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N" E'W ^ ^ O R K OlilPPER BAXmUX, ( mBESfsI 1868. § -■.W.B.,HtblHitt(h.-J'AinaBigTWtf.i>lij«g»ineofgn^ ^7Uiownnu'. Aos«qUolt kt ■ tine, B <o fonovjrlibeba UMl iBavad to ihiow both anolU befon AommracMw KEvfl?»^ rfttSm. 1 Mr. Boberte, 79 m Avmm, ^iS^lh 0' oloB»- 8. If not iltogettaf » hTS^ao? SSiilenoe mnoh twnble In getting f, 'MMB-ailul^tafc V'- '''' .- ,>■••<. ■.•■ • Xt ■ (t^temeDt in leguAto the-lu an TtiBM irareoReot kt the tlm^ 15 being tho nm; bnt the LlS>MiU*tM taoh metten r aSeiwti4a vent bMk on bU r^T«n toKr. FheUti, th* Mpreeeotetlve of the committee, jfa^HM aftfiwudi fixedstIU.-'' .Ji^^ ^Ulbmr.-ii nMkei,' tir^iane; U. th« aukrt, a., ■Jfa..'/oomplete olnnbt be had lor' tore or nfooer. Iff, ooniplete ^g&^i 89 ~P6iiaimifiMet, feoeton/ lahafigont-' , jfc^"*. peity <** tonrrtiyoilWiige,' tt'^.i* ; nezl on»plij« • foni„the next f eU, the n«i* »; i^^Uieae&Te,. bUkBe4aenpeoTnotr'...i-lf ^^jt^k^IliA, dileite li not deed, bat itpNamtpMi C.fc-Jlr.'rChiilee.J. B. Hlihar, wee >bofn_to 1801, L JuiBUT soih, 1BI9. 8. A blognph7 Of Vm. Sivldge tetheOurtnMAngutBlh. C!lUBdodi,MeiIoo.-Ve kndw'of noendh P«rtr,tottlj ^■^rSeSwntiele toidTerttae, which no doubtworOd Toii'iiteBtietentpenon.' • i' •We know of no legel WiMOn why jTW wetfd t ai • Biittei of eouteey jon ehoold oeitetnir BHATIOH All f]ria T. ,. Tfl. XOH KIHp.j? a TnimDia. V 'i\ \tM pngUliUc ^trlhenewiec||a Ter7 Urge i£iA'4rirabllo'tttanU( „ Ini4»idtolhJfgre»t 'to ni tfi»* lla eaSFoaL, In Oieet Biltoln. end hj the iportlng fntarnltr IVU looked for .Wvd towl«>,tbe moet intepee lnie«t.YH-M»hM:g«e tatq Oonusluirr OeoenL Unta the ndng leiaon ol«»ei,liewlIi Uke no one «Iie Into hlfi pofrtdHwe,jw»..»rttlW *» laperlntoad hli morementi, «• f*«Ip fnlljr oomp«tent.to olnd hie own bnilneae end gel hlaMKiito jjioper «9iidtileii. To- weidetheeloMot U«toa»iofrpiep*ikthAtn.ttie'd*7 0f bettle, howcTer, that slkTinch friend of his, aa wan u irne hearted ■^ortiman. Jack IIoDonald,wlIl be aieond and inpeilntend mtt- t«n. go that Heenan'a Mtndi may teat esnied that nothing will ■tit neglected that will tond to a raooeaatDl line of hie jaaaage at arms with the Sing of the BiltUh Mm Blng. Kln^taialdtobe Is the beat of health, and haa alao oommenoed >la prellmlnair exercleea to reduce hie aToMapoU, bntwho hU tntor la wehaTe not yet learned. Betting la eltogether ta^faTor of H*enan,i» linoh ao that we fear Itwlilbe difflonltfor hle Mesda to"<et«^ to the extent they wlah. A number of Heenan'a Wendajl^ Mew York, Borton. Philadelphia, any other cltlei, ia^M]^ bLiUng for laigland In Hme to aee "the big fight," M gpr term 1i- bnt the «r»teof exchange" la eoagalnitna that i|toy who Jonld otherwlae be there are oonrttalned to atay to tJWtoJto'a iiminlosa. December SlhUthe^dayappolntod for the«p»g, which win no donbt be made a'hoUdayof by the admfljta* of bbilnglntheBr ltUhMea. | ' ' " >, * ;BaiiiBa.-We cbaerVe that deal«n In akatlng panplfenialla are making preparation* to glw oU 'aok Froet a oordlAwioep- tion, aa are alao thoea who are Ifitareated In akatlsg parU^ It la tobehoped, therefor^ that tbeldlAgentleman will pay inableTlalt,ananotgoback nii altogether, m he iter. Faitlealntaieeted ehtnldget the ear of: the ible, as Hn. Partington oafls.hlm, for jf.J'i^* and Jack are old Bcqnalntanoek. THE RING; JUiliBdnmoiL—L The Ifsneof theOimo oo nt a bilng the Wk of Ben Oaontfiont of print 1 For torma of enbimljitlon ' to Ika Ourhn MS asothat pirt Of this papir,' t K7.^1fi^Ala^te>LD;0.—tonbadbetterleaTefig^t^Dgdohe;!^^ We wonliln't adVlae any Toongfellow to ^Jiti>iiWi5tfipM«TBry other bnslneas has beep tried. ' . bdslphla.—Ibu COarke lsatpreee^tphnlnga short' !^li&U ,otiy. We are not advised of h4 ffitdre e wonld be no points tor game to oonnt imdar ' ' ^i^ Pi) Washington, P. 0.—We oannot reUBn yraia^^ ^^^EnKlkiabi, Bpartai a. W.—tone snbserlpttoS' oplred ^■Wwt«b&,:BsBtmoifc-^he Ws name was formertrW* .jteilfcSaTeapart' She lanowthewldgwot €tenarall«&der.' ^ grv:Oillto,'Portland, Ongon.—TonT letter af;th1ii;(^^ ' j(Ma£''''.51ilili jon.' ^jj^^^^^olMtar, Ky.-;-Tiie sto>f hM.-nat'i)«en pnbUahed liaiiik Jb^ . Datroli— Two potnia are forfeited when a player's 16dI«awlstD the pocket after; a carom' off a red and white balL ' 'K'K'OE.—If A nferted'to 'the dfctloiiary 'alter, the. bet WIS aaU^j^Ma; trbefarf, ])^elrat. ' ]N^cMjr,K.'T.—L'We do'not'nndenland yonr first qnestlon. & ^il^.lUliEM dU mt nil, the bet fhonld be drawn. Bnaxo^As there were mote than the number of flags In the ■it A'iwm'no .matter whether he had preTtonaly oonnted sr aol) ' -' ' ■ * '' [dice;—If a card had been played; the deal ahonld , jf asi'B obaU'dafan hla fleaL^' ,^B|.'licnBis.-r-y(i it'M^iijt .iAe|se4,t9 hear bomow iE3rJwni«steDr,ibakUW4 'cslofl^'^'Ton.tteJnfimiiik^' _j»ttUatlme, . .■ -j . ; x * -i ■" : ■■■ '-■—i. V3if*':^a^i'*it;'!fi>^^^-^f>''' una wereantlblpated. Witfto^wauj.;:;;'■ ' «*<Lnhn M' Tiv»i«w«piiH«— t. Bl^-feet»one and-a-halt 3. For artl- ^eU.Urd'^Qss apply to. J. I^Bode, 16 Jlor^WUUam street.. TiiSh!; PlUabarah,—Bather too stale for ns. .Sorryweoonldn't < AKOTHEB DIBAPPOUrrHENT FOB TBB Fi ... 'l OBABLSr LTNCH AND THE StlOtr TOVl^ ■■ '■It la really dlaoonrsglng to wltneBsthewisnglii8,.sjiubUe8, asd Interferences connected with pugilism In the States...Jloaic*. U a battle oomea off bnt what leaTse a wider gap bet^aen the ispecUve friends of thoee who have to do the flghUng, etwlxg to lUies entlrdr nnlooked tor before they sotully 'nrihgplied. ^ake the flghte between Oon'Oiem and Oeoghegan, Stan asd Ullott, Johnny Lazaros knd Pete Daly, BUI UoOtath snd Tom nJe;—not one ended eatlBhotorlly; and here we hsTe another Uataaee of the uncertainty of all earthly hopes. The promising preplans proapaot of seeing Charley Lynch fight In his own conn- after uokllng all the naA of his weight In a foreign land, added an intoreit to hie matoh with Billy Toal, that nothing else oonld. Lynch didn't oome home with tho ihtentlon of flghttug, bnt they wouldn't let blm rest—fliat, one ohallenglng him. Indi- reofly uid then another, until he waa badgered Into makbig a matcn.'wllh another little bantam named BIUt Toal, a maoUUat, SmtheSrySpi^ who, before Lynch fought AndT Kelly, Ac* fought blm a gtore fight in Uadlson atieet, getting lloked. Toal a4ema to baye feit huit about this, asd to settle the old grudge,, 'he beoame matohed to try It on without glorea for a couple.: of •■oenturteal'aside. ^Ihe.amountvssJlUla enough, to be sur«fU6r any nun toloee bla time about, bnt rather than let It go bt de- ftult, one was wlUlng:to accommodate the other. The men went Into qalnlqg-rJCmPlt fir** et.Joe .Cook's and then at Jack Smith's hotel on the Point, (not the Five Polnte, bnt Qreecpolnt, on the comer of Franklin asd Huron Btnets); and TOal at Tom Ohaf- ftrs' ronche back of wmismaburg.. We reported progress from time to time wblle doing their work, and ofton had occaalon to refer to the gentlsmsnly conduct and sociability of the respectlTO bsckeis of the men. The day at length arrived to settle the aflklr, and fors ftw days p^vlona they were all domiciled together In a hotel at Moith- Eiai—Billy Toal, Tom Chaffers and James HcQnlre—and Charley Ijnoh, Kit Bums and Jack Bmlth-^three on each side.- Ertry- <iiing went along smoothly until the day before the Intended fight, Oct 18th, when, as all were aeated at dinner^ • poase^of the Authorities sent there by order of .Colonel Flslw the Provost Usr- ahal of BalUiqpre, surrounded the house,draTe inthelr^ptaikets, captured the whole g^boodle, and marched them off to fiOkton JalLwhe'retbeiie was "weeping and walllog, asd. gnashing of taath." -Our nporter, wlth eome two hundred New .Xcn' and Philadelphia sporte, was on hand at the BAtlmore ail^'Wash 1, to enter Into a , jonorable a mandet] impanywlth hononi are allowed yoa tqi'coi of Oct Uth, at 19 . .._.. juld advise you to stand from for the Olifpbb when It blowa the whistle. THE FITZftEHALD AMI) WIWON FIOHT, . :^w«>go ttfpraQtbe itveUid >e(3e .^the dayfliM MHel Wllaon and Con ntzgerald'i pvomlslng great mill for 11,000, Tuesday, Oct. STIh, it will be Impossible for us to give the result until next weekTbut-ws'lay-bemreoar Mader^-au the partlsu-' lars up,tq.thelata*tmlnnte'. Both, men are In fine health and spirits,jand"as oosfldSnt as'theirvbest friends oonld desire. Fitzgerald has been in Philadelphia sopie two weeks, knd.on Frl- dsTfiad A' Slavlng eihibltloii lhere-at Franklin HUL-Wlbon didn't leave his lt%ehawken res. nntU Saturday attemooh for the Quaker City, where he was to meet Alderman Uao—not Little Uso—and wonld proceed at once to eome stdnded epot, so as to avoid observation. Ned has le(t all the arrangementa with the Captain, as he Is bnt little aocDslnted In that city, and we know his Intoreste will be well cared for. The original place of fighting is necessarily altered, and they will proceed to the ground In' a atesmboat chartered expressly for the cocaslon. No Interruption from the military or police Is anticipated, and we do hope the epsoUtore themselves will re- f^tln from any demonktrallon, bnt let the best man win. 'WU- soi^t .odors are white baokgronnd, blue tMrder, dotted with an glinted on a ihleld, and exceedingly pretty. We have Bgr of Fitzgerald's as .yet, but have no doubt they will fmthe occaalon. Jamea Onalok and Hen Winkle are sa tho monto second Wllfon. Who will aecond 'rii6t yet known. An Immense crowd of sporte left iMa.nr the i, p. IL, trfls, Including our epeolal r» '" "tadtement is at Ite highest plteb. All the 'bet- , ly be mado at the ilng dde, and when the men arc etrlpped'lt-wiU not at all sorprMus to see the betting even. Win or lose; It is steted that this will be Wilson's last fight, and it la his Intention to remove from Weehawken to this olty and start In busineta. We oannot reelst the old quotaUoil, "A van aau) ibd mo vatob, akd the bist mam win." BBBr'To'AiluiiT.—Joe Oobnm,'of'the White House, returned on BstordaySpm another Mp to the Capitol, where he has made ksVerdvldtiftt^.'.'What'sln the v^d? <k>mQ;6k£pij»ik,'B^uiilki about retnmlns to England, ^n^ atfFScbit a matdi trith Uor^ Phelan, and fight In the a^e rlhg w^ Heenan'and Sing. ^'^^Niox,"-^ trnde'lirank Brower.says of thattMO fiddle, Ned Wllsoh's oolors are "iteal nloe.'.' The getting np of them being UH to Bob anltbtOf the Houston street House of Commons, vras snlBdttt guarantee that they would be "done up brown." Of btttiilftil double-twilled wblto silk, with three dark blue strlpee for'the border, and the Ameiloan eaale and shield printed In va- rious parts, theee colors have k hanosomer and more attractive appearanoe than anything similar which has ever oome under our observation. Only thirty-three ware printed, and we here- with tender our "best respeoto" to Blr Bobby and Bold Neddy "fortheprislnt of one o'^thlm," Next to the lock of Mollle's hair, we shall prize "them colore." Back to Town.—JerryOonklln has Just got back from Albany, to go and see the Wilson end Fitzgerald fight A Box IN TBS Abut.— From asportlng "copper" in the Second Brigade, Sixteenth Army Corps, stationed at Pocahontas, Teun., we are poded of a tum-up between two of the boys, named Fltz- erdd and Cliff, belonging to the Twelfth Illinois Infimtiy, liey b a4 a little miff on the 9th Inst, Cliff being the aggressor. Their fUvt meeting waa broken up by the Provost Harahal, and both came near gettbig lookM up in the guard house, but were let off by the rest of the boys swearing It waa all In fan. Fltz. afterwards sent a ohdlenn to Cliff,-which he-accepted, and away the crowd started for toe backwoods. With both so anxious, It'didn't take long to get to work. Bube Bloomfldd, a Kansas fioitlersman, and Toung H0waid,^bf old Ky Xy, eeeonded CUff; C 0. Ztnry, of Baltimore, and Oeoige Ball iitteindlng onPUz. Ollffwaa the bigger man, wdgblng 190 lbs:, and standing 6 Met 8K in. in height, while Fltz. wasn't mOn thati Itt lbs.-, and an inch or so smaller in stetue, but hie btllld was ot tlie gieyhoi&id stripe—tough and wiry, - They oommenoed flghUng-af 1 o'oloqk, add kept it up withcnt 'filnchlng - some 40 ttlnutae, being Inter- fered with at the eighth round by the gntMs.end the fight stopped. Aa they may meet sgain, we refrain ftom criticizing their respeo-' HveabUlties. '1 ^ ^ -.. , IHDIAH Clubs ron Emfix iO'Usa>-:lfr.^ D.'.Eehoe pes for. Boxma a . In ttie OU Cltjr bAJftnny j of whlchwedlpl ^ "For sever ildayt,p< OUT otherwise Qniekolt 'Ulf'defenoe. the'Uuse Of this waa the"promlaed~iSir4*'i Johnny Uaokey,of Pltteburgh, the trainer of I[S«im^;i '! Hamlll, the champion oareman of the United Steles Th<« *'Jfi*%4^*"H»^ ^ dtlzens to rive them an entertSilSr o?Wjfl«l»> on last evening, at the W Olty Hdi Atif2Si bote the capacious haU was crowded with in audience oomivSJ of some of our beat citizens. The most admirable order preiu! BfeMUn/iretr brieani, ija.—I. Th'ePenia, tn V.day^ 1 hobr,, *Bd-80idil.''.4:FmtherWdgtt».. "''!," Wi.;^ :B,/^a<^nKin^ ,K. J.—Jliams.win slwayf be kooeptihls. CiibTf^rJTCBaysrwBSbornlnNewToA^ Jan. 1,1819; ^. jti% iL, 2uieghany.—We do not bow the lady^s whereabouta.' ill|i|iui,;pin«qCr^^ Kass.' ^'' ABB.lbarAaBAS.—We have a letter for yoiL Ifaa Nonow.—We have a I«hd6n lettw 3;;(^i^BaUlinae.r^iU^ .' nidi'SUiitaiif^ BnOoik 'Par)t pear PhUadd-; tfkyi^isst imlc, dill noiooms up to the expec^iOons of'the gen> -tlwrnm dancemed in them: On the obntrary;>aoh Utile interest miaSeat omitted biie day altogether, ud came 'T^ near ter^ f'■'"■'t the mMlng od the second 'day. ^ The racee were: not Inoibi'ip fheii&tlce of. those fond of ynch sporte, in ss pubUo. ftBf$)iir!|is''they.iilioiiil .have'beoi..: Besides.fit^e parties who' ■hanjUtMan mmsgsd race mee^ngs in \rhlladdphla, have Aai^'nim) hi]fm thu good to krf/toteresta. ^''' . Otbsna.—lbs ssason for out of door sporte is iSist drawing is A dose, and wHl soon give place to those adapted for ln«loor ■mtiliMiUo'ii exc^ ddghinti, atatliig'and ourUng, end games'of 4M|'Qb'/,TOs)fummer sesson.hss ,been a Tcny'dnlllone, taken.^. • wlule,o(ldutespedally.havlng'been'tt alowebb; Base ban- , ksi'U|fa';maM'Aonriahb]g,'^t.OTdi iltet'j^^ 4lfa^|||lil )ui mttdi Interest aa ft^orly,' owing tp.tlie' great game ■tbaB^betwean the Union andBebelarmiea. It.ia to behoped that^tte latt^ wHl aoon'play their last hand'out, or at leaat be^' Ast.fti* ssaM^ of UM .commenoesi so that'out of boor '^rte aar.onoainoia flourish. n ' tHifi'^fy^^ .«r AsmysxAT.—ThlSfrtlis iaat 'j^nied novd'b'y lbi<i3Bidry-Wood, ia a-mostwdoome addition .to the llbrait, " ■pgfHj^'this same'^'jM "Squire Trevl^'s.Heir." Tlie -"■ .p^isgeii.of this lioo;^ arerwoireo in.with subtleut, ■Bdtts 'yflfilAiB- triwrted.wtthAn juexpeoted degreo of power. Jt does not descend to treat of life In ite 'humbler waIlDg';'irence Ihs^jifO^ jtoria .pw^.fnatalnsiil dignity-tragedy, even. . The, koejk is i (me «f. thrlUIng, startling. Interest ss it approaches ,the'i teM^Mri^'tad'eannbtftU of'commanding unlve ■bA ^^r^tlon, fft oonld' )iaya wished tfk see the.dAs^'g, Moatii'ifiiBkai sort of fsmtolne in Charlotte Palo, a little more daftblUlj^ dil^sedet A splendidly printed (bating the double V^itotl^J,'d9;tfVvOoL'8' to,,, pp. iia,. Paper, fl, mpsllh, tUf, T. B,ttiimmk.Bt»i, soe'chestout street, Phlladdphlai F, A. at v.'v: ,iti>;t-.< , - ■ ■■ . ■ AiMifuXKnWe iSe lihatmany of our.oontemponries hsvB . >«|ttl'lirt^t)iliUAal^ of.sn^ Templewhlob tbe.world-renownod '^psaq.pf'tl^ ttatting ToA" Whether'lAoi F. T. woe a mare of another color ^ are.nqt,infepnef, bnt^he waasnothor animal dtogethar, '. lMpji^->»,(||o^^^^ ai)ir':|ip«old"allmeiil'li'npoi .■[.ttifiW*. motU Boi M/Surpdsed to hesr of little Flora'a demise warded, per Clly.of Baltimore, thiee^ ads of varnishedlignufn- 'Vital dubs to Owen Swift, of .Uie'Horsesho«i Ticbbome''Street London, for the Benlda Boy to usB during his trslntog,'ti)ig|«tber with half a dozen fkncy photographs to be hung upin the promi- nent iporting houses.'- There's no mistake about the enterprise of "Clube," and mohindustry ought to be rewarded,- He la new engaged on a conple of ornamental clubs, also' for HMttani vAloh are to be gotten up superior to any heretofore mannftotored, Ohiblex Ltmok'sColobs.— Oor ring reporter owns one of the colors which Lynch wanted so badly to figlit BUI Toal under. It is a bright red. wllh a bMad wjUtt andohocoUtf iborder, .14fend- ed;as the red, white', and bltae. IK7 BAEEB, OF WEST BBOMWIOH. _ War or no waT.'i[h?pnR8^ae^i^ei^n'i)gdoma of England, d^'eveUng' w£en {hii\!inteUlgence was- leaned^vsM^althonsh lilreiind and Scotland, seem anxions tfThee for th.emsdves "what ec(nehidevenproour*dtt<AutSiWhentlmQwnB';- , ,— , . . . - , ttTe4aoUiiea,Mliix JvtodtbeAnemy'k country, pernspa to meet 'nesby but we are called nponto dironlde another candidate wttti a elniilulato, <hey drew their money and returned to their fcr.tlfeUtig or thk army. Z Ti« v*1f^.UWft :aOdltloft tdWte mlxedi different, hotels. Early on Uonday mornlns they again aasem- up population of the BnvUe .Olfyt. U thatot Isaao Baker, ot bled at the depot, a dozen or mote ItUng the oars 'to' tte Utiht' ^nst' Bromwlcb, who iodght -Tonng Broome.' Ike struck New ■■ ■■■ ...^ . - yorton theaist inat,snd Blthoi|gbit is some dghteeDdays since he Idt the Old Oodhtiy, no mshtlon is mide'bf the fact In any of the foreign sporUog psperei - -When Baker came away he was matehod with Joe-aoas for £100 a sld^ £9 lOs, being posted, and they were to' have' met on 'Oct, 11th, when Isaao was afloat on the briny aes, ateamlog towatds odr hosplteble shores. Ot couiBO that knocks the much all Inithe head. Ever on the look out for such rooeteis, our fighting.fdltor.waa one ot tbeflntto faU In with him, and the man of muJde and qulU driver made a where theboyBWi>reln"stnrebln," toaeewb'stcouldbe donefor -thiem. A consnltatjpivwas bdd among those in power, resulting to' thdr coniaantlng to rdease them for so mnon blood-money. Atl first the deaJersont cKJnstlce wanted $300, butby dlntoteoaz- -Ing^soft soap and pa^veir, the. fee was reduced, to (UK, which .Lynch's friends raised smong themselves wito the exception of ,ane dollar,'we ara.inform'ed. and.tbst was given by a partisan of ^rfal.'s.. As a fnrther.moef of thls,.a list of the men who contrlb- ulsd the money has been forwarded to us, together with the re- cdpts for the same ^m the Jailor and limbs of the law. Here's theOieilff'sdocument:— , : ; . "Eldoit, Hd., Oct lOth, 1888. I'Becdved. of, Christopher Bums, Thomss Chaffen, Charles Lynch, William S.-Tod, Jam.es Msgulre and John Smith, the snm'of $78 to' full for Jail fees upon commitment nh«r ging them with being about to eogsge in apprize fight in OeoU county, Uary- land; . - ' - Eli Cosobove, 8herl£" ini bs're's the dlsdples ot Blackstone's eaaUy made ttO worth of pcnmandilp:— ■ '• .'■ . i . ■ .„,.. . "Elktok, Md,,Oct 19,1883. ''' Becelved from Ira :E. Bride and Oeo. Bniiis, the sum of $60 in 'Kill, for prof^ondservlcee rendered to the caseoftlieBtetovs. Oliristopner Bums and others^ - J. AutxuiDBB Evass, .:. JakesW.'Uaxwill.'' Upon deUvertog the money they were released, and made the 'bestiOf their, way bsck.to Philadelphia on toe same eventog.. It is slated that a genUemsh offered the Serry lonth$UOlf he' would fight the next momlng.ito which it is alao asserted Tod sgreed^'ottt took the midnight trato for New York. We are net Mgiilzant.of thBse.tacta from our own peisond knowledge. At —.rate, no fight oame olt 0 WMneaday we were called npon to name another time and Usceofmedlig, n'otlfyto'gMr. JaokUsgulre the same eventog to 'appear at the Olifpxb ofdoe, when he and Lynch's party were on! hand.'. AJIttle oratory, ivis todnlged. in, snd the chin muslo exlilblte^ vsfi^ns tolonaUons, fhim the deep base to toe squeak- tog oontralto, Jack MHulre charged Kit Bums with tielng to- stznm'entd to tlte arreet, and even asserted that he was informed how It would be a day or two bdorehand. Kit very naturally de- nl*d the accnsalioh, offering to ,glve Jack $100 to bring a tii«ti .WUO;WOuld take hla alBdavlt tojthe. some. No one who knows Charley Lynch's career to Enflahd would think of such a thtog u ipiB betog anrions to back out, or. get arrested, and for him to spend some'six weeks to tratotog (which Is expensive work, as Tod has no donbt found out himself;, leavtog his family and comfiitts, after, as he thought, he should have been allowed to felt cn his laniela by his own countrymen, sitor uphoUtog the Stars and stripes eo nobly abroad—for the sum of $200, whloh hsBlno more thin paid his tiatotog expenses, is somewhat ab- surd. That Lynch was not anxious to fight no man of sense -wlU'ever be foolish enough to moke himself or any one eke !>•' Helve... From osaad;remarks made by dlstotereated parties, it vrould ippesr much more reasonable that the boot was on the other leg.,: :Aa stekeholder .to the matoh, it was our duty to notUVthe representatlvee -ol the men to presencoof each oUier to an. pear ,at a,designated spot We did it-named Hasttoiis' 90B Oenlre slreet;St 6 o'dopk, but Jack Uagulre,wbo &riiiS& understands nothtog whatever about match miUng aaldlliat ndther himself or Tod would be there, that Tod ehouldn't flaht tor his .mvney, but toat he should draw it Of ecuise sdoh IdMs.flrom an Indlvidnd proleastog to .be,a sporUng man! created no smsU surprise. At the time sppolnted, Lynch showed onthe mtoute. but an hour's grace was dlowed, and to have eymthlng conducted.fair snd Bqniro,the LvnohDartr requested our reporter to name another time sndplooe which .was, olM donj Jack Usgulre being notlfled of-fcat .ilsoTbS tolter-ta short we took more trouble, lost more Ume snd money over toe petty affair toan ne ever totand.to again. EmIv rwted. .rtth dl the flitoga. flghltog shoes, colors, apcngM, etoT and t>roc4eded to the appctoted place so as to fnlflinhelelter of the Uw to; the ulmo«t-::noV a soul waa there to represent BUI 3C«ii; dnP.af 'or about the sixth time, we rotomlii to tho oltr ,:«Mr«k0fitclisoB'4dIMm»« by dsHai of hsi nnrtnlled time;; (Wran. Saivlip^',!*,^ tdnWoed liajlil #mHm it .6nwi it.''./.,'M' tt* Wkiu^tk.'d8th HtklMi ■«JrfJ'J'.'i','l!.*'/.-u: ' ■/' ■ - -- ,-;:'• rf':iiT-- » rvl ■{..'-i i-.rr the Sitae.', -TO .wish to sa». howover^to Mr, MsguTto feOo filrt nnltas the suite Is Jmmedlately vritodrawn and Wo an flIBc'IdIv irith 'bothTod and Magulre ei gnatores atUched ieStniMwe shdUt .once enter into a orlmtod suit sgdnst them, the pb^Sttty on this pldtitre and then on that Utsars. Usgulre k Oo.. and' ehoosafsryimiMiyeawUdiltshdlbe. ItmSSshotA»ftids dlireiwto* t» «U«BirU«b side your etoiS jwwttf ' ' •>:■! :■ i-'M-- / ..'I. ..-r.".;"- ; . . .... ' tonrof the spirttoghontes; with whloh Isaac seems pretty waU satisfied:: Baker's career will',not be fonnd withoutinteieav He'was born on Hay'3, 1830, at WtstBromwlph, Stoflorddilre,' stands (ft SKln. In.helght, and weighs when,to condition, W lbs.' He was oriitoally a .mtoer by ocbupatlon^ but for some yeirS has been attached to one of toe great palish Sonthern' etablM to protect "favoritee" when travding, and to thnmp.toe' "tonto" at'home. In' the latter port of his'business he bos earned for himself a world wide notoriety. His perfbrmafiees to the ring have been u follows:-In 18S1 he best Tonng Pngh for £10, at Water Orten, near Blrmtoghom, on June 9th, after flghttog W mto. ' Bis next recorded batUe 'was with Totn-Boblii- son, for £S a side) to 1883, whom he defeated in 6 rounds, -which IsatedTmto. On Usy 17,1819,he metDan Bkeyto;ofWdssIL' at ostob weight for £00 a side at Pnrfleet; when SkSyfe pridved victorious in one round, which lasted only 6 liilnutos, Bator betog knocked completely out of time. Another match-was made for. £80 a side st catch'welght' to which Baker proved the better man, at-'Pnifleet on Nov. 8, 1889,' when hewon'tol9 rounds, lasttog 48 mto,, wlth-toe odds st 6 to a on hla opponent. Harry Brunton toen matchM him' against IToung Broome (who had recently fought Tom Ktog) for £80' a dde at eatoh weight and the' light oame off' on the 91d Of December. It Was a slasb- tog affalr,'Iasttog^28 rounds and 88 nlln.. Baker loatog by fdMs without a blow. ''Broome was much'itfore punished uian BskerT .Whether he comes "forflgM" dr'taol'ifB can't say, but ihsll know-"after a Utae.;<-'_'' '■ ■, ^ '•■ '■; '• 'Asorte Bio Quit Ooia 'xo' Bck't'S.T.jACK BuhEs; OBAioicjii >0F' New South Wales.— On toe 10th of October, landed John Burke, from Liverpool, per. ship Urld of Boston,' aHafavery tempestoouB voyage, .bdn^ wi<oked; 'and .pdlttogjln at'St Thomas, West Indies, .'Ur.'BdrKe met with a severe Acol4entto: his left leg, an'd.haasliiept ne^rly.toe'f hd0 ot )ils tlhiefn'this boapltd in 'oon'Soqnenco. He.woe fotmiirly a pupUof Yonket 8ulllv;ani. and has fought otohteen.battles ifltoout Ips'to'g.oni,: Ur. B. was born to'' 163a,'at Srbgheds; Ireland, atands (ft 8to., and whfp Itf condition wdgtAUT lbs; A'gteatpart ot ^'tlme hehoBspdntlnAnBtralUfi', ::■','; .', ,i ' tr,---' '•<iai HQusa:0v FAMox.'I'^BUi .netcheri'of 'lost North Fiith stroet, Phllsdelphis, 'has opened a. sporting. drum beadng the above toncy name, where dogs . ot . pure breed : flock .-to feed. .Flo^AIIas the biggest dog and. the blggeat man in Old FUly. ,'.lilxw Fxanx AMD New Saloom;— Bias T^Tun's PiuDX.—This (Ttiosdoy) eventog there Is to'tie an.'opcnlng'hlght M-Dlck Tay- lor's' new and convenient Bdooni'Oit'the''cdrn^' af -Wekt and Pokbrosses strsete,-opposite thenew'fcnjrwhlch rnnS ftnuithls to Acse^ Cltvi' ^DtokTayiOriS I^UllmfrMi and HSpeoteBlu to4^ sponW'lrMU| snd'OMW-the liest^lgeon shote.ln the country.' ' ''l^iiii£p',S«Wli';^^ T.^'OnDto'l Mr.'-EeUyrr-^^'l'HM'VtfMilln^^iDdl^nant at the toalhndEins and'tontedM'<>/Ur, OMrlelO'Har^, caUqd.dn.tho'CLiFrkd with a ohaUi)bgb,'^'i(on'pkglTS toe retort finmiliat worthy:— ■ ' FaABSt.QoSBit-^Hl'; I' i<lah'. to-it^tb >o,^Toni'Kdly; tho Oit-, ' (bi^ Suin^mB iMSTEAD OF tl8.—A gentleman reoenUyMtntnol fnnn B94t9n,.Osptato Sttve Gordon,-informs us thstJlpimy Elll9tt',rfaDlvsd,|100. forfeit to the; piopQsed 'mateh.beiwcen htoiMjy[iuid Jp.hpCQUdle Orel;). .. , ., :; .., . 'On ATiBiTk-a-lfr.''OnsIch and severd ^hohHsonled-spottk have b'etn. to. the dty for the Isit fcttnlgbt "boxtogitlie ooibpasi.'' T^eyhaitftofi Buffdo. - .:' . 'm. :•. . ?,■ .' ■■- ~ . Hdt'qrdii rhaibfrom Buffdo. hnsura TonTLE FEAST,^ln)tt|y Bui jcet^ bad a bl(;rw-otit at his 'ouri6s|l Hfh'ifisny unaecuetomed if pubUf^l iyJ'SSf' "^i^w* hu relniM i. ^^^'^Wm»^ adirfrers of thTnSbnrtSf IS iluse Of this wss the'promised aSmla 1 edi Tha dlfiarentsotors to toe toteresting perfarmuiM^ .tost coQld iioCbs.ohleolad.t«iIr ducted toemselvas to s manner t the most foaUdlons, We ore happy to.stete thkli Mj-fu^i^ obeervatlon extends, Ur. Johnny Ifaokey conducted hla nir" toinmeat wlth'sB -toe tact of an secompUshed nMimi^^: secompUshed gentleminT friends^ qonfljeaUdly^f coulS?, iiS of: goWg. thruilgh k.tig^x wiiT^ s enabled the bettor toflghtthe Sm.. tact we would inforn) our frien^ we have a serious pottoDoT I trktotog ourseir, so aa to be enabled the better to'flghtthad'^.'? •batUe of life.' But toen, as we wUl give due notice of our ?£!? oe was too much for the superior atiength of his anUi,'!^ . Ths last reohd was spirited sift weUiustalnedthrcuiZ^ IS ssoond WU between Johnny Usckey and Jim Brown ^ OtooliinaU. Thlswssratoerard'ughb'oat There was hsrd ki? tUg, but the trotoer of Heanan snd HamlQ was folly up to UwT mirk. His splendid sblence and admirable coolnesa were'nnw iter exhibited. So tagei waa. Brown, that Usckey i>uiV» - Qf his mshtog at him, he.(et fly-iiis right mawl?T on! , 1 Ur.'Brown affoU lengrh on tlie st^ 9he tolrt vnahr ^en Tone/and JehnjlTNewell, both.'pupils of Ur.Ua^M I a sdenUlIc display of ihs srt of self-ddesce, thla wsa huflU bejit The different passes and slopptogs were admirably^? This bout elldted frequent plaudits from the audience, 'ni fourto oonslsted of a friendly iS^it between Johnny Uaokn ZiS Htny UUler, of OU City. Ur. UiUer has exc«Uent sclenu ua a&nlrable oovtoen. ^id to fopt possesaea all toe reqnldtea ofa fiiyt rate boxer. Theround:Waa. a jood one. B9U1 genUetoeg , , . ,. Pder. The filth waa between JohC nt Usokey, snd Bob J^ksj>s, the f^us <)araman, of FlttshnBT TIlis was ai^ toteresitog,round, ..Jookson, who by-toe-waylsM stout as an ox, and a very wllllna soul, crowded lipcn Uocker u though he would crush him by sneei str^gtb.. Usckey pal on! his hands. Jsoksoo, fidl, ot tut ran against 6ns of toer consequently fouiid'nlnuidf flat on hla back. A heavy t we think, saUsftctory to Ur. Jackson, Severd otoer ai hod friendly sets-lo. They sll showed so much proflcleni art that it-Wdtdd be shperflnous to dlserlmtoate. The il. was between ToneyNeweU, formerly ot Boston, but he deht of OU Oitir,'Snd his old teacher, Johnnv Mackey. probably ths best exhibition'of science of the eve) combat between'master ahd'tmpU was Intaresttog to trams. No better' sparring has b«en seto to toe oU reelos. BothgenUemenwererepesMdly applauded, and both dldtheli du^gallantlyahdwen. ^ - - • - > .. r An A-sTONx-isBiMa Bet.— One ot the Weehawken eccentrlcsL with anctoer equally comicd genins, employed to bnlldiu has made a wager of one thonssnd 'blocks of stone ofllb Wilson and'":FitzMrald'battle of-this day. He chooaei Wilson, but if toe oilier men wtos, we should lUe to know wM hejwUl do with them. If he wss a buUderhemlght '"atlck'eii upl'and erect a'stone houae, bnt as he Isn't, we fancy he'd 'b< llki toe stadentwhowonind^hantata raffle. It's toe flM tin^e we ever heard'of . betting with stones. • . - Bbew TBS BTAiiss^Hkiry HUl 'eUled at' our oSoa asd flrsi the halt csnturyhe put upon b«]!)aUot Oon Oremforhlm t< moke a matoh wito any man to Ameriot, after it had been lyini two weeks. We have heard that Jim Dunn challenged Orem fe! $1,000 at his benefit to Brooklyn; on the 17to inst. bnt Ifao.l aeeims very stogular toat he didn't cover John Oondie's $10 if- ii meant to nght. It's money.tbat talks toe right "lingo."' If'Hed Wliscn snd Con Fltzgerdd'a fight goes cffamootUy< andtheie r» matos dayllghtenough, Con Orem-'mmy have a little diaksup li thetssme ring. - ■ ■ ... 1 A Chamce roB Obem,— Tke'tbHowlng dodmtent wos-'Mttt'eki office on the 28th, but as it has no eignatnre attached, we canno Tonoh for ite genutoeness:—"Bbduldttr, Con Orem be anilcu to fight, he can bc'acoommedatad with ian opportunity todoi In Ihree months firomitoe date, fpr from $1,000 toVkOOQi In mediate arrangemiute may-he niade by oalUng .at toe WU) Hobse, No, llSOrandstrpet'^ - . qBABLEv Waleeb'b BEKsriT,—Don't forget to b« present'! Uontgomery Hall] 78'Prince Street'on FMday evetaing, O(it >80t| on the occadon-'OfOharieyWalker'a benefit: -BUly Sonnelly': down for toe windup. 'Tickete only-ad oents.' - JoBMMT Waleeb v8, Bill DwnB.-rAll the money tor this Col fomlB fight Is up, and a many inUl is looksd for, Joe Wibbow.'b Bshsir, to Ban Frttolsoo, OaL, was' a bumpa Johnny .Walker and'BlU Clarks'a satrto is add to.have bes superb.' ... ',.'', ' ■ . '. A BHOoma Atfbat, jbietweui. iilok Psddook and 'Lsngfoii Pad, whlob arose from a Asous^lon. about. th».,lat«. trag«<ba Washoe, ocourred 09 toe Silat u]t,.,'when Paddock got roths moire lekd toan'he_oouId dlgest„^ld at. lost U ' crlllcd condlUon. iMjiver, , , ''HiAiHtellBR, '9t- sot ,«sntra..)tlr^..-has; a, tSjb dogls wfl fljht for ttomlinO up sgsnixt any other S91b dogto-toetounliy 'iJ ; .. .. ..... ,' - ■ •THB MAUnZtlTB 'BaAIIOH.-^0UAS 0. BUBNS bai removed from the Old Homestead on 'Ststen Island to tolsOUy and can heredtor Uwa'yk'be found at No.l BABCLAT :btbeEI; onthecomer^fBroadwa^i-'where he'bss Idd toastoreof thi Ohilcest WtosB, Liquors, Alas, and Clgara, making'his bum enivasscd to quality. Ur. BDBNS wlU dwaya be happy to ae< hlsYrlends snd toe public at toe BBANOH, wliere sU toe abon luxuries can be enjoyed to orlentd style. - a}.; mDIAN OLUBB AIID TABIR UHHiS.-We ore glad Itl learn toat the Indian Club is fast eomtog toto pobUo fsvpr ss 1 mekns of exercise, ccndudig,'as ltdoes, to a goneid dsvelcpmenl and BtrcBgtoenIng ot the pbydod system. Ur. S, D, EBHOB the prtoolpd manutSeturer ot Indian Olnbs In this ecnntry, ti now to receipt ot ordeis'from sU section!, sod he la filUsgthen np as rapidly as possible. Ur. Eshoe made the duha which Co bum exerclacd wito whUe tralntog for Us late flghtwito UcCocIa :and which were ao highly sjwktn of ly toe chomplofi, Otcbf M . ' ^Ttm VM lqi Barr;^ Lazarus Is sdd to be toa&irwayti firom 1 to 8 lbs,, $t,00perpalr; ottNmS to 1>lbs,eacb,.t8,0Oi .pair. Bomb Bella, from from $3,00 to $t:00 per pair,' Orain addressed to B, S. KEHOE, OLnrXB ofilce. New York; or Poll Office, N. Y.'i-wiU reoelv'e immediate attenUoa. a*-'. ..VAliBOIT HOTHII^'' HO. 88 aBBi>F OHABLOITE BTBIET. I. U TEBPOOL ENOLAND. . ' JAUES STENT Proprietor. . ; OenUemen travdtog. to 'Euiope will find ths above EstaU|u< Bent one ot best and ^ most oomplste to- toe 'oanstty. Tnti moderate, AUlnfohnaHoi'on prominent spotttogeiventsimB kt all times bytheProprietbr wfth pleasure. -N. B, New Yobk Curap, 'Bett'i l^i, and aS tos otoer agw< tog Papers ot boto cortotHeff, dwsys on file.' , <ll'*?Tt\ '^BRATB OHAiVBBR, » east' HOUfirrok'giBEi^j 'Bear Broadway, where JOHN DWXEB.'wiU be happy to aee all hla old friends. -.-Ihe.,best ALBS, WINES,-UQUOB&.ifd CISABS.. . . '• , . '.( JOHK.DWJEBTPiSiriaW'' ''' N,B,—A fine private toipip for spatxin^.,, I«ssons given is tht .airt'byJ.D. ' ''■'::■,.■■■.-' ".■,•:'.--.,..:.. -'•■.■ M^ irni, of Oe'pWd HtlL .GM IH ,4hop on'.'the JMtort; pnwijpsttaiilllg^l this tori ostoi from far and near,' TUefialt.Trao kel^t'up untU CKrVil 'marring, .. , • ■,'^.^'^y,;l'^ .;f.':,.' 'l:','..'.;', ;^v-''';,. ^''DMEiooBAl-^Thanlis'to'A^'ll.^jliie jjors ^at'ifwa'sq/inaiii' »l;f arrested while mIoA% Iriimjnnn and Eljio#s4gn^'. r."".'. of the hands.pf,.the-P|iiil4tlnes.. One Jeisfrrqorter, jdenUy after-blood mone/, msdp dUdavlt ))iat Ihp ,wtu)ts fifly, ^ ■ ^^ftS^^.^S ,tji#,otoM»; -iln ."trsiepreseiit at toe ,flghV bnt, this'was ^o^ sn&Ue outokgepwllc -was.-^ariid.bi '-. I'V iBx>doniid]maa'. Jsmss.^orns. and' —"- "feoKlhemioIves'forever todebT •tUrtUsg*. .1.1 V'--*'--' Ji'.'';'l •>■' 'E>.ws- '. ■ff\.».i''...' t .it.'ir'jl i.r.'i.riij ] '' Matt OAsaiD'z.AiD.JAUia.UcaAiix's l!wo Uo-a ^oot JUo»- An Otbeb BroiiiBi-^Thete wsaaikrlmmenss crowd.ot.S111RJ Flhlsy's Exerclatog Qroiihds, on too Bloomlogdde Bosd ind TM str^t, on toe 92d Inst, to wltaeas.toe two young toUovs abort notoed run tor $409. ■ Coaches and light wagons were«o nius» one thst wito sU the Squire'^ oiteneive accommbdatloss M 'li^n't room for toe hsU ot tbsm. All dssaes snd oreeds iraa represeptfd, ftom.the'mUlloDdte.to the .foor cent man, -Ipt sportlifg gentry and Qorintl^shs were cat to strong force. Afltf ipasalng^wsy two h6'nrs AliTchasInc groccflep and Bugar,at pi^ ?lsdy^l*'K. toe^fieSfSatthe'.W'd.to start Oaaaldy. wltolca?- ly cropped head, ktrlppedUke a bog of "peach blows," alimtf; cle, and wore a whitellfitobhlrt'an'd' drawors, wito atrlpeoiM an 1 white trunks; he bos appeared SBverd timea In pubuo vlUj Ybug Sport and otoers,..UoOabewpreawhlte-fleah biguo ;ob ick trmiksi be looked much thtoner.than Uatt bnt hla acUm Wa I llghttnd springy; ho tan Frank'Prlntz p 100 yards raceiaa* tlifie ego, but this was hie Unit esaav as a two-mUsr.' The betooi -was slightly to favor of UeCabe. On lesvtog toe startisg poUfi UdOabe took toe lead with Casddydpie behtod, Jogglog alcngU a moderate pace twice around toe track, making onanw^aM .when about 100 yaide dver'the gool on the third nslt nule,il*^ sbo- - pol the blit . cdly cheered ot too finish, .. . ^ttet toe race; Ur. Bcnner, with hli delrtfatod-M^'S,' U&oet team,, came off the road'on the track, and exhlbiteo <»■ animals on their prettiest gate, .going around tour timea aw, 'As,mlght be supposed, this uoiaseiulatlin. Aprlvate trpT w 'Ibwod, but we couldn't learn the horses nhmei, or thoir owsen- '.''Wli king to hsvo a ^ood afttriioon's sport, a purao waa eo«™ lib' by Harry BUI for a young tellpjr.to wdk 8)< miles In 3« ntea, to which the genUemcn .present iilxraUyaub^orlbed- 'v ■wScould loam ot htm vjss'thathlsnino was "Joa-" .•?''?.?Si llobe were 'the money hp^per and ourreporter-referat;,' V "When his togs were oftand'he abPB«r»« >*"»»""'■'.—-;';'.im» aiior, butWsigaltWBS gwdijr iCTsS, a^^^^^^ Igls he completed tUH whole dlslancri^lt) 8i mu. 19 aaca. .f"* ppnduded the amuaemtnts-Rtf the'day. ' l^EDEsmuNieiL-rYouag Sport oan be sooptBiasdal^ftJ'**! Iiqo lotcoo, in it:(wo.-mUe.ra«e.,.wUdi.he.propoMa m^ •altaattbe6hap»p|i|iolAmerlcinf;hr-irt}l^^^ \\t.'..: M;.',. :'<■!-■' t';'-VI.'