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■fti«ia-.'H»iiiiitoa.o.'W.^Tan-wiii:«otte.tiiia^«^ SSZSriU Bhaw 4 UK. ftto-wrrtH rfftliti, Uil r -.;:x i.ii to » 8.. 8 U- . , ••nMIKflOHAOB.OtUB.-l^hlij ?pWtedkOplT^ ••imW TournBinent, - The oply 4ont»at ot yWqh K; Our contrllitttorjB not «»ngulJie of personal iracc 'C.J^aT la a bandloan uraiueineDt, and tharCominlttea Mjooge SsSngor. Adap.4.to.ttiJj.» Taiy heaTy:/jlo»9aUo affllottoa .'■^V. I; • - • ■ .. II 'i|<i>,ii.'. I BwiOMA',wo'.'-sreflr'""'; VOBLD'S CWaBESS PBIZE'rad^LBH I. -J:. .-. .<«TOB ni TH»jQBiwji?|',V. ■it ./ttS-.TflUte PawarrtK 3d, an? jRft*. KBSd. . ^"■'~Vtiit«-to|ilaT«ndglTe'mate'la'fou.|iiOTa«^ IT ^ WbBlb'S dOKOBKaS-.SBOOMD 9B 39 3S J*.' 91 17" "14 18 '18:- as aa ■ ■■■» ■ » 'ii?:aeJ^ •ISr,.- •« loll* U..U IT is:/8 -T " IB..18 19;. 11 99.. »■ ■ai.iw .11 >1»..10'' ..:.J8(6) l«r -i planMyartaUoiu, In wUc]»mUteMniIneaobInstoned.u 'i ^ ...... ' • ''', . I ji.. ■ ■■^.i^-ilifm of P/>iltlon N(?,,4e, ToL X, ri^eired nntD ynrtber y IBBTWEER OBEER UOTOTAIH BOY AKD AO '•• •■"BUok^.M.B.'' ■ ■ffhlte-iAobopli uv.jo' ■•■•15 ■ • ■'• ai-' "- \X- ■ . ^^ 7.. 8 'U ■ ■ _ 97 a* ■■ l^^liftipir irp, 4e-^vei. x. TSDBiilbt'h ptfsifiioB st"e. li'.', tF^prnsBuiMH. . OF.-STpB^^-! ,:.it v DedlOAtad to Country Ohamplon > I,'/;, .il;; FJajrers.' • ■ WUte to moTO and wlnV [Teiy piet^.— Ed. I>. JX. . ^ - ■" WHITE. .,, ;Wliie to-i^ore and jiriiu II'-.; ,-. ;:•;,, 'WHrrE. mi<e.to'i)lv«»d.gjy^n>atelnflyemoTe9. I .. . .'I'/..;: I i.„,,. , AttjM*. _.8.,j:B:.Bi' fl-t..P-Q:Kt>4- 6..P-42 B 3 t..Q Et X B «..Q-berKt3 !ETaS8 OAIOIT. Pafeoce, 'SobnltB.' :b-b< ■'BXKtP KByp Q 9d P X Et Q-KB3 Bc hlealnger. -' - igoUalta.- h-'&x'b 9*p A'KtiB;:*::^? 19'.iKEt-UsS •i*;vPXi'«»jx«3:x lft.^BX'BP-frK.- 16..Q-EB3 P-, 'ir.'.'K^Ua't^ 4-, the Queen, ^e m&t. brilUant AuatrUn.n.- tbo qtoet biUliaiit^ Btudiah: ,1lNr«r.r*-fl.,; , ,, - ^ ■ °" Ur. Bird. Herr Btelolte, L.T-IB B 41YOJIP. t(iI1.... it.'!M..(J:Kt«iJL KB-EtS • •l.'.EKt.B3... QiUB a -•'■■■:.A'.EB-B*; .: -JCKt^B3 •. • B..Oaaaia'i - :l: S B X <St..'.. 3..<3PXB •tga...; ',1 .7.;QBiEt S K P-KBS , B^:QB-B4 QB-E8.:'..!j. J..|B^a • ' p..aKl4 }J"5'XEtP(.)BPXEt:<r.-; ' -■}vs.:t-B.aa .•K'fit-R 4 KEt-j-B .Eerr 8telnltt.>:.., Hr, :U..Bf:+Kt QB lT..P-EEt4 Q-E ia..Q.EVl . : Q-E .18..KIUKB4 -i^'EI 9I)ii'E;-h[a B.aq *]it-I 91.,P-EEt8 aa.'iK-hiaa .is: X itrhottie: U..QBXQ :98.iQ;X8 96..Q-XtS-)- '9T..Qi-f QX»;. JS:.E-ble3 39..KB-Xa 30..E-Q3 th^moTe b?on inaa^&fl l^^.to 6 dl» I m8.ii iftftVbigtiOToiS^^^ :»0. it otty. Price, ' • '^■etbh{Si?^.^f*^*''Wn66BMMtoi ¥fcwWeift^ : •flKSwSJSM^y*"??' teftti* remit. be%hat U^lGuK »iBondBSJ?T*?* f"? •WM»I»llad onoej 'that alnatbh ttcoiS , «w^JS?S?'iJl of .rtrenKlh^ cOei)the boa^ ;WJ ■l«lVal«■??J?5^•.T»M!?^^^o^<'any(rth "iViUSmaJJt 55'.;»""'>'«•(. or "aL _ 'ANTiOrdBB MAS. l>.'T4tanot|k/ofFhU. ;0,qurrBn.)| Thb'mftn T I . . . —:— ■ — .;. It —:-— . : r : . . ■ 1 r; ■ .. ■ THB". RllfOj ■ ' .•" ■'■ ' BETWEEN ■'-'■vj'r L'-'"' HABTIiETi.A^D T IS tHlt if, '['. , p]^io]|,iOT^IpABi™ . -The crowded stale of onr colomna last week, prevented ni'frbm giving more than the reeolt Of <th4 battles libtwaan^'thase men. we therefore iMeem our promise flibn made, by heri giving the' ronndi,eto.i>lndetail. ■ ■ . ■ ^.v ■ .s.>.^ - •... .1 HABXLET TS nNIOSn..'->'i>i ; TABy dlreoUin'of the.referee, Slmoii Flnlsbtj'alta feok Hartley, and,tbelr friends, met early on the morning of theSStlfciat^Iiinio doii Bridge pi2>tlon( to nuke their way to the •ohasen'tenpezTons. A well-known spot, about sixty miles from thv.metronoUtf; was selected for* the 7>Utle4aiild, and reached In dne time. (Aiteran afUUiif'lo form 4 tlng'Oloae to the: station, a remove WB* fMud TimnasTTt anil ■ hinj walk; or rather straggle; tbhAOgh Vogs, kc, r^rendisredlmpetattTei there not belng bonveyidcea'Cir qlt'.'ttbls' dtflonlty was at ledgth gotover, and the ring pUohed and ready' for the nied.jat 4boat nine o'dock A: M.j ljlt««p'mlnulei»afler- wards, Hartley tbreW In his cap, havtog the same secoildste oii the day before. Flidghty was < soon sRer him, havlOEB change tho Ifetter ln one of bis mentors, w^ose ilamrr.ftn'siuldyy po-' tapt-reaaana, is snpptesssd';.' The effects of the ponlshniM'tenB^ ~>°'<i,>>Z,tlu lads on the pnTlons day were trlfllng;'co^slderlng mat jlUyjnd ronghMgueMn ronnds,'.whlch laslsd.one hotiirAbd eleven mlnnt««. - FlnliSty*6n tbe teas for choice of lobniBrt;- TMdd^tUcedilmaeir. upon, the .hlahtf-SrtOid:) .Ihtibeiaogwas leToVbntnntmuoh was done.. Afiibeingreuy, and the referee Deiqg.atlilapoatt.tliemenstoodnpate:80AjH/a»i:: ! ^^1• r, _ THE BESSWID FIOST. Uill' | .*?2°^'*-'?''''*'**''**'^'»<*.onti when the Imtitmt had suieBn hands,.to. discover .the nikrks of .puDiabmeiit fiom tBfc' BrevloM flfiy's flglitlhft.. ;H»rtl8t*aK scatheless, with the eiceih on of the ant OP the right .eiibio w^anj - aod montb, as wen aa lils fojrv— little sparring ensned' bafofa S'tj eiotianged. Hartley. foan4&Bl] and Sffflon a near oat to .tbe Jaw. vii; rapidly, .wlie:^^ii)i|lait w«ni ^ eft-handfhd .counter was 'lit,.;;oa4 toTUilghty's nose, t/O. couple of. ezfhttoge^ passed - -,. . , ,„ , ,dijwi( on ltls.'knkes,in,'*hlbh. PMlUon . Simon, .hit Jh^jjbnt whijii an ^ppeal.was made, to the on ];Js.'Kntes,ln.'<tbjbh. . ._,__,ippeBl.wBS made , to the rueree, ha ordered the fight to proceed, on the ground that both had brokeb a rule, and were' therefore'on aA equality as rcaarded ""It., .' ■ /, ■ , . ■ '.' I'V 7.'Neither was too quick to .'answer to ihe .call of tiiqeiaQa: when .they did leave tbalr oomeiiB it was evident from thalr fireo blowing-that the fast < lighting )iad taxed their belloirs 'V^ ,s«Vere^. Bo^ w'ero'very mu<^ fluehod, and bad ;an eye- piece dlicolored. 'Flnlfbty,was. bleeding from thenMO and meutb.-and.EUrtleT.distilling ftom tbo. eyebrbir. TI)ey sparred forwlo^d all over the. ring; aflec, which, they managed to get within B]tol,;When left-hande4, counters on tbe body wfireex'^ cluingul'wUh.greaCqulckness. Thea'econds of tl^emen'urged tliem.to. lnci;easod exertions, apd tbe bantams, nothiSB lotb, foughtyitb .liotb .hands all over'the ring, until theyotoscd, when, after a short and. ebarp atruggle, FliUghty threw Hartleyi batboth were dowDg Slde byslde. ,^ e. finightywas'bleeding from the cornor'of.hls rlgbte'ye; HartljSyas before. After sparring nhUlwltbln reach, ibey ex- otainged'wlth'both bands with great precision oil the head and body, when BArtley slippy down on one kneei but Jmsbad np, and renewed the fighting .by dashing in, when tbe half-armed hlit^was of a very severe oharacter, nntil they do^if fnd both were down'together, SoTThlle they were waOiliig.to tl^e 8oratoh,.^e seconds of eioh advised the use oif . the left hand only, eipreaalng a fear that ^le "auoUoneer"'niIeht be landed by their nun's adver- Bsry. The cdnaequeD'ca wos averyigbqd and spfrlted round, iil which.the counters with the left'were of a very fine deioripUon. Hartley visited th4 body,'BImon the nose; eaon again repeated tho dose with , the left, and broke away, They sparred for'an opening for so<n'e tlnie, which was perceived, by eaob at. tbe^ same nioment, for a very fine lef^h^ded counter on tbonoso posscd, Horlloy's blt 'drawing blood. After' a ,few wild .ex- ohonges, fach, mlsstog wipi his right, Hartley got bis left od the' cbeet, and then on thq body. Slmon,'"rlled'' at.'ihe.above'tWo for nothing, 'wen( to ^orl^ but only forced good, lelthaiided coniffois onthe.noso and .cheek, followed'liy a'cou^e of ex- changes,' when Eortloy w'ent down on bis knees, fighting sH the(Ime,.Simon gettln(^ on the head.whilo be was in tlut_p6al- ItOD.'. An appeal.of foiil.on'both sides, over-ruled.' 'Tutie, 32minutes. ■■■ . '.: , 10. Hartley.aoon com^neneed busln^ssly leading,off with the left, ifrbich wfa'ptetlUy stopped.' Both'wereahort^t tha'tMdy.' Hartley.was the first to plant a ^uccesaCul' hit oh tbe bo4y,.fol- lowid by a sllngeron the cheek.' Simon,soon retsliated by get-' tini; home on the nose, and tiding again, <wa^ well slopped, as WuUas.biilpg shortwftb the double. vThereiWaa now some time ta^ell np ny their havlqg'a good jlong look at.one anotbof,ADd rec6lyl|ig:^ie a^ntlons of,the toi)6i)dBi.."0n renowlng eti'urlng, both .^rere very.cautlons;. b^t meeting, vpcy good counters wore eiiaJiaDged.'Hartley getllng on ibo throat with thelefi; Simon (ilUited oh the left eye, and Jock missed his right.. Thlslbrougbt on acou]^6'lUofa couAters^b'oth getting homo o|i toe.noae.. Simon was short with .tho left at. tbo head. In coDseqbeiiee'of sUppiDg; Hartloy got his Ibfton the nose. Hartley, vety busy,' pnttne left ^ell on the body, ^Imon'returhlng '.'ratbcr' ranrdy''- on'thehbse.-dibMng blood from the old out, 'Hartley got his left, thi^e tildes on the bpdy, ^imotl' only getting on' the cheek ouoe.'wlui' uiy i^ffect^'. After.pretty sparring, they worked to bloM'qoaHer^.aijd a.good cpuntilr took place—Hartley wlt^ the' left^w the' b'ody,^d Simon a straUlit one with the Ief( On the left(Qrs,'OQttihg it to the bonoi'sha knocking Hartley'down'; ei' yard aw, on bis beoqi-end. . Time, 40 mln,. , ' ; ; • II aiid last. Hartley caihe up with hie leit e;e fast 'dosing and bleeding fUm tbe cfut, 'ah9 hiir right eye very much dlecolored. Simon had..his right eya much swollen, and was bleedlbg^ from -tUe-nOseand mouth,.'Simon was'.tha first to lead off,'bnt.was ^hqrt at the body, but succeeded better in bis ^ext attclnpt.'get' ting welfon'the body..,It was now cedent that.'sometklng'was, amies, for Hartley etobd fiearly.ln the'centre of .the ritafc.'and as FldlghV'A'onld Tiot to hhu'.'Uie' seconds jitlended <to' tbolr' men, and whimpered advfce. Elman weOttO Eurtley,''w)iep they apancd for some tlifi'e. bat a'galil .took 'a look, and were attended to,' ','HaTtIey;hadasopat tbe'^rafidy .bottle..' Simon jfollowed salt Thay stood for.some lenjjth Of time lookihg at o^ch other,, and AUhbugh It was'patent iom^tHlbg was the matlor wlth'^aH-' ley's right lig; and that his left eye would soon.he gone, Flnigh^ could hot be persuaded to pe'roevtre. Hdrtley.etooU In one Spot, evidently frarfol of exposing his lameness. .Matters relnalned thus'for sohie time, cha'lT filing round the ring, qnlll the t>eferee; findlDg they dld.not mean business, gave fiVo mlnUtea* time for them torenow the round, and at. the expiration of that period, although Finlghty had onco or twice made hp!hls n|lnd> to go a; bit clof er, he walked back; and nothing came of it; so when the time had expired, the referee decided the battle draim; and left the ring-aide after flfly-flve minutes. .^^oy.R^/ tBo^s,r«gioiujon)e. .ugly ^Ila.. He„'a» ;woU as bis -jiem, had a mark er, two about the.boijy. The oominence- t of.bjlslness tros cohductcd on almMt similar taqUcs to those - Pmof Tuesday. Sachfdhted in^i^^n;,an^^^twated as antagonist advanced, having, no doubt,> lively remembrance W.W ffwiptlo" on tbo previous day whw^ to did lesdoB. After ?w*^™Oiar baffled, an^milght perhaps'ptand<t-"J'a«k:"wcaveO" '^.3!.S?.th?>»?>?B.»ther high, and followad;FlnlghKto his cor- 5*,^ 5?>«e eome.vary spirited and d^vbr jspffrrlug ensnSi; both' fffiR qi^clj.ond keou-slghted thst.no opening was givtii to be .. ,fliMy™««go ot SImou, not .fimcying boiog .peimedih hia .pilWiffadei determined feint or two.'. Tho first HarUey took f M tut, at the soijond, finding ainon had not bis loft fMt jtfja inalde his, Jaok was forced to best^ retreat, uid tho iT'iL'vJ'f"/?.'?"'^*'' °' ring, iintU'Hartloy Js^ed.W foUowed by Simon, and Hartley was amff B^<^ Dnmeetlng, both were short with tho left, whlchwaa^foilowed Wijne .Of ual. sparring, whMFtoighlyphmtairtho left on the S^'A^A Tainted at the head. Hartley was vary shoii In his rc- -'■emptl}Ke(!am6lav*l with thp body, and rArealed ioi' Si*h''lS''"''" ?i??5i^il8ht^2°-tt? j^]^,8'^yp''^?.'* riw^ye and .prpoooding oailfd fori^ somo ilbud diaapprwba^n'^m Hnlghty s comer, as well.as an appealfrom bi^ prindpaleecond J>me, 9niin.„ . ,. ; ',,' , . t: ; , , ^^.■LW.onoMnenpfaUof mlfWilef, and looked Veryyfdotisaa ho aparrea al.HarlUy.who -pet .Wm with right gopS'iWlL A rattling volley of -exohanges, at haU-armed distant with bolh hondsi lutll they dosed, when Hartley got down rather deverlv X. Both were in' their corners for some Hine after'tttn'H was ..,.iad; hpt as both took liberties, who could grumble? Flhlithtv was flashed ahd blowing; Hartley also blowing, but not 'fiu'shed ■ and, (Myond his right eye being swoUan, nothing was amiss .Hutlev at,oh;e planted ih« left on the body, and Jmhixid away from the return. A' few passes of very pretty eporrlng'aiisaM until Flniahtyj gatttng, fidgety, sent bis left out as a fedbr,' bul fa It was short, aa ^eU aa licking ,steam. Hartley avolded'llL ani got homo .on ;th» nose with the .left, getting a receipt' Air tbe SBfuelnaprettr.Itfthanded'covntbr on the eye. Thlsbk^Qsht on a ooopla of rattling exohanges Mth hoth bandb.OBdttie rpimd was bonduded, after ^alnal counters with the left, by B^M^^g^^ .dojm on hlf nether end, where he satlaughlng, 4. No danugo-of oonseqnenoo.dbne on either eitde. Bath'caiAe •)fla8)ud'and,eagei:'for tUe'fr^yi Barlley was •vary bnsj', with getting on the body heavily, amidst i3er)a'lve .cheers firam i.ftleq^B.pf vOhr that's nothing." ■ >Bd,_r'"-— '■ Finlghty tried hiir ridHti' " ((rtniimio . ;at(er.whloh he renewed the sp'arrbig for^omA ae, ontd Hartley stole a march, get hlslut twice on the'body ifrtly, isnd diversified it .a lltUe by dashing that neeful left 'On,.to^a/mouth, amidst 'plenty of ''Oh my's'l khd "ad< did not leave off at this, as he paid a parting vlalt Vlth his IdR >ntha>markiandgotaway.«ta,&ot. Simon followbdthb ••leaMri t^e.Juk/'.g^Ulnga •ihot-^un''6h the waist for his iialirt,' whfoh rf i»<|mdht^: attempt .w;th,.hts.Ieft the head epdrdy meired< >lvo,,:.I^Uey went in f'for fighting," and some.rHttllng ex.: bhangba pias^ed ^t the l^oad, at long ahots, untU they olosed and gra]^plsd for. the fall, Uolbbalhg down,.. .' i , . S. Bimpn.'.bad his niouth and nose Ijlocdiog as he bsme up? Hartley Bhbwlngf 'out;bq thenosb. In additloh . to the swollen' lo/i dlaoolbred eye. > 'TerylltUe aparrlh^ took plaoe, as the "tiny ones" had'evidently modo Up tUdr minds for byslnessj and rapid exohanges with bo.tb hands, all over the ring, we^'glvcf and relumod with heoriy good will,'and several dexporAte right-^ bandars were wasted on tho "winds.'.' A aimullanoeus' aounicr' with thb lefton the front of the hand, however, sent tlu ban- tams apart, and they bad to spar for wind. Ob goUlqg Mbether, Simon tried Ids left st the hoait, but was over tho loft • ubulder, when Hartley Jntnpod in, and sharp oouhters with tho lAt' took itaoe. Barlloy vleltln'g the body, and Ftolgbly the nose.' ll'ar^. ey 'planted on tho body, and. got back, renewing tbe sparring J{le again caught Simon off hia gaard, when "pop" went I left on the noao, drawing blood, Simon, "very riled,"' wentlli,' sod tbb]^ fought all over tbe ring with both hapds, each 1,^(0 met bfthe orda'r of {ha roforca to fight on. Time, 91 mlh. . Br XorjUar had the out ovor'Uls right eyebrow re-openod In the laaitonndftom ^ lalt-hander, and his eya wloUag and blinking ■Mia 4 nght.hiiidar. BimOh dame np bleedlbg from thenbse Thesadde&tnannorlnwhlch these combatants left off .fight- ing and stood looking at each other, atartled the specfslors, who .were by no means choice aboat..the :terma in wblohj they ex- preased .thefr disapprobation. 'We were: equally taken by aur- prlse, having fullymade up.opr minds to wttnetatk' niodet mlU; ^nraespecially as Flnighty^waa.wiping off tbe-leid'taken by iT^-s^tSjarirffi^^ upon? Ueiknees, there was nolhlngfot anyone to oartl fat in the i!!ftiLf^l^*^uVS^ lahnost .irnhnrt, with the SKjeption of ill 'Ili^^I'JJ^'^'^ awoUbn and;hU -right hand pui^d, and the. kObcfcdOWn:. blow ha admlnUterad to: Hartley In the tenth ronnd^eshonld have-, thonphtwould, have enoonhged him to go oui buti for.reasons: best known io.himself, heboid not movo;*toot to forooHarUeytorflght.' Hartley puransd Suio soma tactics, but for hlm.tbareJs the eioato of ^having ■hurtlhls right legj-wlilchprovtated hla moving shout ,illmbly,1)ttt tliat. It was; evldant, was hls-own fault, and ;arasa,.thbre.U no doubt, fj^om. the maimerin-whidi.:he .oOtd6wn. ;To aum up,he-may tiaU- his good.luck iniBsvIng'theL hattWmoney throiiah Bini'ahto'e want of resolution.-.v.i I-1.'!.,. ;; j.-.;;..' ./.T. ; • , ;. (■..Elnlgh^.cUled.upon. theBtakoholder on januarysd.'andi tf*?,'*''4!.'!""^"*'*"-*"'""e'"'e:Btakbs.'to.'£60;,aaId^ Hartloy, at 4 later houp; colled :also,;ind' dccUned. to inter into »JJ™«^Jg«gonient, atanymte torlBo present; to'conscqnenco tooE Ta .Pfi>nBmK,T^;TiMaay,'3ltni27, .th'eBamto aga^ mevpursuanttp tho dotidon bf.thi rcferte, and bwuiBtthtaf-^ •'^f-V^/**S:'"2°'};^'"'''"*"''' arriving at the iplnoaiapi- pointed for ttejprollmluary.tteettng; HbdarHlIi ws3' named 'u the place of battle, and thlthor all rtpalrbdwlthouflos* of 'time; and fortunatdy, free from tho atttutloni o/ the cohttjbul4ty! -ifter a frlp through'a- beautiful' countty,' tlib .ronteintu was TMohed,.and, oftet soma .delay in the dleioblilg'of th'O tnen'. bolh caps.went.tumbling In «lmuItaoceaely,'and bueiniisa wbs at once 2^w?t^^',,v?^.'=*';.'? 5'»- ** ^ at work, left bft tightobw»md.hlm,'an4 had no other alternative but to fight in ^fousers-i' ' • ■ ' ■ ' , ;,,*«h^£vJ''^K'!'*^^*™'T''*'''«'a''«r *« ''oavy nature i.ltlT*,R?,* the previous .day, thdt tho cbmbatonts should' SiiVi^iS-ii^ 2P'i?''''°!^1_*' ^'*'' It'fo Mcopt Pdeh;a lolleye, end fi* W2» jSJ/' " '""" ha'o boon diffl'oulttb have known thot "ft"W9»Bpt Bowcently. They comlrienced aparrtog rather Si kiS'i& j^ff ^'^teon; tliloklnrf he sAw an oponlngfopened the bdlh'ly dashlDff inTtiio idit On the ch'eiit, but,7oulok asllght- -^ift, ^f^u'w? M *'^80'^'m Poah's .left, on the left iye, which set It blinking. Parkinson rot^llKtcd'on tho semO»spot^ Posh countering on th.e oieek. Parkinson down tAvoid,^ 9. Poeh lod,xrith aorasheron,the mouth, whjoh ibade hiateeUi rattle again, and filled hts month xHth Wood ('-FliBt Woo?* for Moo. thus bahmclng events with Uondoy's performance.) Pmklnson, nothing daunted, roluiiied Bomowhtt vlolouely, anl 1 got wcU on the chest Sparring oU over tho ring; Bothgi^- h5k»'!ii''S J!f J "i»«">'nyring de.w>Hy, and'.oviaonUy i litUo Ijothercd as totto best way to get op; On no4ring,:rosh dashed Sl?.'Jl,'2f'^i''rt'"''"»'^"*'i Beeoad attempt ho ddlvcred his right on the coveted spot Parhlriion; bowovSr, wjis not Idlo to tbe meantime, as ho countered clortrly right and loft; but bis blows did not appear, to Ob so offoatlve as'his opp6nent's, who was nnqnostlonably the stronger'man. Some very hot exchan^ gee foUowed, ,when Maator Price got ,thc ''hug" on, from which fi^rktoeon devojly freed bimsolf By golng down. ■ ihls was the longoitroundofoU,havlnglafltod.i(lmlur '• • .. " 8, Parkinson londcd dOvoriy on the loft aye, which looked like ™f; h^fciw on the ribi, and In the close; ho'threw bin man heavily, fsllidg on him. . r ^ 4. On coming Atom their cornorH, Parkinson stiowed a "moiqe' On tho left ^ye, and his ribs wore very much dfsbolored. 'Price' woe the first to commodce operations, which he did In s spirited and doteiTOlned manner, getting his Ipft 'wcU bh lhb tooutb.'t^ eolving lightly on the <»/ronrt.. Posh aghiri dillvaiW bli'llra with teUlOB effiot on the fiico with tho lefC7onbirtn?rtft a aood ,rigbthand?r on the ribs, wheil Parkliiiot 'St^™9.!?S.» «.°o<i •,cxjboogce^,wont dowp^^^T^ ' —- - - VI *»Plily to « dose, Posh again mddng good nso.rt.hlB-loft. When, In tbe struggfo, both w5e down at tho ropes, the fdl bdng aveiy harmless one. ,.lUKo<oofite:t]pthaji they dosed, when both stnualedharfl rortiiathrtw','.bjifra«^^^ good as His maSTboth fcU together,'illdehyside. . ... •, ..l V 19. ThiArbuhd WIS Almost similar, dosing at onci'l'bfit. to tha Present caile; 'Parjclsson was under. In Ida corner" - :diS;efin*&t?i:r.»r«tor^^^^ npand'throwtoghllh'^avjly., t.w,wiiojniigiuia ' 14. Thlswaa a well cositttpted ronnd; Parkinson, thoifnli notttoa weak, fought, hla 'onponOt 'lil'a' moat plucky nunoer^aKtoff a groat effort to turn thb tattles; ? planted with gtoAt , preolsloa on tbo nose, but the'old "till','rat'to be shaken off, got quits by dellvoring his right on tborlUft which made ParkuUpn^etagger' ' Posh took advantage of it, aild'gbt .on the "hugT* item which Parktoaon dovorly effected bis eiluira by. gotog dovti..': IS. Price at onco went rattling at 'his man, and they (o4ght with both hands In the most spirited nfil'nner.' Porkinuji), In bylne at tbe ribs, was short, and'slippoii.do^. . ; , 10.'Very similar to the previoua'miej' J " .' " 17. Posh was first to time. Parkinson; still "gamo,'< took th« InlttatiTe, and got slightly on lho]nw,'batdid'not do much dam- age. Ha frequently mode similar doli^eriii),Hut without much effect. This round was well contested ttironghout.' At tbo finish, Parkinson made a rush atPosb, who evaded the ^hot.byljumplng on one elde, and Parkinson come to grief, fJUllng .on his Oce, amidst derisive cheers from the parilsons of. Frlce;'whti st this tlmeofferedalmostaoy odds on their man,'. '' ',' :" . .18. Both up shnultaneonsly, and commtncfid tHlH little par- leytog,tbe exchanges being very hot on .Voth^Udos'j In the fintsh.'Prica fought his man dtwn at the rOpes; .' ,'|!' . 19, Tery much the some as the lost ' ,"- ' '■ 30. In this boat, ParkinaoQ revived tbo hApeb'bf JiiB'party by coming np stronger. Oood exchflngcfi, ptetty bvew pahtnced. 1^1 the finish,ParUnson slipped and fclL '.',"' 31. Anotherslogglngronnd, Parkinson again down;,. 39. Tho moment time was called, Posh rose and walked to his opponent's corner, where some terrific lii-llghtln'g' ensned. They olosed, .and Poah throw hie man bcarily ohtsldo the ropes. 23and.liuit. Parkinson camo up very weak; neveriOeloss, ha .gamdy 'met 'hlB..antagonlit, but only to be recolfei^general, as Pqab adlvered.with'impunity, and eventually tou'ght^b man .down at the.fbpe^. , Poritoaou was taken to nis cOmer, and'ad- ',vlsed by bis seconds to relinquish the battle', wbi£h\5be goaie fellow, gbjeoled to; but his brother, seeing bis chtfmo "out," ord^ed'lhe 0po.ngi^ to be thrown up, which .was eepordingly done, aild thus' 'ended a thoroughly resolute and dbtermtoea b4(t]{), ^Ilme opciipled by the second da;'s flghttog,«iactly one Wjhr.^ ,' • ■' PorUn'sbn,'although defeated, has gained'the'li-lmlratlono^ ell, and tostetid of such a revarte detracting froni'hitf merit, It^ has tended to bnhanbe it,.and oil must bo satUfied. that be la deeerriog of the hliheht'pralse. It appears 'that hie tickers are so well sstlsflM with his eehfinct In this, Ills TafafenAagement, that they are seeUn^sSotESr for him in the samo quarter. Of Prico it can only be said thht he never foiight.heUor. By this riclory he hala wbn'golden opinions, nnd, as a enbHaotlal token, has been pieeentedhy his backers with a gold watcD!^d guard. That ho is a brolfer in every sense bf tlio terin, there cannot ha tho leaat dopbt, Ih'probf 'of wbloh ltmbybe mentioned that be has wOn 'beventeen battles out of nineteen, tho! onl); tvo lost betogwIth'Mace'and.dbss, ' •/' ';.;].■,';,• ITaoi! aim an 'DNxNOwir.—During the past'week,-Wi iiave been oonfidentlaily Inform'bd'by tbreedlfferentperAotitf^'Ui'at they have seen and spoken'with the Unknown, but ss eiCob'-bsd named s different ohamplon, it is not'ImpoBSlblO' that theM day be "six nicbmonds In the field." The men named to os'Wdre Joe Co. bum; a well-known American pug, the big black brought out by Nat'Langbam two years back, and the sleward'of'Sn American packet, who stands at le(istalxfeet;to height) and.wejgbs soma fourteen stone, whose.namewebavenotheard; '^It-baqoeen also mmored'.that the great mysterious one win turn out after all to bo Tom Etog aoain; but this Tom denies, althangli;!^b.l9ays Mace innst noticonsldSF himself ^Ite ^afe from binl yet; supposing ha should;pnU through blSpresen't< match. irsie.'.lxfAring the ni> mors as to Elng, allied on aa,'tod'offerod'(oaiv^SliigiSO out of hfs bwn pobket should this trnrn 'ditt'to be'-ltAe'i' tt yet wonts two months to tile dsy named for'the dlsctbigtircl'iif tho secret, but wo bball not be surprised should It O0ie'>but' b^Oie,—fdi's Jlj{feiRb.l. ■ < •' ■ , J,;';;; 'PiuZ^fiohTEBS fit fsboDiE.^Befor^a'fuUbenoh.ot maglB> trAIca, at iha.Brldgf north Petty SctsIOns, on'^tu^ay, Jan. 17, the following members of tho P.E. appeared to-(itmvcr to the charge of aiding ond abetting at the lafo fight I^ctween Mtok the OrccTan and Hlcken of \Tolverhah)plon: Joseph , qoss (how m'stchod with Uaco,) Bob BretUe',. Mick the Oredo^, Hloken, John \7ebley (Obss' principal backer,) John Bawen,Wm. Boston, 'V7m. liloddox, snd Obarley BorodblL Mr. "Walker,^ ooiicltor of .Wolverhampton, defended tbom, and to an abTc.adW'css vtodl- cated prize aghttog as a nallonal Bpbrt,'whloh was supported by tha bravest and beat of the land. .'.Superiiitendent 'WillUuna pro- duced sAme Bporltog fiewspapors to showthatitha^prindpals were flghttog for money.' The chairman, Ui;. IWnd Brown, saia that they were determtoed to put a stop to prlieSghllig, and bn fortbOgOod conduct of Qoas towards the pnUce, he viould have 'uuiu£ifUa,ih«« ftMiipa^ Shrewsbury JolL Uick the Ore- iOiYmsiUSViSraS^^ two>^iii«tle« of £95 'aoob.'oildthea'aelves to jCSO'eao^ and others to tfO eaob, to their oihi recbgnlsaEcesi ajld Ills 6d costs, with the ef caption of aoas.. '■■ ",. . .'' . , ':'':'.'\„: Foon^Mius' Waldko MA'roR.-^Tbe matoh'td walk'fonr mllet, fOT.:££8f.a'.Blde,'J)etT^<en .W. Hatley oftheOlt^and J. UUesof Brixton, tbe latter giving 300 yards'' start, cSm'e off bn Uonday. JomllB', at.flackhey'Wick, In the presence of nearly a tboussndt ispsotatdrs;'and slthoughf the men'bod contended In two prerions matohea,ibadjiterest and speculation on this oecoMbn appeared tireatenthan'evar; It mnat be remcmb'erbd tbat ■ on 'the 17lh of .Noy. Iasti.they walked two miles; for £38 s sidcHsUey recelvtoK tOOiyards'iistatit^ and he won oaslly. ■ Onif an, E'th4y again walkeA tWof mtlea leveli fbr £9S a'slde, and Hatlby agato-wen-very easily; and' tha present match being onland somemon^ydown, UUes* backers wont onataUnfrupfor tlils mateh;tlnt without the remo< testohanc«brwUnlng,.baraGdi1ent,for'Hatleylaa«Ilpper. Both men (wboibavlimoCbeeilont'Oftralntog.for some time) appeired on'the'6TOundia>]lttleb'efore'four"o'dock; and: althoiigh Botley looked Th fine condition, It wis evident to competeUf Judges ha - required resti'fOrhls'skin looked dry and harsh..:' Hiies, to our opUilon,wabfdll astone balowhls proper weight''-He also lookeS dry, .ttito. and oar».worni' aud his sevoro unQartakings areevl- do'ntlytelltog lalea upohhlm. Atfonro'dooV,'tbel>ralminariea havtog been satlsfaetorily adjuated, tbo men strlppsd' for aolioa. Betting was 9 to lonHaQey.:i At.the>rbportof'aplatbl, they went to work to right good earnest for 30O. yards, when' EfiUey alloweS MUbs to eommsnde gaintog ground remarkablyilastupon hlm» when fl.to 4'was'trealy token. Milea.wo'nld win.'n The-taca can ea-. ally be described. In the first mils, MUee had liatoed upon Hat- ley ISS yatda.' and when they had-%alkcd. '* Utile over two miles and ahalt; Ullas took the lotd;hat only by sufferanoe. BetUng was now S to 4 oB'lIlles, whioh' was' freely aobepted.^ The latter oonttouod the lead, until they bad covered shout thrto miles and abolfof.thedlataneei'whenHaUeypntthe'iteam' on; andeasUy obtatood the lead, was never Again: headed, knd walked to an easy winner by fltly.y'ards, bomplettog tha distAnce to 31m 19a. low haMnless .•», Both cam? up slow to time, tho but fightinrf ln the previous rptinds baring somewhat ."wtodPd" them. BertfibrrWrSl; may got wdl to^dlslance, when tbev ^pnt at It to wgulw dtog rJl»'i'^l\F?^.80tUng terrtflcalfyin'tholefteyT^ itbain, did not appear to do much damaao. At the flniah Pariu fX^onZ^f through thS;roAi,'^hero*yo'i"^iS'd'^;^. U)B.mouth, bringing a rather copious stapply of blobd... Parkin- 'f'"'.?''!L^7"*"'i^l,'<L'''' bu'ftnghtto "olosO/whSd B:wre!tlo fortholUfensned, whichrbtaltcd InParUnSoU tbr«wirfgiil7miui, .7. PorklnBongot on tha-«outh. and was toetantly anintertd onthe eamo spot. Thby refrcafod, and, on nearlng. both men Skf ""f 'iSil'^.JiS.'"' detehnlnW nisiinot to aU paMeSf the ^ jrhSn, M'.'PaAtoeon dnbknd, Po4h admlnlsterj^d rtorrifio^ OB the bwk of tho ncdi, and completely dr5vo hla ibii thronoh his foot aUpped, ud hie bend, borne In contactSritU iho mlddUi "S^i. 'i*'^ y.Sln«w offcrea on Price, !°'¥''i .Posh haaia?»;mue'im ontha lMteTO whtti Parkinsonlado a meh.at WSj'inia; an™ - - fkUIng overhlm. i and all|>ped,up^ Posh U, Both qdlbk to tli6 oaU ct tliaei ihoy a6 i4*nti got together The BBbwuoit aKD tSb OuinfEV-^BhOwmbiishonld take warn.' tog how they enter into engagements with giantosse's/from the fol- IowlngjudgmentthatfelIonapobr.Conntto'Frane;,'who has bean (utblblUng bis vrife aa'a wondor on' SMoutotbf hcrc'oriiillenoy, 'big- ness,'eio; It'eppasn that the Nahtes'Trlbundl of.Commerce has Jiiht given Jadgpieo t In an action by a Udmb. FinlUe against Cbimt deBoull, to'reooverSOOf. for'breachof contraol,undntbe foUoir- Ing ouriOtiB 'blrouUatanoea:—Notwlthalandlne bU..arietocraUo rank, to which'lt appears ha is by birth entitled, the defendsnt has for lofiio tlihe past been travding thb conntry'ln a carsvaD, exblbtttog hla oonntess, popularly known oia La Bel^'Normanda, to the Oharabtei'of a gumteis. While recently'e^bittog.at Nantes," tbe'eotrntess eaddenlyrcfolvcd to 'rdliro.frompnbllo life,, but the const, unwllllog to. relinquish so ItierailTe abnsl- noaS',-detanitilhed to find anouer iihen'omcnon of the same ktod, end after'some Ume dlacovorcd^bat h^ 'wanted in tlio person of a widow named Foullla, a doalor to s'econdJisod clothes, at Baa- thur; Anavgato was'conolttded and'dnlydgned.'by wbloh the Widow, a woman of htige size, engaged, to . aot to thb threefold oapadty of aervAnt, (Za(n« <le emjagnii; bnd glsntc4s,Xor a salary of ISOf. per month, and ona^fonrth port or tbe (inms coUeoted from tbe spectators after the cxhlblHbn to tho caravan. She was also bound never to go oat of the caravan, except.. Very early In the momlDg, OF after dark et night. Tho agreement llkawtea contatoad a danso by which each of tho contracflDS parties woidd toenr a forfeit of EOOf. tocasa of 'not'fuIfilUnglts condi- tions. The widow was duly installed in ibo cora'vaii, but, owtog Id soma dlfllenltles raised by the countess, sbe' w;aa.. discharged before appbaring to berpubllo obarncter, and shpl'^consoqnesce sued the count for the amount of the atlpul(ite(l Ai)ffblt The de- fendant'aDeicd as bis reason for dIachai'glHd^j|t9:;pIatotlff tljal she was an mdifferont cooki butiboTrlbntial^r^OIiaidcring tbat cooking was not the prinolpd object of her bifpgement, as was erident fMm the high salary promUoa,,anil'tl)at she had not failed as a giantess—dccldeil that she was bdtl'ttedtd tbg forfeit, atad'condemned the defendant to pay thb SOO/,', with coats of suit.'' 'AlasI poor count; thn fat woman'"cooked ,UsgooBe," it sha couldn't cook aoylhtog dae.. " / Death Of White Vxlvet,— The British Otart Jevmal annojn- Ma the death of a celebrated little animal. ''White Vdvet has Jttltpkittlis pendtyof nitbreat tbe age of <T, While TdTet Wat a pony that our Quean, when a obiU, uaed to ride, and wai the first Bho ever mountedj Pob»'Whlle Velvet, from the sUplea •r tkelato. Duoheas ofiEont,. became one of "AaUoy s great «• uaotlons, whero ho romatocd roaD/; Jeot*''-*'!-" oausedhlmto'becomolamo. Howastbop sold to aBlohmona (Torkebira) biker; when he was harndsedJioacaTf thatjf-. t»ta*d the breod for dlstont enaWmer*;;. TBl.s wort hs Id; toflo so long, that While Vdvet becAtna'weU known M-"e n*&rh^«a flnaUy.»;^««tabt«son^. tinned; tc alli#nnd afid'ibHiall bim out to •, fld«. « ijjfjg,*' «J<7 i*ttSHMet Of hia eveniwl lift topa/wb eni oomWib"