New York Clipper (May 1863)

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ISTEW YORK clipper; I 51 rHEATBIGAL BfiOOBD. ^ Bcniaab WD DraDmnev lanuxBOUt anon, ODB LETTBU BOX. _ , rr Wt bm Mtcn for Hlu BluMh Lunlor, B. B. Ann- K«, ft»)i H, lV)Mton,Ch«». J.I*(r«.K«lionKiieiM.Ou». ruidtax, MlM MUmlt Lumlor. J. T. Blnb, HIM Ua««l« IctaoU, 0. J. WlUiuuoo, iBd B. E. J. UllM. CITY BDBBUBT. uoMDiT. as, '03. fsbidkitreik of hot wuther lot waoli whlcb "broaghl nllioboo(»," uil loterfsnd gruUr with Uut uoonni* of tBileounlT traunnn" at our tuToiu plic«i of publlo raaort. umo npos vs ill to raddeo, ud ao tetr, ta u mue tut m'J algb for Btntogt, Ibo milt* UenntiLliu, Otp* H«r, ud trblgr, At ib« praMnt vrllliur, howorar, tbe nuronrrlii ithoriBonnldr bu faUeo, tba Seal baa giran place to oool snlnaa. andtbarroapoot la fair for ImptOTcdbaalDBaa...... rtnllof tba Ibnatrea «1U keap open bonao "all lb« laar nnod," jlo olbaia wUl tako a Tar; abort racaaa In July. AlnadJ. nnr, manaaou and "paopla" at» Baklia engagamaDta for I Dtit fall and wlntaraaaaon, and tbaUltaraioasdaaTorlsg make bailor terms tban tbeydid laal year. Tbon, It wu iml Ibitlbo aaaaon would proToa bad ono, owing to tba do- gjing Inflnencta of tbe war, and performua ware imt too u)luUkaupwllb almott anytblng Ibat offared; managers. genUy, out down thoir aalaiy Uat to a pretty low Igute, and mrca to woattaer the alonn wblcb Ibey presnmad would lituponlbom! bnt allbanda ware moat agreeably mlalaken, 't better aaaaon tban the one about oloalng, baa not been iom In Ibla city for many yeara. UaDaiars bare made a ^tmoodalake. and tbla aaaaon they wlUbaTa to pay belter luita; there wlU bo an acllTO demand for "peraoni of aoknowl- ttd lalont," but owing to varloua oanias, tbe lallor will be Uiad to bold out for the moat liberal oBan, and not "sign tba Mia" 10 basUly aa tbey did lutyear There was nothing !iUslven at tbe theatres last weeki at leaat nolblnAof an ginal character, tfao stock of "adaptatlona," "tranalallons," ', bsTlng been nearly all need np; bnt the IneTllable "gen. DiAn of Ihia city" Is working with a will on another batch noit aaaaon, when we may look (or an aTalancbo of andi "B.'oltrke wound up hla perfonnaneea at the Winter Ouden the ffld. The attendance during the week was fair lo mid- ac, tbe lower part of tbe bonae being occupied, wbUo the ^rclnileaweio"«hy." To keep in K'orwllb Ibepabllo, , CUrkevBllI hare to add some neio plocea to bla rmnnrt. la of Ihoae be glTca ua now, were worn out before ht tacuea m. Giro ue moro norelUea, John, when yon como again, 'hoy baTO a Tery f nnny llttio ekoUih on the programme at od'«Mluatr«U,Jn«t n<hr. It U caUed the "RallmaU Eiplo. not the old trlUe of that name, but an entirely now "ox- slon." The ticket aetor diapoaea of Uokola which wlU paaa paaaangera HorUi, Boulb, East, and Weat, and all by the ic train. OharlarFoi, aa the Hew York nawaboy, la equally nmmodallng with hit waraa. Aa eaob passenger pnrobaaea a lot, the newsboy cries bis extra, wllb a battle to suit OTery illly. One gentleman wlahes to go to Bqnadnnk; tbe nowi- r hears the word, and lmmedlat«Ty orlea onl—"Here's the cs—great battle at Bquadnnk." Another wants to goto Pltts- rtlh, and another extra la at onoe tsaned by the IndetaUgiblo nboy, and tbe Plttabnrgber la auddenir greetod with the cry -"Heie'a tbe oxli»-got the batUo of Plitabnrgh." There are lie clerar bits Ihiongbont the piece, one especially brlsgbig m great appltnae. A lame aoldler appUea for a paaa; be U the agent that he waa wounded hi battle, and la anilona to ich bisuome, hot la \rllhout money. After hearing hie toncb- I ttory, the agent alTes blm a free pass, with the remark that eiorcmmenC «imi to giro free transit to all men who bare iSend while flghling hor battles. Tbeandlencea aecond tktU i/ina most nnmlataiably. Oo aea the "Eiploelon," and Join Uie cxploalon of merriment which It driwe forth. . Just aa Dniobmen glte na ItaUan open, eo will a eombloatlon French and Italian folks faror ue with ■ dose of Eogllah era, at tbo Winter Garden, thia week. Veatrall la the leading Ml lu tbla English demonstration, wllb Uadamo Kotler, Ulia uiy, Mlea Kemble, and Ulaa Sroms to bring np the rear. It leeit of "female atag party," and Ulaa VcatTall, we prcnme, ID bo the roboBt tenor of tbe ooooem. The opening opera, for It evening, U.iy S3tb, la "Orpheus," and the only man In tho ord bai been caat u tbe Darll; the unfortunatereoreaontatlve (ho EcgUih dcTll being a Frenoh gentleman, U. Fouche. The Ian of admlaalon during the operatic aeasen are double what «r WL-ro before, and thia will not only Injure the honae, if such Ihlni; can bo, but probably seriously wound the prbiclpsl cuilo atag," for no mailer bow plentlinl greenbacka may be, e tiiUlua at tbe theatre don't caro to have any manager lo me (ho double over tliouL "Cuuie up and i;et your balr fixed." Now, well bet a flp no xcan loll wliat vo an going to aay, tooklni In the other day aholel where show people moot to dlacuaa affairs of atalo, and ndown eacb other's performances, we auddenly beard aomo utlngooL "Comeupakdgetyonrbalr&ied." And what do n tliluk be meant by 117 Nothing more nor lees than an In- (lUoa to a(ep up to tho bar, and take a drink. Wo bare haan) 1^7 ratletles of Invitations to Imbibe, In our travels, bnt tbla It one takes tho rag off the buah, sure. After snch a very oUltiod novel Invitation, whst could we do bnt step up, and gtloarhalrflied?" Ur. Joseph Uurpby, Iroasnmr of tbe Aroh Street Thoatre, lilid<l]ihla, was In town lastwsek, looking around, and gotUn^ las for the Improvomenta now going on at the Arob. Tbm It to be anolbor great revival at the Hew Bowery, tbla Mk, the novelty tlila umo being tba spectaonlar drama of donls Chrlatq," with Mr. Eddy and Ur. Soulfac* In the prln- ril patU. There Is no theatre In the otty where ahow plecea a be produced with ouch effect u the New Bowery, tho stage leg one of the moat extensive In the ooantry, profnaely alooked tb every variety and style of appolntmenle, while the ward- Jo la not to bo aurpntsod by that of any other eatabllahment addition to the bi>ectacle, other pooular dramaa are given !h ovoDlng. Ur. Eddy la now in the dfthweek of hie engage- nt, wblob, ao far, has boon profitable to all concerned. On arday ovoning, 23d. there waa tbe naunl Jam at tbla houao. lUly Florence—that's what they call blm when tlioy.aak him to take a ulp, but ^7. J, Florence, Esq., when they wont a > paaa to aoe tho show—sailed for Europe In thest^mshlp itralaalan, on tho lOtb InsL Mrs. Billy remains behind, tbla 0, wo believe, her husband intending lo be absent but a rttimo. hla week a dramatlooompany will be added to thopastomlmo wa at Jaue EngUah'a Theatre (Laura Kcene'a), and It is to be led that bualncas will be a UtUo more encouraging than It laat week. U'Ue. Zoe appeared at this house alter the do- turo of Kate Pennoyor, and waa well received, ho extraordinary engagement of Hlaa Baleman, at NIblo's, lend outhe SOIhlnat. On theUib and 3etb, the lady ep- la as Julia. In the "Hunehhaok," and on the 97lh ae Oend. e. With "Leah," she has crowded HIblo'a for aeveral weeks, iloairo to SCO Miss Dalamanln thatobanoter showing but le abalement whan It waa withdrawn on the 93d. benina Thumb eud wUo are back again at the Moaoim, not- Ending the positive aonoimcemont that tho woman would er bo exhibited In public after her marriage. The other two e unoa, Nult and Warren, are also on show. It's a high old vd, tUs dwarfish quartette. Baraum ought to add the ]iatIaIt7"totbo parly, to make tho ahow complete, be "Indian Funkaa"—groat big fane—ware pnt In operation week, at Amerluim Uuslo Ball, 4<i Broadway, aud added ^rially lo the comfort of the palrona of that house. Ulsa L Urent renewed her acqaUntauoo with her Mew York friends, Ihe American, last week, when genUe E\'* "came with a b," aa they aay on tho turf. Tho comlo pantomime of "The ue," la among tbe novelties offered this week, Uoaars. Uaf- •ad llartholomow esaaylug the leading porta. Here an the Ha of aomo of tho porlormon now engaged at this ball* *.we'llatlendtoyon first, and then have a look at the men: lie BchulUe, Frances Le Boy, Ullllo Flora, and Angnita Wal. btckod up by a whole bevy of beauties, comprising the oma tUa; (ho men folks are Charley While, E. H. Sloomn, Ju. nbold. Bob Uart, Ohatlea OoUlns, George Warren, T. O. rand Healer Tommy. Did yoo ever see Ur. Boiler's Tom- Ho U quite a clever Ultlo parformor. A really good per- unco can bo wllnetsed at this bouse for a trlfilng onUay. he houaas at Wallaek'a were not ao good aa nsnd btat week, jg^no doubt, to tho heat On the Mlh, Bherldan Knowlee' Ifo U to bo the card, dreaaed up for the ocoaalon In now ;™.??'*'£, ^ bare on tbe list, to see lester Uck In'Tlie Road to npin." He doea tho "fast" part as nat- ^v aa If hs bad been through tho "exerolaea" pecnUar to the llgalo In reality. Uary Gannon, aa the "lltUo glrL" waa im- ise; she'a about as clever anaclreasln her line, ss von can » up. lam bore I" John CoUlna, the Irish comedlen, oomea to lo's, next week, commenobui on tho 1st of Jane, when will produced John Btongbam'a great drama of "The Duke's 10," which bu mat with aucb telllon ancceaa In London. ugerWheatley will alio appear In tbe new drama, hla flrat (arance in alx months. The Duke's Uolto Is, "I' am here," we pmsumo everybody here will visit Mlblo'a, to see this illmperlatloo. bey are not lo have a monopoly of the "Hnnehbaok" at HIb I Ihia week, for wo aee that tho manager of the ■■Hew Idea' ODucoa tho first night of A pantomime bearing that title. In cb Ur. Francois Slogrlst will make hla first sppearanoe at this •e. Ularlelta Ztufrolta, tbe groat tight rope artlat, walka the iiltr cord "like a thing of life," poetically apoaklng, and ly braTca Ihe perils of the nsrrow way. Zaniroita'o perform- M nro thought to be auperlor to those of hor alater, lloalta, ' was klely Introduced lo a Now York aaf smblaga, at Laura oe'a Theatre, by Mrs. Jimo English. Usmandes oonthiuoa of '^Tho Seuthem Befugos," wtaloh wu well re- but not oiowded as it oanenDy U| there being nonaosisltylo pal sesis in the middle passage way. Tho P"}'™™ ntetly fair, the funny bualneas being well attended toby Dan Brrant and Dave Seed, tbe Utter pUylng tbe bones on the end where Jerry need to alt, and hefill* the postUonverraMeptaWyi In laot, we do not believe we aball go aairay if we predict a high oooltlon for Dave, aa an Ethiopian comedian, and that at no dla- tant day. Bis greet sot of "BaUy Oome Dp," to kept on tho blU becanselt U one of the beat of the kind ever performed; and beaanse,Uso, the patrons of Bryania wM have It. There waa a new ballad or two given, bat they were not greatly admired. Whan E. P. Obrlaty waa In the bnalnaea, at this hall, acme yean ago, he used le give na aomelhlng now, in the baUadlins, every few months, wblob, snltlns tho popular taste, ware at once oaught up by tbe pnbUo, and sung, played and whistled, from onaend of the country lo the other. What ha* become of those comnoaen t Come, gentlemen of the mlnstnl pennulon, per- auadeaome of oaraong writers lo live yea end ns a coDllnnatloa of the ballads so popular dnring E. P. Christy's reign. Frank Elvers, the plonosr manager of mnalo haUs, arrived In the city last week. There are few equal to him In managing a ahow, and though the fortunes of war, or aometblna elae. Bare been against him of lala, we hope toaeehlmnphead again some day. The '■ Beanllfol" Oubaa has reUrsd for • whUe from tho aoUve duties of hsr profession. She Is at preaent taking a rest In Uila city. Wo nndeisUnd that abe will not appear again until tho cemmoncement of the Fall sesaon, when aha will atari ont un s starring tour, throngh the principal cities of tbe weat She Is now studying another (lo bar) now obamclor, In the eentaUon piece ofthe "Honae on the Bridge of Notre Dune," Tbla wUl be tbe beantlful taUonnl'a first anpeatwice in a epeaking part, but we doubt her enccosa, for U(flre. Cnbu cannol yet master the English laniniago anfllclently to warrant her appearing in ■ talking character. In ptutomlmo abe baa creeled » aonaallon; let her aUck to that; and not atttmpt that wblob la beyond hor abilities. To be snre, oil women can (oUt; aomo talk a great deal (>»mnob; bat Cubaa don't nndeialand our Hugo yet, and abe wUI make a break if abe atlampta too much at lint _ . Ur. FMos. formerly eonneclcd with tho New Bowery Theatre, will take a benefit at the Bladt Theatra, cu Ihe 3d of Jane. Ur. Ferdon has been proelnlod during tho but three moniha with •lekneaa. so at to prevent his attending lo his ntaal avocattona. We hope tbe ftlenSa of Ur. F. will boar this benefit In mbid, and glvohlmabsstper. , . ... Ur. J. n. Allen commences a brief engagement at the Old ■Bowery on the Mth. After wUch he atarta ont on a Western starring tour. Dnring bis engagement at the Bowery, Ur. ABen vlU prodnco a dramatization of nia own of " Lea Ulaerablea." Tbe Winter Garden baa run down ao mach of late, that It may be considered almoat an exhaualed plantation. Occasionally, In spite of bad managemont, a few flowers have blossomed, and a few'troea have flourished; but a apecdy tnninlanlatlon lo a more ansjpleloiiB clime has been deemed prudent by them. Whether, undortbesuperrlalonofMessn. (Dolly) Davenport andWebb,the latter the ItUinr of tbe Webb BItlon, a nlgher atalo of cultivation will bt reached, romalna to be proven. At all oventa, they are to "lake np do ehovel and de boo" after the opera folka have gath- ered In their crops, and retain control lulll Mark Bmllh com- mences bis seaaon on July 8. Adah laaacs Ueoken Is still In the dty, bnt disengaged at present Jerome Labin Is to give atonple of meglcal onlertalomcDla In Pateraon, M. J., on the Ulh and Mth Inat UacEtoy's Panorama of Ireland la over in WIBUmsknrg, L. L, this week. DKAMATIO. ' Goorao Warren, ElhlopUa oomedlan, Joins tho "ulog. pintomlffle ol ed last week, ipany hero this oveul. °bert Johnson bad a six nighis go of It at the old Dowerr, week, ooenbig lo a full house on tho 16tb, snd olcetDg to leer good one on tho 93d. Ur. Johnson does not sppaar to *eme advantage ho once did, and knowing this himself, la tiaon, probably, for retiring, ' wcnl early, on tho 93a, for tho express purposo of gctUngs iV "nanl'a, and being aucceaiful, wolako tbla opportunity lo (bat we were neither "squeozed, aquozed, nor aqulzzon" on •etplclona occasion, which la a sreet wonder, for tbey do • people terribly close at Dryaul'a Uall. The house was (nil, JDLIA HOLMAV. BJ^IE HOLUAN, These talented dilldren aro membora of the nolman Opora Troupe, now performing at tba New Tremont Theatre, Boatcn. Thuy are very lalented; Balllu, eapeclaliy, being noticeable for her faithful rendering of the most dlfflcult rvia In operatic and dramatic performancea. Ulaa Cboilotle Tbompeon "waa to have" appcand In Uoslo HaB, NevrHaveh, Conn., UaySId, hi "Fancbon, Ihe Orickel," under'Ihe management ofjTno. 'f. Uaymond, late of Laura Keene's. One day's notice of an enlertalninent la nyUtr abort, ■0 the allendance waa ao small that the money was retnmed to those present and tho hall dosed. The party afterwards went to Hartford, performlog there on tbe 93d. Laum Eeene having flnlabed the "proflDoe" of Philadelphia, on the 23d, makea a masterly retreat, after an Dnsncoeaafarreld upon the Quaker City, to Brooklyn, where abe annoances lo in- troduee our "American Cousin" to the hatUua of the Academy, on the 3Ilh, and end In "Tbe Bea of Ice" oiiUie 17th. Ulss LaoUle Weetem opeoodst QroverV Theatre, Washing. Ion, D. O.,on tbeieib Inat, In "Eut Lrmie,"to a crowded honae. and nnmben were tamed awmr. On the 23d, abe took a benefit, appearing In "Balsn in Paris,'' and "Loan of a Lovsr," supported by Ur. Obsrles Barron and Ur. Harry Clifford. Ur. and Ulaa Bloblngs having finished a ramble of nine nlghla In Provldenoe and Worcesler, are now at EUaler's Academy of Uneio, Cleveland, Ohio, opening On the SSIh. ssd produdsi during Iboir engagement tbe speotaoles of "Satanella," an "The EudUDtieaa." Bate Belgnolda' party did a abocUng bad bnainess In Provl- denco, B. I., the latter part of la^t week. The theatre In Provi- dence la such a "high rented" concern that it takea a sure card to make It pay. Uanager Uyen oommenced a seaaon in Portland, Uo., on tho IStb, and baa thua far done a very fair baalnesa. The alack- company wUl'oontlnno dnring tho present week, to be followed by Mils Esle Belgnolds snd nsr company on the lat of June, Ur. Uyen taking bla company to Lowlaton, to give the botory people aome amnaement, for one week, returning to Portland to play any good card that offera. "Dnelo Tom'a Cabin" seems to have bod a big week of Hat the Washington Thestre; It bids fair to run for some time yet W. H. Bailey Is tbe Uncle Tom, Un. Wllllims the Topsy, and Ulss Julia Ootdas, Eva. Julia Daly closed a week's engsgoment at the Academy of Uusic. Olevelsnd, O., ou the 33d. Bbe Is said to have done welL We belloTO she appean at tbe Uetropolltsn, Boflalo, tbla week. "Tbe Irlah Aid Bodoty," of Uemphls, Tenn., are to have a benefit at Ihe Now Memphis Tbsatre, on the 29th of May. It la to be hoped that every nook and oomer of the edifice will bo filled, to give old Ireland a roaring bonefit It is no more than abe hi Juatly entitled to. Her aona are fieoly shedding their blood for tbe cause ol liberty and free government Ur. Bay- field aud hla stage manager promlae to nndor every aaslatanoe In their power to make the aulr a complete sneoess. "Anron Floyd" wss verformsd during the pest week at tbe Plllaburgh Theatre, bnt bnslneaa waa not vary hvely. J. O. Betton ma np for a bonefit on the 39d. Ur. and Un. Conway are the ctrda this week. Hn. Wood, wllb her burlesque of "Tbe Fair One wllb the Oolden Lecka," oonllnaes to draw orowda lo tbe New Oheetnat- PhUadelpbla. We believe It ta the Intention of tho manager to keep "open house" sll summer, and as the Ohestnnt ta about the cooleat place in the city, the summer seaaon may prove to be re muneralire. In Nashvlllo, Teno, amnsemania conllnaa pretty lively, there being two theatraa now In operallon In that dty. Our correa- pondent "Derf," onder date of Uay IT, aays:—Agsbi I lake np ny pen to aerawl a few ilema from the City of Books. I have been ■■aitay down south In Dixie" since my last, and that must account for my long alienee. "B. B." Do you know what that meanst If you don't I shan't tell you Ou old theatre sllU does a splendid business, for night alter night It la crowded —not with the eltle of the dty, but with s select audience of aol- dlers, olfieen, and a alight sprinkling of bidies, who make the wolls echo with appbiuae. Uantgen Dnffleld and Plynn are certainly doing a lau business here, taking in greenbacka, for which ■■Fat Simoons, the Troaaursr," glve^ Tlsilon the pule- board which admlla them inte the charmed olrele, to aee "The Bobben," "Uarble Heart," "Lucmla Borgia, "Vlclorlne, or I'll Bleep On't" "Kiss In the Dark," and many other pieoes. Alt the old oompany are atlU hero—Hamlllon, Duncan, Poster, Clinton, snd Ur. Alfred Stewart, Irish oomedlan; alao, the "champion skater o( the world," aa bo oalls hhnielt Mr. W. H. Fuller. Among tbe ladlea an, our old Ikvorlte, Un. HatUe Barnard, Un. Jordan, (Harry) and the pretty, nodeel Un. Doncan, who had a thumping benefit last Friday week, when "The UairblOBeart" was uroduood. Altogether, It Is a waU got np affair, pleaaea tbe audience, and pnte money in tbe mans- Bn' pockets, and ao both partlea aro aatlafied, eapeclaliy the ter And now for our iVeis Huhvillo Ibeain, (don't be anrpriaed, for we have two) nndor tbe management of Itr. J. B. Allen, who has taken the Odd Followa Ball and IMIed It up in a voir taatcful manner; be baa LaoUoed the sudilorlau, enlarged tbe atego, made two small private boxes, aud re.dceoraled II. Bla oompany la u follows:—Ueear*. Lefrongwell. Burt, Allan, elc, Utsdtmos Burt and Allen, and Ulues Uary UllcheU, (own altler to Maggie) and Cairte Nonverro. The thottn and troupe are a perfect lllUeblJou In point of taate and ootlsg. I will give yon more of them in my next Ladles and gentlemen desirous of engaging for Ihe fall and wlnior aetaon at tbe Plilabugh Theain, are referred te an adver- tisement In this Issns ofthe Currxn. Tho Dollanco Theatn, at Calm, III., baa boon doing a very good bualness of late, the plecea being of the sensation order, n tbe IBlh, the "French Spy" wu produced, with Ula UeWll- Uams In the leading )urt Miu Emily Thumo Is now in tbe aeventh week of her oogage- mentnt the UolliJay BIrtel Theatre, Ualllmora, aiid will remain then next week, making eight weeks lu alL Via uudertlsnd that baslntss has been remarkably good at this house, tbe "Naiad Queen" and ■■Pooahontu" meeting wllb muob favor. On the Itlfa, WIS produced, for the flnt time In Baltlmcn, the comedy o( "The Actress," introdadng Ulas Alice Gray is the Isadingpart. BIr. a. Paul U no longer agent (or Lann Eeeoe'o traveling party. His connection wllh the company wu very briet lUsa Ettte Henderson, who recently relamed (romEorope, wiU open wllb Ur. Wlllard, at the Howard Atbenaiam, Boston, OQ the ath of Jnly, In her new sensation drsma of the ■■Flower OirL"' She will siso bring out several other new dramas, for allot which the manager promises new scenery snd appoint- ment*. Stuart Bobson, a rising young American oomedlan, Is now ^irformlsg In the Now EngUnd Btetes, we nndentond, wllh consldanbie saccess. Uanagen wlablng to negotiate, an r*. (erred U> an sdvertlaemest In another part of our paper. Ulaa Kate Flaber vlalled Lowell, klass, on the l()lh Inst, and gave a performance that evening, aaalsted by G. O. Spear, U. W. Flske, and Hits Uxile UoQregor. There waa t largo galbsring to see tbe UoOregor, and enjoy the perfotmanoas of UUa Flaber. .Vlnlng Bowen and Geo. Byer have made no eipUnatlon, that wo an awan of. In regard to their nusent "dlffenocea" with the Union men at New Orleans. Lewis Baker baa published a card, is which he slatea that kb wtlon In the matter wu governed by a oonaclentloiis belief that be wu following tho Instructions of the authorities, but admits that then wu a "mlsundenUnding" in regard to thoae Instructions. Ju.A. Lord, aster, hu turned up again; Abont two yean ago heenllstedlathewaruapriTCte,-inthewealem army. After the battle of Bbllob, he wu promoted tnm orderly eergeant to captain, for gallant conduct In action. He wu wounded aevercly on three dlllonnt oocadoni, his injuriee nnfllting him for fur- tber servlco, snd his reslgnsUon wu accepted on the tth of Uaroh lut, at Lake Providence, La. Uy Lord la now at hla real- deoce. No. U Banover avenue, Boeten. He hopea to be able to reanme tbe dnUes of hla profeaalon In Beptember next, u heavy or Juvenile man. Bam Ryan, Kate Danin, and Fanny Denbam, vrero at Twaddle Ball, Albany, lut week, prodndng the ■■Daughter of tbe Begl- nent," "Irish Assnrance and Yankee Uodeaty," eto. They an atalated by Uastra. W. UoFarland, F. L. Sent W. A. Bouse, John Dunn, Denell, J. F. Crossen:theUlases Wllford. and Jo- sephine Tyaoi. Buslneu Is said to have been quite good. Xho Hobnan Opera Troupe had a very onoonraglng opening at Uv»Maw Tremont, Beaten, on tbe IStb Inat It wu the ocoaalon of tbelr flnt appearance hefon a Beaton audlance, andftomthe commento made by the Boston pnas, we Infer that the little enea gave gnat aatlalkcllon: u Boaton la aald to be hypercritical in mnsloal matlon, the Holman Troupe have naaon to be proud of tbelr reception. The programme comprlaed the open of Ihe 'Daagbter of the Begiment" and Ihe pntean fbrce of tho 'Yoong Actnas." Tho troupe ore now In their aecond week. Mr. Willord commenced active oponllona at the Howard Aths- nanm, on Uonday evening, Uay IBth, Ihe opening piece being "Onr American Conaln at Home," wllh Ur. ChonRaa In tbe denble parte of Dimdftary and Bla brother Bam. The InlUal performance wu well noelved by a large audience, and the vari- ous peiformen oame In for conaldonble wplanae, Urs. Ohan< <nu, eapedally, meeting with a hearty reception. Urs. Farrsn now accompanies tbe Davenport and Wallack oombbuUon. They re-appear next week at Plke'a Open Bouae, Clnelimatl, for one night only, after whioh Ihe dramatic aeaaon Ihe report of Uln Haggle Ultehell's marriage, which mnat have originated with aome unreliable aensatlon paper. Is false In evoiy paittlonlar, for wo have the beat authority for atallng that Ulaa Uaggie dow not oven know the gentleman to whom nport hu aaalgned her u wife, in BalUmon. Ulu Ultcbcli remains the pet and sweetheart of aU Baltimore, Like Ihe Child of the Begiment abe lovu na all, and we cannot allow any sreferenoea. Bo lot tbapabU^beaunred, on naquestlonable aamority, that the nport of Ulaa Uaggie UltcheU'a marriage to the Balllmon genlleman Is Incorrect aeotse H. UUea' comedy of "Senor Ysllento, or Bt Bose, of Llma,''^wu cl'on (or the Bnt and only lime Ihia aeaaon, at tho UoUiilay, Baltbnoro, on the31st Inst, kllu Alice any appearing u a Fifth Avsnne Bells. A Isgltlmatf and reliable actrea for flnt old women and beavv bualneas, aaeks an engagement through onr advertlalng oot umns. Blanagon vriU pleaao make a note of the aame. J. Wilkes Booth's flntweek at UoTloker'a, Chicago, giTW hope for a profitable engagement Dnring the past week he sppeared in Ihe "Isdy of Lyona," "Blchord 3d," and the beaaUfnl play, "The Uarble Heart" We would mention that much oreoltia doe to Ur. Albert Bnell for the manner In which Ihe propertlu and appolntmenle wenpntnpontheaUgeIn thla great dnma. Booth wu up for a benefit ou the 29d, when he wu to appear u Alfred Evdyn In "Uoney." Wo have California dales op to Uay S^from whleta we glean the following:—At Uaguln's Open Hous^rUdUe. Coete Thdenr sodU. Wleinoff, rosde their d«oui on the 30lhvUlt,and have been the prlndpal attractions. On the opening night these srilsU won honored with a crowded house, ont buslneu did notcon- Unuegood. The preu do not think much of these artlsis, speak- ing of tham u tMlng Inferior to Tbleiry, WIndel, or Bote, who have appeared in that dty. Udlle. Tbdeur la pronounced cdlheryoung nor bandsoms. Henoe the falling off of "Young Oallfomla." The comedy of "Frienda and Foea," hu been produced at thla house Atths UstnpoUUn, Uossrs. Lee, Worrell and Bebutlan's Circus, (John WUson, proprietor,) took possession on tbe 1st Inst Tbe stage had been arranged, and performance* wen given on the stage. The company embraces the following srtlstes:-Un. Jsooette Lee, Uadam BebuUan, Blgnorite EUona, La Petite Uary Ann, SIg. Sebastian, George By- lond, John and Frank Lee, Herr Witter, Young Bomer, luster Jamas L«s, snd lut bnt not leut Billy Worrell, who sola u Ihe Yorlck of the ring. Dualneu had been very good An Azna- teur performasoe wu given on the SIh at Oubaway Hall, on which occasion Un.Jnlira Dean Hayne appeared u Julia, In •The Honeymoon." Un. Uayo also ajpeand u Vlolante Tbe German (American) Theatn bu been doing well. Ur. Bmll NIemeyer hu appeared In BohlUer'a "Don Carlos," to Ihe delight of crowded honaea Onr old friend. Sherry Corbyn, who Is at preaent managing a pleasnn garden called tho ■■WU. tows," hu tamed poet, u we noUoa m his advertisement Ihe following poetry in the trae Olaudo Uelnotte style:— Huslo for the UDUon, Polka and OoUlUon, Health snd Joy nnlted. Every senae delighted. In consequence of very had buslneu, tho Eunka Theatn hu again oloecd ita doon for dramsdo performances, and Ihe mammoth crocodile hu full poaaeealon, to Jbe delight of sll loven of nalunl onrioellles. This monster 1117 feet long, and weighs over 2000 Ihe. There Is also exhibited a youthfu pro- geny; alao, * female alolh and young. Ur. CbarleaTlbbatts con- unnea the manager of thla Ihealro. On Ihe flOlb nit, the orocodile and its young oollapaed a flue, and died. It wu, how. ever, atuffed, and oonanned on exhibition at last sdvlcu A new hsU (the Union), dtnated on Howard street wu Inan- guratcd on the SOIb nit Mr. ^d Hn. Waldmn wen at Dalles, Oregon, at lut acooijnte Ulu Ooodriob Is uld te be doing a good buslneu tbmugh Ihe Uouototo towns, wllh her resdlnga and ndtetlona Tho Lelghton Troupe wen at Uaryaville on lbe-4ib Frank Bhodee liu re-fiited and re- opened the Bteramento Udodeon Billy DIroh, Ben Cotton <c Oo.'a Ulnstrels sre doing well at Wuhoe Brown Courtaluo'a ^oupe wen at Sonon, at last acoounte.... The Glan Blcwen an at Eureka A young gentleman named Leon Bonenx, made hla Mul at tho Uetropoliton, on the 31st nit, aa Thomu, in the fares of "The Beent" Foraflntappearanoe, the drcumstanccaaUending his Introduction to the puoUowen psrtlcularly trying; but tbe manner In which be acquitted hlm- seir, ths genuine splritof fUn that spsrkled out In bis voice and aclion, aeeurod tho good wlU of the audience at once. Tbe "trybig einmmslancea" wo allude to, were, simply, tbav the principal lady did not know a Uiie of nor Ktt, and wu reduced .to the necessity of ■■gsgglng." :^ Don'Trscy, who lately made hwdfUd In Ban Francisco, appeared at the Uetnpolltan, Saoramenio, on the 30th ult, u OlanDouglu Aa Harry Brown's Dramatio Troupe wen <nn>ii<< for Georgetown (aaya ihe Platmillt Aeiwof the91atalt,) on the Chili Bar gnde, the fear-bone team belonging to tho oompany, bocams unmanageable by tbe driver, through a defect In the brake, and ran furiously down^e hill, untolUng the coaoh, and preoIplUting aome (on^een memben of the troops over tho enibankment. Fortunate for the company, the foro wheels parted oompany wllh the nmainder of the coach In up- aelUng, and the paaaengen eacaped with but alight broltu, and were ablo to ptooood to OeorgeUiwn A theatrical troupe called "The Chapman Family" bunt m at CouItervUlo s abort time ainc*. The quaTTol wu political. Some of the crowd wanted to have Dixie aung; olhen wanted Jolin Brown. On this Siiostlon a flght enaued, malea and fbmalea partldpatlnii freely, omeblood wudnwn from bnilaod heada and "muhed" nosu. So they parted luanser and parted In lean, on thebanka of tbe lonely river, where uey had agreed lo play over night they (omiht and they parted forever The Orrm Family had ore- atea a aenaallon among the Pravlnctals. They islanded to lesvo Victoria ahorUy for San Francisco, performing in Porllsnd mraWe. At ths Fnnt Slreel Thestro, Baltlmon, Ihe preaent hi the tenth week of the FoeterUomblnatlon. •■ Asphodel, or tbeUagIc Pen," bu been the principal card daring the week. Ur. Foster's pUy of ■■ Vsleha," and *■ Pocahontu," have' varied the programme. On Ihe 99tb, Bomandoa Footer, the pantomimic Clown, wu to lake a benefit, oa which occasion a new piece onUlled " London by Day and by Night" was to be produoed i also the pautomlne of ■■Dechahneani,"and the 1st and 9d Acte of Jessie Drown. On the iOtb, Manager Knukd takee bla annual benefit At the HoDiday BInet Theatn, Bdllmoro, during the past week, business hu been very good. The event hu been tbe XroducUon ofthe Comedy of ■■ Senor Vallente," In which Ur. J. . Rerna ausUlsed the principal character. On tho 2dlb, Ur. Heme took hla benefit appearing u Young Ulrabel, In •■The Inoonalant" Oo the 2(llb Ur. C. B. Bishop pule forth his claims for a sooial gathering of bla friends. He plays Balem Boudder, In ■•The (Mloroon," Ulis ElOo Oennon will also sp- pear In a favorite firoe. On the 9tth Uisa Emily Thome lokea afanwell henofil on which occasion will be npnducoil Ihe Bpcotade of the •'I(alad Queen,•'aud Ihoburleique of "Poin- hontM." Bate Balgnolds and her company commence a abort aeaeon at Liberty Uall, Nov Oedrord, Uasa., on Ihe 9(ilh Inat Tlieywore In Ooune«lii:nt last week, but we preaunie tiiry wen not very succestful, or wo should have heard from Ihem. ICr, UcClansIn, well known to the hoMia of the Boston Ua< senm, wu uo fbr * benefit at that bona* on the 31th. Lonls J. Mssteysr taku a farewell benefit al the Boston llir« Bona on Ihe 80th prior to his departure for Anstralio. , Thetheatn at Memphis. Tonn., had« big nnweekbetoa Usti the ••WIUow Oopee," •■Bagploken of Paris," ssd the ■■!«•) Bblp," wan among the pleou played. Our oonreqMndsnt uyt:—"Uemphls could support a good theatre, u BayOald's sseeeu ahowa for ItaelL Then why oannok aome energetic msa (Tom New York come aud laue tbe bnUdlug 1 The theatn la to be rented. Proposala wlU be received by Ihe United Slates BenlslOfllcerunUllbelOlhof June. Torms—Instahnanto petd monthly in advance. Bayfield and Maglntey *n bolb fine msa, aud an very popular here, bnt we Iblok thai the atoek companr hu run the maoblne abenl U>ng enough. Certainly, Bayfield hu met with anch success, that he ooud wall afford to bring aome sten here. Since writing the above, I nndemland thai Ur. W. 0. Gallagher, tho 'great tragedian,' enten upon lbs flnlnlghtof hU engaooment, u Ihe Bomon F*Uiar,'«tlh« New Mcmphla Theatre." Musn. wallaok and Davenport, assisted by Mn. Ttim and the full company of tbe St. Loula Theatre, have been delighting the olllzona the put week with their superior sotlsg, U suofi play* u "Othello," "Uacbslh," and "ft Uan.". Thebansehas been crowded every evening, and the engagement promise* to be flttlering to Ihe combination,, and remusentlve to the msn- agement St Uon wu repeated on the 9ist ' "Anron Floyd" sncoeeils "Our Amsrioon Cousin" st tha Howard, Boston, this week, Ur. Chaninu appearing u Uia -•Softy.'' Uanager Uyan la already making eagagemente tortbaasii eaaon. Ha will play tho"3evon 8laten,^'wlth J.B.UeDosw ongh ssd LoUy Hough, commencing at Portland In Beptembsr, playing two week* in each place on ue drovlt making a aessoa of fourteen weeks In all. UlM Uai7 Pnvost terminated her Boston engsgenent at lbs Uusenm, on tbe 23d. She wu to perforin (or Ur. UcOlanntail benefit on Ihe 2Sth. Urs. D. P. Bowen produou John Brongbom's "The Mystair of Audley Court," thla eventog, Uay 94th, at the Boston Theain. This play wu written eipreeoly (or Mrs. Bowen, and hu navsr been performed on any auga. The combination, or akdelon oompany, nther, which Uon Lann Keene tsok te Fbllsdelpbla, finished tbelr perfnm- ances in that dty, at the Walnut on the asd. After showliig In Brooklyn, It te Ihought that Lann may Isave (or the flsnadu, - Mr. Lewis Baker te te perform for the benefit of Ur*. Thaysr, at the Walnut Philadelphia, on tho 90lh, being Us first appear, aaoe alnoe hla rotara from New Orleans. Ml*. John Drew U engaged to give a aeries of pertormasess ai the Boston Uusenm, commencing on the tet of Jnne. The Walnat Pblladelnhia, closes for the season on the SIHh. Tbe pRsent week te to be devoted to benette. Ben Young li m for a "ben." on tbe 37tb, when Barry Ihonua, on amatour, wtU appear u the Oolden Farmer. Ldty Thompaon, having closed her Itbon for Ihe tessos. Is st preeent In Ihe dty. She will soon leave for her summer resi- dence In tho toterior of the BUte, when she owns a fins r She will not pisy sgaln until Angnat HDBIO HAUiB. T. I. UoHanns dealru us to state that be wu not assooiatad wllh Ur. Hitchcock In the management of the Concert Hslt tt Newark, N. J., at the Hme of Ihe eloalsg of that estebllalmaal, recently. Some Ave or alx ireeks sgo, st Ihe request of Mr. UeUanns, Mr. Hltehcook gave Ihe former a bonus, whsn Mr. UoUanus retired, dsoo wnleh time he hu not bad anything to do with tbe place, Mr. B. being the aols manager. Tbe Utile town of Harrlabnrg, Pa., te u lively u s Iund(Bl of flaaa—alieete am Itoed with nhmed soldlen, waiting to fea mustered ont Oar alter cor, atops at the depote, lo dump the thonaanda of human aouls, wom out and dOapldaUd in appear- ance. Flaeoa ofamusementsm doing well—duifOrd's in parUn- nlor; bouses sn very largo to wllneu Ihe (eate of Master Gee. Elrbye, only 12 yean of age, on Ihe Tnpeze. The rest et the company UaqnaByu good. Jake Bndd brings down Ilia house with his comicalities, whOe Ulss VIote Cluton's swest voice plesses all who an ao fortunate u to gain admlsalen to Ulu Uary A. Fleldlng'a novelty Troupe, Sanford'a Open Hosa*. II te aald that In fifteen mlnutu after the doon sn opened not a seat can be bad, and private hozu have been selUng al a m- xnloa. Ulu Kate Francte bu been rc-ongaged; the beaanfU Unten danco, in which aha dreuee u the goddcu of liberty, and dancea beneath the large flag, te well recdved by tha nlnned addlcva. At the Canterbsry, Wuhlngton, D. 0., then has been soma changes, bnt not u ndarda the aadlencea. The orlgteal J. B. Bidworih commenced on Uonday, tbe IBth Inst; alao BOIr Boyd and Muter Frank Budworth, a cblpof tbe old block; B. W. Eagan, Uiaiea Julte Uorllmer, Eate Pennoyer, U'Ue Jeniala, (u,, have gone to BalUmon, to play at Ihe Museum, which has been opened by W. L. Sinn, Ihe proprietor of the Oantertiury. Among the aitraoKona for ths week put U'Ue Annette Oafleitt hu been, and te atUl tbe relgntegster, and ia dnwing crowded honaea. The ballet diverllaaemeal of La Vlvandlen, arranged by tbe popular Ualln de Ballet, Uons.Szollosy, with Ultes Ost teltCAngnste and Marie, and the Oonrtof BeaalyuTlvandlercs wu a very pntty affair. •Tbt Irlahman In India," wllh Uis Ih vorite young comedian Edeaon u Paddy, sent the sndlencebcma wsUpIeaHd. The ."^nchSpy" te underlined, with CallatUaa the Spy. Then te one dedded Improvemeat In thte ball, and that u the attention paid to ventlUUen. A portion olthe celUnc over the gaUory hu been nmovsd, and commonlcatlng wiltt lbs floor above, causing a freah carrent of air through Ihe now vstT' oomforteble place or amuaement The Tarteliea, Waahington, hu one of tbe but oompaniat Ibat evargncedamualo hall. The oompany for the preaent veak oomprteu Mlssea Ndlle Bcward, Ada Teaman, Ualana SinUli, Bauna Lester, EstelU FOmst Addle Johnson, Elixa Floreaoa^ MdDs Oersldlne; Jennie Fomsl, Usggle Wilson, Jossphlna Psrker; Meson. Harry LeaUe, Wm B. Undwortb, nask bms, James Pilgrim, Bob Bill, Wm. Dnteoy, Dick Wotklas, and /cha PutelL Acorrespondsnt in Nuhviltesajs lite hte opinion that If soma enterprlstog Hew Yorker wen to open a mnalo hsU in thsl^se* with a company like that at 4(1 Broadway, it would pay, Wbo'a Inl Ths mado haUs In Delnlt, Mich., sn foing remarkably walL Tbe prteclpal aHracUona at Ihe VartetiM an Ulu Clan Sa^, U'Ue Ekilse, Wou^ Scolt, and George Wlnahlp, wit-<«ri— earn- edian, Eate Wdten oommenced bar engagement with DIek OTtaO at the YarieUes, Pitteburgh, on the Uth, and hfs met wllh (nooeas. Chlrlskl, the great wire performer, Ihmw* out a obaUesga to tho world, for $1000, In feats of Jnggllng and wire tralUag. Ba te now at Trimble's Tarietlea, utonlslUng the Plttebsrgbers. Uary Wdlon flntehes her engagement at Plttebnrgh, vttli Dick O'HaU, on the 251b. Ealbleen O'Nell te qnlte a favorite In Plllabnnh. Bor new song, "The Female PoUticIan," te fiiU o( sporkUng wllUdama, She pteyed her (kvorite obaraotar of Jenny Lind, on Uonday, ISUilnat TheTarietles management St Lonte.have bmnght est aa equestrian drama caUed ••El Eyder." Ur. W. B. Deir penon- aloe the hero. Tbe bnstoess last week wu not very good. Mr. D. E. Bslton te announced to appear soon. The manager ofthe Canterbnry Unsio Hall, Philadelphia, baa made some very valuable additions to hte company, who asi^ cced In attracting aplesdid honses. The Dowerr, WL. Loote, huprodnoed "Abddln" te magnificent style. ThecnsrmlogLlaileWalbylakeatho character of "Alad- din." Ur. Heniy Uaaon, who mads hte flnt appearance then a short time alnoe u an Iiteh and ElblopUn comedten, te Implor- ing npldly, and bu become a great favorite. Long'a Varieties, PbUaddphia, movu on in the even tenor of Ite way, bringing In an abundance of postege stamps te Ihe man- agement Among the company an lllss Lizxle Bowtend, Uons., KInoade and son, Eate BeU, Billy Cbsmben, and a host ot other*. Ur. B. B. Pnrdy, the weU-known Ethiopian comedten, led Loute on tbe 30th, for CtecinnaU, having made an esgsgcmest (Or a yur with Ur. Lee. Ur. Purdy bu always been sgrestf^ vnrito Is St Louis. Els orlgssl songs and dances, enUtlsa ••Yonng Ephe^e Lamiuit" (wrlllen (or blm by J. O.Uurphy), "BuUr Nteger Amos," •■OInger JIm'a Cocksde," "BonsAsl Wny," snd ••HIcoderoos Jobnaon,^' wen fini prodneed than by bin, and proved tmmen>o hlte. Wo i^teh him sncceaa. The ConUnentd, PhUaddphia, the "maramolh" mnalo hall of Jtmerica, under Ihe msnsgement of Fred AInies, can boattot one ot the best companica on this, or tho oUior side of the con- tteent The bsUet of thie honae, tuder the abte management of G. W. Smith, te aecond to none. The principal dansansts arc U'Uo Udsne, Emoallne de Fdber, (one of the but cards in Uia cnimtry) Bitty Blonohard, and Susie Bummerfleld. Usnagir Alau intends. In a short time, to have a doable bsllet, to nn all summer, with Ihe exception of a respite of a few weeks to nnovtto tho house. Among tho rsoent additions to Ihe com- pany, te Master Sumner, Ihe cetebnted infant drummer, whosa npieicnUUon of the batlto of AnUetem cnated each a/urora during the put week Johnny Wlhl, aud tbe charming TO- odist, JuUa Rice, open at tbe Oontintntel on tbe 2Ilh. Fox's Cuhio, rhiladclpbia, te well filted nightly. The prind- pal allraoUons an NolUo Taylor, the vocoliat, asd that mlrlh- pnroUng laan of Ihe "lean kind," Fatlio Stewart Uansger Fox bH uegdlaled wllh Joe Cohoro, the champion ot Ameiloa, lo appear on tbe evrntega of the ICIh snd 37lh, in Ihe ortb sees* from "Tom aud Jerry,"^In conjunction with Cipt UIke Norlos. The price of admladon for the occailon rongu oom 11,00 down to 33 centa. •'Undo Tom'a Cabin" will benlayMat Ihe Varieliea, Waah- Inglcu, D. C, wllh a good cast, cotouicnclng Uonday, Uay 2]|h. New scenery, cotlumca, «te., have been pnportd tor tha ocowlon. A new negro faree, written by Dick CKell, and esUUsd "Domottle Dllllcultles," wUl shorlly be produoed by Lew Sim- mons al Trimble'* Varieliea, Plllaburuh. Ur. Sink Is about to nil and rMicconte Conleiburr Ball, Chicago, Introducing new scenery, lo. Do bu orssntead a saw company, ^'blcb, lu conneoUon with aevenl of tbe old fa- vorites, will maku It tbe moat popular place of Iho kind In lbs oily. Tlio Duval allien, tbe charming balladlaU, Frank PeU, comedian, and Jimmy Lcou, the Irlah comedhm and boUadlst, arc now loon. Diiolneu la good, aud wllb Ulss Farend, U'Ue Louiso, Kate Parilugton, Old Ducrow, and Cal Wagoner, the Canlermiry Is dolug very finrlr, and wllh the present tide 01 success, Ihe uniiagar Is not lliiely In •■sink" any grteubarbi, Por conUnualion of Theatrical llcoordi lec iwge H.