New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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Ma. iiSMKel^. OfhlsdotogrflnGiwAMtiln***™ •aitlilng. ■ ' ' "■ .'' i fS,?TtoobStei U yM» before- Ohrtot. Mflloig tte roj»l •«»» of mir UsgB. In A. J>. «, «.■*»« "^TjibmH uAa >ol onoe in«de, nwnt aUnd. \ s'iAr IlTTERlfA BZENAH TO ipiOHT lOM JOSa, Toifiiilg, on the Mlh otMtii OLim were not snrprlied at the nvm, Msteii iiaxiioiitttnrmisi ironU eomd reluned to America. TbO«ihlnWwoA,p-Tr»™ -a.r—-r^^ i.- - ■ • - - . -.ov. of 0. HeuiMi hlAadf. .»a by.eTet,naU« » annoBnte^the reanlt two «>» l^-^t'wtidrii hid il^ea; At l«at tho-lnl«Ul«en<^ have nearly written themwlte. up to tl ime; it la neialeaa toeay that tliegreat match has already | whitelunfl. to..tophi.anoring, oaosed an ImmeBee eioltoment, not only In sporting drolea, but •moDg all dauea of pWple., The flght^wiD b» for the large .take ot ten Omi^and doUan, an* ad the-men' are ptelty eyenly balaaood, u ieg»rai.hel«ht,walghl, and reach, a moat deeponte encounter what .hallbe done in the dry t" nueithlpB dodge mrald be conatanlly endpo b«t,wp« g«id *)T*nythlng. "~ THE RING. AMOTHIS Bia;UATOH. :P»y li^p Bb^ter'took (^t Infutare, i*S)£«^4> He tan beg only cnoe, bnt If the dealer B»e« prtfpw, h!MoB*iiBP%<^ BgaJiulf the player having the begU not &S^Ty«»anfpUya» getetlu^ tiliks,helaenUtM twSuiilvtiMoaiitmti trl«ki,he edohxea theflrrt gJSaAwwatwopolsta: '' ' ;- !iiPjasimw,\nttlmkntla.-The Uea Ib pretty much the J5S5toSi •peeoh, >»hloh. pi()lN*^,youmay nothwe f!n^3wSSlnltiS??whloh la wbH taown bv^ For piat li. la irttt>ut toightter, and nl^gctteu np. ;^'d^.dth.o<rovd.r^y^^^ ed oni WB bdleTO, and we - woold prefer iitm ainyt, MM our ^tlme U e« mnohoo^ »o3i Tt»'«i« B<aratT,vCTerT Monday erening. It ia oi» to- ^SBiii SjSt^An n«n- there enaintrodaaA^yoiu^-toHr. .fQ«inW^.y«a wfflattelityotir oVeot ■•ltiMg-PiiiBoij«,-*ot»'MA ma?, nnthlo toJnOd a pen or laaTj jlffiTfibih, (alter writtaK three pagM of ' w&l>A»rtnlM iVerr we onstomtr to Ught fii.^ weekal .. fiSr«wyottila*bf itmt;• - ' lowixt-i^aahln^ D. 0.-1. Heenin and Bayan ^j}i^,.-^t»nt»^9rApril. I860. : X Dan 3loe wb» bom In . f^UMil«.T...ii}ol;'T.. A. Brown did give iaaketcbpf the jiiui.imi^ iiccr of Uaggle'Httahell, In theOuim of ICaroh ■H-lBtt;fl<,lH».^ot<n»''b»'hYolnnie. ■ •''«'li/tt:"Sl)wego,H.T.—We aroBoriy we i^nijot anpply'yo]*, ^""^ lr* '>la(5»r >lot where yoa'can prooiue .the. mualng ^ .'in'a4T«Wl»Bn»™tiilght fetch It . •'tf V AViUnT JJimarlh djd not dance the toianceof Old ^TwlMu .bwf^, that we-are. aware of; and. we hare no B that tie tuu danced It In'England. I a. lU. Oo,i.,-.2d-U, 8. Artmer^, 'Corinth, Mia.—Tha iarly «dttUr IKe ace; iakei the deal' ' - •"fct'.P^i iDlwaakM.—If a Jock la tnmed np: on.« mla4eal, the ^-K-^li Ml «Utlad to the potot ■ ; ■; • /^aahlngton, Q. O^ThankLyoni gin ui the I q ^ f yi lflnl vinill Hrt Dapodt^B M0Te«;iiro'1^l»^''haTtaig _J.■^«IMI^•;v;•■^.; :^V■^•i'■■^^'''v'■^^'■ ' r'''°iftU.\llrnrt^ki-^Iblo'aOardeh Mat* inpanmiltjpP.-rjni* ' s'^^wnniijr,'for ike book , %4 had!.nmltlo yon, ' :i/taiBM;'iB,', n. fl. B. BaootalL'^Tcrar ienn'of ■nbacriptTonexr - ■■vKtod'wllhHo-«,Vol..lO. •; ■ ■ '■ i ^i^im ^^jshnrn'aii Mceoniy ftonaht'onoe-< draw. '■:>{!]joi^|aLn'3iiiai,-:r -iH.'&i'Warceater.HaaB.-Addreaa'Wi 0. Vemys^ SIS Onadwiy. . .■ i^^j"'' ■. V '-v,,.. • ■ vj^Q . '< ' .' ."QI'B PBUBI BVOBIBl§. ' 'if.^JtWmantha.tgo^offece^'ttenimofFlTi'Hundredl^ ' itt'iiiejtiirM'be^^^ ■^f/fiH^' Aiy nt tlttApiit tbim mm. lha llrtt'atory In ordet of V y«EliwM;te Mctlfi «3JS0; the nezt,'$lllO;'«nd the third, HOO, ili^^.o^inpetltlon for (htae^.pr^ f' *' filBUiln an harisg been received, and but one or, two ot thoee, f . ^ii ^ ^ iWM MKg «tiy pntnte at mrtta-Uimn cmnmnniilefle Intmeati .v,'' v'L^&artliicittia^-aM'to ■w»id;iheprice of i2W. Itia iBB SiCEEX COJiCLAYE; iiipSSfBSlOVB HOUSE ON TEE FITS POINTS. M/'^M'iiNXtm hbw tobk.otxt iiiFiB.'' ■ J-^-vsDsmioaD. ' • :■ ■■ Y^^iLwritM, whiaee italSence Is in'Baltlmibre, Is'entirely.un- ' ]U<iH>'|^^>'*''^''7*'*<>nallyor.byteputatton; and he,wlll lijit 1' ijjy^l'twb9 la.eiitltled tc the flnt prize until he aets this notice ; jM^ttu .Ounrnnr.' By .ending nil a VOm, atatlng how we ahall aend ;, !^ ^Uo&qr> we'ehaU take much pl«aBTire'i|ii forwarding to his ad- 4!j«wi 'atondB, th«aomoft2M. •-Xhls prize itcry win be commenced In the next lan^ of the wjipiitt didnn^ b re,'.)£i^.i«9nlre another week babore; coming to edcdaion' ' Bg the 'Cilalms of 'the other Btoriaa,'aa' we wtali to gty^ :'lyi'^wJ'c^!B»'BW^ .Dkeoara OF JIM A- Bibk..' ■. '' 'XV /'.vAt T'^^oCox'S):iVBiiE HoDa,:ai«aD Baiiar. . ^ij^^j/^i^^.k«l^qM^ri^nf iino^ ride waa -Inailegooduil'lianM tb ..'^itt Monday, Itiroh'86,«nd.\the N''<ittiMi^^a|i^^ is due this evening, (April a,) tt Teto ^ 'Vi'!^^*'!'*.!''''''''''^^ .?<'*^S Boonia, Vi: ttt'Bt^ini. ■''A'tfaW )iat "jiaklhg. Mr. Qjiilaaher made goddOobnrn'a money, ' aotedi in like manner cn..lIoCoole's behalt Ho ■ ■ r 'I'ljiiiiiij-- [Tin' ilffrrnfl on either-ride Therewors preaitiiiti'Bd,^ Jlnglee, 6Bie,.th'e }^y':[!i'\tfi^inajjlM^ MaOcy,tba«z-otaalal, Charley Ohurob, -''' . -' JMiressot iiea»i- Andy Moot* the wrestlor, :ahd many other*. : :. '^j fe -yviaM-' WUllftm and'Darid Hastliigs elao dropped In during ' v' .' ^'fnin|nig.Xhes meeUng 1. fixed fi>r the Uth of '>v ; ' '. .ii<j^-MTotal McCoy's, the mit«VHoa.e, Grand atieet^ bctW^ :'''!^'^.^>4-vH0itb«En .OhamploncaU^ at our ofBce on Satuday, In' ' V' flO^HpUgr'wltlt)ilatrainer, Hui-Winkle, and• friend,, and loolyi : ' .,i,'V^j(ih|^^(ly we4. Be waa to'^Te showed, in Albuy, on the eth '' '\.-.fi05^i SUi. bauftt (n this, dty will prohaUj! oonie off tn a oonple v'V;;''i?i»^4reiaki;-i>ae .notice wlU be. giVm of .the tlnie asdplace.. , .:|;^Vljj^'efltiks'ia .'. ..^'v'. '^^^Akittlaii eoatoaie, !«ith Qan Winkle as ri«ond.' .' .' ' 'l&^^Bi DavlB ^^]iio visited us during the w«ak.. He repdrta ^ itip^U ft^i^iqii*'lU|tt and doing an 'li^ ': \,[- , 7unM kelbr and Pan Eenrigan are doing thUt ntaietf (o get the J 'liTeMin'Ohkmi^on in'Odndltlon;' H^^ ,;-y: V,a{ti;^f^'.iltb,.aiih« gieit exlitUtt(^for ^Uu' benefti of the OumplonsUp. Of coune. Jam Maoe agrin b^e Champion, end is reeognlaed therebre, betweoii thlp of England, nor pendent of thi Ohamplonahlp, dence that busineifi/ eaide has dready . • -i » .- nsiiIarlTmade.£rom'tim*totime,'M6prdlilg to the'arUolesof ig .the handa of agi^eefnent. Abholis ot Aobxehznt entered i ' • ' ^, ISiTi.'ridBXr^mldo-erthVhow --vbu, ThetIm.:fix.d,upon for this eeocnd lntern.tion.10^^^ and ~Ohaa,' Bmlth—theeo gentlemen were unanlaoun .i^irm by the entlre.houu. JS^yUoBewoi^menaonlagcQySil gloves. Bhiil we my anything, Bill? Hnghy" McolSJS'*! ihiathirtOTnai day of 1 Johnny OMy oreaUd qnlte an eloltemont, from'SS*! — »"^nde each man has pot, and conslderliig UurmSl " When Hnghy landMcggittSrl McQlnlev.Hflr? lumed Ul^ei'iiT m put oiftteJiii., hindauidthaeodL^ rbo"Ihaii:tort4«boM!i, who I th«jlov« wewTjwMrfed to to Coburn.^ ^^^^^ tcamgfnnll S^rgJ'fl^SS .15^^' S^-ae^ depoalt Of Flf^ Ijol- -^J'^!!^.^^^^^^:^'^^^^!^ 6 IRB. right montha ftom the preient tlmei Much deposit of oS Hundred DolKrs a aide to be mjde at tte houee Jim touting aunanos up to tne oar lor » - .' ..i ■iIii»nX.~wJi>.«W.n.'»tnh\ltt(>nBh of^nahBiloy. 2M Cebtre atrcet, on Monday, the 18th day of jm DtoWb Onownm m*E00KtTK.-.0n tht Mlh ofVuti pire in that time to intorf-ere with the match, although ™ "^""^"gn^g ;2d hut depoilt of One Sand red Dollan a young Benlola, whoao match with Jimmy iajlott Is SStJ mt'spptaranees both men M«m detormlned to go on | ^ thehonae o{ Phil Olaie, 101 Oolumbla street, | (^teauohuexdlement In this city, had the biggest fiicember 8,' nuy transpire 1 ftohipiasent'eroiarenee. both men M«m detormlned to go on I |i,ebon«e~orPhUOUie, 101 Columbia street, I vlththtaflrir TTopereaVethattheedltorof&U'iiVelastakfr Brooklyn, onMonday,thomdayofApril. AjJ deposlto ehaU ever came off In Brooklyn, at Phenix Hril, Court ilnrt, 13 Wltn tne aiia». T^»™™r'' A-^.m „ JL on the be duly transmlttad to the Una! stakeholder. The said depoeltg couldn't get there onrselveo, butlthoae present nay it • WiJl holder, and that >Ir..rowllng, who offloiated as referee on the Jg^'^g^^SS^'betwetn the hours of 8 o'clock, P. M., and 10 I The old genUeman, BUI Tovee, got some good ma{di.S»£l oocarionoftheflghtatFamboroBghbetweenHeCnanandBayere, „ other hours as maybeagretd upon, or'] a thing very dlffloult to do, although some people lufuvT ~ '^ " the party trillnf ahul forfeit the money deporitod. The men easy as falling off a log. The paitlcipaton were h foDonS —'. -w -L ■ J wi— 'fcnt lha n<H™. whMi-l ehallmeet with theb respective backers on Buch a day as may wit:—Hughes vs. Lauer, Olbbens vs. Nolan, Ben lejd n. kS, batOabetweenHeenan. and.Klng,.butaedlnod the ofllce, when ■MJ^e^^'^ the place of fighting, (the latter beating them both), Kelch v.. CaMon,''u5£: it was aneed that he diouUC appoint some que eue. subject to g^all be in tho ring between the hours of — o'clock, —, uike Dorsey, Sryden vs. Bob Somobody, Lowen n. r thet ho wiUhave a bete show In his meetlngwitli King than.he I rignedio the stakeholder, ne expenMe of tte ropes and stakes Z wh^ he fought aayer.; Heeni> ^, in aU probability, be £^^iJS>Sd\l5Sr' ^hTaSf.?!S?tobS' S^'n^.'JSSSi the bvorite in ihebetttng, althoagh we understand that Klnghaa by mutqal ranaent, tUl fairly won or loet by a fight iome pi.e«!y §^jh. aiippprtari. who think, eittenlely well of' = * ■■' * ~ him, and greatly fancy thl. match. The sum to be fought forts as la^e a rtake as ever depended nponlhe Istae of ■ contest in the Prize Blng—ten thousand doQan| 9nt this, Isrgeaait'ts, Isalmlnt nothing at dl'oompar^ to the money In pursuance of ^ the kbove agreemeni we hereunto atiaoh our Wltneasaa, HuOB Bilbt. ' ' ■ J.t mf Bujoir, Pan, 0i4^s. ' Jims'DuMHi wound up with his nephew, Jim Dunn—a grand dupUrol lU art polite. If Phenlx Hall bad been twice tke rite, ill friends might have got in—aa It was, UTeral hnndred smtr without the ghost of a chance. DzAn I—Poor Billy Bargent expired at the Cltj Bonti) J Tuesday evening, 81st ult, at about 8 o'clock, P. U, ct mriij las. He was taken m the Bvehlng of 'thejlay that Ji^Bi&T for California, and that was the last time we saw him lUn. M Inmedlatoly afttt the arUc^^ ^ our wpOTtar, PhU B.,^g„t, Itwiil be rtcoDecUd, -bought out Bath's hoott, tgt SJ^h^^SfaSfy'Sv^lSd irHu°gbX?w^^^^ SSlccnpled it on. week. He waslari^ on 'T^^. Omn or Thisss to Ma. Cais. Hnirr.-Messis. Blchod HolJ SMd and Michael Dorsey reqneat to tender ibelr gntcfU Ihui^ I Mr.' Oharlea Bunt, of the billiard ' saloon on Brot4n7[loS ken, for his klndness and attentlQn to them dgrlng Uitlrnu triptoTonhets.' They'will ever remember It vilh ileuot , F isi ' iouiiB Dt Vticu.- BlllyHealey and JoeOctohritUIL „ „ Sfrlmmage a short dlBtance ftom Utlca last week, luUsg q since, but he la in good hands, and anxious for the day to come I boor, 18 minutes, ,08 rounds, when both men being nuUtl round. v '' - |cQmetotlnie,.lt.w«a<decided.a <iaw> Healty'ssccciidii THaaoLonisoOaAunoii'sEzH^Brnoir.—Mr.' J. 0. Orem, the HtighyUallon and a Fifthrward sport, a confle of Wert^ good-natured, teetotal boxer from the Bocky Mountains, made looking after Joe Cole. It Is expected a tteah suaohriaij his Irrt public appeal in our city on the let of April-not a very made shortly for a couple of centuries, good day. for any thing—at Mozart HalL The attendance was | xna MoBTSBaH CHumoN.—Joe Cobnm, the fiTOrtIa H(| aalts selsot and respectable. Among the au'dlenpe we noticed I fork boxer, now raatohed with Michael McOoole, tbe Vv le uniting mng'of our old friend. Con Foley, from the Banner ohampion, was to have taken a benefit at Albany on Uo oT^m- v,m„m VsiWinalA uiA OniJnk kad ■'dlfflmlt loh of It to I Ward, who came down ezpreuly to tee the "Colorndo.' Foley evening. Els exhibition In ibis city will take place In a li Bayers, Messrs, McDonald ana onalok had a dJfflBulj Jobor uto j^^^^^^ g^ij^^g,^^-^^,^^^^ moustache, vre find weeks, a^^ ioepBenlBh to the trwes. He wiU hav* a much bearier man Ul the Colleen Bawns dead in love with him. We hope tosee cooniw mid Max TnAiHon'. Jonrr Bmmr.-j ojiposed to him In Bjoember than he had at Fambdrough. Mr.Foleya name unong Ihe joluntocrs at i^ef^'f™""?" two remarkably clever light weights are up for a beneflt at Again, we aay, be cautions and wary, an* do r««work well. | '^.S."."^"..'! iTw^-Sr^ t?'^?rJ I Paran^. HaU. ite Burtla'V^efi^ corn J^^^ Ihat'wlIl'lw 'wsgeredltfoutBldebets; for 'there'wlll be a good jaQegEjUott After the deporil which was te have bean made I dealof veonlatloBonthlsgreatmatchiOn thevarionspolntsof on'theSlhie made.'the next will be at20aOentn street, Hugh a fight, time, the first'taiook down, flnt blood. »d the Mg^g early'this week;,om^ finUiesnlt There wlU alio be'wagsrs made that the match win where oh Long Island, accompanied-bv John- Oalvin, but.WUl ne'rer dome to' a fight; for tiere are plenty of men ready to take always be un^er the watchful eye of Phil OLue, who tolend. to be tKe.olin^eviXibitif.Jhto .. . IwlthhlmritogetWtholMtfor^^^^^ ' And here let na caution Heenan against holding his opponent U^^fly;- King Is a' powerful man', and his blows, iih^ .fairly timded, are (iangerous. .^senan ahonld pay strict attenflonto Uie of his mmtor in training, and not throw away the sUghteri chance. We know the Boy Is not vety partial tahard| : ,, . .... ..^i;.. .. _. i-A ,work generally, ending .omewhat unrartnnately for Charley eclipse in interest the great meetlpg between Heenan and Bay. {Mm the re-openUig of an old cut over his eye. Old OIU Tovee iers. .' In another part of ^ thli. Isijae'willbe found sn.aoooimt of- and Toung Dlok Haywood—age versus beauty—Bill in tights, apple streets, Brooklyn, this (Tnetday, ApiU Tth.) when all the talent of l(ew York and Brooklyn will tallT toll support. Old Bill Tovee, M. C Tickets. 2S and N cenn. . .» ....--..V—-atBojiii for M Inak , Theatre, on the Mtt" We were sorry there were not more both before the battle, and in the Blng. - present, because Mr. Orem deserves better things, but that may As niinsl, IheCUFiZBwasthefirsttogtvepubllolty tothlsex- be easily accounted for .by the way they've rushed mattere tra.«din.rymatoh,and«iour new.,comes direct from head- J||Jg; S^^'^S'iSi'b^lMh^uSb^ChjM^^ 7*onBF,oHTTaii.-Bame,Farl.,,lheWo»,a«»k.tB«T, 'quarten; those who be advised of the progresa of the Uju^daya, and that will show whether he has friendsor not, ns only four challenges this week, all intended tc Watch,vrmM wjse;takell»iHiw.-Toij:o^«^^ Oa,aceount of somanyrimllar afUrs this week.we cannot Heriey, of Worcoator.Mass. Heaays;-«'Ftat, IjOlL^. ■ ' Tr— .. I I ....j,.v .1- 'iv. —™_j—^ ' ^]aceof I SvenilleracefortBOortlOOaWde. Second. LwiH wii«bj „ , •s,oialcatoh as eatoh can,'for WOor tlOOa side, be*t thrn'to paper hUethrtgavbeariywdrellaUe reports of the movements I Bmik)VMoffl particular reqaa>t,asd if theapnrring — ' - - - - • -- sit the men, l^e were the first to send a reporter to England,'I matohes were few and fkr between, don't blame Uncle Bil^ and wehadtheconfldanpeof Heenan and Bayen, letters from w"""!"'* that's certain, both of whd'm^eTerepeatedly pi|Ulshed.iii our. columns. Our Bivers and Henley; mcrilyin fkvor of Washington Market, readers may again look to the CLiFna for anthenUo information who knew too mach,wastoo big, and hit too hard for Bivers: oonoernlngthesecondintetnatlohal natch,whichwfflbrobably °'^l«7 and Mike Doreey; a jood match, and bully TOUOOriuilHUSWM^uu wwnwiuii^ iiiaiui. TTiwiu wm iAnnr^Iv. (.nillnir •nirooTi.t i,T<fnrb,ni>t«W tnr rlorlAv I tO thO CUPPEB, it'Will bO COVelCd; Or, 11 he Will t0n« ton, and fight for $100 a side, in six weehi, I will take''' oh weight." Iteagan'. riaply Kiunds wmewliat alcgi tbe match, the sttlclss of agreement, and other mstiAra con- nected tlimtewith.'AVv!V_-i_^__^^_ ' •' <■': A;;HdBUa) jlNIkBUlTAKIIfO. : 8PABBIKQ',. KX HI HjTlOH . FOE THE BENEFIT OF TEE BUFIBBIiia' POOK OF nELAND, Dick In peg-tops, uncle'd aglUty sent the Oueteb man fiyiifg around'very lively; whenever Richard went after William's promontory, William retaliated Juat the aameas Dick Curtis or 1 Jack Bandall would have done under similar cironmBtancss— with a one, two, three. Dick, remembering the terrible affair at Tonkin, was very wise In keeping it a safe distance from the ' Old Dominie's "dangerous right," and "thereby banga a tall," aa Dorsey remarked when "Colorado" oaihe out in tights. ~ ' « ■.:...'"v''r'mj.;,''iv ^ — " .' ■ I Boreey remarked wnen "Colorado" oaihe out In tights. Henley On aajteihor.April will take place a grand, sparring enter- and Dorsey: a'wicked set-to; they meant it; very severe hitting talnntent ftar the above-named objeot, at Hoym's Theatre, In the on both sides, but Mickey more cunning and more at ease In i -j^'r-.r™--^^ Bowery. ThenJ^em«nt\iUi b..lntheSidsof Job; Mcr.^ Third, I will fight him a glove fight for 110 n tlOO a aide. I will fight him a regular ring fight—I to be IU|ba,-4e weight he likes." Bsmey is going to have a benellt at mii Haas,, on ihe.l8th of April, when he hopes Joknny will go 11 tohave^friendly set-to. Ddblut Uixs's Beplt io Toum Mxiznf,—Dublin ia;a:-'| be (Meakln) can fight at ]2«lbs„ in six weeks, bytsndlngad' poslttof —I Scrant* atoatchi._„ he doeen't see how Meakln can propose such a thing aa all weight In the first place, and yet makeaUie very BaaApnT* rition to the Brooklyn man himaelt It now remainB to la « whether Tommy wul go to floranton, or Dublin come to F lyn. Talk greonbacks, Coys-^tslk greenbacks, OwnzT QEoaiixoiM to Coh Oqeii, "os Am Oram Mik."| Mr. Oeoghegan will fight Con Orem at catch weight In two vm for tlOO a aide, or four weeks for tdOO a side. If IU« suit the Colorado Obomplon.0wney signifies hlawUlUgmoj 'riisey,, aided, by'.some of the most. noted ;nemben of the aid lohool of boxitg. We need not say how heartily we endorse the mbvonient^-and that itwiH meet-wlth 'fhe ifppfoval of aul 'dasaea and 'ollm'et.',' W)ifle '.indreat ..Britain, they are sqnandei- iiii minions «n * made4b-oirder tciyai marriage, many of its peo- pb are siatvlhg-^tually starving'for the bare neceasarloa' of | Hit, We ^diah 'gtv^lh^ programme for the occasion in our next -I., " ' ' ' ■ ■ going the rounds. " • " " ' " I mediately covered by Mr. O. , As Jemmy Elliott (the Unknown referred to on. Oram's bUls) HoMoaiBLX HximoR.—Professor O. W. Taylor, tl»J^^ hadn't arrived np to nine o'dock, and sparrer. being Msroe, Con I master, now a deputy provoet Marshal in Mew Crleas^ and Milage OomeU gave the wind-up—the former in fighting honorable mention in' the Oreacent Oity papere for coBtume, (and a very etpenrive oneit la, too,) and the latter heroic conduct in saving property and rescuing U>e nig <»H gorgeonsly arranged in coaslmere and fine linen. Milage beats steamship Bio Bio, recently burnt. ' S^.?? (SfAJf™°.S5"7 ^"I i^'' •? AtrsmAiiAH Jaoisos hid Bowim.-A rattling bIJ » of a man Juat turned out of a band box, and outride of Paris or Ltes, and only five rounds: was fought near londoit Mg,. Lelcwter would be dlffloultto find a better. SJT'bm, TavwerVbLkid torn Swooat lane, anl walktog (jenUeinin;'_thanJhls.same HUa^e,. ComeU couldl jj^.we b^em meVSw b^ weU. .! a BxHBHT.-A fljrt-rate 'hojM attonjec' _ «i»-u«. sparring eihlbWon at MoiartHaUjla«T^ satielaoflon and general amusement, especlriiy'to On^aimed I''V* <>' space noceisritotes its omlkrion aiiog»«» KoUy, from .Water street Mr. Orem fell for PHleburgh on . How ZER ManvTAOiDU. Mswa—Our neighbor has J)(is( been caught In another oi severid week)! pasi, the'''nnrelUblp'! has had telegraphic dispatches pnblished in Its Sunday editions.' aU pur- porting to b« genuine dlspstohes from the irmy. eto., 'reporting I ^^A^Z:rj}^ 'T** "f-,,"""" laft for Plttoburgh on 7 ' ,■ . . , : . "y? •'•tti ''"a'"''^* Thursday-evening,-and we shaU soon hear fhim tiim asaln "very important movements and triumphs,?; .On ,the 39th of together with lohnnyMnckey., ^ ' liarcb, the nansl budget of "news" appeared, and one of ihe "dis- patches" stated that Adlhiral Porter' ^ liniig. These fSlae n^orts have' Inquiries at the telegraphlo offices ka,ve been ma'de as to whether i u» Miuig,. uui, •.uo pnoK oi ue genwei ana nonoraoie utue Holjy- sudh dlspstohes evinpaseod over the wires; aind to regard to thegained him the point, and the show came off sccordtog to riport Of the 29th, the fscihaa been a^oertata.ed ih^ the "mire-1 fi?f S^.^S^.'Si'^viSJi^Sl?.^ ?.?":v¥¥.'=,?. i'.. ?"/°'^F'»t«'y liable" Sunday paper's at aU I And of such bogok HoiiTwooD iudDobskx'b BKnzFn at Toheebs.— In remark- "WH BTni. I,IVH.»»-HAI»7 HILL'S Baloon. wH'l ton street, enjoyaihe popular patronage to ai nnparauewi gree. Ths trnth is, Haj^is a capltalfcUow, and amw .._ • 1... „ fsather was shocking, and aU the bills Were washed away. Broadway, (under the Presoott House,) is the oi "fl)eoWdlspat<A'>ua»n<wriiwn(Jl«ttr(ra Bothat but llUle notice was giyon, and veiy few knew the dw SALOON in.SewYork.. The Hanoger ior ognk, Stuff. Is Hie'pnatlor of that concern 12?,;?*_?A'_?^*'J!!li??i_'!!jH"'" 'j?" present; however. | bad charge of the BowlWg the Astor Houan. W5 composed. Those special dispatches are'manufactured in the tiaok.. .}r<ki)eiyha^.t]M.tUn«.'wanId. turp |Oi)tr.,We.kAewthat fully nude up for lack of nnmbors, .. .. - V .... . OmUtlngtlioeBnaniesof no Lll"""'and Olgttn of thebeat quality. PMorlaH i.<n~i iii,.mn.fAf«..i«,..M«.i~,w A ^. . Interest to any but themselvos, wo Blvo a brijsf summary of the , .Pfiia OALLAaHEB, PWP"' pOce, like moat of Its "theatrical oorrespondence." And such is more prominent ones that Bporrod, not' forgetUng'tliat Uncle ■ - n the sheet that has attempted to'run the little Oupm off the I Il!Z?S f^l* M-^-t« the OMPPBB BHADBIB, Mo. 40 EABT BBOADJWJ''^^ "' and Easy svery Monday and Saturday «venlnw,*ljn.iM|^'iL /vjv" "i — !'.—' I alto aonnstor. Old Bixl Tovnx in- the: onaiT-. ' *" neighbor was praoUcIng I 2SiSSl"'^?oron^t„"'r^^^^^^ '^^iF^A^'SiS'iit^t^^^^^*'' 1 uponlhori},'forUiepeoplehavedlscoTeied that a " M""^"'"t-Bol'mon. (son of the convetsafionol «.4h.™. I E„^J:_7i^''l.S"-"L.?.™"*' " - -I learn of the frauds our' "onrellaUe". the theatrical, sporting., end "ghoaUy" oomnunlly would soon l iSm.'nnao'r-li™'r^^ DIokBiflK I *^S^'^^^°:^Jt^?^''^^<^^'^^^ rsnable-rixbyntoesporting .nd'.theatricalpaper^-'i;^^ » ' ''ksi<i1^'<it*BM^Bidndtt.--^e (frehtog^ . ., iVlV'v'. Jl^^i^ madaab^i '"^y^Wi^*'^ srttii '.Jin Jsasel^at a'"bank" up town.'that Heenan. 'eluioiiintelr'bftr. \jl^.tirblaii^^aae<^^ are'oredlbly InformetL This ttal backtog of'hla«plnton by MoRlasey, on tteenan'a dtt aai a boxer, la flattering it) th4l^itor,'and will iend to , (ihe tan In betting s!s .mi^cii as sny< olhoi'ono thing,' as '•^.'.-,;a^J^.I!BMa:(hanhe''tnd TomSay^oan'''poaribly knol^aowen i^?,^.;::)inn^ft<tt_^Hsetahis' n^^ o'li .'I^t^^jitAilm as wail as f'any other MiMikV.'llOlr.'tdWesthls dooato. iltalso exhibits i winifigneSs t« the OuPPlD^ls ISr preforsble to a blanket sheeL.the contents of I la qnarteredin Yonkers. lom o'Conner'ahd Mike DonSj whlobari biseduponfraud an4d«»ption, and"£eh,grapblo dls^ SSLr'^rt?"-'?n"S.?.fSlJi.'^!i5 patntiss'^.whlcli never pass over the 'wtresHow art yoa', 'Tioks- and "aucl borgr' . ' ' ' ' • • never SOI '' '.i, ■'" ' ". ' ' ' . .' "tbe youngest and tt^^^ TW Vuwt-Wlth this isiue oloses the Tenth Volnme of the ifiSSffif ^'SJJS ??J'» « " n>»yt tbe set-to ?.*WOB,«^a^diheUthye.,ofiUpnbUc.tion, WlSlS"^^^^^^^^ BonaintheartofSelf-Dafsnco. _^ __M/vn , DICK ft BUaSNH HOLTWOOD. Pioyrlat* outf •thanks since she wss )?^^Mi^i^il^[^i'*td«^^ gripiL' tdatH^ >iarwMBi„ToiUKoConc am'^Birab'flaiiiT..^ ' !, : /j>1rMtiidatoll's blrthday^bo army boys had several foot raees'ttr . . ^v/TlltiiiUnTillisa. and MoWrt^ Alias the Yankee Boy, beatPenny to v^:iWWi«k1Mcl)3(iW^^ <'John-Woodl^'.«htf li UVWMt '' 1"jimlifttili'iirtiiinrfiiijili -f i .^i*^ .;>.. ■■.\<j\u\^...,':'-<:'\.i:.^x '^if^m^M'-'Z -^^^^ ■. '--iv'; • '^'^.•'i^'V'^Sj^ 'VV'^'-V'''''. ' ^'■■■'ii',? HvaU-TporEapB It | InformaUon Mn(^^ '^^NI^IwBKrttUf, OolSti* " next week's UsaewsshaUlanler upon a new volume. Veretpni |'»'"«5>"£i«*i''<>«J'»tbropand'KeUyhad a regular Ihunipi^ also to thoao who hate since oomaUito the roldto sweUtfiennm^ I jra^Yo-' "i*,anrrate; i Address V rsi-Ttn b»rofoni'patrons and.stlM)orU,tiB.v .llkli thelp'rMBthroDBhont^ l^^^ end lovely bmnelto'' tt.eoan.ry.weha«.xpe*SL^^ dtthe war, but wo hate neve)? kllowed a single bin to romain Un. — ' .«. » paMthedayitwas'preiented.'' Tf^iputtu>maiiaiitarI Wepa^ oalih for vape^,'iabor, presswork, snd everythtog oonnecled with tfiepubllaaUcnoftbeCLipnEB. We;hBve a reputation 'for iair dealing.tnd reliability, whloh fiw, olhor papN^a aqjoy. Thus ends 001 tenth yearly lessoQ., i> - . .PnOTO6RAPHB'0F JOHN0. Vp^^^J^^^jv] andflgbtlngoostume.Sllctntstaoh.andsentpostpa'o WEuSbb, 575 Broadway, H.T, BBOTHHE, JOHNSI.-Mri Bweetman, m. ...... „''c-.- wiuilploa I Inmboi, OUo, Isanzioiiato.bearfMmhlBDivuu'YhMiesi te. ail. ataon^h: friends Who hood by the lilUe waft S^ISl't /i!'?,i,^fi„?*'.l*!?j55S'?,\'"'^? couiSn^ laat heard of him was aome four years ^a^JV.Sau. ' i,il»l>uriohld w th,,«a.of pubUcfavor,.^ ' UVmo Ban. OhifB Mnmra.-^jlt the rSdnlal^ aanuol meetlnff of Ihb Hystio Base BallOInb^ of Mow Toi*, hsltfApWr Jd, iMs the'folloiHng oflloeM were slewed for the essning year-— Pmi! dont, Winiam J> KeUsy, M^iCSms Vlo»rPnsidenl, Alfr^B, Wright;; BecotdinrS»<*et»iVrOeorgsi\H»lghl!'' Oonesi boy s expreas tbetnselvcs highly pleased with their trip, ' 'Jim Oostmn's BzcoiiD ExanimbN at BmnonBLD.—On Wed. nesdayevenln'g,'March 20, J|m C. bed another benefit at-the above towp, The Weather was bad,'but tbe house was. "in a manner,""'^' ^•■^ ~ —— —. . sparrpr, wM.Auji uu^ mi*. -uu ford. Three Jud(les were sj the bthaxs wedbntknow, muu ynaiupat-eDoonnierw-WAM h«. f;*,n Andy PhiUip. and ili(*ejr &buti-four roundiii flJorTf Andy, but Mickey.eventuaily Inrned the tablea.o " him, knd causU him to "but stick" for the dreasli lpoh«r on" ihfonns «u, Johnny ^Igglns sod MlkeTarley made nsforBlg>'| .Dtompson . iden had-s ontth«if)'iiia "Fox, TBB AUSBIOAR/ London who bSs recently Does anybody know this (/'-This is the lorhn»PP"«*'?,En, lycbiSngsd anyOstOlCmanln'W I. Fox? fro don't . I, was the day fixed for this intoroating boat race, . pnU awn fiorU^ke to Pufney. The betting la at" . Tbk BBOE0m.-Mr. T»n BrOebk has en|«*J"*,5i "f ■or the different spring mbetiiignand «itto iBm miles, to thewfnrickSpring »}£]^i'^,^SuSZ ur«tot, Mid »h»Iourlh*oriUonln ths Baolng Btaao* . M carried tat IBlb, and*as«lddea by Murflt