New York Clipper (May 1863)

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1 NEW YQBg-SQIgXPJPf R aiTpiAT/ltAT 9> 1888. • ' ^ Asbwiow TO <mibbkbf6iii>bm^b. • -^-«iJw««tMii»iiii.Mloh.—1. imnoitlxolnWjneealrtMT mLaSbL i«ito'-TL Ton »r»il pufeot firaeflom, legrtly, to !S^SS7^fc«Mdlan »ietoo niuncmiruMto mimtCmhei^ hoBUVmiSw ««r»yolT«d. »w two ol the prime teqnlrementa. rtfSlSty?^ a WhiTenot^enomWtof vgoAof IheWiIk"-oenpleto. " -- 8. Uie Ouma ttorle* bne not been II^LitabM tSioik tarn. 4. Tbe gretteet aietaaee recorded of • !Sef tntotiu^ br a b^d engine hotlionttUT,bau «taltototngl'>ef i™L ir»jita Button. V».-l. A» «ffl ojMwe by peoM 'onr toiiuue tl.N)tor Hzmontlu. a.'It U'pot fonlto rent.vltli tlie bands eboTotbe belt,pr«Tlded, «a n. "no daei notiiio^t icfstcb," eto. & Honer Mr ;4u«dlted, end theOioppu Trin be. an hand ln;dne iiifbBioir. HuardvUle, Conn.—Accerdlsg to you letter, rUOated April MUi,IIorrlTCn beta tbat BlobmondwUIbe anarS'Wthe Fadenl bKws In one, mbntli, while Harlow wa- 'a«S9iat'lt'iiulpfrt,be. .oreonr«en(fdeolsloncan yetbeglTeo, gC$ltwe,«(the,wageT.lsosrre9t r a:cdi>:<nilIaaelphla.-.ii-Tho role on this point lays'the dealer M»br einnot go alene; bnt that the miestion should be setUed bafbra.O0Bmienoisf the game. We lake the ground that nor gbrcr ean go alto* when a pkrtner aaslsts. r'''^: Troy;'^^-Suid a nototo'ltr. Blaphen Roberts, No. 848 ' "i'ltreet, sUHag ifreelsoJy'whatyon parpose dolnj, and the wltUte be Informed lijioB. - Be hashad^Mmnoh BM U ttit line u any one U^g. Ban Biowii, Toronto, Canadal-Jfack doMHOt coontnntfl •tter high, and low are scored, .eventhongh It mayhaTebeen jnMelwie thou cards were played. 'When toined op tmmp, bowCTer/Jaok Is scored Immediately. dains, LeaTenworlh, Kansas.—1. The limslo'oonUI ilotbe hadL addue-DOney has b«en'returned to yon. 1 We have no Uma to make the porohase. Some of OUT advertisers may attend toltforyon. HTM.' ftr.'OMriUi, O.—We are nnable to glre yon theprlces of crtdkit iStmal^t 'preient, wUob have changed slnca last year, ■mo&lnmltnts dealer haTenot yetoommenoed to adTsrtlse th&ltiw |Om'inBwaT yon next weUi,<prebably. . P''il^r-t. I^)OooIe la the bigger man cTery way. a. Wsdonot ■lT»IMMfor betting porpo;ea. ill we hare to say npon snoh ntdeal i^y be fsnnS in the Oiofeb, open to.the penual of alL T»4X'B.;< Thflade^Ua.-1. We know nothlng.futher'of the late's tBOrements than what yon may obserre In onr theatrical OqirbnUt''1 Bhel8notmarrlM,toODrknowlsdga. . ' p§T<F>i* , K; y.—Tbe best time ftem San Vlranolsoo io If ew Tork brw^tiiselj of which we haie any record. Is B4 days, by the '' y^oi. DavldscnTllIe, (^>nn.—We. know of none atpresent fonnught make application to Ur. Bntler, No. 6 Feck Blip.' He naihare aemething with "Tlnegijt" In him. 8>a T.v Preridenee, B. I.—Win labmlt you letter to the ■iifh«r!ortne article. V.'Til^nilladelphU.—A fleet of ships, consists of a nomber of ■blni;>pa^'of no specific number. -—. akkHioa:' . I : ; .' . OauiFiwf Bavut^ or EHauHi>.7-jMWiBaa JUam • ' - In another part of this isne of the duFin, will be ttannd a History of the flbam^l'onship of^tl^e ^^l^mM, an4.^ .'tttU* thelato Batobbetween.^lhainbe^'iai^ B^eitMi, >^ .mlohi the latter was'd<Sreai^,(numMn'*kll NialBlDft^t^ EaT- Ibg settled Ur.Erersonlsliiulneaa for Um,Clhambein'wlUneit haTe'to mMtsitoimldibto penonof Green,' the champion fonllerof AiutnLlU,,who.Tll{U bgUa^ for th'< expiM.pujiim of meetlsg the best abnller.thatfoonntcyoan produce, aiid as Ohiunben at preseiit tope the heap, the two dhlamplons win oome together In ave^ short time, to test who U the better man. The matth wllliM one of the most Interaat. In^ eveikn^lntheannaU'ef aqaaUouor(■,andwlUbeab4t- tldg race or Immense prejMrtldhs, ..Itae fut that Green has traToled thousands of miles to puU thi Zngllsh ohamplon on his own waters, shows that the Australian must haTS peat confl' deneeinhlsownabUltlas.^ While npon thembjeoti we may as weU state that Hamffl's proposition to "An ^^d" tr not Ukely to meet with any oon- alderatlon, at least .^pr.'the preiient,', Hamlll, «ho a* plndUly won hb two racetwilh Ward, last atthehlgb^ est game, and'we leaUr'bdlere'.he .wotfU . like to row either OhaAbers Gieen.; He has banter^ oi world, although his ohanenge does not appeap to liaVe been Issued In orthodox style: and this, probably, has IndnoM the Biltishtts to look upon It Ushtly. Be this as' It may.weafiould like to see his olbr ao- Aepted. The matoh between Qhambers and Green, now suPP<"*a to - be "on," wUl come "off" within two months, it Is thonghL After tha^ shonid Green proye the vtotor.he nilght find Itproflt- able to take a' look 'ihla way.'and try w{iat he oan do with ow young Amerloaa chtanplon, EtmOl, whose Mends seem willing to match him against any one.that offers. Blnoe his vloirales Iiat mamw, ^ehaa npalned f'maslter of the altuftlpn," no otift coming forward "hls'tttle'to' dilute." N^e thought we had a scoTO or two of .lnsty young sonners 'Hereaway, who wcndd.stand up'for th'd honor 0( the Empire State, but ilhey are either Joing the United States some serrloa in VliBlnla, or "laying lo^r*.* f^r <'>4tter chances," We hsTe not oren^eard much of Ward stbee his dlsaitraus ^ampalgtt of last yeat. . W'e were In hoped lhat h<l might be Induced to gnlpple-frtth the Pltlsbnrffh man again) hut|^ so ibir,'snis,quletalong tlis'Hadsoh. Boston, tiio, could'once bMstof.somegood.;nien on.thepnIIt but Eamlll^s Ttototly In the'regatta there last year appears to haTe"diiTeii tbem to the wall," for wejitai not a sound ftom' the boatmen of the "Hod- ^ AvBSf*JJi^~JTb» firienli of the Oiiinn ■>* dijrtributed all ^ar the werll, is our corNsp^ndMice |ind news Items fnny demopitnte. We reeelTod a Itttar oa the Bd, dsUd Uelbonme,Austialla,Veb.a8. Itsayi.tmongoth«Tihlngi-<aiie sperUng community here predominate, and are TCiy plucky, .Hlti ^ppkrently;'<^tji.'(tf ifot^' to baSi, their oplnlei^:' IherMre numbeit ef Asiatiiiuiiilijue. 'In fkit, among the spMshwe, jqn flndmany of the boys who were well known In Amerloa wiHiaTea goodly hmBberof trotting kcrses here; and wary man who qan aOod It, keeps his tut trotter We had jnlte an^.aqbatio treat on Saturday last, In the shape of a boat rtoe for Ibi Ohamplcnahlp of the Oolony and £108, between T. Ucaratb, of Sydney, and Balpb, of londcn, the former proTlng the Tlotor ■after only an Indifferent race.. The Oolonlste eut here are very sanguine over their protege. Green, who Is now )n England for the purpose of lewtngOhambeis." ' ' kn, (Jhlcsgo, HL— Hj[er has not fought slnca he.met and def^iijd'Iankee SuIlTan, In U19.. He has noTer fought Horriasey. B,.'01sTdand.—Edwin Booth and J. WUkes Booth are brothers; •ndions of the late Junius Brutus Booth. B.'li^ F.^Jlxtii Army Ooips.—^ were entitled to a sight for '^^^^Omaba, N. T.—Tou paper has bean jent ragnlariy. HsTO foiifardcd mlailng numbers, howcTcr. W.^E.'T.i VthK.I. Tola.-Theywere sent by Adards'Express OnAprQUth.^ ' ' D'ix]r^,TeledoJ—WebellsTe.theladylaitm In this dty. She baaiM yetnade her appeaianca In pnbUo.' . .,])U|kibaaiaiit.—We hare a Canada letter for you. TUslsthe. ■^SJi^'ttae we hsT* ,vtTartl|Md,lC. iBKBOi.EBa,—WehaTe clistter^^ * . f ,&!9,-^jpoburg, a Wrr<!Si^<i<«('^reaMi«d: 'Thanlu^ ■■ oVj.rHewBk'Mbi'OL—TherftU no fixed Talne for snob coins. . 'Wiocuqoa tna. ikuiviaT.—This old snd aSdent fire engine Mupaay of J^Ulad^phla, are about to add mothier to the many imprOTamenteth^haTebeenln^trdraental ln Introdaolng Intfi thel^.department ef^thataliy. They are nowiengaged In fl^ flag op'the seoond floor'Ot their beautltal ..marUs edifice, as a paila^^after .the New'idrk plan. ,; The floor la ooyered wlUi a baauqine Brussels cupett ti^e windows hsTO bean hung with F'^ieiBaak Mid lace curtains. In addition to Tenltlui blinds; fipenikeiotroaewobdfoinltuelM ]ust be^oom- [U;ilie''sft',iliMi■tsUng'ot flTO sofas, one lounge, oie dozen duln;:tiro teoeptlon chairs, aU'with stuffed seats, and of the ' "miwtMiiifiifti'iiiifl ffih<*n'"*' r"""'"^**' tntt^rt.i • there ■n also two oentre tables, marble tops, andtwonlne^feet mlr- .»».. Hie waUii are hnaijf with a 'number of appropriate paint- ings a nl'^^jrnin^, la'eludldg por^ajte'Of'I^^ oni of U'e'.^ldest'asidmofit energetlo'mu^^ company; Mid 'flfi'l^'pti 'l TT^"'g ''«i ■ tlompMiy it (nmnpolilld of members ' «f theiiWeootcoe Company,) 72d BeglmeAt Pennsylvania ToIuU' teen; O^t JJoGonlgle was killed while leading his men In an •ottdn'jritSthe'raemy'to'Y^iglnla,, To add to. thaapcdaI'ei\|oy-' nent^'iii'aniii^ament of Remembers atad their visitors, a mag- alficeht.TH'Mtaveplanohaa'beai pisoed In the.iodm: Itwas 9iade;)^;.'ini^,a«bIer;.o^']tr«^ Terk, andw'a^ puabaaed thnnijgh kte a^Vi''^ )Wl*^Pbia>.'e>ne#;Bd]ak.: Tfie whole expense Is covered- : by private subscriptions of-tl^ ihemberB. Ilie'room ' win bt'rcady'for'.use ln .a fn'da^, we (iongntniate W ftlenls'fii the Sbliaileiphl^.flre department, o^i'the'lnangnratlen . Ota featnre'which cannot faU to become popular with the entire depai^iinii' nie 'Weooagai^ we beUeve, -are the leaders ot the - BOvemeht 'lh Fhliitdeii^uU.. ' ■ , '.?.;i ■.--'- :■ ■ . ; *^ eni Athens," andtheSt Oharlea tt^ta' floin gently on, with no a^lrant for the' champion- laurels upon 'its rlppUng waters, FhUadelphla, too, U sQant, the many teat dlubs on the river SohuylUli not having yet. deyeIoi>el .any rising oarsmen fit to meet the young man tram the Smoky City, 4<.who laughs atou fg^,". and darts tis to the struggle. Win the:Austnilan ven- ture, "'I"* you? Distance Is no impediment to him, and if he la not kaptin London to meet others in addition to Chambers, It Is not Improbable that he may mn over to America.-" It would be a grand-alblr, could wa induce Chambers and Green, b^th, to visit us, and in.asprtot tdangular-boating duel with ou own eh ampion, deddelthe championship of the wodd.' dneetheabo^e was written, we liava received later'adMoca boin England,'by .which wa lium that the BogUsh and Austrar Uaa'ChamplOfS are teally.malehed, tlie race to take place on the Kthot Jnne..-Weperceive .that>.the Iicndoa papeiBannounce this as a raoe for tiie ciiamplonship of the World. It Is not so, however, for HamUl has offered to row any man in the world, and his offer hat nOtyet been responded to. TTn'tU the Ameri- can's cbaUenge has been answered, our friends on the other aide win please "hold'thelr horaes," and not claim th^ Chambers imd' Green match as a race for the world's championship. The fol- lowing artlole on the subiect is bom the Lmdon Spnttng I^e, ot Aprllie>- ■ XHfe aHAMHONBHIP, OF THE-WPBLD. . .. OIUJIBEBS Aim onEXR lUIOHU). Thaannannoeiilafit that . a . meeting between thf ^bove men would be held at Ur. EeUey's, at Futney, April 17, caused a large aaaemblj to meat at the |lella. There was a great mqiter ottha ^"^^SSii whom were Bobap C ' A VyUB fpltiD, .^jrp Un tras Bisi UiH Wnr.—As.we made a giiM ^^n7Malnst :the unik^ ' Hepoaa cnd.'Bayars, it ls.tobe hoped that everything will be ooDdq&MjCUr!uLd^'S^aare oii.the oooaslOn of ' the event between KbO^ftoand dii^^n,'':Tit ,onoe, let'os have a.oontast decided «n th^inMibtf'tll*^|Ma, without any outaldtf lntaiferanoe. We - have lltd too moQ^' l^angllaiit lu. prlM ring .'affilrs In this co'nn- tryiatfAitii.^.'flMinid'to njora ■pMdlly do It than a wrAngle or dlatubancs on the oooaaloii'of IheehakiplciUhipistatchiib'ont'to bedodded. We make these nmariB beoausa theratmfinDrb Unit a "squabble" may be the iipibotfotthe wl(ol» afliilr. We trust that these rumors are on- IbnnAUl,' Ifmattiuti'shakdtani aooordlng to. the storied lit ' drsaliifioiit however. It will be • flnlshlng!l&law to the Jt^ B. in HtlMctmibj; '■ > ■■ - ' J . • ■■• ' . BaqiMurjrira iB^.Otixnto Biu«m.—yft already hear the busy t^^srifiiiiim tor'the boating season soon to commenos; Ud fkOB what we bay* bMD led to undaiatand, we Mleve ihe|« Kin bfl'Uvily (tsle Aiaibng the lovers ot agnatio amiueaienti In til of the prihelpatolties and towns. We hays learned Incident.' •Ilyth^oA^iHendf ta'^royhavethen^terof'aregttta under «enii^a:V^^iaitbou8h' It l» not. probable that It will i4e ^Iaoe|iiiioti.Mi(ltMflatter part of the season. ' Itlsprofosad to haya the regiittib'for row-boats, take .place on tbe frnlsoni •bove'the'Stiite 'd<iai''ind^etMnt halt a nilla north of Troy. >Vrlie«'to ,ihe Am<nult'«f 1409 win'be offered fai> oompetttlan. -SkarlTeratlliatpotni'ls'katdtobeadmirablyadapted 'ibr the > pupajW, ;tten being bnt^ Teasels ther^ ^d .(nt very little ;enri^i^'/IWe.siiall..fee glid'toaif oar.-Mendi "up theitivar"In ;.,Wi«irjropesed aquttlofesttyal; ■ f.' . ..;' SMftr'ilr lilaaBiM.-^V«tid0it^iUi^ >ii4 iha.'peon- Ua^ PWdttoii Movpled by]femphii; T«n%>il^mla«^g deal «fsp«ri1goiiil«oaiher«.' Th#rac4eoiiuiMiuil»,VoHlPl(ikerlilgls lB«x«dIraie9Bdlti«i,and the races, *hl«jii'titke plaaa nearly •▼cirj^i.*** w«Ps*tl«i>A«A by «pMttng;gehtir, both atvU and and when the time of rowing was tha mooted ooaetlon, he. In a few words, stoted that-aa Green had,trSTeledfrom.Auatralla, ha ought to.h'ave afaw points waived; tharefore, the business was concluded by the articles being signed aa tollows:— Arttolas of sgreemsnt entered Into th|s 17th day of April. Iil6S, between Bobart Chambers, of Nowaaitla-on-I^pna, aid Blohard A* W. Green, ot Sydney, New South Wales. Tha said Bobert Chambers agrees to row tUa said Blohard A. W. Greene right-away race for the Championship of the, World andfou hundred pounds, being two hundred pounds a side, the race to be rowed In wagsrboata, over tbe uioal ccnise, ttom the Aqne- duot, Pntaiey, to a boat moored off the ship at' Uertlake. It la agreed that eaoh man la to be ready at the stertlng-poat at two P. u; on the afternoon ot the leth of Jnna^nexl, either man being abstnt to forfeit ill claim tojthe atakei. It 1« understood that this race Is to be rowad aocbrdlng to the rules ot boatiadsg for Champion races oh the Thames. It Is agreed that the fir^t de- posit, ot £ISO a aide, la to be niade by each of na on the Stat InsL with the editor of the SmrUngLtfe, through Vr. Baiter, of the Feathers, Wandaworth; the eecond depcelt, ot £10 a aide, to be made with Ur. Fanhhurst, BuU'sHoad, Barnes, On the 7lhot Uay ;_the third deposit, ot £tO a aide, to be made -with Ur. WU- ooz, white Hart, Barnes, on the list ot Uay;and the fourth and final deposit to be made with Ur. H.Xelley, ,the Bells^ Put- ney, on tbe 11th ot June; each deposit to be made between: the hours ot 8 P. U. and 10 P. U., at the above named houses. Tlie editor ottbe Sporting Life to be final siakeholdar. It Is sgreed that either party falling to make the before-mentioned deposlto to forfeit the whole ot the'stakes downi 'at the time ottoe slakes foUlhgdne, andUie .cutt-jrs attending the men to keep astern at ihe stammoat man. It is further .agreed that the referee snaU he . choseh on the 16th day of June sreceding the race at twelve o'clock at noon, at. a meeting to be neid at Ur. Laldler's, New Inn, Old BaUey,'LOndan. (Signed,) - BOBZBT OEUIBKBSh B,.A. GaaxR. Dated at Ur. E. EeUey's, the feUs, Fntney. April 17,1868. inn gmn'a HaToa—Ou Utest advices, up to AprU 13d, report everything: going on quietly, the Interest In the great match Increasing every day. Both men are doing wdl In their travels with Howes', and Otaneit'salrcuses.thedesfaiipt the "provlnalals" to see'.'the two gladiators belnk very great. T he next deposit of tl60 a side -was to have been made good on' the 33dult, at Ur. BIohardson's,.ihs Blue Anchor, ShoredltaU. The fight between Ooburn sind UoOoole'wlll Inoreaseihe Intttest In this country in the International Uatob. ■ yriMTT.T. iia> Wibd^Ut. Stephen Boberte, of this dty, is In possession ota letter ftom.the badker of Eamlll, the young Plttebnrgh scuUer, In which it is steted that HamUl will be happy to meet Wsrd, or any;;i,-tn the llh. of July re- gatto,at Boston. The Pittebnrgbers are ^willing to row a two-otred race against any two men that can be produced, for isdo or' $1,000; or, it Boston offaiAi a prize for a two-oared nee, they win send two men, Plt^urgh is spnnky. BaoiHa.—There teUWeor'no talk of raclgig this season. Lost ye^'s 'tanure oreateiab''depression in the^,market," and it is pot at aU likely .tbat we shall have anythlni[^of moment to re- cord'the ourrent year. "Bad''tunagement swatnped everything last season* and it vrffl require some resny gaod-|ad ryponslbit men to create any ^interest in racing matters hareafter. At- tempts iqay be mad.e tp humbug th« public agaln,'bnt we trust that the iesscn teught them before may not be without Ite good effects thld seas on.. ', ' ^ ^ Cut'x win.-rAR we go to press on Monday evening, we are unable to° give the result ot the UoOocleand Ootiummateh'tn this issue. FnU partlcujars of the event, prepared with care, win be given In next week's CuiTia. in tbe meantime, the dallies win no doubt give oU necessary details ot the fight— the weekUevriUslso goln for It, and we 'shonld.not be sqr- p^lsed if the pldns Journals were to report the affair. Every, a sport, now-a^ays. In it few weeks the figh^wUl be forgbtton, and the "respeetaUea" win be calUng the boys "brutes," ete. ' ' Tbix Lobo Boat.- We referred In ou last to an order sent to -Ur. Stephen Boberts to build a club boat to measure laenii) feet I& length, to be pulled by tbiten olrs.. There, la no mistake about It. ' The boatIs to be built aa stoted, and Ur. Boberte baa el ready Iald:ths heeL It Is to be completed In the best style, and & tntendcd.aa a present to. the Undine Club, ot Pittsburgh, .the donoir tMlbg a wealthy gentleman ot that city, who takes a 'lively interest In aqnatlo sports. BiEti Bill. xmnxB TBTXna CiaouiariNois.-During the artu- lery duel aoroea the Bapj^ahannock, between the rebels and the first division ot the Fotomaa army^ two nlnea ot tbe brigade were playing a game ot base ban Just in the rear ot the aldrmlah- ers, entirely heedless of the shrieking of the shells, or the whiz- zing ot the shot from the rebel batteries. This waa the pursuit ot pleasure under -dllfionltles, with a vengeance. Nova Scorn vs EKOUim,—It te stated that (he Halifax Tacht Club is trying to get up a series of rowing matches between the, oarsmen otBov^Bootla and the mother country. Iftheyabould take placoi the kaiquailcn, of'freilerlckton,(N.'&, says—"the' New Brunswick oarsmen win of ooune ohallange and beat the I . .. .. ■ _ • ■ Good ton ibb - Boms.—John. Uorrlasey last week handed over to the Enlghte ot Bt Patrick, $1,016, the proceeds ot tbe recent sparring e^blUon given at Hoym's Theatre, In the ,Bowery, tor the benefit of the Jrlah Belief Fund. Not ba& for the " brutal prize figtitarai" Is It! en ot the EoUor^-.who t9«k part In ibe proceedings, were Uanolt, Wood, Beach, Beao^'Sprague,'Speiioe, and Devyn, It -wu really a treat to see Bnrkguk pltoh; he U unquestionably now the finest plteherln'the country, 'Kioeedlngly swift in taoe, accurate In deUveiy, and having a thorough oommand of he ball, and being withal a first da's fielder, and oool and self- Dsseseed while In a mateh, he pannot but be regarded as tha : Ight man In the right place, and the poaaesslon of such a player as this man, u undoubtedly a great advantage to the dub he belongs to. But even as tha swiftest and best bowling in cricket bai been mastered by the baittog, ao oan tha awlttest and best fielding In base boU be over, come by masterly and skUful nse of the bat, and ln,thla respect the Atlantloa have an advantage, so that the contest may be said to be u nearly eqnid between them as can wall be. Al. ready the betting tTawmlty have entered into engogemente In regard to the result, and no doubt thousands at dollars will change bands on the occasion of tha first mateh t)atween tbtoi. In oonneotlon with these conteste for the Champtenshlp, and fn view of the toot that the season hss Just tMen .oomnienoed, we-woiU suggest to aU players to give a little heed:to the fol> lowing hlnte, aa they are oalculatedto benefit aU who do pay attonuon to them:— Ant—Devote one day, at least, each week, to praotlalng th* first nine together as a whole, eUber against the seoond nine or aweU picked field of players, The habit ot mUlng np the nines together on praottca daya to undonbtadly good enough, per- haps, for general exercise in tha several departmente at the game, but ft Is not a custom calculated to Improve the play ot • nine at a vUU. tlntU theilnt nine of a club Is thoroughly dis- ciplined to play together'harmonleusly, both as regards their movemente on the field, and their oanndenoe in and knowledge of BOoh other'a play, they never wlU play with that degree of skiUandefleot that they would it they were thoroughly ftto- ' Used In their regularly appointed poBlt(pns. Therefere, we say to aU dubs,but espedaUy to those about entering Into any im- Sortuit lerlea of ouiteite, i^ractlce ysu first nine against the dd as often aayoinian, ana dlsolpllae them to play together oa a whole. Nine weU drilled aeoond rate jplayers are frequently worth tvrlce as teucb as a nine composed entlrdy ot first dais players, but who have not played together. This te tha oblef reasen why amalgamated nlnea do not eucoeed aa well as people are led to expeot nom the quality ot material ot which they are oom^oaed. . iScconilly—Let ebedlenoe to the commands of the Captain ef tha day be the strict order ot the game, bb It merely tor practice or a regnlar match: and above aU pray refrain from that usdeos and abrart habit ef grumbling aid gro^rllna at each other If matters do not ran as smootUy as they might do. Bemember that every player, for hU own oradlt sake, wlU strive to de bis beat, and aU the oeniun In-the wAld won't mend the matter it he tkll; on the contrary, it is Ukely to make him play ten times worse. Of aU the nuisances of a baU-gronnd, save us tnm these snarling, fault-finding dlspcelUonS, that continually can- snrs averr tallura to aucoeed, and barely tolerate any eredllabl» effort thai does not emanate from themsdves. - nieref ore. It yen cannet praise a man for what he does, pray keep silent, unleas- yonwiihtogratuy you malice and Hi-nature at bte expense. One word mere and we have done, Remembkr that a ereltotle victory abides only with that party, who. In winning the matoh,. have marked their play aa -anob by their ooutesy of demeanor, liberality of action, and the good playing they have displayed,, as by their sklU In the several departmente of the game. FBixMmmp Ts IiiBKBTT,—A match was played between these two Junior dnbe on April SOtb, on the grounds ot the Ubgxtr dubi atBadford^L. I.,whtdi resnltedln avlctory tor the Friend- ships by a score ot 86 to 16. ■ The score:— BATTINS. FBIENDUUIPU. LIBEBT7. Gbisa TO TBI FiaHT.—A large number ot persona left this' Olty on Sunday evening and Uonday morning, forPUlladdphla, In order to be In' tlmato take passage tor the'plaoe sdectad for tha flghtbetween UoOoole a^d bobum. There were merobante amoBg the number, editors, lawyers, etc, sU on the sly, and any quantt- tyot "the boys."- The papers are to be pretty wen represented, too, nearly every Journal ot note having deputized some one to act as reporter, and dish np tha "aldkenlng details," ss the "respecta- bles'' term it, of the fight.- Oobum has been the bvorlte In the betting, but w« see no reason why he should have such odds placed upon him. UbCooIa, certainly,-did not show to advan- tage- In his sparring here; he seemed slow and dunuy, and ••oonnblsseus" at once took their', cue thereiicom, sad pnv nouiiced him a "gone oOon." It belsbeateo, hla opponen|wlil have to punish him very severely, for, to ou eye, he looks Uke a mafi thU can s'land some prel^ haM thumps and rou^ irork. Against wdght, height, snd reach, in which HcOools has the ad- vantage, .Oobnrni puts Us knowledge, of the art of manual de- fenoey which'hi'.pMsessM in Braihls reaches the eye'if some ofou reiulers, the battle may have been fought and worn ■ - . ■ ' ■ Loos Out mb Boons Bapoaia or thi fiaR,—We have |t on good authority that, parties /have it ^{ader eontlderation to get' oat bogus extras, porjtortla^ to. give raporte oit tbe fight between UcOooIe and Oobna.- We caution the 'pnbllo toba^n their guard, agalttst an suoh .(fflposl(lon|^ and: bw advice is, do not in^e a net, on. Uia ev'ent,''(m.tbe day qf ibe fight.. Vnprlndpled parties may endeayor to swindle the ^ple by fotie reports, and tbe btst ^an Is to .have npthtng 'to do'willi iiny Ixrtting ar- rangetnehis on 'ihe 6lh. '!riie:ara{i'wiil:haro early and reliable i|iew8 eonoemlng the, flghV by: telegraph.- Look otat for the ■bogu* ettroa.;';' ,:-'/.'':\C ':' .-:..'/.•;. '': Foot BiXlb OHj^x«aa AootrnD.--rIn'on» ilonof afciot.nbeibftwaen .Joseph UoKanpsand fblL'SteffiDV UcUanua wlbalDg.' It wo* also stated that Stefltm subMqaently cbaUetijied U«Uaaiis:to run 100 yards, tor tW, Whlob.ilfoUimus' did not aootpt. UoUahus has'slhae ealled upon tis, and says that the challenge la taoepteil^ and that he win ru 'BteOui 100 yards, BALL PLAY. THB CONTEST FOB T^ OHAUFIONSBIP FOB 1863.' Thb Doovussn.SiaNaD, -aipi thb Ukk Gona Inro TnAiBiMa, ATLAUm rS EOKFOBD tVB TEE CBiMPlONSHIP. The eesaonit 1663 la going to! be marked by a series of the most exdtlDg and brUllut games fbr the ohamplohshlp that have hitherto marked of ou American game or base' ball. For yean past, the noted Atlantic club ruled the roast In boll playing clroles, their nliA never having been defeated in a regularly conteated series of home and home games previous to their defeat by the Ecktord dab, last summer. Indeed, the Eok- toTde were the only dub, beelde the Excelslom, that could even come. near them before. 1861, the Untuals, of New Tork, then taking a hand lit the game, and winning two balls eut ot three from Qiem. There wlUbe several candldataa for the champlenihlo honon thte season, but the contest between the Atlantica and EcktordawlUbetheprlndpdone. The Untuals are preparinir to "go In and win." and so ar; the Bareka'a, of Newark, and doubt- leas the Unions, ot Uortsanla,'Intend putting In an -appearance their fameus pitcher, Hannegau, having proved himself to bee very troublesome customer to have agauiBt one Ih a mateh. But, aa we said before, the great fight wlU be between theAflauUos and Eckfords, and defend upon it whldi ever wins in thA great battle between them, they are not going to permit any other dub to wrest the hard-earned trophy from them, this year at any rate. On Fast Day—Thursday, April SOlh—the two oblef conteeUnte for the cbamplonahlp ball—whloh,. we wiU simply remark. Is «o( tbe eUver bAU tbe Eckforda won last season, but another ball yet to be made—went Into training at their respective quarters, vu. u theAtlantIo grounds at Bedford) under tbe charge of ou old friend Vlld; ot the Clovei HIU Hotd,.on Gates Avenue; and the Union (grounds, at Wllllamabnrgb, of whloh President Cam- m^er, of skating pond notorle^, has ths entire contioL The day's prooeedlnga on niunday were the aourca of a «reat deal an unusually large crowd of speotetorsi ovar a thousand ot whom were preseiit on the Atlantic grounds a large number also being present la and around the Union bd grounds; the lady firlends ot the playen being present incon- siderable numbers, they spparently being retoltiteZy determined to give tbe champions the uvor of their oountenanoa and ap. provsL ;. - The Atlantloa tnmed ont the ^ngest team, playing more membon on the occasion than we ever remember to have seen present on an opening day,'there being a snfflolent number to have made up two foU games. Among aose ot the flnt nlile who tA)k-part In the proceedings were Smith, Fearce, M, O'Brien, P. O'Brien, and-Joe OUver, ot the old team: and Crane, Btark, Chapman, and A. Smith, of ihe new men. ' ' Smith and Peoroe chose ddas, and then want vrork; but the winter'e rust was apparent In the muffin raoveminte ot tbe majority; 'that, however, wlU toon wear off, and In a few weeks the men win get down to.thelr work in earnest Wbowiil oom- poaa the entire nine ot tbe Atlantloa this season, we oannot yet iel],:bat among those.eertaln to pbt in an appearance on the great day, we have to name C. Smith, Fearoe, Crane, Start, OU- ver, Chapman, and one ot the O'Briens. A. Smith pitobed In Samvan,lBtb. Byan,- 9d b., 4 Noonan, o 3 Collins, as 1 Uoore, J,2db 8 Hayes, p. 6 Uoore,!), It...' % Total.. B,Zm aUKB i 6 0 6 7 6 a e B,L. BT7B8' 8 a Brady, o JohnUaNevln,sa ....a 3 UoOormldi, p 1 S- Cas|Idy,2db 8 I JamesUoNevln,8db..4 \ Dooley, If .....a 1 Norton, of 0 S Fox, 1st b ..,3 a I» Total Buns USB m bicb nnnNos. 1st Id 3d 4th 6th eth Friendahlpa ....3 18 6 6 4 4—35 Liberty a 0 1 0 6 7—16 Umpire—T. Connolly. Scorer, W. King. • Tbe following are Ihe scores of the games played by the Atlan- tlo, Eckford, and Star dubs, on Thursday last. They wlU prove Interesting io those ot ou readers who are in the army :— ATLAN'no olub. ■^jr-v-' / bathko. Pfi^soE's Side, Surra's Sn>B. ■"" H.L.Btma ....0 Rims. ' ' H.L. BDBB Fearce, o 0 Chapman, 1st b .'.a Oliver, Id b A Smith, p ^^^&!!t!,;" Ldahd,,8d b'k., .V 0 Uoore, f Dfck,f.,........ WBeavea, r.'.... F O'Brien, a'i... 0 a a a . Total.. a 8 a 1 0 0 . •0 1 1, 1 0 Smith, 0 Crane, Id b Btert, istb BUss, t 2£St:'.?:v.'.\:: Joe Oliver, 3d b,', Cassldy, f. Unrtbs, as..'... . U O'Brien, t Eaden,f , .0 ...,1 ....4 —a —a a ....8 ....4 ....1 ,...,a Totel,. BDNB lUDB IM lAOB ISIIIHSS, let 3d 3d 4th eth 6th Tth Pearoe's aide— 8 1 3 a a 1 3-14 Smlth'sslda ;...18 6 8 1 6 1 8-:-8a Umpire—W. Babcock. Beore^M}. W. Uoore. naHEi. UanoIt,lf,.....' Taylor, p BUss, 0 l^ach, istb Devyr, ss AUen,3db Bprogae, adb... Storer, of. Xates,rf EOEFOBD. BAxrmo. B.ti.BUI<8 ...1 4, ...a S ...a 8 A .a Total., 8 a 8 a a 1 .ai HOOna. B.L. BTTHB- UBogen, adb a Wood,p 4 Beach, 0 8 TCblcheeter, lat b....a UoOutcbeon, s B a Byrne, 3d b 8 U Chichester, If 1 Stanton, of a Cooper, r f a Total.. BUVS HADE IN BAOa INMinOB. „ ... lat 3d 3d 4lh eth 6th 7th Uanolt'aslde 4 8 3 4 10 0 0—33 BogeiB' aide 3 3 01 3 I 0—0' HIVES. B,L, BUMS UiteheU,adb, 4 a ChUton,p 8 8 Thompson, 0 8 - 8 WaddeU,lBtb 1 6 UoOulloigVr f ..a 4 Whiting, ot a 4 aalpln,2db 8 3 STAB. BAITUtO, Totd., ■18. KAinS. Eelly,3db.. Henry, o Doty, let b Bkaate, p Weeks, Idb OliappeU, rf...... Uaioon, 01 i Smith a Total.... B,!,. BmVfli ...3 3 ...0 8 ..,8 1 ...4 0 0 1 8 a .8 ...13 Ultobdl'sslde. KeUy'sBlde..,. BUNS KADB IK SAoB nnmaB; 1st 2d 8d 4th eth 6th 6 10 0 0 1 1—» •• ••• a 3 4 0 8 3-13: A UiLiTABS Babi Baiji Uatob.—Two nines, one sdeoted from anoe,-ot1)otb olBoen and privates. The loatchwaafortieoa. side; we are informed, and some $3000 In beta are said to hav» changed hands. Wa append the soora ot the play:—. BATTING. not for the right man In (he right place oa the day of the first great matoh, waoannot yet aay. They talk ot making U. O'Brien go Into practice again, and If fiiey do,Hhey win do well. . The Intereet manlfeeted in the movemente ot. theae two dubs, but especially ot the Atlantloa, la supposed to show not only how popular the gamp la, but also the degree ot excitement the ponteite win give riae to among the thousands ot adttilren of baU play that reside in the melroMlls, In tkot. In baU playina olroles throughput the conntiTitlie otinUst toithe chanSlon- ship has been the regular topfc ot oonvarsatloa, and when the great matehesoome off there wUl be certain delegaUont from eveiy dtv in tbe North present, and no doubt the largest oon* ooune ofspectetore ever seen at a match. The Eckforda, on Thunlay lut, alao want into training, aud henoefcrlh will be found hard at work preparing to ntaln the Uuela they have ao long and so ardenUy atriven to win. The opening proceedings on the Union grounds on Wednes- day, consisted of two games between a number of playera se- lected from each ot the three dabs occupying thI Union grounds, via., the Eckfords, Besolntes, and tfnlons. Two "dies" ware sdeoM for eadi dub, and from these, tm) nines Onode up, the "flrsfcdx ntoe" plavlng in the after&ooa, and oond-iJkBlnelntbemoniliig. Among the flnt nine play. it c SECOND, N. Kiioa, Furdy, p Fieroe, o. Heady, Utb Badman, Idb... WM^edb Octodspead, s i,. Trdsdell,lf.... AIoher,rf Blokey, o t ' Total., B.ti, BDNB ..S 0 0 0 8 8 ..,'..a a .....8 i ....14 VBW JEBBET BEGIUENT8. NAuu. b.l; Binn WaUier,p....... Drugler, o'. Hardy, utb Loohey, 3db...., Westervdt,8db., Hopward, ss.,.,. HloVlf .: Uorrow, of Garrison, r(,;.. , 8 .84 Total...,. BUNaMADaiNxioamiNas. , „ • ' 1st 3d ea 4th eth 6lh 7th 8th 9th Seoond, Hew Tork 3 3 6 .1 o 1 3 0 1—14 NewJeney......... ; 1 1 a 9 6 10 4 1 -84 Home runs weri made by-4lartlBon, 1; Heady, I| TrosdaU, 3; Walker, 3, » Umplre-Oaptetn J. B. Bmltb, Oblef ot ArtUlery of Third Army Oorpsi. Sconr—Lleat Uullery, 7th Beglmant, New Jeney Volunteers. PaiLAsnpini Bma Otrs.—nite olub ^tA thdr Inaugural fWng tor the present season, In tbe early part of the put week, on tue grbunaa of the'eompany, near tbe Oolonbte bridge. Wa loam that the oompanywlUpnotloa firing, twice eaoh month daring the saiaAB,'which win last daring thei sammsr and fioU monthg. Tht taumben who wen present at the practice on the occasion dladed to above, were not numerous, the weather evldanUy osantlng against the plans ot Uiaolub. Aa firing on the. oowl^ wM good, thk genUeiBitn having perfkcted them- idret to a oNdltebla degM« u this ueral praottoe.