New York Clipper (May 1863)

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■'■ ■•'.•.'■'iiiiitM\'s-^. ■dltor mud Pniprl«Mr./ NEW TOEK; BATUBDAT, mat 8, 1868. /> TO£i Hi-Bo. «•'.> tFBicjB SIX tmavft THB PIOKBT OVARDt ' AH qal«t ilboc tbs PotoMM, tb»T ur, Exoept DOW rad than • itrtypuket - If ibat on bii bMt u b« mlki to ind; fto, By • rilltain hid in • tUokfet- TlB Dolhlas—« ptlTSle or two now aai then TltlBOtconntin thsnsw* of thg battls; ■ ITet kB offlMt lo«t—OBly ons of tbe men UMDlog ont til elons tbe dMth nttle. . .Anqnlet along the Potomu to-night, ' mitn the lolllen Uy MtMftdir dreaming, 'Their tent* la the raya of the olear aotamn neon, . Or the light of the watoh*flrai, art gleaming. ■A tnmnlooa ilgh, a« the gantia wght wind . Xhibngh the foreelleaTeeiofdy Is creeping, > . tRiUe ilan np abare, with their guttering eyei, . Keep gwuo, for the aimp if tieeplqg. . 'Ihere'i only the aonnd of the loae tentry'i trMi, . Aa ha tramp* from the rock to Aafonntiln, think* M the two In the low tmndlebM,. > ' Far away in the oot on the monntaln. ' £1* muket fUla ilaok, and hla fUe dark aaS^grln, Orowi gentle with memorle* tender, Jm be mnttai* a prayer for the oblldrsn aileep^' • For their mother, may HeaTen defend her. - : ■- • moon leem* to iblne Jut aa brightly aa iheta,' That night, when the lore yet nnipokea, Ireaped op to bla llpi, whan low mnrmniedTowB were pledged to be *Ter onbroken. Tkea-diawing bla aleeva roogbly orer hi* eye*. ' Be daahaa oft tear* that era welling, .And gathan hi* gnn oloae, oldla to lla pitoe, Aa if to keep down the bear(«walllng. He ptaaaa the fonntaln, the blaatad pine tree. The footitsp la lagging and weary: "Tat onward ha goea, through th* broad belt of light, Toward the abade* of the foraetao dreary. ' EarkI waa it nlght'a wind that ao roatl'd the learea f Wa* it moonlight, *o wondronily flaahlog f It looked like a rlHa. Hal Mary, good bye I AnA the life-blood i* abbing and pitahlng. Allqalat along the Patomao to-night. Do lannd Bare the rash of the mer; yniOa Boft bll* thi daw on the boe of the dead— The picket 'a off daty forerer I . «Tla nothing—a prlrata or two new and then Will not ooont in the new* of the battle: Kot an offioer loat—only one of the men Homing ont, all alone, the death rattle. .09150 Clipper Price Storyt TEE SECKET CONOLAVE ; . OB, IHB MIOTEBIOnS HOUSE Ef THB FITS FOIimi A STOBT OF BBW TORK CITT IiIPB. WBRRR nmWLT lOa 1^ tlXW TOU'OUVRBi BT A. VMDEBWOOD. Copyright Beonred. OEAfTEB yn. XOBIBT ITDILIi'HOKB—<P10UI.AnoX OR BIB STBiirM IDVXR. xoBC—LviX'aynwnx'e TDiT—IBB bnfBon^wsioK or xhc HOUHiaOLli ' Mpf—THB MXtMBWTfgl^.^tgtP^ TBB. KlQia- hiitb-tub' iuaiuuf inffliywrt^itnMMT - aVwiM Bobert ATeiill alept lata on the morning foltowlns big adTen> tore with tbe itrange gbrL He had fOond nil wUs Mtttng np for Um when he .letnmed home, and had told her aUihat had paaaod, of comae excaptlBg the weakneas he had shown;' They bad eon- Terssdlohgon ths matter, so that It wu near daylight when lliey reUref to bed. When he awoke in the morning, he fonnd bis wife already np; hurriedly dreailng himself, he went down etaln, and the atronr. odor of breakfkat informed him that It wta «11 ready to be serred. On entering the breakCaat parlor he waa greeted by hla wife with a klia-for, in spite ot the weahneaa aba had ahown with respeot to tils brother, aha' lored him—and Ihey both sat down to the table, wbloh waa aoon oorend. with a tab- alanttalrepiat. ■•Bobert, Huts been thinking a good deal abont yow aidrea* tnie last night," aald Hn. ATerill as she ponredoatthe oofTet: "and the more I think abont it, the more It pnialea me. What -could be the mottre of that girl in sendlin for yool" "I am as mnob in the dark aa yon areTuta: but tbe whole af- fair was acTmyiterion* fiwm beginning to and that I oan only ao- ocnntfDritbranppcalngthat ebewu Mme hannleaa maniao, who perbapiliBlleTaaiUehe aald." ' - "But why ihoold she write to wu, of allperaoda in the world)" "I cannot say—perhapaahe picked myname-ont of thedlreo- tery. Another onp of .'coffee, oy lore, if yon pleaae." - - - "Butauppoalngabe is mad, as yon conlecturei" contlnaed Hn. ATerUl, vshe must b* aurronnded by pencns who homer her baUnolnaUone, or also how do yon acooaat -for- the -wsman who met you on the comer of Oanil street, the masked drirar, Ui«hdc|neatio,.andaTery other strange oircumstuic* which took "I don't pretend to aceciut for-them; .the whole aflUrbelongil noperly to the middle agea, and it aeema. so jnepoatsmna that It tnould hare ocourmd in the nineteenth oentnry, that I am ■hnost tempted to consider it all a dreun." - "But suppose, Bobert, that after all there ehonld be loiae <aasKerthrsataniiig usT" "finposaible, my lore—we bate no one'a enmity. Why eren myuhole, Qeneral ATerill, although be at>us*«, is,Iam.sure, roTyfrishdlydlapoaodtowardsns.. No,no,Katet the only explanatloni can give of ths matter i* the charitable cosatrnotlon'that the girl is crazy." By this time the meal was finished, and Mr*, ATttiU rose fiom her chair and adtanced to the window. , "What a btautitU morning I" she ezolalmed. "I should lOT* to hare a ride in the eonntry to-day." "Nothing mora 6tty, Kate; I.wiU order theoatrlage ronnd at •once." ■ . . . , .; "Hore'a yonr'brother Luke comlnb here," said Mrs. ATerill, Who sUll contlnntd to reniain at the window, and who tamed herhead away to hide a bluih which aafrused hw cheek.' The next moment a ring at the belt showed thather kUppoiitlon "waa a correct one,'' The door was opened,'and almost Inunedl- atelr atterwarda Luke ATerill was nshered into the breakfast parlor. We hare not yet described him to the reader, and take thli opportunity to do ao, eaped^.aa he is one of the principal Mtora fn our hlatory i and we mayliare remark, that -if Some of 'tbe Inoldanta In our relation should appear nnnatnral—Ifi for in- stance, the reader ahould be at a loat fe reconcile Mrs. ATerlU'a wetknega 'with her loTo for her hosband, and the yielding of Bobert ATerUl to tenmtaUonwlthblaaffeoUon for hU wlfe^we ■vui only reply ihit "truth la stranger than flcttonlO and that all the CTenta we htTe related, an(I the atlll mora extraordinair ■cnoa to foUow, an ilHcay/ounded on/od. We deem It neoeasaty jSi^' oiplsnaUon beforettand, to disarm the reader's •ciMoIam with leapeot to the Incldenia that wo.have yet to rehte. BoTertATerUla brother waa about flTfi yoara yQunigar. than mmself, and ao different to him in oTery respiit/thatnoOTt I2Ji'iwV^ii"'.S?Kwilfn«»rly related.. He waa strongly.bullk, with htndiome features, and rather t^ In. sUt*. nre. The expression of bis face waa net a ploaslna one j hli llpa ■were thin, glTingacmel, sgngnaloharaoter to hSoountennioe^ His eyos.were blue. He wore no beard whetoTorTaBrwn the hair on Us hkslwastian and scanty, and otVifX twdSlnabl* hue, betwera aflaten and a brown, ko was rfroaied taTdeap suit of black, and from the^whlto neckerchief he wore, ho mlg« easily haTe^een mlstaken for a clergyman. Our readera alteidy mow that Mr. Luke Averlll bad a neat reputation for pletr-- they can alio ladge for themaelTos If he dtsorTsd It or nob "How is Kale tfits morning?" said the Tieltbr, a* ho entered the parlor, extending his hand to Mr*. Kobeii AverUL "Very well, thank yen," she replied in a almulated bold Tolce. tsklog the proffered band. , BoWt '""^brother t" asked Lnke, tnmiiig tonnd to "I am in good health, Luke," replied the latter, "aadTam 8'*d to see - yon look ao well. But why thla 'early 'TlsliT I acnght yon were to.woddod to year daybook andledger,i that yountTerp^ldmcrBlngvlelta." . j.^^j,.-. "I neTcr do, exo4pt.a. workot oharltrclaims my.atteatloaii frpltlhesa here this morning, Bobert, U to got yon .to aub. ■°nDetoanewoharob, 'whloh it is proposed to build on the Jfourlh STcnde." ' JJor whom lilt to bAbullir' i ■ "Doctor p——,"' . ■ . ' I kj?.!!" J^il**? frtlWj'tii^' <)^tWoJi-h'e noiw ooonplei'l*only MMWled. that neJaialtyiltfeje.fer another J" . wbert, you ihboU ftot isk qaMUon* oA looli a (objeol at MBS. MAET J. GLADSTANBj I • 'WM. WHEATLET, At vresentLeadlDK LadT at tbe Yailetles, New Orleans. I Manager of Nlblo'e, Kew Tork, and the New Olieenut " : OT .' ' I StreetTheatre.Phllaaelphia. ■ thl*. Ton area manef waiIth,andwlllnotiiir«Iyref^afew hundred doDat* far nob a holy oauaa." "IwouIdflreelygtTeltiif laawtheneeead^of ddngso-tnt In thla ca*41 mnardecllne." fWdV Bobert, of oonrse I most leare it to yonneU; but*! am Cceetooonfss* " ' ' ,.' At tbl* moment a violent pull at the bdl arraited the apeaker, and the aonnd of many persona in the street, talking ezoltedty, reached the ears ot the inmates of the apartment; "Who can that Iw, I wonder," said Bobart ATarUl, going to thawindow. < He had soarcely asked the quettlcnwhen tlie parlor door opened, and a eerTant.entoied, with the ntaott ccsstamatlon painted on her countenance. - . .' "IfyoQ pleaae,sir,"sheexalaimedharrledly,'-theroareBome polloamen who want to aee yon immediately. I am sure som^ thing dreadfU baa happened.". - . . ' "Snow them In her*. | otnnot imagine what thsy can wav," aald Bobert "They must haTe'mlataken the hoaae," aald Hn; ArerHl. Luke made no remark, and the moat acate ptayalpgnomlat could bothaTe dsteoted tha tllgbtest change in bis fMnue*. The parlor doorciMned, and four policeman entered; two of them etatlAed thenisalTea Bear the dOor, while the other two adTanced to where Mrs. Bobert ATerill waa atandlag; •■Mr, ATerfD," aald one of the latter, erldently a aaparlor offl- cer, "I hare a painfn] duty to perform." "Indeed I what mayit Mt''re]^I*d Bobert, U* coantenance not betraying tha slightest emotion. "I haTO come to take yon Into oostody, sir—yon ore my pris- oner." •'If you mean this bi a Jest," said th* elder ATeiUL "allow me to teU yon that is T«ry ill-timed." ••We are net accustomed to jest, air. .Ireoaat 1^ yon areour prlioner, and muat come with ns." •'Tou haTe made aome mistake," exclaimed Mr*. ATerill: "my huaband has been gnlltj of no crime." While ahe nttored these words, she tnmed as pale as death, for ahe anddenly re- membered he; hnaoand'a strange adTanture the night t>efore. "My good men," aald Luke, "you baTO eTldently called at th'e wrong house. Ferhapa yoa are not aware that you are addiao- ingMr, BAai ATerill-you muat be after acme person of the same aumama," ••No, air, we haTe made no mistake. We are not accustomed to do our buBlnesa a* domsUy aa that. Oome, air, there la a back at the door; you must come at onoe," said the polloeman, turning to Ilia priaoner. - '•Maylaak for what I a>. airastedl" liked Bobert, with a ■mile of consdoua innocence, •■I would rather not mention it here, sir, for the sake of this lady," aald the ofBoeTipolnUng toMi8.ATerfIl; ••but if you'in- alat upon ItiJbaTe no option.'' - ••I Insist upon It." ., , > . , 'i-. . - . ■ >qMUts»n,«»,-liLMifolfwbHB^^ . . , .''^Hnbr/'! shilain^Un. ATerill,H dteath-Uke iftjaUng stealing oTierher, an^'^tUiable to snppartheneU; ahefallfainfingto'th* floor. . - , Her hnaband ran to her, and aprlnUed some water on her face. She was aoon restored to conaotoaanaas, ••Kats," said he, alfeottonately, "be of good eheer; there 1* OTldently.BOme mlataKb in all ula. An hour or two will aattle thamatter. Iwlllgofriihtheaemen;andyoumayrelynponit, I aball sqpn be Mck aialn." ••Of coarse you will," said Lnke A'miHI. ■•Letu go at onoe, Boberi I will accompany yoo-to the magistrate's. 3ne charge is perfectly ridiculous." Both the brothers apok* *o oonfldentlilly that Hi*. ATarOlwaa a little more reaaanred, and In aome measure regabied her pres- ence of mind. Her boaband informed the oaoaxe that he waa ready to accompany them, and, followed by hi* brother, they en- torsd the haokaey ooaeh, which, drawn by two afaong honea, let off at a rapid paoa to the ofBo* of the JnaBoe of the peace, where the charge wu to be luTeatlgated. Aa they piased Oiroagb the atreeta, both the brother* notloed, aa bad Henry Hoqiant, that groups were collected on tbe oomen, talking excitedV, and atfreralnewabOyamahed past them, ealllng out extra* of the Tariona morning papers, and yet the .tmthdld not appear to atrike either of the ATerill*. At laat wty arriTed at the magla- trato'a ofilee, where a large orowd was llieady aatembled, for ra- mors that the aaaaaaia'would be examined there badbyaoms means leaked out Aa Bobert ATerill deaoandedfTom theTtbi- ole, CTsry eye waa fixed on him, and a good deal of pushing took gue to enable those behind to get a Tlew ot the auppoaed oiiiv At last, after oonslderable effort on the - part of the polloe ofll- cere, a paasaga was cleared, aid the brotheia wen nsnered into the magistrate'a oOoe. It waa a small, cheerleaa-looklng apart- ment, deTold ofeTerythIng to reUoTe it* liare aspect One aid* of it ifas oecnpted by a liigh daak, at whloh eat lu. Askew, or the Squire, aa he waa more commonly called—a p4mpona Iccklag man, who aTldenttyhdd th* hlgheat opinion ot hb ofiloe,and who donbtlea* cooildered himself one of the raagnalea of the land, Oppoalto to the.'deek waa a hard Jienoh, which filled up one whole aid* of the apartment The 'wall* were adomed wltD Tarioua haadbUIs, offenngrewards for eacaped oriminala. •■Mr. Bobert ATerill," said the magUtrate, "It is indeed painfol to me to see a man of your ednoatlan, birth, and aooial poaltion, charged with snoh a fearful crime. I wish to Inform yon, before we oommence the InTaatlgation of this matter, that ix you wish for legal aaailtanae, you are at liberty to send for It" •I should fint of all like to knowwllh what I am charged, sir." ■Is it possible that you feign Ignoranoa of the oharge agalnt yon!" .■■I feign no tgnoranoe. 33ie policeman certainly Informed ms- thiat Itwaa for the crime of mnrder—bnt for the murder of whom?" - a Do Ton pretend to deny thatryou do act know that yon are arreatsd for the murder of yournnolcOeneral ATerilit" . "My unols, General ATerill I" exolaimed BobeH, agbaat at the ibtelllgenoe. Luke ATerill lifted np his hands In amaiemant, but did not ntter a word; apparently too much oTetjowerod bythe ftarfolin- telllgenoei ■ ■ ■ "Mr. Bobert ATarHI, yon wonld make a Teiy good actor," said themaglatiale. •■W)ut do yon mean, airt" aald Bobert, indlgilantly. "Spaae your remark*, andprooead with the otaa; I want no oconiol to enable me to rel^ut thla oharga." "Very well, .aa yoa bleaae, Call JameaHodBlre." A man dreaaed in plain llTaiy atonped forward. ••Ton are a aerrant,employed by the'late Oentrd ATertU,' are you not?" naked the noagtatratoi altar th* wttaeaa had been awom. ■ - • "TeB,*lr.'' •■State what you know abcnl this matter." ' ..« McOnlre'* oTldenoe 'waa aabalantlally a* fellow* >-He depoaed that, the Qeneral not getting np at blsnanal hour, excited aome anrprUe aipong tbe aerranta. At laat it Was reaolred that he iMoflulre) should go and cAU him. Be want to the bedroom loor fOr tnat' purpoae, and knoeked leVtral - tlmetfwlthaut ob- taining anyreeponae. He then became aiarmedi and entered the room, A fearfbl eight met hla gaze, Eia eliployer was ly- ing on the bed, quite dead, with his throat oul lna fOarfnl man- ner. The eparlment-waa in aome confualon, bat he was too ranch frightened to notice the exact dMditlon of the obkmber. He immediately apioad the alatta; and ptooured the pieatooe of two polloemen, who aearohed the houaa. ■ ■ ••■Do yoa know Mr. Bobert ATCrlll !*' asked the BuwUfttAto, whenJameihadflniahedhlaatotement- ' ,v - >' ' ••ye*, *lr, I know him Tory well," "0an.T0ii.p<^thlin'«ntnow1" .'•.,. •TbaVa uni. alr,'f aald the man, pointing to the prlaentri, ' •Did ha Tlatttoui'4>np1oyer'*hou*e'often f '' ITeryoften.'' ■ ■ "i = ^ • ^ i'.!: ' i; ..< (■•When wu be there laskt" .i^.„i>v . .■ •l^etwnatherethreedByabeforetbtBnndtA^('> ' •■Db you know what t>a8aed in that Idteml V" - "Qeneral ATerill and hla nephew- had I'rlolenti OnkneL"'' ' •■Did you bear any tbrekto need by<th«nritonarl>'< . ' '■HO) sir,-I cannot say that I did i but tfieyldkitdvttt loudly, andthe Qeneral ordered Mr. Bobtaf AfetiB ouVofiltekOnke." •■ThatwUl d»-^yon cab aland down." • ■ - >' ' Patrick Kelly and Jame* Uoiton, tht two poUotmtn who w«n aura you - axeinhoeed^ BoMrt, 1 1 nliay offer cannot t ftar.'lnfin'anae thMkag^ Dg the eaasbaforeajnri.'^ 'A ~~—r^. '' ' I ce to tbe pplnionsVyon: hare-bqkh'expreesed,. called In by the maa^arrant to examine the pvemiSMt ware Ui* nsrt irttnMJM fff lltfl They i«*tlfled thattbay found tha General dead in hla bed, and that tkey4haBproo**dsAto examine tha ohamber. In the fire- ilao* tluy dlaooTsred the anTelope of a letter, ameared with ilood,' CM near the deer a ■ooket-bandkarohlat The anTdope .wudlra^adto Mr. Bobert ATetUl, and4he handkerchief waa mar^eiljB. A. ItwutheaedlsceT«rle*thatai«B**d raiploloni M to ilMgullty party. ' • 1 .a* once acknowledge those artUlea tob*'ttln*»''aaidthe ener,w^snhe aaw tha damning eTidsnoe produoed; •'but Ihey oame'lnto that ohamber, I am state." A DOnaur ran through tha maglatrate'* clBee at theie wdrds, and not a^nbt remained on the minda of all (reaaat that he wu really th* murderer. If any doubt bad eilBtad, it would baye been immediately dispelled by the erldenee ot the next wltnesB. . ' . ' •■Oall ObarUs Bsnnett," aald the maglatrate. A man immediately atepped forward, whom the priaoner recogaKed u the priTato watchman that had aocostad mm early in the nomlng when he wu returning from hi* strange Inter- Tlew with the mysterion* woman. ••Ton ware on duly last night in WaTsrly Plaoet" "Tea, air." ••Did yen «se the prisoner on that ocoulon t" •a did; air." . "What time wu that?" ••About two o'olook in the morning." "Steto what took place V "Wdl, air, I wu walking on my beat for lam hired byper. ■on* llTlng In WaTsrly Place to watch their liouSea at night ;rha moott wu ahlnina brightly, and Ifknded I uw aome one coming oat of Ooneral ATerill'a booM, and almost immediately aftorwardslmet Mr, Bobert ATSril], and aaked him if he hod nctjoatoomeeutof bisnnde'a bonset He said that ha had net seen him for acme days past" •(Are yon certain that ft 'wu Mr. Bobert Ayeiin that yen met?" •■Certdnly I am, air; Ihaye known him far many year* put" "Allow me to say," broke in the priaoner, ••that this man tes. tiflea to the tmth. I acknowledge that I wu in WsTerly Place at the honi he refer* to," Ancttaermurmur ran through the crowd. ••The CTidence is feartally against me," eonUnued Bobert AT- erill. •'Whether this la a plot Laid against my life, I am unable to Bay; bat If the maglatrste 'wUl allow me, I will glTe an expl*. naUon bow it wu that I wu in WaTerly Place at that hour." •<I cannot preTent yoa from "i^w^g any expluatlan you ohooa^" replied tbe maglatrate, "but I would caution you ttut any statement you may mak», will be used against you, and I woold attcngly adTlae yon to leaerre all that you haTO to Bay until yoa bare oonsnlted with your lawyer." * .' "X agree with the magltte*te,"add Ur. Lyke ATerDl, speaking' f^r: thafiM tliM.. !•! onTaureyou areinhoeed^Bol)ert,btiL bny exf^Da*lpn9ons'' ~ --- t« lsiratoA'aot'B«naing • ;'<Wllli'*U'deferenee . . . . , I.wojild iauohrather'mtketbe stetement I fed'so conscious' of own innocence, that I am aura I ahall lose nothing by aUttng the truth;" ' •■Consult yonr own feelings in the matter," returned thanag. istrat*. . ■ >■ Bobert ATertU made a statement how he liad r«odT*d an anofiymons letter, and how he had obeyed it* snmmons, detail* ing on account of hla adTanture, the partioalara of whloh the reader la already aoqaalated with. Whan he had flniahed, the maglatrate amiled inorednlondy. • 'Of conrea you bare preterred the anonymou letter of whloh yonepeakt" ••No, air; nnfbrtonately I baTO destroyed it" ' ••I expected such wis the caae," returned the magistrate. •■It ia my duly, air, to ooramlt you for the wUful murder of year nade, Gtnecd ATerill. I eholl only make one remark on the extraoidlaaiT atatement that yon liaTe made, whleh is, that it ia ao contrary io common Mnsii, to improbable, 80 utterly at war with all raedyed ideu, that I am afraid yon haye only pre- judiced yonr cue." The aoiglatrato then made out the commitment' and Bobert ATerUl wu at nnoaremoTedto the Tomba 'to await his trial 'When In tha dark'and solitary dnngeon. It reqoired all bla phllo>- aophy, all th»l^nsalommeu of bis Innooenoe. to ■npportblm. Towarda the middle of the day, the Jailor informed um that a lady TidtoF wished to see him; and in another moment he was duped In his wife's arms. For aome eeoonda not a word wai spckan, Th* Sanger In which he wu placed hod reylred all her early loTe for him. And ahe bong round his neok, wbila tear* of aianiahatrumed: from her eye*. He preaaedher tohisheart, and at laatlsnnd words to oonaol* her. "Daarut wife," aald be, "dry yonr tears; eTSiytblng wiU yet tun ont wdl—for my own,put I haTe no fear of the future. My innooenoe muat appear on tha day of trlaL Oom^ be of good diekr,iAy dullng. God la too good to let the innocent anffer," ' '••But Kobart, why are you here in this dnngsenr Ton, my own ImIotM husband I 'Shtn must be aome borribla mockery lB:hnnian-Iaw*, or you. would noTer be inoaroeraled hare, Dearut hnaband, you will not remain here long—uy you win not I Think of me, darling, and your child;" ' >My dear Iotc, do not feu but Juattoe will ultimately preTdl, Appearanou are agalnat me, bu^ rely on it the true uaaaaln will aocn be dlst>OT{rea, and then we ahall look upon ,all thl* u a dream-"' Mta. ATerill'a only reply'wu to embrace her hnaband more tenderly, bi)t by degrees ahe tieoame calmer, and they oonTersed long and aameatly together. At lut the.pallor Interrupted them by Inftjrmliig the Tialter that it wu time for her to leaTo, QDOf more a training her husband dmoa t franUoaUy to her boaom, the ajBUotfd wife toie heraelf away* and wU ooBTeyed in a hackney-cMBh to her own dwdllng, . ' . • Whu^BWientored her f<»mer happy abode, her tear* broke ont afr^k-.STerything ahe aaw remlndsd her of her mat Md. ^^'^i!nU^°'^> *^'> >>ook'.be had lut read, and Uien her, UtM|trr,ran into the room and inquired alter her deu pqa. JCkt ehadowB of night crept on, and bKb aat in the dark- ened P^l^ and mlsaed that dear voloe that wu wont to make her be»(l>aJolcb. If he bad been dead, ahe conld nothaTO mlaaed him more. Hou^ after hour paaaad, and ahe wu atlll seated lhers,^th no light to obeer her, aaT* that giren by the glowing , fire^ ^t lut ahe roM Xramhar chair and went to the window; ths/moon, a lUtle put the toll, wu outing long ahadowB on the street and the rood) of ttie opposite honses were bsMled io the white light and yet it wu nnheeded by her, for her srtef absorbed all her eenstsi Oh I the agony of those mrfbl hoars. Her throbbing heart appeared ready to burst She fdt that she had no buslneu to do there—that her place wtia by bet huaband'a aide. And then the foaiful thought that aha wunot pemUtted to be with bim—that all her tears oodd not aotten the Inexorable oflleera of the law, wrung her Teiy sonL WhU* *ufferlng all thla terrible agony, ahe heard the sound, of herlltUe girPaTcls* in the nut room. This in some meunre recalled her to herself, and eh* listened, ■<aod Idue my papt'and momuta, and make me a ^od girll" she dlatiaoUy heard , the child uy, forebe wu repeating her prayen preTlous to retiring to rest, - A roTnlslon took place In {he mOtntr's heart 8ht felt ibat tbere wu yet one friend left to her, and to BIm die-now appeded. Throwing heisdf on'her kneea, with oluped banda she exdalraed: - VHaaTonly Father, to Ibee I appad in my tronbla. Protect I tieiBeoohthee. mv dear boaband In thla hour of his periL Then %hO knoweat dl htarts, and the deeds of wicked men, are cogfil- aant that Jie .1* gullUeas of the fearful oiime Imputed to um. Almighty Pieaerrer of tho unlTene, enpport him 'wAh'thy strong anui make hl^ atepa firm, and cany him throogh the trying Ordeal he. haa4o npdergo. I knowwhateTar thon dost'Will be for tbe beat; but I beseech Ihee haTo plty^n the poor erring ain- fUl qreatiHi*/. 4bo DOW oriea flro;n the agony of her heart" . Thus she prayed, and when ahe had finished ebe roa* np more (jbmpeaed. A might appeared tobaTobeen remored from her heart and u the pda aoonbeatns fell on her face, an obaerrer would haVe seen that ak'tharmotaientlt anpeared leu anx- Ionia; BelirlogtA herehanbar, slie.preaaa^^^er datUng.toher brMt and'throwlnK bamalf dre***d u ih* wu on th* bed, die (OOU fdl into a aw*«t dnaber. TO U O UH t U I 1111) 1 TBM' '•KiPFiiB'* mmppmm* '', v- ■ - ' i(a better apeelipen of the genns, gennin^ taakee, nattsqt' eMl. ' be' foniid, imiaglned or deacribed, than the sU^pen W'alMw- . ahore,fromaonneetioBtriT«rtoXutMrt,lfdae, Thuileritt«H- ■ glTefdl aoopeto thoHin* andHaeketW of tk**tage: «urtW ' Bam ^Uoka and Fdoenbridgu of the pr«u, to embody OdUMilt out In the broadest posdble didect of Fanku land.l>ne OftbelH' ' "tand critters," ft la my purpose to draw on formyWlaf ') akeloh, and I wish my readers to do me the.oieait to bttlcVa that for little crno portion of my yarn or.Iaagoag* an Itv. dabted to fertility of imaglnatlOB. u the laatde^ arl* l«d, aaA ' > qaltemphlo anongh to glTO piquancy to t)i* sMjeot , . r lutapriag. Just after the breaUag op of wlatar, a dowMtal - mack or aohoonor. trdghtedwlth oad-flshBnd potatoe«,Ib*> J Here, rounded off Oipe Ann light; and owing to head wfad*^ e« l some other perreidty of a nanUad nature, could na fOrthax jmi . aotheaklpperandhla crew—one man, green u i aliilii ' iinffajbr'.. an anchorage, and hoTe the "hull oonaom" to. Hue they! te- ] andtouedoadohafed at their moorinia fora dar ortwo. wltK . out the allghteat indication on the partat tha weather to abaU ' '■ the nmaanoe.^ So the ccdunandor of the aOhooner got in big ', .UtUe ''dog.out'^.andgiTlngtheaforasddcrewa»eoldinJn»otloili, ' tok*epanflut;heimDedelrtoshoretotakaaIo^aTOn^ ^ 'How, It ao fell out that in the cenrae of a few hours' tlms, allar ' ' th^ departure of the ehippar, a aaorUag aaat wind apraaa'apk ' and not oBIy blew great gum, but chapped np a abort, hu^ < B«a, perfectly aatonliking and alarming to BexeUah PirUn*. In the roDUv and PUehiag sehconer. It wu Hu'a flx«t attempt at' aaafarlng; a«dtUs •ertofiredlagandwattdagabout, aaiamat< -> tar of oonrseiteOb dtacomboberated his beaa buket and eat hki t head in a whirl and danolag motion—better oeaodTed by theaa r irtio lUTe: oeen the *<a elephant than daaortbed, *B*a gog daa-a-athly dck, *e dck be could not budge from the ktei«' ^ aheete, where he had taken a iqaat in the early commenoagfiant of hla difllcultlee. Ai the mesa tliae, the sklpfu name down to thelwacb, and hailed the Tfctlm: >- -/ ••Hd4ol haMbI" Hex feebly dCTated hla opUos, and loekiBg to the iriatwut, - '< where atood hla noble eaptdn, he made an eflbrt to aay orac something: ^ - '■ > .■ ••Wba-a-t ye-e-ewantt" ••What do I want} :Why, yeon peak/orittar,7aaa, goibr'aia tho^ andhistthe Jib, take up the anohor, pat yonr heliBa-l««b and beat np to town I" This wu all Tery well, prorlded Uie aUpparwu there to8iipa»> intend, Inanag^ and carry outbiaTolublaordei*: but aa the sorC , piOTented him from coming on board, and the Ughtnua of j9a^ head mUlbted agaliDrt the almeat (uperkuman pqadbOltyol oanylsgont theeUpper'Aorder*, thing*remained 2i«I<Kit jiM ' the aklnier aShore, and Has fenrently wiabinx he was too. - .- ' ';Aln>tyoB o-going to aUr round there, apd utb tbe Veai^Iff ' bawled the exdted captain. i "Howonalrth," groaned ttie horror«trlok*a nHlne&'"liBV.' on Birth am I to hdpU?" <WaIl,by Oolumbus.she11gaOlaanuhoie,orbtowonttoMit j afore long, snrp u death I" responded the aUpperi and befia* V he had fairly eonduded his^ngury, sure eaeugh, the JiawieK '. > parted, the achoonelr'Blew round and mada abefkttie far CtiMi .'< andantaritd/' Thle rather btpugl)tHezeklah to hla aata^rlia.'iH,'* tottering and feeble, onhlaahayplu, aad-or^ledfOrwMdta .. g»tupth*Jlb. >■ "90 ye-*, now yton're coming about It yea, ysou be," bawM'' the almost frantlo skipper, u ths diatenoe.b«twaea him and his. vaasd wu inoreuing, ■•Pnt her abeout and head her np the .-. ba«f 1" But it wu no kindof aae ia tdking, for HeaeUah - oaida'ndtraiaethe Jib; and hia Impartaot nantlod knowledge^ , nadar such a anorl, completely bewildered and disgusted him With'thspnepeot- SoaaylnioTertheaeyaneommandmsatsaiBB . other sanons lessons of ycuth, HszeUah resigned himself to tha ' ' tmnoltnous dements, and eonduded it phlloaophlod and seripr . tnral redgnatldn to let Prtrjldenoa and tbe eld aohooner fix ont the programme Jnatu they might It is commonly reported. ' that onr modterel cotohera, Then a stona orgds of wlndoyer- takes then on tha briny deep, luh all fast and go bdew, turn in , and let thdr amacks rip' dong to the bast ef their knowledge sndablllty. They aeldom founder or get Bererdy scathed; and - theae fkcte, or perfect Indlffaience having entered the head ot HezeUah PerUna, he became perfectly anooncemed u to fntora > dcTdopmenta. Night coming on, the aUpper uw hla aohooner. . feat departing out to aea, and whan ahe wu no longer to be^etta, ' r 'be anode traoxs tor Boston, to report the melanoholy fkcte to the ' ownaraof thbTsaadand cargo, and sea about the inauronee;. ''-. '^''Tbe next morning, the pklppe9k*.'t1nB-dIf«4R«^taat'tH^til*<''-^ Buranoe saffc/.he found himadf tat better splriiar. lo b* . . ' walked,4own .dong the -wharrea .to take a look thebiyaaa w aUpplbg-when Io; and beholdihese^aa Taaed *o y'^r^pi '^T llkenis Two Polllaa, that he coaU not rtflralnfiicmiaxdaialiml'' ••HonahI bnTrabI ByOhrlatopber Coluaboa—if tbardpn't> oome my old beauty and Bet PerUnaatoo—hnrrah 1" -The OTarJoyed akipper went off idit a double hornpipe ont . aingle atring; and u the 'Taritable aohooner, oame bobmiaf ' aaaoOy np the its before a apaakingbraeie, with her jfb spreai^' . .> the aUpper called ont in a Toloe of thunder aad gladnui;, ••Bd-lol Hu Perkins, is that yeonf" o. . . •■Hd-Iol aap'n,I'ffl coming, by paapUasI Clear the tnek°~ - ibr< ths Two PoDlul" Aad putUag ber head In among tb* - ■ amaeksof Long Whart HezIetherxipaBdaraaahohoek npfast ..'., aad tight When the captain landed on hi* own deck, be mshsA ' Into the arraa of hla braTo matoHezekiah, and iheylaad ar«gnlatf' frstamd hug all ronnd<>andBesekiah PerUna. la baibalt of hi*... wondarftil aklll, pereeTeranoa, and Idok, wu uaaalmooaiy yetad flrat mate of the Two Pollle* on the apot Itappeareathota ehange of wind dnrlag - tbe night had driTea tKe iaandailnc Teaael baOk Into thebliT, and Hexekiab, haTing got orar taiadw' apdl by daylight crfiwled forward, got up tha fib, andaotaallF iBadathewliui;MwehaT4deaarIbed. . THB BXBOUTIOir OF A -WOlBAH.FOIipilSB. . [The following deioriptlon of a woman polionar being b«h**A, e^ is trondatod flnun ■•SeTen GStaarstlon* ef ■aadsmea,'* wdt tea by Sanson, lately the exeontlener at Parla. The i*aatt'i4 ts' mppoae the well-known trial orer, and tha ealprit bronght to the plana of execution.] . , , . Angdlque (Madame Tlqaet) atepped fiarward. lUb-aaottiar Mary Queen of Bcota; grapdulljr aduang the haa4aiiian,'g deI,oiuuaI,andgayfebimher hand, ao that he oooId M bar to mennt ihestopa'of thaaoaffald. '.Be took raapeotMls the Hand ' which ?ru *oon to stiffen in death. Than Madame SlgDei alew- lywent np to the etage with the impoalng majeatlo'.bea^lngt' whloh bad ahraya been iadmired ia her, she kadt 'down o^ reublng the platform. Bald aabort prayer, and apoke to her ooa> . fesaor. She arraiged her hwd-^rau and long hair, and, ataop< ing down to the block, fixed upon th* deatbaiaaa her fine eye*, u ahe asked him •■Would he hSTe the goodneu to tell bar wbat podtlon ahe ehonld take r' Banaon de Longnal, affected by the look*, bed acarody powet topolntonttoberthatshehad only to lay her head on the uook. She did 80, and aaked again "Am I right now t" A dond passed OTer Ine exeonlioaer's eyas. With both handa bo lined'ute heSTy double-edged aword nsad for tieheadinA: awlnglng it around in m kind of aro la the air, and bronght ft down with all hla might and ito own yrelght en th* loTe^ yi> tlm's nack. The blood spurted out but the head did not talL , An outon of horror bnrsi from the beboldeia Banaen atreok again. As before, tha whiatUik sound wu to be heard in the' a&>, u alao the Chop of the blade on the block, bdt the bead waa notstrlokenoSL The nearut speotslon fended the .body had qnlyiaied. The roar* of the throng grew threatening. BUndad . by the blood whloh had been apaltored around at- bash atroka; ' the headsman fbr the third time poised the weapon, and flten^ ' dedlygaVe the blow. AngdiqnVslisadatlaitroUedatherie*^. and the executloner'a aaalaiant* plowed it np.. , WairniD to bb di ftboo,—A eonntry mtrdhant down tut^ ' who wu notfd for his dishoneaty, euddenly, to the anrpriae of thoke who knew 'him.Abecame yery pleuai and jofaiad tfea: Orthodox ohnroht ^One Sunday arenlng, while exhortlag th* - brethren, he remarked that he had done laaay thinga for which he fdt Bony, and he deemed it hla duty to make fnO'ieatt- tatlon to those he tiad wronged- Be,tharetto(*,aBtlfladaUaB«k, that if tbey wonld call at hla store, ha weald do Be,' Abont fMir o'dook tbe next morning, a gentleman oalled at tha metehonfa bons'e, and aroused him from hia bed. ;Bai*lBg.tbe wlBdov, he. denuded the fciislneu of his Tldtor at that uily hoar IB; th* - morning: ' - •■iBtblsMiv ••Thatlajnyname.',' . .... :.■-•■> ■ ••Well, I.nnderatood yon haTe offered to make leannam to those ylrn haTe obeAted. Ton will nmember Oit npon one oocadon I-isnBered by yon to the extant af fifly doUai*, andlhayeoiaedto.getlt'.'. . ■ ' ' i .l- .lii; ' 'i ••Why did yon notwdt nntUproper:hour*, and thaa..edl,M , . , theatoref ' . - " . -\ . --n ■ •• , ••glmply becauae I thought if I did, then wsnU be madt k > -I otaradi Uiere,thAtlvouldnotget.aaythingl'':. - .-. *: i-.vv- LBiBinB)Pioioim.U;AWTer«I^docl«r,^*^iti»^^au'a^^ - catcher exerdse his employment ao*oa;panl*d hli* ««> th*«*lfc, A* aoon u he aaw tho birds, he hallooed IB LattlH-:.« j .' '-v 'i ■ -.•■There they are!" _, ..^ The birda took the alarm. The epoittman,^.,.,, ^ - abeurdity of the profeaaor, told him of it in i»LJi> term*. I , .. ■•Mygoodfriend,"exolaimed the doetar. Ifa-great <*I Mtto( v ' ment "who would haTaJmuioad ttut.thoiaKneraallbMa<.;r- woddhayannderatoo dLatin»" .., . .. , j,, ;..-:.-,' Wbo law MB itae(f-"X*ty.hay*yo«Ud thstatdieMA ""^ ; ''"An^rarelWe'meai—«T*rythiag bnt tha «n*i that Biddy'* w»rk I"