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^ -f. < < ^ 1^ yi k cNT'^EcW- Y-O ja E O li I P P E R . f r i AMU SEMBNTS. TO ASVSBUBEBS. »aid ttowhM of ttu AsSm^ubr llo^ Bonloc, it litMt, oi 8atai«*r U ■BTAWTI' OPJIRA. BOUBB, ^ „ . . UtibtaM Bin, ITS Bntdww, abon Onnd itnat ■BTABT BBOTBZBB.TiapTMan. JOHN BWraON, nsHDZtr. WIK*B8 MdiCOHiiaH, Uihen. A. B088, Offlw. HIVMIH JXAS OF THE OStOIXAL WOBLD-BKNOWHXD BBTAMIB- milBTBKU, ^ TBX EXOELSieB TBOUn OF THE WOBLD. Sk« Oomwnj li oompowd of the ftDowliif TtlanM AilMi :— ^Kh BBTABT, AHMBICAB VHKATI 4M'BI0iI>WlX. THB OBAMD BUOBT OF TBI HBtBOIOLIB. A SocoMdoa ofOMwdcd HOom OimI BUTUCB'fl OBSAT OOHBIHAZIOK TBOVF^ ni» Boak nainlaeaa tokaaa »tapnanV Tbs Sr«M and Fablle, VBttaia«aolai1a>U .. THE OBKAfTABIRr THXATBB OF TBI AOE. Tha oonwaaTla Poftetton In all lla dataUa. TBI lUBMOIB nmOPIAir IBOUTK, TEX GBIAT PAKTOBIHIO TBODPK TBB BFLKNSn) BAUJR TBOUFB, IB aort, an that osM to mat* TB . TBI OIOAMTIO OOKFAIir OF THE 1»TB CKRTDBT, \ AaKDtln0haBgao(Pr«gnmiiMET«i7Veak. SL ir. BuTLEB, Uananr. J. AHKBBBAM, Treaanrnf^ PAUL BBUJIANT, Ballat Maftar. F. TAB OLEXB, Uaalaal Slnotor. »tt DXIL BBTAST, ■ DAVE BEED. -oxosaE a fowleb, BOIXIM H OWABD, T. aEtmias. JAMES OABATAQUA, W. L. B0BB8, KBUB BETBOUB, J. B. mVOBI, FBUnCLULIE, J. V. BU.T0H, JAUES BOBBUON, O. 8. CO HHOB, DAK XUam, and LtlTLE HAO, „, , „ to a naw Tirlatror Bonga, Oanaea, Bnrlaaqnea, PlantaUan L*o. Forpirtliralin, leablUaofthadaj. TlckeU of Admliilon 2S oenta. M-ti VBM OBILAT ORIGIRAIj AND OKUT OAUPBELL'B UIIISTBELB, Dodtr tha panonal raMrrltloD of UB. B. o; OAUPBELL. oosiUla of tha foUowlng aitlata, tIj:— ■■DDATJ ms. BLoatiM. H; W. OO UU>, ia mBB B Dpy, Xh BOMNT. JOHMKT BOOKEB, I. W. HJWOH/ JL a. CAUPBBIX, J. TABUENBAUH, O. BUX, OBKEK. B. OLIFFOBD, OEO. QBAT. T. WADDEX, J. BUICK, F. E DWABD B, A. BAWIXB. 'P. B.^FO COHMEOnOM WITH AST OTHBB BthlopUnpr Bod onanliatlon itTllDg thatnaalTea OAMPBXLL'B BIN- StUUT H• 0 OAKPBXLL, Kanager. FBABK EDWABOS, Oananl Aguit. 13- BBAHCH OFFlOa, . OF THE IiABOBST Kfm HOST COBFLXIE AKUBEBEMT AMD UEBOAKTILB _ roS FBIHTINa ESTABIJBHBSHT nriHEWOBU)! ' -nUiptliiTd ati«et,n«ittaeonarotBR»dmr> N. Y. (OlBca floor lerd wllh tha itraet.) JOHM TBTOH - yimm tha plaianrt of annoTmolag to bla oU patrona In tha Thaatiieal. Cliena. Uanigale, Ooncwt, and Exhibition world naaiaOr, that he hia loat opanad ■ . A BRAKOH PBnrrma OFFICE, At tha abora eantral and oonianlent location, connactad with ealabratad Uuamolb Blaam Printing EitabUahment of ' ' 1IX88B9. OIiABRT k BmiET, '' Of Not. U ud It Spmea alraet. Maw Totk, 'Wbt'ra hlB inmadlata attention will be glT«n to all ordera for PBINima, EHOBAVINa ON WOOD, ^MUw of BUla, Olnnlui, Pampbleta, AdTutlaamenta, be,, ke. ^ JOHM TRION Indnlgaa a hope that bla long eipcrlenca In BUl-malilng, and kla piameal knowledge In the Art of DEHONSTBAITVE PBIMTIMO and ADVERTIBIMG aENERALLT. Win lecara lilra the pttronaga of hla nnmeroos oonttmporarlea In the (how line. , ' He la eqnaDjr confldont, alao, that the Neatneaa, Accoru;, and BaolUtT with which be la enabled to «x«nt« ordeia tor LABOE ELECTION POSTERS, BEOWS, FAIX8 AND PUBUO UEETINaS, (either plain or In oolora,) ' Together with ererr deaorlption of KEBOANTILB AND UISCELLANEODS WORK, Hut may be dciilred, will command the attention of all who Wialn tha aid of the Printer. aa-3t AMUS EMENTS. !<■&'■ lUHIiOTH COKBIITATIOIf, OonilattDC of the fkdlowlm ^vall kaowB namaa, . Aranowplajlnf anEogaganant laBaUlmoN,andean been' ^ed^rapondble Banagaia, aither ladlTldaallj or In com- ANNETTA OALLERI, Pramlaia Fnnoh Duuonae, aeknowladged br the Piaa, flie Pnbllo , and thaO emmimlty at larce, to ba TBX TXBT BBSr jDANBEnSE IN TBX WOBLD, EailBgbMDanpged at all tha leading plaoai of AmnaamenI ua, anoh aa tha Aeadamy of TABIBTIKH1 VAHIBTIB8I Fronting on PennaTlTanla ATenne and Ninth etreet, WABUIMaiON, D. 0. Proprleton •ndMaiuflen....A. HAHBLIM k Oo. Stage Manager FITZ BIHUONB, lAle of Ford'e Theatie. AoUng Uanagar JAUES PlUJBIU. BaUatBaater. BOSS. BAPIIBTAM, Late Baltre do Ballet of the Imperial Opera, Ftrla. JLaaderofOnheatm FBED. FOUNKEB. THE OBEAT AUEBIOAN UUSIC BALL ^ Of theNatloii'a OapllaL ' OPEN "ALL TBE TEAS BOUND." ^ •whjk standard Temple of Amnaemtnt where all the Bright Blaia FIOHTLr DISPIAT THZia VARIED TALHnS. ' Oparailo, DramaUo, Aerobatio, Hlnatrel, Baaloal,T^rpBlohore- M.Voeid, and Ethiopian apeolalltlea and attraoUona. i -VProfaaalaiiala of etarilng ability, and STABS of merit 'ud lepntatlon, wlihlng engagementa, will addreaa 3I.U' HAMBLIN & Co., Proprieton. CAirrBHUUBV HAUL, WABHDiaTOH, S. 0. UOBT UAOMIFIOENT BU8I0 WAT.T. IN AUEBICA. So Walter^JLrla emplofad. Ladlea and Oentlamen of knoKii ' abOltf alwaja wanted. Boontalde pertOnnen employed—none but the vary t>eit tal > "^UdraSTto WILUAB E. 8INN, I Bole Proprtalor, \m Waablngton, D. 0. OOBUTHIAB HALIj, / EIOHAHOE PLACE, > BOCHESTER, N. T., wm be Banted for Concerta, Leotuea, Bxhibltlona, Ao. Addreaa W. A. REZNOLDB, ' 6Mm* . St Arcade, Bootaeater, N. T, BATIONAb TilBATIlB, CINCINNATI. , . Praetors.. DOBTAL It CO, ' Acting and Stage Manager, MU. W. UEAUMONT DUHRINa. THE U08I UAQNIFICENT E8TABLI9HUENX OP TBS sniD IN AMEBIOAI No WiJTXD QlILa EUPLOTEO. bdlaa and Qenlleiften, of Eetabllahed Bepntatlon, IK TBI Bnale Hall Proteaalon, wlahlng engagementa, maj applr to ftMa CONNEB k Co., Sola AgenU, or aa above b; latler, to P. 0. Box 1000, IMma Cincinnati, Ohio. InKawtoik, aa Premiere Oanaenie, maau m If aala, Nlblo'a Oarden, la now atiaohed to XBA'B BAHUOTB OOBBIBATION. BONB. LEON, Tha beat Bala Dancer la America, harlag been engaged la Peril axpreaalT for dandng with OaUattl. ^ JOHN BULLiaAM, AMDBEW LEATirr, DENNY OAUiAOBBB, The beat Ethiopian trio la America. Ererj panon who haa wltBaaaed the ptrformancea of the aboTS aic well awaie of HONS. BOHZABL Tha beat BaBat Baatar In the United Btataa, tor getting up Bel- Ma, Pantomlmea, && Bona. B. oannot be eqnidled, aa hla Balleta are original, and hla aaleotlon of mnala alone la t great adrantaga to any one engaging him. BAOaiE ST. VLAIB and PBOF. KIBB7E, In their Roman and Grecian Btatnaa, A ra qnlla a (eafaire In an erenlng'e antartalnment; the Tableni an Terr arllallc and plaaie tU who aae lham, SiaHOB BLIB8, Tha Antipodean Pedeatrlaa, The only peifonner who la at preeent WALiKINO ia& OEILINO BEAD SOWNWABD. BUS JEMNT ENOLB, Tbeaooompllihed Vocallat. BOLT OATAMAOB^ The Irlah Oomadlan and Vooallat. Any of the above performera oan ba engaged by rsipoaelble Uanaaera by addreealng QEOBOB LEA, Belodeon, 9l-tr Baltimore, Bd. ' rrBWCOMB'S UflfBTHELa. \ BBITH A DITSON'S HALL, \ Cinolnnatl, Ohio, Now Drawing Orowded Honaea NlRbtly. The Manaaemept haTlns laued, re modelled, and adapted the Han expreaaly for Blnatrelay, with the Intention of eaUDUahlng A FmST CLASS BINSTREL TROtlFE, And Permanently Locating the Seaaon Tbroagb, Woold be bappy to negotiate with Arllata of all llnea, each u Vooallata, InatmmentaUata, Dancera, and Oomadlana, who will ba treated with on literal tarma. Addreai W. W. NEWOOUB, Smith A Dltaon'a Hall, ClnclnnaU, Ohio. The Oompany now conpriata the following: — J. E. BAINOR, W. B. LEWIS, OEO. BROOKS, F. BVOHES, J. H. RELLOaa, WH. EHEB80N, E. H. WIMCBELL, A. B. HERNANDEZ, 2fr4t* FRANK PELL, I.. B. WEST, W. ST. CLAIR, J. WHITE, THOB. DATI8. J. F. DUNNIE, P. A. CLARK, W. W. NEWCOMB. PHILO CLABE, Agent VKA.'B UELODEON, BALTDUOB^ BD., \ AND LEA'B UELODEON, DETBOII, BIOH. OEOBOE LEA Leaaea and Proprietor. The above eatabllshmeata are now doing a flue bnalneaa nnder the nuugemant of OEOBOB LEA, well known to the clUiieaa of the Dnltad Btataa as one of the moat ancoeaafol managera In the Oonoert probaalon. Performera of weU known ability oan aeonre better engage- menta wiUi him than any other manager. Addreaa, tot engagementa, at altharplaoe, to OEOBaE LEA, Baltlmare Uelodeon, U.U Baltimore, Ud. IfBW BfEHPHIB THBATRB. THOBOUGHLT BE-EBBELUSEED, Will poaltlTely osen on the I6th Inat, with a Fnll and Effldeat Oompaay, who will pleaae meet In the Oreen Boom on the aSd mat OEO. BATFIELD, Banager. 10. 0. T. PABBLOE, Agent 1 THB WBBB BIBTBRB, BIB3E8 BBBA AND ASA. Uanageia wlahlng to engage tha aarrloea of theae rary talented Artlata, for STAB Engagementa, will addreaa them care of Cur- rm Orriox, or 23 Henry alreat, Brooklyn. 19-tt ACADBMY OF MUSIC, CLEVELAND, OHIO, JOHN A. ELLSLEB Banager and Proprietor. The beat and moat popnlai Building m the Olty for Conoerla, Leotorea, and all kind of Ezblbltlona. It oan be rented' by the night or week, during the months of Jennaiy, Februaiy, and Barch; alao, July and Angoat, lett, the remaining montna be- ing oooDpled by my regular Dramatla Company. ^S-tt Addreaa JOHN A. HJ.JM.YK, Olereland, Ohio, BABTFURO TIIBATRB. Banagera UYEBS k UURBAT. Tbaaaaaonat thla Theatie'oommenoee about the middle of Bntember. Flrat data Star* and Lidla* and Gentlemen of ■Hlty, wlahlng engagamenti for the Saatem Olronlt wlU ba taaatad with on liberal terma, and Btara may rely upon It that <hay wlU be aupported by • fnll. Ant claaa Company. Addieu J. 0. BYEBB, Pnridenoe, B. L H, B. Twenty Ballet Girls wanted. 18-St* VHS KABinOl'H FllINTinO HUVSE OF NEW ENGLAND. TBI "J. E. FAawxu" A Co., 8TEAU PBIHTINQ EBTABUSHBENT, 81OONGBEBB STBEET, BOBTON. L. B. PIKE, IIAUBOTB POBIEB AND PBOOBABBX PBINTEB, IBZATBE and OONOEBT WOUE A SPEOIAITI. Partlea oi troupea rialtlng the Eaatem Btataa wUl find it to Btalr adrantsge to rialt thla eetabllahmeat Paioia 10 M 3( pza tmw r oazam thah an omoi » Naw Biai.iia>, and iatlatac- tlon guaranteed or no pay required. 10-U / .■HOW BILLS Of BVBHT DBaOBIPTIOn. THEODOBB DDTION, ' Bega to Infom hla old IHenda, Banagera, and the Public gen. (nOy. that he la now located at the ^ XUPniB BTEAU PfilNTINa ESTABUBBBZNT, 13 BPBUOE BIBEET, NEW YOBK, Where he wUlgtTe his peraonal attention to the prodooUon, baayatyla, ofauUndaof niilN, COLOBED, AND ILLUSTRATED BBOW BILLS, ' - Partloularly adapted for miVBLLSIO EXHIBITIONS, OinOUBBS, BENAGERIES, BIHIOPIAN PEBFOBBAMCXS, QXBNABTB, BAGIOIAMB, : «BAOE 0DT8 OF AIX KINDS, TBOTTINO TO HABNEBB OB WAGONit. DOUBLE TEABB OB BUNNINOVOBBBB, POLIIIOAL CLUBS. i T, O, tmata that hit many yaaia experianoe In the biMneaa, dha TaiT large aaaortmant of Outa at hla oommand, any of which MDbeprinMd In one or mot* colon, ttuaerrloea of the t>etl ' Saelgneis and Engrayei* for naw work, wlU saoure to him a oon- UmanoaofpaftfaTonaoda Walbynawptlmai, IMm V KLLSLER'B ATHBRASUSI. OOLUUBUS, OHIO JOHN A. ELLBLER Manager and Fnpriolor. The only proper and Popular Building In the City, (or Cos- oeris, Lectures, and other Exhibitions. Oan be rented by the night or week, during the months of July, Augnrt, September, Ootober, NoTember, Deoember, 1H3; and April, Uay, and June. 1804; the other monttia being occupied by my regular Diamatlo Company. All applications dlroclad to Sobs a. ELLSLEB, Jr., Olerdand, 0„ or 18-U 0. A. WAOMEB, Oolonbus, 0. / PRIHOB OF WALES THBATRB, LIVEBFOOL, ENGLAND. Thla tmly elegant and Ttty beautiful theatre la kept opendw. lug the whole of the year. ABXBIOAN STARS, of acknowledged poalUon and talent, negotlaied with for long a short engagemeao^ aa mntnal Interests may require. . A^lnas, ALXX. HENDEBSiM, AMf Bole Leasee and Proprietor. DBAQLB'B VAHIETIKS, BT. LOUIS. THIS VEBY POPULAR ESTABUBHUENT, Ann TBI LABaxsT nc m UnrrED BraTEs, is how nt tbb FULL TIDE OF SU0CE88. FInt aiaas BTAB8 treated with at all tlmea. None olhen need apply, JABEB OONNEB A Co., Agents, lT-8m or GEOBGB DEAQLE, St Lonf STABS detlrons of vlslUng Montreal oaa apply to ' ~ BUOKCSd, BontreaL lO-tf J. W. -A / OAHTB RBURY BIUBIO BALL, H. W. flOB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT Bia, PHILAD'A, PA. LARQESfl AND BOBT TALENTED OOUPANY Di THE OlXr. av Ladlea and gentlemen of known ability, wlU addreaa "■an BOBT OABDINEB k Co., Proprieion. 'l.'J^ISS"'*,'""*™*''*'' AGBMOYf^HHai. 'OAH OOBBIM would reepeotfully Intonn membmof the dr» ■atitk BaaloaL or Efjneatrlan profiaalona, that ha haaMtabUabad Afuoy la Ban Fraadaoe, and la prepared to legotlate engage if, end tranaaot aU et her bnaCeas parlatnSg to the n» alM. Addraaa^ Bm^DANOOBBYHlBuTrriuidaoO, o£ ^ " ' " np ta ia,0Dv feaaiOB. Addreaa BHKBIDAN OOBBYN, Baa rranBlaoO, N. B.—AU letters icqnUog anivaii mast ooalala a stamn ta (n-paythaaama, —^ TjOB J AMBBOR, OOSIUUEB, win be In New Orleans, or about tha let of NoTembar, and win ba bappy to ongage wllh or withont Wardrobe, wllh Managera going Sonlh. Fur lefar- enoe of oharaotor, Ao., apply to B. DcOAR, Tttealre Bt Louis. Address JOB JiUEBON, MS Bioomelt^t "•it* 'l'o°'P*«'i Maw York., /THBATRIIIALWIOa^-Ohuacte^^ mlgsi Beards, Curls, eta. Also, Clowns'WIga and BkunOapa,on hand and made to order. PAUL DaSPOITBi TkeatrioalWIi Baker.» Waal noBttonitieel, Maw Toik. ai-at* AMUSEMENTS. MOBBU BBO>TBBBa, dk OO'B KIHSnUBLB, OFXBA HODHB B08I0X, BASS. -jt mia acTasTB niavuB busov, ^BOHDAY AVODBI Id. ■OBUB SB0THX88, PXLL A TBOWBBIDOEV BDIBIBIU OeniM «f the Miawlnc OenllaBeot Um HOBBIS, . B. B BXTB OBBIH. JOBIIBY FEU^ „, LOTEIAX, B ILCABBOU^ J. QUXKN, W. WILBAiBm B. FBEDKBKnat J, mi.T.faim, D. J. BkaUIHNUb Ifc A. ZWISBLKB.' JAPANESE TOBBY. I. a tbowiSdob. B w. FBnoon. J, eiLBEBT, #. F. BHD BE^ Avansr bcbnxideb, D. W. BOABDBAN, The BaBageoant eaB patUeilar aoUaa to tha abers dlstto- lalahadaBayof SUant. XIaksM M otols: Beserrad Beats n otBli. IMf LOX BOBBm Baaagat. FOX'B OAUTO. OBEBrNTT STBEET, ABOVX BI^CTB, Hu been closed tbr the parlsd of Thiee Weeks, duriag which Has lha Ban has bean ■ BE-BODELLXD, BKHOVATKD, AKD BE-OXOOBATXD, Which Impraremenls are now Complete. thx staqe, boenebt, add PBOPXBTOS, hayabeen THOBOUGHLT OVEBBAULED, And are nowPerftet, AndlheOOBPAHY ttlU be (bund to embrace many of THE LEADma ABTIBTB IN THE BUBINXBB. In oommesolBg ano ther Bauon, TBB PBOFBIBTOB Woold bag vioat reapeotAilly to Inform tha pnbllo of FkUadel- phia and ylelnlty, THAT NO PAINS WILL BE SPARED ON HIS PABT, In catering for the publlo taste, and that he haa already effect- ed engagements with PBOUINENT ABTISTB, Who are well known In tha bnatneai, and who wlU be brought befbre the publlo IK BAPID SUCCESSION. The success that has attended TBE CASINO, Under the present Uanagement, STANDS UNBUBPASSED IN THE HISTOBY OF THE ABEBIOAN STAGE. The Public oaa real aaanred that no atone win be left nntumed by the present Proprietor, TO ISOBEASE THB POPULABITY, And retain the Proud TlUe that the XslabUshment haa al- ready won, viz:— THE BEST OONDUOTED HUSIO HALL IN PHILADELPHIA. AzUsta of acknowledged ability can alwsya find good Engage- menta by applying personally, or by letter. ' STABS liberally tieated with. OHBIB KOBBIB, Bnalnete Banager. C. BoBIUAN, Stage Banager. il.U FIBAL TRAVBLINO TOUR. BAB BHABFLEY'S UINmELB, Baasa Bum, ixd Boblxsque Oriu Taoorc. THX BONITOBS OF WNSTBELSY, AND ADTOaBATB OF ETHIOPIA, Wm start on theli last Grand Trarellng Campaign, on UONDAY, AUQUBT 17, And wUl visit all the Citlea of the United Stalea and Oanadas, affording onr t rienda and the pnbllo an oppoitunlly of wltneea- Ing "SOUErHINa NEW I " Performed ONLY by the OBEAT ETHIOPIAN IRON CLADB, THE BABBOTH TBOUPE, 21 STAB PEBFORUERS, Inctndlng ano Great Original Comedlane, SAU SBARFLEY and COOL BURGESS. The Wondertm Double Olog Danccre, A. 0. STONE and H. T. BUDGE. The only FnU and Complete Orobeatra ever In aMInstrel Troupe, Oompoeed of Ten Solo Artlata, s Double Ohoms. A Quartet of Solo Slngeia, and the best Braae Band TrsTeUng. 0. A. BOYD, Leader. Prof. BLAOEUER, Baeleal Director. FRANK BOWLES, Leader of Braae Band. FRANK CILLEY, Adrertlsliig Agent IT-tf SAB 6HABFLEY, BansgerandProprietor. AND OOBBINATION CUBHIONB. • These BflUatd Tablea hare received tha nn qntllfled npnvuag the bail players and moat competent Jndgaa, wt>o have 1H> vwitfjr prononnoed them naegnalled lor geaeral a xo e liia e sad Sevan'^Wlnot patonta fbr laprovamenta la BIBlaid XthM have been granted tone by the United BUtes Patent Oflqa^aad we have labdy obtained a patent from the Frensh gorenmaatW our tmpiovameala In billiard cushions. We employ, in the construction of our tablea, a variety of oblnea apeclally made'fbr tha purpose, by which maaaa w« SM 1 tolnsureaadantlflo and msohanlotl aoonraoy hlthaito aaknowB in bllUard nuauftotnre. Baring a long experienoe and thorough knowledge of aBiM ipUanoea of bllUarda, and oooatantly on band aIai#e stocked a best and most thorough^ aeaaoned matailala, we are pf*^ pared to fUnlah everything required la the bUllaid Una wUb iceoadaated diapatch. . The aanlnent Frenok bmiard pUyer, B, Berger, ha pn W Is hU the bdlowlng oplalon: ' "Nrw You, Id Aagotl, UtL •<0n the eve of leaving the United Statee.I am happy to datlaN to an amaleura of bUUaida that, aflerk tour of eurna meaaa through tha prlBdpaleUlea.Ihavsbeea enabled to Judge in • aaUatutory manner of the anperiority of the BUUard Tahlaa mannbolored by Phelan A Oollonder. The ayttem of m a n a ho - tore la ao ■nperior, that I am happy to Introdnoe their styls of ensUon Into nance. They have united to their mannlaotun s( American BUUard Tablea that of tbs French Tablea, of remaika- ble exoellenoe and beauty. For theae leaiona I am happy to make thla declaration. "BEBGEB, CLAUDIUS. Frofeaaor of BUUaida, Paris." Partlee ordering from ua wlU And onr prices aa lowaa goot work oan poealbly be made for. We aeU flntdass arUdaa at a fair price, and wUl not make aa laferior artlde at any price. Orden by maU carefully and promptly executed, ulnaliatll Oataloguaa and Piloe Uata sent by malL "Tat Biuiibd Ona," a Journal pubUahed la tha lalareet of bUUsida, and coutalalaa datalla of aU nov<ltlaa,a ooplona record of bUUardnewiiaal everything lateteaUng to amateurs of bUllardt, sent free oa a^ pUaatlon. PHELAN A OOLLEHDBB, as, es, 67 aad it Oroaby atreet N. Y., And 711 aad TU Montgomery atreet. Ban Francisco, CaL Q.HEAT BOOKS!! NEW B00E8I NEW DOOESII . DONT FAIL TO SEND FOB A OATALOGUiB, OUB NEW OATALOOUE NOW BEADY. SBNT FBEE-FOBTAOE PAID-ON APPUCATH>ir. THX OLD BBTABLIBEED AND OKLY BELIABLB BOOK, AND BPOBTIHa GOODS AOBXOZ "Where ordera are promptly and lalthfnlly executed. - - Addieee THOUAS OBBBBY, Barbie BuUdlngs, 11-tt 88 Noaeau atreet. New Yctk, BOOKS! BOOKS II BOOKS III BOOKS Ml CARDS. • • • « * FBINIB Beautiful and original AHBROTYPES. Phunay, PhroUceome, FhaoeUoiie, Pbancy, Phologfaphi^ 7tnkse Nottons, London Abaurdltlos, and Paris - BUMBUSIIFICATIONB. 49- Send for OUR SELECT CIROULAB. It la AN EYE OPENER. We invite comparison; obaUenge competition and DEFY OPPOSITION. Avoid country Bnehroom ocoeema and od« boiae city esta^ Uabmento, Send to ua only, and aavo yourseU from being Bat- numlzed. Addreaa aU Istlere, wllh atamp, to EOGAB MOBPUY, & CO., Fnichaslng Agents, 81 Nassau street lO-tf NewYeA UAOUIRB'B OPERA HOUHB, BAH FBANOIBCO, OALIFOBNIA. TBOS. BAGUIBB Proprietor and Manager. JABEB DOWLING Stage Manager. J, LjSOHUn Leader of Oroheatia. W. STEVENSON Treasurer. TBB STAB DllABAVIO OOUPAKT. BISS SOPHU EDWIN. BPS LULU SWEET, VOB. W. 0. FOBBES, BIBS 0. EINOELEY, BISS NELUE BBOWN, W. O'HEIL FBANK BAYO, CHABLE8TH0BK, WILUAB BABBY, D. 0. ANDERSON. BAB BY CLi nON, W. H. HAM ILTON, F. B. WHITE. 0. STEVENSON, W. B. TAYIOB, Ao., A-e., &o, Btais visiting California ahould bear In mind that Br. Hagulia la also proprietor of the HetiopbUtaa Thaatre, Bacramento, and the BaryavlUe Theatre. ia-v-x.tf THE CARTER ZOUAVB'TROUPE, AMD YOUNG FEMALE BRASS BAND. BiiTXEM m NnioKa. "THE PBIZG ENTERTAINMENT OF TBE SEASON*" See "UnionDemoeiet"Dayton,0., JuneSth, 1883. Such ta the nnlretsal opinion of the prees and the pnbUo every- where, upon wlbieaalng the very veiaatlle and extraordinarily entertaining exllbltlons aa given by the above veir popular troupe. Whilst moat companies have fdt oompeUed during the extraordinary heat of thepreaent aummer, to take a ■'vacation," tha OABTEB ZOUAVE TitOUFE baa been performing to not only "fall," but even crowded houses. The reason of thie neat popularity la eaaUy explained, tha OABTEB ZOUAVE TBOUFE combine the Oanr ExosUEMona of aU the beat exhibitions of the day, and the motto of their manager la "onward," "forward," aad be wUl not rest natU hs niakea It tha best exhlblUcn of tha preeent age. The manager of the above troupe, contemplating a vlalt to Europe, next season, irlU be happy to receive proposals from managers of first class eatabllshmenta, Any aucb, directed aa under, will leoelre due attention. J. HENEAGE OABTEB, Manager "Carter Zoaave Troupe," Care of Fam Qdbeii, Cuppeb Opticc 204m New York Oily, U.S. ANTED innBOIATBLY—Five good, aloady aad perato Men for DUPBEZ k GBEEN'S MINSTRELB, whioh la crganlxlng for the coming season. One good Negro Comedian who can play on either end, and do Baojo Buemeia, Stump Speeches, Bongs and Danoaa, and well up In aU the Double and Triple Acta, Two Ylollnlito, (experienoed in Blnatrelay,) one to play First VloUn and to act aa Mualcal Dlreotor,- and play a Ooniet la tha Band; the other-to play Beoond VloUn in (he Band, and In case of aotaal neoeealty, he muat be competont to pUi Flrat Violin when needed. One good heavy Baaa Singer, who oaa do Blddle Dualnees, play a aingia Baaa Viol, and do Double Acts, or play a Braes Instrument One good Flute and Ploocio player, wno can play an Alto Horn. Alao, a good Wench Danoar, ol a moderato alxe and figure. None but First Class Talent need apply, giving aU abuitlea and loweat terms. Pay moderate but enre, weekly. A^ly untU September Ittb, to 30.81* OHAS.U DUPREZ, Proridenoe, B. L T HE LAKOE CT BBOW BILL PBINTISa BBTABUBBBKNT IN THE WOULD OLAXBY A BBILLBY, (Bnoeeaeoia to John B. Bacon,) PBINTXBS AND BNaBAVBBB, U and It Bpmoe Street, Hew York, Pay paittonlar attentloa to geltlag np aU klada of F A N 0 r BHO W BILLS For traveBag oompanlea, and have on hand a large and splendid aaawtment of large and amaU WOOD OUTS 'BaltablalbrOlreaaaeB.Bmageiles, Ethiopian Perfoimen, Oyai- aaats, MagloiaBa, Ac, Ae.,whleh eaa be printed la oae or more eotois, to saUeualomen. A deposit reqnlied on an work ordered. AUsrdarsaddraasedto"OLABBY ABEILUCY,"BaconPriat- lag and bgisvlog ealabHibment U and 11 Bprnoe street New XM;vlUbepnnptlFattaadadto. 18-r Tthbatrioal NOnOB, V ' OIIA& THOB. PABSLOB, DramaUc Agent. (KatobUahsd IBK.) Office wUl be located on aad after Bept lat No. U Weat Blacker street, near Bioadway, Open from 10 A. B. to 8 P. B. 2041 WANTED—A Ooapaoy Of Twelv* People to form a First 'Ouaa Theatrical Stock Oompaay, to play the year roinnd la XaaaH Olty, Mo. To anoh a Troupe the hlgbeil Salaries win be paid. Addiaas H. B. OABP, Bole Leeiee, ao^l* Kansu City, Bo, BALLOON WANTBD. Addrasi W. E. DONALDSON, Ournm Omoa, N, T, MIBOELLABEOVS ADTEBUBEMEHIS. ) H B L A N ' B lUPBOTED BILLIABD TABLBB, BOOKS! B00K8II BOOKSlIt BFOBTINa ABTICLES, CARDS AND PBINTB, J. B FABBELU Booksdler, IB Ann atreet N, T. Bocki of every variety, dther Foieiga or DomosUa. turalsbed an sppUoatloB. Partlea desldag booaa of any descrijitloa, to •ddnaB,pcetpald,wlUncalveImmediateattentloB. All iDortIng and Faasy Artlolea yoa aiay see advertlaed, wlB heftOBlahadtooider, OatalagneaaeatoaappUcatlett. Adfceas, J. B, FA RBHriT^ dealer ta Bonka and Faaoy Aitlalea, No. U An« (tnet New York. lut THEGREAT FANCYBUDQET; or, PLASH COVE'S BANO-UP COMPANION. Beplete with NEW BONGB, Toaata, new and original Jokee, a bully Engraving, and oontala- lag oaeof our OBEAT BOOS aad FANCY NonON OIBCULABB, forming an ontrageona oUo of BUBDU8TI0AL BAUBUBTiFI- CATIONS, Price 30 cIs. Addreaa, with amount and twe red stampa, EDGAB MOBFEY A CO., le-tt 81 Naaaau atreet New York. J_/OI YOU WANT WHISKERS OB MODSTA OHESr*—laUSlIflrttaaked thlaqnesUoB. Itwaaaa- swered by numerona people; aad I ask U any of them'ever.knew my OngnenttofaUlndolugaU I claimed for It; namely: Ihatl would oomnel the Beard or Monataohe to grow upon the amooth aatfaoewltiilnalzwaekafromlheflmappUaatioa. Llkeanaaa* ceasfOl iBveators, I have had to oootead with a boat of Imltatoia, acme of whom evea go eo Ikr aa to copy my adverUaemeola. However, truth ia mighty, and wlU prevail; and you, mr beard- less frloids. wlU find that my Ongnent la the only thing that wia really tone the Beard to grow, aad wUl adther stala or lajaia the ekla. I aead it to any part of tbs coantry, free of poatoga, telL \194tl B- oTOBA HAM, No. 108Naiaaaatreet M. YT PLATING CARDS, And an aiticlaa uaed in GAMES OF ABUSEMENT AMD OHAHOI. Baaufactared aad Sold by B. NXU90N, 17.tf 111 Broadway, New Teik. /-AURIODS BOOKS FOR OCRIODS V. / Booka on Love and Mock Love. Dont tail to aend for a Curiona Catalogue. Addrew JOHN TBENWitH, PEOPLE.— , lost Mo. 107 South'3d atreet, Phlladdphla, Pa. SOMETHING NEW.-SuUeia and Trcide supplied.— MIOROSCOPIO PIOrUBBS, taken from French ffiodeK IN KNIFE,, prioeMaaoh. OABTbI DB VIBITE, not over SCO kinds, ISo each. BTEBE0800PIO VIEWS, from 7Sc to t3 each. ^OUada. AB sentbymaiL Baoloae red atamp. Llberaldlsoouuttothetrade, 14 8m* H. PONCIA, Phote.,^. 0., Nsw York. |N RECEIPT OF 60 ots. we wlU tead free, bv moll, ' tha BUBB OUBB snd Antidote to - CHEWING A BMOKINa TOBACOO. Be eaved from BMAOUTIOK A INSANITY. The prioe Is bat a trifle compered with ihe expensive but hsrmleas stamp tax, and the great resoUa, Addreaa OHAB. E. DAT, IMm Mew Haven, Ocaa, JUST DIPOBTED FROM PARIS, Oarto de Vlallaa from Life, very rich, price 38 oenta. Books, Cards, Prials, Aa Eaclasa red stsmp for our Bsw otronlar. H. BBOWN, lMt» ./ oare Box 8773, N. Y. P. a EW BOOKS I-NEW BOOKS I- BIEBEOSOOPIO VIBW8, OABTEB DE VISITS; Sporting Goods, Books, Oarda, Prints, Ao, Band for a dnalar. Addreaa l0-8m* Box UBS, Naw York Post OOea. >.ian< RES FARSELLS ft BROTHER, General Purohailncr _ Agents. Oar new ClnulsT of ohesp Books aad Print), eto., ian owieady. Addreaa Box 30at,N.Y. Olty P.O. IHt OOKS, CARDS, ftc-Send for mv Olroular, enoloelog ' atampa. Addieaa 0. B. EABBIBON, Box 1888, P.O., Boaloa, BaM. B IMma STEREOBOOPIO YlkWS and Cartes de VIslte,' 1000 dlffeieat Unda. Bead fbr Oaiabgne. VIOIOB DELAFO, P. 0. Box 8188, New York. IQ-tf-k THE OLD "STABUSHED BOOS AQENUY. Send BwaOlroalar. BEBBYBTEPHENai 88Naaaanat Ml AY, PELI0IT0D8. FESTIVE AND AJtUSINO.— _,'THBMIBOXLLANYPANOBABIOPAOKAaEi PBICX38o<ib AUieto WB. SVXBBR; 78 -v ati New York. . [l»ta*