New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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T HE A TBIG Ali RB G OTCBSj* wniaita >ni imiazBBL noiauioN. . OUKiLBTTBR BOX. | ^0 I>*v* letton for Wnt A. Bonaa, Jolla Daly, J. T. Soyoe, jS[tII«rtlmer,Bam,fl|iuplor,B,.E. J. UUea, U«ggle Ultohell, J,;.BOob, UtD^o linnlei', Iionte Bannett; Wis. Armstroiig, XjhtflarBeynoMs,'Ur.MeTalva,'A.H«ngh, O.Ii. Treat, OUra HarrlsgtoD, John Hiub«rt, Baaah WUppIe Ifyen, Elizabeth I^nnleri Un. Oladatane, Vttaa Ooomba, Wbl, sarldga, W. H< XonaldsoD, Trank Mordaonti ' Adah Iiaaoa Uanktn, £, U, W, Etaaro, Vm. Peak, Melaon Kneasa, O. BlBbop, Obai. J. Tjtto, Tony PMior,'0. Vf. Oonldook, J, A. Cndarwood, B. S.-Ononlou, :Bd7wUa«D, Obaa. OaTld. Alderman Jaakaoo, W. B, Bowdllah, ^omaa J. OasaaDS, Oi }, WllUanuon, Obaa. A. Monla, Oeo, ^loddirt, Oeo. Obilatj, B. B. Ereiett, Edvln Holmea, and Mn. ^onlington. OITT SVnBART. HoiTDAy, Jane 1, 1863. \nieo thla cmel draft is over, things may turn out a little «ailer; bat at the present \nltlng, the "pnbllo mind" Is a good deal agitated Tritb "confllotiDg emotions," anperlndnced by «ompiuaory visions of "grtm-Tlaaged war," In all Its horreis. Enrolling olBcen are again abont, "taking names," ages, etcatara. Actors ftirget tbelr parts In thinking of the draft; to make them forget that, they take a drangtat of another and more vaUtable dosorlptlon; the pnblleare on the "anxlona benoh;" fcotvoatherls at hand, and the Idea of shonlderlng amnsket, toUng along a heavy knapsaok, eto., «ltb the thermometer at M, has lodaced many of oar people to hnny off to the oonntry, and this, with the tut. approaoblng olose of the se^n. Is ihlnnloa ont the attendanoe of oor theatres, balls and saloons. lie most noteirorthy event of the week Just dosed,-was ,whloh <]i$^inQit;dKliuir^df|^ and aarafblly,tnlDed.alhlsiai liiare ibcimk. we give thui notice, nhbought; la"bl3^ to'liuid It belplag'Bat)d't(faa&an^er.- . .'' ' The eiperlment of EngUsh Opera was again essayed on Uoti' day nlnht, Uay 3tth, at the tflnter Oarden, nnder the - ausplcea of Mm Pellolta Veatvall, who has oolleoled a troops of bnt claas ^sis'to assist Jbsr In the enlerprlss. The opera seleoudwas 01aok'sfadionB"Orpheasior:the Trial of Love," or rather, an Eogllsh adaptatlon of It This opera was written nearly a eentary ago, bnt It Is nevertheless a model oompoilUoo, and la espooUUy noted fbr Its beantlfal melodies, Indeed, we have no dsobt^lt has been the fountain ftom which many a modem operatic com- poser haa qoalfed many a draught of melody. At Its revival, In Farls, afow yeartslnoe. It aoSleved an nnparalleled success. This la the first time It has been presented here. On account of the rather high scale of prices that had been Inteodaced, we did not expect to see the booss very crowded, and It was note bnt still there was a very good attendance, both In point of cbaraotei and nnmbers. The parquet and orohestrs stalls were well filled, and there was a fair attendance In the second olrole, —I —— .1— t. ■VH.UWOHVO UA hUO QWVliU UUVtO. and about twenty or thirty In thanpper tier. Eadthensnal charge of 20 cents been adopted for Uie latter locality. It would no doubt have been filled. In the back port of the parqnet, two calcium lights were Introduced to allow the fashionables to see each other ln>thatpart of the theatre, that being an Important pai< of opera going, whether to Italian or English representations. A quarter of an hour after the lime appointed, the onrtain rose upon the first soeaet dlspIaylngOrphcas—UlsaVeetvall—mourn- ing at the tomb of bis loved sponse, Eurldloe. He Is attended by goddesses In hoops and pink tights, and by some of the seo- ondolaasgods In slghtgownB. Hymen—Miss Kemble-stasds by the tomb, and condoloa with tUo monmoTa. Alter the afore, m^'otloned goddesses have placed flowers on her tomb. Orphans bill.'' them all retire, and be then Invokes the assistance of the goda to enable him to visit the realms of Flnto, and regain his bride. Oapld—Ulssasarv—then appoara, and makes a covenant with him, whereby he Is'varmltled to enter upon a severe trial ^. _. . . .. ' ^, of his lore, and vult Hades. This oloses the first sot, the alni- 'CL^2'??'^„1."* ingpf bothbetog very fin. In.tbis Introductory act -The secS?d Orpheus," produced at the Winter Qarden by TeatvalL The fear we expressed In our last that the prices of admlssloa were toe high for the masses, asams to have been weU-founded, for business throughout ths week proved very bad, scarcely bait a house being present on any one evening, A full account of the opera ,1s givoD In another article. Veatvall, with her superb Umbs and exquisite vooallsatlon, was unequal to the task of attraotlng a large andlesoe even on the opening night, and alnoe then the MMfuo have been<m6re shy than ever. High prioes won't go down In New Tork, that's bertoln, and the sooner pnbllo performers comprehend this iOcti the better will It he for themselves. - . Miss Bateman brought her perfonnanoes to a olose In this elty on the ;SOthnIL, appearing as Julia, In the "flnnchbaok." Her<anaagem<^t has proved one of the most snooesafal ever played^ this oltr. w believe It Is the lady's Intention to leave for Snn>pe'thla week, but It Is not her Intention to perform during her abeenoe. i Among the UtesI additions to the list ot exhibitions In New ' Tork, Is "Dnfiook's Holy, Land," This olty Is a high old place In whloh to show a plotvro of that sort, A panorama of the ■ 'In- fernpl Beglons" might do muoh better. We shall be happy to learo, however, that multitudes do flock to see the'Holy Land. Wo are to have sometblng new thie evening. In the shape of John Brougham's "Duke's Motto," which Is to he prodnoed by Mr. OoUlns, at Nlblo's Qarden, Messrs. Wheatley k Oolllns as. coming the lesdlng relet This drama has commanded a great deal of attention In London, where It Is still being porfonned at Mr. Feohter's Lyoeum Theatre, having reaobed Its 110th repre- -sentaUonatlastaooouDta, the principal oharaelers being bob- ttlnod by Messrs. Feohter and Brougham. The drama will bA Iiioducert at Nlblo's with new scenery, appololments, eto., and t le oonfldently expected that It will meet with great success, having the advantage of being presented at one of the ooolest places of aiuuaement In New. Tork. Tom Thumb and his little troupe have been doing a splendid business at Bamnm'a Uoseum, the altemoon entertainments aspeclally behig largely attended. Commodore Nutt is the most «onnlog llttleooaa in tbe whole orowd. Neither Thumb nor his wife can sing much, Tom's voloe being rather displeasing, and xeaemb11ng,tbe voloe ot a boy of that peculiar time when It beglna ta grow ooarso and manlab. If you were' to hear the others, with- •oot seeing tl»iD«iou would at once arrive at theoonchislon Uiat 4hoy were little onudrea of half a dozen yesis. five weeks make up a good round number of nights for a star dogagcmont, and there are hot few who oan over-run aoob a term irlthonl loss. Mr, Eddybasjustooncluded an engagement of tblrty nights at the Ntfw Bowery/and daring that time he has performed to good boalneas, the house on many evenings boloa aulle fall. Novelty, however, Is the motto of this house, and ilsevoning manager Uogsrd brings oat the newly ImpjSd .drama ot the '.'DDke's BIgnal" Being ot the sensational chSo- t«r. It shonld draw wUl <'or a time. Mrs, Jaue EnglUb cerlalnly deserves success, whether she tnoeta with It or not, for she ssems ts be a hard-working, enter- prising Bort of woman; but- thus tSr, we arc sorry to say, her experience In New York bas . been very expensive, without any Adequate reoomponee. Tbe theiatre (Laura Eeene's) was pretty well run down before Mis. English took hold of it and once a plaoe Is' iabooed. It Is somewhat dlfiloult to bring It Into favor 4galn, A very olever burlciqae on our foreign operatic friends Is^ven 4iySJh Bryantand BoDlnHawainl,ln{heaotentlilad<<ThaiSrUh- jnanln Italy," The Intense feeling with whloh Ban enacts the dlflloolt rob of Count McQlnnlSi la worthy of the highest praise. He. scales tbe upper 0 without Impediment, and desoends 'through the Intricate ptasagea leading to the !'A below the line" In a style , worthy of the great Salvt Ilollln Howard, too. is worthy of parboular mention. In bis masterly delineation of the 'ftantlefemale,af tbe festive forest Worda are not aaffldent to 'desorlbethose'/'aounds so Joyful" whlob^ouah forth from the uuoloerated. throat ot.thls great persocatorof female women. If you would hear the block opera In all Its beauties, let us ladvlse a visit to Bryanta' Mlnsbrels. A selection of readings and recitations Is to be given at Sod- worth's Hall, on the BtU Inst, by Mlaa Augusta L, Bargon and Mr, J. B. Brown, (not the gentleman who keeps tho coal yard) At belsg.lhe lady's first appearance. Mis. ^ F. Ellet will assist, and so will Mrs. i, K. Jaokson, who will sing a few baliada. Hernandez .bad a benefit at the Now Idea on the lath ult, 'Which was well attended- It was his Intention to have departed .for Havana on the 30th, bnt a liberal offer on the part of the manogeoient ot tbe Now Idea bns induced him to remain In New Tork, eo he commences another eogogement at tho same >hoaae on tho let InsL, wbloh Inauguratoa tbe summer soason, We looked In at "M" Broadway on the 2Dtta, and found the hoose crowded In everv part. Mr, Collins, the "Oura," did not -show forth, an apology being made for blm on the plea ot Indis- {oelllcn, ' Mr, J, B. Allen did not attract large audiences at the Old Bowery, We wore there on the 28lb, to see Mr. A. In the -"Bluksmltb of Antwerp," Although khorlng under a severe lioatseness, and being badly supported, Mr. Allen did very well. Wood's minatrel hall Is oneot tho boat ventilated places of amassment In tbe oonntry, so that those who do not care to be broiled Ui a theatre daring tho hot months, can comfortably and .pleasantly pass an evening at Wood'a splendid UtUo summer re- sort. Another good programmo U provided for the prosont veek. Introducing the company in the various acts of Mnglng, 'burlesqoe, dannlng, etc. Mr. Wm. Long, of Long's Tatletles, Philadelphia, was In th6> 4lty lost week. Mr, Al D. Wilson will please observe Miss. Wade's reply to his -card of lost week, in oor advertising columns of this Issue, Adah Isaacs Menken bos at lasioonoluded to abandon this' part of the show world, and take her long proposed trip to Oall- .fomla and England, She IS at: proaent actively engaged In making all due preparations for au extended tour, and will -shortly leave for the gold regions. . The arrival of "Verrooke," a gymnasl of European renown, Is •dally looked for la this city. ur. Terreoke bos never been in 4hls country, he informs us in a note; la unsoqnalnted here, and ■cept at that time, as his engagement had not then oiplred. He aow.wmeis to try bis fortunes In the new world, and we hereby Introduce tho stranger to the universal Taukoe nation, .Te> reoke Is a native ofBelglam, and was born at Qand, In 1681—the ^^ ofllcer who terved under Napoleon Bonaparte. His earlleat trlumpbs were achieved in the country of his birth; and thorshe,^ieta, Invented, tbe peonllar exerclae which he'bts tendered fkmooB throoghout Europe, It oonelats ot a perform- .<aaoo,on the single trapeze, and Is, perhaps, the most remarkable over atlemnlod by a human being. From the bar of the tiaaoze . lie euap<mdB himself by lAs.ftajM ibP AO n«*; and in this perilous poslUon plays a dmrn-aooompanlment to on air pUyed by the •band, at a height of ttom. sixty to eighty feet flfom tho gfound I 'M'*""' «' «"<• »»dlenM JSlim. "? aaUsaed, Every gymnaat who his Iml- Jttt. SlJf'„'?''.'?"'",*'?' "'?'>^ mongb. to place a hook ■ir,S .ri?iJl'."'3."»**« bis safely; but Verrecke has i^»''J'*\'" I*"*' thlsprecauUbi he dcolarw to bo "22=i?v^^Sl'.'S^ V'P"*- Verreokehns had tho ijnor to m th«X*^£'„'S'!JS'".»''.?«iJ'"" Emperor N/poleon •Sd SSd hF. DnSJ?^'?^' otPrussIa, Belgium. HoI- iSviwi . i,.?SS'2.°' BP«ln.''>iowa8 graciously pleased to SSStaB SerriJ?^*Sj:S'^,"P'^'»'''<^'*'"=" «<>•» TS!5SkS B(52J5'v5,.'i?^'* under aetonndlng cli^anisUncea. SS57i?7„°„"!i^'' suspended under a 6nlloon, where ho ilU lost to wSw TbUt^^^^^^ "Oft bcating'bia drum" if"the'p«i^M'oM ton. where he mad, bis pe^Slo",?J?p\Vthi^^^ he wu largely rewarded by tho Director. Whm L(Surd aS rived in Paris wltb his now performance of the tripW tJopeSS. Varreoko, 1;»^dB itpnoo or twice, exhIbluS the «me exerolse. which t« blm presented no dIffloullT. M. VerraoVn l«ti . Parts io givo Leotard's performafioe inaU tbTprinoSitomi^^^ Franco and Africa, ftom whence be retnmodMvetod with laS .rols.' After his Bftjonm In flpoln, be returned toUe OlMne Ni £ol0cB, Parle, tor an engagement of one year. But Mr Wlldo 'Ireetor ot tbe Albambra, London, baring heard' of his oxdIcIIs' aentforhlm; and'as his engagement wanted sometlmeof Its ..iormlnatlon, benalda veryconalderablesumto have the nrM- le^e of adding this marvel to tbe attractlcns of his oitabUsb* ■Mnt The succ^s of tho great gymnasl has more than Jnstined Mio'ekpoctatlons originally formed of him. He Is, la bis pecu- ■ lull oxorolses, sohl to bo tutapproAobnble; attempting -feats from aotlsa very brief one, and theacene Is supposed to represent the internal segtons, with a view of a number of furies and de- mons. The effeot, however, Is entirely spoiled by the Inferior scenery and stage appointments, and tbe disguise assumed by the attendant goddesses ot the previous scene, Inoo flimsy uotto be apparent to a OhUd. Pluto is here seen in his realm, and presently Orahens appears, and after aubdulng the fury ot the damona by bu music, no finsUy gets Pluto to consent to his vlslUng the Byston Fields In search of Buridlte. who Is amoss tbe good spirits that oongregato in that mythologloal parodist The depaituie of Orpheus oloaes this act Tbe third Introduces what the hills repreeent as the Elyalan Fields, as described In the heathen mythology, from which we shouU Judge that tbe word fields was a misnomer, laaemuob as the Winter Oarden view gave us little else but water and ooral rocks, of the Beven aistor stylo of make up. In this act, the goddesses otthe first act—not all. however—throw off their hoops, and appear In Boman cos- tume< but the few we refer to stiQ adhere to tbe phik tigbts and hoops. As the good spirits—only third proof by the way—pass In procession before Orpheus, he seeks to recognize Enridlce and la bsglnnliig to despair, when the laet one appears, aod is soon clasped to his arms. Previously, however, the Spirit of Oood-Mlss Drcme-com,es on the stage, aud sings a solo; and on Monday night she broke down In >n attempt to reach a high note. As she went off; her frienda threw her boqueta. but they were picked up by the snpernoneraries, and they rcallv 2Slf*l?.''?JS" ^i.*?" ^^'S.v ''•P^tare of Orpheui with hta bride closes this set with an "Impressive tableaux." The bill desoribes the scene ot the ith sot aa "A Thick Forest'' but we didn't see it In tact, the scenery throughout was of the most mediocre kind, and the stage appointments no better It was as had as the opera scenery at the Brooklyn Academv' The elnglng and acting of Miss Yestvall and Madame Better— Enridlce—In this last sot was worthy ot the hlgheet praise. The whole scene is one of the moat difficult and trying of any opera on the atage, and from first to last It waa aplendldly and arUat- Ically rendered by both. Orpheus engsged that he would not look on the face of Buridloe until be had brought her to earth the penalty bebig that ahe waa to go back to the land ot spirits again If be did. Burldlce, not knowing the agreement Is dla- tresaed at his apparent neglect and. by her pleadings, finally, after putting him to a severe trial. Indusee him to look npon her, which he does, and she immediately dies. The exqnlslla melody wbloh Orpheus ehigs over bis lost one. Is the gem ot tbe opera, and It was beautlfUUy sung by Mlse ToetvalL Indeed, her splendid personal appearance, her admirable aotlng, and her truly artUittovocslliatloD. are tbe features of this produc- tion ot the opera. She waa ably aoslsted by Madame Better—an excollent ootreos and splendid singer—end by Miss Oeary. whose vocal performances were perfecUy satlsfkctoiy. hut her ama- tourlaU action hi the movement ot hei; arms In the first act, was a drawback. In all other respocts. save, perbans. the ohomsos, whloh were pretty good, and orchestral performances, which were first-closs. the manner of Ihe produobon of the opera was everything but creditable to those who superintended theaN rangemenia conneoted with It, Among tbe audience we ob- aerved a unmoroua delegation c! the operatlo and theatrical pro- fession. Madame Johannsen was the observed ot observers by her Oermin friends. There was slao present a fun represento- Uon ot the genus critics. We like one arrangement and that Is that reserved seats ore not charged extra for. But few present we presume, were benefitted In their. Interpretations of tbe sUv by (be fact tbatlt was Eogliib,.aBd niot Italian opera, that wu being presented. What with th«''Italian English of Mlse iresT vail, the German English of Madame Botter, although both did well in this reapeot considering tbe dlfllculUes they liave to en- counter, and tho want of clear enuholatlon by those who sang In English, it was onlr here and there that one could understand what they were saying. This opera Is one that roqulros tbe best ofaeenloeffeotsand slsiro appointments to do ft justice, and firstolaas artists with full oborusss, to give Its beauties In fuU force; and nnder such olrcuoistances It would Indeed be an op- eratic treat worth Ustenlog to. But In asmall theatre, with poor scenery, ond^ poorer stage appointments, and with bat balf-o- doiensapemnmeraricswheu thore should be twenty or tblrty, and with bnt two or three good artiste to fill the numerous tola of the opera, it osnnot aebleye the eueoese It Is entitled to: if it does, it will be from tbe iutrifasio meriu of tbe opera Itself, and the capital singing otthe twopromlnent vocalists. Mr. D. O. woldrooi agent for the Alleghonlans, Is in town this week, taking a real prior to bis departure for Europe, where he goes shortly to moke tbe neoessory preparations for the appearance of his troupe. ' The brothers Dealer, Toay and John, tbe weU known panto- mbnlsts, gymnasts, and tight rope artlete. ore now prepared to negotiate for long or short engagements, aa will be Been by our advertising oolumns this week. Managere wishing the services of these talented performers, would do well to address them at onoe. Tony Pastor'a comlo songster, has been published and la tor sale by James OoDuer. theatrical agent Bee advertisement Miss Oatberlne Soldsn. the olever young actress, very proper- ly, we think, oonttadlcts.the Idle and false rumor that has been set afloat la regard to her having a rich father. We regret tor her sake, that It Is not true, but when It is known that he sleeps his Iset sleep, It moat necessarily deeply effect the feel- ings ot tbe fair young asplrm' for dramaUo honors, to see and hearber name coupled with such, nnder the olroumslancos, an offenelve and abrupt stetement By the lady's card else- where, it will be seen that ehe fully understands btr position, and entertains high and noble resolvos for the future, and bos no ides of purehoslng a name, relying solely upon her merlte al- ready attained and to bo acquired. We commend her for this, sod alaoerely bope thattbose who speak and write of her here, after, will bo gentlemanly,enougb to reltaln fh>m offensive allu- sions, and contlno themselves to honest oritlolsm, whloh the lady avows ehe seeks rather than avoids. The Old Bowery produces this week the romantic drama ot "The Duke's Devlee, or tho Duachback ot Paris." Mr, Ihomks Baker well-known to the haiilaa ot Lanra Eeene's Theatre, has been secured by Mrs. John Wood at the above natned theatre, commencing in October. -:XateB«lgnoUs' NewEngh - pif 6« bdni the droull faulting,' company olerk, printer, or hotel. At the Metropolitan, Indianapolis, Ur, V. O, comedian, was tendered a benefit on Saturday, hiay wo. xnei vw» i><»ui u. jiucn ia uiuuiKeiigBgemeniaiornextseuonfiv plays were "Serious Family" and "Toodles," ]U. IVhlte susisln- hlS^olrcult of New England towns, and pnrpbaes plarini> »u> IngUie part ofAmlnadabBIeek in the former, snpportedby Miss "Senui Sisters," vrith Mr. UoDonodgh and Hiss LottyHmuSL " " * . . - — .. . In September, fad making in aUa^SI ■,,1 .N '..EttleHenderson commencesa'short ebgaaeuantat«ii«ir«^* 5. White, 2d low Athenasnm, Boston, on the fllh of July, "5*^ r,May38d. The ''^•'<)^0. Ibera Is making engagemento for next seaion'flv _, , ■, ■ H'UiE ZOB. 1 This very pleoshig dan«4w« Is at present filUng a highly sue. MsefUl osgagetnent at Laura KoenoVTheatreVwlOi Jibe Bot Bh^kTti\m^i^^:T"i.'\ stoat livoritewIthnSie pubUb. ImSSi^ Mmieri hi?, ."if*"?" enoagemento with many of out i^mnXmt^M^ii}:''A°°'S'^' «"» "srservloos ata«rdMo««>S?h • "u* appearance ou tbe SSn^4S?fV^'?^^^^^^^^ Maoarthy as jlis. Ormsby Delmalne, and Mr. J. H. BUI u Ohsa Torrens. Vt, White slao appeared aa the "Immortal Toodlas" In the playot that name. His "drunk" is said to have been loudly oDeered, particularly by the rlalng generation of- oriUos, Sr. White was greeted with a full house, and the audience emed well utlsfied with bis efforts to please, showing their sp- preelaUon by oolllng him before the ourtaln. . Preparations are being made tor the fall and winter season at the Howard'Atheneum, Boston,' and ladles snd gentlemen of shinty are requested to send in their sppllostlons, through an advertisement in onr oblumns. KateBelgnoIds took a beuMt at Liberty Hall, New Bedford, Mass.. 00 the 99th ult, and ahe was honored with a very crowde( house. We notice In tbe company the names of Messrs. Beolc, Marlowe, and Stuart Bobaon, Hr. E, Peron Hlngston is the business scent for the troupe. The'Varieties. St Louis, under the mansgement ot Oeo. Dea- gle, is nightly becoming more dramaUo and less musloaL The steble attraction of late has been "El Hyder," with W. B. Dorr and his trained horse as the stars. Miss Maria Barton was also slarring there In Ught pieces, such as '"Asmodeas," "Is He Jealous 7" etc, D, Bolton, from Laura Eeene's. was slso under- lined; and McDonald, with his "Seven Sisters," two boxes of looklng-glssses. and a dozen or two revolving pillars, are shortly expected. If Deagle gets into the dramatlo line exoluslvely, we think hell go nuder. Herry Lladen's Toronto Theatrical Ttonpe have been travellni through the Oanados, visiting tbe smul towns. They fits opened at Guelph. and played to on $18 house, vrhere they ez- leoted $1S0; these<)ond night Mr. L. was'sick, consequently libera was no performance; third.-ntght a poor house greeted them. Beoelpto, SS8; expenses, $M; lots otptofltl I I Oaltwas next "bllled.'^hat with Sesame effect' First night, $8 In the house; second night nobody came: near the haU. At last ao- oounte, the company, was at Paris, Mr. 0. E. BIdwell, weU known throughout the New England Stetes as managy, has Joined the company at Myers' Porlland Theatre, Me. <r Haiston k Button's dramatlo company are at present "way down Maine." The company now conslate of the following la- dles and ssntlemen:—Misses Lizzie Oslo and Annie Bacon; Messrs. J. P. Button, Harry Lompee, E. W. Mstston, 0. F. Jones. andMr. Bhaw.' ■ Mr. Alf Burnett, the well known humorist, has returned to tbe army, and Is st present located among the camps of Ihe Ar- my of the Oumberluid.. At Mo'71cker's Theatre, Chicago. Ur.J. WUkes Booth was the reigning star last week. On the 2Sth he was up for a "ben.," when he was to essay the part of Hamlet Business hss been very good indeed. Mr. Booth remains this .week. Miss Jennie HIgbt ftom Uo'Vicker's Theatre, Chicago, was at the Indianapolis Theatre last week, playing to good bnolness. The Metropolitan Theatre, Bocheater, N. T.. Is np for rent fbr the summer months on reasonable terms. - Bee advertisement Manager Mcech, of the Metropolitan Theatre, Boohester, N. T., is now prepared to aUend to applications for stock engsgemento for the next seaaon. commencing on or about Sept let The irotesalon will do well to make a nolo of bis advertisement In heae columns. The "Vnlon" Theatre at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, nnder the management ot Mr. Addis, bos been Jogging along very suc- csaafully. recently. The manager has been producing •'stars" In rapid succession. Mr. 0. W. Couldock was playing there at lastadrices. The Buffalo Theatre Is playing Julia Daly this week. BIhe opened to a voir good house, and business has continued excel- lent Miss MoUte Williams, who Is now a permanent member of the company, has by her lively aotlng proved herself a very val- uable acquisition. During Mollle's performance of Tlohuite, one night last week, a nvBuffolonlsn who was present perpe- trated the following:—Why is a lovely young lady like a key hob T Because she Is something to adore. The police ore said to be In hot pursuit after the unholy IndlvlduoL Mr. W. H. Brlggs, who has been laboring foMhe entire winter under a severe indisposition, mado his first appearance this sea- son on tbe a7th. et the BuffUo Theatre, .m™"— ^.•5'';^°^°..•"'"°8b, a promlshig young sotor, and one who bide fair to become one of the best leading men in the country. Is at present engaged at Wood's Theatre, LoulsvlUe, where he Is a great favorite. His beaefit is announced for eomenhiht next week. 'Miss Mary Provost, having concluded her suoeessfnl engage- ment at the Boeton Museum, passed through New Toric lost week m nuU to Olaclnnati, where ehe appeani, June 8, at Wood's Theatre. From Cincinnati ehe goes to Mb'Tlaker's. Chicago, ap- pearing JuQe M, for two weeks, after which she withdraws fc* 'SevJUi Bisters." vrith 'iSr, eomnlt^oolng at Portland 1 son of fotirieen -weeks. Mrs..F.'P. Savage, a member ot Mr. IfotshaU's Boston aom. Sony at tho commenoemont ot this season, was hurled onflia' Ithnit She has long been an invalid. Mrs. Bavage lint-n». pearfd as Miss Caroline Btowart, and was an exemplairwlfli. Business at the Washlngloii Theatre. Camsl's Band Box, boa fhUen off since onr IsstlssB^. Tbisweek Is annoonoed as the ifst of "Uncle Tom." Poor Usels Tom I wbenwiUhedlealtiv gotherf , •. Mr. and Hn. 7. Conway's bnslnsss at the Plttsbnnh Thea- tre has not been vary goodi On the occasion ef Ur*. Oontray'a benefit "be prodnoed "Peep o' Day" to a poor honse, Tliey m the "stars" &ls week. Ihe drama In Nashville, Teno,; appears to be flonrlsfalDa; Oor correspondent "B<tmeo," Irriting under date of the ITib ult, says:—"Ws have how two theatres here, DnfBoId's Tbestra and theNewNsshvUleTheatre,aslt''l^called,andertbb man- agement ot Mr. J. B.* Allen. The company at the newtheata oonslste of Miss MOryMltoheU, Hr. u: W. Lefllngwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Allen, Mr. and Uta. Oeo- Burt Mr. Blgnns. Ur. Mow Iran, Mr. Harry Taylor, Miss Carrie Novarre,.an(fUlss PaaUna ijnsnman. Mr. J. E. MoDonough prodnoed his "Seven BlstsziT* at the new theatre on last Monday night May 2fiih. Miss Lott^ Hough also appeared. The old (DuIBeld's) theatre haa tba largest and best company, which consists of ur. Olande HamO- ton, W. M. Foster, 0. l/oalle AUeo, Harry Everett T. B. Ouaoaiv E. Clinton, Harry Jordan, Alfred Stewart, Sogers, Beeohy, ASti* - ton, Thomas, Mrs. HatUe Bernard. Mrs. Jordan, Urs. I>naeaa, Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Annie SeanUn. Miss Constaatlne and Mm MlssesPerdvaL, "Hamlet" was produced at DuflleU's on Ubi> day, 2Sth Inst, to a crowded sudlenoe, this being Ur.' ~ ~ ton's second appearance as Hamlet" The siuimer sesson commences at the HoUlday-ttreet X tre, BalUmore, this (Mondsy) evening. Jnae Ist with Mr; /ete S. Clark as the star, opening in his great nU of the immoiU Toodles. Miss EOs Oermon contlnaes a aaember M the eqai- pany.' • . ■ '■ ■ .i^:' . 'I At the Front-street Theatre. Baltipiore. "nnela.ltom's.aabte^ has been the latest produotlon.. Un. Foster, wtts-n<ndJtos has become a member of this company. - ■'■ r>ii:s.y.i:,-.., the summer season, untn August 31, opening for the tan and winter canawlgn, with Ben DeBarat St LouU. It waa antici- pated that 8am Colvllle. Eeq,. Mary Provost's business manager. ^nU.^;compelled toylilt Ireland during the summvior the adjustment .of family aOtirs.bsit late'aidrioes' render'it non- essential; consequently; tho lOlr artiste wilt sot be deprived ot his valuable services. Oor St. Louis correspondent •%" writing ttom St Lonls on the arth ult, gives us all the lateat news in the theatrical world of that city. He says:—The St Louis Hreatre Is doing a splen- did business with tho star combination—Messrs. Waluck, Dav- enport and Mrs. Farren. They are tolerably well supported by the dramatlo oompony. R L. Davenport took a boneflt on the 32d, and appeared as Hamlot, wbloh Is one of his best efforts. Mr. WalUok took the character of the Ohost We thonght his rendering of thisoharaoter was excellent Mrs. Fkrren old not look the character ot Ophelia, but otherwise It wss well ren- dered. Miss Wyette enacted the Queen very creditably. Tbe audience was very large and fbshlonable, Oen. Curtis and staff, and Oen. W. E. Strong and staff graced the dress clrelewlth tbelr preeence. Mr. Wollack took a benefit on the aoih.. The bill preeented on that occaalon waa "Damon and Pythias" and the comedy ot "My Aunt" Mr. W., as Pythias and as Dick Dashall. won the admiration of alL TO-nlght Mrs. Farren takes a benefit and appears as Disorab. In "St Maro," and Sally Scraggs. In "The Stage-struck Tailor," and Mr. Ben De Bar OS Tom Tape. Those talented artistes, the Webb' Bisters, who have just re- turned from Cuba, have leased "Winter Oarden" for a short season, and engaged an excellent company to support them. "Fanchon the Cricket" will be the first piece prodnoed. In this charaoter, Miss Ada is said, to be capital. In protean fkrce^ it la claimed that ahe has no superior on the Amerkan etage. Siie la a beantlfal slnaer. and dances with mu6h grace. Miss Emma la also a very good actress, promising muoh for the futuie. ' , . Tbe Webb Sisters have takon the Brooklyn Academy for one night Monday, Juno 1st aud will give "Fanchon tbe Cricket" and the Protean fOroe of "In and Out of. Place," Mlas Ada trill appear as Fanohon, and personate three or four characters In' the force. Miss Emma will play the Wlteh In "Fanohon." 'Mr. A. H. Davenport. T. Hind, the Misses Monall, Mrs. Le Brun and others, have been engaged tor this occasion. Ben Baker, of Laura Eeene's, Is stage manager. U sucoeaafD], they will have a oeo. end night during the week. We hear that MMIrifilths. at present attoobed to the company of the Bt Louis Itieatre. is to be leading old man at the ArciC Pb^delphla. next season. He is said to bs quite a favorite in BtLoulB. The New Chestnut PhUadelpbla. has the entire field ot that olty to llself'In tbe way ot dramatic perfonnanoes. the Arch now being gutted, and tbe Walnut ooonpled by a minstrel company. Mr*. John Wood'a engagement at the New Cheatnnt haa been oulte successful, and weliope will so continue. "The Fair One With the Golden Looks" has .been withdrawn, giving plaoe to Brougham'e great burleaqne ot "Pocahontas," wlQi the following oast:-Cantaln John Smith. Mr. Charles 'WhoaUelgh: EIng Poi^ hatau, Mr.W. Daridge; >9iibeer Bblf, Mr. W. A. Chapman; Lieut Brown. Mr. L. Carhn^; Pocahontas, Mrs. John Wood: Opodeldoc. Mrs. 0. Henri; .eto.. «lo A Ultle "dlffioolty" Is said to have takoo place at last week. Mr, D. Setehell was giving Bom'i rather ridloulons burlesque Imitations ot Mr. Forrest the tragedian, when some admirers of the latter maul- tested their displeasure, by hissing Setehell; kiroause was taken np by others, and a nice little time was the result We do not believe Mr. Forrest oares for sooh things; if he hod any feeling In the matter, Ur. Setohell'shead would have been chopped offoc- tore this: but we see he is still on' the boards of theNewOhest- nut performing In sfter-pleoes with Mrs, C. HenrL Tom Connor, leading man at tbe St LotiU Theatre, Intends. It Is said, shortly to take his flight into the starry firmament "One.more unrortunate." i ' ,„The Walont Street Thoairo dosed Ito dramatlo season on the 80th ult' AU things oonsldored, tbe business has lieen remune- rative. We do not findthb report corroborated that the building Is to be modernised. There-may he some cleaning end painting done, but beyond thla we do not -learn that any great Improve mente are oontemphited. •9 klessis, Marston and Sutton's traveling company has returned ftom a euooessrol Eaatsm campaign, but wUl next weok resume operatlflns ainong the New England towns. , On Monday evening, June let the Kate Benin Byan Troupe, embracing the names ot Kate Denln, Sam Byan, Fauny Duiham and a few other*, were annobooed to open for.a few nighte at Ueohantoa*. HaU, Vtloa. The opening piece was to be "But Lynne." . At the Museum. BoatoniWheflts had fuU sway last wo*k, aU of which were veryweU attended; Urs. John Drew was tin- nounoed to'obmmenoe a two Weeto' engagement on the ist inst, oDenlns In Madame de Marguerite's dramatization of "Aurora Floyd." Mrs. Drew's engagement .wUI probably extend to fohr. weeks, as she Issnnounoedasthe Iut"star,"and the season closes July dtb. - ' - v -*','^'i;.'*J!?'!!'"...'°"*'***««»t sensation last weok at the Boston Theatre. Ill the ohorooter of LadyAadley.-'On the 1st Inal,. Mrs. Bowers was announced to appear as JuUo, in the "Hunohbaok," "Woman; or. Lovo .•Againat the World." a part which ahe enacted nearly two hundred nlghta In London. Ik aoon tobeproduied, .. . Ur. Edwin Adams is the "star" tblii week at Ibe Howard Athe- neum, Boston, He produces JudgbCound's play 0^ the ••Uere- , DIOK'SANDS, The Obkit Cmo DoiunB^ '; . ' ' Above we give a portrait of Dick Bands, the Justly edsbrited dog dancer. Mr. Bands -was bom May 3d, 1840, In Berstal. Torfc- sblre,EngIsnd; he arrived in. this oountzyonitheadotMorah, 18118; and made hbi first appearance on any stage In-January, 1BS9, with Bryant's Minstrels, at their hoD en Broadway. .B« next performed at Blvers' Melodeon, NewTor^ and afterwards at the Philadelphia Mdodeon; after whloh he wetit'wlth Slonkfe Bheppard'a Olrons, leaving them to return to Bryanta' Uinetaus, subsequently appearing with Morris Brothers, Pell tc Tnrr- bridge's Minstrels, in Boston. AtpresentwlthM.a. OampbeD'a Minstrels, in Philadelphia. Bis danoing ta charaoterlscd by ' neatneas, grace, and artistic skill, and he is cosaldered as one of the best artists in his peculiar Une nowupon tho stsge. Ha la • genUemanly in his deportment both on and off the. hoards^ and hlsnnaasumlngmannsrsandartlstlo ablUUos have won Ibr litnt large npmber of firienda and admirers. The German Theatre of-Columbus. Ohio. located on, High « street, has been leased by Ueasrs. MUes Ic Co., and fitted up in a superior style as a concert balL Talent of aU kinds, tndndliv operatlo. minstrel, and torpslohorean performers . ore wante£ Bee advertlaement Notwllhatandlng the powerful opposition of the oboos. Mm- ble'a Varieties, ^tteburgh, did a good bustoess last weeki . Olil> rlskl, the WM walker. Is therk.'and threklmis to walk a' SIa& wire acioeS Niagara Falls oii the iih ot July. Le^JImmmis^ with hla banjo solos, - is a great favorite. Kathleen tnteU boa been ddlghtlng the fMqnenters ot this plaoe with her b&h songs. Johnny part Is the" reigning favorite Mth young Pltta- bhrgh, and Harry Talbott has mode a very favorable Imnresslau UllUe Theodore commeneed irith Dick CNeU en the 1st Wa understand that Dick bas got things all fixed with nnde . Ben Trimble to mn the TorieUea next season. The Tarietles prav. Ises to prove a mine of wealth to the popular Dick O'Neli, and Us early retirement with a fortune is not to be classed among ImposalbUllles. Tbe Dearbom.street Ogen House. Chicago, havlsg reeeivad a ' thorough rejuvenation and been fitted npln neat style. Is now open under the management of Uossn. van Fleet bOhjadwlck. Ladles and gentlemen wishing to engage would do waU to ad Or ea a their agent Mr. James Conner, it West Hoaston street M'Ue Zee. the premier daneeuse, who Is now one of the prin- cipal attractions with JanfEngllsb's company, wlU shortly open at the Dearbom.gtreot Opera House, Chicago. At Lea's Mdodeon, BdUmore, Andy Leavltt Johnny.Mulli- gan, and Billy West oonUnue to delight aU by their' negro eo- centricUles. ' The Court of Boaui? is wcU represented by Mlsa Jeony Engd. Ada Laurent TlUy ryjrbes. gaggle Uaishal^ Fanny Devote, and Julia Bobloson. With such a dlspbf of fernde beauty in varions colored tarletsn, any place of anmse- . ment ought to sucoced. John dusky, the Jig dancer. Frsak Wood, in his Sesenoe of Old 'Virginia, and Big. Bllia and son, in athletlo exeiolses. continue members of Manager Lea's com- pany. Easiness is said to be very good at the Udodeon. .'. ^e WashlngtonTarieUes has been ddng a spleadldbiislniaa during the past week; Oa the 19th, acompumentary'benaflt favorite with the Washlngtonlans. A,host ot volunteers sp- psared.lndudlngpianyfroni tbe Canterbury UnslaHaU. "Dia French Spy" is In active rehearsal at tbta honse. Friend PU- grim—nolwllbBtandlng reports to the contrary—continues st ttie helm ot this house, managing Ita arduous duties with a tact and energy which many years of active life in the professhn has enabled blm to be poeseesed of, and whloh places him smcoK the first of coicerthslt managers, - The gifted sisters Ulle Augusta and Uarie, who are now en- gaged at the Canterbury, Waehlngton, have won golden opinlona from aU who have wltaeased their execution of the dUBimU sets In wblch'they appear. The Bowery. St Louis. Is doing a fine boslness with the spe^ tsde ot "Aladdin." and the usual exceUentperformance. UHa Leonora, the proiuere daruoiu ot this eatabllshment was to toka a benefit on Friday evening. May asth. Miss Jennie Somont^ oomedlenne, and Miss Pauline Ouahman'areahor(lj''toappear there. At Fox's Casino. Phlladdpbla. Ur.T. D. Carrie, a slngerof]lha Bam Cowell kind, mokes his first appearance en the 1st of Jane. Mr. Albert Brahom, tenor dnger. also bealns at the Oaatno,oa the same evening. Ulss Susie Summenlud also Joins ^com- pany. The Casino is doing a snog bushiess. li Somo very good psrformonoes are glven at the Continental; Phlbwldphla, Just now, the prindpal artiste being Mlia Ernestlna de Falber, Kitty Blsnobard, JulTa Price; Ur. Jadkson Haines, Ulke MoKenna. the Wallaoo Br<tlher*, etc - ,i' , I, L. Davla^ras tobaveopened a placelaatweekatthe.qomav of Sixth and Walnut streete, Phllodeipbhi, bnt a postponement until June let was rendered neceaaary, Tbe plaoe la cMled Da- Vis! Opera Hones. At Long's Varieties, Pbiladdphia, Hiss Fanny Qllmoreand Mdlle. La Forrest are amoog tlio attraoUons thta.week.. La P»- Hte Matlldai danseose. also entets upon an engagement there. At the Canterbory Music HaU, Woshlogton, D. 0., theyata doing a thriving bosiaess, with M'Ue Annetta IMletU ^d Mioa Eva Brentas the bright partlonldr stars, both of whom are do:^ servedly popular. Tho retnm of the old favorites. Miss Eata Pennoyer and Mr, H. W. Eagan, Is hsUod with ddlgbt by thdr admirers. Mr. J. B. EdwordB, a vory.flne performer, mode hla debut at this house on the 1st Inst, as Slok Turphi. 'f; • ■■ ' , ' HBQRO niNSTKBIiBTt. " ' :. Duprez andOteen's Mlnstrds hadasllghtdlfilooltyat Keoknk. Iowa, on tho aist It seams that the person whom they sent ahead to engage the HaU and attend Io other buxlDeis. mitde nsa ot'lansuage In the Oale CUy Noa Qffla, that did not beMnna a Union loving man. The consequence was that Ma^me Bumop soon bad it that the minslrd boys wore disloyal, end J»»/*1b5 up" for Dixie. Before tbe company Mnld appoar, Mf. Dunrea was obUged to come tfutiu s card denying the report iiid pTete- <ina hlfflulf and every mombur of tho company a Blennch Vnloa min.. The entertainments given by this party ate Iin^t» lotetsperseill with pairiotio airs, ^thllBt no dlsloyd alts ^ erse permitted to be eung or didoyd allusions made. . ■ Duprez and Orera'e Minsbels aro doing a fine kn»»n«M»** ereat West OoL BUlnger, the tickot seUer, has been kept tbT wot late taking In"tho greenbacks, Go «be.l8ft flompany was at Book lalaud. across the rivor froln b^JJP*! On tie JOIh and aist they wero at Durllngtoo, «4'^*«SS2? housee each night On too aad. tbey oponed. at the AthenalMa, HtSmV lotra, to an overflowing house. . The sarne waa wpeatoa.. ^^sforcon^ttoa»llo!> of lliMttlCfilBsoor^^