New York Clipper (Aug 1863)

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TFT AMfBIGAN SPORTINII ATO JOURNAL. NEW TOfet, SA'nJBDAti/ilJdtJStlil^, 1868. The Trae History .of '.'The Pretty WaiterGfrl." OAITTO I. tthoTutndiuiidioniefMtotribli iai ': 'lf^fthilfUi*4tn(taotI«weU«ll7Uiia. / v-: : . yfhtU.tMj oitA* pa<p fortb tram ibMlof com' Af Mrttf ioUm p<ep froD otlivoUBt: . Whow Bua7 bharmt luTa upUra^ ohurU/ ; ' I wlih for qdM to Uka • heiclaa'i HeroulbuaJb'rytwU iUlToaiqrt Hot try to Of'tka bar miqt wu toe i^'alL' '-' Tha eUaf mlfUka with pt^ta In OUT tlaa la tlijtt tbar plotnrs tDgals hen tMloir; . ' Pnaantfalr miliU, In boahf aort of rbTSiMi Who nODgbt ot ain or pauAlQsaa ktaow;' Vho dwell apart tram all onr earthly erUbat," Aail into aalnta and female aefapba toov. ' Poala forget that wa art mala of dul, - /' And aatOeot to daTll-and to loat , ■ ' \ nii ■' - ■ /".' ^ ' Thii bring ao, and faring aomairhii iaiit' I tot) ahonld walk upon the btefol ttaol^ ' TU promlaa, reader dear, to do mjr'tMM' ; ^ ' TojMlnt a aoane with Tloek daap HA blaeki - . AndthattheheaTrmaaaronmaydliaal, \ , Inikni0l^uaaoenaani7ator7abill'aatlaok: : la Hot tM Ue will be, aa jon'U MNalTti , ' Tb^lntbfU'hlak'ry of a ^d orBrr.' ■ , . w. ■■ ' . n: ; EardCDO (Important thing) wu Sdrik Knlglrti Li L'-^rAt (Mat ana anawared to that ooonoDan— 1'« iUWMgb If weU kept reoorda a^oak ai^^t ' '-VBargood old father, he an Uonealyaomani . Aadaongbt to fkatan on bla ohlld the alight— ■ I»iinenphontoni nvaapf BaaaoSIbwman.' ' 'Boibykonttom, wblob to law la oarrlad, Olrla loae Ihalrnaiiiea wtaen<rertt<^ gat manlad. ' ' Amoogat New-England hOIa the ohUd WM reaiad, Wltb blne^reed ntlea to gnlda her Infknt faati V Bnt when her looked-for eighteen blrth-daT naaiad. Her many charma and anndj temper a»a«i ' ■ ■■ Bad made her lored b7 all the Tonlht, and feared B7 enTlona Klrla throngb^t the TtHiga atreat; -'' Bat Ihongh aha'd maniaga olfen ij the aoore, .'' Shawhiapered, "Nor'andwilladatUlibrmon. ° Ai lut a handaome, mobitao^ed atranger oame _ , Freah tnm NowTork, pertmnedand "draaaed to UD," Bi Bobarl EnUiht, th&tUaVnlRb aonnding nana, >rith goaalpping tl^k nMihlmbood did IIU. ffifaoon aoqnlred a plaaMBt'oonntrT fkma ' "^Itid might, I make nS ftpttW. hate held II atlll; l^whi M one aot; vbteb ItMnped him ka a alare " ^ >o baier paulona, dnd af inabi knaTn. • ■ ■*;■. . ■' v"^ -vv Uai Boala^mk aeqnalatad With ihia man, ■ 'Andl(MlbMr bear!iD'th*aeqntlnUiM. too: To make aame alight raalatanoe Bute trie*. Tben genii? a (abed and looked nn to the raoMi Xben Blghed again, and clond her Uquld eTei, And bluablng red aa roiei do In Jnna Waa Boon oempleteir loat in bllaifBl algba. The hor»e moved alovlf after thiti, int aooa Bar loTer held her, oUaped within hlc^aa, Xajojlng her Tolapluoua, bluhiig cbarmi, ■km. . Bo manr arttolea the ladlea wear, 0noh varied klnde, and foldt, and different «t*l«t, . Thalr •'hng-Qe-tlgbto"—a pretty name, lawearl . Their aleeltmundboope, that oat the bud luisfllaa. ,<r41iat la If one la bold anongh to dare, ^loqnrrlrg rlaka of loaiig innnr aiulla& 'Toforce hla waylnaldet1ieifrla(&.ft«i ■ 'Aai tmd tew artby raaablag w«ll<liaped tegi. CITY aUHKART. TnE PROFESSION. i N/ ' CIRCVIBB. TO THE PROFESSION. >tl«m'a NaUond Olrona-Ltha one derinted for 0».««_i- ' JO- Tbo OurfEn Is the great organ of the dramatio and show |aVadifaUy working Ita way north, In the nmmtlme Diddnirmi? ' profvenloii, nnd our desire u and ever haa been to moke tUle de- ^ena«a on the road. • "F**" 'gjJoWo»<\«-B"»kera'OlronawaaatjjawAlbair, iBd^ ani WleraaiajNin. Prank Itoa*on» Jaa. ConB*»*Oo.'i»lookta« for yon. " ■ Dan Bloa'a (Dr. Bpanldlog proprietor) Show •111 ha aTPnUl deaoe, B, L, the flnt week In 8Ji>tembar. ^a arpwrlli • gorcoatlnnatlnnof aha«trlcUB«tgrt,a>apaHJML partment not oulv usefnl to the profoealon, biit Interesting to the fMoral reader. Throngh the medium of our UlUo eheet, there- ore, the profculon oan learn the whereabouta and bnilneaa of ' ' aach other. Sr jp us a playbill, a newapaper, a line or two of the '. movemenia of yourselves and thoae aasoolaled with' yon, eo that they may roach ns by Saturday, or Monday, at the laleet, and the ' Itoma fnmlebed will appoar In that weok'a luue of tbo Olippeb, ' which li forwarded to agenta througbont the conntry early on . Tueaday morning of each week. We charge nothing for reoonl. log the moTemente of cor frionda, neither do we uk or aeek ; favors of any kind for ao doing. We wish to eontlnuo the Our- ' ran as s reliable organ for the benefit of the profeealon, and theroby extend tho apbero of Ita naofulneaa. THBATBIOALHEOORD. Oontlnned from Page 117, -I .ymaranlili jIUitltleaof ."eloUiea!)' a troth It laalitfodlv work ^Ti*. (Aa anfions who onco b»a triad M know*)-:., - - TolMthe band Inalde the cnvfilnga lark. y.^i: ttv .1 aometlmee wlib that, aa onr ^Mlon' Boca,'.'. . " i.hii. i»- . Wamlgbtadontttao coatnmaof'the.TaikA\ ii.''^V I' I think 'twonld Ew qnlte pleulng to the malai«l T<. > v To Baa the glrla la ganay robeB and vaUi< <: V {' ui. Bat then, perhaps, onrimigh Mew-England cUiM) : . Wonid aoarooallow the gen'ral IntrodaoUon; And then, bealdea. It might iBorease the oiUila . 'Enown in onrmldat u feminine aedaoUon,'. I am a moral bard, and av'ry time I notice vlrtae going to destmotloa, I weep and aob moat bitterly, In tmth' It brings to mind soma follies of Aj jnib, n. Bnt, nadonsi I ahall lose the noted "Ihniad" ' With wblohotfranlhon keep their atoiKasinlgbt, Ky early alna will banlata from my bead/' ' All thoaaetenta that have tnnaplred'bf late. Well, never mind I what'a past'a aa good aa dead, And my longb oonaolenoe doesn't maob btiata: Bo in the even tenor of my way I'll gUde my pen along, "and aay my aay.", -. , ' ' TO Ba ooMiDfuan. da'a mMhe^ really liked the plan, .AaidAbrtlkooartahlp rapidly began. HI, OM Slownaq, tmr, dIA aome obJecHona maka, Bnt tben amblMons Ida soon bnabad k<i toagoat And Knight and Bnate aollivl .npon the lake, Took widke tAgetb'r, and together anng- Of other glrla no i)otlc« wonld be take, Bnt on Vr words with raptnre great ha bnngt Be praised the beanty of her face and onrls, And awore aha waa the lovelleat of glrla. n. One night he called and asked her ont to ride: 'Twta Winter wonthei and the moon ahone bright, And aa mtrama her Ragle's warm hood Ued, She warned her 'twaa a hlUer, freezing night TaJ>e qalte aenelble "B- Boberl" tried, Bnt tbongh It was a mortlfrlog sight. And one we weald not wlih to bring to llgbl, Wa oan't deny the fact that Bob was "tight" ,' , I Aon't Intend to write a moral vene, i.'y , BldaoUe poem, or any Bnch like tbiBg; , t •> Bbymea of that lilnd are very aeldom leiaa, , i^i not the ihnmea tme poela ever alng: ' iBvarlablr they ar« at bad. or worse Than aermona dnil, or ploot Jabbering. ;' Why, If you ntally wisb to show men evil, ' Toa'd better Introduoe them to the devlL ' Bat, though, aa I have told yea once before, << VI won't indalge In many aaie rtBeotlona; ' -'Tetjuilpermit ma one to make-no more. >- ' ' If yonng glrla' thonghte don't mn In right direotlonii' '4!he mother birds their fldgUnge teach to soar, '''" V And thay should be their gnldea and their protMtlonii Bnt they forgot, lu looking out for money, JJhat wukednesa la aweetar oft than honey. . KB, Bat to prooeed: R. Robert'a sleigh wu that*, . And a refnul would Incur dlspleaanre, Arid Un. Sbwman raally did not oan ' To get "put out" with this floe man of lelnn. ' ' Ob. nol he waa not drank, aho did deolare, " . - And thai nlleved her ooneoleaca In aoaa maaioni <' Bo jllatlng danghtar Buele a good night /!::.''Bh» iTatobed the onltor moving ont o( eight ■ I »ra. ■'•i Iha borae flew on noon the eryital enow, ,With pleatiog fury and with wond'rana haate, f ■ !:', Bnon rides aa thoso In Winter an "the go," v^v^,'^ And Quito aocbrdlng to my bnmble tatta; ''. h But In thie raae, what ahonld the raaoal do ' 1'!. BotpUoe hit arm around tbo ltdy'a.walal, ' 'Andi'drawing her to htm, eDjor the bliBB . Of one long hug and one eoMallo Uaa I The Dona uro the AcraEsa—Obarlei, third Suke of Bolloa, woe bom on the 3d Septcmbtr, 1C8S. ne had married lu 1713, the Lady Anno, daughter and sole belress of Lord Yauhan, and £«rl orcarbcrry. In Ireland, and Daron Emlyn In tho county of Caoniarvonshlro. Bnt tbo Duke and Duclicsa lived apart; and. the mirrlage wnt vltbcnt Issue. On the broaklng out of the rebellion, lu 1746, lie raited for the EIng'e aervlce a nglmeut of foot, andn-aeappointed lobeLIcutCEtntaenerolorhla Mojcety'd forces. Boon ancr the death of the Dachesa, which happened on the 20ib Boptcmber, 17S1, bo mairlcd Lavlnla Fonton. Of tble-mirrlaKe tbcra wta no lawful Isaur. The Duke died at Tunbrlilse Wells on the 3eih AogObt, 1764, sgod elity-clne. lA^lnla Frnlon etirvlved bira only six years, dying on the Mth January, 17C0; her Qrace wae interred at Qreenwlch with tU the appropriate ceremonies, ■■ThouDh raised to eo high honor," Bays A "blograpbor, "she never once foriiot what the owed to her brneliictor and to fortune." Dr. JotepU Wharton, In a note subjoined to one of Snift'a lettert to Gay, says of her:—"Uhe wtaamoit accompllsUed and agreeable comptolou; Iiad much wit, good strong tenee, and a Just lasle In pollle literature. Iltr ptrtonwos sgrooable and well msdo; though I think elie could never bo called a brauty," buton this qnottlon the Doolor waa probably In a minority. "I have liad the pleoiure of being at table with her, when ber convenallon waa much admired by the flrat cbaroctera of tho nge, particularly old Lord Bathurat and Lord nranrille." • • Ulse Lavlnia Fenton haa not been tue I 'ODlylidy who boa been led to the pterage by ber performanca of -"Polly Poaobum." Other npreientatlvea of the chaiaotor have bnen almlltrly honored. Lord Thurlow, the son of the ObanuUor of that name, who anoceeded to hia fatlipr'a title on the 13lh September, 1800, wu marrlrd to Mlaa Bolton, Covent Oarden Xhcatro, on the ISih Novomber, 1813: and the ftmoua MUa Btepbens. of the aame theatre, la now the Dowager Counteia of Etsex. And to say nothing of other examplos, the twelfth Earl of Derby married Ulea Farren, and the late Lord Craven married bUea Loulae Bnnton. UoMDAT, Augntt 17, '03. We have bad another week of hot weather, a trifle morelnod- ente, only, then the weuk preceding; audits elTecIa have been damaging to amusements, and to liUBlness generally. Thou- tandt of our cltl2eas left the city laat week for what they sop- poae to be "moro congenial cllmos," euoh as Buntoga, Niagara, Long Branch, and rural retreata of lest fasblonablo pratentlon« butraoro comfortable In all thebr bearings; and yet, ttianne sa It may appear. It le slated that at tho roaorle referred to the ther- I momeler^marked a higher figure during the day than was reached by our city thermometera. Bucbom!inu<d hot weather I was never known before br our "oldest inhabitants," and tho ' wonder la, that we have not bad an epldemlo raging here. A few weeks mon, and the enmmer heata will be over, abaentoet will, , lie retamloa. and bnalaesa will onco more command the alten-|r,Qii<|beo, tton'of capltalltta and traders. Already, western and other mn- thtnts ore reglttsrjrg thoir arrivals at onr hotels, and wholesale trade promltes a brisk traffic, These mercbants«aod traders combine baelneaa Mth ploasnra while hen, and there an but few Of thorn left In Ignorance of what New York contains. "They have a Jolly good time; they patronize our theatres, our music ' hsUi, our minstrel eslsbllshmenta; they "fight the tiger," too, and "go home with the glrla m the raomlng;" tbeygo to soe "natnre uuvoUed" at the Anatomical Uusenm and other reaorts; In fact what western merohanta don't lee and enjoy while mok- l>ig tholr fall pnrcbatos. In the metropolis. Isn't worth Booing or eojoylng. !=ome of these chaps are allttlo too fast, aod aee loo . taucb, for whou tbev come to aetUe dp accounts they find their oarrpncy holders "lost, strayed, or stolen," and then there's trouble; but it's all grist to our mill; If they loee their pookot books here, bore le where the contonts will bo distributed... >.. Speaking of trado, the subttllute bnken appear to have the beat of It, Jnstnow; some of them let oi)f a aingle snb. halt a dozen times, niaklog, pnruapa on an average, fifty dollara by each ope- jntlon. The subs, and the brokers work together; the latter bAuds over his man, receives the price, and returns home. In iaoma liistiincoe the sub. is home btfon the broker, so brisk Is jthe tmdo they an engaged iir, and so sctlvo It the demand. We ibollovo. however,'tlila nice little gameJs about to be cornered. .' The Ofa Bowery theatre; which of late yean baa been p<rmi» ! ted to monlder, aa U wen. In Ita oppreaelve atmosphere, the' damp and awest of dilapidated walls, paper, and 'paint haa' to many an old theatre-goer been a mystery. It la true It has bad Mtsphaeea of good and bad luck, and throngh palpable neglect has dwindled down fifthdoasplace of amotement Large and tpaolooa, with a swing of boxes affording s glanee at the whole etage from all parU of 6ie house. It Is, we Bay, a mya- tery why tbla valntble theatrical- property hu bean permitted to' I go to decay, and the management equally canleaa In regard to : the charaoler of hla oomptoy and nature of the perfomanoea. 1 Then mnat have been a motive In aU tblt, otherwise Ibe work of I Brian's National Olrcua (Mn. Dan RIco'a p'^rty) visit the fol. flowing places this weok:—noonvllle, N. T,, Itlth; Borao, 30lh Camden, 31at| imd Oneida, 3!d. Next week the ebow will be at {Orltkany Falla, 34th; Ullca, 2Jth, andDrldgowator, 30th. Vro are nqucttod by Mr. B. Q. Btokta to atate that he had left the oompaoy and Ita roAnanoment some lime before tho dimcnlly alluded to In enr loat aa taking plaoewllh the EqolrotalorClnus, oatheitUlntt The NIxon-Hocarte Olrcna Is working lis way to Now Tork city tlmugh the small towns of Ponnsylvsnla. The ebow wlU > visit during Iho next two weeks the following placea:—Allentown, !'Euton, Princeton, Elizabeth, Newark and Jeney Olty, Thonco I (0 New Tark opening at NIxnn's Qothlo Temple of tho Mutes, r L. B.Lenl'e Egueiourrloulum, was at Belleville on tho 17tli, and finish the wotk at Montreal. AU next week the show la at Qnabeo. ! The Zoyan Eqnintator (late Btokca') Circus Is blUod for Iho I following places tUla week:—Ifondty, 17th, New Haven, Conn.; 18lh, Bridgeport; IDth, Morwolk; 201h, Btanford; 91sl, Port Chostor, N. T.; Vti, Morrislana, and24tb, Barlom. i GU Eaton, the cclebrat'd Amorloan a(:vartltlog agent (or the !2otara Show, wae at Stamfnrd, Oonn-, on tbe 17th, waiting for bUJa to adrertlae the town. Having beoomo tried of walling for Itke show we laam that ho orgailzod a corpa of boya and com- I monced "chalking" tho town, which moat have boon advortltlng a show nmler dllBonltlea. / - I Thayer k Noyea' Olrcua has beeor vary aueoeaaful during the > poat week through the Rtate of Illlnola. Their route ahead It aa feUowe:—Uonmoutb, HI., 17th; O/iuawk*. IBth ;Burllnglau. lOth; iMount Pleasant, 20th; FitlrBeliL 91st: Keosanque, Sad: Bluom- ifield, 31th; OUumwa, 2.nh; Bddyvllle, 30lhi Uekaloou, 37th; ' FoUa, 2Sth; Knoxvllle, 2Uth; Indlooola, 31at; Dea Molnot, Bopt. : Itt; Polk Olty, Id. Nevada, 3d; UjrahalUown, 4tb, and Toledo, ' dth. Dr. Jones la now manager of jpiblloatlona for Thayer & 'Moyet. ' . ■ We have Tr.colved a letter from If r. Byrne, attorney for Mr, ' Dan nice, calling our attention to aeveral notices recently pub- > Uthed In the Ouri'iit concerning the movements of Mrs. Utii I Bite's show, whioh htve AU Injurious effect npon, tnd mislead Ithepnblloas to Dan BIco'a Gratt Show, her name bolug probo- . bly written by buelneat rivals of Mr, B., who are deilront to evade I the effect of tbe, Injunction which waa granted by tbe Bapnmo ^ Court of this Stite against Mra, Warner (late tho wife of Dan IBIoe) and olbera ftomnelngtho word "Show," or "GroitBhow," I In connection with the name of Mr. Bice. On looklug over our :fllta for two mootht lack, we oan find no such notice*, tho con- Ietrn Mrs. Warner Is with being called In onr notices "Brlen'a ;01raut," or "NalloualOlnus," '^' '^Asta of that kind, of ooarse, are very wtods, ' -.'Bali reader, probaMy both you and I. . .Bad dona the time, for fleih Is not ao alroag. And virtue often le hypocrisy— At aby nte tbla is a trnthful song ' ': Inwblch tball notappearasloglellei, , . Bo I mast tell yon Ihlngt ke they wan done,' . . Aad Bay that Buale really liked the fan. . Bidonbtedly, had that kitk been the lost n wopld have oansAd no vast amount of treable, ^BatManelrbaditlnltaaweetneiBpaat , Befbre our hero made Ihe number double, Baob eien<se, 'mongtt girli whoto thonghli ran bat la ver^ apt to make the hot blood babble, 1 And eaaae them to forget the narrow road When folka mnat walk to keep front pataloa^ fati, IpXEMI'T I'On $].—Any pcisfn can Icnrn ol n "Soft', J sure, nnd honoralile" wty to avoid iho "draft," by sending $1 to "Box No. n," Bbirloy Village, Meat. 1»-U* reform would loDg en this have eommeneed, and the aonud of the hammer heard within Its waUa, alto a allahi qnantlt* of Map and water need. AU this, however, we an gfid ^ auSrhSa now been changed. Wo visited the phuw on Friday night laat and aa we entered the bufldlng, oould not help nmarklng what a oSuge had oomo over tbo place. Before— u«»oiiMigo We felt Uke one. Who trod alone. Some biiBqnet hall deserted; Whoee llgbia wen fled, Whoae garlands dead. And aflbotdirt departed. «i?nJ5» ii bnndlng looks SB good at new. and for a time we M?^Fo7h..''?*r^''i_"^v't*»' "afpHnto tbe wrong shop. Mr. Foxhaa indeed wrought a wondorfal obango la the apl DRAM&TIO AND OTHER SKKTCHRS. ssw BXBias.—iruMBxa nine tben. WBii'iaa wtrBTurv ton ns nw lou C!^?.S?''!?^Tbo oarvtogaud gUofng iSofi beautiful to the gaa light All the drapoir the^Svato bcnSSr St.°ffSi°5i.f.S' ••'|«»>"»l'J>ont,4nder Mr. FoiiJ mlSSKinent. u huttiua; Jar be6n welcomed by. brge gatberlngo. Mlu Fanny Tf.:SSl?.."^*\.".'?» P*raiuUrttar wl^^e "boya/'JSX |aronn<fber twinkle the^KtaerUghta. She la aveirvaraame IbSSy mii. "^ '""^^v Btndley laXieiSlng , OBABLEY FOX. Itils peculiarly original and celebrated composer of many Etbioplan eccentrlolllee and Jutily very popniar banjolit and pbanny pbollow, was bom In Brooklyn, N. Y., November 16, 1828. Bla father waa a vnlotn, and at the ago of ten years he waa dally found at tbe forge with sledge In hand, where he nmalned for two years. Ee haa not followed thn business bis father learned blm, working at the forge, for within onr reootleoUon we have never yet found blm guilty of "forging" anything, rot even an old Joke off upon the public aa an original, tor be It known Charley Is original In almost everything he doea, Bla fint appearance befon tbe publle In the dltgulto of bnmt cork wta during the year of 1848, aa a vloUnlat to an amataar oompany bearing tbe same of "Fox'a African Mlnalnla," and pliyed at Stapleton, Slatcn Island. Bbortly after this he became attaohed to a traveling oompany, and vltittd many of tbe prinol. pal cities and towna througbont the United Btalea. In IBM, ^wearied ont by leading a atroUlng life, he reaolved to become ^Btlaobed to a permanent orstnlzatlon and settle down In Mew I Tork; since which time he bas been employed In companies of' greatrespeolablUty. la 1801 be was attached to Eoel<y'a Un-; atrala on Broadway, and while tben became a great favorite' irltli Broadway andlences, ettablitbbjg bimtalfu an artist of no cemmot; ability. At the opening by Mr. Wood of hla New > Uarble Ulnttnl Rail on Broadway, In 1803. ho look one of the endsas"Tambo." This •'potlib"bebo;dtttlhepreBent With- out doubt Mr. Fox is one of the very beat petformen In bis line. Tben la always an artlatlo flnlih about everything he esuya, whether In tong, dance or nnartee. la whatever a nta tindertakea be mutt be perfect in all lis delalla; onleuheia, bit attempts to auceeed will prove fallnrea, and bit appeala for favor will become atale. flat and unprofitable. Charley Fox la potaetied of a vain of rloh humor, and he hat the facility of making all around laugh to despite of themselves. His bnmor, althonghat llmea very qalet bunia forth llkeamahUgbtand makea Ita mark among bis audltora. Be baa quila a long llat of iOBgt, many of whioL an very nopalar with the pnbilo, among them an "What Can't be Onred,'* "Blow To Wlndt," "Jobnny'a Squal la not Here^" "It Yoor Foot la Fntty, Bbow It," and '•Kingdom Coming." Bla l>an)o aoloa, meny of wblob are orlgl- aal with him, are alwaya given with much aplrlt and ann of a hearty rs-oall. Aa an end-man, ho la a very valuable ocqnltltlon to any flnt 0 ate band, and tbe great popularity which he now enjoya at Wood'a Mlnatnla la a aura gnaraatee of bis iMtog a comedian of the blgbeat ttandlrg. ' I -- ' UB. JOHN T. BAYUOND. TblB gentleman la a, palna-taklDg, cootolentloni artlat Hla Toloe Is manly and tonorous, tnd bit mtoser, though at limes a little stagey, not devoid of frace. Esse, fKodom, and a dashlna otandon are quallUea th'tt ho should aim at to the line of charJ aotera that ba bta adopted. During Ihe aeaaonof 1801, Ur. R 1 iraa a prominent aember of Laura Eeene'a company, to IhlB elty, ^nd made a very favonble Imprtttlon npon the andlencea', that nightly attended to wltncaa nit grtii lapenonaUon to( •'Oor Amenctn Oonaln." DAWoisor'a tmr.nB.-A" itdy in Bangor, .*|;'Vh5!?to on by a rocrulling < flloer averred that her hntbtnd j»4 "2 the army for two yean. Beoing ibtt the bad a baby to t« aiM » fa V minthe old, tlio ofBcer aaked lor an explanallon. Tbla i«J a poaer, but the lady on thinking a "Tjn'fjS lettora ^rom her husband every moilh and It "was owtog to Iba- TBE AZTXO OniLOBIM. These tiny, falry-llke UlUs.people. Bartolo and Haxtmo, wen found to the olty of Iximaia, C<:nual America, when tliej were kept with snpersUllont venenUon, tnd employed aa mimes and btoobanala In Pagan cenmonita and worablp. Ibey wen perfecUy proportioned and properly formed homan beings, though on a Lilliputian teals, wblob mtkca the alory of OnlUver lets a marvel or eitravtgtnt fancy. The pntty little girl, Bartolo, waa born 1810, and wta na luobea to height and weighed IT pounds. Tbe yonng man. If axlmo, wu bom to 1633, wu WU tocbea to hsl|bt ana weighed twenty pounds. Made their flnl appeavanoe to Philadelphia, to Jnna, ISU, at Ihe old Huoaio HalL At prtaent InveUng to a side thaw wltk a olrcua company. ■ FUUKIOn DllAHATlO AJIO SHOW IfBWII. \ < w'iiS?!!''*,"''? ma'ie "on tho Mlli of Jnly to tbe Uaglstrttes of ,<Kldd»rajlnBtor for pemistien for a cirout to vltlt thftown. In tSf^l^'f.l" P"!*"*! P<rtormancea two "Female Blondlnt" wen to run along a rope flfly feet from the grouad, alorllDg feom onpotlle ends of Ihe rope, and on meetlnB ln Ihi Slid" th-M^/ "",^""11 '">'«:'»• o**""' The applicant statSl thai the rene would he extended above a lent and. If then ahonldbe a Blip, tbe performer would be naught on tbe canvas. The May. tlWs "Z;M.™'"Ti'?! I,"" l"?""""' h«atonndorlak%thJt Am«n,1^ Sm.°'' it) should bo lo;t out Uiat ^?„^?" ""ocd accordingly; Ihoy alAtlog .!^uglu'ti;';nco°.^le';L''^''""^" "oprovided, tocludlnf ■v-'?f'>?/*!l^.V •" '.■'■■'■''.^Jri---■-■'•''■■ . <»IJ.»-.( CHARLEY FOX, ErinoPUN Couboiin, Soe BlogwpWoal- isWKl^ Colmnn. JOHN T UAYMOND, Actor. lutlan eutlrely.' Pnmt.-Tho Empnss of tho French "iilX^'SiiiEw having the beada of ber carriage *o"".^«5S»*J2^taS 5SS flowers. At lut accounU the horsea of the Imponai, May woi» wrtalba of lUao. ■ IBliU'B UAKDKII. . Lessee and Manager WU. 'WBEATLEY. THE SDUMER THEATRE OF THE COUNTUY. Commonco at 8; concludo at 10:40. MONDAY Auuutt 17,1808, and every evening. LAST WEEK BUT ONE. j In conioqnence of previous amngemonta, Mr. Wheatloy re- ! gnts to announce tbo CONOLUUINQ NIGHTS I Of John Brougham's Gnnd Bomanllo Drama, entitled I THE DUKE'S MOTTO, I Which, for tho lost Throe Months, baa orowdod this msgnlfl- eent Temple of tho Drama wlih DELIOUTEO IHD FABUIOHAnLX AODIENOES. MB. COLLINS, (Lut weok bnt one of hit Engsgoment,) Tho Oelobratod Irish Comodlan and Vocalist, as OABltlOKFERUUS, An Irish Soldier of Fortune, with tbe songs, "Wtoe, Bright Wtoe," and "While tbern's Life there's Bopo." MR. WILLIAM WHEATLEY u CAPTAIN UBNIII DE LAGARDERK. The Press and Puhllo pronounce the Acting Perfect, Scenoi? nusurpasied, Ooattmios elegant, Mechanioil Effects wonilerful, Famltute aolondld, Muelo, under tbe direction of UAItVKY D. DODWOBTH, exooUent and the GRAND BALLET, tbe beat to the country. Beats seourcd'lhree days to advance. UB. EDWIN FORREST, tho dlstlngnlshed Tragedian, la en. gaged, and will make his first eppnartnce on MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 81. Jg.^ ELLBLEU'B ATIIKNAKUni. „ COLUUDIIS, OHIO the 20th InsL, at Cnmome Oardens, Third Avonus and 72d - JOnV A. ELLSLBlt Manager and Fnprleior. ;Streot. Ouly to think of It) all tbo pntty waiter girls lobe The only proper and Popular BniUIng In the Olty, for Don- .8*tt>ored togother to one aaacmblageof loveliness, and "scop* oerts. Lectures, and other XxhIblllons. Oan be routed by lbs Ireaepred ozdU'lvely for the ladlea." And only 36 oenta admit. night or week, during tho months of July, Auguat, September, alon, too. Qoshl won't Ihsre bo a Ugh old onwd tben, October, November, Ueoember, 1M3: and April, May, aod Jane, 1861; the other months Iwluu oocuptod by my regular Dramatio Oompany. AU appllealluns dirucled to JOHN A. ELL3LG1I, Jr., Cleveland, 0., or IWf O A. WAONKIt.Oolambas, O. NOTICE) T«» mAN/lGKUN. TUE OHEAT AMEItlOAN DRAMATIC EQUESTRIAN TBOUPE. M'LLE GENEVIEVE, .iuuui-», TheUeaqlirulaadDuhlngEqacatrlenno: UB. 0. D. COLLINS, Tho Celebrated Equoslrlan Dramatio Actor: with MB. H. D. GATES* Hone BLACK DE89, the most beautiful and beat trained Horae In Uie States, an now open to negotiate with Uanagen for tho prodnotion of Equestrian Dramatic Hprc taclcs. Tbonporloire comprises all the old pieces and aarenl new ones. Oomftaunlcstlona to bo oddrastcd to BENBY B. GATS 4, Bnslneat Uantger, Clippbi OaricE, N. Y. lin m^i^ " "^usatrlan perfomancet gsheraDy pleua tbe pub. inrt r^iSi''!?'"'"''*'"'' V"S * P""' *•""»»• » »*l«nted maif, S!i.»h.?.!'l°"* *!?,.'.?."'• M«ii«gen who Intend tors' ! 5Su !?f'» P**""" »i"> till" alylo of performance, ahonld mtke a 5«» n%°J7,S' a»t"'»?T0»U«enient In ngard to Mile, Gone- °! P-V"' °-"-'""' *°'^"'* .'»<>."» Dlaok Beat, In tbie Itsne. , L. pUFLnco, tho celobntod Fwnoh Bconio ABTIBT. an- ttor of •■Thiodon't Theatre of Arts," "Duflooq's Holy Land." tl.. ™ '.f HlbernlcoE," "Lamo's Ueobanlool Paooptloon.of ^-li-V' aaccossful ahows now on Eiblbltlon, re- SDMlfaUy aollolu orders to tbe Scenic line. Addrus. care P. o.. 'Boohealer, N. T, IMte ; Boy's, here's A go, WbatdoyoiitbtokT'TbeNewYorkProtly Waller Olrhi are Xo have and to hold a grand featlval and ball on