New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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W O RK CLIP P E .; the 0'*'«|JJ^,?S, iJndi b»»lii« i«P«io» lolenc* to m»»Vth»t "Olngw. on "•;f*"J5f?il: 53ubei«CTea.«ndih« (oompM»UT«) ''»4«°'^Ifmi5S?bTh2So"youthftilrt7«W^ B«otor. PHDBlBTIUAinSB. WiiiiHO Hatch AOAimTiih.-^vreineiaBj.'l^tch "u^'^rrr /.« tim itnm\ Bona OiuidB. Bine. ??**W^dlng-mMt« of the Eoynl Horse GuMdB, Blue. I Mr. Bfljwau. ta twelve honxs, In the ponnds »t for »^od Sit. • Tlxwo w in extra bet A»t ho.dld B^'°''!!S,SLh Uiellnkilimlleato ono hour. The event bp- ,ol »5»o»PiJ?,,ti u, nnuenia' degree of Intereet. emong tfie '?^!S«Ho rimlrera ofpedeetrliuilBm, end during tteeTenUnl ""^^JL w«s B very l«>ge atUndeuce of noblemen oad gen-- *'"^> JST noonda to witness tho arduous nndertaklng. ,At flemen m uiB ■ prellmlnailos Uovlng been most eoHs- iSllMlea, Uie signal was given by tbe rofereo for tie '"W.iMiBoiweUconunencad his Journey at a good paoe, ?5l?5i£od the first six mUsa In W mln M aecs.-thna . 5* •f^Si. «nt event by 36 soca., bnl not quite so eaiy as an- ■ Hf^brSSmA tit bom the Umo ho started up to the U^patod by " • tog, wbloh caused Mr. B. to blow ''ISlftSS and wfflve lallM hai been pice4 over, he had the •^£fte*S3fVthelegibutln^^ fSS^^rSmapllko manner. At the end of the 88th mOe h« f^fSnaher balirbnl very Ultle refWshmont, and again started JSr tat Sthougl he appwred freib and weU he went rather ' SSkv upon bis understandings, through his fefet being much HLtoei He soon, however, warmed up, and shook the lamo- i^lff in rewt ieasure, iii eventuitly walked In a gdlant S?nn«rlnllhonrs, Smlnules, 44 seconds, thus winning. by 16 Slee. lOsocoOds, and, with the exception of his foot being a UlUa blistered, he was not mnoh tho woiae for his long journey, which la a great task for any man without training, and more ea- to a gentleman like Mr. Boswell, not much accustomed toi^tdealof walking; ♦ndbeing 18at. Tib, In weight, .over Sx fSet In height, and nnwards of f&rty years of age, ft must be SSlveTpeat peSestrian feat. Indeed: Mr. 0, W««|haU i«ffuUtsd the time and paid him strict attention thioughont iSIt Smith waarefereeandVmekeeper. A greet deal of money eluDged owners. The following la the ooneot time;— .i.a.i... f. 's;.... .-li..... . c i ...... -2::::: i.'....... ,10 u u M r-.U...;. U IT..... ■ W .30 u..... 92 ■.»:.... .M Boitn, ;.0. .0 .0 .0 . 0 . 0 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 .a . a . a . a . s . 3 . 3 . 8 . 4 .4 . 4 . 4 . 4 . B . Emma TxsJIiu Baos Becwzbi ibb Axniaiir Iroun . ' into Toma' ^luum.—The i«n.mlle face between Teddy Hills ', (Toung &igland) and Dearfoo^ for f5d a-slde, brought^ at usual, ' alarge muster of the admirers of the "fleet of foot" to Hackney mok, on Monday, Maroh 9, when, daaplto the other attr»oUcna In the metropolis, no fewer than 1000 poAons were present The Katperformanoeaof thecompetllon ai^now well known, and, erefore, need no lepetltlou. Before the men rapeared, (ho betting was 3191 and7 to 4 on the Indian, butwhenxeddyoame on to the groundr-looklng none the worse fipr hla trip to New- . oulle—and-wanted to. back himself for even money, the odds ' veered round to a shade of odds on the "lltUe-*nn.'' Seeifbot looked wall, but In consequeoce of a break-out, Martin was not ' sanguine, and we believe hedged a trifle of the stakes by backing the paleface. The time of staillna wu fluked for half-put four, and shortly after that time, Seetfoot ehowed on the gronhd, qnloklyfoUowed by Mills. Dlok Lewis, of OlerkanwaU, did the attentive -to the Indian, while fiam Barker, ^Auilnsgale, ai \ usual, was Teddy's mentor. The men had to traverse the groand -ilxty-seven tlmesandlSO yards.and.oonaoquentlyhad.toptaa lboi«tuMalxfer«lghttlaeB.''KUla'wonthatoaa for <he choice i .tt stations, and took tho Inalde, whloh caused an observation ':. bom a bystander that Teddy was the wliuer of the first obalk, '; and he would back him 6 to~4 for the raool Immedlatdy after the start, Mills, with his nsual bounding and gracenU aoUon, ' went to the front, and led the way at a merry pace for the flret Ifille, whloh was accomplished In 4 mln. SOsec Tho same order eoatlnned iip to the ninth lapl when Seerfcot, with a fine dash, .. went In trout, and led the way by a conpio of yards at the oon- " efaislon of the second mllo, which was run In 0 mln. (2 sec.. ^ITo dhaogetook place during the third mile, which was completed In 15 mln. 7. sec The fourth mile was run lih 30 mln. 30 seo., - -with no variations in the poaltions.ot the men. In the fifth, , ])«erfootbroke away for a few yards more than once, but Teddy toon dashed after nlm, and resumed his close attendance on - Beerfoot's track, and they passed the lUlh mUe mark in 35 mln, SSteo. No change occurred during the sixth mile, which was aoccmpllshed inOl mln. 8 sec. The race from this point was of avary Interesting character, from theftetof Seerfoot receiving the "office" bom Oeorge Martin to improve the pfMC,« poulNe; and Improve the pace he did to auoh an extent thai he soon njide a gap or forty yards between himself and Teddy, who was by no .means put out, for when he found that Deerfoot stopped hla nub, UUlspullod himself togotber, and, making one of his tflendid spurts, was again soon doao behind Deerfoot and they - were in the old positions, Doerfoot letdlna by a oonple of yarde. When sevei;. mlleR had bem) completed In 88 mln. 35 seo. In . the eighth mile,-Deerfoot again took a decided lead, but only cnsufferance, as Teddy wont up to him with apparent ease, and tttey—nearly together—passed the eighth mile mark in 41 mho. ' Msec. The ninth mile was completed in 47 mln. 10 sec., wlthcnt ^.'VVvarlatlon In position. It was not until they had paased the nintee for the last lap that any change took place. The exdte- -mak on all sides was tremendous, those who had backed Deer- : ^t Bhontlng at the top of their voloea, while the Hills division .' Ju equally vociferous. As they entered Into the straight on the :Ut aide of the course, Hills pulled hlmaelf together, and In a Aw strides was level with the Indian, who gamdy tried to break ' S?^> could only mBAage to "hold hla own" for a few yards. ' Wteu haUway.up the hill, Teddy made the pace a "cracker,", and Beaifoct was to all Intents and purposes settled, for on theli en- ^^,taring the straight run home, UlUa was leading by half a dozen Tuda, whloh was incieaaed, despito the now wau-luiown Deerfoot , JWh, Into nine good yards as they passed the winning-post in nms, 34 SCO. Both mon wore much distressed at the llnlah, ' int aoon recovered and showed amongA their Mends. The fol- . lowliig is the time :— I] ffWe jn4.t])a.b«lC(>n ifiianh 32.1883. Tlui Phampton'a gold onp was pat ■ glTtn 0^ ATigatt '33,' oh whichTceaslon it was won -by Scbora, and haa.been m htapossasalcn ever since, ..The weather onws 90oaaIoi)i.wsseveTy1hlDB that could be desired, sod, on arriving within the enclosure, 'upwards of 1,500 persons had as- sembled to iwltpess the contest, Hr. Holden, of Uanchester, was atakeholfer^d Bohln Clough, of Hcllinwood, mutually ae- leotodrefbree. The betting opened at evens, and soon rose to 7 to 4'on Sohora before prooeedlngs oommanced. - At the.tlme ap- pointed, both men enCsred the enclosure, Schora being attended by Bobert vBoas (alUu "Captain"), of HT^terloo, and. J. Mewlon (Mtter known as "Teapot''), of Btaleybridge; whilst Meadow- croft had securea Vii services of John Matloy, of Ashton, and M.ffientley, of Bury, All being In readiness, the men disrobed andconunenced operations, , both Ijelng as lively as could , be i however. In teyan minutes, Ueadowcroft camo to grief. After reatlng minntes, dnrlng wUcb time a and 8 to 1 was freely, offered on Schora, tho men again began, and some spirited play was exhibited; In twenty.tbree minutes, McodowcroR threw Sohora very heavily; and rolled lilm over. This, of course, made the gdme level, and Sohora seemed very queer. 8 and 4 to 1 was offered on Headowcroft. After the usual rest, they again came to the mark, when the tug of war commenced.. Both looked the worse for wear, more especially Sohora. However, In seven minute* more, Sohora caught and threw Headowcroft, - aod the referee decided that Behora was the 'winner of the Cham- pionship.' V - '.'"■IBOBII.I.ANBOUB. OEUunoHSBff OF EBX Thaices.— The flflh deposit, of (35 a side, was mode on Thursday, March 5, at Mr, Laldler's Mew Inn, Old Bailey, .when a very large number of the Mends of the Newcastle man showed. Eveison was represented by Messrs. 'Wall/ Heath, and Ofowe. with here'and there a few staunch supportors,'who do hot wlaii to be too propalnent at the present stage of aflklrs. There was no betUng. Oh Vednesday, nowever, £65 to £40 'was laid on Ohambers, whloh was token by a olty bookmaker, who goes for the Eontlsh man. After the doposlt was'made, there was some discussion upon the management of tho steaihboats, which, however, after a few suggestions, was left In abeyanco, until after the race between Oxford and Cambridge. Both men are reported to bo well, and the friends of eaoh are confident. . By utter advlees from England, we learn that the bettlns In rather more than 0 to 4 on Ohambers, yet the backer* of the London man do not take the aliove odds, while they ac- cept 7 to 4 very kindly. A few days' olnce, £65 to £40 Was betted upoil Chambers, a wdl-knowh hacker and friend to the London watermen supporting the aroonwicb man. Botl}men havegone into Btrlot' work—Everson at Mr. Parkhurst's, Bull's Head) Barnes, and Chambers at Harry Olasper's, Scotswood-road, Hew. oastle,. under the celebrated Harry. Chambers has had a new >>at built expressly, whloh Is said to give every aatisfsetion. 'Her dimensions sre as Allows:—Length over all, 38 ft; extreme breadth, 9Kln; height of stem, SK&i; height of Stem, In; end a trifle over 30 lb In weight. It Is not decided In which boat person win row, but there are a couple now ready for his use. , EnoLWD's Two Onsal OaiosEiiHa Elevbns.— The oricket se^ /on in England promises to be immense, and the All England and United All England Elevens have a large number of first- das* eventa already on hand. Here they are, with date, eto. :— Aix-Eblaud Blevsh.— May 4, atFulneck, near Leeds, -v. Twenty- two of Fassey and District; Hay 11, at Sheffield, t. Eighteen of SheSleld. 'W. Sllnn'a benefit; May 14, at Olasgow, v. Twenty-two of Olydesdals OInb; May 18, at BIrkenahaw, near Leeds, v. Twen- ty-two Hayai, at Old Trtfford, Manchester. North v. South; Maz 35, at Lord's, v. United Eleven. Benefit of Cricketers' ^nfid: Hay 38, at Bath, v. Twenty-two; June l,'.at Halifkx.T. Twanty-twa of the.Distrlot; J'une 4, Old Trafford, v. Sixteen of Manchester, wRh two bowlers; Jane 8, at Southampton, y. Twan^.twtt of Union Olab: June 16, at Dewsbnryi v. Twenty- ttfo; June 18,.at Brqnghton, r. Twenty of Club and Orcnnd; Jane 35, at Beddlteh, v. Twenty-two; July 3, at Morley, t. Twen- ty-two; July 16, at Eookwood Park, t. Twenty-two of Basing, stoke; Jaly97,at 'Valsoll,y.Twenty-two; JulySO, atLonsIght, T. Twenty; Aug. 8, at Boston Spa, v. Twenfy-two; Aug. 6, at Ashton-nnder-Lyne, v. Twenty-two; Aug. 17, at Lawton HaU, Cheshire, y. Twenty-two; Aug. ao, at Hanogate, y. Twenty-two; Aug. 34, at Boarborough, v..Twenty-two; Aug. 3T, at Liverpool, North'V. Sosthi UmzKD All Eboluiv I^jcvxr.— May 14, at Oomersal, near Leeds, V Twenty-two i Hoy 18, at Bouthsea,y Twenty-two of East Hants; Hay 35, at Lord's, All England Heven y United All Eng- land, for the Oricketers's Fond; Hay 28, at Oxford, y Twenfy Christ Ohuioh College; June 1, at Ealing,'y Twenty, with two bowlers; June 8, at tieaforth, near UveipooU y Twenty Qf the Northern Club, with two bowlers; Aug. 6, at Bontbgato,y John Walker, Eaq.'s; Sixteen; Ang. 10, at Otisy, Yorkshire, v Twen^- twb; Aug, 13, at Southampton, y Twenty-two ot the.Uhlon Olnb; Aug. 34, at Hastings, y Twenty-two; Aug. 31, at Newport, lole of Wight, y Tvrenty-two of the loland: Sept. 7, at Oodolming, v (the number not fixed). Some other fixtures will doubtless be nude for the Utter part of the season. BnuiBD UiTOH.—On Uosday evening, H^oh a, a ihatch waa played at the Eyre Arms, St. John's Wood, between Mr.W. Dalton, the late winner of the cup, and Mr, O. Hall, 1,000 up, for £25 a aide, Dnfton giving 380 points. The game commenced at half-past seven, the betting beliig6to4on Dnfton, (^th no takers) who increased hla fcore rapidly at starting, but.evento- ally Uhe balla broke in thvor of Ur. Hall, who, playing lenurk- abiywdl odl With Inoreaaedoonfldsnce, ran.his to 706 to Dnfton^ 606, where there was an interval of tan ' minnte*. Oo lesnmlng ploy, Diiflan's boll and the red ware In baulk, and HaU not scoring, Dnfton lot loose all his sUU, and played In the same form as when he won the cup. and was loudly applauded for several spurte of 35 and 30 off the balls, until his score reached 887 to Ball's 003. Then come tho break of the evening, Dnfton scoring ^ off the balls—principally losing haaards— having holed himself 17 times In sueceaslcn off the red balL Mr. Hall's chance now aeemed gone, but he still struggled on, and when his score atood 034, Duften'a reached 1003, amidst loud oheers and flattering compllmente for the cool and steady manner In which he played the Jast (00 against suAh long odds. All ERauBD Pioion SEObma Haimttup.—Mr. Ololee's han> dicsp come off at Aston -Cross, near BirfUlngham, on Tuesday, March 8, when upwards of 800 persona were on the gronnds. The fine prlxe-was £6 10s; Second prize, £3; and third prize, £310s. Twenty-four members accepted to shoot'attwo olrds each. The first prize waa won by O. Luckman, who brought down five birds In succession. The second prize was won by Ur. Terry, who killed eight out of nhie birds: and the third by Ur. Nevltt, 'Who killed seven oat ot nine. Betting on the guns, a and Stol. '..,'. Obiokxtbbs Dioided Am-UaiaHnsiiiiB.— W. Beldham (the fAmcus Surrey Cricketer,) had 39 (1) children; John Sherman (the old Sarrey Cricketer,) had 91 oUldren; Thee, Ohas, Howard (the Hampahire Cricketer,). had IB children; Cleorge Brown (the great Susssx Orloketer,) had 17 children. Thbowimo thb Onom Bill.— A matoh of this description has been made by Uessro. Taylor and Stephenson;' the fknheat throw in three trials each, to win. New asD BbsKsivs SioBiraa-OBbinn)* were to be opened at Bow, Lofidon, Eng., on Uarch 10, oalled ■'The Prince pf Wale* Olympla Bunnlag-grcands,". In honor of the Prince, ovet wnoee weddug with thf PrlhceBsof Denmiuk, all Ensland'ha*,widl nigh gone mad. 'Hues. •1. •\: mln, 4 9 18 90 35 ■ee. .. 50 .. la .. 7 .. 30 .. 85 UUes. . 0 7 ... 10 mln. . 81 . . 36 , .41 . . 47 ; .. 53 . •ec .. 8 .. 35 ...40 ...10 .. 34 ■'".'. ,' ; IVRBBTLniG. ' OsjiiinoMSHip'WBisTLiiiaUiiap,—On Saturday, March 7; the nods leading t#:t^e gronnds at ludenshaw were lined with y» , .hlolesof every descnptton< while hundreds were "tmdglng it ' iSfUy" to the spene of action on "Shanks' pony," the oauae of I . via stir belng.a wrestling matchfor the, Ohamplcnahlp, Even pmon who cays any attehtloh to-wrestllng will be Omlllar Mth Ue names of William Sohora, ot Aahton, and John Headowcroft. ..''Of Bodcllffe. They.met^n tUs oocaslon to wrestle the best of . .vttsabaek-fkUs.Lanauhlre tiBshion,.oatoha8catoh oan,fbr£3I > .*ad^ the winner to reoelve the beautiful gold challenae cup, TWeaixty guineas. In the poteesslon of Sohora. John HesAow-. ^uat saw the light on April 98, 1638, at Badcllff^ Lanoa- I fiUe.. la a we]l<knlt,powerM young man. Ho oommepced. ' *>*o*feer by defeating Hook, of Bury, for £15 a side. He was S*« defeated by BoblnOlough, of HoUlnwood, for £a0asldo,at ':'5<'<}openhwen Qrounds. He was next snoceastDl against '■^otBlctle.for£2Caslde. Won^s Ohamplon'a belt, at 6 ?°'«6lb.,at the Copenhagen arouifts. Was defeat«d by the , Spin Lad, for tho helt and £25 a aide. Defeated Sohora. for ,S^*a'^o *hathe.belt, at the Copenhagen Orounds, Defeated •obln Olougb, of HcUIowood, for £50 a side. Was beaten'by .' SSS'i ot Hurst, for the belt and £35 a side. Defeated Acton, for 'S°o,Mlde, at the City Orounds, Uanohester, - DefeatedBentley, nuidham, for £30 a aldo, at the Coponhagon .Grounds, giving ■«> two pounds in wehiht. , William Sohora Is a native of Ash- ""i and was 34 years of age on the 14th of lost November, He dcfeaung Lanr DouA. of Uossloy. for .£8 aside, at , J^'Valght. Debated Allen Beaumont, ot StalsybrMg^, fbr .^■Vl'^^'OhPeb. 13,18II8, at Victoria arounds, Ashton. .!>»- "w«d John HaUey, of Ashton, In AugnsL 1619, for £60 a side, a( \ l^^}?^' >t tbe Snipe Inn. Again defoatad J. UaUey, for £80 I AmI*' following Obrlatmos, at Victoria aronnds. Defeated .,','JSPby'Oomey, of Ohaddertos, for £25 a side—Sohora, 5.*cdi« .' fi^J ^'omoy, e aoore 121b—at the Copenhagen Orounds, in Sep- J™Jor, iprew with E. DuoUey, at Oldham, oatohrwolght. fbr £6 ;tS:^.y'* defeated by J. Newton, of Charleetown, on Christ' i'SSySJOifOrmaslde. At the Snipe Inn,.ate soore 101b, fle^ ; sSn ffloi'i'.Olongbi fpr £50 a side, at 5 score. ITlb, oa-.H4y 38, the Oopenhogon Qrovnds^ defWkted, Jumbo. Lad, for - „ U", Wtii.ZX'"' Uie belt, at 0 bcoto 01b, on Juno 8, laoi. At thb oouea "atuUttJ' Utd'oiunc to do tmt oareiuii avoii .J'??**^«>»<»Kmi»is);wa8..aef«»t.4 l>y ue*aowq«h,-tor!«iBa ■ ■ ■-■'r:;!^..... O'OIirO OS THB STAOB. / A FEW 'WOEDfl TO THE NoVlCB. , , EonoBOuniB: A desM to Join the ranks of Thespl* b'a very common one among cur JnvenUe friends, a^id many aria tho "lint sppearanoea" you ore called upon to record. In the majority of coses, a brier InittatioB into .the mysteries of the stage, by means of amttenr perfcrmanoes, Is Uibnght to be tho best plan; in others, the Tyio, male or fbmale, owns to no Inter* yalbetwe6n the rotirementof home and the pablicltyotthe theatntr-maWis a dash, comes out, and etCher succeeds or iUls, "Itls manUltBt to us, and wo think it will be to the general reada]f,thiatthe former plan is the best Even on the amatoi)r boudt, ' young persons acquire a knowledge ot what Is called "atago business;'! loam how to stand,.moVe, how to "make up," how to modulate the volcolond many other thlhgs. All this is a greatadvantagd, and another advantage is, that, .In a Rrtvate theatre, the novice Is more free to acquire those neoeaaaiy «ms of professional kncnledge, because he or she is hotex- peoted to DO versed in anything of the kind at first or fbr a long tllne after: whoreaj, in the Instance ofa puDlicthealxo, the aetw .or actress mutt be versed in these proprieties, or cut a very rldlouloaa figure—that ls,ekeeptln those extrjiordlnaiy oases where thero Is Intuitive genius and is natural altitude for the •Uects sought. . Under the most favorable circumstances, however, tbe young aspirant for tho thealrtolaurel,, will have tostady and labor hard, ore he ooi) bo an actor In the true slgnlfioatlbi^ of the title.' It is not onaugh that be should get through hU slotted part—not enough, even, that ho should Invoke the plaudits ot hla audience, Uany men da this who ore not really actors, and never will be. Thelegltlmate performer, on the contrary; must first carofoUy examine what.nls part in the play ii and'Aoio, as It lathe province of acting, to "hold tho minor up to Nature." This part ought to be Interpreted to the people Ih firont. when ho has attained, the proper dogroo ot knowledge, by masterlng'the words he has to speak^t will bo esseptlal for him to perfect hlmsoK in emphasis, we need scarcely hint our meaning to the reader. . By emphasis, we slgniry the partlonlar stress Udd upon certain words. In the tragic muao, more than in the comic, tho science of this emphasis must bo sCadied,.for thero, the plot, aoUoD, and dialogue being more ocmplloated than in the cppcalte style of ropiesentaUon, the slurring oVfir ot one word even very froquonay mors the meaning ot aVhole passage. All this bokg understood, itwDl be well for the young actor, or aotross, to study dally at home. Many of our young frteada have run away with the notion, that nothlog is required to keep them "up" In the correct knowledse of their business beyond their duly lohearsols. .XhlalsatAllaoy. Actlog.hke everything else In'the shape ot a trade, minst be studied thoroughly. alBieie 1* one evU whloh tfo would gualrd all young profeMlonals :ainat. It Is going on the Stage at night, impertoot in the text, Its Is • transgression properly flnesble In 411 theatres of respoct- abUl^, tti^aUofoId^vllWtfO.*»ttt«n4«^tl3li?l?"f!P»J!«? and blonderlnA on.ihe'tart it «om4 players; and to tb6 bnbktl- tutlonM/Uiproper 1(0^ bn.that of others. The foUed''g4it^g;r'|«d'6iijht toM Ttiy o^eM ■ ^^ -"^ ntnp,. Ponuro.—John kemble uid Lewis, happeningfo be af&nblin at the same time, wereli&th'engagM'by thenaanagirforanight'tf. perfonuanoe'inXcon^ndthe.dofgMrCipeafo. .Their,announce- ment wa8 ootapled with the follcmng delectable passages-VXt^y nevoid ptfitormed tigether'ln the' piece, and In 'allltMum ;»v6aMi<4/they.neverwlll again; tUs evening Is the lumthtt 6f the manaoer's ehimera^ Hobiasconllantly gone higher ahdhlgher ih hla endeavors to delight the public; .beyond this It is not In notontogol" . .\ ;" '. ' „ Answib 10 A OHiLLDroK,—Through some mistake, a gentle- man ih the south of Ireland led off'the dance at a eount& ball,' cut of his tnm. The peiscn appointed to the post of henor ehsllenied the Intrdder, and received tiie foUowhic foiM :-4lf« I eannel'andentahd why; because ! opened the ball at night, i a ball should open me jhx.the morning,, .^ours, &c" ' ; \ EquAtxoK.—ISro boy^, one ot theM bllnd'6^ dis- coursing oh the merits of their respective maUera. "How many hours 'do'y^n get for 'sleep f' "Eight;"', replied the other. ■Eight! wfiylonlygetefourl" "Ahfeald the'first, "but-re- collect yoO'haye only got qnt eje io dose, and 1 ha'ire twp.!'.. ; Pibsud Fekalbs.— 'Among tho idbdea of 'attraction enjoined on Persian females Is thls-^'uct their brlmson-tlhtod toes be ex- posed, in ordeif.that the young men may .see ahd admire them with wounded.heArts." , . . .' ,i '.'. ' i' Ah Old DisEASB..F-"li(y dear," 'said a lady to alltUe girl, "what Is the matter with yourmother?" VBhe's got tho retdiinu fever, ma'ami" Asomewha^cbnunon'dlsorder. N 0 T.i 0 B — .N 0 T 1,0 B . THE HEUtOPOLITAN PUBOHABINd.OOUPAirr, Organized for the purpose of fhmlsblng to parties living out of the Olty fkoiltleia for;pnrch«siDggocds whlch.Uiey cannotpro- oure at home, are now prepared to fill orders for any description of Meichandiae, Books, Cards, Frlnte, Boilng Qloves, .FoUa, Watobes and Jewelry, &e., &c.,'at the lowest market price. Orders by mall fktthfolly attended to, and Circulars, famished on application. - -E. D. LONO. Uanager. Late of theflim otE. Long Is Bro.. and E. D. Long & Co. . Address all orders for anything yon may want, to ErDTlONO. 133X Fulton St, N. T; N.B. No charge tor information.., . , . . .50-41^ . "rpo WHOM. IT 'MAT .OONOBBN."-Haying edld X. ovt m'y .••Purohoidng Agenoy Bnshieas," all letters th^e- fore addrMssd to'me (ocntainihg money), attar,the first of Hay, wUl be retomed.' Thankful for post fitv6rs,'whioh'have been duly appredaied, IreinaliQ,-' Bespectfully yours, ' . J. p. UiSTIN, Agent, ' BawIey,'P8., Box 13, "N.B."—I hove for sale a few of the following arUales:— "Japanese Pipe and Begor Holder, 50 ots.;" "Sted Black Ink Powder, pet package, 28 cte.;" "Prussian Bine Ink Powder, per package. 25 cb.t" "Pimple Eradlcator, Sfota.;" "Ocm-killer, 25 cte.;" "Parisian Perfnmed Satchel, or Scent Bag, 20 cte.;" "Pat Uloroscone. 28 oto.;" "CoUyria. 81 cIs.;" "Magic Cigar Cases, 18 ots.,'* ^same as advertised for $1,) enly a few left; Uaglo Pocket Book, 18 cte.;" "Antidote for Tobacco, 86 cts.;" 100 to Hoke Money, 36 cts.;" "A laughable Beoret,16 cts.;" "TenetlanBarometer,or Chinese Weather Indicator,86 cts.;" "UsionThermometer,30cte.,"(beautUhl), Bendarmexed prices, on or before the let of Hay, 1863, to ' UlBTIN, Agi,' 61-3t* ' Box 13,'Hawley, Fa. AUEBIOAN SELyiP-SHOOTER.—Work on praotical gnimery. My first edition being nearly eihanated. I am now prepared to fnrdlah copies at only Twen^-five cento eaoh, byinall, tree of postage. Idothls, thatIteimportance maybe realized by every person; whether a Sportsman or Soldier, that each may have a copy. No work ever issued imparts so much Infoimatlonofyalae, for the price. Addreaa < .DANIEL'WOOD, Publisher, «• ■ Boohester,N.T. TEB OHEAFBSTAND BEST— Price only 25 Centa— THE HXUBTRATED HAND-BOOK OF BELLIABDS, by PHSIiAN & BEBGPB.-^Thls work contains over 100 pages of Ulustratloiu and dciforiptlve matter, presenting all the features to make the attentive smdent a perfect, master in the nOble game. It also ecntalns the riilsa of all the gaimes played with billiard bolls. BloUed free on receipt of price. The trade supplied by 8. TonsKT, Ul Nassau street. Address PHELAN t COLLENDEB, . 614t' . .. > ' 67 Orosby street, K.T. . ABTEBEOSCOPB AND TWELVE FANOT COLOBED VIEWS. OOUPIATE IN A NEAT CASE. VEBT DESIBABLE. Sent by mail for 50 oente.' Address' '■' FBED PAB8EIX8 fc BBOTHEB, 51-4t . Box 3085 P.O.. New Tork Olty. SOLDEEBS, AlTENTIOHl—Pain, ' disease and cinor sure, 'With a hot ellmatc'mnddr water <and bad disVwUl ha unavoidable, but armed with HOLLOWAI'B. PUBIFZPffl £ BTBENOTBENINa PILU yon oan endue aUthese and still re- tain good health. Only as cents per Box. .320' BOOKS, FBIMTS; CAltDS, .&O.^Sead for my olicn- Ur. Noflraudpracttoed. 80^ JOHN ATOmSON, 93 Snahe street, New Tork.' AaAY AMD PE3T1VB PHOTOGRAPH for 25 eta. ' Colored, 80 cts; Address ' EUOENE'ALEXANDEB,' It* "i-.Eoxbury, -|Q BIOHLT OOLOBED SPORTING PBINTS— lO NO TWO ALIKE, TBUE TO KATUBB, - - * 34 x 80-tor|500;8fbl(f2 78)Sfcrtl87. BhigleeopleSi'SObenti. Sent postage paid. • ^ .'am'BlIlPOBTEIt'S ljBEAH,'' - . : A large colored engraving. A'rloh tUngJ - Bent, postage field, on receipt of 60 oentsJ Address ' OHAS. H. DAT, 47-8m " New Hi^ven, Conn, LNT.—Biednotlon in Prloe. Qoi Famoiu BIjoo y\. XknoyFaokage, with "additional attractions," containing Btetohes,' Sonss, Jokes, Toasts. FIVE -BOOK CIBOUIiABS and a OOLOBED ENOBAVIMO. sent to any address on receipt «f U Cents.' -MO HUUBUO.' EDQAU, UOBPHT & 00>, ; ' 81'Nassau Street^ New York. "P;IiAtHfiO CARDS, JT;'. .>,. i ..And an artloles used in aAVJlB or AHUSBHBNT AND CHANCE. . Uanqf^tured and. Sold by' •• •,- M,rNBL80N; *3-U ■ • . .43l'BW»dway.N6wTork. TO • FANOIBRfl OP ■ ■ THB GAME FOWL AND POUIABX' BBSEDEBS OENBBALLT; I have on hand and for sale,a very fine lot ot Stog* and Pnllete (bred fironi my Imported Qame Fdwls) thai were'hatched in March. The Stags are all dubbed and in good hear^ and as the Pallets are about commencing to lay. It woilld be desirable for phrcbasers to make early application. Bone of the Stags would make a most capital cross wherie stco Is deali«d.' JNO:'B. ASHVOBD, ,494t . '807 Callowhilletrbet, Philadelphia. iM AHB FOWL.-^The ondenlgned Offers for sale hfg \jr entile stock of OAMB FOWUi; comprising selections bom the best stock In . Amerioa,. and carefully hred by hlmaelt All Fowls add by me,J warrant Dead Oama. Bafoiento given if re< qnlred. Address PEIEB BRANSON, .. S7-8m« lQ09Porttend*lreet,FhiLideIphllu AVE FOWL.—I havo on band a.obolce lot of Game VJT Fowl which I fetched from England myaelt It'ey are ,of Uawley's breed of Nottingham. They are consldored the best breed in the world, and I have them for sale. 4am* EDWABD NEWBOLD. Springfield. Uias., Bos 158. /^AMB FOWL FOB SALE.—JoNi'TdAN DoRWABT, \jt Laacaster Olty, Pia.,ilmncrter and Breeder of Oame Fowls, Ferrets, Bat Dogs, and Bun Terrier Dogs, Oofb made to order. Also, Bggsofhls Imported Fowls for sale . . 49-18t* T3S OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AOENOT.* tor aOUwnUr. HENBT STEPHENS, 88 Nasaau trt . Bend 4S4f lEND FOR A ItAlOIOtH PAOBIAOB. ooDtablna ^ Four Fancy Articles | . price 25 oent*. - Als& Bubber' Goods Oeatlemen'staaa^ Address J, H.,FAIIIUIIiIik IS Ann street,- for near Broadway, N. 7, 43-tf WO R D B' N H O U S B , OOBNEB OF BOWEBT AND DATAfiD STBEEiB, N. t. ' Ouaata can' be ococmlnodafed w^th Booms by the day or week. Urtth or Without board. OBO. P, WqCDST, Proprietor.' 40^ TA1IE9 (KIODWtNj, OojBBiiuion Paper Dealer O No. UO JOBN .STBBET, near Cliff, Mew Tork. < News and Printing Paper itnTifsotured to' ordar at the ahocteit aotlc*. . 8t-tt B Past! OW TO WIN AT 0ABDS.r-4Staa jbiu add^ and two red stamps to HOWAItO H. OBAVS8,.NewllorkOiti f<a»Onoe,and .hewlll ifiiSorpi yoi rttnania ' ^^■,,"",,,47. _ GOIIHAVJB'II LIBBAHT OF BOHABTIMb/'^ . ;~-r7'.--JtttIA-'WM •■. -.r^Si—.-.-r- . U'i v.;'';' !** WMInwjWD.,~ , .' -v" In ooMffli* TWf^twt otstone milght move- ' BntsMsonedwithiheiligUatdaaboffiatterr— V . Hars,8abr^ia*h6ioldJullai3lu,""e. . . Orleada'fbrlorBbbpe'hislcvetoprovel '- • ■Wl^t If her eUn.tpLljdarkT hair rod? no mattii, lie- . - Vas quite regardless of such MHn; things: ' - - ' . Bl* Julia was an angel, minua wlfiga I , , "Leys mles the'oamp," koi, iind cur soldiers seem to 'be'OMV head and ears In love; but he appear* to be unaware ot the fhot fliafc Ocurand'a JPALIAN MEDIO,AT^ SOAP will infolllbtt remcva from the sUn every vestige of t^n, fteckles, stllowness; rednssi. roughness, pimples, or other, cutaneous empUoneI EqualWlR' norant he seems to have been ot the value of Qonra^^sPO'C- DBES SUBTILE8,inezlIi3>aUnK anperfluous hair, .Tiestrange, also, that it never ocourred to huh that Julia's hair mlsht hM» been colored a magnllcent black by Pcnraud's BAIB vtS] The value ot Gouraud's LIQUID KOUOB, for giving permanent iosl>. nesa to pale ohoelu, he seemed to be .Aworoof, for he used it himself! . DB. FEUZ OOURAUD'S prcpsratlona oon be had at hhi new and splendid esteblishmeqt, 483 Broadway, three door* bdow Orand street, removed from hla old depot, 67 VfalkeT street, eetalx lished a quarter ot a coniury. Also of Hays. Biobfclyn: BalesL laOiWoahlngton street, Boston; Oallender,PhlIa4elldiIat Madame Dubcte, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0.rand SethS. Banco, BalHmore; and. others who choose to send cash ordend Forwarded by Express, and circulars sent free. - , ^ ^' P H B L ▲ N ' 8 IMPS 0 T ;i U . :: BJLLIAKI> T ABLEd 1 iirt ■■>" r • OOHBINAnON ODBBIOMa. ':7 PTCMeted by Letters Patent dated Feb. 19,18881 Oei M. liiL . rSSilK^"- »• 1& noent improvemento in these TaUes thai uHia passed In the.'world. They are now offered to ael*atil« BttUsiC ■ny Billiard table, ilio, . 1 PHELAN'S NEW BOOK—"The Game of BnUardf," 4th edltton, enlarged; revised, maatrated with addltisaal''Sai grams and a portrait en steel of the anther. Price, one dolkh SWganUjbound. .«U bym^^. ggjj^^g^ot ^'1 ^ . . te,8«,67,and690iosbyi*— G R B A ,T B 0 0 E 311 iriw BO OS 81 -kBW bookbii DONT FAIL TO BEND FOB A 0 A T A L 0 0 V OVB HEW OAXALOara HOW BBADT. ' 8BEIT IBSK-MtfEAaa SiJD-Otr ASEUOiSiqpii XBB 0U> niABUBHD) iBD OMLT BILIABU.Bpd^ AHD BTOBOHa OOODS AOBIOft When oitai an pNopilir.fnd bUhtbUr imnM,.'.. Aaenm, SHdUfl/OBitaDi; . K^Mtijaaian TEE T O U N G A M E R IO A F IfB K ■ . Jan • - OE)IEBAL.PUBOHASINa AOE^OT,. COKDUOIEDBI EDOAB. UOBPHX & eo.i at 81 Nassau street, . . NewYork... . . \ Are now prepared, with increased itollltiea. to,supply BocUh Cards, Pruta, Photographs of Stateameur Llierary men, Aotoifl and Aotressas, Vocalists, Army and Navy OScers. -and Pugilist*, and.domsstlo).-Boilag _ Hoyls's dames,.. Boilnfl Book*,.Novels, etc.. .. LOMDOM, PABIS, .(BBVaSELS, ■ - ': inn ► .. ■ ,• 7ANEEB MOTIOMft : , .Bend forOotelpgues.. , ., Send for Catalogue*. ., . ;i. ' - ' Bend tba Catalogue*. . yonr money l«lter*.at out risk,..i.i.'j^v.-- ■.v;, v.;,;:;-".v;s;';.;.-:*'r';;-.:.^BPflA&,HpMB*i|*«» ,.. vrow BmiiNo up wards of 100.plDQPniB aB 1 W Vf KVM: ' "."...'...1. .'".',*■'. E B P E 6 b U: O^'lY E 0 R O A N^S , . .i'- ' ■«»:■ '•■'.■'!•:■. .'. BUSSELL T, TBAIX,, ILS; ''.' : • ,' ■-THE ' . 11 Z V A !• 0 B a A X I S H. ■;:',';. ', . '. .• JAHES a'JA0KS6if,lt D. "*' '^e ttitatlse* Ih ihls yolume are upon subject* .ot the frtmoil liaportAhoelhaphysIcIogloalpolinoI'vlew. Thesb'snhjMts *N handled' In th able manner. The authors are n^e^loof nan of Uealtb^iuoSilan^bodUyftmctlons; whUotoniffarlngtal^anltfi it offersIndldous advice, which may savt; mioty j|nm'opn»Ue»< ting their snfferings by resorting to quack do<;tei* nltaplrioal treatment."—Boston JouraiaL "Sh ould b e read by all old enough to nndUstond'li"—'WoUl Cure Journal. Wodd's <Msis, Boston. - 1. , ••An honest effort to diffuse usefal Information. UostMpilat works oh this subject are the reverse bt this, and aito tuie tdr yerttsemento of quacks."—Plyuioath Book. '. .. ':"' ••A valoabls lAdltlon to medical. llterature,''V'9<)*ton IH* nag.' '■• ' "A valuable book tor the afiUoted, and for all whowot|U'ilietb«> It* oonnsels are ot great importance to alL"—Bottos.OoUgrega* tlonalist. ' ' * ' ' , •KJontaln* prootlefl tnfOrniaiion,wt shouU be known and *e(t ed upon by parente and children, .ihs married odd ^Ihgle; The chapter* devoted to children and their mansgiament oilght to be read-by every mother."—Nnnda, (N.'T;) Mews, "Thatthls la a suggestive volume must be admitted, we thUl^ by either a profeeatonol or non-professlonsl reader. Engaged^ oi we are; in advocating a general rolbrm of onr social habits and' . oppornmlties for physical Improvement, we hail With delight any en^eattve Influences that may he brought to bearnlMn. oratti '- yoritellhs'of aoUcn, come from what quarter it may. 'We thei»>'. fore take jgreat pleasure In recommending the above yclame to a,' fair and candid ocnelderaUcn among all clastes. Every chapter Is valuable, andall thesubjcctsot thosechsplcrsarowell'ohaieB, . Borton Is 'great in an good 'works.'N. T. Clipper. Price THJEIEB DOLIlAIlS. ' any address.' Send ord«ii to the publisher, B. LEVEREIT EMEjlBOM, 139 Washington atroot, Boston, Hosa, For sale in New Tork by 0.6. FELT, SO Walker street and br BINCLAmTOUSEF, 131 Nosaau street ~ ■ $^ UniHK aMT ' ornsa Boob, this will tesch the xiiiu how to'prevent, and permanently Cdb>, evut vobk of Anjd dla> eoaeond derangement, without toeing or coosoltlnff'ainy'aMtos whatever. No other medical book'hos everreoeivM '|rach 'ama> mendatlonsfropi thePrcas. Oet tbb Bstr. . " ''10. BO O K SI BO O K SII B O O K 8111 BPOBTDia ABTIOUES. OABDS AND PBINTBL J. E. FABBmiTBooksaUer.U AnnatrMS K.T, . .'Book* of every variety; elthor Foreign or DomesUo, fUralshel on Mplloatlon. Parties desiring boot* of.any description, bf ■endingaddress^postpaid,willreoelye'lmmedlateatial&sh. AB Books, Sporting and Anoy Articles you may see advartt*M,wffl . be ftucnlshed to order. Catalogaes seat on appUcaUoo. Addresib' j; H. FABRETiTi, dealer In Bocks and Fancy ArBMes. No.'M AM street. New Tork.' < 48 "TPkO TOU WANT WHBKERS OR Md^BTA- ±J CBESr'-r-In 18631 first asked thlp quoiUon, nw*saa< swerod by nnmerons people: and I ask it any of thorn arar knew ray Onguent to tkU in doing all I claimed torlti nuaaVrthatll Would .fomjpel the Board or Uoiistache to grow upciBjke smootlH est faise wlthlil six mteks from the first applio«tiop.,.U*» ^."f caasful inventor*; 1 have had to contend with a bin pflmltotow, some of whoia sTen go so <kr os to eosruyadTeirtwmeaM, Bowover, truth la iplgbty, and.wlB prevoili sbd JOT' '^FJf^ Ihes flrlendft-wm find that my &ga£tls lis only thing that wffl ■Mallyforoe,the:BI>ard to grow,and«rtu;«!!?<ii'»il'?;i^ thAibn. 1 sind It to atwjplrt ot-the'0*?^^ Scodlbraij^^ BPORTitiG Goods, oto. fc O.B ox 1366, N. T. ■- •J.!) . OEin&AlbAeinr fobJMhewyobk WjimfR ivmioa.i,-'