New York Clipper (May 1863)

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>u.:?-.- i'iiinmispiie.a.'r 'vUlerirtio'mid* Ui flntWSR^*^'9>) VmSta eTtnlag, Vmi | SvHiS thvYgpnaanUttoii of the loiwdt Thi, kl tbt Thtttn of W stMtod wUU^Sw *fl«r>onaA or .»p]pUiue, ud Hinar7M(nirUte);0ii ilia ,3d Init. Hdllt Dnorotar spptoubad piifcM » MiMhiiraaaiM&'tft tlie'compinr. JUtoxy fitQu^th•ltoon•wtb•tMtUAhta,«ndln(AU*Unthordteuwum•<■)lu•' «lo»diflow,'i*^i^j|olod,' uKl'lua draolsg piOT6s • new featnn I Forttuutoly, the fin ttm Boon pnt on^ and tli« Injorlei ibe lui- -to^a^imMUiBbe^C'/AdlagtbD ind Sutfrtce are gnat ftTor-1 Ulnadwennbt dugeioni, bar 011I7 buna being on tbe wok and Itai. (£d 'ibMr' tietfAriBanM as the oandldatea for InlUtUon In I arau. - , mgiMt-banMOaa otM^'iOM of UalU," whlob bu raoantlr I Hr. Sanld Bloioua, for nun; jean tba maoblnlat of Her Ha- badMatictiBatfafa'na'wte.'w&simmanae. With ibe sddlUona heatT'iTbiatia, London, died on the Stblnat BUlde In tbk lait week or ao, thla oompanjr now ranka irith the The Nelaon Slitera are engaged at tbe Adalpbi Theatre, Lon* beat In th< Statea, andiboy are meeting \ri(h the liberal patron-1 don, and irlll abortlT'appear there In a new bnrleaqn^ wrmjn age tbe nntlring energy of the managers 4oBeTve8,' expremly for them 07 £tr. Bjion, entitled, "in Treated, n no- Sanford'a Ulnatrela will perform in Patenon, n. 3„ daring I vatore." . ' . the raolngjseaaon Jntt commonoed thecei after whloh tbey will | Tbe OorelU rami); opened at Batb, Sng, with • olront^fonpe. rctom to FennaylTanla, and fill ap their time until they open at Bamnm'a Muaenm, New Tork, on the 6th of Inly. HorrU' Ulnatrela (0. A. Morrla' parly>war« adTertlaad it Banborh Eall, WUiona, Mln., for theliletand 33d. Horrla Bibtheis, Pell b Trowbrldge'a Hlnatrela gaTetwoen- tertalnmenta la Kew Bedford, Mass,, on the aid and a3d InaL Mew Bedford baa been qolle llrely with amniaementa, lately. Uorrls Bnthera; Pen hTiowbrldgs'a Hlnitrtla, after baring "eTaonatad" Boaton, "oecopy" HobTo Hall, Mew Haven, Oenn., Jnneethsn&Otti. It waa ihotuht that Spragno's MlnatreU wt>e abont to open )ii,;";.\:,".iri,<KjllHlDnl .•.JOthatlni*—' aiSSi QJL'BEB.'S—'BiXfOltaagt. ;y,baTUig oloaS -iUe,'Par,.on-tb«"J . 'ntbelUbM>f th'ot Ittabnrab en -the ) and 19th:' on the ntral BaliBoa.dto _ aVjJbraryHall, Sowark, N. J., on the ..e foUawtng srtlatr will partldpata: via., IRpepdi ^Bohertlal, ^ Blron, and Harr _^.,„_Cpfi»r»teaaing'»t People's Hall,Mew- . tolhjh^Ti^^lSSea by L. IC ttottsobalk. Wlurtbat6XOOirtIon.'li#hBiJ*toM „ ^."HlMBrmlii)aA.lI«dl|l'&rMe#SbuUna^T^^ atteian Huseiiee bfMrethan a^aaAr.'tanowrebwdng tobernumyeaat-. ' .sm Mandr. Last il^eekThe sang In PittdiBzgb, at Uaaqnlo HUL rjOning.lwrabainoa ttou tbe east, Ox'tSg given dona«rialn Aomeoftbeorlnclpaleltlealntheweat, and has been 'received 'MUiBIirkMfivor. The press apeaka highly of her mnslou ao. V %IBmatiments, and she will donbUesa meet a'hearty welcome I'itom hai old ftlmds li^ Mew England on U'r rmrn. -ire •hear'.of another "ootbreaV'in'^aho of tbe Mew Orleans ' -theatrea:.' Xhi the evening of Uay TihiVs^Arge and very respect- ' taUa'tTidlonce—Ifidadlng many.lInloii'umUlea—was ptesentot '-ibe 'Operi EoTiie,'tbe ocoaslairbeliit'the benoflt of a mnch eiteamed and talented yonog oantatrfce. Tbe performanco had fiona on most agreeably for abont an honr, when a sndden call -was made among the andlence in' all parts of the home for "Hall ■Oolunbla," and sbnultanoonsly k nnmber of XTnlon flags were .belli^'waved . In evory'dlioctlon. As tbe ontoiy contlnned and '' ktptlncreaslne In foioe, the players oame back and gave the line old aenii amid the moat intenae entbnslasm. The perfomaDoo ' > V'. ..... .. •sHaflA.l ontbaathinst. , . _j B. A. Bothem made Us first appearanoe at the Prtnoo of Walae Opera Honae, Bltmlsnham, Sng., on ih* Itb Inst, Inhla lnlmlta> bio represanUUon of Lord Bnndroaiy. Ulaslb^Temanwas the Mary Ueredllb. lliaairoBoyal,Brentford,Bng.jOloseaontheMInst , Th» Theatre at Birkenhead, Kng.,_lsadvyr*lMd to bo trten down, and to bo dlspoaed of In lota. 01; laat ptefbrn^ea took place on the Mb, tbe bill being "Bead Hen tall no Tales" and the "Ooratoan Brothers." • UadameAlbonlwaa at Cork, Irdnd, onthe 7fb, giving eon- again in MaafivUle, Tenn. aos. Bhaw and aome othen of we oerta; _i uv—m ....^iv.nn.. oompany-wore Vln ropoa6"at last aoooonts,waiting for aome- ^•▼•B»«i<>Kr'»»««?»'l?J»»*o'¥»™^ thing to torn np. ' . " aire Boyal. Bablln, on tbe Oth. On the Uth, he waa annoonoed M.O. OampbeU'A Mlnstreli appear in Mnelo Hall, New Havoo,- to apv---_------ , <ai.„ Oonn„MaySBlh>nd 3«th.. Mr. OampbeU baa 30 membare in *JP« {= £2°Iiif'?J?^il?^v' *°' bla company, aSpng whom are Urn Hayes, Dick Bands, and gwmMit at the Queen J Theatre, atob^^ Johnny Bokar. < Henglsr'a flirons and Pantomlmlo troupe U meatiiig with Oampbella'MlBstiels wore at Newark, S.J.,-on the aid and I great BnM6M_atE^ 33d. On the a<th and aatb.'tbey abow at New Haven, and flnlah the week at Brooklyn, N. 1. Prank Edwards Is atxml amrier for tbe Campbells.' Slok paads and Tim. Hayaa, olog danoers, ap- pear each nlsht in a friendly strife for supremacy.- The com- pany are under the direction of "BL e. Oampbell; taq,," the ad- vertlaementa inform us.^ How arc you,'Sonlre T yr. Hayden Qraugor U now with Uorrls' Minstrels. A letter will reach him at Madlso n,^ls. , ' OIROnSBlB. Banda'American Ciioaa wHl open tbe cnrrent week in Mew Bedford, Haas., performing In the afternoon and evening.' Mats^ ■ Buti by and by, Just after a charming duet bad boon con 4)lndal. a cry aroio,fcom some few voices, for the "Star Bpaogud v Xanner,"''r(»lawedbrBUll more general and voclfdrona callafor >>"Tankee Doodle.": vpoa this sr. Sortie (a very promlnont "Unionist there) got up in the parquet and hoped that, as their Wah had onoftbMn gratified, tneywonUkeep quiet ardlet the -ooncert eo on. Oapt UUler, the Uayor, alao sprang to bla; feet, ^kd'salo^tbat, u a natlosal air bad been played, he wonld allow BO tether Intertoptlon—but bis voice was drowned with loud . o(teC>ot~"Zknkee' Doodle t" "We will have Tabkae Doodle;" Mlxon, however, has organized a traveling otrcns compaoy oom posed of tbe follonlrg persons:—The SyroTAratrfo-Tronpe, oon- slating of Uole and Pemole Jngglers, Aorobsts, &&; Ur. j. Cook, tbe English Olonn, his llrat appearanoe in this conntry; U'lle. Oarroll, Eaton Btone, Bam-Latbrop, Jimmy Beynolds, Uadame Macarte, Barney Carroll, U'lle. Uirle and U'Ue. Lonlss. Ur. Horace Nlobols la the Eqneatrlan Director, and Ur. Paul, for- merljagestfor Barney'Williams, is tbebnslness agent •ladame Uacarta will iatroduco her baaotifal stud of trained horses; ahe will also appear In her maaqnerade scene, entitled The'VongUan OarolvaL The first performance will be given und|r oanvas-at Waabisgton, D. 0., on the 26tb, on tbe Utn street lot, near WU- laid's Hotel. From there they pull stakes and go to Baltimore, whero they will show on the old olrous lot From Baltimore, Ur. Mlxon will work bis way to the pilnolpal dUes of tbe West This oompany l8 a railroad drons. Ur.I^eMixon baa the "Side Show" and the "Oandy Stand" department under bis charge. The company is a good one, and with tbe experienced genera- ship of Ueaars, Nixon and Paul, onghttot>e highly saoceasfol in their peregrinations; ' - Ur. Haiiy 'Vrhltbeok, one of tbe oldest and ^ost experienced adverttsors In the United States, baa been engaged by L. B. I«nt, to "go ahead" for the Eqaeacurrlculom. Ur. W. leaves this week to join the company at Geneva. • ° •' UUas* Oircns Boyal did not meet with a very good bntlneaa at Q^beo,owbig to the cold weather. Tbey were at Uontnalfdur daya last wees, oloslng there on tbe 38d. Ur. and Ura, Herman 'Veiln (Urs. Oharles Toimg) oom< menced a short engagement at tbe Prlnoeaa' Tliestee, OuigoWi Mtfaallth, Urs. Hudson Klrby is at the Quean's Theatre, Hull. Theatre Boy^Haliacalosedwitb the Sadler's Walla oem< panyonthe 7th Inat Uiss Catharine Lvoette, the, direotieas, took her benefit oh.tfielst The honsoiBtobete-openad by Ur. a. Owen, with "Aurora noyd." Ur. and Urs. Oharles Uatthews opened at the Theatre Boyal, Uv6rnool.on the lltb hist, to be followed on the 18th by Ur. and UrSi Obas. Keen. # ' Hiss Ellae doOourey. who will be .remembered as a Western slock actress, made her first appearance at the Mew Adelphl ~ ■ thetth,in thesenaatlon.dramaof "Au- appeared as Son.Oaaar, in "Bon Osaar a very favorable Impreaslen. inrred recently at the Alcaiar cIrODS at while going through his exerelsca.VTwo men were performing on the parallel bars fixed at an tnunenae height, beneath the onpcla of the' building, whan ane of them in apiinglng firem one bar to the other, missed his grasp, and fel Into the centre of the arena. Tbe man waa taken up insensible, but aubaeqaently reooveied, and will, It is t>elleved, escape with a dlaloesled arm. Qoagieinl's Mew Olrous, Oastle Uarket, Mewoprt, Uonmouth. shire, la crowded nightly with the elite of the towd. Ur, Henry Brown, the clown, appeared on the41th Inst AMUSEMENTS. - RBW BOIVSIRT . Sole Proprietor... '.. .UH . J. W. IINOABD. UOMDAT and TDE8DAT EVEBINaS, Uay SI and 30, Twenty-fifth Might of the engagement of the Popular American Aotor, UB. S. EDDT, "Who will inangnrate this week by the revival of tho aorgeous Bpectaoular Drama of UOMTE OHBIBTO, Written expressly for and Mrformed by faim in sU tbe princi- pal Theatres of the United Btstea upwards of Five. Hundred Nights. ItwUlsowbeprodaCedwithallthareqalBlteaof Mew Scenery, Uachhiaiy, and Splendid Sffeota. iM^of mUltary ottcen were preeent, and, generally, seemed to fttdit with tbe^oaltlon taken by the Uayor, who-deoured he bad ftuBelentpolice force to teatore order, and would uae it U necea-. . aary.':A lfant«nantof Zcaavee here brought the excitement to n' euimlnstion by wslklng up to a young man who waa persistently waving a flag, snatching » from him, and pntliog Itin hlabosom, ' amid Jeering cries of "Copperhead,'' "traitor," ko., to which he made n6''reply, as bo reaumtd his eeat among some other ofllcen . naAr 'tbe Uayor. The whole scene now became as uproarious as 'itwssdlagraoefal. Taunts and angry epithets were freely ban. . ^»d aboutamong'oivillanB and officers, while, the panlo-stmck ladles, monlehtanly expecting a ooUlalon, were hnrrlcdly pre- paring to loave tho bnlldlug. Dr. Do'rtle brought the thing to a auddcn doae, by calling upon all TToloniets to leave tbe bonseand let the Copperbcids remain; upon which large numben marched out anild loud- oheersi and condderably thlnnbig the house. She few who remained seemed to.have n^ further relish for tbe oonoert, sUll loss had the perforiiura, and so the whole aOsir . .rapidly broke up:—the Uayor and GoL Hopkins, Ohlet of Police, 'cemalidng to tbe last^ keep eider. - Ur,: A. W. Fenno, tba wcU known aotor, intenda onco more to retire from tbe Oramatlo flold; and confinohlmiolf to giving lec- tniea-Ior.the Pohmorama of tho War, painted by Ueasia. Stan- ' ' Isy fcOonant. Ur. Fenno gooS to Booheater this week, where : the painting 1>, to write up a leotme, ha having been engaged by.the managers as lechuer. Ur. Fonno possesses a rici and melodious voice; and added to this Is an ease and naturalnoas of ' deUvaiy, which render the mere )iieeAan<caI etTeet of BpeaUng on tli9 part otUr. F. highly pleasing to bis andienee. The Pano- ,'CfmB,jimrhavlng aevorol yards of new4anva« added to it will '^raUhlt at Bocbealer for one week, oommenoing the first week in ,VJlijie,i.Blrom tboro it will vlalt fhi ladelpbla.; Bat " ""^iSP^w " ' ' ' ''1 *'*r"'tr inalntIrritlTupiover oe Diune or "fat Contributor," liave oRen "sot tbe table .ln'«rOar,"^haa been'eogaged by that "Incoiiiglble kuss," Arte- . ans.Ward, as hls agent to prepare the' Oallfomia publlo for hip iStijHted lector^ tour li^that State. Ur. Oilswold starts about ■jheHrst of August Artemua "drapt in towaeeua" on Friday 'UBt<" 'Heisaa phunny as ever, and looka as fresh as a pumpkin . to'a squash vine, Tlist's what the Tankees say down where ' tArtemus oame from. . - The Hutchinson Fai^Brere advertised to concertize in New Dedford, Uoas., on the 9Rb inat WjA' fine; large hall, dapablo of aeatlng a large nttmber of people, has been erected in Hendoison, Kentucky. It la intended for - d«a|natlo,'minstrel, concert, ond other companlea. A troupe of iiom'e'sort might do wall thero now, there having been a dearth .jQ^.-nmilBementa since the war broke ont >g^Ij(dame JnvlBella Olivia and UIss OelesUs, styled the"8tmr yBlftertt'-' are announced to give a eoncert at Concert' HaU, Fxe- •aiMliaj iJ. T.; on theacth. ^.Tlis Fakir of Ava recently ahowod in Oswego, M. T., but did not ineet'with sneccsa, owing, it is sold, to a refusal to pennit bto^ dlstrlbute^la gifts, etc,; so be bad. to pack up bis tnps,. aiq^-'miove on further, ^tking blS'.■honaes, lots, pigs, horses,"- " etoi. alobg wlUiblia. Ae Sener bhlldreni who were advertised. (W. in our last, are - iA QUou : ,Tbay aire aold to poaaoss mnaloal talepta of an extxaor. .'^^ary' ohar^ct^r, eoldom known, in one. fatally. Their'agoa gi^frem.elght to.-thlrieen years, there being four of them. 7 execute tbe most dilSanlt muslo, and have been ooncartlz- Jn OUo^or the paat three months,' Tbey are working their ^^iw east, and will probably Visit Mew Tork in thefaiL Their 'ttULer is a c«ilabiated organ-bnllder, tbe family formerly balllog ftom Philadelphia. . B. B. Pattereon is their managing agent > . The Peak Family—Swiss Bdl BIngers—were, at-.the filaryland IasUtnto,Bsltlmoro. throo.days Ian week. On t&e 26lh they <)pefi'at Concert Hall, Pblladolphia, where they will remain du- xuuthewook; ' The attention of m^agets la directed to Ume. 0. Pceaonl'a ' aSvoTtlBement In another column. We anderateind that the iladf poaaetstsawelloulUv4t«d soprano voice, fall of sympathy ' dnd feeling; added to which sho la well skilled in the dramatlo art. Brewster HaU, New .Haven, Ot, is to be enlarged, and with ■Ida galleries, ko,, will make a handsome open bouse,' StNfijg'a Pauonmaof Washington and tbe War la on exhibi- tion at WlUtrd's HaU, Waahlngton,.D. 0. ■ The Toip Thumb party did an Immense bnshiess during their ttaylfiPhUodoIpbla, aomo.two wceke in all, we believe. °: ' Ills) BIoblDga gave a Bnnday concert, at Howard Hall, PrOTl' denop, B. t,, .on the ITth, to a full hbuae, ,Ur. Henry Bandcrson, pianist, having rotumbd from Havana, - annontaoea to give a concert at Btoslbal Fund HaU, PhUadelptils, on the 39tb. Ue. la to be assisted by Ur^ Jenny Kempten, Ur.' Wm, Oaalle, and'Ur. Gaorge W. Morgan. He will ^lao give a oonoert in Oaltlmoro6n the lat of June, ... ... At thcrequeet of themanagement for the FhUadelpbIa Hoapltal .'forthe'tbaahe. J. D. ilbberts, the-tragedian, read "Hamlor'to . the inmat^-ot-tbat institution' on the .asd'lnit. Ho had A soma' -what "mixe'd" audleiiceto please, bnt he iasald ' to bave'su(i^ ..oieded admbrably, ' -». '-.'.; ' ^ - 'Ur,Frankr.Tiyoni'.'-long known as the trsasrlnr for deorge OhicUty's Ui^trelS, intends leering khotUy for JBngland. ■■':v'":!:v:'-:-^'fl?l.i'3 .- -^' ' -' ' "■• '' ■J >( nijioBo Iurstiuuuit:. Numerous Auxillailes for the Orond Oomiyal Boene. Thayer & Noyea' United Btatea Olrous and HIppozoonomadon Powerful cast, UB. E. EDDT in five ehartotera. pltohed tentonthe25th BtPlttsbnrgb,_M.j_uid Mmaln^ere| Q^e popular youn;.Actor, three days. Ihelrnext principal stand wlU be at Zanesvllle,' Ohio. Uable's Uenagerlo was at OllawstfU., on the SSd; La Salle and Pcm,'3Stb; and waa advertised for the astb st Princeton.- This company la one of the best on tbs road this season. Its collec- tion of wild animals and rare birds exceeds those of any sbnllsr exhibition. PTof Bears, known as the "Uon King," enters ttas densofthellons, leopards, tigers, andpantheis. Thopetfoim- young A« . UB. O, 0. BONIFAOE, Win perform the character of the Abbe Fanla, and bis ftvor- Ito eharaoter of Wallaoe ih the drama of < WAIXAOE THE HEBO OF SCOTIiAMD. With the roaHng fiuce of BINHS THE BAOUAN. Blnka UB. O. BBpOEES. - Uts, W. O. Jones, Uies Zate Newton, Ur. Uarden, Ur. Nnnan^ Ur. Olaaaford, bis. first appearanpe,.Ur. G. Ungard, Ulas Hatba- ances of the educated elepbanis, Bomeo and Juliet, form one of j way,' Ulss Eldridge, and the whole strength otlhe company, the principal features of this estabUsbment Lake t Oo.'s Great Western Circus has t>een performing In St. Louis, during the past week to large crowds. Tbe sttractiena ofl'ered are few. Little Alloe Lake la a daablng rider, and la much admired, Ur, W. Lake, the clown, is not thought moob of out there, according-to our oorrespondent' Thf company comprises. Little AUce Lake, Uadame Agnes, La Belle, Joanette, La Petite Emma, E. W. Perry,' H. Uaris (down), Wra. Lake (clown), Lazalle Brothers, W. Lester, 0. (aoney, and tbe per- forming horse Don Juan, under the management of Levi, J. North. TbeyweretobeatAltou,in.,onthe3(lthinst Ur.W.Et Uoore is the adranco agent '\^ B. Q. Btokes' OUcoua, with the renowned "Ella Zoyara,".i^ at present In New York State. Wedneaday, Twenty-seventh Might of UR. B. EDDT, 7- L. B. Lent's Equ'escnirioulum show at Syraotiseon .ttaaSO&ligYenlng, kby 36. Inat; Anbnm, June let; Benaca Falls, 3d. ' . ' - - - ' S. 0. Wbeoler'a International OlreuB waa abowing at' Low- oil, Uass,, on tbe 30th and 31st Inst There most have been a grand turn out of factory girls, for Lowell is noted for hgalBK-*- "•S^J^^'S^SiSSSiBi!!"!^ the _^!^S!&ltnnle for the next month wiU be through the west- em part of Pennaylvanla. r -•' inBI.O'B OARDBUI. Iia aseaa nd Uanoger,.. WU. WHWATTiKg. LAST 'WEEK ow the Oroat Tragle Artlate, UieS BATBUAN. Wboae FABEWELL-ENGAQEUENT of unprecedented brll< Uancy wffl tamilnate at .the expiration of tho next BIX NIGHTS. .Incomp]|aii9i^ with, an aluikt Unlveraal.Demand from the bighcst sources in the communit y, Enowles' play of - ' '-' -I,-,,'. THB'EUNOBBAOX, , In whlob U|SS. BATEU^ will sustain her great onaraQter of WUlbopr«s<ntedon Uw>dc;yeveniag, Mayj6, andoBTues^ SJjJl'&m^ffi muf'ewlfa'of bnsliites, .. ... _Oeorge'J3hrlsty.and troupe baa bad another break .^jp. oloaed at Trb^; last week, aud li at present in this city. Carserdss.<& DIsoy's Ulnstrels.condnded their season in PhUadelpblabn'tHefiSd, and opsn'ed InBalllmoro, on tbe 3Mb; Harrlnuton.&.Thompson's Minstrels are doloa a fino business In UempEle. ' Those in attendance tfre.principally aoldlrrs. ' ^ ■ Duokloy'sMlnslr'oU-expoot.lo open their how hall, in Bummer atreetBoiton.'onor.aboutlhoUth'of Jojie. '. 'Bometbing now Is to! be given st Booloy's Opera Honso, Brook. .L^ Iyni, this week. In tho sbapp of, an Intorludo'called "flooley's « HlBstrila'EioUrslon t<}.G0wa'nns.^*,Th4 *'Oiiuattyman's Debut'' yUiM annouucd4, ThtspopuIft'bahdareiboDUnuallyprbdiiclDg >liOt«ltisB,'in'tbo wnyofnewilketches, orfreith'pe^ormsts. Ftapk flpettlsatUougIbolatestaddltloaatOtheMfflpany.' . '" . Tho very pormlar place of amuaeiment,: ArllDgton; Leon Ic Diui- ntkW'a'01>era''floU9e, Oliloagd, is nJabtiy crowded with largo and 'dallghtea.aullencos. Slid thO'pmormaocM.tln',csoh-o<!caiiiQB VMsented bt thla talented troupS of",- ■ " ' i .a^t'a'decided 'tticcMs; Tbb new br" *' \''' AJUATAvn. Thb Edwih Fobbest DBiMATia Aasdouziov, Philadelphia, gave a benefit on tbe 9th, on which ooeasioD, the plecea aelectcd were "Tho Hole in the Wall," and "Xbo Two Gnafds." Ur. B. Boberta, penonated Frank Lenox; lii "The Two Onarda," and with the single exception of speaking too taat,was very good.' The part of Old Crusty was enacted by Tom OlUterd, in a verf creditable m^nnern This gentleman deserves great praise for the rapid advancement be Is mining. He is one of ttaebest "old men" amateurs in tho profesalon. The three slatera sang very prettily on thla ocoaalon. We understand that ttJs assodotlon Intend |;hortly giving.a performance at FrankfCrd. Thb ExoELsioB DniiuTio Booiett gave a home performance at Mo. 181 East Mlh etteet, on Thursday evening, Uoy 31. . Teb Dashawat Auateub Histbiomio'''Olua of Ban Fran- Cisco, gaVe their fonrth entertainment at tbeli HaU on-tbe 33d ult Tobln's "Honeymoon" end "To Porta and Baok for Five Pounds," were the pieces selected. Among the volunteers (or the'ocoselon were JnliaDean Hoyne, Uie. Fraqk Uayo, and Ulas 'Virginia Lawrence. BBTTxaDBaiUTia OLvn, had a meeting at their Hall in, Bay View, South Boeton, on the 13th, when a code of lawa for the govenuuent of the Club waa adopted, and the following gen- tlemen elected offlcen for tho ensuing year:—Uanager, E. B. Spinney; Stage Uanoger, Henry BussoU i Beorolary„0. UesB, Jr.; Doorkeeper, T. Barker. Ur. Daniel Briscoe, the Uitnager of tho Club for the past five years, declined servtbg In tbst'cspo. dty for thOpresent year. At tbe condnsion of the proceedings, a vbte of thanks to Ur. Briscoe, fbr his psBt'servlces, -qis unan^ mouslyadopted. .. ' . • • FOaEIGN 8FORTINO ITBBIB IIT BRIEF. We havo advices from London to Uay 10th. ' Tho following is asommalTOf eVentatranepirlng in the great Uetropolls:—At her UkJoaty's Theatro, SIgnora TrebelU made her renlnie, <m the 0th, in the^ Opera of "Barblere dlBlviglla." BlenorBet- tlnl appeared as Count Almavlva; On the 7th, a hew Opera waa Sreduced, for the flrst tlme, entitled "Nlcolo de Lapl; or, tbe lege of Florence," founded on a novel by.the Uarqols Uaaelmo d'Azogllo, who some ydara ago was at tho head of the Cabinet of Turin ; At the Iloyal Italian Opera House, Udllo. Adelina Patti made her first appearance this, seaaon on the Tthlnet, as Amine in " Somnamnula," and met with a most enthualaisllo reception. Those who imagined that this young'lady'a ancccss muat prove ephemeral, beoauee it was sudden and unexpected, were again ebown to' bo bad prophets, for the jpubllo " took to'' Adeltna as sympathottcaUy aa evor. Tta Princess' Theatre Is now under tlio solo auspices of Ur. George 'Vlnlng. On tiie .4th inst, Ur. ObarleB Eoan gave the first of his eleven perform- ancoe, appearing as Hamlet—Urs. Xean aa Gertrude.. At the St Jame8','"13ie Little Sentinel," aii adaptation from tbe French, by T. J. WlUlame, is tbe attnctlon Tbe Strand la -playingUr. Leigh Unrray a farnwelleugagoment.... i .Uadame Oeleata still remains at Sadlei's Wells At the Surrey, Ur Henri Drayton is alnglng what la called an admirable oharacter-> ' Utloe'cogof the Bouthtrn Stales, "Down Among the Cotton." .....vThQ^taBdardiBd,olng a good bualneaa with the Qigllafa- Opera Company., A Complimentary Benefit -to Urs. Charles Bdby, took place at the Princese' Tbbaire on the IBIh. Oh this ocoaalon Ulas Pelba'm, Ulaa Harriet Pelbami and Uisa Clara GianvlUe, all pupils of Mrs. Bclby, modo their first appearance on any ktage in tbofarce of" The Rendezvous."..:... Ulaa A. Oottroll, (Urs. John T. Hatacs,) has nicoverod from her short but Inter. eetlAg Indisposition, and has re-appeared on the boards of the' St James' Theatre Hr. Faudt a member of the 06oipaoy aMheOltyofLondonTl)catre,'anda''protDialnR Juvenile Ictor, favoroblv known for tbo lost ten years in Scotland, also at the Theatro Koyals, Uancheater, Liverpool, and Birmingham, (then filajdng u^dor the name of Hodnott) died on tho Stb, after an lloaaa of-throe weeks, at tho early age Cf thirty years i.- ■The IloyU Colosonm opened on Wblt Uonday,Afterhaving been closed tUnU months..... ..Oa tho 7th, their Iloyal higbneaaea tho PHuooand Priuccae of Wales, honored Ibe Haymuket Theatre with thoir presonde,' being the first dramatlo catablisbment tbey havcvlaltodelncethelr nuptials..:...UonryLoralnewaa at the Surrey Tbealro on the, 11th inst^ Ur. Gnstavn^W. Blake, froni'lho Blimlngfaam Thoatre, i^e bis rfSuf at tboTlMoria Theatro on the lltb inst ' • , , , Ur. Henry O.QSoper, well known as tho manager of the Oooper Engllah Opera no'upe, is kt present oonlnotcr of the BngUah Opera, i^thoStandArdTheatre,'8boreditobi- ' ■■> ^. . . , ' >Ir, Stanley.has'retired from the active duties of tho Canter* a of'.••btMt • ooW;. artlata; bdry Unalo HaU, London, uid U ll aotrnbdw the- foto' pMula-' ialladllJjln*^ttnM,-i!r^^^ ,• '.'. y ;, ■ Si Mo painsliave been spared by the Management to ■eonre_ue serviceaof such Artists aa mv^ve due cffiukto thla ' ^ - BBKASBABlASKMBSOinTION, icb-'tertrsoonped lUa Baieman as tbe InteUectnal and ^eautUUl IDEAL OF THE DBAUATIST. . ' In ibis, her moat exquisite creation. .* ' ShewIUbeaaaistedbyamostpowerfalOompiany. ' Box book open three days In advanoa. Doon opeaat Iji ; Performance to commence at S o'dock. Wednesday evening, Uky J?,' UISS BAIEUAM will appear tiSi the first Ume this aeason, as ' ' ^. GBBALDISB. UONDAT EVKMlNG, JUNE 1, first appearance tot twelve monthly of the celebrated Irish Comedian and Vocalist UB. COLLINS, In John Brougham's grand romantto Drama,'entitled THE DUBE'B UOTTOI 7- A liBJOmaiATHI Afia RBIiTABIjB ACTRBag de- slrds an engagement for IIBST OLD WOUEN and HEAVY BUBINEB8. BespoDsible managers oslt, local or traveling, wil ploaSe'address Artlate, Station D, Bible Bouse, M. T. 7-St*^ miSII OAROURK RIOHIlfGS, Aided by her father, ' UB; PETEB BIOHINGS. Commenced an engagemont at John Ellalor'a ' AOADBUY OF UUBIC, CLEVELAND, On Uonday evening-, Uay 3Ctb, where tbey will prodace their great epeoialiHea f BATANELLA and tho ENOHAMTBESB.' B-tf . A. a PENNpYKB. Agent THE TURF. Thz Jaueshubo fiaoxa—The first racing jneetiBg of the season was held on Wednesday the 30th 4net, at JamiAurg, M. J,, overthe course recently fanned by some of the patrons of tbe turf In thaftocallty, Tho attendance, although not numec^ leidly large, comprisbd an the leading iurtmeh of the North, as woU as many of tbe Western owners of thoioughbreds who have brought on their stables to taks part In the coming radng campaign in the North. Tho day' was' beautUbll; fine and the track in good order. Tbeflratrace wasaswuepstakes oftGOeach, single daah of a inlle, with three entrles.bnt only two ran. 3%ese 'were Ur. BUokelew's Wabaabaw,* and Ur. Uallllard's Hermione; the latter the favorite at tlOO to flO. Wabathaw,. however, won cleverly by ten lengths, altbbngh he pulled up lame at the finish. The eecond race ms a sweepstakes of |{0 each, h: f. mile boats, for 3 year olds: two of the three entries started; Ur. 0. Lloyd's, Dangerous, and Ur. P. O.Buah'sFleetwing, tho former backed to WU at tlOO to t(0, and after the second heat at tlw to $S. He won both boats and tbe race in capital style. A match for $180 a aide, single dash of 3 mllca, between Ur.P. 0. Bnsh'a Aerolte and Ur, Buokdew's White Oak followed.' The former with $100 to (30'on him, won a magnificent raoo by a short neok only, Ibe laat race was for 4 year olds, swoepstakes of jlOO each, two mile boats. Three out of tbe fbur entries ran: Surprise, ((be favorite,) Elsstle and Caprice, , ^e former won both heats, ElasUo being eecond. Tho following. is a' summary of tbe running and the time made:— SDSOUST, j^iosBnBO, N. J,, Wodnesda] stakes, $liO entrancs,.h, f,, mile dash for three year J. Buokdew's ob, 0, Wsbathair, by Langford.... ..,1 A. UailUard's oh, £ HermIone,'.by Hermes.. : S Timo,l:«e«." Bame' day—Sweepatakea, $100. entrance, h. t, for three year olds, mile boats. OIloyd'aboDangerons,by.BonnleBooUalid,.'..... 1,1 P'O.Bash'sdiO'neelwing, by Balrownle,.,. i i'A'. Time>-1:81K; 1:40X; . . Bame day—Ualfb, |3<0 each, aingle daah of two milea. ,.V' . . FOBnsh'sohoAerOUIe,byBevenoe .,,;.'..-l'' JBqckeloir'soh o'Whlte Oak, by LongfoM..9 V .' ,. . . Time:-l:lB«.' .. Same dax—Swoepstakes, fSO .each, h, f,, for~ four year olds, two-mile beats.- ■ '08 Lloyd's oh 0 Surprise. , ' J Buokelow's oh c Blastla. '. P.OBush'sbtOaprioe.,,. Time:-3ill81i;'9:IO. . Tnomxa at BosioK.-^-Oiie of the finest trota this seaseii c_ off on the lOth inat, over the Flranklln Park Course, Boaton; wMoneof aseriea of fmts advertlaed bythe proprletor'cf { track; the purse offered-waa 1100, mUe heats, baat^ in {, in 1 neu, for horsss that had not beaten 3:8< in bameas or to-n Tbe entriek were seven- In number; via:—Fanny Fern, ]_^_ Shaw, Union Boy, Buetaanan, Young Sutton, Eagle and ^1 Beaton I but five horses only came upon the track, Fanny Feal and Union Boy having been previously withdrawn. Young gg^l ton WU also withdrawn prevtona to the race. I Theweather waa fine, the track was in aplendid oondltIcn, tBtl ~ everything was favorable for a fine race, excitement ran blah.1 UoGlne's mare. Lady Shew, and Eagle were believed to^l pretty eydily matched, bnt in a few pools that ware sold on tlul gronnd, the latter bad the ooll at the rate of tu and (U in peclil of $100, La^ Shaw commanding $10, and the others brln ' up the balanoe. Buchanan, who proved to be the winner, 1 turd in all the poola and brought low bids only. The Judgea «ere Uessrs. David Blonobard, Joshua Seward tM Oharlea Tourtdot The trotting commenoed about^l three o'clock. Lady Shaw was drlvsn by John UoOlue, Buehia:! an by J. Beed, Eagle by J. Bowen, and Tom Benton byStal Bmerson. smounT. FBAincuw Pabk Coubse, Tuesday, Uay IP, 1S69. letting foil Proprietor's Purse No. 8, $100, mile heat8,,3 in S, to harness, ibil horses that had not beaten 3 :SS in bamese or to wqgon. J Beed named bgBnchanan 3 8 3 1 1 1 JHoGlne named bm Lady Bhaw 1 3 13 3 3 J Bowen name g 'g Eagle 8 1 8 8 8 3 8 Emeison named b g Tom Benton 4 A 4' die. Time-3:3SK: 3:MM; 3:8«; a;9S; 3:3(1: 3:37. On the aist, the tiotUog matoh between the bay sbdUial Hiram Drew, Jr.,named by J. Blglay, and bay miue Lady Dre»; I J.Beod,poatponed from laltwaeh, onie off on tksl FraoUln Park Course. It 'was a match for $10*, mile heati ba^l throe in five, to bameaa.. Lady Drewwoq in throe stralgkl] heats. OUme, 8:60; 3:89:8:piX. ■ . ,,1 An Impromptu race, between a sorrel colt owned byA.L;l Uorrlson, and a black more, owned by Ur. Thomas Trant, alio I took place. The match was mile heats, best three in five, tb* I owners driving. Ur. Trant's mare won the first beattlnu,! i:tS)i; Ur. Uerriaon's colt the second, tlm^ 3:(B:'Ur. Tranfi I mare the third and fourth' beats, and conaeqnenOy, the /act, I Time, 3:UK and 3:87. AnoiBXB TsoiTiHa Uatch came off over the same grotind'l on the aoth inat, for a purse and stoke of.f 180, mile heats, bast I three in fivo, to harness; drivers to weigh 101 lbs. The "go" I was at SU o'dook P. U. By the annexed summary it will, be I Been that by a single effort, PnUiaki hod it oil bla own way, anil the tlmo "00 great abakea." - There-was a good deal of dlssatls.' I faction expressed at the result o^thls event Hambletonlan wasfl the favorite at very long odds, and it was booked, by thvaewba l don't know everything, aa a euro thing; but on gottlngawayi I Jfae favorite "cast a shoe,," or something of tbat sort, and Pnlaait I *had an easy thing of It Summary:— I - pfifTer's b. g. Pulaaki ...j I) F. Jones' br. g. Hambletonlan diat [ >. Taliman'a b.-g. Dutchman.. pd. forfeit L'WoodrufTsb.m. Jenny Hawklna.... ...pd.faifett. Time, iMX. . The Finn Back or tbe Skasor, in St I»nls, oame off eg I Saturday, tth mat, at the Uound Olty Conree; a mile heat, for trotting horaea; time, neareat to three minutes. Tom Dunn^ "Spotted Pony" come the nearest to tbe time (3:04), and was da- dared the winner oftbe $60 purse. An interesting race cornea off over thie course on tbe Kith, instead of tbe 30tb, aa was eno> neously stated. It is a match race for $1,000. Wdter B.Oarr entenibly horse (towagon) "Quaker Boy." Capt B. Hntchlar son enters sorrd horse (to bameas) "Harry Nell." Ulle heatL beat three in five. "Quaker Boy" seems to be tbe fAvorite. At the Abbey Course, several raoea have takon place. A (ace fa I borsea never before run on a course^ was to havo been decIdeA on Friday, 18th, for a purse pf $<•. The Poimt B^uzb Pabz Aseoouxiov; Philadelphia, are mik-* ing extensive preparations for the coming season, whioh pron^ Ises to be very spirited. Far the epring trotting meeting tSu^- offer the following prizes:—A pune «t $800, mUe heats,j)estg in 5, to harness, for horses that have trotted in 3:80, or leaa.' Pnrse of $300, mile bests, best 3 in 6, to wagen, for hoises that havo not trotted better than 3:88. Pnrse of $180, mile huts, best 8 in 8, to double bames, for horaea that have not trotted better than 3:40, ' Pnrae of £900, mile beats, beat 3 in A to wagou, for honea tbat have trotted In 3:30 or leaa. Buse of $aOO,two mllti and repeat, to bameaa, for horaea tl)at havniever trotted better than 3:8S. Purse of $80,'mlle end repeat to wagon, for horses that have never trotted better than 3:N. Pnrse of $100, mile heats, beat 8 In 8, to hameea, for borsea tbat have never trotted better than 3:46. Pnrse of $80, one mile, and repeat, for aH colta four years old or less, to go aa they please. Pedigrees must accom- pany entries for tbe colt premlnms. Entries for the alxrn purses must be made before Uonday, June 1st The races to | some off the third week in June. On Wednesday, the 30th inst, an Assodation Premium race, for mils heats, beat 3 in 5, in harness, will take place between { Walter Cook's br. b. Norriatown, Klng'a s, h. Whiskey, and Goo^ win'eb. m. Uay ()ueen. AsoTESB ExornHa AmiotniCQiEtrr.—The moat Intereattng and evon exdttng announcement for the season ao anspldoualy opening, is a serfes«t dx racea between the cdebraled trotUnt ' "'on, George U.Patohan, and the mnoh admired black galr' -, Oen. Butler. Tbla. aeriea of racea la reported to be for ' $8,00» each. Or an-aggregate amount of $30,000, play, or pay, Tlw.BtTle and dole of each race is fixed as follows:—Wednesdsy,' Uayar, mile heats, three ii^ five, in hamees, Wedneaday, June 10. mile heats, three in five, to wagons. Wedaesdsy, Jnne 17, two mile heats, to wagons. Wednesday, June 24, mile heats, three in five, under saddle. Wedneaday, July I, two mile heala;- under aaddle. If ^ this is a true card, and the horses prave even tolerably well matched, it will form aa event of tbe toif long tobe xeaaembered. Tnomxa at tbz Faskoh Puasode Gnonnsa.-An interest- ing S-mile trot oame off over these gronnds on Tuesday, 19th Inst., the entries bdng Frank Tempio, Shark, and Gen. U> Cldlan. Frank TeifiDle bad been the fkvoriteat $100 to$8a' Juat before the start, UcOIellan'a owner paid forfeit and a cs^ ital trot In preaence of a large and highly gratified aascmblage, took Bloee.' The "gfi" for the flrat heat waa given at i)i o'doet, and after a severe: struggle, the favorite waa defeated. Tba seoond beat waa vary dnjUar to the first, the race being decided. as per the following summary^— Fasbior Counst, L.-1., Tuesday, Uay IP, Pursed $300; three milea and repeat In bameas. t D. Uaoe'a b. g. Shark ;. 1 H. WoodrnfTs eh.'g. Frank Temple 3 W. Banders' b. k'n. g, Oen,~ UcOlellan, paid forfeit Time, 7:47Xi 7:83,. Bajtle lOB A Staixiod.— On tiie 19th: inst., at the Fsahloii' Course, a raffle of 100 chances at $10 a chance, came off for the young cbeatnut stallion belonging to the estate of the bto nomasBums. A Vekx OMsxLt OonnnsB Bacs osme elf bver tbe Uonnl OltyOburse, St Louis, dnthe 20th. It was a trot, mile heala, best three in five, "Quaker Boy," owned by Walter Carr, and driven.^ him, and "HanyNell," entered by B. B. Tyler, and drivan-by Lafferty,.were the conteetanta. The flrat beat waa- won by "Quaker Boy" in i^H; the eecond by "Quaker Boy" In- 3:87. Oonalderable money changed hands. 'A<vra> Adbet Bade Oausai, St Lonls, several interesUog' and exoitlng races have ceme olt The track Is ndder tlia super* intendenoe of Jerry Uillspaugh, and is kept in fine order. Oa Tneeday atteraoon,'30tb, a pacing race will take place between "Ben Bolt" and "Dick Tuipln," ibrapurso Cf $100. It promises- -to 1)0 an exdtlng one; Tnonnia— Fast Tnsi.—A trotting matoh tookjilace on tha Uay 30,18691—Badon,—Sweep, daah for three year olds. B i- tot $1,000 a dde, the mare to wagon, and Uie horse to suUy. tt wss won by tbe horse. The mare was some two hundred yards ahead on tbe fifth mile, and aa high as $100 to $20 were oitoed on her, with few takers; bnt on. turning into the home stretch, the horse dosed the distance, andeametnhaadaomdy ahead,wln- ntng the heat in 10:16. Thla, we believe, is the fkateat five-mlla heat ever'trotted in Oallfomia. It la at tho rate of 3:80 and ona> - tenth of a second to the mile, • Wavzbibx Boai Clus.— We arc happy to lean tbat thla always rolrited and dwvs flourishing organlsatibn ia not to.b« behind the beat,-the coming aeasoa. Their sssoslatlon forthe seaaon is perfected, and their boats and boating matters are being pnt In perfect order, alike for their own exerolso Imd' pleasure, and for friendly triola of skill with rival aaaodatloba, whloh tbs Wa- verleys ure not given to shirking. Their boats are the Vaverley, - slx-oored, aiidtne Ivaiihoe, fftur-eared, raoors; atad tbe Omnibus, a dxmared boat of eonalderableoarrying-oapaolly, uaed in the social aonatio excnrsloas of the olub with their fair iMends. We hope to near of gay oqd gallant doeda from tbo.'ffaverleys, as tho. ssuon passes to. ib prime, ' • - AFoorBAOxwaa to hate takon place o> Friday, Uay 33, at Finlav's Half Ulle Sxerelsing Track, in the upper part of the city, between Dutoh Lewey, 'Ond Bbiok Jake> Lewey did notput in an appearance, but an' interesting raoe for one mile came oft between Young Sport snd UoOabe, the'former having twenty- five yards stor^ The race was hsndsomely won by Sport who is said to havs made tho mUe in four minutes and forty seconds. Id the match first roferred td,'Blaek Jake is entlUcd totha foxMt, on aooount of tho nott>app6aranoe of his opponent- TBORBo-^-pAin.i^onnrr.—In the ff&t trblting matoh te $l,000a Ude, betwoen Ur. Hoirl^ley^a Booklngbam and mate aud Ur. BUninona' Bobert FllllDgbam and mato, to oome oS'tU the Fashton Course this day rTneaday), the latter has paid forfeit' ' etofs Abbas.— A match of three noes haa been itaadb between nobeft.Filllngham and a mnillng mate, ond Booklngtikm and a runfilhg mate. Tbe fint o( these events Is itt down for Tues- dky,>a6«i inst, over the Etshloa Oolinei (or, mtie lieau, best thiet in five,' , . ' - . , . ^ . Bpkno Di BauFbamoisoo, Oit,--^Nobby01arkeand tTaok Bath's eihlbltlon in tbat dty, on' April 30^ was, wo are please^ to loan, a iuooeas, nptwitbatandlng Ue rainy weather. The aets-to be- tween Harry Gribbin and Jack Bath, and Kobby Clarke and Johnny Lazarus, are highly eulogUed I and BUI Clarke la pro- noimoed tbe best tparrerthat hta ever visited Oallfonlai Sib' JAUssmi JnjsnaoT Intendi' (ending tome thorough- bred Arabian borsea to-England a* a n.udeuiqir the Prlneeof Wales'stnd. Sir J4miiaeayb'hey,an4wfrW0htsw«artbatbe la not a blooS relation of our own jUose and Ja'panMe,Tommy, , BiuxToir;ao«Ubt|kt<d&oti(lidSi>(|luidJiHk^