New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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120 AMUSEMENTS. TO ADVKBTISEEB. W« «|U ttu •ttanUon of Uuuftn tad Prafenloiiili who with •a mil ttmBMlru et Uw ulouln olioaliUon of ia» a*w Tou Vumt, Uu TkeiUul Orau of imorloa, to nuko kiiown thalt ^xKln eata par Una (Or twh u< oreir tnurtloiii fordnnuUo ■ottOM from ouu ptpon, loMfponttd la onr nminiiT, U o«ati CUu: ■ UMnl^odooUoD, wtU, homTtr, Im nud* fn idw- ■MiMvbaii for Uirooor allmoiiUiaInadttaoa. Stf ■tBiUlottUn, Taeadirof aaehwMk. A mina.iM «m. io iinn ttlanUoii In the Ima (orttut wtak, ^utli null u b/ UcaiAf nomlni, tt lataat, or Situdir U Opnalto tha Bt. NloboUi HottL BSNBT TOOS Sola Vropilator ud Hinifar. THIS Bma THB BEST TERTHilTED HALL ID THE 0IT7, wo find DO Moooltr for oloilni dnrlna tha mrm mbob. FOURTE oftBE PANORAUA. Tint tppatnoco tlnoa bli ntnn from Europe of DATID B. WAUBOLD, popnliT Ballad Blogor. fia-apptnrtiuo of U» onlTenal faiorlla, FDANK BROWZR, Tha Orlglul "EAPPT DVOLE TOM." MOma, lalflb, and eTorr aroslDi during «be waak, WOOD'S MlHBTBBLBj ^ RiPFT CMOLE TOU, FOUB ODOffB, BLACK BRIOADE, OBUZLTT TO 'OmKl, MLW BEOBOITe, HAH LET, TABO ET EX0UB8I0M, PAMOnAKA OF KOBTH DITEB, ie, BOnox.—No ooostollon wltk aar ImTallng compan; tanmlng tta oama of Wood'a UlDilroU. It- SotnoptDitT: cooiDaBoaatBo'clook, TIciati 39 oanH. MOOhMY'B OFKRA noVBB, BROOKLYM, Cor. COTJBT A HEH6EN BTBEBIS. & K. BOOLSr Bala TropilatOT. B, BOW BHg. Dlraotorof AmoMfflanla. T. B. FUBHDEBOABT TooU Mieotor. Prot g TBADB laatnmantal Blraetor. VOHBAT EVEHISa, Jnlj 30, and danng the weak, OdlZNaE ATTBAOnON FOB THIS WBEE. '^nratwMkotao XHTIBXLT HEW AMD OBIOniAL FABOE, Vrittan upttaily forlbu Oomptor, by UB. B. BOUBBS, CAUU THB nDFOBTTmATE RAILBOAD OONDVOTOB. Ohamctan bj OhrUlj, Bowan, nagbea, to. Slntwaakol THE WIZABD TRnMPETBB, br Ha(b«a ud Bmnmer. Xlnt wtak of tba BnrlMqae on OTHELLO, bj Bomrt tnd Cliriitr. "BALtT COKE OP," bj T. U. Hiyet. WONDZnrDL TEBPSICHOREAM DI8PLAT, by Uutor Btj. PHENDEIUIAST AMD HEBUAN, In New Boogt and Bollide. 3taw Acta, Stncai, FlutaUon Hcanai, Ac, by tbe entire Troupo. Soon open tt 7: to ooomenca tl a TlckelaUoontt.. Prtftio Uoiei 19. It> JiiBUi'B HfliLVDKUN, BALTIUODE, UD., • AMD LEA'S UELODEON, DETROIT, UICH. OEOnaE LEA .Latieotnd Proprietor. The tboToottabliihoanla tra now doing * Dae biuloott under ViaminiaaDtiitof OEOBOE LEA, well known to tho citliant <af tha Unftad BlaUa at one of the moat ncceaafnl nunigen In ttaOoncertprofeialon. Peifennmof well known tblllty un aacnre better angige- taenta witb lilm than any other nuntger. .^lUiaat, rorengagemenlt,atellbarplace, to OBOBOE LEA, Btlllmora Mclodeon, _ .. . Baltimore, Ud. ■nafouovlng wall known namea are tmong tho few who are vow performing it the aboro Ooncart HaUa:— JOHN U&LUOAN, JOSH HABT, ■lAHDBEW LEATITT, BILLT OATAKAOB, ■a B. prosr, dillt west, PBOF, O, lr. KIRDTE, JOHN OLUBEF. TODNa AUEQIOA, 4< OOLOBLADO BR0TEEB8, insa JDL1A ROBINSON, ansa tiotobia noss, UBS JENNX ENOBL, anas uzzt bowlamd, »naa TILUY F0BBE8, loss KAOaiE HAKBUALL, MIBS FANNT 'WAT, ^Sie entln Company numbering OTor ONE UUMDBBO PBBFOBUERS. SKatmooDt of StUry too largo for talenlad Attlita. OEOBaE WABBEN, SIONOB BUSS k SON, mas ANNIE OHESTEB, UIS8 OLABA BOSTON, inSS LADRA LlOLABE, UIBB TEBE8A VIOLA. MISS FANNIE DEVEBE, UISaSmTLEE, UlSa LOOIBA BLISS. IMt 'WOOD'S THEATRB, VOOD'B TIIBATBB, CINOINNATI, LOUISVILLE, OOIO. ET. NASBTILLE TBBATBE, NASHVILLE, TENN. Hi* ondanlgned baring leaaed the abora Iheatraa for t term or yttn, aaob of which will be thorongUy reoovatad and refit- •ad, art propand to negotttta with im oltat BTAAB, for nlgbtt da aaoh aalttjUabnunt, to fellow rfgnlailytrom OloolnnttI to BbtbTlUe. All eniiagemenla made by UR, OEOBOE WOOD flv Ilia thatlroi. bolh itook and itar, will ba duly honored by •aa. BIABS and oihan wlahlng angtsemenla will pitue addrea SOFFIELD t fLTNN, Wood't Theatre, OuolnnttI, Ohio. WOOD'S THEATRE, OINCINNATI AND LOIHBVILLE. Tha pnbllo ue reepcctfnlly Informed that Ueaan. DUFFIELD ttVLYNN harelraied the abOTO theatrea, In connection with lOta NtahvlUa Thoitre, HtahTllla,Tenn.,ar« prepared to offer twoeh fndncemeotai to atan and othert, aa no other managera In 4ba conntry can, All thote engaged by me, and negoUatlng, wUlplataetddreaaaaaboTe. [14.3t<] OEOROEWOOD. AMUSEMENTS. RBW BOWBBV TIIBATB*. Commanclng Uondty Eraalng, Joly e, TUB OBEAT OnialNAL AND ONLT OAUPDELL'B UIH8TBEU, Under the poraontl anparltlon of KB. UTO. CAMPBELL. Thaoonvany coniUla of the foUowlog artlala, Tit:— HHD DAvfir J0HNNr.BpOKBB, ' " I. W. HILTON, II. 0. OAUPBELL, J. H. OLIFFOBD, OEO. OBAT, T, WADDEE, I. BUIOK, F. E DWABP 8, A. BAWTZB. FRANK EDWARDS, Oaaaral Agtnl. JBOBAIO CONOBHT HALIi, Formerly Qemian Tbeatre, C0LUUBU8, Ohio. DILES ft CO.. Pnprletora. KBl) FOSTER Stage lltntger. JOHN U. EINNEir Treuniar. Oomprliet tha following talent:— ansa annie habiuson, JOHNNr.HART, auI'LLE CONSTANCE, TIU WOODBUFF, XIBTNOLDB BIBIEBS, ED. VRAT, SBOF. WBMZBL, OEO. CLATION, VBRD. BHINEBOI/T, HANK OOODUAM. .X. H. BEVNOLDB, NED FOSTER. ^a ctomen Of merit will find permanent tnd reaponilble en- OManenti by tddtawlog u aboTe. Coneepondenlt who mir mm noetre aoawora to their communlcatlona, may Infer that Mair line of bnilntat la filled. K. B.—VANIED—A FIBBT TENOR and DAB80, alio, a aood VOOND VIOLIN PLAYEB.«£u [ BHAIIPLBY'B UINSTBELS, 0BAB8 BAND, AND BUBLESOUE TIIOUPE, TUB UBnOES OF A HEIUBPHEBE, rnliiRiliig tromlhelT TBIUUPEAL TTESTEBN TOUB, VBappeirtt OBIOAOO, June at, for alx nighia, Ibeooo to ORBOIT, TOLEDO, CLEVELAND, BDFFALO, DOOHESTEB, ' BYBAOUSK ALBANY and TBOY, Ada* to their anpeaianea In Krnr tore and PmLADELPHU, Vttan Ibey will Inlndnoa THEIR OBIQINAL PROOBUIIU, W perBtmed only br tha OBEAT ETHIOPIAN IBON OLADB. BAM BBABPLET, BMt Sola Uanafer and proprietor.. <IUraBR]IDHV IIAbli, . WA8HINOT0N, D, 0. E. N. BLOOtril, N. W. aOULD, If ABTEB BODY, J. TABMENSAUH, BIO. ETTE, 0. BltU L. BONNY, E. OBBBH, 13- VAKIBTIBBI VARIBTIEBI— Fionllnt on PeDntylranla ATenna and Ninth atreaL THE NATIWAL AUU8RUENT INSTITUTION, Wtahlngton, DlttrlctofCoInmbla. Proprletort A. HAUBLIN k 00, Blaga Utntgtr JAMES PtLORIU. Laiderof tbaOrebeaIra FRED, YOCNEEB. VOW IN THE FULL TIDE OF PBOBPEBITY. lounaDBa audlancaa boner Ihlt betu'lhil Temple of Amaaement with their pttnnaiie, eipreiuing areiy manl- leatatlon of delight and applante atlbe ZXOEBOINOLY ABTIBTIC BENDITIONS Ot nhimilng ainglag and dancing, tnd tha mlith-prOToUng, aldoapStUng, and Inlmlltbla repreaan. utlona of the 7ABI0U8 SHADES OF THB COMIC HU8E. Ila raperlorlly la endoraed by aU tha prominent Jonnalt of Waahlogton City, tnd It It nulrenally admitted to l>a TEE LEADINO MUSIC HALL OF AMEBIOA. PROFESSIONALS OF ALL KINDS, and of OTary attracUon- both ladlaa and Oenllemen-of ESTABLIBBED BBPUTATION ONLY, daalnua of performing In thta flnt ctaaa EtU, whldi It known to poatetaadrantageaoTeranyilmUtrbtU Intheoonutry, thonU adiueaa the nndeiijgned. For tlorllng ablllly, wa alwaye payHjtttndardTalna. FrofeaatontlewlU keep thlttlct In view, lunagan, all over tho conatiy, who, for montba htva bean re- printug ou adfarttaemanta, blUa, Ac., merely altering the namat of our performera to that of their own, are rtqaeelad to add, "Adaptod from the Waabloglon Varlallea," aa we pay for tTtry Ilaa written, to one connected with nt, eiclualrely for that pupoto. Addraea all leltera to A, HAMBLIH A CO,, Waih. Ingtoa, D. 0., ot to onr Agenla, JASIES CONNEB A 00., Honaa of Commou, 39 Watt lloutton alieel, near Broadway, New York. is,lt nOTICB TO RIAflAOERS. TBE OREAT AUEBIOlN DBAMATIO EQUESTBIAN TBOUPE. U'LIE OENEVIEVE. »v«r*. The BeaullAil and Daihlog Eoneatrtenne. MB. 0, B. COLLINS, Tbe Oelabrtte d Equ ealilan Dramatlo Actor, WITH IIB. B, B. OATES' Horta BLACK BESS, the raoit beanUfel and beat trained Home In the Stttea, are now open to negoUata with Utntgera for ibe production of Eqnaalrlan DramitIo Bpec- taclta, tbe reportlore comprUaa all IheoldPlecea and aeTcril new oset, Communlcallona iddraaaed to HENRY B. GATES, Butlnett Mtntger, IMI* CupmOmoi, N. T. THE XVEDB 8IBTBR8. UIS3E9 EMMA AND ADAH. Thuo Tety ttlented, yonng, and TonaUle Artleta have Jul tt- tamed I torn t highly aaccceami engigemeni, of Bli Montht, Id Htrtat, tnd at Ntiata, tnd tt« tt preaanl fulBlUng a Terr BRILLIANT ENdAOEUENT AT FORD'S HOLIDAY STREET THEATRE, BALTIMORE. Maaagett wlahlng to accoro tbo oarrlcea of theaa rary taleoted Aitlala, Kill additaa them at tho CLirraa Omcr. CLBSVELAND UFBRA HOUBK. Bole Proprietor DICE- O'NEIL. Thit beautlfnl hall will ba apeedlly re-decortted, tnd opened on the 13th of July. Among tha arUala alrtidy engiged tr«:— Uim KATBLEEN O'NEIL, TOE OHEAT CHtRISEI, BATE WALTERS, MILLIE TBEODORA, BABBY TALBOTT, CIIAS. A. WAKD. Farrormera, wlahlng engagementa. pltaaa addrtaa DICE O'MKIL, Poll Office, Olereland, Ohio. TTaxtid— Fifty Itdlea for Ihe Ballet of Oltelle, or the Night Dinceia. u-tf TRIMBUB'B VARIETIBS, PITTSBCRO, PA, Tha abore named popular place la the ONI.Y MUSlA HALL IN THE OltTI HavlDg an oitAlfUahed npnutlon of , b FIVE YEARS BTANDINO. ' r WIU open for tha Fall and Winter Seaaon, on 8ATDRDAY, JULY SJHb. Pertormert of acknowledged ability wliblox to negoUate, wlUadditaa BENJAMIN TRIMBLE, lA-U* Sola Proprietor. OABIHO, CHESTNUT BTBEET, ABOVE SIZTB, PHILADELPHIA. PA, The aboTa place of amaaement will oloaa on Ihe lit o( Auguat, for eitaoaira alterttlona, and bualneaa will ba reenmed ou or about tha 96lh Aug, During the Interral the place wUI be re- painted, decorated, and enlarged, and aTary palna taken to make the ettabllibment the leading and moat faahlonablo Uuilo Hall In Phlladelpbla. Artlate dea&oua of aeeurlng good eDgagementa can apply by letlar to Boi 090, P. 0,, PhlladelpbU. le-tf JAM. COItNBR & CO.'* TBEATBtOAL, LITERARY, MUSICAL tnd BQUBSTBIAN AOENOY, 3S Wett Houilon atraet, near Broadway.—ALL OF THE FII18T CLiBS TEEATRIOALB are booked at thla office for FALL AND WI.1TEB ENOAOE- MENTS. Managera wlU do well to oiU and eea Uat of namea. N. B.—Proreaalonala, beware of bogua Agonia and awlndUog apocoIaUng manegeti. We happen to know thoao who ate and tEoae who are not reaponilble. JAB CONNER A CO., aa aboTO. to- Bead In PHOTOORAPH for onr Picture Oallery. ll-lt KORT'^UAOKIFICENT MUBIO HALL « . »i . . AMERICA Wo WallwOlrU einployed. Udloa and Oentlemen of known AOltralwaja wanted, Mooalalde parfomura emptoyed-none bnt the Terr beat lal iRitoDgagad. ^ddraaa to WILLIAM E. SINN, Bole Proprietor, ] Waahlnigton, B. 0. CTIBai.K'B VARIBTIBB, PnTBDUBOlI. PA, WANTED IMHEDIATELY A F1B8T OLABS VAni>EVItl:.E gOMPAMY conJatlngrt Singing OlSiba^'Sd, Lt^M oiLrt; Idi' l^H,i*i7'"l^* Amedlan,LowComeilHoj WtSSg 5!*'J?7l "SJ'J"'. ^ CONNER k OoT, 'JhaatTletl Agonia, M Weal Uouaton atroot, New York. BENJAMIN TRIMBLE, Proprietor. IIR,TII,-.On tha ITIh Inilanl, Iht wife of. Jtmea UtiTllle of aeoD. Ij.U ELLBliER'B ATHBNBUM, COLUMBUS, omo. ThadnnuUe aetaon doaea on tbolllhlnat, (April)—after whleh data the Athencum may be rented for all kinda of eihlblUont— nlqhUy, or by Ihe week. Thla la now Ihe Itrgeal, beet arranged, and meat popular place for Leotiuea, Mlnalrd Troufiea. Con* ctrti, to. Apply to JOBN A. ELL8LER, Jr„ 1-tf Academy of Muilc, ClOYeland, Ohio. SSVr HBMPIIIB THE ATllB—Ltillei and Oenllamen ot ablllly, wlahlng engagementa for the Fall and Wlnlet Beaaon, comnencing on or about firat September, will pletae addreia, alitlDg larma and bnalneM-Blata treated with on liberal tarma. Addieu B. R. MAOINLEY, No, 10 Lock Box, Hempbla, Tenn,, OEO. BAYFIELD, Maoagar, or 0. T, PAHBLOE, Dramatic Agent, IB E. Honaton alreal, H. Y., or P. 0. boia.lli, jSai NOTICE—After July 13lli, all Itttert for MISS ADAB ISAACS MENKEN' matt bo tddretaod to MAOUIBE'S OPERA HOUSE, SAN FRANCISCO, OAL, iiowAHo atiiena:ijm, _ BOSTON, STARS wlahlDi NIghIa for Fall and Winter Seaion, wlU apply to Mr, ODAHLEfi a^EBNABD.lM D«.dway"C7ort or MISS ELI8B DE CUVHCY, baring concluded a high- ly racoeiaful engagement at Urerpool, appeariuir in anoh but- ton aa Don Cwatr. In "Dos C«atr de BauD," Loulaand Ftblen. Id Ihe "Ooralctn Brotbeia,"—"Salin In Ptrja."and ln"Aurort Floyd," WlU ihorUy arriTo In thla country. Managera wlahlng to enjage tbo Mrrlceoot tbia bidTforneil leaaon/wUl addreaa WU.7. MABHBAT . L , Ageut for IHSS D£ COUItOY. Ctnrin offloe. ii.|t PltTBBURail TIIBATRB.-Ltd]ea tnd genUemen wlihlDg cngtaementJ for tha coming tall and winter aauon, will make ippUoaQon at once, aa Ihe mueger la now completing hli trrtngemenia. Start tiaaled with on liberal torma. B-tf WM. BENDERBON, Leasee and Manager, THE LAHOKBT SHOW BILL PBINTINa E8TABLI8IIMENT IN THZWOBLDI OLABBT fe BEILLBY, fSaooeaaoia to John E Bacon.) PBIHTBB8 AKd EMORaVEBbT^ U and U Bpmca BtKot, New York, Pa; pirlloular attention to gelling op all Undo of FANOIBHO* BILLS For ttaTaUng companlea, tnd htre on hand a Lirie and aplandld aoottmaat of lane and amaU WOOD OUTS BnlUblafn01nmnaa,Menagarlea, Ethiopian Parfoiman, Oym. Dtita, Magldaat, Ao., Ao., whloh cu ba printed In ona ot mon colon, to anil cnalometa, A dapoalt requliad on an work ordered. AUorden addraaaed Io •'OLABRI A BRILLET," Btoon Print- tog and agraring aaUUla^aat, U and li Bpruca aliael. New York, wOlba promptly attaadadio, ]].u AMUSEMENTS. ■OBRIB BBOTHEBS, A CO'B HIKBTBBLB, FBOH THZm OPEBA BOUSE BOSTON, MASS. Tbla sopslat ttonpe U now on Ita regular annual timmer lour. ■OBBU BBOnmig, PELL A TBOWBBIDaK'S UINBTBILa Oonalat ot tha toUowln^Oantlemenr um MOBBia. BUXT M OBBP. JOHNNY PELIt t, a TBOWBEHKIE B. W. PBEBOOn. t, L, OILBEBT, J. P. ERDBB^ AUOUBT SOBNXIDEB, D. W. BOABDMAN, LOTHIAN, a M. CABBOLU J. QUE EN. B.'FBEDEBIOKB, J, J, EILLIABD. D. J. MAOUonns, L. A. ZWIBSLEB. JAPANESE TOMMY. The ^*tf*otTntnt oall pttttoular notloa to tha tboTa dlatlfi- gnlabad amy ot Ttlaat Tlckela 3* oanta; Baaarred Baata B« canta. B-tf UN M0BBI8, Manager. BAQOUUl'B OPBBA HOVBE, BAN FRANCIBOO, CALIFOBNIA. TB08- MAOUIBB Pioprietor and Minager. JAUEfl DOWLINO BtBM Manager. J. L. BOHM TT Leader of Oiohetlia. W. STEVENSON Traaautar. THE STAB DBAMATIO COMPANY. MISS S OPHIA EDWIN. UI^ LULU SWEET, MBS. W. 0. FORBES, MISS C. HINCELEY, MISS NELLIE BBOWN, W, O'NEIL, FBANK MAYO, CHABLES THORN, WILLUM BABRY, S, C, ANDERSON, HAR RY CLI FTON, W, H. HAM ILTON, F. D. WHITE, a BTEVEHSON, W. a TAYLOR, Ac, Ac, Ao. Slara riMUag Oallfomla abould bear In mbid that Mr. Mtgolit la tlao proprietor of the Meltopolltaa Theatre, Stcttmento, and the MaryarOla Theatre. lUTBOFOUTAH THEATBE, BA N FRA NCIBOO, OAL. CHARLES TIBBEITS Leaaeetnd Hiaagar. Thla Theatro la now open for the Fall and Winter Saiaon, wltt Ike fineat Company arer In Callfomla. JULU DEAN HAYNE, MBS. JUDAH, MISS MOWBRAY, MBS. a B. THORNE, MBS, OLAUOHLEY, MRS. JAB. BTABX, MISS FREDERICKS, Ma J. B. BOOTH, MB. L. F. BEATIY, W, M.n[^MAN, W. 0. FOBBK, B. W. LEACH, FBBD FRANKS, a THAYER, H. BBOWN, With a Namenui Corpa of Auillltriaa. raicza or UHunoM, Dreaa Circle tl,M I Orchettrt Baata %\.Vi Ptrquet (0 di I OtBary U da PilTata Boxea 10 and B dolltn. Stan tolanding to riaU Oallfomla wlU find II to their Intataati to addteaa u abore. 10.3Bt CHICAGO CANTERBURY BALL, 133 and 13B Dearborn attooL A. J. SINE Proprietor. T. L. FITCH Stage Minager. Ihe Company comprlaoa at praaeni the following Ladlea and Oentlemen:— Mlaa Annlo BordwaS, Warren BordwelL Mlaa Fate PirHngton, Tom Poland, Mlaa Boae Bntherltnd, Old Du Crow, M'Ue Eloloa, L, J. Donnelly, Mile Lonlaa, Meaaia. Bnrrouae A EeUy, Mlaa Julia Yale, Admiral Yale, Johnny Boyd, T. L. Fitch. None but tbe BEST TALENT wUI be ongagwL Ladlea and Oentlemen of recognized ablllly and talent wlih- Isg engagementa will pltaaa addreaa A. J. BINE, Boi 3001, Chicago, or 0 Waahlngton Hall, Colnmbna, Ey, PRlIfOB OP WALES THEATRE, UVERPOOL, EHOLAND. Thla truly eleaant aad Tory beautiful IheaHa la kept open dor, lag lha whole of tha year. ^ AMBBIOAN STABS, of acknowledged potltton and talent negoHatad with, lot long ot abort engagementa, aa mutual Intareata may requlia. Addteaa, ALEX. HENDEUSON, MIf Sola Leaaee tnd Proprietor. COBIRTHIAR HALL, EXCHANOE PLAOE, ■ ■ - BOCHESTER,.N. Y,, WUI bo Benled for Concerta, Lectnrea. Eihlbltlona, Ac Addteai W. A. BEYN0LD8, 634ma B3 Atoade, Bocheater, N. Y. AOADEUY OF MUBIO, ' CLEVELAND, omo, Tbe DramilU Company return from Colnmbna on the 18th ol April, for a conttautUon ot their aouon at Ihe abore popular luoatre. All bualneaa communlcallona may b« addrtaacd lb JOHN A. ELLSLER, JB., 1 -It Proprietor tnd Mtntger. THEATRE ROYAi,, MONTBEAL, CANADA. Lxani J. W. BUOSLANO. Thla eatabUabmeut TO LET, nightly or weekly, for entertain, menia not dramtUc Apply to J. W. BUCELAND, l-lt Montreal HETROPOLITAlf. THEATRE, BOCBESTER, N Y. Thla eatabllahment TO LET, nightly or weokly, for all Unda of Exhibltlona, on reaaonable terma, during the Summer Mentha. AppUcatloni for Stock Engegeraenta wlH now lie recolred tor D«t aeaaon, commencing about tbe let otBeptember. S^t* Apply to W. UEEOH, HARRJNOTOn & HUNTER'S UINSTRBIiBi ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MEMPHIS, TENN, Thla company luva been perfotmlnn at tba aboTO place, tot aome Ume part, with great aucceaa, and in addition to their regulat membera, an conalantly aTalllng themaalTea ot the light of new "Btaii," Artlala ot acknowledged talent, doalrooa for a tteah aphare of action, are lurited to addteaa aa abora, under tho aa- anrtnca of Ubertl treatment and pay, 6*lt OANTBRBURY MUBIO HALL, N. W, COB, FIFTH AND OIIESTNUT BT8„ PHIUD'A, PA LAROEST AND MOST TALESTES COMPANY IN THE CITY, 4V ladlea and genUemen of known ability, wlU addreaa M-Bm BOB'T OARDIMEB A Co,, Proprietoii. PLAY BOOKS, PHOTOORAPUBot EATBBATEHAN, ■lao, aa Leah; Blaggle Mitchell, LncUle Weatam, Laura Eeene, OaroUne Blohlnga, Hi*. John Wood, also In ohanolar; A, L Uenken, aa Ftenob Spy and Maieppa; Suaas Dealn, Kala Denlo, laaballa l^baa, Fanny Brawn, alao In chataolar: Webb Blataia, Larinla Warren, Tom, Thumb, Mr, and Mta. B. WllUama, Mr, and Mta. Florence, E Forraal, E Booth, J. W, Wallack, Jr,, WUkea BooUi, Ed. Adama, Letter Wallack, and hundteda of olh- era. 3S oanta each, or fire tor %l. Sent to any addreaa on r^ colpt ot price. Calaloguotaentonnoelptotpoalageatamp, by 13- W. 0. WEMYB8, BTB Bioadwty, Now Yotk. OAIilFORBIA THEATBIOAL AaBROT—8HEBI, DAN OOBBYN would leapecUully Infotm memben ot Ihe drt- maUc Mnaloal, ot Eqnealrun proleariona, that he hai aalabllahad an Agency In Btn Frtnolaoo, tnd la preptrod to negoUtte engtg^ mania and titnttot tU other buauieaa pertaining to the pr» feialon. Addteu BEERIOAN OOBBYN, Baa Ptinolaco, OaL N. a—AU lellari teqilrlng aniweit maal contain a atamp to pn-pty the tame. l-lt ETTIB IIBROBRBON, THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN ARTISTE, Hia jual completed auEugagomentof FOBTY-SIX NIOHTB IN LONDON, And baa ninined to tbla counlrr. She bringa with bar aeretal ENTIRELY NEW PLAYS, which hare been copyrighted by her. They are enUtled:— TBE FLOWER OIAL, BCOTTUH MAIDEN, KATHLEEN MA- TOURNEEN, tnd OYPSEY OIBL OF ORENADA. Mantgoit wlahlng to negoUata wllh thla yonng, hindaome, and talented Actreaa, wlU puaaa addreaa B-U WM. BESfDEBSON, PllUbnrgh Theatro. THE IIABHOTH PHINTinO HOVBE OF NEW ENGLAND. Tde "J. a FABWtLL" A Co., STEAM PRINTINO ESrADLIBHMENT, 37 CONOBESB BTBEBP, BOSTON. L. a PIEB, MAMMOTH POBTEB AND PBOORAMME PBINTEH ' THEATRE tnd OONOERT WORK A 8PBCIALTY. PtrUet or Iranpet rltlUng the Eatlam Blalee wUl find It to their adranlage to riilt thla oatabUibmant Paicca 10 lo 3B pea cEsr Cnurin thah akt omca m Niw BfoLAXo, and aatlafio- Uon guaranteed or no pay requited. ' '^ROYAlTALHrMBS^ Leiceater Squan, London, England. The Proprietor la at all tUnca ready lo engage firti data talent and norelty aultabla to hia Mammoth Enteritlameal, Teima Ubertl. Apply u tbore, iUf ••THE UUKB'B DAUailJHIi," TrtntUlod byM.M. Anicet Bourgolae, and Feral, la pubUahcd and for tale by W, 0. WEMVBS, b;o Broidway, Price Ucoola. i). mSCELLABEOVS ASVEBTISEUEHTa H E L A N' S IUPB07ED BILUAHD T.ABI AND COMBINATION OUBEIONB. Tbaae Biniaid Tablea hare tecelred Ihe unqualified appM the beat playera and moat competent Jodgea, who ban rert^^tonoiuced them unequalled tot gtnaral eieeDaa Beren dlaUnct palanta for Impnremenla la BIDltrd 1 hare been gnated to ua by Ihe United Blalea Patent Oflo, we hare lately obtained a patent from Ihe French gorenaa onr Improremeata In bUIurd cuahlona. We employ. In the oonatmcUoo of onr tablea, a rtrial; n ohlnea apeolally made for Ihe pnrpoaa, by which meiniti enabled to Inaurt a lolenllfio and mofbanlcal acouraoy U| unknown In bUllaid mannCadnre. Harlng a long eiperience and thorough knowledge ot i appUancea ot DllUarda, and eonalanlly on hand a large H the beet tnd mottlhoranghlyieaaonedmatariala, we n pitad to fanlah ererylhlng requited In Ihe bUUard Una H precadented dlapalch. The eminent French hUUaid player, M. Bcrget, baa piM the foUoKlng opinion: "NEwYoaa,adAognal,l "On Uie ere ot leering the United BUlet.I tm baopy tot to aU amalenia of bUUarda thit, attar a tour of eleren ■ throngh Ihe principal clllea, I hare bean enabled lo Jil aaUaCadory maiuar of the auperiority ot the BllUard manubdured by Pbelan A CoUander. Tha ayitem ot ai tore la ao aoperior, IbttI tmhtpP7tolnlroducetbel>a outblon Into ntnce. They here united to their mtno: Americtn DUlltrd Ttblca that of the French Tablea, ot n ble eiceUenoe and beauty- Tor thaie reaaona I am \ make thla dKdaraUon. "BEBOBa CLAUDIUS. Pnresaorof Dmiardt, I Ptrttea ordering from aa wUI find our pricea aa IowhI work can poaalbly be made tor. We aeU fir*t«laaa arr ' Cilr price, and wUl not make an Inferior article at any i Ordeia by maU catafully and prompUy eiecuted. I Calalognea and Price LlalaaenIbymtU. "TheBiuiaibI a Journal pnbUahed Ui the Inleteet ot bUUatda, and or detaUa of aU noralUee, a coplona record ot bUllard i ererythlng UiteteatUig lo amateunot bUllatda, aenttaid plication. PHELAN A COLLENDEB, B9, BB, «7 and 60 Ctoaby etrael, N. T,| And m and T30 Montgomery atreet. Ban FnDcUtti| H OW TO NIX DRINKS. CONTAININa Beclpea for mliing Americtn, Engllah, Fttnoh, 0«n Bpanleh, and Ruealan Drinka auch aa Julepa, P Cobbleta, SUnga, OocklaUt, Ac, BY JEBBY THOMAS, Late Bartender at Ihe Metropolitan Hotel, New Yotk,k Flintera' Houaa, Bt Lonla. i To which la appended a Manual for Ihe manutactnie o( d ala, LIquon, Fancy Byinpa, Ac, containing Beclpea tt moat apptored methoda now uaod In Ihe DLiUUillon ot I andBeretagea; dealgued tot tba ipedil use of Mann'' and Dealeta In Wlnea and Bplrila, (Stoceta, Tiretn-Eer Prirala FamlUee, the aamo being adapted lo the l~' United Stalta and Canadaa. CONTAININO OVER TOO VALUABLE BECIPEBb A latgo Book, bound In cloth. Price, $3,00, PubUihad by DICK A FITZOEBALD, No. 18 Ann alteel, I Coplea of tba abore Book aent by maU, to any addtea^l poalago, on receipt of the price. pREAT BOOKSII _ NEW BOOKS I NEW BOOEBII DONT FAIL TO BEND FOR A OATALOOOI CUB NEW CATALOOUE NOW BEADY. BENT FBEE-POSTAOE PAID—ON APP THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND ONLY RELIABLE 1 AND SPORTINO OOODS I Where otdera an pnmpUy and tilthtuUy aiecutod. Addreea THOMAB OBMSBY, Marble BuUdllA| l-tf BB Naaaau atreet. Net I BOOKS! BOOKSII BOOKS III BOOq CABDS. • « • ♦ < Beautiful and orlglnil AMBBOTYPES. Phnnny, Phnllcaomo, PheceUona, Phancy, Phot Yankee Notions, London Abiurdlllea, and Park. RUUBUBTIFI0AT10S8, > 49-Bend for OUR BBLEOT CIRCVLAa II U<. AN EYE OPENEa We Inrlte'comparison; ohallengecompollllon and DEFY OPPOSITION. Arold couDtry Muehroom concema and one bono ^1 Uabmenta. Bond lo us ooly, and aare youtaelt from X"*"^ numlzed. Addteaa aU lettara, wllh stamp, lo EDOAB MOBFHY, A CO,, Purchaalog Ageota, Bl Kaasaas IS-It - Neat BO 0 K SI B 0 0 E Bli B 0 0 K 8111 BPOBTINa ARTICLES, CARDS AND PBIN1& J J. a FARBSX, BockaeUer, IB Ann alteeC t Booka ot erety rariety, elUier Foreign or DomeaUo, on appUcaUon. ParUea deeldng booia ot any dear-^ sending addtoaa, poatpald, wlU reoelre Immediate aU Booka, Sporting aad Fancy ArUdea you may aee adrei be tnialsned to order. Calalognea aenton appUcatton. J, a FABBELL, dealer In Booka and FancyAtUdet, V&l atnet. New York. RICH AND SPICTI-JjBtpiibliEhed—twonev] —EmauT OaiontAL, and eurpiaalng aU olhet worka of Ihe kind ever laaued In ricbneaa ot dot Abounding In the moat planani amstorr acaoea, TlridlyM] ted by amulet hand. They ate hanaaomelr bound bl, wllh floe lUuottatloDB. 160 psges In etch Look. PHi^ elngle, ot tbe two tot (3 BO. Bent to tny addtoaa, bf i expreaa, poet paid, netUy tnd icoDridy lealcd, Immi " receipt of price. Addreaa li-lt* CBABIES 8. ATWOON B3 Wanen atreet. New T "■pkO TOD WANT WHISKERS OU MO 1 / OHES t"—In 1BI31 flnt aaked thla qneaUon, Ul ■wered by numanua people; and I ask If any of them tm ny Onguent lo ItU to dotog aU I claimed foe It; namelfj would compel Ihe Beard ot Moualache to grow upon thif eat face wlluln alx waeka from the CtsiappUcabon. LBr oeafnl Inrentoia, I hare had lo contend wllh a boil of k tome ot whom eran go so br aa to copy my adreiV Howerer, truth la mighty, and wlU prarall; and you, a leia Menda, wUl find that my Ongueni la Ihe only thing 11 really force the Beard to grow, and wUl aelther alalar the Bun, I aand It to tny put of the connlty, free d L tor tL I T-tl] a O. OBAHAM, No. 103 Ntaitn ttt aH| TOBACCO UFER8, ATTENTION I-CRA^ TOBACCO CUBED and pnrooted by Dr. DYBN^ DOTZ." Buyltandrid youttelfcfUieexpenalreandA hablla of OaEwixa and Sxoxmo the weed. Benttrtiil on receipt of BB conta. Fire ntcktgei tot tl, by I a.3m CEaO. DAY, New Html LANDIS 4 CONRAD'S OYSTER BAY . RANT, Reading Pt, Oyateta tecelred dtUy fron I phla, andtorredtlUioshortetlnoUcc A BBAUTIDI. orer the BeiUurtnl lo rent, baring been newly fitted qJ ot holding fire bundnd people. EihlblUona IraTeUni lion reaaonable torms. Addteaa LANDIB A COS 1 Union HaU ConcatI Saloon, PLATINO OABDB, And aQ artlolea naed to _ OAMES OF AMUSEMENT AND 0B1| ManUIaduied and Bold by M. NELSON. m f-lf 431 Broadway, Nitl NOW READT,-That Curious Book, fully Ilia Price.n The Book ot Nature-IllualtaUid: nU aont Bocutely aetled; Price, II. Otnblet'a Tilcki wlli| 3B centa. The Expoaa of Otmbllnit: BO cenia, by ntUoa| * ■ ■ FRED. PAR9ELL8 A r'" otprice. ntf Addteai DOI30BBP. 0„N.I,| SARD FHOTOaRAPHS OF HOQARTB'Sl The Bake'a Ftognai, B Plalei; The Hatlot's ti aai lodnalty and idlenesa, 13 Plaice; Mtirltgeil)] riatea;Tho EleoUon, 4 Platca; Tha Four BlagoaorO^ Pltlea; Tbe Ttmea of tbe Day, 4 Phitca; Deer Btrool AO 3 Plateai and othon, 3B da. each, or B for (1. Soul le| droaa on receipt of prlca, Calaloguca acnl on rccevi aUmp, by W. 6, WEIIVSS, BtS Droidwty, Now York. THE OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AOENCT-I foraOUnnltr. HENBY STEPHENS, BB Ntstta A f