New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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N E W ' Y O RK dX I P P E t/ufMitibjf I«lot.Jttra. Oam^wo^ flow. BoD»y1er» K. Anderson,'Mr, Jauo»< ^JL-v th«- "Satorv«M>V<' a. wleoi -l»id«Ui. O. A, BOOB, . ^ Q onltarolilT, but " hour, betor. tbe ,o»riMPK"|Ji^'oid Folks wore to opon »t Merc«ntlloXlbr»Ty. 2»"L?^.t«^M'of^bep^lnolp.ltowulIlIUInpls. *°p^n t^"""*'""'''^*'*"* "* '* BttonjUon ibe?''^ ,5, American War opened at T^." S^'^tSS? FnaS, Mlh, to a «10 house. On Satar. *"WS?S;». a rniupe* tor (Jie Bohools at redaoed prloes, jhwi Jay'^'.'^'S'ftiU. The panorama Is a good one, andOoL ^•il!?HSJSbowto«avertlaeR On^th rara%et:towidth, ijthlnkof asetotppaters Some pap^ 'or a room snow. SStiSSAanlana andflwlssBeU Blwern wero announced at 7''lSJ^*llL tor March. 3Ut, TheBtadenta. of two coUoges -"■"S, S'liroi'ent at ttSr ooncort, '^T'J^ mdOol.BmBU, two of the emaUest men In exta- 1 *^"*^ m" with great toTor In their performances with Own'rMlnitrels, 14 Canada. Although UtUe In ■2 S,KT have proved themeelTes the taUestklndotcarda. z' —111. t.i> nhsrontArliUn med«8tv. adTartlBes thai ihiSmalleat p^lr In the world, male and female, anif when Com. SJflXFoote sWto ont on hli neit tour through the 8Ut«4 and £SuSttho.wlllbBaooompanledby iVsmaUest womanIn.the SSSd^fi^ by far.emSferthan either of the Hiss Warrens, r^tha'^fkmedDollleDntton. •^SSanK. Dodge Mid William Hayward are announced io con- Jhmm ftUow«:-BrooWlne, Btase. AprU IstgNewton Corner, jlJS, 8d; Oharlestown, Mass., 4th; Boston, qn FastDay eyentng. AMATBDIU' ... , , ■' thk BVBI05 DBAiuno AnsocuTiott,' On the' 26th nit:, gave a «ntcUas entertolDmant at the Honiton street Bandbox. In our but Issue, we briefly alluded to this ohib . In an article bearing noon the proprleton of Drvnatio HtU, who. It was alleged, tSuM to lease their hall to English Dramatlo Sooletles. We MW learn that the proprietors do not exclude all English Clubs, hat lease tbe place to any club of respectability. The question go_ 15. Have we Dramatlo Associations in our midst that are act respeotable ? If there are nnv, "who are they?" The Hall to be erected by the Burton Olnb la to be the result of a sab. lotlptlon' among'the friends of the Drama, and already two hnnoied names—aonnd ones, too—hare adorned the list. It Is sr«>umed the new hall wUl be completed In the course of'< fbw months. The performance of the Burtonlans on the occasion referred to aboTe, was of a pleasing character, the programme embraolog the play ui ••Bfchelleu" and the ihree of "Ao^h Dlamonl.^' As the Cardinal, Mr. 1. B. Ward displayed more 'than ordinary ablll^, his rendition of the ohariMler, In.alllla euenUols, being one tbatadded new honors to the amateur et^, Ur. Ward's "Othello," on i previous nlgh^ was oonsldered an excellent piece of acting, bntoompared wllh his Dulie Cardinal, ilk'fUlB In. the shade. The part of Bamdks was represented by Bd. Ksene; of the Keene Brothers,' with good effect. Tbia prom- Islsgyoung Thespian mnat throw off hli bablt of ranting. Lung exerclBe Is not neceasary now-a-days, Ed, As Mauprat, Jimmy Button, who was laborlDg nnder a throat affection, did exceed- laAly well. Jimmy loolcs well after' campaigning It eighteen DODths "down In Dixie," as a Captain In the Fifth Conn. 'Vols. Tnt Wlltenberg appeared ns Josepbi Ur. Wallace as Louis, Ur. DeEalalgne as Huget, end Ur. Qordon as Oaston. The Beringhen of Ur. f ewlch wae Tery fine. UIss Bawthomo made a splendid Francois. Ulss Caldwell, at Jolla Detiortemor, was unequal to ^the port, Ther^ wu too much affectation In the lady. Tbe farce wonteffeieoedlngly well, with Ur. Cordon as "Cousin Joe." .' ' It Wllkea'Barre, Fa;, they have started an' amate'ur company, which gave its third performance on the 20th nit A correspon. ' dent woo wlthossod ft, says:—The pieces wore the "Jealons Hus- band," "Nature vs Philosophy," and "Box and Cox." Ur. Ton Uns as PetUbone, Ur. 0. B. Uetazer as Fathom, and Uaster . Both as Mrs'. FetUbone, did remarkably well; also Ur. Joe Fat- ton, and Levi, and Uoiter Crawford, In. "Nature ts Phllouophy." . Corporal 0lap8addle«5 Cox, Ur. Bmltb as Box, end Ussier Craw, ford as Bouncer, would have been no discredit to some of your large theatres. Corporal Olapaaddn, with a little more expe- rience, would make a pret^ fair oomodlon. The company In- lan(l making It a permanent Ihlog, and are to give performances about ^ery week for the benefit of soldlere' families and the sol- ..dlers'.aldaooletlefe.wldchlthlnkiBaTerygoodidw., . .-, ; iii;.Iha.-Aqioa>.Tayloi Amatanre'*. td-. U i mtrM i'. tiia/ttiiit at ^' .BW^Tentvra HoU oa St. PatMok's i>laht,glTli ' - ' Filrmer" and "Paindeen CBofferty." / .' The amateurs at £lmli*, N.'T., gavo averfohdance on tbe Sltti UtoA, andhadagool pAylnghonsa. Hickory Harrison took ^ ' hand In at "Love's Sacnflco." . j The meatloy Dramatlo Asaoctatlen, PhlUdelphlo, 'played '(The Uerchant and Hie Seven Clerks," and ''Ben. Bolt," ou March 2Eth. Mr, Comber played the leodlngioharacten in each piece in good style, ______ , ' FOBaiaR DBAJBATIO AND.SHOW RKWB. '■' Tbe loyid'marriage was the all-absorbing topla In England^ and thouaands of people were dally pouring into London loses tbe grand procession and other ceremonlos connected with the great event The theatres were benefited by the influx, and Ih^ 'ehow people generally were profiting by theloosenese wllh whioh Oh young folks ttom the country were "squandering"' thel' change, Everybody and everything was on the loose, and w 1 presimo that fifty thousonij happy coaples have followed'the bright example set them by the "Hope of England" and the "Pride of Denmark.". I Our little PattI was meeting with Immense Buooess In Vienna, one cf her greatest triumphs being In Somnambnls. ' A portrai of PattI, paTnlod for tlie Emprese Eagenle, by Wlnterhalter, was being exblbltcd iu the saloon 6f the Oarl Theatre, fcr the benefit .tfthepoorofVienDa. ■By thla time, Mr. Bothem has terminated, for the present, blk "(ilnordlnary portraiture gf Lord Dundreaiy, which, on the lUh of Uireh, reached Its three hundred aild .seventy-fifth represen- 'tatlon. ^Ir. Bothem nextlntroduoeri Oar Amerioaa Ooutln to - theprovlnotals. "lUe Gennine Amerloan Mo," Uert Sexton, W. Howard, an I I4)ave Baymond, were performing at the Bah UoaloBall, liajidoii.: . We can place the Bexton, butwemtiat have forgotten the other .'rtwo "genuine Americais." ' r Pyne and Harrison's English Opera Sbaaon was aimounoed to terminate In London o'u tbe llet Uarelk Uany will pine for tbie return of these Bngllslt birds of song. - ' > ■■ . > ' | Miss Ettle 'Henaereon'oontlnned.;beT' eogaaenent at the ■-'Btlndard, London, at last advioes,'supported by J. B;'Howe; ' : Oreat preparations were made to celebrate iba "wedding day," at the Crystal Palace. The performanoes wero to com. ''^aianoe at noon of the 10th. At doak;. a .grand tonh- light ^ri^ I '•'eisilon would movo through the walks and terraoee, twelve. hinOredof thomllllary tailing part, and beorlng torches.' Oh .'^'leachlDgtho groat bonfire. In theoehtte walk, all the jWrches '''mold be hurled Into the fire. u,. ■ :. ' <>'..A'momber of the Dllettnntl Theatre, In Eremsmnnster, Aa|. .Wa, recently folkdead on the atage, In a few mlnaletf attet oak' ' lug her appearance. QLe was known as Fnnlsln Dstsoher, and' was for many years oonnooted with the theatre. Twen^.one' 0|ithoUo.priostsoinoIatedathertaneralB61emnltIes. > Theprlnco of Wales, the Crown Piinoess of Prassls, and the Orown Prinoo of Prussia, attended the Haymarket Theatr6, London, on the Sth of Uarch.'' V - ^ '.federals and Oonfederatea" {s the title of a new eqt^lati i- bent ^ven In London by Ur. Henry Dravton, who has bertt Mslsted in the musical portion of the work by Henry BusseU.' . Joseph Bmedley, formerly manager of a theatrical olreolt In ..uncolnshlt*, eto., Bigland, died on the 1st of his aoth ■ year. "Burning to Death;* was the subject of a leotare being'dellf- tred In London by Profeasor Pepper; one might almost fancy it i'.tobf^E. M.Pepperj''toJadBiabythohotBatiijeot' ,{ t: /. in lotrasa of the Paris Odeon has recovered 1,000 francs duU' igesiu an action forlltael against two dramat(o critics belonglt . I'iM the Op<n(ofi IfaUnnale, who have been fined, moreover, for ni. ..'jmaerllag her reply to the critlqu^ In which an unwarrantable 'y. nbtTty was taken with her name and fame. It may be stated i-. 'bare that, with the view of avoiding prosecutions for libel, the : nesch hiws give any person who la attacked In aJoursal,,the ' " light of replying thereto In tbe pnblloaUon Itself, tbe Insertion 'efthe reply behig coneldered suOlolent redreas. The aqjustlfi- ' ablf rofDsal of Insertion is punishable by s fine, and is, of course, »B»6gravaUoncf the offence. '•,. - ;' .' . \ ■■■ IA vocalist, named Mni. Hlllaiy, formerly UUa ITatteiL died at ;:01aigoWjOnihoaiBtreu. _^ ■■ ■ ■ .. ■. •.' . ^ . ., ; , ..>Hr, F. Uoyd, comedian at the Thestro Boyal, Utho^esier,blB .'I:.batn ingaged by Ur. BouolonuU for his London theatre,. ,*,-: j.lhe sew Theatre Hoyal, Bath, -was opanjd on.fc^jth if ): .'luioh. The programme comprised "A HIdiummer sight's f :,Bi«aiii," "UsRlago at Any Prioo,"and aundry oddteases, ■fhtfu li ?* a large attendance, , . . i » iV' -jiji : ' ,'as. Anderson was fulfilling an oDgagemonl at (ha Ofty tit «R>den Theatre. 1 i< ;Mr. Qeorge Oookei comedian cf the Olymiilc Theatre, Londobi .,: jopmlttad suldde on the eth Uarch, In a fit of l"nanlfr, ckused, ,it la thought, from losg-oobtlnued lllnest. Ue held high po4I , fioat at the Strand and Olymiflo thealrcs for fifteen years. ■ J ..Hr«, olark, for many years emplored at the London thiatrea >.\,V*'fl">'>« tttatwiMtc, died on tie UTth of Feb,, aged «1, ; v i^'/vOa the 10th of UaMh, In Lodden, died Alexander BUltb.'moM (Aailllarly oSled "H^P1%" on teoufitof asllghtpiotabtMiba '^MblslmshoSdv, W aton^ abort flgiiM.: 9* «u,la t)i» •ikt'-" ■ ■'' ■ ' •'. ' ''" '' fifty-fifth jreor of filsagOi'and t£e malady t^o^el lilm^off was a~aui'den'.oold,-induoed by the ineletnent west^er. Wehrwis' something ronuntic abont the career of poor ,'.'HniBpr<" which, with his Uieatriaal assoeUtlotaii entitles hlia to a reeord here. The - son of scmebody, but nobody knows who, he was, while a mere ohlId,'fast upon bla own resources, In the stnetsof Lon- lon, and'to aavs himself tiin starvation, ioo)( to the seBlng of )1ay bills In .the aelghborhooddf DruiyJ'ane Theatre., . As all Sngllsb play goers a^e i\T7are,.theso bills are sold to the "pS|(roDB bf the drama''^t the rate of a penny (two cents) 900^; ocoaalon- Uly, yfbm It Is one of the porcelain specimens of humanity that is dfcalt with, the prico la considerably higher. P6o> "Humpy" was a genius at his trade, and so irrepressible in . his. endeav<irs In tlie direction of a Job, that, even when the king or, mor6 te- )EentIy, the queen went la state, to the play, he wonld be 6n the alert,'splte of the hindrance'offered by soldiers .and polloemen. 'Once,' It Is understood, h6 rushed up to King William aod QUoen. lAdeUl^e, then on a formal visit to."01d Draiy,V anil handing them a bill, was rewarded by the gift cf a eoverelsn. The poor 'fellow was essentially a character—could talk polities ahd the' iOa, and ^aa a capital dramatic critic. He loved porter ''in the jllewier. And nulAinl: else," as he was acoiiatomed to observe; and .we are gratified to stale, he pasted tho last ton yearaof iils,llfe In boniparatlve comfort Poor "Humpy I" He was Worth the ireobrd we give blm, ' On the Slh of Uarch, at Bristol, Endand, died Ulss Faimy jTonng, sitter to the late celebrated Urt. Honey, and aunt to Ulss .Laura Honey, well known as a talented aotreas in the American !theatres.' Miss Toung was In the thirtlettt year of her age, and. made her first sppearance on the atage in IMS, 'H the Theaire Boyal, LlverpcoL She then went to Birmingham, where the performed with Ur. Uaoready. At a, she w^ . engaged, by. the great novella^ Charles Dickens, to travel through' EiRlai&d wUh hun, ind to act In the pieces written fbr the'dulld of Lltentore.'. Ults ^oung was a very lecompllalied. mnsloian, andlt'was WhUs the was attending a party at the house of the Mayor of ^ristol,'that she was suddenly seized by. an iUn^ from Xthloh she was destined never to recover. U. UerviDe; a French actor, more than eighty years of sgetOt^ his recent retirement tcom the stage, was presented by the Min- ister of State twith on annuity of 1,000 francs, The shm is not much but donbtlesa It is very acceptable. Several versions of tbe old Scottish story of which Eflle Deant was the heroine, ore starting up in England—all more (tr lesa re- Bombllhg the parent ttock. , ' , Ulss Emma Stanley (who has secured the services of Vr. W. 'Odrbyn as s'gent) was glvlng'thie "Seven Ages of Woman" In the English countler. She had already completed an en^o^e- me^t of twenly-fonr nights at Birmingham, and was "np" for a number of towns; trhers thepopniar orypromlted to be uke that of tl)f glllantheroof Floddenfleld—"On;Stanley, onl'.' ' Ur. and Un. Charles Eeeae, after a sucossfbl'bngagemMit at the Prince's Theatre, OlasgOw, had announced'themuBelves for a aeries of readings at the City Hall, In the same place. Ira Aldridge, the "African Ilosclns,"ls in Lohdon, Just re- burned fhim his foreign tour. He Is re-engaged to appear at Uosedw; on the 39d of April, and will act aoon after that ditte, at Pnllowa, tbe scene of the famous battle. Ulss Bose Howard,'and Ur, H. Watidng (who ore now UUed as Ur. ondUrs, H. Watklns) were at the Queen's Theatre, Hull, Enohuid, waUett.had been re-engaged at Newsome's Oiroos, Leicester. m 1 llfHii-ll—. a?: ___~ti* BntoADV AY. • - - xlUs ukkCT INBTITUTIOS'O? THE AGE: The only place of Amusement In -Altnerioa hlghUy.'prelstiUnd A SrOOE 00UP£Nfrtesip6MdBx6Idslvely:of;gTAB ABTIBTa' Blnce tbe opening of this popular theitre. It has been the Qbut pEeisBBATOii of Intolleetaal amusement seekersr' The only es- tablishment presenting a .pertomuhos oombiniilg. »U tlle'.httl and moat popnlaf'featuea of'.''"'' ' OPEBA, ^ i ,:. ,v 'loi^gXBELST,.' '''. DBAUA, '" ^ ■ .> " BtTBtESQUE,' . . : > •' ■-■''01UMA8TICS,.«Hl,i'tc Week afteur yieek Its popularity hu' increased, while dosens of Imitators .(iome^i^lh'old .Ideas, 'eoide''with'newfdeas,'bat tfb majority with no ideas at all) havespmiij np' Ilke^mamia In the night, and died Jusf^'quloluy. It 'staaim flxmly fixed oa an IUM0TABI1KBABIS-- • ; ' THE POPTJLAB WILL. : f : The talent of the world Is at oar coinniaild. EVEBT GBEAT AUEBIOAN AND EDBOPEAK STAB APPEABS FIB8T AT • ' • ; THE AUEBIOAN .THEAT^'Mi BBOADWAT. Never In the history of publlo Amusements hag there been seen .apou'Otteatsjge and at one time such a llat of superior art Isfaiss are now performing here.' Uaik 0. K OOLUHB, The World-renowned Comedian, Comlo Vocalist and Dancer,> prencunced by the Press and the Pnbllo' of Oreat Britain to be iat OBxaTZtr ooloo iJttisi of thk 101. This opinion h^ been fnlly endorsed by the Public of New Tork. nrst week of the •agagemMt'of ' ,', ';/ - ' : ' ■ 'TONS'PASTOB,' . The Qreateat Comic Slngetr, Clown, Jester, and Bnrlesqne Orator of thbtga: ..'. '-•.' ri,^' ..J T. L. DONNELLT, The greatest Iriah Oomedlan of the day. MISS FANNT FOBREST, The Americkn-fttvorite.' TheQ neen of Song. OBUBLEV WHITE, . ' Thsimaster delineator of the "Colored Man." WAUBOLD, B. HABT, : OHABLEX OABDNEB, SEOBOE WABBKN, : T.:a. BiaOS,. UASTEB TOUUT, The wqrld renowned Negro Comedians, In their side splitting acta. ' 1 ' '. "'' THE SCHOLTZE HIBTEB8, ' >' The socompllshed DtoeiBrs and Vocalists. ,ism FBINOES LB BOT, ' The l>eanUfid Actress and Toeallst >>..''.. Ulss Wn.TiTB FLOBA.' AUaTISTA WALBY, Udlle. IODISE, Ud'lle BEBTSA; - UABI BLAZE, WIththe SPLENDID 0OBP8 DE BALLET, Under the direction of the great Ualtie de Ballel ". UONS: PADL SBILLIANT. NOTICE.—Nnmerdns Koveltles in. the oobrse of readiness for speedy production. (>l-tf .amus:em:E'NT,s. WUUD'a BURBTRBLi HUilii Oi , BIIOADWAT, " 814 Oppodte.the BtNlcholiiffoteL HENBT WOOD .Sole Proprietor on^UUlsger. BEST BILL 0F.1HE REASON.' .' UONDAT, Uarch 80, and every evening dnring the we^ WOOD^S UIN8TBBLS. , Charley Fox, NelseSeymour, ' . FrankBrower, / OoolWhite,... , . . 0. Henry, . . . 0. a, ifockwood, -;,', J.'W. Qlenn, H. Sohwlcaidl, Jaaaoa Brothers, J. Saratagna, E, HasUm, [J. Lett, K. Le>a(, Little Bobby, 4o., as ' ', ' Hiiniz'AiisTi'- . . ' Tax Ozj> Uan>'s LiKEHT,'." TBBBBOaSWAT.BStUI, . Tux Lkim^OT Fbbzdoic, . Otbbixo, .. La PsBon Equitoibi,' ' OUB AVBIOAS ConsiBS, &0. Sboia opsnateV: oonunenceatT^li o;o)ock. . Tickets 20 oeatt OBBAT BVCORSS OF UI68 KATHLEEN OTTEU'e OBAND DBAWINO- BOOU AND NOVELTY TBOVPE, whoae ohaste and elegant performances are nightly'received with shoots Of applause and adnuraUbn, accompanied by the . . . OE LBBBATED COLDUBIAN BAND. B.' UAFFITI..::...' Dlreotor of Am'oaements O'NEIL Treasurer W. HOLDEN '.; Asent COL. OA YEHD IBH...... ,'....:.'; Secretary EUaOtEJHEODO^....'.'.';....: Leader of Orohestra O. T. PEBBY...'.'..:'. Principal.0«me(t a Piston HEBBBTBATB .' '..'.'.: '.'....:..';.'.Plai)lst ' ..^ . ..... . BIBa KATHLEENCNBIL, ' MISS FAJHNY ABCHEB, '. UIS3IDAB0S8,.. , U'LLS ST. JULIAN. ' H. HOFFUAK, ,' . W, E. SABTEOLOUEW, C'QBAHAU,": U. AiWABD, C BHtLTZ, ', : • .- ,'• , ..,'.', '.LA-LBNTON., ."::',.'.. '' The the most talented and versatile tompanylii the .TJnltedStates,-efther'as^an(omlmlstsorComedlaiis. 'Qpmmuni- catlcns f^'m propriietpitt of Theatres,.A-c., to be'^dressed 61;3l» , . 'K . QUEEN, Otoe of New "York Clipper. I'eVlUEL l^DIQa ..EoIeBrade, nUOLET'B OPEIUI. HOOSE, dH OOK LTlT, '' Cor. CODSTb BEUBEN BTREEia. p. M. HOO LEY Bole Proprligtor. ' E. B0WZB8 Director of Ammomenta, T. B.-PBENDEBOABT.... .Vocal Director. 'Prot B TRAUB ., InstrumentalDlreeior. ' MONDAY EVENINO, UABOH SO; and during Ihe weak. ASOTBEB SPLENDID PBOaBAUUX. \ First week otthe great Uoral Drama of ' . THE BTBANOEB. The Stranger E. Bowers. I Un. Ha]let....Arohy Eogbes. ^Lastweek cf the cABTE DE:7IBITE.' ... Hntweekof thq inimitable ABCBY EUGE^ . ' -; In ain entiiely new Dante, J..mtniH*:|4.newB#J)Jdflplo*'.'' •-•^' ■^'^-'■r - . nrstireeh^oir^' •''.• ' The DmsE, aitD'BzoosaiLiaiio)^. ■ New Songs, Aote, Dahces,'PlantatloB'Scenes, so,, bt. Doors open at eki' to oommenoe at 7X. nokeU as oanta. . Private Boxes $3. II- MKW BO.WXiRV THBATRK. 'Sole Proprietor UB. J, W. UNOAKP. MONDAY EVENINa, UABOH 80. ANOTBEB NEW DBAMA. First night of the new Spectacular Drama of ' ' . ■ SADAE AND KALEBBADE; ■ oa, •• - ' THE WATEBS OF OBLIVION. MB. a. 0. BONIPAOB.. i as .................; UBS. W. e. JONES* . New Scenery, New Effects.. ' The Piece of BAIBIKa THE WIND. MR. O. 0..Boniface as. '. ^..Jatmj Dlddler. Second time of the INO&OAPEBBLL, With the whole strength of the Company. SI- ' TUESDAY BVENINOT^Benefit'Of MB. OEO.'LINaABD.' HIBIjb'B'OAiUDBII>"^.' .'. . ' '.. t.,m' Lessee and Uanager.... ..... .....WK. WHEATISY. Engagement of MATILDA HEBON,.for allmlted period, and re-produoHonofthe OreatPljayofthe Age, ' ' , ' EDITH,- . ■. . . , . ObI TBI EaBti's'DAVOHiEa, .... , Dnmatlied fitemf£n.'Wood's novel of ' BAST LYNNE, ■ ' ■ By BenJ,' B Wolf, Esq.', of Beaton, which, when oHglBdly pr«- sehfed'Mme tl^e iliontiis'klnce at this Theatre; met wlth'i^'inio- cesswhlfhstomped. ' • '^ UATILDA HEBON ^ . . . ' 'AB'Tbb FiBsi.AotBBas OF Aumoi. ' ' t(erpen(mi)t'<>°.°'^'<>I'*'*<>'*'°'^f^^^^^'^''''''8 pronounoM by the PRESS AND PUBLIC, As folly equal to hex great rendition of CAUIUiE,' and em- .odylng In Its phasea' one of the grandest Ideas ever given (0 the worid In the history of true repontanCe/ . . . . . New Soonery, I^resses snd Appointments, • t.. !: 1 Aim THB HOB'S PEBFBCI CAST . ' Yet given this Drama In any part of the country, . . UONDAY Uaroh 30, and every evening, Will be performed the Great Drama of ' ",■ ' . EDITH; oa, THE BABL'S DAUaHTBB., , Lady Edith.,...'......1..'...'.■-.. UATILDA HEBON. : And apowerfsLotatofChanoters, <• .: ^ta aeoured three days In advance. ., , Bqx Book open fMm 8 a.m. to 1p.m. . Doois open ai 7,' to comtifence a qoirter befbre B o%lock... ' MiBB AVAHISAAOB HBnkinif. . r^mS WONDERFUL YODNG ABUBTa . Hob Joft cpnoluded a highly BUoeesafUl Engagement «t \ . ■ 'TEN WEBBS ^ ■ At the Vront atreet.Thealie, fiatUmore. Hergteatrepreaentatlonof. ■ ■ MA^XPPA, . Kept the boards for . ' v FIFTYNIOHTSII . A She win commence at ■ -v ;„_„_-.,^ . . piES'B OPERA HOUSE, omraiNNAn,. ; • .'On Monday, Starch Which will bo proflBoed In a style of splendor Md magnlflwmAi , a- ISP^S^^SP'^^^''''*^* ^9*^^ «' tbe second match at blUlart8j.0tf0.pfllnfew, caroms, fpr$100a side, played at Chris. Connor's saloon In Union Square, on one of MoUn'a iMu, ' dn UonJiy, thea845lt., wasSrat published In'theOiiriWM '"L??*^9?*>4ySi&!'^ ^?i''*«*«w would like toMe4efig> prtf,'we h.*etl<e«ie6i- Bjr a reference thereto, it wlU be sitfe"? ttat Deery^tjtteO oil.wllh ;qiilU a good lead, belug''abbtle'89 tOtafB ahead it the 2M Jntogi; but wta brought back to tarIw.) Mdthwaltftnu]dnga,niw,of"7» athlt next Inm, On the 28* innings .they ^ero m^btly .*Mn.,, Aftorwarfli, the flame fluctn- 4tofr,'notronbilnd - then the.litMr belni ahead up to the ^ shot, when OoldtbwAltotooV the feod and mtlnlolned it to the tnd, winning even'taoUir 1>/'Bbout 260 points. Voiy fewhlah counts were made, tlibee for'Deery being38,4i. 40i 36. and fi- ler aoldthwalte.'89,7A 30, 81/65, .60, 89,43,85, and «; Theavl prages wort'for Deery, 8,¥rfiir 'aoldlhwallc,liu, ThA'sainfr ^ Was a siow'one. Indeed, and very nnlntereaUng to lookeri)-en in'' I7enice who bod no'nlckels InvettM.'ss moy be judged by the''- £giire^ and the length of time (8 hours 13 mlnutet) 'takjn to Von one thousand polAls; or at the ra^f 0/ throe games of' lOO". points'per hour—about the time taken'by avomga amateur players. This shows that playing for money and playing for fan ~ are two different things. When the formerls at. ataie; great caution Is observed, and as much care btktn to prevent anod- .vorsary ftom counting, as Iq trying to Inoreasaone'e own points. This match, and this gome In parooular, wlU.oooI off somewhat .dcubtlest, the ardor and enthusiasm evinced:' to the fricnde of Ooldthwatte, who bave let it downasasurethjoff.for Mm to.' 'win In his forthcoming encounter with: Kavanadi, becaoeo of bis late marvdous runs In playing for fun.- QejuOB .Into that f^ame of mind that sote down as olroady acoompUflhed, that which wo are only about to attempt. Is aoJlocy, uA'otten r^ suits in follore, OS well as-great lots of "pewtsT.^rUQole Bam has found.that out-in bis game of Iron and lead .MQ'inth Jeff Davls&OO/ Deery. has hsd tho some experience:'wtth-flold- thwolte, and Ooldthwoite will find thesameniare'B Beit^jf, by tbe flattery and enthusiasm of his friends, he fUts into (iHrsame deceptive state of mind. Olve your opponent in alt oases, fhll credit for his abilities, snd then go In plucklly. to defeirtlillB', and victory .will more often be aeoured thou when the atttopt the caae is a^vBbove stated. -When Kavtnagh and Gtoldthwute do.pjay, we. hope thev will give at btUlUnt apeclnlens of thdc sUU as they are capable of, to the end that bllUardi mayflour*. iah,and their own reputation be subserved. A lively, brilliant gme,of .billiards Jb interesting and attractive to the fepedtatdtr; he oixMlte is a bore, as was pretty generally remarked by, tboM who witnessed the one of which the score Is here'bppended:— AOADKhfi' OF miTSlO-^BBObKLYN. .'I ■•-'.■,'; " -1 GRAND (JALA WEEK, r".,,' Oommtnclng.' , . IgA^JXB UOMp^Y, APRIL .0. Mr. and Ure, " - BAbNSY.WIUMUS . , yespectfuBy announce four perfbrmances, to take place at the Apofemyof'Uualo, on' MONDAY. . 'WEDNESDAY, ' THUB8DAY, aadFBIDAT, , .• '. ':: 'AptllO,'8,0 andio, - i;;.....:.'.''.s. . 'on which ocoaalgnt.' they, will, WPpear In jevccal«i Ahelr most; pojjniat.^ ■ .■ ;:j"::ii-"'{i;';v'v>.c:.'>v''." ■ " . . ■! *?^;K:';?" '-v/i'^DBiMAfl : ■ -«'.'.'.-..',AK»!. :.'■ "■': ' . " , '.v.- •» '. ' ■. .FABOEa assisted hy a ocapany Of^'talenlad artistes; aelectel from the metropollbn theabe8,v BtDIiLHl 0/l|(BVn>— , ■\i ..She BnsJnass. Agent of this great Artiste Is . -. ■ . .. ' ." " ■ MB. P. BUIXUASr, To vfbom. ^ communlcatlpnS' mtist be .sddressed, at hils Unalcali Dramatic, and Tanaiohorean Agenoy; ,: - 63 East Ulh streeti^ 61< ' comer of Union Square and 4lhA'Vbnae. 'AliLB'GHAHI'XNB ' ' ^ , AND SWISS BELL BINGEBB; Anm A GBiio) TouB nt AustBALu ■ ... . , . ' Ain> OTHEB PLaOEfl^ AiesowtnUlltaijg&igsgementsln'the ' J ,,',^r,,-ir,r!-r'^^.-j-.-.-j.v-^XLrO'l>J..H ?S? ?",^^?^*'^' >~'iii6viio TOP 'OAX vABSi '"= """"'"^ FOB BALE; Sixty feet In diameter and In good order. Will be sold chesp as the owner has no uBe'for It not being in tbe obicuB business. Address, box loa, Httsbnrgh, Pa. y '' . .01 F. RUUiUAK'S UUSIOAL, DRAUATIO, and- ' ^ TEBMIOHOBBAN. AOENCY, . ; 68 East i4th street cor. -Union Square and 4th Avenae, N. Y. None ,but FBST CLASS ABTIST8,. and thoiioaahly responsi- ble Uanagementsiiegotlated with. All letters and applioaUons must endoso a stamp for reply. Terms will be forwarded when rotuested. .'/. ,' ' . _ . .. . 61. UNIO.'V THEATRX. "LEAVENWORTH,"."EANSAfi. Wanted, IfiimSdlatAly.for the above theatre; A.FIBBT OLABS LeadingJnvenlla'tnd.Llght'OomedyLady. Pasaogie.advanced. No ANNA LEAVERINOS need apply. Address J, CONNOB It 00., Agents; «l4K'Broadwsy.. All the nf w'SongB and Sketches, procnnSd and written to order at this office. Theatrical Wardmbe and Scenery bOuf''^ and acid. JAB. OONNEB tt Co., Agents, . 6!-li MDbLB ANRBTTA'OAliBlTTI.—This tparkllDgly.bra' Uant Premiere DafleeUte. having Oobopletedlt nioaDsneoessfole;!' 0imontat I^lblo'aG^eil.'BppBars for'two weeks In Graiid ot at' the' BbBton Academy of 'UuBio,'commencing Uonday, evening, Uatoh'30;'aftorwbloh'ahe'^'elther remain to a^-^-* with Uoretiek's Italian Opera Company there, or return to' A brllllaut engagement proffered her In New York. 61- DEEBi QUAINT, AND QDBEBIOTJa PorttBocy, — and Bare Article, send 26 oeniS'to .. , J. B. EING, 167 WWlam street, N.Y. QDEEJ nioh, 61-lt CIARD -PHOTOaBAPHS I-ALL DWOBSBTlOVtB^ I Sent post paid, for 26 cents plain, and 60 cents colored, by» _ ,. • • .'.' . ' ' '.. J. X OOK,N. Y.. . NBVBB EQUALLED. IN AUBBIOA. BIRin GO BRAOH. * '„.^ ATTBNnOH, IBlBHUBf.:_ . • Change of Bdaneij and Bongs ttlsWiet ', I > UAO EVOY'B BIBBBNICONi 60-! A TOUR in'Ibhla: ,ND, AT HOPE CHAPEL, TaOBBOfDWAT. _ ; , « Commenolns at 8 o'clock every mnltag.^ The magnlfloent Scenery of UM^rthjurfWejt togjtterw^^ WblSiTwioWow, and aU the Prinolpal OIUM wf-Uo^^jrth add .Intorior of Ireland, Dluetfaled flfom the Irish 'i EBm'fl OlFTBn DAUdBTEBS,: tho Z^' ' _ ' , ' 10B8E8 KATE, UARIB, and THEBE8A MAO BVOY, ' ''/Alio, by the Popular yonffg Vocalist ■ '_ ■ Who will tepreBant __ . ^' " .??t?!!',^:.'^^.?.'^?i«*.i«UAO|VOT' jr^^^....... i. . J.ioHABLBB UAO,SyOY, ...... . Admlas ipn 98 cento; ( ' ^'IUTINBB THOBBSin 7.:t'~r[K-y.-; i- v^ ;': ■•■! '. ■- , .,.,>, k ., ,. . : ■' V' - ■••;:•>'':,.).■ il'k'-:. rW-.''■■'• ' "' ''■ GABD RHOTOQBAPHSot Hogarth's celebrated Plo- tnres ot BEFORE and AFTBB, 36 ots^sch.;: Alto, his design Ibr the Ud of * SNUFF BOX. Price 26 cents eabb, and tent post Sid. b" ' ■ J. W. COE.H, >, : ei-lt» T OVil^Arli'iL-MQbB.—Citologiiea of Book*,^,, Bont il 'J nobn'toBllcatlbn. . ««»i.>«o ■ 61.8nL«i, OOBDON, .06 DnAne.l>treet,Kew York, 'VX 'iTBNiriOlt I—BPOBTEBS l-Bond for dn^ of those j\ , aocorately wrought Card Impressions from Life; they ar^ :{nit the thin g to adom a Gent's or Sporting Uan's Album. Price iS wnto.^MUieas HStUBY BANDaSI, uLbury, Uoas. 61-lt* 'flPOKrt FOB A PANQBAMA OP THB WABf JiDOpV/ complete for traveling, and '^^jg'^p'gj^^io ™' ialnlng40soouet. Sa Spring street. New ^( ■ York. A BM8 FOB QBNTLBMEN.—Most Pleasing and Oi>' .I t rious. For porUoulars.send for deacripHvo llsl. Addrota hSaSuS uxVAohae'' P'*'»> PhUadelpbla, pa. ISSeie O. O. BSBStt North Blaflbrd, N. H. • 61-41*; •OlilPPBIK-BnADBS, No. 40 EAST . ^ , ■r.?^^M..u'V->'.'-^rH 'r".iM".;....;! . ; :/f;:K ■':!:•. ' '".:i.ll:l'v:.:W^,'.-'.■ ;';i^ '*M'J • ,••'.''.''. :.' '^; I, IMprieion, Biuuss BtiiB OS A Tona.—Uestre. PheIan,'~Eavtnagh, an* Qoldthwalte are on a missionary tour fbr the dlstemmatian of blUIord knowledge. Latt week they put .in at Philadelphia, tn'A gave two exhibitions at Bansom'Street Ball, the last one bn'tha evening of Uateh.'ar. aV which 'Were'-pnijent s'ttnmber of Ih*'. fair sex. Uestre. Eatephe and savanagh first played a gome at -. three ball Fitnoh caroms,' for^ points np, which the.latter won, A'guiie of 600'polnts"^ ktOti American fonr ball etfoih 'guns, between tho two famous young phtyers, Esvahigb and aoIa> Ihwaite, was next In order, which the latter'won, after having made runs of 137 and 139. The veteran .Phelan and Ur. Chris. Bird then essayed to wield the cue,for alltUe game of 160 pclols, which Ur. Bird sucoeoded In scoring. The stars will twinkle In Baltimore and Washington this week,' sad those who ore lucky enough to set a sight at their way of keeping^the balla moving, will aiBuredly see stars. . . THE RING. "'Wa STIIili XTVPL"—HABE^ HIIiL'S Saloon, on Honi^ ton street^ enjoys the popmar patronage to an anparallsied d»> gree. i The tram Is, Harry is a capital fbllow, land a mostredotks caterer, andhence bis almost unprecedentedpepularity.' 'We ad* viae all who dealfe -tb spend a sobtal and dollghtfal evening t* -visit his admirably conducted Bestaurant and Saloon.' :36-8m* all THBI, BT. NICHOLAS BOWIiUVQ taobir, No. 686 iBroodwaV, (under the Prescott House,) is the ohiyperfeot TEN PIN SALOON In New York, The Uonoger ^r.thlrteon years bod charge of the Bowllna Boom at the Astor Honae. ,WlneB» Liquors; and Cigars «f the best quality. . ' . . ' . 4Q-tf . .. . POE'GALLAOHEB, Propdelor; ThX "FaBITCT OdBB'S" OoitPLDIEtlTAnT S^ASBSia'^imm.^ In retponse to our f coll for voltmteeri" laat weUi to vote for the eccentric Johnny Aafoii,' h' whUe'etringoftl^ rl^tsort dropped In, with "I've pome to' liAVe'my tasme tp'spor forJbhnnyAaron." The nam(i«, indeed;'Ae^&'M' n'llinerbUs.Uiatwe bad'.to stop the rush, and tnwt, to tMt tbetn' AU On the sam'e' fcpUng, badethem <. show thel^ 'gbod-lbolailR' fkCes-^st' Mozart Hall .niit. Thursday. BeVerAl dlstlngulshdd'nioahkVe'taken groat Intorestln this aflUr ' for ovarlety. of reasbnb^.^6 gbntlemon alone taking GIO worth~< of t^kets—and we AbtieipAle a perfect Jam tor the. Peifict Core.. If Johnny's sel-to 'wtth Barifey ASirbn isn't worth' fU^y qents^wa; are ho Judges, that'e'aB.' U&y boiera who have not appeared^ for years will step out and doa the buckskin for'this'bight only. Old Tovde will probably pUt 'em on with some of tho youngsters "In tights,",is a special Indication of what ho thinks ^bout Johnny Aaron, Altogether there promised to be a Jolly ffms of It Bemember, it comos off at Uomt. Hall, 060. Broadway, on. TbuMay oveouig: April 2nd, Cnr^s of admlstlon 60 cents, -1» bo bad at edl tpcrtingiiousot, bt tho door, and at the CLars* olBee. . .,.... . J . . BENGBirriTa8ioDiok MonoAH.--BEK WAins Aiioii^ BBfc ATDicK.^aour paper of Uafoh 14 'appeared a ^hollenge.'fiom 'Uorgan, In which It la promised 'that If Orlt^ths will accept^ jie 'Will piit'up.)t0a4ad(9p68lt right avray./Uerb'ls QrUaths's re* JoinoOT;—' . I ' .'j ' .' ' PomviLLE, Pa., Uarch 31, vEniroB OtiPTEB—Inreplyto the overanxious BlohardMor-. gu, alias Dick Daley, t bog to statb thatl'am.reody to mee,t him anywhere between Potttvllle and Philadelphia, for tODO a side, 'but no inbre: neither will Iflght for lest.' If Sick will .aendhia brag deposit to the old stakeholder, I will meet him at Topi wU* Iluns's, Cambrian House; lUtlroad atroet Po^vlUe, fo .dr^ articles. I also give him tbe privilege of ntmhig, bi s o#n tlj ne after thei first dcqposlt Is up.. Behi. OBnrnTHa jnon EtxioiT oKn Jm Dbim Ma'tobbo xo Robt,— The . friends of these two youog snd talented athlotes aretomeet this evening (Uarch 80) at 308 Centre street, to put np a deposit and draw up articles for a "go',' in the P. B. It will be for either f300 or $600, and catch weight proljably, ','..' - WHoNsxxf—nie wise men of Great Britain are'sorely'ptiz* sled about the Unknown about to fight Usee. -FiiiBt off they nad It Oobum, then UeObole; then Jim Heenan, and'now they say' that Nod Price Is the men I Thn next we suppoto; will: be.onr Cabin Boy, (who has hod one miff with Mace already) tn4: not will obme about as near as aiiyoftham. We beUerS the Un>. known to bo a "dummy." -If such turns out not tb'a MMj'we ahall boogrooably surprised, and acknowledge the ooriiwi.ui a' goodgraco.' . •■■' ' ■. ''' '' •' rirOBie JOB TiiB PnxsxjiT.'ffisi.-rOn TnesdM'/iWiT"*''^?' match, far 1200, bctweeo Lieut Aln^worth anl'wtt»''t'*V.jJ' Wedoetdey, Oon Orbm't eparrlnglevoo, and oiW^nOVif'"^ nvAaron's complimentary benefit' All to l«L*<"l'ASFSS' 1^1, and aU 60 cents a fidiet '.'You ptyi year money and take*. ^nr'efaolce."' "' .'■ ' ; '-; .' Gaasi's Nroas, ik BaooRLtK.-^ohanr drMy, tho tailor boy,.. InleXharinS^ wWblUoh SffiSu«'ff<iJ ^.^"'^^^^ Ing, April 7ta. The wind-up V|iU be a gntttton oncountar .tweenuike N<JA n ahd Johnriy Gpiyr '- »9flOWB«STtmoUAKW'-TB»^^'»i'"^^^^^ tween ueut'Ainiisworth and Js fixed to:ecmo;oSt&ls'evi Broadway.'i'Hiii's-match 1 about thrt<.lr*«kaihwt daW il ;.lfo'. e'Wulmkat.wm'ifwBK -•^=^P^:!:'^;;;;;^.fei,