New York Clipper (May 1863)

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•a. ibt .6b«ri»tloa of jtom*. Ui»i ttm <p Ai | fi" ' * ^S°JgSSSajairoiJgwm woajfbe, for Ihetime **K^»f**!'2i2fS«aV5MWOiiia»w«rt»^ irorrefw- BnliMHpUwiftijinoii^i.W M Bol»pplpttonfor*month».^100 S'^jrofJtaiflHW*'-*^ 1080 2000 90 (boSUtUBBFOnDSUITfli BKI*r;-B«lo»' yon mn flnS » gamoln whloh the''otiriortWt. HUdh KgtttnA In tbe lut OuMM woUd ooonr.. «>» ™J on' *»MB&»tton tbit the movea UM»liko on eMb. Wjoit ZfiBias. ' BUOk. 1..10 to IS 9.. e e..ia 4. .10 6.. e e.. e : 7..U 18 Iff 19 » u le 33 to 18 lato « 9 10 t e 8 U 8 '6 9.6 ■3i tt> 27 27(0)98 2» 2S 9S 91 :80 90 ■81 37 (a) <aoTea tie all fotMd from this jwlnt. Afli -wblto MookB kbe gtne. '»Mt«o*- "W"^ jljgmnefoTthatweek, SMBlble iOJiH VUBT WiAnr taik. Ko one «»b'i*«1 tbe fyUowlng "unTurnlibea t«le,'!- tea' «mo pne <*» ^ on tbe pUnet,".irttb. «f^iS^*Sf lh7^. una a tbiiUot indlgnatlonlpemaiDg Sfii&' eitet, mi4 not .me^eitot, Init aie Trtnied at, ana not merely wtatoa at, bnt panaeted to; itf.temy.JwttcIpawainbjttoM tn.Mtherity., MOinanoan ttliA'ibitfVo-!'^ haa nottho double T»Uot coirnptlon and ttiebeiyBelf-linpo"* fPon W» heart and conaolence, and not ^ Uiat onir oorrtapondont U Bp*aUng tbe honeatworda of to- fllgnaatpatriotlrai, tnwtailieof tbe Muiie of intoletable 'wlok. eSie« now rampant at the head qnarUia of the army of defeat- MUitei Hooker. BonbllMa, If b fSr easier to Tlllly aqnala, re- . 'temi^onUnatas, earonaa 'with boon companlona, ana inrn tbe «Ant-and'ftoUlUea of command into agenolea fi)r paiaonal emolnmenl, »nd awJndllng the armiea ol the Union Jnst after pay .X^;ibanby.hatd ilgtatUglntbe.opeti &,^hlp.annea and a«pBr»te-Bebela. Hd^ can deny, for thy letter Itoelf beatif ■i^Ie piool^ that onr jwireapondtat knowB fill woU whereof he a^mn :-'We baVo 'aont these men to the.flold, andentmsted |h«D»irtUi the Btaa of onr dearest , and 5xiir best, to restore'onr Vnign and Uie genial svty of onr gloirfpoli Conatl^tldta, by flnt <)rtMonlin^*ithwbatBeTeiltymayhene(s^^ op- jMltloa, and then demonftntlng. Atf we wlahloTe. andfra- t^nl^, 4nd e^nal rights, and the gPfiid old government onr Or '|]ifai gaTe,ni^ Eete 1b the letter, read,and ponder:' fl<IMl_ Pawns. , ■ ,,. jiMXS BsDoir, EgmondTllle, 0. yf.—K J>otloe<ot jronrmatob, and the ahprter game, shall appear..' NoBODT, Fbllad'a,—P«xatr^ By an .means forward, and wo .will oredlt yon with that dI9onlt solnUon..' : Obas- a. anDKBO.—Half a aozeh of the best wOl be very &o- cepttble. ■ .Bsiiiu's Bna Obisb InnaiioiOB.—We are highly giaUQed I -..^^^m, to annonnoe a third and revised edition of this marltoiloiis little I . XBB BOOKS PIATBp OvTi treaUse. K la displacing all other cheap elementary worta on . ,on«wlnRBame has been given In Buooeaalon byHay,An^ the game, and weU It may; Ita anperlor selection ofjrhat la ei- ^.^i iSaspartS and all. Anderson backed by the Glasgow oellont and reliable, only! lUoaretal avoidance of mere vetbUge SSrrirt, •£ 21d more with a drawn game; in the text, and of weak and nnaaUafactoty 1rarUtl(ms Ui Its lea- S??i5^g oStte Sy,''«Is hereby shown that Black's posl. sons: its brilliant games. each havtog a- point of ■WU damned ^^J^^^l^Sl something better, plananoy obontlt; .and aU coupled with Ite oxtraordiaary ohea» I coniauui me gwm <» —^ f neas, render it the vii<2ein«Du«i of Ohess.amatenis. .By HiaoxJ. HazBiAraB,Saq.,ISmo„pp>80. lOoents. Fotwaidi},d postpaid ftom theOuPHB Offloe, on receipt of price. '' HiBD OH SBX iSDnoB,^Herr''liOwenthB], In answering a cor-1 respondent, baa dictated the foUowisg very pltby and very sag- festive paragraph-:—"It was, no donb( a souroe of great regret o ■"-"T AmeilSan 'amateoia that the article on tbe 'Pawn ana move opening,'6)nttibnted by Herr L. to the American Obesa Oongreaa ahonid have been published In foreign notation. It waa, certainly, strange that the Editor of the book of the Amen- can Oongresa ahonid bave taken so much trouble In.tranalatlntf It boffl^e Bngllab. ' To Herr L; (Aii wot a frat ditappoinlmaj, sz J. KOLUK. Black. 1..U to 15 he having bestowed'much time in its preparation, mt art<ck, in | ' 1UpmeMf«rm,auaerlyiMleutaAmaicanChmAmttan:' ' - - The itaUolaing la our own. Many remlnbcencea of that aingn- 1 ar dlicnsBlott over the "Qerman notation" In this country are { awakened, and oommenia suggested by the above. ' TromBdl's Llfe In London. ' , , ' \ ' - BX SB. COMBU) BATES. . atQB9/ ZKt8, K7, ' . QB*. QB, ^Kt*lh^ 9.. S..10 4.. 0 S..1B e..i9 7- 4 8.. 8 0..10 10.. 7 U.. 2 18.. e 14..,9 16..<6. 16.. 1 17,.18 18.; S 18..14 20;. 8 91..10 22^10 U 14 JO' 34 10 . 8 .12 IB 14 6 94 10 .18 .14 . S n.: 14 18 : 10 98 15 White. 98 to 18 90 98 30 94 97 98 22 . 82 17 90 '34 38 81 18 37 92 98 90 93 9S 92 18 Drawn. 20 19 90 94 : 17 .' c 38 . 10 99 19 10 97 0 .94 17 29 , 96 7 .22 18 14(0) Bbdi. 28..19tOl6 34..10. .18 38..19^ *> 2B.;1S J7..11- 3S..28 83 80-,S|8 81..19 83<.38 83,. 97. U..S1 85..9« 80.. 18 S7..93 88..18 White. 14 to 10 i0..lJ 41..14.'. 42..'0 19 .18 83 98 . 18 93 27 81 ,20 22 14 18' IB ..10 6 ; 10 10 7 8 7 U 21 90 .16 11 ,^■.7. ' 9 17 A 8 1 .8 1 l;«ndwlni. 7 3 7 U 97 . 17 .16 U 7 2 6 13 1 8 1 S 1 B through a akUfOl and onnnlngdeTloaofatratagy.sncceadedln wit- nessingathektrloal perfemiBDca at'the old .'•Walnnt,'' and at . once conoaived ataate for the Dnma,.whUih Increaalng, oulmt. nated in.'ita adoption for hla profeiaton,. Everything being . ready for him to astonish the world with his dramatlo genius, he mado'hls dthU In the Winter of 1818, at the old Obaatnut Blieet Ibeaire, In his native city, as Ludovioo, In "Bvadne," thus lllos- tratlng^tbe truth of the oft repeated assertldu, that onr beet eomellana make their first etTorts in the ranks of tragedy. ^A was not long, however, In dleocvetlng his logitlmotollne, for t^. veteran-Joseph 0. Foster, manager of the Front Street Theaire,, Baltimore, Immeaiately dleeovored the reel ohasnel of his talents,, and he at once seourod hla sorvloet. Here ho speedily ingio- tUtod hlmstdf in public bvor, and so much was •■Old Joe" ploaaed with the success c( the young actor, that on hla leasing the theatre at Pittsburg, he waa engiiged as principal comedian. After rcmalng hero several seasons, popular ollke with the pub- Itoaswell as with his brother profoBtloDSls, Mr. M. departed for the West, and since that time has tnlOlled successful endsgcK- ments In the loading theatres of tbe Soutb, and West Dnrlns- the sesson of 1680-1 he was for a short time at the Oontlnental. Theatre, Philadelphia. Be made his Ural appearance before a. New York audience in August, 1803, as Tony in the "French Spy," at Mlzo'n'B Oremome Qardons, 14th street and Slxtli Avenue, during the eDsagoment of Senorlta Cabas. He met witb a very flattering reception, and was spoken very highly of by th» Press. He remained here but a . week, as an engagement pre- viously made compelled him to leave for Uempbls, Tenn., where, he assnmed the duties of Btoge Uanager of the.Theatre for the seaaon of 1882-8. Ur. Maglnley Is a tomedlan of excellent standing and aUUity, partlaularly in his delineations of each charaetaraOS "Barney O'TooIe," fee., &0. He has already ob- tained a reputation aa a comedian that 'would be dlfflcult to ellkce. He acts ficom nature, and eonseg^iently acts woll. aVORiB ABBOAD. #1 atOB, SKtaq. QBaq, KB8, QBsq; QBJ KB7. v^dBlaekPawnaatK8and<J*th. fniite to play and give mate In five movea. FB'OBIillBI R.o. 383, Itom the : World's Congress Tourney. Ft 9BBB B. WIUfBSa. BIiAOE. EEt4,, "Little Mao.' a poor one. I suppose yon know full laaihelatntereeted In the sale of what paure are sent to tht Hmy. We have to boy papers published in Waahlbgtein, or "mrnSmi them—papers that are not fit to llgbtaHrewlth. man Uao, bad command, he treated them an alike; it did- not matter to him If such or snob a paper mu bis friend or hla cne- ariha waa for tmrsalne one conne, and tbat was to whip his 'aaabeforeUnC.wblohlie always did; batelnce he has been ta- km from na, -wt bave had nothing but second-class butchers drl- . vliimsn lub slaughter houses; for the purpose of having them surdered. - Tou oan go through Eaamey's old dlvlalon,Bt any aii p,; (althoiugh K., .irhen alive, was oppcaed to Uao.,) and ask tbe ■nS what oemihander they would Uie to have over them,, and Ihtf will tan yon, Oeorge B. UoOIeUan-^ninety out of every hSdred go for Uao. - Eeamey'a old division la now commanded byOen. wrney, and they saved the day. npon the right We ■IsQ nuide a moonlight charge, and drove some of the 12tb Army Oorpa out of thelrnae pits. The 12th, In retom, opened a bat- teiy pn -ua—so yon can form some idea of the generalship of onr present commandeis. And bore la another swindling ope- tallon, which, if -not soon stopped, r think tbe officers of tho ▲rniy bt'the Potomac wlU become s sot of drunkards; tbeafore- ■ald newspaper man is also intorested In this epecniatlon. He baa a ahare of the reoslpts taken In at tbe head quarter's pui^ weybk' for Qeneral Hooker. Those porreyors get orders from tht dlibrent offloers, and go up to Washington and brine down two'<ir three oar loads of whiskey, and when It comes It does Mt lui ttlrenty-fbur hours; and It would be a bard thing to a aober emcer around that division. These purveyors have ' tree transporCaUon on the mall boats and rail road, and have army.wagaas to draw it crom the reread A tbclr touts;'while • sutler, who Is sutlerlng for a'regiment, has to pay twenty ' didUia'a day for'a veasel to bring down his goods—and then ■ lialf the tlnio cannot get a permit for his vessel. He has also ' to .kHP wagons, and eight or ten hones always on band. PorreyoTS wj whiskey In Washington at about 80 or 10 cents m lioittte, and aft three dollars for it hen, and have no expenses, .. ^—■uL . AUI-—..: MA— «1%lnVa TVaaV^I fa) So fkr Hay gave It In 1638, whioh Anderson coided,.utd afterhin«'BpByth,ln'theA.D:P. It Is very strange that this game ahotdd run the gauntlet of the Glasgow dub, who exam- mod'the games for Anderson 1 BbiiVTibn OF FOBmoH no< e— tol xii. Bt &' Bma, jtsQ. •' Black. White. 1 Blsik. WUte.^ 1..15 to 10 . 0 to 6 J 4.. 1 to 8 10 to 6 J..10 '14 0 '10 I 8..11 U,anawlns... ■8.-14 7 8 10 ; I . ■ • ■ . . ■ . . '• 'bOI<VTIOII OF BTOitOBB'U^A FOSmOITt 'whito; '^ .?'»'*•„"■. i..8a 97 'i ?i 2..IB 11 7 10 t.W 38 . 21 SO ^ 4.. 8 : 'v'"lV and Wins, ,.. - .' lUaOU OAMB« BBTWBDir ciBEES .ilOUNIAIN b6Z AKD AOCEFTABOB, Blaok-O. U. B. / WMt*-Aco«ptanc«. u.» 0' 10 ... IB a 18.. a 9 . 36, M POBITIOir Ha. 7«-YoU ZI> Bna-'Chunebetween':' Uessrs. LzuB^ana HDoa.^ . BIiAOX.-r[Lsiirs.] VHB U3d FOBITIOB . ■ oFeroBaEB. BLACK. IHtwyon see the reaaon why this newspaper manjthlnks Hooker " • <rtOd'> g eneral, and "Little Man.' moh a poof, one. Lu.ll "l.^ I.—. .111.. -u*n - - " interesting game^iayed'some Utile time stope at Coloteebi tweenMr. Cantanyen; a'sttong,amatour,'andjUib.Pavlss^^&i , ,to say:—'We sbaU propose a conrae for the gov: ____it and then hope to be relieved flrom tbe necessity of pay tn&^tty nrthsr attention to him.f - Indeed I Howlong wiU suoh, jnAa'as that be allowed to..go>Ioeaer'vho.^troufd/iftr dollars-and neMfe^^heslarmyonthefsceof the earth destroyed, and «iur.ooant^rw\ad forever I - But there <fs a dayoonilDb, when privates .wvl bave a word, to say, and these filthy 'genUemen' tad better stand iwm under. <a(esr n)tomtcr 4reek. May 15,-'S3. FnivAiB.' 'AiifyriattL' "\qi^G9 VRtst thb'beia'." iHtt 'Tojba 'ftfLum Tmg' OTHKB Yoioe—It is T'otreb Bidb , xaox "•BiQia BowM"—OurrBB vow LAungH— Ceollsmob -iXO SHB Ol^FOIOIUO VCnUI BtJBQUEHainii. Out readers may rsmomber in the Cuipeb of Jan, 91tb,nn' Oat!ue oaptloh of "A 'Voice fMm the 8^," some talk about a iMstMoe that didn't come off between the gallant tara of these goM and rival vesaela. Although toy lau In the day to revive tU tnatter, nsdor' ordinary circumstances, we.can svmpatblca with our brave, sallorlads "shut out from the world" on their vrekry round of blcokode duly, and can heartUyJoln tbedi in mnyconeenlalefbrtstoreUevothe todium of their long days of ' watcblng.' They may aU be .sure we gladly hear from them. XfaefcUowlngls a Utile "say" per amtra,Itom the.Fotomae— the tbnner was the BuEquehauna view:— BqnoB OUrran:—Tour correspondent from the IT. S. Frigate Bufqaebanjia, of some weeks since, has do far overstepped, the ''refbreneeto.the backlog down of the Frigate Potomac's boys; ihati deem it duoto tbem that a fair statement ofthe. oaaaahouldbe given.. It stands as follows:—Tho crew of each ahlpUTe • favorite boat on whioh thoywiahto bet, andachal- lenge had been given by the Busqttehaunas to matoh the rival boats, which waa promptly accepted by the Potomac's boys, who very. wlUlhglj offered to race' tbe Bosquehannas (or feo, or npwarda) " pvr .coxswatnwenton board their ship, armed'with , thtf necOTsaiy "greenbaoka" to make a sure thing of it, but their ooxswolsi showed an entire disposition to display 'the whUe futher, and avoid bringing tho matter to on aotaol triaL Vi- « nally, our ccuwain offered to put up $160, to be forfeited In case either should back down, the rooo to take place on tho first fair day.'.b'^t' to neither of these olauies would the Bosqehannas agne. The Fotomobs thou offered to race thom at any time, for any sun) they would name—ovet $50—all of which thoy de- •lined. ..It may be weB to. Inform you of the character of the in qiesUon, for yon wiU see that the advantage Is with ouBprpposU antegonlite.. The'Suiqnebanna's boatis anavol built .bnt^,' wbils't the Potomao'B boat'ls the second launch, used ln.6arryliig sU kinds of stores, to and fh>m tho ship, and la botlkJaiiger •nq. heavier,tl^an ita t^v^ 7our correspondent ' aayt that Johnny Oirens, the coxswshi of the S.'s boat, had a' fiog made for.blmsfM with the motto ''While I live, I crow;" i to that I cannot say, but naturally infer.that he was at onetime ' present of i| hen convention, be so well Imltatea.ttae species, and'drdws loudest on bis own dunghill. As to the Potomao's boyy having '/backed cut with the graoe of snapplng'tnrtlas," I ddiT the charge of theirhavlngbaoked down at oil, but afflrm that the,bat, siilU,on the, other side of.tho meeting house; "the Bpong'e was (tlmwn jip" by them, for. tbey even baoked down .. 001^ their own prolloslUons. Tho - Busquobanna Is a good ves- H],.and has many, gped tden, but they wlU' bare to spin a great . iiMdDyim'ore.ibpe.ya^f'and dlsposo of s great deal more of beif •n(^Mans,'befOM.they.can competo with the second bunch of thejJld Potoma&i'i'.There Is no snob wotid aa "back down" In the Potomac's dlotloneiy.. Her sMbnd lannoh 'trill be very happy to ' meiit' the St^i outter ln Alendly tHU, at any time, and for any BTOtP^S^^/Ut to tlM; aid then let the publlo pronounce'a ver- dlot^ppp,,tlMtr'mttlts, as they may then and there acquit thorn. •(^5P|i :,^>i.;< '.. . .>_;. . , . ■. /_ , PotOMAO, Akoxhsb Vbs £iDi<T.--On'the Idlh Inst, another foxhunt eame 6ff i^bout fonp.inUes from Toronto, 0. W., near dates' race track. Oapt dteysnaOiiiL and Mr. Bteers.appeared on 4he ground aboat etev^' o'ol«ak,\witli the.'garrison Conuds .and a couple of bag-fMes;,, The spm iton commenced and the honnda were . throwiMDte the neighboring .wood> after Boynud No. I, Aliaoet ..' .%t.;tB'9BNt dasU of the honnda Into covert, he broke gallantly ^•waf,rAndr &fter a long run, a forinldable.fenoe stopped his '.«fieer. Hr. Steers 'Was^elnc^ one. that aeoured the *', :4flarar«8tat'aate8', Baybard No, 9 'waannsUppedi ahci't^'wu overtaken.'by the hounds'andonly Ut.V''ih'e.aeath"by Cspt Stevenson of.the 80lh. : Thefot an f ttait '^took of - kn oxodlent 'Itinonepn, served nb ih |'>AltM]i<.^yle. . After lunch theBeyhat^l Ko; 9, that t^^ U'bMoa:thMngh the humanity of Oapt Btevisqaoni Was 6:fit«>^dstl)uf Uter a abort mil, ibfi/dealh"-Wii pro-; N.itn4vMbnah..wito^wata«4ia^ 19^1 iA BMtflnwttoil >vl*i I 'Saiqiea.'SifioiU'O, Pensacola Bay, April 16, '63, WHIT& White to play and give niate in four moves. 'eAlHB lio. 88!t. 'WHITE.—[Hlnes.] Black to play and 'White to win. WBITE. Bla^ to move and win. be-1 '■a,i Oarstanyen. - l..PtoH4 ' 9;.KKt-B8' BiVE-B-B4 4:.P-4)Ht4 6..P-QB8 6..P-Q4 7..0aAles ■■ 8^.Q-herEt8 0..P-SB 10..EB-Esq ll..QB^B87a) ia..QEt-4i2 lS..QEt-K4 Paulsen; PtoE4 Q Et^BS - EB-B4 BXStI B-QB4 EPXP P-Q8> Q-SB8 ' QPXP EE^BB. QB-Q3 OasUes,QB Q-EEt8 Oontanyen. U,.EttogB8 16..EtXQB Be&hp^, Paulsra.: KOtowS QBXEt '. DfUpAiItO ,AI7p ^THSB .StfiBlT^B^BT".' WBil'iUI III'lllUHriT VOB TBB mW 10BS OUmBj B7 OOL. T. ALUixiB; BB0W2T. l...EB_^P^) |P^^ 17..EB-] 18..QB-Esq 19..KB-E3 20..EEtXEt' 31..QB-E7 23..EBXEf 23..EBXR 24..It-QBsq 35..E-Bsqm & ] KBX": mate to ntne moves I 20. EB-Qsq EEt-46. . . EBXEt QBXB . . QXEB P-QB7 . aXP-f(e) B-QB4 BP(e), and Ur. Paulsen announced (a)The correct move here la Et X E P, continuing thus :— ll..EtXEP 13..Q-Et6 + EtXEt(l) E-^sq lis.. OWEN S. FAWOETT, . Bom in London, Eng., November 31st, 1888. Msde his first appearance on any atege at Harrisburgh, Pa., as Delve, in the farce of the. "Loan oi a Lover," November 18,1868, under the management of-J. A. Eeenan; It was a traveling company. Was under his management for nine months, traveling through Penn- sylvania. Opened at the Charles Street Theatre, Baltimore, Md., under the same manager, in Jnly, 1864; "biz." not meeting the expenses, the manager loft suddenly, and the company woa '.'ittiok," 0. B. F. returned to Philadelphia, and obtained • situation as derk In the,Phlladelphla Fire and Life Insurance Company, ^ .... . . In Iheanmmerofliw, THK' BIRO, TBB OBDA'T mATOH BXTWZXn JOHN 0. HEENAN AND .TOU EINa. ,' Akoxhbb Dbfobie JIasB. Three ThooEand Dollare Now Up.° The Important match between John 0. Heenan and Tom. Kins' inoreaaes In-Interest everyday, and those who were once dia- posed to doubt Ite genuineness are now conMnced that the afleir Is tonojlde. Another deposit of $9(0 a side 'wsa made on the 7tta Inst, of which the London Sforiing l^t, of May 6, gives the fol- lowing puttoulars:— ' Every move In regain to this match only Increases the Interest attcahed to it among aU cUases, aportlng or otherwise. On Thursday evenlnglsat there was one of tbe "olden time" mus- ters at George Brown's, the BeU, in Bed Lion Market Whitecrosa street on the cecsslon of msklng good the fifth dq>oslt of £60 a Bide, which, with the £100 staked first, makea £600 towards- the £3,000. for. Heenan end Elng to contend for. No better lecab oould have been aeleotod on Thursday, more espgdaUy for the great orowd which assembled to endeavor to either near or see theproceedings. BedLlonMarket—socalled—hadamusterofthe sons of "Old EMn" to cheer the supposed desoendantof a son of the Emerald Isle, and cordial was the greeting of the stranger. Tin arrangementa of George Brown were In good keeping with the occaslon,[and from first to laat only one feeling was expressed, tbatofagrowingexcltementasthematobprogresses. Tberewere many of the celebrities of either the "inner or outer ring," prea^ entEeene,I)nnesn, the good-humored Harry Bronton, a stal- . wart son of Oy Davis, cum iniiUil al«i. A sharp np on the table by Billy Duncan, tbe choir pn. (em., announced tbat the mor» Immediate business of tbe evening was to commence, two min- utes before the fatal tmrforf<nfai»-ien o'cledr, and Owen BwUt handed over a "flimsy" for £60, a Bran new, on the part of tbe Benlda Boy. A pause ensued, but one snmolent only for a gape, when Mr. Preston selected caretnUy from a roll, ten nice,. new, orisp "fiven," 'with the cUrt remark, "Tbat'j for Elng." The repreoeuUtlve of the stakeholder, then. In bis usual iellolt- ousst^e, spoke of the coming, contest the excitement It* cre- ated, that it was expected to even beat the baitleof Famboroilgb» with many other matters ftom whioh people Intereeted—If they, had beard It—would best form their own opinions. TberattUns wheels of a cab, drowned by a ringing cheer outside, anncnneed that Heenan bad arrived, and qmetty, in hls^wn gentlemanly atyle, the welocme stranger, entered the room, having set-to- earlier than usual In the drens, the wind-up coming off In the mlddlo of tbe periormance, so that he might keep hla word with Oeorge Brown. Let this fact be xecordea In.Heenan's favor. Ecene, the Tylers, Toung Broome, and many others now ar- rived, and when we left harmony waa triumphant and the cour-. tesvof GeotgeBrown worthy of a medaL Mr, lUohardson, oB betog- called upon, to whom, on tbe part of Elng, thepower of namlnz ' tbe next meeting woa delegated, settled thikt the next deposit should be made at Joe Bowe's, the Grapes, Fienoh aUey, iTnlon street Blsbopsgate, on Thursday week. May 21. AU were aatla- fled of the genuineness of the match, and tho Increased import- ance it aasumes as gradually and surely it creeps towards tho eonduslon. .BeU'i Life says:—As it waa known tbat the fifth deposit of £6» a side for this aU eventful match waa to be posted on Thursday last at Geo. Brown's BeU, Bed Lion Market, there waa an over-- Jlpvtog ftut^'fl tbe right tort, eager to catch a glimpse of the ■gtut guns themselves, both of whom It had been EOleged were to be present As far aa Elng was concerned, however, the visitors, were doomed to dleappomtment as he was unable to show.' Heenan, true to hla promise, sat in an appearance, but owing to bis engogemente he was unable to 'do ao until after theceremony of posUng the coilanden had been accomplished. This moat necessary portion of the business wss transacted on the part of Heenan by tho renowned Oven Swilt who represents bis most influential backers, and no doubt wlUact as bis Mentor through- out the business. Tl^e inteieste of Elng were entrusted tow. Presten, who on his behslf expresett regret that unforeseen olr- onmatanoes had. kept him away; and Asured tho pubUo that no one felt more, keenly than Elng himself that be had been com- peUed to break hla word. Bnslneu over, and the usual tooste duly honored, it waa announced that tbe next deposit would be mode pn May 21 at Joe Bowe's, and the company then proceeded to harmony, which was kept up to a late hour. ^ Sismn. he en|a4edTrithMMer8. 0hurk.^ for the Norfolk , iuu>. nuu Theatroi and left for that place oq September 7,1867, in the I 18.:q B to E 8d, and the Attack Sjf™"«''*' " Norfolk, which was wrecked, near Cape Henry. 1 liBttepttS gam^ The entire company, of the NorfoUt Theatre; (wlthoneortifc (6) ■yery wen played! . >.v»<«8«ue. axcepUons; were on board, andloateveiythlng they poasessed re) Mr. Paulsen possesses one of thehlgheat qusUbes, prompti- tude to take ImmeBlateadvantageof the weak pohits InUaad- veisary's'camp. Tbq move in the text Is an Ingenious one, len- derlngviotory within easy reach. , ., (d) E to B sq would not hav* led to epy better resnlt; and It Is also •' • ' - . -. _ U.. IfCaatles 13..EtXKt EtPXEt '6) '7ery wen played I two , eveiythlng they possessed :n the world. At last arrived In NorfoUc, and after a most disas- I irons' season, rotumed north, and engaged with Q. S. Porter, for Pltteburgh, Pa.;'remained with him from September, 1868. 1.1880; traveled through the States of vtglnls. North BO obvious that if E take B, the Defence retorts 26:. Q to B 4 -f, igalningthiBoelc... . . ' ' - • (e) Losing the game at once.. We Invito the atlentloh of onr readers to this remarkably Interesting termination. CHEQUERS OB DHAUGHTB. «o OORKBBFOIIDBIITB. • . We have received-sbiuttons of the "Block Game"—which re- cently appeared in the, CiJiFiB^tNm numerou correspond- ente, "Enress," "Green MountaU Boy,".and "H..L.," of Pltte- burgh, being among the number. We - give' the' solution for the benefit of amateurs, this week.. H. L., ^Ittsbnrgh, Pa,—<;Exptesa'.' Is posted tegardhig Oat position. . ' • . ■, ' O. W. HoTt'iBD, Pelbni Bi.—Po'atUon received, and on file for txamlnatlon. .. B, QiHEs.-We are awaiting your report of the matoh between Messrs. Burr.andLeurs. . . "Make your game, gentlemen I" . H.'L. AsESrTOB farOBXaTloni-rBn. OumB.—If "Expreast' wlU be kind enonghtoshow.adrawfor White In that position irherein he made.:'fB," of PhUadelphla, "bBCk down," he'will content fkvoron one who "oaB't see it'' . . E. L; Ousoow AoAiBST Loin)OR.—WyIlle,, of Glasgow, has put np a deposit of £10, to make a match 'with the' champion, Martin, of London. The matoh wiU oonalst of. (0 games, draws to count, and the day proposed la Augost 18.' -Artulea have been sent for Martin's algnatoret '' ' . ■ ■ . ■ .V /-.' .i:-. .' DiutJoaTB IS ^auND.—Mesairs. Bnndy and Evans have en. tared Into artlolea .to play tbe first, for £100 a side, to. take place at the I^lghton Arms, .'Statlsh Town, on Wednes- 'day,Mayl8. . • ■ ,'. ■ ■. -.t ., ' ; AKOTHBiB tORnnOTIOIt OF,VUB A. D. P, , Kbw Tons, May 9th, '1888.—fiKfar OvnESi-^I anoline you one of the many corrections I havs pf the A. D. P, I bave heard tbat ^ecompUer of the ibove has. beoome so dis- gusted Tflth It.that he Iqtenda to lasue s'jiew work hi the' sbapo ot in appendix,. or supplement Ifbe doe^, he 6aa . put this ganielni«ndglTethec'redltto-^WhoeVerhephooies. OAIDS. ljro,\7—Vol. Xt,' :%laok. ■ : li.u toiB .3,..9> '.14 B.rB.' 4;i4' 8i,'8 o;.i8. 7i'.lB..' 10 ■0^.',4 10..I3 U..16 8< 9 18. 11 98^ i3r-^ It 18 ■ ^l?l>'- ^ White. '. .-M -'.-IT';. ■■:,.':'17'.';;,18.- ■ ".v'Sj 0^" '^■95- ;"91..' '"tors,"' la^Iyd(«wnbyUr.Bj ;d)^i7 to u, loto it; orw },4^^ Bbtek. 11 to IS :'7.- '' U 0, a:. i:;9 ' 8". 19i.'16.' 90,J0, aii. 8.' '33..31'' 10 , ■■•■»■■■.: ,14'- ■Il4'-.', •18 98;. •White. 98 to 18 SO , ' 90 6 '38 18 0 ..17(0)18 > V-O ■,'38 ■■'■19. ' ', .19-. . ■ 18 .'•10','.-'T ' nna tlis -.„.-ja.i6i»i«lih6 fllsHngnishea MmpUwshown8'lt0WJ>lit«)|t(t«ttkirtte'gAnw, If b'tSS^ht mmgt,. ■■ ;.' "^f 'r''-'i,',,. ■ ,'Ebpmw,;. ; .'V!;.i : tUl April. IHSO; traveled through the States of Tlrglnls, North ana South Carolina, nnder the management of Joseph Parker from May, 1869, tlU August, 1860, and returned toNewTork -—led with John T. Ford, HoUlday Street Theatre, Baltimore! • September, 1860, at which theatre he has remained ever aUioe, with the eioepMin of .the summerseoson of 1801, when he waa engaged at the Winter Garden, New York. - . Mr. Fawcett balonge to the beet and moat genuine school of oomedy—the school of unforced gaiety, animal aplrite and buoy- ant humor. Tho art of playing conslsU of simulating tho feelings and actions unaer particular states of on assnmed Cboraoter, but Bomethlng more then nndorstsndlngthe hsture'of the chartotec to be presented, and power of expressing certain conditions hj- voice, look or gesture, is needed, and that la such an entire sym- 7athy with the abslrocUon as shaU.enable the actor to Uveand feel blmsPlt the Imaginary person he represonta, during the whole soene. This: plastto senslbUlty,wh]ah enables the actor to beootoe another being on tbe Instant, Is a gift of natore, and Mr. I'awcett possesses tnat gUt.. . MISS UZZIB WATT. This lad/was bom at Athens, Ohio; MsylOtb,.1811, and .was bapttaed'Mary EUzaboth Wayt > She Isof Irish desoeht At elx- teen years of age, she became a teaoher of one of the pubUc soheob In^her town, where she ifemalncd for three yeara.' She tben.visltod cinolnnatl, to see a reUtlon, where she temomed bnt a short time, ss tills relatlvb died. She then boarded with ■an aunt and while there, made the acquaintance of a mate of one'of the Western steamboats, and they were married, but In a veryaborttlme aha discovered that her husbnd had another wife, Uvlng In Pltteburgh, and consequently shoabBented herself from him': altegethori but not however, before'she gave birth to a ebUd, wmcU lived but a feif .days: Bbe then conceived the Idea of becoming a pubUc lecturer, and at once set about ccmpUlng a lecture. Her first attempt was net rewarded with a very largi attendance, but on her second aippearauce, "on any stage," ant wss^the reolplont of a very hutee and ai^ireciatlvo andlonoe, in the Smoky 01^. ..We n6xt find ner sbowlDg forth as a model artist' at a hall in a hoto^fitted up for draniaUd performances, or any kind of entertalnmento, paiiloularly suited to the roogki classes of society. ' ■■ ; • .H. B. OIABKB. ' Beat name, Belden.^ .Was bom in ConneoUout, In 1810.' Ha received a very Uberal'education, and was lotcndod for tho min- istry. At twenty yesrs .of age, ho conceived the Idea of beAoflrini an actor, and made hla first appearance on any stage ak tbs oli Chatham Gardens, Now fork, to 1880 (then tindortbe'manage- ment of t)ld BIonohaM), as Lord Klvers, In "Thp Day >UKer flio Wedding."'. Since, then he faas been coaneeted with tbeprofes- slon as atago manager and leadtog actor of many thcatreL>west of tho AUegbonlesi alaoof'the principal theatres at Natebes. yioksburtf,'New Orleans, &o„ bo. ' He has also filled the p'oritlon *f -"w VIM jnuwwHBi, new xQra. i^urmHtne season «'tl881^,.he was acting as traveUng'agent fprBarney WUllama •^'•jy^iJSfll'if tl>e principal cities. For.the '^'Si "Xl*"^' V '"8«ged OS ktege manager at the How Bow. Thrtt«, New York,-wh1ob JoBlUpn he baa ailed with credit to hlmseU and to the satlsaotion of all oSnoomei. • " '.V .', .'' ''. :', ';. ' . . ^ .:, . ' , . "'L.'."- '.i' 'i,B. Bi,MA0nniB7, ■■ ■' ' .'v'V.'' ;: ... thli graUequui woi borit -b PhUMelphla-the hotttot 'tii'k 5«inV!^»<>T«nberl8,lM^ FIGHT BETWEEN BOB BA'VIS, OF BIBlIINGHAUi AND' TOVNG isms£, OF NORTHAMPTON. This matoh, at 7st lOlb, and for £30, which has for a length of time excited conalderablo toterest in tbe sporting obreles of Bir- mingham, was brought to a satlsfictcry conclusion on Tuesday, April 38. Davis, who Is now to his twenty-fourth yesr, hss twice contended with Fred Fisher, wiUi sitemate snoeesS. Mills, who' U considerably younger, first appeared In tbe Blrmtogbam ring with the veteran Bowey Taylor, whom ho defeated alter a des- perate encounter, to February Itat MUls at once issued a chal- lenge, of whioh the present matoh vns tbe result.' There wss a goodly gathering at Mr. NlghUngalo's, Old Bom, Smltbfield, on Mondav, to witness the weighing, whloh took plaoe at 4 o'doidi, and both were withifl the weight. D^vls did not look so well ss his opponent appearing muoh the staler man. The dawn of Tuesday saw the belUgorente cn route for the aoene of action, a quiet llttlo village caUed Ham'merwlch, near Lichfield, where, bavug arrived, the appur^nancea of war were pbioedinoivpria forma, and shortly after seven, MUIs shied in his oap, which was. quickly responded to by Bob. The customary shalong of hands having been gone ibronjb, the lada stood up'for iHB vidni. ^ BOTOD l.-Sparring and fetottag, each trying to measnrs his distance before a ventnrMwhen Bob, being weU wlthta reach, dashed bis right a hot'nn on tbe body, which echoed fair and ne«, receiving in return on the cheek. Away, again aparring. SSfii fSS?' •™P" ??P "houlder, on Bob'snose, drawtog blood, and destroying hi/oquUibrium, as be reeled and went to-, earth. ?"?f '^*'"'nPt<>tt8caUoftlme,and.notwlthstandtogthe . dig in the ribs was aa Uvelyaa a Ulten. Bob was somewhat Blower In bis movemente. Both sparred oauttonaly, MUls look- tog out for a vntaerableBpoti Bob woU- on the difinalva. On geWngtogether, MUls tried his right, but was nektly stopped, 'When more eparring ensued. Bob at length tried his left on the ribs, and to getttog away received .a regidar Jaw-breaker, whloh sent him reeling, and he eventually feU. > <i...v 8. Bob'waableedtogprotosely from the nose. Mills, sll life, commenced active aparrtog; Bob stoadUy on tho defensive, but unable to ward off the young 'un's.attacks as Mills sgato got on the nose, drawing more blood. Bob, somewhat riled, landed: weU on tho ribs, and some hot exohanges to tne ropes followed;, vrhen MUls got down to avoid. 4. MUls was up strong aa a lion. Bob 'was ovldenUy'weak, but- .BtUI not wantUg to tilnok. MUls led off right and left on tho dial. Bob landing on the riba, when, aU of a sudden, the "blues"' were seen ccmmg dcwnon (ho track, and a haaty flight woB^ made for some mUes to the locsUty of tho Old Beeiom House,' whore, tho ropes and stskes betog again adjuated, Mills waa quickly at his post wotting for hu opponent. This state of- thtogs oonUnued for a length of time, notU It was Suspeotod that there was something wrong. It was apon found tbat Davis whloh was accepted, and MlUs declared the winner, after fight- ing jtut under twon^ mtoutes, to whloh four rounds wore fought nsUABKS.' . B» this encounter, MUls has Improved bispcslUoninpaglUstlo - circles. On the other bond, the blow Davis reoelved In the flrst round wsa ono of those telling "crushers" that may weU daunt' the pluck of any man, as he certainly never recovered afterwirds., to any extent, and ho must not, beoanse defeated, bo donaldered ' idtegraoed^. ; ^.. f . , ' • ' BSNEPIT TO MJEB MADtEHi . This aflklr eame dff at Bromplon, on Mondty, May 4, bni was taot so wsll patronised ks the'clalms of the man wouldleadpeo- ple to eipect' Ould MUe had ttUUled to'the letter, a^ br astho most celebrated professors of the P. -B- were aonoettied, "the word bf promise to A<r ear, and broken to Aii hope.'f It wotild have been thenght that bne of poor U4e's "litme and fame"^-. wuMrtaIn to.aeotlre many'of hu day to give « helpUghand,. ,B6at\re(e awa^, le exenskblei but hone ead tell.whal nay bap' l^ea^ttuit lAttAM be*n ntmX bow on a hrlght Utt M » '