New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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',—..'<,iii AliERICAB SPORTINC itNft THEATftlCi&t JaORML. ty, JULY 18, 18M. / TO L. Zl«-Ba. 14. t FBioB nx vmvn. mvtoaam o n: BnA S^mafKABMi Wairm ok bh Bi»ihdai, A»n. », IBM, ' W. KIOHifb WJOflOM. iMCOBtii. Bud I to thee ill M*»Mf bfw. 0Bdjii itm thj f»m», M Ttoe doHi ihowi nrpi^M iuk»ai wood ud itii«. toe l6w*to ttM, thr worto 101 Forth brOlUntnT* of ll^i Mid trattunbllme; Thav touh illke how yoQtA iBd age ilioold lit 8, ^d ohutan heoiU tbtt •'<!> won ena«bt with orlm*. Oh I wond'foni muter orth« art dirtne, TbT mtehbr poW«r OTtnralmi u •U: Aod&inrwhoM out to thy oiMt trnthi IiioUim Unit ndthr UoM oberM at HMT«n't oUL IiindNd thai—tb7 word-paliitliis« mtut lira, ijllT«d thar hart, lhioii«h MM PMt and gonej A fitt^ trlbnta—tiiat all nattoni alva to oBiwhoaa gaolai a'ca wai nit •'«( known. • ■, • ■ • ■ And thoagh fOU atnr a poet-light hai died It'i li£ o'et mankind, ther itm to thee Am like the dwarfed buh, that rem Ml head t Beneith the ihadow of the giant tree. - . ^ Ihe people in their heartpfheartorejoleo Itut Bagland hai a poet Uka to the^■ And thonghSe wotU proclaim wiamlghty TOloe ^ralTreTsrenoedbetindnadSta^. - • aSO Clipper Pvlaa'ltory. THE SEOBJBI COHCL/LVE; 'OB.' IHI KTSTOieilS H0D8E d THE FIVE POISTB. , <:i'. HISS OABOIilNE SICBING3, Acmisa txo Oiebatio Cahxawoi., MS. PETER BIOHINGS, ACTOB. For BlogtaphUal 8ket(fl>«, Me another Celomn. A BTOBT.OF RBW TOOK OITT LITBt ^ ■iii if BxnniLT los m nw sobs ' auriUM, BT J. A. tmoEBweos. Ocipjiight Beonied. OEAPTEB llVll, ■ nnT Uro DOOIOB BBiaOOK-^HB BD MOBPT I O^'^T HI t mh 10 OTIOH gQVABI—TR OTIBBB—SBHaerUIC'l TMrr TO HMBI— an wbaii on Bie gmpiTHiia—namoLTXi -lo looouinr BIB—A BUiam'8 BIOBr—IHI XXBtlBIOna BODIS—BBBBT KnaimD.: The morning following the interview between Uijhew and Eeloite, Htnrr Uordannt i«ae at an -earlr hour. The aon had onlr Jukt oommenoed to Ulnmine the tope of the hoqiea,jud the thI (d^had not j«l awakened tram ill ilumber. Whan he "Bow did he appear to take It t" "He waa TeiT angrj, and lait the honae in a great rage." "With an hla Inpooilar he'cah^ot oonoeal hia feellnaa," ■1 hare read Ua heirt long ago, Bat^ 'dear'Henrr, l am about I to telTron wbr I oame to the Square thli morning. 'When Kr. 1 ATerUfhad gone, I aaw a piece of paper oh the iota on which he had bean altUng. It evldentlrTellfiromhli pocket I wu about Ipnttliuit into an envelope to retom it to him, when I oanght alghto^aome atrange lingnage or letten Inscribed thereon. It aeemed to me to be rery strange, so I determined I wonld lee I yon and oonaUt yon aboQt It." "Hare ron the paper with yon, Hand?" •Tee, here It la." : v Sonylngihe handed him a small piece of paper which wai laemewhat worn from having been carried in the pcoketiome time. Henry opened it andionnd that it oontalned the follow. ing itrange wordi. I EbbII, ■OABUP ho THABODOBIRB'a BUK gT T» ZnU* I arar, sour zna xaonn, sn zsaxnoBt v>vy isiBm il bd I BBf tra TroEUit, Tin BBBBip ai. eno. SuBBBTona tn> BRiOB Bvop noixommn. "ThlalsaomelhlngTery itrange," said Henry, when he had read It," and I am certain It will lead to aome revalationa. WIU yon allow me to retain poaaeiilon of this. Hand t ••Oertalnly; I am of the same opinion u yooneli^ sad will ot oonne glTe yon the paper," We ahonld have lud that Henry had not told Hand the part Averill had played In the matter which prodnoed Orafton'a dealb, not deeniingite:q)edIent atpreaeBt to alarm her nnne. ceasiiily. He waa mor? and more convinced that he mnat be on hla goard against hla arch-enemy. Henry oaretully pat the piece of paper in hla peck«t.|>ook. "What do yon think that raeana?" said Ifaad, who had watched hla action. - ••It'la a cypher," aaid Henry," and will reqnire some time to nnrtTel it-4)nt there was nsTar yet a cypher that conU not be ooened hia bed-room window and gtanoed Into the etrest, be saw acWed. This sppesnto baaTeryaimple one, and I haTebnt that It was entirely deserted, with the eicepUon of a few early little donbt I ahall aoon be able to And the key to it. I ahall ipiiw Olid endeaTor to lolre It thli erenlng." H ^ni a glorlons morning I The air was balmy sa a zephyr of The loyera walked ronnd the aqnare eeversl times, and tamed ipiing' and It caressed his fkce, aa with one elbow restlngon the the anbjeot of their conTcraatlon to mote agreeable topics, at irindow alll, he glanced forth on external nature: The'sky waa a leaat for (hem. At bat they were obliged to separate. Hand to deep blue, withont a eingte dond to obacare It, Henrr flrat return home, and Henry to proceed down town. Bat even in 6lanced it the alnmbering city, and then ralaed hla eyea to the the dry rontlae of commaroe, he had that one Image constantly road blaehesTena above him; and one might hare auppoaed before hla eyea. that he was endeaToring to penelnto the mTSterlei of apsoe, he It wu Iste when he returned honw, and after peitaktng of htf kept his gaieao long fixed there. But the Ikct la, he wu not. eTenlag meal, he suddenly remembered the pfeoeet paperhe Uifiiiring shout the sky at that moment, bat his thonghls were hid in hla pocket, and placed it before htm, for Uie pnipcse ot centred on the two happy diya he had apent at Otptiln Oolgito'a fladlna the key to It. He hid, however, acsr6dy c'ommenoed; oonnfariest. Hand baa never aineared to him so Und—ao when he heard a tap at his door, sffeottonste-eoIovliiiP—asonthitday. Wh'enh'e thought of the "Comei^l" he replied. dear girl hanglnii ralilt'irm/ahd tha prsasnre of love which ehe letuned, hla eyes invoIantarUy tUIid with teara. He aaw her lovely form at pdpiblyuif she had been preunt^he could snln feel the preuuce of her hand, and aiain enjoyed the felicity he bad experienced on thoae two dellabtnil days, Hla reverie laited full two boon, when the noise of vehicles In the street ircused htm, end readied him to Us every day life. Be ordered bit breakfut, ind having ptrtakeo of it, wu pre- Firing to go down town to attend to bualneu when ha wu I ufbrmeduatDoctor Braadonwlahed to seehim, **—> ■ the Doctor to be admitted at once. "Eow ire you, BIr. Uordrantl" laid the phyilolBn, u ha en tered the room, holding out bis hand. "I am delighted to see yen—looking is blooming u ever, I see." "I atn qaltig well, doctor. How ar« you t" "Uoob after the old way—nearly worn cat with literary Isbors, I hive worked very bird lately. I have a splendid work In the preisi something, I gneka, that will utonlih the nattvu." " lam gud to hear It,doctor. ' 6ae of the tervants.attscbed to the.hnnsa ^. "If yob plesfe, sir," said aha, "there Is some'ofiSwanfi l» sea you." ■ ■ •Wholsltl" ... •Wdl. I don't know, air," ■Is It a men or a woman t" "A girl, air," aaid the domestio, trying Wiide a amlle, vlt la aome mlatake, abe cannot want to see me," "Indeed, ehe doea, air. leaked her twice, andahementiened He ordei)ed your name in fall, Ur, Henry Hordannt," "Show her no, then." A minute or two aftarwarda, a young girl, dreaeed vaiyplilnly but neatly, made her appearance. Bhe entered the room with a downout look, and appeared to be very 111 at her ease, Shewu remarkably pretty, and her eyea were red, m U abe had been oiylnig,' Bhe took the chair proffered her bvHenrr, , Young Uordaant eoinned bis visitor with aome curloalty,-for "In'leedl lam glad to hear It,doctor. Is It onapopniarlhewMataloaatoknowwhyahehidvlsItedhlm, Eerfeatuea inbjeoti" wereentlnlynnbmlllir to blffl, batibecoDduoted henaU-ao ' "Popnlirl I believe yon 1 Ton most read it whan It la pub- modestly, and with so much graoe, that she at once commanded Uihed. In fact, everybody In the coontiy ought to have a copy his respect, and he Inclined bis bead u a hint to her that he otlL" ... ' wu ready to hear anything she bad to say. "WhatlatheaabjecLdootorT" 'iHave I the pleasure of speaking to Ur, He^-Uoidinntr* "BrandmonUitMrnittl What do yon thl^ Of that f" naked the young girl in broken Engllah. We may u well at Once Ei^tumed Ua head away to ptaveht the egetlitlcal phyal- mfoira the reader that ahe.wu neither than Ernestine de otai from aeeing blm emlle. ' , , BelMoe. . "Ihive enuholitedlh Ihit book, air, soUeMwvlewa^I may 'ribit is my name, young lady," returned Henry, uy, something entirely t/nr to the profeMon and world at large, "Ah, Honslenr," she reaumed, "rmust apologiie for visiting The world, ilr, Is all wrong with reapeot to exerelse, In that you, but I have beird how good, bow Und, how noble yon are. bock vouwOlflnd that I recommend that every hxaaah being Uy name, air, laEndoxle Legron; I am a poor French otrl, and should tike a different kind of exerolse every hour of the day. have been but'a few yeire in this ooontry. I make my Uvlng by By thit meini every muscle In the human trune ^rlll be devel-1 sewing, but for weeks have bad nothing to do, and at lut I have oped equiUy, ItlatnyhAmbleoplUontbatltwUlcaasearevo. Intbn—" .V "Anything new sUrtingf yawn. ■ "By the by, your question reoills to my mlioit the putpose of myvliittoyon," ■ - interrupted Heni^, sappressing a "Bioaie me, doctor, If I uk you'to lafme know it u quickly I pleue—here, take thli poise." aspoeilble. I ought to be down town by this time," " - ' summoned op ceurage to apply to you.^ . The pretended seamstieu wu such a consummate totteis, that she begin to feel u if the part were a cruel one, and teaie streamed from her eyes. ^ "Uy poor girl," said Heniy,aU.hla syiApitUes located in a moment, '.'do not weep. Ton mafcommand me In any way yon . , "ton mietike me, dr," said Ernestine, pntUng back the "Well, I will come to the point at once. Ton are aware there puree with her hand. ■.'Ilrant to earn my livelihood—my con- hiTe biena great many disappearances ot well-known oltlcens ulence will not allow me to receive any money gratultctuly— within the lut year." etOl, allow me to thank von for your good Intention—all tbit I "I know luch to be the fiot, and It hu been a sonrce ot great requite la, that yon will give me aomethlng to do, whereby I ■i^jntetome." can earn money for the anpport of my ptienta," "These dlaippeiranees are not natoral; they must have a "Uy good girl, you shall make anyulng yon please tor *>aa«e. They hare been too treqoent to sappoM that they are commenoe at once vrith a dozen enitta—nothing could come voluntiry on the put of the mlsatng persons." more asnpoi—It wu really my intention to see about It to- "One would oertiliav think so;" : . mortow." "^ere an rapotto abroad—I do not know how tnie they may "Oh I etr, how ehan I thank yon tor year Undne'sa—my poor, . " society existing, to wUoh the slok fkiher, who Is now lying at the point ot death, will pray for ^..ik.f .1WV ....„-.„-.-, . . yen with his Ust breath. If you on& knew what a load of care tng the nyatertons dlaappaaranc* of several oitlsfBib sad It wu also mmcMd very stMn]dythat a seotet society eitsled,towUioh wu to ha ascrlbod aU these dlssppearanoes. Aa ohiaf of the Oonclava he bad thought It his inv to mingle with the paopla, and hear all they had to state on the subject Hewuhappyto Inform hla ccti/rera that the report of their exlste n oewuB mate rmnnr thit no definite tnforautton bad been obtained., H* had discovered, however, that one person knew mote than any one else about the matter, and this peiaon wu that verr evanhii discovered prying sbont their place of meatingi be had ben anasted and wu now In their power, to be.adjadged u the 0«a<> clave thought fit. ... A mnimor ot appliose followed this statement,' and .eititi fbl wej^iioner to be brought in were repeated by almcat-amr The chief made a sign to two maisbals who ware iaatsd Mtt Um, and they left the OcunoU Obamher. In a alnat»°cr Into thw reappwed with their jtiaouer, Henry w^ked between themtrtth a firm step, and guad at '^«?!5?°!"S'**S" nndiunted'eye. He wu plued at • Mr and tha Interrogation commenced. "Whal to yturnamar'aahed Haihew.the chief of tha Oe»i Aiave. "Heni^Uordaunt" **a your motive In visiting this neighbothoed !»• "I came here, u I supposed, to perform sa act ot ebarlty" A murmur expreaiing dlsbaUet In this itatemant tan tueugh th e ui em b ly, "Why am I brpoght here, and what right have yon to lhtette> gate met" aeked Henry pioudly. I and anxiety yon have taken fMm myheart-lf yon only knew daaih of lU these mlaeing cltiaens b to be asorlbed. ■^it surely bacircelypoulble," , ^ ^ k.-Jr?* *! P" Ijowing—but the fut is a party ot Ueiohante I how we hive'dl auffeted-if yo'u only knew thit 1 have seen my nave joined together, end have aubsarlbed an amount ot money father and mother actually wanting bread, yon could better com- y^l^O.^'^^^'^'" penetrite the myiteir it possible. I am ptehend the debt ot grtUtude (owe you. Hay Heaven bleas and torttSpnrpoi^''" *°* K«iM9 inr'oMln«».tor.I cannot oonttol ai^A^^^i}^^^ *? 'OBMbute to so praUewotthy an ehJeot, t^i the pietended aeamitreaa let her face ten In hir hands, Th??n^£?,V«^'f5''LH°°fJ^^^ V...- and sobbef and wepk as If her heart Wonld break. It WIS done aom. Jl^?X!fi5"*'* *1» U^'i •!»Uoh Henry perasad with so naturally that it movsd Henry to the vety heart some onrloslty. | .ijiy p^,, a^r girL"he exclaimed, vdiSy endeavoring to " 'ears; "^ have dene nothing that deaervee euoh I aay your father is lilt" ; he hu been confined to his bed for npwiids . J Mionrable one r' The doctor bIvm ns no honei hb dbeue b a koftentng ot the •■WeU doctorl'howuii t^i. *.iu„'. t \ - '. I brain. But It hu wounded me to the very heart to lee Um you aa mu^uito aK^ii S ^'"^ * * *• 8l« .wanting necessities wUoh 1 oould not piooo^e him. But, Hon. "0,1 don't expect to Mt.i.».i- » alenr, f heud ot yon, and 1 dared to utpesl t6 your genetoslty," Hementei«tfhtaBM« .1?. . ' VWheredoyonUve.mypoorgirlj" .. «e»ryenteten MS nime, ind t«v n« hi. „ I ,^ , nelghtotioad.'but out neceasltiea compelled ns to take such a lodging. It b in the Five Points." "Is your mother living f" ■•Tee, air, but she b a oonfltmed cripple." "Well, my cUld, yea had better let me pay yon something in Slid the day wu a alorioni m«""K " ^* before advance for the work you have to do," not eipbin oauael him, Inigia of nVSSHS!.!'''!* 2""^* . "^'/'Ll?*"' ««o good; bat I really would like to earn it town, to turn htaitewln the toecL'irrtnSSn*'B2SJ* "'Prf^v..^ ^ifl ,»<x«» make aomethlag.WlwUl sit updayand dIditotaBtlolpatemiettoguvonrta?tt.Sli2^iJ?^ He night to do it" . siwwu UanWalton. Bh?w!?^iSU ™ ?L^J5 appeared to .reileot a moment It wu evlJent that Brc^w.xentrance. Herjnuptog^^ not spwkte.a en in that pnbUc nboe-hnt h"?S?-v{f!S 1 °^yon uy jiu Uve in the Five FolntiT" thS tKlr'ffiST^a £tn^°* ¥• ""'^ — Santle Unt hepe'Si?rht''i?tgfs^?''»'«>*«."»-4 the doctor- When the doctor left him. RaBFT 1aav.;i .t vi foundthathe ^sSin^?S?^ ^'^^^^^ laefuSMnSteid «"bV&*''1**'» a steps in the dlreoUMi from hUiIng her-oven In thal^ubUoiwIiiBi hT^^Jf^ to be sattifled with a fervent prauun oftheffiJs ^ •'1 knew you would oome. Henry," laid Uaud when UuIf am faiW?' that btS^n 2SS?:j»n"i;^£&".S:?.J«'anya»',SSi ••Aiul.uone.-he appears to be Quito u bitter uevw m> paid bin a long vblt tf e night K S.'/"' ^ *'^deedl-dld h» see yon Blaud f • •SlS}h25*l»7'*'** *'ilL'>l» odious sttenUoM." •(mil!.. ~''*5°ff-.'""' inswewdidycaretnmt" "TOiatanawers should I tetnm but onmlHgated scorn t •poke more plainly than I have ever dose la myltf"befSw" ■•I wonld rather not, sir.' ••Wbatpartot France do yon oomt fMffl,'ihy good iilrll' Bnt /uViiT-'TlT I a"' 'T*™ Onr atOTiTa lAort one, f?i'.?H'te»'oommonpUoeenough. About fiveyaSanwwaUved £ ~ fJKl'tiJ^iS"'' «"*>'"••. Wewiie'hSpy^d ooatotid fci^*i,iS'2£."?*I'''* -.^*SJ' bowever. took it into Ua head that 5iI!i^'a^?.*^'v,""* *»y to July we' landrt inWolty. .^ISi/fe««tamblei commenMtfthat dky-lvSySSg ap- K^taJiiOTATi?',?- aUw«liS?wia§en's andUa^?2Hf ^iS'^'*^v**»'»™l hbcrops tiled ua us wttte died, lad after three yean' itnggie wUS lalifcr. tnn*,hasoId hb faimforoiie'fcnithwhatltooat him, and r^ turned to tUs city," "Tour story intorwte me, my child," said Henry, affecUcn atelf;"goon," , /, ' "Well, sir, day by day our Ilttb aeias giew leu and lessi'we ware obllaed to remove from lodging to lodgtog eioh one worse than the former. At laat we have reached theloWeat namely, a wretched tt>artmabt la a house in the Vive Folate. Everything that we possettA has been sold to provide food, and now, air, niy poor father and mother hive nothing tut bare atraw to lie on." .. .1 .'. •Hy Ooff tiTBeavenr" exaliimed Henry, "do yon mean to say that yon< yMr dying ttther llN on straw ?" "AlwIUbjoly too true." TUs last contaisb!! appeared to deoMe Henry, tor he stretched out hb band toaSSshlshat "UademobellV' aaid he, "if yon wUl aUow me, I wlU accom- pany yon tosee pAai&ther." "To-nlght«lrr' . •Oert^y'>4UB minute. Is it possible that we can fie living in a Ohrlatlin land and auehthlnga can exist among ua? loan be of service to your bther, UsdemoiaeUs. He reqUru proper medleil issbtenoe; who knowa bnt Ua life may yet be apired T" "Ohl yoa re-anlmato me with hope. Bnt I am uhamed to take Ton oat to-night air.!' "Ilnslst on going; I should never forgive myself if I slept In my bed withont doing what I can to relieve a fellow being In db- trees. Oome, my good glil, I am ready." "Ton win place me under a debt of gntltade that I never can repiy." So siylng, she lose op, and they left the house together. II wu s gloricna summer's .night slthougb there wu no moon; but the stars shone with peculiar brilliancy, and the Ullky Way, vrith Ite myrbda ot burning gems, spanned the b)ne arch ot heaven. Blalng In the east wu the regal Jupiter, ap- pealing like a lamp amoig the fixed atan. The fiery Hars vru on the meridian, and being In oppodUon to the Sun, shone with resplendent brightoeto. All the summer oonsteUaUona looked down from their dwelling-place u they .had done tor thousands of yean before. Heniy, who wu fond of utronomy, gbnced OR to the heavens, and wu >o absorbed by the eeene that for a moinent he forgot Ua emnd, and wu only Ua altua, ttoh by the ellvery voice of ErneaUoe, exoblming:— "We hid better take thb atreet" Henry looked about him, and found that they were in the Bowery; they turned up a email elreet and soon reached the olaulc reglcna of the Five Folnte. When Eenry glanced at the mbenble dibpldated buildlnga around him. and noticed that the^round wu covered with oSkl, and that knote ot aaapldoua' loonng men- stood on comers, and appeared to look -milevo- lenOrat blm U be piued, a shale of sunUdon entered hb .that he mlghtbe^thevletlm^t acme pun bid for Ihb'de^ ton. The yonng girl's warning, on the night she had eaved blm from Orafton'a matderona intent r.eonned foralbly to hb memory, and he piuied. Ernestine aeemed to guess what wu piaalng In hb mind, for, lowering her eyes, she exclaimed:— ••I am ashamed, sir, to bring yon Into tUa low neighborhood, bnt alu I poverty b ecmpellea to seek snob abodes.*'^ "Do yon live fir from here ?" aaked B^nry. "Not more than another Uock, sir." . Ashamed of hb feaia and distrust, Henry motioned, to her to Srooeed. Bhe obeyed, and In a minute or two they stood beA>ie le myitarlons honie to wUch we hare, already ao often oon- duoted onrreadeta, "Thb b the bonae, sir," sild Emettlne. "It b a much liatter dwelling than some of the'nelghboilng housee," ntumid Henry. Ernestine advanced to the door and gave a peculiar knod^ wUoh, bowever, Eenry did not notice. The door half opened. •'Who b there?" aaked a gmff voice. •■A friend," whlapered Emeetlncln a voice ao low that her companion did not bear it "Weill" said the voloe, '"PatvAnTKKOBiKoi ADii UmiuitiD PLuanBBt" wu Er- nestine's reply. "FoBBVEB ADD FOBEVBBi" replied the voice. Henry In the meanwhile stood a short dbtanoe from the door, and began tbpdeby; but the-niomeat.the'last words were uttered, the doon opened widely, and Bmuttne en- tered and beckoned to Heniy to foDow her. Tbebtternesltated a moment but miUng an dTort to check, hb dlstmst ha reao- Intely followed her, . ■ i^- >- He bad no sooner entered the door thin Itwu ehutvritha bang, and Henry telt himself sebedi hb eyu were bandaged, and he felt hlnuellbelng boneu It were underground. He beard a door open, and he wu pushed into some kind ot an apartment The btndige wu removed from hb eyea, Ua handa were untied, and he found he wu alone in a dank, dark ptbon. OHAPTEB tty iiI. . . IBB SBOIBr OONOI.AVB—A OENKBAL UBEmiO—TBB STZBOH OF b' TBB VOBLS-OBAini— TBB FBUOHra—HITXBBOaAnOHe-IEX SBHTBHOB-'rBE BiLLOT—S BT D—TBB FBmOKBB BBHOVZD TBB OONOtiAVZ BBKABS VP—HATHEW'OMLT BBUAIBa. IR the yean 1810-11 a lirge number of persons mytterionily dbappeired In the city of Mew York. They oonalated for the most part of well Imcwn dlicans, snd virtona rumon were afloat to explain the mystery. At fint itwu supposed that the pirttis had littfOr parte unknown, ot thelrown tree will; but when other, even better known cltbens were mbsed—men, against whom not the slightest suiptolon exbted, who hid been exempbiy bthen andnusbandsithen it wu that the public mind wu roused on the Bubject At lut the missing penona bectme ao numer- ous that gnat exoltement prevailed, and it formed a theme ot conversation at every aoolil gathering. It vna then rumond that a aecnt eoclety exbted, the memben ot which had a worn to protect euh other, and usbt euh other. In whatever scheme they might have In view. Thb rumor could not however, be traced to any partioular soiyrce—it bad, howev- er, the effect ot oiuilng i number of mercbintaindprotesaicnsl met) to club together to employ active detective oSoen tor the pnrposeof femttlna out the mysteiy. The authorities vrere sbo exerting themselves, bnt u yet had not dbcovered the filnt, est.clus. Bach wu the etate ot the public mind at the time ot wUcbvre write. About an hour after Henry had been seised, in the manner de- scribed in the bat chiptar, men began to arrive at the house singly or in groups of two. They did not enter by the front door, hat slipped Into a narrow paasige wUch rm beside tho house. About half way up thb blind alley Wu a aide door, at which each of them knocked In a peculiar manner, and having (iven the paaa-word— "Pbivatb yxHOBAnaa ins THuiaixD pLBAiTiBB,"thoy wen immedbtely admitted. Thesr each touched the spring In the fire-plaoe, u soon u they entered, and de* goonding the concealed eblrcsse walked directly Into a room, on the door ot wUoh was painted the words "Sbobbt Oohoiavb OBAKBBB." ■ . Itwu a large apartment fambhedwlth a gieat number of arm^haln,. At one end wu a rabed alagCi on wUch wu placed a seat ofmuoh greater pntenalons than inv of the othen. The dtuilti and walls, and even the floor Itadr, wen covered with black Dloth, bnt the seat of the pnsident or cUet vras trimmed with gold fringe. On the tour waUs of the chamber vru painted the motto of .the band, "FaivAia VBiauMOB add Umlhoxbo PCBilDBB." Bydegrees the Oounoil Chamber fined. Each member, u he took hb seat adjusted on hb bee a muk. Exactly u the clock stmck twelve, the oUet or, "UoatMohle Qrand," u he wu ciUed, tcokhbaeathb ficeibo concealed bya black maik,andthe bualneu commenced. The ptooeedlngt at fint wen ot an un- UteresUng oharacter, OouItUng of flninolil nporta and other mattelSi bnt a member ^t lut got up and apoke on a anbJeot wUch Immediately claimed the attenUon of every one pteaent— it wu nothing less than a detill ot the meins the netchinte and othela had adopted to discover their aeonte, Thb member spoke long, and concluded by snggesting thit the cOndave should dubukd for six months, and then whea they met again aU.ana* Blolon would be blown over, . . TheoUet now rose In hb seat and stated that hebegMd to make a tew lematki on the subject He went en to stotelhat it wu tmi there vu a great deal ot eioltemeBt la the o|,tr reipeot* "Answer the questions wUch sre propounded, to yon. lad do notasksnyyonraeli;"npUedthediIet "Wen yon icoulBtaA with a yonng man named OtaltonT" . - • .. "Iwu." "Did yon not vblt him at the hotel In Brighton aad holde long private convanaUon with hlmT" "laid." "IMd you not visit a house of doohlfal repatettoa In Aatbonr street In hb company?" •'I did." "Did yon^not aftwwarda visit the country seat of Oaplala Ool|^^tn8tamfbnI,Ot?" |T)M^on not meet him tlian again?" • "A frw mon questions and I have done. ^ Did yon neat hla, oonvene vrith film, and eonsnlt with Um Ibr 'oas paittralsr objeot?" ,: "I did." "Ten this hononble body what that oblaot wsii." "I decline to ten it" , , "The memben of thb sodety wfll all remember thb SBSwarif said Uiybew, addressing the masked memben aronnd fabi.' '"Are you scquainted with Dr. Bmndon, sir?" conUausd .the'. flUei; addressing Eeary sgaln. ■■"^ .flld you see him last?" Wralng." At my«wn roomi. "He ciUed on yon, then?" "He did." ,■ , • ■ "For wbst purpose?". "To obtain some money from me." ■ "Tor what purpose did be want thbmoaey?" ' •-i'-" "To employ detacttve olBeen to trace out the-cause-ot-the '' mystertous dbsppesrance. of sennl ot our meet respeetaUe dozens during the put year/W vl^ <■, ,, . :; I'DU^im give himanyttdng?" "Ton feel, I suppose, great'aulety to know the cause of the disappearance of these parUu?^ < "Of coarse I do." • •Touhave, perhaps, taken spedal means to dbcovsrltr* .' ,"No, I hive only lubsoribed tor that purpose," "Have you heard any nports shoot {be existence of a aeoret society?" "I have." "Fromwhomi?" . , ■ ."Doctor Brandon mentioned it to ma.'* '"Do you believe In the exbtenee of that aacret sodety ?" . ' "i. do now, andbelleve.fnrttier,thatItmatoneof Itantttnge,'!,,. .;..<Thitteall,iUr-iyoumaydtdoWn." . T-^T^..^' HeniT oberrtts n jL a taaft-wlfelggiB onriosUy what the next proceeding vrould be. ^nwu Vatrange fact bnt In the mldrt of that gloomy assembly ho did not feel the least alarmed. Eewut astonished, and that wu alL A pause of a mlaute or two succeeded, when Uiyhew spoke again. - "Oentlemen,"aaIdhek—'^onhaveheardwhattheprlsoserhu to say. I need not reltente wliat I before staled at the opening' oftbis meeting—it bfor you to Judge what we ahaU do vrith him. In the first place I nave'to aak whether then b any elh JeoUontotheordlnaiyqaesUonbeingpnttothe meeting.' 'Atb usual I shall vralt five mlnntea for any one to speak;—ehould ao one do so, aoocrdlng to the rubs ot this sodety, the decree aUit toUow—the choice of the mode of carrying oat that decree win be the only one left you." Usyhewsat down again andu he did ao, he glanced at the dook, the band pointed exactly to five minutes to one, A death like stlllneea followed wUohwu dbtuibed only by the UoUng of the olook. Ho one epoke, no one atlrred, and one might have inppoaed that the memben ot thb terrible asaocbtion wen and, denly tamed into atone. A vague feeling of alarm for the fint time entend Henry'a heart The alienee, the myatery, aad the , sombre surroundings, caused a feeling of awe to creep through him, and he fixed Us eyes on the dock. That five mlnuteeap* peered the longest he had ever passed In Us life. "Atluttheaonoroua ben of the dock etrack on»-aad the dilef'a hammer feU at the same moment—not a seal had spokeni" "Now, genUemen,"isldUiyhew,then b but one thiagre. miins for as to do, and that b to dedde on the mode of oai^ldg out the decree; Am you ready for the quuUon?" Again he paused—then wu no nply. "The qneaUon then b, genUemen, b it to be 9 by D' or 'P by B'pnpan for the ballot" ' The box wu banded round by one of the H^nhab and the baUote wan depoaited therein—the box wu than ntumed 'to the chief, who counted them—they wen aU red. . "Oentlemen," exclaimed the cUe( your deoblon b aaial< moue for 'D by Dt' ao be it t Wanhal, do your du^." The prboner wu Immedbtely lebed, hb eyee bandaged, and' he wu conveyed back to the dungeon from which he had been taken. For a moment a bteatUeu allenoe fonowed, not a soui^ save the heavy bieatUng of thou ptesent oould be heud. This, however, did hot lut mora than a minute or two, the Oono)ave proceeded to other bnsineH, and even the very exbtenee ot. Henry Uordaunt appeared to be entirdy foigotten. In about two boon the meeting adjonmed, and all the mem- ben, with the exception of one, acpirtad to their vtilona homu, Uiybew nmained behind.—To be continued. '' Btaob FaiOBi.— a mmsgei uya: I onceeent "on" a young medlcel student in the chancter ot a lover, who hid to make a'' declaration, be acoeptod, be sniptbad by.a rival, ohsneage him on the spot deolan that he would not aUr until the green sirard wu etalned with the blood of one or the other, in fact to go through ; the gteateat amount of bombut compreaalble Into a ahort time. Otcoone, the love making wu to be of the meet high llcvm character. On he went end at sight of the sudlenoe and the bdy seated at her work table, subdiled Immedbtely Into a'verr ibyuoffear, Insteid of miUng ftanUoiUy towird theoUect of Us affeoUcbi, flinging Uffiielf on hb knees, andbontlaa uto atremendona rhapacdy, uhecught to have done, he mnply stood and looked at her, twbtlng hb hat teeUy in hb head. Not one word could he say, but in dead silence cnpt actcu the stage, elowly took upachair, aet It eiacUy opposite the bdy, BQt hb bat under the chab, offered to alt down, looked behliu him to make ann the chair vru really in Ite place, ut down on the extreme edge of it looked at the ground, rabbed hb knees dowly, now end then gbnoed at the Intended bride, mooh u a dog dou when he hu stolen something and knows bebgeing to be wUpped, The audience wete in ecstades, thlnhloff that n wuaU pure acting and that the part wuthe baabfu lover. Oertalnly any one who could act half soweU ought to make us fortune. He had been in poaseuloh of the stage acme aenn or eight minutes vrithont speaking a word, when ha opened hb mouth once or twice, rabbed hb knees again, and at bat sau In a broken and husky voloe, "How's your mother ? A perfect shriek of bugbter burst from the audience, and gave Uie ^^or. tuUty for getting him off the atage. The vi "TTiJ Eunoed on Um, hauled Um offby the oolljr, dung hlmadt oa I kaees, did the rhapsody himself and we 5»*, ~,I2riiJ!£Sl net ot the acene u but we could, Bidependent ot ao comidete atkUunon the part of the medical •todent the <mUn acene wuthe beat ot the evening, and "wodved the highest eaootn* Inmsotthepnuandthep ubUo,' lovBBs' QoABBBLS—The beat reoort of loven' JoinJM^'* roAa^A onrUiit we remember to have seen, is credited to e. morning, and Mrted to meet no more-met sgaln tUs ereattC AtiawKT* married.". Tuvcina OK TBI UlMMim.—''What lhakes you JM« Oe b2^Jbr^tr^^l»*«'* rou have It on to '*^ukeeper,-"Wdl, we wonld; bntyoo«eeWwoBtdo*oh«T» 10 naay pMMSgeti on one side otthe boat" (