New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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;B»tteU°«'~™*Jr«i«!« »So tik«n whU« to' be4«t»pnbUo ^«*^»".'1!!^?ithmwwsrtfpUoeiltefore M»JorWood,a Wjet B"'**SSB^/MUtrbii]«Vj, "Ufed hli cMB,»naUi<fflea •'*!jJt5Si7tol1epU.eX«tMforrt^^^ ,»«dbonn4ot«r to«W ^ ,oB £1.000.-n» M\'^iS?t ab/ln S» London dliWot tlQ «Ude.lidkbeen to bto'a^e m»tob. which bM to be InoreMM Hot. 2d. , OBIOBBT. ..,»i.rMOKST0Mai.—TheTftod-npofHiiJipBhliocrlcket, • ^i^eStJ^Si^ Mlebr.ted by »Viad mUhatftjnlb, ' ** ^'.'iJttJ 18tt Md JOlh nit. between eloyen player* of Enrf. '.•"i*^* ?oSS»D^eS£»men. And thli nfatoh wll evet be ren- '>»yi.£SSwe.''wUlbeir«wonderfdl de»l oI ta)UDg aboat •^•^^TS Mm^'MtheBVa baa It, "on account of tbe-hnn, 'EJw,ht"?«>i*M''»a by Mr. B. M. Otao*.;'' This gentlS- P^jMiar In tlila Innlnga la aoaItoget])ei elngnlar, andte^ in biillianUy bla tremendona seaaon'a play, tbtt we ' S tSSig tb« Bpaoe neceasaiy to gWe It u we find 1); aet tal<ireat of the Inntoge waa centred to Ur. E. IS. liia Ml more than tbe other thirteen aeored from the 'kI« wd all about th«t may be thus noted:-Mr.,arac? went No. !^^aialMllwtU>hla right hand, but did not hold It axb- ^^bhiii Ana drive for i to the orcbard bnrdle made bla score STuSl whan it waa tt <9 be bit one Uab np to mid off, whlcb will. Hnnibrer canghti and clroHiaf (tmly a bad mlaa, thla); -vSthoi uotad 8 more nns, when he was let off by Bontherlon; ffiiMbm Ur. Orace went on an? how, hltUng all ronnd—from all Z^td bowleia—with a freedom and forco truly Rurprlalng. 'the.,.. hjj aoored 100 runa SZ!rvt:-ai then {with only two wlokete to go down) he an. SuidBiTOOnefrom yonng tUIywhlte. which.CalTjn Cleverly and Ur. Grace was ont for a oertatoly laoky, but as oer- 'fine, tnt hit ting tontogs of 113 rana; ho went to first man hiif.sut'one.'and (dinner interrentog) waa ont the tweUtb '&l1i?tfa4oarte^pastflye with the score at'ieo. His hltaeomr •olied a enf for S (one for the OTerthrow). two i'a (drlvea.lmtb); nraateen 3'a /fine hits all round), eleven a's. and twenty-alk ato* Ma- £>u4 seven dtfTarent bowlers at bim (somo on twice), and WlU bioSght hi* aeuOn's mna to exactlj 8,031. Joat thtok of (Hm-Mr.Brookl" . ... THE GrAME OF OHESS. i . ... . . TO CORBEBFOiniBUrTB.. . XiHuoKir-W* are soriT to aay that onr fine froblem of last wiSyho; Ml) wu marred by a typognphloal error. Tbe White TtiBg nh g -B 4Qi. ahonld have been a jrm L, WOLnasTnir.—We find yonr Problem not qolte perfect; it iMli of a Very different Itoe of altaak on the Sd move. ' OBAB,A.aiumo.-i-We have a oonpleol doenmenU to-the oOeeforyon. / ' " i ,.-¥<& HiDT,—Tou Msewed fkTora lay na under . great obU^ X'T.VIX. B. Engtoeera,—Xbat'no. of tbe Oufhb la entirely ire can do ttnibetter-weoangltamall India mb^ .itfrnkn for yon, at the prlpe named. ' Bun Btur, FoUt bland, a 0.—Itis beat the remittance will <ala"Ohsfs mr wuter Evealnga," and "Dime Obeaa toitrac- tor," wblth we forward. " ' / ' OHiBsiHaLisaow.—Tbe aiugow Obe« Otab held its second innnil m^ettog recently, and llie reports ataowed tbat Its affairs veretoamoatflonrlibtog and aatlatiotoiyoondlUoD. Itopen* ill second year with 43 members, and la, trobiblr, tbe most jowertolBooMshclnb. Siealdont, J.&Blobard, Sr.; Becreta. ry,&J.Kofbt BujiDiou) 0BMS-OBigni.£xBiBmo5.n4n.Wednsaday next, (tomorrow, Sttb Inst,) onr oonirlbntor, F, tae Brenztoger, jrUlglTaaneefblsalwayanoeaBafaiandwiandarfDl exhibitions "woql at ••blindfold!' play, atthe f anisen Ohua Olnb, 18S Bow. ery. rame In 8 or. 10 games, almnltaneonily. The Ohea Sdlbr of tbe OLnm wHl tet u CmpUe on the occasion. nagrt9<ammencea(TXoUsok,r.M.. Ladles, and ell interested In Qhess, aietotltad to.attend. ■ mOHA Ho. 4os: •"- - ■ - JWie at /tliutraUa yaa <if One WmU, r 1 : fix jBmn SOBB^O. •t.QPS, Qaq, .QEtC, qs, 'QB9, 9Bi, -<)B3, ;". : atQStSd, . atkad, . .'andatESd. White to play and give mate In three moTM. K Cth. P.BOBIiBU Ro, 40.3^. ' . SI W. B. BSRBT. . ,^l«io play and give inaia to three moret. - ' JiiJ^Wloirini Si'S^BB' ■^^•>«iw«ni( 1^ one of tiia bast of the partks eonteated by On BoBene Brenatogai to' nil vWont ••bUnOfoldf • ; .('•'■ . ■• ■ onrna'aiiaiT. : SefUice, rpUyed, indeed I be the penalty. 'Brenktoger, H..KKt'- ie..p-SBt U..QXE1F 90..&-XBT ai,.P-EKt8 33.'.E-U*Et9 ' KtrKBO-f SBtHJB P-Qb8 EPXS 3B,.&^£iq 3(1..S-B8-F aT:.BXB;aBd theAtUpbwtos. Tor if B taku Q.aat* to tw9 I^SL^l?'L^Auun.-.On the lOlh to*t,t«o lads, named > Naiabi£.'t*'!!'>'*n»raoeof amlIe,on the puade, At the WUsrifV"*^ a UtU^ bnt Ltodaay soon orerbanlad and'sast. teymlhiil^"''^^«ont)yttfoaeoond*. UndMywUfnto : Snn ifL'^^*")['^" IS years of age, for a iSli. nun of . "™»ri»»yWo»»iOiaid*, , Black. to 16 9.. 8: ' It .A !,\ 0ABB Ho< 'flS^ToIi ZI> Pfop SrinitoionA'S'Tblzd Edition, "'. oxj>,Fouii'rujiT^*. .. WhitA .Bliack. , -38 to IB 10..Uto97 31 IT 11..18 a 18 S M 14 0 0..1B lis «.. e 7.. 8 8...1- 38 97.. 38 18 37 80 39 39. 38 16 ■,■ 9' 33 36 . 16 19.. S 18... 8: 14..11 .15.'. It 18.. 7 • IT..10 18.. a IS 94"; . 11 :14(i) White. ' 89 to 33.' 36 • ii While winai a) Blaok eaii drawby 18 to IT. [b) DmmuoBd glTsa the followtog Tulatlen :— SB 36 .34- 38 .81 37 29 17., 3 T 18.. 18 IT 19.'. 10 14 30.. T -10 31..11 16 33..16 18 , 97 •. 33 • ' '9.' 6 1 94 IB- ■ 0 • ■» ' I' 6 83.. ,9 9 34.:^e '37' 16..27 89 '28..83' ' SB W.'.IO 16 ■ trawn. 1 96 99 SO IB 97< 94 18 17- A-; 9- gOIiVnOH OF, VP^ITIpa Bp. 97—Vol. n, - BX .^HOBODT." ' .' J , White. . ■ , Blaok.. .. 1..34 tO:19 16 to 41 .. , , a..32 . , .8 ■.. . .13 . » 8..89 98 8 . 19 ' 4..80' 36 , . 81 .99 6,.36. 9, andwlna. .. [ABao BiA^ane.— Ed. O. S.] . .. u... . . VOIaXSWM of BTUBOBB' IMd PO|IITIOB« Whit*;' ; rBlaik. r'':-'Wlilte; '.• ' Black. ..39 to 36 89,t0.38 I S,.39t0l7 , .18 to 99 ..9 T .80 .91 1 f.;u ' . iT. kidwtaa. . . SnWEER OBBKB^OUBUIB BOX ASIH AO0raTiH0& ' Blaok—a. KB.'-' "''WUte^Aoceptaneei ' ■ Mi. 6 B ■•- ■ 93 -18 iVBITIOR Bo. US-Tel. XL «BB 144tll FOHITIOB nx I. D. J. 8. ' Dedicated to Leamere. BLAOK.. ■ OVBZDBOBS. BLAOK. White to move and win. WHITE. Wblte to move and wti, DBABUTIO AHO OTH^B BKBTCBBI. KMW :BSaiMa.—irVMBXM TWENTT.NIITE. WBJTflB nvlBm TOB.^BI VRf .lou oufn&. DAH BBTANT. . nifverypopnlar artist waa bom to the oily of Itoy,K. 7., Hay Otb, 1638, and madei hia flrit appearance on the stage aa a dancer at 'ranzhall Oarden, Mew York, to 1846, on the oooaalon of his brother's (Jerry) benefit The recaption he met with on this occasion inspired him to adopt the "bnmt cork" profeaston, and abortly after this we find hliq connected with dltbrent com- panies traveling tbronghont the country nntU 1818, when he lotoed Loiee'^Utostrels, to company with J. H. Savorl (whohas been with him ever atoce), John. Mnlllgan and others. In lSi9 he Jotoed the Sable Harmonlata and traveled throogh the Sonth- ernand Western Statea, and finally relnmed to BewTorkin 18C0, and became a member of Charley'White'a Uelodeon Uto- stiels in the Bowery. The company then conalited of 0. 'White, B. White, 7. Stanton, W. Smith, H. Nell, Uaster Jnba and San Bryant , He remuned with thla organlzstlan one'year, when he attached himsrlf to Wood k Fellows' party in Kew 7otk, bnt he remained with tbem bnt one soBSon. He then Jotoed the foroes of the "origlBsl'I.Oampbellr, taktog the place gn the and of the lamented Lnu'WiMi :Tbe Simon pore "Campbella" weroor- mnized.ita June. 1817. oy John Ounpbell, and oonalitad of Jerry Bryafat; W. B. 'Donaldson, Jame* 'Carter, John Boa, Henry Ilea- tayerat)4.^yl'l Baymond. .Shjortlyoftar .Ur. Donaldson with. drew, atid hla place waa fllIlbd.''.byi,njco West Thecompi thla tidie was playtog at the Uasenm. At the Ume Dan Jotoed the PUiy, Uatt Peel. Sher CunpboU, T. O. Prender^ gaBt,.TppumyPMl.Burdelt, CUrk, and several others of note, were to the tronpe. Tho party travelled Sonth and TfeatunUl the year 1866, duband tog in 'Jnly. We next find Daniel aa mana- ger of eoompanyperfonntog to the Chtoeae Booms, on Broad- way, tudcr the tills of "Bvant'a Campbell Uinatrels.'; Dnrtog this season he" made an immense bit to his "Essence of Old'Tlrgtony"—a oharaoteilaUo danoe which baa t>een attempt- ed by. nearly all, tho ,"fnnny' men" to the bnatoeiB, bnt up to this "data 'Cab Ihyant nas not yet met with a stogie rlvaL' , Ilie ..foUawtog .September he vlaltad Philadelphia; and appealed' inth much snccesa. In Pobmaiy, ISSTj Jerry ana Hen Bryant an}^e(J^ in New Tork, after an extended tdnr tA'CaDfornia and Anstralla. The three brothers afterwards foxmeda oo-partoerebip, organized a band4>f "porkonlain," and opened at Ueohanlce'Itall, 479 Broadway, Mew 7ork, Febmary 93d, 1867. Dan rematoed here perioanently nntll e^ly to 1860i when he'took atrip to England to' sea the sights and for the sred tbr on* in, nnde^ Jppl>ling,'r u3 took tbe audience by atorm, oreatlnoa sanaatlon only equal- led in that Una by the iin^oh-lamentedDaddy Blee.'who setaU England wild'with excitement by his Jumping "JiihOrow." Dan Bryant's success' equallod that of Dad'dy illce to eveiy way. SonmaywellitbereforaLftel'ptoadofthlsi , Atter'an absence of 'a few monlna ho returned ti) ttie aeenea <rf his many triumphs, and was moat enthnalasHcdIy welcomed back to his old posiah, on the- end «t "479," where he has r» mstoed np to the present'time, one of tbe greatoet fiivorltea eve^ seen npon the boards of any oBtabllabment to thii country. At the earnest request of many friends, who discoVereA t>ei(esth thf streaks of bnmt eork, talent of no comrnonorderfbraUneof ehnraoteradIfferentfromtbattowhlchhewaspre.amtoent,hewu Sersuaded him to make hla dtlwdn white tace,.and on the 9d of uly, 1803, ho appeared at Floyd's benefit at tl^o 'WIpter Oarden, to ttils city, to the Irish character bf .'Handy Andy, and his ren- dition of the part was equal to any reprcsentatlDn that baa been wllneeBBd to this city tor a lotog time. From his first entrance imtll his final exit, his performance was to that qalet, aubduad, and artlatio manner wmoh ahowed hard study. It Is, therefore, 'With great pleasure tbat we readily aocord obr praise and ea- tlmatlon to Sir. Bryant, *s a gentleman who baa so sabatantla)Iy stamped himself aaoneof thefawltuccesifQI.impenonators of Irish characters, tnd a sterUng, legitimate aotor. Ho Is gentle- manly in his licartog, and easy and flnlahed to his style. Els elooution is well modulated, andto all the reqolrementa Ibr stage effcots he is perfeotly at homo. As an end man to a minstrel' band, he has no living superior on the.Amerloanatace. In al- most evBrythtog,)ie is original; andto genntoe oomlo humor,' and to mlrrortog the ^udlorons ^hasa of the genutoe plantation darkey, there are none who have.exoelled or oan eicdnlm. ■ HI* wit i*-(ftven with enoh eest as to draw imile* from the meet hypoohpndr^oalbumsnlty. HI* burlesque character danoe* are the qntotesa'ence of fun. AMMA AITEIMS. : ' Had* bar first tppearanoe on any alsge, Beptember let, 1861, at Bamum'*.Ua*enm, Philadelphia, a* a member of the corpi de toUd. • Wa* a.member Qf-lhe ballet at the Arch Street Theatre, for aome time. Betired from the atage to 1867. Uairief l and livtog to retirement to Philadelphia. HBB. OHAbLES BUBEE. . Wen known u Ur*. Sutherland—maiden nam* Ooombi, Bom to Oonneotlou^ made her first ■ppesmno* on any atage, *t the oldMatlona], Boatonj made to dAul to New ToA, at the Bowaiy Theatre. Betired from the proibtdon, *naw**rM laal aoDouAl*, MiidingtoHewTork. ..- [ - ADA OLAi^ . Mtdaber first apDeannoa .on any * (age. Kovember iTth, 1866, at the Academy of Mnalo, Mew York, aa OpheUsu to •■HamM,*' being the firat apptaraaoe to pnUlo of • oonqii^ of amatenr*. ■ • ■';■ .ud^llb.iolaba; liideW first appeanibie dA'the'Amariekn ilaae. uadinteuie; July 7th, 1838, at .{he UilyetteTheatr,*. MrtJiSs! """^^ " ^ . ,ii(B, to Ukde hi* flrrt tjppearanM at ,the,Areh Btreet Theatre. Phila- delphUri Bept 34t 1863, M Frederloi Plum, m "AU thatOlltter* l*notaeld.^' • . •. • ■ . ' UB. AUD URB, 0L1||yXt;i|in), , ' , ' Bom in England, Hod* their fir*t appeannoe on anrataoe. FebmaryIStS. 1196, atthe John BtN«lTh**t(e,%w?«SMU 2*phn«uidP*lalr*,to"K*hon«t." -"Wi «*w.«or», a* DUS. :W-.(.>d TO SUBSOBIjEEBCIv' Moirinatte the preeeiat i*t«f of Snbaedption .to.tlu ofttie(nipper.6ala IBnbaoripilonibra'mbnthi.'ll'ail Ja.De*Iera....4at* lBnbserlptlonfor4moiij&*'. 1« Aent*,.... .;,-.(uel* /:Ghb ofTpup .i.. .V..TITr,».« mi, per *nn;Da>.|S oo Olnbof Eight „..«),(n Ibersto Canada and the Erltlah Provtodes, One DolW iMia extr^ to toyer poataae. 'SDi,*ll oaliMln. idVMMia.. p H B L AH? 8 .mPBOm BHiaAHP TABUBk • ' .u .' —' HOSTBTTBE'S_ OXLSHBATED' BTOUA.OB B ITT BBS. BSTBES6TH FOB'THE EXHAUSTED,—Thou*iBda die, ** It ware, inoh by toch, of bodily weaknesa; for debility will kill as eertslnly, though'not as quickly, as a raging fever. Is it sakel how the week shall be made strong: tne debilitated snatatoed and restorediltba exhausted re-flUedwithvllal energy? We arer thatof an invigoraUng preparations siren bysolance to nan, {Tom the insiitntlon of tbe *rt of heillig to tbe present hoar, not ontf has wrbnitht tuob wonders to the way of bisiobition, U BOSIErrEB'B OELEBBATED STOBIAOH BITTEBS. Thla is todeed the tonlo of tonics. Asa re-'Vitallztog, atrengtfa- snpporting, llfe-prolongtog agent, the like of It la not to he found to the catuogno of qiedlolnes. Among the various artldes used to ardnse the dormant power* of namre, it stands slone—the Seat awakener of the paralyzed pbyalqae. It not mly awakens e pbyalcol power* from a state of couapsa and inanition, bqt it Imparts permanent vigor to the moicular and nervona systems —reinforcing, aa t^vrere, both the stronghold and the ontworks of vitality. The aged, the decrepld, the nervoui, the brokeii- downof both sexes, ArereeOnaiended to tirlt Th^win ta- ■uredly find it a present help to time of tronble. HOnETTEB^S 8TOMA0H. BITIEBSL Prepared and sold by . .' HOSTEnXB & BUITB; Pltlabnrgb, Pa. New Xork Offlce, 476 Broadway. . gf-li * s is ; § 3^ t ! t I I I -te BOOEB, BEAUnFULLT njiVBTBlTED I—"Courtship a Chevalier Sly Fox Wyokofl; showtog blBheart-rendtog^astonad- Ins and most wonderful love advsnnnBs with Fanny EQiIer and IIlBs Oambol, 900 engs,"_36o;."Llfe to London, 1887 pgs, 49 sngs, 8 vol," $4; "Untenea b Ulaerles of N. 7., 4 voL," (3; "Uyste- rlss of London,'' fl; <<Aneodotes of Love, by Lola Uontoz," tl.3S: "Courtship ic Adventure* of Jonathan Homebred," tl; "ll*tilda: or the Adventures of a 7onng Woman," tl; "Arts of Beauty, or Beoret* of a Ladles' Toilet, with Unts to Qentlemon on fta- oinattog," 63o; "Sam BUck to Search of a Wife," tOo; "Count of HorUn^" 606; •■Clifford & the Actress," COo; "The Opera Dancer," 60o; "The Loves of Pari*," 60o; "Conspirator's Victim," 76c; "Kystarlea slid MlB<rI«i of Son Fianolsco,". COo: "Uarguerlto de 'Valois,".60a; "Diana de Poitiers," $1; ."Boche*- ter,"60o; '■Uemolraof an'Aeliess," 60o; "Mary Glentwoith," eoc; "Star of the Fallen & Victim's Bevenge," 60oi "Woman's Love," 36c; "Grace Weldon," 36c; "7810 College Scrapes," 96o: "Tom SlapUton," 3Sc; "Uatrldde's Daughter," 26c: "Charley Himter,"26c; "Gentleman's Daughter 4: &bel theAotiess,"9£o; "Bescued Nun," 26c; "Love, War k Adventure." 36o; "Eva May," 36c; "Spendthrift," 2£o; "Ellen Grant," SSc; "Ten 7esr8 on the Town: or (he Played.Out anb," SSc; "Jew's Daughter," 25c; "Daring Deed* of Good and Bad Women," 26c; "lUdniaht Queen," 26ci "Oaroltoe Tracy," 26o; "Oiphan Beanutreo^" 36o: ■•Julia Uanefldd," 26c; "Belle of the Soweiy," 36c; "George 8e- tan," 20o; "Al-Ua-San-Tnr Clrde," 2Go: "Gambler** Tricks with Cards," 28ci "Herman'* Maglc"'26o: Juliette Hoore," Uo; 'Boxtog Hade Easy," 13o; "Conrtnhlp Made Eaiy," ISo. - I Oabd PBOioaBAiHs—260. five for it (genutoe, not lOc lltho- graphs). Bent to onr Sealed Ctrcnlar Lener. . . Any of the above aent poatage paid 'by man on receipt qt named prices, to any person to the T3. B. or Canada: also army and. navy. Addrea*. with post*ge ourenoy oz "greanlMote" enclosed. . 34 3m OHAa H. DA7, MewEavan, dona. 'P»W*-'4»*i le Ume JL GREA.T NASSAU STREET PUBOHASINQ . • '.. AiQENori ' THE LABQEST IH THB WOBLDtL Hstabllahed:. ...Tt?..;'.i.ieii»; I Now to full Ude of proaperlty. Immense nnmbei* of SpMtli to. all pari* of the Dnion, ftvor thi* Tmr.Taar.a E8TABL1SBUEMT with their patronage, exprea lng ev ery manifestation nf'fl«Hfl><i and aatlstuillon at the BEAVTIFOIi, BA07, LUBOIOUB, and OBIOIMBI,. BOOKS, PBIMTB, OABTEB DE VBITK^ and SFOBUMG acOSfi of every, desolpttott, which they coniton* to receive from ns. T. "ALL LBITBBS AMSWEBED B7 BETDBM VAIL" and ''A^ bnatoess confidentii)/' Oar new price OATALOQDES, ' ' __ ' A lso, A BDBE WAT TO WIN AT 0ABD8, DIO^ ba, fce» Bent to any addrea* on receipt of one red stamp. • W. H. L1HDSA7, & CO., . No. 16Sesaaustreet, M-Sm* > Mew York City. PARISIAN'QABTES Dfi VISITR .. . TEBYAICH—VEBY GAT-'VEBT SPIC7. ... VI >.Mew Style* received by every *te*mer. Prise 36 oeat* eaoht platoi colored 60 cent*. ... . i.Steiea8coplO'Tiew*,T6otot3, Booh*, Card*, and BporUng Oood* . > . . ^ . . . ' . ; .Olevarydeeoclptlon, Bnmoae red stomp* for new drculv, to .' -• :•:■ '..• \. -'-B.:BBDffH/ : . • > '■ I BOXS7T9, ■. ai-«t» • ll.7;Po(tOfile*. SOHETHma NEW l-T-Somatbtnff NewI-^FeiftctGenu. PEBFEOt OEUS. BElDroULrCOLOB&D CABTE8 DtE VISITE—IBB CtA7ESI THDia O'er.' "TBE? TALK T.rint 'ji BOOK."'' .'• •■ PRICE ONLT 60'OEKTS EACH. OB TABEE FOB ft For sale only by W. H. IINDaAT ft oa,, . ' So. 18 Naasaa itreet, 99-Sm* Mow'7orkOity. ^ ^ ^ ft'ft jfe -fe 'fe' i| ^ 9''4 ^ '4'^ ia- .i> LA D£OALCbMANIB I" Bend 16 cents and -« get thl* Gnat Beoret. Addxeas ;<Boz 38," HawMr, Pa. ■HQ I 'g- ' i^ ■ ^^.: V ^ ^. l^w|4t.S}> ^ ^ THD I'ANOr BUIIG]^: or, -jve'aBang Vpt.Oompanion.—^ont eonfoond thia.wltl^Qnr .old "Bij6a. Pabkage." «'■ new tnd "Smarter." with. Bong*, fokee and Xoaat*. Aii<'ea(yploter"to eaahpaoli> — Onrmammettiolnnilaie,mtU, Bend90ot*..-*ndtwolM ip*. U0BPB7 & CO., 81 fTaasauBt.MewTork. 34-tf Boe. I sump , Vr SOHE.: Card FhotoKiapha, (genalnel) : 'Wotfcaol Ait,>3Bct*,ei«h,«fortl. Pest paid by mall. Addreu U'lBt* OHiS. E. DAT, Mew Eaven, Oona. LOVE-A-LA-HODE—Oatal(>niea of Bookg, Ac, Bthi nponeppUettlaiL AlQOUWM, lT<«a* . ' «6l>aan*«lre«ti Mew Tort.' FOREIGN AGBNOTtfor "Ga; uid8pl07"BootaB, .„_'0*rda.Prtot8, and FkneyArtlalea 'aif eveiTdeaorlpttoti. DontftatoaeadtbrOiiAlOgae*. Addre** B. TIMBAO^ 904m*. • "BoxRO. V'Bhtrley.TUUBe,UUii VTEW BOOKS of nil kind*. Don't "M'* to 8end for X\,aP*<»l'*' <'*talogaa, Addrea* 116-U . 3M0. IBEMWOH, 107B. Sdat,, PhUaddphlA qTIRBOSOOPIO views; and Cartes de VIslte, 1000 O different ktod*. Bend fyt Catalogue. 7I0TOB DELlPt^ 80Ma***a*tnetiNewToik. . . IM-k £ES PONtJA DB L» DUODIIAI This new^ stylo of HighiyOoIored FBEROH- PIOTDBBS, Ja*t received dlreot mParli. Xkertre reU beantle*,. Price only 36 cent* eac^ orOftnIL VorsaleOMLTby -.^ ■ ' '.W;fl.Lnn)847*Oo„ : 28-7t* MaI<MaaunstT*et,M. T.Oity. AMTSTjEiRIOUB ARTIOiEFOR SfORTING &aa!n Band 80 oenttto Bos 90, Belmont, SIii*., and r*eelv*by xel tain malLaOuiOMQentitTUloe,bywUdtmudaPlMuniamlij DsoenvM. 99-11(1 ..../ i.ABD.OOUBIMATIONODaHIOMa.-... niM* SHUerd^DaUeibave received the nnqnalifleflau*te'ii|a the best player* and moat competent Judges, who Jiam vf vmu^ pro90^nced them nno^tiBlled far general excdlan** aS Sevan disttnot patent* for tmprovementa to BHUuB'IttlM have been granted to n* by tho Ilnlted State* Patent fnin* we have latdy obtained a patent from tho French govanmaatta our improvement* to billiard onahion*. ",-1.:'' We employ, to the oonstmotlon of. onr table*, • variety «< .m> ohtoe* apedally njads for the .purpose, by.which ina*n* w* fM enabled to Insnre a sdenUfio and meobanlcal accuracy hiwrti nntaiows to billiard manufiwture^.'. % - Havtog a long experience and thorough knowledge «(:anika appllonoe* of bUUorda, *ndoon*t*ntly on hssida larg* *t*«fe«l the. b«t and most thoronghly seasoned materials,,we arB.|i» pared to furnish everyttiiiui reoulred to the Ulllard Una wlik aii precedented dispatch. ■ . . .v'^V??J""'' billiard player, H. Berger, 1 the following opinion: m. ■ "H«w Toss, at Amxatt, 11 J<On the ere of leavtog the United Statea, I am happy to.f- Jh™=>i°Sf*'^ 1 'f?!^ *^»' atourrtlalnJn a ttoOTgh the principal oitla^ I have been enaUed to Jndi aatlatactray manner of the superlorltT of the BinUrA? manuftotnred by Phelan k OollSnderV^e ^tS^mL JSSlii!, ^t!^"' y "'"^ totii^^ie*tiKgiiw»m euahlontoto mnce. ThtyhaveuuitMtothardKaomiai«<' American BUUardTablea that of tbe nesoh-Tablsil'tf stMan' S*knSSSdSlar"ucS!'°*- "BEBGEB, OLAODIDS, tttttaot of BHUardf, iuri*.^ ParUea oidertogfrom na will find onr price* •* lowaa.MOfl .workcanpoaslblvbemalefor. We lellfirBtol*** aitlel** iria fair price, and will not mike an infulor article at any prk*L Ordera by mall oarefBlly and promptly executed. Tniisti*"tia Oatalogne* and Prloe Usta sent by mi£ir«TBa rtimtim, oauT • Journal published to the totarest of liflllstfls iiifl ItlBa detalla of sll sovelUe*.* coplou*record of bllllaidneiHbM everything totereatlng to amateurs of billiard*, *entb**cii^ ... PEELui A OOUUEMDEB, . «^ 66,87 and 68 Oroaby *treat. H. T.,. V 736 Montgomery gbeet, Baa Fiaiiclaesb.'<hA •la* And734and^ G BEAT BO DKSII MEW BOOKS I MEW. B0OE8II SONT. TAIL TO BEND FOB A OAXALOatBl ODB MEW dATALOODB MOW BEU>T. BEMT FBEE^POBIAOE PAIS-OM AmSUBOft TBS OLD ESIABUBHBD iSlD OMLT BSUABU BOO^ ' aMi BPOBOaMO aOOM AitlNl Where Olden tre prom^Iy.'iind'fUtlifliilreieon^ . Addrea roOSUB'OBMBBT, KarUaBnlUlqiy 14-tf 86 Maaara street MairteCh BOOKS I ( BOOKSIll BOOKBIil • * • BOOKS 11 OABDS. • * Beautltbl ind original ' AMBEOTTPES. Phunny, PhroUcsemek Phaoeiion*,. Plianoy, Fhottfiap^ Tankee Motinn*, Lon doi^ A banrdltie*, and JP|rl« . BDKBViBTDIOA'TlaMa. Jn* Bead for OD B BEL E Or OTB OlXLAB. It la' ; AM E7B .OPENEB. '. We invite comparison; ohallefige.oofflpetliton and DEFT OPPOEinOM. Avoid coiutry UoahMom oonoaiui and one hen* tps lisbmenta. Bend to Tu only, and Bate y(mr*eU>&om b«)ig nnmlzed. Addrea* *11 letter*, with atunp, to - ■ H0BPH7, ft CO.; . • ' PanhulogAientiL . , , ' ' . 'aSassaastrM V. 19-tt, '. ..■ .R*TXo(lt RICH AND SPICTJ- . BEOEMTLT PUBUBBED. . FITS. MEW BOOKS , . < . EMTIBELT OBiaiMAK and inrpsaatog an other prevlnus works of the kind ever !■ in riohnesa of tdeaorlptlan—aboundtog to the mortxd4[umt a tory scene*,vividly ddtoeatedbyamasterliand.^ 'Th^*reti *ome)iy bound to'doth, with fine IBoatration*. ieO p*g«*laeaA book; Prlca|160,*ln(|Ia:.twOfott960,ortheftveiorlS, Bent to any addrea*, Dy maH or express, postpaid, neatly mM- oeoorely seiled. immadialety on recelpt.of prloe. Addrea* CHARLES a WOOD, . . 63 Waiien street^ Mew TolL .Ostalagnesfbrwardedonieo^ptoT athreeeantatiBVi. [3BM^ BO Q.K SI BO O K 811 BOO KBIil ' SFOBTIMO ABII0LB9, OABDS AMD PilLN'JHL' ~:<J. B. TABBEIZ«BookneIIar,UAnn>tr**<ka'.B Boon M eVery vaflsty, eliher FVMign or Domeatie; f*r9ltk*fl en-w^catlan. Partle* ^Iralrtiig boeia of atay daiortP " Mhdtogaddreaa, postpaid, will recAva Immediate attAafi Beoks,^worltogadd AncyArtldla*y«a mayse*adtefl' bis (nrtUahed to order. Oalalogaeaaentonapplioatira. ' . J. E. FATtRgTiTt daalar fa Book* and Ftocy ArBfllss^ gft.lB Am street, Mew totkl . BM rpHE GREAT FANOT BUDOEH'; or, J^LABH OOVEB ± iBARQ-rP OOMPAMIOM.: .Beplete with MEW BONAai Toast*, new and original Jokea, a bDUy Bngravidg,'and eoatada. Idg one of ov aaE£r book and FANOTMOaiW oa OTOABB C fbrmtosan ontiageous oUo of BDUBUSIiaAL'BAlIBUBTIII- OATIONS. Price 80 Ota. Addreuj with smouM aaAtn leC stamp*. XDOAB UOBPHT &<00i, ' " ' ItiT SlNasanitreetiMewTatti '*T\0 YOU WANT ■ WmSteS OR UOVVKh. ■±J OBEBt"—In 18S31 first MkM this qfuuttoo. It waa *» ■Wfre^by nomerourpeopla; sodluklfany of iheai..amhB*v my Ongiient to fUl to doing (11.1 olautied Ac it) namatyr thai i wbfild coinpel the'Eeard or ITouatMibe to grow 190a the imtath estXwewiutoalxweek* from the flntap^cabm: LlkeaBaio. ee*sfpl investors^ I have ha^ to odntmd wilh a host at ladlataiih sonis.ef. whom-even go ao fir ■* tif.oopymyi*-—" '- gowever, truth l*mldity,.andjvlll pnrvall; and yon, my.baa ■ Mend*, will findlhat my.Oilguent 1* the onfything wal tH really force the Beard to groir, andiirlll neither stato or topm theakln. Isendlttoanyptrt of the ooantiy.fitee of poataf% for BL |3e-tq B. oTdBAHAM, No. 199 Nasaaa «fa*rty X PLA TIM a OABD&., AaA tB arttele* n*ed to 1 aAKKB or AUUBSHBMX'AMB OHABOB. . IbnaflwtoMA and. Bold by < ..itSHaoH, , . ^ v- 384 . ,m.Braaaw*r.SewT«ab BOOKS, CARDS, a«.--^SeBdfdr aT0ir6a]«r,«neIi atainp*. Addrou' ' . .0.&HABmBUra^^ 97-8ino . ■ ,'1, .; V -.1 THE OLD E8TABLIBHSD BOOK 'AOBNOt. tbraOlMDUr. BBMBTSXBPEHMBt SSMisaraai BOOKS, PRINTS, OABDSt^rr-Sead Ibrmx (Sr«ate; Moftandpr*otl«ed. JOHN ATODUOM, ... .. ./ 364m* ,83I>naq**tie*ttn«wTaib END FOB A HAimOTH FAOKAOI Vouttoor AttMsai'prloe95oentil. 'Ala»'Babtef'atjtM Oentlamtn'a nie. AUnat }.B.9AB]mj% 'Ullta'BkM irBioaaway,'M.'T. ■•'"■;■".,^' 't^- Tir 0 B D B K tt O H ( . 8 .VV 00BRBSO7B0WBBTAMD'BATABDflIBBai4^B.*i msata oan be aoeommodated with Booma by th* day •*«**■ with ex without board. aiO. P. WOBDBM,')hNipil«t» JAUBS GOODWm, .PoiMnMoA Mo. UO JOBM BtBEET, vea^ 0U« Mew ToA. Mewa and PrtoUag Piser BaanikotBiaa . (0 Ao(t**t Bottoa. HOW TO WIN At OARDflrDIOE, 4a-aona>«B- addres* and two reditssop* to HOWABD H. OBAVBBklto; 7ork City Po*t OlBoe, and he iM infonnyoa of a BDBE *. winning at ALL thevarlousgamea. Try It and get aa* byretommalL . , ■ ■ .3**"* CJOLDIERS'AMD OlVJUANS, Bend for It. > Woado- O folBeorst* Exposed sod IVstaTleaUBftUed to ThtBMftaf wander*. 10i000ocipI»*»oM. J&«!ja"0 wot* and *dd^ 9B4b* . V. O.iBLOW. MawIofeP''^ BOOKS, SPORTING GOODSj «to. Boodfttft CM*- \u. 2tadre*a_0. {.OiABEB, 199}£indt«m|I^.VrJ"