New York Clipper (May 1863)

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^1 BAil^t? lLiT it). 1863.' ^AllimKiRl''VO 'toOBBBIPOIIDBUrVB.^ ., [j «a; 1. Hr. O. o; Homrd Jith» iwae *S«SM%WMUdlIi«nidroa Uf «iilmc« wlUibinesttad SSiiiS^eSS^ aKTiiarOMa to the toWguei ot ^liSfa. ud fnllT ta«4 m onr oplza^.to that of the :t^!Z3 niiiMWtatenihisbMaoaibe.itieeeTtf ^l<iiw'«<'I>;-AtM AB.—i awgeHil In Ute Bid K. T, Tola. mikM ■«ff*.n^«yat«mMit Ttoi-j^Hut to naUng « Koma roa In « ySL l aKBtiMMb.ffltw Tortg*me> the wnuMt li tllvwedto eSSffoAWvllhirdaeof tbetatafliilU^t tondUag them. I M^ihUlf^^*ORUa<Mtoton6heMhT>tM H hejMuisealt; hire. .MA «M (e thU tCMl, Mi^g to laaTO the dtolrion iitih Ton^^ cti^;ifiB»'-U, ef'MiDM,ohllMd totoneh'aMOi tue ubegoea '<3Hiaid4' W*>H« kaiprttM:thrt'thli gntatton of toncbtobttao [la tt M airoia b« 10 nMonaerrteofl aalt ft. ■ IniUthsmleiiroeri . rHwiWuiii tW piowd, th* •'nuke.f' «iniklng," ajid "mtde" f«»;li^inTeai*B««to tonehlagthe btsa. In ■aottoA 11 of the; : e(alsi('ibopIii;ir liSMttlTely noDlied to toach tholit'btio; jad.|»itoaealS,'th« nl« «»«:: "PlsTtn niut nob theli btsea . ttflU Older of iMUsg." Mow to mqte a hue, U to toooh It; i iiiilimiiiimiillr. 'iTiin' ku* mnot be tonched In going tonnd on » ■ -•-'-^' • "iyer Ktklng > homo xm vrtthont htviog flwl te, e«nbe 'Piltontb/kDr one of the flelden _, ^g'tlie ballirhUe on thit buo: tnd It ^e ihoiild fUl ito'teiUh>ttt*'.Mm%^b«le; htf eonU be' tonohed and pntont while jmUf thU-'kU UMr: Xew la H nisotiable to Bappoto that the '^ta&jM bMMWeNtebanude/Moeptlonii Of? Oeilahilynet . 9B» il» noiri&'K«W'To»k lato toiiohthe bases In ell cues; ao '' ^h^Msrts setUed, aaa the ralea can sow bis Interpnted oor a^j-'l igne to dlieoo^t « ftitnl it a game ot bliUaida. ''Ilrcvpe^ient nas. 10 to so. and .I.hav^ one. He mihcs a rnn ot fli^lld holes hlaMlt Iclalmihsgssut. Am J rlghtt..... .No, ~lf«ii-aTO%mDa. It was jonr opposent'ef pilTllegeto soon the ;' .mhiS 'ihade pxhim, and dednol the same. ftom jovi- string, ' wfbM the poinii for the ferfelt, In conieqnince.or holelog him- Wf.'^en taken, ifhloh wonld set yon. back consldeiablr, and . naka the fottdt af no aTsll at that pKt(oUar Janotnie, so £u as ; MboUsg ginke^ss eonMinsd..' t . '■''\:3,,dayiaeUini Kr,—"nireeofcs aieplwlssagams of seven i'Ai'B; 'inda,'A being the deakr. After deaUsg thiee.oaids a )6e, B sajs 'I bsTS a good vAti hand.' 0 says tso have I.' A «/gtf«.<lat me in.' ^.andOagzae. :A',bst Is then made. Bhas mutt'^^OhtM thi«e. aces, A has* flush. Adlspntethen ^•k'io which wen, the three aces ortheflnihi"'.;..;^A fliiah Bin Batik thlladelphlai—"Two pUyois aire on the.bascs-r 4|D«an theM,the' etharon the let, and tho striketls Inhls < yaltton. .XbapltshaTpUohaasbdI,'aiidUieaMkeT,makli)(no tflott tq stadk* ths^bili bnt looUng another wayMhe ban strikes . mbat^aad^eesemtluihesdoftheottcher. The question Is, Mm the pUy en «n the bases a right to nin home as u the eass ' «(• pwsed mU, or the tell sttlhlngthe lejgs ei bodyof ajperson f *»*'.' ' ■ ■ ■ - '••■<WmiH D., WliDlBgten, BeL-^L TrecanforwiirdTonasei^ Aftood.bozlng itlOTss for sU dollars, which will Iholnde freight XpST .oan bs fatwatdedby eiprett, that being the safest and meat azp«dltloTis'.teetha<L 3. For the .luteiul yofi {hlnkof getting to the ftatora, ;on had better, address those ot oor ad- ; wtrtsert who furnish tUem. 9. Thank yon for yonr good wl»he«, eto. _ .«.: ,■ ' ■ >.'BUD'QbisixBa, near Falmonth, Vo.—Ethan Allen andrmi- ' alng.mate.beatFlara Temple in a 'trot ot nlUe heats, best 8 in fc .lflonlagto three straight htsts,.on .Beptemb<r 6, ISOI, the ttns'ot the second heat being 2 In onr optoUm, howevar, It cannot be consldeied as a sqiiare beat on the trot^ on account crSocks'mnnlBg,. . ;IaTiuUia-T-''iniatwiatho reason tbat the directors of the BiNiokl^AcBdeBy.of Unslowotild natlst Urs.Iolm Woodpe^ loan there f"..... IBceanse her style of aeUng was not considered of Ihattnoial afaaraoter tho Inqutcolate dlreotore'had set forth nodd-for their guidance. Zhey haye recently descended jBttA their high estate, howi)veT. , i ''BxBO'ii^'W^^LOB, Fslmontb,TB.—JemUaceaad Tom Etog ' tatei^cedeai^ other as opponents in therln^ twice, Theflrst .IgU o4Isinuary.38, ues, wBswonbyUehe; the.aecond, on No- ; 1*p)fa/W,.'lfl<0iWBSwanby.I[tog, .• ; • lV;! ji(>v'<]Uoago;T-Ohaiilot(a Oushman made her flrnappiesr. i % pnbUo, u '. a pabllo singer, af FrtokUn Ball, Boston, j,n. ■■»«. °. .. .... . . mi ^anH ha^|ieen'» moirt extnordtoary.ijBtii^ ind'Mmttotlon! la ^BgUitiaiirdessM^ the past fSw inontla, an'Ati^ iivblle the American prtie iliy gs^e promise of rlTallng the British to> stltatlon: -bnt the litfa msettog between Oram and /Osoghegan ii^ bats the leffeol^ ntf.\donbt, to totarfore wUh jpHzi fl«bts.. to thlsfloinlty.'lf not topnt'astop to themi dtbgother.' Already some of the dally papers are oalllpg opoq the .anthoiltliM to pat. In 'ItKO the Uw whifih' iHs passed by onr Btatetieglilainn some fewyeais sgo:whloh law, by.th4'W*y;U Very, 'Mt^'l(t'the pensIUos wiaoh It imposes upon thoSA.whoTlolate Its vrd'rislomi. The I^M^;is)'.!(cbM<i<r and'wtods np its remsrka by aiktog that some of the prtoolpals or seconds to the late matoh be brought np for trial, f to. The dlsgraeefdl conduct of certain parlies at the .Oecvhi^ and Orem his orcatedaveryunfsTor^Ua opinion of ;the American prize ring, andltlsnottobewondsiiadat 'that the authorities are. called stop all Buoh aimbltlo.ns to future. Fron allwe can ieam upon the subjsot^' we oan obma to no other ooacluslon than that a party of roughs attended tbat figlit for the express pur* pose of defeating Oram.; nowwsdonotsa^lhatOeogheganwas knowtog to this, for'lie''seema to havA bean very anilous, hereto- fore, to try hi* figlUitio abilities to. a contest with soma good man, to order to thowhis flrtandsw&it be'bould do to a fkJj; rtog Oght, bnt this we do know, that eraryViirort was madetotottoi' Idate the stranger, ud:thaaost ln*u)tltig end abuslTe epithets were applied to blnCbeih bafoM he ^teiad the ring, and while he was to lb Language of the Mwest. and filthiest deMripUon wta freely made use of by this gang of'outsiders, and acts com- mitted that would! disgrace even the brute 'creation. Vo are to' formed that they set file to a.bam the oTentog. previous to the fight, and'committed nrious depredatlona.'on the property of people residing to that part of the country.where, the contest took pisoe. Burtog the progress of the fight, tt wis arideat to every unpMjudlced pend|prtsent that Or«m would not be per- mitted to wto, ereh If he was able to do so; the lost round. It la said, one of the "spoil sports" lanlled a pistol at the referee's head, aiid compelled him to decide to tkVor of (JeoghS' gUL This la denied by the friends of Gsoghegin, and also by the. raferad, who aays that he was not totlmldatsd, iaS. whs'sow- adheres to the decision he jgave to the Ang.' That a*pl9lolwas dgi|ni,h6weprer, admits of no dispute; and one gentleman called alb'ua to say that Ac selxed the hand .that pointed the weapon, jg^ente'd from using li This Is a pretty stite.of 'affatrli; truly, when men go armed to see sn .eihlbitlon of the .Mjuaniy art of self-dafanoa." 'Wessyit is no winder that thk press Is beginning to oaU for an apjdlcatlon of the law against prize 'fighttog; and If the ''dlsorganlslng.raugbi.''could be the onlyohesnj^etosntfer, we should say amen to the anneal of tho Omme/tial! for until tho ring Is purged of suchlawleA Char- wJtersasthiwomost 'actlTetothe dspredattons and other dla- gracofnl proceedings atOheese Creek, there, can be no security for life or property where fnoh asaembiiges taks plaee, Better ahollBh the.ring,altogether, If It Is to be ohaiaotarized by such TloIsUons ot law, order and decency as have attended it rseenliy. Weliaye always adracajpd'eihlbltloiis of the science of manual detenoe, when properly conducted, but we tit just as ready to take a decided stand against them If Uie rough and blackguard element la suffered to havie .control What man who values bis life, can be toduped to act as referee when ha sees the ring su^ rounded by armed bullies; and bnt very tsw persons wQl care even, to wltnois.a fight,to snob company,however fond they- may be of such displays/ And while we are at It, permit us to suggest that, when there Is direct proof that a referee lias been compelled to givo a dedsltb contrary to bis convlstlans, he have the privUego of changtog that declalon at' a fbture time, and awarding the victory to that man whom he believes to be Jnstfar entitled tolt Some of our profbaalonols are greatly to blame for the conduct of outalderig. yftit the pugs to act to. oonoert, and firown down all attempts to toterfe^; with men to Oit ring, or with the proper discharge of the duties of o'Sobds connaoted with It, we should have but little opposition to the prize rtog, and matches could be got off ss qolatly here as they are to Eng. land. There, ring keepers are. appointed, vrhose duty It is to preserve ordto, and prevent any outside toteiferenea;'' To' be sure, once to a while, the ring keepers are overpowered, and dis- turbances ensue, but there It Is tl^e exfeptloi^; here. It seepu to be the rule. It the pugs wisU to bring thflniUt^tloi^toto fkvoi to this corqntry. they nmslcsst off thef'spoil spart^'.- sjid' g fr/the btstaian a etoncfl. '' ~ T^U) AikaaiOAH 'BOOia^BQ CHAtoiilOR*| i in ^n^. M^M lJJ ^ 1 ..-J... ■ I ... ir^ry.Thieatre^ Bew xork, to lass, as lady Macbeth, VVduE-Bbx; Bahvai^ m.—1. Heenan Is heavier, than OoboM. ' 3, EeilssubJeettotfaeOosscriptlousct.' '9. Salaries range'fton^ lU totW., 4. Veeatmotdecldpwhlablsths bMteompa^ ' I ; If. S,, !ToI«do:«rTlie usual rule In cutting at euohre Is, for tlulbestenohre card tO'take the deal; oomeniently. the Jack Is 4k«U^;tb;itbefoM',U^^ "j.,, <]{i^urg.—Tbeprice of's traveUbg due, such ss yon .dsaialbe, liPtT. . Addr^ Uessrs. Fhdiu & Ocllender, I^o. W Oteaby. street, IT. T. . - « . ' iBiraft'UoL.; 4lh'lteg,K. T.>V.,irashtojtos.—The beet'ume UVdnnlsgtheBerby, WSB made by OoL Townely'a^ettladmm, XlMsn by Bollock, vis.; 3:13; to 18$L *jBl'Urb B.', Burlington, Vt—L- Hiss -Bffle dennon Is at present pu^togatFotd's Theatre, Baltimore. 9,'We have all the papers 7ia,wisfa,'.«i^ept'the first number, ''B.!S.,-PbiisdeIphla.^The 'Webb Bisters—Adsb and Emmi^' 'varel>omatHewOrl(ass,la.,andwereedncstedthere. EanU J<1h4 eUest,; being IB, while her sister Adah Is only 17' ■T. U, £,,' Balllaiore.—iDtsome respects, the ajtlclo Is qul^e mhr^t snd itopattlal; y^t' there are portlops of it ,whlch '*re: iilidesjirtedly iWTore;/- ■':,'/. ^ ..''•,,■','>.',.. . .'Oivianz.—VoTi . are .qhite'^oorriibt;' at another time vlfa may Uva' ttort' leisure to devote tt) such aflUrs 'ihan we bars bad ' '1(rAjnn&.Oa.Iiedl,'lIIob.r<7our times for elgbtiHn dollai* ■*»llheIowestterms.: //.v : .■■ flivmBiw.Tny.—Ihialsat.'m.beud'b^ ■•»T>avtaworth,Kan<ts. .-" ^'.'i.■ ; "'...S^C^: iyy:^ ,_r8B]iw,'FoHBoyaI,'& O-r-Vfibtve >p'p^piin ototldiiliig J^nrn-pghtotfbMid., :|•.••';:■'. ( •.'' ■:' ■; ..iPtawl.W'ScHuiii; Aven ^rin'gsi ntT.-rHkva ao pspers dtthtt ..Mm •■:': ^■r^:;',^- .S.'Vt"'.',-- ■. 'V;.-'.' ' 'Vv'B., Flttebuiig,—l; The lady ts marrisd; ,;9.'lllsi Onahnish 1( ■ •l'pleMot;realdlngat.PariSf-. ^.: , . . '.'/ '■ ' .', ■■ .'..■■- ' k'o.'^b;^' .(IbaptoiHlu^ IT<T^—We'hilTO no pM^ SEb'B.'BbiBpringfieldi Uais.—Brop allse Ut Mr. Butler, Ko. 8 PSdt^p;//tf^ IhlnkbepqbUshed abotkcn tfaakubJlMt. [ ' jlV'M^We^eldi How.—By rkferenop to'l^nr iTenoUlnstrSl .a4)^™est;-2r«^'wlll' seo.thet the cotufsny ^Sr^ in Vinnwots. Oiib BLDBS,-4h* Jaok'was tnrped up on ihe first liand, and tteiJ^WtosnHtJ^to't^^^^ BMbiam&'^i '6e wju last to iiSinMiid, 9, mat about "SnrntOork?". - .: :. vV'"?-.--; - _ v ' itij'^>^b:'X^titBWU;—^e- b«T^iii»':(«iiii9iot'tiiat Im^ ^ijj^.i ->;-'->.\t;.s ■,■'■■■•.' ■ : ■. ■ ■'• .•' •■; ■■ : . • ^..f.':&.,,^dg«poriL.<T^o^ q. Heensh WM.^fim to:W«st'!boy,'. ^<T^V':~:'0-'; .^o-'V'!"'^ ^ '.' ''■':. r ft'W./Buflw-rAhn Uorrlssey.tratoed Mt'LaasUiiba^ T.»fi)(.hla,a)|)|prlthHeesan; .■■ .; 'v-- .- fl ■ ' "y.' A jiA^jl»^^|^'S|re.tove;4 ■ ^Ijy,flii:i^'fe5|^ey,>vy)np^^^ .'AilC>fl.-IT(U^Isttlt^sr,andU'SdiQ^ ' - ' .^?j;RjH;,,y^^a;(i)^Un^B;a "j^. •a:\t." ; ^■M^f/tf^afk-paui^^ aisswsr to.'Twelfth Street^y." ii:},»l^iQi£^ <C|to^ three qdjeefis andapi^'wlji;; ■ .,#fOi-Biln«W>.''F^ answer toHead'Qdarteiwl . \^.;i;i'^.;-<b|^tltoa(L^BUa ' ' '' . ■.' ■.g^*iAlj,J^c*i^4j^^i.ilrsttea^_,gi^^ .':ltax^:t«iifipU>4|Lt»yithe T ■/'♦•lie^^AprU 6, Itei betjifasn w'.,rtev((n^^^ ; (mt^iut) apjl fi^'tlMijip&Mtif^tmsyWa^ the Hwr .^X«>iMn..«lsillog.. bttU» "heattslbf bafe.^'-partltlpiUAg to >Iiali:ir«OHative ooaastoa to'telleTe'tbe'dtsriici Mnll^ of ihk ■ *imi^tali» ifaijto tunbur teduilnf; fVrith/.fii^t;;bli<d »pldi{y ; ihi iiiiaf0]ij^HWMc^ ';..oii iw > :'ntan.t*TFewe i^^^ '■ thb OnnAi. PauL^Thls beanilfol spot^the cinest arbflMal reprfsentatlye'ot a-rural.resort this country has ever seen, is now to foS—we had nearly sald^feather-laai; aifd'rapidly a^ proacUng-'fdll' bIobi£, and Is truly' very tnvlitog. Oome away from the dty's dust, andndse^ snd haat, whenever, a few hdnrs of IsIinre'.wfU sdmit,: Pure air and exerolsei' and is bracing up, even to an almost resewst bf the Vowen of body'and mtod arf to be gatoed as the rewards of such a course. We are happy to know that'lbs Saturday afternoon .open air concerts are shortly to be revived, wlthgreatlytocreuedaccomniodatlonsfbrvlsUara to tiie wayot se ats.' ' ; All BKBSin.--"Fighttog Joe Hooker" waited aB .winter and a greater part of the .spring, for the. roads, to diytipliefcrehe ad< yanoed on-Bloiunond. Kow,vre presniiaie, be is waiting for the rebels ttaesulelves to dry up before he. attempts another move- mmt,' We waxe .promised so much on .bfShalf . of . this fighting man that wa'ttel somewhat disappointed at his hanging fire so ictag;. HeiBUstbe spoUtogfor afight by thls tlin^weshdidl think.. Will somebody tall us why Hookar don't B(i';(i)i 2 ' I Tbx limr.—Wo have had somb trotttng vas Ved^U racing during the .past week, th^ former on-'Jjca'g lilandVthei latter at 'Jamestown.^ We db'notsee/Ur. iOassIdy's nuae'lmentioited to fonneotlonivrtth'asy events'the present ssaS'oa. Bewassoim' ^prtunate"is^t -year i^t- «s p'reeniimb' bs'meamt t6"hoId his horses";forthe.fa,tpre^ f'A .bnnit'''chlld.drpada the fire," It'is said. •' i-.-., •.• . . . r . .' ' . ' ' .. A'Oobn.Hisc-tOen.Orant Uuffedoffiiis'reb^ at Ettoes'- BJnff, ud; thereby ^ouifed''the prlre'at.TIolisbBig.'. It'was a goo'd ihihg'forW army that'"FlgtiitingiTa^^ookerf * hadn't a hand'to the game out there, or we mlght.havie.heud of'another masterlj^ retreat, otter oompoIUn'g,the enemy to tight on ground of "his own lihooal ng." ' ; . " > ■. I^DDfitit's'Vmiz M liiwToBK.—Weuiidentand that letter haa.'beni. received'.bjr a gantlesian to tfalsdty, to whlohit' Is sUM ttiat X6hn :0. ^eenan will visit New Tork\tfome tlihe to Jhiy. ',|iti is hinted th^ he'may be scoompanie^ t^ Tom l&yeis. iTBHOBAUPloiisHip.—Ifd resposse ^liaa yet beaii made to Joe ..OobnnV chaUtaga'i'iinbllthoa to bur:la8t,'^d ths.ohamplon sidi wi^ over 'ihe wnrse, notifitl^stu^ ' the numerons r»| ^^oria of offers being made tomaatOobum.' . - . * ' ^ixiaKiDuTAnoB.'—Oh onrilntpsge wili be fouitd a pttr- trait of the lata Umented and muoh esteemed actress, 'Ulas Em. ;nUTSylor. Hlss.TayMif .to MeWTork to 1838; add idada her first Appearance on ttj atage' to 1889, at JUtoUll'i Olympic. Maw Tork, as the Fauy Oentllla, to the ."Invisible rinoei'/.'fortbebenefltofhertfster,lIaTy.'("Onr Uary.") Du- ng tiie seasons of 1887^8 and '80, 8he was atlaehed to the clui.stTOetTheatre, Fhlleddlpma, and was quite a tAvoriteln latolty. 'WhenHr. Wheatloy opened Mlblo's Garden, to this blty^lllsdlkylor' was-'i pr6mtoent. member'of the .oompaDy, Bna soon, hdwsvsr, left and JotoedLaura Keone's company, in February last, Ulis'Keeno, with a few members other company, lileludlng. Hiss Taylor,', took a trip tO'H6w Baven, Ot, tor the nnihpose of gtvtog drsmatlo representations. Od the night ot the SlirofFebrdAry, while pOTtbrmtog,there, soma portion bf the yrood«odc'of,the slete^foll from .the.. "fllU/* It is alleged, and ilHklfig "Utar^Taylor; tbaew bar' Into ,ednvtilgIons. 'She was .broughtio this ol(y,.*tlllsulISriog from the 'tojnrlos received, and <m.ffaesday, 'Febnary-Sltb, she breathed' hdi> hist> Bar funeral ^kplaod firotn her mother's house, on the 98tb'.' Apart from-bertsttoisbUidbtfacler,: snd the:acknowledged womanly tofiuence.which that has always carried with'lt, which. Above all lUngiL Is sd really desirable for tbs wsUire'of >lhe stage with tts —her tovarlabls;acoiulaoy ihe.text, M pbfea UM in aaUme,:wt flnUbeditrnthfal oatiiratoeu 6t'h8^ flsUnea^ turns, entitled tier to ai high rahkU'berp^faUlon. - .■ ., ..f -''-- ..." -^i-'K. S." \ ■■■ ■ ;>T^as. peSiiman bMi. a lD.-ib< slut .that 'he wlH auwh t,AM«tfierlOjKrnnderr:to^^ .W ftO.t ilde. .0«UM7( JU^pWfi SfSLY TO .WABD'S OHIALUNaB, T'.' < : - WABD'S FIHAt EBSPOHSk. " * ""T The tiballeige Issued by Josh Watd, to lut week's Ourm, to (pw ^uhrn A lAM.oa the, Hudson, for tM8 a stdet creeted n« little. tocljwnent tf^afff tiiose whs iavoi^ boating app'rts; both' here ss weliutoFltlsbiirgh. The littsbnrghers were deUghtsd with the prfQect.oi(.s««tog,ibeIr little champion race more on the waters,- bntappau'to'ioonslder the stakes somewhat small. Ward,lt should be. remenAered/ is a defsated man; his Mends lost considerable inonv(mldm.dnrtogtha.racee.ontbeBbhnylhlll| ai^dtosucba oasc'WardnuiedKOO as being about as muoh u he cared to risk sgato. He understood tbat Hamlll would be bare to July to attend th^ Boston regatta, and be oonsidered It poaalble that he might be toduoed to give blm a bbance for the sum ijamed.'whlla here. The followtog Is a copy of tiaijsiu'a reply to Ward's chal- lenge:— ... . ?,\- ■ . ' ' :Hrsbubob, Hay 31,'48. assTUHKKT-IamJiuitoreoelpt of the Oupraa ooncalotog Hr. Ward's oballenge. In reply to Iti I would state, that, nntU I can asoertato the chanoter of the water on the Hudson, whetherltU rough or pIaold,UwouU be impessible forme to make the matoh;but Ijun new Baking toqnliy, and will be able to let you know the rfsnlt to • few diys, when. If my advloe la bvorabla, I will make the match on ibeaa eondlUons, vis.: that you allow me tUO fo^ my eip^as, or I will silow yon that amount, and have the raoeherei br, I will meet yen at the old place, on the BchnylkUL each party paying his own expenses, and the only condition j[ win «ak, la, thst If the day for which the'raoe la fixed should prove wtody, the race ,be postponed un. til the first fUrdayaflw. I trust that theae suggestions will meet vrith yoor fAvorsble conaldersUon, as I would be pleased to give Hr. Ward an opportonlty to regain bis.laurels; but at the same time, you will sdmlt that to meet him en the Hudsoif, at my expense^ would, to the event ot my betog sucoessful, take at' leastone^hidfot the purse orwiniltogs. Should the raoetake place either here or on the Hudson, I would suggest Wednesday, the Uth ef July. 1 would add, that to the event of the race tak. togplace hare, I will guar^tee that yon will all be treated like gentlemen, and that to the race, should there be any partiality shown, it will be to lavor'of the straagers. Fou wUl find that Pittsburgh'takes as greatan toterestln boattog asaayd^to the cnited States. Beapecttnlly, Jaiizs HiuiLt. . This letter, havtog been submitted to Vt, Ward, has eildted the annexed reaponse from tbafagentleman:— COBirwSLL, Hay 21,1863. Ub. QonR—I am to receipt of a letter from Hr. Hamlll, contalntog bisreplrio my communication to your lastlsauec As I have not his aadiess, please Insert this. He sugg'esta that I shall give htov one hundred a^d fifty dollars for expensea to eosie here. Or he will glve'me the same to go to Pittsbnrghi or, he win meet me on the Bohnylklll, as before, each man paytog his own expenses; he also snggesta that it the day be foul, for irbioh the race Is appototed, another and fair day be selected. I have no ohJecilonsto thelaet clause, snd I admit tlw others are fair enough; bnt «s I do not dispute bis dalas to the cham- pionship,' I am not disposed to comply with them. I merely repeat that to sstlsfy toqulrles, snd aa Hr, Hamlll totlmated that he would meet me at the Boston Begatta, where he will have to bear his own expenses to contest for a purse only, I supposed he would have no oUeotlons to come here, and come tor a reason- able sum. With this view I offered a proposition to meet Um on the Hudson; It'he Is dlsposed\to accept, I will make the match; if not, therals an end of the matter. Wlthreapcot, ' .. • _ - JOarfPA WlBD, Fotn'Rioiiia^—OHiixDioB.—The followtog latter and chal- lenge has beien handed us for pubUostlon:— ' Bew 7oax,UAy3{,ie«S. . Ub. FUmc QDIXN—Ar.-—I was matched to run a race this day with Janles Buns, ftomthe foot of Blvtogton street to the Bow- ery, giitog him two hundred yards start On arrtvtog at the ground, Bums refosed to start unless the two hundred yards w/s ■Powed on the comtog out; to tUs, of course, Irefused to.agree. We then started even, and when I got to the Bowery I was one hundred and fifty yards shead. BisDackersnowelalmthemoney, Aretheyeniltlediolt?'' ' NoW'te show, his bsdkars that I msan ruhntog.'and oan beat him, Iwilljuhblm one mile, andvriU give him one hundred yards at the comtog out, for SlOO a aide. If this Is not accepted by Bums, I am open to run any man to New lork a race of one mile, even, you; Hr. Queen, to be stakeholder, Tours tnily, TodkqSfobt. [Although it Is always nndentood, when not otherwise dlettoet- ly stated, that the start given Is at the beginntog otthe race, you, by mnntog and starttog even, vlrtoallv agreed to theierms of your opponent's bsbkers, end' therefore loa.e the money.—En. CLirrEB-j BIIiLlARDS. '^n^ aHAND hationaij BILLIABB..TOBBNAUEl(t '' '-.. .'niUi Tik> rLAOB at IBTmaHALL, - .'. ■Comer of lUttentb atreet and IrvtogSlace. Sa]r.lB^.-;£i l'. J ■ .J"-,.'- OOlOlEHOIHO ■ ^ . ■ T .^JjL-.;^>H;S t.c'i L -i" ■ lanimiT, iimnniMyJBas.A' i .t'/S' " f .Wn foQOwlng players have entered, and- will contend mi the irlcesandthe : . . , . OOAUFIONSHIP OF AUEBIOA. itoOH AEL F OLBT, of Cleveland; TIBUAN, of Otodnnstl; SffiBEITEB, ot Detroit; FOX, ot Bochester; WSZSBZ, ot Philadelphia: DEEBT, ot Waabisston: : NBLMB, of Philadelphia; : ZATANAGH, of New Fcvk; aaUDTHWATTE, of NewTerk. ' The Tonroamest will conUnne for abottt ten days. Eoch^ay. er will playa same o{flve hundred potota np, Caroms, with each otthe olher puyets, and the winner of the greatest numbier of games to beihe winner of an the prises; a splendid inlaldi'tonr- pockot. Billiard Table, Pholan k Ooltander's patent andnugiilfl- cent gold mounted One, the emblem of Ohamplonship, ' Elevated Bsata will ba erected to aooommodatel,80irapecbtore, BO that all can see the play. A charge of 80 casta will be made for each admlsslcn to cover expenses; the surplus, if any, will be. distributed as mileage to players coming from a distance, or otherwise dl^iad of as the cohteatanta may detarmtoe. Tickets will be on sale at the prindp'al BOIiaid Booms, and at the door otthe Hall. (.at* TBZ aniSD NiTIdSAL BUXIABD TODBnAUEST,-na DOXt number of the Ourrxs win contato the first, though seceasarily brief, Instalmont of jiewa aslegarda this promtoent event In billiard annals, as it commenoea on Uonday. June 1st, the day on which we nextgotopreea. The objaot, regulations, camea of players exptoted,.eto., have alreAdy lieen given by us, rdhder- tog a recapitulation suporfiuons, the more so as thay are repeat- edin an advertisement elsewhere. The'tournament may be considered thV Uostog ot the season, as tkr as profeulonal matches are oenoenied, and the playera will aeek postures new ige to;v*rta e'^ cutofdooriuturofor a time, to re- aiid engage , _ , „ onpertie for t^o aeoson 1B8B4. .As the ternltonB ota campaign ful ottoddent, tbe event toqneallonwIU prove a grand one and no doubt a largo concourse of people 'will witoesalt- The en.i set-to for the Ohamplonship of America win enlist the tote- rest of the'general pnbllo, as well as thoae Immediately totereat- ed to the auoceas of tbla beautiful porlQr pastime. Among so many bright billiard iDminaries who wiU contend tor that great honor add the accompanying trophies of victory, it Is dlfiloult to stogie out the probablo wnner; but from hie former career, and Ute victory over'Wm.aoldthwaite, Dudley Kavanogh ta locked upon as the comtog man by the miOori^ %t those who under. stand the gAme, and are posted to tho aUll respectively attatoed by the,various contestants, to this scctlnn, In tho north-west, Saereller of Detroit, and the once formidable opponent of the ex- Ohamplon Pbelan, Is held-as flrst favorite; while totho vest, PUllTleman,otOtoolnnaU, a sturdy Enlght of the Ono,andwbo bolitended so su'ccesstnUy to a former tonmament In this dty. Is the primo choice. From recent and severe todlaposltlon, which has prevehted'him from vhoeplng hIshandto''^to a-great ex- tant the ohanoes of Foley, of Olovelahd, have been lomowbat' mkrred, and bis name has not .been very oftcn .quoted as.,the' probable'sncceiafUl competitor. We arc bf opinion, however, that his OMonenta will nol find. It easy to outflank - and tui4 bis pbaltton, for he knows the potota of the gakne as well oe anyone; Us nerve, unless :affocted by his late slchneis, is of the Iron csst, andtbauok of physlool.vigor alone will place him among the rear guard.'.Bi# suocosafnl sbmpetlUon. with Eavsntgb, to a jMriea of loatchea a year or two stoce, will also prove an endorse, inentot tbeobove. , abldtbwalto, the starot the east, wlU not bide bis light under a bnahd, either, aqd ho Diay be bet high on, vritll' good chances forwtontog. The aforenamed are looked upon as the most llkdy to take the lead In the race, but among the remaUder are good men and true, who, although their pres- ent fam'e' Is not extra brilUanty may creep (p the fore and snatoh the victory (Mm'tho apparont tSvorltaof their respective sec- tlon'a. Uany a Derby, or other .ptomtoent sporttog event, bia been won by one sborcely thonghl of previously. ' ^or the Our- mi to promise on csseotlol details at. Ita earliest opportunity, would be like quottog gold at a discount—both approachiog the absurd, for the pubUo look to It and no other sheet, for the UHat rdiatile luwt xU aUiinut.anihamnmrj/dbemdUttppttnlei when poaalble to guard egalnst error. Other reports are road. f>T()hably,>but' not. believed until endorsed by the Cuprsn, and ta readers have-had ocbular demoDsUatlon otthe same, .THE DisnHomsBED FBEHCB BiLLunn PuiEB, U» Tead6r<|j! Istfr of Now' Orleans,. baa' boon ed'gkged by lit. Freeman to 8it< pertotesdhleroomsatM6.2a,OourUandalieet' Ahli - Tfn odib Ode, ono of the trop&ies ot the Ainertoan champion- ship, Is on exhibition At Dudley EAVansgh's rooms, eoroat'ot B^oawayiuiaTenthstreet. ; :'y'. '.'.'. ".'",■• [ Isii Fasie jlnxuhn liaiM, a magnifloent .p|m« of .irorkibtd^ aplp, is up for kspoctlon. atOhrli. 'Oonaor's saloon pn Ittw ieentij^atreet , . '. ■ •. .' , ; 'i : , .. -.^v^ ''Two'dMisFtaBti'oaffleolt at JfarysvUle,. tiiVoa, •Bd Ur. OleveUndj pfeprl^^t.ofi.thjt HAryiyllb Xr«tl .W*«.'>0th. n;; ',' '. . ■ " ^iv'iitv Tm BBOOXLTR OLTOB. '. . Tn ExoztAtOB Olub.— Last Saturday {ha menbert of thlf- dub.mustered to force on their gronnda; at South BroaUya, and eslaM upon a course .of regular practice, with a view of . weaHsg off the wtoter's rust preparatory to meettog the Athletio Club of Philadelphia, who aro to Dtr their gueata to June on their arrival here, where they are comtog for . a week'a play, At th» laat meettog of . the dub thS'ArrangamAnto.for their reoapUon wtr* completed, and the Athletlss may fblqr expebt a tMy hoa- pltableweuomeat the hkndacf thb Excelsiors, and we should not ba surprised if they want ao far as to preeent them with a. ban before they left end they wilt do so if the Athletics are to as> good trim aawe have been led to expect they vrUl be by tho time they ccme on here. ItibExeolaloriitoevnlltodudo Leggett F1an> ly, A.Bratoard,<H. Bralnard, Huiey, BusseU, Hasten, Folhe'mus. and UoEensIe.wlth seme half adozen good substitutes. The first malohthe Athletics pUy will be that with the Exoalslora. The< practice days ot the Excelsiors are Tneadnysand Baturdlys, on- their grounds at the toot of Oourt street . . ' . Thb ATMimo Olub.— The members of theflrst slneof thisi dub, with the exception of Smith, Pearceand P. O'Brien, havtt' not turned out tor practice this past week, as they ahoulu have, done to view of the work laid down for them thls seaaon. . Ihay- made an 'auapldou»beglDnlng, but have not foUowed it up well. The weather woa dellghttol laat week, every 'day beleg eicelleBt for ball pUylng.' The nine of the AUantica will .this season be> aelected from Uio foUoWtog pisyers:—0. SnAth, Pearoa, OUyer,. Crane, Start, Ohapmsn, P. O'Brien, J, OUver, A. Smith, and- about half a- dozen others. The oboUesgoa they have iiased arr those to the EckfOrd, Uotoal, and Eureka dubs only, bnt they will play also with the' Stars, .Cnlans, Baltics, 'and the ne^r PhlladelphU dobs. ' The practice days ef the AtlonUos are- Hondays and Thursdays; st Bedford, comer of Gates, and) Usroy Avenue. The EouoBn OLUB.-^The same negleot of praettoe by the flrst- ntoe ot this dub bss marked them as much ss the Atlantles this- pakt week, bnt three or four being preient on thair regular- practice days. They will have to wake np considerably, it they wish to be as succesafhl this season as they were lost Their nine indudes Bpraoue, UanoU,'Wood, Beaco, Beaob, Spenoe, Devyr, CampbeU and BlUs. Their practice days are Tgtsdays ^ and Fridays, on the Union BaU grounds. East Brooklyn, near- Broadway. Tas Stis Clvb.— This Is letUy the only Brooklyn club that- attenda to Ita duties Oh practice days, and they -will reap the n- ■ ward of their todoatry when they play, their matah games. TbalB- ntoe wm ooBslst ot Wsddell, Ullchell,' Thompson, Ohllton, Oal- pln, Worth, Lennon, Holly and UcQdlcngb. Their regular prao< tloe dAys sre Hondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, the latter day. being that appototed tor praetlstog their first ntoe. together. But every fine aftomoon there are good practice gamea played, on the Star grounds between mixed ntoes, composed of mem^ bars of different dubs. In Oct the Star gronada are the moafr- llvdy of all to Brooklyn. - The Besolute Club.- This club sre steadUy devottoB thom- sdves to practice, snd we have no doubt they vrlll aatonlsn som^- of the older Senior dubs before the season Is ovsr. Thair prao- tice days an Hondays and Wednesdays. Among their nine are H. Bogers, Taylor, Wilson, HoOutcheen, Bliss, Oreagb, and- Oowperthwait TSB DnoH Olub.- This dub turns out weU'onprabtlee dayv and have enjoyable gamea among themsdves. Ibelr days for practice are Wednesdays andSaturdays. Beth otthe above dnbe Slay on thesams grounds aa the Buford, viz., the Onion Ball rounds. .These grounds, by the way, have been newly laid cut andthefidd isnowito excellent condition. Clubs desirous of obtabtog the use ot a good neutral gzopndVor their inateheSr can always have the Union on Pnsident Can>> meyer. _^ ... ' . The Ohibteb Oaz and Ehtebpbize dnbs hwrenot commeaceA plsy yet but we hope they soon wlU do«o, The HunLioH wlU will praottce with toe OapltoUnes, o;i their grounds on QnnSf and Sates Avenue. ■ ^ THE NEW FOBS OLUBS. Tub 'Utrnrai, Oltjb.— This dub was' never stronger or to mors'flourishtog condition than at present They have two very ' atrong ntoes, and enough plavtfa besides te mskeup two others. Their ntoes this season vrill todiide Beard, HcEever, Qoldle,. Brown, Bogert, HpUabon, Harris, Zeller, snd Blattory. Their practloe days an Hondays and Thursdays at Boboken. The. games they wiU certainly play thl^sesson sre two each with toe Atlantic and Eokford clues, if not three, and games with the. Bnreks, Star, Union of Uorrissnta, and Athlotlcs of Philadel- phia. The' Hotuals, laat weak, did. not ttfm out their first ntoe^ as well aa they ahould do. They baVe no ohlld'a play befbre them this season, and If they desin to succeed they ahould pre- pare themselves for succees by prompt attention on prioUoe. days, The Ekpibz Olvb.— This dub wlU be among the flrat to plsy to a regular game this season, ss on Wednesday, June 3d, tber play a match with tht Henry EckfordOlnb at Hoboken. The Empires have now a long list of members, and con present a very . good team as a ntoe. They will, no doubt, make up for lost time utaseaaon. Their practice daya are Wednesdays and Saturdays- otBoboken. The EioLB Olub.— We have not yet seen the Eagles prtctlse- thta season; but underotand that they muster very nnmeronoly bn-Tuaadays and Fridays, at the Elydan Fldds, and have aomr ^ery good praotloa games. '-.<^l3njaoiSAi( gLUD.-7-Th4-ao(liaiii« win tiiia but ovetitnig- ra'taanr as ever tUs ssasbn, so the/ say; and will make some of 'their oppohenta;bpen their eyes before a month or two has past They practice Tuesdays and Fridaya on thdr regular grounds, ' Tee AoirvE Olub;— This find let ot young players, who-were- rated among the Juniors laat season, havtog arrived at yetnor discretion to ball-playtog mstters, propose toldng upon them- selves the cores and dutleact Seniors, and with tbla object to view, they have strengthened themselves -by getting toto toelr- dub some members who bat sooson played withlhe Harlem- dob, and othere, amonBihem Page and Itooney, two flrat-dots- batsmen and fidders. They have a pramistog pltclier to young Walker, who blda fair to be a formidable opponent even to the beat batsmen. He yetwantastoodtoeaa, and more command ef- the boll to ddlvery. This, practice will soon give hira, and then the Actives will be found - to be a lively set of oppouenta to the- beat dnhto the city; tbot is, if they book up their pitcher .with a 8aod man behtod, and cqudly good playera on the bases and to le fidd.' The Actlvea wUI play their firsttaatch with the Eicd- alors^ bf Fori Hamilton, at the latter pIao& next Saturday, the.' 80th Inat They wiU also play the Fordham dub, at Fordbaa,' on Uonday; June llih. . The Hbmbt Eoetobd Club.- The^cnergy and enterprize ' ahown by Dr. Bell to euetalntog this organization Is a commend- able examue to others whohavetheweUAreof ournaUooalgame ' at heart Tbla season the dub will praoUbe on the C3d atreet' Enda, whioh locality wlU become men generally known to the ml^thon formerly. Oh Wednesday, June 3d, the Henry urds wUl vialt Bobokento play a matoh with the Empires, and the latter win have to bring out their strength If they daaln to hear a apcaob from Dr. Bell to delivering up tho boll, The Henry Eofcfords -wUI next plsy'toe Stars whoare ready for them- any day, we undotstond. The Buaio Olub.'— This dub once more appears In, the b«D' playtog arena, and wiU this season centeat to matohes with Ihe- beat dnba in the community. They .will pUy on the 03d street grounds, and win preaent a,better ntoe, we believe, than eveB etore. ' ' ' ^ T^JmTEnsoN Club.— We have not aeen this dob prsoUoe os- yet, Hit we leom that they will put to a good appearance thl» eetaon.- The UmoKS oy Uonniatsi^.—Hannegan, ot this-dub, la o» hie pitch ogato this season, ahd supported by a first rate ntoe, is going toto the matoh winning buelnoas by<wholeiiUe. The- Unions win probably play the Excelsiors, Eurekas, Atlantles. Eckfords, Unluals, and perhaps one of the PhUodelphla dobs, besides others. The aeaaon everywhere promises to be a Uvely one, snd when once regular motch playtog obmmences we shiul' havo OS muoh oa we con do to keep pace with thb record of the- ' gamea that take place. _ .... THE OAUE IN PBILADELPBIA. . Our potlonal game ot boU bldafalrtohaveaflourlahtoa ttrnd' this scaaon to the City of Brotherly Love. All the dobs mustai- wdlonpractAcedavs, and new ones aro organizing. We are> gratified to learn that the Junior organizatloi^a are rapidly to- creostog to nnifiber. The seniors dsnnot do a wiser thug Uiaa enooursge the organization of Junior oinba as much as posSlUe. - Hdp them With funds to prooure materials, and let them stay- ' on your grounds sratls. Tho roasota orieket bos never flourii£<- ed more extonalvely to Now York and vicinity, while in PbUo- . ddphia tt has dona so, has been because to tho lattdr dty thO' boys took bold of It, end made it 'popular; while in New Fork it- hos ever been to the bonds and under the Conttol of ndolls. Spread baao ball among the Juniors, and to a few years dnbs; wUlhe named by thehundred, and every year would giro thO' old orgaDizatlbns vduablo aid from the young players of tho- Jqnlordnbs. Bnt for Junlor dnba, the game vroidd die ontln- New Fork. Tho beat ptaysrs in onr leadtog dubs to Now Torh : graduated In tbo Juniors. Oh Friday, 33d inst,,. the Athletic and Now JoraeyOInbs bad a match bn the grounds of the former, on Ntoataanth and Uasiet- streets, PhUadalphlB, too reanltbotog a'oradltablo victory for the- Athlbtlos. The play on both' sides wna cabltal bnt the itfalotlc«< carried all boforo them by their masterly ilelding and batUng. - Tbo Olyniplc Club, late the champion olub of tho State, bad • grand opening on Saturday week, Ihey turned out en iriam, and exhibited an etprii <ft corpi tbat apcaka highly for their sue- - csaa this aasson. Their now grounds sre on thocomorof Ox- ford'Street snd Bldge Avenue, Tho UereantUe Club is In a | flourishing condition, and nnmbors a good team for a ntoe, I onlongwhom ore aevoral etcsUent fielders. The Oolnmblans-I alio are actively prepartog for avigcnns oampalgn. 'The Key-1 stonb Gnb totended visiting Now Fork to June, bat propose do-1 fetrtog tholr trip tmtil sftor tbo 1th 'of July, as toey want to bo 1 fnllu^paM to return with one boll fromi Hew YorkatlAaitl Thdr bldplteher is Among tbb relumod warriors, ahd Praaldontl Ooffy thinks ho has just got the team that ban woke up'"Friendl prom's'^btmy crowd of the Eckfords. j "CR'i$*£*\'*?*'>v',^!!3 .^ Ill aa> on ,<he tapis, V«d&e J&r the ExceMoM W Visit yhllldeitfiUttl* WMVa, >i,/;.