New York Clipper (May 1863)

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1- -I'^rfniu iuiuhta«in the bfiip of profpsrity to swUt'Mother .vlTnMSabjtheinselTei to the dirk.tnd dtomil winter rXwoh iS?^fw»r« lI»W«. ■ !•«"». however, be r.«>rdea, Ih.t ^^m bSm MPreeented the whole aohool of modems* and,. ■.tiiinuirh hevlDg in Important aatoh on, wonU here Ipetwd If i^aTuaolljemmrBhtw.too, elone of the '.'anolentoe," innVidBidenamehinoholyt(thoabienoeof bUcompeers. M»j Dmon2aivorgreon'jommy narer be in noed-^ut if they msT they haTeTholr Undnots retnmod tenfold. The aper. rSl Sthoufffi mojUy aBPlrants, gave great iatlattotlon, toe flrat betoi the HowJtea Brolhera, who wore mnoli apphraded. A inTTirh «at-to between Dawee and Decomb oamo next, and mnoh )n»«?Mtw«s eicltod-whon arrogularTnlU'.'tookplaoobotweenllob iJvTvLs'Novico (or«al "darkle") and Young Crawley. Itwaann- inSnced that the bkok wonid flght any one at lOrt alb; he Is rooUy SamiTOiuig follow. ThoBOTon or elgUt Bonts betwoen Tonng DoTO end Cunningham were reoUy worth seeing. Both went to it nilh a will, omldsiload applanso, althongh anminlngham, ifany- rblDir had a shade the boat of It Ihora was no look of apnrrers, theonly other sot-to oalUng forremorkbelngthat betweon Yonng Ooman and Pccomb, whioh was exceU6nt;-toe former, as Onld Ulkb'g Novloo, patUno the spectators in mind of his mentor in UsTOnsger days. Ulkb and Dohaney wound np, tho gentlemen In the rosorrod Boals nnd the speotators aronnd giving tho old 'im a ohoer. Ur. W. Travers, woU known In aporUng olrolcs, poiformcd too duties of iX. 0. most efficlontly. Oaise add BLASHiMa Hill.— BuiPHua, ov Dtoibt, im Boat, or Oo'dnai., ^t. Oatoh . WaiaBT, Fon £10 A Bicc—Oon- Bldenblo IntcroBt has .attaohed t« this match, fh>m the faot ef Salphnribolng • well-known olever bralser, and toe victor in jsany a hard aght, and also from the fact of Boat being reckoned a hard hitter, and » much bigger man toan his opponent, as waU u udler and longer In the reach. By'breok of day,' on April if, \h» men wore on toe road for the battle-fleld; at Brewood Forest, .pokrldie, Sliffcrdshlre,*where the preliminaries wore anickly •odjaatedi and tho men got to work, Bnlphur, after a little spar- rJnt, got cleverly on the foce and dbs. qnlckly obtaining toe Aiatond second events, and continued toe feed toroiighout,pna- jihlsg his man fearfully abont toe head. Boat planttaig to some tune on the ribs. They conUnued a slothing flght, much in favor of Balphur, whose superior science told tales, for thlity-fcor rounds (fought in 1 hour S minutes), when toe vpreBervotS 'Cf the peace" came on too scene of action, and' Scat was. captured by toese offlcUls. Bulphur escaped with little more than n few scratcbos, while his opponent was savers- Shandled. BetUn« opened at 0 to 1 on Bulphur, but befbre e battle was half over, 3 and 1 to 1 were freely offered, wltoont isaponee. ' . \ , ' CoH. 702 laa Faxoi.—When la Tom Elsg not ^om Sing? jrhta he Is Joe Zing (Joking).' Sbath of Una, Qoss,—We regret to annonhoe toe dealhof toe wife of the celebrated Joe Oom, whioh took plaoe at Wolvor- bampton, on Wedneiday evening. May .0. The deceased wo^ jnucn respeotedby a largo number of friends InWolvirhampton. Poor Joe Is quite upiet by his misfortune, as ho was dovoledJy< attached to hla wife. Xho cause of death was inflammation of the bowels. • • - ' Aai7AU0S. . . ' 0HAUPIOH8HIP OF THE THAUES. Iheie is now an appearance of something definite being done In the oft-mooted question of frsmingrulcs to govsm ntnre nutchesfor toe Ohamplonshlp of toe Thames. Q^e sidjoumed meetiiig of toe Committee of toe Thames Bubscriptidn Olnb, was hdd on Thursday, at toe Albion Hotel, Oovent Qarden, when toe following code of laws was drawn up to be submitted to the watermen and otoers interested in toe matter:—fi2S to bo paid each year to toe Ohompion, by qoortcrly InstalmAits, doe January 1^ April 1, July 1, and October 1, provided toe pre- lorlbed rules have been faithfully compiled with. The course to be from Putney to Mortlske, with tide.' The stakes to bo equal on botoCldes, and not less than £100 a side, if toe Obampton de- sire it. NoObamplon to be oompelled to row anotoei race for toe Championship in leas toan toree months from toe time of at leaat 110 a side bislng'stoked. Thei Champion need notaccept a match while a Ohamplonshlp is pending. A copy of articlea of agreement of nil Ohamplonshlp matohes to be lodged with toe' Secret^ of the Thames Subscription Club wltoin one week of making toe fliit deposit. Any Champion refoslng to accept a challenge on toe above terms to forfeit oil claim to the Cham- pionship. The laws to bo observed in a race for toe Champion- ship to oe similar to those In foh;e at toe Thames National Be- gatta.—Ikmoiin 5,poii<ri{7 Z{^e, Jfay 6. TBI Thaues Oni^ioHBmF.—The. staking of tho second ds- Soslt, of £S0 a side, for toe great scullers' race for £100, between ;. Chambers, toe champion, and B. Qreen, toe Australian, on Juno 16, from Putney to MbrtUke, caused a great number of toe lovers of aquatics to meet at Mr. Pankhnrst'a, the Bull's Head; Barnes, on Thursday evening, May Tto. Harry Salter was in toe chair, faced by Mr. Wardroper, and amongst toe rowing talent present we retognised Qco. Drewitt, Tom Hoare, J. (Cagg, H. Seuoy, B. Green, J. Uacklnoy, &o„ while' toe Mewosslle di- vision were represented by Mr. I,aiaier and Mends. E. Eelley handed over the money (£1X» for Orcen, while toe chairman posted a BimUar amount for Chambers, and announced In a few words that tha,Becond depcelt had been staked; stating, at toe same time, that toe toitd deposit, of £CO'a side, had to be made 8oodatMr.C.Wllocx's, toe white Hart, Barnes, on Thursday, tayU. Great satlaractlon was apporont when tho above on-' nonncemeut was made, in consequence of to'cre having been ,A rumor that Oreen was about to forfeit, which had originated ftomthk-drcnmstance of the Australian bavlna' had a& abscossj St toe hock of his aeok, tvhloh had not yieldca to modlcnl, fareat- ment nntll Wednesday. Wo can now, howeVer, assure our rciden that be Is In a fair way towards convalescence, and. be' yond having been stopped in hla work, 'will feel no ill elTeotSc There was no betting on the championship at too meeting what- ever,—4»rHn; X(/°i% Jfay 9. BOTLLINa BAOE. The first of toe great scnllors'matches, set for to week came offon the Ith of May, at Putney. . The competitors wero John BUfon, of Eammersmtto, end Plynk EUaby, of Lambeth, who hadiorowarlght-'wayBcnllers'race from-PutoeyAqucduct to the Old Bhlp at Mortb\ke, for £25 a side. Toung BUien is nine- teen vetrs of age, and weighed llsb Tho present is his maiden match fbrmonsy. He trained at his father's, Hammersmith, ond was, considering his yonth, a niodel of oondltlon, Frank Eilsbv Is twonty-ene yeaiB of sge, and wolfhed lOst Ee hns rowed prevlcualy. Saving defeated Bpeifbor and otoers. The banks of toe river and Bammeramith Bridge wero crowded wlto roeolatort, while toe accompanying steamer, Oitlzen M. (Captain BawUns), had a good mnster on board. Elleby won the toss for choice of sUtions, and of course (when toe referee had been chosen, after a long delay) took toe sldo near tho FuJham^shore, Jem Mesieniter was eventually agreed to as toe offlclal, Tom White atondlng umpire for BllTon, and Colo for Eileby. AU toese preliminaries having been adjusted, the lads took up toelr staUcni, and at 4,10 p. m, were off for ■ MB mpB. After a level etort, toey lowcd as near side by side as poislblo, nntn oppoglte toe Star and Carter, when BUfcn was seen to be' mining,^ stroke telling a tale torough toe lampy water. Tbt Btmmersmlto lad vras half bis boat m advance at toe London Boat-honie,.andhla own lengto In front at toe middle of toe oMoket-gronnd. Elliby was rowing.wito great power and etfeot, ">d "OPtlwoklngnp DUfen, who. never had an opportunity of nran^, bat nevertoelees took his opponent's water at Craven, having a few foot to spare, At toe JJung.wharf-.where Blffen went across, followed by Kilsby—anotoer good rsoe ensued. No !• "°]^!1*°«'*PJ*<» until post tho Crab Tree, but soon attenrnds BUBn drew his boat a bloarlength in advaneo„wbich he held poet too Soap.worka and through Hsmmersnilto.Briage. SfiS"?? n' *5?Je*4er belng.ll, min. 36 aeo. Opposite HMnmer- HaU, piffen took a blow, and toe hopes • of toe Klhibyites ?™,"™*/"»''>»°'0™«''»»,but.stlU § to Ion BUfon went £?i!?.T'l."'* JProporly too, for/toe w4t«r, which had pra- SmSj V*?'*''"''!^''''''''' hecame nearly as smooth as a mm-Bona, in eonaeqnence of toe wlnd haviDg UUlcd, and, aa a nattuol coasBguenoe, toe rowing of boto ebowod in lis true form. i.-!Sl'*? '"'''lf°B'"»'8 noUceable in that of Kilsby, but the vSSr.S;Jfi*'''J'^'*..P'^ through too water, and vigorous SiSJfiP'^'^S Ume called forto loud bursts of iS^HiA 7>»"?ing was beauHful, and Blffon mads Inches hD«. tS,* 'ie*i»toy«a?. until, at toe fop of OhiswlokAit, MZifJ^jf'.''?*''*,"'l!"*''°«J'''»»"> " The race m SJJfLS^T^if,*^'^"""?"'"*''!'"" *oy both crossed ;JSiS "•>»n8» tookplaco, forBllfen, tofSf*'*i''«i"S';J'""<»Brtdga thieolengtos ■S,222i:.*5?4S'S ''''P* "iipiti- IT aoo. Notwithstanding all toe Btruggles ^if Kilsby, ho.oould not alterhls poalUon fortoe better, Lufin 'WATl ■.riw Asms VhaAh 1a_.^V_ 1_ ah 100 fCir and form, and Cols' stUl isoreoied hit leaa.oirersdf 4tol'on him [both nlen being kno' lorm, ua wio • nut ujwwwsu um ■ «o«ui vuun vi * ,u j vu jiiiu finding no token. At the Point he led by two lengths, and do- aplte.toe fact that the water was verr lumpy betfroen here and Bammerumito Bridge, he gained foot oy foot, was toreq lengths ahead. St' toe Crab Tree, and four at too Soap Works. Bore a wave catfght the bhido of Haywood's soull, appsrently, for he nMrly fellout of his boat, and tois glvlngCole a stilt greater ad- vantage, ho passed under Hammersmith Bridge in ten minutes troib.tos start, and lending by five lengths. Soon after this the water became very smooth, and Haywood's rowing was one con- tinued spurt; 80 plueklly old he tow, and - so 'hard did he strive to win tila l^aokcrs' money, that many a "Britvol Haywood," was heordJpng after toe rooa was to all intents and purposes over. Oole, nowovor, although Enywood undoubtedly-kopt hiih going pretty well, Increased us lead rapidly through Oomoy Beach, and led by .eight or nine Isngtba at Bamos Bridge, in 20 min. 10 seo. i'rom toe Bull'f Head to heri, and all tho way home, ho had it pretty well all to hinuelfi and although Hay wobd spurted gamely too Ust quarter of a mile, Oole arrived at toe Old Bhlp a winner by abdut UO yar^s. The time was variously stated, but 23 min. U BCc. la'abont correct, and shows toe winner to be a very likely man,'', ■• . ■ ■ ■ " ' ' w AiroTBZD BouLLiHa HATon,-Tho match between Q. Srewltt, of Chelsea,'and T. fioyal, ofTlmllco, came off on IVlday,'May 6, from Putoey to Uortlake, for £S0 a side. Betting was > 5. to 1 on Drewitt, who lost the siallcn, nnd was, conseq.uently, on toe Surrey side of the river. Srewltt ls Sfl yents of age, and his op^ ponent 35, while Drewitt's height and weight ..are respectively 5 feet 9 tpOhes and lOst 19 lb., Boyal weighing a'fow pounds less, and not being so tall by two Infchss. Tho start took place at twenty minutes paat five, Boyal taking the lead very rapidly, and drawing blmaelf halt a lengto in front by thA time toey had reachodtoeDuke'sHead; Dtewltttoen began to draw on lilm, ondhsd decreased toe load at the Star and Carter, putting toe nose of his boat In firont at SlmnlonB'. From here to the half- mile poet there was a fine race between toom; Srewltt oil toe time leading slightly, till'on neoring the Point he gradually worked his way in ftont, ahd (it toe Point was dear. He now rapidly improved his poBltton; Boyal's stroke being much short- er, and apparently wltoont much power. At Craven, Srewltt led by a clear length, and now commenced too dodging system, which ho . oontlnuM right'away toraugh Hommersmlto Bridge, Boyal losing much distance in hMndcavors to get out of his op- ponenf B 'wash, Ebmmersmlto Bridge wns reached in 9 min. 87 seo„< Srewltt leading by a clear length and a half, and thU he hod increased into loui 'at Ohlswlok Church. From here he held hla antagonlstvery esolly, oltoough his lead was decreased at times, paaeed under Barnes Brlaao in 20 min. 10 sec, snd reached toe Ship at Mortlake a winner by five lengths, doing toe distdbe in 2S.mln, 13 sec, on a splohdld tide. THE TVBF ur itRGIiARD. BAOE FOB IHK.OHESTER CUP. This Important event of too Ohcster meeting took pbca on Wodneaday, Gth Inst,, but toe afl'air seems to have been some- wtiat tame, as Cfimpsied 'wlto previous contests for toe Cup. The following were toe starters, wito toe order of placing, and details of the race :— .OBzsiin-MESTDia—Cup Bay—Wednesday, May e, '63.—The Tsasisusn'b PLATE'of 200 sovs, added to a Handicap of 25 sovs each, 15 ft, and 5 if deolared; second received 60 sovs out of the stakes; winners extra; about two miles snd a quarter; 173 subs, 81 of whom declared and pay 5 sovs eaoh, and a Old hot name. 1 Sir J H^wley's b h Asteroid, by Stockwell, 5 yts, 9st Ub i... .....Wens i 5 Mr Jackson's bk o Haddington, l7rs, Tst Ulb (Including • lOlb'extra).',,. .......J Soyle 2 7 Mr E Elliott's b h Osrdener, 5 yrs, 7st Gib Clement 3 2 Mr W I'Anson's br m Caller On, 5 yis, Sat eib OhaHoner 4 4 Sir J Hawley'ifbh Cowley, 6 yrs Sst...l. .......Sreiwe 0 6 Mrs Osbaldeslon's b h Ounerlno, B yrs, 7st Slb.B Qrlmsbaw 0 8 Mr H J. Smith's ch h Fits Avon, 0 fia, Tst 41b Judd 0 « Count F de Lagrange's bk f StraacUa, 4 yi<; Tat 41b ..' iWatUnsO 10 Mr Melville's b o The Plover, 8 yrs, Oat 31b........ B Adams 0 U Mr T Hughes' oh h M Philippe,' aged. Sat (car est lib) Bunter 0 12 Mr Elphlnstone'a ch o Snnkcld, 3 yrs, 6st 131b. J Orlmshaw 0 13 Mr Ooddlog's br oBlack Deer, 3 yie, est 101b (oar 6 st lllb) Woodhonse 0 Betting at starting'; 2 to 1 agst Stradella, 9 to 3 ogst Caller Ou, 11 to 3 agst Asteroid, 3 to 1 agst EaddUgton, 20 to 1 each agst The Plover and Fltz Avon, 25 to 1 each agst Oardenor and Cam- erlno, 30 to Leaoh agst OowleT. M. Philippe, and BUuk Deer, and 60 to 1 agst Sunkald. Caller Ou and Plover first emerged from toe pnddock, aucceedcd by Haddington and Btradella. Of too remainder, BIi'Joseph Eawley'a two (Cowley for dlallnctlon carrying toe red cap) did toelr "preliminary'' together, while Gardener (laat out, and with no time to apare) cantered his horses witoout being put torough toe olroumiotatory show. Thus, mustering tothamoment,toelot looked like oomlng away at once, when a trifling delay arose, torough two or three bolt- ing out to toeftontj Asteroid meanwhlle.lashlng out, and sll but landing a smasher for Ouslanco, who, on foot, was "osiistlng" at toe post At 3:31 a capital etart was efTected. Camorinb lead- ing, but only for a few strides. wl>|n he fallback, andDunkeld, 'With Cowley at his'glrtos, took nj^e tunning. Nextrln a body, wero Fltz Avon, Black Daor, Gardener, and Caller Ou, followed in toe order named bv Camerino', Eaddlngton, Plover, Asteroid, and M. Philippe, the lattor, directly toe Blond was passed, drop- ping behind Stradella, till toon .whipping in. Frooi toe lost- mentioned point toe leaden closed, auu racing h«a^ and head .each showed alternately In advanco, walt^i^ on from tho lU' firmuy. tnrn,jhore Black Seer early shot his bolt'b^Gar- ^S"'^'^^X^^^'il%»*<ltvhomj^mg toe Doe 3( erlno, Haddlneton,_ and too Tmi in iii iisTi iini. f i ' trio, succeeded by too top weight. No material change occi aaej£|g. moat^enieotabie fflsetlngwts Oiadls^cetobernn, 'A | j as witnesses—indeed, at a fashronable rcbe ooune In tl^^&jfUijmoney.would/tlot flowi moreikoely. Whatalywas the .UTprita,',in ionsoqnende of pt«- Vioua performances, but Black, wbd (totlO yaMs ^tart, mfved off like d deer, and itwas soon seen hadZJpe race 'tb-^'J^nO. Bliflk oome in an easy winner b^ two jndftjff, SraauLAS iCATOB iQAiMsi TmE iH StmoLK.—On Saturday, May 3, a man named Samuel Outing undertook (b 'walk'- on drntohosftom toe Block Boy Inn, at BndbuiT,*to BatyBt.Bd'' njunds and back, altcgetoer a distance of 81 mUes, in 13 horns, for.£5. Outing left Sudbury at 6 a. m., ana resohed that town again at 5:40 p. m,, tons acoompllshing his task wito 30' min, to spare. HOSTET'fER'S OBLXnnATED .STOMACH BITTEB6. To IHB Dediuxatzd Aim Deobbpo.- For general debility and exhaustion of too powers of nature, whether occasioned by sick- ness, fast living, constitutlonaL decay, old age, or any otoer physical^ mental cause, toe one thing needful and indlispensa- ble Is BorasiTEB's Ozi^BBATn) Btouaoh Biitsbs. 'When toe fire of llf0 seems to be absolutely dying out In toe system, and tbe mind, sympatolzing wlto toe body, iif reduced almost to a state of tmbeculty, this mighty restorative seems.'as it were, to Uft'toe sufferer out of tooBlouxhOf Despond, and recruit and f^Inv^orate boto toe tramo and toeintalleot. An old farmer, inthe valley of toe Monongahela, writes-tons toHostetter: "I can compare toe operation of yonr-Blttsrs upon mo to nothing but toe effect of a rain after a long diy'speU in toe fall of toe year. The rain falling on toe meadows starts toe second crop of gross, oyd your wholesome me<llclne seems to have started a second crop of life and spirits in me.'< And tola is truly toe effect of this, gratefhl and powerful preporotlon. Ladies of weak constitution, er whose strength has been impaired by sickness or age, find It a most efficacious and dellghtfal tonic, and it is administered wlto great anccess In marasmus or wasting of toe flesh, to young children, In fact, It Is a much safer and surer cordial for toe nursery than anytohog advertised specially for tliatpuipose. • • BOSTEITEB'B BTOMACB BITTEBS,' Prepared and sold by • ' HOBTEITES 6 BMITHi'Pltlsbnrgb, Pa, Depot fbr New York, 428 Broadway. 7-4t ■NTEW B00B3 I^NEW BOOKS I- ' THE MEIBOPOUTAN PCBOHABINa COMPANY. ^OaoAirczD n 1669. \ Cood^^of an kinds for sah). .Bendfor our catalogues. Mailed ttee on application. Address MEinOPOLITAN HIBOE. 00. 3-3m* .Box 3638 P.O., New York. SARD PHOTOGRAPHS OP HOGARTH'S WORKS. The Bake's Progress, 8 Plates; The Borlot's Proness. 6 .ee; Industry and IdleneBi, 12 Plotes; MoiTisge a la Mode. 6 Phtes;The Election,! Plates; The Four Btagesof Cruelty,4 Phktes; The Times of toe Day, 4 Plates; Beer Street t Oln Lone, 3 PUtes; and otoers, 26 cta. cach, or 5 for $1. Bent to' any ad- dress on receipt of price.- Catalogues sent on receipt of red .stamp, by W. 0. 'WEMYBS, 675 Broadway, New York. 7 TOBACCO USERS, ATTENTIONI-CRAVING FOR TOBACCO CCBED and prevented by Dr. BYBNE'S "Aim- noiB." B uy It an d rid yourself of the expensive and disgnstlug habits of CBCwiNa and BKOinta the weed, Sentflree, by ma^ on receipt of SO cents. Five packages for (1, by a-3ni ' OEAB. B. DAY, New Eaven, Conn. XLNTi—Reduction In ^ce. Cor Famoaa Bljon Fancy Packaa^ wito "a dditfon al attractions," containing Sketches, Sours, Jokes, Toasts, FIVE BOOK CIBODLAItS ond a OOLOBED ENGRAYINa, sent to any address on.receipt of 12 Cents. NO HDMBUG. EDOAB, MOBPBY k CO., O-tl . . . 81 Nassau Street, Now York. PL A TIN G O A RD 8, . ' ' -. Andanarticle^iiBedtn ISi.vr^H. '?'"' J""*** lengtos, in 37 min. 35 soc! SriSiS ^"Ji;'.'?!t?,«">"nl"l'. "nd was loudly cheered ftti vartBrfJ;»?««*?'H?' tommoncemont waait evens, and ■!S?i5JS,T^* to time to a shade of odds on boto, but Unolly to 1 Ji?*!!?**" 8J'?'>5' t«Jo»na' on JJlffen. During the raoe/o OoIeiorOhel- on Tnu^diiy, weighs lOatJ Mb anf ta M voarfl of 12. °.'i^?«>'J"*'"">■'«»»nas 6ft" sVn-'. ™tch Momf in M? ;!?, "'**'if''y» tolortblAon men rowod to tho aqueduct at aboiit tiie mmiJjJS ^iJ winning toe toss.. Jhey wero not'long in S™bin? IS iiSj flrjtattoqiptBCt off, on a splendld^S?. nSywod wal ouldiMt In eotohing Iho water, aad led allghUy for a oonni^S Vt^^ perhapB, but Colo hod'weU coUarXhlm tU -wom n^t but When he settlea down more to his work, his puUing was' tk- ^r™?^ SOod—in tact; he was rowing precisely as holiu don6 S^.'U/brmer oataslcns; witoout Jiosieaslnft the advanlaaeu' ttu) Of b^g (hsad. V The rouih water as toey nearedtotfoint nntU Cowley dlsappoared from the fh>nt Jnet before re.onterlug the straight, after which, when fairly round tho beod, Gardener was let out, and depriving Sunkold of toe command, come on with an advantage of five or six lengtos over the former and Fltz Avon, boto of whom beat a in tho ensuing two hun- dred yards, leaving Oamerlno and Haddington side by side In attendance on the go-ohead Gardener, toolie next up being OoUer Ou and Aateroia, wide of whom, after re-posslng the Btaud, too tolled division was hooded by StradeUa. In this way toey again reached toe riverside, when Oomortno's old leg giving w»y, he suddenly closed accounts whQe pulling doable, having Just pre- viously been neorly down on his quartets. On his retlroment, Asteroid Joinod Haddington, and took second place at toe T.Y.O. poet,CaUor Ou lying .fourth, these being aU left In the race, to 'too bottom of toe last time, where ChoUoner, fluding success hopoless, ceased to persevere 'wlto too more. The latt4r. tous " losedof, all eyes were fixed on toe stlU-In-front Gordener, so cloaoly preBsod by his two remaining opponents that, at toe Caatlo-pole turn, Itwais "heads or tallB" in iavqr of eltoer. Matters, however, assumed a more deolalve . form when at toe distance Haddington, full of go. In attempting to' go up inside, for whioh toere was ample apace, was .stopped, amidst tremen- dous uproar, by.too now roUlng-obout Gardener, on whose right too aU but slmllarly.lmpedea Asteroid next responded to toe oaU of his rider, got his head in advance half-way up, and won, through sheer gameneas, by a neok, thp ai^ppolnted one snatching second money by toe same; CaUer On lourto, about six lengths off, finished at leoqt twice as far before Camerino, cantering In flf to,M, Philippe being slxto, iba favorite seventh, Dunkeld and The Plover (whose rider, ossuxed >ua ■•wouldn't move a yard") neit,'auooeeded by Oowley and Black Deer; Fits AvonlasL Bun in 4mln lOsieo. Nett value of the stakes, £1,996, Taa Dkbbt DAT.r-The n'ational.intorest annually manifested in too issue of toe Derby reaches sometoing of a cUmax wlto toe 1st of Msy, and people, whosei'only experience ote race-course Is limited to too grond gala day upon toe Downs, are beginning to BBktoeprofound qnesUon.of toe racing season, "What's to wtoV" The Derby Dot Is fixed for a much earUer date this year toan formerly, for, wnereas too aU-nbsorblng contest did not takeplaco last year until Wednesday, Juno 4th, toe race Is now appointed for tno 20th of ^hls monto, so that we are only re- moved!^ a'few days from toe etrfiggle upon which so many toonsonds of pounds depend, and upon ^ghlch toe keenest intol< teats of the racing world aro coaoontratod In toe hope of dls covering a solution to toe problem. Already toe excitement of " tho blue cibond" has commenced, and too unexpected scratch' tog of Automaton boa created 0 deep Sensation. , The following is a summary of the latcstBlata of too odds on toe Derby and Ooka:— ' ■ Bsnnv.-^O to 2 ogst Lord OUfdeh (off); 11 to 3 ogst Moccaroni^ off); 12tolBgstBaacharwaeter(t)'i Uto.le|gat'TheGUlle (off); ,00 toll agst Banger (t) ; 30 to 1 ogst Tom Fool (oin ; 36 to 1- ogst Notional Guard (t]i 60tol'at|8t Donnybrook (t]'fCO,to.l agst FantlU (t)i 100 to 1 B^flt Otmlval (t); 100 to 1 agst FiUl- bustler(ott). i . . ... 0Aiis;-r7 to 1 agstBoreolls (t); 8 to 1 ant Old Orange Girl (t); 8to 1 agat'Qu'oenBertha; |t);. 15to 1 aa Btni)lii>e (t), P'EIDBBTRIAniBil.';' Ta> IiAar Baos W Dbebfooi m Erolaiii)—Thb EHOLna CaAuriOKB.—On Mond^Ti Hay lli at toe flaokqoy Wick Grounds, toe renowned Indian miilier was to meet tho very eli'le of tbe English. pedoslrlans for toe lost time, among toe eight of too Utter no loss thon.flvo'belngfLbamplonsnt thqlr various dis- tances—YoUng SnRltnd at six mllss, too Crowcatcher at ten, toe Cowboy at fou^ BlcDleton at one, the Gateshead Clipper, sop. posod to bo in nls old forU, and the once ehamplon, at oU dla- tanM»-'toe indomlUble Bom Barker, too lasting Andrews, and tobtrolr 'speedyWolsbraaA, Richards.* Now that too Socrfoot fover Is Ukoly to dose, it moy be as well to state, that whatever may haveboon toe powfrs displayed by the Indian, the atartUng assortloirlhould bo anown toot too Indian **hns nbvorprovloualy tralnodi" for this tnsBlC'ho bOs done so. Be bos rail over UK Silos Da tho hour, and cOmpletM ten miles In 51 mtn. 26 sco., on ood Friday, at Brotnpton, although-defootod by Lone at tho 13 miles by a baro yard. As It -wiU bo soob, Doarfoot Is trick and «o wlto Lang for toe premiotehip i-Lot«st bettlng-2 to 1 ogot peerioot. (tk): 3 to rngat Lang, (tt)j 6 to 3 agat White, (off)! 5 to 2 aget'MQls, (off) i 8to 1 ogst Slapleton, (tS); even on Barl- er for a place; 88 to 16 that one of too favorites' io not win; 3K to 2 Lan8Bget WhIte, intheU' pUo«a| two hots oven that oltocr Bloharda or Staploton gOM ths.dlalance. ,' • PsDinBUlnsu nr lsiLiro'.-iOn MondMr, iio 4th Ins£. a foot laoe of one mUe for teo a aide tookilaoe in toe-DeUkat Borough ?ft?'..'*»''*'"S9y'»'P AlfrifWhately or Belfast, who bta hjtoeftoWcce|«J%o5ntetided agaii^VlnS*^aU^JhooppcieS him, and Jamu Bhek of SnbUil, to« iihamplon mUe rawr of Irelaqd. A Teiy gntt dtit) of iiit«l[«it DHpiolM by tbo mt, QAMpa iOP. AMUSBMENT AND OBAHOS. B' ARBERS 'WANTED.—Fire first class wnrktnen wont- ed at toe SL OharloaEolArMSIng Saloon, Byrocuse, N. Y. Nono.but toe best need spply. Address Immediately to 0-21* . ' . Wagea (9 to tiaper week. BENBY E: DA7IS, . Box 67, Syracuse P. O., N. Y. STEREOSCOPIC 'VIEWS and Carles de. Viaite, 1000 differout kind& Bond for Catalogue. '7I0TOB DBLAPO, P.O. Box5160,NewTork. . 84f-k BOOKS, SPORTING GOODS, eto. lor. P. O.Box l256,N. Y. . Sendf^r.aOlrdu- j-tf {"MXE FOWL.—The nndonlgned offeiB for sale hla .It entire stock of GAMEFO'WLB, comprisingsdectlonsfrom toel>eststockin Amsrioa, and oarefoUybred byhiinBell AU Fowls sold by me, I warrant Dead Game.' Beferesce given if T«- QuIred." Addrcas - .-PETEIl BRANSON, *1.10t« ' 'lOOS Portland street, Philadelphia, t '' TJIOH, RARE, AND RACY," sold the " Five Cent X\i Monthlyi'^ of "KATE YASOH,".toeBensatIonNovelette. Sent ftee by on receipt of 10ots.' .Teh for 76 cts..; Eighteen hundred copies have been soldi' "Onr.Circular" aont f^ to aU ordering copAa of toeohovo. CHAB. HENBY. DAY, toe Autoor- publlBher, $ew Eaven; Conn. Q .IIEER, QUAINT, AND QDEBRIOUS. For a Rooy, Blclk and Bare Artlole, Baud 35 cenis to S-'3t' • J. B. KING, 167 WlUlam street, N.X r^AMB FOWL FOR SALE.—JosATHiU Doewaot, Vjr Lancaster City, Pa,, Importer and Breeder of Gaime Fowls, Ferrets, Bat Dogs, ^d BuU Terrier Dogs.'' Ooflii madtf to order. Also, Eggs ofhls Imported FoWls for sole. . '.,;l-Ot* .. PH E L A N' 8 IMPROVED BILLIAEb TABLK, i'.yt- *^ ^ OOijffinf^St* -;,';'.■ Ven toiiils day.''tis not ^hii^ielj/ known - TV^ hod caused toe Conjet such a jpans » But fMm toat night Mars Sobretacha ^ 1 The'n«t< day It was h'otitfd the town annmtl n'st Messrs. Xynan<:(JitIla'B bi{Dk);had( >,' And could not pay a slxpenobiitue pt _ KoM loss of love, or wealth,xr'wA comb.., JiOia'wossome tln)&tolMy,foAm'C^ .-'v.t^Vy The sloknesfl of heart proqijSstf ty.tmhed, flmkled, i^anlod red or.rough sUn; haa^fifisad-many a' hidy to<lu)vrdom;<.irh8 would' otherwise JuHS Csea'itte happiest amop^.;toe'BipMr'. OOUBADD'S,)irALUM<tUQ>rOATIU> iOAPlS^^a-p«E^ ' for tosso.efflkiinakl^iba ttfn' arUear.^imooth'^ whlMais polished aUtHmai^t-'CcrOI'ltAlip'S PODDBlM BCBTILEa ^oAa wonderfol jAumm aIL.>nperflnons hsl^;to;.'W]itoh -t^eyare' Mi , pUe4-toti^W5otei« toeiiQlcimce wftbdut^'Wjnnng.toe sUn.' QVaUJDmmi&VtBru.lW iiome'lmpnd«//fl];a puemlcal., reparatldn to ohanjge .tlie-oblir of red,'Ught'or ^)'>;v lauUful brown or,bloofr.. ■ '-r. ■ DB. FELIX GODBAT)l)'S weporaitoni eon be had at hla new '>, and splendid estabUshineht, 458 Broadway, throe doors below .' Grand street, removed tnta hls.old dtoot, 07 Wnlkorstrsot, ostob** ~' llshed a quarter of a century. ^Alsoof Boys, Brooklyn ; Bates,'! - , 120Washfngton street, Boston;%aUender,'PhUAdelphra; Modom*^ c Dubois, Feansylvanla-Avenne, Washlngtopi D. 0. i. and Boto S. • ^ Banco, Baltimore; and otoera who choose to send cash ordeit. Forwarded by Express, and circulars s_^ilt fiMO. > . I' provalef avo nni- (AND COMBINATION CUSBICNB. niese Biniard Tables tiave received the nn'quolliledap; toe beet phkyers and-', moat competent Judges, who £ vers^2 prcnounced^totm unequalled for general exceUence aii4 Seven distinct patents for Improvements In niniard Tohleil. have l>eeh granted to hs by toe United Slates Patent Office, thd we hnve latelyot^lned apatentfrom the French goveramentfolr oui improvements In billiard cushions. • ' ' We employ. In toe construction of onr tobies, a variety of na< chines spedaUy made for toe purpoge, by whiph mesas we are enabled to Insure a sclentlflo and mecbonlcol occuraey hitoerto unknown in billiard monufkoture. ' r Having a long experience and toorongh knowledge of an toe appliances of Diniards, and constantly on hand o large stoOk of toe best and most tooroughly seasoned materials, wo are pre- pared to furnish everything required in toe billiard line wito uib precedented dispatch; The eminent French bllUaid player, M. Berger, has publUhed toe following opinion: ; ' "New Yobe, 3d Augnst, 1861. - "On toe eve of leaving toe United States, I am happy to declare to aU aautonrs of bilUardB that, after a tour of eleven montha through toe principal cities, I have been enabled to Judge in a BBtlsfactory manner of toe superiority of toe Bllllud TabiM'. manufkctuied by Phelan & Oollander. The system- of Jasnofao' ture Is'so superior, toot I am'happy to introduce their style- of cushion into France. ' They have united to toeir manulactnre of American Billiard Tables that of toe French Tables, of rmnnrka- ble eiceUence and beouty. For toese reasons I am happy to mak« this dedaratloa. . ■ ', "BEBGEB, CLAUDIUS, Professor of BlUlardS, Paris,'' - Parties ordering from us will find our prices as . low as good work can poflslblyrbe made for. We seUfint-chiss articles at a ' fair price, and'wul not make an inferior article at any Vrice. ' . Orders by moll. earefoUy and promptly executed. Illustcatca catalogues ond 'Frlce Lists sent by molL «Teb Biluabo Cus,*' a Jonnial published in toe Interest of billiards, and containlna details of aU novelties, a copious record of billiard news, and everything interesting to amateurs of billiards, sent free on ap. plication. ' , PHELAN & OOLLENDEB, . 63, 05,67 and 69 Crosby street, N.-Y., . And 724 and 720 Montgomery street, Ban I^candsco, Cat NOW BELLINQ PPW ARDS ^OF 1000 COPIES FiS .week; PATHOLiO.G'r or TBS BBFBODUOTITE OBGANB,. ,. BUBSEIX T. TB ALLt ILD. ■ XXUAL 'OBOAVtSM. . JAMES a JACKBON, M. D. "The trestlsee In this Tolu;ne are upon Eubjeets of the'ntaiMt importance In a physlologtoal point 01 view. Tbeae snh)Mta>ia. handled in'an aUo manner. Tht outoon aro medical mm'.(it large experience; and toe 'advice which toey give la lound^ tnd apmloable aUke to toe guidance of parontsTand to the bepefl^ of'the youngr Aperuaol of toe work will do much to seottre. healthymantalandbodUyAmoilons; while to inffeilnghnnlanity^ It offers Judldons adviK, whioh may save niany frbu eompIldK Ung.jlhelx sufferings by resorting to qoack doctor^ and eUpIrioal. traatamt."-Bnatan Jmimal. .'. ''. ■ ' . ■.-t-'. -Tr Onro rtri irnii f .?* " ' ' ti ennBgh tn Mdarstand.l fc"—IT "It will be toe ssnroe of much gbod; beingprepsn and ftom abundant kntPWledge."-norton Traveller, . "It Is s hook for tos'tlmes, and shouhl be In every lunliy."i^. ^"AnhraostefforttodlflosausefnlInformation^ Hostpoptltt works on this subjoot are too reverse of thls,.ana are Bex* iOk vertiseffients of quacks."-Plymouto Sack. ' "A valuabln oddltlon to medical ^^tuze,"—Boetoa TiU an^wri ^4 valuable book for toe affllctadi anTOr aU whoif OTdd not be.' Its'counsels are of great Importance to all."—Boston Oesgregk' tionallsb - \_ . ^ "Contains praotleal Information that ahoslt be known ana Ht> ed upon- by parents and ohlldren, toe married and single. The chapters devoted to children and toelr management ought to bt read by every motoer."-punaa, (N. Y.) News. , "That this Is a auggeaUvo volume must be admitted, we xamit by eitoer a profesalonal or non-profesalonal reader. Eagagod. >< we are. In advocating « general reform of our sodol habits onA opportunities for phyalcal Improvement, we hail wlto delight va Buggastlve influences'that may be brought .to beor npon ouTBa vorite line of action, oome ^m what quarter It may. We thstei fore take great pleasure in recommending toe abovo TOlnme to ■' fair and candid conoldcraUon among an obisses. Every chaptet la valuable, and aU toe subjcots of toose ohapters are well «hce«8a Boston to •great in aU good wcrks.*-N. r-«"PP»r-„_, Price THREE DOLLABS. Bent to any address. Sand OnUn to toe nubllsher. B. LEVEBETT EMEBSON, ' * '. 139 Washington Btteet, Boston, Masi. ■ . For sale in New York by 0. B. FELT, 36 Walker Btreoi, and Itf. BINCLAIB TOUSEI, 191 Nassau street. ' , ja^ Unuxi akx otbbb Book, this win teach toe reader how- to prevent, and'permanently. Oubb, vrasx ronu of aexuol U*, ease and dorSKgement, wltoont feeing or conB\atlng any doctor whatever. No <fther medical book has ever received suchxoift;, ptendatlons from toe Press; Qbi ZBa'Bisr. . ' THE OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AGENCY, foradrcular, HENRY STEPBEHB, 88 Nassau Bt^ < Send . 1-tf SEND FOB A HAUHOTS PAOKAQS, Containing FonrFuicy'ArtloleB:"prloe'35'oents. Also, Bnbbet Goods forOefitltanon'a use; 'Addnas J. E.FAB&EUh UAnnitreet, near.&dsdway, N. Y,. l-tf TlJrO B'D^H N H rO U B^/B ' V V OOBNES OV^OWEBY AND BAYABDIBIBESIB. N. Y. ' Quekts oah be aooommodoted wlto Itooms by toe day ct week, wlto or wltooiit boards GEO. P. WOBDEN, naprleior, l-Sm JAJQB : GOODWIN,, Oonmilsston Pater Dtalet, No., lib .JOHN :BTBEEfr.' near'ClUi; New York, News and Printing Paper' dann&otoied to order at to* shortest nbttoe. 1-tf ROW AND SAIL BOATS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. STEPHEN ROBERTS, •euboeasor to tfedrfle 0. Newman- Boot Building shop, footoj I14to street, Borlem Biver—Office, 8CS Boutobtioot. domes McKay, too groot aheU-boot and spoon ear maker, .works at tola cstabluhmont ... -861* READER 1—If Ton want emplojrnent, or want tho beat (Two-toreaded)'Bowlng Machine evft mohufkclured, send ttf 'IBAAO BALE, JR. b OaiNowburyport. Mb4s„ for a da- scrlpHvo circular of terms, &o. They pay a liberal solair, or al> low oommisalon, as toe Agent may ohooae. 3-Ot P /'"1ARD< PICTURES of Heath's dCBlgns, BEFORE, \J AFTfBi and .SNUFF BOX. Alto, PUtpres ot'StotiameD, Acton, and otoor dlatlngnlahed ohaniotettv '64ht post paid, 6n reoelptofasoonueaoh, by , J, N> OOX,.N,Y. 7-ltf rpHE BEST TBT.—Bea»>tlftil AmbrbiypbPIctnrefl ftijm J._ u^aet in ftj^^jM^ Mm 60 0)%; at,, N. cooh. EDGAR, MpBPBY ts CO,, BlHasMu a e-tf LOyirArtA-IlODE—CatAIbstuea vbf JBobks, Ao^ Miit upon apipUcsUom ' ' - '. . A^ GORDON... ' " l-W ■ ' is Duaht street, New. Yorki- riABD 1>BOT0OBAl?Bdl-fiena for onOi p-R B A T B 0 O K Sll •. ' ■' i " ' NEW .BOOKfll NEW BOOKS 11 DON'T FiJL: TO BEND TOE A. OATALOGUI^ OUB.NEW OATALOqUBNp'W jaEADy. , ■ BKNT FRKB:^mGH PAirj--6N APPliCA? ,XHB OLD EBIABLIBHEDl'ibroVoNL^ '' -,;AirD.'ifOB5CiNo GOODS idfitidXr; 'Where oidets ore ^irbmpily. and fklthftilhr'exeoBted;'., ;. .-.,.' ■ ..AflUriss ''. JHOMAS OBMBDY, llittbioBuUainge^'' ■' ' ■'0:';'.' .'■' 'V.;' .', '■' ,''.8«NassanBtreet,'.5»l»:?ork. ; "l-\6: IyOU WAJNT WHISKERS^.^R 'MOTJSTA ' I ) cHsat"—In.18531 first oekad thlB;abe.gtl6tt.It was an- - swered by inJeroua people; and 1 oak if any,'pf them ever icow .my OnsuenttfifkUIndomBaU Idalmed for It; namely i that it would compel toe Beard orMoutl»oheto gniw trtsiu too smooth- eat face ■wiailn aU weeks from tho fl*stapplleatton. Uke ^ ano- eessiulinfonton, I have had to oontend wito ahostof liultotort, lome of whom- even go; so far as to copy »<lTei"^«S'; However, truto is mlghty,.andwUl proyoil: and yo"'"^^?^ less trlends, .*m find that my Onguont Is too only thlnfl «|^» reaUyfowe too Beard to grw,andwlU neilherBtatoorWure thfim:-1 send it to any part of.toe """tiT. ft" ff, I!S''«8«V tottur IB-tq B. G. QB4HAM. No. 109Naaaau street, N. Y. BOOKS! BOOKSI! „BOS,^J'" - flPORTIHG ARTICLES. CARDS ^.^^i^JS™' w' V - • - J. H. FABREliL, BootaeUoTK 15 Aim street, N.Yj_ ' Books of every variety, eltoer Forolm ot SomesUft ftousMd o^^llXaon^Portl^^-lri^^^ ! address, umii, win rocelvo immediate ottentlen. Coy ArUdoB you.nvvy *bb Odverttoed, Vr% b* tonlHuA to-order. Oatalbgnes awit on ^I«^?»"9nlj^/fl«J*^v ST ff^FABBELL, deal^ In Boojs and Fancy ArUdos, Ho. W Ana, Kwet, Sew York. ;,.. ;' .■ - :■(:■■■•. ■..<■■:■■ r^-:. b'ks, epoftlng and funlahed to order. 'dtir's^ldfess andt, ^Usw'S'odilOity?: OW TO WIN AT OARDa.-aond liS wd stamps to HOWARD, M.6^t\_,^.-..--^^-; Offlo^^dhSwiU inform yott^of.a BOBEmetood tfjfe. irtwnntll. .- . " ■;;-''^".