New York Clipper (May 1863)

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ISTEW YORK CLIPPEH; 55 THE RINQ. riini BT. fiicnui.AB nowMRO noon, Mo. gst Jimj, (unilerlb* PwncoU Hooro,) litheonlTiwrfMiTiai rgALUOH In Mew York. Tho Uaotger for thfrtHOjrotii i cbirgo of tbo Bowling Iloom it ttaa A*lor Houm. WIom, mm, and ClEUi of thebortqoiUtT. ^tf ' ' PETE OAU-AOHEB. FnprlotoT. [;MPPB»l 8HADIC8, No. 40 EAST BnOAD7AT.-F(M I tt»s ovrrr HoDdtr ud SatnnUr ertnliigB, «lUi Iluc oiqal- I loDgelor, Old Diu. Tovik la ibo Olidr. Tbo bMt *t DM, LInaon, Ala, uidClgua,con>l«ntlrontaua. TlioFro- tun wUl do their ntnoet to promote the comfort of Uiow urlng them with a call. , _ Met Iloljwnod and Ulke SorMy alwaji at liome to glT* hu- a In the art frf Balf-Defenee. 4.|f SIOK k EUOENE nOLTWOOD, Froprlelon. pnoTOaRAFHB OF JOHN C, HEEMAN la dUuna dren, I InhUnfl coitume. W caula each, asd lest pott paid Iqr V. myB8,67tfinadwu,M. Y. . 1 IPOBTSMAR'B HMA,, Cor. Wood aad Third alKeU, FIHabnrgb,. DY JOHNNY lUOEBY ft JOHNNY LODDOX, Sparring ererr Batnrdaj NIgbL DABD PIIOTOORAPHB US' JOB COBDRIV, 98 oanla tb. Sent to aar addraaa, on reoelpt of price, by W. 0. BKVB3, MS Broadway, N. Y. 7 CARD PHOTOORFIIS ft TOM EINO, 21 oesis each, il 10 any addr««B on receipt of price by W. 0. WEUYSS, iU uilwty. New York. Ml* THE FIGHT Db'i'WEEN CON OREDI, of Oolorado Tenitoiy, AND WBN GEOQHEGAN, of New York, FOB . FIVE QDXDRED DOLUBS, AT tXESE CBEEK, V, J., OIT TUXBOAT, HAT IBtb, 1863. Ocogliogan tVins by a Foul Blow, IH iaeteen Bounds and Twenty-Three Minntes. ISOaACEFVI, PBOCBBDinOS OF TIIB OUT- 6IOBRS. tba llgbt between Owen Oeogbegban, of this city, aod^oi em, the Obamplon of Colorado Territory, came on early on «tday morning, the lOlh Inat., at a place called Checee Creek, ont three niUea from Boolb Anboy, N. J. TbIa match bad eated aome Intercal In aportlog olrclea, In conRcqnenco of tbo >b repniatlon aa a boxer. wbTcb Orem had broeght with blm New York, In defeating Enoch Davla for tbe Ohamplonablp of e Ring In Colorado Territory. Oeogheataan, at toe time of «Di'a arrival bare on a Tialt from tbe far Wcat,wa8 looking out r • cnttoinor, bla repeated ehallengea lo partlea In thla dly not iTlog elicited any reeponaa likely to lead lobnalneae. Onm'a til on Ibe New York aparrlng alage waa conacquently looked cnrd to wllh much Inlareet, aa II waa anppoaed that aome ap- loibuato Judgment of hta pngUlatlo qaallUca could be formed Ml acelng blm aet-to with the RloTta. Ula Ant appearance 11 it Joe Cobum'a exblblUoD, at Uoztrt Hal], when he put on Mfilovcuwith Jack Datb. Hia perfonuance waa not ttaoo^ht Bjtbliig eitraordlnaiy, for although he ebowed great activity idwnatllngablllllca, hewaa hardly equal bi ioTanoa toOiild tct. Home time adcrwarde, Oeogbegban, who waa anxloua for flfbt, challenged blm, and after aomo paper warlkre, both par. cf metattheCi.n>FEBofIlco,and at laat drownp and algned nklM to llgbt for the eum of tiVl a aide, leaving It open lo be Kruacil to tW) a aide on or before tbe day of fighting. Orem I Inl objected to fight In tbe nelgbborbood of New York, aa he « under tbo Impreaalon that be, being a perrcct atranger, laid uot hate a fair ahow, and declared that If he won the toga ircbolcoof ground, ha would name aomo locality near Fllta* wib. Pa. Qeogbcghan aaaured blm that he could rely on iiug a fair, aquaro ahow, and would freely givo op all dalm > Ike alakea If It turned out olbprwlie. At thla meeting, Orem ualfeited a trait lu hla cbanuler highly honorable to him. He Hiked to put up tbo whole of the money at tbe time, but the lt«r parly not being prepared Jnat then, offered to alake MO, iiforfell, and put up the remaining SMO In two weekly Inalal- inlaottlOOea naDe)waangg , , 1y agreed, and aatd that If It was any benefit to him inia of $100 each, and Oeogbegban'a own hoiuie(ln IheFInt naae) waa anggealed aa the place for the flnt depoalb Orem napUy agreed, and aaid that If It waa any benefit to him Mettieghau) to have the money eUked at hla honae, he would uouDe the eame place for Ibe iccoiid depoalL Having thna iiinl the olrcomalancee luder which tbo nuloh was brought ml, we will now proceed to give a brief aketch of the pugUlallc ertaroincea of both men, commenolng with JetaCoMDLE Oau«. or. aa he la generally termed. Con Orem. ftiu born In 1830, bi Carroll county, Ohio, and broucht up at ort riulav. In tbe aame Slate, ontll be bad attained to nan'a iblf. Ula father, who waa a blackimllb, brougbt np hla aon itboumo occupation, and Uughtbim how to Secome a eclen- aentallcr, bo belugoneof tbe very Int arllalaln that line 1 Ui own native SUla of Maryland. Having aarred hla Ume Ilka 1iualncu,.bo had acquired anch gi«at pnweaa In the Iraubg art, that he atarted on a toor ibroughout the Waat, Uigleg In malchca everywhere he wont, for from tM lo tSOO a m, geaorally comlag ofi'aacocaaful. Up to thla time, and ever iKt, tbe prcwnt champion of Colorado made It bla doctrlno to nch, laate, or handle not, either aplrltuona or malt llqgora, or <etobacco In onyabape orform. Forthree genarationa bla an- alom buvo, with allgbt excepUons, followed np thla contae of 'e, Ador travolllag five years, be fetob^ up In Denver CltT tbrnido Territory, whore ho abirted In the boalness of a black' lUb, and got along ao well, that In a abort time he was enabled employ quite a numbtr of "Jours," and earned money vorr It. HeipentmoatofhlalelBuraUmolatheBockyMonntoln^ lOalobunting and ahootlng game,living pretty much Ukes latam pioneer, camping ont and roughing It generallr In la way he became quite an expert wllh tbe rifie andbowie lf^ and has had n»ny a band to band confllel wllh Old Dmhi o'a fintregular ring fight waa In the aprin; if 1801, when he It a man called "Texaa," and whipped him easily la two nnda. Prevlona tp thla, la the winter of 1880, he had a aUaht nib wllh Jack O'Nell, who was counted something orafiibfer Id ioon aflw thla alr«et-fnas, a matoh was srranged, but It vras oken off by the deatb of O'NeU, who wm shot. The tands of Orem now began lo look about for aomo plnoky Oow agabiat whom they could pit their favorite. The' ca alter found a cualomer In Enoch Davla, "Bouali ■ecb,"an oU fightor of long experience, who InHmatad that I wik ready to fight their man. Soma llltlo chafilag waa In- ilged la on either alde,aivl two or three earda appeared In e newspapers, wbleb finally led to a mateh for ttOO a aids »eb Davie, an Engllebmon, was quite sn old reoelar, belhs u? Blnolnsbam, In 1819. He llrat entered Ibe ring In IsS! Hb Tony WUkea, fiithtlng aUty nunda In two hoius and «ah mlunles, ending In a draw. Enoob'a first balUo In thla ^J^.Z" ^t*" ^^""^'<><ui^ Ward, New York, ■ Ibe ITtta of Docember, I8W, when, after fighting twentv-two mda, s wrangle took place, and the fight ended is a row ^eTenliiallygetUng tbe money, Davis aleo fought Jamea iveriy, at 81. Loots, In 18ST, oue hundred and two rounds In »bour and nhis nilnutea, which alaoended In a wrangle. S?* <l«««««il' Orem and Davte were to *l oii tbe 2401 of Augnat, 1801, and six weeks provlons, boS •<»»• miles from S^JiSSi'.S?,''" I''»''«.Boad, and aome two thonaand apecte- ,5237h:ti?i •""."•"•'••iged one above another nearh Sf ku^'""",'""*'*"'"- ** balf.paat three o'clock, dIvS S I°Ji"*? f'i- *» reoolved. con L .S5"-X.hL fS?,r'«^!*"' "* Enoch's height waa Oft ^ ??,il!!??n^ l'"^.''^^' ™ «o«n<l<><l by Mblhtoah and m, but the Immense strength of Onun ud thn t<nia. >^ SS%&S2r'iteTuU«SS a of a mateh between Orem and hV?SSd l5^th. .wI |H CbarloT BwJlt, but before m jttori .^"SSh^ arraSiodX ikf .f'"' JS "ho"' bo had onoo aover^'^teb! Me Ibat time. Con has remained quiet, iloadllv nurliiin? Jtow, which to qnlte an oxteoslve one, ™m UteSk It'tatb •hMd iopayavAlt lotbeEaatem SUtoa, eom« f"ror fi« Mlhs S.O. •boring his stey In this cl^.hlTqS^.VtaV'- «ly, inanaassnmlnginanners, andpwpoaseislDgpOT<Si3ap. unco, have gained blm tbo reapeel and eate<!m^finwlth unbebaa been brooght Inio contact, and wblcb bmmhiHn tlbe Uto ?ght Incmased by hte conduct throogh- >*eii OcoiigxoAit, ss his asms onnlaUkably deaol«s.ts an wmao, by birth, having oomo to America when very yooni 1.1.1^1 S'iSi* ^ »«>J.oId,and alanda about 0 It. 0 la. £ lbs, and thUhsscaledihaday gte fighUng. a» te « rainaAablyaturdy,wanbiUU young w». very civil an* nnlet la hla manners: and. Ilka hla opp<v U, snot laloJgM la allhw taloiloaUng iltnon or tobMcoS any form. Dbi first mateh waa with a young fellow with aa un- pronoancahle Dutch lume, for $200 a aide, wboee courage, bow- ever, ooted ont at hie elbows before the day, and a forfeit was the consoqnenco. He waa ant matehed against the clever Ed. Tonhey, of Dry Dock, but the Interference of Ihu bluebottles prevented Ihclr gettlug off to tbe sppolnted fighting ground, so aroomfigbtwas mntiuUy agreed upon. They met ataprlvalo bouse In Cherry street, April IBtb, 1801, and after fighting 40 nonds la 01 mlnstes, the seconds of Tonhey threw up the sponge for him. lOnbey baA' by far tlie best selonce, nailing his opponent heavily on Iho face arnry time be mabed In, but Owney's supsrlority of wrestling gained him the victory, aa ho eoDid throw Toubey every round with violence on the loor.and lbs KpeatedheavyfaUaatlaat bid their effect Ihanllrely weakening blm. BInoe that time, although he baa repealedly chaUenged other pnglllals in tbo cl^. yet In consequence of not being able to eonie to terms, hft baa been nnabte to get on a nalcb until the pruent time. _ Tlie pfice aeleeled Cor the fight was a anot near Oboese Creek, Illddlesei County, N. J., about three inllea from Boulb Amboy. Tbe Bleamtng John Tracy waa cbartxrcd by Harry BU), of the Honiton SIreetEicbange, to conn? a select and limited number of geatlemen to Iho place; It being given ont that a flahlng ex- cursion was the nonunal object of the trip, at 13 a head for the Journey. The rendezvoua waa the Oltynatel,ln Jersey City, and by 2 o'clock, A. M., after a smart obaae by Ibe blue bolUee, wo foiud onraclveaon board with aome fifty others, tbe minority belonging to the upper atrata of society. After a long ana todi- ooa voyage we found ourselves oinaslte the appointed spot, but unfottunstely tbe tag bad run onraand-bar, and the paaaengets were obliged to Und la small bonte; a proceee which ocoupled sometime. On landing we met Sam Davte and Dan Kerrigan, who Informed ua that the fight bad notoommenoed, norvraa tnoro any prospeet of Ite coming off, aa the Sheriff waa preaent, and had read the alatnte lawa of Now Jersey against piue fiahllog, warning all pr«aent--and especially the principals—of tas oon< aequences that wonld inerltebly follow If Ue fight waa persisted in. Oram was.wttllng lo go to snolher spot, but Oeogbegan was determlnedtofightthen and there. Theaberiff, Indeed, bad ar- realod Dan Kerrigan, who waa one of Orem'a trainers snd sso- ouas,sadthe Utter only escaped by giving him tbo allp, and plunging lato the thick wcoda aronud. Arriving at the spot we found about a thonaand people aaaem. bled, the rougbeat crowd, without exception, we ever wllneMcd, Oram wu ellUng alone, cool and coUeoted, and apparsstly friendless in tbe ring, his seconds having deaerted him, asd bis frienda. If he had any, evidently too much afraid of the lawless characlars present, to msslfeet openly their sympslhy aad fealluis. Elere oconrred tbe dlfflonlty of getUag aeooada for Orem, aa none were willing to act forhbn. At laat Kit Duma waa named, aad althoagh be openly doolared that he bad money hot on OeogbMan, Orem eapreased bla perfect wlUlngneas lo ao- cept bU aervnss. The other second wu found to Iteddy, who boldly volunteered bla sId, so that Orem might have a fair ahow. And now a second difficulty arose In a choice of a referee; Jim Irving, Harry Hill, and tbe reproaenteUvo of some aowspaper lielns all named, but all rcfnecd to act. At laat a penon named Charley Uoore, whom few knew, and wbo was ovldently pro- foundly Ignorant of the rulaa of the ring, orattheleailhad atroDg partisan feelings, either volunteered or waa cboaen to fill the olflce. Nick Smith aad Cllprar acted aa Owoey'e seconds. Tbe colors of Orem wore bine ellk, with white spot and white b'trder; Oeogbegau'a were green with red border, and embroider- ed harp Is each corner. At tweaty-five mlautea paat seven o'clock A. H., time was called, and the men advanced to the torateb, and ahook bands, the Colorado Champion being greeted with the flltbleat epitheto and hooUnga by the bmlal crowd outside, white Oeogbegan waa warmly cheered. It waa clearly evidsst tliat the fight could only have one termlaatlon, from tbe feeling nusUcated by the Bob. Bound 1. As they alood facing each other, Orcm'e snperior height and aize waa evident; hla form la.splendidly developed, the muscles being very nromlaenl. He was not bi that fine con- dition that be ought to have been. In conaequeace of the ehort time allowed for preparallon. Hla opponent, wbo had been an- ticipating a match, waa In Dir belter trim. In feel, he waa In the perfection of ooniltlOD. Tbe poaltlon of both waa excellent and artlaUo In the hlgheat degree. Conworobuckaklnbrwches, with a red ater worked in each upper comer, white boae. and the orthodox fighting ahocs. Owney had on white flannel knee- broeobca, and white hose. After some little sparring for an opening, Owney daabod In hte laft fair on the cheek. Con countering him well on the ribs. Oeogbegan InmiedUtely dropped before coming to s close, snd an appeu was made lo the referee, that be had cone down without a blow, but the order waa to "fight on." Tremendous cheering from tho Owenltes. a. aeogbegan again opened the ball by getting home with the left on the dial, but receiving a warm one on tbe body, and drop- ping lumedtelely. Loud cheers from hte party, and offers to bet SOO to (20 on his winning. 3. Both anawered tbe call of time promptly, and came np amlllng to Ibe acrateb. They counlared together, Orem plant- ing a terrific hit on the body, knocking hla opponent nearly Ihronahtberopos. First knock down for Colorsdo. 4. No lime Waa loot la getting to work, both nca going at II with a will. Orem getting taomeheavUy on tbe rite, and Osoghe- San returning on tbe dial, drawing first blood, and winning the rst event. In lbs atmggle fOr tbe tail, Oeogbegan waa thrown. 0. Both aparred aome time for an opening. Owny acoused Oram of bavtog some substance in hte baud, and the latter leav- teg blmaelf unguarded, received a bet 'on oa the noaa, which lumed on the tep freely, and then Oeoghrgan dropped immedi- ately to avoid a retnm. Trcmendoiu obeenng from Oeogbegan'a friends. A. As Orom came to the aoratob, he waa greeted wllh derlalve lasgbter, and yella of "Look at the fellow's ncse," "Ba.can't fight," etc. Orem bore the teunte aOsatly, deigning ao mply, bat hte determteed oipreaslon of eonatenaacs ahowed that he meant mischief. Oeogbegan led off on tb« face, aad Jumped away to avoid a retnm; but Orem followed him up, anddeUv- ered a tarrlflo right-hander oa the rlbe, which floored him like a shot. 7. At the commencemont of this ronnd, Googhegan was goDty of an act which wUl ever reflect the deepeat dugraee on hUn aa a boxer, and which no anbsequ^t condort on hla part can ever wipe out. On coming to Ibe acrateb, bo dellberalelyapat la hte opponent'a face. He led off, but waa abort, and some smart ex- changee followed: In the ellnch, Orem wont doim undemeath^ Great cheering for aeogtaegan. 8. Oeogbegan led off on tbe ribs wllh bis left, getting tbe right home heavily on. the left eye, and then dropped to avoid. Hte friende wet« In ecatades, and most tnmultuona In thete stw plause, aa Owney bad decidedly the best of tbe roand. 0. Orem waited nntelly nutU Oeogbegan approached the ecrsteb, when, with a terrific right-hander, be aent him down like a log to hte own comer, and walked uncoaoemedly away. 10. Tble waa a well fought round, the exchaogea belag hot aad heavy; the Colorado boyhad decidedly the beat of ItTaa hte de- Uverlca on the body were fearfoUy heavy. Oeogbegan, to avoid poatebmont, dropped wllhoot a blow, and altbongh an appeal waa made, tho referee, as on every previous occaalon, refbiod to listen to 11, although he warned Oeogbegan to be more carefnl. Vtae conduct of the oatelders at this time waa dlsgracafnlln the hlgheat degree, and It waa evident that the attasger wonld not be allowed to vrtn, eves If, as many eeemod to bulere, he waa able to do ao. The laaue waa predetennteed. 11. Oeogbegan'a left eye exhibited nnmlstskaUo avldenoea of Orem'a vteltanona. Some tUne waa apeni in apairlng, to gain ■ little wind: Orem remarking, "Ihere'a no nae belngln a htirry we have all the day bafbra na." Ownay replied, "Unleaa we do different to tbte, we shall fight luUI dark." The expreealona of the one-aided crowd were dlagracefol and derlalve, and by no meana calculated to have an Inspiriting effect on the Colorado alranger, but he aeemed to treat them with the contempt they deeorved. Oeogeghan led off wllh atlogteg aeverily on the duf, reoelvlog a teriUo counter on the ribe, and then immediately dropped. I'i. Orem, aa he came npat tbe call of "time," smiled pteaiantly and patthig tho aide or hte noae, he remarked to tale oppo- nent, "ThletethepUceyonabouldblL" aeogbegan apparently followed hla advice, for be got In a atlngcr on tbe left eye, but Con countered with severity, and In the clinch hte anperior wreetllng ablllUca enabled blm to throw hte aalagoatei: 18. Oeoahtgaa waa qolck In leading off, getting In a heavy riRbt-handeron thenoeO, but napping It holly on theribain return. Ho tried again, and plaated two naaty hlte on the chest and (hroal,and tbeawant down without a blow. Another ap- peal, not allowed, but Oeogbegan again vraraed. 14. Long time spent In feinting, when at laat Oram planked heavily on tho body, oloeed, and threw Oeogbegan easllT. 19. Oram, who bad taken tbe lead In the lait few ronnda. knodied hte man otean down by a toemendous right-bsndor on tbe body, and walked qntelly to hte oomar. Oeoghegan'a Menda in high conatenatfon. 10- Both ready at the caU of time; aome sparring, which aeemed to tire Orom, u he put down hte haada and began uhlatllng. Oeoghegan aelsed laaratUer on the dial, and dropped like a ahoc. Appoallng waa naeleaa. Benovred cheering ftom Owney'a party, who tried byTvCry con- ceivable expreaalon to Intimidate Orem. 18. Again was there conildeiable time spent tai sparring, nntll at laat both got tired of It, and led off together, Orem fcnocklnR bla man down, and hltthig him a eecond time Jaat aa he toacbeS tbeground. Immediately aa appeal of "foul, foul I" aroae from a thouaand Ihroate, but the referee, although he allowed tbe claim waa well founded, decided that the fight nuit proceed; Oeoahe- lan bad ao repeatedly donewmng.hy {oing down without a ilow, that ho wonld overlook thie act of Oreu'e, He. however. oauUoned blm agelnat Ite repetition. ' 10 and laaL Seme good eiobaogea commenced tlila round, Orem, by a well delivered hit, aenilTng Oecghegan down, hItUna him a second lime <n IV> ad of falling. Tlien eneued a aoene of tho meet Indescribable'coofuslon, the Oeogbegan party yelling "foull" In the wlldtat manner, asd aorroundlsg the refene, d^ mauded a dcFlalon In hte favor. Ptetob were drawn, and one eioltsd follow, preatnting a revolver at tbe referoe'e head, awore that heahould decree "fbnl" Amidst tho threala, nolae. and uproar, tlie referee decided that Orem had alrack Ibul. and loot tbe fight, which bad laated exactly 33 minutes. TbDsondod, in tbe most nnutlslaototy manner, thte fight, which It bad beea confidenlly anticipated would have proved one of iho beat wv have had for a long time In the American Prlxe Blag. While It wonld be manlfeally nsjnat to hold Oeoghegban ■reaponslNe fbr tho disgraoefnl and ontrage<aacohdnetof the apectators, though they wei« bla own paillaans, hte own oondnct la the fights tad sapedaUf la lb* isTraUi nnmd, whta to spU la bla adveraary'a face, baa not tended toIncreaao greatly lila repii. tellon aa a pngfllaL Though he te nndonbledly a good, game fiafaler and noavy hitler, poaacaaing no mean aclenco, the ayatom of dropping wllbont a blow, avldenlli for Ibe purpeao of winning tho flgnt by a foul, which bo adopted, waa one which did not ro. fleet any credit apon him, and which, with a bir, UsparUal referee, would have lost blm lha battle men than once. Of Con Orem we can only aay that he proved himaelf aa game a nun aa ever entered the ringi a fine, fair, two-handed Ighlor, with extraordinary wreatUng libllltlea, and remarkably tlnlok on bla feet It reqnired no ordinary amount of moral as well as pbyalcal courage for a atranger like blmtoestorlherieglntbe 2ica of such malignant hostlllly u the vinslnoua crowd around ths ring nanlfeatad towaH* blm, but througbont ho lUspteyed thegreataat coolneea aitd command of temper. HIasnperiority, na a boxer, to Oeogbegan, waa aoksowledaed by every one wbo saw tbe fight, while hte solf.possealoB saif geallemanly oondnct, prior to, snd during the fight, moated a general propoaseaalon In hte favor. Bstnralng home, brtween twenlr.and thirty of the spectetois were arreaud atthe Amboy Depot, while tho etram tug John Tracy waa taken at the Quarantine Landing, Suten island. Forluaately fbr them, many of tbe passengers had gone on ahore to procure reikeahmente, and thna narrowly escaped caplnie. The olheti wen tuonght to tbe city, and kept In doianco Ttle for 48 bonra before they were relaaaedu On Ftlday morning, Ibe referee, Ohariea Uoore and Qoogbe- gan called upon tho atekebolder for tbe atskas, which iren hand' ed oreri the reteree handing In the tellowteg deobdon :— New YosK, UayKd. I, Charlea Uboro, appoialad retiree la Ibe fight between Owes Oeogbaiian and Con Orem, that came off In MewJeneyon the Itth laat, decide that Owen Oeoghegas iron Ihe flghl, llilrly and hononbly. No pUtete or asylblsg to Intimidate na wen uaed on that day. Ciunun Uoore. Several cards have sues been pnbllabcd from the two prlnd. pals. IhellratttomOnm, waaaatoUows:— Niw YoM, May 21. I vHll fight Owney oeogbegan In one week'e time for II ,000, or In fom months tor ftom fl,000 to 10,000. If bewUlcoaetomy country, X will cheerfnlly pay all expenaea and guannta h(m a fair lAcK, whlfihte men than he dldfornu after all htenrOmlaea. J. C. 0»MM, Te thte Oeoghegaa repUts la the followlog terms:— New Yoni, Kay 22. I benby agree to fight Con Oram In a room at three days notice, for tSOO each, to nave two men and a friend of eaob to agree on a room, and will Ogbt blm bteownalyle. Or I will fight him for tOOO at catch weight In five or alx weeks, or for (l.OOOaaldelafonrmontha, ItoboonlylSOIba., to Orem'a 140 Iba. OwnxT OxootuoAM. Nothing deflolto haa yet been arranged, but Orem called upon na yesteroay to'aay that bo la ready and willing to fight Oeogbe. gan in a room, oronthedeckofa ateamboal, fbr $900 a aide, or be will fight him in ihe Stete of Uaiyland for any asm tcon tSOO a aide or npwarda, in one week tnm the date of depoalL A new cnatomer for Oeoghegan haa apmng up in the penon of Hugh UcLean, who haa challenged to fight him at 138 lb., for 11,000 a aide, la two montha from the flnt depoelL Oeoghegan having n^ed to thte In niher a conlemptnona w»y, by aay- Ing thal."anolher aspirant for flq||o honors haa anddenly broke hlaahell," and that qe,aa ho cannot fight twomenatonatlm^ ^rtU match a man to fight him at three daya' notice, for fVn or 1800 a aids," McLeanlhas sent us Ihe following reply for pub- HcaUoa:- : Ntw ToBi, May Ulh. 1803. Ua. FlaanQnzn:—A'r; lapemelags Bundsypsper, Isswa alatement from Owen Oeogheabnn, to tbe effect that I "Jaat brake ont of Ibe ahelL" Now, I wish to atate to Oeogbegban and %te frienda that If ao, they may remember that, at the bonae of Australian Kelly kept iaNewBowery.Ocogbegbaa was one olght talking fight, aad I offered to fight him for (300, in one or three weeka; brlf he waa not sattefied wllh that, I would fight hhn for a boltte of vrine In Ur^Kally'a back room; be did not accept my cballesge. Now Ur. Oeogbegban aaye that he can't fight two men, but that he haa a man ibat will fight me In three daya. I wlah to aay Ibat I challenged Mr. Oeogbegban hUnsolf and no. bodyelae,aadanywaythathewiahea to fightlwlll accommo- date him, for (1000 a aide; I will fight him in one week for tOOO a aide, at oatobwagbt; or in twenty-fonrhoun notice for Iho aame sum. Therefore, it Mr. Oeogbegban meana fluting and not talking, let him ellhvpnt up or ahnjhip. Uy money u ready al Tbomaa R. Began'a, Borne Bhadea, IN Cherry etreoL Yonre reaptcttnOy, Hoann UoLtas, By the lime of our next uane, l( te probable that aome a- rangemente for a mateh between one or other of the above parties, will have been made. The OoBtniH un> Euinr Ohillzroe.— Tho sitalghiforwtrd, baslness.llke character of the champlon'a ohallenge, pnbUabcit In laat week'a Curpu, backed,aa Itwas, by adepoall of (SCO In our handa as an earnest of hte Intentions, bad Ite One effect In one quarter, Elliott having pnbltehed a tetter la which he de- clared that he vrithdnw bla challenge to the chaffl]jHon. He, howover, offered to fight Dnno, Bradley, or Harry Burgess, for (1,000 a aide. Hte former oonqnoror, Dunn, immediately ve- aponded, aad offered to fight blm for the amouat named, but np to the time of wriUag, we have heard nothing of a maloh belag made. , ' .' DunorJiMHooBis.—Tbte wen known sporting character te no more, bavlag died, after a aliprt alokneea, on tho S4lb InaL He waa ahnys a alaunch backer ofjoe Cobura throoghout hte career, and was in hte comer of the ring at the recent fight at Oharleatown, Md. It waa at hte hoaae,' "Tbe Dock Cottage," on the Bloomlngdale road, that John O. Heesan trained for bte gnat fight with Uorrloey for the champlonahlp of Amerlu, andbewasat'therlng aide when bte friend, tbo BenlcfaBoy; fought %>m Bayon tor the ohamplonablp of the world, at the balila of Fambonngb. He waa 97 yean of age at the time of hte death. Peace to hte aabea. FioBT IN TBE FouBTH WAja>.—Two yolmg pDjn, belonging to thte ward, named McCabe and Diver, had a Utile mill on tho 22dlnet. They fought elgbt reunda la twenty mteulaa, wbes they wen IntufetcdwHh, and they parted to meet again at an early day, UiTOB Orr.—The fight between UlkeDoney and Pnnob la oO; tho former having received forbit of the (10 down; Punch's friends, in the present state of again, not being dealrenaof en- gaging In any more priie fighte. UiTOHED.—Frank McCaba snd Johnny Doney, fa bnlhorof Mlke'a,) are matehed to fight at catch weight, for (3M aaldo, the laat week la Jime. Joe OoBon te In Philadelphia, where he te to appear in the Tom Cribb eoene ftom "Tom and Jcnr," atFox'a Caaino, on tbe 20lh and 271h laaL Be te to be laoed by CapL lUchaal Norton. Boon UoLuH's OmiinraB to Owxii OiooBEain,—New York, May 33d, '03.-1 wlah to ateto to Owen Oeoghegan and lila frienda that I will fight blm tor one thouaand dollmaalde, at 138 Ibe.. or catch weight, la two mostha from tbo first deposik If Oeogbegan meana iTgbllna, and not paper talk, I will be very happy to meet him or any of hte frienile, at Thomaa B. Began's, 100 Cherry alrcet. Borne Bbadea, wliero they will alwaya find my money ready; or at anvaportlug house that Oeoghegan may think proper to put npihearat deposit. BuanMoLEaii, A OBuaoE Fon aisr Wabsds The undersigned, having teamed that then te a boy In tho 21at Ward wtehlng to flght for money, takes thte method of challonglag any boy In the aald Ward, to fight him for |00 or (100 a aide. Aay one wtehlng lo amhrsoe thte opportunity, will pleass csll on James Cnrly, at Charles KlcmanV 180 East SOth abeet. Weight, 110 Iba. New York, May 2S, '03. Tbohu auuoa. A MiTcn im Foarzir.—PlUaburgb, Kay 29, I8<3.—Fnmn> Quien: Daring the paat few daya the "snorte" of thte dly have been anally olaled In consequence or a match having been made between Jobnnv Mackry and Pat WUliania, of UUa city, to fight for (1,000, the nantar havisg been thrown down by WU- Items, and promptly lakea up by- Mackay. Forty doUan were But np to bind tho match, but later in the day WUltema came to 10 conclualon that bo bid better forfeit, aa ho waa then an applicant for alloenee, and If bo abould engage In an iffalr of Ihli kind bte anpllcallon would bo retuaed. Thus Iho matter stands at pressst, but itte hoped it wUInot rcet here, tor a match between two taeh mm wonld catue no llttte excitement among tbe baoy. I have learned that Mackey Intende giving back Ibe forfeit, which ia veiT liberal Indeed. Should anything now' transpire in rateUcn to Ihe match, I win let yoti know. BroBi. TnsBlranaiiui'a nALL,JobBST Mackey's, InPlttebnnib. oi Balniday night, 2Sd, waa attended by about three huidrod persons, tho sparring on that occkalon being ths boat of the aeaaon; Ibe men. In aU caaes, having been irell mated. Tbe boya are Imptoying npldly, and It te expected, before long, that nttebnrgb wiU have a terse number of Int-claaa ipanen Johnny, aince htevialtto New York, haa made a decided Im- Erovcmcnt in hla already weU-dcconted saloon and-fnarrlug all, bavlag made a terse ponbaae of aportlag plctoroa whUoin your city. Johnny la dfing a big "blx.'' McCoou Aa TiEwsn ni TkmnaaEBAjia.—Ifamphte, Tenn,, May 18tb, IOCS.—BniTon Olippkr- Tbe Cuiteb, givteg au accu. rate account of Ihe chanptonehlp fight between Ucbutn and He- Coote, came to hand in good aeaaon. I need not toll you that It waa songhtforbyaUolsssts, McCoola was well known here, and had a terao cirilo of friende, wtaoUionght that ho could whin the boat man In America, quite a krga amount of money was alJiked upon McCode, while Oobum had any qnaullty of back- en, who took all bete.. Since the flgbt, tho McOoolcn have aome to the conelatlon, that the blggeet man don't alwayt win. H.d.^, Oor Baok.— Johnny Aann, who went te Woonaockel, B. I.. to tisiln Banoy Fartey, fbr hte flght wllh lltaley, baa re- turned 10 Now York. After beteg wllh Farley two wceka. one of the tetter'a backera Informed Johnny Ibat Ihe expenaoa vrere ao heavy, the other bkcken declined to go on with tho oalch. On that aame day, Aann alrippod the lad, and weighed blm, when bema fpuuilto be within a balt pound of his fighting woluhl, whUe hie condition waa good, It la regretted that Farley'a backon went back on the boy, after (70 a aide tiad been put up. The bOT waa and te verr aoiloos for a meeting, but aa he te now wlthoul backon, be wlU have to bide hla Umik ^*"^Jp***t-—lol>naj Bealy, of Woraeator, Mass., who J»«e»!«h«d to fight Damay Fartey, roMlrad forfait of(l9,ca Ihe IBIh InaL, Arley not coming np with the balaaoe of Ihe Itsks. Betlcyha«iBotheiBiitehoshud,w«t«ar, A WA8IIIN0T0N OANAIID. Tom llTEa axo Jos codvbh Matobkd. In the llrrold cf Snnday, tbe 34lh Inat., appeared Ihe foIlowlBa > telegnpklo Intelligence from Waablngtnn:— . . "WiaBisoron,May2»,18«». A match baa bean agreed upon between Ton Uyer and Jo* Oobura, for ten thouaand doUan a aide, to come off wilhln alK nonlks, one thonaand doUan forfeit, part of which iaalreadr daposlted, and the halaaco te to be pot no oa Monday." We do not know the anlhorl^ npon which ths above ansotmes* ntant waa made, bat we do feel confident that thwe te not a nar- Ucteoftralhinit Both oftheparUeamenUonedwen teWub- ingtoa, bnt any one who kaoira the iaflrm sUte of hetlth whlcli the ei.Ohamplon has tebond under for a long time pait, moil he that hie ever again entering Ibe ring la a moat pnpoato one Uea, and utterly Improbable. He te now In Ihe forty-anti y«ar of hte age, and hla coniUtatton te Immedtebly imptlndby v,**'*? anaeka of cbroole rhenmatlim to which be baa bceo SQbJeeled. It Is qnltepnbible that some one, with more monw au bralBi, knowbig of his prescnco in the elty, and being in • t?* "LS^}^ Plennsj" nay have offered, without aay anlhor- icy or noineOge from Mm, to make each a match, aad nay even have ateked ajbrfelt; bnt we feel moraOy certetn IhaT It win never go any further. It te another Waahlngton canard that the daUy preaa ao frequently get bold of snd pnblteb. iHsuir OLms axs tbdii ITsis.—Wo are gtad to loam that tho Indian Cluhle that eomteg Into publte favor aa a maaas of sier- clse,oondaclBg,aaltdoes,toagenerildevelopmentaadstragth- enlagof the physlul syslrai. Mr. 8. D. Bihoe, tht principal masulketurer of Indian anha In thte cosntiy, te now tn the re- ceipt of ordan ftom aU KcUone,andbe te mnnglbamnpaa rapidly aa poaalble. Mr. Kehoe made lha dubs wUcb Cobnm exerolsed with whUe training for bte late flght with McCoote. and which were so highly spoken of by ths cSamplon. Order* addrtaaed to 8. D. Eeboe, Bovere Bonie, New York, or Poet Of> fios, N. Y., will recolvo Inunedtete attention. LiTru BiixT OuMXM expeote to lelnra to New York, treat San Frandaoo, by the next ateamer, WooHsociR Bbabs FUw.— J. JeillB iriO flght BinyOraat' at 12S lb., for tnm (100 to ICOO: aa be says. The ntteb can be midoaa aooa aa Orant signlHas hte wUMngnssa to come toUme. ^itE FIobt itBALTmoac Bnoan Dr.—On Wodaeeday night, loK insL, Uant. Wright received Infomatlon thai two men, ndmed nomas Colton and U. O. Sooner, had made arrange- mente tor a prixe floht to detarmlne who ahonld be champion of North Baltimore, Hd, The flght waa to have come off at 8 o'clock In the violnlty of Oreeuwood, on the Belalr road. The Lleutenint auoeeeded in amstlng bolhof tbe combitanta, who were takon to the Middle Police Btellon. Colton WW released and Boonay eommlltod to JaU by Jnatlce Blaa: BAjincT Fbaih, who figured In the pugilistic circles hereabout some taw yean ago, la now settled In Bamllton, O. W., although he doea not refiafnlVom attending a mill whenever the cppor- tonlty preacnte llaelt. MoxcT Oraot Vt ^Tho bittle money In the recent fight be- tween Dunn and Elltett, waa gtvsn np to the backer of tbe fomer on the Itth Ina I. Oaid.— Aa then seema to be no prospect of a fight betweea Dnaa and Elliott, I am willing to Dgbtdllier one offbom for one thousand doUan aalde..* leas bo found at Hannon'aalore, cor* nor of EUiabetb aad Bayard atnete. 'If light aad not newspsper notoriety te what they want, they caa call at tho above place and see lae. Joini Mead. A mOlIT IVITB THE BOXEBS. TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT TO CON. OBBK. We an glad to lean that a anmber of gentlemea have lakes meaanrea to give ■ grand oxbHilUonottheartot aelfHlefenee, for the benflt of Con. Orem, who behaved himself so coungeootly andgood-bumoredly, Intbe fkcaof the moat dtecoiiraging dr- cnmatanoea, la hte ute battle with Oeoghegan. a report of which contest wiU be found to thte nnnbor of the Oupteb, The fol- lowing te a copy of lha announcement:— OOME ONE, COME ALL. A Oeaerona Welcome to the Truly Bnve I THS Hsioio sniAjioEn'a jusr iiewabo. Orand Compllmentery Sparring Deaeflt to JOHN OON OREM, Iho Colorado Obamplon, At the OI^Aaaembly Booma, 440 Broidway, On Wednesday Eveslsg, May 27, Ituugnrated nndei tho lipmedteto auspices of the foUowteg Comnitlce'.— C. V. Ottlgnon, John MoDoaald, Ixjy laians, P. J. Hanbuiy, Barry Hill. J. D. Btonu. Who propose to constitute the occaalon one of anrpaaslng la* totest to the sporltog itatenlty generally, regarding it, oa thsy do, tho Jiut tiibote to a tmly brave. and courageona out brataUy need man. The leading Profeaalnnilk of the cUy win counlonanca Ihe movement by their pmadce and penonal efforte to give Interest to tbe scene. Besides these, several dteUngntebedPuglUslitNm abroad, will contribute their fnU quota to the general amnse* ment and ciJoymenL llcketeSOcente. BescrvedSeated. For sale at all Ihe Sporting Honaea and at Ihe door on lbs above oranlng. Doon open at 7, Sparring at 8 o'clock. • S B. DATu), Director of Prcgramme. Bhenli the weather be at all anrpldous, we predict a cnwdad aaaemhlaga to do honor to the occaalon, and ahow by their pres. ence that trae coungs and manly bearing i(in evar meet with tbe support aad good wiU of aU gennlne loven of telr aad aqnore sportlngmatten. Oram tea alTuqas among ua, a gQl«t,ma». snniteg man, MoM isoffenalve charaoler aaeais to nave been taken advantage of by aome of ths rougher sort, both In Mew York aad Waahlagton; for la Ihe tetter dtysomstima a(o,hs was ebamenilly defrauded out of the money In a wrestling mateh which he moot nnmlstekably won. Let onr ftlends iinlt* la giving tbo atranger a New York welcoms,-bT atlandlng hte beneOt exhibition, at Oily Aasembly nooms, Broadway, oa Wednesday evening. May 27lh. We hope the ananen In New York,Brooklyn, and elaewhere, wlU be on hand u> aaUst in nuk.' log tho eatertolnmeat a credlteble display. BPAttsiHo IN Bbooxltk.— A very fine exbibltten of ths art of adr-dofonce waa given In the baU known aa Buitte' Tailsttes, Brooklyn, on Monday evening, IBth Inst, tor ths benefit of Id. Lowery. There \ru a very luge attandince of specteton,whlls tbe sparring waa of anch a ohanetor aa to give groat aoltefictlon to aU preaent Our'oldfrland Tovee offlctetao, as tisna^ and paired the boxen In the following order:—Young Dwyer and Thomas, Cannon aad Lowery'a brolhar, Nolaa and J. If eOailtsT, who made a first-rate dlnUy: Ed. Megoalgte ^ Charley Walk, er, who abo made a good aM.|a; Lynch asd IIarklas,IIlkeOlaii- oy and brother, who gave each other some very tough tokens of brotherly affection: All Walker and Mike DonneDy, very clever Indeed, one of the beet aeta-to of the evenlngi than appeared J. Dunn and PblL Clare, who wen received wlih tremendons sp. BlAuae; PhlL te ss good aa over he wu; T, MeaUm and Hallaby | CcOnlh and Young Whitehead Bob. Tbte waa followed by the wiDd-np betweea Ed. Lowery aad BUy Dwyer; It waa a regular punching affklr, then being flvaweD contested roiuds fhught, each mas glvtog and receiving, without fllscblng. Tbe eihlbl. lion was a complete sncceas every way, and waa one of Ihe noet orderly we ever attended. ' FACTS FOR SOLDIERS.—Throughout tbe Indian and Orimeaa Campaigns, the only medldnes which prarsd Ihemoelvea able to cure the worst oaaea of Dysentery, Bonrvy and Feror, wen HOLLOWAY'B PILU AND OINTHiEIIT. ^ere- fore lit every Volunteer a«s that hate supplied with them. Oaly ISceutoperpotorbox. jag THE YODNO AMERICA PACKAGE, conl&t«tDff three Secnte of great value lo BporUog Men, and iplendld Card Ficlure ftom life. Price, lo cente. AdOraas . -U> F. WENDELL, P. 0. Box iTS. Worceater, HOW TO EVADE THE DRAIT.—Ltom IbolDfalU- ble method by tnoloalng (1 to P. O. Box 101, Chlngo, Illlnote. 7.2t" -• THE PHOTOTDPANSICVIEWS.-Ilare Cciiib lor Qenllemon. Price, DC ccnte each, or three for (L A Ln^BAXDucocMTTOTBS TSadf. Addi«as Ml* n. M. OEOROB, Box 1012, Boaton, Usts. GAIIE EGGSI-OAUE EGGSI-IcftnAimlshtoolI wbO'Wteb, treihEggs, for selling. Item aU Ihe American and Imported varletlce of Came Fowla at low figarea. Addma JAMES Y. FULTOM, Mt« Bammonavllle, Fallon Co., N. T. BOOKS, CARDS, &c—bejitLbr nxCIicnlar, cnoioslnc alemps, Address 0. B. HASlUaOX BaxlOU,P.O., ' Sl-Sm* , Boston. Unas. ABTEREOSCOPE AND TWELVE FANOY OOLOBED COMPLETE IN A NEAT 0A8E. VEBY Dl Sent by mall for tO cente^ jUdreas BLB. FaED PARSELLS k DROTBED, Box 2080 P. O., Mew York Cliy. BOOKS.' PRINTS, CARDS, iC-Send Uit my circu- lar. Nofrandpraellaed. JOHN ATCHISON, "Ha* 93 Duaao atnel. New Yoik. TUB YANKEE FIRM la onco more rcndy fn furulfb "OajrBoya,''with "Oay ThiDge," New nooks, Nov Books- Send stebp for OaUlogiie. Dealers all. semi your cIrctiUra lo as. te eichasge for onn, Addrees WlLBINe k CO, LodI, Mich. MIOHOSCOPIO VIEWS of Gcncrdg McClclInn, .1^2'"' ,7"??' "I'toler, Fremont, DuUor.ta.*r' ■ urge cpUocUon of Pasey Vlows, eel is Bolt Open Obits ■Ifoacbj^Sfor'gs." Bent to yrtco I7 V> COPBXNAXFCO,, Msw Xetib >penC_ any adilnia oancelutttf ;.fie