New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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..'^-....i. u'.i'io:—-■ ffA' i'. .J STtSSilodqim?S^Xm^ to mikt known Uute ■iHOWABD, KSIOI BEIHOQBt *. B. Bivqitt, ■ . Q. ft OiDHHOB. . DAHiKMllttT. W4 (.MnlwtPnas. Mrtt. jBifAbUihiBMil ■ . , '. i : : INHOWOPHH.' : ) Dow «pea »t TXt eoiB»«M» •» $ o'oloofc ■ i.^.J.'-ov »• • 4...w.e» ClhiSxit^>< •••ki«>>*<vi*v lb .....«!•.• <••••> wtmt - SittS *. K. to 8 p. !«■;■■ . ,,<m^B FOB Bsa^y^ ett^ "OBOflS OV THB OBDEB OF BAM JOAV," hM (TfirM in Amelia for tliajnurpon of •xblMUna bU dr ■ ZAUSnXABBOCrTATIOH •• Io«AAai«rlOi*Pnt)lla ' btal'wkit tlieBiltlmon ptMiriWr'of lilm,wbciitM.R«Bt BMtmMtnlKBawAednlgliWtoiM _ _ potUon of ttie •naienqe.who. lioweTar, we» WfWWfgggjrf 'raS'AUooXaitilt ttu)•»P««»«^'?SS,'*il£Sta'^ nlbnur from hU peiUoM pMdh lud 2S"'-S?fvri7. ^ ii!^fZ!:S^^^iniCT.W^ P»riarmMio8 0t ftodSTM wten compuol to the perftninincM of VeiiMK«^ WllidilNkitoOBOBOB LBAj , M4t il^YAiUBTIKBII VABIDTIUIII .0') ^"^"^W^ wAflHIKOXON, r. a 'Van,... ;..,.Fio^9toit. ., . ~ ......BtagoUmtgaatidAftTaiUMr. ■ till «l'J^ OEBttB Oim OtnSIKafftAB. cCnntOliH ilokto HiO of Wibblnoton OUr, , . itilbSe& bj the iMdlstf'fOTinull of the Bitloa'a OspluL ^"^InS taUroommetadAtlou pMt« oar uioTilont.. ~aixrohVgasBTS0 of abt Ain> abtbtb. MAdadMlbD, BO iniM oanii. FrintA^BoXM, tS. lltiMlfmili itf ttttrllncr ablll^. ind BIABB of nuiU italbia.'vtihlDit HURlsmnaats, wOI iddnM iww, w-i-ua HAMBUH * Oo., Fiopilotoll. ... ___ttJMOBT aU BBntg . ■ .tHB jHQBT MAOHinOBHT BBTmiTHTnntWT,. ./ ■ - • OF SBB tnCD' 01 iH A'MBBIOAI ' ' V" - Ha WUMB OnM EWHOTMD. '-Mjii isd' Oosttaniaa,' of BrtAUlilud Btpotidtdn, Ibitto Ban Iiobadon, Axm^OOiniiBbCarfioIoAfeali, • < v:^ U tbOTO 19 btttf, to F. 0. Box IMN), • ffl^wrlnintfi OUOs p.iintii ^ l n flin *i«t>iii«»ttrtiiif r60«ptton«T«r|WMM»ieow8tt I siH BEABPLBTS MIMBTBDBi • . . Twasrr.TWo stabs, . , • wkoM bitflht MlAlilUtloni o«aM the ftlnt gUaiatiUis* ei pur *^UBaiXIlIAXB UASAaBB. ' ■r ^'ttwtrtetBWiT, ABOVS BirrB. r • THKonai THW HOral ..BEB OHLT : Anmenenk I .WOBU). ' Vor the teniihlag of . ■.■■H«1 to ot; ^ . ^OBrai^7QUAiw,A5g^^ BMTBBTAINHBHT, , .| iVwofbtadto'eSdlAhtolPabUo. ^.lllnj fnA XortealiofApptiw. : - , . iiii>na«wof.Apptcb»tlon,i._. iM—wK pjaa«Boii»of.D«aibfc ■ FnmLth».Bduoitoi'ih8(Wtioil,th».Beflii«a, ABeneeinpionoiindiig,' - . -^ XHBQBBAT.OAflDlO. I ' THB BatABLgEMBirr OF THB AOB. W. H. BMTH, BUg. ^^'^QJala. »>Mtam HMujjei; ■ ■ T OFBBA BOOHt BOflTO K; HABB. OOUHHOSD lEDB BCTZRTR BlOnUJi BtABOtt' ' ■ ^^^OSBAt AtOUBI M/ • • ..„„__- fi^tiain BHOTHKB8, FELL k TBOWBBTOUV lONBXBIU Oonilit of the ft)IIowlii^O«iJ^na>L aOOAOO.TABOBTIBIBt.: "■■ lU AHDJI7 OBABBOBH BIBKBC ' low n IBS *uu ztOB or nicXBii: M ■kbiir TfriM br Otowded iota aithiuttitio Asdtangai "■*"T'\ "^jiajM indaSKwBito. bi|fi|'Um^««io8b 'toi)oon]dM#. ttwfiovdi Uut.Mtten- jdtnilimaMtwtUxgbodenmeaeBiibr WWf,-- — . goHifBB ft 00.,' ' ^ iiinm H4u«on ttaMl,-K, T, riinUdi or BVBaY OBSOBIPTIOa* , THBODOBB SOTION, . 1 tiU Old Mtmdi, lluUgen, uA the XoUio gen< »le nowloarte d <tihe "i BPtA lI PBDHIHQ BBHA BMHHHIUH^ iiBEBdO^IBntEKT, BXW TOBE, ■ Wlii»he.«fll(lTeliif,'(eiioail J i tt tn tl o tothe pndaotloB, J ...LOIHIAK, B, ILOABBOUt ' I, QUBBNk ' F.tnuiAJim ' 8. FBBDEBIOn^ ' J, J, iini T.TABHi D. t. ioamstm, ■ L. A. BWIBBLBBi - ' fAP4NB8B Toma. to theibmdMiD* _DBXD. AHD.ItiLinnSA9V SHOW BILLS, .. .-r^SutloaUrlr adeptedtn - n&tlBWO BXHIBIXIOiro, ^BSBIOFIAN PE^BHAKOBB, ... . ' .aXHHASX8,UAOI0IANS, t tnnS OF AIX EIBSB, . . r XBOIXraa TO HABSEBS'OB WAGON, I'.' ' ' DOTTBIS TBAUB OB BmnnHa HOBBD, POUTIOAL 0IL1IB& 'LOKVOBBia, buxiT uobwi, JOBRMFPEU^ /. a^TBOTOBXDaifc • I. w. BBBSoorr. ■ /.UaSLBEKti ; F. BTO BB^ I ' AVaUBr aOKHEIDB, ; D. W. BOABDHAS, Ite'itaugeauBt edl pHttonte '''^''nitotosSoUitBeMmdBeetoceoeiitL li i~ 7 ■ r^;- • AM MOlDWAT,. ■ I ' TBI bBADD-BOOBT OF. THE IIEIBOI0(IJ& > jliiniiimlnii hf Orowded Bniii iw Oteet ' .„ i ■ BDTLEB'S ,• ■ • - t OBIAX OOmiKATIOH TBOVF^ . ' Btb/ Hljlit ' . . . ne dutt^taiittliBOBi.tokani of epimTe];^ 0|ilto tii M)ialmr»' ^ HIHB OWATTABlBTr 1 Thi ooliipiuir U Pwfto tlon in tlUtrdi THE KAHliOTa BTHIOPIAK TBOOTB., . THE OBBAT PAMTOMpnO 'O/OVn, , • ' ' •^THE BFUEKVID BAIXBX TBOUPE, Ih«hort«Bttit»o«»toia»>eiiiP . lEBE OiaASTIO OOWPAST OX TEE IVIH O^NTUBZ. An Entire Otunge of PtoflnmnieET*i7 .We4ki ■ ■■ . fi. yr. BUTLEB, Utnuer. \ UOSB III THOBMB, BUga Huilgar. J, AUtfEBUAM, Tteisarar. Hon»dl*«p.*««54t^^ 8ALABT." OBBAT XBOHOLAM. ' !'°"'^I> FEBFOBBIEBS tad QOOD BALABIXB, • ■ , V> oaosxB, ZWO TBORKB, •_ . OBOim,^ reoBhed to an om hfttiee.' The metjwttjj^ of the ^ iMOFirOBB OF iiniaTBHLsr, ■ ■ to'Uoneiaflctenttoanvdthe iugM biUM la the oopBtiy,tn mu^initiaeai hnbdiedi being twned awar trom the doon TU- ''^•'SS^iSSKiSMfoKEB. WOBH OUT 80K0B.. PZSiYnma SEVr *™jO««N^0BAlB OF I^OPIA, whouenowonth^^ TOUB, • ^ , end win ^ en the om«« in thePnlted ^yiSL^S^^'^- fotdlng the jubUo one more oppertonltr of witaeenng the uiffl' tUble enterblnmentipceaented br thta toooBUM^ IHB lABQKffr AHD MOBI OOMPIiEnB TBOUPI ■ ■ laexittenoe. Doe notice la Mob olty wffl.beBtrenbr'oiir .Oeipe of ^AdTMs '''iSra^^SiTPASOBAlIA OF FEIHTIKO. nor OBB POaiEB ALONi; . tmie BEBIS or aOBaEOTIB BIII4 (cenilnglOWiqnuefeetof «uJSjO„ —" ^EAOH ONE A OEtf OF ABT. &b whole pnmoTinoed hr the Pieu, the ProteeetOB, lad the 'j^^Sb^j D'bUVEB" OF TIPOOBAVHTi the tileat end eneiglM of the belt SedgMia ind'EngnTan in th» ooantir, Maeni. Jonet & Bert, oomblned with th elmmeii e e ftamtlM of the fliK-'in^-**! EnoDlier fob FUntlng ,.<»l«e. haTe Imn brought into n^oliltlon dulDg the put t«ft taoAtha. to "f*" THIfl OBAMD BESnA 04rnenrlffllUton . ■ • T"—^ ■ tiSCKOV EgUAI* , BQoh leie exoel Iti 'J . ' OABO.TO FATBONB OF AUVSEUKHT. , Ai^reehinnukaoor FIBSTvlait tomulldtiee thtieetMB, ill. ^ ^Tfif T' *"'*'"" oTgenlMtlan will not be iMfonaded, br the pnU'O, with ear of the- ~^ fnUBBAirrTEOOPEB, . • . • . ^ vtaouBrTlilt theffi-«onie of which beve been orginlced tj . . • "OUDIDE 8PBO0tATOB8.C wh«. wlthoatepiitlole of lepntttloD ae trtuti, engage ■ taw KbiFFBEENt PEBF0BUEB8, (BtnealM npon the gfiod ahlp HlnetnlaT,) •ad br apeoloas edTerlulng, and other repiehanalble piaotlcaa, deoelTetnepnbUoand iajnie the bnilneaa of legitimate , oom- ' a. TothoeewhoheTenotgeenu.wewonUonlr ear ABE" : ■ .: TTTQg H WHO • HATE • . • ■ ■ . THAT < . AnnJIwlaal&eal' aade . . OoodopportoBltr ■ Of:.- f■dglng.Iha bitmrnestal AbSlilei • . or. ■ . THIS KOSBTEB TBOVF^ ; .laaOraded ttonredTcnt ineeaheUr. . Tflf f/»mj .« y «».»<>.lng fMm ih« ll«pat tO thO EsUi Pt*- bj ■ ' '. • THE 0B0HE8IBA. . AS A BBABS BAND OF TffSLTE PIEOBBk dlaconialBg the Utait nmito Of the dtgr. VorflinpaxtloalaM,ieeFroaramnM. .■ w . BAIL BHABPUer. Bde Uantger end FnpdetOE. V.Ikinrtltbat hit many yean eipetlanoe Inthebnafwa*, MBV&Tlargeanortmentof Ontaat hlaoommand, asyotwUoh MiVieirtaM&'ln 'one or more oolan,theaerTl«eaettheb«at - ' BiandEngnTenfbrnewwoi^winaeanretohlmaooB- j«(pact laTon and a trial b7 sew pationi, IMm oiiv > XO THB THEATBIOAL FBOFBBSIOK, : - • .n* giMtait remadr extent for theonre of . . . . .. . ■ ^-r .'/CBBOHomm oouqossj colds. Ac* . : ABB.-lMteateneeiu reuef of Hnaiiiirncaa, iDilaomiatlan.of the ... . ■(. ; ,„;on ■ ■ ■ • . <'.i;,i. ' . pABTniiEfl.' ' ■ ''■ . '' VePllwBpetke^tadProfaiaioDal 'Slngatt ther entlnnln- ^e^ ti.Offf (tre tone and yleOr to the VOOAL UDBOLES, aOnr MtaMMt^ud whoUr relloTe the throat and arUoaltttng'otgui «f aQ teaOaBerto hoannnaBorlaaltade:-A'paotaigeioiititfnti aw bMBgee lent free b? mall onreoelptof ti oanti.. AddicM WU. A. AKDEBSON. oare Hr. ATEBT, 9»-U*, : :. <. : 76 Broadw ay, WUiianabiagh, r>X ggOPU'B HAM i. • IH MbWBUBOH, H. 7.' fiMVepenfavtheoiaof ' 1X>N0EBT8, ZiEVrUKIS), Ao. Vepetai-hcve-bean aparedtomakelt,oomplatelneU Heer- tMMiiMnto:^ Oqeof Canaan A Fknoher'i beat Pltooi haibtea iuSft S iti flirnUare, and.wOl -be tented with the &aU at a . ^^^^SlhttJnflnnatton'otn babbtaliial at the Book end ^^Of „ OHAftESTABBOP^^^ Blpna lULU^ranUor.-BfeptMrUSa.' ' '/T S-ut* .. JUmaVTA OAIiUBTTI, 0 THE aBBAI PEEHIEBB FBBBOH DAHSHTSB, I, ■ -. ■ and ,'>:'■• . '1 .ifiv UOBB. TOPHOFF, ^, IheaieatlkenohSanMrendPantomlmliti . ; ThotwogreatrntPaaoantnthaWorldi Oa .|H> jW»g>g«d by Hanagcw of .plaoeeot AaiqMBeniliy aO' ■ '■ :. . ■ ■ ^' ^^'^^^■[ .vd> AbTOBB.^TB0UAB B. HAHN, hai mtde atraoM- WBH tolatwUah•.BODTHBBM.THEATBIOAIi oSoUirThll r l'^* P>*|hig to fine buiaiM at Oorlalh. BUalaalDni. Mroneof engucmtati, wiU. for the pteeeat^ addnu '^^^'^'ntAto.towSelBiiiii. sno^ to be ooul^da!£<?. ■v- SMt* • < *>r>^<^ >i " i * i * i * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■vvvvvx/>j^j ^ _r,-^j^j^-^ P ^^.^^^ r i_T ri _ ri_|-i _i 'HK bjdnCPBBILIif ARB OOBIHOt TBS OAHPBELLi ABE OOUHal l Ara> OSXiT . . ., OAUPBEU/BVIHmEU,'' . ■ *«i> a nue 'am. . . BIXtEER JH miOBB, .l?.a4«the^«o«|«^g^of: who anbrnlta the tonowlng aamei. ' Tmvi^ ua laOdlent gomateefor the t_. talninente, liid wnioh, their nvbj ttiandi i wU lee at ajlanoe, embodlei the talent to portrir ALL ^ nFFEBEtrr PHASES OF DiJU^ ] «Bdw)icee brUUa Bt 80IBEES S'ZTHIOPS, BiTe gained fcr them with Pieai and PaUlo. the tHIa n THE CXOELBIOB BAND OF AUBBIOAr^ Bead the namoa:— r>' U. 0,0 AUPBEIX, Proprietor and Uaaanr. RED DATI8. Oomcdlan, JOHHHT BOOEO. 0 XOHNNSWHXTIMa.Ooraidlan MED FOBIEl^T^' Hi W. OOmJ), OnlUr, Tenor. ■AraEBEDDTl . . ' f. NIOHOLLS. Leader,. iF^TIHIOET, OontiaBuio, . H. WABD, TeAor, A. 8TEWABT. Second fla&:^ . IBS). JACOBS, Genera Ageni -^f' AOAIW OWTHB MOVBI, ■ TBI) BIAUMOTR LEADIHa TBOUPE OF UISBiaiUr Enlarged aad Imprpred fbr the jear U6S And'tl^ Tenth IriompbaBt Anna*IToor of the 0AaaaaUed and ttmm, 1 . ' SUPBBZ A OBBEN'S • ' ■ ' OBianriL ■ "! " HEW pRLEAMB AMD HBTBOPOLITAM HBMBTBBU, BDauatUE'or^'TBovra isD SBua Ain, " : TUe reinlLotXtn Teanof experlane^'patIonlAd brthehiUn and' elltt-'ofthe loxfm of the Burnt Oork'Pit)Mdoii7^^' I •THE MODEL TROUPE OF THE VOBID. . ■ O^npoaed of * g iMtOo|||a o^IMitognW>ed end PcpJn . / ^ Meter before oonoentnted into one dompanr, Onwhloh 6i»tilon 'niaay'ne>rfacuandtn the^oU ftwyaa-w win appear.' "CT'i Sating the preeeat Maaen theywlU vtilt theOeudu.Sit Bnmiwlok, Mora Beotta, Mkwfoandlanl. the Island of Osba, taa Kallthe pilndpal' Oltieffin ttu United Btateat iatrodadDF&Al abUo the beat Meno Dellaeaton, thebeetBlagui, ■Si |S noera, the beat' Bailolani, thA beet Female PenunatglKlte bett Bian Band, and the baetOioheatra In lUnattelit* '^-iTT Alio, the Incomparable'. ' ■•■ I LIOR QDABTETTE, : ' - > .'i: : ' Oompoied of the nnappioachable OUBTAVE BIDADX, , E. Gtaeo, Edwin Holmei, • and OonialTo BliUop, nnlitMlf admitted to be the b eet and moit powerfol ■■ ' , QUABTEITE'EVEB'HBIBD."' The Baoga^of thla Benowned Troupe'la the Flinitb'aMI EUgant, EaaaUfaJ, aad moit oottly.'Iot of ZlncTraahi etS ae^ oondected with one Ocmpany: the whole wii Bilelq iDtolil order, at an Immeaie expenee. ■ ■ ■%') ^ THE WOBLD OUTDORE. I . DUPBEZ'S DBBAU OF MIMBTfiELST, boneot the principal llnea oa the gnat BUnnncthPMtOf ' ao\r nael by thli Ttoope, reoently completod at QUny A BelUejX ~ >hioe atieet, MewTork. Itanrpeesea in Deelgg. SlM,(JnBi' ipr, and Expenie. eTorythliig ever betbra'etteni|)tad,Bot««taa> jiiptlDg Olroaiea or fieiiig<rlee. .Thli Uuneue BID ocet tUOO, ItlecompoiedottUrty-IlTa aheeta.workediafonroclon. Itti nineteen iheeto larger than any Poeter enr pilatA Btn 'f Pcpten along the lonto will take notue end leierre (MtpaUio placeaforuiuonament '. OBAMD BEBXMADE BT THE BBASS BAMQ, eadioTenlngpreTtoantoopeBlagttMdeen .> For fun parUcnUa, aee Programmei ot tUedat;.- Blage Manager J. Ei OBEBET. . leader of Otoheatra and . j . ' Mailoal Director JOHM' EELS. Le(dar'ofBnaaBaad.......ALPHOM8HBEBaXBOK:' " Vocal Dlieotor 0U8TATE BIDAUX, . The whole nnder the aolplcea And Itnmwllate oobtiolot I DUPBEZ A QBEBM, Bole Prvpittto& QBAB. B. SDPBEZ, Manager. ' ^ T js-ir A. e. PBENZIBS, AdTartlilngAg«at KB^^SK OnXEF. . OenenlAgi leak > Detmlt, Uloh. OEOBOBIXA Pincietor. . ^.JW.^B. OATSaoH........ AotliwlleBager. .AantottBaeceattni and I«gltbnatoOonoeiVBan, latiie Weii OBOWDED HOU8E8. DBIiiaHTED AUDIEM0X8, ' . MiaHTLT'OBBBI TBB STAB TBOUPE. IClJ»^ — FAUL BBILUAMT; BaDet Matter. TAM OLKEB; Moiiatl Dixeotot. ■ v. BCUiWAH'B , MPBICIAI% DBAMATIO, Ato TKBraiOBO^LAM AaEROr, flii'llBfWJBiA'tt'MBAB' HOUSiON'STBEBI ^^-wSnSiiiirbeitrM Boot, end Shoemaker. MmMklUaailiWQCltari^ and every ityle of workteqalted' . H ttA.In)aiilan,-inade.toordex... Oideie.from ttie.oautn gtiiii^llliexpipiifd tp $)l parto.of the United Btatei, s&lt* ' _ tjutji i -^- i np e j' n "r"^ — I'T'". T~'""^~''"'" " i - l . !v'jiilviu>iPiu<i>rAH''.TmAv ' i'Tjriff"ir"^T.•" "''* BtKifeiQthtPNiki. . WILIi OEO. A. FLOBEN0&, TloUn Solotai, end Leader^ 1iM* XUien«hlitlAadt«eato HABBT BLOODOOOD. NKWOOMB'B' QBEAX MOBAL EXHIBITIOM and PABLOS OFEBA TBOUPE. Are now on their Otand THnmi^hU Tonr. oiowned with the " "^moit flattering Iniccea; Win llAlt en the prlndpel oMea lalhe United Slatee aad Oeneda, pterloai to their departare for Baton. meWammothOomblnattoalicompoied aifMlowi:-> - : ooMKODOBB soon; >9jMi!idU,38lncheahlgh,'andwaIahiSSpooadi. Hla lifter, , ^ ' HISSBLIZA MB8TEU 'i«U'yeati oU,lTiacheahlgh,aadwel(|hiU}<poaad(. .' ' . OOLOMmlUALL, la IT yean oU.'M Iniihea high, and waighi 33 ponadi.. ' nie whole worldii challenged to piodace their ejaat inlke, wet^t^ oredncetlom' ^.. . loaddUdatolhlA great attraoHonli ^. . : HOSa 0. LAVAU^E'S PABLOB OPEBA TBOUPIL OOmCAMD BEqilUEMTAL. . ' Tea la number. aUai^peailag in oaeataadBaterttlnmaai] ■ li D. MEWOOHB, Bodneai Uanager. OOL. W^TrnXlNOBB, ta- 0. a. BUBBBUi, Agent. - Director of Aaniemeati. '0ORT|BB19.TAIi THBIATBB : , AMD HUSIO HAUfk Walnnt itteet abore Eighth, Philadelphia. .ALUSOM A HIMOEBM. LeaaeeeandllBnageif. The Largeet end Beat Oondaoted Eatabllabmeat in AmedOA.. MOW IM THE FUUi TIDE OF BU00B88. ' , MAUUOTB OOflPAMT OF 109 PEBFOBUEBS, Who are greeted nightly by . POIENSE.AUDIEMQIES,. 'lA ^tomlBie/Ballet, BqrUa^ne, Bthlopiaa Aot% .. ' ' flemi of the Opera, OyirtiiaiHoi; to., to.,'. Which ui^pfteieBted;to the.pntolo ia perfecttealaalltheilr detAllf. 4Sr OoBveteatArliitioan sieet with ^ftiwbgedniteniif 1)7 eroJylag ai abote. .-qy . '••- • " .^^^ '' ■ kHPP*B KlRBnUDLBrHiTtng been niawlr'ornaiieilU arep^rftirailiwrt 7Lj'''" '| ^ . TitlBEBaX HAU; AUatAMDBIA. TA.,. . fbt A.thort cAfipn. .Wanted, • good Tenor Singer,^; Perform' eni ^kaown Uunl^.t^lahigin^, :emeole, wfll puwe iddreie liberty HaUj ,'' ,•■ : V • .'•• Alexandria, Ve. P. &: Mr, SEin'.bai laaied the' ebore 'Boll fbr: one .year, [anagenwiihing to negollato.tortbe cam^ will addreia 3»-Ht . :U. .KBEIFF, BokM^ WMhlngton,D.a TO MAWAOBlBf OF MU8I0 HALLS. THEATBES, Aa— TIU HATES, Admitted by eB to be the OhamploaOloa pander of Amerldi, anS:SAtt HAOUJE^ the Ohamplite of Eiuuhd, Ate now^ tranllng together..' Uanagi|M wlahlag to. obtain their ler- vlcekl'and at thA itm'e time eeoore tr^ of the bett oatda in the bn^eu, Ota iddreie their cole'etfeat EOBEBT FOX, ■■ ..' .: .^.i- PhJUdelphlA.. HBTBUFOLITAH THB1ATRBI< ■ . B00HE8TEB,'H.'-y.•.•'." ■.■■■•■) ,-■.'.> T.JB.,inua Aotlng end stage Hanfger.' Hnt .OUu STABS. Operatnd BaUet I^pee, negotEttod wlUi toUbeBaltetm l Ajtouq abore. ' . ' T., ]l7><m ' .VjUAsiuB'BOTAU '!<^'.: ■:- r. . ." " ' ■i -ii. . MOBTBBAL. OAMADA, •< Thli beantlfDl Theatre TO LET, nightly or weeUy, antB the oommenowaeat of December, AmMTo^ ■ »tt TOCBllSD, MoatrtA aivJEBMIB EMSIiE, ma lUUiL BOBDIBOM, MTle-LOUIS B. KUi BDITH WUlTlMa, BUXT W EST, APP WBAYEB, ■ ■ BILLT DELEHAMTT. Ugaor BUBS end BOM, YuXD* SPIBOEI^ Mill NELUE HOWABD, wiMi BHUA BOSS. Kiel UAOOIE HABSHAL^U Mlu EMMA WBITIMa, PBEDSHAW,' johmmt wabd, uabtbb chabub. Th e Jnren lle TALAMTES, JUUTIMK JOUOH. BUXiT OATAMAOK , Bextbmien of ability wlU be treated with on liberal terma, by ^plylngae ebore. iSrtt ■AeVIBB'B OFBRA HOOSSr ' . , BAM PBAMOIBOO, OALOOBMIA. TH08. MAai]IBI....i PxopiletM and Uanager. JAMBS DOWUMO Bttge Manager.' J. L. SOHM IT Leader of OrohMttti Wi'BXBVEH80M'....'...-.:..TAMtte. ' ' , %HB SIAB DBAMATIO OOMPAHT. Mma SOPHIA' edwih; MBS. W. g FOBBBB, . miss melub bbo w. fbamkhato, WHiIIAM'BABBT, HAB BT OUF IOM. F. B. ' WmlE, W. &TAXLOB, I ttOie &0«e &0« gidg ^laittng OaUfinnla ihonld bearln'mlnd that lb. Uagaln i« alio pt^rietor of the MetropoUtaa Iheabe^ paorameato, and tbeXoyralaXhaitte. UBS LULU'BWEBT, MPS O.jH IBOELEYi WirODEIL, ■•. ■ 0HABLE8 THOBR, D. C. AMDEB80M. . W. H. HAM naOM. a filXTBHSOM,: to.. ' OAinnUIBUBT HAXJft - WABHIMaTOM, D. 0. SBI VOBX MAOMIFiaEMT . ' KUBIO HAU ■ A ' - ' n AMBBtOA. . Me WamiMHrii.employed. Lrtleeead Qeatlwnen of taown iUlltyuwaif weated. ) HoonoddetferCarmeri employed-noaebatthetetybeittati' gtl enflt fled.' • - • •■ • ■ • ' AdlMHto WILLIAM E. BIMM, . I . : ' . . Bole Proprietor,. tM(.. Weihiagtoa,D.CI. liABOM WF BB6W bill PBDrnMO ESTASUSHMSRT IM THB WOBIOI ; OLABBT fBHILliHY, ' ' ' , ' flSOooeaioratoJohnK BiM^) FBIMTBBB AlTD' BMaBAVHBB; ' 'U'abdI«Q(RiceStrM,MewTdrk,. Sai^pefttailer attention togettliunp an klndi'of J^i • "FABOI SBOW BILLB tMrillngcompaBlee,andhaT«ontiail4alaig«udiplaBdU I aaiortm'ent of large and imall I ' WOOD 00TB BolMle Ibr Olioatfei, Utoamrlee, Ethiopian PMoRaan,'Oym-' naeli, Magtnlaaii Ae.; to., vhldi oan be' printed In oaa 6? Itwre eotoni'to ntit taitomeie; ja|> A depoeitreanlred'On en woTlrordsied. Afl oMere addietMd to "OLABBT A BEtLLEF," Bioea Print, lag ajadBngmln^ eatabllahuent.'UudMflpRueitreet.'Miw Toik, wfil be promptly attended to.' 9T-tf , OAZifiFOBNU. VHBIATBlbAIi AaB»OT,-«HBBI< DAM, OOBBJM' wonld reapoctfally.lnfoim memben of the dt*. ■laUe^ Koiical, or Bqneibrlan proleuloni, that hehae eetebUihed ■a Ageaoy in San Randioo, and la prepared to negotUtoeagege- maau eadtreaaaet all et her bnemeupeitaiBlBg to the pi» |baaua.'.Addreie SBEBu>AMOOBBlN.BanVraaolfoo,fliL H,B.—Anietien Wftolilng anmia mart «antiln*ilampto t^p ey theieme. ,. .'X*tf ' VIBBT OIiABB AaTIBTi^'ln the dilTerent llntf of Obit' aett' BnelneM. my VfJVi itAtiny' teittit eto., per pre-paid ASHBM^UM'OOMOBBT BALD, _ ':WATn^b.-«jUi''ArllM,'(lA^1ttt''o^pMd&Miit' the 'dZOil!, oan liaTa a good uUryau • permaaent engagement by ad- dreaaiag OAPT. FBAIIKJ. TAFT, 17.At* Toronto, 0. W. A.M,U S E,M B-'N T'8;" T. WADDEE.1^^ ' TUB OAilTBB ZO0ATB TBOUFB, TOUKG FEUALb'bBASS BAMD. . . . BtoBTUa at Mnmaa. ■ : »TBE paiZB.EMTEBTAlRUEHT OF THB SXASOX." ' ,'Beei!Unl5sI>emoorat,"Dayton,.D:.Iane<th,lBa, . Snoh lioe onlTenalopUiian of thepteieaqd thepnUteeititi .«ileM,:DpoB.Tltoeealng ^lerery Tcnattle and exba«tdli«dli cntertunmg exhlblHoni aa gtren by the'above venpcpthr ttoape. "ttaOttmoitoompanlei have felt oompclled duagttit extatoidlnary heat of the put inmmer, to take a ••n^ta," the OABTEB ZOUATE TBOUPE baa ^n perfbnalig t» 19) oily "fall," bat even otowded hoaiee. The reaaca of thli frreat p<valarity'la eaiily expUailjtti< OABTEB'ZOUAVE TBOUFB oomblne the Omar Exonunskl' of anthebeitexhiblttoni of the day, end the motto of IM manager la "onwaM," "brwiML'^ and he win not natnitll It nudue'lt fhe bait eihlbltlcn ot the preaent age. The manager of the above ttoape, eontemplatlag a vWt tt- Elirop^ aexi aeaaoo, win be happy to receive proiKjoIa tna' mmigen of lltit OUU eitabllBhmenta. Aayaaoh, dlMtad ■ nader, WiU receive doe ettantlcn. J. HEMEAOB OABTEB, Manager "OartarZoaaveTiaape," . Oare of FBaaa Qoxni, Oupraa Omoli 104m MewTorkOtty.U.A I' ATHBHJBIUBI. : 00LUMBU8, OHIO JOHN A. .Kaaager and ProprMet. The only proper and PopolarBoildlag in theOttfifMlta- oerti, Leotaree, and other Eihlbltione. Oan be rented'by IM Bight or week,'dnrlag the mcntha ot Joly, Aognit, Satanic, oSober,'Mov«mber, Deoember, IMS; and April. Hay, ml Joe UMi the other monthi betas oooapled byatyregOlarDluulH Oompany, Allappllflhtloiiaiiltectedto , - JOHM'A. ELLSLEB. Jr., OlevaUnd, ' IS-tf 0. A. WAOMEB, OoIonbU^ ft ~' macm or •waiiBb thbathb^ ■ I . : > . UTEBPOOL EMaLUn nil tnily Uenat liad Tvy beaatUU theatnli kept «|*B la lag the Whole oT the !ye^_ _ , ■ of ^owledg«jdpMltlonend teleat, negotUtediilUiiRlcai* ihott engagemeao^ i> mntoal iatoiMti mar teaolre, , Addreu, ALBI. HEMDEESOM, . _ tftt Hole Leueeaad PniiiW»_ ' VBAOLB'B VABIBTniB; " - : BT.'MUn. . ' THIS TBBT FOPOLAB ESTABUSEUERT,.. ma Laaoxsr'nt'XBa Unrso ataTB,;n KowA.m FUtLTIDBOFSUOOBBS.'.', Olua STA$S treated with et aU UmH, Kent 6M* need epply.,. , JAMBS CWMMEE A Oo., AjrM^,,;^-v H«a ' ' or aEOBaE.DEAaLB,SLl«lik. AOAbimn' 'of jt uaio , « OLETELAJ'D, OHIO,... ' JOJHR ^iL JSUJUtfa., ..j^. ..Uanafwend^Pr^nM^ 'in 1 Elnt I uanjui •lov. •ui/WiU AUffuai, Aooi, Mjro a n iiip a p , iBSoconpledbymyregalatDiamattoOomvany. , - ^1B>tf Addren JOHM A, n^.v jT,ttltj m«v«lanl OH*i 4ARD TO BUHAOflIU AND PBIBB<OIinBai.>r. , A oertala Sinner from Wuhlngtoa, who hu hid the (Mlin; tai(eto makeafewdoUari.brkeepUig a half Harnd^wi^ ' i.mota throngb damblack than goodimanageiaeu,uuw of visiting PhUadelpUaUqaeat of taleni Helnnaw the dilnlOiU^aalooni tledaentodb7theprobaatoB, M>2 alVr^ teadytotA&e a imlle mthi any one, e>P««>*ULlf/%U', ai^y ••obampagne" aroand, bnt he'waimver kno«»«» buy' aad Ntam'the compliment , jhle - ■ br^t to WMhlogton. iSUuMrli-alwayi ready to iaitmol Jff'^j^i: their eniagemonta, in order to obtain their •''[""JSI ahlogton. Da.oan tteUa baUot C^I to'pat all wr tmderhec dieaijrhen aha leavei the ehow, and lu^V.^iTS ' pf ooutiehewlU make §i»*!J^,Uj trunk behind, imldh r- ^ , ,, .-f, ■ alio offer a long and dance man, or a banJ>Pj^^>,I||||i 1 which he never had thacodrage to pay, and '{''i^rtttt '■ the tint week, he wonld, ai anal, have to cat them w*> "nS^otSSt'of tbla-oatd U to put Mnageti ot tWIJljSj agtlsit thlaSlni^.er,who goea aioond V^«"*7'SJh£m ^ tfflod to act the PWt of lheb*"W;., cIothlDg." end li fully (aaUII aheep In the bnilneu. .Wt~ wHl viait the bar toom of 1 toxwlth bla taUln atno, (ho pvttonlate ot the Uto.trW orieller '<»5S/22j«H! mtrnwy, h<, wJU do troll to Pifiuh hlmidi; md TO^^ agalnatVuoh a oitutcophe. .TWv8*""'™"i?.™ ffl aSi'' to performeti, whtoh many of .the ^■^^^I'-imUm^ thetsorriw, and it ie, hoped by.theadvertiaer that twaa*--. hint wlU be tien by ihe proftulon la 8M«%onffllT F*** fnUy aaaHfled to act «• ''nSSoSI, H"' neu. When he agitn ' toom of Fox's Oaalno. he Yft ^iJiSiA^ lnati«p,«'moreW«htenodthmh«irj^ 1 laadfifi Ttcnpe, or « flwt olau Klnitrcl Bmi. ipii, as-lt Addrew, oare of Box Ms. P, 0.i WW"""