New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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]SrEW YORK: CLIPPEB. 195 HEATRIOALi RECORD. •ncm, Bonsin, tm aaDmaormTBtiTiiaa, oamn, HuncuL, iHD mnuL norisaox. uuR lettbh box. P Vc !>»• Ic(t«rs for Meant. J. Rtrnoldi, J. T. BariDond, E«iil«r< )<'<^- F<MlU'. B. T. Hsdm, J. B. Oraon, J. Uf r lIUMrll, W. H. DosBldaoD, Uutar L««la Wtlten, Ulu SilJrii, Frank Fomat, Fftuk Wjut, L. U. W. Stcon, mOmIIi, and W. n, Oook, OITV BUIUUKT. HoXDAT, Bopt 28,1S«3. , Me In tho affair* of men, whleli, taken at tlis dood, ai ttTctrv eajra, Ictda on to fortune, baa rcaobed our profca- J rhcnda, and managaxB and people ore now rIdlDR on to of pnwpvrtty and vaaltb. Uucb bualueu aa onr tbeatrea te't iloliift. aatonlibca eren tbo moat boinful, Droadwar 1^ DoiTTjr are nlglitlr crowded with pleiaiire seokere, and ^0 ilim-o boura wben tbeatrea yawn and boarding bouaea II rorili their thouaanda of baab ealera, Ibt principal Hglibrca are aloioat Impataable, auch la tUo denae tbrouga cKvry tbem. Tbay puah tbeir way along, elbowing tbia bainMug agatnat Ibat one, and cniablng crinoline Into all joilife tthapeaand alzea: but tbo womon folks don't mind Wiiliouldltaej? Are tbeynot on the way to thetbeatn, nihrcrowd la alin mors deuae? And docansi the pleasing « of onicrs and other refreabmonla loom up bsfors them at ^o'r Iboabow? Aye, ays I the play's the thing, snd ths fnl» Hie rsvlTlfylng deaasrt thatmakca up the .(nolrof ths feast, and preparea the habttua for a return, on tho nT, Id the labors and bad boarding bouao dlnnort that New I ttth la heir to. The motropolla li dllTsrent from moat o-jlc people win be gay and happy, if It takee tho last shot Miocker, and leatea utou wllhont s cop. Tbsy are ago- ti community—there ia no lack of alacrity about them— rtpted lljoir money ftcely, and go to work for more. Amuae- iH are abnndant—patfona are numerous, and money Is Uu *miind loose; STery manager ought to make a small Ibis Koaaon; It's their own fault If they do not; let them HDD (0 proTlde good fare, and the people will erowd their m hills evetr time From oier the lea we boat that fligofs Dobloeon la coming back agaliL Bhs IssTsrwel* It, (or ah9 has afforded us many sn hoar of Teal anjoyment kir ntlural style of acting, Ws are a Utile down on her ]«od, Dion Oottcicault, for pandering to the tasles of rebel ■iiblicrt In London, snl tying the rebel kite or Hag on ibnirc In that city. Ue made a hundred Ibouaand doUara ItNorihorn Blaira, whiis her . and was always well-treated I Ubtrilly palronleed. lie forgot ne when ho left us, and M the confederate rag. Dot it brought biu lo grief, for ^jrvr.e noon after OTerlook him. and in a year or two ho ithnkriipt. It laoght bim aleaaon, lurhaps; be mow profit II; be *crks tS conciliate hia Northern l^louda, and to tlile end lUtk) of sending bhi charming llltle wife ovur hero as mints' i4«iil|«Icnllary and envoy eitraordlnary. 'We don't think KS «IU (,'<■ back on na again, ahould be be taken into the L nr'II apply a Terse to him that we were taught lu our ;00ll*) »lii>B:— "It ho had monoy and a fMend, An once be had before. He'd keep b(a money and bla friend, And play the fool no more." In Tunr let up on him for Aggy's sake, for she Is a brick. 'Uiij>|ily'a vcno to her, nipreaalve of onr focUnga and tender anl lot llic Scotch lottle :— "DInna aak us gin we luro tbeo, Deed wo darena tell; rinna aak ua gin we luve thee, Ask it 0' younel." fOfflc along Agnes, dear, make no delay, we'll giro yon a SK to ehine ai^aln, on our iMautlful Droadway The mt" la uol ployed out yet, for It still oxuples noTera] of our ilrrs niitl miulcal halla: and only to think that this new M II liow dlacoTsrcd to be more than three hundred years , ablch Is another evidence that there la nothing new under luo; and SSt. Pepper baa only got hold of a tblng salted n for Ibreo ceolnrles. It la a seaaona^le production, bow. r.intl netTcn to make a Torlcty In our Ihealrlcal pngramme. ...Quite an army of opsratio people an anlTing in tho clly, 1 evci7(liUjg belokena the busy cote of preparation for the m eoou to commence. Iloms an dsIdb brightened, aboncn cleaned up, old flddlea reatmng, and loaljuments of ij hue noil tODo "renovated and otherwise improved" for good tliae coming. Uax Uantzek leads off At the Academy, ij In October, lie Is certainly a courageous msn; hs ban Imore upn and downn In the operatic world than any other qroftfariu" "known to the Court." lie tias lost half a dozen tauf. If uot bla own, why than ths fortunes of others; still mnniB to the nfiwult; he cannot stay npulned; bo baa a I for the oiwra which cannot be wiped out by disasters or rms. IIo would ninks a good Drlgadler,for he la a skilful UdiD, aud plays bbf points with ablUly and courago. no t tuiisged all airts of opera <winp«nl(»—mfractory and tauai. i,-tu-lttntiB and docile; he baaiaohled hungry irrencb- D, Slid uvcrfMl Itiillacs; hi haa confroutod wlielo bands of rijilrliig Dutch flddlcn, and mastered them with lager bier I Snitzer cheese; he hna had hospitals of luvalid tenon and us dounaa to lake caro of, and he haa brought them to health Mbuw of dollsn. Notwitliatandlog the revonss hs has met k tho Insubordtustlou and demoralization of his forces, and tVuscB he Is supposed to have auatalned, be conios sgain Bs ruali, and la prepared to go the whole hog this time, or Bb In the attempt Let the persevering Uax bavo a good iv; let tbo codQali and aUoddy arlitooracy harmonise on one :ao;i platform, and vow that while "eternal vIglhiDce Is tho aof liberty," and the price of the open Is so much less, it Otlr Inuoden duty to support Uax and bis Irnpresslblo crew tnnitry eud thinty operatives We an promised a couple lovclitea this week, one being the sppearauco in English mi of tho magulQccnt contrilto, VestvoU. If looka olono iU pull a perforuer throuab, Veatvalt would go it with a ik,for she la lovely, sbe'a divine; her Umba an "modela of ifictlon," and bor face and form the very embodiment of uly. Sbo'a perkoon, euro; aud it's not odds Ibot she will L illliougb tblnan don't look altngotber gorgeous for her; abo aettbcruiakn a big alrlke, or fall heavily; lieeidea her lueeloua \ illftrtctliig bust, aud beautiful face, Hhe ainga with much «ki7,"aud that la auother point in her favor; butwhethnr run bo able to keep up the ahako in tbo spepklim portions of tpUv ahois to appear In, la another maltor. Lot the dear Uic 'be lenient to this snibltloiu child of song. The other Telly wlU coufrout no In the person of that great ahowman d cxlltiltor of "wax flggera," the Immaculole and untamed (emuit Wanl. IIo threatens to enliven his conscripted con* tueiic) by bhowlng them Hi ghost, bnw it is dono. «hat for, lie will nlso intcnpeno bla "piece" wllh gems about tho iiktliullun, Uoole'a atroet aweepera, and alaughter bouaea IbUi'sSilooii hsB been aelected as the theatre for bla forenalo splay. Aod If there won't be a Jam to sco Arty, may we be raiocd for saying so. It Is a rare treat to listen to tho wax lure man flguro In Ills ourlous Qgurss of spoccb, and to those loffiali lo get a eight at tho ahowman, let us say go remarkably riy, sud freeze to tho boat lost yoi oan find. We've been ns, snil know all about tho crawds that attend these Isclures. ....^'nilictrutttmo having elapsed to fumigate the place, aod n It a good overhauling, rendered noceaaary by the opera- Dos of llie original Watklns and bis original ghoat, WaUack'a Mire wilt open for tho regular fall and winter campaign on tbo U of .Se))t<>iu -cr. We dou't know what effect the gbosl fealuro ar bivo niv3u the Icgltlmalo buslnria of the pUce. It may be ssoiteti liy ihoAnf.iriie*, In wlileb case all will 1>e well: it may bo tbr linUht.-f will demand nii'rc ^bost, once having had a tasfe !ll; the seussttou may have dealreyod all love for tbo legitimate; lie. ind If a ghost ahould bo really cecoasary to run the place Knvfiill}', let the "Indefatigable troaanrer" run down loollhor (ibeD>\T«ry theatres, and pick whenverhollkos; be cau have •T eb»l upon the boards st the currant ntes. Us Uic evening of tbo list, ws paid a vlalt lo the Now Dowory 'hilre, for the oxpresa purpose of witnesslog the Uto Eurepcsn "Inl. M. Ycireoke, upon lbs flying trapeze. Ths evening's IfftriiMnco commcuced with, for the flnt time In this country, '.l^crtuD Wllks* nmantio dnma of "Ihe Night Demon," cast tUi Ibc tan atranglh of the company, Including the flnt ap- fuwce this Hcason of tlitt very popular Bowery actress, Mn. a.O.Joucs, who, upon hi r cnlne, wugnoled by the "gods" ■ttbtkrrohiarlycheen and a tiger. The piece was enacted lu tiwy creditable manner by tho ssverol membon of tho com* H"}, snil tho "ghoally spectres" made their appeannce at In- ""ilitliroiighoui the piece, to the inSnlto ploaaute of all those 'H ite fond of the "horrlblo." The play Anally ended, as 'Tnftilug niusL We wore then Introiluced to M.|Vemcko, '*> luimi dlalely ascended by the meats of a laddsr lotho rial; circle when a platform had been erected, A single ■iHeu was siiopoudod from tho dome of tho theatre Immodlately J^Uw leader of tho orebcstni, and about balf waybelweon Jtlniie/e and the platform at the family circle, autpended the dome and leading lo M. VornckOi wen two ropes with !"(>>ttauhod, by which bo awnng from tlietecenl olrclo to the vhtch be caletae* with hi* legs, and thon dropping tlie 'ff con lliroogli bla i>erformanco, which conslsti of one of viimt aetouuding feats of Ibo age. In our former notice of ^i!cnileiuau we ooninredblm pretty soToral)' for notpsr. {"■ilSK what ho advertised; ainco tneu wo have been convinced N Ik wam not to bhuns, booause tho accommodaUoo offered at ""»'' Altiambre would not allow hiralo do his sou It lea frtbit ho waa deceived on bla arrival herobv a apeoulUIng Bvner, tmt hols now st * tlnt.ol>** establishment and with ■Un or some principle aa a manager, and the conaoquonco baa "Uilr iH'Ou aeon. U. Verrecke places the nope of bla nook tbo bar of the Inpezo, and in that poalUon boala a tune on' >B>ll drum for Ibespace of two minutes. Tlita performance ■"is the audience bold Uielr breath, uutd ho regained bla soil "i^ the bar, when all present burst forth In lomulluous ap. lie bos thus msdo a successful American ildnU, snd It •^im placoihlmtt tho head of his profession. It Isonoot ""e Ibrlltlug ezploiU in whteb the laws governing human {''llstlon and iqulUbrinm teem to be set at defiance, and *x»l ImmUoa the bi bolder by lla diring departure fnn the {•Itnnoiit beunda of human safety. II ia an tot Ibat waa never fore attempted In this country by any of our gymnuls, and it thatwUl makeioe M. Venaeko ■ world widsnpslsUop, "■mrcckowUl shortly appear Is blagrtal Hyhig trapeze act, or a* it ia now called, Zimplllaeroatallob, ne baa created con- elderebte eicllemeot among the Dowory boys. The Winter Oarden commenced ita fall and winter season on the 31at, wllh Edwin Uooth as the star, and A. II. (Dolly) Davon. pott in full charge of the stage deportmsDk The inltbd perform- anco was "Hsmltt," which waa contlnned throughout the week. On the opening night tbe bouse waa densely tUlod by a select as well as critical audience, for we eaw on baud a good representa. Uon of the oyater house critics. The opening night was at- landed (aa Is sometimes the case) by a few dlsappoinlmentt on the part of aevsrtl memben of tho cumpany who did not put In sn appearsnce, ss advertised in the bllb. Ur. Sidney WUbbis, who was caat for the EIng, having had to travel all the pnvlon* night lu order to reach the city, was nnddenlratlackedwlth the cholera (eh, hlol), and coaaeqiiently waa seriously "Indltposed, aiid Mr, nagan wu oaUed upon at the ahorlest nolico lo perform the King. This caused several changes, among which won Mr. Davenport doing Laertes Instead of Osrlo, as per cut. We do not propose a full criticism of Mr. Booth's genius—to tnalyie ita olomeuts—to weigh in the balance of careful discrimination its condition snd modes of manifestations—to took to unfold the secret of his power. We csn only. In tho scope of a passing no- ttce,iadlcilo our—we trust, Intolllgest—apprecullon of hlsseling, record the deep Impression It has made upon us, osll hero atid therealloworori)eauty,anAaUnde,perhaps,to an Inoldsntol de- fect. In tho flrst phu», his dellneationsareemhiently Inlelleciual, The mind it f.ror In the complete ascendency, snd the wholo be- ing is pervsded aod subordlnalo (o lis power. Every member, every muicle, tbe oye, the face, seem pormosled by Ita subtle Influence, snd moving In obedience to its dictate*. Hsnce Mr. Uooth nevor mouths, nor rants, nor makci facea, nor tean a pas- sion tolstten. There hi no prodigal wasteof more physical pow- er, nor any offensive obtrailon of it nnou oar sttentlon. His scting in oonseriuonce is characterized by naturalneaa, ease, and great almpUcity. We feel tho effect, but In the nulotneaa of out- ward demontlrallon we cannot l«ll bow It Is produced. A word, a look, a gesture, often uufold a world of meaning, and seen full of oloctrlclty. He set* from within outward, and does not Issh himself Into an excitement, that he may thna waken the mind to action. Again, Mr. Dootb does not trust to hIa very irrett natu- ral quallQoatlons for on actor. Ho Is not led captive oy a blind entbnslssm. We soe'everywbere the evidence of thorengh trsin- log and careful study. It is indood rare to see in one so yoong ths indleaUons of such high onltun and seven art Mr. Booth's usnsl performance indicatea a quick perception and nice appn- elation of tho idea of tbe author. Ho caUshes readily his real moaning, hia aubtle thought-tbe delicate shsde of hisoharseter. nonce hia dellnestlen Is, if we may so say, in good keeping. Uentoforo there baa Iwen mocb reaaon to doubt his pesae«ilon of ths great blatrlonle powon his friends dsimod for bIm; but tbe most akeptical, we think, are now tally satlsfled Ibat he reaUy poaseeses great genius. In person Ur. Booth Is lbs henu I'lfmi of tbe molsnoboly Prince of Denmark, snd plays the cbarocter to the life; on ■ the, evening allndea to, he rendered ths psrt to '-the- stUaraollon of all pretent What more con wo say? ' Ths ^'Lsieries of Mr. Davenport waa a voir creditable'perfamtance Indeedjwnd taking into con- aldontlon the ftct tbathu enacted tt\ei>art4VaAw houn notice, and that It waa the flnt time he hod tttedpted Ihe'character for many yean, wo think he la dcservli» ;#'oni^Ii pralss fey bU general porfectness in ths role. UIss Adii 'OlITlop, ^qlto a favor- ite wllh the frequenlon of this esbibllabmsut, waa warmly Wel- comed back to her old 4uarten, and gave the dlfUcult part of Ophelia with much foxing, and was very good in several eceoes. Toe Ghost of Mr. L. P. Barrett was ozcelient. In fsct everything this gentleman attempts receives full Justice at hit handa. JTo ia e very csnfol, pains-taking artiat The Lird Chamberlain of Ur. T. UorrlB, and "Ths Flnt Actor" of &Tr. Bind were very good. Mr. Vining Dowers, brothor.iO'law to Mrs. D. P. Dowon, and s very clover low comedian, nuule bis flnt appearance on tbia occasion as a regular member of a Broadway theatre compa- ny, and in the chancter of tbe Grave-digger, made a veryfavor able luipreaston, and prooilaes to Income a geuoral favorite with ths public. Tho rest of the cbartclen need no menUoiilD|t,froni the fact that ttioy did not soar atwvo mediocrity. Tbe bouses have bei-n very large all the week, and Ur. Booth hu t>eon veiy auccessful. Mens. £. Fenelon, well known in the profession ss s flral-dsss musical director, died In tbia city on Wedneaday fonnoon. tbo 291 lust, very auddeuly, being aeizcd while engaged In rehears- ing an overture he waa conducting at the New York Thcaln (eld Wallaek'a}, where tbe Martlnettl mnpe are now performing. He bunt a blood veaseL Mens. Fenelon came to this country wllh tho Davela, and for ssverol seatona traveled all over this conutiy, conducting the musicsl depsrtment of thehr entertainments. Ue finally engaged with John T. Ford, and was leader of tbo orches. trs or Ford's Wssbingten Theatre at the time of ite destriictlou by fire, and was a loser to a considerable extent In consequence of bis death the New York Theatre was closed on tbo evening of tbe t3i. His funeral took place on the Ulh, tnm the Uotol d'Euroiw. Meaars. W. Nichols, Fred Reniz, and Tom Lcnion, well known as gcucral performcn lu tbe circue buolnoaa, and who have brcu lu ISoulh a uierlco performing for some time, returned to tbia city on tbo Uili of Sept after a panaage of twenty-flve daya. Tbcy returned on account of III health, but did not forget to bring along with them a Urge pile of tbo ncedtuL At Nixon's thrce-botse Show on Fonrtecnlh street, buelnnn on onn or two occasions baa bseu very good; but the nmtlnlii;,' nights ware very iKwrly attended, owing in a email measure to the quite coot weather, which msLke* It doubly so under canvass, and lo the very lurorlor performances givob. a jnngi^y heralded In tho bilb and ptpera as Bopbie Bagiioo, a "wondurfiil equestrienne," nude bar ifdiu/, and was a dead fallun. It eeomedjuit a* dlfUcult for her to keep her balance and stay on the pad of the bone, aa It Is for a good rldor to fill off. Her claims aa a flnt-claas artist wen so few that she was wisely kept off and on at Intervals through tbo week. Yet every time she appeared did shs make a altll worse meaa of It Hsr atlompt at rilling was the wont we ever saw. In the penon of Miss Car- roll, Ur. Nixon poasesttd one of the most grlcefnl and best bal- anced equeetrleunee in tbe business, but the was wltbdnwn to givo place to Bagrlno. This is alwaya tho stylo of Nlxoo'e man- agement; he opena with a great flourisl) of trumpets, eogiffes a good company, promtnes much, (perforas very little of It, now- over), and In a weok or BO dfeobargea all his best people and flUa thoir placoa with inferior artists. Tbe Uedoum Arabs, offoj Hash Katore, have had their laurels clipped In newspspcr gig- ging, by the inlroiluctlon of Young Nicole, who mitfe bis an. liearanoo on the 33d Inst In tho ZamplUaerosUtion Act. Ho Is quite a youth, but In tbiB act oicels evory artist tlist has ever yet attempted it in this country. Ue is, without doubt, the most regularly and bcaiiUfiilly formed as weU as fully doveloped young gyuniaetwo ever saw stripped. He performa his act'vllh the greatest precision and coolness, and In tbia act takea tbe rank of rat and foremoat In fact, ho is at prtacnt about the only real aitlst that Nlzon offera to his patrons. Speaking of our minstrel friends, we moat not forgot to men. tluu tbe raflle which took place last week at Sara Felter's, lu whioh ono of tho burnt cork profooslonala proved lucky enough to gain tbo prize. Tbe beautiful sorrel boise Congress, formerly owned by O, T. Nelson, waa rallied for at $16 a chance, 100 chances. Ur. Epb Horn was the vrioner, and we sn sure every one was pleased at hIa sucecs*. At the conclusion of the rafSe, Bpta in hu usual happy maocer made tbo coiko fly from tbe best brands to be found in tho city. Since t' en, Epb bs* sppsarod on tho read with bis tesm, looking aa ftvs. as a colt. UIss Laura Eeone began a abort season at the ilrooklyn Acad- emy of Music on Monday, Sept list, phtylng "Maaka and Facei," to oue of tho most brlUlant and crowded andlencea teen In tbe Academy for some time. Sister Laura bad with her what ws may call a fair company of arllsit, who very ably auppotted her ou tbe night In question, eioddartoipeelallydlstlnRnUhlng blm- nelf by bis caplinl rondlllon of tho charaoler of Triplet. UIss Ki^cno's Fag Wolllagloa wss a dramatic treat to ill ptesaiit, though she railed to do Jiistlcn to herself, owing to indisposition, atorere cold troubling her considerably. In the Qnt act her IHjtformance waa chnrniing, but in the closing scenes the fi^li off Bomewbai. Levlck creditably acted the part of Ernest Vain, but wo cannot say that wo admired Walcot'a Sir Charlea Pomander. Fhlltlps' Ooltey i;iblHir waaadnilnbly given, snd the other oha^ acten wore crediubly auatalned. Oo Wedneaday, Sept 93d, Frank Wood's new speclteubir burletta of the "Usrble Maiden" wot produced for tho flnt tine, laura Beene't comedy company being tho srtlHU selccled to bring It prominently before Ihe Brooklyn public: Frsnk, knowing the ertllctl tudlences Brook- lyn can pretent on an occaalon oi this kind, preferring to give llieu tho flratvlew of it, being fully aware of the foot that If II passed through thoIr bauds unscatbcd. It waa sure of a signal auowttatthe hands of the more liberal New Yorken. Fnnk Wood, be It undentood, was one of tho;)un-gont cootrlbutois to I'andy Ahir, being a gradUBlo of the J'uitrt school of writera. and one tbst does hu iilmi mitrrr no discmlit Bis dcisrvod success lu bis flnt production of "Leah tho Forsook" bos no 'donbl induced him to 117 his hand tgala in burlesque writing, tudwo have to say, Ibat in his new piece he fuUyproieshls dspaolty lo excel In this peculUr line of dramallo composition. On this occasion Fnnk labored under gnat dlatdvantigoa. In Ibo flnt place, tho piece eridenlly has uot been done Justice to In pnsentlug it on ths stage, nud tho artlata In question, on tbe flnt night, failed lulaenbly lu giving it a due end fair interpreta- tion : in fact they could uot well have done worse, bad tjicy do- signed to have it damned. It la unnuestlouably well wrlUon, la full of excellent puna and telling bits, sud the lauguage Is u smooth and rythmical aa that of any burlcaquo that baa been preaentcd on tbo rnetropolltau alsf o for some yean past. Bsdly ss It wasscted. It of course feU upon the oold end orltloilsu- dlonco present ss any original Auericau produotlon would havii d3no. utdit come before them Blauipedwllhtbsniarkof an Eugllsh origin, a different reault would have followed. Apralso* worthy fealun of tl • "Marble Ualdsa" Is tbo capital muslo com- posed for It by that taleuled musician, Cooke. Though ihe alia an auch t^ to tUraot tho popular car by their familiarity, at the Bsms time there la inaiilfest orlgbiBllty throughout the wbole piece. Take it sllogeihor, wo think Ihe "ftlarble Maiden" la a very orcdilablo proiluctlou, and properly performed and well In- letpreled,wouldaoblevethosuccessUdeaervea. ABlttslotended aa a burlesque on tho drama of tho "Uarble Heart," we doom It nnnoceaaary to give tbo details of tho plot, A-e. Tbe following is n conplete list of the Oormsn OpereCompany formed by Mr. Aiisoliuiz for the coming neaton at the Acaovuiy of Mu ilo. Tho arltstsxugaged abroad an oxpeoled tu arrive by tho Bteamet llavntla Ibia week:—Tincr rebusto, ilr, Ilimmer, from Berlin i prima donna. Mad, Hliniuet FnderK 1, l^om Uerlln; prima donnt, Uad. Jobannien, from here; lirio tenor, Mr. llal- t'r, from Brunewlckj aoubtetle, UBe. I'tuUiie Carrtosa, from Vienna) sonuroUe, UUe. Olsra Lsngs from Pesth i colonlur, Mile. Pauline FruoVner, ftom Viosnai bitio, Ur, Loiesi Bemy, OILAMATIO. innrd the fall campaign at Ihe Uetrot apnltn, on thn iiih ull., tna iHjrfect Jam, anil made a moat decided bit; their bualnnos haa contlnned meat excrllont thnngh llio week. They wore reengsgoil, and piD> diieod "The Uobomlan Qlrl" on tho 31st ult, with Ulas BalUe u Arilno, In which she sings Lonlsafyue't "Lol Hear Ihe nentla Lark." from Vienna; basso, Mr. 1. Wolnllch, from here; baain buffo, | _ I air. Hairnet, from VIoiiLa; ba 0 iiiiffn, Ur. c. aTi Krjufi'lili, Tho irolmau Iroitpo opunrd the fall ram] I from here; Bccoiida donna. Mad. Brroard, froa liero; seconds poUtJin Theatre, ludtinap ' donni,Mllo. Julia Drome, from hero; coreplllor, Mr. Ken- fen; ballet maater, Mr, Dennstaodt; scenic painter, Mr. Nlcholoa Melaler, from Oologuo. The chonis will consist of thirty mem- ben, also a full ballet Entirely now wardrob^ by J. Blollwork, Mr. D'Alle Asle, baaio; Mr. Tiohalaohick. tenor:' Mad. Bnrdfr Ney, aopranOf'wlU appear during Ihe season, which will com. monce bore on tho let of December; on tho 1st of Oolober com. aenoing in Bsltiffloro and Watblogton, snd on ths 1st of Nov. in Philadelphia The followlog neweperaswlllbegivon:—"Jea- sonda."byBpohr;"Earyanthe,"by Weber;"Faust"byOunod; „ , , „ "Tompler end Jewen," Hans nolllng, by Marscbner; Adleri^lptenl of a bensflt on the leib ult "The Herioos Family; Bonb, by Olater; "La Dams Blanche," by Boleldlou; "Woffeu- ■be "Spectre Bridegroom," and the bnrlesqne of the "Fhou Schmidt," by Lortzlng; "Wsttertroegsr,' by Oherublnl, and Tee TUtuvcs." oomnHMji ihA Mil. KvarvihiDir went off vAr othen. Mr. Cbu. T. Panloe, the woU known dnnuUo agent, hu re- moved his olllce to Md Broadway, corner of Prince, whoremana- gen and stan rrqulrlng his lotvices can find hlu at all timet. . Edwin Forrest conllnnes bis extraordinary luoeeaa, crowding NIblo'e every night that ho perforna. He la inoreaalng In favor. If such a thing Is possible. He oiiens tbe ourrtnt weok In his grest persenstlou of King Lesr Mad. Vcslvsll foUowsBanl- mannon tbe off nights of Mr. Forrest, and makes herdeAHtin Eugllsh drama at this bouts on the 39tb, In the drama of "Osuca, or the Jewish Uothsr," Somebody bu been golting Ihe London folks on * siring. In tbs New York corrcependooce of the London Sandanlf of a recent date, appeared tno followingfa^felcbed announcement:— "W. B. Aalor, George Law, and tho csuto of the lale Henry Parish have aabterioed Ihotum of three hundred ttaootaod doIUn to bnUd a now theatre for Wm. Florence, the aotor of Irish characlan. It is to bo built en the north side of Union rark, and upon the property on the northweat corner of Seventeenth sireetand Broadway, sitondtaig back to Eighteenth streol, on ths sams block as the Everett House. It will be two hnndred and flfty feet front and two hundred deep. II is the old Perish property; Mrl Florencs is sold to be oue of the best buslnoss jnen in the.nnlted 8tates-a qaallflcallon essenthd for tbe msnsger of-Ctheatre. It It called tbe 'nolon Theatre,' and ProaldenI Lhicolo and bla Cabinet havs accepted an Invitation to be preoentat Its opening on ths 1st of AprU next" As ths lot of Aprn $EM1 Fools Day, the New York Joker hu been com- ing tbe '.'AfTOWinillb" gome over the Londoner*. How sn you, The Itdlea'.anit ffontlomen engeged for Mn. Wood's Olymple Theatre ore ctlledjogather for ttie SSIh, which goes for to show an early openfiii 27 uot etIabUthment la OQniegueb'c^ of severe sickness in Mr. Gotltclulk's family," tnnounces a poitponsmoni of the Gotls- cbalk copMMaf Irving HsB. Wondsr If anybody <i alok. Nothing ttifiUC at Bamum's. Dsy busmesa good, but night trade not veryr'Woonraglng. Ibo place ia nther loo far down town to .Jlo «inoh alter dark. Bamam might make a pile by carting lu*' thUifts up towarda Union Bqnars, snd we think he will be co'mpjfllta Rl do it tome dev. A good lo#.i4medlan I* wantea to play In the farce* at 44t Broadway.' Xj^ble and competent artlatwUl have a good "alt" by apiilylhg immediately. The Academy of Uualc opent lit opentio tetton on Uondty, Ottober ttb, with DoaizetU'* Open of "Boberio Devenux." Josofloe Medorl (tbo Ittett arrival) at Queoo EUzatietb, Mile. Uentletia Sulzer a* Lady Nottingham, Signer Franclaco Mazzo- lenl ts Boberio, tnd Big. Fordlnando Bellini at the Duke, it- suiled<by s numerous orchestrt sud largely augmented cborua. AI the New York Theatre the Martlnettl end Uarzeltl tronpe commence Ihe fourth week of their engagement thla week. So Car they have been very aiicceeaful in prodnclng those panto- mimes andbtUetaJust suited to thetaileaof Ihepubllo. "Tbo Green Uoniter and White Knipht" has msdo quite a hl» and Is nightly received wllh loud spplause and a good attendance, it la announced to be contloued for a few nights longer. In sildltlon to this, and to add furthertotheallnctlon, UaslerPanI Martlnettl appean nightly In a very clever performance upon the alngle Irapeze. Marietta Zanfrella, the Queen of Iho rope, appian nightly npoo the tight rope to the indnlle deUght of aU lovon of daring and exciting performances. ^ To see tho "Qhosl" is ons of the penalties—oan we aav one of the privBeges 7—ofUvingat tbia partlcularepoch, Juat imsglne the ifd/ui of the Indlndual In 18M who had not heard ol the Atlantic Cable failure; and him who, A. D. 1660, hadn't heard Jenny LInd or ebakan handa with Tom Thumb. And to II I* with tho Obott dnma at the old Bowery Theatre. If you do not wltnoss ons of tbsss dnms* as produced by Msnsger Foi yon wlB regret It for everything it done in good itylo. In addition to bit ghoally apcotrea Ur. Fox appesreeaeh evenlog In a favorite comic pantomime much to tbo deUgbt of aU freiiuenlen of that popultr Ihcalro. Thla week a double atlnctlon la otfered, another new drama entitled "Midnight; or, tbe Ghost of tho Ferry," will bo produced, also tho pantomime of "Jack the Dean dtalk." Jackson Ualnes, the Ohamplon Bkaler. haa been en- gaied and wUl appear in a skating act during the pantomime lierfomunce. Mr. Daulel E. Bandmann, the Goroaa tragedian, took a fare- well benefit and made Ida laal appearanoe In thla city for the pretent at Nlblo'B, oo Ibo 27lh, playing, or at leaat attempting lbs very dllBcalt rUeof Hamlet, and a more lamentable failure vt have never witn«*a«d on tbo Amartcan ntage. Mo American bom actor would have been pemlUed to npeatsuch a rendition of Ihe cbsnoter a second time, but be would have been blaaed frria iba aiiflo. It waa a complete fallun on tho part of Mr. Dandoiannu Actors abould be the clear exposliora of anthon— fotelllgeni expoalton; 11 they be nQt to, they nlalead mauyby their Ignoranoe and perveraion. They should avoid attemptlDg to personate parts to which thoy on not psrfscUy equsL Pre- sumption snd vanlly bave mined many pronUshig acton; lend- ing too credulous an ear lo the voice of flattery, they have bean led into a nisconcoptlon of their power*. Study snd sttsntlon can only direct ths way to the pinnaole of one's smbitlon; thsy will beget a consdoosness of right that will rise superior lo sU oppoeltlon; coofldence Is tho conoomltant of true gsnlu*. Mr. Bandmsnn is lesplug too fstt—he attenpis too muoh. Tbo bla- trlonle ladder la not to be mounted quile ao quickly, nor the to] round gained In a day. Tho grealeat aclora of the age liave hii tomountltalowly, and in doing ao have made It surely. Aud can Mr. Bandmann expect to gain In a day what artlata of the rareelbalsntsbavetakeo yeanloovoroome? In undertaking a criticism on the porformances of sn aotor. the eye of theorillc must bo scrupulously dirscted to one point; the genuine and*ln' beraul, not the Intrlnsfe qusltflcatlon of bis subjoot. Mr. Bsnd. inaoo has tho fsult of noting tea fesrful extent and llkomony otbon who study to dlicover a few points, on whloh, after pro- ceeding for Bomo time in tedious monotony, they eatKnd a bunt of artificial energy. Tho audience havUig bad tbeli artl. flclal acumen engaged lii endeavoring lo dbioover the niceties at their readings, are auddcnly awakoucd from their etate of qui cacence by loud dccloxiation. The cnntraat producing a purvly pliyalcal influence that expends ll«elf In the olappli-g of handa and alamplog of feet leaves Uiolr aynipalhlo* unexclled. Thla stale of bodily formenlatlons Is sllowod to subside, only to give Elace to Ite repetition, and the auditor departs, wondering why 0 hsd ao heariUy applauded that which mado no impreaslon on bit mind. This style of aoling may be oomparcd to a new and thinly ssltled country, presenting to tbe observer a wUd snd dreary waste, with here and there amall spots of Imperfect cultl* vsUon. Tobe properly undentood, Iheebaracler of Uamletmuat bocarefuUy, oritlcally perused, oven speech unat be weU pon- dered, for there it thougbl and reeUng In each aontence tlial cornea from Hatnlot't lips. Posseasing charms tho most grand, thla tragedy deservee lo be ranked among the moot perfeot works or Shakespeare's genius, as It It one of the nobleet ores- tlone of humsn intellect. The generallly of spectston In a the. aire Judge of an aotor by compsrlaon;' li tboro Is any difference In his lllUBlratlon of certain backneyed passagea, from wliioli thoy have been accustomed to hoar, tbo difference Is sxtoUed ss now, and estootshiog. before they luiiuiro Into its propriety. Where we sought for tbo luedllaUtlra Usmlet in Mr. B., wo saw an Inconsistent llghtoeis of behavior, that did not correipond with our idea. At times, too, be gave way to a vehemence of ex- prssslon, by no means oommonsnnio with bis situation. In ad- drtsslng the shade of Ills father, he read aa Mr. Uocroady:—. "I'll call the Hnmlol, King, fatherl—noyal Dane 0 onewor mol" Tbhi wo object to, and s dlllgoni ssorch Into an old odiUcn of Shahoapean, oonvlnocs us that It Is wrong, Tho well known ad- dress to lbs playera wanted the colloquial eaae and freedom of a domeatio dialogue. In which it ahould be delivered. lu the play scene be was very tamo Indoi d, and acted It is If bo bad no Idoa of tbo scene at sB. Ths eloset scene with bis uothsr, one of the most diniciilt parts of tbe tnoedy, was correct, snd weU and Im. presslvely given. Ur. MoOiiilougb Is, without doubt the brsi "Hamlet Qhost" on Ihe American alege; his voice Is Just tulled lo the iitrt Mr. Bbowell's Laertes, Mad. Ponlal's Quosu, sad Ibo beaullnil Mn. Allen's Ophslle wera exceedingly wtll done. Tbe Brysnt Bros, oonltuus to attnct lbs biggest kind of houses st their bIJou oTa nilnetnl hoB. II mattera not what conalltutea the attraction offered, thon an a certain porllon of Ihe oommu- nlty as well as n Urge number of the traveling publlo who set apart a osrlolu night lu tbo week lo go to "BryaiilB," and It uiai ten not lo them what they hear or tee aa long u it i< Bryanta'i Tbolr reputation 1* world.wld^ aud Uier an dceetvlng ol It for they strive bard to gabi Iho confldence ol Ibo aniuaemout public, anil having gained It, sUllaludy to plesae. A slight change ta luado lu tho bill Ibla week, aud anolhor auccesalon of crowded huuaci will uloae the weok'a business for thorn. At Wood's popolir Minstrel DaU Iho atlendanco haa been very large Indi ed aU tbs past weok. The alelea have not only been Ailed with camp stoobi snd tbtit occupants, but Managor Wood baa found It necostary to have a btrgo platform built, which Is placed (afler tlie other portion of tho liouee Is UM) st tbo ex. uemo end of tho hall and up against Ihe door. OhsIra are placed upon Ibis, thus affording good attllng room for a large number. Vet thla has been found uot aufllclont to accommodato the over' flow, and erowda wore turned tway every ulgbl last week who cuuld not obtain even alaiidlng room-' The Uallncoa ovory Satur- day have become very inpuUr, tnd tre largely allcnded by Indlea and ohildren. The Ohuit illU conllnnea uu Ihe bills, alao iniii; of the old Btondard tnd alwaya popular acta of Frank Brower and EpbUoin M i\r. L. Poron Hlngalon, the weMnown adverttalng agmt leavee Ibla city on tbe aloomnr of Vober M, for Sau Franclaco lo pivo the way for Arlomus Ward7 Arty bu aecurod a sure thing of it by aecitriug Mr. ningston. . . . , Manager Hooloy oF minstrel renown and pmprtolor of the Minatrel Oiiera House, Brooklyn, has leased Mn. Itoberlaen a Broadway Theatre, and will open it on Monday evening, Oclobtr Clh, with a lint cUa mlntlrel land. At Plke'e Opera Donte, OlneiniuU, Uii* OhtriotteThompeov closed a very tncowitDl engagement on the 96lh ult itim ThouDflnn waa announced to b* foUowtd by Ltort Eeene and ner cehibtaiatlon compiny. At tho Deflooce Tbettn, Oaite, Til, Ur. Bluirpo waa the n. ■ " ""■ " " mUy." _ ......|,.wv,„, —v ». ...w 'Fhont Too TUtoves," eomprlssd tho UU. Everrtbing wont off very wen except tho buclaiiiuo, which is severely oondomned b* hlwes'" *** "^'*<' audienoe wllh At Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati, Ui». Waller, Ihe tnglo totaeaa, wu very soccesBfiil lost week. She closed a very InortUvs eik gagement on the Mtk, aal went lo LoulnvUle, where she wu to opsn on the 3flth, thence to NuhriUo, produolnn at otch plia* bor Rhottly drama of "Wake not ths Dud." *, "'•"•'lo wmpaoy under Ihe minigemeni of N. 0. Fomat. er & Co., Is at present performing at Worcenter, Mast. The ooiai •"li' 15??'*^ 15» 'ollwlng naraos:-Me»]amea Le Dnm, Dos. nelly, Dldwell; Mlaaea Saldee Colo, Uattlo Evans;-UMtr*. FOUi reslor. W. E. Smith, Ennger, Oardiner, Dldweir&. DohooUr. tad F. A. Oossln. I Kate Denin comnonced an engagement abWood's TheidnL OInolnnitl. on tbo Mth Sept , • A.e..^ Hann's dramsUe company la at prsaeni playing at the Corinth (Mlaa.) Theam. The company conaiatii of the followlog p*> aons:-Mestr*. T. R Hann, Nat LandBr,W. Marble, J. MaUhewai Uln NeBle Lewis, Little Fanny; and Un. E. L. LIbby. F. B. Conway biving oloied hit engagement wllh Nswoomb at OlncinntU, opened with hi* wife at Fuibr'e LoulevUle Tluttn on tbe Slit Sept Bucklind's dramtUo ccmptnyVrom Montreal, opened on Ika 2M ult at the Muslo Hall, Qusbso. "Ths Daughter of the Begb meat" and the "Wondering Minstrel" were the opening pltoea, Ulu Emily Tbone tppeared u the Oaoghter, and Wm. Davldg* uJem Boggs, UsriT Llndsn and wife an tt pnient in Detroit, Mleh., whar* they have been retldlog for teveral weeki. Ur.Davldge took n beneSt tl Ihe Theitte Boytl. Uonlnt^ on the lOlh ult, tnd wu the reolplentof t crowded hooatb "Hlinpton & Co.,'' "Ilough Dlamond,''^tnd the "Wondering Mliti stiel" wen lbs piece* performed. Agnes Doberlson Is announced to leave England on tbs atatB> er of the lith Init, and wUl make her appearance el the Boataa ^>'».<>nilis28thorD«o.,playlng theref)urweeka. Bbewin then go to PhlladelphU for two weeks, cemmenoing on the Mtk of Jan., and at BilUmore Feb. Sth, for two weeks, Ihsaoa ts Wubinglon for two weeks. If possible, thU srtlst wiU appear in New York before commonelng in Boalon. Utte Emms Itelgnolds, sister to Kale Belgnolds, la leading lady at the Uemphb Theatre. " Itla notposlllTo, after all, that Whealley gtvea up Ihe Obsat> nut-street Theatre, PhiUdslphU, at the close of tbe "Dnke'a Motto." Such wu the arrangement however; but Ur. Grover. who wu named u WheaUsy's suooeasor, don't know whsthei to sUnd up to the scrateh, or fly tbe coorse, altogether. Th« arnngemont la In a sUts of italu ouo. The "Dnko's Uotto" la BllU tunning at the New Ohestnut, but It Is be«lnnln« to shov signs of pnmatnn old aga-nothlog like the furm attending lla prpdncllon here u that witnessed In New York. II U donbtfnl IfltwIUbesble to run lU sBolled Ume, whieh. we beUeve. la 0^11 weeks, thros of which explred.eo the Mthof Sept. Mr. Collins' eonga, "Whi*, brlghl Wins," and "WhUe there'* LU* then'* Hope," ore not of ual kind colonloted lo please a Phi]a> dolpbl* audienoe, and we should advise him to substilala soma ofbls other songs occaalonaBy; be hu plenty that would pleaoa much better than thoae we have niraed. There should bs a UU lis more Ufe In his songa, if Mr. ColUna hopes to oan? Ihrongk thepartofCarrickrergu**uccessruUyevsrTwhsra. In Ihe mean* tune,wbat le the nutter with Ur. Onver, and why dou he ttind o^oof r U be wltho* to got t foothold in the Quaker OilT, he boa tho chance. The "Gboat" conlrlvince, whloh It olalmed by Pnf. Pepper aa a "new Invention," and u inch palenled by him, tnma out to ba almost "u old u the hiUa." In 1«U, John BipUtU d* Forts wrote a book upon "Natural Uagtek." It wu tranalatad Into Engllah in lOM, mora than two bondted Tsors ago. The foUovk ing pansge, in the seventeenth book, wlU show tbst Pnt. Psp> par's gbosl is not new:—"Bow we msy see In * ehsmbsr thlnaa that are not—I thought this an ortlfloe not to be deaplsed; for wa may in any chamber, if a man look in, see thbie thing* whlek wen never there; ud then 1* no man to irltty tbit wlU thbik ha i*mlat<ksn. Wherefore to describs tho msllet^Lel then be ■ chamber wherelnio no light comelb anleu by tbe door or wlii> dow .whore the apeetaterlooks In; let the whole window or put . ofitboofglau, u wo uied so to do lo keep out the cold; bullet ono part bs poUshsd, tbst there may bo a looklng.glaM on btth Bidu.whenco tho spectator mnat look In; for the rest do nothlnf. Let pictntu be est over scalnst tills window, marble elainu and nuch like; for whet la wilbout will seem within, and whotUb*. Iilnd tbe spsetator'a back he will think lo be In the middle of Iba boute. It fur bonk the glue Inward u they aland from it onU wardly, and ao clearly and certainly that he would think he aeaa nothing but truth. But lost the akUl ahould be known, let Iba part be made to where Ihe ornament la that the ipeclitor miv not lee-lt, u above hIa bead, that a pavement may not cone ba. tween itiove hie head; and, if an Ingenioiu man do thla, it la ia* possible tbst he shonld suppose that he la deceived." Mr. Black, of Bosun, hu Just completed a large pletnn of UlM Sale Belgoolde in hsr famous oooncter of Onpld, in Iha "Angel of Uldnlgbl"-not for exhIblUon, but for a private od- mlnr who hu been permitted to perpelnole his iscoUeotion of that lovely Creadon. A chance view of the pointing bu given the writer an opportonlty of Judging of the lou experieaced bf the pnbUo U the deatmctlon of the negsUve IKna which it waa made. SIstlngnlsbed buutles hsve Mway* been, or been mada^ lo a certain degree, Ihe publio'a property, end ss with Horlmsa end Mr*. Damor, rare lovellneu hu beeu denied Ihe nsnol piir. Uegu of privacy, ud Ihote famous women have been modeUed and drawn in Grace* and Nympha for the general odmlrotloB and eullnre. In Ibla picture nfemd to—which might beastud^ to sn srtlst—there hu been given a nal auriflee to art of thla ■ kind. The flgure, clolhed in a alight roay, aUken lunlo, rsollnea lightly opon a bank, tlie hand resting on a Ultis silver bow. Golden curls fsB on tho fair neck: the blue eyee are half lowered, aid Ibo Bps psrled u with a quicker breathing from some suck fslry Joumoy u Ariel's: which seems alao to heave, so perfeot is tbe palnter'e srt, the bslf seen "white wonder" ol tho bceom^ maldeidy contour. It Is the idul deltcasy whloh la Ihe eharm of file picture—then is nothing which breathe* bnt of nnconadoiis ctierma, even in tbe nnioiputed Itnee which the clinging diw pery deeorlbet downwird from the Utile wiiti, indlcitlng, not disguising with its goesamir leitnn tbe fnlnsu of womanly beauty. Qsthsred doss to Ihe Umbs in folds by ths sklU of Iba artist—u by chsnce in filling Into the attilad»-the short Innlo Is alto cauBbt fw above ths knse, and shows Ihe graceful leg la aU Us wondttful curvu wllh UtUe feet crossed, recumbent, to th* admiring eye. There la not a hatih Una In Ihe whole pletnni none but Iho moat rounded, graceful linea, and the whola breathoe a aplrit or maiden, nnconadoni loviUneet. At the Norfolk Opera Home, Mr. Neafle, now In the teoend tnd latt week of hit engtgemeni, on bla tieneflt night FridiT, iSlh ult, preiented "Don Uxtu de Dizan," tnd ou the SOth nib ■ Iftcbelh," with Noade u Ihe Thane, aoaain u Macdnff, and Ulu Muy E. Hill u Lady Uacbelh; tbe phenomenon of tha "Uboal" made ita ildM in tho tooth, and by lla auooeaa inatail. ally aufslsd In making Mr. NoaBo'a Uaebelh moat tuecettfnl. Mr. Nsaflo'a engsgemout concluded on the 361b. Ur*. Qladotana commenced en engagement on the 38th nit, to we ate informed by our corretpondent "Thespian." Ue olto says—"The EngUsk comblnstlon eontlnne thalr repruonlaUont at Oifoid Han, Portamonlb; tho mansgoment 1* In the band* of W. H. King) Ur. E. W. aumenall oiUclaUnR u elage manager. By present, log Ught plecef, such u "The Msld of Creluy," Colemso'a ■Iron ObesI,' cut into two tela; 'lbs OoUette Ground,' To (Jhllgo Deneon,' 'Perfection,' and othen, they attraol good audloncei. Althoagh laboring under the great diaadvantage ol no obingo of acenery, their perforuoocee indicate decided tolenl in tlie couinaoy." Tolix A. Vincent and Marion Macarthy were vory succemfDlat Wood't Theatre, OlndnnaU, laat week, in tbe dnma of "Tha Organ arlnder." Kitty Blauohard continues to bo ono of th* allreotlooa there. ' Laura Keeno and her combination comiMuy gave two perfonn* ance* atTwcddloHall, Albany, on tho 3ilih aud SOth of BepW "Mtakt and Facea" waa tbe opening perfomanoa, with O. W*I> cot Jr, Mr. Levlck, H. D. Phillips, J, U. atoddart Ohi*. Peten^ lud Ltura EcenMre In the out Jane Euallsh'a Ttau|io St Denis le edverllied to open tt St Jimea' ilalU Buifalo, on Iho SSlh of Sept, and remaui oU tha week. Uariella Bavel It now with thit oompiny. The IndlauapolIiTheitta ounounred Ihe opening of tbe aeaaoa on ths 38lli of Bent,.with the followinii compiny:—Metdtine* U. A. Peunoyer, D. Uancboll, J. A, Uod(ei, \f, B. HUsy, V. lllgbt Misses Lid* Nnyes, UelTinli Kale Fletcher, Lltile B*. nird, sud BaUle Bonard. Meean. A. BiBkin, J. F. Hoyea, 0. H. Wilsiiu, F. 0. Obnrehlll, J. A. Hodgea, Ed. Marble, Thoa, Bnm% K. Uight J. W. UlU. F. a. Wbitt, and U L. Sharp. Ur. W. K. ptiey will let M minsger of general tffili*. Tbe production of Planebe'i "Dtastrind the Beut" it Iba Park Thiatto, Brooklyn, flllad that atlncUve lltUe lempla of Thesplt during the ]iut week. Tbe peiYomiuce wu orMltibla lo tbs company or talented irlltis engsged it Ibis sstiblUbmsnL Uln Hlisw hss tltesdy booome Ttry popnltr with the younc Drooklynllei, and her Tooilltitlon tnd Veiuty prove* to be a very allracUve eatd for Manager Uarrlion, The Jailor seem* to go ou "In tlie oven tenor or hi* way" enUrely undlaturbed bf Iho opi>esUlon hs meetewlth in cetlain qnarlers. In tact, w* havu uo doubt Uie ceneart* of the pirUea In qutaUon help him mora than Ibolr commendation would beneflt tor people Uke ta Judgo ol thMO Ihlnea thomMlvca, end when they vlalt a theali*. where thoy are led to anUelpito mediocrity, thoy in very tpt ta pralno that they would olherwiae conanre, and we think It u eo - 10 thl*caa^fcrtllOaewhogotoaeothe "ludlfforeni acting of th* poor oompany altwbed to uila tbwtrt" cone away highly gratt- led and agrtubly diuppolntod. W. J. Florence and wife hive taken Uio Brooklyn Aoideniy Mr Wedneaday end Friday evenloga, Hept 30Ui snd Oct M, and wtU give two perfotDinee* thete. for eoDttnullon of Xheititoil Beooid, tee peg* "ft