New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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Jit.i w. w. B^rookB, l *'^'^, 8. POWLKB, . t. MOB MBOM, DAMBUMSTT, uOnPB Of XHB WOBIiD, „ of a» JbUowlBg »alenf*d A^tllti^ 8- BOIUN SQWABDV_ . B. BIVOBIi__ lUBT. BtTBHBipXi, UTTLE MAa , on -Mil Xlokeb U otnta, .10 ',>.''i':J.< JOB UOBBII T sV £ >W."PHBBOOTr. • : 7. JL GIIiBEBT; ,f.P.Bn)BB3,' .koTIIBBB, PBUi ATnOWBBIDGB'a :;..',->>.>,/.!;■ .y. otSu house, bobxon, mabs. i ^VDAY svESisa, kva^a^ „^ BBOtSbbS, PELL fc TBOTOBTOOEJ ipMBT?BMl'^, B^Qn^,,,,^ . B, VBEDEBIOKBi '' ' ' ' •' I J. Ji' WEUUSD; " • s^^/i^ro^Tn=80HSB^)KB, ■ i--A.;zwm^mi__. i; ,1 ^"w. BOABDMAir., - "^ff^^^^^.tMn /.^.^TTi 7 • . . PBOZEBSIOH. •■ .HAUUOTH OItaAinZAIIOM.AKD BBAfiS BAIO). B«inxii-ottliafkr-f^ediiid«(nU'%ldticiioimed .. - IV; , . SUPBEZ & OEEEirS ■' • '• .;..i.'OBi<mtui SKW Oaiaim fc-MrraopoLiTij ^ ■7.y. , BOBIiSBQIIE'OpEBA'TEOUFE AMD SBABS BASBi .i;.C ; ■ •- ■ '■ -Alio, . ■ '■' ■ ; I- J . ~ OOH-FOOT and'OOL..SMALL, _ ■ . . , Vi^ two Malleat men In the viiirU, ontdoliig Tom Thmno twatt- tJiflTOp*i:omt. Tttte M** year* old, weigh M pojindi «»oh,, Udos&inin(ihea'UMi,'*dmltt«d to bs the gieetest oniloslty «rer tnoiiiht botoie' the- publlo. Xherajp*" I" M dlffanent (Ut. WtSiatJ aminged for ihem. ' Jart fiom New Orleans and ttHtniab'tiie Idand of Ontn, where they i&et with noUmlted buo- imd<Waie leeelTod nl^tl^' with toan of langhtor and ahonta. I Bf iindattM. ' ' ■• • . • • •'. .C--.6fiig»Manager;.\ .J. B^OraEN. rfifiaierof BraeiBend.;. 0. LATm.J|, • MlMoitoallMreotbr. ••••••••'v'">---"""Ji5?5|' TooalDirector.... ...... .......0. BIOBATIX. ■ , !i'l!ha ebmpany la compoeed of .the foUo^g elghtetm AitlsUo I 'ttdBriUant >■ ■■■ ' li.' - .^ .-i^;'" . "7^ - : / • 'BAH BHABPLBTB MiEHBTBKIfil- ■ ; : I... ;i»BA88 BAUD.. > AITD BVBUBOUB OPSKA TEOUPE, THB HOlOTOBS.Or MWerWEUT, . - . ■ ; Ai« now naetug wUh. .. I,. : aUBAT BDOOESS . '^ V In aU tlM WMtem OWm, Ontbelridniato _L_ BT. LOUIS AND O^OAQO, ^ThtM thqr.iflll apl^ dntlDg the pnient iMMn, '"'iiiTtosrona ■' THSIB'^BEAT.OEAUiENaE PBOCtRAMMH OE kEHI^ . ^^^^ XBE UAUHOIH TBOUPB OF XBB.WOBUD. Inthetantoot-thla i-' : : ■ ■ ■ ■ ,,. i -Ajare.OJ ABTIBW . . : .1 J-:'i''»lll*«l«nhd .i. . Five Original OomedlanSiV : • .< ■>/■: Wae.iriilinlana,: _.• ... .; .,:,;:iv .FonrSolofltageiir ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ . ,lv,-.<i .-^inwltooeii,, And'a'hoatofAnxniailetitoriTediieeff«otto.t^«lt OBIOraAIiBUBLEStiUEB. •.•:A' M ■TI'SiE M E N -TVS. bole I^fuil ahTPioprielor......: i^J^t^i^v ' ' 'TieaiBcSMtnd Bnelneai Manager.V. ALEmSON. > ■■ THE PEOPLE'S POPDLAB THHATBE. ,, , .\ 'iUa UoDBt Puos or EirritsTAiiniprT xg t int ,i -m . t aUf ■ OiDtAPBST PlLAOB OP AMUBEMEIfP IH THE WOBLD.,; ■ ■■ tJnparalleladBnooeBaof the ' • Mammoth Tnrtipe of Aztlstf, tfQttBiiroliTAiiia BxoaiiiBTOft V ■ ' OAUPBELL MIHSIBBU.: • . ■ . TblaBopeib Tmpe of EthldpUn' HelodliliareW ling with lfnbonnt«aiDDe«aa, In' ^e'WeitemoitleBr^£«!? theStoprletorotlho COimHENTAL, . , Of ancooraglng all AitlBta of known and aoknowledged abUltr. J legaidlesg oflho ntmbor, or flnanolal ootlay tayolyed. ■ • • ThS patronage boatowed upon theie heronleanofTortaof the Management to pletsehlB patrons and maintain the eatablUhea reputation of thia Establishment, baa given him renewed cootm* |' , totarther oontrlbnte to the people's amoiement; and In propf , of hie intentions, herabmlla the foUowlnB arrv VJf?^',"'*??,? ate aohnoWledged by the press and the publlo to LEAD In their. I The following'well known gentUmeik oontprtatf iUii brganliatlon:— - - W. E. MASNmO. BAH M. MOVU J. H. BTOUT, . GUBK GIBBB'- - DAN W. OOLLINB. BIONOB'ABft^ JOB MAIRB, FBANK ANO^' J. 0. MUBPH7, . D. ANOSLO. MONB. HAOEB, MAOTm HABBT • MIBS PBANE OHBIBnt~^ ' 'rMP<otlve rolea: ThobeanUfal StarSletors, . . JULIA AND LOLA HUDSON. . IW;,'. . OBEAT BTAB8 OP ETEIOPIAN DEXJNEATOBB. . 3 . E.' Q BEEK, ■ .snsLr.snBATUANt- ; OHAB. U DBPBEZ,' .JOHN EELHi^ , XBED PLOBENOEr ' J. ntmr.T.w, '.JDffIN HOLMES, ' .A.''a>\PBENTIB8,. ' GEOEOE TOUNO, \\4 dUBTATE BIDEAUX, EASBT BLATE. M; AINBtETSCOCTi' OALIXA LATOLLEB, A. BEBOBBOBE, ylEM ADAMS, ■ OILBEBT POND, WM. DUBOIS, , BAM.P.MABBION, Bdiigthja Oteatest Combination of Talent ever ooneeniratsd In niu Omnpany, excelling and liir nperlor to all other TraTeUag SIKmpea mexlstence: .- '.The whole nnder the control and direction of DUPBEZ.& OBEEN, SoleProprleton; I'Theaborepopnlar/nronpe wHl, dnrlng the remalnder of-the ■Mtaon, vlalt the Western and Eastern Btates, also the Oanadas, >>,'.' .. .' . -aBANDBALCONT BEBENADES, ' .. '.'Eaoli eTenlng preiiooB to iipenlng the Doon^ .v.;....: i:'BT.THanmqvAixxB vn SEW OBLEANS AND'METBOPOLITAN BBASS BAND, Manager and OeneralCDlreotor, .. , ■ . .^T- ■ ■ ■„ ■ ■ ■ OHAS. .H. DUPBEZ. ./^Tyttolng Ageni A; B. ^BE tmBB. .. ... ; '.trBBt OBKAT -'BOU'rilKIUI'.. rv;." . >t)0NTaABAHp:,rrB0UPE, : ■ oouFBitntd.. lE-AmtJAMJ, V'. rf,,... . ....... ., ;fi!»U!i')*IT:BO«'P^ *l^^ "r^i^QljlE ANp!o^OINAL-i^^ ,' OBNUINE NEOBO MZNBTBELBE, ttej!- V'EiiiinojngBlDglngI Instmihental Miudo,. Jig Danolng, jlnd an tliit'is lnafaded in legitimate Negro Mlnatielay.- •• ■■ -i- ■OTBMANT, ■ •!-liin'rv^ A-.; ■.'i.'-.Aliflother.Oontlnantalilatlona,J . ,•■ .2naBte!D(pnp«hks been edsctad with gieat'caifrtram IntatUgant rHM)|Be«i(«reDntab«nd*, BO oalled, who .haYe:^ferre< to leayt .ib«VhQid«g,lB'the8aTith to being loiuerrabre^ / I ■ tF'i-.;-!Dv?r..x-U IBON'HEABCTDTAaS MiCSTEBS,- '. . i 4M 4 Tftlipeiiihay am aeoompllahed. Intelligent, exoellent mil' $lSMpMi anApy no measa inferior Ih the dramatic art, W'/^^^W^^vaiiosB AND pialrfiEiTidNB » ^•\:.'#'-''''ji'OBBBEAl AND TRUE JO LIFE, <' Wan'cidfatftTtiBall'^l'S given by wblte arttats,<s marbe.readl- lz nnderatoodjmd belleVed. ' ! ^^e foHowin'g tte the names of thli Real OoIor«dTroa|le,'(B0 . 'Cfxi timi M Trttb the' names oX the Seceded Btatea ftom 'yheii^.'.tt*yo*"*'' " Initcamaniallits. ' The Bert Dellneaton,«lia^^ .. .. Tho BertOwhestM,' «m pfoww nt'inioiBMlJ r. ■: v:.. • THE BUBBXAMHAL ETHIOPIAN CONFEDEEA<jr, .-AUi^IBOH OtADS..' Ibe Lanest Halls In the Ocnmter .'> uiii«it «^ , •Art.too small to accommodate ■ XHHYABTOBOWDB. Who flock to see ' •. j:" ' - ' ■ " : ,THE OBEAT OBKMHAia The moat Btopendoas',; .. , „ . i-E thloplaa Oiganlratlnn EVER HHO WK... THE UAUMOTB.ADTBBIISINO: POPULABIBOUPB . , . •. ; ;r; . ■. . Eh nuriudmBM'.' \ ,. ,1 >:-Jn the;-• i:.' .;- ANIlAZa OF BUBMX OOBX, And iMtiiirf omtttrii to 1 ■ . V■ ■■: . ■■"•/■.•, ; . ,;c,SIAHDAflHABTI. • . .1 .HDQE BILIr-BOABDB:' . haTotobe oossmxouu'.' i'... To Dlailay'-■ ■ ' ' ■ ■'( .■'.-- aha -Twen ly-ftTe .- >i.. ■'■•iFIOXOBIALPOalEBS- ■■'■<'V >' Thatannonnca ' .,.' •. /•.../ • : ■■'"■ ................. .-The Adrenl of > ■■ THESE EABLE.BTABBo ' . ^•*^^npAs:i;E^si9Abi^^^^^ : aen.:ji:D. NBWcooMtf ■ - - : OoL BV^QHAM BEOtW, : ' ■ ,^ . •. : ■: AdTtttlaWanaPttsgraphli^ ■j!if.-0;:'CNDKBWb6D.' " ■■ Pro^ramme'Wreatler', 0. a; bosd; Leader.-,' ■' ■''' '"• FRANKBOCWIiEft-.. . ■. • •■ ■ >V LeaderifBrtaiBand.. O. W. BAiLBT, Prop^Man. :rnokBt8,McentBi B«aer»aafl6atH,B0caBtfc\ • • a- 'BAM BHABPLET, Maiiiger and P ropr i eto r. VBB ORXAT ORIOINAIi ■'^ ■ BANFOBD, AND HIS STAB OOHBINATIOH, Have started on th^'SPBINa TOUB, from hla Opera Honse, Harrlabnrgh, Pa." Thla week their rente Is as folloin: Waahlngtoo, Pa., Monday and l^esday; Blnnlngham, Wednesday: at the'new Ban, Inillt ezpranlTfor BANFOBD, at Johnst«wn,'Pa., en'TbTirBlay,'PM- day, and Satmcdat; and on Monday, Ajprll t, at EoIUdayabnrg. .name of BANFOBD 'la snfflalent gnarantee of snooefls^ irhloh haa always been with him In .er^ Oltyand Town *'uH]^d'bTATES, OBEAT BBITAIN, and THE OANADAS. The Programme presented at each place we may haye the honor to Tlslt, wUI be stilatly compiled wlthi and a gaaiantee thatollls ORiaiNAL'Ain) INIMITABLE. '. 1 )• .'' '.'SAMUEL B. BANFOBD; ' ei-lt* Manager and Proprietor; lUBS OAHOUMHl HIOHIN OB,' i"'- ■ 'AXD. BXa' TVrUJUi ; MB. PETEB BIOHINGB, ' (Afteira moat prosp4ifeiia seaaoji'Bt Nlblo'a Gaiden, New Torfc,) ^n'if m™"'^ Th»''^gij a>nent 'rt'flie '.. - BOBTON MDBEnM, • ■■' ■■< ■, ', . Oa MONDAY, Apr^eth, 1B6S, foratarm'btFtre Weeki,wUn: will be prodoeed for thq/flrsttlms on any stage, . • THE KOBE OP TIBOIi, '' > . '-h An Opera written expressly for Miss Blchlngs; -' Mndoby J. Elohberg; .Libretto by iTolfe.' To be followed by those great Bpedalltles, BATANELLA, AND TBE ENOHANTBBSa Slit ' .''jVP^O.'.S, PENNOIEB, BailneaB Agent THB gODBlIi TROPPBI OF THE KVOBIiI). ' THE WOBLD-BENOWNED ■ BUHBET'B MINBTBELBI Composed of the following Talented Artlata-— B; B: BUHBET, ' ' '' HABBT HAPOOOD, ■ WU. PBIOB, W. H. BBOOEWAY, . . H.'BUTIiEB; . JULEB BTBATTON, 01 P. PEBBY, O. H. OABTEB, ■ • W. HERMAN, • '' OEO. WBIOHTMAN, ' TH Og. D ETEBELL, JAB. GAYNOR, ' MAEIER HENBT, OABLBOHTLTZ, .. NED-WEST. TblB Tronpe are sow on a Tonr^ and will vlilt the. principal cities thronghont the Eaet and West -. The beat Quartette, The best Comedians,. - . .. ' .' \ V In the Minstrel Profession.' ; «-tf . , ■ . HABEY HAPOOOD, Agent MB. TONY PABTOB, ' MB. JOHN MULIIQAN,. MR. ASDY LEAVirr,_ MB. DENNY GALLAGHEB, MB. J. N..;OABB, V. MB. "W. S; BUDWOBTH, MB. EARBY ENOOEB, MR. JOHNNY MAOE, UR, MIKE MoEENNAf. .IQBB ErnrjBLANOHABO, tOBB JULIA PBIOE, MISS VIOLA OUPTON, UIB8 EMMA! LESTER, UtBS OLABA BEBGEB, jnSB T-r.T./t - 'WESNER, MIBS BUBIE BUMMERFIELD, HISS KATE H AMIL TON, HIBB BOBA'SMITE, ' , _,. And alarge and effiolent Corps of Aulllarlee. The whole nnder. the Immediate direction of ■ 0. MoMILLAN, Stage Manager, Artists of recognized ablUty, desiring engagements, wfU please a4dieasaaabore. .. , _ __■ ■ i''.'''' •• B..FOT...„....;...'. ..,.;.BoirLea«e»... Tbs Bub or ..xh> "flaaiHO" enix, nr. thb J n o iim i ii y. ' The Unerring Voice of tha,Piih]lo ^\ VBOOLiilU XBav • ' . FOX'S OAfliNO, FOX'S OABINO,'. l8themo«tB*Bpeotable, ., ... . ■ ' The mpa{;aomfortabu. OHAB. A. MOBNINGBTAB, ProMiM .^ OEO. H. BENTLEY, Agent ^'^^^*SJ;?;\. otSmTHAJ^^iT'^'''^^^^^^ '■ ^'■'^^^''''Ti^' ■ HELENA ABK.' • BUITH, UUBPHY k FBBEBEETHYBEB, Pt^ttetotL . ' Entertalnmenta.eTerySrenlng,- . "BTTHB ' ^ . .•..(,■.•..;':■,■.•■' ■ BABLB HABMOHIBTfl, qcifapr Mng the following talenlted BthlotJaa Artlsit i :J.W.6MITH,v ■• ' '.>„.;'.' B.'MUBPHY^ . ■ . .lURTIN FBEEBEETHYBEB, B.D. GOODING, ' -J. H. BTOUT, • '■ .. . 1;! JOP P^ p lmuEB gju'i'm tHEIt,' J. , "HENBY FBEEBEaraYBEE. ■ i .: ' . JOHN .OOUt : . >» ohabTbandfobi), ' ■ . ^ " W. NOBIHatft jBConhmatlonwlth Tv^f ' ' LA mit.TX LOUISE, ..., ' ibfi "^I'ttwitig Danaeiue and Yocallst, UDLLE THBODOBA, > i > TheiMolnatlflg Prima PsMemi. i Artists of raoognlsed merit, wlahlnd engagemanta, win-sMlr toJ.B.MUBPHY, Helena, Art. Higher Salaries paid than by any Kaagamant In the ' aco^, The tibst Potiqlir place of iAmasement IN Ihiladelpeu. and BclePrmrttbb > Stage Uau|ir, ."THE COMPANY" ■ "The meet Tenatne,' ' ' , . ' The most Talented,. ; And the Largial, TEAT EVER APPEABED IN ANY MUSIO BALL , . ,. > IntheOlty. WhateTsr la Great In 'the World of Talent, Intariahly finds a home at. ■ FOX'B.OAfllNQ. ' Noic—The above popnlar place of Anraaement has now bean In the tide of sncceatfiu operation for upwards of Six Mteths, nnder the management of Mr. B. FOX, mimerlr Proprlstorot OunxBBOBT BUix; New York; daring which period It oas earn' ed for Itself, the name which all other Managers have In vain tried to obtain, via: ' ' > TRH MODEL MUSIC EALL OF. PEILADELPH^ Artists of real merit osn And good enaagements by applying either personally or by letter. ' Stars liberally treated with. mfttTH NOBKB, Tieasnrar and Bnsiness Manager. M-tf IjKA'B BIBUiODEOIV. GEORGE LEA BALTIMOBE, MD. Proprietor, W. B. OAVANAOH ,..^....SUgeManager, GBAND OPENING OF TEE BPBING BEAflO N. JOBN.'MULUGAN ^ ANDBEW LEAVIIT, BIONOB BUBS and BON, TifTHn JENNIE ENOLE and BILLIE OA'TANAGE. The above talented artlBia can be secured by responalble man- ageis for any lengtti of time by applying to George Lea:' but It ^Hu be useleea to trouble them with IniUvldual offen, as. no at- tention-will be paid to any letters unlesa addressed to' the pro^ prletorof theMUodeon. • - In conneotlon with the already named perfonnara now perform' Ing at this eetabUahment are the foUovrlng:— Mr. Billy Boyd, O. M. Miles, . Frank Wood,. Masters Alfred and Oharlee BllBS,' ■ John dusky, . Miss TtUey Forbes, Mies Maggie Marshall, Mile LoUsa Bliss, MlssDonlBaEvims, and ' Miss Julia Roblnaon, Together with a fall and efficient ballet troupe; of twelve'yotmg lames.-- ... WANTED.—Female Dancers and. Yocallsts,' of ,Eood personal; appoaranca.' A^ply as above. , . | .lll.>f OANTHBBirBT BAIAj. WAfiHINaXON,.D. I whiLiau e. binn GEO. B. SDSON ,. Also of . . LIBERTY riA LL, ALEXANDBIA. VA. , TEE OANTEBBUBY Is the- . - MOST MAGNIFIOENT jinSIO HALL IN AMERICA. \ "" . None but the / - . ywity TTngT TALENT ... WILL BE SNGAGED , ' , at th la ,' ,. . . ■ BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE. Indies and Gentlemen of known ability olwajs wanted,. ' Address to .. ' OEO. P EBOI YAL, Boalness Manager, . . ' Or WILUAU E. BINN, Projprietor', .eo^tt; Box 1S9, WaahIngton.P,a: BBTBOFOUTAN THBATBB, . ; BANraANdSOO, OAL. . . , OHABLEB TIBBEIIB. ..Lesseeand Kaoagir. nils Theatre Is now open for the Fall and Winter Btim, vtt the ilnest Company ever in CaUforalai : * <i'., -. : JULIA DEAN HAYNE, M1B8 MOWBBAY, MBB, OLAUGEUET, VTHB TBEDEBIOEB, MB. L. F. BEATTI, W. 0. FOmES, ... - FEED FBANZB, E.BBOWN, ' '-'Mipa Jbttseoia,, f.'ilM-'OiBljB'BBOTrif.^i ■"•WB»r ' ■' «oB|i.Torf.v.v, j^foldiW -Waixuis,. OHA^^xiis MdnaxB < • ;'i!ii'! BidBlAhS TOTU Poxna! ■ ■■ .'JoMioB p..TSKilrwiBi;V.:; a;. ...^OeejSla. ''■ . , .■..■.Vftttaia.- .■ ' . .Louutans.. ...Loulelana,''.'; . .:.VlrBliUa.-,.>,..., ...Tenneasea. .North.OaroUAa. .;'.Bbiith Carolina.. :.;6oath Carolina. ..^Alabama. ..Tennessee.. BaHr.OtniWH .t|'!|~.OmKU'.BsSOBSB .'. 1i^'(t''^fliiat -UMdbat. , AoxiS FBBLOinKj. M / TBESB'OOLORED EEFUGEEB pUosd th^g^selves under.the mapiigement of ' •■". 'A'iiOB, BAEBER, 1 To'vrhbm'an oomiiunloatlotts oh business shouts be oddieaatd*' ^%Fret|ant)t^draaii, iUB^ . Wt'STii'.-- ■ -^uq^ THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. , . . ; W<r, the iinderSlgndd members and attaches of the late Ualo- .'■.'•■dion oo: '' — •■'itetet- ; 'considering it to bo our ^utyfor the conunpn ln>. -VVASHIITOTOB .TABIBlTmiB. . / . AIAERT HAMBUN h 00......';. JropriatOlK .Stage Manager. , ., JAMES PILaBIM...i.^.....v.; ■-■ OPENED P OB^J EB BKABg ' ZTBST 0LAB8 COMP^IY, Hit EaD, for elegance and comfort, cannot be exoelM by taa tlmllAr BBt abllah ift ant i n the country. -■ - . ■• :.'.. I 'o,-' YEBY 8TIPEBI0B ENTEBTAINMEBTB, Smbiaolng PAntomlmes, BaUeta, Ethlopeaa^Aota^ filnglDg, Sano(Bg,'&at Ao., will be given. . ■ " . l gitst cbus artlBta desiring engigemanta mar address . POST OFnCB BOX, tM ' WAsttnoiDHi S. 0., Jan. lUS. ' S04t HOWABD ATHJBIIBUII, . V BOSTONi ,Laalef apd. Gentlemen .wishing En{ S4aaan, oommenolog on or abont llth ja* BTAB8 wlahioB nights, will addresaths subswlberi oare of OHABLEB B..BIU^ABI> b Oo.;.4ee Broadway, oor^ of Broome, ■ <4MH- : . :i : . EENRY WEJiABD, Laasaa. jgemanta for the Spring ay-rand iM ^BbUo kM profeeslon'seneroUy, hereby cauUon yo^ to hewarO'of one Itinerant, monnteoank ahowman, colling him- self'WU.:M. 'ALLEIT, of itldo-Bhaw and trained-monkey notoriety. "^'^e'aVoivA'nalned Individual not long. «Incie;canvassed the Eait- ''■•tnoliUslibiit'obbliipd talent whereby to .openamoslo hall In thtf^>l^.''T'liJDgs progressed finely foi' .the first-wlKik, having . ■deuid'A.'neat deal mbro than exponscs, bilt at the expiration t.'. ''''la'Me^'fMeafcodi the East.wore doduoted'from salaries, whloh itet'a«ii)i4lng'10'Dgreemont; all suc<)ulnbed, Jiowcver, wllh- ^'-'odt'a'ftnljmnr tpnts' prbposBU -BciUevloa Urn to'; be a gontle- ';' tiiau, ais hf appoired at the tlmo^ no Snsplclone wero anmeed tin- :,''ii:.tll, one daytiast^eki'he betfon to'scorctly dispose Of all Us .. ' ^^available iiroperly, hnder obvioasttretciiocti—such as a^os, moh- .':^'keys,alde-^owiraipplngSifcc.', ohd'the solf-Stylcd Com, Little, "'},)lhe lUlpullan'bbcusTomThnmb'. ' Mr. T, A. EAwOrde, the treft- ' surer, u^o believed to be.lmplloat(idiri this affair. Theabove - f pamed. paiiflps all: skedaddled, without any. visible cause, list ' '.'/evening, Bonday, March 93d, leaving the company And creditors ■' ^iiti^Biti\o'[torthfix-SKf,- Bovera kt ibo-Coispany here'have .''^,'jM$Uep, ahd wore pl^d in nlmoat. deetltato.oironnietancos, '. '4,<$iTpagh,the kindness of. sovoral oltlzeDS.isome will bo ablo' to Vljejtimihbmos.lh the East-ln-afewdayg, .We, whose -'. --r-^iimoxod, and dopondln^ upon our honor', endorse tUe taitiicot, trusting that all papers fkvorable to oiu calUng ii|:these geittlenitn around, ' , - G.. W. EIEBYE, Stage Direotor, ' i; Musical Director. . ■ . W, L: DcobHkn, Phlladelp)ila... JiuaFiililuiPliiladelpbta. \- .MAqdriiBo^nss; Ph.Uaaelphla. \, Mtis. HxL^'i BMrtBf-Philsil^phla, W.O.MoBaAi(> Mas; Jdi;iA MonilAir; OCiAFP, BTAMUDT A Oo.>at Monster Dlumlnaied POLOPTICOUOBAMA OF TEE PBESENI WAB, 'laabdutleavlng.NewYorkforatonrlh the West, vlaltlogthB principal dUes. ' , ■ : . Uanagars of Theatres wishing to nagotlato for suimner months, qan a^drasa W. B. OLAPP, 107 Broadway. SMt*; ~>n i wvr»n < S i - i r » *»~ i ^ i *'»'~ i ~ i ~ i * i ~ i ^~'" *" ~ ~ ~ "'f' i ~'~ i ~ i ~ i rw^r >i 'yvirvww^ >« otj •Mrt'TWifBiooiiftiWaim. ,. i'hokt of-othais'irhosi names are wltlihaM item «* >door^Kaap«r8, otBeers, printers, blll-poiters, ;ui-'^''!)'^^iLLiLL_l^'' '■■ j-:;^!. ' at«.wBq))ltin»)IA I'*k«'« Olntns, also of Bpsnld- 'd»AtSouthani'Oima.:la noWtacdr tO'tttBAtUta Atf the oofflln^' MtMi), at a reaioaabla stUrr, PAT, Attunsi SttUojta oomitjr, Pa; w-at* , THBl'BTAB BlBTfim B— . ' . • AUGUSTA AND MABIB, ., Hovlng concluded their • -■ \ '.. EioHiiT BrboKbsrui, BHaiosKnT''A¥ PaxsBVBo/ Next Perform at Washington and Alelimdrla: :>.-' ■■ ■ • Sl-U* 8'yil AOCSK: QTBBl ATUBl. The new theatre will shortly open. - It has bean greatly cnlargea, the rpof raised) and^ the D^eas Oliolo-anlarged and owri°d ba^ lorty, fcet.:uphaIaterc'al'decoratcd and b'wntUled, It'wlll ie4t comfortably. nthouBiind.pepions. ThlstUHatre'wfll'bliodiidnoted "ii A first 'claiiB eetabllehmont. Stars will find It to their advintai to.negotlate. Adjlresa O. E> DABTON, BtAgi'M)mager, Eot'07l P. O.i'^'B^a'oaee, or J. Connor, aii}( BroadwAy.' A'flnti'cloas comt>a<iy needed, Nono but ladles and gentlemen ol adbiowl- tdood &DlUt;°reqalred', . It-Jt* , OAI^IFORNU TBHAUUOAIi AGBIirOT.—SHEBi. DAN COBBYN iMnld tespDCtf(Dlly Inform member* of the dri. HuUaJ Musical, or B(luoatnui prtifosSlons, that he haa aatabllthed en Agonoy In Ban Franchco, and Is nrcpucd to nagotlato engige. menu and- transact all other bnslnees pertaining to- tha-pro- fesslon. Address BHEBtDAN OORBYN, Ban Franeisoo, C&' .'Ni'B.-.,A)l lettors requiring annreii'must Mntalaaatamp to --A'l^BlltY POPULAIl tnl Permanent TVospc,..require |0o)|AdTerU«er, A strictly llutlness Mao, W|)U qiMfied^by petlaiice. Ad^Irese, wUh faB pa^.onlan aa to Iowest!t«tms, 1 BAN FRANCISCO, OAUFOBNlL , r ' THO B. MA OUIBE Proprietor and Manager, BAM WELLB .....MaaloalDlraotori. BIONOB ABEOOO, W. O'NEIL, . BILLY BIBCH,. • , BEN COTTON^ . TOMMY BAMWEU,^. . .W. U. BARKER, JOEMABBOTI, T. F. BABNWELL. MIBB JENNIE MANDEVILLE, MISS ALICIA MANDEVILLE, Ato a OiBirDij,T Bbucoied' TAunivruj! Coupaitt. A Varied Entertainment will be offered, oonelsbng of ..rBINGINQi;DANdNG, WIT AND EUMOB, ; „: ' ' Sx EsTmz MrasTBiL 'SatsutnL . Also; to" be presented, . NEW BURLESQUE EXTBAVAOANZAB, ExOu Bxa., In which the entir e Com pany' Wtll a ppear. ■. : , ,. .. ■ EVERY SATOEDAY, . ^ ' GBAND ASTERNOON PERFORMANCE, Fob Ladies -Ain> .OBmiBEif. ;V .THE PRICES:" Diieas 6lroIe BndOrchesiTa„ .'....'. U .o6 Parqnetto'.......'..'.;..SO'cenIa, | Gallery. ....atfoenta Private Boxes ....$10.00 and tO-OO. I Box Office op^ from 10 to 1 o'clock. <8-tf MBB. JUDAH, MBa 0. B. THORNE, MBS. JAB. SIABE, MB..J. B. K)OTE. , W. M. IiEMAN, . B. W. LEAOE, E. TWATTCR^ , ,. . With A Nsmeious Corps of Anilllariea.' svms or Animsiov. DressOlrole. 11-00 fOrcheatra Seals.. .'.n.M Parquet... M ots | Gallery., , U oli Private Boxes 10 and B dollars. Stan Intending tp visit CallfomlA wlE find it to their iateiaili to address ss above. .'^ OVX WAEUINQTOH HAU, CUnOBRT AOOK, ; WSEBUNG, VA., . ■' . The only Boom in the Olty sultabla-fbr COttCnTS, ThEAXBIOAI, add MnUZBEL PSBTOBHAXOBt situated Ih the heart of the 01^, ' CORNER OF MARKET AND MONBOE BTBBEIB, ' ImmediatelyoppoaltotheMcLuia HoilM, .';,■(''' Easy cf Aocaas, ■ ' and Umraipaaeed.for Stiahgih In t^e united BtAtet.'; The Room la 104 feet long br,ll«fMtwlde;.Mfei!$ «ell|h(,tt: vJudlfig a Stage 28'by:80 feet, with four Dreealng'Booslil^HA Scenery; Brilliantly Lighted and fUmlahed with Arm OhiM.' |" JI9* Let on aoeommodetlng terms. M-tf Washington Hall BuLdlng.WheelisftVa,. DEITRUIT,. , , LATE t SELLER'S CONCERT HALL, Tin Oi^ctDbubt or 'TBE West, •. : : ■ And the only place that has always withstood the storm, wm , BE-OPE^l .'■ > On or'about April ad: ABTIBTB of aU descriptions of aoknowledgad ablUty wffifiad I It to their advantage to,addrea« . ,-. ■ ■ ' HABT * BBETTT, Proprietois, / . .. BoxM7,I)alloU,UIeh, P, S, Nona but first dass TAlent need apply. - . tO-tf..! 0. OOVmJ, StageUana^ THB UOIiMAK' JJATIONAL OPERA TROUP E, . BBILUANTLY SUCCESSFUL EV£BYffHEB& . " Now open for Summer Engogementa.' -. ..BOlOUVBUXiA, csroEBSxjJH-^' ' ^' BxAOVT Aim Tex Bust, ' Obild or ZD BunaoiT, ''i ThbYodhq AOIBSl, ■<..'.».>. " -'Maa,FAMiHOiot<,. • : TH»OipOM<*|* Letters addreased to the Ouma Office for <i':' L^4»4m* r ^ OEO. EOLMAM, Proprietor and l(iBi|«r. THB LABOKBT TBil' SBlW'liDBlA, 48B BB(iADWAYi ''Late Wallaok'sTheatre. ' CEAMBEBLAIN h 00, LESSEES. FIBBT OLAflS ENTERTAIN MEirr FOR FAnm.™ , FIRST CLASS ENTEBTAINMENT'FOB'FAMIUEB; ' 1.. uiwwuos '. ' _^.nwni Xha alcove nam«d house win open on the 16th' of MABOB, wltti I 8BQW BILL FBINTINa ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WOBLUI a 11^ olaaa company. In a varied enteortalqman^ iBmbncdng the following branobea:— . ., ' ' mNBTBELB, BALLET and PANTOMIME. , NOTICE.~AU Artists desirous of engsgemeoto wUl addresa. •, :F OX t: CUBBAN, Managers,'4BS Broadway, i' NOTICE.— Twenty young ladies wanted FOB- nm BALLET, ' . 4g-tfl OLABBT. A BBILLBY, _ „ ^Bnocessois to John E.Btecti,) VBINTBBB AlTD BNGBAVEBS, .: la and UBpmce Street, New York, - parttoolar attention to getting up an hlnda of FANCY. Bh!0* bills for tnmlUnB companies, and have on hand a large and ipiaDan ■ ~J ' " aaabrtment of large and amaU, A OHALiaNGB TO THBI -HrORLD.>^]oL, ELLIN-1 f „. S ° ° ° £S ^. Ov» GEE ohall^eBtheVholeworia to .produce au aquu to TOM- «2£*Mf^'JK^^ **51°£^i£f^?M255 MODORE, POOTE, in age, else, weight and adSoatlon. The SfSl M^liriAnB, fta, io., which can be printed In one or men Commodore wears the "Gold Medal,'^ which stamps him the'l "IS",^!!?! f??™}"!" n_ , . !.»' snallestman sUvo. - Ee Is asslstad by his little friend and com- peer, CoL SMALL.'' P. T. Bomum advertlsee the smallost man and woman Inmlnlatnre living.'- This I deny, and ohollenge him for 110,000, .to prbanca a pair-In diminutlTeness equal to mine. Letters addtesied,'car* — card FRANK' QUEEN, -OiJFrEBOffice, wlU I reach'.' . .. COL. WM. ELLINGER, • ' • ' lO-tf ' IPreeoptor Commodors Footo and Col. Bmsll.' 4^ A deposit required on an work ordered. , _ ^--^ AU orders addressed to "OLABRY fe REtLLEY," BwonPiw^ Ing and Engraving astabllahment, U and It Bpmea ■omV;!!' . 'fork, win be promptly attended to. - . frutob op waiiBS thvatrei. This tmly elegant and very beautiful theiatro : PI<'A'S' BdOKd, PHbtOaRAPriB.of KATE BATEMAN, ^ "'"^ ^ BSGUBD.. kept open** alBO,-as Leah; 'Haggle MitchUl,'Luclue Weetem, Laura Keene, Carollfia Blchlngs, Mrs. 'John[Wool, also In character: A. L Menken, as French Spy and'MakepJiai Busto Denln,.Eato Denln, Isabella Onbas, Pahny firown.'olso In' charaoter; Webb BIslerk, Lavliiia:Warran,:Tom. Thumb, Mr. and Mrs. D, WilUams, Mr. and Mrs. Florence, E. Forteet, E.- Booth, J. W, Wallaek, Jr., Wilkes Booth,' Ed. Adami, Lester Wallaek, and hundreds of oth- ors. 2S oentii each, or 'five for $1. Bent to any address on rfr- oelpt of price, Ofttaloguas sent on receipt ofpoelAgo slams, by 6Ul» W. a WEMYB8, ITU Broadway, New York,! RBW nBMFHIB THBATRB. ' GEO, BAYFIELD..'.'.''>..; Lessee and Manager, | The Spring Booson at thla Theatre' oommenoea oh SSSSli It, df acknowledged posl^on^ tAlent negotiated with, Off long ct Ihort engagements, aa knutoal interests iliay reaolio.' 'Address, - ALEX. EENDBBBON, . an- 'I -.Bole Leilae and PloprtttcR ATHBUTBUn THBATRB, ... . ' 4 ■ COLUMBUS, OHIO; ' JOEN ELLSLER... .',.;. i .Managir and Propriewf, Opens on ttie IJth lnBt,'fot a aeason w throe months, J™ DraaaUo Cotopant from the A«kd«nir of Music, 01evwnil.ii>a» wishing n]ghte"wlU please addfosi JOHN A. ELLfflSR, fRt't - ' ■ ;.'." '.■ 1 ooluAhns,Ohio. WAJrr«D lini»uTn,T.-An oltractlve Female Dancer,' lM87aSJrWmos|.uc<»«^ ■ Ladles and-'Gantteifiea bfithaiProfoesIon'deslrous of Ensasa.'' mente, wlU addrps* B. R. MAOINLBY, -^'^^ a-\l ' . Acting and Stitgo Manager, BoKilO. I OANTOraURT SIDBIC HAIX, . N. W. COB. FIFTH AMD OHMTNDTiBTB., PHILAD'A, PA,' LABOBBT AND MOBTTALBNTED COMPANY IN'THE OITYl $0" Ladles and gentleniBD of i known ability, will addresa < aOB>T OABDINBB b BARRY ENOCHS, .vUMbS,;.-..'.. -i: v., - Proprietors., AOADBBIT OF MVSIO, I ' ' ' toLBVELAHl), OHIO, '. JOHN ELLSLER .Proprietor and Mariger' This la the lArgoet most oomforUbIo,b«aullltal,maalwj Itttfmoal^|0^^1wthpatretothta It li.for nrajlTj^BJ I oane^^lbltlnl Bthtf TBI mnr dxperlence, tu>.i fll'v;, rzdUAVE," Newari^ Ohio, ex- PROVOORAPHB 0F40Hli a aEINAN.iaaltli«nsdrkss, and flAhtlfi|t.&Mtuiiiel atuenla taeti, and. sent li6s<'paid,byW. C: .•ffBflBS;-j78:Dr»rt*ay(-N, y.mB-v •■■'v^ .V J>;fi<t:«t'Ii'Li1VJl(r,'SAI£'HnBr/ana>.I)»adlSB 'TBNOB, U hoirdlj(tas4>rith Bam Bhanla}'! Minttnii. BuMmdawin SloaNmak«i^&ot«Wt ''' .'.' ' -'WMt* . nCBARDoHAlil,,'OSWEGO, N/Y,.,rThla new,'large,' aild oonqnodlonahall'la-now'finlsbed and jreadv'for.use, Itliaa all' imodem lmproTonianteifor UghtlDg, hotting, and vontUatloG. ThA'BUMlBUrge, andconvenlently arranged for TheaMtal, Oofa, «ert, or Lecture purpoaps.'I Assoonoert room; It'.cannet'bi celled: Addiosa,'.. ...f j.M" .: H i' JOHN A. DABHY, U-18tsb . Proprietor Mnsard HaU; OswagA, n. Y.; '°.0. a.^FAAHOU,. .irBUeh Dancer. and..Buriesgao' nrima donnm'fdrmail;o^jBanford'aOpera Eoose, f- -^J?- • ..... -Address,. MedlaiDehiwato PBOPLBfH. HAIil4, NEWBUBGB, now oben ttit Ihe'acOoitnmodatlon of i ■ . FIRST, OL ASS TRAVELIMG .QO.MFANtBa, y..JIhlii Han * dremeDW . 9ifcil«4e, Dreetlng Rooms, and •B'*l»?><'*»r^'!aS?Ifthe*- f^^wa^Yor ♦First qUsa H^r ^5^,?l»Y»g_'^!i^, taudjjtrs'chs,.: For terms, 4iO.,.ap)plyito I. M-MABXUti Wi BAB*,I hU,Uatttt,oth Snt< 'Vi' r