New York Clipper (Feb 1863)

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■ I ' " ' ' ^ /' ' !- "J- 'J .1 ' I 'l' [ i X ll. ' ~ ' '■■ . ■ oirV'iiraiiwARv* . i' ■ ■■ I ■ . . ••. ■ ' MoJUHT. Febiowy M, IBM. (t^Mked^'^- (hK nrnVtT.dmliHlfdrtynld&tsV which :f.0aTB»tiiid«7eTaiiiiiff,-JUt^Lr-UiM;B*t«inimr4teM^ the moBt saocMsrnl esgagamento eta^ bM ptiformed In this dty. Bhe opeUed^i lier' ndtr drama of "Kah'lfie Fortakta," and Km not Ibnad It tMetMrj to taks It off' the bills dniUg the whole UTawMkaofheTenfcagetiieiitatNlblo'a aArden^ ' ■ . The arrival of Samuel Emery Is abnOiinoed'. He u odTanued ai the "Bflnilpol comedian of thoTheatr* Boyal,;DrarT.lane, Hatmoiket, AdelphI, and LyoeOm: HerUoJes^' Mvate lhe' aMeala at Wlddaor Oastle," eto/ An aotor irho has filled boOi po- MUona In 'aaih theatree, ought not to be lbn«' without a dhanoe .Onoe J?o mSo np the sum total of t£e "LenteirterBU iTthe onljrploo* that ha« felt the prefcrore. • The an- were not toTige Uiere loat week »» that gathering whl^ SS^IedonthelOlhLiet.torTiewthe perforBoncja vnpati JT^ttit day only" by the InunaonUte Bamum, under the aua- SLa of tho manager of the houaeiwhve.tho anterUlpmf nt waa TheoSorplaceihaV* doneMiwoUa* nraiU.barringthe g^nga when the^reather .un^pTOpm6ue_^_WeJ hiwtho iblB yea Mice,] jijy aw worth ; S«Jr»ho aeaaon of fasting will efllsotfhe''proa«ntatlon"poUoy , • Sto yir! BUver. gold, aid the "rlchoa of. the aolcondaa" are • ; . .SJJ,^two know there are many"hi^cB Md genUemen of SmfltabUltyln the .profoealonV wto w(ftld give 6vary.dollar . Swawworth towarJ a "tesllmonlal'^for thomaelroe. A gold SShTa BorriM of aUrer.« dlamondbracelet anything of this IStal onoe Beta the Burprlaed recipient upon Wa or her feet, and iSy can travel on Ihla totally "nnKiokod-for gift" for the iml of . SJfr daya. andiefor to tho, preBentaUon ocoaalon as "Uie hap- SS moment of their Uvea,''for ever after. For a abort Ume,. :.Drt8eBt»iHonB" ahowed a downw»d tondenoyj now they are JSnB Into fashion again, nolwlthMandlng gold and preolous itoaes are nearly double; the value they wore a few years ago. Some of theae gilla'are lo wrj/ nneipeotod, that the receivers ar«. ■ XiUmea "taionahorf; for. a Speech, bWpg totally overoome bTtteklndconalJeratlons of thelt many friends, and unable to «id words snfflclent to eiprsss their ^atltndi, and ta that sort Stliiig. As many of theeeprisentaBon testimonials MO mode S do dnty over and over agafc, we ddntsee why there ehonld be SvoWectlon to a set speeoh of thanks, ready for delivery at Sv moment, however unptopored the receiver may be.. We do Sal mind aaslstlng, ourifjoidsin the emergency, anijhweby notedownfor theUBtndyafewwordBof'thanta,diaterii; Pre- ■mUtlons are kept so very qnlet In these latter days, that no ene lj« the sUghtest Idea of what Is going on until he or she finds a Ma washbowl andpltoher tbruat under their very noses, or a BOBBlvagoldwatoh dangling from their necks. •Inanohamo. m?t I bnt ask that yon'U remambef' the words the Olupbb boa ae Unlly and dlslnten^iedly prsp^tred for such an embarrassing, thonnh happy occasion. Tlaoe yohraelf In ia somewhat awkward Sgllon.asU you reoUr w(r« sunrise^ »n4 tfkeh snd meat the foUowlng tender and aflSctlog "llnea" In a fteUng and liuireislve manner;—"Gentlemen—Words are too feeble to ex- . Wua how deeply and truly lmpressed.1 »m with the weight of Tonr nnlookeiffor andvalaable gift. vWhat have I done to dei larve this precious iestlmonUl',? -Tohr spouse Is aUthere> , irard I ask Atf the poor Amusemant I may baVa afforded you by the exercise of my fertile genln^. .Great men of other days have teen placed In equally embarraselsg olronmstonces, Dy similar tckena of apprecfaUon of their effoite, Why then ahonld J fkU to rOlpond to the flattering remaika which have accompanied TOUT gift, wblth glfTpoeseeses a higher value In the estimation, ' «fTou.humble servant than that which attaches to the mere JDid. and allveif of which it Is comttosed. No I Boae bom, In- Md) must that m in be who 'aeeks the bubble reputation at the - cannon's month,'wlthoiit a single thongh'tof thoseUndfriends .he has left behind. lam almost bvenogie by the unlooked-for nma which I now see before me. Toaaythat I am not surprised, '' ■ wonU be to utter a foiil and damning lie.' Ko I Truth crushed ' to earth will rise again, and error die amid her wonhlppers.' Permit me, without any farther preface or flourish, to add, in all ' Ue dnoerity of my heart yea, of my heart of hearth, ttiat I thank • ■ yon—deeply, truly, fondly thank yon-^nd that yon maj. ever . (asp a rioh reward for the kindneaa you have on all occasions displayed In everything that pertains to my inlereat, is the heart- felfandainceie desire of the undersigned. ' • remarked by the groat poet—'Put money in thy purge'—bnt what, I ssk you, is money compared to tiiesA gifts of prioeless value which you have done me the honor to bestow'upon yours truly thls^venlng? Art 'Who steals my purse steals trash,'bnt he whoTObsmc of these things,'makes me poor indeed,' Qentlie- men, excuse me, ifi In the exuberance of my feelings, the silent tear should oonrse adown my farrowed cheek; but there are mo> ' ments when the tinsel show of eveiy day life gives place to the stem reallUes of oar human nature, and the fountains of our ''"ycnih gush oot in sweeping torrents. Lanpagejsinode^pate ■ to oonver * "— ' tUs will about meet the unlpoked-fo* orisl^ and enable there- tAra of the thtogs to get ont of'the dlffloulty with fjlng coloJt -JS.SfV°f"Weepeechi thetemftdeofa '^taOTtaiinatmg and appieolatlye audience" is'all ffiJS^d w! »* and that, year kind patronage tells us we have. 5* ^?**. ^ right, we have to aUto. Sf. J^- ^^T "' ^ =•""' »* McrriaanIa.ilIudod to in our Uat • wsnot that genUeman'B fault He had, against his inclination, !f!S!?«i2.J''E"""'S*x1'"^l.''*'« '".•'Utwas Informed at the nlitth hour, that Mr. Flttger rid, who was pi,ignii-7JS. ' ''11*' ™< "T thi> tnn t t n nnr' ^'" i"- "*" ^ - , ■««ST'««r' jaygfl^ .tued f^r htin, Fits was qulto fanny, and pleased. thenSml- ' ' nines Vmnohly," many of Whom hod never seen susha'large . .'.nudeman. Fits, Insloge dress, appeared to be abontaseven ' footer, and such piopeuer8;->-well, he stemed as though he ..,. WH.well nigh split uplo his omt-pltsj Help a poor wOunded soldier (J. W. Byrnes), by purohoslng ' some of his oard photographs, advertised In these oolnmns. ' Uax Maretiek and his obmpuiy from Havana ore to try theb fortunes at the' Academy next week, oommenolng on Monday ereaUg, Uaich 3d. Hex has gone through a mountain of ricla: ' sllndes and mlalbrtunes since ne tMt touched these shores; in the fall of 18M, and took his first lesson in eatoring fOr thf "dear ' ' pabllo" at the ill-fated Aator Open House, under the general di- rection of the unfortunate E. P. Fry, who had the tameri^ to .' pick up a fisht with the editor of the Bcrald. Max has been ' .Tobed a number of times, but wei always find him'taming up ''again, ambitious to rain himself Just once more for the aaxe of tae oodfiahy lover* of Italian opera, and ye §lmlrers of ye lyrio , dnma generollv.' Uax h'sa probably seen more upS and downs In the operatlo bnslness than "any Other nan," not excepting Dsnagers of bnrnt cork opeft; and Mq^ In-moat oases, have a ^ pretty hard road to hoe. He hoe seen^ prime dotitM bloom and ..wither in the aame year: he has witnessed the rise and fall of ' . >°s>>y a delicate tenor; aind has been In at the death of some of the most profound and robust bkssoa. He has been' the in- nooent cause of operatlo dlstubances, - and' has, by his soothing Inflaenoes, haftnonlzekl ye' oonflloling and quarrel- Mine elemeiits which do meet predominate In the musloal world. BIrange that' discord lelgns where harmony ahonld """ever hold Ita away. Ifax's experience in bis first: season of management In-Amerloa, left him in-debt on^ a llttle^moie . .. than t3.U0, and thla was actnoUy said to be the first nicccnfid ''lesion in Kew York for twenty.five yein. He wa^ so d^Ightsd ' *iu>,the result that he entered upon a second leaaon. The houae . sad lost catk In oonseqaence of Che UaoreOdy riot, yet Max went . towork in eamekt to overoome the "deblllUtlna effects" of a Niootlng match at the Opera House; <bnt he had- the humbug of ."Batnnm and the genius of Jenny Llnd to 'buck'agahu|t Jenny . . ' trrlved here in September, leto, and< Uareteek's seopnd "sue- ' etssfal'season" waa :to commence in October, aomryiar. Bar- ." 'ptimkliiew all thi ropes<—Uax -was comparatively.aatranger to . ',.'''*i''l'od"oustonls>of theoouatry;" bnt hswatthedtheWii».' ' ^ ptmlng aa performed by'the great showman, and^ be determined .wpioflt by it -:Ee ensaged PaMi;and while Bu^um was 'Writing np "the Llddi'.'Uai waa working'up the-ImmSnao ae- , .'S'^'ssdlyricaHletiTeraaaPaiodl.nwasUfOolFdBathwitbUax. ' ' «had'the Opera House on hia bonds, and a debt stlll.hanglng "^K,^'"* from Ids .first saccessfal season,' Barnuni traa wott* I ''p>l Iwe a beavor—Jenny liind was everywhere the talk; Uax fol- , '>awed.lnBanam'a>wue, and mkde a reputetlon fob hls'song^ .,.' ; *<isM, and actnall* oreated a'seniatlon. This is the way ho did .' dispatch^ a friend- to the offlca of an inflotatlal-'IteW' . the sly; the friend gtveoat tothesvli^openear . , ., '.^>>>s editor, that Uax waa rained; that the Buke of Devonahlre ,.;,:r*doffered his band and fortune to'Parodt, and .she had con- ... . f«>ted to aooept All this waa told In confldanba to the idltor, -ij,' ^V*'™'**' to ksop thematterieoret. The next morning the <<''i :!£Si°..?'?'' appeared'In: the .pfijIeraUuled to, iUuatarHted'aUd- the most ludicrous manner; the neA aay,.the ' '-.yVSP "f^ioi into the other dallies, and in the course of a ■■■■ii .lSLS^}' "sallf'had ttarilSd all oVer, the oonntiT,'and' £*7°ody was aaxlons>to aes and< htor a real llvs "Dnkest.'i' wTi'^i bastness—Parodl opened to a crowded >hOuse, oar-- ; ' .neathroagh the leaaOn triumphantly, and enabled Max to give . ;wMe seasons In Mew^Iork, Philadelphia, and Beaton, and'pay > i'°°°"*>^ iB'.rtlle'first .season, ^ Humbug suooeeaed ' iwiul II 7''°'"i'*> > ■■■"'■g'>osc au nenaa prsviouBiy moas: UtaiJlr?]?'*!"*'''"*-'^ people on .thehalf Bhell-' or BOconto ■ SS^t.i^ to '"come downt' Ukowlse; every night the ' - 4niSi lost. MOO eo^bi /erform- " «5w V. V "'aodnP'Nlblo', ftndthat'WOs some saUefac- ^«onc*rtS^r!fJ''™^^*"'^?' '«'"°*'»'>«">^'oPPli>g In 'ffi..i^?A''t^'¥»**I«'*""?'>>«»theprespMt8l90ked.ii^ ; ho has been through Jllexlco, and tiowjc.on 7;the tempers of the MettopoUtana odoe mo ■ ■Wa';;^r„rv;°? Havana. • «Nlbl?.n^j!j"TS.''" nswoperjUo^spectaole, "6a»anolla," ^niuioaaorden. thla evanlnv. Fohftim Ih>«.i...i_- ■ our inM„. I ^' ?>1« svenlng, ffebmary Mdi introduolnir to ■ 'r)t«'SSV^'H»'i*°P»'»n»«on In tl> fdt^ ■ • 7 '"^^-pr.-.. ,-.,;lro,.h.a4*{S^M&^l^ ■• V Ij!v< (I'M-.-M,.; -Il ; :.,-,,'»ll .<.;■■> to display his abllltlos in this county. Edw^ Booth,who has been playing at the WUiter Oarden for the 5est two ^IMu, has been obliged to suspend his ptaformonoes 1 consequence of'ibe death of his Wife in Philadelphia, on'the list Inst' It Is a ead blow to the actor. It Uay have been no- tloed by t&oee who attended his performances lut week, thathe did not iict with his ustul spirit' The knowledge that his wife was ill, sUde^ed the yoang actor's heatti and oaused hbn at times'to almost forget ibe scenes in'whleh'hswoif engaged. With a "heart bowed down by writfht'of wOe;" sUll must the poor player enoot his mimic part, and "seem to'feel the thing he b not" Owing to the sbsenoe of Mr. Booth, on osoonat; of the above steted 'bereavement. Miss Mory Provost comes U> the res- cae at the Winter Oarden, appearing this evening - (Monday) In "Ingofflar," as Parthenla, the Oreek Maiden, mstoitei by Ur. L. Barrett ' '"Oeo. 0. Boniface had a glorious reception at the TTew Bowery last week, andpiayed' with more than nsnal'sblltty:' He has sp- peire<I In a new drataia/by'J. F. Poole, ooUed "EdgeWOrth Beas, or Jack and his' Bride,'' being yet another episoile ui thslhlatory of thcnotorions Jsak Bheppord. Mo matter in vfhat shape yon may dish b'iii(np,'Jsek is always popular on the east side Of the towni ond ot nothektrecan Bbepp'ud be better served,tban at the New Bowery. The prlncipil ohjaractors'were by 0.'^. - Boni- face, J; W.'Llngard (who is- great to Blneskin),' and 'Urs.-W; a. Jones;' Other ^novelties are in preparation here,'the managSr being ddtennlned^o give good perArmaacea for the liberal pa- tronage he his met inth since he assumed the sole mansgement <: Benefits ate In progress at Wallaok's: - Mrs.''Hoey led off on the ITtb, Mr.'Flsher followed .on the list, snd-Maiy Oonnon is "np" for a "ben." on tBe 2ttk The' manager can better spore nights in. Lent thoa ot any other time, so he gives his people the benefit of the season. Ths seventh anniversary of Bryonta troupe as a mlnatrel or- ganization, will be celebrated this evening, TeK 93d, and a great bill of ISre Is offered for the amusement of their friends. The Bryant brothsr^Jbavs bsen'fortuntoe since they first blocked up ontheli own hook In this city of NewTork. Probably neater Euccest. ln the some space of time,-was never achieved by any similar company. The death of poor Jeny Bryant wasssild blow to the'oompahy ai well as to ue publlo, for he was,-beyond question, o comedian of rare ablllttes, whose place will probably never be filled; but the business has not been affected by his decease,. • .,• V-, ' "The Neir Idea." Buch is the title of a new place of amuse- ment about to be opened In this ci^.by M(;ssrs. Fox &Ourran. The ploce sdected for the "New Ideo" is'wallaok's old ,thdatre, one of the cosiest little theatrical estebllshmente on Broadway. The eatertolnmente ore to be of a voriiad character, and first dasa talent will be engaged,. .Among itbose who are spoken of as likely to be seonred for the new plaoe, la Madame Anno Bishop, who has always been o fhvorite In this dty. It la probable, toe, that Oolettl, Telarde, ond the great talUmaater, Honzani,'Will appear here. It Is not to be o music hall, as previously stated, bat on establishment where ladles con attend as in the palmy days when Wallack held the reins. .The house Is to be Improved In various ways. The performances will comprise the ^ballet minstrelsy, and light entertainments,.. A w^-drilled orohestrs of fifteen Instruinenis 'will .perform, aind the mlnstrel bond will comprise fourteen members. Arrongementaaie being made to secure first class talent and the probabiUty Is, that on efllalent company win Inaugnrate the. opening, whlohi U ; po*slbIs,'.'wllI take place.on the Ota of M^h- . - i The elephanta, the Joponeie pigs, tiie Uons^nd. toe'many other "beoste of prey" continue to be visited by «itizians as weU as strangers, and the Menagerie und^ Mr.-Lent'B management thrives with all other places oil amusement The;'Wondernil per- formances'by the elephanta ore o.morvel whloh. mpsi be seen more than once to bepreperly appreotated. How such Immense bodies oon be taught. to - ocoom^h snob extraordinary fSats, U what we conhot understand', . . "The Fair One With the Oolden Looks" showed'ihuoh improve- ment lost week, at Laura Scene's; but Mrs. John Wood stul oor- rles the weight Of the piece upon her shonldera; although ahe has a giant to assist her. Without Mris. Wood, the piece would lose what interest it possesses—for she'gives'Vitality to every- thing around her, and carries along the ploy from beginning to end.' The <^Eal|;^Mi;:'will be repeated until further notice. -. - Jgtlotta Patn annoances her "farewell peiforinance, prior to »»ael»mire»>r Europe;" it wiU be given on the 28th, at Irving A?!?"""?* ^ "Itoa *own seven thou- Ii2rJ5'j ^* "t""**- BnUyfor her. We ?„^»y" W 'l" was a great actress; so we do not •wish it to be nnderstoodjliat we only go In for her now that ahe owns a house, Height will, give a coricert at Mlblo's Bole ♦hS^fi'^Wf ?f'*5i'"''^'* » corfcert at Mlblo's Boloon, on MiudlMJuJt""-.*'-'"'"' ^o^--^*^, t^»» hJStl^'^"'*^ *^ *^ towarts E^atafpHrairnstlng place, and, if .possible, interred in the burylng-gronnd of t^e American Dramatic Fund. At pifeasnt they lie.In a vanl^lnSuUiyan-streetOhnrch. situated between Amity and Bleeaker streeta. "Ultie Qates/'. as ,he wosiuppi]/ termed, waa in hia time the most ottraotlve comedian of the doy, everywhere a fSvorite, whether on qr Off tbe mtmlo atage. BU ftaneral, whloh took place fh>m his realdence in Walker street some twenty jeors ogo, ta spoken of as the sfeatest/oonconrse ever assembled of - our lesdlng.oIUzens and we dramatic profes- sion, snd the re-Interment will ooU bock oil the pleasant reminis- cences oonneoted 'wlth Llttle Ootest career. ^ |Iuiy o sUqt heart will also melt and feel sod, and there will be wet eyes among Us lere ore , , their heorts, and do not forget .the "poor, player.''. Mr. Frank Oban- the leading sidrit In this noble work, and those of Mr. Oates' old irlends who may have a desire to help,along the good oause, will doubUese confer with the senUeman'ot the head of this Ughlv meritorious and commendable movement 'TIS a no- ble nndmaklng, and deserves success., .> I . .: . The Canterbury concert Hall, Ih thi Chinese'Bnllillngs on Broadway, irabont to be'te-opened, we'ore iuTinn'eff, providing It can be obtained oh satlafactory terms. ' '- ; .,. Slgnof' Ohiriska,- sold to be somb on the slack 'irble, cliallanges '"any other man" to'cOlfapete with hlm^. Bee Oobmerradvertio- ment in this issue. The highly aceompllsh'ed HlfS'Muy^vfBt. appears . at the Wint«^ Oarden thta week, cbmmenolng asP^rthiinu, the Greek Maiden, in "Ingomar"; and as Nell OV^ynne,''the. Actress, in •The King's J^lvaL" As her rSpAtation fOr 'the 'teddltton of these characters Is Immenso/oll'New York will bs oiUllbas to see the lady, and Jnd^forth'emselves.'" Do'n't 'pht'ybiir 'vlUtofl; for her stay there cannot be long,'owing to olh'et englsgemanta previously entered into. ' '" •• • ' '' Miss Laura Eeefa'e's I^e.of the theatre nomiidl AKeIr htr, tt- Wres in the foU, we nnderstsnd.' It has been punhosU by Mr. johnOofr, of dining saloon-notorie^.' He-wUrflpdloatSriiigfor the beod o different thing to catering fbr the stofaiaoh, UioaSL he take It Into hls'head to ploy mAnoger. ' '' ' Mr. Daniel E, Qandmai^n.'the Oerman trsgMlab,fB'le play one month at the new theatre, PbUadelphta, 'aifd,8U week/at Mlblo's, in this dtyj be having entered IHto'kn"eugagemeht'wlUilIr. WheaUeyto that effect " ■ : ■ ■ ' ■ ] No deprecloUon'of BferUUg'sbUlty at Wood's Minstrels, noris there likely to be so loh^ as the tHj^etot', Mr. Henry Wood, keeps adding novelty'after hoVelty'every tMek, ' Happy Bnole Tom (Frank Brower) Is oV6o more at hld pobi'gh,'lind aiU the geo- Uemen And ladles' fovoritbs rettioln r'as th6y Were," heodef bv the indefatigable'Cool ^t^i ' ■ • ' ■ ' I' toa nloy have 'often dnmk the 'eontente of a'obampagne bas-' kel,but'dld yon ever t*yto'.g'6t Into one, •'body and bones Hf. Jnal-' 'once, Snd see'whether It Is as eaay oa It'looks, , To leamjthough,'you should go to Hi and <ce Uonteverde go Ihtongh A<( oapere aqd contorUohal' He does so many wondnous lriokB, .we 'wouldn't attempt to describe them, ' Thin there's- Silas Baldwih, the Indlu Juggler'and Equilibrist—he's. another of "them f^U^", one cannot, anderstud. ' Add tb'thise all the othdr:talent, aoihe hundred oil-told,ind nowoider'AmeriOan MUslo HsU Is filled every night '.' ' < 'i , Toby'DeiileT'B'first beneBt on Friday «Vanlnlr,'9Tthi :at the New'BoWery,'. promises to '."take 'tHa 'Ul dbwii'-"' The company! ploy'.fllre pieces; ■»!*., "'Edg<wbrlh "!Brti," '"Mahlio Lover<!i "Hoglb Flute," "OostavtS lUi'^'onff the CBKy Bbokeb.". f<auB< iavus thfrThitd''' Is a nowtMiig atbt|etti8r,'b( 'Tbny's'own oom- SoBilion,' snd vsry rich. ' It te'ii'ot'S^'Olenn's old piece of Idhord the Thl^ Id Dutch/'buTil 'J^apbmUlS Introducing.a three-legged Wonder' In hta nits' Mira'onIiiita.^Nat bbntent 'with all thlSi'^ny Uss'been'^uorant^edths seMcosbf Mr.'jaues Melville,' the world-renowned bSre-blok'Hdar,'nrom' the Brooklyn' Arenk, and his three wbnderfhl-Australtan'ohUdren, who will go throngh'theli olassld exorclsesf th< Delovanta Brol&ets, oerloli gymnasta) and'the Foster brothoito,'t>antoiiifnIste,' The most omuslng^ feituro' of' aU,"WSliov'e nodoubt^wlll be the '.'Tripes- Mlroculum." How ore yon, Tripes? Bee Tony'Seord in another' oolumn; ' ' . .[,..,.: Wie hope the inausplolpus weather did aotilnterfere with the Sunday ovenlng oonoertiglveni by Mr, Joseph-Noll, at the Otr- man Opera, MO.Broodway. .. ' i. . .. . Father Seed's,Old Folks are to give a concert In ancient cos- tume St the Fiftieth street Ohnrob, Fob, 98,- > -,, .. Mr. CteorgoLsa, of Leo's llelodoon, Baltimore,. was in Uwn.i lOft week, and. reporta prosperousiumesiin that: estaUlahmSbt: Asyrlllbe seen by, his advertisement elsewhere, tl^ folloWlnS yarned first-class artiste ore under written engagementa to hlffl,^ ito,w,hom managers.desiring tholr services should apply:*^Slgnor, Bliss, John Mulligan, AnarowLeovltt, :Mlss.JennleEngl«,;and Billy Oov^iagh. - .; . i - . - -.i , -, . ; i Oeb. ,T. Sheldon, an Academy .or Mnslo dod, seems to have' (f<>t Into 0 peck pf ttouble witb. Ookey Hell, ond o "gay gome of .cords'.' bos'commenced.. It Is alleged that Ur. 8heldon,,wlth mfVc(ous Intent.attempted titdetroud, etc;.butMr. Bhsldon^ J.,Q<,Bhepari|, tho treasurer,' denies tho noftlmpntchment " l.flnd outiWhoi's o day or two, probably.: j:l on sln-ot Home," and.soon..Bpreads.hlmself thezaln as Jtfrd CqA' weowyahdhis BwmshBam.''•'TliilTthfldiSa;'' - - J.-CiFOater; WlUuhls troape of star pontomlmlsta,is prepared to B'egotlato wlthmanagars fbr the prodnottoa of original knd' brmisotepeataoloBi.paniomlmas, eta :Bee hls: advertisement In these oolomns.' ' - ; ' ' . DUAJKAI'IO..' The Theatre ot Oolro, HL, olosad on the Uth Inst, with o ben- ellt for Thos, H. HoDandi The' oontemploted . trip .to Peoria ta- abandoned by the- monagdnent, we nnderstand,- ond they ex- pested to open on the 18th Inst with Lomethlng novelt and some new Cues oreexpeoted. '' Matt Conning is in Washington, disengaged. - A very large oudleboe-^robobly tho'loifgeatslnae the opening —ossembMst theiNsw Chestnut Street Theotrei PhiloddpbU, on Monday evening, Feb. IStb, 'to wltoesa Mr.. Forrest in the "Broker of Bogoto." The performonoe gove maoh aottaCaoUon, and everything passed off very orsdltab^. Therels one thing ealculoted to'opetote against the sucoess ot tUs house, ond that la the price of admission to the parquet,and to secured seata hi tbe dress drde, viz.: 76oent8. Time was,-when 7Soen^ was' the ruling price at moot of onr theotrea; bnt now SO cento Is tho' standard rato at our first olaaa booses, and when-the price'goes beyond that, the theatre :thot demonde i .suoh higher, rate Is termed an oristoorotto house, which does it more harm thith good, for the oristoorata do not alone, support any placei [either of the -other houses in Philadelphia charge more thoA " centa. entrance fee,.and. the oonseqaence Is, that they dAtw away a goo0jleal.of,ona^m whloh ^flght be given the new thea- tre were th'e'pribes ne some.' Mr. WnesU^ shoold' reduce the tariff if he de&Msto:make.ths'new honse a popular ploce of resort :■ ( -,11' -ij.: . i.' '-. . -v Adah Isaacs Menken Is in the second week of her aebond en- gagement this, season ot.the Front Btreet.Ttaeotre.-BalUmore, where she Im as popnlot as ever, and drawing splendid housea. This houae has been well oondnotod tUs season, and has done a good business. -For more than ten years tUs establishment hod been-nndsr the publlo yoke. Neorlyall who undertook to, man- ege the place; wound themsslves up, and the theotrest the, skme time. In September lasti Geo. Eunkel, the present -manager, leased thS house, and has not only redeemed the building from lis bod noms, but even mode It • place of resort for the lovers of the legltlffioto diomo.. For nearly one hundred nlghto the cquesolan drama achieved a glarlons sucoess there. Adah Isaacs Menken, on her first engagement there, a few months- since, filled the honse nightly, and terminated her perform- ances In the midst of her ttlumpha, Hr. Hlles succeeded Miss Menken, performing to fine business for several weeks, and now the Baltimore fSvorite^Miss- Menken—is repeoting' her former sucoess. Mr. Kunkel Is deserving of mnob praise for ImpArrin'g the charaoter of the bouse;, ond tor giving a series, of perform- ances worthy of the Baltimore public;: ond we ore glad'to; know tbot his efforts ore so well oppteoloted.. The Buffalo Theatre (dosed on Monday, the letb, -with a com- plimentoiy benefit to Mr. H> T. Ueech. "Lei MIserables,"ss adopted for the stage .by the Hon. Judge Carter, was duly produced ot Pike's, Cincinnati, but, like all ver- slonh of this Work,it dragged ita slow length along to the;&tlgne of both players and andlsnce. On the first representation,' it was -wlthiil ten minutes of one o'clock "next morning" when the curtain dropped on the Uat scene. It was subaeqnentiy cut down, until ft finished by 11 o'alook the'"sams evening." It occupied'the theatre during the past weekj drawing moderate houses. Bo says our correspondsnt,-"8tanwood;'T who also speaks well of Mr. Mlcklnson's periormanoe of the old Bishop, eto. ■ ■ ■ . . Onbos, the ootress of fair proportions ond. pontomlffllo excel-' lenee, wHI give the lively ol^ of Ohleogo o. series of her attract- ive'performances this week, opening otMoVloker's on the 23d. Cnbas win set some of 'em wild ontthere. ■. ■■ Uiaa Matilda Heron hod o deservldk welcome at the Hollldoy, Baltimore, lost wsek, where she opened on the 16th for one week only; During-the-weak , she introdnoed her -version of "East Lynn.e.'f This we^ Miss Lucille Western wlU piodace her dra- motlzotion of the some -work, appearing on the 2Sd, 25th, 3Tth and'9Mh. Misa Heron commences an'engogement ot'the Boeton Ifiuenmon the 33d. IVlth.Miss Eenm.'St'the. MuSeum,apd Maggie MltoheU at the Howard; there will be itMmg Inducement for the tadlM. to tom oq^ond weep over; tba-imisfbrtunes of Lady Isabel, and rejoice In the well-doing of the gtorions little Cricket Mis. Ceolle Bosh, supported by Ur; R D. Ohoplln; rushed U at Wood's, Cincinnati, on . the leih,. opening os Bianco, to Mr. Chaplin'sFOzlo.. There was o pretty smart ottendonce., Onr correspondent, "Stanwood,". seems to be - greatly , pleased with her.' He'soys She ta s got>d reader, and gives eridence of pos- sessing considerable dramaUo talent She afterward.appeared in Peg Woffington. - On the 18tb, a new domeatio dranu entitled "IdaLee,"waspraduoedforthefirsitIme. We have not heard how It was received. J. B. Clorke win put in for a-share of Ilncle Abe's greenbacks at ths dty where they are published, this week, following Mog- gie MItcheU at the Washington Theatre, and making his bow "bysndwltb the odvloeond consent of the Senate and Honse of Representatives" on the 93d. John will have a fine Opportn- nity to aotlriza "the block deeds of ths notion.'.' Mr, Mordaunt'e benefit on the 16tb Inst, at the Plltebnrgh Theatre woe' 0 very fineolUr. The piecas were'.'Damon ond friends by the talentshe displayed on the oooasdon. From first to lost her -voloS-wasdear onddlatlnotly. heoM in .'anparte of the house. InoonBeiiuenceorthelmpreasIon'madeby"Llfe'a Bevenge" it was repested^on the. next night ondiwoe well receivM.: Wednesday niiditthe.-tUeatre.-was.closedfor'Adiiteil^ rebeatsaliof the "Sevan Slaters," which was brought out in magnificent'Style on Thursday. Manager Henderson deserves credit for the liberality displayed to getUngit Up.°t The lost scene, scoording to "Bill Board," Is truly-splendid.' No small' part of the entertatoment Is "LlttlS' Ltade" as Oupld. When tbe leaves of the flower in the loot scene open; She -looks sweet enough to est The grand ballet and zonove. drill by twen^ young ladles la wen executed, eliciting rounds of opplause every night The pretty Eoto Selden Is stlU. there, wlimlng many frlehdsby her-modesty on and off the stage, i She Is Improving very rapidly, and with attention to business wlU moke for herseU agoodname. •• - . Laura Eeene': ond. company ccmmSnce on engagement at Onver's Theatre, WaShingtan,-D..O.,-on Monday;.MoiUild.: This ORongement hoa bebn Drought about Inoonsequence of the deslmaUon'of -Ford's Theotre, where. they had prerioosly. en. gaged to appear. ■ „ i -We understand that Manager. MarshBll,'Of ithe Ho-ward Athen- aum;- Boston, has leased the Boston thSatrefor eighteen montha. Our .correspondent "Boston," soys—"Among the-seveiol oom- pcWtors for the house, were Mesan. Wm.. WheaUey, 'Thos. Borry, Orhmdo Tompkins, and WysemanMorsholL'The latter took tbe trii)k,.oommglnto possession of the house on the 1st of March. Maca donbt'ls expressed as to his sucoess; bnt nothing ventnre, n<Mhlng win; seems to be the wise man's mottol and probably! he wlUmue it ga BUly Florence will the first star at the<BoBton. i.It isMr.Uarahall'B Intentionto run^bothhouses forarwhUel-. - '. .••.'/■ .: !1. ■ .rl i;: ■ Mr*. -Waller to. to open at the Cleveland Theatre this evening, jSdlnst She is Justly termed the greatest Lady Macbeth on the Amerioansta'gs. --' ^^t • - .i; : Botney Wimomt and lady -wlB conclude their highly sucoesatnl engagement ot Qrover^s>Theatre, Washington,. D. 0., on Friday; Feb. 3Tth, when o grand compllmentaiT testimonial is to-be tendered' thbm; efauDotln'g 'from some of the first mllltsry and clvlog'enttemen'df'theoily,-: - '. . i. i Adah IsaacsiMehkan ^opened sJ^ ths Front-street, Bdtlmore;' according to previbua annoonoamsnt In the Oumt, on the Uth, and-met with lier tisnsl grtat rdeeptlon in thatolty. '..She has no; yetappeared In any ot- her oalebiatod' horse,_pIeoeS, bhtiran'the' week^through wlUi vBatan in'EailB,V'the <'BoIdlei's-Daughter;'' "LoUMonteE,<*.eto.< - ■ .. '.i i,:.. • . ., . ..- , , ' As'Manager .JUlsr; of: the JlquIsvUle Theatre,,lecentiyosi sumed the mahagsmentbf ths>NaUonBl, dnoliutatl^so Manager Wood, of Wood's Theatre, Olnolimati; Is obout to'ralt oaonpoal, tion to FoUel'j in Lcnisvllle; <and M tlils-end,,he has U^ta Mo- zart Hall, in ths latter dty, which -he 'intends to oOnvSrtlhto a dnlmoUo temple, to' be oalled Wood's, Looisvllle Theatre.:: We should not wonder If -both managers ore the gainers/:fOc,compe>l .Utiobiaeaiatobetbelifeottride;.'<• .Tr ;-<,:.,: Dld'you over hear of - the "MadTheatre," in Baltimore t It Ir sitaatedin'Morth'Street-n'ear'Samtoas. I Wd);:onthe ITtUinst,- tbla muddy «onoton -was sold at anotton,'by order of theahsrlSi and what dd you thlnkie broughtT 'Just |16|'Wlth';<iaU- ita. lnl' perfecUons'onltg head." It wu purohued by A. B.'SIdgeley.i ■- John E. Owenh. finished up at the Howard, Boston,' Onithe 9lat Inst HlsengagemsntpioVedmoderotelysnocesafair' MlssHog.' gle MlteheU lollowl bun, and conudenoSs a second tenn'IqjBol'. totf, this evening, 38d Inst, opehldg in,<'Fanobon," .c Owens goes to Worcbetor'thls week, we believe. -: :.::;.-i.: \'. I .-v /,„/ « ' "Little Barefoot/'! afirre-aet play^odaaUd' fMm. the .aermon;: wosithe novelty of the Intlannolli'iXluatra-Iaat: week. Miss Obarlotto 'Thompson ond 'Mr."Fell»i&" Vincent -assuming thS leading porta. TUe "LltUe 'Botefdot',' u :drdssed':ln' new scehery, costumes, etai;.andta'BSld'to-hove tdade-aye^talrlm prssilon. - ■' . ,;■• ' ■: h,.,i. - i, i ., ".n I :!.,...•. ' Mlas Jane Coombs conbladed a twb weeka-'ienAstement 'at the Aroh, Fhlladelphls, on'thbaisti' 'Weare^orfrtDsaythattheen- ' :ementwasn«t'sao4esafdl.'ilhls:>week,/thlS'oemUlg Blohoid, .. mvta Booth,'la ths stsr.- 'Utthe'snpei*. stand around, and ^vetbe'youn^tngedMnafUiisliow.-.i,:. " i: - - --n-, The "Seven Sisters;!' with"«llnde BamM- Uaolo Lantern" at- ta(hmeiit,.hai(:had>an'excelleht run- at the Metropolitan, Hodb- 'ester,-but losfWteVwisknnonneed ssiposltivtiy the) lost ohsdce for the Bochesterisds to see the young beauties.' :i: " MaggleMltohMl finished up-otthe Washbsgton-Theatre on the aoth:r now ju Boston. Ttt Webb sisters orb meeting with flottsrlngsttcoeas In Onbo. Conway'and'ThOs. iDo .WohUon open.ot Oolnmbas, O., on March4d, '- ' ':.■ i. - ' . ' ■■•^•■•.iu:i -i ; . The 8uflitl<frhbati« has dosed'fortUesehsbnti,: Ulss'EfflUy Thome,'after a succeUfol'season, ot Woreeattt; appeatsat Springfield; Mass,, this (Hond^l-evenlng, Feb. 93. -Wb regretto'leam that Mts'.Ed'wln B6oih|.'(Mait DavUo;) wife ill i: 'j'lli|'')ll -i..;! UlfVI^VlIt _ nttra^, thepopulor <^eriaan ocmedlau, "Snd all. thik Dg|.-you,.know„",harseonred tlieexoluelve right oqd i^les jCMylor'f swoesifiiliplsy of "Oar Amsrioon fui^: The opening week :Of:.Ur. Eddy and. uias Kate Smln atUia TOnut, ^alaelrtilj, was. not nrj ^^^^ l^iurS'! owlng.-no donbt, WtSsf bod-weather irliloh prOTaIle<£Satnr3iy evenfiig was more fovowhle fpy oinaseaenu,and theottendonoe wosyerygpod. Both artiste ^ave been kindly recelVed'^Kan^h Uielrtrigriybustabstrdldnotor^bteanyeiES^^^ drama they give saUStactton, ond their tfaalnea will immnva with any aort of good wa^er.. On Batntday evening, the ploy being the "Three auardstaen," there waa a gooddsal'of bran- gllDg, in obe aeene portfcdlafly', Idthe fourth act mticllBm it wos. The flog whloh hod.been ralted on.the ba^SnentaTls sun! posed to have been shot away; but there It remained,the crios from the prompter and pthera to take |t down being udiieeded .for some time, and at last Itw^'bun'glmgly removed In pretence of the audience. Want of prompt-and'eorafol attsntton toths business and minor details of a ploy; frequanUy condepias the enUro performance. The "Spirit FrieddV Will be prod&ed Uda weeUt -' The Florences closed at St LOdlS Theatre on the lath, and went.ftom thence to LoulsvlUe, On th^,31st; the worlhr trees* urer of the establishment, Mr. p. Oleason, was' U laksaboneflt - Madame Pozzoni, who has recenUy riasdmed her profession on the stage, was tendered o benefit at the iBtuLOoIs Theatre, to on the 20tti. The lodyjls sold to.,b4,«,charming vocalist ', Matilda Heron dosed herengagement'otth^tt(^day, Boltl* more, on the 9lBt .'Alif.c-,'; Miss Maggie UltoheU and »n«mt»i» were in B^tisiore on the 9lBt Miss Adah Isaacs Manken's snocsBsot theirrontStreetTheatr4 Baltimore, Is spoken of as Inunenee.' Amen I Mr. Kunkle has dosed the periormanoea at the Museum, and combined the com* tiofiy With ue Front to support Misa Menken. -; >> i.T>'\ J. W. WaUook, Jr., bos taken uplOsabodefof gnriod,at Deal, Long Branch, N. J. ... Although'o week of. horrid weather has greeted the pious pe«> pie'ofWashington, and once more overflowed the streetawitti mud, they ore sUll edobled'to float about ond keep good counM -witti high eipeataUons of o change for the bettar-v^shor^. Man, it is sold, soon becomes aconttomed to anything, and luoa surely mustte the esse In regard to visitors to the copltol Just now. Our correspondent "Peep," says—"That witty seceshef who first applied the epithet of "mud sills" to the Tankeea, must surdybove'beeit-areafdentof Washington; formudMItvre oil mustbe to novlgote throngh the ovenuee and atreeta ot the pres- ent time. Boweiyboy^ nughtweUory boctet boots'! to see the high topis that ore exposed everywhere. Ths mlserablifweather and dlirrWalUng has somewhat affected places of omuse'ment ait least ssftT OS the lUrer portion of visitors ore ooDoer^ied Man« ogers, however,, hoys no right of complaint for it Hip,',ihevings hove not smiled upon them," "green badks"'hove, tlfd as to crowded houses, we hove the old story to relate..'. i. .'. '.Onver's Theatre; where the dite, the ton Uma meet to poaa. mauilon malt, has recelved.ite fnU shaie of patronage. We eee distinguished generals and eminent statesmen. Surrounded by beauty and in- telligdice, nightly; and from their lively cbotand^ merry laugh, one might imagine we were in the harvest of; p«oce,and plenty. Nor ta this to be wondered ot when Tte.look'npoi^ .the entertain* ment which Is given: First snd foremeat Ire hove M^- and Mrs. Barfaey Williams; who are sure to startle our' sympathy or ont merriment We hare an intereattngaigral drama, then comes the lamihsble Tonkee Qol, and finally the roUlddng, Irish Boy, which gives a fOnd of delight I have oil'many bccodons attendeo- tiie performances of Mr. and Mrs.' Willladfl during thdrstay, andean truly aoy that such, crowded Jicuees I never before -wltneased. Several nighte, long before the onrtam "went up," only atondlng room was onnounced, and Scores were com- pelled to go owoy for wont of apoee. t believe this hu-Ven the .greatest engagement; ever: performed by any atsrs in tl)e dty of Washington Miss Moggie Mltobell oo^lu^es.fcec engage- ment this evening, 90th, ot the Washington Theatre, With a com- pllmmitatT Ifenant'' Her season bos been s snooeMral one, with the exoeption'Of one or two nlghta, the . ocosalon'.belnsthe pro- duction of o new ploy, a tranalotton from the C|iiiiiian,b| Mossn, Mothua odd Flake. "Hermann, the Ohlld of Fdridni9;''la o com- poslHon'of sohbd.:girt nonsense, without Inteisst'sad .nnflt for ttienomeof a dramatic .producticiLi > The story from Jihloh th* translation and dromotlzation has been dished np may i^ave soma plot' and Interest; but If so, the anthors hive Overlooked it FOr Moggie, It oppeored o task to keep up her usual Uvdy ohot^ and what there.was to intereet the spectator was bar .endeovora to moke something ont of nothtog," . . Thb Theatre' Boyol, Homilton, 0. W., Is dohig' a. flourishing blz,;'we are glad to bear. ■-. : .r ■ 0, W. Oouldobk and daughter were to takeo Ellsler'a Atheneum, Columbua, O., on the 10th Inst,, which wou]d bo also their lost app'earanee there. Their engagement hts been • profitable one to the entei^rlslng.manager; Mlas -Bnuna Wsner appears there to-night as Lady Macbeth, In whloh ohsncter she Is highly spdien of .as "taUng the rag off the bush." How ore youTBuBch?' ' _ . Thtngs theatrical are at o loW ebb at Toronto, 0. W., and "The Old Man's Sps,'' writing on the 31st mourns over It most dole- fuDj. B. •^'B kb-A uiD xotceulll^bM:.onl7l-4o^e-.^nodorately well for three weeks past W. M. Word bos been engaged by lbna«erXlndeB-lU'lieHltnir-.Tai«a;';«o that perhaps; olUn wlD lnn)rov»(. .TT'.tfi • f;?/,w%Kopi. Sydney Smith Is soon to bring ont the "Seven BIsten"at Iha tyMiade/toi<Snt6, C Wi; with' Ha company th>m-' Bhffido, we or* Informed..; .,' -: ; - Mr. Barney WHUams, it is reported, come wsU nigh receiving hiequietaaduring thepiostweek. Itoppeoia thotthronghtha carelessness of o'drag derk- in Ws8hington,<be (Mr. WllUoms) took a quantity of Uudonum instead of paregoric To play poison on the stage Is weU enon'gh, but to ploy U on so popular on Aotor on the stage, is carrying things too far., . ,, "The Pearl of the American-stage"-:-'Mls's LucIUe-l?lttem-w win re--VlaIt Philaddphta this week, ond perform' dd Mr. Forrest'* off-rllghta at the New Chestnut Street Theatre: Shh commences Feb. 36, produdng her. great dramo of "East Ljime," In which -she hks schleved such a decided eucceSs In'the various clUbs where she has brought it out- Her nlghto vriU be 'alternated be- tween Philadelpbta and Baltimore, and between theNew Chest- nut stad the Holllday Street Theatres, opening at the Utter place Feb. 23. Her engagement to the two UUes wUl otoilnuo four weeks, at the doao of which she will comawnoe a sesson at the Wtotor Garden, New York. Thla traveling frsa dty to olty, and playing every evening, will be a work of -severe -labor for Miss Western, a'taak few ladles would care to undertake; bnt Miss W;iB a hard-working actress, and ahsntherllkef the boal^ neBS,<no:matter how difficult the task imposed.- .-c; ■ Mr. Forrestlmproves with sge. One of tfas most:bnpresslv« and affecting penormanoes evergiven't7<hlm; wasthatorFebio, in the Broker of Bogota, at the New Chestnut StnetTheatrCL Phlladslphla,-lasbwsek.' He was grand beyond oonimtion, and achieved one of: the'greoteat triumphs known in thsliistorT of the dzamo. i The houss'wos filled in every port; ond acre oiten- tion was:neTar given by on- ondlence, nor gieatsr :4iithualaam monlftsted. :Not only was a large portion of : the femolo part of the oudtanceaffeoted to tears, bnt mony ot the nugher sex were seen to drew o deeve or handksrohlet across their eyias, as It to shldd themftom-the gloreof the gas. The Broker of Bogota Will now taks rank, Ini Phlloddphla, with the Gladiator, Jaok Code, and other playa which the great trogedionhu soinlmitebly identified himself with.. The Broker-.-was. given onitwo nlghta during:thepaatweek,;ondMr. Fotiest appeared u Damon two nlgbte, toivery luge audiences, both pleces-reoelvlaB every at- tenttonidtheway of.aceneiy, costnmes,.etoj >.: -' >;,.- , -MT;Haokett d0Bed:hlB peiformonoes. ot ths Hew Cbeatout; Phlloddpbta, on"the'91st.. Hft ls^suoseeded thls^wsek by UUs 'LuoUle'Western... ■ ■ - ■- . -' ■ ■ ':-/ -l iQeorge- Chrla^'b, por^ ore moving along the. Hdlson river, announcing B show olTroy 'ohihb 9l2d, and o> Fogg^ieepde on tho21th.->,/ ■-:•' -,We spent o short time with Camcross t:,Dlfby.faMhistreIs^ PbliadtlpUa, on ,the' 31at The body of the house Wjs comfort- 'Bbbl^ white tbe up stalls places were.not one Ofia eoonpled. aSie company give a'fair entertainment, but ihere^ not that duh and life abput their peiformanct^ wh'lih-.o^aoterise the vIL York bands; some of the members of the tro'aBs are very clever performers; among'the .cdmedlans, Fronk.'Vpron seem* tobetto ktag.pln.. Mr. Oarnoroea song very preUjply, the new bsiUid enUUo4 '>Whon Thla Cruel .Vs' Is O.tsi." This week, B, N. Bloonm,; comSdian,: Joins the company,, . :'. C, Sonford's Opera Troupe termlnote thelr,seaa9nJn,Harrisburg on the Sd of' M>«;h, with o grand .compUmentaryiteollmonlol to ;Managcr.Bs8ford, Sonfordhas leaSc41ilB O^raHrtae to Mlsi UA. Fielding. ,0n leaving Etotebnrg, Bom.wlll.^t ontoa hie reoulor i irovdlog circuit, atriUhg o weateriy dluotton fiiet HU movemente wiU b« recorded In .He,#l take out with him.a good. .company, and give an unusaafly„varied pro- '^SamSh^ley, 'wlth.tlstrou'pe of MomiorSj.Bhm|i.>t Toronto, 0. W.. on the 21tli, 2llth, i«th, and 37tb. .Ji I>..|rewoombe, wh^ according to "The Old Man's Son," Is a rotUisa g|)^ fellow, is oUoting them through the snow banks. apd.Qwer x^atmcUonl veiyauocetttaUy. .So hasn't hod his ,c())ab.,aiit'y,et; he's lo« shrewd o cpdli for that. ic , ■ . V'"i i'L. , «r.. . Messrs. Duprei .it Green, with Ihplr <«epied troape of mm- strelo ond famous' brass, bond, wer4,ot.Whllfhal], N, 1; oo tne 90tb.' and a largo-and enthuslasUp ,asBfmblage oongregajed at Anderson's HaU, to Uaten to their entertatoing slnglM. "d say- Inas. etc We are very sorry .to leam from Mr. OliaaJl- inptt*, that Mr. J.'E Campbdl has baon guIUyiof o very sedfeus breach «,5^]rvr.rth^e?p"s»a'M •ivl -l/illo ; "p'll VI .V.'IIM- ,1 - IJ rl:t J;-l.-K -.iiMh O(:the.<yonn0 :trtaedUn,- whose engagemant'Oommenot d at the 'Wlitter - OarAnv New Tork; rOoentqr,°dl«d iB.Phlladdphta .on BatitMli'y morning last, 31atlnsti' -'" i,-lu-.'i':i-< - ^ Tbe opera company hoSmet'with'O. fdr: success'In BoBten, 'Nstwitlistandln;the<>'gr«atsucsiss of Dlnorah;'.' Uiotoperk bos be»n>wlthdrawn;" '■' i n -i.-i -.i: j, ..h- ,v. ,u.,i :,.,h . . ..i i-.-1 . i<lIrs;'Eogltah's.Nsit3**mbiit/Bostdfii''lad«lngwentilhilUia^ i>Uf,rtlght>rdp«: dcnUiig,' ahll' a.nsw 'Baveli pontomlras; i every • 'nn i: :l.I,i'i:l l'.,-| njllicl. Jjl.r.7.';-':i I li:rii./.-,"'■,',''1 " -' ■ Their route this week Is, Mondar Albans; Wednesday ot Montreal, bd f"? -^ri:,,„T „,„..r,-. "aSS ilUl tbeycomo. ,,y^h^, of^auolhjr •Jfl.'ijgS: to Quebec Hon norformlng in Uio New.togland Btatas. ft la oalled "PI PelhJSfs MMtreh. an^ :'Br«fB.«4"::. " - Dn'tbel2(hondmb,andbad.goneatlUft_- wSrconetaU of JfWl Polham,.tamborlne» iT^ll ion«ri)»nJoi^M-Deveapx, ballads J w >Jrt:^oiUti,Ka^oait|e,l»K li. H.' F^snk It,.jr,-i/ttuiwtfcH, ,«i«tol..M..-.. .. ■ th»r.eaat'MiiJ..^jThf| E,..L.Punbar.:»'Ol»eq Nea,;Kellon,..toi)Olri F^ank fl. Donfortht ,fluto; .M.,J.^*l»*e' Mrnet; onA:^ H, Bond, ■.il> • ■'] o'l:!- : I- I.-<,| -<■-•;/■ 'Jlii,:|;l Ji. 1-1-; .- ■ ■ .j-.iit jjiii'-'a