New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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,.i.v>vifj;) .1 .t / iijVlir i l-.- ■! J.-.- .11"; •. ■■ r*ttilttddilt«iCtha«xttMiaiii«7U^piM(>f paper ijiiiijLiltiii'tf hirii'iiii^ I it'-tt -''''4- •'" lirt'(il*ir<n'illi^lliliiu Ntw wmUniMifnaclaMo roe.nfoy m$d0m>.',> -':■ ^ -/''V, ■ . i'b(l]i»0Upp«r.6o(i. ^IBDlxoripttonteSmoirthfl.fl JaiJ»attt...'.ict»' l8a1)8<]ilptloil{atAmoiitlu.''l I'-iinnb. <i>Ko** (dnb'df^ou II ti.. .k.. 4. .10 ttS< par nmTiffi is 001 Olab of BtgUi'90 Of tipZ:-'■ ln»noii«sln<dT>ao(k> > ^ la eanta per.Unt fbr «Mb tnd. crwyliif i 'iL'iUbanl Mtnotiiui. Wo). h(iw{tTar,1^iiia4*i'9f. aAri^ if Wan ptid for thiea ot aU moBth* In adniio*. D*r ii5ot«»diijw|u';''\'; '. '<-mtWii T"P^"*"'™' »tt«ptinn In ibia biinalniii^inid^ ' ^HfMttA MMhai t7MoiM>*7'ti>^^^ UtcaWm. BftiaidcrU '•■'-'•^BmSji''''£'.'')'■■■••'''■■''. '*■ »iirii|»mmln^,- P^ofc of BmrnilL baan Mlvt «t thli Hme. ^jy^^^M(^^!tl|€ii>inip, li^.oaMinioDy otiMT^ A^raioe o£';W«iai «l(b!'tlie Pxiiio^^ o|; pqiiiuirki'ron Utrclt K: VdiliU iJntidi fk^iUtdM'ot iltoaey ilterMD, Khan' Inva ^^^);^'<^alh'itn«tl^ p6mt^ }Slikm Ur'. waidd liikTe Ooiight tbe qoofMop tniiq: Btukaapekia, nM^T lujia u^/i« ^ny lUnt'ootDptrlBoii, km tMii pmentadi iud on nimlwai^appropTlited it>: ^*lt^ltnl«remr]moTnU : And ihls iB aiipatdmenot noiiiualilcal ittSlMAnnU^' lAckikt ttiQ'NTima plotue. Hara, Id Ameilot; to. «^«ub« w*r> and yci tbe paopla axe iiandlDg bietd to ttia . paftttiiof .^DgUnd and. Inland—wUtQetboiiglitQf by thalr SmifatirTarnnianb y«baTedisimbnt,aiUDt plcla^ Xattba <attte^npplrtliatUllngnp, andirbat an Brampla ha Trill liaTa ^Jt^tha'dlffarsttoaietiraanrtlietwol Aild jetmliittatralUn In •)«Mrxnldftl ' -. •'■ ■■ ^i-^ilHU^ 97: Oidnaa.—Vlri .Qao. Oaidwdi, ^>iu)ie aitldai oin (be iSiuiak tut hare been pnUlsbad In ttia'.f<tgU ibr ioma Tvan, oS' VCWiMTaaii dajKiMUbf oOanaor," also In Uia m ^ibaiir 'ae .iWlKrr.fttawlr pnbUahedin this dtTvtnt'iapwamongUia ihlngi, •tkit^#taaj diad at Bamigata, Eng., on IbhA -i/luilTi.-:'■ , .. ... ■ - ^ ■ ■ ^ . . • ■. ■ JiArintll^: OS BOABD -nMl^iu"9,(ft,.V.-;i.-.;' - ■ , . . , r-i:"- :.■ xiiil?»!t^>*;r.--i u-SI-OTBOABIU BOT -. . i '•^jij/ t '^ic^ ipa i "aii iL-ki ' stpbiaianu ook<i-zas J,, J^^^JQB]abwn ■TtTMihiBCBBfoga-or ozin tnaaAMOM ^sam • -»t ■/iiff WoM *"Hin XDiofmoBAoaa—^TroB ^niuu miiaKBs o)^^^g^jtap»Aix g-^ paE,. TOO.; ' TOrr,to TirBiiiT.Ti\^^ ,./.\^','iru/a^^ar^la nfvrpT xEHDxmn, .':v>OnTiUa7 greatpnptntloiia ware made Uuovgb the daj for Il A»1nIl, Szed to ttie place on that evenlngi' 411^ girla aetto mnk looking np .their flzlna and glm-anak^ ao aa to appear ' juffkUUngiTand thej helped one anothar. for a wonder. The mtn ' .'z vannot tatdlifarant altherto what waa going on, for they nim- •v'McedoTer their-tmnka to And "themflTe dollar aiilt8,">of the j('4rao]Uvm bnlld,wliloh th«r bad pnrahiaad when olothlnsina cheap, Aoaijila. Hlbamlan UaJea^. At. night'the moth-holea ' Hosata COS," Enna Jane, pldk !em ioplaoes I Aia'a thogreattet .":ltttledlTlnU7l«Terlld«co fbr flndlng.fanltwlth. all who wear . y. jtwaohat—draw'era Inolodad. I neTsr oame araoaa a mm retahe .,<«a||d^aiad.thaiUDgrpUd70izaan.(atS7onraSdaTltbefOra Zt> o.ljBlifeafeanr.otharimtloa. of thaite a m- "r ''f W '. ^-* jii^intljltnwiw^waiMwiltllarw. WflatdoygnthlntI OnefalloW-- mtlemah preaeiit' l>Tijrtag Oe lnlarnUlial6B, wine Vtf haadM MoliA to t& ladM, the aenOnnatt taUag aemelhlsg attonser.. AO Uttds of^aaeea, BaglUi, Iilah, Booldb and Amerloan, were Intiodnoad, and ereirtfiliui oondnoted Ulie« tegnlar ball; in a atjUnot Ikr-behind theUghtOoard Ball; or that of Foortaeli: ?^^kepl VP the {On vntU the<>weeamahoata,"or elie tt iroidAit be Uke a ball, yon know, and it only wanted Tajlor'a Saloon; or the'"Hanhanan," for the ganta to do the deoent thing by lliiIaiilng«ffwtthasrandaiiRper. Xowaidatbaolotlis oei^ nianlaa, the bora and gula grew more alfeottonata than OTer, and ttwaa piettrraDgh papereforthe ontalda batbarlanitowatbh how. loTtagly they hugged eaoh oUier. ln the walte,: Ito.yon h&ow I doai't think mlaoellaaeooa waltzing right,.It onght tw be ■toopetti 'In the Argyle Booma, or Holbom Oaalno, ol Iiondon, they aoaiealy do anyttiing elaa bnt walti,- for what pnrpoae thoae /*wno hare been there" oan tell beat, but yon maBtnt olaaa me afflongat thent Thare'a two mnoh "bawdj" about mltdng. Jnlt-drapln atlome of the Fourth 'Ward ball rooms and. Judge for-yonnelrea. I would no more let a etrange man walla with my wife than lend hltu tan dolltra. Hind yon, I -don't mn down danolDg altogether. It's only the bawdy-house style they, have Utely Introduced that I bnok against, snoh aa you'U a«e np In' Houston atreet,OT.dawn In the Broadway callan. Baywhat yon will, tt ain't the thing. I't* aeen aome of the fonleat, most Moherons snakes that erer orawled, waits with yonng, innooant grla at manj a respeotable .bill, snd thereby, pare the way for air heli-begotted, lustful aohemae. These kind of rotten sep< nlohres manage to attend nearly every ball, and no young girl la safb when they are aionnd. Letthea;whan known, be kloked oatofeteryMll^omlntheolty. ) . 110 BB COKCLVMD BXTT WZIS. '^SntlwrnwiwdwaaMwiltllarw. WhatdoyonOlhkI OnefalloW— '.W/qmUv at-lhat—had the andadlty to ask the'Ioanof ohe of my uiaUnaf'.-It'safSdt Atflrst, Ifeliahy about letting him hare Sr beat white one, but proObrad him the use of a double-breast- i^^aUrt, usedby'yourOablnBoy onoe npons'tlmewhenhe -i^tensdotitlnthaproceaalonwlth EamAneEose, during-Jerry ottBliiipaon'aforemanBhlp, Twenty'a maohlnewaa then uonored iiitatBspeeollar title of <.'lIntton H0Be" by their neighbors of -I^!DuiatT» Alley,'Flft7-81zes feltais. That's aome time ago, and.I •:Alea>fr:wlih to dls np old aoore8,l>eeanso„ at the present day, :" vTwanty can boeat of some of the finest yonng fenowS In tbe il' .Vghthaistilot. The-<'4nlll'^ badnyerSeenaahlirt Uke mine !;:iM»re,''beoanae'hei hadn't tnTelled, and'all I oonld do,' he '/KWtaldn't be convinced that red ahlrts were, in the helgnt of .MAfhton at ballsln AmeilcL The npahot of the ibatter wai, he wonldn't wear. It, .and tokeep the frolLoreatnrt ftom breaking V:>IIIs<]lsait, and gtre him a chance to Join In the laiolvlons walla jKl OMth adnM Miky yonng damsel,. I lent him my best shirt 1 oai'.IThara was one blooming lady of Frenob extraoUon, that knew eiii-alUfaegoM-Iooking and.wsll.diesged' yonng ftllowa on the ship, (I IsaTS yon to guess whotbor the writer was among them.) She < ^OmUi'm aaPailslana dd, aat tsi'was free and ea^and sooUbla ifbrlOSlIinhstpoiBltlon—goodolotheaand moustaohes—aattlnahalf of.ietlJthsia'nlgniarBtTtogether.consent todanoe. HSdemidtells played her polnta very adroitly by retOslng ijl nnUI "the «nsi)ld< :>r/^ina'.h(Ril:hBd'aWyed:'' - ToB'oin bet the barber earned his n\ .patudaa that day, for all the students wanted to appeilr sweetand ".omUNiQ'fiiii, and I'm half 'Inallned to think Parfeyrons and the barber were In league togetbor,\ and ^abared^ over and above -•'iiiSlliito'rnaualVecelpts. . Ttils Vbnng gal from the Hue def olly- ••i ^'Untt- Noaldn^t gat nror ino/^ ^aa the tong goea, with all her obarma and "Innendoaa." (Is that rights Oap? Blamed If / »vikne)r;4htf It'-nuans.')' Ootaldn'tahs slngthongh? Uiss Allln- .%>'^aan>>(ftliom the insdemy of. Unalo,"'OoAldn't begin to gel-op v;:i':lMun« (he^,-wlthoiit the aid of aprettylong la^er. f tried IiU'ittontt^ iqnletbncc or twloe, and if yon e<ter heard a etttok niB yiutagneaVtUabeatlt. -Tslk-about Uaster Lewis—hebe debanidl J. - yeMairls pan Sing,' he can; aS Pater Plpea Is ready to oorrotersle luii^niSDeTBr'.callad npon.:'Ko; none'of themcamoupto "Id on ^.'"'hzlay'."'' If ahe Oaly knew the fun we made of her when etmm- v>i.:mB$, 'f!m^ grand-planner" and bawling out "Ueet me by r3'<ljMdollahtaIone,^.' WIIfahar:mautbalIahapes,lIkaa baked-tator . H'*flf I«nd6n, ora flah.merchant ot Hevr Tork, she wmld'haTe >U;'jUt^d4mn, If Uie dldnn say so right int in meeting. '>**n' : -'v>'';AOntf>irbrdheretoooncirt-toom singers. ' Before attempting to tiu^iA«Ban>atidienoe, get a looking-glass, place It before yon. and -.feofioghiof their pearly white teeth to make the worda intareat- ^.ii Ing'-aand others opeti their proTonder^nps wide enough fir a' to rtiflhtaa four I to; travels through'(ptovldlng they were amaU >' 'il«iMs(^ofeani«o;. I Bid yon never notice it? 'IhaTahnnarMs ' { -''' Mttm^aad oohld call their namoa, only I never go back oh'tha . a.;rBltl(.V4iiar«'8 thb Blaok Bwan^ with a month Ilke-bnt I proni. J<-l'«Md:]lm't«BiHltl6n'anyaameSi''Allrlght—nobody hurt : . ' l>:!:i'. .mien'th»n«nch girl used to sing of an afternoon, us boys i;vJ.iwi]nIA>llftgp the aky>l]ght tO'let the muslo tmt fbr the benefl^of >t ilUKntsldara.1 It snlted the first cabin folks well ehoilgb, bet aa i'ii< tirttooUia^H-wtD.'I WOoldn'tUkt to give tMf tplnJon,^ TeU ' v'.T'Tim whati'ynaiall'asald.and done, there's no gettLog oat (ft 11 . .i'''V'*S'*J*P«*^*»l«P«'«^ The arlitooraoy may Jii/,.||6M'a'lili^'poaftloh In society—whaf of Itr—tf leftto them. ' (Eow' olMBlo I'm gel- .^'i-. attret, mwlhlng wonld soon gd to pot. .,iiKitltagiUia(j|)'-.I.. , ■ ■ I'i'M^^Hiig got through tlie day wlUiont anythbg -fsry spobUd, .noi^au ydnwonldh't care to ha-fa me repest the subataaoe of former i''x;sft'E''^'"*oomorlghtetraIght to the Snbjeot aterted with, '^^SS'iS'*'^ Baitem hop.' Aoliordlug to-our' ekpieotatlod,'it waa i^BaMtkflIatr, "nader the management of a oommlttee"-^ Mti(mathalaldmlrjitlcn sO(Jl<S(y—who b^d 'the a^lng'aa'io ^shMUnrwho shbnldnt'ga.' Tbft' principal membeHl w«h d^lttnaed offlcsre, who ssamed to have nothlDft to dvill lha 'oyer batmake love to Oth^r folks' wives or nlallves. °'A0 for PalbUi he's tnlte a ladles'inMni he dataied almoatias ;Marde^ and if Trefior, Brooks^ or the late Ptoressor Bar- ^^laa n.) wore'to.havo sten-him, they oonldn't help 'lUtelr admiration'; For SooUblllty, and aa a 'aatorer. tent of the paasitigenii'tUe. Osplain has no anpft- 4Ilelocean aloainers;. '■' '. •' -'. 6^MikV the'btndwaa summoned into the saloon. ■'t,ArV!i^^*!^f'^/^'*^^^J-'^^ WfiM'thim iJ'AtnSleii witoiST n/^ miet oonsplanous on ^.?^S5^ .*y^*"J.'fj^dfeary. Parlo* SkAeS.a geAt t^S^-*^-21^5'^^^iMtcrMVpilntel aois torep^ j'anatwoOtth»M*ointiBSirails a:. . W'"?'^"''i,'«« <'"M^g.'.OoL.<Jlilok,aiia i-_..--?.i'^^°M*''*5 *'"'^''»ypr^S«*d the.-emoklng MB^Md-drsw jtokor'.-'lti-OoTemor BaildaD, fnd^e 'Allon. a|^«^aoMrl(/dldn'tj.artlalp|{e> 'elthu'. •iHi'too^wU y aicpeote&t tfaS'na&ph' ;'' AttATBIlB, TSmATiUOAIiS IN <)AKP. .V , •■ OiMP o» IBB 139rH BEqT.,Ei. ybia,, 1- , tfaroh aist / . DSAB OuPFKB i—'Tonr craft of Bbrch 14lh arrived aafe at thla port at a t. JS, yesterday. Its rich cargo of SportlSg and other news found ready purohaaeis. As usoal, all quiet on the Bap. On the 17th, at Patrick's day was celebrated by all the aona of Erin, and the ."Little Uac" Dramatlo' Association of the 1st Brigadei.made their first bow on that.nlght,' Thf performance comprla4)d reoltatlons, imltaUons, eonga, &o. The following are, the aoto^:—J..H. Morgan, a waU-known amatenrof Blttabur(di.' 'He Ua, a fine voice, good Agnre, and a great deal of talent; he .wonld not disgrace the boards. His dagger aoenelnUacbetb, was good. J,H. Wiaaman, In JaokOade, was excellent, .JT.J.Benta, I the Lay of the yijitmnTi, aiao good, allhongh hls/bnild Is inuch agunsthini,het>elng onlyflvefeet.thneaadaa round aa a bear banel.'. /. MoWilllams, aa Toddles, was good, and T. Fei- Una, as Hamlet,quite therevene. JohnEvanKaaUegUarrllles, gave ^fine lmltaUo'n of Hiss Onshman. O, Tommy's song of the ezton WM encored thre^ times. Hear He Norma, by Harry OlliTord, was.well received. Bo has a fine baritone, and wfll, no donbL ataome (utore day, pay a profesalonal visit to your dly. The invll Ohorus, bytbe MonitorOleeOIub, waa grand, the anvil and hammers having been atolenftomanelghborlngseoesh shop, .de tableau gotten npfbrthe occasion, called the Unlon, waa the enam of.the ahow. The red llshi, fbrnlshed by T. H. Uoyd. added to the effect. This, their flrtt performance, went oir wlu) ahUre satlafaotlon, and the dcMonto received nnbonnded applause and considerable <'bhlnk." Hiey'glve another perform, ance on. the SUth Inst, when, I hear, asprlghtly yonng F. F. T., who,has .fallen in love, with one of the actors, will niakg her debuL: AU the seats have been engaged fbr the ooeaslon, and a dealoffunisantielpated. The UOnUorCUee Olub Is flourishing, and eomprlsea the. following talent:—Lieut Snodgraaa, Bateo; I^t Bents, baritone; hb^or H. J. Hart, air; Doa Zk Brown, tanor;,Sargt Bradberry, alto; Doo.aioan, a aanret^ A.I>. Byan and J.,bap, ohoms. . " "" 'Xours, &o.. "Hon." OHEQUERS OR I>RAnaHTS. ' EsraBssiKewTork.—Thanks for "oarreoUona of oorreotlona.'' That^^whatwe need. The correction which was'nkenUoned at 'Wood's; proved to be a "mare's nest": A Onisaow OsAFFir, Hokendangna.—Bl^.Wdooine on.board the QuFFEB ogee more. One of the podUons appears thla w^ek, thcother Is reterv^d for examination. . ' . . ' A. M. FoLQEB, Nantacket UaSS^—Anderson's or Drmnmond's workls what yon need. Bohn'avrorkla not so valuable. The latter can be obtained of any.booksallar in this dly.. Ilatitlels "Bohn's Handbook of Oames." Price $l,afi, postage unpaid. OORBBOTIOSB OOBRECTlEp. In this week's OupiEB wlB be fbund an interesting artlde from our well known and valnable correspondent, "racpraas." Those who really are striving to expose Itade* foots, and it is espeolaUy to this olaaa of'pilfers that we are all so gmtlylndebted. And here allow ns to atdnn a fawfkcis.well known by all well-informed draught players In thla oonntiy. In- clndlng thaCanadaa. We aaseit. without fear of oontn^UfU, that the Ouitkb has given all grades of plsyeia mote solid and naefDl Intarmatton.. uan all other .pab)loattona. combined t^rpoghont the world, for the paat^ght yearal Svarygiadaot capacity baa been addreaaed—«o player too bumble tq> t>e no* tlc4d,and none eo exalted aa to eacap« 1 1 It'Jsiiii mil We. ahall oonHnne In the santf .iwnasu-lielUving U|at the Sninght wffl atUI -be ."deep.«BdBgli'.' Ipr the OuiTZB, Msd the (UannXortheOEspghb. ,. - - .... .'^ , DOVBLB COHRBCnOir. ■ .BINaiiB OOBBKB.. .. . Bladk. to IS 9.:is aa 2.. 8 U 4^: 4 8 i)..ia le IS 7.. 8(0) .13 8:. e?») la 8...«' 14 ■White. aato 18 -as 18 .as- as- ' 34' ai ' ^17' ■ '14 ■ ' 18 31 'aa 30 17' '-14 » 9 10. Bliok.. - ' 8 to 10-' U'.-.IO U..I4' 18.'; 7 14..14 M;ii7 M.V18 - :17..17 18.. » 14 as ■ ■ V- •17. aa ■■■17 '-White.' as-tis 18 9 as 38 aa 37 34 : ' 19- 18 6 : 10 34 18 98 18 IB 14 ™. .' ."Whllewlns, i'E''i*?''^^.C?"'*' ky 'oJm Dmmniond, antho* of the •■bcot ttahBranghtFlayer,": . ' .»"~ir ■ BrnrnmcM gives this as a losing' more, how White If to wtn alter the Is to Wmove la made? Mr. V.irm find on^amamlnatlon, that 86 of his fllngle OotnerTarlitidna axe ."good fbr nu." . . H. epayth, .oqmjfflOT 6t ,tlie ■"American 'ibraught Bayer." at- tempts to correct Dronundnd by the following iSe 'of playj— See Single doriaer, 77ih Variation. • Black. 1..11 to 16 a..i6 aa 8 4 B..10 o..ia 7.. 8 8..16 e..ia 10.-9 «.. 0 13..: 6 I8..M 14.. 1 U 8 IB 16 la 19 19 ' 18 10 .^as 34 '■ 6' White: aato 18 X IB ••■a»' ■. 94^-' -as 31 17 38 • 37 . ., jg . •'.■14''^ ■'.99" ;-J8i- -83. .!■ ■aa;^ 17- • 14- IB' ■'■■ 38 ^1 ■ 19 19. 38' and says the ^ma Is/'liawiu" U. 16. 17..U 18..17 10.. a 90.;'6. 31...'9 39X14 9a..n 34.-33. .38!:9a 3S..81 37;.as 38.. 7 Black.'' 6 to 9 9- 14 •17 ' 96 ' 6 ■ 9- 14 .aa'' 96 "81 96-' '99 ■ Whlf*' ' 96> 38 •81 10 . ■w 'a aa-■ •"" ''••14- 9'' • •■.6'- "■' ':8' 39 U IS Ifl, '14 ■"'9- -sv . 6' T'S'. u ' WUl the VOhamplon of. Bu^Uo''^bi•'kind;' ahouih \i» ■ UX 'na . Mew•Xork,^BIarah, 1868. . : . .. ] ; ■,•. -.;,sSdi,xmoir.bB':POBm'o».»i4',»^^ : • . White, -v ■ ■■■■■■■■: :.i- MjaioMi ' ■■■■■■ ; ;/■•• ■. ..•vl..l9.toilB.' .. MiHB- -' ■'.: ' '■• ' •■3..180.: 18: ., -,' ..<.'iv^:.'.lt" 19'.■.... ■ ' .." ■ S..J8' '-S4;:..' ..•,/.^:-,-ao'■.-•».■.•.■ ■■• ■■• . 4,.89.-98,andwlB»' •:/. * '..,^. White... • '..'.■;; 'Blaak.". •■' ,.'l..l8'to » -' ■••'-"•'-"•• ' . '.8.]l9 '10 . ' 97. ina wtai;-. Biaait.'.;: ■:,;v,',li;:,.ij,';'. "^.isjsxr^-:'-: -^M-fliK"™**' "iBLAOE. .■ '■ .•..•;^'. ■ t&Kvn kad.'wiu. ••;t»iWi«)»ij>^B»;A'i).i'.T til .•!•/< ^|..: ,-'Sv.i.,: ' i\';Uii;:r ;;: ..! ••. ! : vtrnm jxum xouxTAih soar txo ioasmsoM, • .• 'BUA-O;H.*.•".■■''••■ ;'■■.\'•■•■'•• .''inilt^-Aiioalftttpfc- • .■ ■9..10 . ,,17:'' .■::V;y: -.^r:'. ■ f . THE* Gi^ME OF OHESS^ 'WOIUbb'B OOHeBBBB PHOBIiBB TOVBHBT. Measn. iD;aiicon and Heiiey, »e pbjtoioml^.j^^ tbe prlto aetu; have ipade ttur final report y"*,*'*• hopA iwn et» made, and proVe the last "to«Lt*^.T.«S^f be'reqnlred to have in tils.Taxations >Jiat«»^ Th"*'?.^? prizes to setts, remain as at last annopMement i*;.;-^ ^laohutta. HoTOlny, and Rev. MoArthor. »»t^« "J the beat single problem has been awajded to No. Bof <«to^ In thy OrlsSns,'^ Dr. Conrad Bayer. This places him'ncontesta- bly at the head of the worhl as a chess problem «jnip«;f -J™" best sett, and the best single problem I JSTp one rJ^'J'.'^.P™"? pre-emihence in problems—ae nnnasallably king in this brmob if Panl.MoipbyIn pUy. to Dr. NowS*"; sett one faulty position waa discovered, sUll it does not reduce his rank—» style of deolaion, by the way, that we don't appte. date, when setts are to be compared as unities. Isnt a perfect work of art, of new production, better than a broken or unfln- ishedonef We shall repeat this prize prsblem next week. ' - iiiLua OaumoKiHiF.—SIgnori Blsoart and Bohettl have contisatedihia honor In • match of nine games to win; Signer Dlscart-won by the decisive rateof.nlne to tour. Eaohhad scored. In 1868, one match . . .' . .. ■ IflOnA Ho. 37*. ' Contributed to Bell's Life In iKmdo'n. SI EKBB KSX LAMOa. at hls-7, Q B aq.'Q B 7,: Q Kt 6, 0 B 3, Q 6. . K 8,. E 6, and Whlta Panna at E B a, and K B 4th. atQEtsiQsqiQBS. QBao, QEta,.QB6, QB6, and Black Pa-wns at E 8, E S, E.B 4, and E B 6th. • • ^fUta to'piay and give nule'initiy^na idDrea. .' ''...piioBi:i.B~H' 'no,/zj.%.- . WOBLD'B CONOBESS mZB flblOipES, ■ -"Mr FAVonms."--'■■ ■ Bi oobin inkbu) EokaBAO .'. • . BLAOE. . WHITE. Whlt9 to play ud compel Blaok tci give mate la aevan move*. ^ OA.BIK .'H.o.'''S7«. Beoently .ocntasted between our.'contribntor P. Blohardsbn andanAmiten^... " ,; . ,;'.",,„ ''. sxrBon'a'sxnvoB,^'' Attack; -Baanoe, Blcbardsoii. l..PtoE4. 3..EEt-B8 8..PrQ4 4..QEt-BS .S..KtPXEt . Beltaica, Amatenr. PtoE4 . E Et:B8 . E Et X P. E EtxEt . EP:X? 6..BadPXP Q-E9-f. 7.,Q%E8 V.^BiQa Q-EtS 9::EB-Q8 ICCasttea ll..P.^B4 19..P-Q B' 18..F-QB4 Kfhisi Blchardson. '. Amateur'. 14..QXSB wQtoEBg lS..QB--hla8. Q-hsrB8 ' 18. .Q-hei Et 14 F-S B 8 17..SEt-ES .F-0 8 18..EB-B.7-f. E-hlsBsa 19.,Et-hls6+. E-4-B(b&t) aO.lEtXB^T-f E-Etsq_ ' ai.;0-EB7+ EX^Et 3a..Q y EtF 4- E-E 3 (best) 98..EErEsq^ QB-kV'!- 34..EEXB+ E-Qsq " 36.;B.EB9.jr E-JjBa i8..E'B.E 7 + Et covers. and the Attaok mates baan^f)i)|y in six movaa. pBiJUTiO JUni OTUXia BKBTO ' VEW Ss}tXXa,--:iTVMBga JPIFTT, - ' WAU'JMa. BTPBTWT i T rOB TB^ BIW TOBX OUlm, .. St OOL. T. AIXBTON BBOWN. • iAOESOV P; TASSTATOBEN. Bornln PhUaddphla; made bis first scqnalnlancewith theat. f'^i Hf' ^1! Wahint Street mioatro,FhlIadelnhla. in lBBfl. When 0^ seventeen years of age. he made sndi rwld progress in his art that he acted Hamlet, meeting with great a^ planse. He was afterwards prompter of the same estabBshment for a long tfane,-nntll h» acofdentdly bioke one of his less. Laft ttioji»of8Mlon, snd stndled medicine In Philadelphia under Mr; UoOlelland, and obtained his diploma at the age of 31 vean Died at an ear^ age, of consumption. ' y^ 'JOSEPH TANfffAVOBEK. - " - Bom In Philadelphia; made his flrat appearance on the itaira in 1883, at the Watont Street Theatre, PlSffidSX m oK bS FlisUppeared In Sewlork at the OhithajnThSSt. In 1880, he Joined , Wm. B. EngUah's Dramatlo OInmlt Oom: pany^d tmvded through the emaU towns and dtiea of Maaaa. chusetts. Hew Hampshire, and Maine. . ■ ■ • .. Died in .Mew York, JTuIy, 18sa.. ^•^"... ^SP"^ '"OUZI •VE8TBIB. Made his snt appearance on the American ataia Anunit ftnth Bo'SS'lS'^?*^^*^"''*"*** by his wife, Madame Maria oftttlalanUfe." TUs'.great ^fi,rUWdt«I"'p^J?5S;Sg. beneficial for these astlstes, for during their yihoiim J^SS?^ he dty. .niiy were desarvl^ of aU the supjbrt they recelvIS. the City Mnsenm, In iSigluh opera; appearing a* Suii 'jBohamlan airh" On^e MTef Beii^ber 'M .ir?fiJ*'" ■peared in M<w lork; at Burtcn'aMKS?toie"*hMt^^ ■hcxemalned neadr the whole eeaaon. "^rr'i"^* meatre,vrhare 1 ai?d weet;?^ ' ^ >l«ted noar^ aU^he i;(arfopneilB, » e-.v olU«s soilth and'weat. ' Natdre cast this lady Ih a beantUU mould gulre'i &alla, «fl.-dr»,-prdS^^^ ?jr«%^SiL'aer«"'''^'*-'-*<^«^^^^^ In April, lei!9, aailM for OalUbmla, and made bar rfiiru/'.t w..' lire's Opera Hbuso, Ban Th^taOsw.ailSm^^VMtcTl^ ■"- wherp, we bellovo; she la at present. ."^""V" *««Aus- ; ■ ■. UB8.VAMG8'BaEm ■ •'.' ■ '"' Haiden-flan*, MISs8eymotir;w>aadonMdbvUn.m„««>». _v. gavehor UI fteoirtwhl'ofanairectlonil^^^ on. Bh<bron^th6rflptoth?!ta4»,snd&iSai^n^ oame a yeryjlaoful'memWr of the piofeefiS" £f°i8ar the ,« WtwD, atlhbBt OhaSSi ttiSi SPORTg A BRO 1!BS1" BkBTO. ,: :,....JiaBBX. FIOHT "-■/■| • .".-.-im'WBMi -' '^A \ BOB HBFrHBAM ASD TOM OODDABD Job /J They lads, whafbVMma^tbnsiiast havebeen'm>»-vT*^'' " [aj White Hbtse, Omhaird street rt«m''Whfch%i2L?S5*>S backed), and both were wM within the welghtl^tf ^"il for *10.ft aide, at 7at 4 lb, met on Wedneadw mS!??^* it They went to-the aoale on-MonSyaM^vi'l* White Horse, Orphard street (from which h?i,,'S5*i backed), and both were wM within the welffhil°nu. ^"i down the beam at 7at 1 lb, and Ooddard atTat aih V backed from Jeaae Batton's, and trained at the n»u°'"ai tail t, Eensal Oreen, under the care of Tom OaU^ 0 eight years of ago, and this was his thlrdH^^ ■"<i« ring—his first fight defeated, snd then.' ago, and this was his thlrdiB~S: Jght,bdngwithMoxey. of OhelUSSl5*H hqn^^iller a^''?.*<>a fight of ne^^tJ^JJg^ aoitMusu, ouu uAuu, iwwr a iirvuuuHHi ngnc ofnearlt made a draw with Tommy Hophott Hofferan. whn - •beeni IWialT' tiatoeT' I. Tit Id hist notm laiay.anotna growisor aisoonlantwert loia^Sif It length the alcp^ wu ^ven whore to book to, ansitvu ty-two on the aiat of thopreagnt month, has XikT™'.'' ring twice before, boating Williams In one hour and^oSS • - - ,0—.. in lel id ri tv thatalong Journey bad '%een daoldedon Tonng Eoofe in ono hour 80 mln.; for this ovent i» hl!^ self at Mr. J. Oarratt's, GartatHane, WandewortL^S?* was London Bridge atan early hour, and Beffcran ans vi were there at the appointed time, but Ooddatd dlA nn» appearance for a long time afterthe honrfliedTrnit. great delay, and the growls of discontent wer4 iond. '•^ill . led on, The tjalu-UxJ?"! being express, the destination was soon reached ind'ikiV''^l polntment of all ma^ be Imagined when thay foimdULkTnr''^ In force, and eapeolally when the latter expressed-th^i^; mlnatlon to prevent ita coming off in that countv vTiT tive remained but to get "outof that" a8qm6tiTM ,!S.~B whldh waa done; but this cauaed anoha delay that uS?^! day ere a epot could be found whoroon to pitch IKii stakes. Thlsheln.^at last done, Ooddard wis the^i^'^l the rlng,(waltad upon by Jenmiy Eeofeand YouoiLni>.)^ ..aT"! ingforUaoolorsabluoandwhItr " I"'™"-'""-" fouowed, attended by Hnnt. of C had the old fashioned blue blrd'E another delayof nearly half an boor before anyoie"Mlu^ SeiBuaded to accept the ofilco of referee, which the pnoUUh leir (rienda have themselves to thank for, as tt Is ifirniik unpleasant office, even without the great abuse oAent^M^SI -vriln by those undertsklnA the onerous duty. At IraiUi uuS^I found to fill the chair. The men tossed fo'r the oholoeatt^SZlT whldi was won by Uefferan, and they at once began to attwentymlnutes.tooneo'dookstoodupfor "»««iBI| ZBB VIOBT. Botmn 1. On throwing themsdves into attitude nndi parity in height. appeand.Hefferan standing conaldeid^ nls opponent, havug Us left wall advanced, and his rliU^ lightly amoas the mark, ready for attack or defence. Be Immenae plaster round hla loins and back, reaoMni anltem kl his. arm-pits, and we think Ooddard'a frienda woddhtmA.. Srfeotlyjnstlfled in objecting to It Oodaard, aIthouihihori« an hla adversary, «tood very artistically, and looked Tovn? Ident In point of oondltlan, twth were as well sa their trinA oouldwlsh. Business waa.commenced by Ooddatil, who hidU face to the sun, 'working ronnd nnUI both got dote to Uunu in Bob's oomer. Herothey sparred for an opening, and Iktm In which they manauvred for a chance, feinted and bi^ » veryprettrandeidtlng, and would have done credit tonu who have been badied Ibr much heavlafatakcs. Kelthtriemi Indlned to lead oS; the foru of each evidently being oomMg. i Ooddard, at length oapylng, as he4hongbt an opening, m| left at ths Cuse, bnt Uefferan Jumped Dock langblng; Bw'Uia tried hla left but was out of distance; then came mora stanlii and weaving about Hefferan was again short with the ItlL b3 In a second attempt be got home slightly on the oheit lUh th left and made his right on tbe ear, Ooddard connlerlni eg tit month and forehead. This brought them togetheTi when tml rapid exohaages took place imtil they dosed, wheBEatna, atleraseortstraggle, threwhisman—7mln. a. On oomlng up, blood wee seen trickling ttom ths onto Up of Hefferan, which was Immediately dalmed for OoUui Hefferan lost bnt little time in getting to work, aadaealtaii aharp left-hander on the left eye, making Ooiitifi wlak lali'l he, however, onhesltatlngly returned on the month, ttaZjiil fresh flow of blood. This brought on a eharp exchinge at tim, f after which they broke away and some veiy pretty sptiiiiig lod Slace, during wblohthe men once or twice stepped bank and pal own their hands. Hefferan then dashed cut his laft, titll went over Ooddard's shoulder, for which kind InltatlonlbDmi countered him sharply on the mouth; more sparring, ibei Hefferan let go hla Idt on the left eye and recelvedontheaoiilh. Bob again tried his left, but Ooddard was away. Boh ones more tried hla left which this time got home with effect on tbi left eye. Ooddard at onoe got to close quarters, and ths l^ .flghtlng was very aplrited, nntUOoddarddutohed, when Hefferu threw him. Time, ISmin: & Both rather alow to the call of time, the heal betaignrT great and the sooonda having to use cold water fredy, BalMil was the first to begin, bnt vras short with his left Ooddardeona-l teeing him. on the month. Both were very cauUona, nelUier seemiog Inclined to lead oil; and after atcdlona boutdipit. ring, they pnt-down their handaandetood foramlnntekdhu at each other. On again getting to distance, Hefferan. teU, hla left wen on the cheat and Jnmped away fkom the ;ehin; •hetben tepeated thedoae,,but this time received'asmiskee the ribs In retnm. Ooddard stopped Bob's loft veryaaitlr, Hefferan then got slightly on the month with the left andreiy heavily on the Jaw with hla right knocking Ooddard back. Eel- eran again invested on the month with the left and sent a In- ipendoua hit with the right completely laying open Oodditd'i left eyebrow, and ddoglng him with blood. This seamed to knock, poor Tom aU abroad, for again and again did Beff^na dash In his left with tarrlflo force on tho noso and left Jaw,-Iom .returning but .allghtly on the left check and moulL .TUi brought them together, and during the dose, Hefferan was ei> tremely busy with both handa nntU they got to the ropes, «hai Hefferan for a second or two hold Ooddard in the hug, and .then threw him, falUig over him. Time, SOmln. From thla point Uefferan took a strong load, getting aU over I his'opponent's fSace, head, and ear, and Ooddard'a Jaw ud I throaiwere much swollen, and bothoyes In mouming; vhlb Befferan,.with the exception of a slight swelling of the sunllii and his fkce a little flushed, was nnecathod. £i thaeleTenUi rouad, Hefferan delivered a straight hit fronrtbe abonUVi .which alighted on tho mark, and completdy doubled poorOod* dard np, and cries arose of "It's all ovor 1" but to the snriiilia of all aaaembled, he kept coming round after round, and never did any one etrive harder or moro gamdy to achieve victory. Ertn when the case was quite hopdess, he contlnned to "scnieh,' and Hefferan adminuteted some very heavy punishment, At the finlah of the twenty sixth round, (time, 1 tyur 39 mln) «ben the fig)it waa vlrtuaUy over, a policeman stepped wlUun the ropea, and snatched, for the time, tbe victory from Befftnsj Of course, a move, and a long- one, !)ad to. be made, vehlolei pi every deacripUon bolngpresed Into service, bntthe pertlsaclotf '.'bobbles", would not be shaken off, and the referee nined Thnrsday momlng,.elght o'dock, Fenchurcb street Both nsn andalarije number of their frlenda were there, but the hicken- of Oodjlard stated that hla Jaw-bone waa brohon,.and they wodd not .6nffer him toBght any more; therefore, Hefferan wis de- clared the winner -without further trouble. 'l)ETBBlitINEb UXUi JOt THE vm r.A'WP blBIRIOI- On Monday, March 6, two young pnga of the hardwan villager T. Jamu (a«ai "OInger") and Tonng Booter, met at the Ore^ Lanes, Tardley, to setUethoIr daims to flstl4 superiority. Bou have flgqred In the roped arens, Oinger's princlpd eDgagemecls. havingljeen with that piece of adamant Mick the Oredtn. at whoae handa he snffered defeat after flghtlng 9 hours 80 mm., fifty-eight rounds In aU. He was subsequently matched with VoungTlemey, of Blrmhigham, but prior to hostlllUea, OInger SIS apprehended (rumor says purposely.) Of Booter, we MVS record a defeat by that dever UtUe boxor, FYank Wllaoa put OoUlnson'a House,) after somefaarfally punishing work on bolD s des. On arrivlngat the appointed spot which waa readied ny eight o'dook, little time waf ^at In peeling, and the hantams at once got to work. ' , Bound 1. Booter led 'with a slashing hit on the nose, and ifov fairly countered on tbe organ; when Sbme sharp eiohangoa loi; lowed, slightly In fikvor of OInger: a dose, and bolh down, bo<^ ter under,. • ^ . _ a. Very oantlons and dever sparring for flfloon minutes, when Booter got home heartly on tho mouth, and received on-^J. nose.' Some ding-dong, work followed, and eventually amger wenttograss. . . V ' ' ,«. 8. OInger, afterweUmeasaring his ALnoe; letflyAfi"'™!? bandar atralght on the mouth, which IT onco drew blood, ano received a most .unfriendly' lap on the mouth for his puas. More punehlna work with a vengeance, and both down, A 3 to 1 freely offarcd on OInger, but with no reeponse. W»' ter now took the iniUaUvs, and got aU over Olnger'S fto W ' with great offect somewhat damaiilng tho appearance of hls fiw tiaplsoe; Olnoer, In tbe return, getting on the ribs, but not wl" effect and going to grass to BVoM. ■ _,,.„, ■ S. Booter foUowed up his tactics by ssslh InvesUng haariiy » thelefteyeanTi Jaw, liowlso on tho ribs, one-two atylo,"*" ttejgot to hot work, and Ginger ogdn down tb avoid, wa* . ^6tota. In endiof these ronnds,HooterIsndedwllhgreateff^' all over tho ftontUploce, making hu right with great the body; Ginger, by no means Idle, rclnmlng on the tbrojt an» cbtst and then to grass toavold. At.the ond of the tweuw round, a cry arose that tJo "shiay-tops" wore On the scent P*™ «nough Ihey arrived at the scene of action, and PM »'Sf to further hostliftlM, tbns obliging tbe Oomb^tanU end their lo' lowers to adionm some dlslanoo ftirther, to the riolnity Hobb's-lane, In the nOit county (Worcaetorahiro), whore too oj" were again quickly put Into milling ahnpc'tBd contlnned a caP'"S itronaenand admlnlatcrlng "ashotasnoH fight—Booter tho atron0eri;Bnd admlnlatcring "the OInger'.' havlna loalsomething of its heat in the thirue« ronnd, Booter dblalnednfine knock-down, by a strdghtngB^ hander 'plump ontho cranium; after whiob, Uie odds voeroo>» hU faVor at a to 1. OInger qulokly rdallatod by a Wb**",,,, noas ffWmthe effeots dfwhioh his right band pnffedfoar«uy/j Utaraily smashing that organ. A system of the mbat detom^ iDg now oommenood. Ginger, howhvcr, got S'*'}^^ i, nnttl fiftyelght rounds had been I'oi'ght (ooouW'Jj^ ponobl * ' *rar 8S ainl) wittanndlinjn igave way,.'afad.^" - . ,jl»V*l&ftil'lllffli D.)'witB nndlmlnlahed pluok on coin amw. y-^ r.-afad'Olaget^akMonaiC.aeelntrth4,stale<H[ t^ '..V Ui'.'-. .•i;'<l;iUC'I"5'"I" J> J..''.- ^