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136 yr YORk CLIPPER. AMUSEMENTS. TO ADVERHSESS. iri«tnihekttoBUoBof Htiugtii md rnfuHcniltjiowU\ tofttnU IbttoBelTMor theeitenalreolrsnUUonof thtvtw Tou ftnliib th« ThMtrlMl Oima of Amailo*, to mike knowaliiau MMmh, wint^ tU., to tfie foUawlsg soliedDb of ntM m AMUSEMENTS. TvtOn eenti p«r Une for OMh ad «T«rr lDMrtl«: M MluU* ■ottoM &onketlieTp*pan, taooiK^W »■ ""iSiSffSLHSJSI gMd nioliiu brUon^r laonlBg.at Ut«*ti or BMoroiru ni WOUD*« ninHTHlBIi HAltU OPB5, . m BBOADWAT, ODpoilts tie St. MlidiolM HotaL . HENBTWOOD. Sole Fnprlelor tnA Htaigti. , THIS BEDJO n BEST TIimLiTEB HALL IS THB OTH, M And no n«Mult7 for olodog dorloa tli8 Winn mawB. - SIXTH AND LAST Wi£EE OF THB PAMOBAHA. IIOSDAT, Aaaaat 9, ud OTeTT ersnliu daring th« WMk, WOOD'S mKSTBBLBt . ' ' HAPFT VNOLB TOU, bjr FBAMK BBOWEB. . friK BBOADITAT MLLB, br OHARLET FOX, TEE OBIfilS "Aa&IH," b; A. J. TALBOTf. ^Od/BXI TO JOmm, «f O. & WAMBOLD * J. W. aLBNN, BAXLET, br VBANK BBOWZB * OOOL WHITB. HZBB7, WAUBOLD, LOCEWOOI), ud UABTEB WOOD, IH FAVORITB BALLADS. SLACK BBTOADE, BAWBBORinib, TOUB CBOWS, rANOBACA or THE MOBTH HIYZB, &o., . bj tha entire Ttoom. A QBATID kATINEB, ' OS THAHKBGIVINO DAY, THUBSDAT, Anflnat'SUi, oommenoisg 4t IK o'elook. Vonda.—So oosneotlon wltk ist trkTallns compAlir aisnalBii -MBHBOof Twd'tUlutreli. 1T> Oocn qi%ti at T; coBineace at 6 o'olodb TIdkala 98 otnth '^''IflBLO'B HAHDBII. '' tw ee and Masagar,..............WU. WHEATLET. BEST YEHnLATeD THBATBB IN THE COUHTBT. _j_ CommascaatS; conolndaatl0:10. EVEBT ETENWa TILL FV&THEB NOnOE. TENTH VEBEl TENTH WEEK I .BOVHBS BTUJi OBOWDBD, OBOVDED, CBOWEED, /. . ADlOBDia ADD FASHIONABLE AUDUKOBS. V ' ' 180.0(0-130,00011 FER80MS ' EavlDg wttntsiad tba Oiand Bomantlo Drama, : BTfohnBroogbam. autlUed THE DnSE'8 UOITO, Prononaoad tha B^at Plar of Uodani Tlmai. MB. COLLINS, ns' Oalabiatad Irlah Comedian and Tooallit^ In hli original '^aneterot - ^ OUtBICICFEBaUB, Aa blah Soldier of Foilane, with the ionga, "WIna, IMaU Wfaa,?'and "WWIethera'a Life there'aHnpo/' • . . WILUAM WBKAILE7 .bfatLOrlglnal eAitlOD or /. J«. CAPTAIN HENRI DE LAQABDERE. MiMit. L. b: Bhewell, t. a. Bunatt. B. V. OolUar. E. Lamb, V. UoMaiuti C. EIngiland, Ao.; Uaadamea Ponlii, H. ABan, Xb B. Sba'wtll, &o., At> : Oomplata and iplandid QBAin) CORPS DE BALLET. Seavttfal BoaDaiy and Effeota, Oorgeona Ooatnmea, M^gniaMji Famlttan and Appolntmenla. Uaaleil OoodnotOT HABTET B. DODWOBTH. Box Offlca open dallf, ttom 8 till S, where aaata oan be aeaared Una days In adranoa. IT VHB OHB&T OHIOINAIi AND itNLT OAUPBELL'S UINSTBELS, Under tha penonal aoparvlilon of U& U. 0. OAUPBELL, _na eonpany ecnilsta of tha (ollowlog artlili, tIb:— SIBD DAYU. . JOHNNY BOOEEB, J. H. CLIFFOBD. B, JK. SLOfltrU, J. W. HILTON, GEO. ORAT, ». W. QOULD, U. a CAHPBKLL, T. W4D0EEL VAB1BB SDDT, J. TABUXNBAVH, J. BVICE. eiO. ETIZ, O. BILL, F. BDVABDS, JL.-BOIIHY. E, OBBEN. A. SAWXEB. .nw OAUPBELL'S apoear at tha PIttabarg Theatza. ^ ^ AUflDSr 8. FOB 8n NIOHTS. P. tt-NO nONHEOTION WITH ANT OTHER Ktbloplan or wad organization. stjllDg thamialTes OAUPBELL'S ION- StULS. - > 1S,0 OAHPBKLIk Uanaoer. gBAME mWABDB, aeneral Agtot taaw BlltU 6v IBVBHT DSHSORIPTIOm. TBBODOBB DUTIOK, Bag« to Inform hla old frielids, Uiniaen, and the FabUe am- <«liarithiitbaUaaw located at the . EUPIBB MBAIC P&INTINa ESTABUBHUENT. 18 BPEUOE BrBEET, HEW YOBK, Where be will Blja hla patunal attention to the prodaatlon, tk atyla, of all klada a( PLAIN, COLOBBO, AltD ILLH3TBATED SHOW BILU. _ Partloolarlr adapted ior ^aBATELLINO EXHIBITIONS, OIBOVSES, HENAaEBIBS, BTHIOnAN PERFOBKANOXS, aiUHABTS, UAOIOIABg, vtACE otrrs of all kinds, TBOIUNS TO HARNESS OR WAOON, DODBLE TBAUS OB BUNNIKO E0BSE8, POLinOAL CLUBS. .T. D. trosta that bla manf jaara aiparteaoa In tha hnalnaaa, <he Tary large aaaortmant otOata at bla ooonund, anr of which '•an be printed la baa or mora oolora, the aetf loaa of the beat OMgnen aad EngraTCi* for new wotk, wUl aeoore to him a ooa- OminoeotpaatiaToraan&atrlalb/nawpatrou, 15-8m jnCW THBATRIC, B/fSHTILLB, TBNN. The above plaoa of Amoiement is ondergolDg exIenalTe altaratloni, Bad promliaa to be one of the iV ■• FINEST IN THE OOUNTBT. angaglBg with B. N. Pike, of aiootnnatl, and Oeo. Fuller, of Loolsmia, ' , vniBadUtotbalr ' ADTANTAaa ' TOPlajatthtiHonaa. liiaiea and Oantlamanof aoknowledged abUUy wlablagli ■wementa.wlU addraaa B. ALLEN. Manager, |Mt* BoiS78,NaahTllIa,Tlaan. AHBUfHOAIT THRATRB, iU BBOADWAT, Claaad ea the Itb of J ni; for the pnrpoae of BaaoTATioi, BsUosiLiiaa, tmrnKo, Dwobitiks, bto.. After one of the Boet oomplata and arandeat BU001BaB|>IN sax mSTOBT OF AUUSBiaDnfl The pMl Four Yeari, WILL tMrOim, wax bkopen, WILL BB-OPKIi, WIU.BIM>PXN, voB nm saaaox, ON UONDAT, AtenST THB lOlB, IStS, OH KONDAT. AUOUST THB IftrB, IM3, BDTLBB'B BUTLEB'S OBBAT OBXAT OOHBINATIOR OOHBINATIpN TROUPE, TBOUTK, W140h bae baoi hailed with daUiht at the BOSTON UUBEDU, BOSTON KUSEDU, , TniBlng Boadieda nlghlij b«mi the door, onabla to gain ad- million. to wnx Hi! laa OBJXOT OF THB HAMAaBUENT. Been falUlad, that we hare gained ibe uoanlmoni pratie of the BOSTON PBSsS AND PDBLIO, That fooh • Oompan7 baa aeTar been eqnallad la the world. WEiT TBB BOiTON FOBI aiTS:— . •There are to be farther opporlnnltlei of aeeing BUTLBai'S GBAND OUHBINATION COUPaNT, at the UUbEDU, anan> gagaraant for another we<k havlog bean effeatad. The Buooiaa haa bean oomplete, hodsh obowsid, andlenoea rnthaalnUo, and hoata of people glrlng proof at thepleunre thar darlTad horn a flnt Tlilt, hf making a aaoond, Tfpmidi of Fifij Artlata take aoUva part In the anlartalnraant" Wbit THB TaanacBiPT, or Juit II, iatb:— "AmtBHnna.—Thoae who hare not wltoMaad a parforroanea of Bntlar'a Combination Company at tha Hoaanm, ahoold am> braoeone ot the remaining oppoitunltlaa foraaoh a purpose. The ftot thatthia week termlnataa their tUj In Ihli olt/ will probsblT Indnoa many to pa; them a ylaltbefore their dtpirtnra. The Ballet Corps Is one of the brat that baa ililtad Boaton for many years, while tha Tooal and Bthloplan DepartmaLl oannut beeqoaUed. IT-lt liKA'B UBLUDBiON, BALTIUOB^ UD., ADD LEA'S UELODEON/DSTROIT. UIOH. .. OEOBOX LEA Leaaee and Proprlater, , The abOTseaiabUahmanta are now'doing a flnabaslnasanndar the management of .OEOIUIE LB4, well known to the dttzana of the nnltad Slates as one of tha moat aaooaasftal muagtm in thaOonoertprofaaslon. - . | Performers of wall known ability oin seoiue better engage- ments with him than any oiher manager. Addceaa, for Mgagamenta, at either place, to UBOBOE LEA, Baltimore Uelodeon, IMtlroora, Mi, Tha following well known namea are among the few who are BOW performing at (he abora Concert Halls:— JOHN HULUOlN, JOSH HART, ANDREW LBATirr, BILLTOAYANAOH, 8. 8. PUBDT, BILLT WEST, ■ PROF. a. W. EIRBTE, JOHN 0LU8ST, TOUNQ AUKBIOA. COLORADO BROTHERS, maa julia booinson, MISS YICTORIA ROSS, MISS JENNT ENGPX, MISS LIZZY ROWLAND, MISS TIL1/E7 F0RBR8, MISS UAOOIB UABSUALL, MISS FANNT WAT, The entire Compony nombarlng orer OtiE HUNDRED PEBFOBUEBS. No amonnt of Salary too large for talented Artists. OEOItQE WARREN, BIONOB BUSS UBON. UI39 ANNI2 OHBSrEB, MISS CLARA BUBTON, MldB LAUBA LeOLARE, UJ8S TERESA VIOLA. If IBS FANNIE DEVUIX, MIBS KITIY LCE, HISS LOUIBA BUBS. 16-lt BAH BHAHFLBT'B UINSTBELS, BBASS BAND, AND BUBLB8QUB TBOUPK THB HEROES OF A B£UiSPHEB& xetamlng from thalr . TBIVUPHAL WE3TEBN TOUB, VIBippearat . .OBIGAOO, June 39. fat six nights, thenoa ta WTBOrr, TOLEDO, OLXVELAND. BUFFALO, BOOBESTBB, BTBAOUBB ALBANY and TB07, (o their appeatnoe In ' MKW TORE and PHILADBLFBIA, they will Introdnoe TBBIR OBiaiNAIi PBOOBAUII^^ ' . ■avarfbimadonlybTtbe GBBAX BTHIOPIAN IBON OLADB, :■■■<■ SAW SHABPLET. OARTKABVRT IMU^ . ' WARHINOTON,1>. a , . - Vni HOST UAONIFIOBNT MDSIO HALL T*; _ IN AMBBIOA. jVeWaHaimirls aoployad. Ladlaiand Oentlsmea of kooan Mtty alWaya wuted. rM» ontslde parforaaia emplojed—none bnt tha Taiy beat tal- vnangigad. y.- AMiaM'to WILLIAV B. BZHH, ■:' ■ _„ Bole Proprietor. . ^ Waahlagton, D.O. CQBIDTHUn HALl., BXOHAMM PLAOB. ' ljte,ti(i1tait«d for Otaoarta, I«otar(s!'SS^bi^u.^'kddnu . W. A. BBTNOLDS, .■»4ai*.M; ;.. m Aioada, Boohaaler, H. T. DAYENPORT, IOWA. Prafeaalonal'Paopte waniod lor tha Fall and Winter Baiaoa •Wthfrtora Theatre.' Addreaa o»wb, . • '. ... JAUB8 0. BBESLAW, . V> B.. Baiion io - oommenoe on or abont the 18th of Beptfm. I': ^ iwi* - WARTBiD.-EXTBA OABa. r..-. I. PBRFORUBBS OF ALL KmniB, '. WM efaiTery attraoUon, both Ladles sod Genllemoa, of etiib. ' Sailed rspatition In the Uaxlo Hill Profositlon, wlatuog Eogue. ■aniT. will pleue apply tmnuMlIatrly to : Bi'B; UAaiNLET,.LeisaeandHaaager, ■; •■ ' .■ Memphis Taon. ' ,', ' . Sattoti tb oozfimmea Spplembar 1i>t, 18U. VieHall bis bean taawly Ailad op aAd enlirgel In a tmb goiw .(•aae and elegant manner, at an imnanse ooa^ and will- be au> jarWf to any other in tha Weat or South. le-41 Tim OPERA HOVHK, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Bole Proprietor D. O'NEIL. Treaanrar V. a DODOK Maohlnlbt IHOa BOOTT. Stage UasaRar D. 0. BUTTHB. Leader of Or^heatra .A. hlNdLuW, ' Property Maker H. HUDSON. BBILLUNT SUCCESS O'NEIL'S OBBAT YABimT TBOUPB, Comprlalng the fnllnwina DIBTINOUIBHED ARTISTS: MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, Oantatrloa, HDIB CLARA DAT, MIBS KATB WALTERS, MIBS CLARA BUBTON. U. OHIBimi, . OBO. WIVSHIP, JAUES ORABUI, SXD WBAY, BAU COLE, V ~ t v D. O. BUYTHH, J, B. OABL, Ae. Tha ahOTe Talented Oempany APPEAB8 BIOHTLt IB A PBOOBAUMX ALL TBS MOn POPULAB BoFoa, Tamns, MnsrsBL Bobrbs, F uaa i um s, no., Aad the Proprietor (paras naitharpalna nor axwnne In (eenilng ALL THB OBEAT ATTBAfmONS OF THE DAT. H'LLE MABIE ZOB, M-tf la aoon tp appear. CARD TO TIIH PUBLIC—AsahowlngnptothapabUo Of nnprlaolpled members of the profasilon a<ams tobetheorder of the day, I haTo a aaia on hand whloh I wlah to diapoae oC Laat spring, Ulaa YIo Howard, a well-known ooneart balloaa'cutt^ entered Into an engagement /or Ou leatm, to travel with my aide ehow (aooompanylDg Oeo. Balky's Oiroos) as dantevte.' She aooompanied me, and we atactad for tha saaaon. Tbinga worked nllur amoothly, antU we reashed Detf oll,wben ahe Inilslad apon pntting np at a dlffurent hotel from tha other mnmbara of the oompany; for what reiaon It la not naoaesary for ma to atale, aa sU the knowlDg onaa oin gaess prstty nearly "what'e what" When the ahow was ready to laaTO Detroit, •'Yio" waa amosg tha mlaaing, and I afterwards found ont that aha bad departed for Bofftlo with bar "flanoae," where ahe engaged at Carr'sMolo- deoB. Mr. Bailey went ta Boff*lo for tha pnrpoie of eupplylng bar plaoe, aad engaged Ulaa Nell Haotley; bat meeting with Mlas H.. ahe begged to be again pat la bar old plaoe. and aakad the sato manager to obtain bar ring from <'ner Unoln," and keep It nntll ehe ooald get to the ahow and redeem IL This ha oonaented to, proonred the ring, and letnmed to hla bnalneaa; bat np to the laat aaooonla Ulaa Ylo had not made her appear- anoa, Whathar ahe was nnable lo do ao, or whether aha has a leoond Ume vlatlmlied onr worthy manager, by giving him a <'OaUromla. Jewel," remains to be seen; at all event^ he has ■emething to ahow for hla money. E. 0. QUICK, Manijter of "Side Show" 17-11 For the Oeo. F. Bailay'a Olrona and Hena^erte, THR WKBB HIHTBIHH, UIB3E8 EUUA AND ADAH. These vary talented, yoong, and voraatUe Artlata have jest re- lamed from a highly ancoeaaftal engagement, of Six Months, In Bsvana, and at Naaaao, and an at preaent foiaiUng a very BBILUaMT, BNaAQEUENT 'AT FOBD'B HOUDAT BtRBBT THEATRE, BAL'nUOBE. Managare wlahing to aeonre the aervlcea of these very talented Artists, will.addreas them at the OLiPfSB Omoa.' ll-tf OltF.VBLAND OPKRA llOVaD:. Bole Proprietor DICK O'NEIL, This beantirul ball will be speedily re-deeorated, and opened OB the Ulh of July. Among the artists already engaged are:— MIDB KATBLEEN O'NEIL, THB OHBAT 0EIRI8KL KATE WALTBB8, MILUX TBEODOBA, BABBT lALBOTI, OHAS. A. WARD. TerfoimeiB, wishing engagements, please address DICK O'NEIL, . Post Offloe, Cleveland, Ohio. WiBTBD—Fifty ladlea fbr the Ballet of aiaalls,or tha Night Danoera. U-lf dhagiS^STaribt^kS^^ ST. LOUIS, ' THIS JSKi POPOLAU EHIABLISHUinrT, Ain> TBX LiBaxar nr the Umtied States, n sow nr thi FULL TIDE OF BUCCKaS. First Class STARS treated with it alt lime*. Hone otheia Bead apply, ' JAMBS CONNER A Co., AgenU, 17-8m or OEOnaE DEaOLE, Bb Louis. WANTKD—Three First Olais DANBEUSRS; also. Young Ladles for tha Ballet. Addreaa, or apply at tha AUERIOAN TUEA^BB, 414 DROADWAT, For the coming saaaon, commenolog Augnat 10. 17-lt AMUSEMENTS. ■OBRIB BROTHHRB, * OO'B HIN8TRBI.8, OPEBA BODBB, BOSTON. UASS. ootauxaB tbbib sevbntb aaaniiAa sBisoir, ^MORDAT ATOUBT Sd. ■OBBO BBOTBEBS, PBLL k TBOWBBIDaE'B lOHCnBXLa Oonilst ef lha fcltewlBi^OeptleaMni ION HOBBIS, BI LLT M ^Sb. JOHNNY TELL, t. a TBOWBBIDai, a. V. PBBBOOTTs I. L, eiLBEBSr, t. p. XNBUS AUOUBT SOHKEIDKBi 9. W. BOABDUAN, LOTHUM, B. II. OABBOIXi, J. QUEEN, F.WILHABm B, FBHDEBIOKS; J. J. HIUilABD, B. J. MAOniMNIB, L. A. EWIR8LEB. JAPANX8X TOMWr. Tha Hiaagemant eall pertleilar nollae to the abovs dMla- Idahad array of Taieat TIflketi W eenta; Bestrved Seals m ceala. •4f LOB UOBBia Uaaifw. . BAsmnva opera hovrb, SAN FBANOISOO, OALtTOBNIA. raOfl. KAOUIBB.'. Pioprlelar and Manager. JAMES DOWUNtf Stage Manager. J. L. SCHM IT Leader of Oroheslia. W. STEVENSON Treasurer. THB STAB DBAUATIO OOUPABY. MISS SOPHIA EDWIN. Mrs LULU SWEET. MBS. W. a F0BBX8, MISS 0, BINOELKT, MIBB NELLIE BROWN, W. O'NQL, FRANE MATO, 0HABLE8 THORN, WILUAM BABBY, D. C. ANDERSON. HAEBY CLIFTON, W. H. HAMILTON, F. B. WHITB. 0. BIETEMBON, W. & TATLOB, &0., Ao*. Ao. Stan vUHng California should bear la mind thai Mr. Uagalrc Is alsa proprlelor of the Metropolltaa Tbeatn, Sionmento, and theKarysvllIsThiatre. 48-v.x.tt HISOEUiASEOUS AOVEBTIBEMEHla jp H E L A N ' S IMPROVED BILLIARD TA iriilHiSS BUKivlU AKi'lA'l'.~The undersigned will be dlsengtgtd In a few days, and open lo Bogagemonta. Please address P, 0. Box 167, Indianapolis, Ind„ SAM'L. W. OUIJUK, 17-11* SoenloArtlib MoVU^UBuiOrTHBA^ '^^^ OHI'^AaO. Ladles and Oenlleman of known ablUtiaa wlsllng leading poalllons in this Theatre, will apply at onoe. Engagements to cofflinanoa Immedlataly, and eontlnua for tbn you*. lT-4ta J. H. MoVIUEUB, Proprlelor. AGAin RB4DV Full TIIK KIBI.D, to aot as Agent foranyaratalMaontartalnmenl, Lettera addrawed toJAURS UEV WOOD, Oxford, Utaa., will reoalva prompt attention. IT-ai* BOSTON. • - STABS wtabing NIghta for Fall and Winter Staaoo, win apply lo Mr. OBABLBS & DEBNABO,480 Broadway, New York, or July, iHea, 18-U UE.SUY WILLABD, DoilOB. BBTROPULITAN THEATRE, BAN FBANCIBOO, OAIk OHABLES TIBDEITS Leaaee and Manager, This Theatre Is now open for the Fall and Winter Season, wlCk the Saest Oompany ever In California. • JULIA DEAN HAYBB, UB6. JUDAH, MISS MOWBRAY, MItS. 0. B. THORNB, MRa CLAUaHLEY, MBS. JAS. 6TABE, MIBS FBEDERIOKS, MB. J. B. BOOTH, MB. U F, BEATTY, W. M, LEUAN, W, a FORBES, & W. LBAOH, FEED FRANEB, E. THAYER, H. BROWN, WKh a Noffldnns Corps of Auxlllarlea. rnicES or asuusiob. DressOlrole tl.tO | Orchestra Seats fl.OC Farqaet SO ota | Qallery U ots Private Boxes 10 and 6 doDars. Stars Intending to visit California wffl find U to their lateieati to address as above. 40-3U CUICAGU CANTERBURY H/ILI<, lis and 118 Dearbon ahaeb A. J. SINK Proprlelor. T. L. FITCH Stage Uanagar. The Company eomprlsea at present the following Ladles and Gentlemen:— Wie Annie BordwaB, Warren BordweD, Miss >ate Partington, Tom Poland, Miss Rose Bulherland, OU Du Crow, Mile Blolsa, Ik J. Donnelly, M'lle Louise, Messrs. Dnrmnse ft Kelly, Mlaa JolIaYale, AdulnlYale, Johnny Boyd. T. L, Fltoh. None but the BEST TALENT will be engaged, ladles and Oanilemen of recognised ability and talent wlah- lag tngagamanls wiU please addteas A. J. SINE, Box aoei. Ohlcaco, or • Waablngton Hall, Oolombns, Ky, TilK LAROEBT SHOW BILL PBINTINO ESTABLISHMENT IN THB WOBLDI OLABBY A BEILLEY, (Suooessors to JohB & Baaoo,) PBINTEB8 AND ENQBAYBBS, 13 and 14 Spruce Street, New York, Pey naitlealar attention lo getting np aB klnda of FANCY BBOW BILLS For traveling oompanlea, and have oa band a large and splendid assortment of large and smaO WOOD OUTS BaHaIile'forClionsses,Hsni8Biiae, Bthlqplaa Peitowu e r s, 6yB>- nasts, Ksglnlaiis, to., fee,, whleh eaa be pilated In cm or mors oolota, to suit onstomen. 4^ A depoeit required on an work ordeia& AB ardeea addreaaed to •'OLABBT A BBfLLBY," Baeon Prtat- Ing and Bagravlag estsbUshment, U anA It Spriwe street, Kew York, win be promptly atteadedlo. 13-tf OAHTBRBBRvTiosio^AljLi' "^'^ ^ B. W. OOB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BIB., PHILAD'A, PA LABOEST AND MOSTTALBNTED OOUPANY IN THB CITY. $^ htSie* and gentlemen of known abiUrr. will addreu BOBT OABDIMEB A Oo., PioprtatoH. PLAT BOOKS, PirOTOORAPHfl of EATE BATEMAN, alao^asLeah: Maggie Mitchell, Laellle Wealem,Laar« KeeB^ Oarollae BlOBlngi, Mn, John Wood, slao la oharaoter; A. L Menken, as Ftench Spy and Uazeppa; Susan Doiln. Kate Denln, Isabella Onbas, Fanny Brown, alao ta oharaoter; Webb Blstws, Lavlnla Warren, Tom. Thamb, Mr, and Mrs. B. Wllllama, Mr, and MiB. Florence, K Forrest, S. Booth, J. W. Wsllsok. Jr., WUkes Booth, Ed. Adams, Lester WalUok. and hundreds of oth- ers. 36 oanta each, or Bve for tl. Saattoany addreaa on re- ceipt of prloe. Oitalogne i aan t on receipt of poatage itamp. by IB- W. a WBMYBS, SK Broadway, New York. OAIiIFORBIA THBATHIOAI< AOBffChf.—BHEBI- DAH COBBYH would respectfolly Infbrm raemben of the drs- BuUo. Musical, or Equeatrlan profeasloas, that be has eatabllahad aa Agenoy In Ban Frandioo, and la prepared to negotlata engage euniB aad tranaaet all o ther btinfnoBS pertslnlmr to the pr» ^S*^ BHERIDAN00BBYNr8anlKSialBoo,ofl. M.B,—Aa letter! tefulrliig lasweis mast eoatala a itamo to pre-pay the aam& x-t( Xo^ABBaV oF „ gg^g ^~^~''''"''"'^'^'~^^^-""^^^^--- CLEVELAND, OBKX The Dramatis Oompany return from Oolnmbua on lha ISIh ol April, for a aontlnuatlon of their esasoa at the above noDolar Theatce. ,.AB bnstneu oommnnloattons may bo addreaaed to .•„7; . TOHN A. KLLSLElC Ja,^^^ . l-tt Pioprlator and MaBSger. TItBATRB ROTALi, MONTBEAL, OAHADA. LOBB J, W. BUOELAHD. This eetabUsbmant TO LET; nightly or waekly. for entottaia- menu not diaraatlo. Apply to J. W. BUOKLAND, Ut MsalreaL THE UABIMOTn PRINTINO HUUBB OF NEW ENOLAND. X , TBB "J. E. Fabwhil" A Co., STEAM PBINTINO ESIABLISHUKNT. 87 0ONGBE8S STBEBT, BOSTON. L. B. PIKE, HAMUOTH POSTEB AND PHOORAMHE PBDITKB. THEATRE aad CONCERT WORE A SPECIALTY. Parlies or troupes vlaiUng the Eaitere Slates will find It to their sdvantage to vlalt thia ettabUahmanL Faiois 10 «o 3D pbb OBirr Caxins tbab abt otfiob im Mxw Bboiaiio, aad aatlifio- tloa guaranteed or no pay xsqulred. lO-tf VASUU; OHEBINUT BTBEET, ABOVB SIXTH, PHILADBLPHU. PA. The iMve plaoe of amusement wlllclcaa on the lat of Augual. for'extanilve altoratlona, and buslneae will bo resumed on or about Iho 301b Aag. During the Interval the pli^on will be r*. eilnted, decorated, and enlarged, end every palna taken to make leeatabllahment the leading and moat faahlenabla Muslo Hall In Philadelphia. Artlals denroua of serarlog good eogagemcnta oan apply by latter to Box tiO, P. 0., Phlliddphla. U-tf eIiLSIjBR'b ATiinivRvni, OOLUMDUS, OHIO, The dranaUe season oloass on the Iltblust, {April)—after which date the Athauf nm may be rented for all klnda of exhibitions— nIghUy, or ky the week. This Is now the Urgeat, beat arranged, and moat popalar plaoe for Laoluras, Ulnalnl TrouDes.-Oco. oerts, Ae. Apply to JUHN A BLL8LBB, Jr.'< 1-tf Aoadamy of Uoslo, Olevelandjphlo. Hise EL.I8B UR ctiirRfY, having concluded a high- ly ancorianilengagemeDt at Liverpool, appearing In anch clur. tare aa Don a-*^aar. In "Don Oiraar do Btzin," Lonisand Fablon. in the ''Coralcan Brothori,"-"Satan In Parls,"aud In "Aurora Floyd," wUl shorUy arrive In tbU country. Mansgers wishiniA' to Migaga the aarvloes of this lady for next aeaaou, wlU addraSa- WM, J. MARSHAU* Agent for HISS KB OODROY, ClitokB omoa, JI.H, ROYAI, ALlIAKinRA PALAOH AND AMPHmiBATRB. Leioestsr Square, London, England. Tha Proprietor la at Ml tatMrrady to engage first olaas talent and novelty sullablali his Masuioth btarialBmaat, iTenna liberal Apply as abova^ «.tl| •••r»iK uirK«:*8 Uaiidiitmii,«> 'ftaosiaieirbr ILM. Aslcet Bonrcolia, and >evs1, la pahllahad aaA tar sale bv W. a WKUYBS, 678 Btotdwty. Prloa Is cents, "'j^' * AND COMBINATION OUSmONA These Billiard Tables have received the anqnaUfled ipm^J the best players aad most oompetent Jadges, whe Cim 1 T eB> i gl|rgrononBoed them nneqaailed for general anmiJ^* Seven dlsttnot pateitts for Impvovamanb la BmiaM < have been granted to as by tha United Blataa Palegt r we have latuy eblalned a patent from the French gova ear tmproTemeato to bUlurd ousblons. We employ. In the eonstrustloB ef oar toUes, i varlabti chlaei spedsllr made for the purpose, by which meMan! enabled to Insure a sdentiflo and msotumleal aecuaoriSj unhaowa In blUlird nunnfacture. Having a long eaperlence and thorongh knowledge el a J appllanoea of mlllanls, aad oonilantly on handalun JaU the best aad aioat thoroughly aeaaonedBaaterliIi,i^ J*!' pared to ftamlah avarythtng required In the bUUtrdlUia yrtt064tfttod dlspfttAba ^« The amiasnt French billiard flayer, M. Beiger, kaa i Ihe foDowlBg opInioB: "New Yobk, Id Aunil la 'I "Ob Ihe eve of leavlnc the United Stotee. I am happrto£J to sH amalaon of billiards that, after a tour of elaveu i through Ihe principal dllee, I have been enabled to Jul. aatttfostory manner of the superiority of the BUlUidl Bianafiotured by Phelan A Oollendor. The system of mi tare Is so anparlor, tbst I am happy to Introdace thelriM!| oushlon Into maoe. They have united to their nunnlittan 3 American Billiard Tables that of the French Tabloa, ottoid tde exceUesce and beauty. For these reasons I am lunil make this dedlaratloD. "DXBOEB, CLAUDIUS. ProfoMor of Dllllarda, Pi|k> Parllas ordering Itom us win find our prices as lowiia work can possibly be made for. Wo aell Iln>t<:lua arllda^ fair price, and will not make aa Inferior article at any I Orders by mall carefully and promptly executed. L_ Catalogues and Price Uata sent by malL "Tbb Dillubs ( a Journal published la the interest of billiards, and coaU_ details of an novelUts, a copious record of bUUirdnnt^ everything Intarestlag to amalenrsof bullarda, sent fisa ad pUostton. PBELAN A COLLENDED, 83, tS, 87 and 69 Crosby street, N, T„ . And 714 aad 726 Uoutgoniery street. Baa Franolsee^ en I Q.REAT BOOKsTi ~~~ N2,W BOOKS I KZW BOOKS 11 DONT FAIL TO SEND FOB A CATALOOTI^ OUB NEW CATALOGUE NOW READY. BENT FREB-POSTAaE PAID-ON APPUl THB OLD ESTABLISHED AND (KILY REUABLB BOO^ AND SPORHNO QOODS AGINll Where orders are promptly and fUthfuDy eieculed. Address THOMAS OBUSDY, Marble BuOdlaA 14-tf 86 Naaaau street. Be* BOOKS 11 BOORS 111 BOOKS I a a • iBog BOOKS! OARDB. Beautiful and original - AMBROTYPES. Phnany, PhroUcaoma, Pbaoetlons, Pbancy, Photagaih Yankee Notions, London Abanrdlllea, and Paris BUUBUSI IFIUAtlONS. 49*Band for OUR SELECT OIROULAR. Ills AN EYE OPENER. We Invito eomuarlaon; challenge eompclltlon and DEFY OPPOSITION. Avoid country Unahroom ooncema and one hone city llahmento. Bend to oa only, and aave yourself from beug to namlBed. Address all Ictt*rs, with atamp, to XDOAB MORPMY, k CO., Porohaslng Agents, 81 Nasiau street, IS-tf NewTlA BOOKSI BOOK SI) B00K8III BKBTINO AA'nCLEB, CABDS AND PRINia J. H. FABBELL, BookseUer, IS Ann alnet.1,1 Bo^ af every variety, either Foreign or DomaaUo. ttritd oa appUoatloB. Parties destdng boon of any deaoHpU^la ■eadugaddreas,poatpald,winreeelveImmediateattadka d Books, BpOrttng aad Anoy Artleles yon may aee adrertlaeAil be fumlebed to order. Oatalogna seatoa appUcallsa. Awt J. H. WAMiCT.v., a..i» t. ti~^v. .i.a r,^ w^ lai. street Hew Toik. IH SOLDIERS ATTRNTIONII t- A cbaoco toSpeciilAlill PAPEB. ENYEL0FB8, ETC. 98 Sheets of BEST LETTER paper, $1. 48for68cla. lllbrlMl 100 sheeU of BEST COMMERCIAL Noto paper, $1 00: 48 III eta; 31 for 16 ots. 100 BEST BNYELOPE8, to match either, tl; SO for H ehjl for 36 ota; white or bnff, aa may be ordered. IS bett M P eas for 80 ots. UNION PATER, with emblemaHs destgnt, with blank {oiOUl Plaoe and Sate, alao Union Envelopes, fnmlahtd at fe aameprlcea, YABIETY PACKAOK. No. 1.—10 aheete Bath paper; U Voltil Billet; 1 eheal Blotting paper; 86 Envelopea to nultt,l< 60 cU: (With Union deidgns.) YABIETY PAOEAOE, No. X-18 sherta sas'td Piper. 19 «rt Envelopes. 1 Blotting Paper, (with Union Dtslgiia,) SOch PLAYINO OARD8-30, h, 60, 76, $1 €0, and tl 36, tttflX Send Doaay for any of the above yon may want and lonn receive them Unmedlalely, by mall, POBTAOE PAID. TaiM be pleased to forward Potlage Btainps to aoldlera on raeeljli the amount they may wlah. Addrres 14-41 OHAS. HENRY DAY, New Haven, Con "T\0 TOO WANT WHISKERS OR MOUSTA U Caar'-lh 1B61 I bet saked this qnesUon. ItsMi* swereA by Bumerous people; sad I sak If any of themevartal my Ongaent to Call In doing aD I claimed for It; namely: IMI would comnal tha Beard or Moustache to grow apoa the imMO est face within six weeks from Ihe SratappUcabon. LIkaaBM ceaafol laventon, I have had to ocntend with a boat of IsilI'M aoms ef whom even go so ter aa to copy my adterUaanaji However, truth Is mlghi^, and will prevail: and yea, mr ban laaa (Hands, will find that my Ongaent Is the only thing uaial reaBytoroe Ihe Beard to grow, and will neither aUln er 1^ .,1^5?*'» to any part of the ooontry, free of poit« ia rtL {ll-Ul B.O.QBAHA M, New I0» Naasu st reet, W.t TOBACCO TT-^ERS, ATlte^TIONt-ORAVTNQ TODAOOO CURED and prevented by Dr. BYRNE'S "U* SOTB." Buy It and rid youiaelf of the expenalve and dligii*| habits of Obewino and BHOxnto the wecL Bent tree, by ad onreoalptotSdcenla. Flvepaok»Besfortl, by 34m OHAa H. DAY, New Haven, 0« T ANDIS & CONBADS OVSTBK BAT RKTi} 1 .J BANT, Beading Pa. Oysters reoetved daUy from PUb» phia, and served at the shortest notloe. A BBAUIIFDL tl» over the ReMauraat to rent, having been newly fitted np, wW of holding five hundred people. Exhibitions travoUng oaii* It on reasonabls torms. Address LANDia A OONBAn 9-tf Union Ball Concert Saloon, RsadlsgR PLATINQ OARDd, Aad an artleles nsM In OAUBB OF AMUSEMENT AND OBAIOI- jfanabctared and Bold by H. NELSON. ■ . . n-U ta Broadway, Hew Tt*^ QOMETHINO NEW.- Sullere and Trhde BupplW- O MIOBOBCOFIO PI0TUBE8, taken flom French mMahB KNIFE,, prloe tieaob, OABTBS DB YIBITB, aot over 610 hinds, 38o each. , „ BTEBEO 40OP1O YleWB, from 76o to tl each.' MO MsdAjf sent by mall. Enolssa red stamp. Liberal dUcoant to tbaoj* 148m* H. PONOIA, Photo., P. 0., NawW^ PUtesi TheiTlmes of the Day, 4 PUtoa; Beor Street ACiaj^ 1 Flatea; and othen, 16 oU. each, or 8 for tl. Seut to*^2 dreaaoB receipt of price. Catalogues sent on receipt stamp, by W. 0. WkUYdS, 676 Droadaay, New York. B OOKS, CARDS, Ac-Send lor my ClroiilBr.eno'oiW stamps. Address a B. BABRI80K, _ . Boxie8J,P.ftt^ - ■ IB* 144m* Boatca.) OABD PHOTOGRAPHS, 20o! 0 for $1; P™l A .NlTtwo alike. rElrgant, Faotaailcal, BaantlAiI.; a oaialogue. "Bob 58," tlawley, ?c THE OW HaTABIilfltlKD BOOS AOENCT. ^ llMaOlMalar. BBBBTBTBPHKNa 66Basaaasi