New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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ItBGttij ,'MUmIt'iuaoiig oat Tea dna, tnd MElm&iidlea tot-uil ,«ii6KotU them- OunMU fiiutntt.": They gwra'* ooncert .UiSwhOn April id- Bm •» the namos of OeOt/Wafds, bonwi BUlrTi^,buw; at>| Bvnrjr Uorton, tMblo; HtRT Btanley, iponiot^ E'rink L. qennetl, bujoutt Jluiy iilwo. H>T«o> i^ollnliti Ohwlsyi Edwudi, .\B. nrtlnkMMtbtnoniht tatok..^ .- ipMn mlium* gin) thne conotrla at Ootin- it,il, y., thiaweak, vJs., pn'Moiiday, Taoe- uiawM avanliiga* : ^ . ,'. XBinttritlB abDW twloa thli w«ek; Trlda; and Sotnr- L'U OoTlDUilinHaU, ItaoIieit«T, V;X' ', . . ' _ Ut&e Earmonlata, at OoflMtt Hall, Helena, Aik., an amona 'Itbny^pi'oretslODila Who . are VaaUsg In the aonsUneof \iiKfbt. With tbem, the EQilop's oolot 1| voith a heary {'Ok'kold, (despite tbe reign ot gnenhaiU) vbllo the taa- —-^«f La B«lle'Iioiil<e and U'lle Thdbdbra might go for a ,aathe>a}IogU. ' . _ ^6 Xvill lodge that told na and the'Teel orhomanl^,'; MUt'^wt'and Dietz ironld open thole Ooacert'SoIl, Qato B«l- ~ t'al'ln Setiaft,' va or abont' the 9d inft^ ^Ece thU, ho donbt. It ^ybnll blut, orVllkauie.iiUe pr Joe.Qaigeriy, on. the "ram- itoMl teodid ta glvon of Oantatbuy Ball,'Waahlngton, t>. 0.( ^toTennbyer, Jnlla Uprtlmef,'and Emektlne De Valber MUia.the M^o^di. So mnoh the Mtter for the grare dona « FMnal mebtmoUi, wbo may pdMlUy forget the oarea of Ji'tiadef tfie'ajNdlbf mnalo.' To onF ftloqdi Tlitting 'Wash- ington, ire would, aty'that'there U bnt ope'sln that we cannot Ibigtre 'them.'andthatls, tonegleottocallnpon Manager BInn ~ ' andiptfnynp'ybni) qnarter, add langband. Interesting sho^, jl« it Brooklyn £ave no XMson to complain loral'.''dement in their nitdat,' Unce ,-by.tht Hooley (qtera muBi'Ot tbo groat The Sniuiger," in wUch B. Boweia made a |Jo?5i5att& . The jfmr-* of thsliu' daotkw,' ■ ■•moral". ■peolal Ut at iMmalaneholy gentleman with a wloksd wife, and Aiohy Hngliea flgored efTeottTelS' tiJIit..HaIler,' Tbe acene be- tween the two*>b'enlli aereialniQtnal protenta of the "big" otdat; are^itatDned, war.^'a jHrftot .oem of aarlotoomlo acting, vhllA the dUdazwia one of "lonaest" thlngawe ever hoard. Oat alitar dtyla,.eTldantlygigwlng to be Itnghter loving. So in«t&tt'Jte^;,,Sbla'week a aplendld prygiammalanpj'lnwhloh '^^^"^""""*"' nigger has the laat tUng toaay. Good for roomelV' .This la thensnal exolamatton whaneret ipfhut. Pall and Trowbridge lOnstrela mtar on the rthttrU^q Teniplaof Ulrth, "oppoalte tbe OldBonth /'BoelOD, and almoatA &mani as that renerable pile The qnhpany doing Its "spiriting" there baa the tbiee-^old kgd 01 bnmbttra, <rulelT In'qatUty, and hearty eo^pera-<In tha lattto ^eapeet, ue members anoeessfnlly emnlate Ihn:.^ axiom, "PolldaTlL poll baker." Uke the former, also, ihg^viMaent.'a' Bable^ikonctii the andltnoe;'and like the latter, mnoh they'do la'Tti^'flowei7. . Jobnnyr^al),.one'<rfiha "end men," and of the "sable" firm of .the lIerrl»Brathere, PeU'& Trowbridge UlnstMls, after having been ■indisposed fQraoMetiffle, 'la now, we are happy to atato, '. qnXte himaelf again* • jr.,'V:'-/r--. ■■■ ' MVSIO HAUiS. -: ,^Ai'B»x'a Oaalne, PhOadelphta, this week; they offer a variety ' of novaldes and a Taryjnod list of tfdant. , Among the A we find UHe.Zoe, Ban Tatos. Ned Bhaw, Lon Oaylord, t, E. Oampbell, . VaIlytB|;irud^W..B. F0Z4 !W. H. BmlCh and othenrj' < ' .'Blluinasii; Philadelphia, la no^ In dne ooaiae of ^ alteration ' IntoA^S^PiMuld-lMet beer aaloon, nndor the lesdMshlp 'of . HEv^acner.'. He ptU $M00for a ten year«' lease of the bnlld ug,^ and itbe'-alteratlona'Trill prifiably coat hlm tSOOO mors, • irhloh, together itlth bis nmt^pntty steep, wa "hear.^iwlll make . a aomewhsi heavy load to oai^,. ,We .understand that Hr. gfblaH <l^ataito..ln4his apMnlattoh.'- The hall la of good nttsJifl^jm a malftBlree^ being In the rear of the Hew . ttMi; and'MtWeen Fbnrth.and ntlh streets, In Library. Jk'lU'aipefliEmV'and maysnooeed. It will probably be r«ady '|Wjltp4hU>g'by,tfi!s(ejtnnlngof the summer seuon. Jsok Bheppaid was prodncad atthe OonUnanbil, Philadelphia, ,on thelthlnst. vnth the following cast:—Ulss Anna LeverlDg as the celebrated Highwayman; Blr Bowland Trenchard, Ur. Pltigertld; Owen Wood, Ur. John VwX; Jonathan Wild, Ur, aifUlton; BtneaUn, Ur,.J, H. Oarr; Thames Barrell, Ulss Ella . Watnet; Abtam Uendei, Ur.SarryEnochs; Quilt Arnold, Ur. pantoyl Shotbolt, Ur. Hike UcKenna; Uaronm, Ur. UoUlUaa; [Wlnltrsd Wood, Ulss Snmmerfleld; Baohel, Ulas Boss Smith; Xdgawsrth Bess, Ulas Lnoy Eamlllont Paol Uaggott, Ulss Kate ,'BamlUoni Bally, Ulss Uarla Wella. It wlU be retained on tbe ' "bUla dorlng the Baster hoUdays, Ur. Alms, the proprietor of .this house, baa bean to New. York, looUagnp talent He has se- onred the aervloes of Ulas Fanny Forrest and FM. Uay. The . latter may appear on the 6tb Inati and we are promised aome notea from the Forieat song bird on the 18th. Benny QaUoaher la nn forabenoitontheOth, ■. ■, ' , '. ■ 1 ■■ At OadweU'a Uualo Ball, Ullwaukea,:'Wli., {hoy have a nnmer- ' ona company, apme of whom' are .aulta talonlad. Tom' Baker fior•,:ttadJalIpplIe• hlm«dr with .brood, Aid UHe Theodora, ^,ai . Aurora, la pRmoonoed .'anything else bnt a bore-^ -'—l iaha p^ojms as. Dinah. TheLazeBe brothers were laty, K0n.'( oonneot when expected, bnt were looked fora little- liath'the whiter of onr discontent left ha, alttungh It has shaken off oonaldetable mnd from Its boots • In ^ng it; departure. Spring la here, or If not here. It Is In BalUnim, beoanse the programme of Lea'a Uelodeon says so, am} 1h«y alarted the first week of the season with a dear flrma- nient atndd«l with stars. Lea is a flrst-rata astronomer, as he la , j^lnnally brlnghia to light brilliant luminaries. Lastweek ^Mn Of them made their lint appearanoe, viz., John Uuniaan, s.'fOt Boyd, Andy leavitt, Ooo. U. Ullea,' and lilas Louisa Evans .'.'VMtdaa whom, there are a dozen or two of fixed twlnhlers. who TttuSe 'ot''whtemponiT aheeb, aind ire deem it ^tot.too mnoh to •ay, thatlbeOurvntHllalwijihaTt the flih rdiaUk otM that .nuytoanajlxe .lnthlBU weU.aa'all other departments of nsefalln(onnaUoa.andraoyllleratarewhlohlt imparta to. ind wlthiwhldhltragalesitls'nnmerana.zeaders.'havlngmade exteu- alv« airangemanta ,h to do. Bo let "thi paotle" and their ftlenda look out tbe the Bhowmen'a Qnld»;-the Oumn. - Our annbunoement in laat week'a Gums of ttat movemenls of ovr ottons friends, preparatory to akartlugout for tbe tenting aeoaon, oreated<inlt«astIr amoi^the boya, and induced many otthem to hurry np their flxlnga. We noUoethat thelteqiawe published have been copied Into papers all over the country, which goea to ahow the Interest felt by onr country ooualht in the entertainments offered in Ihe saw duat arena. "The Uoniloi* of tbe Profaaalon." That'a what 0. 8. Whoelet calla the talented artlata connected with bla • 'Ileal Uonster Show," and who ehall gaUiaay It ? We decline taking the xosponslbillty, for good and eofflolent reasons, Flretly; booanse thoy one and all (ue Uonlton we mean) might RO off loaded or not, a sort ot sponianeona capabnatlon oShlr, and, striking as between wind and water, ahlver our timbers. Twodly; Uaoager 'Whoeler la no dwarf, and the advanoe agent la Charles W. Fuller, a man of huge proportion, iKentolly and physically, standing alx fept In the dear, very long m the reach, and is tho Indlrldoal who pioneered John 0. B4enah (now inatohed aialnst Tom KlDg) so sncctaa- foUtr through this country, after hie contoatwlth Tom'Bayers, and hiving teamed a thing or two then, knows how "to put 'em up," no doubt'Tbreedlyraelf'preaervatlon la a law In nature that we fnlly'reAognlze the force , ol Th.erefore, as oanUon la said t6 be the better port of valor, we say, and say It bravdy, we won't gidnii^ the propoaltlon put forth. In addition to the above appeDatlon, we find the reapeottvo performers spoken of on the bin (whlob, by the way,'we are among the llrst to get a aightat) at follows:—Ume-Tonmlalie, the tamot^s equeabrtenhe, from'Iraneohl^ Blppodrome.Parla, and the mlaoese .of the modem Fianoh sohool In the exerolsea of the mantrii; U'lle Joae- phene, the ocoompUahed equestrienne and pnpU ot Ume. Toui- nlalre; H'lle Jeannetta El(det, from Batty's Boyol Amphltbeaa tre, London, the dailhg and gracefnl performer on tbe tight- rope; the Snow Brothers, the accomplished gymnastic artists; Baa Welser, the groteaqna down, with hla budget of wit, wisdom and Wiagge^; Nat Austin, the great Auetrallan down, comlo ginger' and modem laughing phlloaopher; Percy Austin, the yonthfol gymnastic champion; Jas. De Uott,'by unlTersol con> aent of thepnbUc and press, acknowledged to be the most aston- lahlng acanio rider thaiever lived; tbo Uotloy Brothers, thew4n- derfm acrobata and pantomimlats; Charles DoTlne, Uona, Paul, 9. Nailer. J. Boss, J. Bowers, F. Blven, B^ OaatDlo, T. Wyoth. and a host of anxillarlas, making, in all, the most brilliant array of novdty, talent, and general amusement ere^ offered to the pnbllo." Dam bur tany iopllghts. If we wcnldn'tilke to be the man what takes the money for such a ahow, bat A.Uerrlll, a man of morlt. Is the lucky dog to head ua oft Tho length of tbo bill Is Juit a yard, woman% meaeorement, viz.. th>m top of the ncae to finger ends, with arm stretohed out, and haa no leas "i*" five wood onta on It^ a rMTolar picture book for children, and Is SfottennplndarrybBeluy'a best style. "Njiff ced, and more 00." ' \ ■ ' . '. - Ohlailnl'a Olrcus, at Havana, doaod, on the Seth of Uarob. one of the most enccessAil aeasons ever experienced hi Cuba. The boTS sailed for home on the asth, and arrived here on the 2d lust. Among the list we noUce tbe names of James Boblnaon, Oeo. Boss,'Wm. Carlo, and Oharlea UcOlave, . Dan Blca la nltUng extensive preporatlona for the coming aeo- aon. "Be will atart out about tbe let of Uaywlth a larger and well selected stookot trained homaa and ponies. His WUng horae Excelsior will be one of tho principal featoies, as well as his trained a^aaontns; ' He will start from PennBylvanla. Ur. Frank Howes, who goea out with Thayer & Noy(|8''areat .United Statea Oircua this season, with the 'Tailety Show, haa en- 'goged a very large ond talented company of negro performers, femole dancers and vocalists. H4 haS also engaged the valnable services of Ulle Louise, the Dmnnner Qlil, who has lately'cr» ated quite a sensation at Broadway. Ur. Eowea la an actlvo ahowman, and, aa he has traveled considerable, knows exactly whatwlU suit tbe toatea of country cousins. One of the handsomest presents that has ever been made to a pnfeaalonal, woa shown ns on Sotnrdoy Isat Ibo gUt consists of a soagnlfloent belt, weaented to Air. James Boblnaon, "the Champion Blder of the world," on the occoslon of his forewell benefit at Oblorlnl's Clrons, Havona, Ide of Ouba, Uarch 0th. 1863. The bdt was manufoctuied from gold and silver doQors, and Js. 39 InOhea long and 3>ilnchea wide. In the centre Is a Bolld square plate ot gold, measuring 8K Inohea each way, and K of an inch in Ihitknat, On ihe face of this mosslve plate Is a beautiful engrovlng of our natlcnd emblem, the noble eagle, from whose beak Is suspended a cord, to whloh is attached aola- mond atone of the first water, and vdued at $3(0. The eye of theeaglelaabeautlfalniby.'.On the reverse of this plate Is the following Inscription: "Preaented to James Bobluson, the Obom- Jlon Blder of the Known World, by his Mends. Havana, Uorch , 1893." The face of the bdt is studded with M large gold stars, very Ingeniously act Around the entire edge Is a thick strip of cold, and tbo rivets In the Joints are.made of gold. The Inalde Is lined with rich silk velvet Taken dtogether, it is the moat beautUOl present we ever behdd (exceeding In beauty and- coat the renowned champion bdt Of England), and one wMch '.'Jim- my" ought to well ted proud ot. - .The OTlgmancoat was tl,481, and iraa gotten a few olthe admirers of Mr.'Bobln- aon. "Jimmy's" services forthls gummsE bare been seonred by thofia entarprlalng managars, Ueasi^. Iliayer & Noyea, and dnr^ In^ tbe aetsonhewllldli^lfkyhla arttsUoqnalltles as wall as "ue The Ariib acrobats, five in nnmbei; leave this dty this week for Nixon's olrons at Alexandria, '7a. A. B. Parkes la their agent An eiparlenoed adrertfaUg agent and bUl- painter, wanta a eight for a "dt" for the summer season, to use Us good, strong arm, to the advantage of any manager. See B. Azmstrong'a ad- vertlaement whom! ehe raoovred firom dUfertnt parts o^Burope, who arsMm- peUed'to glTe her dlthafr aanlngi for yeatk i;or brlnglna tnem I lere; The old dame la aald to' have grown. Imnienwly rich ,b]r lerapecmlatlona. • , ■ . •',:'^'.i ' .'The HJlaghantani and Swiss Bdl BIngen wenatDaTmWIt, towai ontheSdandtthhiit They also gave a' "matinee" fn Saturday afternoon. . ■ i .,. A testlmonld benefit to Ulss Lizzie Parker,-tendered by the irlnolpd artlats of B^ Francisco, wu arranged to take place at •latt's Eoll, in that city, on the9lh nit QuTte anorrayoftdent hod volunteered, Ulss Parker' was to leave' Ban Franataao on tho nth of Uarob. for NewTork. Miss Parker had been preaeh- ted with a diver pltoher by the puplla of the Snnilay Bohool at- tached to Starr Elng'sChuroh. ... Woodroffe's Bohemian Oloas Blowers' are still at the Assembly Buildings, Philadelphia, where they have met with great fiivor for the put few montha. They will ahortly blow tbemsdves out: from that d^, we understand. Their entertainments are. not only amusing, but Instructive. ' .. Tho Bouth Sea Whaling 'Voyage Panorona, under the com- mand of Captain Williams, remains on'exhlblUon at Temperance Hdl, Bdtlmoro. ' . , , Tom Thumb's agent has engaged Concert HoU, Philadelphia, for a conplo of weeks, and the aroom and, groomeas will ahdrtly appear there. They ore a smsll conpl«, but Bunum has learned them how to "do" the'pnbllo; hngdy.: Charles B. Orlste wishes an engagement oa advertiser to aome. first olasS concern. Bee his advertisement The dromaUo season at Ellder's Athenanm, Oolumbns, 0., olosos on April Utb, after ^hlch date the house will be to let for mlnstrd tronpes, oonoerts, lectures, ete: Bee advertleement' Btanley & Oonant's Pylymonuna of the vrar has.Vten exhibit- ing ot Toledo for the last week, to crowdeiA houses. It Is a fijie painting. " . • ■ > i • • • Tbe "Block SWan" gave two oonoerts at Huby.Holl, Brantford, 0. W., on Uarch 93 and !iO; Hamilton, April 1st; Toronto, April 3d. Bbe Is very well received. J. B. Cough lectured at Corinthian Hall, Booheeter, one night laatwoek. ■ ' '. ■ One of tbe "great faoia" of the amusement world a^pnsent, la the aucceaa of Ulaa Kathleen O'Nell'a Qrand DrawlnttBoom and 'Novdty Troupe, for some time past moving dang ' urongh the country. This lady, like a oomotj la followed by a long tram, tbe reflection of light oaught fram attendant stars; and go wherever she may, tbe people wlB follow her "sign"—sure my honey. ' k Father Kemp, vrlth his Excelsior Tnupe, had bean the card at UercantUe Hall, Bt Louis, for night nfgh^, andwM atUl ex- pected to remain. ; _ The Bcotah Obrl and Yankee Boy'a .Union Show, under the management of Ur. Edgar Enlckarbooker. at last advices, was at Bome, Jones Co., Pa. ^ Artemus Ward had a good night at Bralnerd's Hall, Cleveland, on tho 2nd Inst - "' ■ The last of the OUmore Concerts at Tremcnt Temple, Boeton, took place on Sunday evening, 8th inat-^Uadame Anna Bishop, Ur. Oeornc Blmpson, and Ur. F. Bndolphson participating. A Orand UuslcdFeatlvd was given In Undo HaD, New Haven, Conn., April Ind, by over iOOperfcrmera, Indndlng 800oblldren, a choir from the Orphan Asylum, and the Beethoven Sodely of Tde College, to afd in building a obapd for the Bethany UlsalosJ FOiusioN drahatio and snow irqwa. Ur. Bothemwostotoke a benefit at the Haymarkei Theatre, tendon, on tbe 1st of April, when "Onr American Cousin" will be played for the 896th time at that house Morton Price, who wl be remembered in these parts. In asaoclotlon with Ulss Charlotte Lncctte, was up for a "oompllmentu;" at Sadler's Wdls Theatre, London, of whloh Ulss C. L. Is tho dilreotiess...... The tragedian, James Anderson, was announced to make his farewell appearance at the City of London Theatria, It la pre- sumed that his next move will be to tho United Statea Boudcanlt was boaeting of nnporrallded success at his New Theatre,lats ABtley's.,..H.HenriDrayton was giving an enter- tainment entitled "Federals and Confederotea," at the Poly- graphlo Hall, London Uzb. T. W. Blndg, a comic duett vo- collat, died on the 13th of Uarob, In London The Countess O.AbtohiedellaFarina (Plcolomlni)wlllltlsnnderstQod,ahortly appear for a limited number of nights, at HerUe^eafy's Theatre, London Ur. and Urs. Howard Paul were atlU "bobbing around" in tho English counties, .....Theatricals in Australia seem to be at the lowest posdble ebb Sevend well known actors were on the dck.-llst In London—among the number^ Uesars. Eedey, Charles Bdby, Clarke. James Bogers and BeUord. Old play seen on this dde of tho water will remember the for- mer and bis dever wife, both ot whom came here abont twen^ yeara ago. Tbe poor aotor 1 He most be 111, and he mdat die. Uaster Willie Pape, the youtbini American pianist had the honor of displaying hla mudcd accomplishments before the Prince and fnncess(now one flesh) at Windsor, recently. The amrt0iiufaBay8:—"The young pianist who la but twdve years of age, performed aeveral clasdc pieces, and received the nigh- eat tokens of. regard from tbe Boyal FamUy. Her U«Jesty, d- though not present, was a silent listener In an adjoining apart- ment and expreaaed her sotlafaotlon at hla performance. The >Uno used at the Oostle, was tbe ona of Stelnway k Co., which oak the prizd medal at the World's Fair." Bo much for Ameri- can art and artlsta. . Hu addedHto the UnappNoobable XxoeDanoeof tu> Olfled Lady, crowded and entbuslaatla AudlenbeS t^ their appreciation of this'matchlaaa performauoe bv thTl UNBOUNDED APPLAUflE. ■ The oaat embraces th(j names of ABTIBTS OF THB FIRST BANE, Ebmoiilit Exoaoxd to IlnfSBB TBI* Bjutmnii. I>rl^^ IN TBE U08T PEBPEOT UAKNEB. ■ <a New Soenery, Chaste and A^ropriate Oostomes, Appolnt^^«^}'. Unalod Conductor .HABTET B. DODWOBTB Scats secured six days In advance. .' ■' , '; 7 .BozBookopenttam8a. m.-t«fB,A, ' ^ Soots open at T, to oommence a quarter befl)r#f o^doek ''I .ii.'i' 'WINTBti OAftDUn In oonseqnenoe of the lUMENBB BUi whloh baa crowned .the engagement of the yoana;aiid>hunM^ luouSbwestebn,.' the management la happy to gratiiy the public desire in aano^' oing that a re-engagoment bos been eSeoted, and v<n wasM wlllappear.on > . . : .„ ^^" UONDAT, APBIL eth, AND ETIBT EVENINa In her great loles of ,' LAST ISABEL ann HAD A UE In the sensation play of - IU8T LTNNB. SdeMn.'.'.'Waaie now called noon to add another name to the lUrt OfdeCVu In Ur. B.'s. family. On the 33d of Uorob, Uf. £ ; WWfWhlngton, (whero.he is engaged at the Canterbury) to go . '^latanon, N. J., for the purpose of erecting o monimient over .^ttVBtSjn ft his wife and child. Having peiformed this md- ^^moholy'bnslness, he retmmed to Philadelphia, and vldted hie jBOtber,.'Who, sod to relate, died suddenly during his brief stay -there. Her name was Saaannah Edeaon, and her age, 48 .years . .Jn. additlon to Oeorge B. Edeaon, she learee behind her a son '•agiedttveanr.' We sympathlae with 601 friend In his sad and iirejD«rabla.bereavement T Kins, Bilflnoli; Ulas Ada Laurent, and Helena Smith, have 'iSnntfi OMCUrda for the Washington 'VailoUes, more partlou- '~*f .'Wii former. The experience of Unnager Pilgrim is manl- linthtatbacttons he.Gontlnujilly-brlngs forward at this .hous^ and . the tepnlitlon thereof is not merdy looaL The , "^tXhtDfUiu AputRom of April 3nd, sayS that "the 'Varieties ' alms' with the times,' Testorday 'being ithbHtst of .'i^nlH>nt ot the hnmcroua Jokes and sdls floating around—the lAt'ot ta was perpettatod last night In this boll in relation' to "> oftt ooncert, which tamed out to be tbo best Joke of the seo- p tat.Ul.pi«aent except the cats. U'lle Brlgncll Is fast bsocm- "t^ji'jgreatftkvorite hare., Last night she woa encored out four are times in one piece, tho andlenee manlfeetlng the greatest Bihiuiasm rivviTtlme she ap^rod; and Ulss Ada Laurent and { Smith are.osatlng a great sensation at this house; as . rBN'':kte'.Watklnsand Wallace.^' In addition to this, acorrea- (jpiidsntfiaTOivaa with tho following In reference to the com- ..^>, j^tyi—••U|[asNdlleSeymonj^ who has been on the stage but ' ',s':^Sbont two weeb, la qnlte at home In her: now avocotlon, and a .':t^5%fght oaieei la before her. Ulas Addle Johnson la a vert pntty \\ daaoer and makes np wel^ and U'lle. Geraldlne in her dance la wifUtdire, is vary, flne,^ Poroell Is a flne balladlst, and la loudly ea- ■ 60M when bs.slngt "The Offlcer'a FonaraL" Larry Tooly and 4Jhwd^'Xenis us good in a song, and dance, and Bob Hall Is aa 'uui.^.^ liODS on a stage with, a fiddle aa a kitten in a buket of ' JCri WaOase Is a good Irish singer, and when ho 'brings _ ._j%oidSv'Anatlon calls onLlttIsUaak,'tiieapplauseoomafe 'iUckand fast: hi fhct, there is a belter company 'atihe 'Varieties ''Ikth.ilei ^ J UAUMH, UAWO W « WOMW MIO .u4hui',ever.before,asd the result is, thoy ara doing a blgbustneaa. :^ou^|a^^ Pilgrim's stago management la tip top; Ceis in tho s (late of Detroit) condndod his traveling tour on Uarch^ JueUngto pay his bompahy their lost weck's salary.'. Bo - .Mn Q.Jf,£Iafie, one of the people. '.. UHe.'Szlanoll,M,whom.aI>lography appears in.thls lssqo,'ls meeting wlUBHat Success as A canlotriie, at the Washington ' . .Vsitletla|,''. .^Ejr beautr' also draw* many admirers to listen to '.'.'lUfri'dndthti'soIdier'boys hnrrahl with a venge^oe, when tho .'.Olld^slnis In bohor of Oen. UcClUlan.'■ ''%:t'4nzi«onespondtnt "Oopomlous,'.' Infortns ns .that the Phil ' JjUtrmonle Coneert, in St Louis, on the 28(h of Haroh, e^mp ' .TllflBdy;: Allthepleets'anuoaliaed wertf|^n'(whloh'ls,^^ ^iMlspdtaUy.bnsnebi oooadons), and ffhatlsmore, giypq well- The. fOmtiamA m the season Is to takeplsda'ln ApriE', ' .' ' people of Uempbls, Tenn,, m'ay 'ihlnk themselves S'ln-tunliig among'tnenr S(rexodIent 'a'tf9ap6 as that' "^jranA Ttapmpspsi' H^o 'OontrlVo to <abme 'dnt, jeSth •.canltdbUl of; ^Ikre, whloh. noTer <idls to a^peU to trihe aiidlenco.. Seoii'.np the ball I 1 -; ,'::. jDssUiab'pate Ud<;de9n)^ltbburgh,iB, in fall sail, i^'theDrmoso/popnUryavdr. .<'.' ."u ^ 1elMs^ et Louts, severalattrapUonihavaMan Vnp'' ' -" ■•The Wandering Boys," ".lhe'H|dnlight il ,ln. those war, tlmos) and an-oUe of sing- ~ Bla«K6wah".wasiexjpeoted'towarbie isilt^' (dlBnB..tiuitth'o bowery, In a't-Louls, hM not jaswdl as It might hove done. . V9ls".altogether was ig/lm^.hitp^VTere entertained of,a ffvorablo change. 'oiaocsiit. ire ihaehagdusi an wly sprhigoampatm^ *fH M itir.ioatiers: neTiitU^f, bdih shsw promise Bnas When the baU is mMi 6ptB}:M«UUW»«li «ave MeNates,tflgi^wlilk0a^ A M U-'S E M E-'N T'fe. ZampUlaeioatatlon was performed by Ur. Wm, B. Smittu at 'Whitlaker's Amphitheatre, PhUaddphla. on two or three ocoa- dona laatwoek. The performan<iia'la add tahave given great satlstoctlon. It will be repeated evary evening thla week.' . BII86H1I4>ANI1OU0. We have frequently heafd doubts expreaaed, and soinetlmes have known ohaUengea to he ;qadb, reUtlve to the greatness of different men; bat it ia qnlte a'novdty to hear oFsuch dial- lengeslnthecaseof (tttfa mtn, Kotwithstandlsg, we have, an Instonco before na, in the gage thrown down by OoLWOllam ElUnger, the preceptor of Commodore Foote and Oolond Bmall,^ addressed to that nther big aggregate, the World, whom CoL E. deflea to produce onothor Foote, Out can be nutdied With his. Who will take up tbe gauntlet? .QolletUI Theheods of the Bostonlans seeA) fairly to have been,tumed since the brilliant Annette commenoed to pirouette atthe Acodemy of Undo, on the SOthof Uarob. The preaent anangemtats of Uodomolselle are, that she wlU remain at this Academy. wlthUoretzek'a Italian opela oomnany, or ^tnmto New 'York, there to fdOl an en^ement alzeaidy proffered to her. "Weatwatd ho I", Bo,' It has:Deen add, rnna Uie cry of empire; and so It may bepdd of the AUeghanlana and Swiss BellBlngers, who, after a wiir through Anstralla and other parts, arc omulnR the dtlzens out West or, aa tho yokeL who vlaited the Ung and Save him a aUlllog, taking him for a flunkey all the while, would adore, the Vwest eonnttie." - . Ccrmtblan Hall, Bocbeater, N. T,, la a bvorite place for all acrts of good ahows to hold forth at J. B. Ooogh held forth there itat weak, the Campbell Ulnatrels an there this week and Bomeey'a Ulnatrels the week following, to be followed In quick succession by. the little Thumb and Thnnlhess, the Buck< leys, and aaverd o(he^ first claaa concerns, ' D. 0. La BUS'S Panopticon of the war, after its five weeks' represontaUon in Rcobestor, M. T., opened on Tuesd^, Uarch 31st at the now Opera, house' in BnHolo. The opening night woa a great success,' and It' has steadily odntlnued.*' John W. Whlston, the Bnmoriat intiroduoes his "Olio of OddlUea," that rordy fills to gain for him ihe appUuse ot an attentive auditory. ■ , Here's a little tde of a hurdy nirdy girl, and the dlfiloultles she enconnterod in the oonne of Uno love. The Scene Is the etdd and quiet dty ot PhlJfiddphla. And thus the slo^ rnns:— An Indostrious and rospeotobfe young Oermah wooM and won the affectlona ot a young lady, notOTlons, if, not famous in the world of moBlo—a hurdy gurdygIrL The fair and gentle crea- tun'zeclpnoated his tender passion, and odnsented to be hi ' Bans, eUted with delight ot tkie Idea of obtaining a wtfe/V chased Ahcoae to contain his treasure, and fitted it'up with every oonvonlence. It not with ta«te hnd luxury. Ihe happy day was fixed, and ihe hour hod arrived whloh was tomakothem one flesh, when, Ilka a scene in some pantomime, an old lady of rotund form and n>oit nnamloble 'mien made' her appearance and put to flight all their hopes of counnbld happlileaa; tn ehe dalmod the bride as hers, by virtue of a ccntrocf entered into by her to slug and grind the organ for thne yean, for and in con' sldoroUonof .the risks and dangers the claimant had made to bring her, the lirido, to Pennsylvania. By virtue ot this impbr- tant"Blate paper," ehe forbade the hymonlalknot being'tied, and obUlnlng posaoMlon of tho mdd, without the writ of hqhuu corpui, bled with hstttrikd 'lo her chamber, In which she looked WOOD'S unsnuii. hau* ' SU BBOASWAT, nt -' : ■' OMosUa the Bt NleholaiBHotel. , HEMBT WOOD.......Sols Proprietor and Unnager. ' OHAHOE OF TIUB. • .. Ooora open at 7; oommence at 8 o'clock, A OLOBIOCa BILL . FOB EAOTEB iWEEE. , ■ WOOD'S H1NBTBEL8, THE NEW TOBE FATO BITES, .. IN THEIB OHALLENQE PBOOBAUUE, UONDAT; April (,'and every evening during Ihe week. tBX QoBBiMjfAiafw, HinnT Aimx, BTriCHWriTH's JcBnn, Tbe Fodb Obows, Li' PsBOBX EqmFom, Tax BnoaswoT Bxlli, Oxazixo, I Am Ooi Tm to Tisnr, 60,, by Charley Jm, Nelse Beymour. .,.'''.'FMnkBrower,' OoelWhite/ 0. Henry, 0.0. Lockwood, XW. aienn, H. Bchwlcardl, Isaoea Brothers, J. Oaratagna, E.Haalam, J. Lels,' U. Lewis. —;- ' • ; . - lltuS Bobby, to., : Tldfets., Moenti. ' ■ S3 , u«u«.,MwnoT«r, vvMuiuiuvu; w COB! awuy.iDa oppressive jht 'of hi' baoh^onlilp; ond nothing danntedbytho unex- piiotiad contretemps,gotoToutoniofriend to ooll nponthede- stioyer.of hiahapplnou, to ondoavor to effect aome oompromlse vrlth the posieaaor et %hot he Joat.tbcn most coveted, 'ffhllc this friend hdd thk old dataif In tenversatlon teapootlni'the pride at which aUeWonld'snHender he^pt«y, nana dontriTeAto gethls ohariair ontof the.^deirlnto the baiok garAon~not qnleh onongh, however,'to avdldhmf lnx-<Srit. onslodlanfrom ootcblng • glimpse of her form oa It fell Into hm unfit, ■ Tbo old 'Wpmwi, at tbi. stght iqado a grand dash for the spot'whloh for cae o^ her -yeafn and weight was a nlarvd of speed, The lovers sawfier foce,r^>Mlhr«b« t^, a gobbler's nook. Thoneominenced a terWfie stngole foif the pomesrion of the &tr form .of the maid, Hans oonght her lai his arms—inshedtcantloally tovrarda the ofll6d 6f AfdMnUm UoPoak, 'whichla atlaoted not or distant fol-' loved'bdr ithe-.eld' vtoman,- pnfflilg' and blowin(( 'at a Irtthcndota 'rAia».'"9at alas 1 the noe in thii eoso woa vron ttv the yonia and' strong.,'SVC poor old woman, did not got to the otBoe tlUtfae, Deed was done. The eidtementof tbla e atr a ur dlnary' race fot a. 'vUa, as may t>e wdl Imagined, afforded a rloli treat to the oowd^ who 'witneosedlt Orica of "Go in, Hans," and"(lo itdd 'on," "flh> itwhlle you're young." we^ fk«qn«nt while the satlsfiicBni <jt Hdufahd his wife, and' the mornficatlon of the;()ld womah, nnt at i^^is|n(sM, afforded a sonroe of an inflni^of -^oks^to BOpLB'T'B OPBRA HOUSB, BROOKIiTV, J.V . Cor, OOUBTIl BEUSEN BTBEETS.' . B. H. HOOLET Bole Proprietor. , " ',: Ei SOWBBS ....Dlrecierof Amnsementi. . T, B. EBENDXBOABI... .'.Toed Director. ■ Pnt 'BIH AUB Instramentd Director, ' - UORDAT BVZNINa, April t, and during the week. - ANOTHSB BNTIBE CHANOB. First week Of the highly amuelng Int rlnde called' ; . PBSS-TO-DIO-A-TATOB; OB, ■ HEBUAS OUTDONE. ' Hngbes, Whlfln g, Pre ndergaet and Herman, as .'■.;.,: THB pool OLD UAIDB. By request. ABCHY HUSHES .will appear in hla original Plan- tation Bevel, OL D UNCLE BHOW. ' J, 'WHITINQ, as the Unalkd'Contraband. O, W, OHABLEB, In liew Fancy D'ance. The entin Tronpa In . New Bonga, Dances, Acts, Plantation Scenes, kc, ho. Doors open at dVi (n commence at 7K< Tlckela 35 cents. Private Boxes 13, NBIW BO'WBRT .THBIATBB. " ' Bole Propriet or. UB. J. W. UNQABS. . UONDAT ETENINa, APBIL 8, ond all tho week, Win be presented for the flrat time in Amtrioa, thi Bomantto Liagendory Spectacle, in three acts, by J. Sterling Coyne, Biq., as aofod for upwards of .two entlra seasons at th^oademle Itoyal Paris/under tbe title of ' LB DIABLB AUOUBEirX, caned BATANAB'; on, THB BPIBIT OF BEXUTT, Abounding in Wonderf ol nensformaUona and SnbUmeEffects with t he dOalng scene of THE BEVOLTINO TEUPLE; on, Tbx.Asosi or TOi'Nmss, A Bcone Of Bnrpasaing Beanqr a nd G randeur, and produced a TBE OBEATEST OUTLAY EVEB CONE TO HEBE. Grand apd Gorgeous Scenes—every one of which ia new— painted and designed by Uesars, B, S, Smith sod John Thome. Novd Uochonlam, by B. Horson. Bumptuons Appointments, by J. Lundy, Costumes adooted from Parisian Prurta and Uodda; by U. Eeyser. Now UodO; composed and arranged by Beecev berz. DancesnndertbedireoUon^ofU.'W. Stanton. A numerous COBPS DE .BALLET has been euiMied for .. TABLEAU! AND GBOUPINasr.- ; THB CABT will be cue of unexampled tdent and profesalond abUlhr, ombraohig—UR. O. OsBONIFAOE, UBS. W'o. JONSS Ur. Geo. Brookea, Ulas Fanny Denham, Ur. W. Uarden. unil Hi(thawav, ho.;ko. hUgetherWith dnho^iutWadiunetafor Which thla immctose .Thliatroand Its great xoaounestte so lost. lyt»1ebrated EitohovcnlngthoSpoctd&ewlU.bepreoedadV sparkling Comedy, ond condude with a atlrrin'^ Dram*. EDITH; OB. TBE EABL'S SAUGHTEB. 'IJ'.IJ VAIL, BABBWR AHBRICAir MUSBUia. •-.1 IHE . GBSAT. NATIONAL. DOG SHOW' \Wlll'take pUoe'Ot the Knfaom on UONDAT, TUBSD^T^^rEDNEOOAT. THI^BSDAT,. >V'. ' > FHIDAT.and SATiSdaT, . . April 97, 38, S^SOi-and Iby 1 and 3, At which time npwardt of «)l,»00 , ■■■■■■■ .,'',. win be pdd In premlimia for the best breeds of Don; IndOdttt Bt Bemazda, Newfoundlands, Italian GzmhouAds, Elng'6liai|ai Spaniels, Blenheim Bponlds, Blsck ond Tan Tenieis, PoodMu Eaqulmanx Dogs, Pointers, Betters, Cnyhonnds, Ubod H6tiadu 1 Fox Uogs, Beagles, Ehrrleis, Scotoh Deerhouhds, Snipheid Dml' Cooch Dogs, English Uastlff, Bull Dogs, Bull Terriers, Bo^< Terriers, Shye Terriers, ond for whatever Is most ron and baas, tlfnl among the canine spodes, Circulars containing fnu partloulars, and Ust of premluffltoay be bod on application at the Uuseum.' , .; Tboae wishing to exhibit their dogs vrlll secnn their oertUealM at once. . ^^'^ „,.,.,, ',^ „ ^ ^. W^ t ' ATraNTIONTlRW^^ ^" AT HOPE CHAPEL, 720 BBOADWAT,; UacEvoy'a Grkud Pictorial and Unelcd Exhibition, THE aiBEBNICON: OB, A TOUB IN IBELAND, Blnatrated from the Irish Udodles, by Erin's 1 ' ' the Ulsses KATE, UABIE,f 1-- — J ded on the GRAND IBI8H : , , , a UAOETOT will appear ksBamey tho Guide, AdmladonJtota;' Children, 16 cts. To co mme n ce of j j befon 8. An adilbltfni. every Afternoon thla EASTEB 'WEEK, at 3 o'clock. .tl-lt ', ai'ULB BBIGROLI, THE BEAUTIFUL OANTATBIdB, Is now meetlng'wlth THE U08T BBILLIANI BUCOBBB. Atthe '.; • -■■ TABIETIEB, WABHINOTON, D. 0. -i;:^. O;!^ COJUKTUIAII HAIiL, , EXCHANGE PLACE, : '' . " BOOHESTEB, N. T., Win be Bented for Conoerts, Leotores,- ExhlhlUons, ko, Xddreis W. A. BEXNOLDB, fi2.0m,s,b. ' 09 Arcade, Bochester,N.T. i;.UD, A.xuun in usu^oAtf, Udodles, by Erin's gifted danghtan, ' , andTHEBSSA UACETOT, acoomia.. S BABP byUIBB UABIB, UASm, ' TONT DBNUA, Clown and Oomlo Pantomlmlst la not' traveling vrith any troupe of pantomhnlst^ aa nported, bnt Is- etui at. liberty to accept long or short engagements, dther tbr Btage or BIng, Has a repertoire of over lOO Pantomlmea tii ComloBaUeti, would iptai a troupe, if required. Uana ger^ d».! dring his aervlcea, wul please addnaa TONT. DENIEB, OUpp«. OffloejI^Tj^ ^^^^^-^^^HHyfi . AOAravTor^no -^^>'y^'~^ OIiETZLAND, OHIO. The Dzamatto Company return from Colombns on the 13th of April, for a contlnnatlon of their season at the above popdir Tneaire. AH buslneaa oommonicaUons day be addreaaed to JOHN A, ELLSLEB, Jn,', I 83-tf • ' • Proprietor and Manager. '■' OHA9. B. ORISTB, late agent for the Udvllle Troupe, Is now dlsengaaed. Uanaaers wishing to secnn the aervlcea ot aa odvartlserwnothaMugUy nndeiatands all the mlnuUa oittht bnsinesi, con do so on reasonable terms, by addzeaalng 83-6ts,b. OHAB. B. GBISTE, c^ of Clipper offloe, N. T. M'liIiB BBIGIVOLI, TEE OELEBBATED and BEATHI- FUL VIOLINIST, TOOAIIB T and DANSEU8E,.nowperfcrmhig at the WABHINGION VABIBTIEB, wlU condude her ennga- ment in the above eatabUahment on or about April 80tb, Uua- gets wiahlng to secnn the services of this artut can do so by opplying to her Bole Agents, JAS, GONNOB & 00,, SUM Broadway. HAUBINGTOlf & THOltlPBON'S Ultf BTRBIiB. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, UEUPHIB, TENN. This company have been periormlng at the above place, for aoma time past "with great sncceas, and in addition to their regular members, ara conetantly availing themsdves of the llght ornev "Stars." Artists of acknowledged tdent, dedrons for.a freak aphera of action, are Invited to addreas as above, under the as- anrance of Uberd treatment and pay. 8Mt* EIiLBUDB'S ATMBNBVn, COLUUBUB, OHIO. The dramatic season doses on the ll{hlnst,'(April)i-afterwhlih date the'Atheneum may be rented for all fcinda of eihlbltlons- nlghtly, orbytheweek. This Is now the largest best arrantel, and moat popular place for Leetures, Uhistrd Troupes, 0oo< certs, ko. Apply to JOHN A. ELLSLEB, Jr., 83-tf >.'. Aoad^y of Uualc, Clsveland, Ohio. Thi Wnisiuna Uaich is Uozabt Hall.— The trld notch between Utut Ainesworth, the Champion, and Andy Uooie (the Unknown) was brouRbt to a sotiafaoiory termination on the 81st of Uarob, at Uozart HalL As the attendance was somewbtt slim.'and our colnmiu are already protjty well loden down, we must make a long'etory etort, by atattng that . Ainesworth got both Uls—the first in 10 minutes, the second in 7—and won toe tSOO. It was collar And dbow-bast 3 In 8, bock fiUs, bnt as Iks Lieutenant gained two In BuccesBlon,'thero nmalned no napes- dty for a thC:d. Alneofrcrtb, though the lester man. Is decided- ly the men scientific men of. the two. The moncnavTlsg was 'very pntty indeed. The umpires were, for Uoore; Frank Oi- good; for Alneeworth, Ur. fiptnoer., Old Bill Tovee waa tlia . U. 0„ lazy Lazoras, rofereo, John Uorrlsaey, Con Orem, Har^ HUl, Tom Qulc^, and others ot note, weh» present andaoemea to take great Intereat In the contest WaaszuHa CnAiLEHax to Au, AMBBiaa.-Ur, J; C, Oram, the OoloradoOhamplon, hereby elgnlfles bis wish to wnsUe anyman In the pmted Btatcs, side hdb, best 3 o«t .of 8' fdls, for frmi •IWto UOO a side, A depodt of llS'Or tW, if 4dt al onr dfiw. iniibed^tely oovend by Con Onm. OiKiKi CBaauRGi,-! have a dog 17 lbs. wdghk' (hot cm fight any dog of hla wd^t tor fitly Mlarsi He tm b( Immedlaldy after tho£sl depoaltof tan dbUais, tbefilbtw come off any day UNcenohi, at the UcOlellan Honae, J(o, iia Ponkat.Phllayphla, Wm< Wolf.proprietor.. . A TTBNTION1 (JENTLEMBN I-Bend for one of IhoM XX beowttful omamenUd Sheets, UxU, containing 18 elegut line Bngravlugs, In perfect llfe41ko atyle. They ore Jnatu* thing to adorn the aporUDg man's parlor or drawing toonu Price I*eenla. Address Box 479^ Worcoa^r, Uoss. V^ly-. PHOTOGRAPHS."—18o. «aoh, two 'or SOj; \J S for 70,, 6t 8 for II—post pdd—aB dlfferont and new aa- dgns, Behdbefoiatht lstof Uay; J. UABTIH, Eawley, P<' IdMt * ' ' . . ;' '. UIBIS ADAH IHAAOa SmifKnif,' QUEEN C(p the: 'Is playing'l^ Ontt Spg^^bf DBAUA, PA. AT PIKE'S OPEBA' BOUSE, OINOIHNATt ' Hor'debuti'bu Ubnday, Ulrch 80tb, WU Wttaittssedby'an enthnsUstte aiifl lence pf' . T^; ..... .f.. pjys TBOtBAND ) PEOPLBt mt« 'THlB'UltDBBBloraD havfriB Joat retarded th)m 4 ahbrt Season throngh the ,WeBt la now prepared to negotiate with Uanagen for the ooaln^ Beoson, Is daaUotaS of tiiWliiB with a ClroDs Compata etther u AdreirUter, Treasurer, Write? to ft»ii*5!3if.!S?Si*:.uS??,^J. *a ♦W-'iSi'.ani MdlmtandS ft thorongUr/ If nothing inHhe Bquthtrian llui - mnM^ the"! Itls'katdtlut tbe old lady r^lanedt i^AUDS, PRINTS, PHOTOGRAPHS. BOOKB, 40,-- \J Aiiy artide In tho Bportlng Lino oan he procured of «• BBZT1BW8.44 Ann atreel, N. T. Bend stanfp Ibr Prtje I;lat__- Boxlng GloTes, Foils, Base DaU and Oriekef materials to oWP. Q, ,tHBR, QUAINT, AND QU8EIB10|[B. For nBiwyi 'mt* ioh, and Baie'ArUcle, send 38;e«nts td .010, Mua 40 vww tv , u V J. S, KiNQi 187 :WUUam street W-^ MYSTfiRIOtS ARTIOLB FOR SPORES ri-A OUBlOUa OONTBlVAH0B, whloh muoo Pliuubb may be derived, Prioe BO 'oU. Sent by ntnrn nu^ AddtttS BOX 99 BM^ONT, MAflft '*'*'_. PHOTOQBAPHSl-Bend for one, oents eyh . . J. N. OOX H<'T<.. B-lt» \J AFTMB, had BMUF* tOjTjagSiCt^tliS^ AetoM/stdother dlsUn(iil^ .dh(fteMn^ P*»l;™ Siol»o«Ut»cb,5r"T'?'„?• ^'.''f''^'' ■ teoelpl