New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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106 YOB.K CT^IPPKR. HEW YORK CLIPPER. BATDBDAT, JULY 18, 186S. ,, : jjilWEBa TO CORBBIFOIIDBnTB. mnD. niIUl<li>lite.-(nie meulng of Uie wordi dnmi, pitj, ~ta«. T»«a«TUJe, low oomidy, ttil inoloditiiiijli ufoUbwi: "Mok. nMni••u(loii,"ual> cqnlTtleolln lt> wldntMiiuto •'•«teTi"'biil it li dUUsollr tpjiUtd toplecciln prMoorTono, i/ niitl iBohwiclcn-btlwets oomMlj ud tngedy; Mrioiu, < MtlBUiiUli "lAcUiig" or "UirlUlii|[," In tht iniln utlos, but ~ I fatHiihii ud «Ten eomlo In fonti, AdmlUliig ptnonigM of ifii MW. (Id eipKBlUfi til aorta of lentlmoslj is ntrj Twlttr I ef low ud aljKi TccuDlciUr, «e belltia, the dfina la a plwa ' lotIkKsaclaoulaalTtlr of Uio "UirllUiia" iort; tsdi "plsj,"« Ara act pteo^comaposdlsa to our deacnptloB of tbo drama* A .'•fbm" la a abort pltca of low oonbdj, pUjcd aflar a aorloiia Bkca. '•YavdBTllk*," aro ahort plccea whldi'contain do mix* •Snoofkiwooiiwdj.orbiiltbonarj. "Lowcomedy"migiiaInIho hitt, and la teqieatlT lnl*rwoTen with mora aulona matter In ' flfMcl plaia. "UcUHlnnia" la derlred from two Oreck words, ' vlilcb algnliy soog and pUj, or action; Utaiallj, ltn»antapl«7 nlnglad with long. ' taatntty, Waahington, r. 0.—We are alwaja glad to boar ' ef tile organlaailon of crkbtt, aa well aa clnba for tbe pra4:tlno of tBf otber manly pattUnea. In aaawcr to your rcqHat for ad' twa, «ai«t>l7—u a geneial mle chooae lint Innlnra; becaoM It la «aater to atop nna tban to make tbem at tbe orlucal pAit of liw natcbu Btlll joa may take Into oonalderatlon tbat tbe naaal ^juief oflon apoUB the bowling, and aome men bare belltf algbt and us leaa nerrooi after fleldlog Ant If yonr aide goea In lint, let two or you moat aife balnncn be pnt In, tbat yon may - untbebowllnglntbeearlypartoftbegame. Wben a player la Bnt ont and tb» bowling becomea looae, pnt In a reaolnle, bard aSUat alao, wben two playeia bavo been at tbe wicket aoroe I'flBeaadbMome warm, and one la put ont, take great coro to flit tbe want place immediately, Ictt tna otber abould become cold • atUt -A line oflUUer and a line leg bitter togetber, pnzzio the field* Tbeao are good general prloolplea to control an eloTon 'lainiatcb, and la aU we can now find apace for. OetBeadle'a Vtma Book on Oilctet, In wblcb yon will Ond mlea, eta B. IL, gtfoetaTllle, C. W.—'^e man la a bero." There are two waya oiaprming tbe grimmatlcal relation of "bero" to tbia Hntenco, but botb laonnt to ibe aame tbing. It la correct to ny:^"lloro" la nomlnatlre eaie ajter la; or, predlCAto nomlDft* . fire to la; or, erra, predicated after la—tbongh tbIa laet ex- pnadon more atrlcuy appllea to tnadJecHTo In Ibe predicate, BuUcolarly after anentorTerb, Tbe beet and moal compro* AOtalTe "rue" corerlng tbo caee la u follows:—"A noon In tbe ' Tredlcate, after a verb nenter or paaaWe, and referring to tbe nldect agites wllb It In caie." LaDT BurroLX, L. I,—At a meeting of tbe Hew York Jockey CBnb on Bepteml>er 18,1819, among tbe mlea adopted wu one <Ko. W) to Uila effect "Any peraon entering a borae younger '. tkiD be Rilly la, ataall forfait bla cntnnca money, and If tbo Bone wlna a beat or nee, tbe beat or race aball be glren to tbe aeit best borae U tbe objection bo made to tbo ago of tbe borte altar tbo boat or race la run. Tbe dlefoallflcallon muat be prored by tbe peraon maklDg tbo objection." TbIa la Uio ".UenUcal itile, probably, to vbfcli yon rnfar, and we tliink fUly wran tbe ground. ' O. P., Buffalo.—1. Aj TOO obaerre, we are at an ilmea inhjeot lo bo Impcacd upon, we mar bare been deoelred In tbe caao jou allndo to, but yonr mrtboa of coDtradlctlon would be likely to Injure tbe lady'a rfpntatlon, even 1/ your eonimunlcatlon Here not aionjmona, ao lupnbllutlon f» Uo la reapcctfully dullned. TTIU correct tbe error, bowerer. X We like to be kept pooled at all timca by any of our ttlenda wben tbelr lolinra ■DdoonTanlonce permlla. B. f. Jb., KewTork.—1. Etban Allan dofealod Oeo. M. Palcbon In ■ trot on tbe Onion Ccniae, L. I., on October 3B, IBU. Tbe tcnni were mile bsita, beet 8 In I, to 100 lb. wagons, for IMOO. . EUian dlalanced Fatcbcn In the lint beat Time, 3:38. a. Mr. E. Eddy bctame mtniger of tbo Broadway Theatre, N. T., In October, Vtt, and coDllsnrd lo until April 3d, 18S0, wben be took a benellt and the tbealie wu doaed, That waa tbe last paitormanoe glien tbero. - BizxB Winn, OtndnnatL-1. Ur. Tbillp Tloman was snffer- bg from rhtumatliD In tbo wrlaldnringtlielatebilliardtouns- mcnt In thia clly, iblcb, aa a nialtcr of course, militated to s TOT great eittnl egalsat bla eihlblting bla ntuil akllL 3. Tbe Ulllard Batch for tbe Cbamplooablp of America, etc., between Jlesars. Dudley Ssvasadb sndJobn Bsorelter, Is lliedtottko place In tbla city on October 16. 8. Tbo geutJoman to whom yoo sllade aalla under bla real name, and not an auomed ono. OldOit.— "1. In itaylsg forly-flTea, which Istbeloweatcard In tbe pack T 3. In opening tbo same, which wlna the deal, tbo acS of dlamooda or fbnr of oluba 1" 1. Tbe ace of dlamonda " Istowest when nottrampe, u are alao the deuce of bearia, ten cf nadea and ten of cloba. X In outting for deal It la uauaUy ' dsdlded tbe aoDO aa at wblat viz., "acetoweat and lowest deals,'' ^Hjuwjurntly tbe party turning up sea of diamonds la entitled ' . Wbir Houn.— "T. UcO. and J. T. an playing HugglDS, and a nillclont number of dominoea bare l>een drawn for one party &h3lpw Ike Kue la UMhfld. Is It oompiujory for blm to' iw thoBS itmainlng.'or abould both men ahow tbelr band, Botobimtlng Iboaeyet to be drawn T" The party may not Mhlrk tbe draft, but mnit keep on till be drswa s domlnoo of the ' (coper dtnomliiitlon, or nntli all an drawn, EiWi^Va,—7ni iVm.—1 B waa quite tight In demanding s : i^un of the ball. WhitF.'Btotentloiawere, orwbatbe would k*n done bad B knocked down nine plna, bad nothing to do vlth It B was entitled to t full fVame; and tbo bsll ahonld bam been returned to blm to roU orer ai(aln. X We do not BBSwer.oommunloatloua of thla desorlpUon by mall. on Fos Bia Ehob, N. T.— 1. Twenty.nlne points ara tbe moat that can be held In one band at crtbbage. To do tbli, tbe carda 'Sceeaaairto bold are ttteeflrca snda Jack, and a Ave turned m of tb* aame ault aa tbe Jack In band. X It la seldom held, ws bsTO only known of Ita oconrrenco onca, after wltnoaslng ■r Idlng part In thousands of games. S. 11.,'Harirord, Ct—In crlbbage, If either party scorea more points than be la, eltber In plsying bla carda or BiakinA bla bind or orib, bla adrereary may put back tbe points BO marked, and acore the aome number to ma own game. If a party takea 4 leaa number of polnta than sxa his due, be Inoun ' BO penalty, but may not teotUf hla mlatake, a J. B., Baltimore.—As we bare beforo atoted, the match be- tween Beenan and Slog is not for the cbamploDablp of England, ' Xing not being cbampion at tbe time tbe match waa made. Ho baeome champion wbeta he beat Uace, but realgned tbe oflloe, ' and lefUacd Usee's aballenge. BlIBiB, Newark.—In three card loo. s "force" Is wben there ia only tbo price of s deal In tbe pool, In which case allmnat jplay, and the Inmp card la not turned up till different eulls aara been played. ' BniDS, Boobeilar.-Jabn Wliden, one of the first boat orlokotera Ib Agland, la a native of Brighton In Suaarx. He came to this Boanlnwlth the SasUalt o^o^on, and took port in tbe match at jooiwlaga. MoiTiHXB, Jertey Olty.—The "elder band" la tbe person who leads or plays the first cord; and tbe suit to which the card he plays belongs. Is csllod "the suit led" In that tiick. THK INTKUJIATlOHAb CIIABPIOMHHIP FIGHT ncTwns T, V. HBBKAlf AND TOM KTITO. IMOO ALBBABX STASBD. ' This, the most prominent puglUitlc ovent of tbo day, and ono which li likely to ccilpae In interest all of Ita predecetaora, not forgetting the groat battle at Famborough, la prognsslng favor- ably, each deposit beliig prpmpHy and regularly made, On July] anotbtr Initolmtst, of the nnol amonn^'wu toliave been dtpoilttd at Alec Eecno's, wblcb would niako np Jntt ball the amount lo be fought for, or /Ik tiunuand ikitan now down. 01 tbo nieo, bnt little can ba sold Just now, except that so iTar OS known, they ore botb In vigorous health and taking Ib^lr poik and beaia with a lellsb. Beenan, we were Informed hut wtek, liu relloqnisbed bis Idea of veiling this country for tbo prweit, bnt for what reason Is not assigned. For bis sskewo ere aoiry tbat he wQl not pay UBS short visit, because we are cf tlio opinion that he will mlos a big thing in a pecuniary point of view. Bad bo. In oompoDy with the ei-ehamplon, Faycn, run tho blockade on as u coslemplated, a perfect ahower of erreibirkJ wonld hava bam tbelr portion at any eililbltlona ol tbclriklll la the manly art that they might have choaen to have given. However, their will, sot oirs, be dona, UimriL HoKon.—Ws aay vritbonl fear of contradiction, tbat when a man Uke tho Bon. Edward Everett appeara, u ba did on the recent 4th, and thus patronizea and eueonngca legitimate sports, It nlitolionon bla bead and heart u a public man anil a public beocfactor u well, and bonora and elevatca tbe a^iort 80 encouraged In tbe eyea of tbo people, in England, when auytbbg of the kind la Bought, If a member of tho tltlod nobUity con only be induced to moke a bow of patronage, using tho word In its opprobrloua acnae, no natter bow utterly be deaplsu alike It snd tba company ba la temporarily thrown anfbog, he Is alavared wilh fulaome landatlona by apecch and preu, and tho sport so "patronised" Is voted, for the nonoo, tho rage, ' Bow much more than auch a aurfaca view wu tbo apectode of oup 'of our moat Ulaatrlons Btateemen and rcbolara. a man than whom nono bi tho coontrylsmorewortby his abundant honor*, coming forth on onr national holiday and to presence of that Unmeose multitude, giving Ibo crowning honor to tba occoelon of the great Boston regatta by prtoentlng to a few ven cbosen words the goerdon snd proof of victory to tbe winners. Such a fact sbonld render tboao prlres doubly tressured. Then, sgsln, tho example. A Barvard crow contended before their once hooorod president, now present In a most marked manner to enoourade them to tbepnrsultof musculir development, under a pleuing and entldngform, u wcllss togainmentalcaltore,tbQmeraim' mediate aSopa of the Unlvenlty. Another nnanawerable rebttko to Ibe old fogloa who wonld frown down sneh punolta. Tha In. ffurnce of tbia event, too, upon tbe general spirit and toteraat of boattog and yiohUng, aporia so peculiarly available to onr peo- ple, irlll ba of Ihe most wfaoleaomo and permanent kind- Ita own Inherent excellence and enticements, couplad with the ap proTol of the great and good, tbo approbation of phllanttiroplstA and the c«.IaborB of teachen of yonth of all gtadea, abould soon make any manly aport of very general pnnnit to thoae ao altuo- to d as to ba wtlhto the apbera of its reuonsble eqjoyment, and a hould cn long give it qnlto a uolversal Intertat Wo would fain tbat tho various forms of aquatic exercise and amusement hod Bueli a stand among US. SonacuBBB, Baltlmora.—1, B, B. J.Uiles Is notthoproprietor af lUlea' CIrouB. 9. We do not know tho gentleman's present trbertsbonts. 8. JobnS.OlarkemarrledaaletorolBdwtoBoolh. JOBKirr, Selawom, Ohio.—1. Ur. Ju. E. Vnrdcch was a pupil at Mr. Lemuel O. While, a well known ohMntlonlattoPhlladel- ^lA, X J. B. goea by hla tight name, ' BuBScnau, Bt lAnls.—"Tbe Bevon fliaters" wu produced to this conntry for tbe first time at Laura Eoeuo's Tboatro, during .-ttauaoonoflUL 0, L B,, Baltimore,—We can send yon all tbo back numbers containing the pruent alory, except Kos. I and 7, at six oonts a mm- PoiDvio.—We do not know what aide, i^ any, of polillciana Qaseral Ueade Civors. Wa t>elleve ba is not identified with any particular parly, and It will ba good for tho country If he is not J, 0.0., Ohicaeo.—Tho game It not much played beta, and ^ ara not aufilclently poatad to deolda. _ OoxfTOiiT BBsBBn, Cleveland.—Tba Sootor'a numbor Is 683 *oadway. f . . ^ ' OurroBD, Baltimore.—Ita lady la married and her husband itmvela wlthhor, ' .ir. B. Boons, Wilmington, SaL-Ur. Booth Is an American py nlrth, ll.'.'W. CoBBRT, West Troy.—Wo have no nnmbor T of thla VolQiBa on hand. '■oBaoBiBXB.—Wa are not poalUve, bnt think yon ore oonaet tB laferanca to Ihe aire of Hr. Herry'a huckatono, ' 0.' K—Rtoa daya IH houti, ' 'W, P.I PUIadelph]a.~A "Full" boats a "Fluob," BonanatBiB, Chicago.—Ben Oaunt ia dead. F, E, n., PUladeIphlB,-'All right, duly forwarded. '■ * Tdb Oituu'iuiisuii' of' BBmsn Watus.— By later advlcea from England, u will Ih soon olaowbere to thla lasuo, wo lean ' that tbo ro-malchtog of Cbambon and Creen for tbe Thames 'Ohamplonablp, eto., hu not yet been conauromated, Chomben J^odlng, u he did with Ward, other osgagemenia at tho line 'When bis would-be opponent dealtos to "pull it over again." It Is nnfOriunste Hut Qreenwu alok on Ihe day, bnt so ba ep- -paaia to have bean, and with evoty ooofidenco apparently Is analons to bava another "ga" - Wa hops, therefore, ao tbat tho (aaallonof "bast man" may be uUsbetorlly decided, that all dUretanoeii'may b«, oi may have keenremoved at the nextmott- jBgosllad, By oil m^asa let the Auatrailsn have another chonoa, aal Ikeo foe "oiur tuanait." •■Sus SxAn,"—There ara puglliaUo dead boats—trotting dead boats—and raolng dead beata; bnt a few of tho latter oliso are the deodcat boats of any. Wo are glad to find, howoTor, that aome of thoae gentry hava been compelled to leave for other quartors, Kew lork betog a little too hot for them this aoason. One ohap, to particular, who was going to abow tbo Korth what Ac could do towards rsvlvtog ractog up tbla way a year or two ago, cams to B grlevona ond to tbo summer of tho year 1803, and sud- denly Irft for parte unknown; we bolleve, though, too fellow hu turned op somawhera to Ohicago, where they have not found hlmonlytt Ba waa a high old chander to attempt to tho "beat" game to Mew York; t^o turf frequenters wore too acqnalnlad with the luk, and tbey let him and hla ? schemes aavensj'alone, andthaf wu aflDla'h to All "reviv the Korth. Els career to tho Bonth had been cut abort bofoi he cane here. We were mnoh amuecd one time at an argumni't advanced by this penon, to sttempttog to ahow that A<i radig achemea were on tbeaquare. Bo oold toat his races were so equally arranged that to a mfjorlty of theevento "the tavorlto wu beaten." Bxactly. That'a when the "but" is. Tlie sobemeta, with their tools, do not find it very hard to make it appear toat Boartoto animal to the "favorite;" when tony bare so worked Ibair wlru u to todnoa outalde parties to tovoit pntty large oddt on tho "fkvorlte," toey (the ecbemers) bava other aatolUtee out anapping up thou odda, for It la a aan thing that toe "favorlto" will not ba allowed to wto, even If bo can. It'a toe ensleat Ihtog to toe world to make tho "fdvorlto" loso, a nd toe Innocent public loae at toe same time. It Is s oonsols- llon to know that toe "favorlto" BCbemer won't play tils pototo up North any more. Like Hooker, he's "roUred." TliE AHKHIVAN SCULLI.NO CIlAHl'IOKitlllP, Tho day and dato on which tbli very Important aporttog event to aquatics tokoapUfcOBro tut apuoaching, and we need hardly add toat Iti sdvont^ Is' anticipated wito tbe most lively totar^l by boatmen and toe public generally. Incidentally wo learn tbat toe aports of Ponghkoepels an msktog pnparitlona already for Ua event, and too towne along toe noble Hudson, to tho vl. clnlty of Joahna Ward'a placa of abode, Intend sendlngnumoroua dalegttes to wltnen the oonteat From Fltlabmgb, wo learn that toe trienda of Hamlll Intond watorlug their horses to the same river on and about that time,while NowTork, Fbll«dolpbla> Ooiton, Brooklyn, and ..otli4r. cltlea, will ondonbtodly reduce tboir population coi^aidanbty for tbe aamo reuou; ao that Jnly 13, ua, bids fair to ba a gaU day at Fongbkocpsle. Word la do- tog hla very brat to bainllz on tha day, and Is st tbo present llmo in robust heolUii while Hamlll la by no moans ncglootful of his ptyfl^i/t. FnmlFlttabargh, Ihatobrmatlon hie been pro- mulgated toot Hamlll la one of tooM tost have been attached to Undo Sim's service, tbnugh toe draft that bu recently token place thoroi bnt we have no Idu toat It will totorfero wlto the race hDlwcen blm and Wan), for wa presume that "toem $300" will not long bawanttog to exempt blm from tola llahiUty; or, evon if toe; era not fortocomtog, or that ho doee not wieh to exempt himself In that way, we pruuma there will bo no 01111- oulty In Inluctog too proper olBcen to forego "toe laying on of hand" until after It boa been dodded who la toe Cbomjilon Sculler of American waters. BpcculaUon on toe event bu not boon heavy u yot, ao fir u wo con learn, although wo hare hoard of two or three qulto rcapcctable tovoatmeuU at alight odda on Bamill In Boston, wo bolleve, toey are pratty con- Mont toat he can take Ward down, and in hla own town It U no wander toat toeytotok tho world of Bamill. In tola vicinity opinions appear to bo abont equally divided, boto men having frlonda who profeas toat tboy would go Uoir bottom dollir on toe man of tbelr choice However Ihst may bo. It is all u yet mora matter of optolon; aud who too beat man la wlto "too apoona" can and wUl only be known on toe day and after toe race. Aa too control of alTaIn la to the banda of no "dead heats," we feol araured tbat every totog will bo conducted honestly and honorably, with a vlow to teat too rcspecttvo merlls of tbe men, and tbat boto porUea will have a fair ihow and the best man win. Thit this may bo so, In a hope that wo know will ho concurred to by all honest sportsmen. Tbe money Is all np to tbe "vaulta" of toe Cupfbb, nady for whichever shall proTo vlctorioua, and wa hope tliat toe result may be amicably arrived at, so that our oSce of stakeholder may bo to every respect plouint one. ■ Bau. OAiraa.—Cricket, bue ball, and other ont of door s]>orbi ore not flonrlsbtog u in former yean, when aomo two or toreo pagea of tbe Cufpq wen filled each week wlto scores, eto., of importont oonteato. Soma few lint dsu games, todnding tooao betweon New Totk and PbUtdelphia nines, have been contested, and some are yal to toko place; but toe tablet lor toe ftilnn, ao fir aa we a» cognlrant, is, we an sorry to have to record, re- markably briet Ibo great game of Inn and lead ball, between too loyal and nbelllona Statu, la now engrossing all attention, a gnit many of onr moat cdebratM ball playere taktog a band In, and at proaent toe score stands favorable for toe former. Wo hope tbe list Inntogs will soon bo played—that toe Union will be quickly snd todlsaolubly restored—and tbat onr fields may aoon echo with toe welcome shouts, "Bow's toat. Umpire) Jttd gmont—"Fouli" eta, u to toe days tbat onco won. BALL PLAY. too nines; biit' Fcaroa . Pratt .., BUrt... Oliver. . Eiolto.... Orr Fob Dosxok.— The famous horses Qoorce kl. Fotchon and Oonenl Butler an to have Just one little go, and no mora. It announced, on the Franklin Park Coune, Boston, on July 23, mile heats, lieet three In five, to harncu. To Bostoniana ^o would aay, go and aee toe fast and handsome qnadinpcda by all means, bnt leave your surplus greenbacks at home to year safer, for toe animals are to too bonds of a shnwd set of financiers. A tour out west la alao marked out for toem, commencing early next ponth ; therefore, to turf patnns toeroaway, tbo aame oaniton ahould be noted by toem. No blppodromlng about this ^ piteilr,yoaknow;notabitotltl ">"E vA ■NounD or Oambs Xt BinroroLn DniDtiBTS, forisot) each foifo game, la now betog played by Uncle Bom. It ia to be sincerely hoped toat too "Laird and Iddy," or whatever game toey ore playing, will not result in a Elng occupying each of the double comon, JameaHamlll, tho Champion sculler, and hlabrotoor John, have boto been "buffed" to Plltaburgb, and among tbe list of namoa published of Ibe Kew York consorlpUon, we see that of J, Hanlon, but wo don't know wbetoor he Is ono of "our people" or not Tho games played are full of "rarlallons." "Cub Flso n Tbxbb."— Tho glorious elan and atripcs once m ore wave o'er tho dty of Ylckaburg, and by thla time, perhaps, 0 ur forces hava nnlnlennptcd control of toe tlUalulppI river. 11 wu a dark bonr, todecd, tliat "hour before day," on toe ever- memorable <th of July, wben Lee and bla boats wen in onr front at Otltysburg, and Pcmberton wito bia garrison stDl held Ttokiburg, It vu a gloomy hour, and at dawn on toat day toe people ware to doubt u to too lisne of toe great battlea to Penn- sylvania; bnt with tha rising of tbe aun, aroao our proud ban- nan over toe battle Sold, while toe Invaden of our aoil wen aee n In tall retreat, nevetmora, we truat, to tread toat heilowcd ground, azeapt u friends. Our todepondence wu renewed on thsl day. At 'Vieksburg, u at aetlyaburg, the nbela wen de- futad, and laid down toeir arms, suirendertog tooir atrongbold to toeir conqoonrs—toe tovtooible defenden of toe Union and too ConalltatiOD, A Lrma Too Fist.- Tbo gentleman who do toe long-wtoded editorials for toe Richmond pipera were a little too fut to toeir antlolpallosa of Lee's dotogs In Fonnaylvanla, They made him oaptoie narrlihnrg, and hod mapped ont a progranimo for bis gnld inco alter bo had left toit burg. Tboy were to take pos- senion uf tho oool mines of Ponueylvanla, destroy tbo maohtofr ry, and aet tbe coal on firo; toey wore to come to Pliiladdphla, apply the torch lo tbe four comon of toat city, and give It lo toe llamu. Aboat toe time too editorial gentlemen won die- poatog of New York It la asppostd toey muat have "board toe nowa" of Lee'a "abdication," and back out, for toey, like a oa^ tato, littlo boy wo bavo nad of, had "nototog to My," Ilarrla- burg won't aphued, toe coal mtoos were not vlalted, and Phil- adelphia was net made Ireworka offer toe amuaemont of. tbo nbels. The Blohmond qulUs most make out a nowpngnramo. Toi Amnicox Bn.T.Tinn Oiuwnixsnii'.—Because o( the waok'a blOlards at too tonmamtnt early lut month, and toe fcol toot too conlut for toe above honor between Meun Eova, nagh and Beareller docs npt toko place until Ootobor IB, it la not yet a very fMquenI topic of oonverutlon in apottlng drdv. As too time draws near, bowover, toe aklll wlto the one poasoaaed by each man respectively, wlU be canvaued, and wo have no doubt whatever toat it will prove as obaotbing in totorut, uwu toe groat match it Dolnlt when one of tbo conteetanto, SeoreW tor, met wlto dofcat ol tbo bonds ol too toon cbampion, Pholon, Tai Annicua Olds, of Oreenvrlob, Oti, won to bovo opened tbelr honse and grounds on Saturday, nth Inat, when a grand dlspliy of fireworks wu to bovo been given, nudor tho dlteollon of too Uosin. Zdgo, of Jersey Olty, cemmonoing at 8 o'olock to the evenlug. We toonk too gentlemon for o cordial tovltatlon to be present, hat distance nellber lent nor gavo us on opportn- nlty to wltotu tbe oncbontmank of too viow. Tna Wis.—The waratlllwtoda lUstow longto olong, toe rebels having the wont of It Juat now. "Win first, lose lul," we used to aay wben playtog marbles, and oo It might be sold of tbo nbela. Tboy have bad tbo but of toe contutto ■Vlrgtala, but tbo Udo bunowtnmed, and tbe Union forces pUyowinntog htnd. In tho Bouthweat, oil is well, our soldlen to toot quarter Bweopbig oil before toem. Day le bteaktog. If we do not mlato. terpret toe algns of too tlmu. Exonmo TniEa.—Thla Monday oftornoon, ISlh toit, toe olty to oB eidtomeut, owtog to a riot to the Twenty-second Ward, whan a crowd is said to have auombled and used too olficlala superintending tho draft nughly, compelling tbem to ekodaddlo, setting fin to property, etc. From what wo can leom, the dty will bore o heavy bill of eiponaos to foot We hope order wlU soon bo natorod, for a riot la by no means a pleasant or com* mondable thtog to have to our mldat Lm axD AsvnTDnsa or Brodt tbb Bovib, tbo IUbboi» man of Irelonil, a senutlon Novel of the times of Ireland's fanaUelam, By Wm. Carleton. Unabridged edition. Svo, ni, WoaiitB, F,A,Dndy,Ag«Dt,3tAnnsl.,H, T, pp. Nor Bo.—In our Hartford oorrupondence, to lut wook'a Oima, on aUoslon was nude to Mr. Warren Dorr, of toot p1ace,whlcU wutotsnded lo be complimentary tothitgenllonMn, butwa have been gt'von to undontond that tbe ellualon hu been miaoonitrued by Mr. Burr. Let us assun too gentleman toot nothtog but kindness wu totondcd T^y onr conupondcnt's re- marks. UATCnnn.-By reference to onr ring deportment It will bo seen toat Ed Vllson,lof Waehowken, and Con Fltzgenlil| on mitohed for a battle to too P. R., on Oclobor 27, and toe ortlclos have been algued, and flity dolhua a aide an ataked in onr hands, From too repubttlon of too men, a good mill should be toe reiult . Tnorrnia Boasi Oen. Meadb.— Ur. n. Beckwlto, a wealthy young man, of Hartford, recently luvwied a few toousonda In tho purchase of a bono collod "Black Prtoce,"thtt onca boat tbo famous "Lancet." Ho bns atoco changed too nomo to Qcn. Ueodo. DBinxo.—Wo Uudoratoud toat JImny HomlU, our obomplon acnller, wu among tbo men drafted In PltUburg toe otoor day: also that bis bntoor John wu among "toe lucky bag" volun- toon, Pbici.- There la a good deal of Ulk about posoe, since the late viotorlu ot aottTobnrg ond Tickeburg; we pruumo too thing can bo accompUihcd by onr Qoneral Meade.ator, to which oaso an inncaty wUl be our Ctneral Grant A LnrLX Odi.— Uow doth toe over busy Leo Improve each sbtotog hour, 111 gathering nbols every day For Meade's boys to devour. Ions TO BooxEn.— Dearest Joioph toon but loll us, llore thy lots we cannot fool; It Is Abe who bu bereft ns, lint Meodo will all our sorrows heal. QooD BnwiBTWo On toe tto Inst., ot PeeksklU, quits an amonnt of exoltemeut wu ereatod by a "tilal of pump" between Englnea Noe. 1 and 3, both of toe ucond olaoa. No. 3 took Ua pile, however, by tbrowtog a borlxontol atream a dlaUnce of 330 hel, No, 1 doing aio foet. Tbo PeekaklUlans think tbla a "bla tUngonthoikwlrt" ; Atlaxtto vs. KcErooD.-Tho flnt grand match of toe a« for tboobomploDBbip will be played at Dodtord on the grot ot the AtlouUo Club, aome time in July. Tbla contut wu tract tooounda of apectoton, and will, no doubt be an tao ' toglytoteruttog match,. Then is conaldenble rivalry belt , tbe dubs, and both win uso the most strenuous exertlca , win. Tbo Atlontics are detonnined to leave no effort untiu regain toeir lost biunls, and the leom which tboy win pta on toit tolerasttog ocouion wUl; donbtlca^ be too fineat-n have ever ptoyed In a match. It ia not known who wlU comi Wtfratoii'^lnicu It wU be u follows:- ' .Oatcbor. Crane BhortatoH .-Pllcber. ' P. O'Brien ..Left field, .Flratbaaa, Chapman . ..Contraflat .Second baae, JooOUrer...IUgbtfi«lA .Third hue. Unless they have added aomo other fine playcn to thilr besides Fntt toey could not pruent a stronger nine than above. The Gckford nine will pnbably bo as follows:— Deacb Catcher,. Bevyr Short slue Bpraiiuo Pitcher. Monolt Lrftfleld. Kcacb Flntbase. . Duffy Centrelsl , Uonl Second hue, Blienco Bight fiaU Mills Third buo, Bcaiilea tbeio there are CompboU, Swindell an'd Joah Snyt OS substitutes, in cue of the absence of MlUa or any of toei ere. With two suob splendid ntou u too above, tho coa ought to be deeply totoreaUng. :Trr ATnuno'CLm or PBiijinEuinA.—A great changt: euddoDly occurred In the formation of tbe flnt nine of toei letlo club of Iblbddphla. Pratt, toeir ablo pitcher, ral| from tho dub toe day of hiaarrlval in Phllidolphla, tbe rei lie laslinicd bolng that lio bod been offered o good sltuotla Mew York, ond nod Joined the Atlantlo club of Urooklio,! lioncoforth ho wu to be toe pitcher of tbat noted club, on b no ilonbt that be was oxceodlnoly amblllous of obtaining. . Iu9s will greatly weaken tbe Atblotlo nine, bat not aa much a many would Imsglno, u bis place con bo well Blled by McB who Is on excellent pitcher, toough not quite u fietul Tho Position of the Atblotie ntoe wlU uow bo u followi:—Cold Kline; pitoher, Uollride; letbue, Berkenslock; 3d bue, I 3d base, Smlto; abort stop, Wllkoqa; left lloU, Longhery; a flold, Moon; right fidd, OukiU, Thle makes up a good i but not one to achieve auch results u th* Ir previous talis while In Now York, By-toe-way, tbe Atoletica sont no lea eighteen men to the war for tolrly doya, Tbla la doing i _ well We would advlae tbe club uot to eipcct any visiton 1^ Now York tots season. Neither tbe Unions nor tbo will go for certain, and toe chances of any of too othon i tbot city are ellm, Bask Ball at Hauiltoh, 0, W.—A motoh that wu mnoh Joyed was ployed toere on toe 3d irut, between tbe Mopla'l nud Barton clubs, of which we here oppond tbe scon:- ntiKS UAnn nt ucn T:n<fNoii. 1st 34 3d 4th Olh Cto Tth Btb Mh MopleLeof 1 6 3 7 1 0 0 4 Barlon :...l 0 4 8 113 0 Umplro—Mr. J. O. Dovla. Rcorcro—For Maple Leaf club, Ur. W. H. Bcld; for dub. Ur. It J, Tackobury. Base Ball at Utica, N. Y.— Tho UlicA ond Hatnllton OH clnba played a natob on toe 37th ult, which reaiilted to u victory for toe formor. Wo oppond the ocon:— ...3 Utica. L Thompson, p.. Callender, c 3 Porter, latb 3 SI Thompson, 2d b.... 0 Uosber, 3db 3 SIcard, SB 1 Hardtog, If 3 McQuaHe, of 3 DoolltUo, r f a Total., BtniB HASI m EACH i>-nKas. , lot 3d Sd 4to Sth Oto 7th tto .M^ Utica.1 a 8 0 U '^•f 1 10 Hamilton 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 3 In too eventog boto clubs partook of a supper at Cenbol VsH Basb Ball at FBBxrOBT, III.— The return match betn tbe Qarden City club, of (Hiica^o, and the Empire elib, Froeport, wu played at tba latter placo on July tth. The |i] WM well played, ondwu wltoeued by a large nnmbor Ml toreatod apectaton. Tho fineplaylog ofBovt oftoo OordenCI and 1 homu ond Dnwator, of tbe Empire club, doservoa i mention; Tbonias' score of 7 tolUu aud no ouls bolng o f( of too gome not ofton ocourrtog. Tbo followtog la tbo ocoiD BATTDIa. Eurmx. Teed, p 3 CovonoBh, OB 0 Buckman. latb 4 Btokoff, of 3 Lumboid, rf 3 Thomu, 0 0 Lobklekcr,lf 3 Loit, 3db B Drewstor, 9db 1 n.i. nuns 4 Totol, Time of game—two houn. Umplro—K. Von Buren, Jr. OABnxs CriT. n.L. Page, as 3 Bcudder, letb 0 Hurt, p 3 dark, of 3 Alby, 0 4 . Bumbam, adb 3 Bratoerd, 3d b 8 Drummond, If 3 Cone, rf 3 Total., of Atlontlc club, Chicago. Bcorcro—Qco.Lyman,for aardeD|City; UlcboelStosskoepIll toe Empire. Basi! Ball Ahoxo Tin SnrocHn.-The Fnsbman Glut, Harvard Unlvenlty, Cambridge, Uau., and toe Bophow Club, of Brown Univeralty, Providence, R. I., encountered m other in a match at buo ball, at Providence, on tbe 37to ^ Tbo occMlon produced great excltomentomong toefriondii toe contestonto, and of tha two Untvenlllu. Tho Drown to)_, scqultud tbemselvea very oredltably, buttbo superior dttditt of toe HsrvoTd atadonts, a quality in which tboy always opn to excel, Jotoed to tbe muscular development of the ehomiw they send forth to bottle for toeir name, finally provoUedTii carried off toe honoro of tola occasion. Basi Ball at Utica.N. Y.— Onthetth, NIogoraandEieeU dubs ployed a match which reaulted In a triumph for tbe foi by 0 acore of 1ft to 0. Obeat WunzBM IlAiLWAT Pio Nio.—An event so^alled, which aome Intereettog athletic aports wero Introduced, cami^ on tbe 3d luet., at Oaluonda, 0. W, Not leaa than 3,000 pei« were on the grounds durlug tbe day. FiiU preporatlons « madoby toe proprietor of OaklAudsfor tbe cntortainuonti nlTeabmeut of hto vlaiton, bo tont largo u wu toeir nnuA tho vwita of eao)i won fuUy aottiflod, Tho gamea won ul Iowa:- IKoMmji with Piie.—Vmfln, E, Pinch—price two foolf^ Tbia wu won witoont cumpetltion by Atr. John Ureavoa London, who Jumped flnt aereu feet, and tbeu eight fool Inobcs. Sack J7ace.—Umplro, S. Uclntyn, Prize—gold locomoO bnutpin, won by Jnmee Flood from three compeUtora. D raco croated groat amusement Anh£ry.~liujteriniput(nl*t J'rirc-Open only to mcobasli Frlzo—o book on mecbanica, by D. X. Clark, won by JaB Foitor. Thlrty-flve cnlcred for tola prize, but only two, UoM W. nowkinti, Jr., and Jomu Forster, auoCBodod In plerctogO target Tboy BhotlStr and toe latter won. /Lot Han.—1G0 yorda, 3 heats—Fonmon's Prizo, coualetlol I cue of drawtog liiatruments. Umplns, UcBsra. H. Chllds u It Anblbald, lieferee, D, Stevcnaon, Ibo flnt boat wu n by nine couleetouls, and wu won by J. Eutcliluaon. luH accoud boot only five ran, when Henry Robertson won by H or Uireo lengtbj. Tbo third beat, between tbe two fo) wlunen, was eully gained by Ur, Robertson, Sack Jiaa/or llnyt—tm prizM, No. 1 a pocket knifo, wu v« by Aroblbold UcQowon, and No. 3, a poilmonnalo, by Ji MoDeto. IKra(llii(i.—Umpire, D. Smith. Prize, Moenchoum pipe. Vi by Hugh Martin. D. Bmllb, who waa rccogulnoil m ogn wrestler In the old country, ond Is tho ookunwlodged cliomBf of Canaila, gracolully deolinod to eonjpoto for n prize, mvt would bavo been bin own bad bo oboiun to oulcr for It lAPt .match for the prizo wob between II. Bwcotninn and- H Martlu. Tbo lotter won It, but Ur. Swoctmau conicsiod so al^ tliat tho ofllcara of tbu Ol It Ilollnad bavo decided to award Vl an tixtro prize, A $3,000 TnoT WIS contcated on tho Denver track, Denver <X > T., on tbe I'Jtb ult, between Uroy Eoglo oiirt LIgbluIng, W mile hoats,.beat three in flvo. Oroy Eagle won tou flnt aecM aud fifth heats, and toe race, and LIghlulBg too third boat, camo In firat to tho fburtb, but It wu deoidod a dead heat b>> Judgu on account of his running. Time 0.23; 0:37; 0:<3| (HI 0:11, It la sold to have been one of tbe best coutosia that " ever taken piece In that aecllon, Tbey were to bovo bod one!)! go for too aaimeafflouut, audon alnillarcDndltlous, ontbel" ult,