New York Clipper (Feb 1863)

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fA M V SvE M B TrSj. ■ j J.: „ . . i-.i. .J i.-SU ._V.0HAJJOB or TjiqS.,,,; I • . ... .;i.,..v;i i.liifii Boon opon •» ex i iSi'TSSKjj.^MJ^ * ISOBEiBiSD */**Mui»v«i T. W^O.P!B MJ:N8T«ELb.,i . ?^ WE* BONaB;,by;, '^^TTf;' -I^;,.!'. loii'nlUi 'inr oUi^i .Tiiodyi^'. Mnia^ th« nsna .a. i»"h1 BROADWAY. .. 444., , m noit Fopnltr FUc« ot^AmnBement tn. the Olty.. . oambin*Uoa;arit«lApt<«l u4sla In/tbe WotUL > ••fpT^ mHUBiAfliriJOTODiroED;.' '• ' - g^ged sncecflon of .trinmptn nlghttrmttk ihe otteer *• EXmoniilttfABT HpBT OP.-ABTISTfl • ""^UMOTff BIlL FOB MONDAY UlflHX^ ■ ', VI ftule eoltrUlnmeDt ao liitfnporsMwltli.T^kried tcfa »a ?ij»M«wyc»stor'nilB4f.i " iw. .-'y '••■'■..1 UAKMOTH COUBINATI(iRq, , ^informer effora,'luia setUlpg at once'tlie ^neatloiii , THE AKEBIOAN'tHEiraB k. instltntloD' for abiDBcme'gl'lii'the worM. •"nr^. BEAD THE iMT'OPHAMEB.-• "^W^^^siaNOB moStetebde, , ■;■ :. .Ml'ftUiish costortloiilst Hts>onj|le>ftil Mil^^polM'tp- jJSiraioTu. ■"• ■•• *''^ttE FLOBA, ■ trUS Stoiii • . V, tlie lecompUahed dansenia. ■ MlSa AUaUSTA WALOI,-1 ttie irtliUo dtnoei IMm the Westsm thgt faw.. . CBlBIiCf WHITE, ' ' OHABLEY WUITJ^, itu^ot'iU Negro OomedUni, uithor of all tho aucoessTul LfuFtices^ BorlMqaes and EilrAvtgtnMs of tlio day. Bll/AS BAXiDWlNp Tti« grut IndlRD Jnaolornnd Neoroduuicar. . J. WAMBOLD, , ItgaamiiUed biAjolst^ nnrlvalled In hla imlttUon of birda. lOEfliHos, . , T. a. 9iaas, OEOBOE WABBEN, . - « P. BHAW, : ■ HABTEBTOHUY, Odr mtth ereaUns ComtcaUUea'aDd Ethiopian EitrtTa- MADEHOISELIK LOUISE, .'IhaaboomplIahed'Udy Draiitiii'eraiidVocaUat. THE OBEAT BALLET TBOUf^ .. ,. tompoBcd of the moat Unlabed daaeen, .with other ptomlsont perfnrmeif. ... ■tMt OKhealra In the City, under the leadenhlp of -'Frobaaor TEBD: VAN OLKER. ftOBEBT W. BCTLEIB,-Proprietor. ■ IBlUTHOBIIE, Staige Manager.. . I ' ^ 46-tf , Walnnt street, above Elshtli, Ida Leaiee aid Proprietor . .FKBD. AIMS. IBB MAMMOTH tlUSIO HALL OF THEWORLD. IEELAB0E8T AND MOST ABZISTIO COUFAMY IS AMERICA. . 10NYPA8I0B, , i ,-. iTba celabrated Ooiplo Bibger4nd Joater. ..''' iniBBBLENB,.. . ..',V The Premiere Danaenie of the age. . . BtQnat Ethiopian Trio .i.. . - . tiWILUOAN. ANDY LEATriT, and DENNV aALL&OBEB. m BBHEBTINE DE FAIDER; UieS KITTY BLANOHARD. .MB. J. 0. VALLAOE, Ua HIKE UoKBNNA, MB. OBOBaS W. BHITB, UB. 0. UOHILLAN. MR. TOH YANOE, . . HR. 0. W. PABKBB. MR. JNO. BnTBR, I -.^ ■ • AND TW iBfliftn) OP OTBA. ntOWNED Wrra TIHPABALLBIiBDOTOOEail.' 11 .' ! HlD.WATiMlf-.i: : •gas OIOANTIO LEADING. MINBTHEL TBODPB OP IHB ,• P110PE88I0N.1 • I HAHltOniOBaANIZATIOIf AND3RABS BA){Ov rBeton of the far-famed and #brld wide ren'oifhed ' 7 ', - DUPBEZ k .UBEEN'S- ' ■ ' ' •'-.. Obioihu. New OnLiXiu ^'Mitrtorttfein''-:' B ntLESQVE OPERA 'tSODPB' AND BR^ BSSiD, Fran fhalr late tonr to Mew.Ocleani.and tbiiqugh.ttte l/flisii of OnW rhere they met with onllmitad'tniM^af' wL^en./e^T*" 'tlfihtlj vith'roara of Jfughter and ahduta of app1jaii8e,'...n< ge ManageriT^;.^".-....,,.,.;jrBrSB|EN. erof BraasBand. :ilfllaal Dlreotor '. ITDpal Dlreotor. ......O/LAYBLLEE. ,.J.: H£EP. a.' BIDEAUZ. , -^vopai.[>ireoior i bumsaua. .'TUepompany iB ootapoacd of the following'eighteen ibHatla inid'SdUant ..."ir.v.. UBS OLARA BEROEB, BIDUAPBIOE, EBtCSIE STIMHERFIELD, BIAOOIB'NICHGLS, . BUIEBVaHES, ■ UTE3AHILT0N, ■ BBOBA BUTE,, AMELIA KBLIOBB. LUOT BT01 mtxum; lvoy HAMn.TON,r .■ OARoune ANNIE ELDRIDOE, 0. ,UOBXON, W IkaFamonB Court of Brauty, ' ' - ■ tEE OBEAT CONTINENTAL OORPB. DB. BALLET. • •■ ADMiaenoN, ' • ; u .■ I f^'" SO eta. Beats In Private Doxea... BO oti, »«tnOhalts .87eta.' OaUoryl.J.l.;..J;; 10ota. fDFriTateBoxca,. ..t3 00 ColoMl BoxeB 35 Cl8. lBi>MTttaBoiaa..<.n 00: ColorM adleryl...,'.'.;:.15ot8, toon open at quarter before 7 ofdock, ' Porfoimauee «U1 commence at 8. m oftaown ability, dealring ongag^pioiila, wlU.pleaae ad-. nmboTB. . lO-tf. i5S^&BiMuoshv>»,; ... .. . j STABiIROtiPEOP.MINBTBELS,, , OF EIQaTEEM PEBFOBMElie, , ■„ ',. .V ■ ■ . ... . , ,;WHO SXAND.VVITHOUX A BIVAX. . V. not In nortalj to oommaod eucceas, . k,.- 3iit,w<)'U do more, cnde«Toi tg deaervo It," g,' i'. iJ""WMerclsed In the eeleotlou of every Artlsti'fe'agnar- ""tStbepabUo that every one pnca«fd In a BTAB. raiHIBSCEDENTED COMIIINATION OP ABTIBT8, .■>■■■; . OONBOUOATION IM BUALITY . • , OF.-. .. :„■,•. iii-'wi _ TWO COMPANIES. ■ • . THE MODEL OBdANIZATlON OF THE,WORLD, mSJI' SS..i *'«.ougb the Btato of. MewjYork, on. their 2"^,,ln>rlDg .,tiio poat wock..thoy have appeared .to Ini'. S—a noiescee, who have prononucrd their parfomaocea W[|<«|M and eldo epUUfng; tholrlonguage and aottona of j^unater that none, however faslldloua, can poaaibly be ■■'W^alilng Actors of tho falgl(«i( touo.and.pewptlontf .. .aBUI BOSOB, MeIODIES, IhSmWENIAL UpaiO) ; . . •, »__. . AMD UaMOIKO, " . "l imj ""x' pleaalug, Enlortalnmento ever oibr-' :■; . BOB HAB'T, the Qainleesenoa.'of . Umm^S^V^'^^B- tbeUnrl'iUdd Banjotat'' ^^HSS^5"• ■ ^M-BliYTHB, J. OHAllLES, I mopthBi ta apw Ji«B.:.TAYLOB, , . 9. omuiis,,. , .' I.O..SUITE,. I' I :,.■»:«. WALTON, ., BABBY;BENTON, AU^iTAii ■nT.A.^r ■ .; WM. NIO/IQM. Troaaurer, .^^^TOl*.BROWN,-.AdyorUBlDgrAHonL,. . . , 45.. Jllitii?f™ ST.;LOtJIS OPEJlA.HOnB*.' »0»IUilS?/y.°^!f^' "OMon of .over Eloven mo ^Cn*ffi?AgF'*^ MISa.,OtARA BOTIiER. rSSpANSi'^iH!.™-' ■ ■■MWaKOSB.DElDOE.. L-w.UDA.HlDnAHD.i^i M^-LE FL0SA„|:.T, i MoftWy yM. M. IlEEVE. T-.H, JEPPEBflON, '■>:»\ BIONon COHSTAlrtrNi, B^VottEt^.■■ ' ■ ..-.''OBmaS!' ;..J1SA0LE, tISBBoe.' ^^g ^ j^^^ PEBrOBMANOMrr:,; I - "?*<'*8f,,lJANI>80MJiliX BEOT A^^ ? "^Im .i«5len« dodriiig ongagoment*, jd^, \' flB9.J.loEAOLB,;Yarl«tloa.*h«alM7;^' ^••4Mclu^dS^,^J„P'.8gWH 8^^^^ STOS-W Gto V* ^nwaomoutof th tilSaJaitnhtu. »t,G«> vf-.XS'vll!?' t»BOgoniout«f « anidSi, ' ' 'TaBBAT BTAB8 OF ETHIOPIAN DEL1NEAT0B8. •■'" X E. OBEEN, QUSTAVE BIDEADX,' "• "' J. K. CAMPBELL,: / . HARRY 8LATE. ' . OHAfl. H.IDIIPBEZ, M. AIN8LEY BOOTT, ;^.'| - ' "' jOHH EELK, : : OALIXA LAVELLEE, . .i, ■ ' ■ • PEED FLORENCE, LOTJIB. WEST, , . . . Hi EELLOOa, . : VLEH ADAMS, .i i EDWIN HOLMES, OILBEBT FOND, ' .i<V. ■' ' A. B. PBENTI8S, . , .WM..DTO018,. .. . ■ aEOBOE YOUNa, SAM P. MUSBION, ' Being the Qrealeat Comblnailon'Or Talent aver ooncantrated in. ena Ocmpany, azoelllng and far Boperlor to all other Traveling Tr6tipwln exlBlence. . . /! .. . ..... Tbe whole under the oontrol and dlraoUoD.of , . . ' I DUPBEZ «: OBBEN, Bole Proprietora. : -.. The abowpopular Troupe wUI, during the' remainder of the leoaoiL vidt.the and Eastern Statea, alao the Caaadas. ' I OBAND BALCONY flEBBNADE-", I Eaoh evening previous to npnilng the Dooia, . ij ■ r ; BX-TBt tJNZQCALLBO , ,■ , KBW.OBLEAHS A»I> IIETBOPOUTAN BEABS BAITD, . ,< I ,<•..•. 1. . ..i.or fEN PBOBa. ■ ■ .!.:.■: ,"„..Wanager'Vi^ General Dlreotor, , j , -. . I'.'.M.i . OEASi DUPBEZ.'.' c.Adv^rUalngAgent, A. B. PBENTISB. , ' 44-tf THB ;MOpm> ■f^RrtV^B.OF THF< WOBU>. . •' ; • ■ J ■ T9t WOEtiD-BENOWNED, ■ ■; RUMBEY'B HINBTrRELSi'.-v .■ Obmpoaed of the following Talented Artlsta:— B. B, BCMBEY.; _HARttY HAPOOOD; 'WH. PBIOB, W..H. BBOCEWAY, lULEB BTRATION, 0'. H. OABTEB,' GEO. WBiaHIUAN, ;A8.'aAYN0B; .OABt-BOHVLTZ, H. BUTLEB, . I' I.. ■' 0. P. PEBRY, . . •.''.W. HERMAN, •• THOS. DEVERELL, ilABTEB BENBY, NED WEST. Thla Vionpe'.are now on'a Tour, and W visit theIprlnolpal dttea throughout the Eaat and Wesb ' The MBt Quartette, The beat Comedlana, , In the Minstrel Profesalon. 45-tf ' HABBY HAPOOOD, AgenU UlillSIKGBTAH'H KXCBL.SIUH CAMPBELL MINSTRELS. This Superb Troupe of EtIUoplan Melodlsta arf now perform- ing .with unbounded Bucceas, at the Maaonio Temple, Lonlavtlle, Sy.- Judges of Negro. Mlnatrel^ pronounce this Coiapany weu deservlng the name of CAMPBELLS. The following well known gentlemen. comprlse.thJaSxceIalor organization:— W. E. MANNINO, ' DA» M.'HOW, ' jr. H. 8T0DT, OLAbK aiBBS, ' DAN W. C0LLIN8, BIONOR AKOELO, ■ JOB HAIRBi' < PBAHE ANOELO, J. C. MDBPEY, ■ ■-■ D. ANOELO, ■ VLOSB. HAOEB, • MiffiXER HABXY): . MISS FBANE CBBIBTIE OHA& A. MOBN^fOSTAB, Proprietor. 'H.<BENTLEYi Agent. '' 45- ■ OE^, ^(biiBT iiaLl, ' HELENA, ARK.. ■ SMITH, MintPHY & FBEEOEHTUYSEB,,Proprietora. . .. Entertainments eveiy Evenlngi '■• I ■ ■ ' ■ BTTHE • ' SABLE HABMONIBTS, • • Oomprialng'the fonowlng talented Ethiopian ArUsts J. w: fiMirH,. f. B. :UDRPHY, • '■ . .u. ... ■ ;•• MABTIN FBEEBEBTErYSEft, ^' . S. D. OOODINU, ,; J. H. STonr,. . . ,: ■ JOHN FBEEBEBTHYSEB,. HENRY FBEBBERIHYBBB, ., I - -. JOHN OOLE, I . OHAB. BANDFOBD. .. ■ ' OEO. W. SOBTHBOPj ','U o«njunott9n with >,'. LA BELLE LODIBEL ' , V Ihe ohanning Danaenae'and Vocallat, illD .' ■ . -MSLLE- THEODOBA, I 'The faaclnitlng Prims Danseuse, Artiit^of recognlsed.'iDcitt, wlahlng engagemonta, will apply toJ.B.MOBFaY.Helena,.Ark. Elgh^Salariea paid than by any, Management in. the oonnti^t : V ■ •• ■. , i... ; '■ • .'■ I ■ ■ , oAntehbvry HALIL, WASBINaTOK, D. 0. WILLIAM E.. SINN ..^ ,. aSOi B. EDSON..'..'..;.',..' .'.'J '.Mi ....^j '-.Alsoof ■ I I .V .I'XIBEBTY HAH, ALEXANDBIA, VA. ...j.i ... THE CANTEBBDRY ■. :• ■ ■■ ' '■ , ,!l ■• -■ • • Is the - r ■ MOST MAONIPICENT >MDB10 BALL IN AMEBICA.'* » Nonebutthe ■ • • ."VEBY PntBT TALENT iV- WILL BE ENOAQED ": - at thla • .... .. BEAUTIFUL TEBIPLE. udleb and Oenttemen of hnbwn ability always wanted. I -'JiddresBto ■ , ■ : .." GEO. PEBOIvAIi, BuBlness Manager, ' , ' Or WILLUU £. SINN, Proprietor, ' ; Box IDO, Wosblngtop, P. 0. BUbTROPUUTAN THR.\TnB; .BANFBANOISCO, OAL. . .OHABLEBTIBBBITB... I..M..Leasee and Uanager. .... i 'This open for the Fall and Winter Season, with ihe llneat Company .ever in Oalirurula. .Sole Proprietor, .. Stage Mlanager.' I JULU DEAN HAYNE, '; HBS.'^JUDAH. . . . MI8SM0WBRAT, f MRS. 0. R. THORNE, MBS. ULAUQHLEY, MBB. JAS. STARE, I mbTj. B. B,OOTH. ' ■ w. H. Lbmah, I ■'■ 1 ■ B.'W. LEAOH, •J. E. THAYER, With a Numerous Corps of Anxlltarlos. / Il 'i;;' PBioKi^oT ADUiaaios, DressOirde OOI Orchoatra Scots ' .Mi- ' - ■• MISiSFBEDEBIOEB, Ma.'L. p; beatty; Wi 0. FOBBES, FBED FBASES, d. BBOWN, - ...,11.00 ,...3S«l8 Pai^qu'Ot.'.y.;,. I.,.M bts I Qallery ' , ' ' ' Private Boxes......lOandSdollaTS. Btors lt(tcndlng to visit Oallfornla wlU &nd It to their Interesta tolddreU'OS'above;'' I .''''.' ^- . iOi-VH -jvABHINaTlMt H «k.b'Oi>NCBRT ..1 ' ■ '•• ■ WHEELING, VA., rook; The only Boom ln tbo Cl^'sultable fbr ,, 11 lOptioEnn,' Tsx^nidiifi tso UAnrnBL Furoiiuxaa^> '' . BItnah)dlnthe,heartof iheOUyvii . T . OORNrarOP MABEET AtfP MONROE BTREBtS, .1 . , Immediately opposite.thoMoLuro Bouse,,, • ..■sT.'.Eijybf AiSrta, '•• '-. (.,'/• ,;' ..andUnMroaa'aed for Htronrtth in tho.Udlted.fllatcft r::" ti>*>Boom lalMfeetIoils'byH.r«otwlde,'.34feet colllDg,'ln' Udlln^ a'Blago 98 by 80 feet, with four Drossltag Rooms, and 'Boaneryt Brilliantly Lighted snd-Aimlshed'Wlth'Arm Chain. il-l J^LetonaacnnitnnilaUiislAnnp. Dg, Ya. 'ALBERT''HAUbLiy^t( CO..: .'.7:'.'.Proprt«tor«. JAMBS PILOBIM..V........-Bt«go-H4luiger.' ,|J.:,C< -iM^PENBD FOB'THEBI^AS^i;'iO;i I. -. ■■• , ,r.:.'!'''!iy8T olS§;o6^^ „ The Hall, for elognnoo anil comfort, cohuot bo oxcellad by any ilihllaT.EgtabUahmept.lntlu: country. ... :n VERY BUPElllOE,EHTUBTAINMENT8,,, ^,,„ EttVAoUfr 'F(rbtODrimoi,'-I)aUetB/^filhl(lpdAtt 'Aota; i\ama} ll)an(!lug,V*o„')fto.,'w111!.be given. .)>..-||..<.,., I.. j•./, /. . ■■-Ti '. FlrBtxaass artlats daalrlng engagement* may addross ,. L POBT OPFIOB BOX, (KM, % fAsyiypiow, D; J*"' W^'\ " 0 iblUNTHlAN jlALiL, BOOHESTEIVNl*.. ''J {ruslong ■:;i':;i.! nj.': -^-1, .• long eatabllahed and popular place of Ajnueemont eon. Unuea nbdarttae iamiiHaDtg^nuiVtbal roMl^eartofaaaldntaa altentloato the comfort and cooveulcncoof Its patKnB,.hae won TO it ihe nputatlon of being ouo ot tlie moat-popniar and beat Mnduotadplaoea of Amuaemeutln theState*!!-.-). , ,.i 'i . r> h''-i*ifly|^«pl4«Uy,.olfby'leHfr,fe ■ - '.f^' V '' ! I T l-i'.,'^',''.,• ••• • "■ W.'-Ai BEYNOLBBj' a-AftOi,..^./ . >) .'f, ■ , I , , M amoAk- HEXHUliVtl ■ ■ ' T * . et'Aroade, Atehtetet, N. T. Bd^r'And DAn'i witn Msnaaeit, 4Mt* .'?^>*.'^(>>HM0.-MlBir )JUIM Lp^A ( HUDSONi Mfhavlng Jnat tilurnad'fhiin Havank,.tfl«r a '"-nVdj tfir^e miatlw,'aro teady io n^gotlAte Admii N»,'l6, Sauth Gay atreet, B«ltliBow,Hl. IBSI iBBBr RlDBHil). 8AU BEABPLEY'B MINBIBdLS, ' ' BRASS BAND, • __ .-.„AHD DUBLBSqUE OPEBVrBOUPJ^ THE MONITOBS OP MIpOTREIOT, Aie now meettia with ' - ' - ' GBEATBUOOESS ;. -.^ . ..In all the Western OlUos, ■ . On their route to ' ' ■ ' ' ST. LOm? AND OHIOAflO/ Vrhate they y/H. appear doring the present season,' • • THEIB'GBEAT CHAliiHOB PBOGBAMMBi ' As psrlbnned only by theee ■ ■• ■ AUTOOBATB of ETHIOPIA, . THE MAMMOTH TBOUPB OF TBB WOBLD. In the ranks of this - ' ■ • . >; - • ABMY OF ABTIBT8 _ • ' wlllbefon^d' iSlve Original COmedtsna, * ' NlneMOBldanal . .' Pour Solo Singers, ■ PiveDanceiv, And a hoat of Auxiliaries, to give.due effect to their . ' . OBIGINAL BURLESQUES. The Beat Qoartet, > I ri\'. The Best Instmmentaliata. : TheBiestDellneatois, and The Best Orohesira, • • svxa BiTOWM nf untSTBELsr. -. THE SUBSTANTIAL ETBIOI'IAK OONFEDEBACY, ' ALL IBON OLAIS. , -SSiel^eat Halls in the Country ' .I' ll ' Aieloo'small toaecommodata THE VAST CROWDS'' :Wlio flock to see THE OBEAT OBIGINAl.S. ;The moat Stupendous E thiopian Organization 7/. EVBB KHOWM. ■ THE MAMMOTH ADTBBTISINa .;.',-' ' OF THIS POPULAB-TBOUPB , : Has marked an Era - . .1 ■ ■ . In the -. ' ANNALS OP BUBNT COBB, . As4 caused oar rivals to '< ' ■'•, .•1 8TAN6AOHA8TI HUGE BILL-BOABDB-' ' havetobe ' '; ' ' OOKSTBVCTED , — To Display ■ *' I ■ ■ ne Twenty-Sve ' PI(7I03IAL POSTEBS' ' 'Hut announce ■ :' The Advent et THESE SABLE BIABe,' ' '; Preceded by the PASTE BBIGADB. Geiu J. D. NEWCOOMB,- . ■• •'• Avant Courier. - • • OoL B. BBIGHAM BBOWN, . ' :AdvertiierandParagraph]st. MaJ. 0. UHDEEWOOD. . Programme Wrestler, ,0. A. BOYD, Leader. . PBANK BOWLES,' . leader of Brass Band. O. W. BAILEY, Property Man. . Xloketa, SS cents. Beserved Beata,. SO cents. ., . . 43- BAM BHABPLEY, Manager and Proprietor. «TBB PBARL OF TUB AUTRRIOAIV BTAOB," MI8S LUCILLE WESTEBN, This distinguished artiste whose ttirUllsg and patheUo rendition LADY ISABEL AND MADAME VINE, Ih her celebrated dranutio version of the novel of . : I- . • BABTLIMNB,- has been piononoced both by PRESS Ain> PUBLIC the most marked ancceea of the present day, wDI appear as follows::'' EOLLIDAY 8TBEET THEATRE, BALTIMOBE, ' Monday Eve., Feb. 23. EOLLIDAY BTBEET THEATRE, BALTOIUBE, . Tuesday EVe., Feb. 24, CHESTNUT STREET THEA^tE, PEQADELPHIA, Wednesday Eve..iFeb. 26. HOLUDAY STBEET THEATRE, BALTIMOBE, Thursday, Eva., Feb. 26. EOLLIDAY STBEET TEEATItE, BALTIMORE, ' ( > ". „ Friday Eve., Feb.«. CHESTNUT STREET THEATRE, FHItiADBLPHIA, Saturday Eve,, Feb. 28. And will appear In the two cities for ■ ' FOUB 00N8E0UTIVE WEEKS, Alternating her performancea aa above. On MONDAY EVENIKa. UABOH 38dt ■- She wlB appear at the -WINTER GASDEH, Inthlsolty*. . 4^tf MAOCIRB'S'OPEIRAHODSB,'' ' ■■■■ ' .BAN FRANOIBOO, OAL; THOMAS MAGUms '.. .Piopiletor and Manager. E.<COUBTAINE...;..etageBI^uger. ,B. HAROLD CoBdnotor, ) J. L.'BCHMIT2.:Leidarof Otdhestra.'^ 'Fifth Week of the ■ ' .. ITALIAN OPEBA TBOUPE. ■ 1 BIONORA BIANOHI, - SIONOB BIANOHI, MAD. AGATHA STATES,' UIBB LIZZIE PABEEB, MISS JENNIE MANDERVILLE, UIBS ALtOU MANDBBTILLE, , MR. JOHN GREGG, ' BIONOB J. OROSBI, f BIQ. RONCOVERI, MOl^a CHARLES, And-the Celebrated German Oherua, conalatlng of 2I> voices. raids OF AIBOBSIOir. . Dress Circle v..... .'.tl r'Oreheatra Seals .'..^....d Parquet. .'....SOota | Second Cirde '. 28ota PrivateBoxee—tSandflO.' ^ " BoxOfflce'openfrom'10A;'M.to4P. U. Beats Monied'thiee days In advance. ' Stars visiting California Bhould remember that Mr. Magnire Is also proprietor of Hayes'Park, Bon Franolsoo; the ^l!etrop<v Iltan Theatre, Ban Franclaco, Saoiamento and Marys^e,. BMt «»;8«0ADWAY.- . A L. B. LENT.......I.' ifanimk, ^S!?o»'^'° ti-e'T't^IWdld '.' LIVING WmtP'lUfKALS'nf AMEBIOA. " ' •JAt!ll« A. M., 8 uSisK r.'lEi by ... . PEEFOBMINO ELEPHANTS, pBnIEB,;MONKEYS. Alim.wi Admission 38 cts. j Childz^ unijar 10, IS cts, li£ ' BETWEES FDtTOH AKD nB'£lLB AVDIUZS.' ■ EVERY EVENING DUUIMG THE -WEEK, AND ON, ' I WEDNESDAY AND SATUBDAY APTEBHOOliB Bnpef b Horacmanshlp by all the great rider*,'-. "^'^''< T,_ ~ AthleUo Peats by the Dehivantl Brothers, Sc., &i Dress Circle, 28 clB. Chlldron 10 ots, QaUi)ry<18 cts. .ORQ-VBR'SiTBBATRR, WAaHtHOitOII. MB. AND MBS. BABNEY WILLIAMS, - „„„ Tho Original , IJIBH BOY and YANKEE OIBL, . .. an now in the fifth week of tho moat ' r ■ - i..,f?S^^^''^^ 8UC0E83FDL ENGAGEMENT ever fnlmled in tho - :i. ,'i -* V ^ . CITY OP WASHINGTON, Turning hundreds from the dooisnlghUy unable to obtain .ad- mission. . . AJ^t* - ■ -~—~ ^^..^ . .. : ■ • l.iV"" FRONT STRBET THF-ATReT ..... ... BALTIMOBE GEO. KUNKLZ Engagement of the BcauUfbl 'wi,„ *™S ADAH ISAAC! MENKEN, co^eto vriUil""*' *" PW^n' OM She is playing to Crowded Honacs. 40.16* ..Manager. AONBS SUTHIiSHI,AND, , ' ^,.,.7^ SCOTTISH HIGHTINGUE, Is npw ftilfllUDg a saocessfid Engagement at the Now Tremont Si.*f^l.^'J°°' .'S^S?* wishing to negotiate (alter March tthj) will address 203, Bridge street, Brooklyn, N, Y. ••Perhapa the atrongeet impression has been made bv the Scotch VocallBt, Miss Agnes Sutherland. The vociferous encore attendant npoh her aplrlted singing of The March of the Came- ron Men,' on Mondsy night, was a prelude to instant popuIaritF. ^d she has been warmly greeted nlghUy."—Bo8lon Saturday Evening Gazette, Fab. IS, IMS.*' DAT'B XnthVa DB HATTKR. -K* CARD PHOTOGRAPHS Of Dan Bryant and Eph Horn in 21 characters each: priea IS centashigle,or21fortl- Ada L Menken, as the French Spy. 6 poBltlonB. Ilie Great Cubas, Jas. 0. Bennett, of the N. Y. Bar- aid; B. Bonner, of tho Ledger; Tom Hyer and The BenldaBoy, the latter in 4 poaltlons. Card Portratts of sU th'e ThoalricoJ. Literary, Diplomatic, and Military Celebrities of the day. Send Stamps for Oiretilar, Address 46-lt» J. W. BYBNE8,P. O.,NewYork. ' 8IOSOR ALBBRTIRI OHIRIBKA, the great Black Wire Performer, Juggler, and Ventriloquist, now at Jane'Eng* Ush'B Theatre, Boston, challenges any Man In the world to oom> pete with him In his varlbtis Acts. Managers wishing to seooie ' nls services, must apply to'hls sole Agent, J. CONNEB, eU}(, Broadway. , J9- L. M. Bayless, late of VarleUos Detroit'; ^nd Big Consian- tine, of Varieties, St. Louis;, send foes and HanuBorvtof Don Joan. ,, J..CONNEB. ' 46-lt : DBARBORir STRBB,X' QPBRA HOU8B, . Nos. 116 and 117,'Dearborn street, Chicago, DL FOB SALE—This valuable Property,'now occupied, and boa- seealon given when required. It'ls acknowledged to be the oest - Mnslo Ball west of New York. WlUseat'SOO, can-be extended at ainall expenae to accommodate 1200 to 1400 persona. Apply to , JOHN PABKEft, Treaeriier,: 4».2t.a.b. ;Chl«agb| DL . THE liARGEST SHOW BILL PBINTING ESTABUBHMENT IN THEWOBLDI OLABBY k BEILLEY, (SuocesBors to John E Bacon,) PBIITTEBB AKD ENGBAVEBS, U'ond 14 Spruce Street,'New Yorkj - ' niy parttoular attention to getting op all kinds of / FANCY SHOWBILLB 'Kir .travelling companies, and have on hand a large and splendid 'I'j'i : ' '' '■ *a)daartment of largtf and small . ',: ' WOOD CUTS. Boltable fbr Oireusses, Menageries,- Ettiloplan Perfbrmon, Gym- nasts, Maglolans, &o., Ao;i which oan be printed In one or more colors, to suit nustbrneis, > > 'MjfA deposit required on all-woA ordered, Afi orders addressed td "CliABBY k BEILLEY," Bacon Print. ixlg:ahd Engraving sstabUabmenti '12 and USphioestreet, New ,f6rk; will be promptly, attended lo. ' 46tf - PBUlOB OF WAIiBB TUBATRB, ^! IIYEBPOOL, ENGLAMD. <Qt]s truly elegant and'vorybe^aUfal theatre la'kept opo^dnr.' Ing'the whole of the year.' " . . < ' i .. . AMEBIOAK STABS, of acknowledged poalUon and talent negotiated with, for long'or short engagomenCa, as matnal InCsreats nay tedolre. : Addreas. ALBZ. EBNDEBSON, :' ..., Bole Leasee and Proprietor. TO 0IR0C8 BIARAQBKli.—SAMLA'IHBOP. tho Ort^-.'. nal Kemtdcbt Clowk, STinif OnATon, and Coma Vooaus^la' ready to negotiate foe tho coming Traveling Beason. USt. LATHBOP has not performed through any of the Atlantio Btatee for the last live years. Address ' . . . SAM LATHBOP, NIzon'e Circus, Alexandria, Vi. Whoepeoksflrat? 48-2t* '"rO^iSlfAGERSr^^TT"' v%~^.~~N~>.^ . J THE BISTEBS IDA AND BOSA DUVAL, Operatic and Comic Vocallate, having dosed their lengthy and . j.. prospeious Engagements in the West,, have returned home,' .. where, altera ahort rest, they will be prepared to enter into other Engagements. Address 1026, Federal street, 4e-2t« . Philadelphia. HOW OPBB at Smith &Dltaon'a Hall. OIHOINNATI, . . . ',".„, ;,,') '.„,. 1'. ./. GOODWIN 4 wfiiDEB'fl • ; .". - OIGANTIO POLYMORAMA OF THE WAB. Theonlylsaltiinate'eihlbltlonofth'e WarnowtraveIllng,fMm- -.. Ing a complete epitome .of all the.thrilling Incidents and eresti connected with the. . .. . ' , GREAT BEBEIXION, v' , . 1(8 routs through the Weatam ClUca has, thus far, beat A . GBAND TBIUMf HAL MABOB, exhibiting nightly to HOUSES . OBOWDED.IO OVEBFLOWING, . . ..^?.r f EbPLB'S HALL, NEWBUBGH, M. Y.—This Eall'-ls ,? ^ now open for ihe accommodation of FIBSI OLABB TBAVELING COMPANIES, Haa Stage, Dicasing Booms, and all the modem improvamenta necesaaiy for a First Class Hall. Will seat comfortably one thou-, i., ., aandpeisons. For terms, Ac, apply to J. M. MABTHf/ ... . 44-Ut*' People's Hall, Newbnrgh,N,.;Y. . '. . ■^atSbneSSTthbatrkT ^ ^^'^''^^rJT'' . ..... COLUMBUS, OHIO. ; JOHN ELLSLEB ,.Manager imd Proprietor. :i'.- ^ Opens on the IZth Inst., for a season of three months, with th»^: DramaUo Company from the Academy of Muslo, Cleveland.' Stan'- ' wishing nlghta will please address' JOHN A. FTiTJTiEB, JB,, .( - ' 4Wtf. . , OolambuB/Ohio. ; '.;., ' Waniss InMEnuTZLT—An attractive. Female Dancer, if pos- - Bible, one that oan act end sing, for the season, for.the Oolnm- - bus and Cleveland, Ohio, Theatres. The season is Itom date tor;. middle of July nexb. ( . .i' "'^SwARDrSfiCLCToSWEGO/^ commodious hall is now finished and ready for use. Jtbas.aU modem improyemenia for lighting, heating, and ventllatloh..., The Stage is largo, and conveniently arranged fpr Theatrical, Con-,,. cert, orXeotuie pnipoaes.. As a concert room, it cannot be ei- . celled. Address 44-18Ub '-'AOADBBIT OF UITBIO, ' r-\; CLEVELAND,'OHIO:' " I '' J0SN'ELLSLER...'i'.;,'..;Propri4torand'IIanaaer.' - Thla is'the largest, moat conlfortable, beiintlfiil, and dtqgeiher the mbHlipopular theatre In' tbis'dly. It Is for BENT, BY THE NldHTOB WEEK, ftotak the present date, January 10^- orTroupes I'oah e!UilbIt in it on aUariog tertis, - All spplloatlona to- be mads - - ■ o. . .- - 1^.^ ihil 1st of April, . ',;.. , -. . to the 'tH^t nanogori at rOohuhbns, Oh next,'; '• . I ' ■ ! OAnrrBRBVRY MCBI0 HALIi, K. W; OOB.. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BIS., PHILAD'A,'PA. ^ LABOEffr AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE CITY.<^ Jtf IlUlts and gentldkaen of -Uown ability, will address' , . -p.-,:. ^BT OABDINEB k HABBY ENOCHS," 8!l«ii» " PioprietorB, VM£pABnDj»ARl'Bl'l«AOAXlT,thoCelsbntedPBEMiBBB ' EQin^BTHtlAN A0TRES9 and .PAI)TOMIMIBT,who created such ^'seqaaUoni'and achloved unequalled fape in the States a few yeAr8'a^6e,.havlDg fUUUlod a series of,protracted engagomenfa (withj n^t'eucccEB,) ^11 ^orilj re;ylf It. tlio. scanoa, ner for^ ger iruiinpli'a in company with Mr. Jdm'cs Cook, the. renowhed Iberaian Clown, from 'Astldy'i; London, and Mr. George Clark, ibk celebrated arolcmiuo, from Honglor's Clrquo, LlveipocL MADAME MAaAB-r- teapeolfuUy.liitlmates that ahe has a rebertolreof Nowand BeauUhd Sceu^ and Acts, adapted for elftier Ring or Stage, which ore woU . worthy tho attJjaUon of a dltoriminatlng imbllo.' Due notice'of their arrival ViU iM given. All communlutlons to'be addione^ 10 tbe.PaoUe BoteT New York. . . ,' PLAT BOOKS, PHOTOOIIUPBS of KATE BATSMAN, tbo, asLeah; Mamils MltcheUi laolUe Weslem, Laura Scene, OaroUne Blohlng? Mrs. John'Wood, alsota character; A. L Menken, as pWoh Spy and Wareppa; Suean Dcnln, Kale Denln, 'Ikibella Onbaa Piuinv Brown. aliio-in' character; Webb Slaters, ^^^»nWnrTom;n?um^., Mt. ahd Ita. B;wiUlains, Mr. wdMwIlUoJeaie/B. Forrest, XBoott. J. W. y»U«*i Jr.. WIlJWLBOotbjBd;Adams.Leatat.WaUaok,and hnndrodtof oUi- erilTllrWttSlStih, or five for'tt. Bent to aijr addreaibn re- oetpt of price. OataIognGsaentonieoelptffpMtage«tamp,-by A W?0. WBOTBS, 676 Brtadway, New Toilt. . JOHN A. BABBY,. Proprietor Mnsard EsB, Oswego; K,.T. liBA'S MBLODBON, BALTIMORE, MD.—This iouie is. the only Concert Boom open in Baltimore, and la carried on by GEOBQE LEA, formerly PBOPBIETOB OF TEE NEW YOBE MELODBOK; Performers of talantwlshlng.ongagemanta will address as above. lOpen every night except :;imdsy, and "No Matinees." . v. B.-TW£Nri PI'VE YOUNG.I, AOIES wanted for the ballet Those that oan danoeainglo dances preferred.. , 4l^tf BIABONIO TEMFliB, LOUISVILLE, EY.—This HiOl.t* now open for the accommodation pf FfBST CLASS TBAVEUNG OOMPANIESi has Stago, Dressing Booms, and all the modem Impiovementa necasaary for a First Olass BalL WUI seat com-,. fottably UOOperecus.. For terms, &a., apply to . .,',," .1 . I ., M'HOBBnT 0. MATHEWS, ' ,.. : *- -, .' ..; ,0 .;. Agent Masonic Temple,. - ;.: 81jta^^^_^__^^_^^^^^^^^^^v_V V.'RUiiliUAN'S ' "' ■ ' ■ MUSICAL, OPEBATIO, . ' . 'DBAMATIO, AND,'TEBP£|IOUOBEAN AGENCY, , For First Olaas Arttsts only.' 69 East I'tn street, comer, of 4th Avenue, f New York. Ladles and gentlansn.' Die Spring .Season opeiu Haroh ! irUhlng'engagenuntSwlUaddreat.,, . ,,.',i> .rT^. : Wli, HENDEBSON, IfTOSer.:'.',,,','^ :Alltheprtfmliieststaraappwherelnrapldsnccesalon. [48r4t, "HBwlaiSOTHlSTmBXTK^ ^'^^'^T^^T^ GEO. BAYFIELD.Leasee and MAnamr.. .The Spring Season at tblsThilatrs ocmatenesaon APBIIi.lS, , 1903, after tho matt succeaAfol Fall Season ever kdo.w^ in,H«m- ^ phis. . '. 'i ' . I '.: , L4dles'and Gaallemon of'the.ProfeaaloodoatrouSof Engage-'', ments, wlU addtefi■■ B n. MAGlNLEY, -•' ' ■ ■•' 46;tt , Acting and Blago Mapat^er,^x4UL,,;., ' Bn>IA,"WAIi'LS(R, Tbe fcmlnent Traglo Artrea«,'.pU|(llf!,'?' 12^lghUi]i(bluBo;'t6'oro*dsdhouBes; opene^lh lMplmni^,'.j. Fob.'lilh, and'wiiluipfflBiics'an Engagement in Oolumbn>;.0hl4>', ■ 1^ cSSjill, . Agent — Feb.'28d.! r VAliIFUliniA TJlBA'l'KlOAl, AUIIlNOV>*fHmi' OAN,.0pBBYM#rqnld reaptctfiiUy Inform memban of <$•.«*:'- maUo,Uusleal,orEqdattianproftsslons,'t^ ia an Agesoy I Francisco, and la prspared <o >iogM*<? {^S ite-. tradsast all otbir business , ., e<idre«a SHEBIPAN OOEDYlf, fltd---,-^, ,-J-Jllettoii leqolring ahljwen nio»»;«)<*W«*.«*^":, ii." / ROYAL A^^nAli^J^ALAoim^^^^C LeUWifslnarli;;tJSdoii, ^gland. ».«^,*S?i'i'*^,K,KU.S'