New York Clipper (Feb 1863)

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^ A LBSBSn OI^^ f ,r , ' Tbs Ukte rtMd^ttif rftatmei'a dedk< .. . ^. ^"' . The OtjfttlabjuAg^ . „ . . Adipul io tti« ptulDg IiMti , ■ ..nuifheliMiadhMtotand. . ..• i77v.;r iliow." '•■if. ■ .1; • ut^lMl^^'tbil hetd baf for'tht BJ'te»ttMo>Uondlypo»ted^ .,, 1 IjitheBUamergraied thewjitfl : g, :t ubiitad, ••Jomp/^nlqk, AbMid'j'J ,■ \ '. •il?ftie'ibiDgtt ihooi hla hia^ ' »^.-.'lnIangiugoboM»natrte,,.J.. ' » ''AndtotSe UttaoipiMt'd awuIl ' . - ' Tb<t the Captain ne ibiglit aee.* °." •■The OapUIn dombeM'in b^ih," ■ The tute BO blandly tald,.. Vr- ••BntMtheohlefUatAbfthllbbkt; " raansiror In Us stud." , ... ,( •« .,1 '*' Tli^ itrangir ^inlled (ihaitly liiile,' , . Ahd iottie Hate replied— .""The Oaitiin, air, by klndied^lM,- -t,- i-t' Toinelioloseallled?^;;;, ■'t- . "IsheyWBAmiUr'lheHikUtttaiilt^ "TonOotuin,UnoIe,orwkaVt',< '. - . .Xonrjratlvt.Ue.'aaii^tsazelyM-^', . . He'U tSSjonng f« thi*:" lennely raindi' ' Th~<n qpalu in MCienia mild,' '. "The C«pUlOrair< the father U, ... i-ytslL T)!.-i —s". ...... . .;■ • A O^JPTBtl OB GIAHTB. ' .]^it(t, the'ihlef toplo of oniTetsaUon, aside from ji'oa. d^ari^) ,ind T«in Thoinb, Oomhiodorea. '(Mn.'Bmal),and UUk.Hlaatrairea aad-slater, idallled|tiaHlaiilaTly by the ladles^ As We have 'tttat aaDjedt;'enppo<e, oy way.of a change, >re other and of the stick a UtUe >hlle, ahd read a chapterWgluta/ajxordlh.'W^S^^ and the lateqt edlshnn ItlsoamnonlythoiighttliattheBtatdxe of man hasbeen ibe. ■me ti^fi^'ttgdix KAd eothe have even pretended <d demonstratis, VthitfltDix^blllty of giants. Dr.Doram obaerres 'jrAtMd.'of glanta before the flood (Oen. vl, 4th. and' 'i!fteinLinimb.;illK 23d.) yet It U highly piobahle anhas.tweilthe sapielrom the oreatlon; .for as to 1, Oed'.'6tb,' the snble'nts differ about them; some ta- king tnenifar monattrs of Impiety, atheism, tynnny, &a. As to those li) Itfomb.'xlll, WhAwere evldenays^lienof aamen.of gl- Eitlointiire, It Js probable that thefeanof the aples might TeaSlMto'thelrbaa.' ' Be tlilLa^uufay; It Is manifest that, In 'both these places, gi- ants wwe spikes of aa rarities and vondws of' the age, not of the comttWl stature; and eaoh.lnstandeswe'have had In'all ages. Bntit Is not Improbable that the .llist men ireie of a strength andatatp]HB'sdiMjtlor,to those of mankind at present, since they- Ilred^ihiiOh longer lline—long life generally, being nsoally the .ellKt,''of a''MrbAg'donstltaaon. There are many tabnloilB lelatlons; ib^ ai 'ire take'that to be of Thentcbocchns, vbo Is saldlbliiTe been dog np in the rear iei6,'.aDd waSjtwenty- Blx feet In length,.' And no more red do ire suppose the 'gi- ants to Jure, Ji^an,'of whom , oil Uaghns glvea an scconnt in . Us fll{h^^{K>k; sa^ a^ ""*>■«" and Starobater among the men, £ld^ong'the it^aipeh were some neasntliig fifty onblts Bntfortbentpn.tinidltable relation of Oollab, wboee height mssIzonUbiUd a'8))^ (8am.. zrU. Sd.) whloh, sdcordlng to Slshop OimiberlaDa,jB about eleren English feet; of Og, King of BaShad,'afejit. ilL UtK) wborn jbed was nine oqbits long an4 four Hide; jM'IUkXlmns, the Emperpr, who was nine feet high; and otbets'nrih'e iielgn of Aagnatos and other Boman Emperors; of aboattbt'eaipehelEbt; to whloh may be added tbe dlmenslooe of a alMeton dog up at the plaiie of a Boman camp, near SL Al- bans, by |o ntnlsscrlbed Marcns Antonlns, of which an account ^glTensg|!Ur.'Obe(eldon, who Judged; by the measurement of the bondr,'11iat the sabjeot waa nine feet high—these anUqfue ex- amplesthd Irelattoni, we eay, may be matched, nay, o.ntdpne, by ' modetn.ones. Hakewell ^eaks from names of pbct^ and arohm bdppglog to the Emperor of China, fifteen Yoet high, and of othm'frqm Forehas, ten and twelve feel: high. The cjdnenie'bi a race of men abdro tbe common Btatnre, on the coUrbfyatA^'on'la, In South America, has been a matter of dispute fjribe lut two centuries: In our century, almost all naTlgaton,''6f vrery country, affirmed that there were ench pe> sons, ind in ih^bit, the story Is elucidated by tbe greater num-., henOarcllaaeo de la 'Vega, In hU History of Fern, relates that, aooM4u.iQ^^nditlon nnireraally be^ " ~^,oamefqfitt peleha.TflSa&fnpany<tf fllM^ enohnoas, thstthe naHTes of the obnhbr #.ere m tbetr kilees; that their eyes were as broad aa the y.. rUTTIHO BHBBT8 TO PRBBB . _ ^ '■'■u ;t)iir ftmOy'cppof^ t^.^mottlfn^i^iV! aTlsItor aaJced'a'' itow-h« dedboy, who wdi swinging on a gu« and eating glnger- iblMdk ■ r'^'jo''''* a'm ).'.^ '■' /•■ ■ viJ^Wal ,'iko, I rather ^eW'nbt; aeelh' as ho^w my ,ifother ;hM- had (011 hoibands, an* fffOids a ^ttjr ima^ ohanoe for bavlhg' aaothe!,"- "" , tX"FOi rhwbandsl;'4a.i(jpoMfl)Ial" ■'; '"Qti TM> Ton see, ihy mother's ohrtstiaB name wm> U^t- ftbU Bt eeta, and dad's name was Jaoob Frees, an' when they got marria I, the prlpten.^l^ was pntttn^the abeeta to press. Tllvn: WIS bcrh, they sidd I Wis the first edition. An'yoaiee, my m(t)ier used to-be-the ^tamallst ctitterl tO'go to«Tt«ln' meeting Bhe nied'to 'go out late eTery.,' dad ,wm or .of nothll , bottomWi-^Ui'le. and their Ilmba proportlonstolylarge. ' ^Turner, the natnrallat, reports that he hod Been, ilear the rlrer flatfc«aihe.cpast «r Brazil, a race of gtants who were stark no- JMd; nd^^me of whom was twelve feet high, hot he acknowledges ^IhaihB'Saw.nadtberastall. EnlTst'affirms that he measured 'JeygaldSHd bodies, which he found ■ at Port Desire, which were BOin wQ|e^ to slsteen spana high, and that behad frequently .-Beaii;.W'!9nztl, oheof tbePategoniang, who,thonEh a youth, measured no leas than thirteen spang, and that the J^gllsh prls- onetsatJQntzIl asanred him that Uiey had seen many of the eame 8lganttd ,etttareoii'th'e.CoaBt of the Strait. This account is also oonfiAtMli^ Sebal de Wert; and OllTsr de Koort Arls Olasz, a . eommlsauy.'on'board Xe Maore'e fleet, who deolareathathe . loundiBVfe'sepnlcbre; on the coast of Patagonia, the bones of men teaKDa twelve feet-high. Nodal, and Sir Rlehoid'HawkinB Xaverly, relates tbat these savages were nearly a head taller than the Inhabltantf pfBurope, and of snoh stature that tbe people on ' >oardtl)eir-f easels called them giants, ' . ' ' . j ; ■Thtfee who'bear testimony to the, contrary, are 'Winter, the SntoIrAdmirali'Hennite, Trogeriln De Oenne'a noiratlTei and -Sir John Marlboriiagh. Sir Fmnols Drake Is silent with regard to thestatnre'dtth'e'Patagbnlans, but Winter positively affiims the lalsehSodof theae-glgantlobreatlbuslnvented''l>vthe Spaniards; Proihiie hlstoMani have given seven feet of height to Hercules, ~4heiTCflnt'hero'; tai In our'day-we baveseen'men elghtfeet Idgh. AglBntBhownlnBonen,lnl79fi, measured eight net and MmejlncDeB.'- ■ . . ThsStnpei^ Uaiimillan was of that slEe. Qbr(q)lns, a physK slah bf the lott oentury, saw a'glrl who was ten feet high. Ea> genef'A'^ootbhman; In the time of Jamee II., of Scotland, meas- ored'UiVen'jreet'and a half, ' Obevaller Boory saw; at the Park of Tenerlfle','^!]) a etoulohre, the remains ot a-nanjrho had elgh^ teeth, udWfia iliteen feet high. .:.>:.,... BolaW/ a celebnted anatomist,'of ItU,' saw In the suborbs of Bt aermatn,.the tomb of the giant Isoret, who was twen^ feet Inhaght."'':- ;" ■ '• . ■: It it evident We conld'go any length in the way of glants,i were It deslnble,to .maltiply instances of the extraordinary stature . nature will'Mmetlmea i>ermita rare specimen of humanltyHo veaolfl''oA'-babop at Paris, of'the last century, claimed to'have discovered a system of dietetics by whloh'he conld Increase the halglitandproportloh of the human body'adIilWM)ii, andlt is •aid tHaCthe youth upon whom he'experimented, and who was not ma the ordinary size of other pblldrin of tbe same sge, oomU;nced nnderthe bishop's sytteia at eervon, and when he arritediatthe'sge of thirteen, had reached the height' of eight fiset," But at tUa'point the bishop died, and - the seoret of his •ystett dl^d with bim'. There Is nothing to lament Ifa this loss, for nalare has wisely arranged msttote, and the ordinary stattire of man bears', doubtless, a Just proportion to the rest of oreatlon. nie ormdf exhibited in the tower of I/indou, tram its ' ' welAt^'ls often dted as a proof of tho saperlor strength of our anoeetoH.' This we toko to he veiy defemive evllence. It meant to establish the foot of superior natural endowments. It only proves tbat the luxurious habits of . tho present generation are notfavorablt) to tbe development of the physical powen. If a more unlfonn system of physical educStloB word established, we are oonvlfioed'm'should meet with fewer deviations i^om.the ordlnAry style M human manufacture than we do now. Indo> pendeh&y, ho'we'ver, of systems of bodily training; plinute, soil; and pthes extraneous causes will always exert a.greotinfineucd npotftnir'ph^slcal'condition of man. The giants, asrwe term them, Q^,(),u,r~^ay, ore ecoentrlcltles of nature, ndt the result of onltnn .or ej/eldm, and we strongly suspect the giants .of. .o^or danwetiathe oflitprlng of the eamo erratic disposition on the purer"Ofir ailotent damo. The measurement wei got of the tomba and sepnlchres. of vliry large men. Is no mote evidence ihattherrwef« ^(Ulnls'ln those days; than tho preserved |bloth'es, . of thi renowned Ibm'Thumb woiud be proof to geqeratlons yet tubbm^th&ttliecity-of NewTork, In'the nhiotSenth centmy,' . was inhabited by a raco of pigmies, although we are neceaaltated to Miiilt wo have a greAl many smaU men axnong.ns, Had UetffxD AVAtI"— a Dutchman, reading oraa^llng,^came to lh| words, "The meeting then ',B0 oould not define the mealing of the lattor Word, ,d .to hia dloUbtiaiy, and feltaatlailea. In a few mjD< CBinaln, when Uontyialdi^o*must' havtoYtry —MO in New Tork. I read aqwonut of a noetLu _^.Jeoi(U8hadiiielted aWw." " .< . : , ■, fi^'itmttbng Ineldent tr^niplr^^ 'fftf evenings " 'i.Wf J^BWHanpehire, In tboTSuntliigton Street ~ «:ocsaalon.of the insglo lantem^xhlUtitfn. 'Ten 6r Israel CMislhg the Bed Sea WU ek- Ij'phlldtenwere iisked If they conld tsll Oa6 utile felloW imnedlalaly suing oht; - Bappahaimookl* . . molihei In.' If he didn't get down antopen the door pret^ darnoaquldk when she cum, he'd^ ketch paj|tlcnlar thunder. So dad una to sleep with his head out of the winder, so'a to wake npoulUi, an' one night he got his head a little too far"ont, an'lie! Slipped cut ^together; an' down dad dnm, cafiumnx. right down on th^ pavement, an' emoehed him In ten thonaond pleoeaf" ' .,<■,.— ■'Whkt I was he killed by the fall?" - i"Wa, no, not. exactly by the faO. I rayther Under'scrtei guess 18 howitwaatbesnddenfetoh-npcn the Mvemeqtythat UJl^A him. Bat mam she (nun hum an fo^d hun layln' ihar; an' ttii had him swept'np together an' nut in a coSD, an' hiaa Itple dug Ih the bniyin' ground, and had dad put In an' burripd iis, 4i[badairhltf 'oak plonk put np to his heo^t *n'.hi)<l:1t whlto-waahed all over for a tomb-etone." }I''^puT mother was left a poor lone widow?", . ■•WsL lea^^.bntaaahe didn't mind that much, it wasn't long 'before: she married Sam 91de,.. Ton-see ahe. planted Hide beaule be was Juat dad's size, and ehe wanted hlin to wear oat- dad's clothes. The way old Hide nml, to hide me w«a a cautlan to.'.my: hide. Hide had a' Utile the...toughest hide vfi-ony ht^e-except a ball's hlAe, and .the .irsv Hide used to hide away liquor in his hide was a caution to a duU's- hide. Wal, one colddiy old Hldo got his hide so foil of whiskey that he pitched head first into a anow-baiok,' aiid atnok on' frez to death. So mam had him palled out an' had him laid out,-anr' then she hod anqth^ bnryln'-ground, an' had him buried, an' ^e had another white oak plank put npat his headan'hadltwhlte-waahedaU .over,.ui'—• ■'. , • ■•■., . '<'£6 your mother was again a widow ?" ' "OhI yes, but I guess she didn't lay awake long to think about It, forlnabout threeweeks::Bhe murisd:,jQhn Strong—an'he was about the strongest headed cuss you ever did see. He went s fishln' the other day, an' got drowned, and he was so 'tamal strong-headed, I'll be darned to damatlon if he.didn't fioat right a^ the current, an' they found' bim about ttiree .miles np tbe etream, an' it took three yoke o' cattle to haul him 6nt. yltl, mam had him buried along idde o' 'tother two, an ■had a white oak plank put np at. hie head, and ifhite-waahsd all oyer nice, ao there'a three on 'ei^ allln a row.": " , "And roar mother waa a Widow for the third time?"' ■ ' . ."TfS, but momdldn't seem-tomlnd Ita'tsmal sight. The ne^ fellow she married was 7acbb Hayes,'fuid tbe;ivay mam does Aake him haze is a caution, teU ye., If he does any- ttklnn a Utile out of the way,'mam nukes him take a bjoket and a wmte-waah -bmsh, an'gorlght up to the buiyin'-groond an' whlte-waa'b the three old plahksjest 'to let him know what he ;nay come to when ehe's planted him in Se same roW, an' got marbled to the fifth husband. Bo you aee my funlly aen't a eternal slabt opposed to a doae of matrimony." .Tho vidtor thought '^t 'she wsa 'not; and Qie conversation dropped, ' .. • - • I • ' .- OVTnBO.OFF' A-boG'S TAIIi AT THE 'WBONO END. Abn'er was a qolet, pebceable eort ofa Tanke4 who Ilvedcn'the tarni on whloh his Iktner.had lived before him, and was generally obnslleradiainetty.toteMrt ofa fellow—always ready with'a' trick, 'whenever It was of the least ntlllty; yet when he did play ofr b ' tricks, 'twas4bne lii such On' innocent mahn'er, that his vlotlni conld do no bettci thsn toke it all in good pari . Now, It happened that one of Abner's neighbors sold a fkrm to a tolerably green'iapedmen of a Dutchman. '< . yon Tlom Schlapah hada'dog,aa Dutchman often have, and which hod, elnce leaving bis "Ader lent," become anlBciently. dvillzed not duly to sppiopriate the soil as common stock, but hsd progreRsed so far m the gOOd work, as to obtain his dlnnhis from vsHoifBdveep-folds on tne same principle. ' 'When Abner discovered this propensity in Ui'e canine deport-' ment.of tbe'Dntobman's family, he called over to his new neigh- bor's to enter complaint, whiui' UUsJon he aeecmpllalisd ih most the -world. "Well,'Von, your dog's been kflUig my sheep;".: "Ta-rdat US bad—he la von goot dogr-yo—dat Ish very bod." "Sartin It'a bad, and ycnH have to stop hlm.V '.'.: ' ;'-' ."Ya-,^t ish »llsa gpot-«but loh welB nicht" ''What's that you saiy—he was nicked?: Wal; now, look here, old 'feller, nlckln'a no use^-ctop hlm-^nt the .tall 'oloee off'— chock up to the trunk—that'll cure hlm.V ., . - '"TatlBdst?" exclaimed', the Dutchman^ .while a feint riiy of intelligence crept over his featurea. "Ta, dat is goot-rdat' core' von-sheepsbtoOl,eh?" : . •,/ ' "SorllA it will—he'n never toaOh sheep meat atalninthja world.'! . . • . "Dencomsmlt me—hevon.mlty:goot dog^all,da-way.ttom rarmony; Ichno take one.llve doUor-bnt come mlt ms and hdldhla talU-.I()bohophlmofl;'r..'i --r -i : "Suitn, 111 hold hl»tflltf;.yoa .want, but yon must cut Itupclosa.,, -J..; "To, datiahrlghL-IohmakaliimmgRortdpA' Bare, Blitzea, come right hereryon von sheep ehtfial raahkiu—loh chop yoor' tall in one two pieces." ■.-■iri , ■ ; - . The dog otieyed thA snomons, and .the' master tied Ills test fbre < and aft, for fear of accident, and.placing ^e tail in the Tankee'a- hand, Requested him to lay it acTces a fmallbtook of wood, ■ ' "Check np," B^ Abner,~as he drew the butt of the toil doiw over.iheloff, . . . • - . ■Ta,datwirighi^ Now, you tief sheep, :IohU«niB you better luoki" and he raised the ax,- " ^ It dtpcended.. and. as It did Bo, .AbneT,..witb .characterlstio: gresenoe of ]iiind,.hXQaght BUtzen's neck oyer the logi and (ha ead rolled over on the other side.. Wal, I;swow,'*sald.'Abneri wjth spparentaalonlshmest, a#:tie- dropped the headless trankcf the dog, "that was a leetla'too close.',' ; ■ .-■:: ' —. . . ....... . ...... : -, ...', . ■Mine scull'.' exolamed the Dotchman, "yoa ahnst oathim off de-wrong/end.'.'% ., ' . , . ' -, Aif Oaiamai, Ddzl. —Old Ool. i of Wisconsin, was an odd ganln>,''ffqaeer.eompoandof eomie aeriouaneSs,. Bteplete with' jokes, both original and seleotedi he was not slow. ln> hatching them up and doaUng tham cat in small doses on different oeca- aloSB. ,.-!.::'.• ■•'••. -T One evening, at a party of young gentlemen npon one of whom the OoL had told acme cutting Jokes, feeling hlnuelf insulted, he challenged the Colonel to mortal combat. TheobaUengewas. aoceptedi II. ■ ■ Having the choice of'Weapons; and the appointment of the place of meeting, the Colonel told the young mon to repair, the followingxnomliig at six o'clock; to a certau'spoV and added that he would aee that the weapons were there. The following morning, eit the appointed time, thoyoung man repaired to the indicated spot <said spot being among the;lsad mines, was, natulally, farrowed with miners'holes,) ' . '■ "Well, youngster,'? said the Colonel, etloUng his ihands in his Sookets, and ejecting a superfluous quantify of tobacco Juice <om hIa capacious mouth, "are you ready?". Beoelvlng an affirmative auawer, he conttaned.. "Here's where we'artf to fight," indicating a mineral shaft nea by, :.whloh was at least sixty feet deep; 'fand herd are our weapons," pointing to a pile of rooks, "Ton're to go down that are hole and throw rocks np, and I'm to'stay npi and throw rooks down," ' . •■ '. -. It Is needless to add that the ohtllange waa wUhAiawn, L->.U I ■CO •-; vc ?Bf It thoawouU'ttUaa'ahatiiir.Ut^' Forsake thebvstllftYtoas-,:T:'(.v 1U If iUstt wnld'it'ahna tarmoa oa' itHfei Inocnntrylifesit'doon. I'li- It'tibn art qifWinteiion ipfoo)'. An* driiad its lata] powder,'- , rwe4ar%dt(<a.atan',doq!; .'lA^'oopn thecq^ar'a^b^weTk . ra'Mlohy'anlril )uiia'ah"iota'- ' ' HnlbU their ti]^ctatiiliil«, . Xhat'^Miae t«ian; 'Ohd ho^ tae shun '~^tyitMa\ bUoht o'Haa, '■It citiM gle a beairfyaiiiiier' ■'- ' Iheytak'a heavy tear, . Then hlll-hom'df6nks,'lfy« fear golle. Tour country llfb revere. BLunr.—The CUiyna Ossette atatea <ihat a wealthy tradesman ot Berlin; who lately sent two' tdagnlAceUt Pariiidreaaes'io swell'' known operatic ar<Ueln:tliat blfy, wlth> the intimation that .he- Would eiul on her to ascertain whiih dress she.Would select, r»-' celvedanote. In reply, tbthe effdot'thathe neednot take the. trouble of making any inquiries, partbnal br otherwlae, aa she was pleased with botb dresMt; and Intoided keeping them. I " I— l;,'..' ' ooMyoBi^-^ObIdOoinfart--;'tcelh'ATigast.''' Double Cbmfort-^o pay a note with borrowed money. i' ' Bdlt^rlal Comfort— advance. Domeatlo Comfort—A pleasant'Wife, gbod-natarod children, andwafrmpuddlnn ' '. ■ Snuday 'Oolfifon—To llateni to 'a long sermon npon mon'a In- IqulUei, wllhoat hearinga vlcA-nitmed of whloh you are goaty. - A Valuer's Oomfort-^e'dlstrbaa bfbthets.' ALakoisi •Qulltjl or _ . aaleep,'bod auUbs aa thah art" „ |«Ha, Bob, wot due ta say, •aulltjl or Aot''giilIty?"! -Bob—dqiinod'noa; aa've bin E JuBT.-^Two Jurors. ■Well Bob.V>d au've bin dosln, and au'm p.ot quolte snrtln on ih' subject, so we'd better booath say wot tlte'blM«'*'to ^'°°'^«"^jjj°<ft r'jyiat'B. net," . •fWitn" Aoa^vATiHO.—After rcdllng an nlbht.ln yoor berth tfll'yoii are miserably slek, to Iiaye'hA^ewaM open' your door in the morning, and ask yon If yoa 'WUI have' a jftiS 'rolf for break- ^ is certainly verypr4,vokInk.- ■- i' ■■ ■' 13L^7IN0 OARDS.^Tb&V you can sbanffc from one 1 Slse to another withOQt.det^tlon. Bent, Post PaU, by re- turn msIL on receipt of Sd cents. Address - ^; M-tf, ' . qiEUB^JQIF. SNOW, New.TotkP..O. s ; 1- . . — ^ ■■ — f POSTSMWf ATTENtJON l-rA-new P^ef, devoted t^ Hunting; Shbotlhg, flshlntr, anc) all Sports of ihe Field. Don't fUl to subscribe for IL Only SO cents a year, in advance. (No pbatoge stamps.) Address ^ - . . . . - ; ; CUHHINOS too., Pnbllaheri, iMt* .' ■ , ;BoxUS'?. 0., Boston, •■ A ; S T E R E 0 S' O 'O P»^! A - AND TWELTB FANOT COLOBED VIBWB. OOHPLETE'IN A' NEAT'OABB. •; ymt DE8IBAB1/& Sent by mall ibr Woants. Address-'" -- [ :','- ; ..;..,■->.> SBED PAXSEIXjB k BBOTHEB,- ■ ^ii .., Box'apMP.O.-,Hbw'TorkOIty. SCURVY AND SOROFULOUS EBUPTIGNS will Boon" °obver the bodies of - those brave men who are fighting their country's battle^iNlght tlri-badfopd, and ^benching rain*, will make sad havoc wltb (he atnngest,- therefore let every man sup- ply-hlmself with BOLIiOWAI'S OXNTUENI, U is a certain cure forevlarykindorfikindtMa*..-(w3S<^tapaifot<: ..,319: MrfiHE jtiiTfiBaa.'' 191 DohM6 Oolninn Fa«a8, -13, X-fti^page*,JUnstrii(lveb m: .'■Uemblisofan Abtrea^"nb;' ••Opera Dancer," (0; "ClUrord and the Aotreas," SOo^'^MewTwli Jfoksd," SOo; "Orphan Seamstress.'' 35o; "OarbIlne Tracy,'* W6i •Fast Ufe," Ko; Lovesof Paris," (Oc; ••^alleto Kcore," 18o| •Boxing," Ac; ••Kate TAngh." 10c; .••Ohorlsy Btintsr," 11 en-' gravUgs, SSc; "Daring Deeds of Oood.and 'Bad Woken," ita. Our sealed Clroular Isnar, So. Bend above'prioea to 8t^.tf OEAS. H. OAT, Hew Haven, Oonn. .. XLNT^Bedaotlon In Price. Onr Famotu BHoit FOney Padutge, with '•addiltonal attraetioM," ebntaliuhg Sketbhea, Songs, Jokes, Tbssts, FIVE BOOK dBOvLABSIand a CO£OBED EMOBA'VINO, sent to any addiieas On receipt of U Cents, NO HDUBUa. EDOAK IfOBFHT.'fc CO., 3^ ,:'•...''<;. sr Nassaa Street, New Fork, E'LAT.IN'G, ^ ^ ' 'And an artlclea used in aAHEB OF AHUSBHSNT . AND_^ OHANOE. 1^ ' I Uapnfkptond and .Bold by aA R 'DS, U. NBLBQir, . 4i4'BrM4n7. Hew Fork. :r\ ^ME -FO^fli.—The onderalgoed offen' for Bald^Ua ''VjTl entire stbck.of. OAMB FOWXB, comprising seleotlolu tiom the heal qiMk'lh-Americai Ahd 'eartfUIy bred by blmselt' AD Fowls sud liy me, I warrant Dead Same. Beference given If r» quired.-^' Addxtea PBTBB BRANSON, ' ST-^* ;iOoe Portland ^trebt, Philadelphia. B iOO K si BiQio.KSU .: B.:o..o: j( stii ; I BPOBTDtO AfiTIOLEB, OABDS AND PBDiTS, I J. H. .FA^KELL,' BooksellBr, 16 Ann streets N. F. Qobks of every varied, either. Foreign or Domestic, tarnished oh 'SUilloaiion. Parties desiring booxs of any dasmptlon. In 'sendjngaddreeaipoetpald; win receive immediate attenUen. As .^oou. Sporting and Fancy Axtloles yen may see adTerttaed, wiU bsMrnlshed to order. OatalogoessentoB application. Addreaa, J,'a FABBELL, dealer In BookaandFancyAttlolea,Now UAni street, New Fork, : . : : .t. «3 HOW TO mSH AT. OA&Dfii—Senii T^DTaddreM and two red Bten^pa to HOWABD IfQbA'm, New Tbrk'OItj^ PostOffloe,and ht-wlll inform yoBot.aSUBEm^thbdbt win- nlngat ALL tbe'varions games. Ttirlt,'andgetMi'^werby return maO. ' • i' . "' ' 40-8ia», lit ii.'il-j Oforthaa* Oor" " Despite her JDemlfc AgenileraoTTbyoa lu u uumuiiju); '' ^ 'at modesty 91 jht/l iMi;''twill Ve' I'ofbttbaii'i; hl!lfatti,«h'trM4: »k«^e<aBdcI ■'il 'noil ttieinf ^ manyar^'J(ist,'''WUbfa'th»'mlAht faaMu "lATBDTBoiAP„;Wbll ttjaqlf of ] _ :ii41ng .iOonrasil'a ITAUAN UEDICAIXD .oui&r »ii tove made her skdn as.whlte.a9d soft aa'elder.dcwn7 FOUDR** OIIUilill.M w>.«.1 J' V.M.-^k'.a«....... tachel hwAaj oredhtrr Lrqum BOBBB to ner paio-wieaM.would, have;.given" tbiiT." immovabl^toalness, ^ur^d'k ORIENTALOB^Ub- ^ ^ Qrand'Bt^t,rembVsd1bbfu bis blddepot, 87 Walker street. Mif?- llsbed k ouairter o| a oontary. Also of Baye, BrooUvn • 532'. 1119 Wa^S&toir sfeebt, Boston; ^CoUender, PhUadfSDblTJS othersfwho cboMDd-Setad'oaSh ofdeh. FbrwArded bv^sM? and clioulan sentift«^ ' A B L X8 BILIi.LA,B:J> • "" ia» OOHBINATIOK OUBBIONB,' fntaotad br Lettexi Patent dated Feb. 1», ISM: Gel a, im. DMUUnt fafi. U latSi Hot. U, UOB) Kaibb 3», uSiS ■ Septamherat,IBM). " • '• ' . Thelreeent Improvtmaats In these TaUaa nake thatt aiib' paaaed In.the worU,., Ibsr are nbw offered to sdsntlfis nmS playeiliAaobmUnUig'tptied With truth nerar betmbbtabSS £^3jIlUid UbjeTAlsb, ."^P l>£||EajAN>S NWi BOOK—"The Game of BOlhriki Ith editibn, enlarged, revised,.innstrated with addltloail^ gromsandapbrtraltbD stiid:(iit'{be.aothar.'.'Pribek one a^iw elegaqtly bound,. loii Vf mafl;posiage free,' on receipt MiS Addreaa, ' ■ PHtfhAN ft OOLLEKDEST .7^ n>e^<T,and(SOraabyiln* p I B B A,, DQira.'FAlIr TO B O 0 K an, T.. .,B:9 0Kdj 'i^'bend fob a OUB SZ W',, B 0 0 K ill .OAT.AIiOftVI, OAIALOaVX MOW BEADT. 3SI cut gTABfiliimKp. Aro,O^T "yr-TayiTj B(f|)|^: AKD BMBTTOiObOSa AOn^ ggg^'i^ikfllllr^i^^ ■UMeBaailan Millam''^tiMi.Isir'Ti4 ' i < '. TH B >:T 0 U N G A U E B I O 'A- F IB'I QENEBAL'PUBOHARtNa AOENOT; '' ■.; .'. ., . ' ComvotaDBi' ' tjDOAiB^HOBFHT'ftOO.; ' > -at 81 Nasaanstreet, - r j ' ■ U . ■ NewTork, ' Are now piepaied, with increased' oiallllMa, fo supply Beota^ Card% Prints, Photcgnphs of 'Stetesmen, Literary men. Acta* and Aiotreaaes, VocaUMi, Aimy ond-Navy Ofllcara,' and pdOUa Newipapen and- Hagoslnea (foralgf and dbmeatlo), 'Babiy Olovea, Perfnmery/Jew<iby,'eto., ete.- ' ' ' Btereoacoplo 'Views, Boqg Books, Hoyls'a Oames,' BMM' ' AAS^ Soitidt'tHa.'- V .-: -■ . -.m • LONDON, PABIS, BBUSSSLS, . .i:!;: .' "-iirB ' . ' • > ' ' .TANKEE NOTIONS. I " Bend for CstSIbgaM. r ,T;...: . Send'fb)^Catalognea. -Ji^' ! ' Bend for-Catalbgnaa.' Register your money letten at our risk. . > ( . - ' tf-$^ •••■-■•.'.■' ■ ' •"■ ■■.' 'I 'EDQAB. MOBPHTikW bk|,; K I ' WANTED IHHEDIATELT, In every town and ^vil- lage, an agent of either sex to engage in a light and profit- able, buslnees, by wfiI6h ftom |8 to.$13 - per week 1 cab bi'.&ide. Persons having leisnte.evenings can make'from (0 ots -to It' per evening. A sample with full parttcalars iaeht by mail to aU who inoloae three letter stamps (9 ots) and addreaa . - M4t* . . I&V BUBSEUi & CO., Hobkselt. NrSi' jrUBD PHOTOOBAPHS of Hogarth's celebiratiid Pic- \J tures of B^F OBE a nd' AFtl'iilt, in ots each. Also, li)s,deslgn for ihe Lid of a SI^fTFF BOX, - Price IS cents each, ao4' sent post pald,by ^ J. ^.,a4:)ZrBt><assaaBtareet,.N.t.'7; N6W.89{^.a ]D7,WARD3,0F. 100Q^(K)FIB8i;9|.; P ^.T H O li'e'Ct T- "... : '-'H .. i "-.T 7 r, ■ .-V.I -^'Or.TBil: . , ■ 1 ' , BEFBODUCTITB OBGANS, ■.'.,; . '■.. '...r-;.':; -Bt -. I .' ■ ■ BnfiaEUi.T.' TBAIXb ILD.. - ' TUB ... I '.-.1 ■ ■ ' : •.■.■!■• <:(.|BXtAl > "0 aOAiH XBIC. ' ".':<" .-. ■ i .■ -art: ; ..: • . -. vi I .r JAUES a JAOKSON, H. D. ;: fflbe treatlies tai tbls'volome art'upon sabJeels of the nlB(it Importance'in a pbyaldogical pdnt of view. TbeaesnbJeelsan bandied bs an-able mamer. Tbe authors are medical meajj , large experience; an4lhe advice jrhich th'eygire Is ibiiaa,ta< ' appl^ble alike to the goldanoe of' tarente' add; to 'the bmn of the TbUM. A iie.rasal of the'work wlll< do much to eenm healtbynentelandbddilytdiibtlbnh; while to sofferlfgbinBuilirt Itoflbsjudiclons tdvIe«;'Wbfch sii^ save niAhjr'trom'Miltujoi' ting iJielr snffwings by resortlbg'tb quaok doctors and eaplaal.. treatmient,"i-Bostoh Joumsl. ' '—ji. •'Siould be read by all old enoogb io ondeistand It'i^WaH Oura Joomal. -' ' • '...... •ItwiUbethessuToebf biiibhgood; beingpreparedwIuoiiN md bom abundant knowledge."—Boston Traveller, _ „ "It hi a book for tbe times, and 'ahould be in every ftoSr/ r Wor)d'.aO^'»>aton.i ' '.■' ~ -: ■' '",'':, '••«.. ••An honest effort to diflase asefnI'informatlonr'UcslpoFW i^orks on this subject are the reverse bf this, and are. mat v verttoements of quack8.''-^Plymouth Bbok/ '.' ' "' ' ' ••A valuable addition to inedioal llterataM."-BoBtni W "A vtloaUe book for tbe AflUoted, and for alt wbb Ite jonnsela Ore ot oreat iiAportatace to aiL"-^Bb<tbhOixi(nf>' ttonUist, . ..ij;" ••Contalnl praatloal Infbrmatloa that ahbnld bb knbn'and iMj edijpon byparenteand children, the married.and miP:':ttL ' ohavtera devoted to'children and their management odgbt u read by every mother."—No^da, (V. T.) News. . j ••That thia la a'suggeBtive -vblube admltted/wauwi.-; by 41thei'A'i>fofe8sionsl'or non-nrofesalonal reader.; f^l^^:. we ^ ln.advacatlnk -a'general reform ot our aodal liulia.«° opp&rtanltles.for ^jUctl Impro-remeut, wo haU with im^^. • pARD PHOTGQRAPHBI-ALL DES0RIFTIQN8- \) Benit postpaidi tor 3S cente ^aln.' aiid 80 uento colored; Mr 4Wt* -- V J. H. COX, 81 Nassaustreet,-M,'S.' . O^xiouenos n FauioB.—In Fronoe, gymnastles. are becoming a national institution, and in the government nbnnal schools regnlar degrees are given tb professors in this art. bne of tbe most celebrated gymnasiums in Psris, for persons of both sex- es, is lhatof U. Thevelln, whose ifbb'obl Is attended by the Sonng ladies of the first diatinatlon In Paris. In this respect, ideecl, ^e French seem to understend the maxim pat forth by their government, viz.: that to Improve theb breed of horae- flesh It Is ne^sfaaarrtolook i^lerthedam oswellas thesiro— tarbetier as regordethe r«;en<)-dMm ds I'tomhM than that of the horse; and young ladles are now, almost without exception, put through a course ot gynmastlos, 'Thevellnstands flret in-ttie clasa f>t;'lnslrucUon,'and ai^a himself gymnsaloroh of the fltst raDk,,by .regular.diploma of (he ^vefmnbnt.EoolisNonnale.^ El;^ boat, ^rma, ka., Mve been drawn by ersry arMt and aoalp- tor of Parl8,:and exhibit, certainly, a moat pxtraoralnary devet opmeut of muscular power. The other day,In hU school, Ihe. celebrated surgeon, Nebitln—he who extracted tbe ball from the' ankle of aaribaldl-was oxamlnlng his toot; ^elatln'B admira- tlon-fcnew no bounds, and hepronotihced the mmber to be the' most admUably developed speclnien ot power and elasticity he had ever seen on a boman body, Thevalin was weak ondsl.- maetpafiyaa a child, and owes his present extraordinary pow- ers of limb and coolness of hUd to steady Mraererance inths practice of gymbastlcs, combined with sober llvltig.' „ ~ : ' AOnOBTIOOH "HOOPS." "0. at off those b'bopsl'01 ladies dear, B eveal sweet NatttD^'s graces I ' ." . I p subh (k.drele.dbb't appear, ' ' gor hideyouttilfliiroasssP'• ■ • why like "0" should yoathusbe? a L'et'menbw'epAakbtttriiV" '' I'llteUyoa,fUrbfibs,-c<liidldIy,.' ,i< N 6 man but he likes KV/' :' B xohsethehlnt^Adleill ' - > :'< , ^'m^.toitosvi—'IrAflndiheMo' in tbjEngllpb paper:—•.•WiMtt^By a ir (t* ffln,na a'name.'. ThcrMtl utue Bh6 ';fH'!-( 'kJlvettUbi ^ ,/, 'alooAl , li.rvai)(':!il I A' BEAUTIFUL' HI0R0Sd6]^'E) ^agnlfylog fidd ihaea, for 38 cente, (coin preferred;) Five o t dliTe ient power, for- )1,00; mailedfree^rAddreae.' F,K.BOWEN. o4 •" - ." Box 9'iO,^Boston,Uasa. rr^HE OLD'ESTABUSBED BOOK AGlESr<!^^ Seiia pXIforaOirojaUr, HBMltrgtBPfflHB, 8»NaWi,w;." ..A^' jiEND FOB'A Mi[iai(Otli FAOKA^B, lc).FoarFnBr"AttliilMi.-'prloe'iH oentc AIsoi"Bobber Ow>& tot oentleaun's nas.: ^'Addnsa. /..B. FABBEIJ4 'U Ann near'Broadimy,- N. T. street,: 48'tf : ChlMs oob^ abbbhihiodatedwlUi Booms by tbs dV'<y' week, Wltti or wlthouli.1ti0f)|<|,,....,oy. R ypBft)M,.B^ i No. UO roHN 81 :Newi and ,'Mntlng' ■hortMt ttifiee.-"'' 0«ttuiMoil -'-7MMr Dealer, . neat'OlUlIlfeiw Tort 'tihnu&itired' t<» order at thi jpQmOH'M ffree. Kbnand _l_ < JOHN-ATOfflBW,- ; . M Doane streei^ New Tdrk. :, Sir*H B B 0 0 0 w p''A'V:i'<f'Ti'ti'j-:- ''■Bend BO eli. to BE0ENE;»4iPQ)t Oi BosWMT, N. T. M-lt* : (jK^OllS^'e'tOi''Brad iror V Oiion< STEBE(»00nii'''Aj;<lVU''VK ia'voIuablei'and'aU-theeubJuctebt thoeeohapteraare Bbston la 'great in all good works.'"—N. T, Clipper, Price TmEB DOLCiaa " to.tiie publUUr, ' Sent to any addresB' LEVER] idoiWI, B. LBVEftETTBMEMt>S|, , MO WasUngton street, Boatp^MJ^, For esleln lIeW:To*kby o; S.'F!mr, 88 Walkbtstrj<« «• SntCLAIB TOUBETi lai Nassau street -' ... „yiMiiot 49- Dnun Aire orm Booi, this WHl teabh the rpadtfi^ ,to prevent, and tiermanently Oitbx, bvbbi ibB"," "SSm^ easb sbd'derangefdent. Without feeing' or cotiaultlr'' •"'"^ 'botcver. No othet medical book has'everncelv( mep^tlon s flrom the Paert.' Qst tbx Bisr. ■' - TO '=FAN0IfiB9; OF', 'MB' AND'WtrLipT BBEEDEM.OEi'^"-—---,5«ii(a , I'have on hand hnd for aole, a vei? fine lot bf Stags uoiw (bredlMm my Imported.qame.KowU) U^t, were MJ^JJu,, vkych. ThaStagaaroaU'dabbell andlngoodh(^ff^^ Pojleto are abbnt oommendng to Iay,'It'wbiUd,ba.acw^-2|] porobaaers to make early application. ' Bbme °>'''f ^.'ISUoictf and a half pounda already, and would tbbke a mMtcuuiw ^^3- •SS'"^^'"^ ;, mS^^^i^: i^reredt my Ongi |0 YOU WANT -ffHIBkEBS OB MOW^.' _ ' OHES r-lh UM I first asked ttoqnejHon^W^^ ired by nwnereda )|iftopIe| • and I aak It »S ot """"Tlrthati Ongnent to fUl In^lig aU 1 claimed' tod '*! "«T7i,SEff would oomjpbl the Beatd or Mouatebbe to e^J'f^''^rSi»' m ttce wltlan six weeks from tbe fin* apPUbattbO'v. Abt«|^ ceistol Inventors, I bkve bad to bbiltsnd with a bbMM^^.' 8o|na-.«f,whom iiVBn>go so fi» as to oopyayM'J'SybSfe, However, truth lAtmlJffity, andwlB prtovatfi •^*/,Mh»t»f'' loaafrianda, wmtodWt my Onguont la the only t^^^, reUlTforoe tho Beard to gfow, and will ""Jl^fS'tfi** thfakliu I send llto anypart ot the o^^'Svine^-'--' tofIt; pMf] IB.;a'dBiGBAM. Ho- IW N^frt'g Si!!;' ' .1)1.: ,->TJMUIr.'i nuoLAia.vdufl ''(jl^^a^ftiXi Alii' ,.| M'.