New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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JJ E O B K ^ O LIP P El B; ""."v.-i rtMtrldito. flaring tli>;i»«t weei, we tm ierj little io! * qiVMtheoBeBf"W<'' *^l»P'«'«';»*»^''''''"* ^•^^^i:i!{M^iibwSiori 6Tl)^ik Ei\ flook nlBhtlyto ^"'T^SSm Thi Bro»<lw»yMi#en M tbe Boweiy eitobUsh- I. »U been doing ii TtaJ gob4 ittijliig bnelneee. uMVSeroD commenoed «a enugemeat >t Mlblo'i Strdon, MtSuih dt;dpepiDg 14 "OsmllSJ* The tofllence/'tAi'tlie oe- ^T?.l!r liM rolOvi In "u* ^1*7 Tery luge,' end BhV;<li<tntln' «iu on tbe off ntghta of Utr. Forroet to large wd eeleot Her rendition of- "Medea" vu moat .exceUefit; On no"*. r;._..T—. I. iiMin. "andontbeTth aa .;H».Ed. fr*Snittppetrea on tne wnn TUbi^M uia jreorv; fit "The £?w>nt BoROt*." an^'lt was one of tbe'moat anoofeafaV obar- JJ^M^thit^e baa 'r^reaented thla'Auon. ^r. Vheatley f?rilKiML Kltt Heroala to appearln VKdlth," and on tt tt'jSTliSnTrl.r, of *iid. BaoUeTa greateat rolj*., ^}i»SLit(ppeared on the 98th TilCi^aa Old Febrv; 1 ^wV^fBoiota," and'lt was one of tbe moat anoof aaft ^2S^ik2ihe baa 'repreaented thla^aaon. ^r. juMiifli>tappiar>n(ie(<laoe''bla lengthened Wilt to Phlla- ?rvu\ u Antonio de Oaberero; and waa moat entbnalaatloall; ^'^r^ Ttii^iDinsVlr. Tahiti ifftm,-tot the flrat time JS?5 «aioB.ln Bh»keaMar«> Eoman.ti;a«e4y of '■OorlolMinB," '^^nnal wlib a fine oaac, new stenary and aplendid monntlnga. V?T«SliiAlaJnieatre leooid.exeapt the Uot iwffrJISwSwk'^ oomody—drama—latoe—Malodrama-trage- SSrfiSoiedilei" oonltonea to draw hpgoly. •UtSolnWood, errt on th^ aleri for proluolnq anything '<ii^» srore attraoilve, bring* ont at her Ki'ou eatabllabment, v^fflSbidOi'this evening, the great aenaaUon of the day, of oeuvi^r ..^ the Baid of .Uorrlalaland, which ahe baa bad KSf and will rensaln for a abort time longer w^J 8.Clarka6Ioaedaaacoeaaral two weeks'engigement at ihrffbi'tar flaiden on the Slrt ult Thia eTenlng Mr. and Un. naiwce. the wen known latpersonaton of lrlah andTankee d^toa. oommence an engagement, opening In vHandy JSaf'-whiOhleTOua Annie." and the "Betorted Volunteer." . rSa anit brooght byBlohard Gacott agalnatthaexeoutors'of u^ute Wm. E. Bnrton for $11,910 damages, waa de(Med on tbe wOinU, In the Sopreme Ooart In this olty. The trial ooonpled Srfrfo'nr dajiiind the Jury brought In a aealed Terdlot for SdSaff ftr H9M80. It wu alleged by th» defence that the Mmsasyweielncompetant .to ting EngUah opera, and that the rilifUffftlledtoproTlds a proper wardrobe and snfflolentoN Snrtral and Tocal mnalo, aooordlng to hlf agreement. The ildbttlt waa examined ak a wltneaa In Us own bebali; and oalled tn^ilaln hla taatlmony a number of mnaloal experts and other aitaMMa The plalnUS proved hla readlneaa to perform the MBtoa^'and hla (nlBlment generally of all the terma of hla uMtMot. The oompany aaog "Bohemlm Olrl" and "Tror^ Sm" la the'tret week, and had ivheaned "IIarllana"forthe neend week; >ben Barton aloaed hla theatre. Tbe company van aU anfbrlng fMm the effaots of a atormy paaaage ftom Oil- ny when they commenced to alng, bnt.Borton.lnalatad jipon their going on the itage. ,. ' ' . ..^ , . Mr Oacanraa the Armenian Tprk, gtve one of tna leotnrea on hmiiellfa and aooloty In Turkey, at Nlblo'a Saloon, on the 39tb alt. HlB lecture yrasmnatratedby the Introduction of aeveral uaia In a variety of cha^soterlatla Tnrklah ooatomea.' They gave ne3maniot the dandng of that country,, and .Vr. Osoaiiyfn pva a very InteieaUng expoalUon of the character of the harem ai a donuatlo Inatltutlott. . ' ( Hi. Oeb. '^denhsff obmmenosd a setlea of three leadlnga at Dodwi^tii'aHan, op the 3Ut nit. . , . ■. ' T1ieattncUoii%at Ui Broadway th^a p^t w^ were such aa no riitiil .F Mace of entertainment baa given amongst na fcr mpny a day. Avsfme «t the .'posten tayr "otowds. crowds:-crowds" roan U;l)'llioiigb there Waa only that part^onlar nlgba when we want ^ go. aet apart'to tie niore crowded than any other olfht It aaainad ao to pja byjthe wiay people flocked Into tbe AmedoaP aiietira on the laat day of October; but In reality It la not BO,.for there's Jnat the aame lam erory night In .the week.: Amongst oiheraewttcea which has lighted up the American during toe iMttiwdajra, arethebeftnUfal Klzon Slatora—Frank and Ada- lilde-^the ftcmar a'.du^oBr 'and 4h« etlwr .a alnger. Adelaide locka and alnga very Sweetly, but has hardly enongh compaaa of .Vflca to be heard dlatlnctly at a dlatanco—this, however, will leoqlxisbeutbeiled.bypraoUce,t^eladyhaving onIyre<)enUy adopted theauge. Ixank—a downright pretty name—aa a dan-. Kiiw, la van 'agUe and graoafbl. Mlaa Emma Temple^ another n<w comer, la aald to be a very clever aotieaa; we shall be able to pptakolbar merits after wltneaalng bar perlbrinance. aa we dldn'l wiltuhm the'laat piece—the only one In wbloh ane appeared. fig. CUiU^-ibB wire walker and vcntrUognlat, cloeed a very tocceaaftil widt on the Slat ult: Mr. T. L. uonneOy. a favorite njlb'. t^e 'boya, la baok agaln. doing Irlah oomedy, and MlkftUo. Senna glVelij)rutIoUlIla>1rAUoDB of t^e dancing at Lanergan'e 3aIL wh|oh Tony pastor atngg with such guato. All thp old. (kr vcrllaaiue atUljratalned—tne fahainbalutlo'.bevy of .'.'dar^a''— tlhafley Vblie, Tlob' Hut, Xew BImmona, Jim Wambold,' Slfik Balfb, ud^obi|ny,Wlld 1 and It la aeldom we see a company wo(k KweuiogfiUier, Withncne'of that profetalonal Jeal^uay wbloh ^atlmea characterlaaa actor folks, nis'American Thea^ gtvei thd obeapeat and moat venatlla entertal)itaient onBroadwax. i.,9oraI)awTon, the dlatlngnlsbed dduble-vblcedvooallal^ oom' panceaiatBamnm'B cuHoertyahop ontheaiblnaL. Ike SandMrd Brolhera and Mile. Uedea, oomp6alng the trp.npe iDtitiitotalnilata and danuuwi, who havfe'Juat uoaed an engager Wt at Baivnm'a Moseum, ate .prepared to engagB..'nltti man- igm for flnt daks entertalnmenta. Parties re^iurliig. their aei- nou mnat addreaa thklr aolt i««nts—Meaara. Conner b 06. [Siranta'UlnBtreia'contlnneuglvepleaalng and m^rtbfnlen- Ualnmonta io veiy'large and appreolallTe audiences. . Dan mnt and Save Seed appear illghtly In their challenge dance, mb la van langhable. Tbe Bryants have alao added io their' ttricUona ttila week thb last lentaUon of Mllea O'Bellly.and l>ow who takepartIn the aot nake.a good deal cf fan. At the Kew Boweiy Theotie bnalneaa has been tbe same as laiL On lbs SOth nit., Mr. 0.0. Boniface, one of the moat opniar acton on tbe esat tide of the' tows, took a benefit, and le unmenN crowd present folly proved to blin that his endea- onto please had not'been forgotten. This week oommenoea -.'luui'draotaof "The Jewof BouthwaTk,"and tbe rorlvaV.of le ■■Plying Salobman," BonUaoe. playing ih'eJow and Tande^ joken. "Bnmor'says that MdUe. £eo will ahorl^niBke her d<hit •«.ln a ;iew dramatic speotaple.', • . , janhger Fox, of the old BoweTjr, hk( been 'io' atiooeaatbl with wghoat dramu, that be will in all probability oontlnui) them ™98h the entire aeaaon. eras long as a good satjeot for the "Induction of tbv special lUaslaa can be fbnnd. This week 5'^x Introduces tbe'eomlo piece of lha "abost of OUes Scrog- JKJfhoOcarted Molly BiowjL*'.'. Also tbe drama of "Norab li<7Sr. ^x^yHerrlng.oiMngtoaMAtlnuedlndlapoiitlon. "«W»toappea». . . 1 ; ;i <: .i " " i. .r laat week, Barney WllUams had An addlUond member *m2?J* V» hiwoomet-la of'the .^IS^i!^j^u^n,iindwm.doQ|^ edlUonof «f^ffl?5V^'??"''"''**"'l''"**l"»*«'". Thi panorama fiemJr ^ver haa beemteylvedj and Is very popular vrttb SSfiT*JL5»?^"l' «>• BTMli fwtnrea 6f thli'tSl&ted 6001. SS. ,!g.rtnla la the vMalhsaUon of Matter Wood, Wth piano awinMiimeBt, Muter Wood'a volcia no longer laboVa all ahortilme- alnoe,|and) no longer fettered bythe^ - hla IntonaUona, tie revels In the full display of 'S, The efleot produced by his voice Is that of a lUos «fitr<.v. -.mtliant any Visible, laorttle of jbeU'llke notea aoar above the Inatmmental peonllarlyTyrlCal, the dletlno'tlop be- uaS( wuthe iearot _ hlalvrlci peoularl effort, ' mnilc twlxt' poaaeaaA u .much general In call points and devoid hvdeeetids, tilt vjolee, WL two exttemes, notaahe ptol mUe aseigT.- MqMQiihmenl (Inabbadftom kqaUlne bwtb)leebtii«i ballad ilnge'ra. Maalet'Wood,' 9l«c4.''TThe.tilani atrament, anA'Wl auti&MortlBiet ' VlacB!tAlliambri 9Cthnlt.,tonther. tbe weeitwas of tl the ttk«ig«F'116t PNMM o&'th«v«Vi .1. 1 1th I Ithl 0 and the Instrumental being that the former Tmore lildlVlluallUr, and that the h'eVo ehbuld, Ible, remain.Tlalble to the ey^, like,a great itnr^ Of a battle.' This la one of the most dlffl. '"ler can make.' Bia Voice la retaArksbly high less, and from the highest note ol bis range ~irk>Ue eaaei OowB tomeloweatiioteB of th'e;«ffeot of tbo ktldden oontraat of the more offset Apon tbe sat.' His saalalned ivoildortal cire.' Ih puts that do not re- reat tondorneaa and awe«tnc4*i and his of playfalneeB, and bo ra'pld at notib be loot matter. Be la yal^qlte young, with ey^ fnd aa'expreaalVe motitb,«nd bids *-- tiatnbig.lone of ourVnioit prbmlaing of ibe mnsloal.comppaltlon .aaig .by Dlicoura^!.'—HeiM'Blbhop'a maattr-' * dn the bcoaMtih Is a iklagnlBcent] In. d' to MSatei Wood by MeaBta,.S(6d' . '< I .. . i. ■ ;'■.. . . I fjeiopenedlnlouitaetih street OB.tbe kouse, and tho attendtnee' throughout VOet wbloh wsf neither flattering to IfeiD artlBts' Maagod' h'eio,, VTi \tu« aSibi uia UieM wit^.^jtobably ' I .. J "nil I - ■ . 1 •bout lUO ouh In the hoaae. Blnoe onrJast visit to-tbla show, there have been only two addltlona worth mentioning. The flrat UtherlnglllheqneatrlenneiKAd, Maile'IIaa4rt«, wholsotteof Iba'ifaestlieautual riders we have had In ,thla oountry for some Uffle.'Her ease, herdarlu, her eertalhty and her rapidity. In lU'thOidUBouH'fAtts'tba nbdert4kes,,bkve won for her the aduliattOA offalL' Tb^'other artist spoken of Is Mr. VDllam' FennT,'.Ute:oi the "OltonS Beyal," who la one of the beat "I/WheUe'&MTtbrmeM ln'thedonntrjr^' Mr. Oosk, the Blngltsh otoWBi luprOves vipon 'adqualtatanoe, and ainea he has reaolved' to Mve Us th4 phre ntiadnlteriited Qdeen'a EhgUab, makes a-vetT: eleven otewn; The wiaather was ve^ cold nnder canvas, so tnuch; so ihat vre <lonld n6t sit the perfbrmanoe out On the SOth nit. J Ufa Dixon iooka benefit; knd MfJ Andrew MIxon takes hla "ben"! this (Monday) ivenlng, 3d inet,; which occasion oloaea up, rath- er «ammarlly,° tbe pn^aent season.' '' • ilbe French Theatre In Nlblo's Saloon -commenced Its regnlaV istfason'on the 37th olt., undef tbS'management of Paul Jnlgnet^ (Ita> Initial performanoe oonslsled of ■' BataUle de Barnes, or ud, iDnel en^'AfflOor," a oouedy fn"three Acts, by thbse eminent a^thoB, Mtaara. Scribe And LMirve. ^Ith eleiUenla of saecoAa' milch'Increased'and strenithet|«d since bin lakt'Season, M. Jdlgnistwin doubtless have the satUbctlon of flndlng his liberal- ity; In fumlablng the lovera of Fnboh ^tlng an degantenteif- talntnenti appreciated atlla full WorthJ : XatbAen O'NaU, the pdpnlar. Irlah bAIladlst, arrlied' in tbip dlty.daxlng the early'partof laat wsek.afte^ a-lengthy t)t(lfM. slonal tourthroagh theivrestera'cbabtry.' 8he'%«s'lmmedla^lf tecored by tbe manager of the " Canterbury," WaabliUtoniltnd qpens'therethlt evenlilg. ' • ''• ■':™-; "' : I'' ■",..!..; '.■.': • i. : ■' ' I -''' ■ .'.' . .■• . :■:;■■■':„ ,'. ':■'," '. ■.'' \ ()n,'%MJaesday, October 98tb, Mlu Charlotte .Odshmm atf-. peaired at tbe Brooklyn Acadei^ of Mualo aa Ladvi Macbeth, - .^nUtoe flaying Macbetbi and .Mordaun^ Mardnff, tne ooCaalon | being a benefit lor the Dramatic Fond Asaoolatton.. 'Owing to il^ .bad 'management by those who had charge of tbe arrange- ments, .nqt, more: than iwo-thlrda of the. soab were oooupled; 1^ demand^mr, seats wonld'have led tothehoqaa being crowded to eioeas, but for the action taken. In plaolna the wbole of the tlaketa,'tath^ beat Beats in the hoase, In the hands of the rega- lia tisw Tork speculators. This the Brooklyn nubllo would not Dubmlt to, and hence the oomparattvely nllm attendance. Con- sidering: the gT«at dealre to see Miss Onshman aot in this play, the mjoagers would, have done .well to h<ve aold tbe seau at auoiloti^ the whole of the prooeeda: going Into the tressurr of the Aaabblatlon ; no onjt would then have begrudged paying the pre- mium; but, as it was, all the profits beyond the legitimate price pt the tickets were pocketed by the speonlator* and those who were in' oollaslon with them. The local papers, we were glad to eee, for once oommented Independently on the snbjtoti and In faotltaxolted the indignation of .every patron of the drama in the city. Of the peilbrmancea, we have especially to speak of the tmly.artlatla rendering of the principal character by Mlaa Oaah- inap.. Atone time a pin might have Men beard to drop, ao folly absorbed were.the audience by her powertDl acting. Boniface's Macbeth waf quite a creditable effort for one of hla pecollar aobool. .Monuont'a Macduff waa moat praiseworthy, bis read- ing being remarkably good and bis acting worthy of more eipe-' rienoed artists. The ohoma singing In the:wltohes'aoens Was capitally done and elicited hearty applause; Taken altogether, it waa a, far more satlataotory performance than: we expected to have Been at the handa of the cast named.for the occasion. . At the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, /' Kate Kearney " has been the leading oardjof the week, and the excellent acting of Lennox, and ^e attractive -vocal elbits of Miss Shaw In this piece, together ^th. thai fan. and {ro)lc peculiar tO: the play; have drawn very goodhousM. The attendance on Wednesday,'when the perform- ahoaa^at the Aoademy and the poUtlsal farce In the Park were the counter, attractions, being auoh aa to .fill the. houae with a hlgblr fuhlonable aadlenoe. " Satan in. Paita" la set down for the present wee^. On the occaalon of the Oottaohalk maUnee, on Toeaday. the bbose was filled io repletion. : Booae'a Dramatic Combination Troupe waslat Sootantonl Pa., onthelSlhuIt The dramatic oompany nowtravellng under the management of a. H. O'Hara. was at Elmlra onue iSth uli, playing the '.'Osatle Spectre," Introdndng the Ohotfr bnalnBas. The com- pany was then, to goioWatUna and Auburn, and then down the Central Bead to Albany. At Pike'a Ojjwra Houae, Cincinnati, Mr. and Mia Conldook were the Stan laat week. On the aTth ult, "Orlcketon the Hearth" was raodnced to a luge'attendance, and wu repeated' on the 98lh. The latM m nenc la said to hare ttean qdeodld, and refleoted great oredlt upon the ecenlo artlab Mona. and af./im,« Zavlatowakl oontlnue to be u popular in their terpalchorean moremenla'u they were laat aeaaon. Bailneu oonluued very good throughout the week ivlth the Oonldocka. Joseph doctor made his ddml at Wood's Theatre^ Ohiolnnatl, on the leth nit, in tbe rob of Vlrglnlni, In which oharaetsr he made a very favorable Impresalon. On the 3Tth. he appeai«d u Jack' Cade, and the preaa of that city apeak very highly of lb Cubaa. the Spanish danumt and pantomlmlst,' opened at the BnlUo Theatre on the seth nib, in the "French Spy^' to a house crowded to lis utmost capacity. Mr. W. H. Leak vna engaged eipraaaly to aupport her daring this engagement, and appeared u Mohammed, and In the bioad award oombat It Is said he wu moat excellenb' The "Itaich Spy" wu repeated throughout the week to very large audiences. , At the Defiance Theatre. Cairo, m., the drama of "Gvarybody's Friend" wu performed on the 38th ulb, to a very large attend- ance. .The piece, it la uld, wu not prodaeadu it onght to have been, and Its repreaentatlon caused great dlsappointmsnb' The company gederally were, not parfeot in their parts, and the piece diaffied dreadfully. The dance wu apoUed by the musto, and the ttroa wu terribly butchered. The comedy of "Mine Points Of Law" and the farce of "The Slamue Twins," were announced fbrthe arth. . I ' . ' The Holman. Opera bonpe finlabad their engagement atSb Lodlaon theSllh ulb. with "Cinderella." and are now en mfa for Chicago, reeling by the wayside at Sprlngflald, nL '; Maggie Mitchell wu the recipient of a compUmentaiy benefit at Ford's Mew Theatra, Waahlngtoni D. 0., o'a Friday evening,, Ocb SOUk.; Wo are adv^e4by our oorrespondentthat this benefit waq the grand theabrlcal c^p of the seaaon at Fard'a,.ihe bonae being liobored with the presence of several official dignitaries, 1 inolbdlog. bealdea tbe .Prealdent aad.Oablnet offloen, itniiMroits metnben .of' the coiin Zhjitahaftow^ and . a large'vimptber of mllltaty'gtotlemtn'bf high official oapaoity. Magglei.eloaBdi there on the Slat nib. '. ■ ^ .oi At the sale of oholoeseaia for the Dramatic Fnnd Beneflt'ik the Brooklyn Academy ol lfb>ila% on the. 37lh ulb, .the flrat Jredilapipatd for.the .oholce of' threeseataln ttieparqnet.'wu ISeach, Twetfty-nlneDorewe(e41ipoee4ofaltl'eaclk.-< ' Banie SKjnalr coiocunenaed a short engagement at FoBar's' tonlk^dUe Theatre, on the SOth. uli. opening In the'"French Btoy" knd the comedietta called "The Toung iBebel.": Onthe ITtn, she apipeared u Mrt. Orraaby Delmalne'In "The Serious Ftnilly," supported by Mr..pbatlea Banu m Amlnldab Sleek. The "Wliatd BkUT.' wu also produced. The sensatlan drai of "The Woman in WpiUi" wu OQderllnedto beaoitlypi duced. , ■' ' Mn. D. P.. Bowers commences, ain eiigagement (piths'Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, on the nth In^, In aomi of ber moat .bijUlant oharaotaK ' She opens in'"Tbe Hudchback" fol- lowed onthe 10thwith "Love," Uth, "Ladyof<'LyahB,"^13th, '"Love'a Bacrlfica," 13th, •■Bomeo and Juliet," a;id op the Ulb, ••Plot and Patalon.'.' The second week of her en^'tgement will commence with one of tnoee new dramatio ohatioters In which 'She hu achieved a great reputation.. At the Cbfstnut Street Thestta, Philadelphia, Mdlle. 'Vi^tvall wuthe star. lut.week, and sncoeeded In. atttaoUng very good audiences. The dtuna waswallplayM and splelidld^mounted, and Its great ancoeu wu In nO iTitle meastin attrlbutU to the exoellsnt mnalo and the ohoruaea. < ' . Oarl Anscbuta oommancu a seHu of operas At the Academy of Muilc, Philadelphia, on the 3d Insb ' ■ The feature of the patt week at the Aibb Street Thehtrei PhBa^ dalpbla,.wu the Davenport-Wallaok-Farren Combination. Mr. Wallabk'a Werner wu very highly spoken of by the pteu of that olty.:.|Mr.E.I>. Davenport la the atrengthot this oomblnatlon,' and Is ably Busported by his obllesgues. '. Mrs. CeoUe Bush gave diamatlo readings atUdsIcal Fund Hall,' Philadelphia, onthe 37lh ulb . ° ' I Mr. andMrs.'W,'J.Florence tookaoompUmentarybenefit ht 'Orover'albeatre, Waahlngton^.oh the .80th nib iOn' the Slat, 'their engagement oloaed,'With the "Oolleen Bawn." The next btiwwMiolw.Luolllb We8tem,jwlioiwutoopeti on the3dlnsb,' lni"EutLjMe.". ' ,;,■•■•'>■'■.' ; .The Foster Troupe oonoluded a two weeks' engageitent at the' >7orfolk Opera Boute, on the 3tth nib, presentlog the aeeotaoular drama otMie .VBljIng Dnlcbman,'^.the "Forty^IhlevM,^' and the pantomime of the '^Bed'Onome and Whit* Warrior." On the 37th:ulb, a benefit wu tendtied to the manilger, B. W. aienb,by knllliary and clvlo offlclala and oltliana, on which ocoulcn Evelyn Evans and James Gates, together with the''entire oompany, vol- iinteered their servloea. Ibe bill ' presented wu Tom Taylor'a oomedy of "Our American Coualn" and "The. Beriooa Family." In theformer, Mr.Maraton appeared u Asa Trencbard, Oosaln as Abel Murcolb Evans.u Dundreary, and MUa Mary R Bill u Flcrahoe. .While laoUag the pungency which la a dlBtlngulshlng characterlaltc of Jefferson's Aaa,Manton made a favorable Im- t>reBSlon. In "The Berions Family,'.' Olenn, u Amlnadab Sleek, Introduced aomo. local hits, vrith telling and approved effocb The crowded houao, which was oompllmontanr to hla popnlarib, and to thoke present for thue teatlfjpfng their appreoUUon ol his labored efforta to p lesent an entrirlalnmontwonhy of patioaago, ;seemeA to exerolae'a IkvorAble stlmulaB to bis rondlUon, which wu nnexoenUonably glTen;' In reaponm to the domanda of the hudlbsosj Mr.' Olenn repeated his printed promlBeito'present an entertainment which oannot fkU to pleue, and plodgtiig that bis eflbrU Bbould'OonatanU^toijd to the falfllment of fliat laudable intention. The Webb Slaleis were to oommoneo an' eagagemont iontbe3dlnBb ' : , • " : . wo wero agroeably Burjirtiod on Monday night, dot JOth, with tbdperfonnipoesatthefirooklyn Academy ol Music, by Mr. J ^"ffL?"'*?'-" '^^VS?!' bKSw A*' Marco,m the greatTrenohdramaof tht "Martrta He«tt." ' Boblb'i acUng ln thU play was truly sxoollent, eaoeClally'Ui the 'toeno'ln Which be InblsOTOBtudfo. H JhaaairbV Ahd fntoUlgohl countenance Is Boon to great adVahlage in glvlng'play 14 • tho'VaridhB exproa- to axoel should lead attempt-higher fllgUUr^ilun hli age andexperienoe,lfnothls oapaol^, should .warrant him in at- temptiig, and we think he dou tUa When be itrivu to equal hla father In Ma r^dltlon of the leadlEg ct^araot^ of, Bhakeapeare. n)4 Ust time we saw the "Marble Heart'.' ptffoimod, CFeorgel Jordan enaoted the part of Rspheiel.^d Xanra Keene that ofl Maroo, and of conne with the rMU'embiUioe of their fliM utlDg,< we were not prepared to be carried away with enthnaUsm by thal^ of,the artists In the same characters on Monday nlghb .^e were,' however, eapeclallypleuedwllh Vb, Booth'jBatjhad,'and I4 eev-i eral reapeots with Mrs. Barrow, especlaDy'In' the scene'wherein! ahe explains her experience and dread of'{loverty, her reading' and acting, which wu worthy of her won eartied reputatloil." Qf .tb«.olher*, Mr. Norton'a Yolags wu ihe'only one worthy ofspe-: olal remark. The s^netr and' appolntmenta were (k'llty, add Ihe'atltndance email, the house not baldg more than halffUl^ ^yMnre ate It 8laled,'in tbe iinmaaulate dalllw, that the dramatic, perfoitnanou at the' AcBMlemy are always greeted by crowdea: honaiaai Tbe 'fact is, there hu not been a otowded hotue at the! Aeadsmyttda'aeasoni'. "1 ■. h: :] Mr. Jos. T. Fannin, now engaged for a brief aeaaon at Foid'al Haw Thaair4;Wuhlngton, Is having' a new driama 'written for! hlffl/Wbttb will soon beglven' to the public, with an emlnenti oast, and-all'seoeuarysoenlo and other adomioents. ' ■' . On Thniaday nigbi M^atieh faVored the Btooklynllea with', Tlotow/s:','MAitba,'^.theattendadce b«Uig,^erygood'lndoed. Tbe performanoe* were excellent, but' not superior to those of' the' 'OonnaD trontre under Anschntz last season.' Miss Kellogg. Mile,: Hxateci Hem Lottt and BIgnor Blacbl ensMed the prlnolpol nlo. On 8at|irdaythe; AMdfmy wu filled to OTerflcwing: with the BrM>k]yn fMhlbni^UBS, on the ocoaalon of the.flxatgrand concert this season $f. tliai.flillhannonlc Society.' Mn, Abbott sang in plac6ofMn, 4«flbgg, : .. :. . Mn, Tan Zandb-^ Jenny Blitz, daughter of Big. Blitz, of life- long mei^ory—makes' be« first appearance at the Brooklyn Aea- ,demy, od 'ivednu<|av, Mov. 4tli, It being her .debut after three yean tultlpn.dnder'tlie' beat masten of.the axb. Bhe<lB to be u. atstedbyahoatoftailent ...' . Uaggte Mltahen Is^e star this week at tbe HoUday, BalUmere, op^mgonthe 2dii) "FaQohon.'.' , ' . ".. ' At the Front Sttoet Theatre. BaUmoie, B. E. J. Mllu wu io commence an engaganient on the 3d in«b. making UadAtidn "Mazeppa." , . . . • . 1 . 1 ■ Edwin Doolihwu at ihe.Sbston Theatre last week. HIalmolas Junius BmtoB Is considered by the critics of that olty io be his masterpiece. He remains 'this week. pradaolnK ••uas Blu.<^ Tbe attendance Is noted dowi^ u being , good tnxoogliont the week. 1 .. ; : .. , ;nie mnch talked of play of ."Camnia's Hosband" wu brought ont at ihb Boftbn Museum last week aDd,proved a suocus. It Is aald not to poaaeu that deep and aaatained Interest of "The Dead Hearf'^.by the aame author/yet although of incoulstant plot, Is an effective play which afCoida a good diversity of char- acter, and Is relieved by the oomlo element to. a marked extent The piece'Will bis contlnned .during tbe nreisent week. . At thd Eowud AthenBum, Boston, Mis. D.F. Bowers'audi- ences, it la said, have not been what that lady deserved. During thei week "Peep O'Day^' 'wu revived, to preeent the lady in her original psrt otEathleen Kavanagh, to;whloh shaimparted maoh melo-dramatlo effecb Mr. Hawk's sunmptlon of ihs ^oted Iriahdian iF.sald be the best thing he baa done In jBoatoo. Mr. Omns Is the present star, opening on the ad'lnsb In "IheHelr AtLaw." ■., ' ,. :.' . :.).;..'. ■ , Maria Zoe, the now verrpopular dantaue and pantomlmlst, (iommeuces an'engaganient thla week at the IndlanapQlls. Thea- tre, where she wlU remain two weeks. She goes ibeaoe to Fnl- leTB LonlariBe Theatre, opening there on the 13th Insb . Tbe theatre at Alexandria, 'Va., under the management o< ,Mr; Joseph Parker, did a f^ buBlseu la^t week with the Webb Bis. tere u the Stars, iaupported. by Meaars. Btevena, Ounn, Harry Rowland and Parker. "The Duke and his Motto", wu announced to be given on the 3d Insb at Wood'a Theatre, Clndnnatl, with Joseph Pzoblorln the leading rok.. > , I The Blchlngs Opera Troupe were announoed to open tt Pike'a Opera House. Cincinnati, on the 3d Idsb, In "The Daughter of the Beglmenb" Marv Provoat took a benefit at the IndlanapoUa Theatte on the 30th ulb; aqd dosed her engagement on the Slob "The Bomance of a Poor '7oung Man" wu In active preparation at laat aooonnls. Mr. J: M.-Tridib]s^ Jr., proposu opanmg a theatre In Albany. H. T., atjled the Academy of: Mnalo, to be opened about the 16th of Decbmber. . Several male and fiunals artUta areadvertlaed fbr in this Issue, and any good performer in want of a "alt" will ad- dresti ai( pta adVtotlBemeiib Weareinreoelptofalotof n'aifB flrom a correspondent In Ban Franolaoo, CaL, under data of Sepb 7th. He says:—"Fanny Wembam^ at' Magnlre's, made a uUure Charley Thome could not open the.Metropblltan, u be could not get a company. .'.,.. .Mn. Qeoige Jordan opens at Magnlre's ott the lllh of Sep- tAmber..... .Miia. Lelgbtonjiu become one of Msgulra's stock oompany Mr. Leighton is at the point of death Miss BHrllng. tbe American giantess, is in a state of destltatlon In this olty The Union Theatra opens next week under the man- agement of Sherry Corbyn; it-Is colled'the New Idea, Ithlnklt will turn oat a "bad idea,'' U the location la bad.... Gilbert hu abU out tbe Melodeon to Little and Bradly;. good houaea all the time - -.. - .The Bells Onion Is crowded ereiy nJgbb The compa- ny at thla place la a whole team. Loranta 'Marla^ Marian lieie, and Blscacdantl, cannot be but by any artisle In their line. Sam Betconrt, the proprietor, haspunmued a block of buildings on Stockton' abtest for $70,000 cash; he Is one of the managan that we read about..;...The EuMkaTbeatrehu good bousu: The theatre and melodeon at Wuhoe have bunted np, and tbe company have returned to thla olty...... Jack Wilson's Olraus hu'retmned from Oregon..... :Lee'B Circus is bHII iiavellng in this State; The Marsh Children 'will be here about the mid- dle of October Slan commg here this winter (If they will take yonr oorrespondenf s advice), can do better by coming hare flrat and make their amngements after they setheK, or they - wHl alaad a good ohanoe of getting bit Jamea Stork h(a gone into'the qtaariz mill bu^lneaa at Anroxa.:,,.'.— .Julia Deui Hayna; with Waldron's company, are ht Yortlanfi, doing wiul. Madame Acoata, the danieiae, bu got a Judgment agi^nst ^M^Irefbr 1600 for salary,'but .getting (he mone^ la another On the 36th' nib, the Blohldgs Qp^ Tronpe ma^ae'thelr bow :at thB'Olevdand'Opera Houae; The high-character of (b^ ttonpe 'aa dMits, (x>ap1ed with the attrootlon of the onlveisally popnlar iMIaa' OAroUne Btchlngs, could not tall .to seAure' them good' ihonaea. During the atay of the troupe, Mr.'Ellaler'look'hla co^lpany to'Oolunibns, Ohio; ' : ' On the 81st ulb, Mr. Alt Buriiett, the hn'merlst^wu announdcd toocoupy the Academy, atOlevelandi'attd-on the 3d losb, the regular-oompany wu to r^pp'ear, with Mary Provost u thil star. Her engagement Is for six nights, and will bloae In a t«w, leks, Hr. E. gblug- to Columbus with hla obmdany for' the nter. ^ ' ''•• ' J. WllkM Booth, Mn. Banow, Mr.'Sniton, and Miss Fanny BNwn were onnouncfed to atipear In "Blohard in./'Cob 37IIi, .but, to the disappointment of the andlenoe, laye '^e Maible Heart" Instead, "Btohkxd m.," the second night, and "Hamlet" the lut, with succeu, at Mefw Haven, Cb '' Mr. Ohantrau hu been playing the "American Ooualn't:-to crowded housea at Mo'Vlcker'a Theatre, Chicago, The "Oboat" wu OB'the boarda lutwsek. Jennle Balgbt appeared: uthb ghoBt, in thedranaof the i^MlslstoeBcagli."'. ' i ' Tbe new.iheatn at Muhville has been doing a very exoellsnt bnstnen with Miss Laura Seene and her oompaoy.. Her benefit, on the 3Sd ulb, was » perfect jam. '•Baohal the Super" hu been the chief attraotloa; i, 1 .Mrs.'Wa]ler,atthe oldMashvilleThutre,bunet bad thatat- tenUon paid to herwhlohsoolever'an artlstdeMrves. A.cbr- respondent states that tbe . Block oompany here la dot what It pn^ ' I, : alcns 'Of pualod 'Uif^ tiiese 'SDenevandhlB reading waa nearly taultlus. Hh labortd oMte th-e dlaadVanS, of' hoa^^^^ from^a saVare coM,bttl.ln olhfv respeota £ere vtas no other 'drawback io the encceHOfbU 'aSttrIa iTgl^iri^S^e .ffntto the Iparbhe M ^ i^rfonn, 'It la'to; BDBIO A new (Hnoert Ban will shortly be'opened In BuSklo under the 'management of Oeorge Wlnshlp/'the Btrong nun; and to'be called Wlnablp's 'Tariettes, ° ParUu wbhlng to engage (diould api^ at onoe to his agents, MeAars. Oobner 1: Co., ox by piall u ^ advertisement'' ' Ever on the alert to engage talent of the hlgheat order. Mana- ger Lea bu added anotber name to the already brilliant doater of Btanbdongtngio hla Mammoth COttblnatlon.' E« bks ae- baied'the servicu of Mr, J. H. Ohllder*, who is a' wbndeifal performer with the mueket Mr. O-hu never kppUMd In the Eutem dHu, but hu been conflnlng hlmadt to dnolnnatl and knany oiher of the Western-olllaa. AtPorhopaIls:he played an engagement of one month atPteval's.Matlonai Halli.anaat SnUh ud Dllaon'a Hall, oreatlng quite a aanutlon. He la now under bontraot'.io Manager.Lea,and-manBgenvriahlDgtaBebare tils Bervlquoan do ^l|y addressing Manager.Lea.. . Don Santiago . Qlbbonnolse,'tie Iranakeas man, and one of the beat. boptortl|iu4eta In ,the. bqalneas, hu been engaged for the' Hemaodez obmpany in Chicago.- > .: :i At .sorval's Mnalo HaU, Cincinnati, Master Aogelo, tbe ohOd wonder, Ujlheprtnelml feature at preaent Frank Donaldaon, Gob Bbaw, Sophie Walton, and Lizzie Donaldaon, were alao re- engaged laat vreek. ,» < II' ' The Meifark Theatn Mnalo Hall Is now)n full operatton under the management of Mr. McManua, with the following oompany: —Bob Batlpr, Bam Alnswoith, J. H. 'faylor, Frank Lnm. Amelia Wcills, Mlu St. OlDlr, Josephine Barnard, and Uazlo Walby. : At the .Oanterbory, Wublsgion, quite a varletv of newasts WBie given lut week by tbe oompany engaged., Julia Horttmar, Millie fowler,'and Eineatlne de Falber, are tbe leepeolil favorites of (hi pitttoiv) of that eatabUahmeab , This week, Eatbleen O.'Mell oommanceB an engagomenb On the alttmoon of the 8d Inat^ a matinee benefit wjtf announced to be given to the Wuh> Ingtop Protestant Orphan Aeylnm, given under the anaplcss ol the Lady Managan of.the Asylum. Every mombor of the Can-' terbnty Company volanteered hla servlou. . At Hamblln's YarioUu, Wsahlngton. a most exceUent pro- naa^e wu offend by the managemcint bat week. MoaarB. Wll- llam and Jamea Budworth oontlnao twb of the especial lavoilMt. of the lnaUtutton„ . Meaaw Mafflt and Bartholomew, in panto- mlidiO, are nightly,applauded In their several acta.. Mlsa< Uaale Bobullic.liu^apMueLtbrcragbovtthe past week In her new Im- vanodatlon of Jack flbeppard, a part in which' ahe la eald to exi obL .Lltzlemoku a .gi\U<iaboy. Thli week there la an entim ohang^:ln' the programme, inttoduclnig the several ariutet In. inagy popular acts. ,,'.'; . • ' The Bt. Clair HaU'at Pa^doab, By., Is now ready forpocnpaney. rorOrst-dau traveUlngpatronnanoeaof aUUndB. Tha.atagaU a commbdibua one, itnd abltable for dramaUo peiformucM, wUta Tbe.«adltoflnm la fotnlahed with arm- Bb Sar'ta^V*""**^""•* "'"^ pbbple^wffl biiiHtt «f iJS? V* Pvovad a aaooaai.' The" mpS hoff mode iheir.deM on the id inab Mr. OoUliis, tbe '^er^ Cure,^Vtlsd onAof the prinolpal fealaros o?SaBMllffillahS22 At Lea's Mdoda«i, Detroit, there wero no new beta lut week. Itie ooippany nn»lned'."u they wore." Jennie XnglLcUt Testnad, Ffea Sbaw, Fanny Deverti, and the Iloman and Gredn etatuaty of MIle.De'Mdnlagne,-dontlnus'(o stttaot exoaDsnt houses. The pantomime of '^he Coopers" wu given last week, with BDly Csvanagh aa ZoJIekle, and Emma Itoas u Llzstta. Mr. aebrgsDewh Inienda opening a mnsjc hall at York, Pa_ abortly, to bo styled "Desah'».Ootttloental." Med Berry Is io ba stage, manager., AIa4x.T90a)lst.And.^two doiueiua an wanted, Soe advertbamint Ijrom Mfsin: Conner J: Co. In another odumn. 'TheHarmonlaHBitl,OA$ri;^nk,'l8'(n;lha full; tide of' a so Ike snocbBsfDl a'aonon. .'tfdlle.^ebAora,^ Blatba, and and'E. D: Gbbdnln It^bly oIoiM A^ esMoident there,' add tbn left for Memphis. Tluf compiiiiy at jtreuut.^playlng thene ban- slats of the-ioUowtng:—Obrls-BadSonL'MbkH^ len, Cbarlev WlUlamsVChu. Hole, D.lT.'arp^ ;Prof., BbOfraM, Proc Plaeaker, andiinta Myert. OhArles'Mehder'la.proprietor. At Toronto. 0. W., Manager Bayieis, late of tl^e DstrbUVart^ nea, hu In ancceasfal operation a flnt dau Muino' Hall on' Baf street near King, caned the Athenieum. AUutadVfc""" ' — Sanyconslated of M-llo Llretta. Clara DvT cihafl ^mmy Clarke, J. Leon. Harry Butler, and Master . BSOBp OOf BTIlBUlr. .HodOT's Minstrels on'Broadway,■nndet the manageiiani: Of Gec^rlsty, attracted vew good hoMOB lut W8«k Mr. JA^ son Haines, tbe Champion Bkatar. wu one of the attraettom Vu» last week, and he carttlnlydeservu to be billed u a sla»,*fl» mora talented :one In his line It wonld be a difficult matter t« find. He Is uaotlve and uamirtapon skates u any man oooW be wl|hont them. He plronettu buutlfnlly, and movu upoir Uio"atoels wUbgracefulnea and precision. 8. B. Purdy ttwi. tlnuea to be a great featun of this orsanizttlan—ho la a'flrat dau performAr. •::i''i...'( Boolsy's Mlostnls overln Brooklyn oontlsne to dtawUnV audiences, and spread over their Immanu oaovu tlie'most' cheerhl and pleulng ojlon, that produce a gaiety of feeUna llft^ poaalble to suppieu while drlnUng In themlrlhfalaoenes npr^ sented. Over the whole float the witcheriH of music and ahadbvi land, forming a panonma Uiat la not often unrolled to th« pub-' Ua Drop In and see these sable pblloaophers, and observe tban' Indulge In their pleasant profeaalon, which gtvu every1^)dy aooV' entlrafatlafaoUon. . --l Duprez and Green's Mlnstrsls are Jogging along thtcnghth* countoy moat harmoniously. Their route ahead is u foUbww Uteriden. Codn., 3d:lnBb, Danbnry 8d and ith, Motwalk Klh,'. Fbngbkeepsle Oth, Hudson 7lh, Troy 9th and 10th, SaheaabtiiM. 11th, and. Albany ISth, ISth and Utk They expect to' apread. their thirty-five.aheet fTork size) poster, the laigast evarprlntaU In the world, at Albany, for the ant time. '... -i.N- .1 Uber^ Hall, Alexandria, Ya., lately oocnpled by Sam LalhrM < with A dramatio oompany, ' on the 36lh nlL'bylL T. BkUfLwlth a Mlnatrd Oompany of fonrtaen peiformte^^ '1 . The. BIppozoonomadon Mlnatrels, a new oiganlAatlaB, wUk oreen posten, are wandering through the Slate of illIMa,>evr dently iniant on oolleotlng onmncy. - 1 ' -m';'^ Arling ton, Leon and Donnlker's Minstrels are huvfly bQIsdla sU tbe Interior, towns of Illlnola,. They made their nnl ataaii^' after leaving Chicago, at JoUet, on the Sfilb nib, making the'ettn cult of Bloomlngton, Bprtngfleld, JaoksonvUls, Oniiiiix.''ttsVi> burg, Peoria, &a .: i..: m . j-.j. i • Mldatrelay hu recdved Ita flnlshlig tonoh by the organUatlaa of a band of real African bnthen. who dlspeoas enwdyiMUr. burnt cork, but have the genuine nnvamlabed uUe bid*. Thsnf gentlemen, devate their voices atWymsn's Hall, Bb"Loals, adtf attract the curious mrals to behdd them. Mewobmb'e Minstrels oontlnae to hoIdposaesstonofSmlfb ft' Dltson's Ball, OlnolnnatL Their proUxiged stay Is svldenee'that they an folly appreciated, and settln the question of pArtdM^ nenoy. They oannow be consldeieda&xtanatthlshall.-' Bdalneu wllk Duprez & Green's Minstrels contlnnu of a verr llvdv obaracter. On the SOth ult they wan at Westfidd, HUa-i and hod a large attendance. .On the Blab they were billed at Mlddletown, Obnn. IL C- CampbeU's minstrd party, with Johnny Booker M«d Davis, Gould, Waddee, and Eddy, hu made a aucoeaafdl trip westward. After luvlng Detroit, the party stopped -one nlgM In esAb of tbe following towns:-Ann Arbor, Jackson, ar.^C^ Kalamazoo, Chicago (three nights), Badne, Mllwauka^ and Waa at Madison, Wis,, on the 37th nib . . : r . . . - . The. Buckleys, at their new Mlnatrd Ball andAqnarlal Qtpi dena, Boston, are In the hlghut tide of sncoeaa, and are dfswlaig^ crowded bonaes nightly. -Their liaUla a beautUul one, and holds fourteen hundred people; .but notwltbatandlDg thls,1iandreda are frequently turned away, nnable to goln admlttanoe.''TW troupe at preaent oonslala of B. Bishop Bdckley, G Sw*ln» , Buckley,'Fred. Bubkley, Jamea Buokley, Mlu JnllA Gould, BoUa Dona, J. F. Sullivan, J.: E. Oampbdl,' Onurlle Petdnalll, J. A.' Palmer, J. G. Lonadde, 0. Piott, Erastua J^eksod, Frank Bawla. Kennedy, Steele, and Muter He ward.. Measis. Young, Johnson^. Duffy, and Wlnshal have diuge of the aqoatlal depattmsnt George A. Eossam Is treasurer, and D. Q. Waldron (formerly iba aoant courier for the Alleghanlans) is buslnsu. manager, ^naWwy a very strong team.. Morris Brothers, Pell it bowbridge'a Minstrels had a veiy at-' tractive programme on band, lut wecl^ at their popular hall' la'. Boston. .,Bph Bon is on the "end,", and wu "down" /or'M &Oii^ Ic ditty. Kph Horn appeared u"Ctoge'aObve," and pea Mdw' ris gave "High Tlmu In Msau's Kitoben." . The faroe wu eaffitC "Sdplo, or the Intelligent.Monfcey,"iWlthJHiadese'ToBidiyW' the "Honk.'' .'During the.pleee theoharacterliUo"Cocoa Om«»-' Dance" was introdaced. Bnalneukube«n-varygoodwllh<lieiH. populardlaclpIeHofbnrnt-ocorkdoni. !.. -::.. -.I'liLwit • I ■ :'iO/r-. ','.'. '■ 'i'^ ' •■ - - '.'(''! V", -.;...»;... '. .fWBODBM; ;.■'.■ '''.,. •••■ ''"' ■', Yankee BoUmob's "Triad" ddsbdtlMt'^bn At' SaotU^'li^H bnthe33dnlt;- '-■ ..'■.. '..•.'.?;.'. ..■ :.• '.':/,■,".•'. lu.'' ! Bailey's Otrous and Uedagetfewaa-.b^atjkaiedat'Wlnahablar., DLi by the sudden tUl In the tenij^etatare and' a 'dx-lnd) fUl af,| know. . "''■■;:; , .;;:".'..J.'i'.^o..,., AsYanAmbnrgh'a'Menagerie wu leaving Miles, HlbUgaa,.^ appropriate soansry. chain, and dtogettie^tia very fln»bnlldlD8,. .JFarilMlstsndUg few mominga ■iuoe,'.^'thundn^ storm came tjp,' add a .huvy bblb, of iiahtning stmok a t^'lnthe' aonlb put ofUie city JpatiaDw depbant wu paaslng;'which kdocked 'down the keeper ana mad* oidHannlbd whirl :anuiid'aeverd''tlmee'veryrapldly,'but IgK. flmally stialghtentd up all right, ' the aatlaaA^oii ot tha. khowmsou '1 J ' ''!■; .. Yan Amburgb's Henai^e showed at Albany on' the 39th aid.. SOth ult: 1 1- "■ TT .,. ■"' • . ; .■ I L B.I^t*aBq:ueaourrionliimiBawiln£i«okiynaUtbla'weidi£. Wbloh dty irill. In all t)nbablUty, be ibslr bat ataqd tbla . season. ■ '''',, ,', .;:.'• ' .. .r. . I Madame Loulu Tonmlalm, ' ihe well knbwn 'eqUestrleniMk 1 arrived In the ol^ on the 38th nil, after a very.snooeAsftd fai»> mei's tour"wlth B. 0.-Wheelei*B Olions.' Madame .baa dlsndsaA. of her fknnin Mew Jersey aind hu moVsA'to HAwtown,-Li>iic Island, where she hu taken up ber whiter quartan. ',' ' < ' Brian'aMaUbnalOlrcusopens InPhiladelpbiaonthe}4ttilnit|.. In MaUonal BaB, Market street' and the probkhlUty If toe abow., will nmain then all winter. . ' V , , Mesan. Gardiner & Hemmlngs, who have Just MoaAd a' voir ancceasfal summer's campaign tbrangh the country, adverilu'&. another department of this paper their antln ring atobk to,b»^ hired ont to any pardu'dunng the ooming wtnifT,'e wee^ Tbetr "stook," Is an excellent ene, and partlu quiring any*. thing of the klnd,dther for the 'arepa or for dramatio ap«p^ tadu,'cannot do better than-by applying at onoe,19.Measn, . p.&H. ThetnppIngsandmbnntlngsare.aUcomBlstefcrsbow pieces. ■ ■ •■ ''.■",'''... ",' .', I iTbayar&Moyeh'OtMusremalnedatOhldaiso all lut %taLTb^ . tng the secdnd week of their stay there. ! Buslneu was eioeoaat .. with tbe'comiunT. Mr! Jamds Roblnson,'tbeCbam)plon-'BldaE<. of the world, wkauie great future: The mfnagement.epgaisAi, servlou of John u DavenpOri, the American blown, ,wba ^ niade < a very favorable' European udpreaslod not long wof* 1 Several other talantod artists wen added to Ihe.poncem., Itto.. admitted on an ddu to be one of the "bMt dronsu'^ ever aMk, juthatolty.' ■ ' ■ '' " ' .', " ".....'••., ! '■■ BUSoBiuuAmimn. ..■','';;\,'''■.';.:.,:., Enbiger and Mavoomb's Mioral Exhibition oommeaoad'flk*' > put week at Stamfbrd, Cbtm^.thencs to Danbnry and Morwilk. Ibis ireek'they appear Mt Bridgeport:3d;,Blrmlay^m, Bd; ' WateitaiT, ^tb lina 6th; Mew Haven, Otb and Itbt Mew Londoi^ (Ih And loth; and thanoe to Morwioh. .WlQImantlo. Hartford, ka. '■ The darter Zduavb Troape opened JRpoheater on the Slat ulb for two nights only. Mr. L. M. W. Bleer^. hu gone back ta his fint love, and le agent for the oompany ono< again. r Father Hemp's Old Folks had very good houau at pibraryr Hall, Mewad, M. J., last week, and ha'fB concluded to remata, three nights this week. On the Oth they nppearAtMeVrbnrRbr.- Tth Poughkeepd^ 8th Hudson, Bth Troy, tbtnce'tb BAnlbga,.A«w . On the .asth, at Spencer ffall, Home. ::- > I .Dick Bands' puly wu advertised to be at Utica on ihA 3d afia..£ Sdlnsb ' i.-'' ■ ' The Siarooptleon exhibited fo^ the benefit of the jtAirHavM^' (Conn.) >Yonng Men'a Inatllnte. October 301b, hu b^.^nU,, gaged for all exhlbltlona In Music BdL < ,'.^'M,:. . . Mens. ChlrlakI, tbe wire performer add iitoenent yNttrUMoUl^, having Just olosed a sbort'enRigement al."M4," tajAady to, gotlaie.vrithvanyolhorman," . . .-i.: „,;,•; ParUu; TCqnlrlng the aorrlooe' of Tq^Bwn^ ^^y al;^ far vocallat win find hor address Id anotbbr engaged after tbe Sib inat. ' -:_'' ; .frof Karl Kabr's Drawiojl Iloom'Hoval;^ boiree wU at Columbua on Ihe >n. „ 6tbdib' Ibe domf Auy^MS^'. of T. W.NIcbota, baslneu m»n«rf»rV]HarrtX<*JlJ,^t^^^ agar; Prot Kahr, magldan; MJle Dr%olL'the f*|ttf»;^^^^ Sank Wblbiey-ntt Mlohd>--J. SWeeaAhd,.«fl4 i;TM>k'<>fWy ' hgenb 'ftir Mntbiiia«lo& er.IhM«iMi;|^ i'.l .'.;,.....:..;.''.riJss^t'i2Ss£S<i5