOTBEB'BAlniTEb'FiaBT.—];t sc'ems slmiiBt Jmpbsslble to gfet off a prize'fight Akthb conntiy without a- wrttonleorrow. A meeting tbok'place' In the nelghliDrbood of Pott>VilIe;'Pa., on the 9th Inst., betw&n Bti^l Orlffitb, and Blchard' Uorgait,' for $100 a aide, In the flrat rou^d, Uoraan led t>ff, and. after tlome.ex- .ohdgea, Orlttth ' was' atruok - down. In the second ranbd, Orlfflih got In a well-delivered blow, drawlng'flrat blood, aiia both went down together. The flghUssnu to have mae on toUlj- anongh till towards the dose, when the referee canaoned Morgan against fodl proceedings: this caution' does not appear to have been paid much .attention-to by Morgan; for <ta the last round. It is alleged that Morgan struck his antagonist white the lattorwas'-On the ground; and the:reforee at once decloredtho match In favor of OMfflth In consequence of a fool blow on the partof UorgaOk 'We'have received letten Crom bolhparUea, SrUBth oloiming the money, and Morgan requesting qs to retain the stakes.nntU itarther, advised.' 0pop referring to the art|ide« .otagreement,we find.tbatthe atakeholder la aulhorlaect to give up.uie jnonegr to,the :Wlnner,''0n.. replying the daolslon of the. referee. We nave received'ho noufloatlon from the referee, but on theiecelpt of thatoffldalla declslon.-U ^ be.the.du^«f the stakeholder to.hand'orer.thqmoney to the wlnneniafterhe.baa been fplty secured agalnst.any claim which may, be made by the. iloatog man.Morgffq^aays,he la ready and willing to. .double the stakes, and flght.OiifHh again at hla oiwn'tlmp. It is not likely that artfBlh ..will .accede: jo agph:a, prppqeltfon,.bavtog the de- dalon of the referee already lii his favor. 'The referee was selected by both parties, and .hla dedaloa Is final; . If'-.Horgon Is dlsaaUBBed,'perhapi9 his oppqnent.will a fWiahmatieh aftor.the.etakes.ln theflrst.oiie sfMul W» tipendeItveied.1ohlffl. We'are sick of wrangles and objecttons to tbe<'deolaIons,of iefertes.'j'Bboald the stakes, aa'pcpposedbyiUorgan, be doubled, ind another fight take pUwe, whatguarantee would.arifflth^havo that the. referee's &at>>would .not again be- aiapnted, to Morgan lott ? In maUng a matob, the rules muat be conformed to throughout,) and a iptbree'i decision mast be abided by, BpuOH AtrO TihmtE at WAffiaRoiotr.—''Cbitollblserl" writing to us (Tom Washington, Feb, U, glyes the following deaorltttlcn of a hog-'fight'between Walker, of Oeprgetown/aod Scott of 'Vir- ginia:—"Laat Tuesday, wp had a emashtng good' flgbt of Its ktod, although I regret to eay that It.mij or.'t)}Si||!(dg|Mn|I-tombIe de- scription. There wtre p good numVor of e[ports. to 'witness the encouhlar. amongst wtio'mwere^lm Turner, OebrgaFlneganlDrJ Hayden, Horry Ford; Can WallacK^IHck Langhaqt^'John Hlles, and the Clceronesn gladiator,'Ned Price, who eihautted all his penuoalve' eloquence In trying'to' Indnce the men to fliiht a da- oent fight' Their combat lasted some sixteen minutes,, wps mostly with the flats, and the blows werp given in euch a trip- hammer style and a certain degree of eclerice, that the boys were atMolutely aatonlahed, and 'deeply regretted it waq'not on the squarp. - The smi|lleai, of .the two '(Scott) got thejlofa's ehore of the hltUng till towards the latter end pf tbe fight when, aa'if by a ndritcle, he tnined Tdrk on his oppengot, and lijtlaiH tthie (ban Ittuea metowrlto'lthebeat Walker almbat into a' eobkedhat— In Ihot, be beat him tlU'he couldn't stand, but bad to be carried finnn the ground, .The loelng. man ;hed bitter tears at his de- feat pud boa Btooe'challenged ibevldor to fight again, ac^rdlna to tht rules of the P..R., forfrom$100,.to.£3()0 aplde. Iflt pones oflvryon may dpppn'd I snail be ihera to aee, iv and. roport! ue r«fflV' ' r. / ; "i, Bpabbius di HAM70BD<--Joe (V>'s .brother, Jinl, had a oapllial benefit loblMonday, the 10tb,at Hartford, Oonn.. Hughey HeOlnler, of Hartford, vs. PaImer,<iof Plslnville: JimiBlvln, of NewTork, vs BUI Warburton, ,of Lcad,on;:Jini Cqbnni'VS Profes- sbr'WIllls, not .'fN. iP.,'ryou' iknow; ,ai)d.01affey; va: a < lieutenant of tbe<'army—werei the prlna|pAlh(>xsE8,:altbongh aevarol minor affaln.weropuUedithrough. The spat .bptwpen.JIm.Oabum and the'ProfesaorprOved.'that'.JImmy'deeexved^ the hlghfalutln<liani dletohlsnamamorethaaWUlla.' Ain'tthie.Proroasor buslheaa kinder.l!played^" Wethlsk «o,:anyho.w..:ll!a.all,weUieDon|^ when a man's engaged at a gymnasium, but "Ijor* me I''how fann^-ltloOkaatrung'on to the .end pf an old pug,r Imaalne call' Oorar'a Uah Ulnstrdt, a recent organlcatlon, wan<,.v •^'^»2y2\iJ:'s.MV.r'iMS^^ Sfffi|"Wptn\«e\^^^^^^ This sort of ring bustoess suite TOm rather bettor than iKJSS*' . •<Xvanhoa,''.whlob-ha».ha4'a.successf)ilrunattoalM^'' wasTheatreTUveipbbl, ■waatobeaubbeeclod by "Ohia?ISf^^"S= also of the burlesque order, "Uy Enuokledustor" ' the 8Band,.Iiondog " *l«l»«'Vi«w'fitteepfeafi;^,Jk, ssEttle Henderson was' ann'oiinced to'apnsar In k •(..V — ih«;'AI the Standnrd Theatre, London. UluBtUeamclnb; ' Ing) jimmy OartoU.or^the tf!arelMS.Boy, PTofee)iion':-pa. whatf It-inahes u8"Urf"to thInkoMtDlvlu and , Warburton was snottiergoad thtog—dlng''dongfashlon« We .ore told Jim Ooburn and JlmJ>lvln are going ito giveia; p^ep.o,f exhibitions down Baa.t. •••.i';.. .■•■■■ < 'siiATTOii)' 'HoviuiiE W 'f B 'dv'Jiu'Hobkis.—A eombj)btadentto' 'Woshtogtoh havSeen Jim 'out- that way; and he thniS^desoribta' .Vi, Enghes's latept mov<ment«; as well as the •'tltnattoD." 'He' says:—"Jamra HngheP^.Is here,'and looks' well. <> He went on a' 'grilnd^connoltoTti|g pnedltlou'to the front on the ISIh Inst; End w£t' sboh'-MUrnttiMfta by the 'SOoredi mud of 'nrgUila, but 'iSibeoaed to' iD'ak1nt(>i('tiISs4ei4)<roli«atbabk!t^plihtog«tl5lleSt dby, hla Intrepid'cCurtlge ati& iblllUry'kilOMedge-entbnoi htm to lUTlve with an hla baggage aild'provlslons sale,"' JlmHnghea' .pfbbnbly undbratandros'toudh' "scratisgy" as siny man ofhla size' ajoid iirpum^Uinpea in U^ocouutiy;' All right,uycoveyr ' " n. To^ui MxMUM'AMn' ms.'lDBQO^vtt FpinniD«.<^\re kre glad'fo learA that this Vflnlfbt'ql'th.e.C)earer'.'la^up for a'spdMn ' 'hft' bltlota. short1y,iandf^qiihelboi!s'of 'things, Itiplromlses ,clpper. Air tbe'lioss b'dtettiM S'lfe to turn otft lt'le'dald,'toir<6 whetlier -Tommy, 1 enough to .bapl^.against anqUrer' roopter.. We mlght' .enough'or nof,.hdt wonia rather they.ehpuld.'itee'fottheihsdveA/' Meakln's benefit Is come ot](.)onnpxtTuesday, UorehSd,' at,Pli(Dnlx,HaU; No.. 193Courtpfreat/,B^pk|yii;'..y , . " '..|...f'„ . ...'; '. ', •■ OnABLtT OrnoNOH Ain> H7R,PBonoES mw.iiroAraxnsi—'Ths igenlaland rotund< Professor, aoqompanled iby.ilTaok Onny,',Ulke. gDOnrcr, Dlok:Bolly wood, and.oqe.of;! twoiothem,. mode ,flying ,'riilt to Yodkprs, on,'Wednff4Ay,,16tbrlnat^ got out< bills .'Snd tldtets tho same day, and at night had one of tho biggest exhlbt- ilbns ovdr held therd.r Bullr workh''Th«ae men.of welghtin thOi 'commnnlty oftenprove, tneouielv.eBi spryer. than those with sbarcely'Ootboiatlon enongh-to! Bwea^.hy>," Doney and '.'Holly," were Inrlted to go -up-anditakcon«-tog«t^eri:!'!Whoa .','Blobard^B ^hlmaelf.'agatoj'(iiBBd-,'Hioha«ligete nb db mended^rwe gneii, 'they'llgo,'..' . 'i!) .( .,• •:•,; 1 y ■/ ••; J«".r ;,'l I.Uici !i • ' Jomm Liitili^'d'BMkirr'^^^ the greatfslrPslWUbUtlos ovtf podled InaiaeaWoaPl gUeied Johnny on the, Ifllh.ult, .the oooaslonuf his fintbaneQt toCalltoMIs;' Tlih.HatiiHhy and th^lwfilellolbire MV« tUe'tflnd^hS.'^Uld'tb'oi's^ Whb.wltoeased it eay they neter-saw-nbMer Bet-iVMii^'the' 6bld>dlggIiwsw^redji\coyercd. 1 .' A 'jiiar^a\-^iit'uMVe ite'<niii'^teli>%uiB.'^--''^tUitt' £aaarju,,';.a4 he Is rfs>e«Uul|}^«aUp4.. has .rpcelved. spvorol Ul- Ua mSl bbrinlUah gbhUP^to ^bPto^/boailng bJm'U payi •• • n-yMV ■ .■".!<.'.:':, .•, '.. . ,'i,i i,i'./v .-1 ..,' ' OtuBSABcTBTniTsI—80 wB Should thlnk^.by."thei,tsceptlon' Ur. B; D,'Eehod'(the'Indlan)aInb and dumb-beli' bumVand.ex- CouncUoian Jbnnay Bnraa (of Central >BaUr Orond: street) :«ot at^evencstopptog plaoe.between here andBiiCblo^jboni .whTclii place tlls^ bavs JiutTdtumodi f'iThsy had,a/ ospltol tlmoianuag. the Ouffaloss,', .Ur.'Ephoe prosentod: one>.or>h%.model lolubs,. with «..flne'i)artnlti)f 'JoIinO«.Ueonan ;palnte!l,'.upon,:it, to.«: prbmlnnnt railroad man m Buffalo; andithe .ex^Oouacilaan wi|s eqnally>Ubenil.t7ltha'fEatBB>atf(ttwenty,iK»tliialuofnBBB Ihryant lb bladlffe>enlcbartote(sr«hlah were do'nsted to.tho-samogen-.' t)emno.''i>IeBBni/Bdraa,AndiKahois: desire Tisitcoxprosailnoln grdtlUido'ito thoas who/so oontr|bpted ,to their oomfort.-anil.en- Joymppliths short time.they spentwilb UttsrBiiiraloes,'i',i r'i,v. .'iriiii ■I ' "If,v;;i .(y ■I'j ,-.1'/.:) . A'ttlalbfshUI'MtUfUtfrsb^tiattBWMMhlly'kti^^ andrla,'VB.,;belwoen thpaehUtodVM<Mr/ssm'lO,W'Mlr|!l04. The nsnafllriofXftMrfy HOlhlMns^ the fyipndP' of bqtll'jliifttiirft»':an«Wlh« tuw dt'tbil/tige or'WB'hUl fo^Wa' MalMG^^iltoiMr^iiyiBV-aiit^ dpue^a'vHialjHterihed to tfcn| - ■ - -- - -- .•! ■« WiS?nui3*%{|?^ii^^>^'^^^^ IhB' ludgM.'V W'''t(^r«8^Ukelr'd^ thWsUgb.tbtt dancsk tor 11000 aaUe. tebeitvp BceBlo effecta wbrt being prepared for'it-'' ' Geo.'Jordan hap been engagM by Mr. Fdohter for hla Iv«m.L tbndoB. aeorgehaBbeaBoutofaJob/orBome'thne. 'Tho late affllottog acddsnl by fire td'sbihs of the ballet bm. .> the'Princess'Theatrp,'London, resulted In the'death nTiA*' 8ktil,lon the 28th uft Bhs was tenlbly burned, hSr^lnn? obarnd to podtlve bloekneek, betog acareely'dMtlniraM^' Miss Sunt (lira. Perkins) waa atlll suffering, but itwutoosri?/ she would recover. HaaaureS'an 'noib baln^ti^ m onS! agatosislmUar aoddanta to fntare. /?.,VV . There 'was some talk of build tog a new tbaatra 4t Birkenluui' Hr. HsndeiacB, otths Prinqe of Walos; Llveip«)£dffers tolaul thehonseforaniimberofyeaiB. . .'>JV, t"? ^'ne^on of Professor Anderson waa "glvlBg anlettalnasnta U 'Mrs.'iracready'wasaIiD0une6dto'glve oneof herreadlnn i.- Bnbiy,ohtheadtoSt «"uigB m .. 'O.'v, Brooke and Avpnta Jones were advertised toasDnr*) • the'TiieatreEoyal,L8edsi ':':i- 'i '•: '.: .; ■ ■; .^™.r,' Diave Wombold snd llert.'SeiLtpq.'aTeBtlll travaUng with CoUlna* Ohri'ptyUlnptrels.. They .were last •in Monohester. .Thebondo fiqtcafo to coihe home dhtll ■■this cruel war'Is dver.^' .1 • -Oharles Uathows Is gotog It.plone ln.h|s ■■AtHome"niitertahi • ■ mentK Ure. Oharlea has beeh left '■athome" to prepare, pioba. b)y, eiJme domestlo entertatomenta,.'^ ~ .T,. KLeotprd, the great •■trapezelst'! ipswa' this month at th« ' TroefiadeHall^Maniheit**.- • .T, Bttle Hendenon'a engagemehtat Boathampton haai bean re.' hewed. Bhe appeared-in FancHon.vLady of I^ons, and Uncla' • Tone's Cabto, and was each evening hbnetfld.with a caU, 1 ' Two ■■Negro dellneoton from Tankesland," Uesan. Fox'sad' Biplth, are announoedat thalataat new ImportoUonsatthe Sornr' Uudo Hall, Sheffield. They keep on manulhoturing '■real Uvt rankeeB"wlthastonhadnRraiitdltyto England.'^ They turn out' Tankpa performen oveA there Just aa Cut as they are needadi hi fiUt a lltUe faster. - '"Ur.iSnd Mrs. Howard^Paid attract crowded houses wheieret they appear. They were at Wakefield on 'the 92dult , ; "American Casino" Is the%ame:or A nAisio hsll now to open. Honin Beckmondwlobe.! JbnofFox laths proprietor. . . > > . OLnriar. the great gymnast wha has bedn nerfoimtop mmli p>.f." vsloui featd at the Alhambra, London, was about to return to Paris.:' • • : 7 ■', I . ■• ■■ ■ : ■ ■ ' M. ^nUien; soh cf the lato poptAar conductor of conoeris, had revived, the promenade concert feature at the Argyle Booms; Ipndon. A,newdrama byLetoettBr BoOUngbamt anewburleaque oa' ■■The.Duke's Motto;'* and an adaptetloii of '■I^y Audletfa' Seorpf," are to be brought ont'^' qnlck aucoeSslon at theSl' James's, London. ... .'.i. ^ .:.;...',..: , ■•theShadow of the Earth,"anew dnmaby Mr. Qeorge Bolloa, was performed for the fliat'time: at thp^'Victoria, London, oa. Jan.3«. •' , , ■ •At the Theatre Franeais, Parti, a young, aotieas, MdOe. Ui$t Uoyd, has made a succpsaftil deftut.aa CeUmene, in 'tlhe Mlaa» .thropp." e ■ .. . . ; ; :\Un. Eliiabeth; Bardi. Oppeland, .the - wife of the wen-kBraa" LeaseB and Manager bf the JCheatre Boyal vd Boyal'Ann)il« thaa^e, Liverpool, and sUter.ofthe loto, Douglas Jer^I^.dW' on Jan. M, at her realdence In LIverpbbI, At an eiarly periodot her Dfeshe came upon the.atage,.when..phe represonte|lfpe some|tlme the leading parte to^.oomedy at jihe fflt,' olpal! provtoolal theairea. .,Ber lait appejuruice to I^ondon wil- to IBU, when her husband was Lessee pf the Strand Theatre. ^ ' l^e success attendtog Blondln's^'fsnwell.perfbiTnanoea'!!^' Condon had todnced thenpe give a series of olra Ihrewell appearnoces,.to termlBsto Jan. Sl,on whloh octaaloaf Madame Blondin waa to sing a song, and Ur. Coward was tbba carriPd across the rope by (he totrepid "osconslonlst" •Ustob's Lyceum, Melbourne, where Matsh'a Juveniles'ha^h '"' been. performing a long time, la. said to have dosed, with thai::., toabl^ency of Mr. Uarsb, '^'Th^lr Spanish MpJestleB;-aceoupihleA 'by !two Barailai Princes, recently attended the performance of BIgolctIo, at the Teialilo Real, Madrid, and comj^JlmehteA Madame do la Gruigs. - '7erdl, the'Composer, wap .pAaept on .tho accaBlon,.and wu thrice called before thei ctirtato at the end of the accond tot ; Verdi's new opera, "The Force of Destiny," waa soon to be pi> dnbedthen < BIgnora Patti has accepted an engagement to'Vleana, and'It wksato(ed that shevronld soon leave Paris.;- 1- 'Bandy MoLeod (Alexander,) atode carpohtar at'the QPeen'B Theatre, Manoheeter, died on the 17th ult, Sged U. ' TUk Azteo ohlldren, to connection wllb-other ourloalUes, con- ttouad to attract large audiences St BriditoB.' . s < 'Died, on the 19tb ult, at DnbUn,. Mr. H. Connell, proprietor and manager of the Monster Salbon,Dublin. He was to hla 48th year, ' Bere's a case of amalgamation.At ths Mupeum Concert Hall, BOItco, Eng., a Mr. Bennett a' "real' gentleman of cokr," had mads his apBearaBi<!e,'to obifipahy with a' young lady who hoa to 1 blaok up'witli'butnt cork to matoh her'paKner; < ■ 'Bumell Bnn'nelia and Pbn an perfoVnung at BUI's Hlppodtome."' Llveipobli'< Mr.-Alfred Moffat •was^'aUo sxhlblttog his toobiei ■ elephonte Ihoro. . 'HIsA.'EnunB 'SlsnUy was to Uanbhestor and.Bato at latest:.: •adrices.'; • -i . - '.-'An African Open Troupe appeared at'a muslo hall to Uanr . -cbestor^lbut they ■■got the goose'.;' and broke, up; Watdan:Was ; atoon^ the'crowd; He was re>organltlag the concern: 1 - ~. '^j.: ' Frank:Bany;AmBrioan'rider and.vaulter, was engaged at Ban*; I ger'e Olrooa, Bhefidd.. T'. 1. ;, .1. ' : Birry Sullivan bad bsen'dotog^a fair, business at Sydney, New, ;. South .Wolea,:. .He bad finished- his engagement then, and, we - believe, gone to Mclbonme, . 'PfaX0K8H0OTIIl'a0HAIi,EHaE—JOHM OOBMUL'toJOBNTAHOB; —I wlll' sboot a matoh at pigeons with Ur. Johd Taylor, for WO a side; atlOOblrds oaoh;from"a.'groui|d. ti^; 31 yards rise; 7t - - .yards fall, load IX oz. shot; to find'and tr^p'b''*'* tor each other - or find a substltato'; the mstoh to eOmb oS-pt Oamao's Oreund,'' >/' Phtladdphla^Taylor to have $2S'to' Cottie to FhlladdpUa. to " : phoof Mr.'•Wm. CPnbn,'corner ofSepond"and South stieUP, : bila1>sMi'a'gMM ti«M by myB'elf and UrThylor oa stake-hblder.'- ' " T^fffe arpjlOO j)p1 upln.Mr,.Carso.n's'.'hahds as-fbiftlti''Mt,' Taylor'can hime 'tho day of sbooltog, in the fint lOr'aeoonl .week lU'Harch. Oome along,'John, and don't back dowii; don t ' PbrtBTbhtnlond,,Pa.iFeb'.10;': :•' ■ ' ': JpHHCoB«iit-; ,1 _ ' TBAf SH(>oliKd,<^UllPs'3dUhSton and'John'OornPI are' to :;. phoot'amatoh to Phlladelphlltf'bn the Mth toat, fortSMaslde, .;; at'jW bIrdB each. The t&l la to come off at.Camac's Woods, AfeWdaysptoce; Cornell andOarson'shol a matoh agaiaat John* r atopahd tba Jeto'ey'Boy, which'waaiWon by ths two laltet, who •; '. klUed'aU'thelrblrds,'16ekohv 'OorUeUkQled 18 straight birds, WA woBld not shoot dtbis two last, as'DareOn'had mlssad.three.•; .'bp(n<^a'0Bau2nfi!AitBWtB;Ep.—Mr. liplhollond of this d^, ''larwifrte'tliafg I, Boys that hp .„„„olland) wUl aUow $80 for expenses and . ^ bave'-lIfbTighl hBre,itor$«)0 thomato;^*-; ,., $00,each battle,' to Show 15 cbokS from 41bk; to>: to Iflba; 6o>. Bf < „ deposlttog hair ths mhto' p'tilkesSrith- thsOuppzB, a match caii ^ hftmirtA'.T" '' '■ ...i'.i..'/ ',..1. : i . ■'..., to'elnerwjir to'that gentltimPii lu Oanada whooUollenged to llgkta ,< main. Boys that r '"' * ' lialltlie 'xpbdpb be model ' -•• J_L. iNu'rloB'^NO'riGB. : -.,' ; ■' ■ . .; .THEMWmOPOLITANPlJBiOHASINttOOUPAHT. Organized <or,the pnfpose,qf,turntshi»g.topartlop llTtog«». ...| .Ordpnbr, on appIlcaU< and Jowebry, Ac, Ao,,.at'tbe lowpst.marketprice. 1' .i bT.BjpU fpllwiliy attended to. and.Olroulais'lbpilBlipd, il won,,. ',: Xd. LONl>,:Managw,. ^■^••■f- '"' J r , lata of tto.flhn;of S. fepg * Bw., pnA.B- D.,Lpsg,fc.Wt .< "I'll 1,Addrpsp all ordajpi for,pnylhli)gyou may iTa»'>;*o.•.- v'' ■«.9.,Np.dMrgp.fQr™onnaVP)a.,, .. .i,.-;,.- .'..; ■/ ■' ■ •.™''i'-'l''l I'lRsre, •ad -' '\J asoii eadi^ indiBDt poet paid, bjf > -B.O. WATS' > 4e-lt«: X BMy«-.:i WATSON ^ ('I'! loa Naaaatf atroet* .Nwr .to* n .. I ll , • ;.-»' " a ■VL- S' -F- 0'"R'<i'."Q: B"'N'"T- 'li 'B -M -lil'N;. •'I ■ f<ta»Ubiii(i(^*f; 4Mt« ,-fi .'.'I'l' ■■■.f'l. I.-.11 jlr.i 0 ,111. ^ ■ lift T^B-'iTBOfeten) fibil!f:6p:blltiiir(J.MMiipA.o^,.'.;l '• I I'OofilriTBnoBib^wMdlf tttibh''«anvB<^,,,^ 8«nt<by Mti^S^illir'PtllM'fO oAtlB/'iiAiddiMsf OSi»^, BelBOBtMass.