New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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TO COiBBBRPOHDKirrf. ^inD p]ilMeIihlt.--Tb*inMiiliigaf ibewordidniUi PU^t mS, T«^Ia»tUl^ lowcomtiy,ttd mdodiiiofhli ufoUowi JSi^«.iiuii tsd «T<n foalcin foim, «diiillUi>iI SfifMBHtf ^tratTudennnlDgallwrUof lenilmeola In iJtijytletf *t»SSMM'«iTtmmaiBt to onr deioripUon of the dnnu.' A. TSkS^H»'tt<ort'pl«c«o? low comedy.pta3r«d^»ltar ••arloji* .Ju^.Mi.VitrtiTlIlta," ua tbort .places wtilcb tostelnnomlx- *3Swiwo«nedT,orbiiirooDin7. "J»wcoiniidy"t8)giuliiUie ^SA kM U fleqnentlT iatorwoTaii' with moie sailOTU nutter la vUeU'dgiiuy iosgASd vUt, n «otloD; UtcttUy, It meant» pier jEtUtfled wlih flons* ' YfamWtiiT WublDgton.D.'O.—ate always gUdto^'ear ofllu oiaanjiitlon of oilrtet, aa well aa dnba tor the piaoUoe of aar^ir nl»lLlyp<it<o*<- In aniwario you Rqnsatforad*' ^''^iHienlT-ai a geseiallola chooae flnt IdnUni becanae it 1i ff«V" ,"» «t"P rnsi than to make them at Iba erlucal put of thSStab. BtUl yon may take Into constienUon. that the nsoal dtmttdmU'noln thebowllng/knd aonemeta' have better tight ' and eiejMt.ntrroaa altar flaldlng flrat' If Tonialdja goeaU IfUfMtwDOTyoirnaiatiafabamcnbe put In, tliafjroia may kUltbetidwUngln'tfieeiklypaTtoltSegamit TTban'* player la BDtpnt and the bowlldjibecomea loeaa.pntln a reaqJnte. h^Td llmrr'aB*!, '%taan two. playeia hare been atthe wloket lOBie Miti n aodbtaome warm; and one la pntont, take great care to fill the mant place Immediately, leat ue other ahonld become cold •atf'itte. Atne cS bitter and a Hue lag hitter toother, pnzzla -the " .... w^ch Hi:&,<6traelaTflle, 0. 'W.—'Ibt man Is a hero." There are two wayi of mrtxtivg the grammatical relation of "hero" to thla ■aqtaoct lrat . both ua^nnt to the same thing. It lioorraetio gnjH-ivero'.' li somnailve Caae itfter la; or, prtdlcale nomlna* Sra'to larori'-etBD, predicated after la—though thls-Iaitei. pmalan more atrlotly applies to an adJeotWa In the predicate, paiUcnlarly aftfr.ananiarTerb. The beat and aoatoompre- bnuhre "nie" covenng the caaa la aa foUewi:—"A nomi in the sredleate, aftar aTeib nenler or' paaalve, and referring to the vdU^iagrefi with It In ease." XiiDT Bdttols, L. L— At a maatlna of the New York Jockey Clnb on September IS, IMS, amoDg the roles adopted was one fire.' 80) 'to ula effeot "Any person enierlog a horse yoongat lhanhe xeaUyla, ahill forfeit his antiaiice mosey, andlf the feone Wlnsaheat or race, the heat or race shall be glren to the naotbtat horse If the ohjecUon be made to the age of the horse tSUc the heat or race Is/mn. The dlsqialUleatlon most be IMTiiitbr.'Ihe person miklog the obJeoUon."'' This if thi ttadkalznle, probably, to which yon refer, and we think ftilly wrars the gronnd* b, P., SnliilOs—t As yon obserre, we are at all times ml-Jeot •o be imposed npon. 'We may hare been deoalTed in the caae . yon aSnde to, hot yonr m( Ihol of contradiction would be likely to liiJtiM the laSy'a reputation, eran If yonr ooihmnnleatlan -waie^liot aoonymots, so ItspnUlcatlon in lett la rBspeottiilly de(9loe£''-'Will correct the error, howerer. I We bke to be kept posted at an tima by any of onr IHeads when their lelsnre jDdoonTaniance pennlls. B. t. Jb.', KewTork.—1. Xtlan Allan defeated Geo. U. Patoheo in n trot on the 'Union Conrse, I<. I., on October 28,1608. The terms were mile heate, belt 8 In S, to 100 lb. wagons, fortaooo. Xthan distanced Fatchen In the llrst heat Time, 3:38. X Ur, . X.-Eddy became manager of the Broadway Theatre, H. T.,ln Oetoberr 1818, and continnadso nntll April !ld, 18(9, when he -took abeneflt and tha theatre wu.olssed. That was thalaat ^etfoimanoe glTSn there. BmSciWiBD, Cincinnati.—1. Ur. -Philip Tleman wassofbr. IngilrUtL'iIieninatlsm In the wilat dnrlng ihelate billiard tooms. nantin tblsolty, which, as a matter of conrse, mlltatedtoa Tmy great extent igalnat his eihlblUng bis nsnalsUIL a. The 'bnUard match for the Ohamplosahip of America, eta., between Heats.': Dudley Kamagh and John Beerelter, la ilxedtotake flaoe in 'this city on Ootobet 16. 3. The genllsmsn to whom yon allnda sslls nndar his teal name, and not an aasnmed one. Out Oir—In playing for^-llres, which ts the lowest card in the pack I 3. In opeslsg the game, which wins the de^ the ■ctKOf dlailioida or foor of dobs >"....The ace of diamonds is lowest when not tromps, ss are also tha danoe of hearts, ten Of spades and ten of olibs. 3. In cutting lor deal It la usoally deddcd the sime ss at wblst, ^,^'acelowtatand lowest deals,'' conacaunitly the party turning up ace of diamonds la entitled totl^AaaL' ' Vtez Eotsx.'—"T. UeO. and 3. T. ate playbg Usggtna, and • sufflolantk number of domlnoea have been drawn fot* to know that the game la blocked. Is II compulsory for b&Tto draw those remaining, or ahonld both men show th^hand, sorOotntlog'those yet to bednwnl"^.....Tkepartymaynot ■hirk the draft, but mnat keen on till he draws a dominoe of the jioikir denomhiatlon, or imtll all ate drawn. B;.'W.-, Ta.^I«n Pirn,—!. B was qnlto right'In demanding ■ letun of theball. nbatF.'slntentlonswere, or what he would AaTardensliad'B knocked down nine pins, had nollilngtodo irttklMiB was entitled to • full frame; and the ball should ±t,jti beenretnmed to him to roll over again. 3. We donot answer oommnoioat)ODa of thla description by mail. Oifi'giM Ho Sbob, K. T.— 1; TwesiT.nlnapoints are the mdsi thaixtn be held In one hand at crlbbage. To do thla, the cards aeoeaimto hold are three Uvea and a Jack, and a ftre turned mtflhesimeiult as the Jsck in hsnd. 3. ItlsseUomheld, 'We-biaTe. only known of its occurrence bnoe, alter wltnaaaing . 01 ttfiig part in thoosands of gunea. D. IL', Hartford, Ct.—In crlbbage. If either patty scores more polal8.thin.he is entitled to, either in playlag his cards or BiaUDg his bind or crib, bis adTcteaty suy put ba^the points ao mmed, snd icote the same unmberto his own game. If a parfy .takea a less number of points than are his due, ha incuts ao pensl^, but may not rectify hia mistake. dt; B.i Balllmote.—As we hate befote stated, the match b». twaca Eeenan and King Is not for the ohamplonaU^ of Bnglandj- Elng not being cbampiOD at the time the match was madei He Iwoame champion when he beat Maoe, but tetigned theofSoe, an^nfDsed Mace's challeuge. Btimtii, Kewatk.-'In three card Ibo, a "force" ts when ttiere' -is only the .ptjce of a deal in the pool. In which case all must playrAh'd'ihetnmipoaid Isnot mned Qp.^U'differentsnUi aavebean played. •; ':'.' .'./ , '. Bmmi BOehester-John ^den, one of ttie Orstb^ arlaketeri In lalglind. Is a native of Brighton in Suss^. He came to this eoniili7„wltti the English eleven, and. took part In the match at yonr village. UbBTQliBi Jersey Olty.—The."dder band" Is the peraon who lesdlAt. playa the ant card; and the suit to .whlahthe card he plays belong!, Is esUcd "the anlt led" In that triok. BtJuouBKs, Baltimore.—11 B.'E.'J;'MUaa la notthaprt^rietor «f Uflea' Clreus; '3. We do Hot kn'ow the gentleman's present -Whqeahonts. 8; JohnSfdatkemarrledanaterptEdwlnBooth. iidainli, Delaware,Ohio,—I. Ur.'Jas.E,Uordodh.vnaapupQ of Ip. X^uel. a. White, a well known dooutionlst in Phlladel- Shla^j 3.~J. B. goes by his right name. . '. . BuBsraiBXB, Bt Louii.—"The Seven BIsten'' wis produced in -this oonnliy for thk first time at Lanra Xeene'a.Theatte, during OjJU^^ Baltimore.—We can send yon an the baok numbers oonttlnlogtho.preaentstory,eiccptNos, f aadT, atslxoentsa •opXt-..(.'--'f .'„ '.; I • ■■■■ FMOMid^'We do not know .whttside, if any, of politlolans OeneralUeade fltvdrs.' We belltve'fae is notjdastifled with any partlculjlr party; and it will bVgood for the' ctahtty If he Is not J..'()'.'o.^'o;hleii6.—lie gsioels o'ot ,mnoli played, here!, and wewwt'^n%lenllypflsl^.todod^^^ 'y.,'!, J.y ' '. : > V. Oonriira EBisxB, (nievdandi—the^Doetot'f dninber lit 883 SioaAipii'. (Unroiaifi, Baltimore:—The lady If married and her bniband' ■bavelt'vfllhher... ■ • ■ ' • j'.jl^i^icMQnB,'WD^^^ :llc;!w.D0»nn, Weat Srey.-We have .no'.iramber 7 of this 'VoliiinA'mibaiidLi SmMUkki'—We aire not positive, but.thtnk yon aie'aoiredt dn itfAMdt to tbji sire of Ur. Iteny'f Bnokstone. W^.RrliuMMpiila^ BtfBslakifakiiJ dbfaigo.-^Ban (te ' Vi ij^'-K';' ^l^^^jjifi^l^'ili rl^ht, 'dul); fOrwardM, Ttp^'dal^imiEip .&^^^ Waii^.—By!later adyle^'. ^frontiEsgfandi ijf wfflV'be^ in this inuie, wt leain thatiliaiie-oiitohing of Oh'tm Ihk Thtmak ClbaMilo'nihip, eto., his not yjii^piiiii'fotitai^^ {numbers pleaiuig, aahe- did with ITtrd,' other' tagagements at the time -: ^hen bli opponent deslres-to *'paU It over again." It ■■.ft . ffliiliAtulitto that'Oteenwas sloli"on'^IsdiXtot*oheap- ' p«^^',^'.'i^ya;1)^,and wllh evslv'(i<>tifldenu jauiotui'ib.i liaTe another''go.'* We hopei tjiierefore,'so that the 4n«kll»b'of >"best man" ^y be sattsfaUorily dspldsd, that, an 41breno«a inay b^ or inay.have beenTemoredat the ti^irtlniHt ing clbWL'' sir' in mtani ist the Autnllan luM uother abinoe, '•Blfl&tti^'iib'itbnwitt.'' ; v:; --'^:''■;■• ■.1.1 •; ".'ii'i AND TO IMOO iiSEAST atUSXD. Ibis, the mos( promlnest pugHlttlo event of the day, and one rhith U lU*^ |o eolipta l4\intbAt^ 9lUpr4ts&ii^, not r^attlBg the giaat battle iVtrnwinA^ tt^yrogMimglaTor. ably, eaah dapoalt being promptly, and regularly nude. On iaotke»4iiit«]meDVoftt*-iljriil-''<ttOimU'tmv^ depoelted at Also Kauie's, wiil<^,woiild..make,n9 jnst haU ainotmt to be fought for, 91 Am' .a«uM)(l ^oOan Of ifie m«a.~1m('^Uae^amniSnBI<'jitt iiowi'Saetpt iEatM^ known, they are both in vlgorons heslth and taking their pork and beans vrith a lellah. Heepan, we were Informed last t'^reek, hu rellnqolahed his Idu c^^tttfUlsg thla oountry for the present, bnt for what reasai|^li»et''l)iM<i<d.. For his sake we are sorry thathe win not iwr: us a short.Vlslt Jteoanse we are of the opinion that he wUt j|pB^:^lg thtOglna pecuniary point of view. Had he, in coqpkiy with: tbe/ex-ohimplon, Eayars, tun the blockade on uii'>M/oontemplated, a perfect ehower of ;' greenbacks would have bte their portion at any eihlbltlons of tlieir skill in the manly artk0i| ' they might have chosen to have 'given. However, thai^i(^;si^'o(U^'be dra^^ ...... ... ^ ; Uunrii. HoKoa.|^t .nrwltboiit fear tifA^tradlctlon, that .'when a man like tti>B«ni-Idwaiil-Xraratt'im^ as he did on the recent'ith, an'd-thus i^tionli<u 'snd -.inmi^ lagttlaato ■tpott8,lt allkehonaishls.hudin'd hsa(t':^ ap<i'>Uo man and apubUobanefactotaaweli,and hbnotsimd elevatea the sport so enooutsged In tha eyaa of the people. In' England, when aoythlDg of the kind la aonght, if a member of the titled nobility can only be Induced to make a bow of patronage, nalng the word in Ita opptobtious seasa, no mattat liow utterly he deaplses alike (t and the company he la temporiilly thrown among/he Is slavered with folsome laudations by speadh andpiess, snd the. spott so "pationlzed" Is voted, for Uie nonce, the rage. How much mm than such a'snrfkoe view wu the °speoiacle'«t one of otir.most innstrloos statesman a^id aiihfilars, a man than,whom none in the eoontijls more Worthy hl^abonduit honors, coming forth on onr national holiday and in pritsenoe of that immense muiniuds, giving tte rocrwnliig hqnoi .to the occasion of the great Boston regatta by presenting-In a few well chosen words the gnerdon and proof of ^flitory to the winners. Such a' fiiet shonld render those prizes douUy treitured. ThsB, sgalni ihe e zample. A Hazard etew bbstendcd befote Ihel^ <&ce hohoied president, now present In't'most msrked' manner to'encourage them in the pursuit of mnacolar development, uoter a'pleaalng and enttoingfotm, as wen is to gainmsnislculture, tbemore Im- medlato scope of tha DnlveiBlty. Another naanswetaUs lebnke to tha old foglea who would ftown dQwn such pnisults. The in- fluence of this event, loo, t^on the gedaral' iplrit and intereat of boating and yachting, aports ao. peoiolUdy. available to our.'peo- pie, wfll be of the 'moat wholaaome and permanent kind. Ita own ln])arant excelienoe and enttcemants^ ooupled with the ap> proval of the great and good, the apptobattcii of phllanthtoplsts . and the co-Ubota of teiicheia of youth of aU gaitt, ahonld aoon make any manly sport of vary, ganeral pnisult to these ao sltna* te d aa to be within the aphere of its reasonable enjoyment, and .s hionld ere long give it qnlto a nniveisal Intetest We would fain that the varlous.forms of aqoatio ezerolae and amusement had fuoh a stand among Uf. '"Diis Buis,"—There are. paglllstlo dead beats—trotting dead belts—and raolng'dead beats; but a few of thelatter.olass are the deadeat beats of any. We are glad to find, however, that some of these gentry havebean compened to leave for other quartarSiIIewTo^belngaUUletoohotforthemthlBaeaaon. One chap, lnparttonlar,whowas going to ahow the North whatke coQld do towards reviving racing up this way a year or two ago, oame to a grievous end In tlie summer of the year 1683, and sud. denly left for parts unknown; we belleve,..thongh, the fellow haa turned up aomewheie In Ohlcago, where they have not found him .dht yet He wsa a hlglk old duiaater to attempt to oome the •'beat'' gone te'9ew'iroik;ttie;taxf 'fteq&mters ware too lie^ acquatoted^wilh')ihe;'lBt^;<ahd,'they let biln jmift^bla ladog schemes .,s4if^y.ij^, and tha^waa a flnisfr:to tUt "re-riv^" In the North. His career iii the South bad been out shoit before he csme herel. - We ware mucii amnsed one time- 'at iin argumeiit advuioed by this person, in .attemptlig to show thai Itii radng schemes were on the sqqare.'. He said that his' races ware , so equally aoangad.that in a jnajorlly of the evtaia '."tli'e fiTOiite was beate£''''^ 'Exaoi^.' .TU^a^har^;^^ The schemera,'wlth thal^~tao]s,<de not And It'veiy hard, to make'it appear that a oertaln animal .Is^ the Vtayodto;;' when they ihaye i|Oi 'i^orked' ttieto;^rlras-.« to.'^liidnM parties to invaat pr^ty large odds on the "favorite," tbay'(the schemers) have other eatelilfes out snapping-up^baa odda, for it hi a aute' thing that the "livbilto" will not be allowed to win, even if iie oih. It's the easiest thing in' the world to make the "favorite" loae, and the innocent public lose at tha same time. It is a cbnsola. Hon to know that Om "fayorlto'.'. sohemet- won't, play his points up North any more. Like Booker,,he's 'Iretlred. "Odb FLid IS Thsbb."— The glorious stars'and stripes once more wave o'er the oily of Tickaburg, and by tfals time, perhaps, our'forces have uninterrupted control of the Ulsslsaipplriver; 11 Was a'dark hour, indeed; that '■hour before day," on the ever- memorable Wh of July,'when Lee and his .hostswere in our front at dettyaburg, and Pem^rton with his garrison aim held Tloksburg. It'wM a glodniy'hinir, nid iit dawn on that day the ^pie were In doubt as to Ik^ lasns of. the gi«ft battles in Penn- sylvantfi but with the rising of the snn,'arose our ptoud bsn. hers over the battle field, while theJnvadets of our soU were see n In fan letreat, navetmote, we trusty to itiead that hallowed ground, except as'friends. Our indepeadeooe was renewed on that day. At 'Vlchsbniig, as at Oettyiburg, the rebels were de- feated, and laid down their arms, snnendetlng their stronghold to their cOnqueroia-the Invlndble defendats of the Union and the Oonitltntlon .- .' A' LuTiJi—Tbegenilemen who do the.lnig-wlnded' editorials for the Biohmondpapers ware a Utile tooifUt in their anUolpatlonaof.Lee'sdqlngri^b Pennsylvania. Tliiy.madehlm oa^tiife Harrlsbnrg, and had mapped ont .a programme fisr. his 'gnldanoeafterhehad left that bnrg. They were to take ^a. aaaaion vt the coal mines of Pennaylvinlii,'deatrby the maohlne. ry,andaet^the.bbalonllre; theywereto come to iPhliidelphla, apply the torch to the font corners'o^ that city, and give It' to tha damea, . Ab'ont th^»Hmii;the^lMlbrld gratlei^ posing of. New .i;qrk it 'jii snippoBUl' they must have .''heard Oie 'seiWB'! of'Lse;s '.'abdleatiion,'.''and back ont, for they,'like a ce^ ;t)tln.'llftle.hby wehayie,.had''nothing to;say,'' tiartls- 'borg wsan't captured, ilie'cbal tninies'were not ^tedcand Phil^ 'adelphla' was not 'Aiade flreworks.'.of for the' amuaemsnt of the rebels.; The' Bibhinon'd qdllls inust vcuit but a new prbgrammei ^' tw^ i)aat<ua >BiLiu>D .Oaiiinoinaip,—Because- or, the 'ireektfibilllBds at the tonrhamant earlyilast-month, and the iMt.ihat'^t i)(mtest forttieabovehoncr'|Ve^ate:jiasfrs Xava. nagh'aiid Baeieitar does npt.take'plaii)e unUii O«toi)er.l{,-lt'ia.'At yetia'.vary'friiiiuent iioplo of oonveisatlon in sporting-^rtaas. As th(i'tlm»'dAws neb, haworer,ih('shm'witti'Uh^'aiie possessed by ea«h aani.respaottvely.^ canvassed, aadVwe have, no doabl -wturtever that it will prove as absorbing In intetest,- as wu ithalgreat m'if^.at I>sltoIt.'.w!h(inont bt th«,o6nteifiDts,'Beerel> ttr, niet wj|i]i deifeat ai tbehands'bf the then obanjlion, Phalan, ■ - : " : f)v .-; -. ' J ^ AiouoiTSiOtDB/ Of OreaawlchiOL, were-to have opened their, house.u<^.gr^ininda on.Batnrday, nth Inst;.when a grand diiplsy. of flrew'prlis was to liaye.>een glrea, nnier the direction of-the Ueitir/ Sdge/of Jersey Olty, oommeticln^ at'8 O'clock In ttie'bvaliibgV: .>^e'U^^ gentlemen f»(a cordial invititlca to Wprem^'jbnt,dlajlM(.ce,'neltbar. lent noMjare ns an oppottti-, nlty towltnetttiiea^hutaentofthe'vlM), '''|^,''' ■ ■ '■ .. •■ w : T.I <^ ■ r.,/' ..,(■ lia!(n;Xnl[aid,;'a<.seBMt^^ tlnias^ef Ireland's fbnttlcifab ^ By Wffl. CatleitB. TTniibttd^ed edlttoo;' 8 v«. >p. IBSAJUUIIOAN BOUIiLItllit \ AU,ttP^(|^iiHl(]^i le iiy an^te on which this vaitf imftttadiBpo^B evMit ln>qunios tdfLpI^ »• fUt •t>P'<«bh)D|^ "^^Wf '^'^"^ add'iiiat itr advent Is anUoipated wltli the most UvalyJntorest by boatman and the pubUo ganeraUyil InoldentaUy..<«> learn t|bal,the%porU dfPongUkd^'irtf'inaing preparatlona slready' f bt^he Stent, a&d tike towns aiotg>^ttie %eble Hu(ls«n,1a Uie |rU clnlty of Joshua Waid's pUce of abode. Intend sending num'etbi)^: delegates, to -witness .ths:oontast From Iltisbnrfb,.ws-ltaiii^ that the Mapdsof .Qamill-totend watering thalr hottas In the fktee'rivir on aa!d about tlut tiln^whlleNewTotk, Philadelphla> Bdtt«B,-BMOUytr, 'tbd^MhfiFcItlU,- wHT-'niiabnblelly rednoe their population oonaldatably for the same reason; so that July 38,18e8,,blda ftlr to be a gala daj^at Poughkeepsle. Ward Is do- ing hts very .best to be in fix oj^jUiMlay, and is at the present time In robust health, whl^'icai^.iis!;by no means nagleotful of hlspkyi<iua. From Pllt^iuik''tlw'ii|(brmatIon hu been pro, mulgated that HamlUU'.eiit^.,th<)sot^<^ve been attached A Uncle Bam'a aarvlce, ti|i^n^:tierdjaft.':^t hu recently taken place there; bntwehay6'iid^ea;.fiiat(it will interfere with the raoe between him anjiiWtklV'Air we pj^niqa tlu^ "them $800" wlUnotlongbewaMinei,ia'(Litapt |iim,^ or, even If they are not/ fo'rthcom&'t,,. or tlial he'; dies not wish to exempt hlmaelf in t^t.waytWepteaume.there^wlUbenodliS- anlty in Indaolng thb ptopier; ofletis -to'"forego "tbe laying on of hand" nhtll after l^;liu b9^: dulled who Is^.the Ohamplon ScnUer of Amerioan wsteis.. Bpaoulatlon on'tlie event haa not been heavy u yet; so ^uwe ean learn, although we have heard of two or three quite reapectable investmento at alight odda on EamllL In Boston, we believe, they are pretty ooa- ftdent that he can lake Ward down, and in hia own town It Is no wonder that they think tha world of ;^mllL Inthlf vicinity opinions appeu to be aliont eqnally divided,' both men having triendswho profauthatthoy would go their bottom'dollar on the man of their bholce. However that slay he, it is aU u yet a mere 'matter of opinion; and who the beet man is with "the apbona" can andwUl only be known on the day and after the race. ' Aa tiie control.of affairs is in the handaof no "dead beata," we. feel uenred tliat evety thing wlU be oondnoted ho'neatly and honorably, with a view to test the reapectlye meiita of tbe men, and that both parties wlU have a Cdr siiow^and the best mail yrioi That this may be so, is a hope that'we know wiU be oonourred in by aU honest ^rtsmen. nie'moneylsalinp in the 'fvanlts" of thb Olippsb, ready fttr wblobevar shsU prove victorious, and we hope that tha result amloably arrived at, so that, our office of stakeholder may be in every respect a pleasant one. . _ ' '. Bail, aiida.—Cricket, base ball, and otbar ont of door sports are not flourishing u in forafar yean, when some two or three psgeB'of the OurrxB -were fUled each week with scotes, etc, o( Important oohtests. Some few first due games, inolndlng those between New Tork' and Philadelphia nines, have been contested, and sbme'are yet to take place; but the tablet lor the future, so fkr as we ate .cognisant, is, we are sotty to have to tecord, re. marhably brief. Thegreatguie of Iron'and.Iead ban, between the loyal and rebeUloua Slates, hinow'eBgrbmlng aU attention, a gteat many of our most celebrated baU players taking a hand in, and at present the score atinds favorable for the formbr. We hope the lut Innings win^lhal the Union iMU: be qnlok^and Indlssolubly leslotM—and that'.onr. flelda may soon echo with the welcome shouts, "How's that, Umplref" Judgment>'"Fonir'etc, u III the days that once were. Ott Fon Bo0ion.—The funona horses George H. Patchen and General Butler are to have Jnat one little go, and no more, it la announced, on the Franklin Puk Oonrse, Boaton, on July 38, mUe heata, beet three in five, in hameaa. To Bostonlanswe would say, go and see the fkat and handsome quadrupeds by all means, bnt leave your surplus greenbaoks'at home in your aafu, for the «»iim«i» are in the' hands of a' shtewd sat of flnandets. A toor'out weet Is also marked out for. them, commencing early next-month :'.tlierefore, to turf pabrans thereaway, the same oantion ahould be noted by them. No hipfodxomlng about this ■ fblr, yon know; not a bit of iti - ' ' - ■' -■ ■■ A HuiiBxik o^ Oiiuxa at BuiinroLD' SBivoBis, for (300 esoh game, is now being played by Unble 6am, It is to. b'eslnoerdy hop#d that the "Laird and Lady," or whatovw game they tta playing, wlU not result King occupying aach.of thedoabie comers. James Hsmin.'tts Ohsmpton scuUer, and his-biother John, have both been "hulTed" in Pittsburgh, and amoiig the ,11st of namaapublished of the KewTork conacrlptlbn, we see that of J, Hanlon, but we don't know whether he is one of "our people" or not- Tht games played are full of "Tariatlons." . ,Tni WAiu-^e'war stOl winds its slow length slong, the rebels havingthe worst oflt Jnat now, "Win first, lose lut," we need ,to'say- wban pUylng marbles, and so it might be said of the rebels. They have had the beat of .Uia oontaat in Virginia, but the tide hu now turned, and the Union forces play a winning hand. In the Siuttiwest, aU is wdl^ our soldiers In that quarter sweeping sU before tham. i.-DayJs breaUng, if we do not mlsin- torpret the signs.of ^the times.. XzoiTiHa Trnzf-^Thls Uonday afternoon, 19lh Inst, the olty is an oxdtemant owing to a'riot in tiie Twenty-aaoond Ward, where a crowd Is- said .to bave kssembled and used the officials saperlntendlng the draft toughly, compelling them to skedaddle. Batting flM,toproperiy,-eto. Fiom whatwa cankain,the dty WiU have a heavy biil of expenses to foot We hope otder wiU soon be ' ti^orad, for a riot la by no meana a pleasant ot obin. m'eadable thing to have in our mldafe Noi So.-^Jn our Hartford co^respondenoe. In lut week's .alloslenwss ili',,Wanen Burr, of that i^lace'.wblbh wu Intendsd to be complimentary to thit gentleman i bntwe have been given to understand that the allualon hu been 'mUoonstrned by Ur. Burri'. Let us assure the gentleman that nothing bnt kindness wu Intended by onr correspondent's re- marks.---:' ■.. • - • ' j ' HAiOHsn.-By reference to car ring , department It win be seen .that Ed Wllson,',pf .'Weehawken, and' Con Fitzgerald] are matabed for a battla'lh the P. B,;, on Ootober 37, and the'artldaa have been' algnad, and fifty doUats a aide ate ataked In bnt handa. Froni the repniatlon ,of ihe 'tiian| a good mlU'should be the result. - I ..V ''' , ' 'r;■■' TioTTDia EoBsi an. UE*sa,-^Mri H. Beokwllh, a Wealthy young,inan,.pf Hattford) reoenUy Inyealed, s.fewthousands in, the ptubhass of.a i)brse oalled!';Bla(A"Prli)ae,".tiiat onoa beat the fkmous "Lancet" Be hu since changed the name to Oen. • • J'.;;';'- ' ' DaaiTiD.—We underatuid.that Jimmy.HamiD, our ohamplon. sooUer, was'sihoog the men drafted in .Pittsburg the othtr day; also ,t])f tjbls ^btother^ John wu am<i)ig."Ule:ta^ bpg" vdnn- toafs, . . I ff • ■!-,.[■ : . 'p>ioa.-TVhare is-a gopd deal .of UUi about peaoe, stnoe the lato victories at Ohttysbutg and-Tloksbutg; wa- piestiine' the. thing oaa t>e'ab(tbmpUsbed,by bur GoVeral Ueadsf tor, In .Whioh' bup an amnesty WiU be'^oor General Orant: , ' ,i ' A; LixxU'Ora.'-^' , ATUsno -vs. Suai^-rltt. Mtt gnbd matok of the seilu for the championship wlU be played at Bedford on the grounds of the Atlantio Olub, seme time in July. This contest-wlUab tract thousands of speotatots, and will, no doubt, be an exoead* ingiyliutereiltloginuoh. There . Is oonslderable rivalry between 'the. clubs, sad both wlU use the most strenuous exartlonato win, The Atlantloa are datatminod to leave no effort untried to i^aln their loat laurels, and the team whioh thaywfllpreaeat on this Intareattbg'ooouton wUI, doubtlew, be the finest tht* -:^ have ever played in a match." It is not known who:wiU oolnpoae the nines, but we rather gtteu It wiU be u follbVrt:— . PeaiM.. Oatoher. Orane Short stop, Pratt...... .PItoher. P. O'Brien .. Left field. - I Start..';. ..t.FtrstiMe. . - Ohapmau. ..Oentrefield. i OUver Seobndbase, ... Joe OUver...Bight field. Bmlth*i...';«.Tbixd bau. Ualeu'thay have added scme.othei.flne, players to thelr'llit besidu Pratt they could nbt'piesant'a attonget nine than tha above. The Eckford nine win ptobablybtufoUows:- > . Beach --,Oatoher;i ' ,-Devyr.Short atop. : Bpragna. ..;.Pltohet. ' :Uanolt.......Leftfldd.'; . Beaoh. .;...>,Fiistbasa. < Dairy........Oentrefleld. Wood........Beoend base. Spenoe Bight field. UlUs Third'bau.. Besides these'there are OampbeD, BwandeU and Joah Snyder, u^ubstltutts. In ossa of-the abaenoe of UUb or any of Ihe.oth- ets. Wtllt two suoh splandld nlnu u the above, the. copteit ought to be deeply Intereatlng. - '. -'——TT" .,(.1 <f Thc Athutio OiirB- blr PmLiSELPBu;—A great ohanga his . auddenly occurred In the formation of the fliat nine of the Ath- letlodubof Pbiladdpbla. Pratt; their able pitcher, reelined from the dub the day of his arrival in Philadelphia, the reason be isilgned being that he liad been offered a good altuatlon^ln New Tork, and :nBd jblned tha Atlantic dub ot Brooklyn, and henceforth he wu to be the pItoher of Ibet noted dob, an honor no doubt that ha wu exceedingly ambilloua ot obtaining. This loss wlU greatly weaken the Atbletlo nine, bat not as much so u many would imagliie, u his place can be weU tiled by UcBrlde, who is an excellent pitcher, though not quite as fast u Pratt The Position ef the Athlatlo nine wlU now be as toUowa:—Oatchat, Ellne; plleher, UpBrlde; litbue, Berkenatock; 3d hue, Paul; 8d hue. Smith; short etop, 'WUkena; left field, Loughery; centre ' field, Moore; tight Add, QaakUl. Thli makea op a good nhie, hat not one to achieve auchresulto u th>ir previous toamdid whUe in New Tork. By-the-way, the Athletlos' aant no leu than elghtoen men to the war for thirty days. This is doing pretty welL We would advise the dub not to expect any vialtore ftom New Tork this season. Neither the Unions nor the OothamS - WlU go f9r oertaln, and the ohancu of any of the others visiting that olty ate slim. ___ Bias Ball at Hauiltok, 0. W.—A matoh that wu much en- Joyed wu played there on the 8d Inst, between the Uaple Leaf and Barton dobs, of which we here append the sooie:— BATmnk. Uaple Leaf . Barton. BUSS UAOB m KAoa mnnas. 1st ad 8d 4th Sth. 8th Tth 8lh 9th 8 3 7 1 0 B 4 3-38 .,.,1 8 4 6 1 I S 0 1-34 Umpire—Ur. J; 0. Davis. Bcorus-For Uaple Leaf dub, Xr. W. H. Bdd; fOr Barton dub. Ur. B. Ji Twikabary. Bass Ball at Unoi, N. T.— The UUca and HamUton OoUego dniM played a matoh on the aTlh ult, which resulted In an easy victory for the former. We append the score :— - BATTnro. UnoA. H.I. buns I HiKaToy. h.l, avm. L Thompson, p3 Oallender, o 3 Porter, let b 3 H Thompson, Id b....a Moaher, 8db a Bloaid,-a s..... 1 Harding, If..: 3 McQoada, of 3 DaoUtUa,rf.. 3 XOtal .' 4» Total .9 - Btma lUDX IH BACH imnNOB. lit ad 8d 4th 6th 8lh 7th 8th 9th UUoa ..8 8 0 .14 7 1 1 8 '9-^9' BamUton 0 1 .0. 0 0 0 8 3. 3—9' In the evening both dubs partook of a sapper ai Central Hold. Basb Ball at Fbeepobt, III.— The return oatoh between the' Garden Olty dab, of Ohioa^o, and .the Empire dab, of Freeport, wu played at the Utter plaea on July 4th. The game wu weU played, and wu witneiaed by a large number of in- torested apcotators. The finaplayipgof Hoyt of the Garden City- and Thomu and Brewitor, of the Empire dub, deservea apeolat' mention; Thomu' aoore of 7 talllu and no outa being a featdre of the game not ofton ooearrtng. The foUowlDg la the score:— battiho. Ehpxbb. Teed,p Oavanagh, s s.... Bookman, Istb.., Btokoff, of Lurtbard, rf...., Thomu, 0 Lebktckar,lf..... Lett, ad b Brewster, 8d b... B.L. BOHS .8 4 5 4 ..0 ..8 ..S ..1 Oabdeh OlTt. Page, SB Bondder.lstb , Clatk, 0 f Alhy, 0 Bomham, adb Btalnetd, 8d b Dmmmond,-lt Oone,rf. Total ..6 ..a ..3 ,.4 .3 ..3 ..a ..a 1 4 3 1 a a a a .30 I ).i.' , How doth the ever busy Lee , , Improve uohsblnlng hour,.; In gslhf;1ng rebels every day ' ' Fbr Udade> bbyii'to devbitt." ' lllmu TO HooizB,— '. :..;,. ! - .„i:,...,. Dearest Joieph thon host left Qi, . ■' 'Here tby'lbie'we cannot'feel; , '-;', Itls Aba whe hubeteftns,' . ' .>.. 'j ': I'-', ', But Uesde »m aU our sorrows heal; .••.w-'i.I ';i!>:c;i D'j i • t.':Tji..>,-) (1,1:., . ■ 1.(1 J.. ;,'.":i' r. r.Qooa Bxmkm(f.r^n the 4th Inil,, ai PeeksktU,-qWia aa ataradt ^ eidtomentwu orettedby a "trial of puhip'.' hetween SBilfittfNO«,:lBhd3,.bOthof thedeMtad^dkss.. Xo,^ toOk the tlM,'ho^br. by. throwingaJlorlsonUl'stteiUii; s die tatabe of 3U U\ No,'l'dOlnf 330 tMt. Thb Pedilkmiuir<hlak lUs k '^ tuig.otathbd^intt,'! . ; ..v......... . T f;.;)(.'i •.'.)<.-.-> I:: • ;i..:;'..■,): . . ••. Total 40 Time of game—two houts. ' Umpire—B. 'Van Buren. Jr., of Atlantio dub, Ohloago. Sooiets—Geo. Lyman, for aaiden|Oltyi Ulohad Btosakoepf, for theBmplte.'j BisB Ball AfaoKO tbb Stdohrs.— Tl^e F^bman Olub, of Harvard Unlvetelty, Cambridge, Uus., and the Sophomore pittb, ot .Blown Unlveislty, Providence, B. I., enooanteted each othet inaniatoh at baseball, atProvldenoe, on the 37tliult ,nie bcoaiion. produced great exdtementamonathefHendaof . the oonteetante, and ot the two Unlveteltiee, Tne Brown boys aoqalttidthemsdvesvery credllably, butthe superior dlidpltne . of the Harvard atudento, a quaUty in which they always appear to exoel. Joined to the moscular development of the champions they send forth to battle for their name, finally prevaUed, and carried off tha honoie of thla occtdon. Basb Ball- at Utioa, N. T.— Onths 4th, Niagara and Excdalor olubi played a matoh which resulted in a triumph for the former by a score ot IS to V. Gbkat WcerBBH Bailwai Pio Nia—An event so.oaUod, at which some interesting atbletlo sports werelntroduoed, oame off on the Sd Inst, at Oaklands, 0. W. Not leas than 8,000 persona were on the grounds during the day. FuU preparations were made by the proprietor of Oaklands for .the entertainment and rafreihment of his visitors, ao - that large u wu their number, the wante of eaoh were foUy satliflod. Tha gomea were ta fol- lows:— I . -..A't;kX«ipu<lfti'«(e.—Umpire, & Pinch—prize two foot rule. Thla was won without oompetltloh by Ur. John Greaves, of LoBdonJ who-Jumped first seven: feat, apd then eight feat six inbhai. '. Btuk Eaee.--Umplte, B.. Uclntne. Ptiie—gold looomotlva bteulpin, won by James Flood oom three oompaUtora, Ihla lacejireated great amniement . ArOery SuperinlenderU'i /Vte.—Open, only to oeobanlcs. Prise—a book on meohanlu, by D. B. Clark, Won by Jamu Foater. Ttilr^-flve entered for this prize, but only two, Ueears. W.,Hawkina{ Jr., and Jamu Eorater, auooeeded in piercing the target ,Theyshoroffandthailltetwon,.:,' . . - , jnel Aioe,-100 yatda, 8 heats--FotemUi'B Pilse, consisting of aoueof drawinalnstruniente.. Umpires, Uessrs, H. OhUds and - B.~Archlbald. Beferee, D. Stevenion. 'The first heat wu run. bynlne oontestante,and' J. Eatohlnson, .Inthe second heat, only five ran, when Henry: Boberteon won by two or three lengths. The third heat, between the two former wlhoers,.wu easily gained by Ur, Boberteon. .. : i Sadt Raetfor iToyt.-Two prlzu, Mo. 1 a pocket knife, wu won by Ardilbud -UoGowen, and No, a, a portmonnals, by, John UoBeth, ,• , '11 ITrettKsf,—Umpire, B. Smith. Prize, Ueersobaumplpo. Won by Bugb Uartln. .B. Smith, who was recognised , u a good .wtbitler In the old country, and la the acknowledged ohamplon of Oanada, griloeluUy .deoUnad to oompele for a prize, which wonldhavs beenhlsown had he ohoaen to enter for it The Iut;matdifor .theprlze wu between H. Swealman andiUr. Uarllni The latter won it, but Ur, Bweetman oontoated so ably that the clBoeis oftha G. B, BaUroad have awaid him aneili*prize. . • ,■ ' ■.• .. , A ti.OOO TBOi wail obfitested on the DanvM'trsak, Denver OIty« ,0. T., on the llth ult, between .Groy Eegle andLlgbtoing, three mUe haate, best three in Ave. Grey Eagle won the fltat sscond. knd flfth' heate, and the raoe, nnd Ugktning the third heat, and oame Id firat In the fowth, but ft wu dcoldad a dead heathy ae iodgw on account of hia ninnlog. . Time 8.38) 8I87| (:«S| SMi . au It ls'a4id te have bean ohs of the best oontests that ^has eVar token plaoe la that seottob.. They were to have hid uathtf , to for ths aam* ameont, and en similar ooadlUons, on tha a7ih .