New York Clipper (May 1863)

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■new' YORK CLIPPER. NEW YORK CLIPPER. SATDBDAT, MAT 23, 1B63. 10 toBwniBKBB, kvimrnoB, tm oibxim. It BUT luT* cMtped tho obMtTtUoB of wme, tint IhlM «MiUlliica, on Kxonntof lb(<»ilr«or<llii»rTh)«hpriceor paptr «• umODnwd tbkt bf n*fler tlin Clutu would In, for Ui« tlua Mad, Mid >t Six Ctnli par cop7, Initud of km, u h«i»toiora, tatuit onr (dvtrtlilog ntM wooU main Ac uiu For nia- •i^^lA lo ticUIUlo builneUi «o Uwnfm cjiveBd awbtdult BsilsmrofIhfCHpiur.CcU |RahwrliHIonfortiDOiilbi.fl00 So Vloloiul* Dttlcni.... <cu I BubaulnUon for 4 moDUu. 100 To B«Ia11 AxtiiU IKrti I Club oC Four 10 M aaburlDUon, pti (aanro n 001 Clobot Zlgbt WOO ]n »D CABU In BdTiDco. ' ISVnvnRUIERTK llctnU par Use for ucb »a stimtIii- Mitoo; fordriiMtk: Dotksn fiom otbcr TMpem, liicoipor«l»l Id cur nmnurTi 19 cfnta ptr llDa; * Ub*tu dedncUOD, «1U, bow- krv, be iii»« fir tdTWlluiiMOli when ptM for tiirM or ili IKMithiiDUTiooa. S>7of pnbUuUoD,Tuotdijrof Mcb.wgek. OoBDSDlulleu Is li«nr« iil«iiUoD In the Iho* for tbit wMk, gkonld Rubu bjrUoolajr Doniin(,tt UImI, or Bttuite/U Italble. RBW YOItlC STATE BPORTSUAN'B ChVD. n« FIflh AnnoalCoDTentlon of Ibliclab, irblch hMfor lla •bject the protection ot gtmo ud flih In oui Sltle, u woU h to ■flord in opportnnltj (or * woUl inlertbuge of tIowi on nut- tnpertilnlng tberelo, lu mil u of iport in gcnenl, la to tde Bket at Bnlblo, on tLo M, 9d, and tth of Juno. Tb« pn. Smmnie, u Uld ont, la, tluU tba Ant day (Tuanl*7) abaU b« do- TDled to rlQe lud platol abooUng for piizM; aecond d«7 (WtdBcodaj), tbrowlng Uio ij, and dap ahooUig; tblrd da/ (Tbanday), abooUog, and llio Annual riniar. Tbat aU maj kaTt an inUUIgaol nndcrilauding of tbe nrlona eronta, and Ibalr eondlUona, we hero giro them:— rmar pat. ' At 10 A. U.. Off-baad nifla SbooUog, with open ilgbla-dla- tance, 11 roila; 10 ahola, alrlog meaanro, for a prlia o( tit, En- liasco foo, |i. Balrance fnoa to be added anil diTldcd. ODO half lo b* added to tho flnt price, and tho balanoo to be giron aa a ■eooud priao* AlUH., rialol BbooUng, withoponalgbla,ainiile band: liar nlj United !• twoiro inches; diatanco, It jaida; 10 ahota, airing Oiaaauro, for a RwceiwtakM o(|5 eaeb. At 1 V. U., niflo Slioollni for Teloacopo and Tiriet gnna-dla- taaoo, 40 roda, vlUi reat, to., at option of ahooTer; 10 aboU, ■bring maaaute. for a prize o( tlOO; entrance (ca, ft, to be edded aid diTtded aa above. BUe and Platol Shooting open lo all coaon, , 'The CoDTouUon will moot at tho nooia of Iho ■■Fonmxa OWB," at 81*. U.I wUon all mallen of bualieaa will bo tnma- A LITTIiB JlKOIiBli SIC aonta or the occasion ok joe oodurm's apfeab* ANCB ATTlIBNBWVOWKnrTliEATBE, HAT 11, UBt, waiiiEU KxpniaatT ron the Mew tou ouvm, Iiy UOTTLE HOLDER. Uraro men are wantfd. Xrbo t*j* "nty," When Ukt* aawrla Ibr aangnlna away t Brave men, to balllo for tbo right, AnduutoJuatlealeodthelrnilebL i Bv Ibeae, It abould be e'er our lioaat, Wo do rccmit tbo nilablr bo*t ^rho Uallon ineet, wboblcfd, and die. And gain at laat tho vloloiy I And who, Ifwo need ootillcia tnie (Ueroea of the lied, the While, and Bine,) Oao better flU tho poat, than thoae lojiur'd lo training and to blower Suob lade, who, apt at "glra and lake," From foeman are notllio t^bTeak. fftiob nan we aee before ua now (Uark well that Arm and tranqnilbrowl) Wth alrenath davelop'd, aolence, too. And "pinoii" enough to boar them thro*. AI yet DO olhor weapona, aava The alnple onea that Katuro gave. Are Ihelra; Imt thor will aoon evince, Ircm olhon, deadlier, they'll ne'er wlnoe. The CbanploD Oobnm ebowa bla akiU, Stands on bla goard, and hlta at vrlU. rortray'i tbe art tbat all abonld know, Tho' many would not have It ao— The aooall'd ••aainU," with facea long, Xrho preach 'galnat war, and aay 'Ua wmig: And nuny. too, beolde, arc hen. To whom the audience give tbeir choer. Let DO not acant onr voice aa irell, Bat blend It wllb tbe mlgbly a>cU That, aa each bout la fought, we hear fioond Ibra' tho Theatre, lond and dear; Tor ihli we know, and fearloaa nrge. Spite all that rampant Cant can iplnrgc, when, gallant aoldlera are r<<iinlrd, Tbe heal are thoae the BIng bath 'aijnlr'd. So, when the boya have done Ibeir taak. And In tbo Tiubllo ninabtne baak. And mualo lenda lla oheerlng aotmd, Ifaklog reaponaea aU aronnd, lot Uie demand go forth, that, yet, A tune la play'd, we ue'or forget— Vono, aave tbo pooreat living noodlOi Ilay'd with aU honon—"Tankce Doodle." TO COKBHSPUNUKNTa. PKaaonii ^Tho Cheai Editor baa rctnmcd again to the cIlT and aU comapondonco, eilhcr for him or tbla department, ehoDld (or the prcaent aeaaon bo dlrtclod "CunEn Office, » Ann alreet, M. T. Olty." Cbib. a. Onono.—Tho two problema of yonn, ao long mlai- Ing, came to light on oiir return, and we Inaort one iMoyi vnm a aUabt traaapoalUon of poaiuon, to obvlale a Haw. The olhor wo wlaU to return with a anggeatloil or two; wUl jou caU at the ofllca, or iend your addraaa T . "BcBwinnr," Army of Ihc Polomao,—Tonn rrcclved; wo will look about among the book bouaea, and let ymi know by mall what we can find tor you. In addition to what we have ounelvea. joHi UoLbam.— Accept onr tbanka for palna taken In our bo- half. ■ moBiA no. 3S1. A Problem In tbo tTorld'a Congroaa Tourney. ••mi Admtrart" HI xn, joBif nnowii. (I) EBi, E3, qt, EDSd. lirll. i i i i atQt, EKt), EBaq, qst4, QEtt, Q°9, KEtSd. Willie lo play and give male is three movea. drahatio and oriiEa skktciibb. irSfr SBRIBS IfVitBEB SIS, anoHn dit. At • A. U„ Ply Thtowlnn, with aingle band, for a prize of tU, At 11 A. M., Bute Trap ShooL SIdea to be oboaen on tbo ground. None but momben of orgautieil dnba In tbla Stale, or coonty deleiales, wUl bn aUowed to ebooL Tbe natch lo be at 10 alnglo birda eaob, and lo be govonied by tbe mlea ot tbe •'foaiariB Cu;b," of Uaffalo. Oharge of ahot, IH oonoea. THOU) nar. At 10 A H., Uie "Pnnansa Olob," of Dufftlo, wUl give three ntfee, amounUng to flOO, for Oral, eeoond, aod Uilrd best ahola. lint prlie, IMi aecond (3t: and tblrd, 118. Entrance fee, II. Entmnce fen to be added and divided, pti rofa, Opeu to all I for trap abooUDR, at It aingle blrda each. Bbot, IK ; 91 yardB riaa, 80 yarda boundary. All enlries lo bo made biafore atjooUng eommencca. All tlea lo beebotoff at t idnglo bbda aaoh. sLotild lbs Ant Ave blrda not decide the Ue, ■ non blrda aliall beahnloirat 80 yarda riae. Shoold Uiare •Ull be a lla, t vaida abaU be added to Ibo rIae for oaoh aucceod. log atrlnji or 0 blidB; tho match to be ahot according to tba mlea «l tbe "FoBzanii Club." Dmplcea and reforeo la b« oboaen tbe ground. On Iha MBa day, the oltlzona o( Dnflalo wUl offer a prize nedal lo be ahot for, at 10 double riaoa, lai blrda) 91 yarda rlae, lOOyarda boundary; ahot, IK ounooi. Tbe aane lo be ahot for by one member from each ornanlzod club lu the State of Now Tork. and alioahall bo a roaldont of the Stale; the uamea and ■oona of all tbo conteatantx lo be engraved on tho modal beforo being ureaonlad lo Uie wltDtr. Ties to be shot oO at airings of S double risea. Tbe above la oalculated to afford aU the opportnnlllea that ■oold be wUhod, for the eihlblUon of Indlvldnal akill with tbe trfgicr, rod aad line, aa weU aa for a good tlnio wllh kindred ■porta, and wo hope lhat tho waalher may bs favorable, the at- taodanoe largo, the blrda atnng on tho wio|, and the Aah rrg- alar teaion; and tba apart and dinner, U» aonree of gnat grat- llcallon to all. Tbe offlooraoftbo convention are, Preeldent, Charles II. Haawell, ofKaw York; TIco Freslitenia, 0. W. Hutch taaoD, of llUoa, and J. Haywood, Jr., otBoebealar; Beorotarles, 0; B. Whitehead, of Mew York, and Frank BIdway, of Buffalo. ForltaetnrUier eullghlonment of tbe knlgble of the trluger ttfougbont the oonntry. we bore give tbo very eipUelt rules te trap ahooUng of the Fonator Olub, of Balfalo, wblob. If for mttblng elae, we abonld like to eeo adopted by all claba In aU ■ealiiiii.'*. for tho aaho of a nnt/orm code, wblob la much to be flHlnnl BULBS FOB TDAP 8II00TIKO. ' Buu I—Bias AMD BoDKninua.—Else for single birds to be 91 jiids, and for double blrda 18 yards. Tbe boundarlaa ahall be So yarda for aingle blrda, and 100 yanla for double birds; Iho distance to bo meanred from the trap. . BoLB II—ScouMO.—When a penon la at the score and ready io shoot, ho la lo all "piUI," aad abould tho trap be aprung vrtlbont Ola having alvou Uia word, he may take tho bird or not; but If be ahooL the bird abaU be cbargad lo him. Tho party at tlw scon most not leave It to shoot. Tho party at tbe wore mat hold Ibobultof bUgUQ below bla elbow, nutll the bird rises; any InlTacUon of Ibis mie, the bird or blnla ahaUbe ■oered aa mlsaod. 'Bn.« III—llisnia or Onns.—A bird mnit bo on the wl»g vheo ebot at. When a party at tbo acore oaUa "puU" and tbo Uid flios, II shall bo ooualdored a olrd. AU couUnnonoloe, uili*- flre, uon-azploalos of cap, gun not cooked, te., i:o., at the riak of theparly sbuollng. Bulk IT—UloovKsnto or Diana.-ApononabaUboappoUited by tho reforeo to bring In Iho birde aa lliry are abol; bo aliaU In •U cuea mk dlrecUy up lo Ibo bird and take it wllhout Injury; and. In case o( doubt, band It to tbe Judges fur thoir declaton. Mo bird atull count allur It has flown oulalile ol tJio bounile, evonlf Itanorwardadloo at thelnp. Should a bird alight upon a tno, bouae, or any other reeling place within tbe bouuils, after It has tjctn ahot at, the person appolutod lo brtni In tho lilrdi, ehall prucrrd iDiinoillataly lo the spot, aud If Ino bird does not fall, wlUiout any crtrauoous meant belbg used, aucb as throwing cleila, ttonei, atlcks, or using voles, Ito., within three mlnutea from Ibo llnio It allgbts. It ahaU bo acorod a mlaa. BOLB T.—No pcnoD abaU Hhooi at a bird ezcept tbe nieaibor caUed lo tbo scon, end any iwreou Arlng at a bird, ellher orca- plng from the trap or cage, or IlylDK within the bounds, ahaU be anod one doUar for (bo uito of Iho club. - UOLX VI.—No alnale-barrehid gun lo be allowed In any malcb, nor any don persiltU'il lu the ondoeuro. Bole YIi.- In double sboollng. It but one bird Ilea, and but ope barrel la flrod. tho peiv.n aboottng may claim auothor llrd, but must go back lo tbe 91 yarda or aliiglo-blrd dlatance. If iwlthor binl fliea, Iho lairlir aboollng la enltiled to two moro, and IfbolhblTdaflvaiidhukllla both, wllb ollhor barrel, bo mute aboot at two other blrda. BuLS Till.—lu two, Ihroo, or Aro-trap ahootlpg, the distance between each of tho two or three trapa ahaU be elgbt yards, and bstween the fire traps. Ave }ards. Buu IX.—The obargo for trap shooUgg shall not exceed the folloalDR Umlla: Powdor vullnUlod; shot, IKoz.; guuBtobe loaded from a obirgar lurolahod by Ibo club. BVLC Z.—It sball be Iho duly of Iho Pretldeat, Vice President, ■ml momben of IhcDoard of Dlreollon, ellharor aUof whom may bo preaent at any trap ahootlog of Iho club, to cuforco Iho nilea of Iho olub, and lu report tbo Unoa of any member vtolaUng Iho aamn to the 'I'rvaauror. no» Xt.—Two Judgra anil a nforoo ahall bo appointed befon ■hooting oooEaeooaa; tbo roferoe'e dootaton ahaU be AoaL FOBITION Ife. 0—Vol. SI. n >. Bvm, isQ. End'Oamo belwoon Ueaan. Hms and Lzm, BLiOK.—[Bines.] atqstsii. PIIOBLBH Re. 381, DT COAA. A. OILDBUO. BLACE. A Pox BovT.—Vany efforts bare at diffnnni perloda boon nado Ibla aide tho water, both lu Ibla country nod In Canada, to MlabUabtheeictling Bnnllahaport of foi-hunllng; but,aa ia too weU known; sooner or later all such effuria have been aban dotted, tho reaaona why needing. In genoral, no rooopilolallon. In brief, their (atlnn may be aialgned to a ■ "combluAllnnof un< toward olrrunblancos." Hut wo an pleaned lo have to itoord awell-anlbunlicated foi-hnnt, enUlog lu a really ezclUog and BUccessAil day's suorL Tbo partlolpauta vrn aonio hiiih old trajsotoDcors of Her llajnaly's Wtli Uogt.alaUoocd alTo. nnio, 0. Vt„ and aome cntbnalaallc aporia of Ibe aame place. Theocculos was tbe Olh InaL.the plicoof ■'oieet"eome Ave mUaa fnm Tnnnto. Aftrravriy apltlted nnthaflrat forgot Ihe heal of aU his punnrra, and nfler an tiont do faU or;, es- caped tbcm. After • roimtng dinner, loaaU, and gay doings gonoraUy, another lleyoard was atnrled on tba track aa though a small blsn-prHaureounlDiahad lioon arijmted to bit Intomabi without the acoompanlDirnt of a bnhpinan. In about thrco- qoartenof an boHrhewaa braught lo "the d<Alh." All handa in high aplrlla, oongmliitaleil each othiT on ao aucoeasful a first attempt (or aovoral yoara to revive ro thrilling a aport; and In IvUilngIn spirting gUae,oiprcsaed Uio lilnheatconQoeoceln being able to onjoy, and oven Inlncreaaod perfrollon, a npoll- tlon of what bad glvcu ao much pleaaiiro In Itaeir, and awak. «n*d Boch glowing itmlnlicenota of "ye oldrn tine." Cuonr m EvoLAtin.—Arrangeraenbi have been made for ■ion grand matchra tlian for auy nnvloua Tear. Tbe two elev- ' ens play for tbo beneaK>f Ihe (Jrlokel^n' rnnd, on If ay 38, at liOiv's. ns ill Eoglaud Klaven, (or their Ant match against twenty-t^ of I>uduy and Dlatrlol, on Uay, 4, Inelndee. V. B, Walker, P. Bnrbldga, B. DowaoB, Wladen, Oarpenter, Cathn, MorUock, Usarae, urlllth, Lookyer, asd iatv, whs Bukes Us ^ctad In a big elSTSB. w sifAiJ nnizasi.T roa tbe nv tobc ounu, B7 OOL. T. ALUSION BllOWN. WILLIAU ADBOT. Bom In England, June 19th, 1100; made his flnt appeannoe on the stage, in 1800, at lbs Baymarket Tbeatn, London, aa Frederick, In "Lover's Vows." Usde his <f<tel on the American sts^e at Uia Park Tboairo, New Tork, as Beverly, in '^e Oamealar." Tnveled throngbont tbo United Blatea u a "star." Ajlpoared la FbUadelpbIa, October 18, 1838. at Ibe Cheatnnt, aa Bsmlet Died at blB realdence in Now York, Jnno let, 1819, of an atbiak ot apoplexy; be was seized wllh a At while performing at the Park Tnealre, and waa removed lo bla houae, where he died In a few days. Be kit a large family In England, and a yonng wife in Now Tork. He was conildend a olcver, "genteel comedian," but a very bad tragedian. In England he waa content to AU the poal- tlon of "walking gonUcnian." ma. BUZABEin bdadshaw abbot. wire or Wiuiam Abbot Maiden name, Ulaa Bnlold. \te bo>n In Cheater, Orange county. State or haw Tork. Made her ddiii, In 1834. at the Franklin Theain, Chatham aqnare, Now Tork, under the management or Dlonoford, aa a member of tbe chorua; from bore aboweut to the Uowory for one aeaaon then to the Park, on the Sth or June, 1811. and contlnned a mombor u long as It ezlitod. Bbo'vlatted Ooalon profeaslonaUy, for a eon, and twice allied boneir to the Phlladolplila Ihcalrea. She was one year wllb nntton. In IboCbambere Street Theatre, New Tork, and four or Ave acaaona at the Broadway. Flnt appeared in PhUadelphls, December 3d, 1818, ss Oerttudo, in "Baralel," (or Ihe bencOtof Edwin Fomat, at Ibe Vfalnut. Berhutpn- resslonal engngem^nta were with Thomaa Barry, In lioaton. In 1M9, abe married WlUlam Abbot, an ador of great merlland one of tne moat pojfect genllemen ibat ever Uved. DiafI IfAprange couDly, New York, on Wedneaday, Itth December, letsT lira. Abbot lived and dted without reiiroach. She waa an honor to her BOX, and an ornament to tbo profeealon. ^ roSEPU p. DBEIJSFOnD. Bom In Pblladolphla. Made hie Aral appearance In bis natlva city, June Tib, IBOO, at Ibo Arch Street Ihcain, as Bella, in "Plrarre," for Ihe bencAt of T. O. Booth. In 18t9, was a mem- ber of loe PItlabnrgh Theatre. Died In New Tork, Tneaday morning, Anguel BUi, ISM, from Injurioa received whUe bathing wllb aomo trfeoda. Ur. firelaford wanted pollab to render bim a good general ador. Bis alyla was rough at times, and, thorefon. In many parte which required a certsln degree of genUe bearing, he made ao nnfavorablo Improaslou. Ho needed smcolhlDg down and Ibe acqulaltlOD of a manfler which had (owor aaperlUos than those which wen vlalblo In bis dellnoaUons. Tet, there was good stoB' In Ur, B., and he had an appiedaUro Inlellcct, which rarely led him astray. BIB WILUAU DON, BABT. Bora In Scotland, In 1818; ma<le bla ilcbiil on tbo American atoge at Iho Broadway Tbeatn, Now Tork, In Novenbor, 1600, na Coualn Joe, in *'nongh Diamond;" made hia (Miu In rhlladel- pbla. Nov. Hit, 1880. at Ibe Walnut, aa Sbr Charles Coldalream, I "Uawl TTp," and Oouatn Joo. In October, '07, he waa married al tbe pariah ohnrch of St. Mar)'lebone, to Ulas Emily Rauden, whose oebbrit)- as a oomlo aclroaa baa licrn widely apread In Ibo Untied Stalea, u weU as the provluelul towns of Eoglantl, where she bad boon for a con- alduroblo tiino naaootated with BIrWilltam In his slaniog engago- neols. lie aoon sftor loft for Boullumiilou. During bis atay at Uobart Town he bad be en prevented by da> bllttyfnm taking auy loading part lu Ihcatdcal bualneas, at- though ho au»tatned aovornl cbaractcn with great offuoL in tlio btirletquo of "Keiillworib," tbo lurt of Queen Elizabeth waa aaalgned to bIm, and his nluelauce to dtaappnlot the pubUo In- dneed bimloappear at Ihe Ant nproeeulallon of tbla piece, although, aa he elated to lile auillonco, bo bad to drag bunaolt from bla bod to do ao. Thia waa hU laat appraranco. On-leav. lug tho tbeatn on Saturday, ho waa aelzod with a violent atUok of the malulf from wblob ho aubrcquenlly died, and from tbat time contlauol In a very precarloua coudlllon. During the atMenre or Lady Don, a great change took place In tho condition of tbo patient, and on her nlum Ibe first worda that greeted hor wen, Ibat Sir William was much worss. Al- tboitgb perfectly eonaolous, and able to take leave of the aorrow* lug wife aud few attached frionda tbat wore al>out bis bedside, ho was ovtdently aluklng. Lady Don adnlulalored Ihb laat olttrea of affection to him; and In hor arma be pearally oxplrod, dnpplngoutof Kfellkoan Inrant aluklng Into alumber. Died at TaaraiDla, Aualralla, in Uaroii, 1882, from diaeaae of ihe throat lie waa bnried verv privately at Kobarilown, Aus- tralia. Ho batl no ^tldron, ana there aro no hein, ao that the tlUe ende wllh bim. lilHwire, rormerly Ulaa Emily Sandora, Imraedlatolir loll (or England, Sir William was nmarkably taanilaomo, uelnu alx foot four loobea high, and prouorUonably wdl made, and If he could not lay claim to tho title of a Ant olaaa aclor, he could bnaat. In a pK-emlnont degree, of Ibat happy facnlty which enablea Ihe poaaraaor to catch, at once, at any pocullartly or manner In thoae lulo whose society ho may bo thrown, and nndere him a dnirrd companion In a convivial party, where. Uko Torick, he can conalanlly keep bis table in a nar. Sir WlUlam Don's death was, wo believe, ihe roaull of dlsoaso ot Iho larynx, oonplc^ wllb great gcnenl debility. Tho tnialeoa or Sir WiUlam Don hare publlabed a statemcut by which II appoan that, fnm the 9lBt of January, 1801, to the 18th of Uarou, 1809, Sir WlUlam and Lady made from tlieir on- gagoneala In Aualrdia Ihe sum of £18,(09 ts. Sd. (abont ^,000), the number or nersona sttoadUig tholr euterlslnments being esU- maled at 33»,m. WHITE. Whlto to ploy and give mate in four moves. * QABBI Ho. 381. A highly interesting and InatncUve Utile jnrffe In the late mulch between Ilerr Sielnllz and BIgnor Dubois.—A'l a. EVAKB OAunrr xvasd. Defence, Dnbola. PloKa t..P-()KtC(a)qKt-R4 8..KKIXP KEt-ltS(b) 7..V-Qi P-^3 ^ s..QUxKt qpyE^t »..QBXXtP Q-KKt4 10..DXEB qEtXB AtUok, Defence, Attack, Deronco, Stolnltz. Dnbola. Sielnllz. Dnbola. 1..P10K4 PloKa ll..Caatlea qstoEtC g..KKt-D3 QEt-nS 19..QD-B8 Q-KKt3 8..SB-B4 ' SU-II4 13..Q-ber3 QXQB 4..P-QKt4 D-qKt3 U..I)xQEt Csalles _ . „ X E9aP QB-E3 Q-bor D e Qxq „ , K B-D 4 90..qEt-home(c)qB-R8, sn'd Uorr (Uelnltz rcsliined. (a) Der Lssa recommenila P to q B 4lh, and gives the foUow- iDg aialysla:— e..ptoqn4 ptoqni i 8..EKttoB3 qEttoss e..P-<]'Ktt - qEt-qs O..P-Ke, and the AlUokhaa T..KKtXP q-EB3 I tbe better game. Tbbi, however, la not quite conolualvo, aa It appoan that tho Defenoe,by playing t..P tcQBOd, Inateadof to U tlh,wonld o\h tain an even game. This latter move la ncommonded br Ur. Dodon^ and we quite concnr In bis opinion lhat it la superior lo I..PtaqB4lh, CD..-— 8.. PtoQBS I 8..qioherEt3qtoE3 8..FtoQB3 P-qs 8..QB-Ete P-EB3 T.-P-jaS XEt-D3 llO..II-KB4,wllhsnevongsme. (6) this dsfonco Is to bo found In some of Uaz Lange'a games. The ■•Haudbuoh" rocommanda q to E B 3d, and the roUowing Is the examination of recent anthon:— 0.. qtoKB3 7..RBXP+ E-Baqboat 8..P-Qi' P-43 e..EBXEt qPXKt The foregoing aoalysia tending to abow the loferrority of this defence, however, strikes na aa radlcaUy defecUve; aa ws have found that tbo Defence, at the 81b move, bu a resource hitherto unnoticed by Cheas wrilen- Tho more we nfor to la 6.. K B to q Olb, and, after much acruUoy, wo have come to the conolaalon tuat tbla move affordatbe aecond player a moat polentnply to the AUaek'a taklngKPwltbEt after forcing away the Q Et [Tbla la the move we noticed a few weeka alnce aa one newly dtecovorcd by Berr Loeweothal In this d<but. We shall leave it for a week or two for tbo vonahleratlonand examlnaltouor Amer- ican omaleun, aud thou lay before them llerr L'a> analyala, which Is now bofore us.— Ed. CurrxB. A TnoT oi^mE FAanioM OouBaa.-A trot at two mllo beats, under tbo aniplrea of Ibo Faalilou IMeaanro Orounf AaaoolaUou, look |>laco on that Long Island Ireck, on Ibolllh lutt, between I,«dy Morrlaon and Shark, three other honoa that wen entered, having been drawn. Lady Morriaou waa Ibo favorite In tbe belting bofore the alart at aluioat two lo one, and fully reaUaed III" conndeiicc placed In bar, by wliming lu tiro almlibt heabi. It la predlclail t nal the Iwcntica muat be reacbod by tlio Lady's ooropclllon tblsieaeon, If thvy expect to .beat her. Wo append a summary oftbe trot:— Tuesday, Hay ll,pnmoNo. 11,$100, Iwomlloheala, lohamMS. William Woodruff enleied b m Lady Uorriaon 1 1 S. Mace entered b g Shark 9 a n. Woodniirentered b g Nutwood dr. n. F. Jonoi entered s a NImlile'DIck i dr. B. UoLangblin onlereu b g VIolor Emanuel dr. iiut. IstHtle. 9dMII«, Beat Pint neat 9:31U 9:ttK OilB SicoBil Ueat 9iU 3:88 8i99 10..EBtoQS BxqP 11..P-EB4 BxqB I9..BPXP, wiUi a decided superiiMty In poslUon. HATCH OABBI, BRWEBH OBXEN MOUNTAIN BOT ARD AOOBFTANI Black-0. K. B, VUte-Acceptai 19.. 8 10 18 ^ 18.. i 0 TIIBI X!»!M PWHITI OF BTUBOES. OLAOX, CHEQUERS OR DRAUGHTS. Block Oaue.— Enrron Curnia:—When aboy, I praotlacd ttbat waa colled tho "Block Oamo"—no plecea won to bo placed so they conld be Jumped,.and it one faUed to play bla pieces, be loHt; and If projioriy played, tbo 2d player Invariably won. Tour "Curloally'' Isonoof tbo poaltlona. Lest the genUemanvbo- formed tbo "iHialHh" of r-lecca may fall to obtain or rocoUeot the ^Vhlle, . .24 to 20 9..29 8.,21! 4..20 8..27 0..'il 7,.28 Black. 19 to 18 10 19 7 It 10 0 0 PniLAncLpnu, May 0, '03. . OAna Noi 0—Vnl. XI. From Dmmmond'B Third EdlUon. ■• FIFE." (a) AnJonon's second edition, (Branch 38,) dnwo. BObllTIUH OF Ft>IITION Ho. 0—Vol. XI. UT X. BOLL. BULVTIOR OF BTIIBGIB' While. 1..37 23 3..81 91 8.. 3 30 While viiif. Iltlst FORITIOR. Black. IB 97 90 37 33 31 WHITE.—(Lx una.] Black to move and win. WUlTPa Wbllo to Bovsand via. THE. RING. TIIK ST. NICHOLAS DOWliIRO ROODI, Ig^ Droadtray, (under tho Prracolt Ilonao,) Is Ihe only porfaC PIN 6AI.OI3N in New York. The Manager for IfalrteeAj bad charge of the DowUnfl Boom at tbe Aalor House, WI Llquon, asd Cfgon of the beat miaUty. PtiB OALLAOHEB, Propdab CliIFFER finADKB, No. 40 FAST DBOADWAT,- asd Easy every Uosday asd Saturday ovonlsga, wllb thitt alto Bongster, Old Bill Tovxe lu tbo Chair. . Tlie ba Wines, Uqnon, Ales, and Cigars, conalsnlly on band. TU Eriolon wUl do their ulmoal lo promote tbe comfort of onoring them with a call. DIok HoUywood and UIke Dorsey alwaya ot home to gh« Bona in the art of Self-Defence. 44-U DICE A EUOENE HOLTWOOD, Proprieli PHOTOOnAFlia OF JOBN C. BEENAN in dUreu I and flahtisR rcelnbe. 28 cents each, and aant poat paid by WBMTSa. 878 Broadway, N. T. i SPORTSMAN'S RAlili, Cor. Wood and Third alreots, Flllsburgh, BT JOHNNY UAOKET fc JODNNT LOUDON, Sparring every Salurday NIgbt 8-1 A LITELT MILL AT ST. LOUIS. Ed. Clippkr- Wllh your normlaalon I vrlU give you Iba ticulan of a Utile mill whicu I witnaaaed between two Ta of this city on Sunday afternoon laat back or Lafayotis The belllgennta wen named John Haaa, a youth of 18, wall about 120 Iba., and Lawnnco Franks, a cavalir sergosn^i Ingly 34 or 35 yean old, and weighing at least 180 lbs. Ban big diacrepanoy, you will aay, both In ago and slzr. ti being at least a bead and abouiaen taller than bla adra! They had quarreUed about one of Oermanla's fsir daiigblea boll, and determined to settle tho lovo affair acoordlngts approved rules of the ring, which waa muob mon atnslUs a neort to Iho murdorous weapons of the duello. Ors hundred penous wen present to witness ths glAdlalork f>lay, and among Ihe speclalon could bo sees s very fslrsi log of tbe soflsr sex, who sppearedto enjoy Ihe affair ka But lo tho fight " At a quarter after 3 o'dock the ring waa formod, (ropes, it olc, being dlsponacd with); at balf-paat 3 o'clock the la peeled, and took their position for Ihe Ant round, n led off wllh a atlnger on tho right Jaw, which was bsndas nturacd by Haaa on the rilia, ami after a few rattling ezchaa In which both diaplayed morn wUt thau adence, Baas gotOB the bread-baaket wblob aeutFraiikatoasllUugpoaltloaoB Bward. Tbo round laaleil threo minulea. At tbe call or time for the aecond round Iwlh parties diaph Ibo ntmost alaority in gilllng to tbe centre. The seri sawed away with hbi arms, and danced around tbs IllUa like aprofeaaor of tho Terjialcborean art, occaalonaUy wUk or nodding at aomo frletd among tho aptctatonas moch^ aay, "wauh mu Ax Ibla feUow'a Alot for him, wUlyoa." Utile one, with a stubborn determluaUon flaablng from his foUowed his advenary's every move, aud Anally anocoed< golUuga very pnlty one homo on the aoldlor'a annff-box which he Kcelved an ugly niorn on tbo right llaloner,« made him abake bla Uud like a apanlol Jualf ont of Iba TbU louBd la><^ «»;U7 airti mJnuliia.,<lMrina ahlrh waa give and lake, but a great doal mon lake than give part o( the lltUe one, although he did aucceod In gelling In or throe body blows and a nasty one on the nose; bnt for It he received several ugly ones on the right esr, which appa to ba the soldier's favorite mark, any quantity, on tbe rTbs, one on the nose, which brought tbe clant In a coploua all Tbe round lermlnaled by tbe aoldlor catching the lllUe o Ibo hair, and endeavoring to got bla head in chancery, ^ they were Immediately aepanted by order of the referae,i each man sent to his comer. The third nnnd waa a npetlllon of tbe pncedlng OBS, aoldler having It nearly all lila own way Inn tbe atari, bla/ SvlDg bIm auch an advantsco aa to enable him to got boai laa without any apparent alruggle. After hitting, coon tat and aparrlng around for flttceu mloutea, both abowlng evidfl of fstlgns, Ibo left side of Ibe lllila one'e face being consider fnffedup sudtwoatnamaot the ruby trlckUng from bla he aoldtar, without a mark on bla face, though conaldt blown, made a andden rally, sirurk out wllb bla left and il gelUng both home on Ibe nob, and dealt a awlnglog back bai from toe right on the aldo of Ibe bead, which turned thai one half wavnund; but ho rocorend blatantly, and gaUie blniaelfnp (or work, eentaucha lifter on thuapot when but of tbe cavaliT man's aword usually reals, that thai dragoon Immediately expreaaed a deain lo have a rostlng s) and when told br tbe roTi-reo tbat ho would have to go on 1 the Aght, bo ezcJaluicd, "1 golann atroko," and nttredi the ring wllh bla aecond. lu our npliilon Iho only ano hs afraid of being alruck by waa uld lUai'. Hie Agbt lashid minutes, sud tliepluck snd enduraucodianlayeil by yonogl entitled bin to tbu regard nnd cateom of tbo "beauty" in it behalf ho look up Ibo pnuuilet. Coninuu St. Loula, Uo., Uay 0. CRICKET. OrENTNO or TUE UXION COICRRT (?LUn, ClKCnMATI.—In _ or all the drawbacka and diacourogcmonta of theeo "trout limes," wo receive occaalonaUy a graltrylng annnuncai tbat healthy aports and luouly auiuaemouta arc sellber U forgotten or to bo wholly neglccUd. And then, too. It .ab not bo furgollen lhat many of Ibeae sports have a direct vsli the pKsent lime, beyond wlinl Uioy nrdliiarily poaaesa, lni of toe Importance of developing moaclo, alronntlienlng i Improving apced, onllivaling atoadlnrfa and qulckneaa of hand and Judgment All theao valuable polnta of physics] pnvoment an not man largely centred In aud evolved by manly sport than cricket; aud ills wllh grost ploaauro, ( ?|uenlly, lhat wo shall recurd tba opening or any of our old cm or teooolng and pnctlaing thIa vdualilo game, or poroka the formation of any sow aocloilrs for lo laudable a pnit We ara happy to record tho opening uf tbe Union Olub, of dnnatl, for their season's play, on HaUirday, Olb Inst, Ibalr grounds at Eaat Walnut UUIs became the scene of qi lively and ebJoyable day'a aport Only one Innlnga waa pi bnt that waa quite aufflolant ror tho Aral day'a eObrt, the le^ fault on suob ocoaslona being a loo prolonged punult ot sport undsr the apor of a freiibly excited and paidonable etf alasra. On this ocosdon sides wore choaoii liy Mosan. Bradi asdCooUdge, Uiolaltor laktogthe InlUal honors of tbe sot aa by the Boon of parUculan bonio annoxcd:— OAPT. DRADSHAW. Dradabaw b Ooldlng 1 a EUaid b Wbeldon 8 Pleny o Coolldgo b Ooldlng.. 10 J Ellaid ran out 3 BnkonablreoLowlabCooUdgo 9 H Barvey b Ooldlng 2 Morrison b Wboldou 1 Doussotont 0 Wbllniora b OoUllug 0 Dnw b Wbeldon 0 Uyron b Ooldlng 8 Dyes 3 Tolsl.. .30 OAPT. COOLIDOE. CooUdgeoDr'k'sblrobOEUa S Harvey b Bndahaw. GoldlDgbOEIlard.... I,ewla 0 Bnkenablre... Uroohe o 0 Ellard b Pndaba Caaaldye 0 Ellard b Pioni XT Berto b Bndahaw... F llerte b Pleroy rorler b 0 Ellard Halthewanotout Wi-ldon b Bndsbaw... Wldcs Total., Onicxn IM Oahada West.— Tbo "noble ganio" Is to bo pi cnlsd with vigor In and around Toronto, 0. W., during coming aeaaon, we are Informed. Qlio vnrtoua clubs bar ready held Uiolr spring moetlnps, elpnied onicrre, snd are ling their playing grounds Into condlllon. ThofoUowlO) Ibe names o( the ofiTeen of two or throe of Uio clubs:— TonoNio Olub.- Hon. tho Vice Ohnnoellor Spragg, Preald J. 0. Howard, Vlos Prtaldont; Trooaunr, Oeojainin Pars Seontary, F. A. Wlaei Commlltee, Uoasrs. Drspor, PatU Jones, and Monwood. Sr. Lawrbbox Cloi.-E. K. McOllllvTay, President; Ja Park, Vice Prealdent; W, U. Duff, Srcnlary and Troasunr. Uai-le Lxat OLun.-O. Uobrriy, Prealdent; W. lladon Vice Presldeuti 0. Ulsckbura, Heerolsiy snd Tnuunr. Ontabio Club.- This dub, ot Whitby, 0. W., an getllng I gronnds, adjoislnf lbs lawn Hall, la ths best ooadlUon for i