New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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THE NEWJTO|K"GI;I?EP AMERICAN SPORTING AND JfnEATRICAL JOURNAL. FRANK aVEBR, H1 Eilltor mud PraprUtor. J NEW YORK, SATDKpAT, JUNE 8, 1888. IPHioaaizcsm. BT Bevi VBTTTEN lOE IBM FKW TORE OUTSlSt BY THOUAB H. BOQEBB. He wu mjr onlr on«, my piMe, Tb« atar Uwt lit mj IodsIt «tr> Sinn In tba vu of btlUa died Bit alts on aiilloh'a blood/ di7> It balped to aootha mj faatnl wo« To tbink mj boy content mnld iia At taoma—a aaUab tbonihl, I know. Bat b» wu Ufa and Iot« to ma. BUD o'or Uia T«rd>nt Boalbam maada Iba amoka of war obacniad tbs nui Bull told tbo day* of nobla deeda. Of din dafaata, of Tlcloriea won, Btm nuttona' cbaaka naw cold and pala, BtUl maldana pnyed wltb batad bnatb, 8UU tmm tbe land mnt np the wall Of tboae wboaa daaiaat alopt In Death. KyboyI ImarkadhlaglowlDqohaeli, Iba tana llgbt flaming In bla eya, And knaw ttaa wotda ha longad to apeak Wbora'ar a war>boand band wont by:** •Jwu tbna bla fatbar lookad, tbe day 'Ha bald ma In a lait embnoa, Then marched with dasntleaa beaittway. The Unloa'a Implou foea to face. At laiuth tbe words came Actca end etreng, Tbew<>rda that obllled my heart with fear, "Ob, molbar, whlle^y oomradea thnog To war, why abcnid I linger bere t •Our conntry necda my atrengtb iMay, Tbe atrengtb of all her ywmen trae. Bar pleadliu voice I mnat obey. Kor paaa thla fearful time with yon. ■**E'on thoee who came from foreign lands* On oar free plalna naw bdmaa to find. Sow march wllh wHIlng heart* and bands Where'er onr colon eroo the wind. -On erery bard fought field their cry Ooaa up above the battle'a din. And faithful to the laat, they dl^ In aoul, If not In blood, onr Un, "Then why aboald I whose fkthere sleep Tbale bUla, their native aoU, Iwlow, A raated eword In acsbbard keep. Nor bnm to alrlka a patrlol'a olowl Thy bleaalog, mother I make me alrcDg To do what honor bids me do! Thaae tralior* omahad,—'twl'l not be Ions,— And I'll come borne again to yoii," In vain I clasped him to my heart, And told him of my widowed atalo, And tried wllh alls mothor'a art Bla war-like ardor to abate. I epoke of bar whose yoong love be Held doaraat of all thlnga below. Bat still he cried. "It cannot tie I— Thy bleaalng, mother—bid me go I" And ao, wltb many a bnmlog tear. For him In prayer I bent toe knes, And aaked that Ood bla couna wonld ataer, And bring blm safely back to me. Ho vent I—Once more tbo say robed Spring Wltb emerald troaanrea strewa the plain, And birde come North on Joyous wing, But he will n'er coma North again I ViUltmabarg, L. I., 3Iay, 16(9. • us-M Clipper Vrls* Story^ MBS. JT7LIA DEAK fiATNE. This artist (of whom the above Is i striking Ukaneaa) was bom In tbo vlllaae of Pleasant Valley, Dntotaeaa Coanty, N. T., Jnto n, 1830. First appeared 00 tbe alaga as Lady Ellen, In the "Lady ofthsLska." First sppeaied In New York In Hay, 18411, at lbs Bowery Theatre, filling the theatre to overflowing .for thirteen nlghla. Hade her im appearance In Philadelphia, Nov. U, 'M, aa Julia, in the "Hmiohbaek,'i at the Arch^treet Theatre. In I8M wu married to Dr. Eayne. In Jane, 18M, atae wu playing In Callbrsla, meeting with trlompbant socoeas. After aa al>. aesoa al lUrlees monthe aha reliunad to New York, having made BO.OM cla«r. At preaent thla lady la playing In Ban SlU' c\teo, OaL. Aa ao aotreaa, her merits srs conaldarablsi her coO' ceptntt otebaraetar la nnick and oorreet; her development of It alifayavurkadby Intelligence, disorimlsatlon, sad good taate. Bhe alwa|s dresies her part with atngnlar propriety. In private life she Is mneb beloved, on aoconat of aa exceedingly amUble cbanslsr. ring maal be worth Ave bimdred dollars, and If yon are ancoeaa* fbU I will make yoo a preaent of two bondred more; ao yon will be a gainer of aeveo hnndrod dollars." "Anl I aee; yon want me to tempt blia, to nuke blm give me a rlnoworth five hsntred dollars." "Eiaotly; wllh year charms yon can make blm sell his soul toyoD." "Bnt why. Inks, do yon want him to give me the ring t" "That la my bnstneaa, Bmeatlne. Ton wlU have poateaslon of ■ handume ring and two htudred dollars; that ought to aatlafy yon," 'Bat tell me, Lake; la he handsome t" _ .. , .. TEE SECKET COBOLATE; OR, iBE uTsmiers boise a m five politb. A STOnV OF NEW YURK CITT IiIFK. wsnm npBxssLT fob tbx rew tobs cuftiBi BY J. A. TINDEBWOOD. Copyright Beonrod. CCAFTEB Zir. ' rsC ATEMIX pXtS A TlSn—EDHESTIKE SE SILCOOE—A RHDER IfCEKE —THE rnOPOnnOK — EDWAJID OUFTOK VUTTS THE THEITHE—THE INVITATIOR—THIS MHEX MB flEB Vlonu— TOE SIUIOND BIKO—THE QIUDnoON DANCIS—Tim VIOTDI ES'SNAJlEa—TUC FOBOEBT—TUE BElfDEZVODS—TBE UODBBM ARPAS)^ Ibrco monlbs after tbe evente related In tbe list chiptcr, Ur, Lku .Vvorlll loft bis place of bnalncea at foar o'clock In the trnoou, and proceeded up town. Bo lamed Into Bond street, d elopned boioro a prifale bouao. It was a email,- unpretend. ; dirulllug, wlUi a Utile garden lu front of it, which appeared M kept with remirkablo ueatneaaa, Luke rang the boll, and Is a nnto or two tbo door w(u opened, and be ateppod In, Tbo In- ior bore a remarkable contrast with the exterior. It wu far- ilied Is the moat gorgeous atjle, Every article la the drawing QUI was of tbo moat eiponelve kind. The walls were covered 111 blue and gold Frouob paper, and ornamented with oiqul- 9 oil iialutlnge, which decidedly verged on the Indelicate, re- neullug for tbo most part female forms la a atate of nudity, biudeoroe rosewood piano, brocatelle chnira, a eoft Torkey ^icl, andpluk aatlo ourtaUu made up the furalture. rto door was opened by a young quadroou girl, cicesslvel|r (lly, wltb dork oyos and ronndcd form. "U your mlalreaa In I" aakeil Luke. "Yea, eir, sho la la the drnwlag-room." "ilono?" "Ves, air; I will go end let bar know that you are hero." "It la unnocessary. I will aanounco myaolf." Bu ontorod the, and found a magnlllcent girl cUuIng In a largo rocklng.obali, eiigoaed In reading. She wu '^moro Iban twenty yoare of age, sua bewIlcUngly boantlful. tr bolr Vina Intooaely black, and her eyea dark and piercing. ' ffor^a black allk drow, out very low lu the nock, wuleb con* ntvd admirably wltb Uio daullng wblloncsa o( her akin. Ber 1 wore red and allghtir pouting, her oboeksasaofl and downy a uewW pluokod pca(b, and tinted with tbe hue of perfect ilth. Hercomtiloilanwaa as pure w aUly, and her wbols form It In A nioBl voluplAus mould. Ber ahonldcrs were u white BUboHtcr andbcr buat, wblcb liar low-cut dress mors than lf-rovoAled, win n model of firmness, olaatldty, nud exquisite relopemont, Tbe otutude she had uanmed wu one of the lit graceful obumlcn, and ber liny feet ruUng on an otio- lu.cauaed berdrcse to be allgblly raised, reraallng limbs of > most superb proportions. Hus ycnng girl iru Msdsmolsells ucillne do Selegue, tbo Frenchdauteaio of the Park Theatre. jCrucstlael" aald Luko, alter gazing a moment on the lovely "AhlfonnVii—laibstycn, Ur.Lukol" aha oiolalmod, lamp- 1 Itom her east and mnnlsg to him"—faiuaaslneiickcr/ tumo my dear I) ^nd Hbe bold her boauUfol face tomptlngly dole to his. He nied Lie Ups to bcrs, "0, It la an ago ainco I saw yon," aald Emoitlne, Bating lev- )ly In bla Ikce. "Ouiir»i»ui<«(eulcelnii>ilar (Where have u been aU tbli time?") ^ "0,1 have been io bo^ that I conld not poislUy get bare b* Hadomolarilo Erneillne spoke very llHlo English aad Lake :erlll anoko I''nnob well, tbo convorultou waa uow carried on llie latter Ungnage, which we will traoalate fer the bonollt of r readers. "Aud you have left mo wltbont say one to coaiolo na." "0. Eruoalino, you liavo plenty of lovera." "0, you wicked man I" aald Srneatlne, playfolly dragging blm • aofa, on which they both aal. "\Ybyaon'lyou klaa mi^why eTouaocoldr" ebe added, leaning voluptnouily anlnit bin. Hedrew ber witblnhle arms, ao that the back of her bead rntoA I bla loll aboulder. By oulliig down bis eyes, bo bad a view bcr auiwrb boaom. Tbo eight of tbeao obarms excited' blm Ike utmost, lila hands aharcd tbe happlneu of bla oyos. and ' oellrloiialy wandered from charm to onann—at lut lie fell bo- 'Kn bor armn, tbeir Ilpa wero coufouudod togolber, and nlup- °iu oiproaalone eacapcd them. e**«eee* "Dear Eracalino," aald Luke, "I want yon to do a favor fer 'f o-ulght there will bo a yonng mm In Iho Park Tbenire, ' Uc private box on tbe lefl-liaud aide. I want yon to uk blm 'tup wllb you: cncmirago him aa much as yon ]ilcaso, biitdo 't1*-tlilmgobo)'oudacertelo leiiglli, nnlcai bo luakea you n ^iii ofa dianioml rliii;. If yon aucciicd In gotllag tbo ring, lucuu grant bimwbaluvcr favors >uu idciee. The dlniiioud "Very well, Iconaent I will lovlte him to supper here lo-nlgbt sad aee what I ca^do with him." Alter prolonging the conversatloa a little loagcr, Lake took his leave. Thataame eveaing, at eight o'clock, Edward Oraflon, Ur. Lake Avorlll'a olerk, entered the Park Theatre. Bla employer bad that moralog msde hUn tbe praaest of tbe ticket, atatlag Uattaecoaldaef nie IthliaaeU. He eater^ tbe private box. At last BmesUae de Belegne. made Tua atipeannce on the alage. In the Blight attire aha had oA hsrvottptew* IkdrwineWui all lie exquisite proporlloaa 'Her aplaadld buat andmagalfloAOt lhaba wonld have moved a devotee. Aa the beantltnl girl glided atwutthealage, aheciat langalshlng slaacea oa Edward, and amlledlaapecnllanmaiuier. Thaee advaaces aude his bkiod bolllnhlsvelos. When the ballet was over, oas of tbe employeu of the theatre catered the box, aad baodod Edward a little plak aote delicious, lysceated. Ee-openedlt, aadreadit u foUowa:— •■Cone aad sup with me thi.i Aeaing, at No. — Bond street I sbsU be aloae. Ebmistue se Beleoux." The exdtsble yoaig aun wu at the soveath huvea of delight at thla InTitauoa, end started Immedlstcly for tbe rendexvona. He wu let lo by the pretty qnadrooa who Immediately ahowed him laU) the drswlag room. Braostloo dc Belegae wu voluptu* ously exteaded on a aolh. Bhe had ch anged her drou aince ahe returned from tbe theatre, and was now ravishing to behold. Ber ccetnmo wu orlentsl snd of almost transpsrent texture; the aklrt reached ecarcely to her knees, and allowed to be aeea tbo plnmpaau, rDnndeeae, aad perfecUoa of ber lovely Umba. The dreu coold acarcely be aald Co cover bar boat at all, for two Ivory globu, which Apellea might have takea for a model for bla VonoB, were almoat entirely exposed, aad the maaaer In which they roao and fell with her breathing, almost drove Ed- wsrd crazy. Ber arms, entirely ancovered, bung negligently by the aide of the acta, and ware ronaded la the same cxqalsiti proportlona u hor limbs. Edward threw himself oa his kaoes, snd prcasod a klia-oa her lovely wblto bead. "Riu my Ilpa, tnon dur" sUd she. £e preued s klu of Are oa her rosy, hnmld Upa, and bis hsnd had already fallea on ber ahouldar, and wu gilding towards her boaom, when ahe arroalod It. "Walt until after sapper, man ther," said abo. Yoong Orafloo wu ouUgad to be aatlaAod wllh klaaes, bat he oculd not tun hla eyea from the two palpitating alatiaster globca which leomed to Invite the preasare of his hsnd. In a few mln- ales tbe buuUfol qnadroon came to laform them that aapper, wu aerved. Be offered Eraeallae his srm, sad they entered tbe snpper room sad sal down to aa'oxqalslte repul, where every- thing calcolatcd to excite the aeaau wu aerved. Oraftoawufn a perfect doUriom. Moltea Are seamed to be flowing through his veins, and his flushed face snd trembling hsnda ahowed how mnch tbe lovely alrcn bad entbrsllod him. AAer aupper tbey returned to tbo drawlag room, aad Edward rn took his plsco beside the yonag girl oa the aola. Bbo took banda la hers, and leaalag vclaptucnsly agabiat blm ao that be felt bor perfnmod broatb oa hla chock, aad hor warm boaom prcnod against his obeat, she aald :— "Edward Qralton. 1 love you, and I am willing, under a cer- tain eondlUoa which I shall name by-aad-by, to graat yon the fulloat prlvUegu. KIsa mo, mm cAcr," Be adzed her flraaUcally la hla arms, sad preued s thousand hot, butDlog klaaca ou bor lips, aeek, and aboulders, Again bla btnd waadered, batagala ahe restralaed him. "Have patience,** lald ahe, "whoa yoa have acceded to Iho ro. qnett I have to make you, J will be yours." "01 asms It, lovely being, snd rest asanred It Is slrosdy granted," said Edward, almoat out of hla acnaea. "I wUl tcU you by-and-byi In the moaatlme, Aaaette ahall amou us wllh a dance." Bo uylng, aha clspped hoi hiadSi aad tho boaallful qtudrooa appeared. . .. "Annette," aald she, "go aad dreu yoorself la orieotsloos. tame, aad show thla gentlemaa how srell you caa dance." The quadroon coartealcd vrlthoul uylng a word, and In a few mlnotei returned. The moment he saw her, young araflcn ut. tered a err of utoDlehment, admlrstloo, snd dolubt The ex- quisitely formed girl wu la a ateie of cotnplete audlty, with Iho eiceplloB of an almoat Iransparent aklrt nom bar walaL Ber lovely bust waa entirely ancovered. aad the thla texture of tbe abjgle article of attire ahe wore, allowed tbe whole of her lovely limn to be aesa la all tbelr voloptaoaa fulaou aad rouadneu. Emeabaeseatedbenelf atthepuno, andpUyed a waltz. The quadroon tbSB eonuaancsd a daaco, the descrlpUon of which a sense of daclnov compels as to omit It anawered tho pnrpoae, however, of rendering the uaforiunato yoaag taanapuaattool In the hai^da of tho tonptroM. Aiterthe dance wuAnlahed Annette lelt the apartment, aad young Orsfloa wu igala aloao wltb tb( alren. Bhe placed her- Bolf oa hla kncca, snd rested one of her fetf oa the sob, and by tbia attitude, ono of her boautlful llmbe wu brought out 1h fnfl relief. Edward's Inmbling Angers allnpcd her light ganaedteM from her Ivory shoulders, and preesen a thouiand klues on her superb botom, sho making but slight roslstenco. .But when he became more ourioua, ahe again stopped him. . "Dear Edward," uld ahe, "I lay no claim to virtne, In fut, I confenlama perfeotAapula—and I am willing to make you my lover oa condition tliat you make no a preaenl of a dlamend ring u a mie d'anevr. TbIa ring mnit bo worth Ave hundred 'dollars. Qlvo ma It and I am yours for u long aa yon sleaae." Aa alio apoke theao worda abo prciiod bun tightly to her throbbing breaat, and pressed hor dswy Ilpa to his to a volup- tuous klu. His poison worked; ho waa lior'a, boly and aoul. "Lovely angel, 1 would aoll my aoul lo poueu you. T^mor. rojs nlibtyou aliall htvo Uie ring." '■And you aball lead such a aulit of plcaanre that year wlld< eat drrauis bare never imagluod," alio ropllod. And IH a reward for lila complalsinrtt, abo preMod lilm lo her Willi ainoroiiH fury, and ho i*arloi>l{ of her delirlnm, Dut abo would uut iierull hbu lo gu btyoud a cerlalu iiolul. It ma ttni o'clock In the momlag whea he left, bewUdsred, lnloil(lated, aadonxy with love. It wu ten o'clock before he re4ehed the ofllce that morning. Be reaolved at aay price to oblalB the dlsffload tlag. Ataoon he wu left alone lathaolBce. Ur.'LiIke Avirlll'a check book lay tempting^ oa the duk. Be couldUiItate Us employer's sigaslarsexsctly. WIthoal reflect- ing what he wu doing, he flUed op a check for Ave haodred dol- lar*, sad pnl Luke AverlU'aaame to It Whea he weat to hla din- aer hi got It caabed aad parohased a maaalfloeat dlaooad ring with the proceeds. If he had watched Ur. Luke AvsrOl'i face when he eatered the ofllce In the aftaraooa, he wonld have aeen ape«|illaraaIIeAItaoro^IL Bathlsaenseswerelnsochawhlrl ofexoUemsDttbat he noticed nothing. He agila vlalted the theatre that night, and wu again greeted wllh'in killing glancu of the beantltul daaaenss. Bhe read la hla ceoalenaace that he had procarsd the rlag. After the ballal wu ever he raa to Eraullaea realdeaoo la Bead street, and was adnHMd' by the beantlfol qnadroon. Bhe Informed hlffl that hat.^Mtreu wu waltIiig,for him In the drawing-room. He raa np auft* and burst into the apsrimsnt. Be uttered a ery of r<#c' """ ■■ hsrvoluptaoas tqrm. Bo "I know, tcj dear " "No, yoa doa't know—voo are an oBressenstde, , man, Draadoa. Hare I slaTi ilaro for yea all day long, sad gstaothsnka. Other hnibands caa take their wlvM to mtinlBC plscea, bntlam obliged to stick sthome.saffloMrsnsrsoBinisK' " WsU-bit, my dear, yoa know my piolessloaal dnBsa " •■Bat J bavs lo profeasional daUw, Boetor Braadoo, and I don't ioe why I ihoold be obliged to remabi la the oint whea evsrvbodyslM Is oak Why can't I bosrd at tks FavOlOB, sfe BrigotoB, In Btelea Island? Yoo csb come sad spend aniy Bonday there." , ■Wall, my leva, I will seeabeat Ik" ■0 yu, I kaow what that meaaa. I tell yea what It Is, BrBB> doBiIlatlat ca going. Thsxeanptentyof psoplsthuiknov there. Let me see—tnore's the Wsllons, Ur. Laks AvsrtU and Ur. Uordaat'a family there, and alao the ])ev. Ebeasiar Oaater. Thefactla, Braados,IamlU, aadthe ohaageof air wUldom* good." ''Why, my dur, yon ais the ptctore ot health." 'Of coarse yon will ur that, but I snppose I kaow my own feoUags best It's s wtelohad thlag being married lo a dociori ooe aevsr gets aay sympathy." ' "Now, yoa are aajast Whea yon are really HI, doa't I do all IcsB to peisosdsyoB to take medlclae." "Yes, yeur rasdlolBe—but I sm act such a grsat goow u that. Yoaonly wsattoexperlmeatoa me, andlf Iwaie to take yone llthy drnga, I shenld sooa be la my giive." , "Now, really, Urs. Brandon '* "Ihars, say no mere about II; what I want to know la, aai T to go to the Pavilion, or net I It would slao do Emily good. Bh* la now snfferlag to nnch with headache that she ooa't get op to breikfut" "I am afraM we can't aOord It Ton know, In the sonnur Hme, I am notTerybnay." Tu, bat yon spend money aboatyonrself last eaeagh—U'B • perftet cauUoa to see the dgan yoo imoke, lo uy BOIMag of lh» Draadyyoagoisla down." By tab time the meal wu eenoladed, aad to escape the taiw tker ifflportoaltlu ot hla wife. Doctor Btaodon wu abont to heals retreat, whea he was atopped by hla better half. - "I tell yon what It li, Braadoa," ssid that aailabla ladr, "Z tsBlstoBgoIagtaBriahton. Iwoa'tbtarawoidtotheoonoaiy, hot ahall pack op my things at oacs." "Wall, my dur," aald the doctor, who nw it «u ao aae oon- tandIngaayiaor^"Uyoa reallywiabltl sapposslmosloaa* seat I shall spend svetrBanday wflh yoa, .aad u thttsars oaay of aiy pallente alayug there, I maybe able to tomlito my advantage." "Of coarse yon may: a talented pbyslolan like yon Is sore la St plealy to do there." aald Ure. Braadoo, ooasldembly moU- led by her huaband'a consent "Who knows bnt yon may per- haps be able to raake year expenses I" "I hope so. Oct sll yoar lUnga psoked np, aad I will latB yon sad Emily by the foar o'olocx host" "We'll be ready, yoa may depend npon that," Deotor BrsndoB left the heaae to laake some profeadeoal ealla, while Ur*. Brandon act about making preparations ferhsr intended trip. At two o'clock the phyalclaaretaned, and foanS his wife la the but poaslbls spirits: la Uat, u hs staled oonft> danllally to a triead, he had never aeen bar In better hnmer. After partaking of a huty dliuer, a oarrlage wu oaBed, anC the doctor, acoompaated by hla wife aad daoghler, preeeeded Is the Btetealalaad Ferry. In dne time they reached the PavBloai, where Urs. Brandon sad Bmlly were provided with a snUsbto room. It wu rather high op, to be laie, bat then It wu ao nnch plessaater lhaa being at home, Socter Brandon wu right astotbelietofa great aamlMr tt UU, -snrea.aaled the il isrgSd CroaMhe taniah ,^nu wks apn cuSTtfiMAeSy lAUl thobuOli ran,. aad kneelbig by.'^ her toiler. Her mllkwhite arms emsi sad Wading them reuad hla aeoh, she pteoed his hi ber throbbmg brearl, "lamyoars—yoarsi" she sxolslmed. Oriften, In a awe of dellrions Joy, tore away the ganie teitor* which covered hsr, and ahe lay o^re him like veaoa rlalng trcmthesea. BeraklawullkeaaUaaadofdaizUagwhllsBaak aad brought hilo loll relief bv her ebon hair whloh she had 1st dowa snd: now streamed on her Ivory shonlders. Bar alaoder walat, ber volnptaona boaom, her rosyllpe, her «nim«i«ii color, her alorioos eyu which ahot florth glaaou that ooold not be mlataksn. all prtaealed to his eager eyea the pertaUoo of the mother of love. Ditlnly beyond hlnisslf. OrsfloB begsn to Ihlak thst his hsp- plneu oonld not be resL Itwu aotaatllsbe selxsd his band snd placed It on ono of her huvlng breasiB that hs awoke tnm blj elate of trance. "Oome, dearEdwarV-comel" shemnnaarsd. la anotbar moment he wu folded ia her aaowr anas. • s* • e • a It wu six o'clock la the morning whea ho retaraad home. CBAPTE^XT. DOnon nniKtxKi's mieakeast boub— anisoR axs tbb paob— TETE-A-nrS neiWBEB DOCIOB AMD llBS.BnAia)0K—UlS. D. azqoniEa a obaxob or ara— tbb dootdb's BxsrrATioB- Tau socrEB oivss bis coiueht—uozbvibw bxiwbeii HEUBI. WALTDX UID AVZBILL. ' It Is a warm August momlag, thru axoatbi sfter tho eveate related ta the lut chapter. The saa Is slrsady high la the huveaa, and ibt atreste pruant that lazy appuraaoe which Is lo bs wen la perfeetloa la aa Americas oily daring the dog. days. Storekeepers staad at their doors, wipe the psrapliatloa from their browa, aad amose thehselvoa watching tho broad ahadew eait by the honaos growing leu and leu; It hu alrudy aliruaktolhepavemoataadlaaanolltlmo the glare of the sun wUlODllge them lo retire luto baok rooma. where, by freqoent appUcatloae to the water cooler, they aaooavor lo batllewlth the heal u best tha^csn. The flioa are havlag a gala-lime, Ihey buiE late oae's oars, and kup upa coatlBoal hum to the aaaoy. aaco aad disgaal of aervoua people. The afonaald flies appear 10 b« partlooUrlybaayaronad Dr. Braadon's breakbat taole, which was already sot, although there wu aooae theri to partake of Jt—the doctor aad-hla wife aad daughter sot havlag aiade their appuraace. Tho taqalalUve Utile Inteola wore evldentlr dctemilned to make an sxplerstton of all tho arllclca on tbo bruklul table. A whole legion of them bad takea paaaeaeloa of the angs^bowl; aome being buay on ttaa ouUlde, while the white laatpe of augsr were sb< tljelv hidden from view by myriada of other*. Another delaoh- meat were making a reooanolsaaco ot a plate ot bresd-^ thai a abort distance off U looked u If Itwerealuddedwithoarrante. A few olhorai more adveaturous, were anffering for their lemsr^ ity by being stuck ful In a man of half liquid butler, from which Ihey eiraggled In vain to extricate IhemMlves. "Drat the flluT' said Do<!tar Brandon's aowpsge, * prooils- lugodorod boy. who wucolladOrlandoby hlsmlatieas, slthongh hla real name wu Jiwn. "Drat Iho fllu I It'a no uae In whining on 'em away, they come back agia more unm'moa than ever." - -OrlaadOkliowevsr,sst-towork vlgoroualyiaadsooaelearedihs Uble of the eaemy. Be hsd scsroely siebted this when the maid of all vrcrk eatored, aad deposited oa the table a uvory dish ef egga and bason. "Uy goOyi that amella nloe," aald Orlaado, amsoUag his Upa. "Now look here, Orbmdo," ssld Bridget—"doa't you bo after ittlsg lour Angora lato the fat, u you did ywleroay moralng, or I'll toll your mlaala on you." "Yoa Jual ahat up, Itlah," aald the page. "I didn't do aolhlng ot the klad. I wu only taking oat a dud Ay," . "I kaow bettor, yoa auty, oolored varmint I didn't I aoe yoa with myown bleaaed eyu?'* "No you didn't, Irian. Ton're aller* dowa oa me, bat I'U bo even with yoa some day, I caa teU you." ■>Yoa buy, good-tor-noUiIag Bigger—It I wu the dodor, I'd aooa oloar you out ot here." ■ "Nigger* are u good u Itlah any day of Iho week," Tbe war waxed warm, anduere Is no knowing how It mlabi have ended had not Doctor Brandon onlercil the room Willi a paper In hla hand. At tho sightof him tho two Iruelbledumca- Ilea Inimedlalcly cooled don, The worthy phyalcian wu evldonlly fatter than when wo laal uw him, aad aoomed If poaalble to have Increued In conee- qariice. Bo waled blmebli at tehlo, and allhoiigb be wu voiy hungry he did not daro to ooounence bis hnnkfut until bis belter half made her appurance. Be waiteil pailehlly Ave mlnulea, by thai time the urory smell bail ancb an cllocl upon blm that be amnmoucd up courage to any lo Bridget:— "Oo and tell Mm. Draiiilcu that brcakfaat la ready." ■■There In no rcteoo to aeud for mc," exclaimed tbe voire of that aniiablo lady, who ciilerod at lliat inuiuent. "Voii nilgbly early thla morning, Dnclor Uraudoii—it'a a plly yuii don't get up na pnrly every day," "Wiiy, my dear. ll'« r«»l nine o'l'lock," laid tlio Docior, npolo. golicAlly," and I lliuugut porbapa yon uilghl have ovomlept your- aelf." ■■Vou hnre no bimlnrsa Intliiuk nnyihing about mc. ^N'hca do I over keep you waiting for breakriel?" hla patlante being there; bnt, onfortanately, they aB appeared to he In excellent health. The doctor aighad when be 'uw their rosy cheeks, sad wu oonsdona that u a medical speosUUan. hla visit wonld' bs a fallnre. Be wu, however, cordially oelvsd by his trieads, and the evening passed away very agree- ably. On the same ovenbig that he arrived, Ur. Walton and Ur. Lake AvsgUl were seated In the spsriment of tbs latter, engaged to very wraoat conveiaaUon. Mr. Walton had eaUiely recov- ered from his sttsck ot the goat and looked the ptolaie ot health. Lake wu pale, bat In other rupecte, looked weU. He wu dreaaed In deep black: thla, with hi* white aeckerchtal eve him the appearance of a clergymaa. He had .beca very iltom alnce hla uother'a dwih, which appeared to prey VS17 Boch 00 his mind. Be 'was now vsry wealthy, tor the whole of hla oncto's Isrge forlms had faUen to blm In deCaalt of a wlB* f^ the ooe prepared IhenJgtu betbie the Osneral's det «a Be^ ^^M^ yeoflC^ AvsIU,-tai(r WaUM; Mu <iUTonng.Canowia.lB thshotne now.aad Seed Uradsinnr;' day., I have no doubt'thaiyinseti by stealth. aUhoagh I aaft pnVelt". ' - ■ -V - •• i "--...^.. V'T^ --• . •|2||tjinx dear air, yon ihoald oi«t ym'aptttaliyji| Ij, "I do u mach u I can, bat hyfttvenal ska ibiUvanfjtii- I am determlaed OB lhat head-" "I win eadeavor todoaydntyaad make her a good hatatd.** "I know that, Ur. AveilU: If I did net think ao, she absold nsvar marry yon, for sllhongb weslth to one thing, mr eUd'a bapptoau Is avsn of greater Importance. I eaa but Ihli^ however, that thla prelarenea fer yonng Hordaant la minir* fooUsh osprico. At sU evealB, I would lather bm hsr in bar grave thaa laarry hhn." "Yoa are right Hr. Walton; althongh I caanol thiak II pnver to bear malice, there can be no doubt abont It thai the Ifof> daimto have always stood In yoar wsy. If it had aol baeafcr Ihto yoaag man's Mher'sopposlUoa.yoawoold andoabtcdlr have beea Uember of Congreaa al Ihs last elaottoa." "I kaow It—I know It aad It aearly maku me wild to think Ihatth* SOB shoald dale to aspire lo my dsaghtor's hand, bat the qussUoa which now sglUtss lay lalad Is whstber lo leisaiii hqre or act I dislike Ihs Idea of betog obliged to leave on hie account, and yet I am persaaded lhat tbsy sae esch other oflan. Can yon angReat ao jdan to keen them apart?" "Ton caa forbid her to Me him." "I am afraid that wonld be of but Uttto ase. I bavo said en* ZTiUag I caa oa Iho sahject" • "Perhapa he will act remain hero long. I woader how be baa been apared ao long. The houae of Hordaaat k Boa do a vanr large boataeu, and ha la anoat tmporuat member of the Aim." "That'a the wont of It" aald Ur. Walton, In a masUig veto*. ■ There eanaol be the leul thing brought agalaat his morsl ehai^ ler. Now, if he were oalr dissipated, I ahoald have no dUB- culty whatever in obUteraluig Uaod'a kivs for blm—bat the toci ia, u far u I can learn, his cnaracler la beyond reproach." "I doa't kaow 10 mnch atoat lhat," ro|iUed Lake AveiOJ, aC tcr hsvlaR refleeted a moment or two, "I have beard aomar^ porte to the pl^ delrlmenlal lo Henry Uoidannt". ••lodeedl ofwhatnatnret" "1 have beard that he Bsmblea." • "Prove It" eold Ur. Walton, Jnmptog from hla aeat "and sD dUAgnltlu wUl be swept sway. I am euro she will Immediately cut him off forever." vl wUl make eaqulries to town ebcal the matter. By the by. Ur. Waltoa, I wosid recommend you to buy aome Central Bail- nad atock—It'a boand to go on." ■•Yourkaowledge of financial aOUi* is exoelleat, Averlll. I made a good thing ont of tboac SUte Bcnda I bongbt by year ad- 'Vice, f ehsU ceitaialy take your hlul aboal the Ceatrat Ballroad." ThU coaversalloa wu Inlempled by a knock at the door, which, betog opened, .revealed the person of Doctor Brandon, who came busUtog Into the apartmant wllh that peooUaralrer importanqe whtoh a phyalcian knows so well how loaaanma. "Ezcnao my tolrudtog," aald he, "bat I heard yoB vrar* bate^. Ur. Walton, aad wanIM to aee how you were. -1 have biunght my wife aud danstaUr her^ hot I mast be buk In the momlag. A physlclsa yoaxnow, osn never comaaad Ma own time." —"I-anrdallghtadtaBts'yoa,'doitor,"^utd Ur; Walton, eitead- iightoband. ■•Anything new In town r* ••Nothing very partlcnlar—aereral deeda ot blood have bsaa ocmmttted duilag tho put week, and no. clue to Iho asiisslni^ either." "It Is very slrang^" aald Ur. Loko Avorlll; "I Ihtok the po- lice must bo very remln." "There U a good deal ot mystny aboot the laaller," replied Iho docior. "specially la thla tho cue with respect to the mo- tives for the deed. Nono of these people sppcar to bavs bean reblisd; and It wonld almoat aeem as It the vIcUms were potent of tho way to gratify private malice, lint at all events, Ueis to orost excitement In tbo city." "1 agree with Ur. AverUl, aald Ur- Walloa, ''Iho poUce cer- Ululy do not do their duty. ■'-How do you gel on with your pro- feiaorahlPi'doclorl" ••Mmlrablyl the school hai Increaned very mnch alnce t look tbo chair of anatomy. We aboil begin tbe next season wllh a larger number of eindenia than any college In the conntry. \Ylint I aim at la, a pepuUr style of teaeblhg: you (an't thiuk bow fond thoyoutigmen have become of diaaeellngi" ■'.luvlhlOK .new in Iho poliUcal world, doctor?" naked Ur. Luke Avcrill. "Nolhing ainobi they aay Ur. UordannI, Bon., Ia to receive the Tinimany Ball uoinlnnllon for anverunrtblafsll." "Thai can acarcely be Iruo," laid Ur, WallOB,' turning pal*. Be la not a sound dmooral." "I had It from very good anilinrlly; ono of the delegatea elMl lohl me he would be their candldHle. By-tho-by, I are by Iho holrl book, that Mr. IIc;ry BunlMuntlanUyiiig htre. lie is n very praiseworthy young ruan. I niiiKt ecu blm-b^forr Igo. 111« my opinion, Ur, V'ailoii, that be Is rather taken In a ocrlaln nuarlcr." , , "If you mean by thai, docior, that Ibcro la nnyllilug bolwfon my daii|!liii'rnml Ibia yi>un« jiiaii. allow niu to nsKUro jou that you are iiilalakni. I am aware llierc are crlnin roollsh ripens aliroid, bui liavo IhogooduiM to oinlraJii'i thciii whtntvcr jeu '"•'laiu aurc, I bi'g lurdoii," elanimcrcd Iho doctor; "Ivu not