New York Clipper (May 1863)

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■ .v-i • ■.•.u^-^.-j';''v!;rji S^mSvSSF^ a»» olw* "ten to retft hind. taaio.to4 S.Sltol«htMtir. Howovet. tlm%,llk» jouUi, mfl»t*« IS iftSr "onr WorUir boat," Mr. Jamet, lud ob&rmed hU mMtiirltlk "Anil J[dOg Brne," the comptnj bent their ittpa lome^iid, bo^lsg tbat they'd meet iBtln Ufi/re "Oia oroel war tiOTsr." ObomBl Ortn'i Italian Opera Troupe, Tilth Lorlnl; Oordler, Uorenn, BrlgnoU. MaboUton, Amodlo, Snilnl, and Uazlo, oondaolor, gaTs their flntoperkUoiepreientatlon, at like'i Open Hodae, SlBolnnatl, on the 18th. Lnoretta Borgia wu the fint opera, to bafoUbwedbrLaTnTlatsand EnuAt ' ' Oranwllh Us opera troupe la eipeoted la Olerdand at the dloae ot the pnaent Inoath. irtth SlokCKedi '.' ' yry gyA BBEHT, jSb!!M-4i(e*aiid Ud'Ue. Zoo's 'Muitat^i came to a oloee on tha U)_ . ..^ ' -~SB!iw « fi ti»iin T», the oharmlng eongatreu, oondiided a BlBlily nuMMOl'lhtee week*' esgagemfnt at Fltulmrgh on the Uth; OhlMla; the jaSHler and iteneral perronner, la this woek at — ^SHiiBili, baa tonred the lUnani nlnrtrel ioene t^ififk Hani" anS'la drawing good honies. Hlea har ilnt appaalanoe on Honday erenlng, „_ ^ .my aweatly.lial her Tolctla mot strong. Her , appiumhceieB- tb* atag* i». qnlla prepoaaeaskg, and she prom- .'. iaeato h« aallil a taToAa. Oar ooireipondest "E." aays>-The ^mttttiUf dahca betwaea Ilank Maam, Alex. Boat, and Vaster Vian^aftf^oto atteatloh enongh to be repeated eren OTenlng. is^o uair btat, and eioh baa a host of friends. Hatter Barney ,Ja tlii»ttT«rlt«.,.Johnny Poweisand Hank Uison glTessMr- VilliA'ti'lal'eMi waning, and laein to be abont eanallr matched. '^'SSnHii^^ ot "Aladdin," whloh baa been aoma time Injpie- Mn, Ttalfi-liroadoBd OB Thnrsday ewnlDg,,Mtb. ilr. Oeo. llllamaiMS painted entirely new eeenety for this speotaole, '''wd'U'tldltbeWnght oat oodfo theapaolal anperlnteodence of SMlr^ OiutdaT Lewis, the trapiilar and efflctent atue im yF^matti "ttewmaUoaT' u> the great oapltal olty, Vaahtogton, iMittty llTelr. . 1b9 OuterVorr Hall u doing an Immenae ;bi$in<a^ with )|rile.,0^ettl as tbt^. Mlsa Agnes Bather- miilay, b^St tronperniaddlraoUon of Honalanr BzoUoey, Is ex- " ibdlentriad 'a.pi«tUiiY seVof glrhi la seldom leen together. mia oompUmentaiT bed^itolir^Oeoigs B-Edeson, the stage 'jjuagaPidn'thsttbtWak i'tiesnodong suooeas. Althoiigh It ^ jalned T«iT hardloll dar^iid ^Ight, there waaa larger aadlenoe , tK" 'nig sTer-lA the' bnlldlnit Detore. Tha play of Jack Bhep- '.'jlardwaapigdaoaaiB good rtyle. H. W. Esgan waa theJaok; ' .aaiTIEiltfOii,'the renowned BlneaUn. J. H. Bndworlb, W. H. ;j.^iMaoh~ind BlUy Boyd are nnderilited to appear on ibp 18lh^ i,' ,Ih4 Baltlmon Uoaeom la to be opened on the IStb, naderue . JtaugaAshtof BInn.'of the Oanteifaoiy, Waihlnuton, D.0< 1'^' OODont w.Ti^ ;j^awBrk, nndei the management of Hossis, XUeboDOk (1C0.V oloaed hist week. „ Ulsa-Eate Wallen, the daahing dansenae, opened at Trlmhle'a r. Tarl(ttlei>,<>nthe'18lb, for a two. weeks'engagement ' . ' .;A1 OlUMntt'a Ueledsoa, Ban Frifmolaco, a good nlnatrol tronpe c Is Inea^'g with peat ancceae. Father Bernard afctaas Inter- r Joottor, and Joa Uarphy^ndJohnSeAngeUsareon theendsi V. ,Bam'lMUe,-therape-in|lktf,oamene^ttklna blS'last walk .vltV«ibli>gVm,1>,0,, daw 4be peat week. He bad annonnced vti'wallk'tha.npesltetolwdtDamtbe gtonnd to tbe top of the '/Twiatlea".bnUdlng./He had aaoendedbata abort dlitance, ''^han° his freight d^w the shaft to whloh the rope was attaohed, oat of the groondi and Hr. L. waa Immediately preolpltatedto thaaarth. Medical applications aoon reitorad him, and halt ' leadt-for another atari. . "AtiheVarlatlea, St.I,onls, Ulss Uarla Barton made berfliat Barry Beymore, well known In theatrical olrolea, has for a Cms doffed the took and bnakln, and Is at praaent lobefonnd baWlng with bis oonntry't enemy. He Is an •'tottTe memlw' af Odmpany E, 3d Battalion, Stb Ohio Voli., when he has been alnce Angost laat < Be may now bs fonnd at Oamp DenT^r, near aorlnthTHlu. At Corinth, Mlts.itheghaTe'atmiUdramatle odmpany, com' posed of the following membon:—Jnlea Meredith, W. B. Bhoriz, S. H. Johnion, and Jenny Ploienoo. The rist of the oompany Is made np of soldlera from the Ohio regiments.' A. new hall la being Atted np on Main street la the tppoaranoe of »,new dramatlo tronpe. • „ Tathei Onllok'a OontlpeBtal Old Tolks, with the Terllable Thomas \f arbnnt aa Ihelir agent, have been invading Ooinmhot, Ohio, dnrlog thepast'woek. TheywereatNaaghton'aBall,; on< the ISth, and from there Journeyed, to. Delaware, Ohio, a good show town.' The Falgy slaters are grea^TOrltea wlth this troape.' \fUllun B, Brown, Tooallst>bnmorlat. anther and oompoter, is peregrinating throngh the jlew England towns, ' His perform- anoea oonalat of hnmorona and comlo sjiogs, personations, and dellnektlons of ■eooanbrlo and oomlo oharaotera.' Be Is aaslsted^ by HvWebeter Otnterbury. On the Uth, ha waa at BandolpU;, letb, u East Stonghton; Uth, at North Bridgtwater. Miss Qoodrtob, who lately made a detat is San. Fraiolsoo, la giving parlor entertainments, snob aa readings, redlatlons, fto., tnrongb the monntaln towns ot that Btats. Harrington,'tha Boston Tentrlloqolst, will plar the month of; Hay In l&ne, pommenolng at Booth Berwlek^n the 18tb.- A great oorloalty at Bangor, Me.; la &Te yonng foies, whleh wen nnrud, bnngbt np, and still matamtlly oared for, by .'a bitch dog. J. O. Myers is endearorlng to obtabithemforexlil' blUon. The Holman Opera Tronpe opened at Portland, Me., on the Uth inak, to a Dig boaae; and did well, wa nndentand, on the' sncoeedlog nights.' They oonunenoe a season at Mrs. Jane Sng' llsh's New Tram'ont, Boston, 00 the IStb.-' ' Dollle Dntton did a yery soor boilneat at Uasonio Ball, Bltla- bnrgb, laat week. * Outer'a Zeaave IVonpe met with a very laTorable recaption In Oolumbns, Ohio. Alter leaTtng thst dty, they w^ded their way farther west, towardtBpringfIdd, Dayton, etc.". . «- ' Ulas Dioklnaon most now bo ranked .among oorimfesalonal friends, aa she has become a pnbUo woman in the pouUoal arena. Bbe is to "deliver a general engagement tf. the enemy" on the tli inet.,{at the Brooklyn Aoademy. Bnbjeot—"Bowfrovldenoe. Is Teaching tha Nation." We believe Ann la an "antl-Mcaellan man." Bbe sponta like a female locomotive. ' .Usdama Charlotte Vtrlan, BenryBreper, and Edward Boff- man. gave a oonoert in Moalo Hall, New Eaveb, Oi, May Uth, meenn^apoorrec«:(tlon, batby"anlvaratl raqnest^" they re. ' ^ appeaianee on Monday evening, 11th, in the oharaoter of Carlo, .'.^ fid the play'of "Aajsodeos."' Bnelafaldto bava been qnlte snc oaUnL xbe order of the perfonnanoe last week eenslsteiTof into aodf£moeagatDitthltlndlvlAaai,wareltnotto4«ti)iyMU tigbtwith my friends and the pnbllo; and in wdlottton' of ''o.iir' " ictertbom the effeota of aabh s(MmdtL- Boflnf'yotiwlll' plobe' to my letter or aa mnob as .yon oaq'make.toom far„ I- onrsteapeotfWy, - .Wiuuv T. Antaa. . a Eriadolaoo,OaL, Aprnai,'68. , [Wa have' abbreviated Hr. Aymar's card somewhat, bnt th^: above tfontalna all neoeaaary partlonlara. The dooomonts to- ftered to by him in' the above, have been received by as, and have every appearanoa of being gennlne and aatbentlo, and folly prove that Hits BatOhelor was not married to Mr. WUUam T. Aymar at - the ttmeof her death. Tb; principal' deonment la algnedby Doctors Wendell and Elnney, and endorsed by John E. Loveloy, V. B. Oonat)l at Callao; and F. J. Thlbaalt, «>taty Pobllo ot Ban Franolaoo.— Ed Clip.] Tha cream of ahom la Tennesgee, says a Memphla oerrea. poadent, la "Old Carey's Great Pavilion Bhow," and he baa some Brat olaaa porfanners. Be baa been playing nnder canvaa in the different camps, bnt baa now bonsht cot alarge hotel here, and Ismnnlngblgclronsin town; he has been very abooeaafalure- garda peonnlaiy affaUa. Be baa Hr. Oliver Bell, Bill Bparka, Ned Blratght, Charlie Straight, BnghyUorton,'.To1aaU, Ctroy (clown), and the wonderfaLHolland family, oontlatlng of John Holland, Ben,, and Mastera John, Qeorga, and Eddie. Tbe three Ulasoa Oatey do the singing and dancing. Oliver Bell ttkea abeaeBt the ivb, on which oaetslon Mr. George H. Bontley, tbe'oelebratad weatern down, appeara in aoma of nla gntesqoe andeomloantloa.'1. L. B. Lent'a BqoaikcarrlcDinm will exhibit at UUoa, N. T., on thanthintl < Hr. James U. Nixon, vrlth the assistance of hla old aagoolata, Thaddena Barton, have loaaed the drcos let i> Baltimore known aa the "City Sprbig" lot, on Calvert street, and. Intend patting np a anmmer garden^ wherein vrill be: given' Urona and other perfermaneea, dt a lighter order, appcoaohtng aa near aa the spaoaef gronadwlUpermit, the aame atyle ef perfarmaaces at natf uii^iiarated at the Cremome Garden la this alty. ' BBOBO mi^BTIlBLBT,; Floyd/'an< .lt'PnTad a'fklIare..>.'.^Tha dram* ot "Janet Pride,V with Ulss AvonlaJoneaas tbaheiolns, waa revived en tha.ailh' nit, bat baslneaa did not aeam to- be very good.:..-. / Bitdlar'a Wella la graced by,the engigemeat of Uadame Celesta, wholiaa appeared in the drama of "The Beuse oa the Bridge of Nob* I>ame" <'Tbo City of london!^ baa bronght oat "Peep Day". Mr. J. B. Bowe la now engaged at tha Marylabood Theatre. . ' , ' The followlitt gossip concerning tbeatrtoals, olrcasei, s^.' strols, etc, la nom a If ew .York profeasloDal, now in England, ' and known In OUT oorretpondenoeaa "Wide Aw^a." Bla letter la dated Uveipoo), April 80th, and la aa follows>-Jlm Hyam" Olrooa has not done mach basineaa ad yeMere. On hla epenlng night the boose was not ovar:hair fall, and tbe peVformanoo' hiated till balf-paat eleven; the next night tbe ahow.wis over early, and the bonse vraa not aa fall. Tbia bonae has a Uqner license, and the bar la kept on tbe Amerlena stylr, nnder the dlireotion of Jim Ibers himself. Next weak, BotSem goes to the Prince of Wales Theatre, BlniiliigbaB TheOhrltty Minstrels (Wllscm party) era doing an unmeaaa bnslnesa at the at Jamea'HalL O. W. Uoore'a comical aaylngs of "Stick to ms," and "Is ray clothes safe," are all over the town, Tbla com> panyhave laaaod the St James'Ball for seven yoars--Bot aa ■ permanent place for tbe band, bat aa a tpeonlanon of Wllscm and Uontagne's. Speaking of the Ohrlatya, nmlnds me that I' told yon last week that Sexton and Blrbaik wen going to' America. Blrbapk baa left OolUna' party, and hla place Is nllad' by Boward, who came to thla country with tha Bnckloys.' BIt> bank left for America, In a Bailing veteel, from London, last Satarday. Sexton wae to go with him, bnt when bs got% on board of the ehip, hla courage failed, and he went ashere. I went into tha Wine Ooncen Room the ether night; and' taw old Bill Sedar—known in NowTork at Bill Frlco->^anoe • Jig. Be put me in mind of old tldeg. BUI baa got marrlod over hen, and is the father of aaven klda; he is one of tbe old BchooL BpeoUog of tbe old sohosl, I met eld Dick Pelham to- day, and ha loofca aa yanns aa be did twenty years ago. Slfk If' a great aportlng man, andA ihenght a peal deal of ben by tbial oxua. Bta brother Sill l^fr London;'alii la ike one Vrholately skedaddled from Boll, after gttUng all the atlarles, and leaving ttia band wtthoat a nd. The laat time Dlok performed waa at the Tbaalte Boyal, in the "Uaaqnerada Ball," as the Nigger dowkesper, and the honae wu orowded. Be aays be ^onld ua to aea bit old frlendt, Frank Browar aad Dan Emmet BpeaUagot old atoftelonala, I went to the Edlnbargb Oastia OeneniBsom laat night, ta hear old Charley Manh, the cemle aUger. (niailey, la nls yonnger daya, waa thoaght to b'e the gi^tett down la the pnfeaalcn. In fact, the people say he used to axeal the great Wallett Thla concert raca is generally the' first that it vlalted by the profteelonalt from America; and Mr, Thomaa, proprietor, baa a fine aaeortment of Ukeaesies of Amerioaa perfenoers, of all branches, hanging in bis hoase, People who'have gone back from hen, after viatUng this place, mast know eld Charley Marsh. It waa ben that BlU Donaldaon need to ting hla great aeng of "Bight In the Hlddle of the Boa- gnlor," to please bis friend, Mr.Boash—afaWlndhkm—from New OrleansDick Beck, who came over to this conntry wi^ tbs BncUeys, arrived hero this morning; hs has been trav- eling with the "Ohio Mlnatnli," and they went np in a ballosa,' and Dick had to feet it here. I aawblm la Thomaa'last night' la oompany with tha Ohrli^ boys Next week I shall tale a peep at tbe Supper Bocais, a resort for tbe Amerioan«aptatBj, andthe gayeat of the gay. - Bo, look eat for Wnx Awaaa. '. abiging, dandng and the Ballet Ur. EdwardBerry, the eicel- .' lent stage managsr of this boose, l«sboat to opeiCan English '' '^ikorter honae oa Fifth street vrllb Ue UUe of •■Ed. Borry's ..PrivateBox.'f We wish him sncotss In bis new enterprise, oglts an amualng afblr (to the bystanders) oamt off Jnat after ■the rehearsal at tha Varieties, on Batorday morning, 9th inat' Mr. W. M. Beeve, and. Mr. W. Thompson agreed to retire to the 'bar-foom, and settle a Httle .ndaunatntandlng tiy a. resort to "the manlya|k UAThoinpsoaBMppedtothewailat and Mr.. Beeve kept n Us nndershirt ^^e ailalr lasted about thirty . !^Innt68rWhen Hr. B. gaVeiim on acooont^t an attack of plan- i .'.risytluning received a aevera blow In the ainnth. Ur.T.ahowed 'userml sOnUibeS; Ths afUrls to l>e'renewed, when oar cor-; >.i./.<^p<tedent will try to be en hand and give a fall report ;!l('J':l-'.N.:Oarr'bas'.aken.tba track for BnHaio, where he ccm- < mcdoeg bnginats on the 181b. Be Is a veir olever. pantonilmlst i<.!lMiralmmons h'a^ a aplcndld bonse at Trimble's Varletlos, 'Plttabnrah, on the ISth, on the occasion of his benefit and this, iMunndaratoMpwhan then wen 1000 poisons in attendance at . :araa'a Italian CPera, aiConoert HaB, and a onwded boose at; >',':,4hs'{hettn ibr HIaaHompeon's beneflt Mr.' Blmmons waa .'-zirtaenledwltb 'a.splendld signet, ring, while Managsr .O'Vell. ^uaSa tSaSi tK,- betides the reodpta of tbi) honae, the "extras" being SBhaotlbed hy foar gentlemen admirers of qnalnt baqjo ««Ias,' BlmmrinB-will remain at the TarleUes for some time.. FaanyQllmoie, having dosed her engagement In Pittsburgh, ttpiM ta LaiTeitwortb next,' -'~^ 'Uana,.OUrlakl, Kathleen O'Nall.'and EatetWaltats ai« tbe . 'new attractions' at Trlmhle'a 'VarteHes, Pittabtugb, this week. n;::., ,Z«a 4ad Ben Tales, now at the YarleUea, have offers from LaiuaEeene's,and abotrom oinolnnatL It la probabU.that' . -thsf'i^ aoeept tho New Tork offer as socnaa they ahall have b - oooolBdad their engagement with Dick O'NelL W -Hiaold Baltimore Unseam baa been leased for asborteeason, r^aad'Mgpaaedvby the Washington, D. C, company, constating of ..-jnlU.'Uortimar, U'Ue Jennie, B. W. Eagan, Dlok Parker, J. a iEdMtdL' Barry Fenton, Johnny Boward, and Hons. BoL The ' first parlonnanco took place on the Uth. /'3be';attra6tlona at Fox'a Casino, Philadelphia, an kept np rtwlUinBUknal'Uberalily; in fkot "superfcrltyi'la the alandard 9aotto of this establlahmeBt Among the petformen aow then, HIaaNelly Taylor, aongatress; lust Emou MUes, dansenae; •BUly Emenon, Bnghey Dbngher^, Frank Wood, Fattls Stewart, ■JBi ^ l^tlaw, Low Oaylord, J. C. Wallace, and an efficient cnr> i ■ •Hit aim of Ur. Fnd Alms, of the Continental Theatre, Phlla- . flalphla, appears to be, to pleass his patrons, and hla sncocas Is .aot to M qassUoiiiML Be haa some good "people" ih^ now, 'Qftuma them U'UeHelene, Eil^ Blanchard, &neatino de Falbor, ' Tony Faator, Jackson Balnea, beddea several amnslng counter- '. felt oontrabands, and fiaohiatlng female Terpslehoreans, The .''Vunager.-alto algnlilaa that engagementa an poniaing with aev- •eral lint olaaa artists. a ' '<;.UniIshath charma, and, matte halls uc becoming qnlte the : 'vage.-. AnybodymightbavefontoldtbatOhlcago wodd not be ' '.tons Without onoi and Ueisn. Van&eet b Ohadwlok are the names of iaa gentlemen engaged In the enterprise, Ivtvlng occupied and .'poaatttedthe Dsaibotn«3ttctt Opera 'Bonse, and traatrormof it Jtito tnoh an establishment Ohivagslane Uha nntlo and mirth ; 'I .fORltbenchartlBls aa M'U«BrlgncIl, UAUe Oceana, Frank . I'.. Wiuthey, Ohas.Savta,Ii. 0. Brimmer, and Jeimle Johnson, in '.'vOonJoaotlon with ihi.UbtraUty of the managers, auocesa may .i '. pntiy.Oonfideihlj^Sooked for, Charley Petrle la their bntl- a^ mnj Mj^Ab knewii a thing or two.ahoint tbo basbieas, ;V' .•' .'■ BIBOBluLAItBlOnB. ,2/iHln')U^ with her 'operatta'alrs, took iie people of Xeaxnvo^'by atofm for a few days, but they aoon graw tired '' 2' U^m'^'i^^u^' odvloea, wta makbig a tour ot the ' ' '■ ■ 'Uuiigjnm on the' look^>at for a good bnsineas manager or .'' trvrelI]Qr||eni; will observe that In onr theatrical adverHalng ,aolainilk,'N.,Gneaoiren hla servloea, and states blsqaallflca- .-.;tlOI|sflA audi a position.' Although Qncn by name, we hardly " "ka.!^ be fenad to greea aa net to pnvc of Ttluabia Aid kj1ihai|iMeht engage blm..' Jli'jrMian'a American•oncert.Tnnpe,aneworganlia- riOOflipefad of Hlaa Oeorgle Dean, Ulas Emma Dean, O. D. ^ tloUnls)^ (formerly with R P. OhrletyV B. H. Bridge, .lnettIHaw]ay,-wenet08hkoeb,Wls,,Usiwesk. ' . rimahlngtop "Pan do War" dosed at. St Paal's, Ulnb., !ar:9,'j^nar ana week'a' good houses. Uoas. Denier, the '.rWpe.wattWL'ls along, '"• ' ■'.iiTOjljilHUrtianlaiis and Swiss Bell Bing'enopeBedat'&|arsoU ' )SaIbBt;-Pkal, Ulnn., on the Ith and 7th InaL .They also ap- ' ptaNd'(itt8t Aathony's'FalIa and' MloDotpolla; Ihenoo-tltited . jba ^iLmntlag Wat^'/ the odebratcd' Ulhnehaha Falls, and bad tlgtoSttma gaaerdl^ ' ^lOnr^'il palaiiii.of "IbePresent War" la ttoTtlliti in Wis-. '. &a Allaglianlatia wen In Bllnnesoia ^t last aoocoots,'and doing agood boalntas. They tum-thnlr stops eastward, soon, .and oonlemplateaa oxtmrflon to England. In rerennoe thereto, we.take th'enlloi^ing teom the Lacnstc Wls., JMlgBmocrat of .'i.jQjjg,^ SiDmiaioN M Ei<aiaia>,-rWe.8oaby.Now — '- t .Uf. W«)drifi,tha,a6tlve agent of the world „^anlatt,'Toiiall«t« .and Sirlsa 9all Bbigan.bas retted fenaiigementt f^awunmolb eiaartloa.tio England ^~.t}MaiEtslihi. The exoaitlon latooomeoff tbsailddle. la.. Tha Allsghtnlans'ar? .to olte dal^y oodcertt oa the 'A'laigaaanbar.of exdtwlni.'flckela an'Uready engaged. • the aaoal eaUndv«'tHp''^(t<StielJ||iid,eTfr kno'*B^, A tppearlday Ulb^ If the "nnlveiaals" an then, it will pay, Bambujer, the man that "maiden a boy and then restona ,liim to lile again." Is at Mechanics' Ball, Utlca, N. T., thlt week, On tbe 23d, be anhounoea a grand entertainment in the open air. In the Olty Garden, giving in addition to bin feats of magic, a mnalcol concert and a display of fireworks. Balloon I balloon I The "aennaaUoaeaaon" la about opanlag, and Hr. John B. Stelner is to "go np ln a balloon" on tha 20th, from Broad atreet Phlladdphla. All who dealn to go up a thousand feetpr so, can have that privilege granted them for the usual "equiv." A fatal accident ooonrred at Odd Fellows* Ball, Boston, on the afternoon of tbs Hth Inst While Mr. Bobuti, fresco painter, waa engaged in decontlng the calling, the alaglng, on whloh be' Waa at work, gave way, predpltaUng him to the noor. - Be,was taken np aessdeaa, in whloh atate he cestinned untD the fol- lowing mornlng,>when ha died.. Be waa forty-one yean of age, and leaves a wife and throe oblldcen. .■.Els foneial took plaoe on' thenth. Uadame Anna Blahopleaves Boston this week tor the British provinceia, when she proposes to give a series of ooncerta. She will, he aesisted by Edward Begoln and GnitaVB da Bplees. A beneflt concert given by Hr. OUmore,. at the Boaton Thea- tn, dd tbe 16^, Is said to have realised UOOO. Maidama Anna Bishop aaslated, and the Tremont 2lanayeB performed'a variety of evolutions on the ooeaalon. - - * .OnttCtBHIi ^,VJ i'tprt-M»ijrtbat 'r.ljv.-'Jeafftaled Altegha r%Wp;«t>BiiaIab'd ond.bkdcdii'iha'jraatairtTahlp la the world, SB, SPAUUNG, ' Tee Waiii Snown Omoua UaiuaBB. Noyea and Tbayer'a. CInns was at Olevdand, 0,, en the Uth aad lath inat . ' . - Gardner and Bemmlnga'Circus were tnvsllna In the States of Delawan and Haryhmd daring the week enling Hay D, and notwithatandlDg a heavy and abndst oontlnuona fkll of rain, thei did a fair business. They were to be at Eaaton, Hd,, on the leth, and oipected to reach Lancaster, Pa,, by the Uth Inst In this company an Dan Gardner, Blohard Bemmlngs, W. Baylor, J. W. Bill, Geo. Eing, John Foster,' Big. Wambold, Geo. De Louis, Geo. Brown, 'lankee .Boblnson, nios. Synder, and the Hisses E. and U. Gardner, . ■ ^ . Dan Bice's Ball Boad Olrous la advertised to shew at Fort Plain on the lOth inst: St Johnsvills, aoth{ Little Falla, 3Ist; Trenton, 92d; Bocnvllle, 23d.. On -the ISth, he pitches tent at Ctlca; Bom^■2eth;Onelda, a7th; Syraoose, ThundayondFrtdaT. Uay28lh and20tlr. . O. S. Wheeler's Great Inteiaatlonal Olrcna la at preaent la the New England towns. On the ISth they won at Lynn; IBtb, Balenw and are advorllsed to appearat Nasbus, aid; Hanobea- ter, 23d. ... Jim Cook, a celebrated English olowi^ arrived in thla country on Hqnday, Hay hhvlng escaped tbe perila of the dlaaaterto the Anglo Saxon, by not reaching Llveipoolin time, after having taken passage. Cook comes with a good reputation, and baa'been fortunate enough to find immediate employment, having en> gaged vrlth Ur. Jamea NIxbn to oot aa Jester ^th his company, now performing in Alexandria^ . ■' Ullee' Circus Boyal baa made a goodstartlng out They gavi their first ahow on tbe nth at Quebec, ontflde BtLewlaGafe, and remained four days. During tbolr stay, business waa very good. Bfr,E.Hilea la proprietor: Charley Sherwood, equestrian dlnctor; and 0. Dodge, master of tbe oiiole, Tbe following Is a 'complgte Uat ot tho company:—The Sherwood family, consisting of OhMles, Ume. Tlrglius, Ida, ond Hosier Cbarlaa; Hr. W. K Penny; John Bobhison, Wm. Ashtcn, GeoTge Batdielder, j, C.', Blvwt, and John Lolow, down. Ilila oiganlzatlcn Intend oon- finlnlTthoIr tiavols oltogetber td the Oanadts. . Bailey's Olrous and Uonagerle, pitched tent for one day only, at Beading, Pa.', on the lStb, '-Among tho many sncacseAiI' entenirlseB of the season, la the National Clnras, nndar the ImdedlaCe dlnoUon of Hit. Warner, late^Hn. 'Dah Blco. This oompany Is advertised to sppear at Iteadlng%n the lOlh; Enlztcwn, laih; Allentown lOth. Charier Oaatls contlnaes ahead of the show as oontraotlng agent and Dr. It P. Jones, invades the sanctnms ot ye editors aa raaster- af pabllcatlonB. • We some time since published a California letter, signed. by. ono HontaTg,'ln rofen'nco to certain alloged transatUcns In which Ur, 'w. T. Aymar was said to have flgniod. In idalloa'to tbe latter gentleman, we give the annexed letter, and nave dso 'nodved ollldal docoments, algned, sealed, and wlineaaed, in eorroboratlon of what Mr. Aymar herein fiets forth :— FniiiK QnaEH-^Bm;—Allowm6. If yon pleaae. to occupy allt- tleof yonr space In proving the truth of my pnvl6ns cords, wrttion in nply to the writings .of a c«rtaln malldona person, who has not the manhood to talk to my (ace aa ho writes, and who, manifestly oDvlona towards my brother and 'mysdfradopta that , method to do OS laJory.' Tho Indlvldnal alludid to, alter mnnlng away and leaving ns'In Pern to do the boat wa could, and pay off the indebtodncesos of the ooncen, amonnUng to over .Sl,200—which we did honorably and have receipts for—pub- lished a .cord Ih vonr paper ot Haroh 91st signed Joseiib Hon- torg.'te assumed name,,which contained statements utterly at vananoe -with the troth,. In proof thereof, I 'endoae yon an authentic copy ot a docnmont sent mo bom Pern, proving that Ulss.Sarah .U. Batohdorwas not my wife at the time of bor dOAtb). farihi)rmore, at the time of her death, laald Joe Uoniarg Vna.'lQ'dnyaqtill, and not in Lima; ntllhor did said Joe Hon- tatgbrUttt Batohelcr'travd with the companrlo South Amer- ica; of whloh, wheh^alicr Aymar arrlvcahere, I can give f^ partbmlarsby.Ietters received from Doctor Sasaett dnrlng.hla albkneaa At Obyaqnp. As befor6 Utlnlat^ Joe Uoniarg u not the real same bf .the writer of that letter. If being assdmed tbv thafinra^'of p^d(^ off at tbe brother of A, Hontarg, tUe akd. •ton, with whom h».tn\rela, and to make the OomJ . CBAI^LEB'B. DUPBEZ, UiHiOKB OF Ddtbbz & Gbeeh's UlBtnB* . Uorrls Bnthera, Pell and Trowbridge's Minstrels dated an exceedingly prospenua seaaon at tkefr Opera BeBa% Baatea, laat week, giving an axtra'performanee en Batorday afleiaeaa. They an now on a summer tonr, and appear at New Ball, Manchaeter, N. B., on Hcnday, I8th Inst, for two nights, sad finish the week at New Bedford: On Henday, 21th lust, they oo^Danee at the Aoadeaiy ot Unslo, Provldeflce, B. L, for' one weak, when said where they will bring out their Uagto Bon, with all tha original Scenery, aa givenat tneir Boaton bonse. Tho fane of this fini daaa mlnatnl troupe Is ta wide spread, that the apirit at pro- pheoyneed net be taxed largely to predltt a very saoiMaafal trip, aa everybcdr on thefr route will be on tbe giri •<() ta aea Uorrla fc flo.'a Uinatrala from Boelon, and hear Daaeon Hatpin' tab's addteu baforo the Bardscnbble Dabatlng Sedaty br All. Uorrls, besides all their other excelleni senttmeataUaras, tunny' lama, dance and hornplpelams, ete. Tbe bunt sork fraternity wen pretty wall represented at Montreal during the past week. At Ueebanlca* Hal], tha oele- bnted and original "Buckleys," with Hiss Julia Gould, have been attraoUng very good andlances. The opposition waa that of tbe veritable George Christy, who, vrith hla tronpe, opened at Buohland's Tbeatn Royal oirUonday, the Uth, the aame night that the BncUeys gave their inilld performance. U. Freebsrthyser, late of the Concert Hall at Helena, Arkanaaa, now. dosed. Is with Harrington and' Thompscn'a UinttraU, at Uemphla, Tenn. B. S. Pnrdy, bad also arrived at 6t Lonls, ■ndwaato appear with tbem on thettb inat Bnmaey'aUlnatnla opened at Smith and Dltscn's Hall, Cln- dnnati, onthe Uthlnat, for oneweek. . Bam Sharpley's Ulnstrels dnw torgo and fashionable audl- encea in St Lonla, week bofon last but laat week the bnalneaa was.allrai Bam la a great favorite, and bis wltUdsms are very unualng. Ths flnt part of their entortalnmenta—mnalc, Jokei, and slngtng-4s superior, but the last partlasddtobesurpaased at diher the TarieUes or Bowery. They wen to do|M their en- tartainmtnts on Saturday, lOtb, with a matinee and ievanlng •pe^muanoe. ~ • ' ', . The Bumaey Ulnstrds porfoimed to veiy poor business in Sansarille, Ohio. They wen in Columbus and other places in hlo, last week. .Dnprez & Green's Ulnstrels wen In Dubuque and Davenport Iows,.fbr a eoaple ofnlghts at each place, laat week. Uils vreek they are to appear In Qnlooy, 111. ' Frank Bnwer is no longer with Wood's Uinatreli, and la ntnf. open Xorengagemanta as an Ethiopian ccmedlfn. .Ur. Bnwv his'fbW! equals in the business; in ttotin some of his'%wn spodal aots; he is without a rival. Bee hla card among our amusement sdvertlsemenls. .A'A.. ^Camoroaa & Dlzey's Ulnstrds dose their season in Phuadd- pUa thla week, and vrill atart ont on their annual lumme^ tonr on the 2Sth intt, visiting the various dtles in tbe East and Weat and producing aame of their great burleaq^es. nielr Opera Bonse esn. be engagod for.ooncerts, etci daring their sbsenoe. See advertlsemefit . Baynor, Boyoe k Oo.'s Csmpbdl Ulnstrds were advertised to show In Covington, Ey., on the 181b and 19th. Bnmtey'a Hlnatrels an in OlnUnnatl, tbis'vreok, at Smith It DItson'eBalL ^ , • • Nelson Kaeass, E. D. Palmer, Joe Ohllds, snd Tom Olannon, an in Corinth,' Hlaa., playing to erowded houses. Leon D. Berger la dealnos of knowing when J. 0. CampbeD, formerlv of Bcaa & Balner'a Minstrels, u st present; hla tnenda ue anxloua about hla welfan, ■■ ^ ■ . Do yon know High Daddy'a Vnda? It yon 'don't^ go to Hoo- ley'a Opera Bouse, in Brooklyn, and make his' aoqaadntance. Be is sdd to be "a high old fdl:" Manager Bodey keeps up the right sort of change in hla programme to brlnig the right aort of change to hla. treaaniy, Thla week J.'A. Ourran and UaaterRalpb, character dancen, make their fint appearaaee than; bealdea^ it \f the fint week of "Onbaa attbeSolne;" "TIrglnny Warblera," and "Old Fclka'Ooncerta;" meat laugh- able burlesques, every one of 'em.' This Is tU week to goto Booley's. Don't add to the causes of your regrets by ataying away. . ' AMUSEMENTS. nBM>'S OABDHB. 1. ' LeaaeeandUanager,..; WU. WBEATLET. LAST WEEK BUT ONE - . V o r na FABEWEUi ENGAOEUENT ' ' Otthe Great Tragic Artlato, UIB8 BATEilAN. In obedlenee to the PUBLIC 'WISH, maalfested so nnmltlaka- biy by tbe DENBELT OBOWDXD and CBILLIANTLT FASHIONABLB AUDIENOES, WhlA nightly aaaamble to wltneu her WQNDEBFOL lUPEBBONATION OniGINAL CHABAOTEB oriaa • JEWIBH UAIDEN, ' tiie new play, - < LEAB, TBE FOBSAKEN, Adapted and arranged expready for HISS BATEUAN, By Augutthia J. Daly, Eaq., which haa achieved euoh' UMEXAUPLEi) BDOOEaa, Will be npeated EverrBvinlng this wedt, HISS BATEUAN ' ^ ' will be suppciled by a most powerfal Oompany. ' , Box book open thne daya in advanoe. ' Doors open at lH; Pertormanco to commence at 8 o'dock. t. ' FOAEIION DBABIATIO AHD SHOW NIIWB. . Hl^ Emma Stanley, with ber"Beven Ages ot Woman," having completed her aecond aerifa of performances, in Hanoheater, England, extending together; over forty-dght nigbta, waa at Liverpool on the Oto ult, tAoklhg pnparatlona for another tonr, ' Ur. J. Blmmons, the " Oreat American Aeronaut" waa at De- vonshire Villa, near Lydney, Glonceltenbln, England, at laat accounts, making ascensions. Hr. and Uis. Benri'Drayton'a Beneflt and laat upearanoe at the Polygraphlo Ball, London, took pUoe on the Otn inat Hn. Fanny Eemble, it giving " Beadlnga" at tha Dudley Gal- Joiy, Piccadilly,Engtond.. '•- Annie Hllner, who wlU be remembered da the Soprano of. tha Oooper English Opera nonpe, la at pretent.afWaltallaltUaale ttt grettdf ai)diaioip%oaaerfid to ti^^^ pnbllo.' Balt«aiasgbw, giving concerts. . Mr, ondUrs. Charles I Ualthewi made their first appearance at the " New Theatre," Buddersfldd, England, on the lOtb inst' Tbe Pyns and Harrison Opera,Ti^upe, re-opened the Theatre Boyal, Liverpool, on tbe27tb'alt, with Wallace's Opera of "Lnr- Ilne," It was intended to have given "TbeAimorerotNantes,"- for the Initial peifcnnancea but ovring to tbe aeven Indlspodtlon of Louisa Fyne, Lurllae was substituted. - Ulas I^e, however, recovered suffldently to appear the someweekln the " Pnritan'a Daughter," Ur. Hurlaon alao made hiafint appearance on this occaalon, and met with a tromendcus reception. Ulss '^ne la styled thu Qneenof the English Lyrio Stage. Ur. 'Aynaley Cook contlnuea a member of tha oompany... '' E. A.' Sothfril terminated onthe 8d inst, at the Prince otWdee Theatre, Liverpool, one of the most suoeesstal engagementa that ha8'l>een known, in. that dty for many years. During this en gagament he appeared in an alter piece, entitled "UyAant's Ad vice," an adaplatlon by Ur. 8. of the wall-known Comedietta,, " A. Novd Expedient ;V and met with great ancceaa. Be ta to Mtamvery'adob. . V .. • .1. Lady Don, atslsted'by an exodlint company, ro-0))oned the ■Theatre Itbyd, Bouthamptdn, on the Stb, with "Lady Atldley'a ^^Ur. FnBer, son of tho odobrated (Hroua Clown, and late travelling with BInlon imd'Fuller's Ulnstrds, died on the 271 ^ nlt.) at Oamberwellgnf n^ aged 27. Be waa burled at Brampton, "Ox. BdirykLoralne bis leaked tho Buney Theatre, London for six weeks, and gives the opening peifcrmonde (Peep'o' Day) on Whit UondayAt last accounts the theatrical world'of London olty waa not 'very busy, owing to its being between Eaater. and 'Whit Bnntldo. At the Baymarket Ur. and Un, Alfred Wlgan Wore delighting the andlencos..... At.the Priaocas', Hltt Amy Sedcwtok was sustaining the pilnolpd obaracter in "Aurora Floyd," On the 4th inst, Ur.'and Un. Oharlta Eson were annDunocd lo commonoe an deven bights' engagement' prior to tndr deptrian tot' Abalralla..... .At tbe ilfceum, Mr, Fetcher was sUl playlntf the"Duke's Uot(o".T7...Ttie fit 'James' had the "Impretalte" performances of ht^ Hei^rk In "La<Iy Andley'rf Beenf.'^(.i..Atthe,New-Westaiatter,onthe 2Ttb nlt,. the VC«ueen. Ba'wn" waa ptodaoed.'Ur. andUnll: Boaeloaalt suttatailiig Ihoprlndpal charaotartot.Eily O'Oonnor , and Uylei-BaKJopi^eu) ^.... .The A4alpU b«l (nKIOOtd "itudlrt TUB BBW IDKA,- THE NEW IDEA, ' MS BBOADWAT. ' Uonday, ISth. Fint time ot the GBAND PANTOUIUE ©» raz ' > BO BTB EBN B EFP OEE,. . SODTHEBM.BEFDGEB, SOBTBEBN RBFUGEE,' " ' ' SODTHrair''BEFDGBE, SODTBEBN BBFaGBB, , BOUTOEBN REFUGEE, BOUTHEBN B^OEE, SOUTBEBM BEFUGEE, .' in whloh UABIETPA ZANFRETTA, ' * HABIEITA ZANFREtTA. ' Will perform her Oreat Oharaoter of ' TBB DAUOBTEB OF TBE BEOIUENT, ' . and tbe odebnted <' , A. H. HERNANDEZ, Win appear la the Country Boy. During the evening, ' ' ' UABIEnrA ZABFEETTA wm introdnco her aatcnlahlngand nneqnallcd perfonnano* on the « TIGHT BOPE. Oabd to HiHAOEBS.— AU appllcatlona for the aervlces of Uari-' etta Zantntta, (he most vrendertul Tight Bope performer in tbs' world, must be mode to J. O.UUBBEN, . 0- .- '' ,i . UanageroftheNewIdea. ElljDTBUITHBTRBBT OPRftA. HUUSB, .. . Euvairru Sianr,' PniLissLFnii. OABN0RO88 & DQEVS UINBTREL8, TBx Biaa TaoDPB or laa woau), Oommenoe their annual Suamier Tour on the 2Sth inst, vfalt- Ingthe prindpal Cities of the East and Wattj prodicing ner Stmga, Acta, Burleaqoea, ftc, &C, for Which thla Oompany Is to tamooa. The Oompany la the LABGEBT IN EXISTENOB. i N.B. The Open Bonae In Phlladdphla can be rented to;r Oaf eerts, Leotarea, Ac, by addreealng ' tut* . J. L. OABNOBOSB, Uanager, . MRS. FR&RK'OaAHAM, (vrtdow of Frank Graham,)'' the leading lady laat'winter of the New Uemphla Theatre, la now ' open for an 'engagem^t either fOr slnglug ohambermdds, or leading Juvenile bnalneaa. Hauagen vrlsbing to engage her 8S^' { vices, oan do ao by applying to UBS. FB ANK OR AHAM, 8-4t* * Uemphls, Tenn. TI^B BCB.OBR FABIIiiT.—The nndtMlgned irlll fed | obUgedfortkeaddntaof the parents of tha " ^Vgor Oblldran," I (mudolans,) who sn nbw, or were lately, performing la Ohio. Address^ "ZOUAVB," Dayton, Ohio. ..BTTIB BBRDBRSON. ■ The following an the tUliK of Some ef the new dramas re-' I oentlyDnught^ this la^y frbmEngland, and^ferred to In aa' advertisement In another column:—FLOWER GIRL, 800TTIBS MAIDEN, KATHLEEN HAVODBNEEN, and GXPBEZ GIBL OF | OBENAflA^^^lofjrtl^wo^^ 'WAHTBD.—A 'VIOLINIST, one who oan read inusla at [ right dther to act aa first or aecond, a good aecond preferred. A. I jonng man 'with the above accompllahmenta would find it (6'hls, I advantage to Join a-Ulnatnl Troupe to give oooadond pexronn-. I ancos in the immediate neighboring towna until the Fall, when [ they are to atart on a permanent Treveling Tonr through the: Btatee. Pleaae address B. MORTON, No, 172 Eaat Fourth street or by letter in oan otwpes'Spirit; N.T. ' 6-at« . FQR SaLb— A eom^te aetof BOENEBT, vrith eVeirUibif I neceasary for a travding company. Price $00, For partlonltltj call at the Ala Bonae, at Broadway. . . . ' O-ltt THB BBARBORH OPBRA HOUBB, OHIOAOO, 'Thla,the fineal t\aU'ln thsWeat,wlllapenon or abcnlUaj:! 28d aa a flnt daaa Unsla Bsll, auder tt% managenioqt ot Mesan.', I Taafleet I: Cbadwkk, with the flneal oompaiur ot artiits ihttj money oan aecun, . from N4w 'Toik 'etty. U'lle'Brignoll,the,r Female Vlollnlat' Tocallit and Danaeuta, with other equalV,! talented artlala, on already engaged. All bhslness lettcra mutt I be addreaaed as above, or to JAUE3 OONMBB b CO., Thcatrlod, I Agents, Bcuta of Oommons, 2tWest Bougton street V- 7- 0IIT> r OBAa-PBTBIB, Boalnata Agent ' Tmc Xannma BABi'Biu.OLuiB, of Philadelphia, has oblalnell tbe privilege ftom Charlea UoDonough, the Commlaaloner «■ el^proparty.'toplay in tha pubUo parade gronndat UthaM Wharton alreeta, tiio ground embraoea about dght acres, ana when pat in proper condition, will mako a meal available pup forplay. , ..v T6a Anntna Bin Bali. Olwb, of Philadelphia, etpeetV vitlt Now Tork for a aeries of contea^ with ear prominent tUMi aometimenextinoo^h., .. V. ' . \ii> : BitaB B'iLL in Phliadialphla appaah to b» floht'«'^5« dllloh, and moat of the oldba ate prsotlaUg j}th » oonalderaW degna of ardor, and getUng themsdrta in .flk.fe ttatt Tari«j| oontattilntheoomlngwfiipaian. '■!- ,•; .' :. .','.',,. ..'s HoumI-' • '•■ ' '■" ■■ '•'