New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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w (-.■■ ^AjiffWSBS TO OOBBBBPONDBIRTB. &><tnrI A.«ui* took t"<> '<» ''''**'' the oKom game wMptoyedi ■ •. ■■ _ jolntef Elm u Bar tii(A8tak«pi»«4<^^ - ^ . a' ■ wk«IivDI»/T«Bn-—^01" comTminlnitttoni urlre too' iiS'feininllyji/ierwlaw 1°^"^ pre* •L«tt«r8^1ntenaea . ■'^i^Jw^ic—I. DuinbbdJamidf 4ner the mMd you metlon ^Su^inlmproremest.oaUie 'oia 8t?le,we tUnk. a. It ti ■Si^tt to 111 tbe sTerage Bilftrie^ q( iiuui Mople. beoaose It ds- jdjSuMmuoh.npoAthtiUUdlTiatttltale^ f ''^r^ ik'Stytdn; Ohio.—It !■ » well nthentloatoa faot tbst ''MritvSSilt did trot • mile td a:19K, on tbe EBlunizoo: Uloh., ''tank:«'b»Ta treqaeotlr. stated, and onwbatwe belleTe to .{W'biA-airteotatitliortty. . ■' • >!. B. U- iiooUjii.—In blnir, U no ono '.entan for tbi pool, its iauTati a6nbled, »nd.tha daUpaiaes to tbe next pUyer to ih»l«ft.o(tbed«tler.. ItU^moda"doabl^haader.;' ^rl 'diiRB, Vbiud^buix^Mr- 'nUlard li tbe IiiBsase of tbe •Sowud," Boetdni'naxt eauon, and A. Di Bridle;la hla Stage .'■Jlaaager. -.■•!• •; • . . '< E, B'^^-i'^ashlngton, V. 0.—Tbe All England Sleren orloket- •nioaneto.tbla coont^lo pla;nutobiswith ou tvantjr-twos 'tettA& ... . ' ■ > ',ie«UBloicii.>Oblcago.—Tbe artlole la a llltle too.etiODg, bat ;' ^rSiFidmlaalble, It abonid bare tbe name of tbe writer at- - ^elfcie.-'- ' •r'0;llSv LonlsTllle:—Ban and Bob Oannt wtre both In this '• ^Odnjfcry^■' J * .'^.'^.MJ^nilyi 'Qolden Oltjt OoL Ter.—Ve hare no papers on faudcdgU^plngtheCobnmflgbk , %. ■• • ^WKroiliba dltr, Neb: Ter.^flPheQneen'a Theatre, London, .< ''lOjf^iiMCluiderthe managMienfSlsbett.. ' - rls;A::ii.',.NewToTk.—Hr. Bamoel Batl«r,'the tragedian, died . '«t 'll(ni6he>t«r. Eng., July IT, IBIS. ' .'."y^'CB^'Baasex; IT. B.—Ve via send yoa all thebaaknnmbers nt ili',()enti eaob. . . . * \ . 9t Et .O^Bom, ZonaTe TrOnpe:—7onr other letters' did not fWb^j; l!■-: , •■ f.iL't., Sb Lon^.—The diatanoe from hnb to bnb. In quoits, |k.iiiu<IlyrlfforT31 yards. .' ' • ff. '?.; ^ilbanf.V^Ton will see the wbereabonia of the compS' ByTOv'imqnlre for} Id oni dnns ■nmnlar;,^eTet7 week.' ' .-BoKio,-^IIuhTlIl«.—Bather too lato this time. The news was |^tldp«tad. , ' ShUad'a.—We hare no ooplei of that data on hand. Bovutase- \ AU IBM Btf HOMIT n Otn Himw. The foeiUon In regard to who wU} be Tlotor In the forlhoom- log great lonllliig oatofi for $1,000 and theqbamploniblpot AmarlMt at Pongbkeepsle, S. ?,', between the Mjiowned oaismen fames ECamlll and foshiik Ward, li no# fidly Unnohed upon (lie aaa of pnbllo opinion, but It pnst^ remain a taooted one until thsdeolslTsdaTsbaU tnlte aiid^tllheroneof 'til^' bare pro- pelled the prow of Us tiny bark flnt put the w&ijnt goal. A great deal of speoDlatlosi win be done, no doubt, for both men haTS Mends who hare the fm'dil wiiloh they ate willing to risk on their faTorfie. The stakes, one thonsand dollars, are «U now In out hands, the oerei^ony of posting the last deposit baring been performed at Ois OLinn ofilce on tbe morning of July s, Ur, SlepbenBohnts offlolaUngfor Hamlll,'aad Messrs. Earland BlsdonfoiWaild. Be IkraUls wall, and every thing, judging Cram the amiable manner In whioh matters have been' oondactedap to the'present time;, bids' fair for a good and ex- alting rao% fast llTe mile timei and the soulllng mateh for (be Obamplontblp of American water^tobeoneofthegreateTents In the sporting aanala of 1688. The people of Fongbkeepale abould feel highly .elated at their oourie being sdeotad aa (hetrystlng place of two such oarsmen, In a oostast where So muoh In the way of reputulon and greenbacks are at stake, BpeoulaUon has hardly commenoed beiv as yet, but we baTe heard of a llltle In Boston at odda on Hanitll on aoopnnt no doubt of his vlotory last year, and his winning twlee lnthe regatta on tbe lato 4tb, on Obarlos rlrer, J3 W Y O RK .QJ^ IP fi]^By . ' OQH NA.TIORAl< BiaTmiA.T. -^TheUihlTtrssry of our'national birthday for the year 1863, ^' kB»baen.^lnniaiHrteap«(>t8, the most remarkable one of the eu: ;■ ^sarleK .'And.tbU.'Ve.say advisedly, and In no aplrlt of seek- . . tag glorify Into an appearance of undue ImpbVt. .uce..' We lULva good reaaon \o btUave that never In the history •t our Fourth of Jnly oelebraUons was so Utile vain self-glorlS' , dl^tn'Indulged In, so Utile'mere blatant patriotism, tbe off- ■j qprlng'tir whiskey and powder smoke, let off at gtplogandlences, as on the present Ttaere w« a too dsep^ealed' earnestness In tUhauiii'Ofmen for nob frotii and absurdity. Mennowfcnow ' and feel that It Is a reaUty that one great section of the ooohtry fiinds doof alike ftoln the odieblrailon of the day, and the bless- ings and'obligations of the drU' cbmpsot of which It Is lyplcaL 7or ever two years the boom of aitUIery, the crack of the rifle, u&'tiiasiray'ct the sabre; luvea[^an to dedde the question iil.ciocmUtyiaft duiUt7;bat Inyfkln. .HDnareda-cf thousands , have)>led In the straggle; bOlloilBof tnfauie have been ex- 'j^diSed; eiudi ha^n'turnInvaded the oth^, anj'the end is not ITM^ .-Both' parties, SLUma(ed..l>iiiHotoriasj' £^ defaats, and ^t'Mde^biiof olvll'wapshrlelmln iuagbny 'of delight ss he .. fetjliSlln'iitn ocean Oflinhian gore, shed by hands that should be 'fMllkW. / "SrilJi vraO wis our celebration. In whloh nearly half ; ^aif ^fititif did not only hot join, but,conteiBD, tampered with m"i)ef iifii^>8 <>f '^ovifn»Ma^ to seeand ao- kblnftijlgs'ikiais.- Neter beibre was the valne of, Itl'^irirertlei.'lia law;. and'lto^iwnititntlonso 'salout]y'ra^ VQfipecpIe,. The.bdlletlhKouds were surrounded with crowds •nxlons to catch theIrst whispering* of the lightning' meseen- B4t, for .a^reat battle had been fooght, hecatombs of victims haid fkllan' oneither. side, and rumors of anultlmato Federal victory vrtte berjddeid. These nmors were mere generaUUea and men ..'win aWouB: The Pennsylvania appears to have 'ItaeA dtayed, and for so much the pubUc heart Is gratafuL . .; ^ii)tUdayltMlflnIlewYork,lt'ffasclondy.batwithoutraln, ^i^dVfjiUi'a'oonaUerable breeze, The Tonng Hen'a Demcoratlo 'Aiifdkttoi' ina>addreBsed 'St the Aoadomy of Uuslo by Oov,. ' VtyipVpir! tnd.EtUiov. Seymour, of Conn,! and.the Tammany '\ 'iiY)t\^T r*'tfjy»)*. u^ "" Our mlUtary, alasl'the .i 'jUa'0^''tbtnU W8r''Witoeued their valor, rather than the usual ij|m&v£f'{>^:akUl on dress paraA. never, probably, dld'sb ntny pfopieVaTe the oily to ehjoy.them^lves ontalde. Henoe Uft'-imill dUplay of military, obldly oaviilry, ha4,not the usual ■■i^^w^'.'U^fi'fK^i*. The; darkness ot Ott evening was ex- yWlilliigir ftinrntiin to the pyrotechnic display, and that at the fyrk was unsu^paaiedja splendor. Everyj,pleoe wasaMIUaitf :pnoiien,'ani "own all, the 200 feet battle of the Monitor and UenUpsii^'irMtraly.ailrsVrato.mast^laM Thtswaa Bne(e4.with deottnliig ohecn by tbe masses pf spectators. <W . the>[^hols,.de^lto the p^^ anxiety, folly the average of per^ i'ieia^ eiOoytnent was had on this day otwhlbh we write, and we ''lireMpy sotp roMrdit^ • . ' '' ;/ '.;':"-<.' , - —' ■ TbiTaobt BKmoiovous.—Kext stter It) annual regatta In interest Is the rendezvous of'the New TorkTacbtOlnb for fleet mauBuvrlng, or, as it hail aometlmcMl been deilguatedi ocean sailing. The last attempt at thta latter form of the orulse was, however, s comparative faUore, owing to the small part of the flfet which actodlypoctlolpaled In the proceedings. The pres- ent form of the cruise has proved alike judicious In design and sucoessfnl In execution. The regatta Is con&ned to a m ere effort of speed for one single burst, no other quality seeUqg to be displayed but this one, this only meeting with any proffers of reward, either in fkme or tangible proob of enperlo^ty, But such s campaign as the one occnpying the present rendez • voos, whUe it embraces speed, indeed, seeks to bring forward, honor, and' reward all other forms and developmenla of exce I- lence which model oraft should possess and display. And her f lias the pnbllo intent in the exlstenoe,'prosperity, and displays of this the metropolitan squatio* organization of the Western hemisphere. Here Is where the national passion for the «U& cum dtiu li gratUled,'and whUi gratlfled, deepened and perpetuated. The private ehjoymenls of the members are of no more pnbUo ihtereet than those of any other body of men, exoept that theli wealth, dlreoted by high taste, leads them to do an indirect good to pubUo cultivation by holding up a sport so noble, and worthy, and heolthftil In itsel( to general admiration "tf emu lotion. Thus even the pleasures of the wealthy become a pubUc benefaction when they anoouiage punults of themselves a prac- tical good, and onlttvato tastes in themselves pndfying and eU' nobUng. . But In agsUierlng like this undaT'remttl; questions of even great piiaotlcal moment are involved. Ho wonder naval olBoen of rank,'aUkeof .bnr own 2nd foreign service, found It an in- ducement to attend. Sonbtlen "grandmother WeUss hersdr* might have found a'new Idea or two, and have Imbibed some valuable energy firant being present How far can these fUry- Uke forms be mode available' for the poblio good 7 What valuable qualities, in addition to speed, do their'gracefbl Unes and jaunty rig-present? 'What Is the most eflloteptuM that can be made of such oraft f How far can similar models be^nlsrged to sd van- tage 7 Whatmodiflcaiions of heavier omft do their performances under a great variety of olKamstanoes suggest 7 Suoh are A^iew of the questions praotlcal wisdom now requires of the «$1o|ts of'theaetoo lightly classed "mere playthings," to throw so me light upon; types of the Inveetlgattons now more than ever put In settous earnestness respecting'them. PDOI^IBTlO jBTAXINQ OF IBB AGIATH DEPdSTI. UUff^, oa Halt tbb Btosxs Sowm om Jolt 9, . ^ The great' battle In tbe prise ring fer $10,0(16, between our' American Ohampton, j. 0. Beenan; and the Eing of the British P. B,» to^e^Iaoe in I)eoeiia>er nnrt, is fut gathering Ip llself •ii.ab^rblni Intensti so mdch iM>,'that even In their own coun* try, Uaoe and Byall's match for the Ohamplonshlpol England eUotta bnt oonparattvelyUItU regard. Hot much betting has been done yet on the other side, but theft yet remains abun- donee 'df 't^e 'for persons so disposed, to trade WaU street against lombard street, or an Unole Abe's greenbacks against Queen Vic's t«n-pun notes. Although our foreign exohangasdo not so remark, probably from a sort of national ^de, yet from a prlvatesouroe weleam thatja a few monetary transasUons which have taken place, the odds altogether in ftkvor of Heenan,and that the knowing ones fi^^^l^'cohfldent tiut "Ihem ten thon- sand" ore eve^aliy to hb his. This .confldence la him, is, wo ore told, on account of hit- indbmlta^e brovery shown In tho gccot botUe ot Fomborougb, and ftbia the fact of Owen Bwlft be- ing the BenictaBoy'B right hand'man; .-Froni tatatt advices it would seem that everything In obnneoUon with the event is pro- gresslngverysatlsfiotoniy, and we ate aanr^il^.that In spite of doubtatotbs contrary bysoiue, the eveii]^'iiui[j>e set down ss ono of the sure thlng«.to,bo,-bar accident, njit' OuFPSa read- ers may bo fuUy posted, we append quotations from the latest foreign sporting jounsls to bond - There was, as usual, a most InfluenUsl muster ot the right sort on Thursday, June 16, at Mr. W. Blohsrdson's, to wltneaa tbe poiUng of another tK o elde for this exciting event which, olthongh on the surface apparently regarded without interest, is In reoUty occupying folly os much of the pubUo attention as did the match between Tom Bayers and Heenan. The reason for the apparent apathy on the suhJect ta that the eventful day is BO far oir that apecalators are deterred by fear of ioddent on either aide from Inveatlsg their money, eapeclaUy as there are so many eventa at present in the aportlng world demandtng aU their energlee. The speculators, however, although net Invest- ing their money, have evidently got thelr^yee open, and wateb every move on the board. Those who foUo.WUjie ring aa a sport, from sheer love of tbe art however, are Jby '.no means so quiet on tbe subject as the sporting fraternity, ahd the eagemeas with which they foUow the doings of the men, and tbe-anzlety they express to lean whether the deposlte are duly made, show how the event bos fixed iteelf in their minds, and we have not tbe slightest doubt that on the aU eventful day we shaU have to record snob a muster of the reslly upper cmat supporters oif the P. B. ss has never yet been seen at the ring aide, . Never was the love of the art more prevalent among the gentlemen of Sob- lond tbon It Is now, and nover was there a better chance for Sood men to moke themselves nomes and fames than at present t rests entirely with themselves, and If this great mill, and these of almost equol interest which precede it, viz., between DiUon and Troveis, for £400, Goes ond Mace fer £1,000, and Mace and ByaU fer the champlenshlp. are carried ont- in the true aplrtt with which matehes should be made, we think we may yet hold ont a hope that tbe palmy day|i of the BIng, so oRen wished for, but so constantly missed by some misconduct or other, ore yet in store for us, and moy flourish for many years. Boving mode these few remorks by the way, we have now only to state tlist the £S0 0 side was duly tabled at the appointed hour, tho usual toasts appropriately rendered, and the remain- der ot the evening devoted to harmony.—ifeU'i Life, Iftherebeony wboarestm doubtfol of .the genuineness of the above match, we would advise such to pay a 'visit to the mak- ing otafortnigbtly deposit tbe-hoile for which is always an- nounced lir onr columns. On Thursday, June 18, another ot these moves on the board was ptayed at Mr. Blchardson's, Bhorediteh, when the elibth deposit of dCSO a aide was staked, maUng the trWini sum of dUOO, or £M0 for eooh man. To uy thot the room—one of the flneet in London—'was crowded, .would imply that hundreds were present which was not the fact; but there were many famlltar fioee, with that order,'ond regnlorl^, and quietude, a sure proof that real business was be- ing transacted. Previous to the time for staking, Phil Benjamin gave his experience of bygone days; he trusted'that he staoold be able to see the settlementof the question of the £3,000 match (the greatest sum on record), when he was ont short in his elo- quence (which had been oddieased principally to Joe Bowe, Harry Bmnton.and o few.pals) by,tbe onnouncement that it woe only six minutes to ton (retook. Owen Bwlft who was pres- ent, although suffering from an attack of the "old enemy," im- medUtely passed across tbe table a "fifty" on btbolf of the Btn- io)a Boy, wtalcli was quickly responded to by Messrs. Bush and Rlcbardeon, who went shares in banding In a like amount for the "Bold Toung Bailor." The etoke-bolder's locum taum qui- etly fobbed the flimsies, and then spoke of the succeesftil pro- gress ot the match. He paid a weU-deaerved compliment to the two men who were more porticubrly interested in the result; hoped mm t'X'' ■ ■iTi'?'-. 'aabszit am BiriZB Taornsa UiTOBzs.—The lerlBS of 'boiilng. matehes between the celebrated trotting horses ^ jl/Vttohen end Qenenl Butler, came to a. eondlaslon with j^'gixih race 'on t^lst init,areportpf whloh event |a given lttii)li^«'«(tank r- EfM{i match is said to have been for $5000; BO,'<n>^^fikV^^$^>000 of thestaices, and Butler $10,000, .the 'llamait^i)iig!wtin fonr r^|i(is,'^d the latter tyn^. These izotting dt&iu^baye)}een i!riyiiiliiB£b^ to the pnbUtliti^iBbine lOfC'the' (i^nge^ evuedoesiOfwimflUr deaUng.bei^j.appii^ i^Dg-to the^pinion thal^q^liie^'ot'theparties'^^ lioj.QM'niatoiieswratiid b,a'debi4ed, soon after the orilblis'o!!' HUifthiiiil been sj^ii; and oit tbeSt^gfh ot this knoi^V^ i.4^' jK^![,d<^ of money vras "oBpt^^red^iimftee "taiyriiiis r.ifaikfi Me Ust race, on tha-lst lnst,,^ei^S^'a bbU''aiis. ' -^ittelliadhttempt'on.iUepartof a jockey and' plhers'ocnii«ota<) .;iij^,him'.to Int^r^ere with Patchen and hia rider; the partltrs' v '^al^ded to baying (totoidly,gane upon the track to prevent .tie ' rJ /Zj^Ucuf'Patohen from distancing Butler, which he was in % ttif] '' '^^^^^^'^^'have been acocmpUsli. '^.tfin'theinterferenoeof thotewehaveaUudedto. ''.a, '^ttlngturrhos become in the bonds of nnprini I irhat a wholesalo swindle It Is upon the psbllbl- We biyve 'l^e best trottliig^Btmlt'tn-.iltrwDTli In these patls, bnt ^^^'''^^^^^If!^ dwnen s^ear - to be lii league' with k set ,'of lioiM . . Jo^eyf udjnarieM.wtio 0^ the.tnrf,'and dstraud.thA pu'b- , 'Mukirai.! ffiid wean 'or^tnlzationot some'kind to. liake oog- y,,iliiaot'it 'Oteu 'inaiB, aai forbid'aU awlildlliig jockeys and ': ' (jjulzi'la^tes froin ooaUg,u^on the .track, W: bavhig ony- ',' .|Uii]]g' to '-do with) our trotann laflhlrs, the inlereste of the turf ■.i>'ilviSi |ibo^,)$^ImptoVetdAt rntU something of -tU kind ' 'VVKd4o<)'.'^*'i^ a col^ppiiloa.of turf robberies. Vi^'^b'^il'^.i . A " i ' , <f ' .. I , . l\'mnffTtt(it^^taa^ preseato^ ih< prises to Ihe leveral b^ip.if6^taiii%Sotta^ Itvtere indeed ''.,!^^^.!h(«lv«a(rlze honedlUy.wonat the huilrof m •' ■ 'Vli^ll^iii^'k . '■"■•.t v...', ^oiHZB AiinioM Yaobi' on ion Eirai.jua>,r-On Xtjiiay, July 8, tlie American Tsoht Oypsey left Hew Tork harbor ^ a .voyage acrosa the Atlantic The day of her departure ''larred On acpOUnt of her having been "oaptored" by som e'jL tom house efflcers, they supposing her to have been a "blnb- Ode rnnner,".or something of that sort ' However, she is n'dw; tripplug gaUanlly o'er thswavea|, no doubt and her-owner ex- IMcts l)ar to arrive si Oowas in time totake.partln the: regatta ihecb at the dose of the present month.. As Oarm readers wlU remember, the famous yacht Ametlaa was the flrst belong- the Hew Tork Taoht (Hub to cross, the briny ocean, and contend with Johnny Bnil'a fleet ones for the. honoiu of the flood, and nobly did she do her duty, ss on^the 33d of August 18S1. die defeated no less than eighteen'competitors- easfly, and took the Boyal Taoht Bqna^n Oup, valued at jUOO. The Bylvie 'was the second entry for a toons-Atlantio rpyagbi -but although she took part In one race, she did not havo ^'e oppor- tunity to make a reputation like that of the America. 'The Oyp- sey is the third to make, a Uke venture; and Is said to be a very speedy oraft What success she is to meet with remains to be ssen, but wa hppa it wlU be such as win reward the enterpjclse ot- her owner, and we wish him and his crew tm voyage. "^Bbtii owned by Mr. Anthony T. Mors^ of 3t WUUam . street,'H.T,, who goes out accompanied by his lady.' The yaeht may he gone four months, during whl^ time ehe.wUl visit .Qneenstowji, Oowes, end seme of the Ohainnel ports, ani^- ttienoe to the Medi^- terranean, HermovementawUlbe lookedforwaid to with mmSS interest^ " '-'■■';;^^'■ . ■ . ' ■■ ' BortioH FovBTB or JuLT JlMaiTiLr^iM is slw*ys iucj^eoted, the regatta on the "gloriooa Fourth'* in Boston, passed oft quiet- ly'udlrasidted Wccesafiill;..'.'of spectators'Were'on hand to wltoess the varldtMl^lesta and were daUghted with the- same. jomM HamiU, itttptiuiflou BouUer of Ameri^i now match^ wl&i.the. ex-^ji^sffi^'j^ua' Ward, for a second 'en- counter, wKBt'as'wlll'bS sei^ ny a'report elsewhere, victor in two of th'em,' HL', tiie'Mngt6'Bbnn^tace,'eaaIly; and -wlth Leaiy aa och propaUor.the'tMklr 'oareilneeC The manner In *hloh he'"walked over ihe course,'' so to speak. In ihe first named evsnt^ tod mao/ to advance the opinion that he would take-Ward dowtt'4n>ttie fbrthopming encounter on J.Dly'38, at Fobghkeepile; tun,,, ,Per^' hasf;;B9,but we think..ll!tMy%hltolpaUQnf ahonU nol..t>e in- idplged in too ardently^ as we aU weU know how true-it Is tbat ;"!there's'many a Biiii''lwlzt fli'e. bnp'and' the'Up." TdSbe s^/' HAmlUwfiieBsUy.last' year,h]it,T7ardlsasldto have!£een'ont lojtcpndlttonthen;' and,if that was the case^Haminwl£^oweU !to!be ^^Uoiu;'ui^ pothe ^trayal ffiio'fliiiffei^oA bfSe ovoe.. weenlog.oonfldBiipe^of his f^ei^,:?:,1ifUt'tlie Ouma'- iranta'to .Ukyp the pleasAr<g:otreecrdiilg is, that both miiifxrere quite weU Jon theid'ay," that both' strain^'eV^. nerve to win, ^at. t^e Uttr wtAta-iiklletUneyeir«coid^''iqiimMe, andlhatithebtttman iwoui .,, ■' .•. ' .: ;> ■ . i- J. .(pte.DimsnoK—While Hoijktrwtm ln;oommand of the aripy lof-.ULO Potoniao,.the jtel^i^ did u. iHi«y;i)ie|w«d, not hivlQg 'the |laut/|iar ot o|ir oomma'jidlng offloers; tbnr evf|tt-'Invaded o^ 'KnthMn cltias, and Uved on the bit ibf tmani.' .Thto'tl;ey did to ahow. their utter contempt fcit Hooker... Wheniu l^fier.wM "relisvedi". *'at his own request" and Meade' ot^lin'lto lake'' command, then came a change Uithe'.taetln of theliWels, i^d they l^i^nled biick towards t&e Potbmaoi to preserve Oiemselvea fra'm"dea'trnotloh. -Had McOleUaa been lii': command, th^jj would'.not ,hye been .i^rmltted to mak»'ihelr .ejfcursion to Eanbburg.., . BaoBT asp I>iaisivB.-^"FlBhtlB8 Joe" Hookeii's exxledaaae m! oommAideKOt agreatarmy was remtrHAly short,'an9;tiinn}s^ takably qkclilve, for. hlslneapaoUy wti made MlnfqUy j^i^nlf^t in his Utit aitetept to handle 'a lai^ tnit,% ' OUv'otltDrvinii;' The Presld^t certtlnly'did. ajrise-thing la "r^lbra^^'this' •<Aghtlng J(W^apd :fofs«i)dalnghels enttUedtp^^aaksot the oountif"Bb'lppdlatmeat .Uu eott thenatioalhooNnA* ct Taliable llvti, ud alaoit tnoilmilibU treaniM, Ozomotrs Hews I—The newa la regard to the victory of Qen, Meade over Oea, Lee, aad the retreat of the army of the latter! after a'sorles of desperate encounters. In the violnlty of OeAys- bnrg. Is Indeed, aside firom the aad loss of life on both sides, glorious news, and an patrioto win rejoice that at length the rebels have been oompellsdto "akedaddle" item Pennsylvanta and to cease their ravages thsre. False hopes, and'false rumors have been so long and so often Indulged in,'thB't the people in this viohilty were very cautious how they gave credence to the statement that the army of the Putomao had at length gained a 'doolslve vlctery, and were not as Jubilant at Ita flrst reception as they otherwise might hove been, fbr they were not vrithont fear that disaster might-yet foUowinlte train; but Oeneral Meade appears to bave beea the man for the emergency, and we rpjolce In recording the .faet'thotthe news, in oU its,most imporUnt particulars, itfuay m\firmel; for whloh we hove ihe authority of Oeneral Meade himself, who, lii an order Issued to his gallant soldiers'on the"aioitons Fourth," said of the enemy "baffled and di^^ted,'he has now withdrawn from the contest," and as 'Oeneral Meade, nnhke, Hooker, does not appear , to' be 'a'man fjlv^rbr'Aln boastlag, yre take it that the' above quotation means aUls says. - . . .weUon the day, and may the better man win." Both East and y?est were well represented; Oeorge Drewitt 'with a smile ot n)odest..trlumpb, sot beside his booker; onda very pleasant as w«n aa bualneas-Uke evening, was finished by iu being an- nounoed by Owen Swift amidst much-cheering, that the next and ninth deposit ot £S0 a aide was to be made on Thursday, July 3, at Alto Scene's, Boho, which deposit, when .com'Meted, win make the amount down Into one Ouusand foundi—half the money I—^^witfn; .£(^<. mm aniusn,-fA'^mpan^ ef ^lantee|l baa been nised la Fhgi. delpUs, compostd of m^b«ft cf gydtaisstlo initltntlons hi iQm city. They'll fiiataiseltM tjie "Oy^nostio City Onard," m ore drilling eyei^f'day,'at the same time holding themselvM' k readiness to respo'nd to whatever oaU may be mode npou tha by the Mayor. L. Elllebf ond la the Ooptain. ' BowM OH IBB HonTE,—From private letters reaolvedhei%t| are given to n^derst^ tbat the feeling in England agataiit tki Horth is very bitter,' We aresorry to bear it, although we m not surprised. It is probable that whiiln'tbe war runs in tmt^ the Horth, this ''bitter feaUsg" wiU 'undergo a oorteepondlM change. We shaU see anon, as the players ssy. BALL. PLAY. Eao'LB Ts llxsoLTm.—A iboteh at base baU between thai dubs was played ou the Ist'lnst resuIUng ss stated is the moI appended;-^ Eaou, Tates,of....... Olark, 0 Bcbaffer,'ss,,,. aimmons,lstb,.. ...A .4 .3 ,3 Bogort p 3 Ohapln,If,..... ; 8 - Powell, rf. 8 Hnasey, Sd b 8 Onrry,3db ,8 Total. BssoLun. AUen,8d b Btaaton, If Wilson, of BUss,o,.., Morrison, p Wamook, s s Wcedeii,3db.... Btorer,-lBtb Cowperthwaite, j t. B.L.tai ,« .t .3 ..8 ..3 ..I ..1 » r I. 8^ «. i • ■' Total. 1th 0 8th 0 6 80, V BUKs KuiB rK Elon nniiHaa 1st 3d 8d tth 6th eth Eagle 0 1 0 3 0 0 Besoluto ..1 6 8 0 0 1 Umpire—Mr. BjjieBoe, of the Eckford club. Scorers. Messrs. ateams and WiUtams. Passed bslls—BUss, 6; Otark, 9. Struck out—Clark, 1; Simmons, 3; Bogert 1; Hnssey; I; ry,l; Stanton, 1. Oatebesmtased—Tates, 1; Bogert, tj Slmmcni. 1: Cowperthwaite, 1. '" Fly catches made—Weeden, 1) Btorer, I; Oowperthwatia, ]• Morrison, 3: Allen, 1; Bliss, 1—total, T.'-' Simmons. 3; Boneit l: Shaffer, l;.Tates,l; Ourry.S-rtetal, 8. ., ' Pat out on foal balls—Besolntes,^'(lmss; Eagles, 10 timei. Put ont at flrst base—Besolutes, 8 limes; Eaoles, twice. Put out at home-base—Yates and PoweU, by McrrlBoo. Time of gome—two. hours and forty-five mlnntea. OoTEAM vs. EupiBB.—These clubs played thoir first nuUi together, this season, at Hoboken, on July 1st The result sffar a closely contested game, bolng In favor of the Gothams byt score ot 16 to 1^ Yon Oott mode the beat score on the QoUim side, Sebrlng, Word, ond Byder doing best on the Empire slds. The score vros OS foUows:— BilTlKO. aOTHAU. Thorn, p TonOottlf : WelUng,ss Btokem, of VInceUettSdb Wright 0 Burns, Istb Forsyth, rf Boe,3db E.tM BtTNS .6 0 ,.1 -.4 ..3 ..8 ..3 ..1 -.6 ..4 Total., 4 1 9 a 3 3 • 1 .16 Ehfibk. Westervelt Sd b.. Sabring, litb.,'.,, MUIar,3db Wilson, If Biisae]l,a...., ... Ward, p Byder, 1 f Eoyt s s Many, rf.... H.uiini ...3 a ...8 9 ...4 1 ...4 1 ...a a ...a a ...4 I ...8 t- Total., BUBS moB IN aaoH imnHos. 1st '3d Sd 4th 6th eth Tth 8th Blh ' . Gotham 4 1 1 6 0 0 3 1 1-U Empire 1 3 6 0 0 3 0 0 »-U Umpire—Mr. Page, of the Aotlva dub. . BMrers—Messrs. Bohoffer ond Williamson. OoTBAU vs. FMppiB,—These dubs p1i)yed together ot Eoboke^ oa June 23d, the result being o vlcwiy for the Ootham, by a score of 10 to 16, la a game of nine Inntogs. Thorn made Ihe best score on the Ootham aide, and Bogort on that ot the Ea^ nine. Hehbt Eoxfobo vs. EiOLB.— a mateh was played betvtsa these dabs, on tbe Honiy Eckford grounds, ot Slxly-thlrd street and Third avenue, on June 24th. The result being in fhvorot the former club, by a score of SO to 21, in a f oU game of aloe innings. Tbla woa the return match laid over from last seasm. The third gamewUl shortlytake place on nentrolgrcnDdi. Thty hod better take the Union Boll Orounds, at Brooklyn. In tUi mateh Snow and Baundeis mode the best scores, on the wlnnlBf side, and Westervdt on the port ot Ihe Empires. B^ Baix i.wM0Bniai2nA.—Tke Union Olub of that flonrlib- ing suburb ot HM-Tork, turned out atroDg on tho tth ond pin. | od aeverol abort motchos irtth very long nmoe on n aide, so ssb give aU a chance to toke a hand In, plenty of practice. They hod a good ume ari OEIOKET. SnioiiE Wicscr,—An Intereatlng match at tUa style of goaa was ptayed on the grounds ot'the Hew Tork dub at Hobosa, between Messrs, Hsihmond and Sadler, on one side, and Bol. son and Byron on the other. Betting was la favcr cf thelbit named, who finally woa, after a stent contest by eighteen nn. The score;— First Innings. Hammond b Byron., S3 Sadler cand bHudson 14 Wldes 34 Second Innings. ;'o Hudson b Byron ~o and b Byron Wldes Total 70 First Innings. Hudson b Hammond 6 Byron o and b Sadler 8 Wldes 6, no bolls 3 8 Total,. '. 4 Second Innings. 0Hammond bSadler,.H b Badlor .'..,'...'.,..;.. 1 Wldea....................,...^ Total.,. .24 Total.. HEXEran's'-PBOTOBBD Tiarr.-It Is quite likely that the gr^t 'eiidtement about the war wUl now interfere with Heenon'spro- ^picised visit to this cbuntiy. It was bis intention to come over biei(^;some time-1^ Jdy, pud bring Tom Bayers along with him. WimOiB ntmf of.tbplnnutpii yf the Horth reaches him, itlsaot prd»&.)t]iat.8ayere'wlU.aare to carry out his portot the'pro- gral^«,^ah3 He^nu Ml'^lro We nuderstond that his engsgwneht ,wlih AeOi^Hdw^s'expires 'oH the 38d of July, an'4 if he, them .decides to give- up4h|e.^ tdea of coming' here, be aud 'S^ani Wlq'vldt',lfari|t' 'rcir't^m^ two, where they would oMte.qulto a'NBfatipnun'cng'.t^e; sporting monsjenrs, wbo .bpx aa 'weli wllb'lhelr feet, almotjt Lm w^tb their hands. WeshcnddUketo'see thfc two itatlo heroes <here, but as tho war fever is.on Ijhe increase, and. bualness is falling off, onr advtoe to them iS( to hol^ uj^ unlU they hear better tidings, ' ,AV,lBTiBiunosaL'SauixiHa MAxoa,-filCi it t)y any means pgga]hteUiat.ncb A famous sporting eveJiK'as an intematlcnal siraning mktch wonld^^Vove to be can be brought about 7 Cham- )iix» haa|.M.idU|t» t^en elsewhere;Befeal^ Qreen, the Ausira-' lian, andiumy.aleag^ qatdied. Bwin soon be.daolled who is Who. tm tills side of ^e'water, and no great time Is to elapise: UforeiUe'ut^e'liiieation win'|SettIeA on tlie other; ,idieB,'-.ire'Should Uilnk, no. better opportnnlty oonid'offer to, agaln'attempt to get cfi a matehi Unl^d'Stales vs. England.If 'H4mlUsiioUd'defeiU%ardTwehaViiadent^ that he Intends naUng a voyage toEngland to seeiwhat hVoMld do against'the olaok oarsmen ot that opuntry. Should he do so^ we hope he' win meet with better, suooeu ilia'n has Oreen, of AustraUa, in hia first enecjaat er^ ."> ■ • . ' '.' ' ' Too MooH yffnjsaif—Th» army of. ihe Potemao might have bo4n JbandleA rm^ ^tteir of Ute^ li! there bad not lieen'snob a fm uiie of wUskey at bead q)sM(U>tf . Borne weeks ago'we ipohs <)l\ha excess to which drinking wiu|^oarrled on among the leid- i^b otioialsi^^and ;ihe on)y. vro^der is that the. army was hot totally'sairtiioed trough the Inoonpelenoy of drunlien oi^cen, W«^ g^ to ti>at how there'te a p'rospeot of noh'abntss. being abolished, and that the "Aneat 'armjf^on Oip (Oan'et'? wlll^ have sober men to direct tbein, aoA laatf^ ot wiiisksjr tiie^ 'will haTeKtaae.-^;'^-'-!' '.: ■.-.: ■ .i- ' ^-^i^ ' . Umpires—Messrs. Higbom ond Sharp, .' Obiobbt Convention in MossouifUHa'v^T the cricketers of Moisaobusetta is to be held at the BroomleH House, Boston, ou Taesdsy, July, aist,'at 13 U„ for.the pupoa^ of sdectlng an eleven to represent the'Biate In the cricket mate^ AU Msssschusette vs. Hew Tork.'Olub;. to' be ptayed on tbi grounds of the tatter at Hoboken, H. J., on Augiut .18 and 14 Each dub ta entitled to send three'delegates. This caU.'whIa' we insert 'with greet pleasure, la made over the signature tf Frank Orockett Esq., the Prealdent of the last ootivontlon, IM the present popular President ot the Boston Olob,' We hope tbi Oonventlon will succeed in sdectlng a Qrst rate eleven, ttut thait proceedings nay be carried out ha'nncoldualy, and tbat thai WlU come, wlttiln one ot beating the Hew .Yorkers .la the males .In'queation; ' .,..'. Obioekx on ina Focnm-r-Ajs ta customary with - them, Ikt members ot the Hew lork and St Qeorge dnba aasomUel at tbf grounds ot tholr reapeotlve dobs and played aeverol Ish Srompta matches, and o Social time And good fellowBliIp maiksd le proceedings of both. i BbeioN 'V8 Fm, Brvnu—The return mateh at cricket betwetf the Bosten aud FoU Blvar dobs was ptayed on the ground otUtf farmer, at East Cambridge, on July 8, and was wltueaaed V < foodly number of the lovers of oat-door spoHs, AprcviaieS^' he mateh on the part of Ihe FaURlvar playere was that UaiU* and O'Brien, the two bast bowlers otthe Boston dub, ahooUta birred, and Messrs. Orookett Lumb, and Draper, aU ot the llnl ole'ven, did not ptay. In some stages of the game there seme good ptay exhibited, both in batting, bowling and fleldini but tbe odds were oltogether against the FaU Blvor gentlemas, and' they lost the match by eeveral wlckete. In their flrstlo- niags they msde 86 runs, 16 cf whloh were' made by Holmes. In their second innings they made 60, The Bosten men made 03 in their first innings, 34 of whloh wsre made by Ccpaon, and Snally won the game with seven wicketa to go down, nie usud care, monlee on tho presentation ot the ball, tbe trophy of vlotery, took place, and the day'a ptay wound up with a capital sapper si th^Broomfleld House. PEDESTRIAN ISM. Leva IsLiim OHAKPiONaHip.—In referenoo to the propossl rsce tor the ohamplonshlp ot Long Istand, between TandatUU and Holmes, a correspondent says:—"I hereby chaUsnge'BS winner to ran me a race'for the ssid champlonship'snd $100a slde,''totoss for the ohoice of ground. Man and'money atjl Umes ready at Felix FanBSON's, . v Oor. Quay and Franklin strtfsts^ areenpclnt." . OoBBBorzD Tm.—J. 0. Smltb, the pedesb^an, whosr'explaU of drawing o salky over the Fair Oonrse at Mow Orleans, la,, «* recorded a short timo slice, writes us to say tbat our corns- .pendent on that occaalon aiade an error of two nllnatcs In tbs tlmooftheperfbrinanoe;wblchwas 6Tmin. 86soos,, insleaaM 60 niln. 88 sees,, OS then given,, OHiLLBNOa to Pbubstbun Fbiis,— I hereby challenge man Uvlng to walk on a plank, or on the ground, for o aomberw days, soy from 10 to 39, tor from $600 to ilOOO, tte man traraUog the moat miles to dalm tho money. Alio.IwiUpuU a soIOT firam 1 to 10 miles with any man.UvIng, for from tlOOtelKH a aide. Tbeso are my flrat cnaUenges, and I hope they wb* token up by some one. J, C, Bxnn, . ^New Orleant, Jun6 28, '63. U. a Ship Poitsmoiti. ' : An Oidb Oid,--!uthongh Deerfoot Is now in tbta oouotiy.Ji*, ^» tbat ho iS'sUU adverttaed on the.otber sids as abont to rv. BUiLiiBg; of Middlesex, Ob, but dont they know how to wuf! 1 ..«a-?5tt-.i .'•It'- -. oui-ijang, ox auaoiesex. i^b, out uuu» "1 thing ULondonto,wa7 WeU, they do. I % .-''. i I .^..^^u..... ...... .i*.-r>. ■^'■^;:r, iii^.'.l: . .;..iW^.'i.i .,'J-'':i*^;#"'' V;: .i.;