New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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mi IMERIGIN SPORTING AND. THEATRICAL JOURNAL. ■ ,• r-r - J- """" NEW TOBK, SA^rWATr. PUTOBEB 8, 1868. 7'' toik' jd^^i: As. IPwoHnzoSnL- flirSIB KHIGHT; ■ OB. _ ;■ . ' : / \ ■ fto Trae History of '^Pretty Walter Girl." WBirrss EXPnnaii ir o^ thb hkw to^ olipp«». . OAirxo II. : - xxnr^ irit bambled tt the ilsiplt InUnutlon. Oh. dil u othen Iff Ilk* (Itnitlon— ^heonuedhw loytf* bjtnd.ibealghed. iheputted, ■iihB btlf enoIMed him wltti her glowing umi, Ud bl« botl apon her bosom'a ohumi, ., XXXf, .■ -iiTnberflntptnloniromkiilOTatheTloTart - In all the oilien lU (he lOTM 1* lOTs; vbloli glows « habit ahe oan ne'er get OTai, Aad 4ta her looeely, like an easy bIoto. Ab ion may find, wbene'er yoa wlab to prora her. One man atone at flnt ber heart oan more: Ae then piefeit blm ln the plural nnmber. andlog that tb'addltlona mooh enoaiaber." -I .1- vhtt itanu la ttmni&ibea tnimBpon'iyfimt He onlentoodaaohmatteiii pretty well; . . , ■ ■Ibo trato he apeata to mftft^eomqwhat terae,, , BDt,UbeaboaldblapvaM««rtenoe teU, ' SeoilBbt nnfold adventarea that were wone; JoruUanee, onoe a bandaoma otarrled bell*, -Tbtlady filtaalogton, who wae ao stoep with blni« . ill the way to Italy to aleep with blm. . ZZZTU, , ■ Jlymaat li something like hero's hand. It baa a way or wandering aronud, ^earoblDg for gold within a boap of sand, ' The band (aud not tbe muse) by look bid towaOf ■■ A resting place oloee by a certaln^band ' '. Br wbloh her atooklsg to iU pl«oe wsa bound. ' I'm modest, trae, but for a word.wonH barter; Ojk Obarlle bad ois band on Susle'a garter.. Heralneabotkissea.onberhoiiled Upi; . • _ Her breath osm» awtft and sweet aa pernuned au) Sar bearing butt all etatnea did aoUpse, . Ando(blssort««rgsaeaaUlia«daabare.i', . ' Ee felt the blood rush to hta Anger tlpa, I: And eUsplDg to bis heart tbe ylddlng Iklr,. .' Eo bore bar to a rich, lu^arlona oouota— , Butthenforwhatoconrrttdlpannot Toaoh. ' . ■' „> !.'" • jTeitmomloe.siourlangaldlidy lay Oaresilna Obarlle and by him oareaaed,. J'orgetfal of the duties of the day, la this Meal of most voluptoans rert;' «be saksd htm, balf In earnest, halt lA play,. If he with mitrlmonlal bonds vaa blesL ;Heaald,uoheslUttngly, "lam— . i ■■ Bat what of that? Ido not care a damn I v.-l -Hlnmat continue still to worship beauty, . A pretty woman Is'a strong temptation; With qie It Is a simple Okrlstlan duty To love her as t woQld a'near relation. -Xlie man who don't nluit surely be a brute. he (VThate'er tbe loUow's name, or rank, or atatlon} la nearllsas quits whose spirit doesn't ruikle Before a petticoat and peeping ankle. XII, "I'm constant to a sense of Inner feeling, Those pure Impulses—Cultybu nude 'emi .And if old Tlras bir Beaii(>>'flowaii la steaUnib .. I'mdoBjPftfeaIfl Bffwheritts'aTaTd^i*^-'" ' If at the SSMbrtStTti) forever kneellni,*^ The mowing nidoatiiQh aurely shouldn't lade '«mt And.yet he does—It's hts ailtlr, not mine,' ' If tbe same eye dOUn't always heam dlTlne.'*' ■ . xm. Of cohise knoh reasoning aa thai'a perddons, " " InoonstanOy of all crimes la the sum: Xet wloked things sre oft times quite deltolons, A Uas, foi'lnitance, or some splo^d old ram. But that you, reader, mv uot be ^usploloos, Jfy morals are, I'll stile, tight aa a dram. ' I neither drink, nor awear, nor ohew, nor amoke: I'm temperate qulter-becaass I am dead biokie. And yet—and yet the man wsa partly right. All things, all creeds, all people ever ohanget All thtf we know, or ae^ or Iots, tokee flight Beyond the soope Of our poor Tlalon'a range. Tbesngeltotheoptraplayilutatght - Is bat aOyprlan on the street—how atnnge I T. Baby Aldrloh, with his dainty Tlewi, ■ Writes flash desoripUons for tbe Flotue'Newa. ZUT. VeUiletltpau; lamnomonllzer , O'er human folUes; never get! tMuHo. ^ Til leave the long-drawn alghs to Ann Ellaa : Who writes Ihe morel tales for the .^UonUo., . . . Im ••LUUaB"—If that novel yoa win boy, air, ToQ'll Hod the tanjlialahmenta are done Agantloi ^a'le more than told by all the "Oh l alases I" ThejrrlW^ ialrspraug from a'noe of eases. .XLT. Xa (olimii was ttie Latin law, _WhIifli ObarUe'a wife, perhaps, knewaomelhlng of) least when he was gone, ahe never aaw The harm of hearing other men talk love. And on this night, by some bright empd'etat. Bo thit the bUUngs, ooolngs, and eostatloa Were doable ratio, aa In mathemttlos. At bieaMkst Hm* » handy servant brought "t/^»t"* »n*$l>«U» muffloa, meatand oakei . in doing whl;b ahe did Just What ahe ought, Jo'lwe'aljteniBjlbyror^beef ateS: • m,?",!^'?' *«<,'»"hMnorotisp*sa are fraught irSS^'*!'!*"'"'' T"M^.'<" yo"' own aweet aae vi^^m 1°^ l""li»n4 aaoh blood heating fo od. Bite yon'U have reaion for aJealouamoodT^ xivn. 3H««^SMf.»bed- ■ SB?«""?-HssUonf,a:., >imJS7''J''« ""^^ •'Mr goodlyabare AUleflto vlew-l'Udrop'tfiiiMUii ttere. « alghrirj;v?",''»«» nim were time lelnuM xux. ^Pur hSrXSiS J?*'kow to do; _ Far Item tho oiSrVi!!'.'!"'*'* "«'»'» »«^HS«'f*^' Andanmt£RJ?2.'^''*«»M>4f ' . ' - " 'I .■■'.■■K il ll.-O „l,l ,.. -1;, rV, ATALBDP' TEE LI0HT8 'BBAOOWa OF HSW TOSK I.m, iiOVK, AMD oauiBii The Theatie, Turf, Blng, and Bagnio. JfBS. OEOniE BUBH,-^- TBioSDiEina. EDWIN ADAUS,.. OOUEDIAN. . ' thODgbt of that tea tbouaand dollars, JoVaon wu tkat beoMliM' a OMdtdata' for' a oeU m an aiyla n 1w the tosaue, when he SSt- " up hIs'iDlttd, to a fit of deaperatldii, to go dlreot to the OtrioM and eee what he odiild itamp out tff blm. CoL Fxsnoh waa aeated by a blazing Ore; enjoying his momlM' meal .and paper, when a domestlo annonnoed tliita man itmm autn waa dealroasof an lnterTlew-.Ht BIr. Jobaon—on rsrHitnlg bnatoesa. .■):■: ■ -v n.. i • ••Show him VP,'.' add the:Co1oiia]<.patltog himself entald* ef glass of Uauor, and Into an<iatUthda:o(i attention to leoelvahM vwtor. .V • ■ "CoL Prenoh. I bdlsve I have -the honor of addreaatofll" humbly began Jobson. ' "The same, sir. Ah t yoawjah to'aeem<i'On allttis butoaa," ")liod the Colonel '. . ..V?, ■ i ' OoloneL faot. Is my naoA lil./oliaon-^ob .fobaoa, ■ ofthsdeteotlvoforcsln thli oltir. .^IhaT* saooeeded t* recovering a pocket-book which I flnd fMm i)ABisliisid«i,beloiiM to yon: here It la, but I am aorry to say that any filtaA «uS may bava been In It had disappeared ere It' oame'fiitO'lay' posseaalon. • ■ ■• >'j.")'| ■ ■ • "Ho matter, Jobson-no nia«erl Uany ihaidt^ ,fb^ rofs trouble! It waa only attifle-of no oonsequenoeat Ha-, ikqaMt" tUsu aamaU letara for your servlo«a; and the OoloB*iai' a twenty-dpllar gold piece on the Uble. wbloh the woHhy /otaMtf See BlogiapUoal Sketofeeb^ln uotbisr Oolomn. ailnUOTEH EUBISSLX VOB THB KKW TOBE OUFSEB. I ' Atrt> "'ar OHAFT)EEf;Vj[n. ' ' in "HEBO" BBiaa"—TBC obiA^iBAai to sboobb a vioiobi— BlU OAilfK. AaD„TBB SOnraB^fTCBS—BUC IHOSUlEa IN A POT OF BBB^'Aj^^^I.ILOqUTr^llaaT IIT lEBIB OWN IBAI—TBX BAoa AicD sii'sax OF T9;^oBt<B(>s—"ir TOD losi tod MAX-WIN, ir'TOD'Wni lOO'ltlT LOSE"—A FOOZEI BOOK US- - laiMd^jroB joBsoM xas sdsozivBaRs uhotbou^ilb—col. : noioa.oBSB pDijOFa. . AWAS ootln the nunantto.tilUBe of Fiatbnsh'^ stands by Itself kllarge; Inegnlarly.bnilt mantfai, amtonnded I7 extensive [(oqnda^JaUl ont-u .esoellent taste. ^Ataofneiabort'dlatanoe torn the main buQdlng atandii a long row of low bat well ventti lated offioea and atablet, where exiata perhaps as fine a^ stud of horses as oan be foand in the country; adjoining theae (the stables, not the horses) ate the coach hoases, where almoeieveiy iapeeles of vehlols oan be found, from the large fkmlly ohsjlot dowB to the light trotttog wagon. . S - - , Henry Weston, Bsq., was a patron of the tart and one of those who apared no palna to bring It up to ihe fnlleat standard of exoellenee, by ihe nprlghtneas of his dssUngi and Ihe nnfltnoh- Ing honas^ of purpose with which he' entered Into and carried through.all his transwUons on the sward.' Hla awnojiv was the daeit and moat oarefully attended to In the ooontry, and hla horses were well known for their euoeoesee In the field; as U a race was to be won, and he won it. It waa by dint of aopertor fiiknagament of the auperb animal 1 whloh he sent Into-the' contest; If he lost. It was tiy a fair beat. Placed by an tode- pendent fortune fW abovothe Influence of theoomparatlvely small anms whloh could l>e won or lost, he ran his horses through love for the eporc llseir, and no one ever dared'to attribute to him the unworthy mottve of ever having bought or a^ldaraoe. An Immense eensatton was created amongst the flreqnenten of the tnrf by the arrival In NewTork ot a horse from the South, for which it waa claimed that It never bad been beaten. Laok- dngjjjiligimlata In Itsiawnjloeallty, Ua^ownen! hefhrbngbt II Htathi Inlbe hopes of'getUng-ftesh nletal to oohland'agaloat,' and with a view of raking a pile on the head of It Its arrival bad bean well herslded by numerons adverttsements and notices, and a loud trumpeted ohalleoge to any other animal for atrUl of apaed tat any amount from five hundred te ten thoasand dollars, nils animal was carefully taken charge of at the 8remises of a notorious livery and boarding establishment In Uth Avenne, M. t,, and a rich harvest the stable boys reaped bt the leoalpt of fsee "Just for one peep at hlo," which, was ginsidly accorded at a distance of abont twenty ftot; and the gratlAaatlon accorded was that of an Interesting view of the bindquartera and tall of an animal which. In all probability, rwemoled as mach the article iMlonglng to the real Blmon Pure at one tall can reaemUe another. Mr. :WesUm did not permit the Sonthem gentry to go long a begging for a onstomer. With a promptitude and energy which admitted of no h«"V'"(T out he look up the giuntlat whloh had ao defiantly been thrown down, and expreesed himself ready at tbe earliest opportunity to test the merits of bis "Hero" against the "Oen. Bragg" of Southern fame. All prelbnlnarles were soon arranged, and at an early day the great event was to oome off; five hundred dollais a side having been died upon aa tbe amount te be run for. In the parlor of one of the most comfortable publlo honses in Broiklyn, Bltaated In High streot, not a minute's walk from Fulton street, aat^ a fewevenlhgs before the appointed time, three men; two of whom, Judging from their style of dress, language and liquor, might at oneehave been deteoiedas having been bom and brought up on the other aide of ibat line generally accorded aa being the combined property of Ueesrs; Haaon aad Dixon. The third, with a pot ot "aU an' 'aV before him and a ojgar to 'his mouth, which he oouldn't for the life of hUi get to draw (to his infinite dlsgnst short clay pipes were prohibited) waaMtup iathatpenuUrmake wbloh denotes the atableboy ahdjodkey. Diminutive to atature, thin and wiry In frame, he , atemet Ilka aborof twelve or fourteen; while, in reality, be .1: . . ■ . Hot so with Sam; he wandered up and down for a time to a stfte.df seeming uncertainty what to do, his thooghta divided 'M|reen;wlukt he had hekrd, and a desire to flktrontse Hooley's iBtastrelf, or Indulge inagame at tenpins... But he did neither; wllti a siidden resolntloa he quickened hla footsteps, aud In a tmf mlnutea landed himself in a well known aporting bar In Uato atreet Here, after InlerohanflDg a few worda of recogol- tlon with some acqoaintanoes, he ^Hred Into a corner and pro, aeed^to.con^lenlmsalf with his pips and fkvorlte beverage. TbuslRttlag he Boldoqulsed:- ••Veil, Sammy, my boy, blame your sUn, ifthts ato't the rum. mlest go saeveryoa.dld ssAl yTfu alr raythoranioe young man fot to go a plottln' agin yer old poss in that ere manner,. Wot a preflooa couple b''Wsrmlnt them tWo'coves Is.'to be sure—the' damdestsknukserverlsotblesonl '7ell,wotls'tobedld7 ^Ttae Ob man did tore me off rayther quick, but wot of Iti Didn't I duierveit? an"avlntlbln makln'a booeet llvin' ever since? 'Wtl'vas never eo'appy as ven I vos with him. How,'ore's a' ouibce—I spiles his fbn an'makes twenty-five dollars; or I spUea (A^eport an'makes—ivell, I dun know wot; but he might be Indpooed to take me biokileelu' as 'ow I oan get a good karao- t<^ Vnoe I left blm; anyhow, Itvlllbebesttohear wot them er^ rasoala la golngio be about fuet and then I'll do it—damn 'em I I'll do It;" and, aa if to oUnob Ihe resolution, he dashed his hand upon ihe table before him with uach vigorous energy that he up- srthiamogaud'lost the contents. Butohucillng with pleasnrs at}%he piospeot of the manner to wbloh he was about to "do** thn vlllalna who were plotting against bis old master, he got it TM^ed, emptied It at a draught and then went with lighter 'havt to enjoy his game at ten pins; In Ihe exuberance of his nmts playing his balls with auohwHd ferocity (ss if each of thpn hadbee9 the head of.a conspirator) that he hardly ever made a count and retired fh)m the contest with a considerable bde made in bis flve-dOIlar btlL' Next night Sam mat his lrlends aooordlng to promise, when a' plan was proposed and adopted whliA they thought would work well and insure the object which they had In view. A party ot men were to feign an attack upon tIArnotlse, the dogs being flret dispatched by bludgeons, or othaavlse; and in the confusion oonseqnent upon this. It waa.houd to draw attention from tbe etablaa, towards which Sam'wis to'devote his attention, and en- deavor to dose the horse whtoU wss to ran against "Oen. Brsog," so that he might be put outot condition and victory over Uin rendered certain. H was the night before the day appointed for the great race. At a spot not ftr from the houie of Henry Weeton wero collected haua dozen men, who, by dUTorent routes aud at different times, so; sS to escape observatlOD, htd one by one oome together; among the number was Sam Oakley, under whoee gnldaoce the resulnder plaoed'themselvos. It was near midnight when they made their way Into the grounds, and by cautions movements tMgen to approach the premises. To the surprise of all, tho dogs gave no sign—even the celebrated terriers seeming to t)e asleep at thelr.poft^. Sam placed himself close , to the eUbles; 'thit^mjAJqaer o<^iAmanced endeavoring to ;bunt opeb Chb front door luid 'Shonbng "fireI" "Their plans wbiVSd' well, so far. At the first alarm the stable doors oiwaed and Saiti sllppsd qnlstly to, while there Issued forth from tbe starabbery and ont-bonsee a dozen men armed with stout bludgeons, and each supplied with a dark lanthoro, which, when "turned on,'* made the place aa light as day. Falling npon the invaders, they thrashed them soundly; and, securing them firmly, shut them up In an ont-honae until the morning. ' The faahlonable sporting world turned out next day to witness the great trial of speed betWeen the chlmploB horsea of the North and South; "Hero," as being t>est known to tha vlolnlty, was decidedly the favorite, thongt^./'Oeii. Bragg''..,was. freely backed by some of the knowtog onefl. 'At last, oil wts'about res^, whsn, to the coosternatton 'of - OA'Soaltaernirs, "Hero"' waa led on to tbe ground by Sam Oahleyl - It waa now too late to baok out; tho race hod to be and w/u ron, "Oen. Bragg" being, literally nowhere. • , To aave themselves tram farther punishment the tools ot these men made a fall confession ot the plot and "Sen. Bragg" was played out very quickly, Sam Oakley was his old master's employment and ever after aerved him falthlnlly. After the race between "Hero" and "Oen. Bragg," there was another ohe between two animals ot Inferior note, which resulted In the fhTorila losing, much to tbe chsgilnormany of the "green 'una" who had staked their money upon. her. Atameetlngof the owners that night the driver betog present one of them marked to hlth:— "O—niti you nearly made a nice Uess of that Job; a fei*^ Inches more and you wotild have eomo In first" "By Jovel. I could hardly hold her; you knew how ahe doea go, wnen'ahetihesitintoherh^ad. But,'a miss IS as good aa a mUo,'and it's all right" "' . : • ; . ••And infernally luokyfor us: that It Is ao I If you bad by any ohauce let her wto, I'd a been out Of pocket, more than three tboiisand dollars." Thus demonstrating that it is possible that on the tort—if yoa 1tW__A_ • 1_» — mmmv 'B'VIMaMf bTW UVAA MAD A* AWWHMHItl* liberty of asUng you a queaUon or two relative to an Importart vV matter. I observe in one of theae notea mention Is mede of Ik* .•■ name of Ulaa Herbert" "Hiss Herbert I wbatot her?" cried the Colonel, slartlogts readOW , neltlMS • has anything been heard of that young lady. . I ifKUinhopes"—V','' ' ','And do yon usoally," Intermpted the Colonel, eyebigTobaeki' keenly whfle with eeemton careleasneee he tore up the ncte'inlar> small pieces and dropped them Into the grate, "make juih aS U '' ' acquainted with the contents of all the oorreepondoncayon fioS' or come across In packets eotrufted to your caiel" ' 1 ' "Well. Colonel, yon see It's part of my duty," said JoTma^ '> who with .blank amazementhad beenwatohlng ihe destmotlaa' of thp paper and his hopea at tbe eame time ; "and I thought if . 3 yoa aOGldyon.mlght assist me In this case." . , .>- "Ur. Joliaon, I am, as perhaps you are aware, am oldfrlendet: ; the Berbtrtfamlly, and wooU bo glad Indeed,^ it lay In my. power, to assist in the restoration of Miss Herliert to'her frieildi, , Thiat note wss from an aoqaalntnnoe of mine, who knowliie mf . ' toUmaoy with that family, and taking a deep toterytln lDsl',\, for my sake, was kind eooagh to loqulre If anythlog'had tt^aa^'' gired (h herfiivor. "I(' Ur. Jobson, anything should ooms to n^'^ Dowledge at 'any time which I ahould deem likely to aid yoa ta " yonraearoh, I snaUnot &llto oommaoloate'.wltta yoii;''(Iood' '' mornlngi" •. •■ • ... The Colonel rang the beB, and in a feW:Seconds tbe astute Ur. . < Jobson foond himself atandiog on the side walk trying to ttat out the Bum total of his intormaUon; Dtscoteitng; that, tka^ amonuled to something closely approsohlog to a oyptaar, te began flrst to doubt as. to whether or .if at there, wasn't a aorw., loose somewhere, and then came to tho conviction that )ie hfiv-,' eelf—Job Jobson, to wit—was a most consummate ass, and haC; ": made a downright fool othlmaett. ^ ' • < Tht Colonel' was much of the same opbilon regarding Vmi " but was oonelderate enough to keeplt to.hlmsel('thnsspBrla(-'^ ' < Jobson one addlllODol pang—the loes of the ten thnasaod dollaiV -' 4 was an expensive enongh'lesson for one ocosslon. , TO BB OOirZtHDID. . ' AaVATIO AND OTHBB SFOHTB IH'BAUVii:X«>, On the 9th Inst, the peopleof Halifax, N. B.,'held ageoeral gfie'' and holiday, the main occoalon tielng a grand regatta, and a nnl* tltudtf'Of'mlnor aqnatto cont(lit"la the harbor. The flrst smrt' that produced a contest was that of 'the Fishing 'Whalers, t cam; ' prize, t2S-ended to a dispnte about style of boat Flitt'olov Fishing Ball Boats, $30, won by the Oartog; by Andrew Oray. - M ■ class do,, (30, won by Blchard Smith, with .the, Tipton BlasiMb Gigs, 4osrs, open to.the world, t<>Oi 4 entries, won by the Le^ ertt. Jos. Piyor'screw. Usn ot .War Ontten, (13, T entrief; wm, by the 12 osred. cutter of U. M. ft Nile. Olg'. Xfioa, ^ otftat CMV, young mcin under 31; won by tbe Faugh a BaUagh, B. Sheppsidf' crew, Uan of War Lsoncbes, tlO, won by the 1st Iisunch of ths' Nile. Olgs, 4 oared, by mecbanlcs, $30; wonby theO^et Bd-'' word Carey's crew. Jolly Boats; 4 oan, from mercbaDt shJpi^ $13; wonby tbeOsprey, J, Shoppird's crew. Qlgs, 4r0aied;by< officers otthe army spd navy, $80; thePygpiet entendt~ Ueut Ito^r, B,>Nj ^hlog.«jMSiia<uJr,p;4a» " the Dart entered by Obaa. tiejor. abs,'4oart( the garrison, $1C; won by the Uygnet. Corporal ,Itorman'B orew^. Squaw race, to birch bark csqoes, (7, $i, $3, to let -31, and Sd , aiga, 4otred, sentlanen'amatents'(clvUlsiis),$30; 'wontqrttia '- Neplune, Wm.'K>sch'screw.' Indian canoe 'rsee (men), tt,Wt' ' $2; eight entries. 'A himiberot events, and of-svarltty, apd«b> and exoellsnoe,we do sot remember of having ever beeh eqnailsa;.'-ur The liberality of the maiiag«mei)t too, Is.'jqpstrpralsewortn^;^ No wonder the people cf Halifax, and,the .sa9onndlog.<reglc&Ej| nroclalmed high holiday. But tho principal evMt round wbidl, iilthcss leaser acts olroled, was ''■ THB TACBT BAOK. ' ' This was the Boyai aalUliX 'Taeht Club's great x«flsUa'fbrM# 1st and 3d Class challoDge onpe. Tho day was favorablli'flir sMli .** Ing oralt there being a brisk bnt steady breees.irom the dnrite. and northeast The foUowljiir yachts entered for tho coiitait>-> ;t was moie than aonble that age, Hls apeechtoldof Engllah wtoyoumarlose, anlbylosUgyoumaywin. birth; hla name was Bam Oakley—was ever a stable boy seen "-' - — whose name was not Bam I , ,«Andsoyoasay," remarked one of the gentlemen, "that yon are well aoqaalntod with the- premisea." - "Sverylnohot'eml Iwsaaboy thsrefor more'en a couple 0'yearsi^and knows every nook and ooraer." ••The horsaa are well pioteoted, I suppose t" •1 should rather thlox they la; vy thelr'a more care taken of 'em, an' more attention paid 'ein, than wot many a blessed hhman oritter gets—by a lagfalL" - < ' > '••That's not exaoUy what I mean; I want to know it it be poeslble by any raeana to get at them, without any one else belntt any the wiser for It" i"Onl ItwIgB-that's yer game,ils It? Well, yer se^totbe fust plaoe there's them eie dogi ontslde, whloh might be got over; then there's them eie Sootah terrleia inalde, wat's much moi^ dlffleultto manage, 00s yn can't ceme it over them weiy well; an'they're ao trained thatat the leaat atrange noise they makes a hall ot a barking—noltito'like a little terrier dog a lyto' oD a door mat to aeare burglars. Then there's the men I4sld^ two of vloh alius Is on Ihe watoh to case ot accidents—so ai ohi^ wot would want to wlslt that ere plaoe imbeknowna't "needto be made of nolhto'at all, an' beasinwlslble as ould needv) '°>sAher a ] 'f'SAher a hardosaato get over; but wouldn't a few. dollars toduoe some one or other of the men to- do us a little setvloe ?" ••I goessss not Old Harry, as they oall him, knows hla men pretty well an' they knows him, an'I don't believe there Is one of 'epi bnt wot would most die to serve him; besides, if you buys ▼on, you'd need to 'ave the 'ols lot—no, no I that game oouldn't be played, not by no meana whatsomsver.V ' .••b-—-nl but it must be don^•somehow, and at all hazards; we oan't afford to riak tbe ohanoe ot a defeai at the outset of our career here, and, from all I oan learn, .tiiat is Jual abont as likely as not unless prompt and etflolent meunrea are taken effectually to prevent It" '••Well, to oonrsNif yonaaysit must It moat; but blown^ hlea It I kto aee It—unleaa yer btura up the old feller hloiselr, an' yer might as veil try an' move this ere Island np to Balbany, It wouldn't be ho go." ■. ■■. ••Ityol are so well known there, doutdh't yon do anything I" '"Vy, that vouldn't be wery likely either. ;Ter see the o)d man an I had aomevords aboutalltUe drop o'hoats, vloh he most Imperllteiy hinted waa mlssln' 'ven it ehouldn't a bto; an' p'raps they ailghtn't like to aee me round list about thia time," "That'a bad I but are yoa 'wllltog'to assist us, it you oan ?" •Tell; if bo be as 'ow yon oomaa do^ 'ansome, I wouldn't Intodt 008 I've got aa old nuilge to vlpe 'ont an* this 'ore's a bloody good ohanoe, it it Un be eotthed hold ofto the right vay." ••Leave that to us. It now wants but alx days to the time of and five timet that will beyottr reward it we kaoceed,' ••All rtghtl yerhonoit—mum's tUb voM-^ood nightt 'To- 'iBOROw, at elgiit pnnolaalt'^ and 8am ItolshlnalUa pot strolled Itunrdy ototi ahottly tttemrdt foUowtd by Hit strangers who, 4^gthttr wayttttlght totht' UiTT,\tKmt ivMand w«m MoaianeirTotk. Asia usual on snob oooaslons, there waa a goodly.attandanoe of rowdttej thieves, and plckpookals, all more or teaa intent upon pursuing their avocations; and among them were Jemmy •■the Gent" and a few of his eeleot friends In the same Itoe of busl- nass. The . excitement during the first raoe jvos at its height when a tall, elderly gent, our old acquatntanoe, OoL French, wheeled sharply round, and selling a iblld-looklng youth by the' Dollar charged him with abetracttog his. pocket-book. Many of the bystanders proposed lynching him at onoe by hanging him up to ftoht of the Qrahd Stand, aa a warning to evll-doen>.; but this was overruled as being rather a dangerous frecednili' A' poUoeman, of oonrse, waa not tO'lie found (the two who were de- tailed for duQr having Importait buelnees .In a rttreshment tent with two lady friends of tholra, balling' from the vicliilty of Otoad street), and he waa therefore tearched on theepotbya oonple of gentlemen; but nothing being found on him but an old theatre oneck, a few oents, and a cotton handkerchief, ho waa permitted to leave, protesting, with tears In his eyes, his sntlre umooenoe. And reslly Innocent he was, the real operator. Jemmy, tacaptog to the confuslonj In tbe oonrse of the after, noon the pookethook wu picked up, mtous sny funds It may have contained, by Jobson, a detective; who, with praiseworthy seal, to make hbnself master, as It were, of the situation, at the earlleat opportunity oarefully perused every scrap of paper he foand on it. He knew veiy well by the superscription on one or two notes who wae'the owner. Col. Ft«nch was a man of some reputation, but then it was requisite that every thtog should be oareltilly noied, for was bo not reaponalble for It now that It was in hla hands ? One epistle puzzled him considerably, because it was written In a foreign language. The New York police, as a general thing, are not very celebrated as llogulsis, nor for their style of Uuguage, Thtre were only two word* he could make outisnd theae were "UdUe, Herbert," The'•Madamol- aelle" he couldn't make m'uoh of; bQt to oonneoUon with the HeHMtt;" it was auffloient to Itx his' attention. 'Visions of dUcs ot ••gieetabaaks" t>egan to float before- his eyes, tbe proceeds of the reward for the discovery ol that young lady; and jobson hur- ried home in a high fever of expectancy. But a fresh cause of 'ixily arose; ho must have the note iraGalated. But who he tai ortruattodolt? It he took It to any one, might they not appropriate the information to themselves, give him a iUae reading, and forestall him to his plsns? The note wss signed "L, B.," but who was he, or she ? Six honrs spent over the B-'s in the directory left bun as much in the dark as ever. At last a luoky thought struck htm, he rushed to a book store and Invested In an immense French and lagllsb and BngUah and French dictionary; and after a hard nigbt's work dIacoverM' that that "Hd'Ue" meant Hiss. Well, this was at lOBtt ao fkr aallslhotory, "Ulss Herbert" was plain enouKb, and that waa all; so he resorted to tho. directory sgaln, uia at last dliooveted a ••Lemuel Buokmaater, Centre street?' Off he start- ed for this loosllty, and found that that indlridual, tho respecta. bla proprietor ot an Mtabltshmentfor reseaitoa oanebottom chairs, had shtifBed olrhls mortal cell some months l>efore, .and was quietly reposing In Oteenwood Cemetery, where be thought it woold be bsidly worth while to tNoble Urn. Jobson waa now fidtV beat and Jbsffled. .What, on earth ahould he^t Joesoa WM mad—at the note, at the writer, with UmMlt eveni body and eTerythtoS;whkt«lth' bit ttntallzbig trials, ihd tte Hoequlto, Ff am, Thought Falcon, Eat«, Petrel, ant^tbe Ada;,tL_, Foain and Falcon, ho'wevor, did not oouiast th? race. ThesaU* ',, lug ot all the yachts Is spoken ot as very Ane toi spirited, anA ell were skilfally handled'by their commanders. The 'flnt ebw cup was won by tbe Petrel, W. llare, Esq., the s4oond, by tte- - Ada.Col;Langley,lethBegt ' ' 1 .. > The humorous part ot the/d< wu fnralshed by a band ot modb .1 minstrels, oostomed to an exoees of ridloulouenesa, ftom theSUv. Nile; and a greased pig chase, and pole climbing, with more IhM) ., SOcompeUton. The festirillea were w.ound up in the evantqig,' by a gnhd Inatrunental oonoe'rt 'to'the Hortlcaltnral Soolsty**- , Qarden, and a display ot flreworks. The weather wasnotalt»'' ■■ gether, of the most propitious character, the monitog .espepUUs opening with heavy abowere; a fla'A breeze,' sear nooa, oleaWag . - them sway; and the evtotog, again, beUgdamp and.cooL Row- ever, multitudes'turned out and'witnessed'and enjoyed't&*' sports with a kee n relish. '* Tbe Lixist Lova Lxttkb.- The.itoIlinvlng'aenitoieDial'loie'," letter, was picked up b; one of our soldiery on ,a weptfrnihalAK field. After a little study'fonnd that Itjaecei^da.lmc' poetry, inspired no doabi; hy'^a ar^or' of Ike f^ writer**, ' -•footiohB:—' --.■.)■...-■';. ■. .'''''"'.' ' IlAiiiiiBOit, Arkansas, ' ::. ..'Co, ot HSdnSODS, .'f .i : lIiDEaa HI lev Hi Dearest Dear)lt Is with great pressure tnat':3 I take the pleasure of writinR.yiiiia fow sweet lines Ifeel at a loakr to know how to explain iny love to yon 1 love yon ao ^pM O whit„ shall I do the girls all'thlnks lo irnich of'yen that 1 dont no hs^ - ly what to do tha are alwalsia'SooUn about i am s»tratd tha wlltv out me out the roses red the see is deep god knows 1 sum to iaamj the whedley wheat i bad e Wtle pig hla waa duble, Jototed O y«», II i dont git dleappolntfd trie aa the appose g^oWa on the tree f: will have you and i no you will have ale the time t think aoldtfi to tarry before me and you^ marry.oomealong my aweet be^ ,, dont be alarmed pap aes be vvIU glv,us a tkrm pap he has. got a., hsep of sheep ana fn your' anni i nb'l will sleep 0 god what »' happy time i am youimand yauaremtoelwonldtlitokhlta0tv amies for yon to send me a hug ond a kiss and when we many yon may me sis and when Jeff Davis bloea the peace timnpe* ford god how we will humpet so no more at present Ml ko«-.r bless you and that will do ay band Is sad my pen la badwM»f you get home i will Jdmp Ilk, d«l good bj^jj^ h DKro 'l--^' to JoHH B Obxxk the slds of a Uss ' ' > 1,.' x; _ ■■. . Ji .1 •■1: A POEB BT THB BABOHBSa- - As time doth change; ''- ' ' SomyPtloesXower,' ---i -ft:'i:'.-' -!.'.': They are aot^^e same, !.-.;,..„• -iffix-.tYrs , . AiJtol>a|«o«T«ifc-., AnoDT Bo.~Aii Irisbman' attendtog a Qnaker lieeUBg haatA.e-''> . ycong Friendmske the fqllo.wlng annonitoement:-H ;> i: .< > moiy •'Brethren' and slsten.I fm going to mariy. a daughter of tm^^, Lord." ' '■'•' '■'.'. '■•-'^ - ■ ' - ••Ooh, 'ny«are," said Tati ••tUlh an'be jabeis/an' ltnilias-'^- loDg Ume afore ye'U see yer At^ec4ivUwrf - r : ' •■ .■'■■>^k Thb SoaobufisriB lir OFfioK.--^ttk\radllfonjd.<oho<^^ has been abroad for a long time; but at last bss btonght up •» »>oY vortUble officeholder to BaugerUes, His lalest effoit waste- Issue an offloUl notice foAlddilSB the dwellets-In that bpionsh ••to bathe or awim (in a iKinl state) In tha publlo waters.' ........ \ :,r.;.vlH-a,'-- . Wbax •'BoOooDnio'* Hciii&—When Blahop W o om te W j iWM Inoumbent ot.Cheetarford, heOBoe .aakeda aobool ald<.f*Whafcn> do yon neap by succortog your father and motliAr?74 .r<^<lnn|c v on on'em milk I" waa the reply. ' v'^n.' i-."<i/:i 'iir ih- m - 7nj.-.'._n .i'ii''->^ toxifattog dnnk, see ou Inelde." new oonnterfeti otia shield" iMtis^itof. ituMt say* the vignette la "A ftmal* taUt oaea J sgert dl" Her petition must be Tsryancomfgilabls tad \ ,.^.,t.. i I. »('-' S'.rNi-i-toM-; v I.,:-•■•) ^ll1'^.^!•'»<l'"o^(l