New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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i 194 i4 r NEW YORK OLIPPEB. 8AT17BDAT, OCTOBER 3, IMS. HDMUunn-^tlt U'aM Utocturr to txn th« uoil nam' , flnU 01 .comet, bujjo, gultor or (Mitame can tm^ be obtained flfom theprtr*** wMflrobo. r9oii> aoMUosi but by »ppBc»Uon to the V. B. Ortlbenoe «*2!M/»rmOTa^crfime M« Ubor utterly Jnoonitotent laaflfiur be inbjeoted. ti wonMbe aonWol If •J* <*?2!2Srf •eMJiafptlnato impetttbelnroniutlaD,M ft men Better of MiioiUr. Jii! l«j*:ur;BoraentoiJn. % 'r7Z%f^^i»^^A'S^^ Wbether ■oldlert wbo here eali«tc<l for three ystn ot the w»r, Xm^lZdi^Aed et the «»!'»«<"».'i'^ SH^V^ita ,MU fteldby iometSitthey erellebtoftelooguthewertaito, wbUe Sjta oAnind tbtt their okonot be held beyond the three jnxt. IttTintM peSfc wUbftTo to beiettledby "ttijehoiieet afee^udbU'^tlfeif. . fi'.iSSi^ —ain. VcOIellen li sot in the fieldJqit now; he ^ibedBoobiDnKod ilDcebe vita ordered to "ftentoa, altar 'WtaBlofftlie kettle or An^etam.tnd drlTlnsLee'e armroutof VurSndT' It la only a wander to nithat Oen. Meade ba* not AMlnllfTed In like manner, after baatlna the rebel* at Oettya- innr, aqil aoBpelllni •'otou. orer^'again. . seadlsg, Pa.—L We know Tery few of our adrettlten Benonelly. iKnoe we are astble to andone their obaraeterfor GmtM, VUloanthepirty'aattentleatothematterihoweTfr. ;Vaian1tw«nld be well (or yonr fHend to write to Mr. Wateon MalB^ S. Tonr oompUmentary remarka have awaUed onr bomp 3eelfeetaem"aboQta(eet" J.'^k. Alexandria, Ya.-! If A cofald ahow ''a fbll" hewu mmitS to the itakes, no matter what part of hia hand he may kan^preTlonUy called, a. The ksaie of thetmmpniltlBthe keaflmdltneard. S..InenltlngfordealatAlIFonta,tbe]oweBt, the ace being the loweet card, CQBp^ O^iOidcheater. liL—1. Frank Lealle did print and pnb- Bahji -i*per in I^ndon at the tune of the Fanborongh Fl {ht S. tlwViiXn* newapaper* who had reporter* Ihtretrom Ola d^. *o that paper waa not the only one. Erenbody too^that we aent a reporter expreaily for the OuFPin. Ci'S.' 0., Ogdenahnrgh, M. T.—Tonr eatlmate of the orioket jaatklf at Preaoott, and ue daloa ot the Hapla Leaf Chib, agree* <«lih oar own. They mnit defeat a raoperv leleoted Amerioan ■ jtiTtaHe Beren befbre their daim wul hold good. 0.'O.VWaahbigloa D. OL—J. 0. Heedln la married, the name «r the lady'be&ig SarsStoTenj. They are UTlng at Brighton, Mi^'at pK^eirt. Uln Sterena la an aotre**, and performed in -ttdajjtt;^ • year or two ago.' XBm) Reirark, K. J.—Bet yonr money on the man of yonr •m4b«loe;,were we to advlae yon we ahonld lay oniMlrea open •o4w$b*rgeof partiality. For tbalrtaaon we never bet onr •wn Dooey or that of "any other nan." L.'AV man doe* notlofa a prl^ batlteihroaghbetDg f«i»wifcrf oaldde of the iopee.vtIf he TolontarHy get* oat, how. •re^hefore the referee** final deoialon I* rendered, he doc* Agfrit; OUeago.—Bamdl he* beaten Ward In a three and a flTe ■lla,ihue, and ward hie retained the oompUment In a five m&e IMK" Bead the Olitpkb. Two-iUD.A-Hiiv, Albaoy.^Andy Fay and Jo*h Ward were vnableto oometo.tarma.andthefOmer'a moneyhaabeenre- tenwdtohlm.. T. B. B., Honidal«i'Fa.—At dondnoea a player may aak the foeitlon In regard to who played the bat piece, bnthla opponent* maj do M they pleaie ahont replying. <1.,W, 'V.: Ban Itanobco.—In playlag "fleren-ap" If in dealing fbe iwqie anlt la toned np ao frequently that the card* run oa^ 4h^ ahonld bo bonohed and a new ^eal follow. B,:0.' H.-Toa are not very eipUott, bat if we ondenlaad yon ■light, 0 ahonld play hla hud out, and the next deal fdl to hi* MthiodiNlghbor aa nauaL BnHnoHm Eoveb, Toronto.—A* yon wm hare obaerred, SiBt branoh of aport* hu been dlioarded bom the Olzfteb for L—Johnny. Walker never, fought faok fonea of He onoe fought and defeated a William JTonse, OoioRMX BusEB, (Mnolsnatl—Eiah and every mtmber of a ■look roompany baa a Hxed ealary. Bopemomerarlea are paid ■ thepeitnmance. ni^niiB J,' a.,'Boaton.—The gentleman yon tsqulre-after la ' "arini'ftkdKd to the aame eetabUehment, hot it ia now oaUed the ■jre*Toik.Theit»e, ■ CtLiii. JDL-Ben Oannt and Bob. Oaont were both in thli ■uuiuiiy ; Ben never fought a'pilze fight here, but Bob ma tna^ in a match with Yankee BnlUvan.' J.;I>. iR.| Baaton.—Tonr versee are patrlotlo, but' ulde from fharare not of anfllalantnierlt to be worthy of pnbUoaHon. ^tia> flOBwaiBxs, Ohiaago.—7oar quesUon involvee private aatttM wUh wUoh we'have no oonoern.; afe ia' CiAP, Chicago.—We have no data by irhlohtoaniwer ^gfiB qoeation. BtnaoaiBiB, Worceater,—We know nothing of either of the V. X."* jqaieferto, - J,''A(a\Oorintb, IIlM;—We have called Ur. W. O.Wemy**' ■ttentloB ta yonr letter. Huue. 'OMeago.-1. Uona. Blosdin went to Europe in Feb- anary/liai. a. BlawlfelaatUlUvlig. W. B., Fhlladelphla.-It wu In lelB that the fiiatateamer (haAUanUo. I. W.,Loul*vlIle,Sy.—High and low count before Jack, «x- «q( when the latter 1* turned up,-and then It la aoored at onoe. flaiadmui.—A end B could hold 0 reiponalble (Or hi* share «(the loeae* only. - J^B.'B., Hew. Tork.—A* the caie weighed 60 Ibe., and more, tJi^l'pterg^ffm, V, 0.—We. regret belsg nnabia to give yon .XlUott 1* "only, nineteen OonxuTBxioxB, Portland,- BfcWerry Bryant'* death took flea*Vctidaymorning,-April'B,I8<L - i..: Illzb %lBilUiti,'^<)bitro','ifaaa-4Ve hai^e not on hand an the <iK6d7CLVB8,Phliadeipbia.—ne'piirtywhorebfgg^ moat ■Dffer^ aod each of hla opponents may eoore one point B, p. P., Ohlcaga—1. Edwin Booth and J. Wllkea Booth are tMlfaer*, '3. We are not aware of the lady being married. ITaioK, B<)*ton.7-niree denee* %i]lbeat'the higheai two pair. Tlfanut, .Hprfoikiiya.—Bend elongtiieltemBandcarfadevWe. S.'Oj IiSvias,iao. F„ Waahlogton, Bj a-Out of print. KZimB.'B.;Pbanixvllle.—The tbrM'e^ rake the pile. ^'ijf,^, ^eV:.Tork.V8ee answer to' Patrldk B. B, . -tit'Di EBHOB^-We have a Waahisgton letter lor yon. >e't|l,'H/T^^We know of no aiioh parson In this olty. i;Jn^,l!^ii'ii|pn|.k^ '<bia4K,;ZtawHkTen.—Tan.'0. E. Jt(f'.ii)rt '.• j&aniUPAV' BOVUiIHO oh^jifionbiiip. Ue Ul 'llivDHkttl gifeitlon,' whether Joshna.'Ward, of Mew- Aaigh, will retain the pnnd titie'of Champion BiuIIer of Amerl- ■k inafivemUe race, or whether James Hamlll, of PHtsburgh^ «ffl wrest It from him, 1*, or vra* to have been ileolded thla day, Jtoaday, Beptembar 28th, at Ponghkeepale, K. Y„ providing the 'Sonne ahall have been aolBolently smooth fbr anoh a oonteat, ■Aa«r u can be Judged, by the state of the wekiher in Hew Fork, Aadayaadoonitehaabeenall that heart oonld wiah, the aky :Msg:«l*V>.iha almoaphare oool, and the gentlest of breeze* *am about doe We«t, prevalUng,*o that theooniiM muat have (>*wShnslldt«fMb7tha preol(ltouihllUi on the wealern aide «rilM.rinr. 'iA*theiMoe take* place on the day of going to Sra**, we are nnable to give • report In full nnlU our next laaue, .t>Afi^ff^Mf)ig,^pgt»mttojami ipsolal reporter give* the " " labrwUehitwlU be seen that Ill J-'' PoDotattiFan. Sept 9«lh, 18SS, THB FOGUiIBTIO CONTBHT UF THB AGH. , i . / « f BSJUTMT AifP siirff. 1^ -J : ; r f'lia Wa^, n> a eertaln Al^t, oianliaioiii thaimportntteatch now progreealng In Bggland ^tween John 0. Beenan and Tom JIlng,-.bnt-a*.'ths .tjm*'te--tho lettlemesfcot-tU*. extraordinary pogiUallooonteat draw* near, thelnt^mrtlnltgradudly^inoreu^ and the latest new* Is now anxiously Mught firlly'lbbaa kvi r^ member thegrett'atngpibetwatn'Heenanaadlsyara^atXam. lM*oagb, and who predict even a tougher conflict In December. It ibonld be borne In mind that the Heenan and Slag match la HM for the championship ofiUtland; neither la it (or the oham. plon'a belt. It Is a mat^^ ian thoi)und dollars, the largest atae ever fought (brln/tb*. British prfse ring: the only fight tUt ever took place (t» s^ a^ large' anwunt was that between Hier and Bnllivan, Is ita^Jaiid.'^ln 18401 anoh a aUke has never btln fought for in Bogliud; aud,,the approaching engagement vrlil betheaecond time, iii^^Whife, that the baUle money hu reached snoh an extntordlnary flgpre. On the lotb of Septem- ber, another deposit of «0 a aide was mad^ in accordance with the arUolea of agreement, iad aUke aom, no doubt, was posted OS'the Mth of Beptaaber.' the match has pIrafNssed so quietly, and ineuch a fHeadly manner on both sld^ tl^t certsin parties in New Tork-who c|onot believe any sporting event to be.gennlne unless tho great- est fose, and noise, end rowdyism are 11* aecompanlmenta-havo isalnualed that the great match of Heenan against EIng is bogus, humbug, and aU that sort of thing. Those parllea 'taownot whereof thoy speak;'.' they ar* Aeslrous of oreaUng the Impres. slJn that they are the Blr Orsclee of sportlBg mstlors, and that without their confidence and assistance, no event can be gtnulne. If they are happy in such belief, let them rtmaln so; they oin injure no one but themselves. That the match Is genuine, ad. mila of not the ellghtert doubt; if it were otherwise, we should have bean advised of It long since, for onr sources of public and private information are wideepread and tellable, and our readers know that the Ouma would be the first to denounce the fraud, were the match other.ihan it porporta tobe'. ' Should both men enter the ring, in Oeoember In good health, we may look for seWs of a terrifio battle. 'Heenan waa not pre sent at the Ooss and Uaoe fight; he porposed going there, bnt his (tlendethooght It would be imprudent, and as .there was a large portion of the stake* already np, he ooneluded not to throw a cbanoe away, and so he remained at home. ' Be Is at Brighton, where he baa a private house, where he resides with his wife, end where he will leave her while he la training; he has been bathing and doing a little work, and never felt better. He will commence his regnlsr training on the 1st of Ootober, at Hewmarkat, and wiU thenceforward continlie his work until the day fixed for the eenteetisresohed. Heltherls Elngldle: hehasslsobeendoing s Utile work preparatory to entering upon the severe labor Inol- destal to a thorough training. Where he will take "up bis quar- ters, wehaTenot beaninforrned; his friends sre paying every attention to hla interests, and It will be no fSnlt of theli*. If he ia not up to'the desired mark In December. ' Uace. wis see. Intimates a desire to fight the winner In the forthcoming toumay, and If he doea not change hla mind when that affair oomes off It Is probable that his vrish maybe gratified, although we have no authority for making. each announcement In the meantime, the Ouppkb will endeavor to give It* reader* thJ earliest and most reliable news coneemiig the progreu of the great pngUlsUo match of the age. THB IiATEST FORBIOH BFOJEITIRO ITBWS. A short .time before going to press, we received Ister fcrelgo sporting intelligence, the substance of wbloh we here append. A OaLUMT Hill took place on Sept 161b, for £200, between the two light weights, Peter If orris and HorrlsBoberts. They fought 31 rounds in the first ring and It in the second (A in all) when the refaree decided in favor of Peter Uorrls, because, altar repeated wamlsg*, Bobert* fen on hi* knee* deliberately. The fight lasted two hours and 41 minutes BmTH asD Buboess fooght on the Ulhot September for £2S a etde. Smith won In 11 rounds, oooupylsg 53 minutee Toma Nun am Tomn fought in the same ring aa Smith and Burgees for £10, I Eamnio Thb Lists,— Johnny BoU and the "Nephew of his 2ncU" have beeiiTery tas^ ever iilnce the Boutham rebellion iminsnded, bolh'ps^es taking aldis with the letwls, and ''act., Ing towards the North in a very "sassy" and ^belligerent" mas. n»r.:--Bnasto n oi t seem*.desirousof having>hand Inthetun; asdipnMto.tUsgaa.^ttto more, even, proposes to show that '"tW()oiJoile'^side'siut fklr,''tiy'tAiDkIlsg one of tbe"coofed' erates,!V.Xblsgsbegtn-to look Uvaly.asS It is possible that there may be a free fight aU aronnd before "this omel war It over.;! Tbb WmoHisnB ClODimr Adnian^nnLiL Fais wns held at Tonkers, Isat week,«a moOeihtta^wdl attended, Wewere preaent on Wedne*day,°'4lie 9Sd. and were graUfied with the eight of acme first class specimens: of ^ the,,equlne, bovine and porcine spedea of the anlfnal Usgdom. The other departmesis having been delayed In lhalc preparttlba 6j the equinoctial atorm, and the dUBonlty experienced in,getllng laborers to fix things, we found but little to Interest us, exeepting some fine specimens of grapes amd pear*. We have no doubt, however, that everythisgwasshlp-sbape on the remaining days of the (Ur. strike. BALiL PLAY. A OBAND MATCH AT HOBOKBN. Atladtio vs. Htttual—The DbooutrClob Tiotobs. Thb eonteete lor the Onamplonohip are rapidly being narrowed down to the laet game of the season, there now being but two or three to b< played to settle the question for this year. The third and test game ofthe home and home eerlea between the Atlantic and Uutual clubs came off on the enolaaed grounds of the St iMirige Cricket Club, an admiaslon fee ol ten cents being charged on the occasion, the proceeda going to Harry Wrltht for his bru- eflt, In Ueu of smatcli between New Fork and Brooklyn, which the rain of the previous week hsd prevented, A nnmerousaa- eemblage was present, there being at least twothonrand. The St 'Oeorge' cii&ket ground, with Ite smooth and level tnrfy field, la admlriDly adapted for baU play as far a* the In-flddlng la concerned; bat the aloping of the outer field playa the mlachlef 41th caloulatlosa for auaklng catchea or alopping hard hit balls. Had the home bate. In this game been low, some fifty feet nearer the etcne wall, and more in front of the olnb house than it wss, a better out field would have been afforded the players. Ae It was, the right field was made a capital place to hit balla in order to make third and home basse on. It wss 2 P. U. before the game waa commenced, the delay be- ing caused by the absence of one or two of the Mutual nine, who ehould certainly have made some effort to be present In time on this all-lfflportant occasion. In ooniequenoe of the dilatory action ofthe absentees, the Mutuals were.obUged to go Into the oonteet with a team lee* efficient as a whole than any they have played against the Atlantic or Eckford oluba thla aesaon. Beard, Molt, and Hunt were not on hand In lime, and consequently leis effective players had to be aubaUtnted, allhongh Dewey'e play was Just aa good aa that of any one that would have taken hi* place. At 2:6 P, V. the Mutual* went to the bat. Brown being the first to face the pitching of Chapman. Every man of the Atlantic nine on thi* oooaiioa^waa the right man in the right place. Brown wa* the first vloUm, Anaoo Taylor being the second. Wanstey, however, marked hi* batting with a eplendld hit to left field which Price failed to attend to, Wanaley miking a home ran In oonseqaence, amldat the loudest kind of cheers of the Uutusl crowd. MoEeverfoIIawed.wllhahlttoObapman, who took the baU weU on the bound, one run being the result of the Innings play. It waa now the Atlantlo'a turn to bat, and aU were on the qui tin to see how they would ^en play. A good dlsposlHon was msde of the Mnious In the field, save In the Instance of Ooldls. HIS place is either at centre or left fieU, and CampbeU atlat base, for Ooldle 1* the beet fielder in the ohib, and Canpbtll st- tendatO'IatbasaaaweUaelaneadfOI. Pearae waa the first striker, and by an error in fieUlog of Ooldle's he ■eoured his 1st base on his hit Smith wss nsxtand a wild throw of UcEever'a gave hlffl bis second; Start followed, and he alao secured his base by a mlsplay. It being evident now that the Mutuals were not In their usual fine irlra for play, their opponents, on the contrary, playlig throughout sslf folly confident of sncceta. Price wu iha next striker, and he hit the ball in the old Atlantic style io left field, eaaily making hla aeoond base on it, and thla being fol. lowed by a fine hit from Crane, Taylor latUng the ball pass bim as Price had done, gave the Atlantlcs four runs. Crane getting to blsSd base by his bit Joe Oliver followed Orane'e example, and by good mniilng reached home before the ball, six runs be- ing recorded for the Atlantlcs and "nary an out" Chapman wis next, end he was well put out at lit bue by HcUihon and QoldIe,the former first missing ths ball on the bound. Buna were altetwaids mode by Pratt Oalvln, Smith—he gcttloga dean home run firom a splendid hit to left field—Start Price, Crane, and Joe Oliver, both of the latter getting home luni Item gcod hits to right and centre fields, the Uat named alxplayers, Inotud Hliey won la, 21 rounds, lasting 82 mtnut4s A Qbsix Ing Pearoe, having two chances each at the bat Pearoebelnga Bnou Wicxn Obickr Ua'roH by Tom Lochyer and Tom SeweU agabistthe threebrothecs Paynewu played at Oroy. don, on the nth and 16th of deptember, which the latter wcb by:two wickets, tarn Tm OHmnoiieBiP Oup waa again rowed for, on September ISlh, by Chambers and Eelley, Cooper deoUn, log to taiks a band In, he having taken legal proceedings to es, force his claim. In thls laat race Ohambera wu declared winner although Eitnejr lodged a claim of foul agalnat Chambers. It looks to us'ss though Qhsmbers wu to win anyhow The above Is all the news of Interest to CuFPzaresden. We regret being unable to give the details ofthe Morris and Boberts fight In fbn, bnt u they would displace some three columns of equally or more Impcrtent matter, we axe compeUed to reserve them fo* onr next issue. svwuBm^Mrus. OQ|,h dOHMt IWKf, «Haniinwonhasdsom*Ir, Judges time—tUrty^eves minutes .autralght seoondai ' B«ftMe'ib'ame.^-thlrty-«lght minutee fir- .M«l6raiu,'< JeeOabartl'ieteda* t«hree.'' . ™"<"« u aiA''IBkiM*0 Oiprm k*ys;—"Bafflai wM the Victor In thlrty- '«svaa minutes flf^-fiveseconds, bttUbie'WardaukHehtl" We teftain from comment until farther advised. h: <'II, }"y .'I ■ ■■ . . ■ ■; -..1, I. ., .1 torn OUTCoit iSD jAOK'Hou'a Rioi 'Otn.^Owlng to a sodded OTdsr for the 8d New Jersey B<glmliiit'<o'"dIt up and gtt" and Msreta on, the footrace between tliesa-two Mdler boys is off, so tkali<dl b6ts%lUhsvie -to .be drawot ' IMrtM toron M some ■ AdlMtlne,"'' iI.. T1.'I <■{ l,ij:.,t'i( • ; . ;• f;,:! ; ,1 ■, . . , Two BiTUEVXB SodfiT A BiAOAiir.—Ur, Jake Booi^'bf BY' -Veroer atreat hu a ooople of UrA'-colored retriever pups, seven ■lonth*' old, bred firom I,ord Derby'* celebrated dog, Daih. All Vtrtlonlan, with p«dlgree, et«., nay be learned a* above. The AKzmoiii BnjJins Obamfiorsbif.— The time for de- ddlng whether John Seerdter, of Detroit can wrest the proud title of ••BUllard Champion of America" from Dudley Eavansgh, of jnew Tork, is almost here, and the third Issue of the Oupfib af^ the present, win, bar acddent, contain the result and par- Uoblsrs, The antecedents of both men have been so frequently poblisbed by ui; that our readers must be pretty wen posted in regard to thdr reipoctlve capabintlks with the one by this time. Tljeflict that Eavansgh Is the reigning monarch of the blUlard world gives a aUght call in his tnor In betting drdes; but be- es^ of that It must not be set do vnu a sure thing that hels to Win, In regsrd to Seerdter, we learn. Indirectly, that he la getting wonderfully weU up In bjs parl^ and wlU be able, on the evening of October 18th, to give ibivanagh the cue In the most spptoved style. He keeps shrewdly quiet, however, shout his achievements, and we have heard Uttte or nothing aboat iboae maryeilondy large counta that have been herdded aa uttjuiahers byithe Mends of former aspirants to oue.rlcas honors. This CD(^Mtyis Minmend^le,'and glres an' idea of strength rather than wf ikness. Eavianagh Is porsulhg the same wlss course, and at his bllllard palace, on the comer of Broadway and Tenth elreet, may almoit any evening be seen trying to Improve his dresdy muterly skill In'eieoutlng caroms, slo. Be exhlblia wisdom, too, in net sllowlng his former wdl earned enccesaes to Imbue him with that overweening confidence that Is, in nine cases out of ten, the prelude to dlsuter. The conduct of both men, therefore, leada to the opinion that their forthoomlDg match will be contested in the most determined manner, sod if we mistake not, it wlU prove most Intensdy exciting to specula- tors snlspsctatot*. We look for but .few long counts, u each man, knowing tht shrewdness of his opponent, wUl'risk nothlog for the sake of dlspley; on the .contrary, both will, no. doubt,' play a dose game, and consummate skUl wlU be the feature of tht ianpounter, ' ' I-.- • . BExnpa oS'XHE W^a.—The people of England are a groat betting people, aad everythlsg that engages pobllo attention serves'aa lhe snbjsotforawager, J'uet now they are betUngon events in the American war/tbie taking of Blchmosd and' Votb' Isgton belng the most fluioledi It 1* aatd that large sums of money changed hands, when Tlcksbnrg fdl, the Londonus lay: Ing heavy odd* that the Tankee* would not capture It; the bet- ting gentlemen who feU wIth that stronghold, sre hot so venture. some now1*/thisy have heretofore been, and when they ebsU haVe heard aU the new*' from Ohwieiton,'about the Creek fire, c< defers; It Is probable they win hold up dtogether, - ' "Thi NAX(oi(ai, Bobsi Fan," u It was oalled, wu rather a foul affair, even the weather,optrttlng agdntt Its success. Few perapnf 'knit' anythlog ahoa^t. this "Natlond" show nntU a day or two before, thp opening, tho committee, very unwisely, wlih. h-jUln{fthelrannciuoements^ ud prcgrai^ae until itwu too Ute'to.a^t pntitK; ti^HVofi.. It V** it poorly manageil'slrinr, throughout,'.a>id«o dbilli^ ''.lmsde mnoh expenses" for the "Infia* enitsl gei)Uett(^'''wU^y(dM;lt« iMjeator^. n Vs* not iialt4 m^it^i^llpiyfetii, U'|hi|t''^^ji^,' of Jul; racing meatlsg which the horse cbap got up here In'1841, Ihatuut a bad go. We believe It annihilated the minager, for we have n'ot heard of him itsoe in theee pari*. vlcHm of MoUahon's and Ooldlt'a at lat bue, and Cbapman go* Ing out on a bound Up, well taken by Wantley. Thirteen rune for the Atlantlca waa the result of the tutting In this Inntngi, the totala being 13 to 1 in their favor, Thlsreanltof courae, had an immediate effect on the betting market the backers of the mutuals. In a nujoilty of caaas, put- Uogltdownuabst game for thdr fivorlte dub, though they etm hoped for eomelhlng to turn up. But whan at the dose of the third Innings the totals were shown to be 20 to 8 In favor of the Atlantic nine, i:o doubt of the ultimate result of the match could longer be entertained, and oonicquently betting dmoet csued, except on the result of Individual play at the bat It Is needleu to comment further on the detalla of thla game, anfflce It to uy that the Atlsntloa outfieUed, and certainly outbatted their opponents In nearly every Innings; though In spite of the lead the Atlantlca.bad obtained, the Mnlaala aull fought bravely to the oloee. Of the moat noteworthy Inatoncee of good fiddlsg In the game, we have spedolly to name a splendid fly catch of Crane's, and alio one on the bound by etart; Qolvln, too, took a bound catcti finely In the 8d Innings; Ooldle'e eotlvlty and effect- ive catching In the outer Add was dso similarly pralaeworthy. In batting. Smith led the Atlantic score. Price iMlng second and Calvla third. Orone and Joe OUver marked their batting vrllh two home runs eaoh. On behalf of the matuols, Dewey wu the meet suocesafnl In batting, HoMahon being second, and Brown third, the two latter and Wanaley getting home runs. The MatualSi.ln this gsme, changed the position of their play- ers no Isss than four times, being at leait Inree times too many; the only advantageous changes made being In the cues of Ooldle to thefiddand wansley to pitch, IB runs being scored off McEe- vsr's pitching In this game m lour Icnlnge play. Ur. Penning, ton dlsotasrged the duUu of umpire with thorcogh ImparUaUty. At the cloae of the game Iwth ninee adjourned to the dub house, where they partook of a hot supper provided for them by Harry Wright after which a moot friendly Interchange of senti- ments took'plaoe,lot8.of hearty cheers oIoelDg the proceedings, Wahsyespeoldly to commend both dubs (or their very cred- itable conduct In this Important match* the AtlanUcs for fo^ bearance under the insulting taunta many of their players were auhJeoted to at the hands of the ontalde ronghs, end the Mutaals for the graceful good humor in which they bore their defeat The final result we are glad to leom, liaa been the en- tire reetoratlcn of 'the good feeling that formerly marked the in. tereourse;Dfthese fine dubs. Tho score.— BATrnto. MVTUlb ! Brown, adib 8 8 Taylor, rf...' i 2 Wans]ey,o.. 8 1 McEever,'p; 6 0 UcMshon, 8d b 2 8 Campbell, of 8. 3 Dewey, as 1 4 ZeUer.lf 3 3 Ooldle, let b 4 1 18 Total., Atubtio. h.l. Fesrce, c 6 ~ 3 4 1 3 A 4 4 1 Smith, 8db. Start, lat b.... Price, r f Crane, of OUver, If Chapman, p... Pratt 8 a Oalvln, 2d b... Total., 8 7 4 8 6 4 a 4 0 .43 Bans uiDB ni eaoh nnnvos. 1st 2d 81 4th Dth 6th 7th 8th eth Uutoal.' .....1 3 0 8 0 1 6 8 3-18 Atlantlo.., 18 8 4 4 1 0 4 7 0-43 Umpire—Mr, Pennington, of the Eureka dub, Newark. Hcorers-^Measrt. HoOonneU and Mowlenb Paued baUa—Wanaley, 1; MoMshoo, 6; Brown, 6; Fesrce, 4. Home runF-amlth, 3!'Crane, 2; Joe Oliver, 3; Pratt, 1; Prloe, l-:-totd,. 8. Brovn, 1; Wanaley, 1; MoHahon, 1—total, 8. 'Btrack cnt^OUver,'!; Taylor, 1; Oompball, 1. Put cat on fool balls-^Mamal*, 0 times; Atlantlcs, S time*. Put out at first bste—Mutuals, 6 times: Atlantlca, 7 times. Fly oatchesmsde - Wandeyj 1; Campbell, I; Oolue, 1; Pearos, 2] Chapman, 3; Start, 1; Crane, 1, CatchsSmlaied—MoMshoo,4; Brown, 2; Campbell,!; Taylor, 1: Deweyi I; Pearce, li Joe OUveh 1; Crane, 1.- 'LeKobbues-^Wansley,2; UcEerer,!; MoMahos,!; Zeller, 1; Campbell,!; Pearoo, !;.Price, 1; Crone,!; Chapman, Ij Od- vln',1, ■■ .TUne of game—four hours, Boibiid a' UTsno.—These clubs plsyed their ixit match to. father on the; ball gronnda at e8d street and Sdavenae, Nhw Ork, on Monday, Sept Hat the reenlt iMlng a signal vlctotr for tho Myttlca by a score of 22 to 8 in a quickly played game of nine Innings, .Ihls was the first regular match the BalUce have been engaged ,ln aIno« 1800, and the game, ocnsldorlng.thdr want of practice, wu a very creditable one tc them, for the totals In the score do not give s lair Idea of the match, the Uyatlce only scor- li^nlne'rons after the first innings, the IS they than .obtalsM spolllDg thelopks of the score coneldersbly. The play on bolh rides>JD a majority of the lnnloge,wu very good Indeed, esped. sUy .ihat 6t BaUos, W. Edley, Hanson, and D, Uelley of the Uys- lo«;','Apa, Bates, Andavlese, and Eettlaman of the Bdtlcs, nie liUOilng OD both sides, toe, wu effective. In batting, W. Seller fd thb'^toore on'the wlbnlbg side, De Forest, EetUeman and Bates being the only players that scored runs on the Bsltlc side. We notloed that the umpire, though he gave sstlsfaolcry de- olalons in nearly every case, fdled in one Instanae—in coUlog a baulk on the pitcher when the striker wu not Is a position to We observed, also, that Balnea made motions with hi. bat to bamk the oatoher In taking baUa firom the pitcher whL^' pUyerWMa oh his base, thla atyle of pUy rendering Halnoa ulki! to be glvta but under the rale which forbids sny one hlndeHn> a plajer iKm fidding the boU, As long u the movement nS^ la oJagltlmataefibrt to strike, or tor-"" " ' ' ralF^. butnot at Hathea did frequently reaorted to without 1 other olroumatance worthy of tsmtrk wm &iat'6rthe'ainDlM calling a foul baU when the ball' glanced from the striker's bit withcat any effort being made to strike. The rule makea a bdl fool wben nom "a itnkt^tfOit W II hits the ground behind Us llneof tliebMU, Now when a player hita the ball with the bit la an effort to avoid It, It Ii Just M much a stroke of the bat ss It' ho had struck at It u far u foul balla aro concerned, and we Iberefore think the deolslon made, In tbia cue, a correct one. We comment thue on thus polnta, for the Inatructlon of yomw pliyarsmalsly.' TheeccreofthegamelsufoUow*:— ^ Baioio. Daforeit c 3 ElngiUnd, 3d b 4 Eetileman, litb 8 Andarlaer, * * 8 Stewart 81b 8 Estei,lf. 3 Former, p....' 8 Bash, of 8 White, r f 3 BATTDO, B.L. BUNS Total., Mxsno. H.L, BDn T Eelley, 2d b 3 t W Eelley, 0 0 i USSBon, 3db S 1 Haines, as 3 s Gray, If 6 3 WlUlama, p 4 j BeynoM*,rf 4 s D Eelley, Utb 3 3 Bridge, at 8 3 Totd., BUB* ICtDB IH EAOH unnKOB. let 3d Sd 4th 6th Olh 7th 8th Slh Bdtio 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0-8. Myitlo IB 0 1 0 8 8 2 0 0-a^ XTmpIre—Mr. T. Ddtcn/ of the Henry Eckford dub. Scorer*—Mesars, Bolln aad Wdah. Passed bdls—Andarlese, 10; Deforest, 6; W EeUey, X Struck ont.lWllUams,' 1; Oray, 1. Ran out—T EeUey, by Eettleman, Put cut.on foul baUa—Myatlcs, 8 times; BdHca, 8 tinee. Pat out at first'base—Mystics, 8 times; Bdtloa, »'tlmas. Fly catches made—Asdtrlue, 8; Rtewert 3; Fortner, is Elom. kod, 1; Bosh, 1—total, 9. Beynolds, 1; Haines, 1; WUUsms, a- W Eelley, 1-total, a. Catches missed—Williams, 1; Bridge, I; Andarlese, 2; Defer* est,l; Fortner, 3; Bceh, 1; Whlta, 1. Time of game—two hour* and twenty.flve minutes. EiCBLSioB Ts Newabx— These dobs played their return game, at Bomb Brooklyn, on the 2Sd of Beptembar, wben another vlo. tcry for the Excelalors ensued, by a ecore of ID to 17. Neither dub waa out in ita etroDglh, but the sides were tolerably equal. For Newark we have to ipeak favorably ofthe play of Mills, Oebome, Bnokley, Eaton, Btackman, and Lewla, the field- ing of Eaton, at third base, and Mllla, at flrat baae, bislng espe- oldly good. In batting. Baton took the lead, Coleman being sebindl Osborne and Lewis made fine hIta, on which home runs were msde. On the Excelsior side, the pUy of the two Braln- orli and of Flanly and WhlUogwere the moit noteworthy In- ataoces of good fidding. Cole,- at short field, too, played re. maikably wdl, condderlng hta long abaence from baae baU pliy. In batting, the Bralnards and CUne were the moot succeaato], 'H. Bralnard getting a dear home ran Iroma fine hit In the eighth Innings. Mr. Chapman ably acted u umpire, giving his deds. ions promptly and impartldly. Of courae the Newarkers were the reclDlenta of the usud hospltaUtlee extended to their gnetta by the lll>erd Excelsiors, and. In aplte of their defeat esjojed the very pleoaant game they had with their gentlemanly oppo- nents. The eoore:— BATl'lNO. EXCELSIOB. E.Ik BtmS Whiting, 1st b 3 3 Laigley, r f 8 H Bralnard,o 3 3fasters,8db 4 A Brdnard, p 3 OUoe, If 3 TouDg, of S Oole, s s A Flanly, 2d b 8 Total 3 S 1 S a I a 9 .19 H.L. xum ..6 0 Newabe. HUIs,lstb .... Tbome,of 8 1 Osborne, 0 4 1 Lewlclf 3 3 TerreU,2db 8 3 Coleman, r f 2 3 Eaton, 8d b 1 4 Buwkton, sa 8 1 Buckley, p 2 3 Total 17 BOMS HABK Dl KACS nnilKGS. 1st 2d 3d 4lh 6th 6lh 7lh Slh Oth Excelsior 0 7 1 3 6 3 0 3 6-19 Newark 0 4 1 8 3 0 0 4 3-ir Fbade Queek B. B. C. 'VS. SnTAM.—The last game of the lea- eon between these Albany dnbs wu played on Sept 17th, when the F. Q's were again vlctcrlcai-they have only lest one gime oat of six during the aeiaon. Backlngham, Prealey, and (food, dlsdngulabed themselves for the P. Q.'s—Hunt sod Statr, being equally good on the part of the Sylvans. The score :— BARUia. Fbabk QOEEir. Barton >... -. Presley 4 ConbUn.. Oood '... Buckingham. Wilmurt Sac ford Purdr wmtlow. H.I. BURK ..3 6 4 fi 4 4 1 8 1 S .3 .3 2 8 9 6 8 Stltab. Eont Starr 4 Smith. 3 Waters I Crocker 2 Johnson 4 'Vhdy...| 4 Brtggs 2 'White 1 H.L. BUK^ 8 3 Totd 30 Totd 23 Umpire—Oeo. While, of the Ecne. Bccrara—Mesirs. Starr and Bubbdl. TSE CBAia) AoBiouL'TDBAL Fais Base Ball Wa'tcb,— There- Is to be a Uvdy time of It on the lut day of the Agtlcultnril Fair, now open at Qoahen, Orange County, New 7orK, when a a grand hue boU match, for a allver bdl offdred by the Society, between the Hudson Blver olnV, of Nowburgh, and tho Beiolate club, of Brooklyn, 1* to be played. Babe Ball ir Collxoe.- The baU match at TufU College, Uiis,, recently noticed by us, hu proved the Incentive to snother game. The then victorious Sophs, on this occaalon encountered a nine selected f^om aU the other daaaes, snd in turn had to submit to defeat to the extent of AU CoUege scoring 49 to their 18, only. ORIOKET. Tbe Ootp TEsmiOHiAL.-We are gled to learn that a grand cricket mitch ta litprogreBB of arrangement as a compUmenUry teetlmonid'to the veteran bowler and cricketor, Coyp, whohu been for ao many years sudi an ardent supporter of cricket Fortune now frowns upon him, and u a mere aoknowlodgammt of his services In the Interest of the game, and his wUllngneis at oU times to lend Uls uslstsooe as a cricketer to benefit otheis who havehad testimonials given to them. It Is bat Juitlcethtt a similar mark of esteem sbculd be bestowed on friend Oan>- Ic reference to the manner of arranging this propoaed match, wa vrould beg to offer a few anggcatlons In regttd to the suttJcct one of which Is that «'If 'twere done well 'twere done quickly." An- other suggestion we would put forward. Let two sets of tlokels —with a photograph of Cuyp on one side—be Issued, one st 26 cents and one at a dollar, the latter entltllos the holder tea seat at the dinner table at the dob house. Mors ticteta wocU nfadoubledly be sold In thla way than any other plan that could be adopted. In reference to the aeleotlcn of the elevent, let each of the prominent olutja of New Tork, Brooklyn, and Newark, send three or four of their beet players, and fMm these let elevon be drawn by lot the first dcrcn to be captained by Onyp, and the aoccnd by any one he might sdoct . Or If the drawing by lot be objected to, let Coyp' himself select the ptayer* from the parly of ddegttei eent from the leverd olab*. However, the arrangement of the elevens Is bnt s secondary matter. Lei every man who prcmliea to play depodt SI as surety for bis sppeirince, the same to be forfeited to the benefit fuud it he falls to attend, However nut- ters msy be ar^ged,we trust the tesUmonlal wlU be u pecusli- rlly beneflotal to Coyp u It wlU be compUmentary. OnicxETiHNEW EHOLAm-The asnnal match of tboBostoit _jd LoweU Cricket aobe wu played on the ground of the former at list Cambridge, on the ISIh alt, and wu witnessed by s goodly gathering of Interestad ipsctators.' The Lowell Chib won the toss and sent their opponenU to tin wickets, and before tho lut man wu out 00 hadliees scored, Blsnchsrd and Casbman.Mad- leg In tbe figures,' Enmot and WlUlamswere tbs bowlsison the lowdl tlit, the former tnoceedlng Is toklig four wtckeB. The LoweU gestlenen then took the oat, battne bowUogcf Martin and O'Brien Wu too innoh (Or them, the lut wicket goUR down for a score of 48, ths only double flgores'belsg got b/ MoUhsn. Attsr. dinner'had been partaken of, ibe Boston Olnb commenced their aeoond InnlDga and ran upasooreof U6bT acme splendid ptaylng, Mr. Dnper carrying out hla bat with tM handsome score of 63. Itwuao lata when the last wicket ruu that the LoweU Club oonld not oontinue the play and the ffl'tah was therefore decided on the first Innings, the bsU, the tropby of vlctory^belsg handed to the Boston Club with spproprUis remarks. al! Ah Ibtebbstiho Oni Bdiobed Tabs* Sfik took place, for a side, onHetilember 3td, at Squire FlnUy's Exercising Onnoa, oh the Bloomln'gdde Bead, near 72d atreat, between /amea MBoni ,uioy nearu 11 "ouoa:' ana cwmu" • "T' .^ abylbtagmoilVTUttingonaraUheadofataamandruDDlngalfflcn aide bv side nntU near the Une, when KoOabe, by a pn't/ ■I'.'i^ a ahot ahead and breasted the tope Inat one yard In advance 01 r TcutonlfAmerloan. Of courae, an obJecUonW raised w Prlnty'B frttnda that ths plttol didn't go o£ and with the nlow; ilonchdance,MoCabe replied,.VWs'Uhavstotryagato,FrMfc .The firet hMprored »o \fAtti»Viig « •<»X"^vfftfd?«* Prlnty mIgWtnlllbronghTlie se«nd hesV J" *lV'?Zw» Were doomed to a heavy revetie of luck, for McOabe had ""^S completely in bis own hands, loading «ie 8*"»ni on some six or seven yard*, tbu* winning the race ™""5-oa" the 24tti he caUed at the OurrtB office and reoelved "thorn ««<v.