New York Clipper (Oct 1863)

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«00 ^r^f 3 i?n / MEW 11 <; YOHK CLIP PEE .' cMO fin IIS AMUSEMENTS. TO ASVESTiaEBS. We e»ll ih« attenUon of Uuuctn ind ProfMdoMta who wli! 4» tnll thamiolTea of tho eitaulTs olnoIiUon of Uw Sbv Tou CUFTIB, the TlMitilciI Org«n of Amarlo*. to mika known Uieta -tutaufi, winU, «ui,, to Uia foUowlng aohedute of niMfoi id' S^ra otnUper line forcaab ind oTorrinitrtlon; fordiuniUo BoUoM from otbor Mpen, Iscorpontad la onr nmcuaj, U oanU Er line; t Ubenl deduoUon, will, however, be mida for tdTer. emenM whan pill f»r tbiee or tlx months In idnnoe. Str 0(rabUoaUon,Taeidt7of euibwaek. ^ .v i ^ ^lunuilottloni to Uurnre attention In the unu for that weei, •honU leaoh ni hy Itondaj morning, at lateet, ot Satnrdar U (otiUiIe, BnVANTH' OPRIIA. H«>08BI, Uechaolcs' Ball, 473 Broadway, ahove Oiand atrcet BBTANT BUOTHERJ, Proprletore. JOHN BlMPaOH, Troaanror. WINAN9 and DUOHANAM, Uahora. A. BOSS, Offlcer.,__ flEVSNTfl YEAB OF THE OBIOINAL WOBLD-BBNOWNED BBYANT8' MtKdTBELS. ' THE EXOELSIOB TROUPE OF THE WOBLD. Th Oofflpany la comnoead of the fallowing TalentodAitlels:— DAN BBYANT. NEIL BR7ANT, DATE BEED OEOBOE a FOWIEB, BOLUN HOWASD, T. GBITINaS. JAMES OABATAOUA, W. L. E0BB8, NEIiSE BETUOUB, J. B. SIVOBI. FBtMK LESUE, J. W. HILTON. JAMES MOBBI80N, O. B. CONNOR, SAN EUMETT, and LIITLE UAO, In a new Tarlotyot Songi, Dancoa, Bnrltaqnei, Plantation flcenea, &e. Forparlloulin, aeeblllaofthedajr. Tlckote of Admlaalon U cents. a2-tf PARK THBATHS, OrPOSITE THE Cm HAI.L, Bbookltm. Lostea and Uaoager uaBBIEL HaBBIBON. Huge Maseger D. A. BAEEB. This Mew and Elegant Eatablltbment Iff NOW OPEN. Doore open at commence at S o'clock. P.irquet SOola. Orchcairt Obalia Family Circle Slots. Balcony Sca'a 7Bols. ' PrlTate Boies, f i and %i. Pox OlDce open fiom 8 a u. to 6 p. m. NO EXIBA OHAOaE FOB BESEBVED BEAT& 21-U ' CLBVI3LARD <»PB1U IIOVSK. \ ' Bole rnprletor DICK O'NEIL. \ Stage UanaRor FHANE BOSWOBTH. NOW IN THE FOLL TIDE OF BUOOEiS, And Nightly Ylslted by Crowded and Enthaalistio Andlenoea. The foUowlng Aitlate are nightly performing, and meet with Breataiplanae:— IIIB3 KATHLEEN O'NEIL, The World-Bonowoed Irish Tocallit and Comedienne, Mil. EAnnr leslie. The great Hope Talker. UB. TOM VANCE, Comlo YocallaL COABLET CtABDNER, Obamplon of Bong and Dance. W. a BUDWORrH, Tho Great Original Zooave Johnny from Ball's Bun. JIU OLAIIEE, The Hon Baojolst and Obamplon Jig Dancer. MAHIElt JOHNNY DIAUOND, The TOUDg Champion Clog Dancer of Amortcs. FRANK B08W0BTH, The Cflchrated Actor and Eccentric Comedian. Pnt A. KINBLOW, N. 0. HYDLEB, A. L, WELU, M'LLE LIZeTPA, The Queen of Beauty and Poetiy of Motion. U'LLE OELEffTE, The Yonog and Faaolnatlns DanaCDae. MISS HALLIE DDVAL, ^Tbo atands fleet among the Ballodlats of America, MISS LIZZIE FIELDINO, The favorite Danaeose and Oomodlenne, MI8S UOSE ST. CLAIR, MISS CLARA BUUTON, 0. TIEItNAN, And the Corpa AuiUluy. Good rerrormere can always meet with good Esgagementa bi Mdroaaing to DIOK O'NEIL. No Walter Olrla, 32-tf n VARIBTIENI VA.IIIETIR8I Fronting on PennayWanla Avenue and Ninth street, WASUINQTOM, D. 0. ProprlclorsandMaBitgcrs....A. HAMBLIN I: Co. Stage Manager FITZ SIMMONS, Late of Ford'a Theatre. Acting Manager JAMES PILOBIM. BaUetMaater. .'.UONS. BAPHSTAN. ' late Uallrode Ballot of the Imperial Opera, Paris. Leader of Orclustra FJIBD. YOVKKSB. ZH£ OBEAT AMEBIOAN UUBIO w*t.t. Of tbe NaUon's OiplUI. J9- OPEN "ALL THE YEAR SOUND." •«» SbeSlondard Temple of Amnsement where all the Bright Blaif NIOHTLY DISPLAY THEIU YARIED TALENTS. Opeiatlo, OnqLtUo, Acrobatic, Minstrel, Mnslool, Terpsichore- Kb, Vocal, and Ethlbplan apeolalltlee and attraoHons. Professionals of sterling sblllty, and STARS of merit Knd reputation; wishing engagements. wlU address 3I-tt HAMBLIN k Co., Proprietors. Proprietors DOBTAL k 00, Acting and Stage Manager, MB. W. BEAUMONT DUIERtNa, THE MOST UAQNIFIOENT HSl'ABLISUMJiNT OF TUB KIMD . IN AMEUIOAI No yimta. QmiB Euploted. .Ladles and Uentlemen, ot BalabUabed Reputation, m THZ Moilo Ban ProfeaalOD, wlahlng engagements, may apply to JAMES OONNER 1: Co,, Sole Agents, or as above by letter, to P. 0. Box 1000, 18-3B.* Cincinnati, Ohio, / AMUSEMENTS. (It wuuiyB aumtTUEii iiai<Lj opicii. tU DBOASWAT, Oppoelts the St. Nloholss HotsL UNBT WOOD Sole Proprietor and Hanaasr. UNPBEOEDENTED S0OOES8. OVEBFLOWINQ BOUSES. EIOHIE WEEK OF THE OHOST. TEE GHOSr I FEE OHOBTII TBE QEOST111 THE OHOST OF HAPFT UNOLE TOM. A DANOINO OHOST. HONDAT, Sept. 3S, and eTeTTeTenlngdtirlng the week, WOOD'S MINSTBXLB. Epb Hon, Charley Fox, Frank Brewer, A. J. Talbott, Cool White, 0. Benry, O. B. Wambold, Lookwood, Olano, Sohwloordl, Heater Wood, Isaacs Brothers, Haslam, Lets, Lewis, fto. Woifiii'a KioBTs, Tek Foub Obows, OmaLLO, THE OBOBT OP SAPPY UNCLE TOM, '' BmaoT McOluoai., The IlznEi. Pbitatbeb, THE RAILROAD EXPLaHON, fco. Oooreepen^toTs commence at to 8 c'olook. Tlekete 38 oeni*. A Orsnd Ohoet Matinee, Botnrday Afternoon, Oct. 8d, eommencing at 3)( o'olock. Nonoi.—No connection with any Irarellng company asanmlng' the name of Wood's Minstrels.. 3&. AMERIUAN THB.ATIIB, m BBOADWAY, THE GRAND RESORT OF THE tfETBOPOLia A Buccesalon of Crowded Houses Qreot BUTLER'S OBEAT COMBINATION TBOUFE, Every Klght The most uninlmons tokens of spproval, Tho Press and PubUo, Unite In doclarlna it THE OnEAlfTAniBTY THEATRE OF THE AOS. Tho company la Parfcotlon In all Ita dolalls. THE MAMMOTH ETBIOPIAN TROUPE, THE GREAT PANIOUIHIO TROUPE, THE SPLENDID BALLET TBOUPB, In abort, sB that goes to make np THE GIGANTIO COMPANY OF THE lOTH CENTURY. An Entire Change of Programme Every Week. B. W. DUILEB, Manager. M0N3 La THORNE, Stage Manager. ' J. AMUBRUAN, Treaaorer. PAUL BRILLIANT, Ballet MaaUr. F. VAN OLEER, Musical Director. 9&lf inuuNsn 8ucnic8«i immense sdccessii ATTRACTIONS EXrRaOBDINARYl 11 ELUNQEB «: NBWCOUB'S GREAT MORAL EXQIBITION ond PARLOR OPERA TROUPE, Will open at Odd Fellnw'a Ball, Waahlngton, D. C, MONDAY SEPT. 38. This Mammoth Combination la composed as foQows:— CUMUODORE FOOTE, 93 years old, 28'lwelalia 13 pounds. Els sister, MISS ELIZA NESTE% Is It years old, IT InobM hlnh, snd wAiha UM pounds. OOLONEL SMALL, ^ Is 17 years old, 29 Inches high, and weighs 92 pounds. The whole world Is cballeDged to produce their equal In size, weight, or odocallon. In addition to this great atlracllon la MONS. 0. LAY ALLEY'S FARLOR OPERA TROUPE, Ten In number, all appeorhig Id one Oraod liotertalnment WlU visit sU Ibo principal citlesin the United BUtea and Canada, previous to tlieir dt'Peilore for Europe. J. D. NEWCOMO, Bntlucsa Manager. OOL. WM, ELLINGER, 2£. DlrooMr of Amusements. /bba's rausio irAL>i< ci»mbinatiow, ^ Oonslatlng of the foUowliig well known names, Ato now playing an Engogemeot In BolUmoro, and con be en- eoged by responsible Uaoagers, either Individually or in Dom- ination :— ANNEITA GALLETTI, Premtore French Danaauie, ackaowledgod by the Press, the, PubUo, and the Commuulty at larao, to be THE VERY BESr DAN8EUSE THE WORLD, Having been enitagad ataUtbe leading places of Amusement In New York, as Premiere Oonaense, auch as the Academy of Music, Nlblo'a Qardeii, fto., le now attached to LE^'S MAMMOTR MUSIC HALL COMBINATION, M0N9. TOPUOFF, The beat Male Dancer In America, having been encaged ex- prosaly for dancing with QaUeltl. MONS. BONZANI, - The belt BaUet Master In tUo Uulted Slules. for getting np Bal- lets, Pantomimes, kc, togetlinr with Lla DtUet Corpe conalatlng of SIX, EIOHT, TEN, OU TWELVE CORPS BE BALLET, who, for peraonal attoacUons, and lymmetry of form, combine one of the HANDSOMEST AND BEST DRESSED Ballot Oompaul'a to America. JOHN MULLIGAN, ANDREW LEAYITT, DENNY GALLAOHEB; The best Ethiopian trio In America, Every parfon who has wltsesud the rnr/JCTarffuflf tlia fV?"" weU aware of thatlaeb ■ BIGNOB BLISS, The Antipodean Pedestrian, The only performer who Is at present 'WALKINa Tak 07JLINO HEAD UOWNWAB MlilS JENNY ENGLE, lOcompUahed Yocallst. JJAQH, The Irish Oomedlan and Voealist Any of the above periorman oan be engaged by reaponelble BInnagers by addressing GEORGE I,EA, Molodeoo, 24-tr ' Baltimore, Md> AMUSEMENTS. ■OlUUa BROTHBRR, A CU*B IRINBTHBLB, OPERA HOUSE, BOSTON. MAS& COUUmCSD TUEIE eEVEHTH atoULlB aZASOH, UO.SUAY AUGUST (d. KOBBIS BBOTHERS, PELL k TBOWDItlDOE'a UINBTBELB Consist of the fouowlna Ochtlemsn LON MORRIS, BILLY MORRIS, JOHNNY PKLL, J. a TROWBRIDGE K. W. PRE8COTT. J. L. GILBERT, J. P. ENDUE'', AUGUST 8CHNEIDEB, D. W. BOABDMAN, H. LOTHIAN, B. M. CABBOLL, J. QUEEN, F. WILMARTB, R. FREDERICKS, J. J. HILLIARD, D. J. tUGUINNIB, L. A. ZWIBSLEB. JAPANESE TOMMY. The Management coU paitloalai notice to the above dlstla- golahed amy of Talent Tlekete 3S cents; Beaerved Beats 80 cents. 21-tf LON MORRIS, Manager, FINAIi TUAVELINO TUVIl. BAM SHARPLEY'S BUNSTRELS. Bbasb Band, amd DunLEaQDC Opeba Tbodpb. THE MONIT0B8 OF MINSTRELSY, AND AUTOCRATS OF ETHIOPIA, Will start on their last Grand Traveling Campaign, on ilONDAY, AUGUST 17, And will visit aU the Cities ot the United SUIos and Oanadas, allordlDg our friende and the publlo an opportunity of witness- ing •• SOMBnUNG NEW I" Performed ONLY by the OIIEAT ETHIOPIAN IRON CLADS, THE MAMMOTH TROUPE, 31 STAR PERFORMERS, Inolndlng .ne Great OriglD*! Comedians, SAM SHARPLEY and COOL BURGESS. The Wonderful Double Clot Danoers, A. 0. STONE and H. T. MUDGE. The only Full and Complete Orobeatrs ever In a MInalrel Troupe, Compoaed of Ten Solo Artlats, a Double Ohome. A Quartet of Solo Singers, snd the beat Brass Band Traveling, C, A. DOYD, Leader. Prof. BLACEUER, Musical Director. FRANK BOWLES. Loader of Brass Band. FRANK OILLEY, Advertising Agent. IT. If BAM SEABPLEY, Manager and Proprietor. \THB C.lBIPnELIi>l ARB OOMIIVni ^ THE OAUFBEIJ.S ARE COMING 11 TEE GREAT ORIGINAL AMD OVLT CAMPBELL'S MIMSTBELB, AMD BBASa DAVO. SIXTEEN IN NUMBER, Under the personal snpervlelon ot UK. U. 0. OAMPBELl, Who submits the foUowlng names of ths membeis ot his Troupe as a sufflclsnt gnoranteefor tbe excellence of ihelrEnteih talnments, and which their many friends and the pubUo at larg* WlU see at a glance, embodied the talent to portray ALL THE DIfFEEENT PHASES OF DARKEY LIFE, and whoae brIUIant SOIREES D'ETUIOPE, Have gained for them with Free* and PubUo, the lUlo ot TOE EXCELSIOR BAND OF AMERICA. !&• Bead the names:— M. C CAMPBELL, Proprietor end Manage*. NED DAVIS, Comedian, JOENNY BOOKEll, ComedlBBa JOENNY WHITING, Comedian NEI) FOSTER, Mentor, >UAGUIRR'8 OPBHA HOUSE, BAN FBANOISCO, CALIFOBNIA. TBOS. MAGUIRB Proprietor and Manager. JAMES DOWLING Stage Manager. J. L. BCHniT Leader of Oicbestro. W. STEVENSON Treasurer. THE STAR DRAMATIO COMPANY. MISS SOPHIA EDWIN. MRS. W. C FORBES. MISS NELLIE BROWN, FRANK MAYO, WILUAM BARRY, BARRY CLIFTON, F. B. WniTE, W. B. TAYLOR, A'0„ ka. Blare visiting CaUfomla should t>ear In mtod that Mr. Mognlrs Is also proprietor of the MelropoUtan Theatre, Sacramento, and the MarysvUle Theatre. ttl-v. Mr--S LULU SWEET. MISS 0. niNCSLEY, W. O'NEIL, CHARLES THORN, D. 0. ANDfiltSON. W. E. HAMILTON, 0. STEYEHfiON, kc, /oAl , OANTKRBUHY IIAI,I<. / WA8EINGT0N, D. 0. TEE MOST MAGNIFICENT UUSIO BALL IN AMERICA No Waltor-Olrls employed. Ladles and Gentlemun ot known abUlty alwaya wanted. No outsldo periormcre employed—none but the very best tal' ant engaged. Address to WILLIAM E, SINN, Bole Proprietor, 33 tf Wssblugton, D, 0, NUW MKnPIIIK TIIKATHR, TaOnOUGULY RE-E.MUELLISEED, WlU positively open on tbe 2Ctb Inat, with a Full and Efficient Oomnany, who will please meet In the Oreen Room on tho 93d InsL GEO. RAYFIKLD, Manager. 10- O.'T. PARSLOU, AgcuL TUB WBBD RTSTRRS. MISSES EMMA AND ADA. Managers wlahlng to engage the services of these very talented Artlats, for STAR tsgageniente, wlU address them oaro of Clip- PEB OmOE, or 33 UoDry.alreot, Brooklyn. 10-tf ACADBUV UP nUHIO, CLEVELAND. OHIO, JOHN A. ELLSLKB Manager and Proprietor. Tho beet and moat iwpular Building iu the Olty for Coocorls..'^ Lectures, and aU kind of Eihlblllona. It can be Auted by the night or week, durlug the montha ot Jauunry, Febniary, aud March; alao, July audAugnat, 1801, ths remaining msuths be- ing oocupled by my regular Drauutlo'Corapany. IS If Address JOHN A. ELLSLEIt, Cleveland. Ohio, y OUICAGO VARIBTIB9. / lis AND 117 DEAItDOBN STREET. TAN FLEET k OHADfflOK Proprietors. now m THE PDIL TIDE OP BUCCXSa, And nightly visited by Crowded aud EnthnslaaUo Audiences ot ladles and Gentlemen. This place having accommodaUona for 1100 PEOPLE, Is not large enough to acoomodato the oiowda that seok en' trance nightly.' Good Perrermors can always meet with good engagements by kpnlylng to the above Proprietors, or to JA8. OONNER & Co., !lt.3t*-3ffl 36 West Houston street, N. Y, WANTED, Fnr a MINSTAEL DAKD, two Eud Men, whe can play bonoa aud tamborlne, flute solos, slnn touor, do violin solos, play melnphone, trombone, trumpet, obrlonet, i:o. Muet go ahead and advertise the ehow, and come baok and perform. They must alao obligate thetnsolvea to go oa a subatltnle for either of the Managers Id oaae they ore draRed. Ham-fattors and Hop-llghtora need not apply. Salary moderate, but not eure. If either of the performers should be taken dangerously 111, they will bo expected to "go home to their mother and Die," If not the Manajer will get some one to "break It gently to thelf motber." No hair dye allowed In the Bond. No communloo- tiona answsred unices a fuU description Is given of tbe perform- er's Zim Tnink, Also, wanted, a Song compoaed, the title to be something about somebody's mother. This Is a moat exoeUent opportunity for a young fellow to Immortalize himaelf, as there has never been any song compoaed on that aubject. 28- Addreaa OULLY SMITH, Daltlmore, Md. Eta R £IEE ' 1 ANiffROGRAMME PRINTRB. 4 TIUl SIAOiraUTII PHIHTINO HUUSB . OF NEW ENGLAND. The "J. E. Fasweu." k Oo., STEAM PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 37 CONGRESS STREET, BOSTON, L. MAMMOTH POSTER TEEATRE and CONCERT WORE A 6PE0IALTY. Paitlea or troupes visiting the Eastom Btataa wUl find It to their advantage to vlalt this estabUahment PnioEa 10 to 26 rcn CEBT Cbeapbh tuan adx OFFICE IK NEW Emolaiid, and aatlafoo- Uon guaranteed or no pay required. 10-tf SHOW DIJLIjII <>•■' MVBHY OK^OBIPTIUn. TEEOUORB DUl-TON, Begs to toform his old friends, Mauageis, and the PubUo geu' •tolly, that he la now located nt tho EMPIRE UTEAM PltlNTING ESTABUBHMENT, 18 SPRUOE srUEET, NEW YOBK,. Where he wlU give hia personal attenUca to the produoUoni In any style, of all kinds of PLAIN, COLORED, AND ILLUSTRATn) SHOW DILLS, PorUonlarly adapted for XBAVELLUia EXHIBITIONS, OIROUBEB, MENAGERIES, SiaiOPIAN PEBFOBMANOES, GYMNASTS, MAGICIANS, TBAOE OUTS OF ALL KINDS, XllOTTINa TO BARNESS OR WAGON, DOUBLE TEAMS OR RUNNING HORSES, POLinCAL CLUBS, T. D. trusts that hts many years oxperlonoe In the bnalnees, the yery large au(Ttmont of Outs at his oommaud, any of wbloh oan be printed In one or more colon, tbe scrvlcea of the beet Dsalgners and Engravers for new work, wUl aeoure to him a'con tlnnanoeot put favors and a trial by new patrons, 18-'Jm EXOHANOE PLACE, BC0EE8TER, N. Y., mu be Bented for Concerts, I«otare^^ihlblUons, fco. Addreu JIMa,* (' Arcade, Boohester, N. Y< **^fo'*ACWHBt^^raOH^^ made srraDgo- tnents to asUbUsh i BOUTEBBN TBBATRIOAL OUIOUIT; Els ajompany la now playing to Doe bnslneBS at Corinth, Mississippi, FersoDS desirous of engtgsmenlf, will, for the present, address UBlbete. State lowest fermi. BUencetobaoouldeiedaneg. ^^^^^^ ^ ^ HBRR F. LVBirr, mE OBEAT nXNBATIOHAI, ESOAMOTEUR AND POLYPUONIST, WUl transform tbe stage ot LIBRARY BALL, IN NEWABK.. Into a Grand SALLE DE LUBIN, For tho production ofhia DIADOLORIUU; Or, A NIGET IN UREAMLANDl LUiawIso exhibiting bla ELFIN OSOSTB; 0", SHADOWS FROM FAIRY LAND, OnUradsy, Tneaday, and Wednesday UvenloRB, Sept 28,30,80. BICARDO DeUERGB, Wizard Aaaoclato, W.B. GLADDING Treoaurer. 3Mt VEHTniMKlUISDI m«DH HABV. OR EVEBYBODY a VENTRILOQUIST, And so exposure of MAGIO AND THE SECOND SIGHT MYSTERY. Just publlahed, a book of one hundred pages. Price twenty-Sve centa. Sent, tree ef poelage, on receipt of price. In caah or elaropR,by JOHN WYMAN, Jr., 2t'6t* Oia North Eleventh street, PbUodelphla, Pa. FOX'R C'XtlTNO. OHBSTNUT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PEILADELPHIA. This beautiful and eommodloue tomple of emueemcut Is now in Bucoesaful operation, and Is seknotrledged to be the leading music hall o( the olty. First olass artlals can always meet with good ongogemonto by applylni, personUly or by letter, 0URI8 NORBIB, Business Manager. 0. McMillan, stage Manager. 2i-tf OAIilFOHNIA TIlBATRIOAIj AOBnOV,-SB2RI. DAN OORDYN would respectfully Inform members of the dra- matic. Musical, or Equestrian pnfosstons, that he hu ostabUahed an Agency In San Friinelaco, and la prepared to negotiate engage menu and transaot all other bnameaa pertaining to the pro feaslon. Addrsss SHERIDAN CORBYN, San Frandsoo, OsL M. B,—AU letters tequlrlog snswen must oontaln a atamp ta gce-pay the some. F. UVLIi'WAII'a MUSIOAL, DRAMATIC, AND TERFSICHOREAN AGENOY, ai-Sm* 68 East nth street, cor. <lh Avenue, THHATRIOAIi AND HIl«BTRBI< WIQB—Also, Olowss' Wigs, Oorla, Beards, SkuU Caps, etc. Orders taken from all parte of the oonntty. OoUeoUon on deUvety. Addreu to PAUL DtfrolTATheatrieal Wto Blaker. 9i-3te 16 WoitBouateBitieetiltewYotk. / PEUPI.EM UALL, ' IN NKWBUBOn, N. Y. Tbis Commodious HoU having been re-modelled and eubrged. Is now open for the use or CONCERTS, LECTURES, Ac. No pains have been sjiarod to make It complete In all Ite ar- reugemeute. One of Cannon & Fancher's l>est Plsnos bos l>ean addi'd to Ite (lunlturu, anil will be rented with tho UaU at a reasonable price. Any further Informstloo can be obtelned at the Book and Music Store of OllAS. EalAllltOOE, Agent, 37 Water street, Newbnrcli, / HuTLEB MiLLxn, Jsullor, Bi'pl. St, 1803. 2u-lt* AMUSEMENTS. N. W. GOULD, Guitar, Tenor. MASTER BODY, , Bnrnamed "Cubas," A. NICH0LL8, Leader. J. FRAUNIOET, Contra Basso, J, E. WARD, Toner, T. WADDEE. Tyrolean, J. T. GULIOK.Baaio PiotondS^ J. BAILEY. Uomet, J. LIVINGSTON, Violin Beoondo, A. STEWART, ascOBd Ooms^ TUEO. JACOBS, General Agent This Company will perform at UTIOA during tbe whole of lb* Fair Week, commencing Sept Itth, and wUI start on their Alt- tnmnal Tour to the towns on the Erie RiUrotd, Immedlatdy thereafter, ° as-tt \ AO AIM 01« THR MOVl«, / THE MAMMOTH LEADING TROUPE OF MINSTREI^SY, Enlarged and Improved for tbe year 1883 and '01. Tonth Triumphant Annnrl Tour ot the UnequsUod and FamoM DUPREZ <: GREEN'S OBIOIFAI, NEW ORLEANS AND METROPOLITAN MIN3TREL8, DDBLZSOUB OPEBA TBOOPE AKD BBASS DAVD, The result of Ten Years ot experience, patronized by the fUhloa and elite of the lorore ot >he Dnmt Cork I'roteaaton, THE MODEL TROUPF. OF THE WORnST Compoaed of a gieat Corpa otDIatlnaulebed and Popular ETEIOMAN ARTISTS, \ Never before concentrated Into one Company, On which oceulon many new tays and aU the old taToritM win appear. During tho preaent. acaaqn thaywIU vlelt tho Oanadas, New Brunawlok, Nova Sonlla, Newtouudland, the laland of Cuba, and all the principal Cltloeln the United Slates: lutroductog to the pubUo the best Negro Dellneatora, the best SIngera, the beet Dnncrn, the best Mualclana, the best Female Peraonators. th* boat Draaa Rand, and the beat Orcheatra In Minstrelsy. Also, the Incomparable LIOS QUARTETTE, Composed of the uoapproochable aUST,WE DIOAUX, J. E. Oroeu, Edwin Eobnca, and Gonaolvo DIsbop, unlvorsaDy admitted In bn the boat and most poirerful QUARTETPE EVER BEARD. Tbo Baggage ot this Renowned Troupe U tho Finest, meat Elegant, Beautiful, aud most coaUy lot of Zinc Trunks ever seen counected with one Compony; the whole wu made by apedsl order, at an Inimnnas oipun^e. TUB WOBLD OUTDONE, "i*?" DUPREZ'S DREAM OF MISSTRELSYr* Is one of tho principal lines on the great MluUMWPMtsn now naoil by this Troiipie, recently completed at CUiry k Rellley**, Bpruu) etreet. New York, It aurpoaaes to Dealgu, Size, Gran- deur, and Expense, everything ever before attetnjited, not even exceptlDt Circuses or Menageries. Tlila Imm'euae BlU coet S1600, It Is compoaed ot tlilrty-flve aheete, worked In fonrcoloia. It Is ninoloon aUeeta larger than any Poster ever printed. BUI Poateis along the routo wUl take notice and reaerve good pobUo places for tlilu ornament, GRAND SERENADE BY TEE BRASS BAND, each evening previous lo opening tbe doon. For full partlculsra, ace Programmns of tbe flay. Rtann Manager J. E. OREEN. Leader of Orcheatra and Muatcal Director JOUN KELK. Leader ofllraas Bond AM'HONSE UERap.ROR. Vocal Director ODSTAVE DIDaUX. The whole undar tho ansplrea ami Immvillato control of DOPKIi/. .V: OREEN, Bole Proprietoi*. On.^S. H, DUPREZ, Manauor. il3-tr A. S, PRENTISS, AdverUslog Agent ''^BVS llII£l,OD •'UN, LATE DELLER'3. Detroit, Mich. GEORGE LEA .' Proprietor. W. B. OAYANAGH Actiug .Manager. The moat euoceeaful Concert Osll, aud the boat companylnthe Wudloru country, lllaa JENNIE ENGLE, Ulas MAGGIE MAIISIIALL, Ulsa JULIA ROBINSON, W. a OaVANAGU, BILLY WEST, ELLA ZOYARA FORREST, Slgnor BLISS and SON, The VALANTE BROTHERS, F. SPIEGEL, BLLtiLER'B ATllR.VAlIini. OOLU.MBUS, OEIO JOHN A ELLSLEll Manager and Proprietor. The only propvr and Popular Bulldlug lii the City, for Con- certe. Lectures, and other Exhibitions. Cau be rontod by the night or week, durlug the months ot July, August. Septunibar, Ootober, Novembgr, Decembor, 18S3; aud AprU, May, and Juno. 180t; the other months being occupied by my regular Dramatic Company, AU aiipUeatlons directed to JOUN A ELLSLEB, Jr,, Cleveland, 0.. or IS-tf C. A. WAQNER, Columbus, 0. THE 1<ARUH8T SHOW BILL PRINTINa ESTADLISHMENT IN TEE WOBLDt OLABBl k BEILLEY, (Successors to John E. Bacon,) PBINTEBS AND ENGRAVEBS, 13 and It Spmco Street, New York, Pay particular attention to getting up aU kinds of FANCY SHOW BILLS For tiayellng companies, sod have on hand a large and splendid aasoitment ot large and small WOOD OUTS SnlUble for Olrcussee, Menageries, Ethiopian Perfoniers, Oyra- nute, Msglolana, sc., &o,, which oon be printed In one or more colors, to suit easterners, JS* A deposit required oh aU work ordered. AU orders addressed to "OLARRY k RBILLEY," Bsoon Print- ing and Engravtog estebUahmeut, 13 and It Spruce atreet. New York, wUl be promptly alteuded to. 23-tf DBAOAiB'S VAKIB'I'IBB, ST. LOUIS. THIS VERY POPULAR ESTABLISHMENT, And TBE Laxoest in the Umtted States, ib mow in toe FULL TIDE OF SUOOESS. First Clou STARS treated with at aU times. None others need apply. JaM1£S OONNER k Co,, Agente, lT.3m. or GEORGE OEAOLE, St Louis. TIIEATRB UttVAL, MON'TREAL, CANADA. Lessee J. W. BUOKLAND. STARS desirous of vlslthig Montreal can apply to 10-tf J. W. BUOKLaND, MontteoL 'HR. OUSIIHAII'S present whereabouts Is enquired for by a correspondent Be wu traveling during the wldter of leoo-'l, throngh Wisconsin, with a concertironpe. Ue wlU please send his address Immediately to the Cuppeb olBoe. 3t-tt* FIHBT^LABi'ARTiBTl)^ OOB' eert Bualnesa. may apply, stating terms, eto., per pre-paid let- ters, to the Pnnrietor or the ATHEN.EUM CONCERT HALL, 21 St* Box 313, Toronto, 0. W. TUBA'TUKIAL NItTIOB. THE MBTROFOLITAN THEATRE. Ban Franelsoo, OsL, TO LEASE. For particulars apply to 0UA8. TH03. PAR8L0E, Dramallo Agent, 3t-tte 11 West Bleeeker street, Leltoy Place. BBTaUFOLITAll THEATRV!, DAVENPORT, IOWA _ WANTED-for Henre. BRISLAU k LORD—a first Old Wo mu, Wslklng Gent DanseuM, and UtUlty Man. STARS whining engagements, addreu 3t-3t* J. H. BROWNE, Stage Manager, ■WANTBDj An A Ho. 1 NEGRO PERFOB^^ one ttit Is competent to produce a variety of New Ethiopian Acts. Noon* taoisa ehow performers need apply. Bngasementof SlxUonlha wUlbeglTeiitoaBoodman. Apply by latter to _ ^, ^ S6-M Wk. E. BUm, Oonterbury Hall, Washlhston, \ M'lle MILLIE FRANOU; Mlna IDA D^'ERE, M'lle LOU»K. JQHN OLUSKEY. W, N. SMirU, ORARUF. MONROE TODNG AMKRIOA, FRUD. WILLIAMS, JUSriNE JOUOH. Tbe highest salaries paid to performers of abUity by addrrBSlii( as above.^ 31-tf TUB OAUTBIl ZOUAVE THOUPB, AND YOUNG FTtlALE BRASS BAND. Bixte>;h in NuaiDKU. • "THE PRIZE ENTERTAINMENT OF THE SEASON." See "Uulun Democrat," Daylun, 0., June 6iu, 1801. Such la tbo unlvoraal opinion of tlio jireaa and tbe piibUoevery* where, upon witncsaing the very vureetUe aud exiraordloort^ entertaining exblbltlous u given by the above very popular troupe, Wfallat most companies luivo felt compeUed iturlng the ixtrnordlnary heat of tbe pre'aut bunimor, to take a "vacation," tbo OAHTElt ZUUAVE ThODPE has been performhig to not only "full," but oven crowded bonaes. The reason of this crest popularity la easily explained, the Carter zouave troupe combine thu CniKF E.tOELUHoiEt ot kU the beat exhibitions of the day, and the motto or tbelr manager Is "onward," "forward," and he trIU not reat until ha makea It the liest exhibition of the presout sge. The manager of the above ironpe, contemplating a visit ta Europe, next aeoaon, wlU be happy to receive proposola from managers ot flrst claaa cstabllshmente. Any such, dliooled al under, wUl receive dne attenUou. J. UENEAGE CARTER, Manager "Oarler Zouave Troupe," Cora of FuANE Qu£e.v, Clifpeu Oppiox, 20-3m New York Olty, U. B. /kOVAI< liYCEVttI, ' TORONTO, CANADA WEST. The undersigned respoetfuUy announcca that he haa lotseA the above named Theatre, aud wlU open It for tho FoU anA Wtoter Buuoii, on the 10th ot Ootober, 1803. Ladles and GenUemen desiring engsgemenls from the lOUi of Ootober, to tbe tth of July, 1801, will please apply Immediately. Addroas. for tho noit three woeki. Theatre, Celumbua, Ohio, N. B. STARS treated with on liberal torma. 314t* A MACFARLAND, Loeaeo and Manager, OUN'riNKt«TAlj THRATUn AND MUSIC HALL, Walnut Street, abeve Eighth, Philadelphia. ALLINSON k UINCKEN....Loraeuand Managers. The Largeat EstabUahment of tho kind In the country, with • MAMMOTH COuPANV OF 100 PERFORMERS. Artiste of celobrity wishing Eogagemente oan always meat wllk advantageous terms by applying as above. 38-lt JaS. PILGUIM, Stage Manager. PKIHOB OF WAI<U8 TIIEATRB, LIVERPOOL, ENGLANI), This tmly elegant and Tery beautiful theatre is kept open dn lug the whole of ths year. AMERICAN fiTTARS, of aoknowledged position and telent, negoUated with fi>rtoil(W short ongagomenu, u mutual totereata may require. Addiess. ALEX. HENDERSON, tott Sole Leuee sad PreprietoA. BAfrF'mD'n tr<>vpb, THE HEAD AND FRONT OF MINSTRELSY, Btabt ok TBm Fltino Tbif to New OBLBAHa. Monday, Sept 28th, New Orieans, La. SAMUEL S. SANFORD, Uansgar, P, S. Duo notice wUl be given in tho Clipfeb of their r^ turn But 3A-3te OONNBH**! THBATRIOAIi AUi«!«UY, 36 WEST HOUSTON SPREE, N.Y.—WANTED Immediately, for New tibllshmente about to open In New York and vicinity, Aetoie. Danseuses, Vocalists, and Ethiopian perrotmers. AU profe^ (Ion lis dlaengsgod are raqiestol to apply. Immediately, m pev- son or by letter, to JAMES OONNER k Co,, Theatrloal Agenls. 36-lt 36 West Houston streelTNew York, ''^2l£oTu5TBi2~^~^~^'^~^~^~^^'^^ MO. 83 OBEA T 0EARL01TE STREET, UVEBPOOL ENGLAND. JAMES STENT Proprietor. Oenilemoo traveltog to Europe will llnd the above EstabUah- ment one of best and most oomplste In the country. Terms moderate. AU Information on prominent sportlnaeventogiTan ■t aU times by the Proprietor with pleuure. N. B. New Iobi Ci&ptB, JMl'i lift, and til the other Sport- log Papenot both eonntri«i,tIwaji on file. ' 31.8&.M*