New York Clipper (May 1863)

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OSdidBITtiBlHUli Udun. ^vl> ] foHH.tamptoK. n«mMr< SUA ov na.'OBiaiiri£ voBUMUnrowjiB' ■f^- - -t .- ■■ ungAHlB'/llIHflm Pa. ■ • • ' '~:. Tn nOBUaOB TBOnPB OF (THE WOBLD. . avr. SBWOOHB,- a. w. it oMmK. VBBBED. ; BOIXIN aOIMBD, ir. Ik SO] O. " " , 4 u ft neir a. a rowLEB, J. H0BBI8OR; PutlODbiiMe Tloktti'aSaantt. lUBT. BUI wmiiuo., „ ~.- .jnnw Tpnrp ftwnn?gaiiH& soaroN, mag. , . raua -^uijua Zi^a innMl itumnet toiif. v. LOTHUS. a M. OAB BOUU CaulrtAinti«f i;d» HOB|r BLLT'lIOl J. OlXBOSmOC* jr. OUEEN/ J. J. hillubd: D.- J. UAODHnOB, Ij. jl zwissLica. f4f AHESE TOMUr.' g^a.lftBiMBMit oftll paitisalir. DfitlM .tb theftboradliila. wiiJi«di5iJ«fiUBnt• ■ •■ ^ SSbk«tiiUo«nMt BamTMBMtaWecnta. "l;;.- , ■ ... - liOH 1I0BBI8. 'tU'BBOASVAT.- . .. ■■ ■;■. THg.BmON OT.gUM. ■ ■ A oo^nDonions iusNiVAXv oF 'msBiuEirt, ) -. . ' iX'SBICaBiUI BUMABO TIBBTI ZBUtU^ ' .J/OBAIID. PBOTBAN QtTEBTAIItUEHT, - ^QmUaisgla onftiU tiw popnlu AmTuementa ollhe ud . -i::-/^;<pi<iMiHiiglaItiperforiBAaM' Jp Jinilioat«dtnt In the ObnolSits of tbe AmenesB Btagie.' : ^<A]BOnAUOthfOflffof •'. .■ • > '■r," • ■ ■ BIAS ABTIBTB • ■ ■■■^trr PufO llowlllg! , .j/.-JtB. BrM ACTTT ,- W; B. BABTHOIOUKV, ii. aAS/B, liAFFIT/' >^ii.'-.- v V.'B.'BABlHOIiOMBW. ■ ( •■■rV; ■ QgittiEB B. OOMJM B. ■' . ■■ <.',"" .•■..'v'v- . . OHABLET WHIIB, "'.t. ■ t, yUiiBOLD, GEO. WABBEM, BOB HABT, • j .-V . T.:Q. BIQOB. MA9T, TOipiY, UBS LIZ2IB S&DIiTZB, ' • • ' '' USS V BAKOBS LE B07,' OLABA-BOOABT^ ,' ^r,;. IHE OBEAX PAfijr.' Wtrr.T.TAT iT; baIXET TBOTVS,' "^■'i AlIiin>«ulib*Ot>ol<Mfi<<>gnn>nia, ' . IwUab'for taltstind Tsildy otnpot Im touUled In ITew Toik. v,.."lIONS LA THOBNB^.'..;;'... ..BUge UuMer. . . ;. XBBD TON OLKXB..;..;....UndoilDlteotoT. ' A.itjlBAHSI'AUILTUATINEE ■ OaSahiidv ftltamcon^'' ■■ ■ MAk mw IDBA. < .. .TBBl HBW IDXIA* ■ . •V I. 18S BBOADWAt.- GB ABP OHA]!tOE OF PBOOBAMMB. :.TBE>1K)in>HBVnii ABTIfira. _ ZAHFBErTA, MABIBrrA aANPEEITA, 'TA ZANFBEITA, .. UABIETTA ZANFBBITA, ""A ZAlfFBBIXA. .. ; JUBIETTA ZAItTBEIzZ.' • iTIOHT BOM PEBBOBHEB, And . . H. HEB NAMPRZ. . ' A. If. BBBNANDE^ - K. HERNANDEZ. . ' A. U. HEBKAMSEZ, . . A* U HEBNANUEZ. A. U. HEENANDEZ, ■ '. ■ ■■ . FASXOUmiBr, ka., Bm.lMateDgtgtd md.ire.nowtiUylngat thl> e^bUiIunent. 41ttS(ragn th«M utlsts command ta enonnoiu ulory, then la no MctftoUon In utt DAmiDQtlL comptDX* tnd tho price of idmlaalon H(Hil>ln> the Mme.' mNBTBELS, ' •'' BAliST, ' . . 'FAITTOUIUE, ' V YOOAIJZATION A MD QT MNAggOB. . • . FOB' TWENXX-li'XVE CENTS. . . i-il -WilnTitStreet, »boT«.Eaghtti, ■ ■ - ■' yr-Hoto-tiMm«Tiil Proprietor.:.......raED. AiaS. / ' ^'--^j^.aMafQiwuidBaqloeaaUtnMer..;. W. AUJNSOH. •'...v..:-RtM«.K»n»ger.....i...... 0. MoMIIXAJf. f.iiJ<»dMtof 0«ib«»b» , .JOHN BimBB. : ; '/ aiito Itfge MM p-agnlll oeat th e^twle ' ;.': -j:;".^' ■•■ ' OfEK EVEUr.BVEKINa, . PI th^ gnttait oomblhatida of rutlatlo ezoeBeijoa '«t»>: ooU- led'ln'mty.'lhsAtra In; tlie jtonnlrT, prominent amount ai«7b(»jn«nUoned : . ■ . .'■ . . Xtu FrenilaT Oansenni of the is«, .) MTJIiB HEtENE;'■ ■ i ' '■ . . , 'TlierfudoatlngDtnaenie, . • , ' UIBS Bnm BLANOHABD; . Tbebeautlfol SongitiawindSuiMtue. . , UJBBBBNEBmiESEKAIBm " , . MB..TOHr PABIOB, 'T1>a'I>lnoeofi]l,<ioinloslogentndJe«taa:. ■. r;-.H^ ■ ^:.^^'.-:!fJSR. DENN7 qAUSSHEB, . : . -V; r^JMlAdelphli'ijMpiUBr ftTpilU : V;/• • ^ ■ • »■ : ,/JAOKBON SAINB8, ^■ .0,/' v; oeJebrttedparlorekltor; ... -■..'H',':: ■ -Ha-roBif K. oampbell, , v . ' The oMgl nri " E« m ftt man;" .• /KB. jnKE,MoSENNAt .'' •'•.;; i Thiiwor«eb«u»di»»i;, , . ' . -V ";UB.' jaCABSX intT.T.T , ' ' .s.Vir?,. ■ • v'';.'^'V' ■: Th6.0b»i)bplon"Jigr»iioer; ' * ■' MB, OBOBOE W. BUITH, . . . i4sA'ttU'l«n«(t(lldiii'6it'etfalent ': ■ / i^TTT^^^.v - ,:. ; -coBPfl DBBAiurr •■■ '.'i "*:' ;' ' ■ ^' 'ij,.; ,. . ;.' ■' In AmerlplL''' . Tofletb v.Wth'eTer fifty j^rformefa of knom reqbi&lMd'tbiUtr. 7:nm«liH uttstl, opea tor engileDmenti/\riIl,Usue AddreM JltftliOTe. ■ e-tf . ;.lrAT|OI>AI< THBl/iTREIt - r : oroomuATi, OHIO. . ■ SOBVAL b-OO. .............letaeea. 'WlL-0. StnTHB.... .Bnslaeu end BtAge U&nager. He ebon eettbUihment li noT open u K .' FIB8T OIJkBB MCBIO HALL. . , SHE NATIONAL IS THB LABQE8T AHD UOBT OOVaji^BCa - ' K8TABUBHUBNI 0F THSEIin>:lI7 THE WOBLD.' jjodalralrtlia Stars of the profoHlon ate engogedl' . THE ONLYJUUSIO BALL IN OINOraNATL < : ■..^LOOE-'AWTHB ABBAI OP TALKHT.V.. Mjgg £A^miEBN OTfEIL, .•' ■ . •>. . • >•.. '.:,■' :•.,. . ' "POROB OHiBISEI.. . " f-: - •■ ifpLia lazET rA; . ■, . . ^'.HONB.BtOMTEVKUSB, „ ■ ■ (JHABLIB'OABpNEB, • THB WOODllSTEBd, ,'' '. '• ■ :. iDBswiijiiavi/ijassiais, ■■ V-.- '■■ .V3ub>, yiaa,, ■>•■■ .. •■!•' t;---: • ■ • . ; .V?S;;-r''M'I)l£Bt,miB,-..-i-..,.. , •. ■ . >• . ,7;^'DLLB3a-.4.J, OOUNTOH, .• >, 3?;, * ■, '■- ' . • . ' : ■ MIL BD. MUbBATi ' 'Wf^Bi'MAiiifutOi. - AT WATIOMAL V: ■ • »,*•/..•..•.< • OOUBT OF'SBAuTTi. r U^BwfltUoI «hdT«aolluUug Torong Ltdlei,' Btteman - oraoknovladged AOiif Oeilrlna °en- ,-ddreis aa abotai or tp-onr ageato/JAUBS&W- , . JirMitit ot OommtLg, iUI Weak Bouaton .atrekt, N.' T.- ■ - ■• . bbdadwat; V V. ■ r. m. ttteStMlohelaiHoid. ' . &D.;.... . sola P roprla U ir and UiaMtmt '' IBB BIST VJUIT ILA TED H AIX IN THB OHT. <! ' k . uMFaBOMunaxBii auuuiaa** * ANOTBBB.POWXBFDL BOIi •.. . . . B¥ ■ ' ■•■ ■ •■ >■ THB OBBAT STAB TBOITPE 07 THB WOBU>, WOOD'S HXNBTBBL8. UO^AT, Ktr 1 8, and ereiy eyenlng. dnrlng iha w««]^ BuAHma TBS BiiOCKapjy OTBVXJiO. . . Tb u Waironnift mdwimm. , / MABIEB WOOD IN FATOBITB BALLADS, ■ ten tfivu Omwv. ' WbnsB SroMn, TBi BaiuoAi^BmoetOK, Ac, br . /' OhaUeyVOx, NelaeSeymonr, ^ OoelWhlta, aHaarr, .1 , 0. a. Lookwood,. UaaterWoed, . ' t. W. alann, H. SohwleaMl, luaoa Brotbeit, >, OairatagTU, E.Haalam, J, Lata, M. Lewla, ka. DOortq^atT) oonunanoeatSo'dook, Tloketa IB.aanta. NoztQCr-No o<umeotloikiritli any traTeUng oompany aaanmlng the ume^bt.W^ood'a Minstrels. ' t B001^T.*B OPBIU. HOC8E1, BR OOK Iilftf, Oor.COHBTftaEHBEN BTBEEIB. ' ' ./Bi BL^'HOOLBI.,.., .SoleProprietor, . < B. 30WBBS. .Dlreotor of AmnvmentB;' ' T, B. PBENDEBOABT Vooal Dlreotor.- , I .'Prot.nftADB..^ lutmmentalDlreotor. - UONDATnCTENINa, May 18,; and dnriiig the VM>t> . Immanae Sncceas—Orowded Hotiaea. -*^. , ANOTHER QBAND CHANGE. . Tm more BIABS added to the already . GBAND OONSTELLATIOK, Flntappearanoeof , • J. A. .OUBBAN and KAHEEB RALPH, . Tbe Celebrated OhartaterDanoetf. . Ftrrt irttk of the Tory langb able I ntatlnd* oalled - . ' .. OUBAS AT.THE SOIBEBL ^ Flrstweakof the oelebrated . . • ^ . - ^' . VraOlNNT WABBLEBS. BofTlTal (by request) of-EUBower'a ; - r . OLD FOTKS* OONOBBTfl. . 'Tooonatadeirith • ■ . • HIGH DADDrS ItNOLH, ' Bytluren^TronpetlnOosfaiine. Dooncipeiiat7; tooonunenoeats. ■■ ■' , XloketaatOants. PzlTateBoxeslB. \:t-- raw BOwnaT TIUSAV.U.* ^ . r. BOIeFKprietar MB.'7. W. UNOABD. MONDAY and TnE8DAT EVEinNa8,~May 18 and U, ' Hlnsteasth and Twentieth Nights of the engageaAit of the p^olafAmerlaan Actor,' • ■ MB. B. EDDT. .■nnt night of the entirely new Sensation Drama, by John F. Poole, Eeq., entitled . • . DICE TUBPIN IN J'BANOB^' Being CO episode In the history of that notorious Blghvaymaa nerer belbie preaented to the pnbllo. " , HB: £. BDDT will appear as....'«..... .....viDlokTarplB,' HB& W. 6. JONES as.... Lotitae. . The whole stresoth'of the Company. : New Boeneiy, MaobJnery, and AppOlntmenta;. Pint appearance of the Tonng and Basntttnl Oonledlanne, BII88 MOWBBET, Who win appear as Bally. Bcragg*, In the Oomedy of, .v' • BKETO^ IN INDIA, ^ With the toon s Drama of . TEESU; oa, TBS Bnoi Or MOHTOiB. ' . Wednesday, Twenly-flist Night of MB. E. EDDT. .' r 6- ; To'iSAnloBiu^ '• A MISS LUCILLE WESTEBN, ' Having coDdoded a. highly sncceasfol engagement of flVe weeks dipraUon at'the Winter Garden, New Tori, wtD eommenae a brief engagement at the. v NEW OffiBBTNUT BTBEBT THEATOE, VBSLiXfBLSfBXAt Ott MONDAY EVENIMO, M AT 4tb, at the oondailon of vhiob she will play fonr weeha at OBOVEB'S THEATBE, ^ASHINOTON, OOmmendng May IBIh, which win close her eogagementa ftar the present aeaaon.' , Miss Western has decided to make a tonr of the '\i7eat daring the oomlng.eeosoD, maUng her " ' .1 J?IE8T APPEABANOE IN THBEE TBAB8 • InaityWesterndty. Her repertoire has been lorgdy Increased by the addition ot new plays, among which may be mentioned ai dramotlo version of Mrs. Henry Wood's popolor noTd, entitled EAST LTNNE, . ■ WUohhas attraotedthe lorgeeb audiences evarwlthln the walls of the theatres where it has been produced. This play Is Miss Western's sole property, and le duly copyrighted. ESPEOIAL CAUTION TO MAMAGEBS. Whereas certain nnprlndpled persons lUTe surreptitiously ob> .taloed copies of this play. Miss Western announces that she will not sot In any theatre where "East I^nne" may be allowed to be played, ^and will alio Immediately cause legal proceedings to be uuntntod for any Infrlngomont of her DojvrlgbL . ' Manoganl desiring to'aeoura Miss Western's serrloes may ad- dreisg me at the Ntw OBESiRirr SiBSsr TiasATns, Philadelphia, lanlllMay 10; after that at Gbotsbs' TasAiss, Washington,D. 0.,nntUJuneI8. An immediate application win be necessary toprerentdisappointment.. J.M. HEAD. .'. «trtV VBOH JIBW OBUBlAlfB , • ' ANDTHaiBi;ABDOFOnBl. - CEOWNHDJSTTH UNPABALLELED BUOOEfia : . , -li- ' . .■ .■...■N'; MAIS WAT roB' ■■. ■' TaS GIGAIRIO UUDING MINBrBEL,TBOUPB OF TBB PBOFESaiOH. ■ • •' MAMMOTH OBOANIZATION AND BBABS BAND. Btnm of the'fkC'ftined and world wide renowned .':.> •- DUPBSZ * OEBEN'8 . Owomii. Nsw OBLEtns & MsnoiouTAX BUBUSOUB OPEBA TBOUPB AND BBABS BAND, Also, COM. FOOT and OOL, SMALL, the two amaBest man in the worid, outdoing TOm Thtonb twAn. tr-fi*eper omt Ther are 38 Tears old, wedgh 33 pound* each, asdonIy38 Inches hlgo, admitted to be the greatest o dr lo ilty erer brought before the ppbllo. They appear lil U dlffereiu asti, expreastr arranged for them. Jnst fiom New Orleans and thtongh tlis bland of Cuba, when they met wlthtanllmiteVsmy oess and were reoetred nlghtlg with loara of laughter and ahoata of applause. ' Btag^'Manager..v ; .J. B. GBEEN. Musical Dlreotor ..0. LA'VELLEE. Tooal Dlreotor O.. BIDEAUX The oompany la composed of the following dghteenArtlstIo andBrlUant GBEAT STABS OF EIHipPIAN DEUNEATMS. • ». E. OBEEN, . ^USTA'VE BIDEAUX, OHABLET BETNOLDB, LEW BENEDIOI, OHAB. H. DUPBEZ, M. AINSLET BOOTT, ~ OALHA'LAVELLEBi A. BEBOEBOBE, FLEM ADAMS, > GILBEBT POIID, . ' 'WM. DUBOIS, SAM P. MABBION . * • B. H. COLLINS, '' Betag the Greatest Combination of Talent erer oon'oentrated in ale Oompany, exeelUbg andlkr superior to oil other ^yellng Troupes In exlstenoe. The whole under the eontrol and direotlon of DUPBEZ h GBEEN, Sde Proprieton. . . ' The abore popular Tionpe'will. during the reihainder of the ieaaon, visit the Western and Eastern Btatea, also the Oanadas,' GBAND BALCONT SEBEKADES, Eadi erenlng previous to iipenlng the Dooit^ BT TBS tnmiUAUED HXW'OBLEANB AND METBOPOUTAN BBAS8 BAND. OV Ittt nSOBS. O^BUBT, I FLOBENOB) .'g^OAMILI^^ • ■ . BOWIN HOLMES,' •Ai B. PBENTI8S, QEOBOB TOUNG, ^^I^iagar and General Dlreoto r^^.^ AdrartlalngAgeni A. & PBENTIBB. . B, DUPBEZ. l-tf jaOBGB XXA^^V.;.,.,BAZ/nMOBE, KD... Proprietor, ■fr; a"<rAW®OH;iW,..,.... .Staae Uanager. . ' V / OBAim.QPMjKa OF TEE SPBING SBATO N.t ' JOHN'Utr£Ul}AN At ANDBBW LEATITT, . ■ ■' .. V BIONOB BLISa and SON, ■■'jty-vmrmiimmatB'f^^^ OAyANAoa. - 'tniej^ oan bo seenreS by »estHttisibleraas< MeM fti an^lengtli otmut bMPPiyihg to George Leai bntlt ^ " - w^io trotibU.tUtal wl^ liaivldnAl oOto, as tio AC . [^eMdofleom i,--.;/'v ■A'T-''i';,M..'(-i-/. ■ ;■ ■• ^ ""-^ iii?i*.&lsasSf^ JtiVitdn, THK MOniTORS OF BIINBTRBlLBT. . BAM BHABPLEY'S MINBIBELSL . BBABS BAND, AND BUBUCSQUE OPEBA TBOUPE, TEE GBEAT ETBIOPIAN IBOM CLASS, How oonsummatlng the most prolltable Tour ever known in the HISTOBY OF MIMBIBELST, . Appear erery night this week at .' IHE MASONIC TEMPLE, LOUISVILLE, ST. "WlUopenMonday, April 37, fir six nights, at : .SMITH & DITSON'B HALLToINOINNATL Andat'the. - MEBCANTILE LIBBABY HALL, BTI. LOUIS, '.. Monday evening. May 1th, for a short season. ' Attarwhldi. they wlU appear at. . 'CHICAGO, .<:'• DETBOIT,, . ' ■'. ;•- ■■ ,". " •-■ TOLBTO, ■ ■ A nd offief dtles, en route to the East; - ■J. D. NEWCOMB, ; . ■ , , . •I • ' Adviartlslng Agent i ' fSAMSHABPI^ .: 3)tt '.' ^' .; 'MaUagerandProprlatir. Twrna'cAifiixo, ' ."T^'""^!-?;/ ,': . CBESINuT STOEET,"ABOVE SIXTH, . ; ■ PBIIiADELPHIA^PA. " ' 'Tb> 'Buit'br TBS •'OAflnro'VNKVBS'Bus, . ' •' The Unerring TolcA'bf the Pnbllo iMaiiAiitStHAT. ■ •■■ • r ' . FOX'S CASINO, V- FOX'S CABDV), ' lathemostBespeotabM, ThemostOom^iuUe, and-' . Tbe most Popmscplaoe of Amusement v...^ 'PfflLADELPHIAi ".rail.'COMPANY"- ■' ' . . ; The Largest, 'The Strongest, : ., And the most Tersstne, ; ., THAT ^EVEB APPEABED IN ANY-MUSIC HALL. i Performers of acknowledged sbUlty con lAvotlably find steady eogs^ements by. applying personalty or by letter. Stan Uberally Jtreated.wlth.-• . OQBD) NOBBIB, Treasurer. . e-tt^ DBWBOIT,'. : ■ .v.f"' : BELLEB'S OONCEBT WAT.T., Tda Ou» Dbubt 07 TBS Wtsr, . And the only plaoe that has alwayawlthatoed the itoniiii AGAIN OPEN, And meeting with . , TMKkl 'I'KI^ SUCCESS. The toDowin^are among the ^ ^BBIUiIANT STAB FZBFOBHEBS • ■ now performing at this house. HIBB E. . WABD, MTHH W. W.AVlt, . ? . .' MUUEANNEnE, - . HISS FAN NY MA Ti * \ ■ .' MISS ^ I'i'i'tf T.wtt MIHH T.At J BA JilC.ATltg , UIB8 K^Sk DA^DN, . . MT.T.B flAmtlW XDGAB, . . MB& p. H, bbamon; pORrBANTIAGO GIBBOjipOIHB, : ^ \ DAN SHELBY. ' P. H. SEAMOV, OBA& B. D0BSON, .: . : OHABLES COTBLU, JAMBSBYLEY, PETEB HONTZ ft FAUILT, .• JOSH HABT, . F. .N. SPEIGH, , J. DUMAB, ■ . W. SMITH, . - . WM. CONSTANCE. ABnGTIB of an deaoriptlons of abknowledged ability win find Utothebadvutagetoaddreas ' JOSH; HAKI k ANTONIO BBEriZ, Proprlatois, - - Box 347, Detroit, MIOh. ' P. S. None but first does Talent need apply. 34f. . .' O.OOYEiqj,Biage Manager.' OAHTKBBiri^T HAU<, . , . •. . - WABHINQTON, D. 0. inLUAM E. SINN GECB. BDESON ■ ' • Also of' UBEB TY BU LL, ALE IANDUTA, - ya,' . . TBE OANTEUBUB? ■ .. v':'- ■ • . Is the ■ ■ . ' • . MOST'MAONIFIOENT ' ' . - . . UUfilO HALLINAMEBiaA. .." No ne bu t the- VEBY FIBST TALENT ■ ■ • . 'WILL BE ENGAGED' at th is ' , . BEAUTIFUL TEHPLB.4' I«dlM and Gentlemen of known ablU^ alwayi wonted. Addresato ' ' . • :.■.'• GEO. PEBdVAL, Busteess Manager, 'Or WILLIAM E. SINN, Piomletor, Mt, ■.'■'.% BazUS,Wa^Dgton.P.O. amoAod oahtbibbtot hall, ■. ''__. ' , . 138 and 138 Dearborn street . A. J; BINZ. '....PriDprietor. ... ' !T.L.FITOE Stage Manager. '. The Company comprises at present .the following Ladles and Gentlemen:.* . . Klsa'Aimle Bordwen, Warren BordwelL'!' Miss gate Partington, - Tom Poumd, '. Miss Boss Sutherland, . OldDnOrow, MUe Elclse, ' L. J. Oonndly, MnisLoutse. ' Messrs. Bnrrouse At Kdly, /'Miss Julia Yale,' Admiral Tale, Jolmny'Boyd, T.L.Eltch. . • . None but the BEST TaUENT 'will be engaged. ' Ladles aqd Gentlemen of recognised ablKtyanf tdent wlah- . or '.. Odumbus, Ey. . Soie*!Proprietor. ..Btoj^ Manager. lag engagements will ]dease addreas A.^J. snip, . Box 3081, Chloago, 0 . Washington Bs!Ui< JBAflVtliB'B OraBA HOVsib,'' . ..ii.'fl£V VBAHCIBaO, OALOrOBHIA.' ' TB0S,''1CAGUIBB. Proprietor and HABaa«r. JAMES DOWLINa.. Stage Manager. J. L. BOBM IT Leader of Onheatia, W. STEVENSON; Treasurer. THB STAB DBAHATIC OOHPAm. MISS SOPHIA EDWIN. MIPS LULU SWEET, MBS. W. 0. F0BBB8, MISS C. a tNOEUf, W. CNEQi, ' CHABIES TBOBK, ■ D. a ANDEB80N, W. B. BAMI LTON, 0. BTBTZTBON, bo.. MISS NEUUB BBOWHi FBANE MAYO, WILUAMBARBT, HAB BT OU FrON, F. B. WHITE. W. B. TAYLOB. bo., &o. Start vlsltlag OsUfttnik should iter in mind that Ur.'Ib^nitM is also proprietor of the Metropolitan Theatre, Saonunento, aai the MorysvlUe Theatre. BKTBOFOUVAir THHIATRXI, BAN FBANOIBOO, OAL. a CHABTiEfl TIBBETTS... ......Lessee and Mahagrt. : This Theatre Is no# open tor the FsU tti Winter BeaHO, the finest Oompany ever in Oalifiimla. . , JUUA DEAN EAYNE. . . MB& tUDAB, MIBB^WBBA'7, MRS. C. & THOBNE, MBaTLAUGHUEY, ' UBS FREDEBIOuL MB. L. F.BEATTY. W. or. FOBBK FEED FBANZ8, : B. BBOWN, MHa JAft STARE, MB. J. B. BOOTH: ' \ W; M,^JSUAN, ' I S.'W. LEAOH, V .... Hi TBA'YEB, . With ft Ntoerona Corps of Auxiliaries. I miass or isutsioK. Dress Circle:. ...wtl;O01 Orchestra'Seati Parauet.'......v...t....Wcta iGdlery ......r.,:...' ell • ■ ^'-'Private Botes 10and8dOUars. Stars intending to ^t CallfomU wIU find It to their litatvtii toaddrask wabove^. MMtt'' . TBBI HOUHAir ■ • NATIONAl OPEBA TBOUP B, ; pBTLTiTANTLY SUCCESSFUL EVEETWHBEE. Now open, tor Snnimer Engagements. ' PAy*F*Tf^TTTri, * OvKDSaiXXA* . : ... .' BSAmZAMS TH> BBISI; OBILD OV TBS BB0II(B)T, . lEK YonMo AOISBfll, ' Mns. PASTinaTov, '". Tbs Ou OMoi^ fea' Letters addressed to the Ouma OSoo'for 46^* . ■. GEO. BOLlUNt Proprietor and Ihiuigar.- TpBIBOB "oF^W LITEBPOOL, ENOLAm . This lirulydesant and very beaotlftil theatre la kept Opeadvr. Ing the whole of the year. - AMEBICAN STABS, of aohnowlsdged poalUon and talent negotI%ted with, fi» loag «■ .abort engagemeno, as mntoal Interests may leoolre. Adorers, ' ALEX. EENDEBSON,^ . tftf ./ Bole Lessee and Preprlsfta;, OOBIHTHIAir BAIiL, , EXCBANGE PL ACE, BO0BE8TEB, N. T., .'Wm ba Bented tat Oonoerts, Ledtures, Exhlbltlaru, bo, AddfcM W. A. BETNOLDB, SMm* .. 89 Arcade, Boohester, K. T. AOADlBBT OF arosip, CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Dnmatio Company return firom Oolumbua on the IStti ot ^>ri]|' fora continuation (f thslr aeason at the above popnlHr Theaoe.. All business obmmnnlcattonsiruy be addressed n ' . . JOHN A. Ef.Tfir.BB, Js., : I>tf Propriefay And Managsr. THBATAB BOYAL, MONTBEAL. CANADA. ' Lsssxs ..J. W. BUOELAND. This estabUshmant TO LET, nightly or weekty,'for entertab^ Bents qotdramatlo. Apply to J, W. BUOELAND, l-tf ' MontreaL BULBLSB'B ATHBRBUHC, COLUMBUS, OHIO. The dramatio Season olpsea on the 11thInst, (AprO)—aftarwhlA date the Atheneuq may t>e rented for W kinds of oihlhlHom nightly, or by the week. This la now tbe largeat, beat arrange^ and moat popular place for'Lectures, Mloalrel Tronpei, Cim- certs, Ac. Apply to JOHN A. ELL8LEB, Jr,,' l-tf Acsdeiny Of Muelc, Cleveland, ^blo, . HABBnVQTdir A THdlBPdON'S Ullf STliBlUB, . ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MEMPHIS, TENN. ■ This Oompanr have been performing at the above place, for some time post, with great sucoess, snd^ addition to their reonlav msmbars, aro constantly availing themadvea of th^ light of nsw "Stan." ArtMsof acknowledged talent, desirous for a fiMh sphere of (ctlan, are invited to address ss above, under the aqranoe of liberal treatment and pay, . g-tf ■ BO'TAIi ALHAIHBBA PALACE AND AMPHITHEATBJL Lefcester Square, London, England. The Proprietor la at^fl tlmee ready to engago first doas talent andnovd^ sultiblsle hit Mammoth Entertainment Terms'llbertL Apply as sbova. • U4t- OAWTHI BBPBT BIOBIO BlU.Ii, N. W. OOB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT 8TB., PBILAD'A. PA. LABGESr AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN TBE OITT. 0r Ladlea and gentlemen of known ability, wlU addrea iMm BOB>T.GABDINEB b Co., PmprietOH. BTTIB HURDBBBOIf, TBE CELEBBATED AMEBICAN ABtlBTE, Who hat Jutt completed an Engagement of . FOBTT'SIX NIGBTB INXONDON, ■ Win arrive in this jotntry . , • ' V'.'. ' ABOUT THE FIJTB OF MAY. ' Bhe brlngt with her several '::(: ' ■ ENTIBELY NEW PLAYS; , uutgers wlahlng to negotiate witU'thla young, haoSome, and tal en ted Actress, win please address • 8-tf ' 'WM. BENDEBSON, Pittsburgh Theatre. I «V4UHBiA'B,'V4|HBTJBa, II - | ~ ' i r i n i ' a ' i ' ^ r i nr ^j ■ VABIBTJBB.I 'yA&IB.TnDSI— \ TBB NATIONAL . AMUSEMENT INSTITUTioi^, .'Washlngton,!Dlstrlot of Columbia. Proprietors'.......;.A. BAMBLIN & CO. ' StageMuiager .'r..'i. .JAMBS PILGBIM. . :'Letder of .tfie Orohettra FEED. YOUNEEB, NQWilN ZHB^LL TIDB OF PBOSPSBII^. Inunesie audlenoea honor this beautital Templq of Amusement V with thdripatniiage, expressing every manl- ^ ' festattonol delight and applause . ' . < ,. " ■.. /: : \ •; , atthe ' . BXCBEDINGLY ABTlSTia BENDITIONS . . ^ - Of dtarnlng' singing and danolng, and the 'mlrth-provoUiig, tide^pUlting, sod inimitable represen-. .. ' • ,' . . .': iatlonsof the . -TARIOtlS SHADES OF THE COMIC MUSB.. Its superiority Is endorsed by sU the prominent Journals of Washl|iston.01ty, snd universally admitted to be ' ' ~~7Ttbe iSading music ball of AMEBICA. .! pebfobmsns of all kinds,' And' Of:.<ivory.attraqtlon—both Ladlaa and Gentlemen—of eitabUsbed reputations. In tho MnsloBtUJ^fesdon, .wUUng eagagemanttL should always first sddress : -' < . , . >tf. , t .. A. HAMBLIN k 00., Prapriet<nt. ■ saoiVB AND THoiiPBs. DEsraiNG TO^ra^ BUSINBSS.MANAGEB OB TBATELINa AGENT, oan obtain a9 active, ei^ergetlq one, of good prlndplet and Integrity, who hiw'ttayatAd, tmdertlands^ and had experienoe, and who u wen qnallflM for the'plaoe. As a manager, wlU,-nnder ordinary ^vorable olrDnfflsfaQoettgoarantee B good, paying bustnese to any flist; olast troupe. . Address immedlaldy, with a pro; gramme, ' N. OBBBN, BoxNo,41,. e-f^: ',^niltaiey;t Polntf Broome Co., New. York.' . .>. ... ■ ■ "•: -B<OTOH. ; . . ■ • W> First dais STABS .wltUng iiightt, .wia addretttha nb: 8MDer,'Mfali0T*>' .' - i ." ' PRTSBUBOB, PA. Sels Leasee and Manager... ....DIOK CNEllb. '. -.Stage Manager. LEW SIMMONS, TBIMDI^'S TARIETIBS . ' ■, b toiTln fon tide of success. Crowds honseis every night p' PerfOrmert of ability con always meet .with good esgagamente bysddrieasingasabovN'orto >' JAMES CONNEB At OoJ i^Vi^V w eux Broadway, N. Y. iHr Xwo.La(|ly Danset(|m'wanted immediately, g4t Uo'VIOKBB'^ TBBATHB, '■.■;..'■ ■■ ■ OBfCAGO. AnpUottions for Stock Engagements wlBjiow. be noelrad for next season. Btste portlonlars as to boslness, and the amount of sslaiy wanted. for a Aeason of' at least forty-eight: weeks, com- August.^Do not endose stomps. !lf your serrloes are reiqaltedydi win reodveo prompt reply. ' ■■My'• /■^;|-;.';_ . .J. B, MoVlbXEB. . • . I A CARD. .Prot .VAO EVOY, in returning thanks'for the very liberal patronatiti bestowed on the BIBEBNICON during the vast seven weeks in.Bape'Ohapel, desires to saiy that he haa leaaed the tpa- dbns Ball Boom in tho Chinese Assembly Booms, No, 889 Bioad< way, Wld wi ll open tho sjplcndld PanorOma . . • TBE BIBEBNIOdNr OB, A TOUB IN IRELAND,' for ft short seuon, oommenolhg Thtusday evening, April '7, !• BIR, ceOKBi lttoof theZeiBZcr, in theoontemplattont^ • Visit to Europe in a'fbw months, would be willing to undertake any agency in the'dramatic or exhibition Une, Bit fkdUtlea proidse tP be abuhdant; and he. oan, without ezaggefaUon. prolnlse any paiilet mxlouk to secure hU terrioet, Oo ptoennl ment of the beet taUnt In the Old World, fNm a {ragefiu to* tumbler, or from a prima donna to o dimsense.' Peraent wUlliitf to troat Uberanywflh Mr. Oooke, can addreu him tithe ^SoS of the CuffFSB, .. '. ^ 1 . ■ . 'itBmtta m an' Vatbsb, ' . . ,. MB. PEIEB OIOHINaS, : Tlow dayttg » most suooitstU^agemebt at the :be«toii'Uti- Si ProTldenoe (B. L) Theatre for ott« —w A).— —I.. sijy.iitt|, and fttWeroMer (Utis.) Veek, Mma^dng Mc^i fBV alghti. wmoit^ BOVHO TOP OAB7ASB, • „ " FOB BALE. • Sixty feet in diameter and in good order. WiU be sold dheafw as the owner hss no nie for It not being in the circus hoalneat. Addreaaliox 163, nttsboirgh. Pa.' ' Sl.if F. BDUiHAN'B MUBICAL, DBAMATIO, and TEBPBICHOBEAN AGENCY, • 68 East lith street cor. Union Square and 4th Avenue, N. T. I^oqe. but FBBT CLASS ARTISIB, and thorongtily reaponat- Ue Managemenia negotiated with. All lettert. and applications must enclose a stomp for reply. Terms wlU be forwarded when requested. ■ , .. ■■ . ffl-lSt*: ' A OBAULBNQB TO THB' lVORLD>^]oL ELUK- GEB ohsUenges the whole world to produce an equal to COM- MQDOBE FOOTE, in age, size, welaht; and ednostion. Tho Commodore wears the "Odd Medal,'' whioh etalnps him the smsUsat man alive. He Is satiated by hia little Mend and ooi^ peer, OoL BMALLi P. T. Domum Advertises the,ema)lest Tn«n and woman In miniature Uvlng. This I deny, arid obaUenie hlsa for 140,000. to produce a pair In dlmlnutlveneas eqaal'tomlnet Letters addressed, oare FBANE QUEEN, Oupris Office. wOl reach OOL, WM. ELLINGEB, ^^^Bo-tf^^^^^^^^ p^ yH?; ?".*".'^ : PliATBOokB,'?HQ^aRAPfl8of KATEBATEUAN. ??™'',f^^i,"^»^'<**">I.ndllo Woatarni Unra Xeon4L CoroUne Blchlngs, Mrs. John Wood, also In character: A. £ Menken, at French Spy and Moioppa; Buson Benin, Eata Denln. leabeUo Onbas, Fanny Brown, also ta oharooteri Webb Blstere. Lovlnia Warten; Tom. Thumb, Mr. ond Mrs. B. WlUltms. l£ lod Mrs. Florence, B, Fortoat E. Booth, J. W. Wallaok. Jr.. Wilkes Booth, Ed. Adams, Lester Wallaok, and hondreds of o£^ ere. 38 cents each, or five for (L Bout to any address on le-, oelpt of price. OatOlognea sent on rocdpt or poetage stamo. bT 4-11* ■ ■ W. 0. WBMYflfl,e78 Broidwoy, Nowyort OAIil FORl flA THBIATRIOAL AnHlwov— Bmniv- DAN OOBBIN would respectfully Inform members of the'dr»- matlo,'MnBlosl, or Equestrian professions, that he has ealoUIahad m Agenoy In Ban Franolsoo, and la prepared to nogotlate engage* menta snd transact dlotber. business pertaining to ,tte ra^ llMsion, AddrMS. 6HEIUDAN OORBIN, San ITanclik!tv;Cl£ . H, B.—Aniettert keonlring answers moat oontolnh stamp to pie-pay thasama. ■ ' ■ T HB IiABOBBT SHOW BOX PBINTINO E8TABLIBBHEHT tN THB WOBU)! ■ OLABBX A EBILLBY, • JSnooetaora to John H, Baoon.) PBTNTHBB AND H»GBATHBe^^■ « ^ _^ . MandUBpruoeStxeetN^wSbrk, Pay ^partioular attention to gomng np aU kinds or ^. ■ FABOT SHOW BILliB For ttavdlng oompanles, and have on hand ft large and spIendlA assortment of large and amaU ■WOOD OUTS' ' • BulUUeforOironiteft, Venogeritt, Ethiopian PertomeM, Gym- nasts, Migldass, Ac, Ao.i whloh Oan be printed in one or rtott colors, to suit onltomers. ' ',' - jtfr A deposit required on an work ordered. AU orders addressed to "CLABBY 8c BBILLEY," Baeon Print- ing And Engtavlflg estabUshment UandUBpmotttrMli.New York,wlUbeptompUyattetidedto.' , ' .:. ' / S-U: BILL 'WBITBR AITO ADVKA^tWtta AamHri.m. Wanted a sttuttion di abort; by a'ttan of Arst-olast: eduMtton and butin'est taot^oife *ho haabeen.ta tho "bit,?', ... .' 9-8^ .. J, EEUSION, Fr^ntSt Tb^tie, BolUmorN lU,