New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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IttUinomiiat " B«nie''tlina ftgo tonousctintnt vM' oitA* ibiX % nidei 0/ SothlDB p»rUoiil»rlyil»rtUiigopftMh bu ™i«Bl«<> ]" roprtltton. AU purtloDUn, u the atbli piogisuu, iriU. u t [jdntd^bir aniTrllocdrant, XbeKtIi6npnce«dedtogetti«x|^, y^j^ ^t,^ f,elgg upwards of fiva ttiotuand periMoi t thaMorth."- «B&Ii*4ii'aYetlo*tal8htof thoinfor»inom«nt,lmtfoIlowea|PrM«n», . - i- 1 — rr^—r - iitadthllT. A1Iiit,bTt<klii«»roniid-jib<ratpaUi.hein«ii-l{heaountTy. BoneaanaTebloIuottUUndiwenttapieim^ 1 ^^^^^,^,,,1,^ to get twIoM them, md,conoeilad blmaalt beUnd Jk damp | n^jy eTeirtbliii Is the ahspe *f bone-fleah being. eiigi8M|2]„,jf ^ogj^tli,ga I wlBh to etite, both to 700 and the ptibllo, that U vai not my la- I t^nllon to biek down tnm «htt I pnposed, but Boeing myieU' . Tha'ioren soon tpptoediedt and aeated themielTei on fa«e oIoM to the pUo« where AveriU waa conoealed. ' ' He'wAohed and Ualened.—[To be oontlnned. .- Tas 'Bionfa SzABOM.—It li deeply gratUi^lsg to note the lm> enrrounded by ao many, at best, doabifol obaiaeters, I thoQght roremaaiieihlbttcd In racing this season oyer that otlaat year. I It best to (ot oat^the easiest my possible. _ I had reason to be-. Xlrcsdy iwb meetings have been held, one at TameaboTg, and I I lieve that I had dlsodvered the money ot the opposlta rarty tO' be, muab of It, bogus, while mine, whloh I piapoaed rlsUog «n • ■ ■' .flATUBDAT, JUNE 6, ■ISBC ieveraldays tnadvanea. In another partottUa Issneof theL^^gy,^'j|(fgt^gn,]l, j,,udoQlMUio<Maston*jweaT6happy Dnnn^ you will'allow, snffloleut OurpKB.onr reporter giTSS an aooonnt of the trot, and InoldentaK^^^ a'satla^tory retnlt has beenattalned—satlafulorT cause for booking out. It ever the men enter therlag again,! I therewith connected. Our pnipose. In writing this artlde, 1. to' ^ jt^a, p„i,uo and to the projeolci. if those meetings. At ^ »"» »«" '"^ "•■f' """"j" \ iiake mention of the,chaTaoter of the i^^ L^^ a mist d«Jded "coess, I .^J" J^^//^?^^^ to comment on the eipressed opinion or many uai ue ivuu.iu pg^fog^ijij oh j otherwise. The meeting wts under the manege- Hon," and described by the OiJPl>sn's reporter of the Dnsn and the trot bed been determined before thehorses •n»«i«4PP»'>Lient <rf an": ssjoclitloii of genUenien ofknown reapecUbmiy Bmottflgbt,maTflnaithlBbMtand6ajdes^ If the apparent stn-ggl.. It appears that Ince the «^»»<«^^^^^ «.d totegHlt, in whom the public could place etery confidence, i^i'^J"'e^H^S^SST" ' • * ^K. iT^' AMBWUU T>0 COBBBSFOHDBinFB. ; was flist made of the match. Patohen WM the fatoHte w t^^ vommLt TiiM Baoi 10 the Boinnin BoT.-BUly iHi-r* SnnuDB, K". J. Vols., Washington, T>. i},~l. Your paper I betting, and so contlimed, we beUove, nntu a day or two neiore ^ 'Ungle'Instance been mlsplooed. Ererjthlng was con- colled upon us on Moy 86, and said ho wonld aooede to the tema tsMtfkdto'TMiraddNssnff' ' - . '^.~> .- a« tdome rests only with the agf «nraiIn|(,I[bT. '18, isse, idued In Sew Terk and I , „— —, -, -..iv, - ^S«"«p«oiilatk)nby Bsnty 0. Jonett who cleared abontt800|,]„rp,iieswhohsdpreTtonslyTontnr«dtbelrmoneyonFatcheii, u^j ^ dlsastzoua failure attended them. Thus fSr this Boy In his ohallenaeflied the amount at SlOO.'OTufunrdi, It Is t» ?#.1lMmn;''The eompsnyployed apiece at the Bowety.Mew ' ^. • .nx .„ti«n,.T. >>« P'«*™°lcd that toe flnonolal part will proTe no obstacle to a sk. and starlet ai 7.10 fiom foot of Courtlandt street; left now"0"8W«^«7<'I'P^*^ OTerboard, and B»tl<»ncn nutoh. A preliminary deposit, iSa articles sent to thpOLima .^eney aty 7.n, Psssea Kework, B.U; Ellzabothtown, aU; create toesnsplolon ihattoerewasascrewloosesopiewnercana ^^,1^ tomanagethe racing campaign; success baa been the UfBce Donnelly pronouneea himself reody to cotot and sign. Bnaawlofc 8.81; Trenton^ 9.1B.' Beaohed KenslnBton 141,441.41,9 thing had been aet." During theiaee;cddsof$100to k.,,^wiirftiiA<«ii.n~.«ftriu^nni.iy.«faMi/. ourreadersmayre-1 BUly.lnaddlUontothoabove offei'of odds, says hewlllnotde- , Phllaael^, 10 o-dook. WcM on the, s^^^ BaUer,«ia even when Patchen was BcmberthatSretecommendedtols dkange last year. We saw tb« ""l^'H^^J^^i" *°7''?i'^;, , . « . ■ - - •- ■ -..I-1 o . .1 floiB Hm $100 Detibb.— in reference to too eHegcd Intlml' ' ..... - Oram and 1 reference ■«Mi''^a^'waa«Tepatta'mot«d. " • • ' ■ 1 so «conunuea wluo wib. uanii, j.™,™,- .b---i i„a jn^vjew. We recommendedtoat tocae deteaUddeadbeats 1" "o"'"""'^"™ "i'"*''^'?'""'?"*"^^ :W..v«¥.~*'«»^"'5'"- |,i,l"of turfalliUrs,candldlyaTowthat.Patchenw«i purposely L.„„„,^.^„ „,,„,^^.^.,„ „^ t^.t „^,^„\<'°?9'^'?.f«^<>^»'J<'f.:,9^^^^^ "held bock, I witbout oblow; tlOO toot ifocre afa'ted In Orem's presence, sad ii:4iiawtCiiBSLket:—"K deals, Bplaya on ;lght, Apl^a tieo, and takes two for fifteen, B plays a nine and takes tbiee aequtoceV, A sols It Is a' "go.'' B then plays another _ wS^hr4?^k'^o'L'M!°" ^^S7'°The eight was covered ondcould notbe counted In a | Is Intended assoroaam. Betoatoslt may,afterati«to „. ,^..i*» r™0'«a *»m*be head of our turf alBilrB, and that B«rt;«rn^ :, wblU otters, equally "rertom asanre ua ™M be selected to take toelp places. Thls has been done, and toe | Tolver wae drawn en hlnJ jjloore;; $100 that Oeoghegan fell one heat credited to BuUer,waB Tinml sU k ably a "dead heat; ^,^141, before ns. On toe last day of the meeting at Pater ti«tof four Patcnon than, were fMm eight to ten toousand spectators present, and the greatest entonslasm was manlfeeted by toem. Having now season may con- toot a revival In •siimMi • then, wllh a Obondler. His flnt appearance on I present, Is but toe plain tmto; and we have heard many prom- tbe'riage was at toe Old Bouto Street Theatre, In hla native d^. Itr^V, loi appeared ^In toe aowdnst arena,'hoving peirformado 'Sl vo^lHngaot; He haa also turned many a "fllp.flap." lb do not know anything about toe book yon Inquire for. BsBiii OoBZ.—1. Kr- Leater Wallack was bom In KewTork 4tr' Jo UIO. >> Hade hls^lrst appearance on toe stoge^ot .the Inent Individuals characterize the motoh OS a great wrong, U not I DsKBToar BrTDBSED Faou ENOiaiin.—Deertoot,toeAmerl: a decided fraud. . - r * I con Indian; retuned home from England, the 'scene of hla Itismuohtbbe itgtstted that toe season has tons opened I msny triumphs and defeats In pedestrian matches for aome under such dlsooiuagtng anspioes. Wlto many otoeni; we had I montl)i»past, in toe Oreat Eastern. He looks well end hearty, anttdpated some good and honest trotting matches this setison; | andjflt. to run for a man's life. ' He, in company wlto John Law- •Qohool MBaaBoymaAst Theatre, before witnesses, that the last blow was not foul; and $100 toot he (Orem) did not lose toe flghtaccording to the well-cstabUshed- and well-known rules otFutlano. Do you moke toe bool^ Charley? 'CoBunn on ma TnavzLa—Toe Oobum gave two cthlbltRins' <»r sparring atFox'a Oaalno, PhUadelphla, on toe STth and 28th Inst On the 1st of June he is to show in Beading. Ps.; 3d, in- Horrisburgi 8d. in Lopcoster; on toe 4to and Sth at Lee's- Uole- deoD, Baltunora, and on toe Oto, at Wilmington, Delaware. BIs- etblblUone thus fir have been well attended, and toe displays of toe art of edf-defence loudly applauded. The CsjlUFIOD's Ohillehoe.— Up to the present time, toere- lua been no response to Joe Ocbum's obsllenge, so tost all le-. ports of parties Deing anxious to meet the champion, ore proved: InfOot. ■•■tJWl I years would have deterred all jportlea from renewing toeJjouniJand treotmentln England. -Deerfoot seeks on oppor- ,, Qorlei'IIl.—^leb noUoesss yon wish'lnaertedwonldl trondulent tranaaottona which hove cast such a blight upon toe jtunltT to show of what BtnfT he Is made, and challenges any'man a^^tt'otTcSi!.^^^ ""^ "Bcem. toatwe are to be dlsap-| in this country to a race of U miles, for $«00 odds. iiipijtm So not give your own name, and we do not I pointed; toot the trotting turf is to continue under toe control . . ^ " of men who makes gambling; speculation of ili and who can name tiie winning horse ^ng'befbre too race takes place. Of course toe public will not care to witness toe second event of toe series, which Is fixed for June. Sd. DlsappolntedlncneUstanee, they win. not subject themselves to a second dissppclntment, and we do not believe toere wUl bemuohof an attendance on jto be saqT.oBe'a catspaw In such matters, Wiaj'fit^ O^r-Ii In piayiig "all fours," when all toe cords but SB^afe,exhausted tniongh toefre<inenay of toe ssme' tomnp 'Maji;t!'^ined. up, toe caxda should be bunched, and a new deal %uT^%'The dealer was entitled to hla one point fin JaAk, as -Afj^lf,snored Immediately It Is turned .ingEaAvmnm.--l..Block Usrls, Tillle,lady Belief ondBhark, inailnir ' " ' " ■ - Henry.; dcina 10 CxLZBBOTE,—By r&erence to'oncther colnmn, our readers, more portlonlarly tooae Interested In aquatic sports, plon, snd Jack Looney's old autsgonlst. Is matched to fight Jack I^ob, of Springfield, for.tWO a side, to fight at catch weight on toe 18th Nov. It la very probable that Jim will makoanotoer . match wlto Jim Dillon, of Hartford, for $300 a aide, to come ciT in July or Au^st next Tbe Ceaufion at Eouz.— Joe Oebnm returned to toe dly ta ^day loat, after o very succ^stdl exhibition tour. OiuiJ.EitaE 10 FiQBT Amc Uan in AarsnioA.—John 0. Orem, « X*TS^?£^t SJe^tosSps^wi a°vS^ Wednisday, Jmie 3d, when Patchen Mid BuUer ore to repeot '1" K '^toout. doubt. If w. moy Judge from previous Boalon ja.wb»~thegreotrscewltoE6Upse,wasaYIrglniabrrt regattas, o fOlr courseos weU as o free one, and toebeat man wUl see that toensusl gslo day on tos Obarles Blver rowing 0 oune is to bs held, this year on toe approaching natal day ot I having bad no response to the (ff/I proffered to Owen Ocoghe^ our country. Netting could be more spproprlate, and nothing gon, now boldly oomM foiwd and offers to fight any man In morellberol toon toe scheme cfprlses, open free to oU. There fe'i^Cb"-^^^^^^ to. Xaoiir TBI WHOrum, Hew T6rk.-I.'"Angelo" now performing I wlto Jane EngUah and "Toung America," ore not toe some. U.! THB. OHAHPIOIV .BCULIiXiRS, HarjrChapmanhiabeenlntoeWeatemooontryformanyyears ' n wAiTiigiui. a mnm ' bavtt.t. Avn ttaut). Aata withtB oyeor. 8.1. B. SheweUlatoeleadingman atlliSlo's. fcrtocomlnTiiulllng rLse on toe Thames, between toe • W. J. P.. NaahvUle.IeBn.—"In playing Euchre, A leads tos . vmamauBs wnuuag ™» oa mo xaamtw, u»w»u uio left howM, 3aSiir Dlamonda); If any of toe ployeraba^e *»<> flntnuned oarsmen. In England. Is, we are pleased to learn, fltanionds In hand, but no trumps, sre toey obliged to ploy a I progressing sotlabetorlly, and tocseeond deposit woo duly forto' aiamondr'......So. a. P.—I. Iba,' Jane BngUsii Is toe motoer of toe Btar Bisters, WssesHelen andLudHle Western. 3. Hr, Wm. B. Engllshis their step-father. 8. They were bom In Boaton, Haaa.. and aUde ttefr flrat appeuance cn any stage In toot oI<^.' ' BamoiT. Kaw 'Xoik.-^^&n Individual wcdid n'itVte' oonatdned. ' AelBcetinndeir')raoh;olietmstance<and toeiefor$ls nobUable . <o4iaft."^ ' ' ■ '■ ' ■ W.'B.U., Hartford.—The poetrylanot quite up to toe mark; ftt another time yon may do batter; if so, we shall'give you a Pairing.' 4^. H. B,'. Rew Haven.—We hove a oorrespondent In your dty. fha Inti conse of toe non-peiformonoeof' the lody re&Red to. inttjhenbliat week's Isane oftt«;Of<i^^ '. - Bl Bi.'iPhiladelphla.—KOny thanks for yonr kind offer, but yon ^rin ,kM tliU%e hove oil toe'newis:'weaUy Itemised; . Long critldnas etc., «6 have no room.for. y. 6.,H.S., Woahlngton.'D. O.T-i. ITnfortnnately we are unable to 'make up toe file complete: what we havei "hpwever, ore ot joar service at six cents per copy.' a. Thailks let good opinion. A. B. Z., Baltimore.—We do not- charge Onytolng for, toe In- ■ertlan of toe little outs you refft- to. Theysie drawn, eh, (rated, ond pnbllshad ot our own expense. ". CovsTAKT B'lAnm, ICIh 'Beg.; N. T, V.—1. Uorrlssey and SnUlvan (ought Oct. la, lUS, 1. Poole was shot ?eb. 34. ISM, »trt though the ball lodged <n kU titart, lived till March 1th. Ji', It. K., Army of Potomso, Va.—A. and B ore playing 31, or ' 'Vngtun. A deua, and botoget naturals, Whowins?,..;..M ia a "itand off:" • ; v . 0, E. J., Philadelphia.—1. Ho'copies of that date on hand. 3. ' .Wan John Wood and J(rs. Barney wiUlama ore not slaters. Her hnabond Is still living. Air''ilitAizDB PzozsTBiAn; Hamilton. 0. .W.—The book may be ptoifdmi through Ueasrs. Wilmer ft Bogers,' No. tt Nassau atris^<butat.wbat price we knowjiot . ^^mA'' ZonAVis, :Csmp White Oaio,' ya.-rEltter at tte Old Bajvery,' ^ewTork, sr ot Welch's notlonal.'iPhilodelphIa, about tw^jtir years age.. We cannot state posltiveIy:(at present) which., H. D^, Detrelt. Uteh.>^d<|t«ia U. T, Tyler. No. M Ann street, X<takiu.,i Springfield, Uass,—Ton,willhave to apply to some Mtlstintootllns. .. ..... . > i7 .._ , , . Ottawa Ottt.— If, In yonr regular tun, your did. not elect to j/Uj alone,' you cannot do so after onother hss ae dedded. Boimrs, Ni.T.—Phil Olore's height in'hls 'stooklng.feoti so VB ore credibly informed. Is { feet 8>t inchea. will wln2on that doy, and winning, will reap too ^ rewards of] victory, 0am 'T Uovx.—Aa toe rebela aeem to have become tired of I woltlng for "Fighting Joe Booker" to renew hla operoUona I against toem. It is hinted toot Oen. Lee meditates a movement I privilege of nomlng toe time and place i Tde Ohakpios cm ms Toun.-The Ohomplon of toe Ameri- can P. It., Joe Cobnm, gives spsrrlng exhibitions ot Beading, Pa.,pn June 1st; HarrlsDurg, 3d; Lsncaster, 3d ; Baltimore^ Udlptoand 61b; Wilmington, DeL, Oto; and, on the 9tt, storts- f orvo Lake Bhore region, ' CON OBEU, SHE COLOBADO OHAUPION'S BPABBINa. EXHIBITION. Tbe spsrrlng exhibition for too benefit of Con Orem, ond got' progressing sauaiactoruy, ana incseeona aeposu was amy lono- -—• - -~'".~-"~r^^ up by a number of genUemen whb were wltneescss of hU gid- oomlngonMsyT. Theoflolr Is styled "The Championship of ■8*"'« Hooker, who, we presume. Is unable to do onythlng Just i^nt^ mgniy, straightforward conduct In bis recent fight toe World'" but why, we con hordly understand. Ohombera lal"'*" .o" account of toe extremely dry state of tos weather, with Owen Geoghegon, and who aympothlze with him on oo- Obomplonj^ England,:a.d aree.i holds toe somehcnorable p.> H«^^^^ dUon ss regards Austrsllo; but America (and we don't know but The oontlnuo to- murmur lor, todr old commander- ,enibly Booms, In Broilwoy, ike attendance was both nnmer- yiV<«'n^>t<ir- w»nB^ry, tpiflnfl'ii^ ih«3(Titiiiii PioTiniuiii,) ij^y I (>en..'MeO|Mlan. ' ., 1 .17. ■ | ous and respectable, aud somewhere in toe neighborhood Of have Wme'mai^gon'dwortbytocdntendfor'&eCh^^ Borl Aix' at tht Pniin FioHT.,-We toonght toere was ateK«1l^''m'bI.^?» ship ofitte World, when such'on honor Is legitimately at slake. -,,44. b^j^ 9^4 Qf.^o,,.],, ^4 pj^^e fights which recontlv h*"* Tba gentlemen who coMpoaed too Committee of A> aboatlnglaooncenea. In lU Issue of USy 18, toe Sjwrfiriff 4^9 Foahlon Course, L. L, on toe occasion of toe trot between IiiyLazorue, Harry Hltt and J, B. Btcne, md ibdr efforts ti X(r« say8:-"The American Champion, Hamin. Is on Mjin«rt(are-3n4]ar and Patchen. If anything, toe odOsareontoe side of J""^ neotlngthlsmatchbetween B. Qreen and Chambers, and has thAnrnvHiutniramii fn The first set-to was between .Johnny Walker ond Johnny Ho- Should Hamlll partloulorly.wlahTor a match, toereeanbeno Wnmsn or tbe Debdt.— By a telegraphic dispatch from Caps Young Hanley and MlliaDoraay, and these two clever bniitanu doubt that he will be accommodated by toe, conqueror In the Booe, weleam that the great Derby race, at Epaomi was won by nnbonndcd aatlafactlon. Doisay Is . a fine hro-bnnilcd present exdting event The Aiedcon, however, wiU hove to Moeo.ronl, I^rd CUfden being second. Maccaronl was also toe ?,C.vo^ «'m%'he"s'eU°o'^lto to'e"l'o'l^s'°' Hanle%'daoVel^ row In England, as he connot. In toe present nnhsppy disturbed victor In toe 3000 guineas; jace ot Newmarket, and Is the first smart with the mits, and makes a good match for Doraay. state of toe Norto, expect to be met on his ownwater.'* "All h?ne since West Australian, in 1B63, toat boa won toeae two Im- Thotolrd couple were Tommy Ueaken, of Brocldyn, and Ulke right my covey" about toe "sUteof toi.Norto," but we know portent races. The stakes weie.worth more toon $20,000. we^'ll nit wLta U^^^ whereof we apeak, when we say tliat'Its "disturbed condition" ■ ■ —- but proceed to the gem of the evening's sets-to, Thlswaabo- wonld hot Interfere wlto toe match belngbrougbt off here qulta l I^cw Tons Baces,— These raeeshavebeen'flxed to come off tween Barney Aaron and Johnny Aaron (not brotbers, aa one of « satorfadorily as to England- ^todr anxiety to rfot the h« f•"''•'^•"f''";.. ^ match off toere, however, we can forgive toe writer cf the above They will continue three days, and will be under toe monoge- hltltog, clean atopping, and rapid getttog away was a rich traot- In magnifying too "nnhappy disturbed state of toe Norto," Into ment of toot experienced tnrfknon. Captain J. 0. Moore, of Eon-1 tojthe admirers of toe manly art ' HjotBr HtniT, Oswisgo Oo.,'N, X-r-We eend. yon all toe back ambers of toe Bloiy thst'ye have oa hand. /iiT>m»ii ov HoOiAiLan.—Wev^vcnot the space to spare , Jost'pow, . OonrAirrBxlQaB, BoIUmore.—Alsxlght' Brooklyn Is lorger Hian eltoer of toe cities named.^ ' . . Ji>W^;'iroir Tork.T^n'ls slt^igeUier a :mo'tter of taste,.hnt tiie . Xai^dft'Boat.OIab^iwwd.not be InopproprloM.' . A;^i.,^6ttawa.dlty.-—if(^r h'e hoadeolored, yon'cannot "order Jilmpf^V'^ndidsyalMa; yonrselC. .'.. ■■.u-'--- . o.'D'^i'LoultvlIIe; Xy.—She Is not married; see aottce'lh lost ■m^iKfiOuma. .. ■,■;'•■.''•: BuoxB, Brooklyp.-Oall on Ur^ 'Lazfnis,'. la Centre street; perhaps he will acoomlDpdateyou. ' . •'/* '•■■ " K,^^, B,, .Banter, He.<—We 'havs'niHaiant on :iian'd to Isatus Jbrj^Bie omo yet .: '. • ■.;.' • 1 , Ba Fins ilioBA, DrooHyn.—The man wbo bet Te would teaf' loses..', •'• ••*"•''.;•■:. '■ nvauAM.r-Onr,tout tbeoaiit''atill.btndayou, ' mlaaa'a stlpalated time was mentioned.' ,V v'i -' . • ' - illi^bv, qLjl^ik-^Heenan .fought b'ntVobe; in this coimtnr. XgiirMasaVr^Uiabre.—Tom Bayera hitt'iieverbeealn thUf ■ «onatiy.' \\ '.;'I* ■■■■'• ■- ■ ,. afdULki^Sttii||itit)hia.^ \ ' , . '■y6a^'^t^^hi»']i^ iln'rdgird!toWalni;soiijjlenge 1* «iw''Ha^|U'ea'^^.^^diliM .Word non: jils- baokers laving: iMelTad; anythinjjr.^fMffl H^ since-onr'last' . Ur. '. ftephen Dobert8,'^la,n^|ip| j^^ ,fi;pm. HamiU'a' bsoker, .«m(fil9 tiointi .\.iafifjttffijttt repetition of what appealfed tn^t weekyozj^tas, .1 andlt^ therefore, to give thf!n^^jvi>,',:^aiAd^ : :ifiy^wSnl''ip biii. regniar biislni^^''luiilril||ia'vtba athlr enda.' ' H«Ul.i*'c/sear; will attend tbs-Hi))Bt«iiirjH{|atll^ on'tba'lto^df i>Jn^{^V^i|M'.*Ul not be'tom,aiY%;#j^)U '.l^ea:nt 'inieiSv'tib^ Oor''ki'tsbtuBb'friwd^ no dofibiteladittltf disappointed at the mwi^-dj^i^ttU!iavl''-io - ' Y'^idi'd'Csiid-.Vom'Ul togethar;raga)n';i^^,^p^^ piia^l('$!>.%iaifniii»,i EomdU woaia onlr^'ititCUd ta'oNt '<;M"j.'-;'".^.'>' a potot lh',tiielr favor. 'What Hamlll's "particular wlah" may be I tucky, toe owner of Idlewlld; and other famous race horses. In regard tangoing to England, we know not; butpresnmo he wUl prefer to know his fkte at Ward's hsnds first as negotiations are pending for a contest between toem. The third deposit, of £80, CnownED Out.— An over full cargo compels ns to leave out some crloket base ball, and other matter of more or less In- fer vThe.Championship of too World;" was to be made on May ]'**"**'' ^ to make room for In our next, 31) when. It was expected tost Indications wonld be given ss gords the respective positions of toe men In toe money market 6kTBBltAHPAac.—For soversl weeks past the ^ressof tols d^!haabeenontherampige;^about sporting affairs. .Dailies and weeklies alike entered thejlsts, and where legitimate moans would not succeed In "getting .toe polnts,'Mllegttlmate plane were adapted—ttat Is, bogus "sporting IntelUsence'' was mann faolured .by bogus reporters st .so much o'cordHid published by bogus popera for toe egress pnrpose.of deceiving toelr readers, Tbe CuFFZB cautioned tte public against such "mock turtle' concerns, and odvlsed toe people to bewortf of the impostors; and we are glad to know that our advice was heeded, toe people letting toe bogus sheets severely alone, and compelling them to tall back on -toe ghost story dodge.agalii. A knowledge of sport- ing matters Is'not to beaioqulreitlno day, nor Is It to be expect- ed toot a man eon report 0 prljse fight because ho once hod toe honor of shaking hands, wlth'toes^fthlng ohamplonof Tlmbuo- too.. Tetsome^of pifr contamporaij|M.actuaUy. dragged into their service, aa a "aportlng reserve,"'men who know no more of what they ore ejected' to write about toon Bomum's boblea know about toe onthors of toelr being. What has. been toe re- sult? .A terrible catastrophe—promises nnfui^^r-^dlsappotot- ed;readets—losses In more waiys tlian one for toe proprleiors of the bogus concerns, and sw'esrlng enough to satlsiy "our. army in Flaaders."' ' ■ ' ^ ' _ ■ <!lin:.SviL'SqpQ,CBXD.-^)urreiaers wlll'do.wen to refer to th^ Tery'polnted denunciation of our correspondent, "FrWote," in jidt week'ia Isatie'; and to thankful tiiet on eiffinrtila atlsat;belng Jnode, wlto atleoat o^iptt^t slncbrity, to 'jUuis'e.oqe stall in toe Augean sloliles of abuse On'd.lnlqnlty^ to tof iSnif'of tbe ^ibtonuio. The pffloe of Purveyor :to toe Army Is sbpils^^ by order. It la aol^, of Oen.' Hooker, 'Hn emitquaut of tkt.friuU otuiet.iMM flaw ton pnOiUii." • In place of this officer. an^I^la holds .Of ,leqchos, Bn'tIerS,''as''u'etial he^tofore, wlllbe ngnlarly'oppobiied to eaoh regiment' 1^ much for one of toe gto^^'moat'selflsh^'imdmaatiibartlera iwih^^^^ ever perpe- trated,,. Would that,th(.inItaifes-to«mWveaVoonld be mode to diagorge;- "restore-fotirfold." ond'then be brought to ooa- dlgtt.perspfikl'pj^ah'men|, . W1U> reforms mch any higher orlnfea, 'or'iilqitifjM^'U/ |mtsr orlmlnalsf.'; ' ''\, ■■! V ■ ' ■ " ■ ■ ■'•.': TBI Qaim'IXivasAii.^tu^^ gMss at lrving'EaIl;,Mrow>'f Flfteentii s Irvtog Mace, where ell niKwssf^ jprspaniiiona have been mode for. toe con* fort and aonvenieaoeat aplltrtiitors. / Blevated seala foMSOO iied- pla hove been erM|*d>i*nd,W'a,ai« ple(u)p4 .to learn tlio^ toe olliij bieObflaOonnor',is,p;iopria^^ the .bar . for toe.oecaalsni 's» that vlutors may ooloulato «lf«n getting')lqupn, dgaT>^sto,, ef THE BINQ-'. PHOTOGHAPH8 OF JOHNCHEENANtodUzensdrem. i»v , , - - „ . „_ and fighting costume; slao, of TOMBING; 38 cents each, and t.J.'*". J"?"'?"' ohoorlng, evidencing toe great popn, sent poet paid by W. 0. WEaiSB. 878 Broadway, N. T. g-It Jf]*? pol"'Jd? ohsmrton, who, a stranger among ua. Mike Trelnor and John Hacortby foUoired, and made on ex- cellent set-to; the latter la mnoh tbe heovlOT man, and bos too longer, rtloch, but tbe science snd aotlvlty of 'rratoor amply oimpenaated Ibese advantages. Mike Doreoy end Jim licrxlgan (Dan's brother) followed, and were In tnm snooseded by Hugh HcLono (wbo .bss challenged Qeoghogan to flglit for $1,000 a side) and Mllsgc Oomell, tbe Doisoy of toe sparring stage, who nudo a capital bout with eaoh otoer, Harry Boblnson snd Young Brown, Alf Walker and tMend, and Mullonoy and Beddy (one ot Oram's seconds to his late fight) followed in rotation, and gave entire satlsractloq to tbe company. The wtod up was bat«een Con Orem and Dan Kerrigan, nnd toelr oppoaranoe waa SPORTSaiAN'fl HAX.L, , Cor. Wood and Tlilrd'streets, Plllaburgh,. BT JOHNNY MAOEET k JOBNNY LOtlDOM, Sparring every Saturday Night . 5-131* '» : . CARD FHqTOQRAFHB OF JOB COBVRIT, 38 cents each. Bent to any address, on recdpt of price, by W. 0. WEMYSB, 876 Broadway, N, Y. ' ' 7 had been so shamefully troated on his first appearance In Oa ring here. They made o first-rate Betlo.ondwerp warmly ap- plauded. At toe ctoae of too prooeedtogs, Sam Davis, on bebd^ of OreiB..stated toat the latter was dlssatlsaod with toe reault'ot the fight with Qeoghcgan, and publicly obaUonged him to a r»> newol of the oombot for $1,000 osldo. ^bo money waa to toe hands of Harry HIU, Hp, 38 East Houston street and woul*' remain toere until the followtog day. If Geogbegan retaaed t» accept of 0 challenge toue publicly mode, why, Orem would con- sider him In the light of a coward, The crowd toen dlsneraed- apporently well satisfied with toe entertainment nanden,p... E!t^ 0. f.,/l,' Miles, 3,b,.., Pottr.f,. B,L, BUBS, ...a 4 at tbs CUTFSR office on Thursday, June 4to, between toe hours of. 19 and a o'clock, to make toe match, ^nd will pnt up two hundred dollars for the flfst deposit Yours, ttct ' ■' \ ■ Jims SuBH.^*^ Brooklyn, Moy 80, 1803. . . \. . '. jAKEsCoBUBB A»n JoBB LTifDH Matobed,- A, eommuolcstiota' from Hartford, Ct, dated May 30th, phices us In pdSsSsdon of the Information toat toese two botera-'are matched to fight on November 18,1883, for $800 a side, at ootoh weight we pre- sume, OS no sUpulatlons-to toat effect are made In the ertloiek of agreement which were elgued at Joseph Boss's' rooms.'in Elm stroat Hsrtrord, on tbe 18th ult A number of friends, or both parties were present ond,a sodal Umc was snjoyed; tbe prevalUngaenttoient being toat toe best man tiilghtwlD, "■"^,,^3 "tjolesof agreoment ocopyof wbieh'wae sent ns, we cull the foUowIng dotallsr-The flght i»- to take plato on Nol .vembar ie, for WOO 0 da., jioo.a side belnrf already deposited,' theMoond^Uepoalt la tobemadeon June 18| the tClrd; on July ie> and. toe fourth and lastOB November ll; when the' backernof themon w 11 agree on toe place of flgbtld*. The •men ore. to be In tte ring ot a P. M., or iSrfelt ond to the 6vabt a different locality for meeting, en .toe satoe day. If possible. One oopltol proviso Is made, via,, toot If toe portfiS'faU to agree fn 0 referee, after the lopse of one hour, toe stake-holdft shaU^ aelsetaprtper: party.. This wlU .tend to prevent onensnaUy, frtot difficulty in orropgtog the prellmtoorles of 0 batUe. ' b£ Mdes tos dgnotnres of ths men/ire these of Motftew M. Oougfr Ito, Joseph Roap, and-Johnily WllUsj oa wltaVsSesiv The obSve Mff all toe ssseatial points cf toe dooumant> It betog in aU' Ototo ..S ,...8 ....I ....1 ,..,8 ,...8 ....I a, ......ii JUmATA. INDIAN CLUBS AND THEIR V8RH,—We ore oUd to Morisx nv itiinnnn « t_._. _^ « — leora toot toe Lidlon Club is fist comtogtoto publlo toorLia olrts^lSed o mteh'^Hrtohe^^B means of exerdee,condnctog,aaUdois,\oagen?raldevdopment whld^^ and strengtoenlng of the pliyslcol-syalAm. Ur. fl. D, KEHOE, lomM of theShSmeand hmn the princTpal maEufaolorerof IndlaS ClnT)s"to tils^tty. ta fSrte? id 5^ nowin toe recdpt of orders from aU aecllons, and h" laflUIng CSm^KnK hcsplt?bS eSlSrlXid to.^^U?.?nl°\'.'f »'cyu:^^x«d'^r^i5ie'!?d?^r^^^^ with McOoole, and *hlch waf e so highly spoken of by tbe Obom- i»»>iuiur §lbn. Orders addrosaad to 8. D, KEHOE,,>It«yere Honae, New ork^ or Post Office, N. Y., will recdve Immediate ottentlon. 8 ''. .. , ■ . DuBB Bbplizs: tb^kuiB.-EnnoB OutTEB.'—A'r:—in your I last week's edition r notlciBd a challenge from John Meode to fight me. At the request of my friends, I did not Intend to'fight Durbrow,' 3 b;.'! for some time, to come, but iseetog this man la anxious for a Norton, lb., fight, I^wlgaccommodotibl^^ ond .meet him | Atkins, If... . —. ... . ... .. DsMotts. s. Thompssn, 0... ■ Total. 'Von Antwerp, a b. Burrell, r. f; Worth, 0 Orocheron, Lf.,,. UoOTaa.Bb Heoto, lb Benry, p Bart 0. f,.,. Lowe, a. a B.L. BBRg.' 8 ....a ..,.8 ....4 ....a ....8 ,.'..6. ...:a 4 4 a I 8 1 1 .U' Total...;. aUBS KABB ra'BAOa DnRBOS. 1st aa 3d 4th 0th Gto Tto Bto till ............4 7 3' 3 8 4 0 0 3—at- ,...9 8 0 « 11 0 a 1—19 Umpire, J, Oalptn, of Star Olub. Scorers, Messrs, Kolth and Eddy, Uohawk.,., JnnlKta Boron Foubtb of Jtot Bboatta.— This groat aquatic fosUval.. has been ab long and so euoeeasruUy sslabllshtd, that It bos come to bo looked upon as a snorting fixture for toot day, not merely ln.the"Oltyof Notions''Itself, but by all tlio country round • lOut Efforts are being actively nut forth that the celebration, tbe present year,'Sball in ho wav fall beblnd any prevlottsona la .numlier of events, spirit ot rivalry, or general lotereat f0is/<te - tfiu.'be on lOharlas Blver, over too tlinal oontso, oommenetog at I'o'olook, P. H. Thefe ore to be five rndos, for aggregtto .piuea oflT76, as follows :— FiBST nAOB.—DIstanco, two milea, for boya notoverlS yeain old. First prlzo, $3S| second, (10. .ad—dlatsuoe twd miles, for single scull wherries. First prize, (IDO) sebohd, (00. 8d—dls- tonoe two'miles, for double toiill wherries, ; .First prUe, (100; ssiioDd, (tO^ '4th-Hllsta:ncs torse ntl|e), 'nr.fbuNoared ,l#atb First price, (IBOi aaoond, (00. And .fith—dlslanoe thr«6 mllea, fte slx-oated boots, FIrat'prise, $lT8i titoM, Vji, The tulot, tcgnlatlonsi' ete,, ore in ty^e, and will be gtran neat, week.'' ■'' '■ ' ■ • '.Sr. \'\ i'■■ ■ t^£42■^y.■■•^^\''■•^s■•■■'^■r ■'<,,:.-.■ ,h-